#crazy girl in a crazy world
ivoryteacups · 6 months
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you're young, you're wild, you're free, you're dancing circles around me
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waterghostype · 6 months
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protagonist’s biggest haters
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Echo during his time with the 501st: doing body shots, dancing on tables, blowing things up in the barracks with Fives, creating chaos with Fives, doing keg stands, complaining about them leaving the club “too early” even though it’s four in the morning, being the reason that new rules were added to the reg manuals, generally being an absolute terror
Echo during most of his time with the Bad Batch: tucking kids in, telling bedtime stories, always carrying healthy snacks, in bed by nine, putting people in time-out, telling “kids” to behave, tending to sick “kids”, being the only one to put their foot down and shut down any shenanigans, generally being a mom and an absolute angel (of course this is when he isn’t being the absolute badass that he is and always had been since let’s not forget that he’s an ARC Trooper)
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liam-summers · 4 months
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 03.19 | Choices
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rolilith · 8 months
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STREET FIGHTER 6 (2023) ⤷ a.k.i. - conversation animations
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From Mabel Episode 26: Danse Macabre
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bylertruther · 2 years
listen. i love el and i think she's a fascinating character. we all know this. i am very clear about this. but like. it really is SO crazy how she really came in and, like... fucked will's life up so fucking bad lmao. i know that it wasn't her fault, and i'm not saying it is, but that's just... such an excruciating writing choice.
it was a choice to have her be the one that opened the gate & essentially sliced will's life into an ugly before and after. it was a choice to have her replace him as mike's number one as soon as she came back into their lives. it was a choice to make her the party's mage and then "change" will from being their wizard to their cleric. it was a choice to make her his sister. it was a choice to purposely have her wear his clothes and have the same bangs. it was a choice to have her ignore him on mike's first day in lenora, despite the fact that he was mike's friend, too, and first. it was a choice to make her oblivious to his feelings.
it was a choice to make them love and genuinely care about each other. it was a choice to make her feel like a monster for everything that'd happened and kept happening. it was a choice to make will not resent her. it was a choice to make him support her enough that he's willing to uphold her lies to mike (!!!) of all people with his inaction.
it was a choice to have him spill his heart out to mike and gift him his painting all in her name. to have him be the one to unknowingly make mike finally say "i love you" to her in response to his confession. to have him realize too late that he's been needlessly pushing mike towards her this whole time.
it was a choice to place will right beside mike, his first ever friend and keeper of his heart, when he told el that his life started just as will's ended.
it was... a bold fucking choice to replace will with el in mike's eyes due to outside influence. it throws them into chaos and disarray because el and will are not interchangeable, and it shows in how...
mike seeks from el everything that will already gives him.
mike readily gives will everything that el begs him for.
el cannot read or understand mike in the innate, wordless, and familiar way that will does.
mike cannot be vulnerable with el, but he opens up to will without even needing to be asked.
mike always heeds, trusts, and listens to will, even when they're arguing or going through a rough patch.
mike always knows just how to mend things with will, because he knows exactly what he needs and he doesn't ever hesitate to do and give it. nor does he need anyone to help him with their conflicts either. he just knows.
el is always left waiting for him to do things for her that he's currently doing for will.
will visibly hates and feels uncomfortable lying to mike, but el can do it consistently with ease.
will is the one that loves mike how he truly wants (and needs) to be loved.
will hasn't been able to move on in full, because he was cast out of his own story and demoted to a supporting role behind the new lead.
el hasn't been able to find out who she really is, because she's been thrust into roles that were never meant for her to begin with. she has always been contorted into the shape of whatever others need or want her to be, but they don't fit because they aren't her.
and, like... there are so many things in this story, which is to say the show as a whole, that would not have happened had the men in el's life not done that. had they allowed her to just be, it's highly likely that the dominoes would've never fallen the way they have.
thankfully, the narrative is set up in such a way that it appears this disorder will rectify itself, but it's still so... upsetting to think about lol.
it all boils down to choices: who gets to make them, what choices they have, why they made those choices, and what happens after. that's all the show is: a series of choices, or a lack thereof, and their consequences with some monster mumbo-jumbo sprinkled on top.
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kociamieta · 10 months
Hii!! I love your art so so much! I was wondering if you have any tips on how to design ancients? If you do I'd be incredibly grateful!!
thank you!!! here's my thought process when drawing ancients, hope you find something useful in it!
i have a pureref board with some images i got from the game files, such as these murals:
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they're incredibly helpful for referencing ancient fashion, anatomy, and just as inspiration in general.
however, their masks are never truly shown; unless you count a specific ad projection, which is what actually inspired me to start drawing ancients:
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it's probably a joke like most ad projections, but i found it quite helpful!
now for actually designing and drawing them...
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messing around with basic shapes is a fun way to think about the masks. and then you can accessorize forever
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i don't have much to say here; this probably depends on how you want to stylize their anatomy. i don't draw them the same way i would draw people, their proportions kind of resemble those of cartoon characters? with double chests as well
now for another fun part!
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the unholy combination of streetwear and ceremonial armor! and probably my favorite part.
have fun!
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eepyava · 1 month
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bebemoon · 3 months
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look for the name: TARA
magda butrym sheer floral tattoo printed gown in grey print
givenchy "voyou" floral leather shoulder bag, s/s 2o23
western affair "spotlight silver" leather heels w/ silver metal spikes
tokyomilk "ice queen no. 73" eau de parfum
floating world "demon tail" handmade sterling silver earrings
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welcometogrouchland · 4 months
I love Steph's origin as told in the Secret Origins 80 page giant- I just overall think it strengthens her character by giving her a lot of pathos and adding to her heroism (which isn't something writers were focused on in her actual intro in detective comics #647 since she was just meant to act as a plot device back then) BUT there is one tiny detail in it i will begrudge, and that is the portrayal of her having a minor love at first sight moment for tim
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Secret origins 80 page giant, ID in alt
(or well, technically this was their second meeting in that story (the brick was the first) so...love at second sight?)
Mostly because Stephanie showed no interest in her introduction and only showed romantic feelings towards Tim AFTER this moment here:
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Robin (1993) #4, ID in alt
Straight up the progression here goes:
The adventure in 'tec where they first meet -> Tim investigating the same crime scene as Steph -> she beats him up not knowing it's him at first, apologizes but says he shouldn't have scared her -> he remembers her/the moniker she goes by -> they talk about plot for a few pages -> Stephanie starts flirting
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Robin (1993) #4, ID in alt
Which...is so fascinating to me and says so much about Stephanie. She highlights the fact that Tim "remembered" her. Like. Steph. Girl. This is our bar? It's sweet but kind of speaks to how much Stephanie is ignored at home/how little and sporadically she's shown interacting with her peers (and rarely ever the same kids twice). Her idea of peak romance is just...being on someone's mind even when you're not there.
Kind of also adds layers to Steph's proclivity towards jealousy later on, a manifestation of her insecurity and loneliness (though don't get it twisted, she's not written this way bc Dixon and co think it's an interesting character flaw, they wrote it bc they think it's an inherent character flaw of (particularly young) women/girls, which is very apparent in how he approaches Ariana's character as well from what I've read)
Also the fact that Steph becomes so smitten for Tim almost immediately after this is (a few issues later she aggressively flirts with him during AN ACTIVE HOSTAGE SITUATION. WHERE SHE'S THE HOSTAGE) again is kind of a mixture of kind of funny and sad. One boy is nice to her once and she's fully ready to wife him. Girl you are deranged (affectionate) (concerned)
#ramblings of a lunatic#dc comics#stephanie brown#tim drake#timsteph#meta#< ??? ig#robin 1993#made this post and forgot to finish. saved it in drafts. saw posts that annoyed me. proceeded to finish it#the subset of fans who think they're doing a righteous feminism by giving steph more flaws than she has in canon...headaches#yes flawed female characters are important representation no i dont think you projecting chuck dixons conservative values onto her-#-is doing her character a great favour. if so you need to commit to the bit and make tim a stone cold nark /j#sorry okay im done vaguing. there's real things going on in the world that matter. the bad take is the mind killer etc etc#anyway the zero to 100 progression of early timsteph is fascinating. on the one hand i know it's mostly a product of its time#both in terms of portrayals of romance (esp teen romance) and partially of women and girls by dixon (not extremely boy obsessed-#-but there's a. dark shadow of the boy crazy trope. a gentle whiff of it in the air. just a little)#but bc this aspect isn't blatantly/egregiously author bias i choose to analyse it#i could also analyse how steph in general is portrayed as liking guys she can't/shouldn't have a little#(her crush on the much older detective in bg2009 and also tim a little bit w/ the secret identity thing)#(but that's a whole other discussion. also that aspect of the romance in bg2009 is. also a little sexistly motivated-#-and also dropped part way through to an extent so like..not exactly ripe for analysis)#ANYWHO i love you Steph <3 you're unwell and yet so adorable and compelling Steph <3
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angelwngd · 2 months
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mccqrmick · 7 months
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Hey guys. Girl Matthew. Girl Matthew Patel save me
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dogriddler · 7 months
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old 5am pearlypop smile
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kurapikunt · 22 days
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without you
#hxh#kacho and fugetsu#me when i err uhhh scribble#my art#seriously though can you tell im going crazy about hxh rn#like. just the fact that theres been so much of a focus on postmortem nen in the SW arc#like that zombie girl? misha? woah i cant believe i remembered her name straight off the dome those flashcards & pop quizzes must be workin#anyway the zombie girl who is like. still working with the mob after her DEATH!!??? like the amount of loyalty...#and so often we've seen post-mortem nen used in a violent of dangerous way. i.e. you kill ME i curse YOU#and then we saw hisoka use it as a fucking cheat code for death#its great its great but. just. ughh the idea that your nen ability... you know. the beast that was formed from your most intimate desires#and fears and weaknesses#the most primal needs in you brought to the surface#and at the heart of her being the thing kacho wants most in the world is to be with her sister#this is post-mortem nen. its not just curses and cheat codes but this prevailing love and refusal to let go of the ones care about the most#idk it reminds me a bit of the mechanics of kite's resurrection.. or hell the chimera ants in general#the prevailing humanity inside each of us#kacho isnt gone she loved fugetsu so much she fucking incarnated herself into a nen beast#i want this to be a thing where kacho is still alive in the way that the chimera ant reincarnations are alive yk? for my own sanity#but yeah. yeah. succesion war go brrrrrrr#screeds#hxh manga spoilers#hunter x hunter#art#prince kacho#prince fugetsu#kacho hxh#fugetsu hxh
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mistninja · 8 months
Big fan of characters who are somewhat aware that they are side characters and they struggle with that
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