#crafting in fallout 4 xD
dirty-bosmer · 1 year
Summer Reading/Writing/Arting Tag
Tagged by my lovely friend @thequeenofthewinter to complete this "get to know the author" tag game. Thank you <3
Tagging: @justafoxhound @dumpsterhipster @chennnington @atypicalacademic @gilgamish @fantasydrowsy @skyrim-forever @late-nite-scholar @goddess-of-sorrow @hailtheknownworld @wispstalk @nuwanders @lucien-lachance @burningsilence @crynwr-drwg
And anyone who wants to join in! Please tag me :)
1) Describe one creative WIP project you’re planning to work on over the summer.
Chapter 2 of my dissertation ideally XD In terms of creative projects, I gotta finish The Illusionist first and foremost (I'm so close!). I have a love-hate relationship with that fic, but it has taught me so much. Also I need to complete it so I can move onto my next story without guilt lol. I'm very, very excited to spend more time fleshing out my cast for Slither and Writher, my first Skyrim longfic that stars my delusional necromancer LDB, Sylawen.
2) Rec a book!
The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It's a dark and despairing story about a boy and his father travelling south in the fallout of a mysterious apocalypse. McCarthy's writing disturbs me so much, but every time I read his work, I come away with such a deeper appreciation for the English language.
3) Rec a fic! (outside your character tag)
Idle in their Thrones by buttsmcginty aka @wispstalk. An Oblivion novelization that features a captivating cast of characters including my favorite interpretation of Martin Septim ever. Tanis (and xenomorph Tanis) continues to live in my head rent free. Every character, every setting is so full of life, both in vibrancy and in the grittier uglier shades that shadow much of Oblivion's main questline. This story absolutely wrecked me in the best way possible. I've recced it multiple times, and I will do it again cause I'm annoying like that. Anyay, looking forward to reading the next installment of Tanis' adventures in the Shivering Isles while I lay out at the pool this summer ☀️
4) Rec music!
Sound and Color by the Alabama Shakes 🎶 They're a blues rock band, and I happened to be listening to this album at work today. Was reminded how much I love Brittany Howard's voice.
 5) Share one piece of advice!
If you're looking to improve your writing, especially if you're new to the craft like I am, read! Read, read, read. Read authors you want to write like. Read authors with completely different styles. Read within your genre and outside of it and highlight passages that move you to dissect later. Honestly some weeks I don't touch my wips at all and just get lost in a book, and every time I come back to my writing with my calibration for "good" writing having shifted. It's a blessing and a curse cause while I ultimately write for fun, I do want to improve and reading always ends with me raising the standards for myself, aaaaahhh 😅 I swear it's a good thing in the end lmao.
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creweemmaeec11 · 1 year
Hi hello hello! I'm sorry if you've answered this before, but I was wondering what your favorite game is.
P.S. This is the part where I'd share my fav is, but there's so many...
Ooo that's such a hard question.... Skyrim probably has to take #1, but the game I have the most hours on is Terraria. Fallout 4, Elden ring, Planet Zoo, Ultimate Chicken Horse, Inscryption, Dishonored, and Stray are also all honourable mentions.
Typically tho I don't care for FPS, difficult, racing, visual novel, or MMO's. I LOVE management simulators, open world exploration, survival, crafting, sandbox type games. Open world is my baby, I hate being on singular paths, I wanna so my own thing!
Lately I've been playing Megaquarium and timberborn, both great management simulator games! Perfect relaxation games :D
This was prob way more in depth then you were looking for but.... I've got 180 games on steam, I can't help myself xD
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
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We have reached the second Building Interlude this week -- and this time, it’s actually relevant to what’s been happening in the main Chill Valicer save, as it’s a small makeover of the Valicer farmhouse! A makeover that was inspired by the following things:
1. My desire to clean out the household inventory so I didn’t have to go scrolling through all their various holiday decorations and whatnot whenever I wanted them to recycle a trash pile
2. My desire to also clean out their PERSONAL inventories -- particularly Victor’s, as he’s always carrying around loads of fruit and flowers and whatnot from the greenhouse to have on-hand for juicing and whatnot
3. “My Sims have over $100K in the bank? Time to jazz the place up a little!”
So yes, with all that in mind, I went ahead and, well, jazzed the place up a little. XD Here’s a list of all the most major changes:
Kitchen: I decided it was a little too brown in there and changed out the counters to ones with at least slightly more colorful tops (the Realm of Magic counters, if I recall correctly!), darkening up the wood-tones of the cabinets to match. I also replaced the fridge and the stove with Schmapple-brand ones to match their coffee maker and microwave (like I said, they have money now!), recoloring them all to the red swatch as I liked that best. After that, I got a longer side table to store both the VIP bucket and the picnic basket --
And then moved the entire dining table in slightly, because ta-da, we have an archway into the kitchen now! Yeah, I took another look at that wall and realized that the door kind of looked weird next to the arches into the front foyer and the study, so I put another archway to match. Now the downstairs feels more cohesive!
Study: Just one quick change in here -- I changed the wallpaper color to the blue with green trim swatch, as I decided I wanted a little more color in the room. I think it looks nice, and fits well with the rugs!
Front Foyer: A little rearranging FINALLY allowed me to put the coat-and-hat pegs that I had on a side wall beside the door, where they could actually be SEEN. Naturally, the shoe rack went underneath them, and the umbrella stand got moved to the far corner. Looks good! (I -- am reasonably certain the clock was there before, as part of an earlier upgrade, but if not, look, colorful clock.)
Living Room: As you can see, I went heavy on the Movie Hangout Stuff furniture in here -- replacing the downstairs couch with this nice wooden seat that has a nice colorful cushion AND matches the bookcases, and the side tables with these brightly painted variations. :) The coffee table also got a more colorful upgrade (pretty sure that’s the Paranormal Stuff one) -- but, of course, the biggest upgrade was to the TV, with me selling off the old Fallout 4 CC one to get a proper big screen for them to enjoy, along with a cute yellow trunk TV table for it to sit on. They may not watch TV often, but they might as well enjoy a proper-sized screen. The bizarre idol Smiler got recently watches over it all in her own little house shelf above said TV. :)
Crafting/Party Barn: The whole thing is ever so slightly bigger now, and that is to accommodate something new in Smiler’s party space -- namely, I have traded out the bubble blower (which none of Smiler’s guests seemed to like the one time I had them give it a spin) for their ping-pong table! Technically it fit in the smaller version of the barn, but I felt like it blocked the radio a bit too much, so I expanded things out to keep the “dance floor.” I also took the opportunity to rearrange the downstairs a bit -- adding some extra columns to “support” the party level, then moving the more technical crafting stuff (Smiler’s robotics bench and the Fabricator) to the front while the more low-tech crafty stuff (the woodworking bench and the candle maker) went in the back, with Victor’s alchemy cauldron in the middle. :) I even got to put the cool magical stone circle in there -- sized down slightly, of course. :p
(Oh, and outside, you may notice that the chicken coop pen is now flush with the corner of the barn, and that I’ve gotten rid of the large livestock barn. The gang seems to have enough to do with just remembering to take care of the chickens -- I don’t think they’re gonna get a cow or llama anytime soon!)
Greenhouse: Victor’s greenhouse actually got moved back slightly on the lot -- a somewhat fiddly process that involved enlarging the roof before adjusting the walls so that the plants stayed under cover the whole time. I also added a new shelf from Cottage Living beside the door to go with his other tools, and put his selfie with his first oversized pumpkin on it. :)  The biggest change, though, was to the crafting side of the greenhouse -- namely, there’s now STORAGE! The flower-arranging bench can already have flowers stored in it, so that wasn’t a big deal, but now there is an Eco Lifestyle cardboard storage box next to the cauldron grill for Victor’s herbalism plants, and a Discover University mini-fridge so he can store and access his fruits and veggies for juicing next to the juice fizzer! Which makes life so much easier -- his inventory isn’t PERFECT yet, but it’s looking a hell of a lot better, let me tell you!
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My computer decided it doesn’t want to play with the tablet today (starts drawing after I’ve drawn almost a full centimeter, preferrably in a circle) so we all have to make do with ye olde theater of the mind for this:
Panel 1: Norma and Preston and Dogmeat have just dispatched  some bloatflies in Sanctuary. Some other people, including Sturges, are still running towards the commotion. Norma is wiping her forehead, and going ‘thank goodness there weren’t more I hate them so MUCH’ and Preston is looking at her arm and going ‘hey you got uh--’
Panel 2: Norma and Preston both staring at the bloatfly larva on Norma’s arm.
Panel 3: Norma absolutely panicking and doing that instictive arm shake that you do when there’s a bug, and ESPECIALLY if it doesn’t let go, which the bug absolutely does not.  Dogmeat things this is excellent amusement.
Panel 4: Norma rips out the larva and prepares to toss it, looking furious.
Panel 5: Norma flings the larva with all her might away from her, which, unfortunately, is directly into the fast approaching Sturges’ face.
scene fades to black and white, Mass Effect 1 death music plays
(Another time Sturges accidentally gets back at Norma when he tries to kick a small radroach away from himself and he DOES but he kicks so vigorously that his shoes flies off and bounces from Norma’s head. Based on a true story.)
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spockandawe · 3 years
Hi, spockandawe, thank you for answering my ask....If you don't mind me asking, what are your favorite moments from svsss (top 5 or top 3)? And why? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....
Oh, this........... this is a difficult question, which I’ve been pondering hard. I acknowledge completely that svsss is a less well-crafted novel than mdzs and tgcf, but I also love it very very much, even though I know it’s like. Junk food. I will live on a diet of junk food and love the whole experience, thank you very much.
Let’s see. Lord, this is going to be hard XD
5. I think I will say upfront that the 79 extras are going on this list, but I can’t bring myself to pick out anything specific, because I love the knowledge, but also they hurt me terribly much to read :( I was already screaming about Shen Jiu by the end of the book, but by the time I realized this was the canon timeline for Shen Jiu, and realized all the ways his (limited) healthy coping mechanisms were being turned against him...... they hurt me a Lot. I could scream about these extras for days. They live rent free in my head. I also don’t wanna read them again because I’m horribly fragile :(((
4. Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu’s succubus adventure. Look. I don’t have very elevated tastes. I’m a woman of simple needs, I just live for Shen Qingqiu getting his fortune told about who the great love of his life will be, thinking ‘hmmm, can’t think of any women who fit this description’ while Liu Qingge is like ‘wait, he’s going to marry the hottest person in the world? but? that’s ME????’ I want these two dumbasses on their dumbass adventure getting accidentally dosed with sex pollen and dealing with it by kicking each other into a convenient pond. They’re clowns, your honor. I love them so much.
3. Shen Qingqiu’s first suicide! It took my WAY off guard my first time reading, and I still find the whole build incredibly tense and delicious, especially with the mounting pressure of how powerful Luo Binghe is and how far his influence reaches, seeing him invading Shen Qingqiu’s dreams and steering the currents of the mob justice and wondering what the heck Shen Qingqiu is going to do..... and then THIS! Oh my goodness! At least part of my enjoyment comes from knowing the emotional fallout that waits in/after the five year gap, but it’s so fantastic seeing Luo Binghe at his angriest and most resentful, watching Shen Qingqiu accidentally stir up that anger and resentment even further and not realizing because he’s frightened, and seeing it all fall apart and come crashing down on Luo Binghe’s head. Luo Binghe just... suffers very beautifully.
2.  I find the climactic (hurr hurr) sex scene really, really compelling, even though it’s intentionally terrible sex. The whole buildup to seeing Luo Binghe following Shen Qingqiu around a collapsing mountain range, in the middle of a massive qi deviation, is massively creepy, and then when he snaps back to himself and sees what he’s done and the way that he’s hurt Shen Qingqiu, and realizes that Shen Qingqiu is killing himself, again, to save Luo Binghe, even though it’s the last thing in the world he wants... The way he asks why Shen Qingqiu didn’t just kill him instead......... God, the panic is palpable, and it just GETS me, every single time. I don’t have the power to remain unmoved in the face of this scene, haha.
(honorable mention moment to Luo Binghe thinking Shen Qingqiu abandoned him in the mausoleum and backtracking hard once he realizes Shen Qingqiu is horribly injured and barely standing, and also to the thicket of kisses back in the bamboo house. OH, and to the dream extra where we see Luo Binghe taking care of Shen Qingqiu’s body. AH, AND THE ABYSS SCENE. This book has a lot of moments I love!!!! I also feel bad there wasn’t room for moshang on this list!)
1. And I think my absolute favorite moment is also the pinnacle of Luo Binghe’s on-screen suffering, Shen Qingqiu accidentally helping Liu Qingge with a corpse heist. Luo Binghe is cold and unfriendly and is NOT putting on one of his nice faces, and he’s just so miserable! Look at him! Look at how sad he is! Look at him stubbornly hanging on to his last thread of hope after five years of suffering! He converted his bedroom to an icebox so he could preserve Shen Qingqiu’s corpse and pour spiritual energy into it for years, plural, in hopes of someday, somehow, getting his shizun back! He’s had no opportunity for closure, has only been abandoned and told that he is, by nature, unacceptable, he’s seen the shizun who hurt him deeply run from him and act against him and fear him, then before that fresh hurt had much time to set in, he also saw his shizun kill himself to save him! His primary face isn’t that of the sweet-faced manipulator of pidw, he’s angry and hurting and closed off and exhausted, and Shen Qingqiu, in his new body, gets to see a side of him that Luo Binghe would have hidden from him if he’d known he was there to see it. There’s something about that exhaustion, specifically, that comes through very strongly for me in this scene, and I could just read this part of the book over and over and over.
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falloutglow · 4 years
Who or what are your writing inspirations?
Well. There are many haha so only gonna uh cover a few since this will get long and wordy. Currently uh fallout be that inspo for my writing (dat hyperfocus...) my bud @glitchvault74 has hyped me up to write shit in the past and like I dragged him into the fandom cause goddamn I was not gonna do this shit by myself. (he’s only...heard me play 4 without game audio or visuals HAHA just...me shouting while shit happened lol)
I’ve...always loved ghosts? Like shit ever since I was almost 10 been fascinated with the paranormal. So, to work around making another medium character I sorta found out about psykers in a D&D fallout campaign I did with a few buds like last year. And since like lot of folks equate psychic/psyker characters to seeing the future, its been done so many times before and like the future can change there are many many paths. I played with the idea of making a psyker character who could see the past (thus Echo). And what played more into how her powers worked is...Dunwich Borers. That place hella inspired me even before I played the area.
Yes, I absolutely went digging to like see if ghosts were even a thing in fallout and uh YEP they are in a sense ovo Which...Dunwich Borers was def the tip of the iceberg of me crafting Echo haha. So, while you go into the quarry shafts...there are bits of scenes that’ll surprise ya. Cause blink “oh? that was weird what the??? where’d they go???” mhm. That inspired Echo’s “flashes/echoes” the other thing that inspired her powers is from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky. The story of those games got me so enraptured and invested in the characters and whatever it was telling. The MC finds out they have an ability called “The Dimensional Scream” (hard core sounding ikr) where when they’re with a trusted partner, they can see the past or future when touching something of significance (ie plot reasons lol).
Echo of course can only see the past and I’ve slowly developed the rules for her power(s) as I’ve been thinking about them a loooot while writing her...well that and also glitchvautl74 asking me many clarifying questions while he wrote her in his fic “The System Is Rigged” (bless this nerd istg). Plus like...shit psychic detectives are such a trope that I’m like super into I fuckin love murder mysteries (puzzles...good. yes i’d like to solve for murder). The fact that 4 has a synth detective hit my uh one of my niches and I was just...fuckin SOLD asdfhsdf Lost my shit when I met Nick in game XD
also like....hhhhhhnnnn met some really cool folks here ;w; @potatocrab and @its-sixxers are def uh some inspos cause they have real cool shit and its like “man..I too wanna make cool shit!” ;A; and heckin met some other cool nerds too and i’m blanking hardcore on urls cause oops its after midnight again askfhsdfsdf I’d tag a fuck ton of nerds but we’d be here all night aksjhsdaf
[Fanfic Writer Friday]
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ofravensandgenesis · 5 years
F, O, and P for Declan and Josh!
Putting it all under the cut bc it got long. xD
F: Fun1. what do they do for fun?Joshua’s a hands-on kind of guy, he likes finding something to do even if it’s downtime. He’s picked up a lot of craft-related hobbies to varying skill levels, largely driven by the whole impending-end-of-the-world fear. x’D Cooking is his passion, but he also dabbles in gardening, knapping, woodworking, some blacksmithing, sewing, and leatherworking as his top preferred areas of interest. Very DIY. He was pretty hellbent on trying to figure out how to make stuff himself once he got his act together in his teen years. That’s not to say he’s good at all that. He’s passing fair on basic stuff, is kind of going for a jack of all trades deal. If he’s too tired to mess with something like that, he reads or watches movies. Prefers cooking series for their predictability and the “safe” topic when it’s movies or TV series, fantasy/adventure or slice-of-life and other light fare when it’s reading. Will watch nature documentaries and other interesting historic series too. That’s the fun he gets up to on his own that’s legal. If we’re talking illegal, he does get a thrill from stealing stuff simply because he’s good at it, and he’s keen on stockpiling stuff. He stopped doing that once he went into the police academy—though he made sure he’d stolen enough to further his plans before then, scheming little doomsday prepper that he is. Never got caught either, so his record is technically clean. With others though? He likes to hang out with Sharky, Staci, and Hurk Jr. in particular for just drinking and doing fun dumb and questionably-safe activities. Hangs out with Jess, Joey, Dutch and a few others too, doing significantly less dangerous things, like hunting lessons from Jess.Declan is a fucking jock, okay? x’D He likes his martial arts practice, likes going on nature hikes, going to the gym, sports in general, etc. If we’re talking inclement weather or just a rest day or something, he’s probably watching chinese dramas or reading romance novels. No for reals, he does read more broadly, he just is a squishy sap and likes happy endings, typically leans towards fiction over nonfiction, but is willing to read anything recommended to him. Is less of a fan of horror, but will read some selectively, prefers more old school gothic horror if so. He’s not as much of a dabbler as Joshua is, but does a little houseplant care from time to time, and tries to take care of the garden. Emphasis on tries. He gets by. x’D Nothing’s died prematurely, but he steers clear of any real gardening commitments. He’d be better with more clear-cut instructions of figuring out what a plant needs on a set schedule. Gardening’s complicated in his opinion because it’s more by feel from his perspective. Declan’s not really an eyeballer sort. Likes to dance in his own home when no one’s looking to whatever dance music he’s got on. This happens a lot during chores.2. what is their ideal party?Joshua would prefer to keep it small with people he’s comfortable with, and probably with the more “we don’t quite care so much if it’s illegal but Sharky stop trying to get yourself a federal warrant” crowd of friends. He likes his more-law-abiding friends too, just…well. Joshua’s shady, though he tries not to be. x’DDeclan likes BIG parties of friends and family. The potluck kind where everyone brings food and there’s games and gossip at all hours until a reasonable bedtime. The kind where people are squashed together in small circles everywhere because there’s nooooot quite enough chairs or seats to go around. Small parties are nice too, but he feels most at home with more people around, preferably 3+. Dinner parties with friends invited over count in this regard too.3. who would they have the most fun with?Sharky, Hurk Jr., and Staci for Joshua, for the above reasons. xDDeclan has more fun with Joey, Staci, Whitehorse, and Nick and Kim Rye.  Declan got to talking to Earl about how to get into fishing, which led into fishing lessons, which led to just hanging out with a nice beer on occasion. He absolutely adores the Ryes’ weekend barbecues and gets along particularly well with Kim. Kim thinks him and Nick talking are like putting a pair of nerds from different fields together and watching them chatter, they’re both such dorks. xD Declan’s family ofc also applies, but that’s a given at this point.4. can they have fun while conforming to rules?…yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, for Joshua. He’s learned!Declan absolutely, he’s just a few notches shy of being a rules-lawyer. xD5. do they go out a lot?Yes and yes.——————————————————O: Optimism1. are they optimistic or pessimistic?That’s an interesting question for Joshua because he’s got a lot of conflicting beliefs and he knows it. He’s ultimately an optimist, though he has his moments of utter existential despair and feeling like everything’s going to end badly and there’s no point in trying…but he takes the time to recover from those low bouts, because he wants to believe that it’s at least worth trying to change it all for the better, because maybe it’ll work. Maybe things will turn out better, if they try. He’s resilient in his optimism, bending with the wind, compared to Declan who is more rigid in his beliefs.Declan is definitely an optimist. He can’t believe that it’s all for nothing, that the universe doesn’t care, that there isn’t a greater good. That’s part of what trips him up in his AU storyline, because he does believe virtues like justice are inherent to the universe among other things. That belief is challenged in his story a lot due to the cult’s doings, and the ultimate fallout of it.2. are they openly optimistic, throwing it on others?Well, Joshua doesn’t throw it on people, but he does try to support people who are feeling down or such about the state of the world. Declan is similar, if more resolute in his presentation—or he was. He’s a bit more on the strong-and-silent-type in his “present” timeline. x’D3. are they good at giving advice?On what topic? If you want to know how to quickly pick a lock like you’re a level 20 rogue with a maxed out dex stat, best ways to stake out and plan a home invasion, and how to do rapid inventory turnover on the black market, Joshua’s your guy. He is also your guy in select areas of research and experience. Morally in general though? Crapshoot. He’s morally flexible and will adjust depending on the audience, but generally strives to get everyone sooooooort of in the neighborhood of being a good person. His lines in the sand are mostly regarding violence and harm. Stealing and kidnapping in the context of the impending Collapse? If you have principles and rules guiding the actions he’ll side eye strongly, but let it slide. Moreso the stealing, he’s fine with that provided it’s not Extra Assholery like stealing from impoverished people or such but well…he’ll take kidnapping while waiting for the nukes to drop if there’s no torture or brainwashing or murder involved. If only. In more normal circumstances, he’s against kidnapping. Stealing…well. He and Jess used to shoplift from Lorna’s when he hitchhiked to visit when he was younger. He’s got history in Hope County whether most folks know it or not, even though he was technically living in a different state at the time.Declan? Will do his best. He gives reasonable advice before plot happens, afterwards…he doubts himself more. Doubts everything more. Once he squares that away though, he’ll be more like his old self. Not entirely, but he’ll always try to do his best and give what good advice and support he can, or go find someone who can help, etc.4. is there anyone in their life that throws optimism on them?We’ll interpret “throw” as “is influenced by” here. xDJoshua gets some good optimism or down-to-earth-solidarity from various friends. Definitely Joey, she helps him believe in the inherent good of humanity just by being herself most noticeably, but it’s true as an influence in different ways with all his friends. People being there with him means a lot, even if he’s not been totally forthcoming about his life’s details and some major aspects of himself yet.Declan gets it from friends and family alike yes, it’s part of why he’s such a lil ball of jock-y sunshine. xD5. were they always optimistic?Joshua? Not always. He veers back and forth even now, but ultimately tries to remain optimistic as stated above.Declan? Also no. He was optimistic all his life up until Plot Happenings, namely the in-game events of both Far Cry 5 and Far Cry New Dawn.——————————————————P: Personality1. what is their best personality trait?Joshua’s determination to try to make things better even in the face of crippling self doubt, supernatural issues, and overwhelming external problems.Declan‘s inherent belief in the greater good and the attempt to uphold himself and everyone to being the best they can be.Kind of similar, aren’t they, though different in how they go about it.2. what is their worst personality trait?Joshua can be incredibly violent if threatened and stressed out to the max, and impulsive at times. He regrets it later, and tries to do better, but he does have a temper he tries to rein in. He’s a petty and vengeful little fucker when pressed, though he tries not to be.Declan’s would be ironically his strong point: thinking people can be better than they are because he can see their potential. It’s hard for him and takes a while to accept that sometimes people don’t want to be better, and other related aspects of that. He works on this, but he just has a hard time accepting not trying to make a situation or such better. Well. He used to have a hard time accepting that. Plot events have gotten him a bit more jaded somewhat. Not entirely, but somewhat.3. what of their personality do others love?Joshua’s loyalty and supportiveness. Get you a friend who doesn’t judge how many bonfires you want to start per week and actually wants to help out with finding stuff to burn, while keeping you on the right side of legal enough to not get arrested. He’ll object to melting Angels’ faces off, but that’s a moral debate.Declan’s unwavering faith in humanity and individual people. He believes in you!! You can do it!! Somehow, someway!! And if there isn’t a way, he’ll help you make one!! He is your favorite gym buddy if you need a cheerleader who will encourage and compliment you.Well, he was, but needs some time to get over his more heavily trauma-induced selective muteness to get back to cheering people on.4. what of their personality do others envy?Hm, not sure people would envy either of them, though I guess maybe Declan’s do-gooder attitude? Joshua’s momentum and ability to keep going, perhaps.5. do they hate anything about their personality/about other’s personalities?Joshua hates how emotionally whiplashy he can get. He’s not sure if it’s [unrevealed backstory elements] or just how he is. He’ll learn to accept it at some point...eventually. He’s surprisingly more accepting of people being emotionally whiplashy than he is of himself being thus, up until they start hurtful comments. Then he’s potentially going from 0-60 of sympathetic to aggressive. Hard to tell, it’s chaotic at times to figure out how he’ll respond, and he wishes he was more stable in general. He’s working on it though, and has made some progress. Declan...wishes he was more pro-active in thinking for himself. It’s not full on hate so much as sad, angry, hurt, because hate is very hard for him to feel let alone sustain. At most, he might feel a flicker of it for a flash of a moment, but if he believes someone or in this case himself is doing their best, he won’t fault them for not getting a perfect or desired result. Life is full of mistakes, and you do your best to learn from them.
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strigital · 6 years
The Elder Scrolls VI wish list:
In-depth character customization with tons of options: everything from colors of both inner and outer iris to height and voice.
Player character origins. I want a choice between having completely blank origins, so that I can create my own backstory, or choose between a couple of existing ones, which will affect the gameplay in the long run. Like if I choose to be an Outlaw at some point a team of bandits instead of attacking me will give me a quest, or if I decide that I want to be a Noble, then aristocratic NPCs will recognize me as one of their own and as such I’ll have easier time gaining their trust.
A well working physics engine, so that we can have realistic flowing hair, clothes that move in the wind, horse’s mane and tail that swish realistically when it gallops, etc.
At least some environmental objects being destructible: rocks falling to pieces after getting hit by a stray fireball, enemies getting thrown at certain walls, that crumble and crush said enemies, bridges that can be brought down to cut off the path, locked doors that can be destroyed with a few swings of a maul. Just let me annihilate piles of crates and barrels like other games do, damnit!
Player character being a physical presence recognized by the game world, such as grass swaying when I walk through it, my feet leaving footprints on snow and sand that look different depending on whether I’m barefoot or not, seeing all the little rocks being kicked about as I run on gravel, and piles of dead leaves doing the same when I run through them, dust and small debris falling from old wooden structures as I step on them, etc. Basically, feeling like my body isn’t just a ghost running through the lands without leaving a trace.
Ability to combine spells with each other or the environment for various effects, like they did it in Divinity Original Sin 2. I want to be able to throw a lightning bolt into a puddle and electrocute all the enemies stood in the water, or throw a fireball at a barrel of oil and cause a platform to collapse under the force of an explosion and kill the archers that were on said platform (again about the destructible objects), or cast an ice spell on water, so that the enemies slip, fall and get stunned. If such a mechanic is not full of potential for some ridiculous and hilarious situations, then I don’t know what is.
Unique companions with backstories and personalities, likes and dislikes, goals and agendas. They can also be romanced by ANY player character, no matter their sex/race/other traits and the romance progression is close to a real life relationship, with ups and downs, jokes and arguments, sexy times and break ups.
Let me have a squad of my own. Two or maybe even three companions at once. They also have their own relationships and opinions about each other. They chat, they argue, they flirt, they rant about being forced to travel with that jerk, they get overprotective towards the player if they’re romanced and hear the other one catcalling the player, they share their opinions, give the player advice on the current situation, they each have their own comments about places and other NPCs and they may or may not see eye to eye on those opinions. Let there be drama in true “party of DnD adventurers” fashion!
Also Dogmeat-like animal companion, who can travel alongside other companions and do stuff like sniff out enemies, find goodies, do tricks, duplicate items, grab items from containers with master locks on them... You know, the usual Dogmeat stuff.
Mounts other than horses. I want to see Redguards riding their camels, Khajiiti caravans with senches, Nords putting bears under the saddle. If horses are still the only rideable animal, then I want variety and customization: lots of breeds to choose from, individual armor, saddlebags and cosmetic items, ability to name a horse and have it come to the player at a single whistle. Also, Shadowmere. TES 6 won’t be the same without that demonic horse.
At least one friendly dragon. Because I need more of Paarthurnax.
More active Divines. Daedric quests are fun, no arguing there, but I’d also like to go on a holy quest bestowed upon me by, say, Akatosh himself, not some old prophecy. Also Divine relics to counterbalance Daedric artifacts.
More stuff to kill your time with. Games at taverns, visiting brothels, betting on horse racing or participating yourself, watching street performers and so on. I want to take part in the same entertainment the inhabitants of Tamriel do, damnit!
More alive, realistic world. If there’s a war I want to see hanged deserters on a tree, if it’s autumn I want to see people throwing harvest festival parties in their towns and cities, if it’s a plague outbreak I want to see corpses, sick people and hear church bells... Again, the Witcher 3 did it, now I want all of this grungy, dirty, realistic shit in the next TES game!
Tons of dialogue choices based on the player character’s skills, traits, race, sex, affiliation with factions, etc. I want NPCs to react to the character in a dynamic way, so that each new playthrough with a new character is fresh and inexperienced before. Let them Nords throw sexist comments at my Dunmer lady, let the Khajiits deny information to any other character that is not a Khajiit, let my bulky Nord fellow get discounts at the bar and my Imperial guy in fancy clothes get into the royal palace way easier that an Argonian in a hood would. I want to feel, see and hear that NPCs know and react to my character in a realistic way, so there are more challenges, interesting moments, secret dialogues and hidden quests only available for a certain character that made certain choices. Let the next game be the true definition of RPG!
Khajiits and Argonians having animal-like legs that they had back in TES III Morrowind. Please.
Longer and more complicated guild quests, so that even joining the guild requires time and skill, let alone progressing through ranks. And don’t make me a leader of each and every faction! Make me a second in command or a high ranking official with new perks and armor as a reward. Don’t make me the most overpowered mortal in Tamriel again, because it’s getting old fashioned.
Some sort of an ability tree, which allows you to tinker and make bombs, traps, contraptions and other awesome goodies that’ll make any combat a wild party.
Good third person animations. C’mon, Bethany Esda, I know you can do it.
Voiced protagonist. If not fully, then on the Divinity Original Sin 2′s level, where the player character does not speak in dialogues, but has voiced comments when interacting with certain objects or entering a location, etc. Or just add an option in the Settings menu to turn on or off player character’s voice.
Ability to hide that ugly ass helmet with a single click of a button, without being forced to choose between showing my awesome hairdo to the world and +5 to Armor Rating.
Ability to equip multiple weapons at once and also being able to see them on my character, i. e. a bow on my back, and axe on my right hip, a dagger on my left hip and a staff alongside the bow. Also they jiggle according to physics.
Big cities. No, I mean, like, really, truly BIG cities. I mean some Novigrad from the Witcher 3 type of big cities. I want to get lost in them. I want to find all the secrets, hidden in dark alleys and on the rooftops. I want countless quests within the city itself. Just let me enjoy some fantasy medieval city life, okay?
Animated activities. When I click to skin a dead deer I want to see my character sit down and do some work with a knife. When I go to a spot where fish is abundant I want to see a fishing rod being thrown into the water. That sorta thing.
Detailed crafting system. I. e. you could choose to make a handle of a sword and its blade from different materials and have different effects on them that combine once you put the sword together. Or whilst making armor you could pick between different textures, materials, colors and such.  Basically, what they did in Dragon Age Inquisition. That was a fun system to play around with.
Also more subcategories for crafting, like if you are a high level smith you could craft some horseshoes for your mount that’ll increase its galloping speed, or if you’re a skilled alchemist you could make a throwable potion which will harm the enemies in a certain way (like a jar of bees or something). And, of course, accompanying animations are welcome. I’d die to see my character put some horseshoes on their steed.
A loveable villain, who could be “persuaded” to abandon his goals, join your squad and become your new LI. Basically, Miraak 2.0, but with a happily ever after ending.
Dwemer prosthetics. Sotha Sil thinks he’s so hip with his metallic arm, doesn’t he? Well I too want to have a metallic arm, damnit!
Ability to furnish your house however you like. When you buy a house there could be a choice between a fully furnished version and an unfurnished version of your house. After that you could either re-arrange the furniture in your abode or buy new furniture that suits your tastes. Then you could enter furnishing mode and have a blast decorating your dream house to your heart’s content. Basically, what we saw in Fallout 4′s Homeplate and Fizztop Grille.
Outposts, keeps or anything like that. They could be like small bases that you take control of once you slaughter its previous owners, where you and your squad of companions could rest, talk, repair broken armor and weapons or buy new ones, stock up on potions and bandages, that sort of thing. There also could be a special object that will allow you to instantly switch between the companions and/or choose a different mount from a collection of those that you own. Also there could be a badass custom flag of yours marking that place as your own.
i’ll proly add some more later, but rn i’m out of ideas xD
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