#craig littler
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gurumog · 1 year ago
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Jason of Star Command S01E13 - Return of the Creature (1978) Filmation Creator, Producer, Director: Arthur H. Nadel
Craig Littler as Jason Charlie Dell as Professor Parsafoot Susan O'Hanlon as Nicole Davidoff
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lifeinasmalltowninjapan · 8 months ago
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BBC2 Monster Double Bill (1978)
Superbeast (1972)
Craig Littler and Antoinette Bower
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chernobog13 · 2 years ago
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That brief time, after the Enterprise's 5 year mission was over, that Scotty took a lateral transfer to become commander of Star Command.
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schlock-luster-video · 4 months ago
On November 1, 1972, Superbeast debuted in New York City.
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Here's some new Craig Littler art to celebrate!
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creatingblackcharacters · 3 months ago
(Asking on behalf of a friend who doesn't have Tumblr)
Do you (or your followers) have any recommendations on books for elementary-middle school aged kids specifically that feature positive Black dads? My friend's kiddo is mixed, and his dad passed away when he was very small. He's had some pretty gross things said to him about Black men being absent fathers, and he's mentioned he wishes there were more books with Black dads (he's a big reader in general, genre doesn't really matter).
The problem my friend's been having is that a lot of books for that age range, the parents are not super involved in the story, because that leaves room for the child characters to have adventures where a reasonable parent IRL would say "hell no you're not solving crimes/fighting monsters/whatever, you're ten years old."
I'm sure books with Black dads are out there, it's just been hard to find because that's not something you can plug into the library search catalog and get any results.
Well first, it breaks my heart that they're already treating him like that at ten. It's not surprising, but still hurtful. He can't help that his dad is damn dead, like wow.
My first piece of advice is actually not on the books, but on the kid himself. Does your friend take him to visit his father's family? Is he involved in any programs led by Black men, like the Alpha Esquires or something? The presence of positive Black men in his life, while not making up for the loss of his father, will give him a community that understands him. Will give him that reinforcement that no, Black men are not neglectful parents (actually, it's been studied that Black American fathers spend more time with their kids on average than White ones. Oop!) Even if it's just spending more time with that side of the family to share in his father's memory, culture and community, would help strengthen his bonds and make him feel less alone.
As for the list of books, obviously you can go to the library for them but here are some i found. Try searching "elementary books about Black fatherhood". I also tossed in a couple littler aged books about Black boyhood because tbh I think if he can't remember much, he could reminisce about the times when he was little with his dad.
As Brave As You- Jason Reynolds
Black Boy Magic- Tex Stanly
100 Things Black Boys Should Do and Know- Jason Huey
Daddy's Arms- Fabian Robinson
I wish I could find more for you right now. A lot of the books are approaching from the Dad's side of things, and even with kids it focuses more on the daughters, so I'm seeing. I hope I could at least point you in the right direction!
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cheylouwho · 11 months ago
Its cool that they are making official South Park plushies again but I can't help but miss how the old ones looked. I kind of wish the Craig shoulder rider would have been more of a plushie. The arms feel odd to me.
I only own pip from the new youtooz line and I like that he's really sturdy. He's super nice to hug, though he's not quite as soft as the older stuffies so I guess its all preference. I don't know about the littler guys are, I wanted to buy tweek and Craig and just haven't done it yet
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kosmos2999 · 2 years ago
TV Show: Jason of the Star Command
Chapter 6: Planet of the Lost
Season: 1
Original airdate: October 14, 1978
Written by: Samuel A. Peeples
Produced, directed and created by: Arthur H. Nadel
Executive producers: Lou Scheimer and Norm Prescott
Craig Littler as Jason
Did Haig as Dragos
Susan Pratt as Captain Nicole Davidoff
Charlie Dell as Professor Parsafoot
James Doohan as Commander Canarvin
Special guest star: Roseanne Katon as Allegra
Fallen in a strange planet, Jason, Nicole and Allegra face the danger of an hostile alien creature.
Meanwhile, in the Academy, Commander Canarvin and Professor Parsafoot have to rescue Wiki from paralyzing ray of the Dragos' fighter ships and figure out a way to take away the Master of the Cosmos.
After Professor Parsafoot, rescues the heroes trio, they have to put Allegra in a safe place and face another sinister thread from Dragos.
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years ago
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Jason of Star Command (1978)
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science70 · 2 years ago
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James Doohan, Craig Littler, Susan O'Hanlon and Charlie Dell, Jason of Star Command (USA, 1978-81).
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gurumog · 1 year ago
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Jason of Star Command S01E12 - Escape from Kesh (1978) Filmation Creator, Producer, Director: Arthur H. Nadel
Craig Littler as Jason Julie Newmar as Queen Vanessa
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oldschoolsciencefiction · 6 years ago
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Happy birthday to Craig Littler who played the eponymous “Jason of Star Command” in the late 70s/early 80s Filmation sci fi series.
He was born on this day in 1941.
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retropunch · 7 years ago
Jason of Star Command (1978) - Season 1 intro
A young Space Command officer fights the evil space lord Dragos and his minions in his jurisdiction of the universe.
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years ago
60 for Minicat, please, the fucking phrasing of that prompt killed me on the spot
Starting off strong by going over my word limit!! >.> Fuck. Hope y’all enjoy
Pairing: MinicatNumber: 60Prompt: “I’m so madly and deeply in love with you, please meet me so we can discuss this.”
Tyler knew he was never going to win any boyfriend awards. When it came to romance, Luke and Brian had the prizes practically cemented on their foreheads. It was a bit over the top how often the group would be hanging out, and one of them would whip out a present or chocolate to give Ryan and Brock respectively. Their lack of self-awareness had no boundaries. Delirious tried to keep up, in his own goofy declarations of affection for Evan, but half the time they ended up with him on fire or in the hospital (one time both, and wasn’t that a fun fourth of July?). But Evan seemed to love his attempts more than his actual results, which somehow tossed even that idiot ahead of Tyler in the department of love.
Mini, to his credit, had never complained. He did chase after Tyler for six years without any real hint of reciprocation when they were teens, after all (Craig claimed the signs were always there, but Tyler thought he was just an idiot). Even the first year of their relationship had been tough, as Tyler hadn’t fully accepted their shift from friends to boyfriends easily. Craig was patient when he could be, which was probably the only reason they were still together four years later. Being twenty four helped him accept Mini’s physical affections and stupid nicknames, but his struggle to show his own love for his boyfriend was still the same. Craig never mentioned it, and Tyler would let hell freeze over before he brought it up, but he wasn’t blind enough to miss the bittersweet spark that caught Mini’s eye whenever one of their friends was showered with love in front of them.
Tyler knew he had to do something about it. 
“Chill out, dude.” Tyler growled at Brian’s words, throwing the stress ball against the wall. 
“Can’t.” His voice was clipped, back tight and muscles tensed for a battle he couldn’t fight. 
“Jesus, you’re worse than Del.” Luke waited until the ball rolled to his feet to kick it back toward Tyler, relaxed like he owned Brian’s apartment. “If you did exactly what we told you to, then it’s gonna be fine. Mini gets back from work at what time?”
“5:30pm,” Tyler answered. His eyes glanced to the clock, seeing that the time he’d announced passed twenty minutes ago. 
“And you had the flowers and… giraffe delivered at 5:45pm, right?” Brian asked, showing his lack of understanding over the choice of stuffed animal in his hesitant tone. 
“Yes, which was five fucking minutes ago.” 
“You signed your note, right? So he doesn’t think it’s just some creepy stalker.” Luke’s lack of trust in his romantic abilities should have made him mad, but he wouldn’t have been able to do any of the planning for the current ‘operation’ if not for the two assholes staring at him with arched eyebrows. 
“Yes I signed the fucking note! Put my heart and soul and all that other stupid fuffly shit in it just like you said. Gonna get an award from hallmark for ‘cheesiest note ever’.” Tyler didn’t tell them how many hours he spent writing and re-writing the three page long letter he’d tied around the giraffe’s neck before driving it to the delivery service. He hadn’t known how to start it, which memories to bring up or parts of their relationship he needed to highlight. How could he take a love a decade in the making and toss it onto a few pages of paper? He’d looked through photos and videos taken throughout the years, mostly by Craig himself, to guide him through the written confession of love. It was a road map of their journey, the good and the bad, because every crack in the road had only made them love each other a littler more than most. Tyler refused to tell them that the letter didn’t need a signature, because it was his literal heart inked into words for Mini to see.
He also refused to tell them about the ring taped to the bottom of the last page, and the four worded question he ended the letter with. 
“Then he’s going to love it. Just give him a second to process whatever you wrote before you assume he’s buying a ticket to Antarctica or something.” Tyler was ready to lob the ball at Brian’s head after the remark, but his phone’s loud ringtone stole the fire out of his veins. For a moment, he stared at the device, unsure if he’d be able to handle a rejection. What if Craig had wanted a bigger proposal? What if this felt…unromantic for him? It wasn’t in person and it probably felt distant, and Tyler was seriously re-thinking the entire thing. This was stupid, cheap, not sweet at all-
But then his mind reminded him of who was on the other line, the one person who’d never abandoned him, and he sucked in a breath before accepting the call.
“What?” He grumbled out, hating how Luke and Brian leaned in closer to try and listen to the call. 
“Did you mean it?” The tone that Craig used was so honest, so open, that Tyler didn’t even need a second to realize the pure elation that lingered in the tears on the other side of the phone. “God, nevermind, I don’t want to ask that. I know you’re overthinking it right now and you’ll try to take it back.” 
“I wasn’t,” he argued, despite thinking exactly that two minutes before. 
“You were probably like ‘oh this is dumb, fuck feelings, I shouldn’t have asked with the cutest stuffed giraffe and Mini’s favorite flowers that only I’d know’ blah blah blah-”
“I don’t even sound like that!” 
“You get that stuffy nose thing whenever you get emotionally constipated.” 
“Better than your snoring.” 
“Says the guy who can’t remember to flush the toilet at night.”
“Fuck you, I swear to God-”
“Yes.” The steadfast answer stole Tyler’s breath, Mini pressing forward after a sob of joy. “I’m saying yes, you romantic goofball, of course I’ll marry you.” 
“Fuck.” But even as he said it, his voice proved how relieved he was, his stomach flipping with unspoken excitement. It took everything in his body not to grin, his muscles vibrating. 
“Everything was perfect, and the note, it was-wow. I’m so madly and deeply in love with you. Please meet me so we can discuss this. And by this, I mean our wedding because I’m going to fuck you and then marry the fuck out of you.” Mini’s breathless declaration made Tyler’s ears turn pink on his side of the phone, refusing to look up at Brian’s grin or Luke’s snicker. 
“S-shut up, I’m coming home.” He hung up before he could hear Craig’s answer, glaring at his two friends watching him.
“When’s the wedding, Romeo?” Luke asked, grin too wide for Tyler to stomach. So he avoided it, pushing up onto his feet and moving across the room. 
“I’ve gotta go.” 
“Yeah, you’re welcome!” Brian called out after Tyler, who’d stormed out of the apartment in a flustered rush. Even through the slammed door, he could hear Luke’s wolf whistle, followed by two bursts of laughter that made him curse asking them for help. He hated them, hated the embarrassment and the favors he knew he’d owe them and the itch under his skin over feelings-
But he loved Mini, and that made it all worth it in the end.
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catcuddlecrafts · 6 years ago
NaKniCroMo 2019 – Day 11: Pets and Craft Buddies
Well... here are some facts about my two boys.
Locke (handsome man, the big Chungus)
We have had Locke for just over 5 years. He was a rescue kitty I got from Craig’s list. He was found in a dumpers by a bus driver.
He is a big snuggle boy now, but when he was a kitten he was very aggressive. Mostly to me. He would snuggle in the morning, but mostly he would randomly attack me.
This boy loves my husband more than anyone. They have a beautiful bond, Locke started to cry whenever my huband left for work or even to go to the store.
He was so loud we could hear him form our 3rd floor apartment. We soon realized that he has abandonement issues from being separated from his mother so soon. So that’s when we got our second cat.
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Ryu (the little boy, my baby)
Ryu we adopted from a shelter: he was one of two kittens from a tiny littler. His mother was only 6months old.
When we brought him home, we couldn’t decide on a name, but within 5 minutes of being alone he got behind the couch. So we named him Ryu, my little Ninja.
Ryu is the opposite of Locke. He is super playful and skiddy. He doesn’t like to cuddle, but really enjoying chasing his toys around.
These two boys are my world.
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get-up-and-review-blog · 6 years ago
National Tax Experts Review
When you search out National Tax Expert, you're in a position where you owe the IRS cash. Sometimes, you have an extraordinary tax obligation that you've yet to pay since you don't know very what to do about it. In different cases, the IRS might be effectively seeking after you to pay an obligation or they may even be embellishing your wages to pay your obligation (the "accumulations" stage).
National Tax Expert exists to enable you to arrange the different choices accessible and guarantee to be the biggest tax goals firm in the business with in excess of 100 authorized delegates (tax lawyers, CPA's and selected operators) bolstered by 550 non-authorized workers. These are the general population who will work with you through the National Tax Expert's two-advance procedure.
These are the general population who will work with you through National Tax Expert's two-advance procedure. To begin with, as opposed to you paying a tremendous aggregate of cash in advance, you'll pay a little charge to have the organization explore your case, which, as indicated by their site, incorporates the accompanying advances:
Set up correspondence with IRS
Audit case outline alternatives
When this examination is finished—it takes somewhere in the range of two and a month— National Tax Expert will give you your alternatives just as an evaluating gauge for their administrations. In the event that you acknowledge one of the choices you present, it will take somewhere in the range of three and nine months to determine your case.
Remember, however, that settling your tax circumstance doesn't imply that National Tax Expert (or any organization, so far as that is concerned) will cause your tax obligation to vanish. Or maybe, they will probably get you on favorable terms with the IRS and set you up with any number of IRS-gave arrangements that will put you on the way to making good on back your government expense load.
The arrangements are part into three classifications: tax exchange, tax goals and tax settlement.
The main circumstance incorporates portion plans, offers in trade off and punishment decrease (getting the IRS to evacuate expenses or punishments acquired for recording late.
The subsequent circumstance incorporates an assortment of arrangements that incorporate tax alleviation for life partners, finishing wage garnishment and criminal tax safeguard up to a specific sum.
The last circumstance is when National Tax Expert arranges a settlement with the IRS where the IRS consents to take not as much as what's owed. These settlements are conceded in explicit circumstances, however, and aren't a certification.
This methodology implies that National Tax Expert acknowledges a wide assortment of taxpayers. Be that as it may, there are sure circumstances in which National Tax Expert will most likely be unable to support you. As indicated by King, in case you're made a beeline for court for tax extortion or tax avoidance and you connect with National Tax Expert , National Tax Expert can't support you.
To the extent the amount National Tax Expert can spare you or the amount they spare, overall, there are no guarantees. Each arrangement of goals they present clients depend on that client's budgetary picture, as your accounts direct the different alternatives for which you can qualify.
National Tax Expert likewise offers all year tax "insurance" that incorporates tax recording for your benefit.
All through this survey, we've given you National Tax Expert's point of view about their administrations. This point of view will quite often be a positive one, and as it should be. Organizations have faith in their administrations and they accept they offer the best arrangement.
In any case, as a customer, it has the points of view of those not subsidiary with the organization about which we're composing. Along these lines, we connected with tax specialists to get their conclusions about tax goals organizations.
These suppositions aren't intended to influence you somehow. Or maybe, we consider them to be a route for you to get a total perspective on what an organization can and can't accomplish for you.
Bonnie Lee, an enlisted specialist who runs Sonoma-based tax firm Taxpertise, adopts a quite estimated strategy to tax goals organizations.
The best ones, she stated, are those that display "genuineness and honesty" and give you "somebody who will clarify how the procedure functions, at that point catch up with you and answer your telephone calls and messages."
She forewarned against utilizing firms that require an enormous expense forthright before doing any work. Strikingly, she noticed that the upstanding organizations will dependably complete a monetary examination before giving your choices for goals.
"Before hitting you up with a charge in the a large number of dollars run, they will play out an examination of your funds to decide the sum the IRS will acknowledge or regardless of whether it will acknowledge a littler offer," Lee said.
This is something that, in light of our exploration, National Tax Expert does.
Our subsequent master is Craig Smalley, a selected operator who is the originator and CEO of Orlando-based tax firm CWSEAPA.
Smalley adopts an increasingly negative strategy to tax goals organizations. He says that many tax goals organizations are in it for the cash.
"It is ideal to discover either an EA or CPA, that doesn't work for one of these enormous organizations, knows about accumulations, and potentially arranged your tax return in any case. They will regularly do what is to your greatest advantage," Smalley let us know.
Smalley proceeded to state that he accepts firms like his are more client focused though enormous organizations put benefits over arrangements that work best for you.
As should be obvious, both Lee and Smalley possess their own tax organizations. They're both enlisted specialists. However, they gave us radically various perspectives on tax goals organizations.
With regards to organizations who can assist you with your tax circumstance, there are no assurances. All things considered, you'll have to keep a target point of view on the offer that National Tax Expert gives you. While there might be different alternatives for settling your tax circumstance, none of them are guarantees.
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kosmos2999 · 2 years ago
TV Show: Jason of the Star Command
Chapter 5: Wiki to the Rescue
Season: 1
Original airdate: October 7, 1978
Written by: Samuel A. Peeples
Produced, directed and created by: Arthur H. Nadel
Executive producers: Lou Scheimer and Norm Prescott
Craig Littler as Jason
Did Haig as Dragos
Susan Pratt as Captain Nicole Davidoff
Charlie Dell as Professor Parsafoot
James Doohan as Commander Canarvin
Special guest star: Roseanne Katon as Allegra
The Space Academy is in great danger. Professor Parsafoot must decide between surrender to Dragos or be sent to crash with a nearby star.
Jason has send Wiki to seek for help from Captain Davidoff to escape from the planetoid with Princess Allegra.
Jason has a plan to destroy the Dragon Ship with a Starfire and escape with Nicole and Allegra to outer space, sending Wiki again for help.
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