#crazy how beth's enemy and her cousin ended up in the same polycule (cody and beth cousin hc. no they are NOT dating they don’t even share
misiahasahardname · 1 year
my little polyship has invaded my brain... and YES it's gotten bigger
here's a basic little thing of relationships within the people involved (originally meant for my partner but i felt like sharing it)
beware of the slightly long post! (oOOoooOoOOo)
relationships in the super bi polycule:
gwen - dating trent, geoff and lindsay. in a qpr with leshawna and bridgette. close friends with cody
trent - dating gwen and cody. best friends with harold
cody - dating trent and harold. close friends with tyler and gwen, is chill with geoff, and best friends with beth. (not in the original message i copied this from but in a qpr with heather)
harold - dating cody and leshawna. best friends with trent and tyler. at odds with courtney, decently close with lindsay.
leshawna - dating harold and lindsay. in a qpr with gwen. best friends with trent, beth and tyler. at odds with courtney. close friends with bridgette.
lindsay - dating leshawna, gwen, tyler and beth. best friends with everyone, though unsure about courtney.
beth - dating lindsay. best friends with leshawna and cody. close friends with harold and tyler. despises courtney.
tyler - dating lindsay. best friends with geoff and leshawna. close friends with beth and harold.
bridgette - dating geoff and courtney. in a qpr with gwen. close friends with leshawna and brody.
geoff - dating gwen, bridgette and brody. best friends with everyone :D
courtney - dating bridgette and scott. she's alright with gwen. despises beth. she's not so well liked here, lmao
scott - dating courtney. she's the only person he really knows
brody - dating geoff. best friends with bridgette. close friends with everyone else
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