retvenkos · 4 years
“is this considered a summer fling?”
so let’s address the obvious
diego does not have the greatest relationship with his family, so how do you factor in?
well, you are diego’s twin, and so, naturally, there is a deeper understanding between the two of you, and there is no way you can keep secrets from eachother
and if you do, the other is quick to find out
which quickly escalates to an argument (that mostly involves yelling) in spanish
it’s one of the few ways diego can posture to anyone
and even though the two of you are twins, that does not mean you are the same
diego is definitely the more happy-go-lucky one
which, don’t get me wrong, doesn’t mean you aren’t an optimist, but times are hard for dreamers
you are also the more plucky, corageous one out of the two of you
which means you get into more sticky situations because you are determined
if there is a will, there’s a way, and while diego is the flexible one, you do not budge on what you believe is true
which is where diego comes in to save you from yourself
but your courage is also your undoing since you have no fear over things you should definitely fear
but diego is always there to save you and make sure you don’t die
are you a little co-dependent? maybe. or maybe you just really love your family
and let’s be honest - when you first meet our resident uber jock™, craig, you’re not impressed
plenty of boys can play football, but how many can get us out if this mess?
to which he scoffs at
“my skills are gonna save your life one day, i’d start being nice now.”
“god forbid that day ever come.”
and it’s a bit of a cliche, enemies to lovers type of crush, but you never really hated him, so you hate it when diego claims that’s what it is
“you had a crush on sean, so i wouldn’t rib at me for my tastes.”
“that’s a lie, i have class.”
“so then which boy was it? jake?”
and he’s silent and there’s a blush on his cheek
“dios mio, that was a joke!”
you’re screaming
“you have terrible taste too!”
“not as bad as you!”
and craig, bless his soul, is oblivious
especially when it comes to the fact that he likes you
zahra is the one who hits him over the head and tells him he’s being an idiot and he’s in love
“like hell, i am!”
and zahra wishes the ground would open up and scream at him because she is so done with his stupid  p i n i n g
and to be honest, no one knows about either crush for a long time
diego can read you like a book, but he’s also not dumb, so he doesn’t hint at it
and you don’t really instigate bickering with craig - you like to watch him from afar
because yeah, you have courage, but you’re not reckless
diego, of course, would disagree.
and everyone just assumes that craig is agressive and like that 24/7
and zahra could care less
there are other ships to keep an eye on
like the obvious heart-eyes sean keeps giving jake
and the teasing that jake does to sean
just KISS already!
during the vaanti attack on the celestial, craig saved your life
and he wasn’t even cocky about it - just saddened at the people you had lost
how easily could it have been him?
and you had thanked him breathlessly in the moment, but once you had gotten sucked through the portal gun without your brother, you were broken
he wasn’t  dead
he couldn’t be
and the rest of the group tried to skirt around the subject of diego
but you could see in their eyes that they thought he was dead
and it  e n r a g e d  you
and so you break off from the group and they all watch you go, not knowing what to do
so craig starts to go, but they stop him because ‘that’s not what you need right now.’
“i don’t see anyone else volunteering.”
and zahra says to let him go
and when he finds you, you’re pushing back tears
“let me guess, sean wants the group to move out?”
“no, we’re gonna stay here for a little while. find out as much as we can.”
“course, so we can all get off this island, right?”
“you don’t want to?”
“not without my  b r o t h e r.”
and he sighs and sits down next to you
“we’ll save him.”
and your voice is loud, and rough, and it hurts
“i already saved one of you. looks like you needed my football skills after all.”
but his voice is soft and his eyes are careful
“if you promise me this, you can’t go back on it.”
“i won’t leave this hellscape till we find him.”
and damn if he doesn’t want to kiss you right then
but he pulls away
and things don’t magically fix right then
it takes time
and now you two are on the same team
and you save him
and again
and then he saves you
and again
and maybe it’s a bit of a competition between the two of you
but it’s nice
and whenever you smile about it, craig’s heart does a little flip
and when you find your brother, you hold him tight
and later that night, when diego is talking to everyone else, you head over to craig and find your comfortable place at his side
and the two of you sit there in silence because your gratitude is palpable and beyond words. you just watch the rest of your friends from a distance, side by side
“can i kiss you?”
and he’s startled by your words and turns to face you. and for some reason he can’t speak.
so he nods.
and your lips crash onto his
and you don’t know why you never did so sooner because it’s everything you ever wanted it to be
and when you break apart, craig has a smirk on his face
“how were my skills?”
and you roll your eyes but it doesn’t stop you from kissing him again
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