#crazy friendo
captorcorp · 1 year
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has anyone seen that one trend of redrawing this adam sandler movie. anyway this is the only buddy sim fanart i've ever made
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spacegoathours · 9 months
a couple days ago, I tossed two of my most beloved friends @agithahime and @mishacakes in a group chat together so we could all yell about OCs from various fandoms with reckless abandon, and actually it’s the best thing I’ve done in a while, I love them so much. 💜
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Left is by @agithahime , right is by @mishacakes
treasures these for the rest of eternity omg ;u;
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tired-old-men · 21 days
-heavy sigh- I really hate to do this but...
I really hate addressing this but it's clear that my note under my bio is being ignored so now I'm making this my pinned post for the time being. I could let this go if it was a one off or twice incident but this keeps happening multiple times now and it's getting beyond frustrating.
It's incredibly disheartening to get a new message in my inbox thinking its someone wanting to engage with my blog only to get the same copy and paste sob story begging me to donate to their cause or to their poor financial situation. They always start with "Sorry to bother you but..." which is just a slap in the face, you're right, you are bothering me and I want you gone.
I apologize if this sounds insensitive or harsh but this shit isn't even happening on my main blog/art blog this is happening EXCLUSIVELY on my RP blog which barely has my own occ opinions or discourse.
Idk if they think I'm literally a group of wealthy old men or if they are just spam bots that have this blog targeted for some reason idk its just been incredibly frustrating for me to deal with on a constant basis. I have been scammed a few times online and irl and I know better than to give my money or personal information away to complete strangers.
Its easy to pretend to be anything online and if you're encountering a similar issue don't let random's people 'sob stories' sway you at first glance, do your own research on who and what you plan to donate to, social engineering is a real bitch and it works for a reason.
Stay safe out there friendos 💖
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magnusmodig · 2 months
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╰┈➤ 🔥 + brodinsons relationship (how it is portrayed either in canon or fan-portrayals, you pick)
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||. I don't have many bad things to say about brodinsons in canon, that is for absolute sure. At least, I don't as far as 2011-2013 brodinsons goes. And Infinity War brodinsons. That said, I do have some nitpicks with Gag//na.rok's version of the brothers– which boils down to that they are not the same dynamic as expressed in the original three films. (Yes, I do count AVENGERS as the 2nd brodinsons film, bite me.)
As far as canon goes, Gag//na.rok does a couple of things wrong, but off the cuff the first thing that burns my biscuits is the bold claim that Loki has always had a habit of physically assaulting Thor for funzies. What started off as an improv by Ch//ri.s became a meme throughout the MCU fandom, and then from there a fanon with the brothers. It's a funny gag, I will give it that, genuinely. I chuckled when I first saw it. But having done such deep dives into both brothers in preparation for this blog in particular, I can say with absolute certainty that there is no way in hell that Loki was ever going around hurting Thor for the heck of it and I can prove it with not one but TWO meta. The first and ONLY time that Thor gets stabbed by Loki is during AVENGERS at the top of Stark Tower, and it was deliberately done on Loki's end. Thor actively stumbles out of surprise and shock that he was just harmed by his own brother— someone he once fully believed he could trust to the world's end, and whom he cherishes deeply, mind you— and is so disturbed by Loki's action that he is continues to stumble and stagger after the fact. Not because the dagger did any lasting damage to Thor (although it did draw blood, which is part of the point I'm about to elaborate on), but because it was his brother's hand who dealt the blow, and the stab itself was a symbolic gesture of severing sentiment.
(Also, because I'm sure some people will assume I'm miscounting, no Loki does not stab Thor during the Svartfalheim heist in THOR: THE DARK WORLD. It is an illusion from every moment onward after Thor and Loki share the following lines: L: You still don't trust me, brother? T: Would you? L: No, I wouldn't. Everything after that, from the moment Loki pulls out his dagger, was a ruse that both brothers were actively engaged in and had consented to. At no point is Thor caught off guard by Loki's theatrics, because the entire scene features the brothers attempting to trick Malekith (which they succeed in) to destroy the Aether (which they do not succeed in). If anything, I would go so far as to personally suggest that the brothers had designed equally elaborate schemes in the past that included similar theatrics, given the ease with which they pull this ruse off. And I say that with confidence because it is plenty clear that the brothers interactions, from the moment that Loki is released from the prison cell, and including the entirety of the escape on the Dark Elf ship, harkens back to a time long before the brothers had experienced their falling out. THOR: THE DARK WORLD does its job in showing us that the brothers, despite everything, still work well together, and they share an innate chemistry and brotherly bickering during their various adventures, including the quest to rid Jane of the Aether.)
To review the actual scene in question, I have gathered screenshots from the movie (and timestamps.)
It's important to remember 1 key detail about the brothers, and 1 key scene that ties into the moment of the Avengers tower, and that is the cliff scene, and that the brothers mostly talk in subtext.
Yes, they are talking about the overall Chutari invasion that Loki is spearheading in New York City at the exact moment in the context of which they are speaking to one another...
TO THAT END, I need to establish one other key component to fully understand the true weight behind their dynamic:
Thor and Loki's feud throughout this film has nothing to do with Earth, the threat to Earth and very rarely ever is outside of purely objective, logistical potential for harm and intergalactic war.
It's what sets Thor apart from the other Avengers from start to finish; it is what makes him the outsider. The other Avengers consider Loki an enemy. Some of them even hate him. Thor does not. He actively defends Loki and clearly loves him dearly. ("[Loki's] brain is a bag full of cats. You can smell crazy on him. / "Have care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason but he is of Asgard, and he is my brother." 00:53:37-00:53:47) The other Avengers see Loki and other aliens as a threat to humanity to be warded off. Thor, the resident alien of the group, obviously is testament to the polar opposite of that hot take, says as much. He knows that Loki is currently acting as the rare exception, not the rule. ("Why is S.H.I.E.L.D. building weapons of mass destruction? / "Because of people like him." / "Me? [...] My people want nothing but peace with your planet.")
There is ALSO the entirety of their opening scene together to keep in mind before I go through the Stark Tower conversation:
THE CLIFF SCENE (00:44:44-00:47:07)
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T: I thought you dead. (in reference to Loki tossing himself into a black hole at the end of "THOR") L: Did you mourn?
THESE LINES IN PARTICULAR set the tone for the entire conversation. Please keep in mind that this is their first conversation since their falling out, and while I can't go into every facet of the emotional damage done to the bond between the two brothers (and especially the trauma done to Thor...), what I will say is this: the last time that Thor saw Loki was when Loki threw himself into the abyss of space to be torn apart by a black hole, and this was done RIGHT IN FRONT OF THOR'S OWN EYES after an equally traumatic banishment experience. There are A LOT of emotions going on there, and it's easy to forget that in place of much of Loki's dialogue in this scene, and for the reason I'm going to highlight right below.
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T: We all did. (subtext: I did [note: Loki doesn't catch the subtext.])
This is when the brothers slip from literal meaning and into subtext, and begin to bob and weave between the two. It all starts with Thor's inability (or unwillingness, depending on how you want to read it) to speak his heart plainly to his brother. Loki asks "did you mourn [me]?", and Thor diverts from "I" (personal) did, to "We" (impersonal) did. He is actively distancing himself from the topic of grief and the mourning he experienced after Loki's "death"... but it's about as close as Thor will ever get to admitting that he, personally, mourned for Loki, and mourned deeply for him.
He then attempts to continue the distancing/deflecting with the following line, although we don't know what he was going to say to finish the sentence.
T: Our father—
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L: (interrupting) —YOUR. father.
Loki interrupting this is rooted in his personal grievances towards Odin. These are grievances I will not be touching on for the length of this meta as they are virtually irrelevant to the topic at hand. Just know that in interrupting Thor here, he does rob Thor of his ability to continue to distance himself from the situation... but he also robs Thor of his ability to express whatever he might have expressed about his grieving if he had been allowed to continue.
Either way:
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T: We grew up together. We played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?
Thor and Loki, despite being masters of speaking in subtext, have a shared habit of taking one another literally. When Loki says "I am not your brother" / "Odin is your father", Thor is taking Loki's meaning as something akin to "I am disowning you, Thor Odinson, very specifically, and I want nothing to do with you." As you can imagine this is an extraordinarily painful thing to hear, especially when BOTH BROTHERS were lied to about Loki's blood heritage for their whole lives, and Thor actually found out much later than Loki.
The most important thing to keep in mind here is that Thor is defending their bond as brothers. In that way, he is also defending the love they share. They grew up together. They played together. They fought together. They loved each other, because they were - and still are - brothers. Does that mean nothing to Loki? THAT is what Thor is asking here.
Loki is ... a prat and a dollop-head in this scene. I'll save a full scale line-by line + 2011 context meta for another time, but it's also worth nothing that thunder strikes multiple times throughout the length of this conversation and they are at the following intervals:
L: He did tell you my true parentage, did he not? (thunder rumbles. aka: yes, he did.) L: I remember you tossing me into an abyss (thunder rumbles. The thunder continues during:) T: So you take the world as recompense for your imagined slights? (aka: Thor is taking Loki's words to literally mean the black hole, instead of Loki's jealousy being 'an abyss'.) L: And you are doing a marvelous job of [protecting the humans and Earth] (Loki is taking a pot shot at Thor's insecurity of being a worthy, protector king here. Maybe I'll talka bout it in another meta...) L: I have grown, ODINSON! (Thunder rumbles. Loki is yet again distancing himself from Thor as a brother.)
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T: You give up the tesseract! You give up this poisonous dream!
The brothers continue their argument. Notably, they are still talking to each other straight and without subtext with these lines. (For the uninitiated, they're arguing about being worthy to be king and what that entails which... is an entire meta that I really should discuss at some point...)
Thor then weaves the literal into the subtext of the conversation that Loki has been avoiding this entire time, which is their bond, their brotherhood, and Thor's grief.
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T: You come home. (subtext: with/to me.)
Thor does NOT plead. He does not beg for anything, to anyone. Still here he is, pleading with his brother to come home. Why? Because Thor wants him to come home. THOR misses him. THOR wants him back. This is his heart's desire, and Thor is FINALLY making this conversation expressly about himself - about THEM - even if he doesn't say what's unspoken.
You, my brother, come home to me.
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This time, Loki DOES catch the subtext. He understands. It's why he is so, SO silent here; it's why he stares the way he does. He wasn't expecting Thor to plead with him over sentiment. He certainly wasn't expecting Thor to care enough to want him back.
So, this time, Loki pivots. Loki turns it into something far outside of himself. Loki makes it impersonal.
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L: (about tesseract) I don't have it. (subtext: I won't/can't come home to you.)
Loki rejects him, and Thor understands Loki's meaning, but he misunderstands that from Loki's perspective, he feels himself far too neck deep into his own ambitions to turn tail now. It would be a disgrace on his honor, and Loki does not believe that he is truly welcome back, no matter what Thor says.
This all fuels the TOWER SCENE later on. (1:46:52-1:47:42)
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T: You think this madness will end with your rule?
One again, the brothers are in conflict, and there is a literal text and a subtext. Overtly, they are speaking about the Chutari invasion and Loki's part to play in it, but make no mistake in believing that that's what this conversation is about. It is STILL about coming home, and it is still about them and their bond, because while Thor is fighting for Earth's safety.... I really do believe he's fighting for his brother even more than that. (yet another meta for future vi to worry about... Thor, bless him, is not an impartial being and he can't surrender his personal attachments for any cause. It's his most selfish trait, and his greatest strength but I digress.)
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L: It's too late! (subtext: it's too late for us/for me [to go home to you].) L: (resigned) It's too late to stop it.
Remember that their conversation at the Stark Tower is a direct continuation of their conversation on the cliff. So when Loki says "it's too late", he isn't just talking about the invasion. He can stop that if he tries to. If anyone can, it's Loki, the greatest sorcerer in all of Asgard. Loki means it's too late for them. It's too late for HIM. It's too late for him to come home after everything he has done up to this point. (I'd imagine he may also be talking about the events of 2011 but that's neither here nor there.)
As you can see from Thor's expression, Thor is in tune with Loki's true meaning. He knows Loki is talking about himself. Hence:
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T: No. We can. Together. (subtext: No it isn't too late for us. I want you to come home.)
We can fix this. We can go home, together. It is not too late for us. You can still give up this poisonous dream. I still want you to come home.
There's a long pause in which Loki stares at Thor exactly like on the cliff, and then he gives a weak smile and that is when Loki stabs Thor in the abdomen with a tiny dagger. It's enough to make Thor stagger, because Thor isn't expecting it. Thor is reaching out with arms wide open towards his prodigal brother, and once again, Loki rejects him. And to make it clear that Loki truly believes it's too late for him (something even he deeply regrets, btw. He's crying in this scene.), Loki does the one thing that he has NEVER done, and draws Thor's blood in combat. He actually WOUNDS him, and he does it by his own hand.
This is not something he had done before. Ever. Period. In THOR (2011), they sparred, but Loki was not going out of his way to actually harm Thor. (If anything he was trying to goad Thor to harm him.) And when Loki snapped Thor's neck with the Destroyer, nearly killing him, that was not done by Loki's own, personal hand, physically and in person. It's also possible that Loki wasn't actually intending to kill Thor with the Destroyer, especially given even Thor forgets his own limitations as a mortal being.
BUT THIS? This was deliberate. This was personal. This was done entirely by Loki's own hand, of his own volition, and in a way that neither he nor Thor can ever take back or pretend was a mistake.
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L: Sentiment.
And so in this way, Loki is trying to rid himself of his sentiment; his lingering love for his family and especially his brother. And, in another way, he's likewise telling Thor that his sentiment won't save Loki; all that they share, all that love, all that sentiment is worthless. Because in Loki's eyes there is no saving Loki.
Loki can't go home to his family, he has fallen too far. (and yet, he still loves them; he too is filled with sentiment.)
T: You give up the tesseract! You give up this poisonous dream! You come home. L: I don't have it.
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^^^ A screenshot of Thor's reaction to the dagger in question. It's small, it clearly does very little to Thor. It barely has any blood on it, but it did draw blood nonetheless, because Loki can get close to Thor, Loki knows Thor's weaknesses, and Loki knows Thor's sentiment.
It is after Thor throws this dagger - this manifestation of their bond's slow disintegration - onto the floor of the tower that Thor finally commits to protecting Earth as his number one priority... even if doing so and ignoring his sentiment continues to pain him and cripple him greatly.
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Thor stumbles (1:50:25-1:50:40)
He isn't stumbling and staggering because the dagger did damage to him. He's stumbling and staggering because of who did it, and how much that person means to him. Thor has been betrayed, his heart has been broken, and while he knows without a doubt that he must stand against Loki and beside the Avengers to keep Earth safe from his own loved one... it comes at a great cost: sentiment.
This is also why the quintessential Avengers circling shot ONLY happens after Thor has the Tower moment with Loki, because then and ONLY THEN is Thor actually on the same page as the rest of the Avengers.
So, no. I don't think that Loki would have ever in a million years have stabbed Thor before that point. Not for a joke save the (apparently canonical now...) one time, and certainly not as much as fanon likes to say he would have. Thor trusts Loki implicitly. Loki is the only person in their Asgardian group who can effectively and consistently rein Thor's impulses in. They are a perfect match for each other; two sides of one coin. And Loki's betrayal would not mean as much to Thor in this scene if Loki had ever caused Thor physical harm (meaning: enough to draw blood) before AVENGERS' Tower Scene.
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
The next wave of Avengers is coming! The OG Avengers have their replacements, the Young Avengers. Now it's time to replace the Young with the Tumblr Avengers. You are Fury, who are the 6 you would recruit to replace the Young Avengers?
Aight, *slaps on eyepatch* let's do this...
@didntalwayslookthisrough : Listen. Sweet. Caring. All the nice things. But when you test her, you'll wish you hadn't ( I'm certainly not speaking from personal experience). Like, flip the switch, and that's the one that the enemies are dealin with.
@togrowoldinv : A pretty balanced addition, definitely calmer too, but she most definitely has a level of cunning that could come in clutch on missions. Giving very much assassin, but like... reformed I guess
@belovaskitkat : Looks can absolutely be deceiving, because ion care how tiny she is, this one is definitely the type to break ankles when provoked.
@kitmoas : Simply an agent of chaos. That is her power. You just point her in the right direction, and just hope things turn out alright. The rule of thumb isn't much different outside of the field
@themidnightcrimson : I have literally seen her use her powers on multiple occasions on a lesser scale, we're just putting them to greater use. Fair warning as one of those with Wanda tendencies so...
@furys-eyepatch : I simply believe that they have a mini arsenal at their disposal, and that it's safer to have them on my side than not. Several wise sayings and all that.
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stars-and-loops · 2 years
"People who stay up late have more psychopathic tendencies than people who go to bed early."
Ig I'm a psychopath
I guess I am too
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vivanightcity · 9 months
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Starting a new server with friends, going to be using the origin mod, and I know I gravitate towards the origins that make you little and fast and cut your health in half but it's fun for a time to zip about like a little rat man.
So used the downtime from fucked up neck - so no physical jobs can be done without immense pain :D- to finally finish a skin i outlined over a year ago.
The ears vanished because we're using custom resource pack so blockbench hats, and I made the ears a year ago already.
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malika-carnelian · 1 year
😉 [WINKING FACE] — cheeky
⭐️ [STAR] — bright
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"Me? Cheeky? You must be mistaken." - of course she is playin around!
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"Or do you want me to be more like that?" what were we saying about her bein cheeky?
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sunanthonyz · 4 months
I returned to the game because of Topaz’s rerun, bc she sent me to hell the first time so I was surprised to see new characters with dynamics that I like (I don't know anything about the game)
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Also envy us because our paired keychains with my wife oh I meant best friendo @bluepatt oops
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(I gave him Ratio and now he is crazy someone save me)
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 6 months
Brain went brrr on Frienships headcanon and reminded me that packs are a Thing™ in A/B/O so now my brain is brainrotting about how our boys' Friendo (when they're close enough as friends, gender dynamics don't mean squat) decided to declare to their bestie that they're a pack mate/family now.
I'm all about wholesome A/B/O tbh, nothing screams fluff than just platonic friends looking out for each other having all the cuddles in the world in cozy nests and then Friendo being hit with a sudden thought before declaring thou shall be my pack mate to the boys—
I went crazy and added basically everyone I've written for which means March gets to be part of the boys :P
I love wholesome :3
cw: omegaverse
Lying there in the comfort of their shared nest everything is calm and content. There's no where they'd rather be and if anything came up it better be important because there is no way they're leaving this comfort surrounded by warmth, their mixed scent, and their dear friend. Just as their eyes begin to droop they're startled awake by a sudden declaration: "Thou shall be my pack mate."
Is silent at first before he melts further into the nest. He's a little unsure how to feel but he doesn't feel bad about the situation and grunts in response when they ask him if he heard them. He does worry about the future and their reaction to his inevitable death but they reassure him they'll stick with him till the end as pack mates do.
He's a bit quieter with his declaration but he's just as happy to become pack mates with them. He actually starts purring though it's just as quiet as his declaration. The mara doesn't bother him for quite sometime after becoming pack mates with them and their presence only seems to ease his pain even more.
Jing Yuan
Pretends to be asleep after their declaration but is truly freaking out. Pack mates are serious business so he's honored to be considered as someone to be their pack mate. Once he's done teasing them or rather calmed down enough he responds to their declaration in equal measure including the odd way they said it.
Eventually does go to sleep because of how exciting and comfortable everything is. He pulls them into his chest and curls around them purring in contentment.
Snaps out of his sleepy daze so fast it's like he took an espresso shot. He looks at them in shock and amazement before he asks them if they're sure they want to become pack mates with him. Gives them the cutest smile once they reassure him that they want to become pack mates with him and he agrees to become their pack mate.
He watches over them like he used to but everyone can see he's glowing with pride and happiness after becoming their pack mate.
Teases them for their odd phrasing but he's happy of course, who wouldn't be happy to become someones pack mate after all? He agrees to be their pack mate without fuss and considers taking them on a trip to celebrate if they're not busy. It's a little hard for him to fall to sleep after they've made their declarations because he feels energized from the news.
His expression doesn't show much but he seems even more delightful to be around after this like a flower that's been freshly watered.
Dr. Ratio
Tells them that they're already pack mates considering their shared nest and all the other stuff they've done together. He does agree to become pack mates with them though he's a bit moody about it considering he had to make it verbally known to them. Now that he's more awake he grabs his knitting materials and begins to knit with shaking hands. He's got to get his overwhelming positive feelings out somehow.
He doesn't change too much after this but he does give them more handmade gifts and goes a bit easier on them when they've got some difficulties they have trouble solving.
He...never expected this that's for sure. He's overjoyed honestly but he's taken aback considering his whole "shady" lifestyle. He does agree to be their pack mate though with some flare of his own.
After this he's a little more open about himself though it doesn't seem like much to others it's quite a bit for him. Definitely looks out for them should they ever get themselves into trouble, even if it's trouble he'd normally avoid.
Dan Heng
Confused by their wording but he's happy he really is he's just still tense from his past where he knew he had a pack but things didn't end so well for them. A little reassurance goes a long way in easing his worries and he agrees to be their pack mate though he's still anxious.
Looks out for them much more diligently than before but he does ease up if they ask, he's just worried is all. Has a noticeable kick in his step from the joy he feels knowing he's got a pack.
Has the biggest dumbest grin you could imagine when the words register in his brain. He's so glad that they've chosen him to be his pack mate and agrees without hesitation. It's hard for him to fall asleep and might want to burn off some energy because he's overwhelmed with joy.
Looks after his new pack mate with pride and a little hop in his step. Everyone can tell he's they're pack mate and how much it means to him.
March 7th
At first she questions them about their oddly archaic language before what they said kicks in. Practically screams from how excited and happy she is. Tackles her new pack mate and hugs them as tightly as she can without hurting them.
She's never had a pack mate before- at least as far as she can remember- so she's pretty excited and touched to be chosen as her best friends pack mate. After that she'll take a celebratory photo of them in their shared nest and declare right back that they're her pack mate as well.
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cursedthing · 1 month
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.wouldn't it be crazy if your buddy pal friendo cornered you to question your suspicious behaviour regarding your organization and you deflected the questions and ignored him but your buddy pal had enough of it and just. launches himself at you and interrogated you meanwhile you can't hear anything because you're processing What On Earth just happened?
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Can you recommend some good smutty Adamsapple fic? I’m having trouble finding any good ones on ao3
Sure thing friendo! Have you read any of mine? They all have smut in them.
Don't Touch Him
Don't Blame Me Love (Potions) Made Me Crazy
Don't Take Him
I Definitely Do
(Those ones are a series)
Helping Hand
Hands Off
As Long As You Love Me (Tw for mentions of eating disorder, this one is emotional with smut)
The Angel and The Devil (Beauty and the Beast AU)
The Hotel Garden
Accidentally In Love (Shrek AU currently in progress)
OR If you'd like other works by some different:
Golden Delicious
Rock Hard Rock Band
Honestly there are so many I can't remember all the names but they are there.
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rabbitsonthemoon · 3 months
I'm so excited to finally bring you my part of the Sonic the Hedgehog Big Bang 2024! I've been cooking up this fic for a long time. I couldn't have done it without my awesome mutuals, the people in the discord server, and my friendos. <3
This fic was beta'ed by @cyber-himbo and features art by them, as well as art by my wonderful collab partners, @crazy-thing-called-rock and @birbiegal - thank you SO much, you've all been completely patient and amazing and I couldn't have asked for better people to spend scheming with. After you've taken a look at them, please go check out the @sthbigbang for everyone's hard work.
*crawls into the corner with a blanket to SLEEP*
Links to my artist's posts right down here! Go SHOW EM SOME LOVE!
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angiemaniac · 8 months
Thank you for tagging me @falmerbrook !
Sooo, I'm still in a situation where I don't have a house. I've mostly got WIPs.
I'm tagging: @caliblorn @the-mad-tinkerer and @renthari-from-telvanni (if you've been tagged or you don't wish to participate, no pressure!)
Here's some doodles of stuff I am working on!
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Rough color/ reference sheet for my Nerevarine (very old sketch I'll improve)
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I may or may not be getting into Baldur's Gate 3. I now have a tiefling monk I wanna make comics on
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Also, doodle for a friendo that's long overdue cuz of my extended move.
Haha yeah, sorry I been inactive. Legit, almost got scammed during my move, so I am just going to try to do comms starting tomorrow or later this week to help with expenses. But craziness aside! Here are my WIPs for the time being
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jurakan · 10 months
I got a weird prompting to ask for a fun fact about someone who came up with a whole system of writing and then just disappeared. Odd, I know.
Well, you came to the right place, friendo! Today You Learned about Sequoyah.
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[I had hoped to do this around Thanksgiving, or for Indigenous Peoples Month, but no one asked for it then so better late than never!]
Okay, maybe you have heard of the man. But if not, here ya go: Sequoyah was a Cherokee man born in Tennessee around the year 1770. When he grew up, his day job was actually being a silversmith, trading with trappers and merchants that came through Cherokee territory. He was pretty darn good at it too, and signed off on all of his work.
Something he noticed, though, was that the Europeans who went through had a written language, and that it was helpful for recording information and talking to people far away. That’s handy, Sequoyah thought. We should have our own written language. Because at that point, Cherokee didn’t have a written language. So, apparently, this man decided to just… make one up.
I say “make one up” as if he came up with it on the spot without thought. No, that’s not what happened. In 1809, Sequoyah began to study English, Greek, and Hebrew, and developed a written system for the Cherokee language. Each symbol represents a syllable, rather than a letter like in the English writing system, leading to a total of over 80 symbols for the alphabet.
Everyone thought he was crazy, but I want to be clear: he did it. This man, a silversmith by trade, created a written language system that within twenty years of its creation became the official written language of the Cherokee Nation. 
That’s insane, guys! Where is this guy’s biopic? If you lived in a place with heavy Cherokee history, like the Carolinas, chances are you’ve heard of him–the NC Museum has a small exhibit on him in their section on Cherokee history, and we covered him in school in an article/essay/non-fiction story (I don’t know what we call those things) called “Sequoyah and the Riddle of the Talking Leaves”, but it’s nuts to me that he’s not a more famous figure in American history, considering this.
Sequoyah actually taught the language to his daughter Ayokeh first, so that he could prove that it worked and made sense. Then he spent a ton of time traveling through Cherokee territory to get people to see its usefulness and learn it. Apparently, it worked.
So the US government thought this was awesome and gave Sequoyah a mansion to live in, right? [/sarcasm] No, you can probably guess from the timeline what happened. He went to Washington D.C. to protest and argue with other Native American leaders against the Indian Removal laws the government was enacting, but wasn’t successful, leading to the Trail of Tears. His interactions with other nations led him to decide to try to create another system of writing for all indigenous Americans to use. I don’t think it ever got completed, but someone with more knowledge on the subject can probably tell you more.
He died in Mexico, on an expedition based on the rumor that some Cherokee had gone there–the reunification of the Cherokee people was a big deal to him, after all.
We think he died there, anyway.
See, we don’t actually know where his body is. Officially, he died in 1845 of a lung infection; we don’t know where his body is. The Cherokee funded an expedition to find his grave in the 20th century, but while they found a grave in Coahuila, Mexico, they aren’t sure if it’s his. In 2011, a newspaper argued that actually he wasn’t buried, his skeleton was found in 1903 in a cave in Oklahoma. 
I found this out by seeing that he’s listed on Wikipedia’s “List of People Who Disappeared” (which I do not recommend reading if you are sitting alone in a house at night).
Well, he’s still an important national figure. He’s got some recognition–his statue is in the US Capitol, he’s got a sculpture in front of the Cherokee Museum in North Carolina, and! Along with several figures from world cultures credited with inventing/teaching writing, he’s on the doors of the John Adams Building of the Library of Congress.
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YMMV may vary on whether or not it’s good that he’s on there with a bunch of mythological figures.
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banananutsmuthie · 2 months
Hi. Just wanna say that I hope you are doing fine, and may you have a nice year this year.
Hello friendo~
I'm doing fine, enjoying life. In case you're craving for some stories, please check out @i-am-lifeform24 who managed to wrangle 38 wonderful writers to write 38 stories of different idols for this crazy, curated collection: post here
Who knows, you may even see your favorite anthropomorphic fruit smoothie among those names writing their first fic in 1.5 years.
Anyway, see you soon, or in another six months. 🫣
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