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nailatem · 3 years ago
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@vocationbrewery Life & Death #craftbeer #cervezaartesanal #craftbeerwinter #craftbeercraft #austrolopitecus #craftbeer🇬🇧 #classicipa #ipa (en Cádiz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYrAv53q5D3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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polcavabeer · 3 years ago
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Duet, dorada cristalina con apenas espuma con poca retencion, aromas citricos con toques frutales, muy refrescante con un cuerpo ligero y una carbonatacion moderada. ♨️ Sour ⛽️ 5,50% 🍺 10 IBU 🇬🇧 Duet, crystalline gold with hardly any foam with little retention, citrus aromas with hints of fruit, very refreshing with a light body and moderate carbonation. #beertime #beerhunter #beers #beerphoto #duet #duetdamm #sour #damm #estrelladamm #cellerdecanroca #canroca #beer #bier #cervesa #cerveza #cerveja #birra #biere #öl #mitypa #starköl #ilovebeer #beerlover #beerporn #beerstagram #beerstagram #craftnotcrap #craftbeer #beerblog #beerblogger #spain🇪🇸 https://www.instagram.com/p/CejnveBqNzO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rinobeerlife · 2 years ago
Acapulco Getaway
@twochiefsbrewing 🇩🇪
• Mexican Lager • 4,7% ABV - 17 IBU
The Acapulco Getaway shows a clear golden colour, a compact white foam of medium persistence.
Bringing it to the nose we immediately smell the malty and sweet aromas that we'll also find in the taste accompanied by a pleasant sparkling and a slightly bitter aftertaste.
The mouthfeel is absolutely refreshing!
Because is a Mexican-style beer and so needs to be drunk cold, I paired it with a greasy and spicy dish. Roasted pork sausage with a spicy curry sauce and French fries.
A sort of German Bratwurst revisited in a Mexican key. 😁
The beer perfectly cleans the mouth after each bite, slightly losing some of its sweet character but keeping still perfectly balanced. 🔥
La Acapulco Getaway si presenta con un colore oro chiaro, una schiuma bianca compatta di media persistenza.
Portandola al naso percepiamo subito gli aromi maltati e dolciastri che ritroviamo anche nel gusto accompagnato da una piacevole frizzantezza e un retrogusto leggermente amaro. La sensazione in bocca è assolutamente rinfrescante!
Essendo una birra in stile messicano da bere quindi fredda, l'ho abbinata ad un piatto grasso e piccante. Salsiccia di maiale arrostita con una salsa piccante al curry e patatine fritte.
Una specie di Bratwurst tedesco rivisitato in chiave messicana. 😁
La birra ha perfettamente pulito il palato dopo ogni boccone perdendo leggermente un po' del suo carattere dolciastro ma rimanendo comunque perfettamente bilanciata. 🔥
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hoppy-brewhouse · 2 years ago
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"JEREMIAH JIPA" 💞 KEEP IT WARM BABE 💪 @jorvik_estates salute mr Jeremy 🇬🇧~🇸🇪 __________ FermZilla Jacket works so well 👌 great stuff! 💕 OUR new TRADITIONAL ENGLISH IPA has a name ⚗️ BATCH #3 DONE💪! __________ ❌SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BREWERS❌ ********** ! WITH WHOLE PASSION TO THE CHEMISTRY ********** 💚🍺❤️ *************************** #hoppylad #lifeisbrewtiful #beer #brewingbad #microbrew #craftbeerlover #craftbeer #hops #brewhouse #beerstagram #craftbeergreek #beerquest #instabeer #beerpulse #hopheads #stayoutofmyterritory #orangecounty #brewingsystem #brewery #brew #brewbrain #craftbeerforthepeople #craftbeerforthegeeks #brewery #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #supportyourlocalbrewers #craft #secondbrew #crossmyloofbrewery (at Lytham St Annes, Lancashire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkEMwxOKqaI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mocmosandwicheskilk · 3 years ago
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【📣取扱クラフトビール情報局📣】 Buret Mill Brewery / Aquila 【Area】England🇬🇧 【ML】440ml 【ABV】6.4% 【Style】NE IPA 【From BREWERY NOTE】 48星座の一つである鷲座の名を冠すNEIPAが登場。使用ホップは Kohatu、Bitter Gold、Amarillo、Citra、Centennial、Idaho 7、Mosaic、HBC- 630、Strata、Galaxy。トロピカルフルーツを思わせるフルーティな味わいが駆 け巡り、10種のホップが紡ぎ出すこのビールの虜になる事間違いなし! 【店長コメント】 苦味がなくフルーティ!一口ごとに印象が変わるホップの風味が楽しい一本です🍺 こちらの商品は10%OFFのお値引き価格でご案内しております!ぜひご購入下さい👍 #beer #beerstagram #beerlover #craftbeer #craftbeerlife #nicebeer #クラフトビール備忘録 #クラフトビールライフ #beergeek #craftbeergeek #craftbeerreview #ビール #ビアスタグラム #ビール好き #クラフトビール #クラフトビール好きと繋がりたい #mocmosandwiches #三鷹 #三鷹市 #mitaka #三鷹カフェ #三鷹ランチ #吉祥寺 #kichijoji #吉祥寺ランチ #吉祥寺カフェ #クラフトビール専門店 #craftbeershop #burntmillbrewery #england https://www.instagram.com/p/CgQZ5bfvEKX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thelangosfactory-blog · 3 years ago
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❌Unfortunately cancelled! ❌ Due to unpredicted circumstances unfortunately our attendance had to be cancelled in Bournemouth this weekend. We are very sorry and hope that soon we will be able to serve Langos in this beautiful location to our dear customers! Thank you all! 🚍🤞🏻 🇬🇧 Hey #langos 🔥 #lovers ❤️‍🔥 We’re delighted to announce that we will be serving #hungarian #langos at @thewayoutback - Street Party on this weekend. 📆 Date: 4th & 5th of June 2022. Catch The Langos Truck 🚍 there! ❌Sajnos a rendezvényen való részvételünk elmarad. ❌Rajtunk kívül álló okok miatt, ezen a hétvégén nem leszünk ott Bournemouth-ban. Nagyon sajnáljuk és elnézést kérünk azon vendégeinktől akik számítottak megjelenésünkre. Bízunk benne, hogy hamarosan bepótoljuk! Köszönettel, The Langos Factory csapata 🚍🤞🏻 🇭🇺 🔊 #lángos 🔥 #imádok ❤️‍🔥 A hétvégén megtaláltok minket a @thewayoutback rendezvényén,ahol ezen a hétvégén szolgáljuk számotokra a legfinomabb, legkülönlegesebb lángosainkat. Gyertek és egyetek egy igazán jó lángost!❤️‍🔥 #bournemouth #beach #festival #party #beer #beergarden #craftbeer #langos #lángos #magyar #közösség #uk #weekendonthebeach #chillin #chillvibes #magyarokkülföldön #angliaimagyarok #magyarokavilagban (helyszín: Bournemouth Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeOQ5UxInHC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nailatem · 3 years ago
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@northernmonk Festive Star 2021 #craftbeer #cervezaartesana #craftbeergeneration #craftbeer🇬🇧 #porter #blackbeer (en Cádiz) https://www.instagram.com/nailatembeers/p/CXzibi9Kk3T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nailatem · 3 years ago
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@darkstarbrewco Imperial Oak Barrel Aged Stout (2015) #craftbeer #cervezaartesanal #beermonth #cervezanegra #craftbeer🇬🇧 #imperialstout #barrelagedimperialstout (en Cádiz) https://www.instagram.com/nailatembeers/p/CXLxbc4qQxI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nailatem · 3 years ago
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@northernmonk Transient #craftbeer #cervezaartesana #craftbeeroftheday #craftbeerweekend #cervezabuena #craftbeer🇬🇧 #hazyddhipa #ipabeer🍻 #hazyipa (en Cádiz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZmR8H8qLUK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nailatem · 3 years ago
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@northernmonk Rapscallion #craftbeer #cervezasartesanales #craftbeeroftheday #craftbeerunited #craftbeer🇬🇧 #cervezasdelmundo #orangeipa #ipa (en Cádiz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZZZY2FKZ8l/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nailatem · 3 years ago
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@brewyorkbeer Juice Forsyth #craftbeer #cervezaartesana #craftbeer🇬🇧 #juicyipa #craftbeertime #beerinstagram (en Cádiz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXRIQpIqGQc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nailatem · 3 years ago
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@thekernelbrewery Grisette Hallertau Blanc #craftbeer #cervezaartesana #craftbeerweekend #samelabel #craftbeer🇬🇧 #grisette #hallertaublanc (en Cádiz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW1lckYKQsT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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polcavabeer · 3 years ago
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Ruddless Country, cobriza cristalina con dos dedos de espuma con buena retencion, aromas a malta tostada con caramelo, muy refrescante con un buen amargor final y cuerpo medio con una carbonatacion moderada. ♨️ English Ale ⛽️ 4,30% 🍺 30 IBU 🇬🇧 Ruddles Country, crystalline coppery with two foam fingers with good retention, aromas to roasted malt with caramel, very refreshing with a good final bitterness and middle body with a moderate carbonation. #beertime #beerhunter #beers #beerphoto #greenkingbrewery #greenking #ruddless #country #englishale #blackcurrant #berry #beer #bier #cervesa #cerveza #cerveja #birra #biere #öl #mitypa #starköl #ilovebeer #beerlover #beerporn #beerstagram #beerstagram #craftnotcrap #craftbeer #beerblog #beerblogger #england🇬🇧 https://www.instagram.com/p/CdWZfbyKjwx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rinobeerlife · 2 years ago
Mango Tang
@lervigbeer 🇧🇻
• Sour Ale • 7% ABV - 0 IBU
This Sour Ale shows a golden orange colour and a white foam that goes really fast away.
On the nose the aromas of mango, lime and tropical fruits are immediate and surprisingly fresh.
The body is light and sparkling despite the 7% alcohol content.
The taste is sour with a medium persistent bitterness in the aftertaste.
A perfectly balanced and refreshing sour ale. Fantastic for aromas and taste.
Perfect for Monday after work! 🍺
Questa Sour Ale si presenta con un colore arancione dorato e una schiuma quasi inesistente. Al naso gli aromi di mango, lime e di frutti tropicali sono immediati e sorprendentemente freschi.
Il corpo è leggero e frizzante nonostante i 7 gradi alcolici. Il gusto è acido con un amaro di media persistenza nel retrogusto. Una sour ale bilanciata e rinfrescante. Straordinaria per aromi e gusto.
Perfetta per il fine lavoro del lunedì!🍺
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rinobeerlife · 2 years ago
Local Legend
@simianale 🇩🇪
• American Pale Ale • 5,5% ABV - 35 IBU
Hazy yellow colour and a compact white foam.
Full fruity aromas of medium intensity.
The taste has an intense fruitiness of pineapples that ends with a very pleasant bitterness in the aftertaste.
The mouthfeel is creamy and malty and surprisingly drinkable.
For this reason, Local Legend stands out for being an easy-drinking beer.
A feature, for me, that is very often missing in some beers of this style.
Complete, pleasant, balanced.
To drink one after one. 😍
Congrats to @simian_ales , this is one of my new favorite beers! 👏👏👏
Di colore giallo nebuloso e con una schiuma bianca compatta.
Aromi pienamente fruttati di media intensità.
Il gusto presenta un intenso fruttato di ananas che finisce con un piacevolissimo amaro nel retrogusto.
Il corpo è cremoso e maltato e sorprendentemente beverino. Infatti la Local Legend si distingue per essere una birra dalla facile bevuta.
Una caratteristica che molto spesso manca in alcune birre di questo stile.
Completa, piacevole, bilanciata.
Da berne una dopo l'altra. 😍
Complimenti a Simian, questa è una tra le mie nuove birre preferite! 👏👏👏
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rinobeerlife · 2 years ago
Citrus Base - DDH IPA
@cervesaespiga • Barcellona
(No flag because Catalunya is not Spain)
• American Ipa • 5,5% ABV - 45 IBU
The Citrus Base gives us the feeling of being in Catalunya. 😍
Hazy yellow colour and with a white foam with medium pores, in the nose it directly releases its fresh, tropical and citrus aromas thanks to the dry hopping of the fantastic Cryo Mosaic and Citra hops. 🌿
The body is elegant with a medium intensity and a fruity and balanced taste while the aftertaste is pleasantly bitter and not persistent.
Perfect to drink under the sun of Barcelona! ☀️
La Citrus Base ci dà la sensazione di essere in Catalogna. 😍
Di colore giallo opalescente e con una schiuma bianca dai pori medi, al naso sprigiona direttamente i suoi aromi freschi, tropicali e agrumati, grazie alla luppolatura a secco dei fantastici luppoli Cryo Mosaic e Citra.🌿
Il corpo si presenta elegante con un'intensità media, il gusto fruttato e bilanciato mentre il retrogusto è piacevolmente amaro e non persistente.
Da bere sotto il sole di Barcellona! ☀️
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