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zzesc · 7 years ago
So, I’m desperately trying to not let this week run me over. I’m looking for any reading/book recommendations that helped you get through a tough time... thanks in advance
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mrsdewlar-blog · 5 years ago
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A good end to a crappy week, keep reading at mrsdewlar.blogspot.com . . #mrsdewlar #mrsdewlarblogspotcom #moneytree #moneyfactory #highyield #dividends #dividendstocks #passiveincome #passiveincomeinvestor #passiveincomestocks #vet #wpg #acquisition #crappyweek #goodend #payouts #smallamount #ilikemoneyinallsizes https://www.instagram.com/p/B5LvTXEglxS/?igshid=1jzifmxlaabdc
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jerilynnphoto · 7 years ago
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Me? I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that's not how the song goes... #intheenditdoesntevenmatter #toughgymday #mondaywillbebetter #crappyweek #nextweekwillbeawesome #notquitting #cantstopwontsto #intheend #focusonmyfood #badfoodmakesbadworkouts #veganchick #empathchick #cleaneating (at Planet Fitness)
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kellyseeks-blog · 8 years ago
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It seriously has been. Now let's get these kids off to school! #goodmorning #tgif #friday #crappyweek #badweek #futurelooksbright #weekend
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onecraftymess · 8 years ago
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Got my week "penned" in and while my planner still looks quite empty - I have had an amazingly chaotic week that quite possibly is one of the worst weeks in my life to date! So why record that? Anxiously awaiting this week to be over - hoping your first week of May is going off without a hitch 😬 happy planning folks #plannernerd #planneraddict #planner #plannerobsessed #myhappyplanner #weekinreview #mylife #crappyweek #startover #doover #takingnotes (at Curtiscraftcentral)
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luneexists · 6 years ago
lessons i’ve learned from a crappy week
if you’re having a panic attack in class or something or you’re having a really bad day and it was hard to get out of bed this morning,
a) i’m so proud of you for getting to where you are now and you are so brave,
b) it’s not as obvious as you think it is. i was talking to my friend today about the INSANE panic attack i had in class today and he said that he didn’t even notice (like not in a bad way) but it isn’t as obvious as you think it is and they’re not staring at you.
c) you are going to be okay, no matter how hard it seems, you have survived worse than this, and if not, then nothing else will be this bad. you just have to keep telling yourself that and soon you will believe it.
d) we live in a world where people say that you have to be ____ or ____ that to be pretty but you only live once, so make the most of it, and know that you are beautiful no matter what you look like.
e) positivity is a choice. as y’all might know, i’ve had a pretty bad week, but i’m choosing to stay positive and hope that next week is better.
f) you are loved. i love you. your friends love you.
g) you are important.
h) friends are the best. i asked my friend how tired i looked on a scale of 1-10, one being the most well-rested i’ve ever been and 10 being like dying of sleep-deprivation. she said 9.75. @omgfulltimefangirl i laughed so hard.
i) you will get through this, whatever it is. it’s almost over and it will be soon.
f) sleep is kinda, sorta important.
j) do NOT procrastinate or you will end up doing homework until 4 am like i’m doing today, lol.
k) don’t let yourself get dehydrated cause that can make you feel physically crappy and mentally more anxious and overwhelmed.
l) eat meals on time or else your blood sugar is going to dip and you aren’t gonna feel good.
m) it gets better.
have a good week! :)
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miss-nicoh · 9 years ago
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Dog knows best #cuddles #crappyday #crappyweek #spotthedog
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jerilynnphoto · 7 years ago
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Me? I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that's not how the song goes... #intheenditdoesntevenmatter #anothertoughgymday #waitingforittogetbetteragain #notquitting #cantstopwontstop #crappyweek #nextweekisanewweek #intheend (at Planet Fitness)
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myintermittentlife · 11 years ago
A sucky week
My past mistakes are haunting me. I just feel so horrible about them... I want to talk to someone who knows exactly how I feel. I am in need of a hug. I know that sounds lame, but I really do need one. I am having a crappy week and I just want someone to talk to or someone to hold me. This feeling sucks.
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mrdatchick-blog-blog · 11 years ago
Car battery, why you playing childish games with me? #crappyweek #dastruggle #carproblems
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Parents: we arent punishing you or anything but we just want you to study for 2 hours more each day and we are cutting down your internet time to 2 hours a day. Me: But... What?! Parents: we arent saying your not trying but you just need to try harder Me: *in head* .. Are you fucking crazy?! Im trying so hard and you just dont see!! And you wonder why I am the way i am! Me: Ok
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