#cradles u softly: u son of a fuck
ultrone · 5 months
hii !! i love ur work so much, how about reader taking care of pregnant shauna in the wilderness
lets pretend that her baby made it :(
𓂃  ⊹ reader being the wilderness dad that stepped up 🗣️💪🏻
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while pregnant…
you often found yourself walking on eggshells around shauna cuz of her mood swings, especially when she was hungry, which was pretty much almost every day 😭 if u wanted to stay out of trouble, the only acceptable responses to any of her requests were either "yes, baby" or nodding silently.
and if you happened to get into an argument, your best bet was to either shut the fuck up or just roll your eyes, unless you wanted her to be passive-aggressive towards you for the entire day.
although even if she got mad at you, her corny ass would always end up snuggling into you at night, holding you tightly before falling asleep. sometimes she’d “angrily” turn her back to you for the first ten minutes, but then she’d grab one of your arms and place it around her waist, wanting you to cuddle her lmaooo
after finding out she was pregnant, you began marking down the weeks with a sharp rock on the walls of the attic to keep track of her pregnancy.
around the sixth month, you began assisting her with skinning the animals and cutting the meat. initially, you didn't enjoy the task, but you didn't want her to become even more tired than she already was. therefore, you asked her to show you how to do it, and once she did, you took over the chore to ease her burden.
you'd also make sure to cut her food portions a little bigger while making yours smaller. of course, you didn't tell her this cuz you knew she'd get mad at you for nearly starving yourself at her expense, even though she needed it the most.
whenever she was stressed or exhausted, she loved it when you’d let her sit between your legs, her back against your chest, while you massaged her scalp as she closed her eyes.
during your free time, you’d spend hours sewing beanies and tiny socks for the baby using fabric from some of your jackets and cotton shirts, as you knew he was likely to be born during the winter.
as her belly gradually started to grow, you began talking to it, hoping the baby would recognize your voice once he was born.
you approached shauna's belly, softly caressing it on the sides with your hands. "shippy, if you can hear me, kick your mom for me," you said with a faux serious expression, only to receive a punch on the shoulder. "ow!" you exclaimed, rubbing your shoulder with a pout on your face.
after giving birth…
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you hated to admit it given the circumstances, but you were excited af 😭 as soon as the baby was born, you’d take care of him as if he was your biological son.
even though shauna loved her baby and wanted to spend all day with him, she was actually relieved that you were so obsessed with him too. your preoccupation gave her some much-needed time to herself or simply to rest throughout the day.
you also knew that hungry shauna and restless shauna = everyone’s worst nightmare 😭 so, if necessary, you’d let her sleep if the baby started crying at night, rocking him to sleep on your own.
it became a common occurrence for her to wake up in the morning and see you fast asleep next to her, with the baby tightly cradled in your arms, his tiny head resting against your chest.
you'd often offer to take care of him. in fact, you wouldn't even offer—you'd just literally take the baby from shauna’s arms at random and play with him, rubbing his belly or nuzzling your nose against his face. his response would often be giggling or slapping your face with his little hands.
“ow! stop poking my eye!” you exclaimed, pretending to be stern but unable to hide the smile on your face. the baby just looked at you with wide, innocent eyes, his tiny hand still hovering near your face. “you think that’s funny, huh?” you asked as you tickled his belly, causing him to burst into a fit of giggles. shauna watched from a distance, a soft smile on her face as she watched the two of you bond.
when his teeth started to grow, you carved several animal-shaped figures from unused pieces of wood that were too small to be used for the bonfire. after thoroughly washing them in the lake, you would then give them to the baby for him to chew on.
although he’d usually prefer to chew on your fingers and hands.
⟢ 🍼
"babe, our little shippy seems to have inherited some interesting traits from his mom," you began, a mischievous twinkle in your eye as you watched the baby gnawing on your hand.
shauna glanced at you, curiosity piqued. "oh? which ones?"
you chuckled, gently pulling your hand away from the baby’s mouth. "i made all these cute little wooden animals for him to chew on, but he seems to prefer biting me instead."
shauna laughed, a light blush dusting her cheeks as she saw you pointing at a freshly given hickey she had left on your skin last night while tai was spending time with the baby.
"well, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, i suppose," she retorted with a grin on her face.
"it didn’t, it actually fell a bit too close if you ask me," you started, "van was playing with him yesterday and out of nowhere he bit her nose so hard it left a mark. i literally had to drag little shippy away from her face because he wouldn’t let go."
shauna chuckled at your story, shaking her head in amusement. she then looked at the baby, her voice filled with affection. "good job, sweetie," she cooed at him while pinching his cheeks, causing you to roll your eyes at her.
you then turned to the baby as well, your voice softening. "but we should probably start teaching you some manners, shouldn’t we? biting people and leaving marks on them isn’t very nice," you said while side-eyeing your girlfriend.
she then looked back at you, a mischievous grin on her face. "although, i can't say i mind leaving a few more marks on you," she teased, giving you a kiss on the neck.
with a blush on your face, you quickly covered your son's eyes with your hand. "shauna, there's a baby in the room," you complained in a playful tone. "ow!" you exclaimed, pulling your hand away from his face as you felt his little growing teeth bite forcefully.
shauna couldn’t help but laugh at your reaction, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “well, he’s just learning from the best,” she said, giving your hand a sympathetic rub where the baby had bitten you.
she leaned in to give you a quick peck on the cheek. “and just so you know,” she added with a playful smirk, “i think he’s already showing signs of being as stubborn as you.”
feigning shock, you retorted, “shauna, you’re setting a bad example for our son,” earning another round of laughter from her. the baby, oblivious to your banter and the clear discomfort on your face from the previous bite, simply continued to stubbornly chew on your hand, his tiny teeth leaving their mark.
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note : thank youuuu, it means a lot <33 i hope u like the hcs
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fuck-goes-on · 3 years
pairing/s: past din djarin x gn! reader because you’re dead
summary: din visits you after a long, long time and bringing grogu along to introduce him to you
warning/s: DECEASED READER (you’re dead, you’re gone, you’re nada), grief, mourning, angst, crying, big hurt but also big comfort, bittersweet, helmet removal, and you’re dead
note/s: somewhat a continuation and sequel to Creed!! this idea was on the whim, like i just thought WHAT IF- and now we’re here LOL this is uh third person omnipresent because i wanted to include what grogu was thinking and feeling KEK
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Why he came back, he didn't know. Or maybe he didn't want to know. Maybe he already knew but refused to acknowledge it.
As the Razor Crest descended from the sky and landed in a forest, there was a coo coming from behind him. He turned around to see Grogu tilting his head like he did whenever he was confused or questioning something. The kid was silently asking him why they were there with his big eyes, when his distress and upset was obvious.
Din sighed and stood up from the pilot's seat, reaching to carry Grogu up in his arms. His steps were heavier than usual with heart ache as they walked out of the ship. His ad'ika perked up and looked around in wonder, admiring the tall, green trees and the sunlight filtering through the leaves. It was beautiful to the child.
But not to Din.
Din brought him and his child back at the planet where he lost everything. The planet where he lost his life. The planet where he lost his soul. The planet where he lost his love. The planet where he lost his heart. The planet where he lost you.
Flashes of your smile went through his head each time he stepped on twigs and leaves. Flashes of those three fucking knives went through his head each time the light hit his eyes. Flashes of his arms holding your dead body went through his head as he slowly walked to your grave.
Grogu's ears drooped down as he felt his buir's hurt. He knew that his buir had dark memories on the pretty planet, knew that being there caused him to retreat into his self-loathing thoughts; He just didn't understand why. Why were they there? Why does his buir always put himself through pain and agony?
It all came to light as Din stopped in front of a mound of dirt covered in grass and wildflowers. Rocks stacked on rocks surrounded the mound and were weathered and aged with moss and cracks. Your name was still visible where it was carved into the largest rock at the top of the grave.
Din fell on his knees, clutching at Grogu so tightly that he squeaks loudly in surprise. His mind was racing with the days when you were the one who was beside him during his travels across the galaxy. When you were the one who made him smile so much the clan would think you were a sorcerer. When you were the one who soothed his nightmares and cries. When you were the one he took care of and the one who took care of him.
Not that he didn't love Grogu, maker above he loved his kid so much that he brought the womp rat with him to see you after so many years. Or, what he left of you.
Placing the kid down on the ground beside him, Din took a moment to just wallow in his hurt, to just let himself be overwhelmed with the negative emotions he pushed away and ignored ever since you passed. Back then, he would've surely lost his mind if he let your death suffocate him into his own demise, but now— Now he has his kid with him. His ad'ika that could have had another buir if you were still alive.
Grogu clawed at Din's cuisse, trying to get his attention as he climbed up on his lap. His buir didn't react, however, and that made him worried. He frantically scraped his claws on the shiny surface of buir's armour, the beskar strong enough that it didn't leave a single mark. When all he could feel was pain and heartbreak in the midst of emptiness, Grogu opened his mouth and wailed as loudly as he could.
Din snapped out of his spiralling thoughts and craddled Grogu back on his chest. His ad'ika whimpered sadly and scratched at his helmet, wanting to see his face. Removing his helmet was still a challenge to do, only having taken it off once and that was when— But he's slowly getting used to removing it for Grogu, for his clan of two.
As his buir bared his face for him to see, Grogu felt his usual smile of seeing his handsome father fall at the sight of his tears streaming down his cheeks. He raised his clawed hand to try and wipe the offending liquid away, and hopefully it would wipe away his buir's sadness too.
Din smiled weakly at his son's attempts at comforting him, at the touch of his son's hand. You would've loved him, he thinks to himself. You would've been a better parent than him, a hardened mandalorian bounty hunter, with your teasing and caring nature.
You would've.
Grogu complained out loud when he was placed down once more but quietened when Din looked at him. He pouted and fell on his butt, sitting with his back to his buir. A large, gloved hand rested on his head and stroked him lightly.
"Grogu..." Din said at last, smiling once more when his ad'ika swiveled his head towards him in response. Holding back his sniffles, he points to the rock that carried your name. "I'd like you to meet your other buir. My riduur."
The kid made a noise of confusion, turning to look at the mound and scrutinising it in his gaze. Blowing a raspberry, Grogu looked back at his buir unimpressed. He doesn't get it; How can he have another buir when he already has one?
"My ka'rta, my lover," The mandalorian gently explained, "They are clan even if they are gone." Din grimaced as his mind kindly reminded him of that fateful day you fell. He could see Grogu work it out in his little toddler brain, trying to understand what he said, if he could understand Din at all. But, soon, his son's eyes brightened and stared at the mound with a renewed light.
Din watched as Grogu shakily stood up on his little feet and walked closer to your grave. The womp rat tilted his head left and right, flexing his tiny hands before flopping face down on the ground. He sat up in concern for his child, almost picking the kid up to see if he was alright, but before he could, the kid wiggled his whole body vigorously. It didn't occur to him what Grogu was doing, and when it did, he almost goddamn broke down.
Grogu was hugging the mound of dirt, letting his face get buried in the patches of grass and wildflowers. His claws were flapping and hitting the ground like how he would hit Din when he's happy in his arms. He wiggled around for a moment until he found a comfortable place and curled up, cooing loudly.
The sight made Din crumble down and cry. Tears were uncontrollable as they cascaded down from his eyes. Feelings of happiness and sadness filled his whole being; Happy because Grogu accepted you as his buir so quickly after knowing who you were for a minute, but sad because you would never know his child— your child.
Laying down beside the grave, Din turned his body to face Grogu who was slowly drifting off into sleep. He wondered if his ad'ika could see his memories of you, if his ad'ika could somehow feel you. As he reached out to caress Grogu's back, it was almost easy to imagine you laying there on the grass with them, smiling brightly at both him and the kid and humming softly under your breath. It was almost easy to imagine you holding Grogu in your arms as you curled into Din's.
It was almost easy to imagine.
You murmured stories of your adventures with Din to the sleeping child on top of you, hovering your hands over his little body comfortingly. It surprised you when the child saw you, and more so when the child understood who you were. You turned your head to look at your husband, drinking in his aged but still handsome face. Reaching out to cradle his cheek in the palm of your hand, your soul hurting when you remembered you couldn't touch him.
You settled with just watching your lover fall asleep next to your son, next to you.
It was easy to imagine.
general taglist: @stillshelbs @pedroepascal @pedrocentric (oomf and kitty im tagging u because i want u to cry with me)
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thesolotomyhan · 4 years
Narcos México/Narcos: Dating them would include: (6/7)
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real quickly mis amores! I know everyone on this fandom is in love with this king, the man, the myth, and the legend Pacho mf Herrera, so I tried my best to keep gender neutral -I know I’m really bad at that, im sorry! :( I might’ve slipped up on the NSFW part, forgive me, but I hope I did alright, enjoy! :)) 
Also, I want to thank the lovely queen @cheriehyuck for giving me inspiration on this, sorry to bother you💖 I luv u💫
Tags: ​@fandomnerd16 , @visintaes​ , @sheeshgivemeabreak​
Warnings: NSFW!
dating Pacho would be so passionate and so full of intense love, it makes my heart hurt
Su vida no está completa sin ti :(
You can’t convince me otherwise that he’s a softy for his partner, he’s able to let his guard down-
Whenever you’re not with him, he can be the most serious mf there is, he’ll be constantly clenching his jaw and  carrying a scowl on his face,,,
But, when you are with him, he’s smiling nonstop with the biggest fucking heart eyes -he’s whipped , no one can make him feel that way other than you-
There is never a dull moment with him,, he’s always making you laugh with the things he’ll whisper into your ear
Can you imagine him doing this shit in front of Miguel Angel tho?
Like the way he’ll hug you and whisper to you as he stares down Miguel, who’s already scared shitless with your appearances
It only makes Felix sweat even more when he sees you laugh as Pacho smiles down at you and back to Miguel, -
He always has his hands resting on your waist as he walks around with you with the smugest look on his face,,,
God, he doesn’t even have to introduce you to anyone because they already know who you are, like they’re already getting up to kiss your cheek and welcome you both- the power*
He’s so soft for you,  anything you need or want, he’s doing it for you with the smallest smile, no questions asked 
Like, you’ll both be at a party and then you’ll mention that you want a drink from the bar and he’s getting up so fast, he almost knocks over the whole fucking table to get you your drink
I can see Chepe roasting the shit out of Pacho for that, like
“Hijueputa, Pacho, con calma, no se va ir la cantina”
Then like Gilberto’s wise ass is cutting in like,
“Chepe, pues, son pajaritos enamorados, dejenlos, tu ya pasaste por eso”
He would get so much shit for the things he’s willing to do for you,  but if it makes you happy, then you best believe he’ll do it again.
And honestly the Cali cartel live for seeing how you just have to snap your fingers and Pacho’s already moving,
God, they listen like chismosos when you talk about your and Pacho’s relationship, they’re invested, -
Pacho is a fashion icon ™,,, so you best believe he has the best, top of the line outfits for you, :))
Taking you out for dates is one of his favorite things to do honestly,,
He’s making sure you enjoy everything he has to offer and is always surprising you with the most elegant gifts and surprises porque el amor de su vida se lo merece
God, can you imagine him bringing live musica to your dates so he can dance with you,
“Bailamos, mi amor?” -the way he’ll smile at you as he extends his hand out to you is everything
Speaking of,,, dancing dates! :D
At all hours of the day, he’s always down to take you dancing
You two are the shining stars at parties/clubs because wow- the way your bodies just turn into one with your perfect moves -
You’ll have everyone drooling at just how phenomenal you both look together, especially with the way you both look at each other, like it’s only the two of you in the room-
Pacho loves taking you on luxurious vacations, he’s all about that,, nothing beats the feeling of just getting you all to himself on a beautiful landscape, far away from Cali and business,
*Protective Pacho*,, holy shit would he take your security seriously
If someone even looks at you wrong, he’s not letting them breathe for another second longer
I can’t even imagine how protective he gets after Gilberto’s daughters wedding incident 
The world fucking stops as he walks up to your crying form,,
The way he’ll cradle your head into his neck and hug you-
“No llores, mi vida, estamos bien” - literally shaking in anger that someone almost hurt you and took you from him-
ok can you imagine the way you’ll try to stay up for him when he’s away for dirty business, making sure he came home in one piece,,
The preocupacion he has when he sees you’re still awake, “amor, que haces todavía despierta/o?”
Fuck, the way you’ll both hold eachother has me shaking,- you’ll be holding his face, making sure he isn’t hurt
As he has his hands resting on top of yours
“Estoy bien, amor” -let me go sob
But the times you accidentally do fall asleep, he’ll come up to you and softly kiss your forehead as he carefully settles in beside you- I can’t
Pacho buying you a home for the both of you-
Idk, he just wants to express how he never wants to live without you, he wants to come home to you everyday,, 🥺
I definitely see him just spacing off when he watches you, like when you’re getting ready for bed and he’s already waiting for you to come to lay next to him,,,
You feel him staring as you look over your shoulder and smile at him,,, again the softness
“Te vez magnifica/o”
The small smile he has as he pulls you on top of him- i need to stop
Helmer ‘Pacho’ Herrera, a fucking sex icon, here we go
I have so many scenarios, so bear with me,,
He’s not one to ever turn down a blowjob, like, wow, you his innocent flower, choking on his cock, is a sight that will never leave his memory,, 
To be honest, I can see him relaxing out on the balcony or something, with a drink in his hand,, breathing out a content sigh as he looks down at you, gagging on him as he slowly thrusts into your mouth-
Moving your hair out of your face as he smirks at you,,
“Eso, mi amor, asi me gusta que estes” -ok
The eye contact is what’s making me weak, your watery eyes locking with his dilated ones as his thrusts become more rough,,,-
GOD, does this man make sex so fucking passionate
Like, you’ll be desperately trying to take his clothes off, as he just laughs and continues to kiss you, not bothering to take your clothes off yet,,
I just know he’s taking his damn time when he gets you on the bed,slowly taking off your clothes, caressing your whole body, making you lose all your patience as your practically begging him to just fuck you, tears of frustration coming out when he stops your hips from moving,,
“Dime cuanto me necesitas, mi vida, y ya te lo meto” I-
He’s not doing anything until he has you babbling and whimpering about how much you need him-
The way he’ll harshly grip your hip as he brings your leg to wrap around his waist and places his hand around your throat when he pushes into you-
ok so I don’t see Pacho as a “love making” type, nope, I see him going in rough with no time to adjust, the lust is just too overpowering
He has you whining from how fast but so good his rough pace is making you feel-
“No que me necesitabas? No hagas eso, no llores, te estoy cuidando, mi amor”
as he’s reaching in between your bodies to stimulate you even more- oh god
He’ll get lost in the feeling of you moaning his name and leaving marks on his back as he mercilessly pounds into you
Fuck, or the way he’ll pull you by your hair when you bite down on his shoulder,, as he hastily kisses you, drowning out your moans-
Another thing that really gets him going is when he grabs both of your hands and holds them above your head with one on his hands as he pounds you into the bed-
The way you’ll arch into him because you just need to feel more of him,,
Riding Pacho- h o ly shit,,
he loves seeing how you’ll try to urgently get yourself off on top of him,
he’ll let you do all the work as he sits there and caresses your body, smirking at how your bounces become more desperate
the chuckle he lets out when your movements falter and begin to grind your hips on his instead as you  grip his hand like an anchor
“pensé que dijiste que podrías aguantar, sigue adelante, amor, sé que puedes "
As he pulls your body closer and drags his thumb to stimulate your clit,,, he’ll thrust up into you as you wrap your arms around his shoulders to steady yourself -wow
This man has no vergüenza  , he’s fucking you out in the patio or balcony where he just knows at any minute his servants can see you,, someone kick me out 
He’s had you wear only his fancy shirts at times because he lives and breathes for the sight of that,,,
I’m sorry, but he gets rock hard when he sees you walking around in his things-
Ok, so you all know that scene when he called Miguel about his cocaine shipment being ready as he revved up his motorcycle- hot
Can you imagine, instead of that, this mf would call Miguel in the middle of having you screaming his name absurdly loud-
He would have his fingers inside of you as he stares at how your trying to silently thrash on his bed, gripping his wrist, as he just talks normally to Miguel about how his 70 tons are ready,,,
He’ll curl his fingers just  to have you scream his name as he lightly chuckles-
the uncomfortness from Miguel’s end has Pacho smugly saying,
"¿qué ?, vos nunca tuviste a alguien gritando tu nombre por el placer que le das, Miguelito?” -ok
Morning Sex is thinggg
Like, it’s the best way to start the morning with you moaning out his name with the view of the hacienda through the ‘window’
You two were already naked from last night, so why not take advantage of that,,
god, can you imagine the both of you laying on your sides, facing the window, where you can barely see your reflection,,
he’s resting your leg on his inner elbow, slowly thrusting from behind you, kissing your neck,,
“Buenos dias amor, como dormistes? Hm”
His hand is traveling between your legs to help get you off quicker
he just admires how your moaning out his name, letting your head fall back on him,,
- he’ll be gradually picking up the speed of his thrusts and hand as he forces you to look at him, wanting to see how you fall apart- i need help
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If u can a request for angel Reyes about you guys having a mixed baby and how he is as a father to a newborn and a toddler??
*I’m really feeling the fluff today so here’s this one too! I hope it’s everything you were hoping for and more!😊 Ugh Daddy Angel is making my angsty heart go soft 🥺❤️*
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*gif not mine*
Warnings: Just lots and lots of fluff.
The sun shined brightly in the big blue sky as you sat on your blanket under the blissful shade of the large oak tree. The joyous sounds of children surrounded you as you watched your three year old son running around laughing amongst the other children bringing a smile to your face.
Angel watched you as you watched your son play. He grinned as he took in how beautiful you were, legs out and crossed at your ankles as you were leaning back on one arm the other placed protectively on your sleeping newborn between you.
You were so stunning and you were all his. The day the two of you got married was one of the best days of his life, tied with the days you brought his two children into this world.
He soaked in all of your features, like he had done so many times before. He started at your dazzling eyes, then down the curve of your nose, to those delicious lips of yours, by far one of his favorite features.
You glanced over at your gawking husband, “Can I help you?” You asked, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“Nah,” he shook his head, licking his lips, “Just enjoying the view on this beautiful day, mi dulce.”
You blushed, his compliments never failing to make you feel like that young girl again who met him all those years ago.
You leaned over the sleeping bundle as he grabbed the back of your head gently bringing you close for a kiss, smiling into it.
Your little girl began to squirm between you and you both pulled away eyeing the small being, careful to see what her next move might be. She settled back down still in a deep sleep, a smile twitching on the corner of her lips, and you both relaxed.
“Fuck,” Angel breathed out as he stared at his little girl, so beautiful and already looking so much like her mother, her skin matching yours beautifully and her tiny features looking more and more just like yours as the days passed “You gotta be fuckin’ kidding me.”
“What?” You asked, eyeing him suspiciously, while still being very aware of your son out of the corner of your eye.
“She looks just like you,” he mused.
You let out a laugh, “And that’s a problem? I certainly don’t want her to look like you,” you teased.
“Damn straight it’s a fuckin’ problem,” he said looking back at you, “I could hardly keep my eyes off you let alone my hands, those little fuckers are gonna be all over her. I wish she looked more like me, then I’d never have to worry about some asshole thinking he can get whatever he wanted from her.” He grumbled.
You laughed shaking your head, “You can’t expect her to never date anyone Angel. I’m sure if she ever brings a boy home one look at you and the kid would never dare to try anything,” you reassured him, placing your hand gently on his face, “And we don’t have to worry about any of that for a while now, yeah? Let’s just enjoy these moments while they are still little.”
He smiled, “How’d I get so lucky to find you, mi amor?”
Your little one started wiggling more in her sleep now as she started to fuss waking from her nap. Angel scooped her up into his arms cradling her lovingly, “What’s wrong mi princesa,” he cooed, “You hungry?” He guessed as she was usually hungry after a nap.
Reaching into the diaper bag beside you you pulled out her nursing blanket and began situationing the fabric across your body. Once you were all set he carefully passed her to you helping you situate her comfortably before straightening out the blanket around the two of you.
“At least that’s one thing she got from me,” he smirked, “We both love mommy’s boobies.”
You rolled your eyes at the big goofy man you were fortunate to call yours, smiling all the same. “Would you do me a favor and make yourself useful,” you teased.
He mocked hurt from your statement placing a hand to his chest, “I’m always useful.”
You shook your head giggling, “Go be bad cop and get your son to come eat some lunch.”
“Yes ma’am,” he replied standing up and sauntering off in search of the little him he had running around the play equipment.
You watched as he found him and scooped up the screaming child who didn’t want to stop playing with his new friends before swinging him over his shoulder giving him a couple spins on the way back turning the screams of displeasure to screams of laughter.
He set the giggling boy down carefully before stumbling down onto the blanket acting like he got too dizzy and fell over. Your child ate up his dad's silliness and giggled more before climbing on top of him sitting firmly on his chest.
Sometimes you felt as if you had three children.
“Alright, alright,” he laughed, picking the boy off his chest and sitting him down on the blanket. Grabbing the cooler he began dividing out the sandwiches you had prepared earlier that morning. Taking the crustless peanut butter and grape jelly he unwrapped it and handed it to the eager toddler before setting out the containers of fruits and vegetables you had packed as well.
He opened another peanut butter and jelly taking a bit of one half of it before extending the other half out to you for you to take a bite. Feeding himself and you as you fed your little girl.
You were forever grateful for him. He always took care of you and his family doing his best to put you first, taking time off to just be together. He doted on you hand and foot the whole time you were pregnant and any help you needed with the kids he was always there for you.
You were a team and in this together completely.
You ate in silence, your toddler making a few silly noises as he played while he ate his food. Two sandwiches and a bunch of carrots down and he peered into the cooler searching around.
“What are you looking for buddy?” You asked, if the cooler was big enough he’d probably crawl right in.
“Another sandwich,” he mumbled, still digging around.
“Another sandwich?!” Angel exclaimed, “You already had two, little man.” He pulled the boy into his lap.
“Still hungry Papi,” he said giggling as his dad began lifting his arms and “searching” his son.
“Where the hell you hiding it?” He teased, “there’s no way you ate all that food and are still hungry.”
“Here, here Papi!” He shouted, pulling up his shirt and pointing excitedly to his belly.
“In there? Where?” He began looking closely at the boy's small belly acting like he was looking through his belly button, “I don’t see anything… wait!” He said grinning, “I see something!”
“You do?!” The boy squealed, “What is it Papi?!”
“Oh no,” Angel said dramatically pausing for extra suspense, “It’s the tickle monster!” He then began tickling the small boy relentlessly, resulting in screams and laughter that made your heart soar with love.
Your daughter, now done feeding, you situated yourself back up before removing the blanket and setting a towel on your shoulder, burping her gently.
Angel was still tickling your son when you thought it was time to intervene, “Enough Angel, you’re gonna make him sick.”
He sat back up releasing the boy, both breathless from the laughter, “Mami’s right. You’re safe, for now.” He teased, the boy's eyes going wide.
Your daughter cooed a few times as you snuggled her into your arms catching the attention of your little boy. He scooted over to you real close, looking at his little sister in awe. “I love you hermanita,” he said softly, tickling her chubby cheeks gently before kissing her forehead.
Pulling his phone out from his cut Angel snapped a quick photo of the three of you while you were unaware, looking down at your two children. He would cherish the little moments like these forever and set the photo as his new home screen so he could look at it whenever he was missing his family.
“Shit,” he said looking at the time, “We better get going.” He started packing up your things as you gathered up the children, setting your daughter into her stroller.
You were supposed to bring the kids over to Felipe’s tonight. He and Ezekiel were always good about watching the two of them so that you and Angel had some alone time every now and then.
The both of you were very thankful for that.
The two of you got everything packed up, Angel swung the diaper bag over his shoulder and expertly pushed the stroller while carrying the cooler in his other hand, you walking behind him with your son on your hip.
Once you got to the car he buckled her up into her car seat as you did the same for your son. You turned on the car and blasted that air conditioning as Angel put the rest of your things in the truck, joining you in the driver's seat once he was done.
He placed his hand on your thigh giving it a squeeze, “I love you.” He said softly meeting your eyes.
“I love you too.”
Pulling up to Felipe’s you got out of the car and opened the trunk as you were greeted by EZ. He pulled you into a side hug kissing your forehead as he grabbed for the children’s overnight bags, “Let me.”
Stepping aside you let him take the things into his father's house and you went back to the backseat unbuckling your son and scooping his limp sleeping body into your arms, cradling his head against your shoulder.
Angel unhooked the car seat and closed the doors of the car following you up the path and into his childhood home.
Once inside Felipe greeted you both, hugging you and giving his grandchildren a kiss. You laid the boy down on the sofa and turned back to the Reyes’ men, “Thank you so much again for doing this,” you said to Felipe and EZ.
“Of course,” Felipe smiled at you. He loved having his grandchildren around, it reminded him of simpler days when his own children were young and his wife was still around. He knew Marisol would have loved you and wished she could be here with him to enjoy in the spoils of being a grandparent, “It’s what family is for.”
“Well luckily the little man tuckered himself out pretty good so he should be easy at least until morning,” Angel said, setting your daughter down, “And my little angel shouldn’t be so bad either.”
“Um everything should be in the bags and if you have any troubles at all just call,” you began telling the two men.
“We got this,” EZ said reassuringly, “Now go, enjoy the night off.” He smiled, patting his brother on the shoulder, and giving you another hug.
You said your goodbyes, kissing your sleeping children before heading back home for some much needed quality time.
Angel practically carried you into your house making a beeline to the bedroom with only one thing on his mind.
He laid you out across the bed and worshipped every part of your body, treating you like the queen you were, and when you were both satiated, breathless and tangled up together in bliss he secretly hoped he had knocked you up once more.
Everything Taglist: @jad3djay @fairygardenss
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gingerwritess · 5 years
Okay here me out tho. What if reader dies when the twins are given birth. Twins survive but mother’s gone
ok this has birth, death, knives, mentions of suicide, overall angst
you’ve been warned
ps don’t let me write while i’m on my period oh my go s h was i craving pain or what
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
You’re good at giving birth, by this point.
You don’t scream so much anymore, and by the fourth kid, it’s over in a heartbeat with little more than a good punch in the stomach.
The twins don’t cry.
That should’ve been the first sign that something was wrong.
Loki’s a bit more concerned with the fact that they were born blue—he hadn’t even touched them yet.
It’s too quiet in the grand bedroom. A couple healers clean up, washing the silent newborns and choosing to keep quiet about the fact that they’re clearly not aesir, and you sink back into your pillows.
Loki’s staring at his two baby boys.
“You look so surprised,” you whisper, but he doesn’t move—maybe he didn’t hear you. “Every time this happens, you act like you didn’t expect this.”
Still doesn’t move.
You feel empty. Something’s missing; certainly the two children that spent the past nine months in your stomach, but something more.
“Just hoping.”
Loki reaches around the healer washing the last of the two and gently presses his thumb to the ridges on the baby’s forehead.
“I had hoped, with these two.”
It’s a disembodied sensation, and you decide not to answer. There’s no point in answering; he doesn’t get any better. Each child, every time you reassure him of his uniqueness, it only lasts for a couple days.
The hatred is beaten, cut into him. You don’t blame him.
“Why aren’t they crying?”
“They seem to be extremely at peace,” one of the healers quietly answers, wrapping each baby in a snug blanket. “As I’m sure you already felt, your majesty.”
Loki nods and takes the first little bundle, tucking him in the crook of one arm. “I don’t know why. This should be immense stress on them, being thrown into a new world.”
“I can’t tell exactly why either,” the healer smiles, handing Loki the other baby. “But they seem to have found immediate peace with their surroundings.”
“Maybe it’s just...just ‘cause they’re born here,” you yawn, struggling to lift a hand to wave around the room. Your limbs are suddenly impossibly heavy—must just be the exhaustion.
Yes, it’s only the Asgardian air. Maybe your body still adjusting to a new realm—even though it’s been almost three years—or even the waves of divinity starting to be put into place.
Your body hadn’t taken well to the fruit in the first place, trying to vomit immortality right back out of your stomach. Such unnatural gifts, trying to change the course of human nature, trying to alter the cycle of your human life, you can’t reach it without some tribulation.
It’s still wrong, to try and make you live an extra five thousand years.
“I think the apples are working,” you grit out, struggling to sit up and reaching for your newborns. “I don’t feel so connected to my body anymore.”
Loki turns to blink at you, head tilting ever-so-slightly. “That’s...good.”
The healer doesn’t say anything, just keeps her head bowed and slips out the door.
“Does this feel weird to you?” Head suddenly filling with fog, you lower yourself back onto the pillows with a wince. “Why aren’t we ecstatic?”
“I’m overjoyed,” Loki smiles. It looks pained.
He presses a kiss to each of their blue foreheads and hands the twins to you, tucking them securely by your sides before leaning down to meld his lips into yours, a hand cradling your cheek.
They’re beautiful, two beautiful, blue babies, undoubtedly red eyes closed in a peaceful sleep as they breathe softly.
“We got our twins,” you whisper with a smile, gazing down at them before glancing back up at Loki. “We’ve got four kids, my king.”
“And a kingdom to rule.” He shakes his head with a quiet laugh. “I doubt I’ll even manage to have any power within the palace.”
Your laugh morphs into a yawn, throat cracking as your eyes drift shut.
“Wake me up when it’s time to feed them,” you mumble, cradling them closer to your chest. “Can’t keep my eyes open.”
“Sleep, my love.” He presses his lips to yours once more, a truer smile tugging at the corners. “You deserve a lifetime of rest, after all you’ve done.”
Two hours later the twins start squirming, red eyes opening and soft gurgles rousing Loki from his own rest.
“Darling.” He leans over and kisses you, thumb slowly stroking over your cheek. “You’re being summoned.”
You don’t move, and Loki tries again, feeling horrible for having to wake you in the first place. You haven’t slept this well in months.
The heavy wooden door creaks open and two tired pairs of eyes peek in, glittering with excitement.
“Come meet your brothers,” Loki calls out quietly, a finger to his lips before pointing at your still form and waving his two other kids into the room.
Stumbling over each other to get to the bed first, Frigg prevails and clambers over you with an excited squeal, grinning down at the two little babies between you and Loki.
“Hello, babies,” she whispers in awe, brushing a finger along each of their tiny blue noses. “I’m Frigg. What’re their names, daddy?”
“We haven’t fully decided yet.” Loki picks one of them up with a grin, planting a soft kiss on his cheek before handing him to Elliot. “We’ll choose the names for certain once your mother wakes.”
“They’re blue,” Elliot points out in a hushed voice. “Are they always blue?”
“Born that way and stayed that way, so far.”
“Adorable,” he grins, hugging the baby tight against his chest.
“Can’t mommy wake up already? I want to name them!”
Shushing Frigg with a laugh, Loki places a hand on your shoulder and gently calls out to you.
No response.
Distracted by the babies, Frigg doesn’t see Elliot’s excited expression fall like a stone through water.
Something is wrong. Something just spilled over, upset the balance in Elliot’s uneasy soul.
Something is very, very wrong, and Loki’s only cradling your cheek and gazing down at your sleeping form in pure adoration.
“Dad,” he repeats, panic starting to tinge the edges of his voice. “Dad, I don’t think she’s okay.”
“She’s just given birth,” Loki reassures his son, but his hand slips to your neck, thumb moving to find your pulse point. “She’s well beyond tired, after what these two did to h—”
His voice dies in his throat.
After what these two did to you? What exactly...did they do to you?
The world goes silent, dull, the golden lights in the room appearing to pulsate.
Elliot’s blinking, a deafening thud of skin on skin and drops clinging to his eyelashes, and Frigg says something he can’t hear.
“Get out.”
His lips moved, sound came out, but Loki can’t hear himself speak.
“Get out, both of you.”
Judging from the way Frigg flinched, he figures he shouted that time.
Loki’s kids scramble to their feet, set the babies back on your bed, and run out the door before he’s realised he’s standing.
You’re cold.
For the first time in the entirety of your life together, you are cold.
“Say something,” he snaps, staring at your body.
A quiet gurgle bubbles from one of the twins’ throats.
He knows there’s no point speaking to them. Alive for less than a day, and he’s talking like they understand.
“You killed my wife.”
The twins gaze up at him, red eyes having never shed a tear and blue skin free from any stain.
He just needed to hear it said aloud.
They’re at peace. They found immediate peace with their surroundings.
“You took everything.”
Red eyes blink, tiny blue mouths yawn.
“You took her life, so you could find peace,” he hisses, dropping to his knees. “You split her in two.”
Loki refuses to accept it, but it does make some semblance of sense.
They’re already split, divided in two since the day they were conceived, two different beings trying to fuse together into one.
A half-life thanks to him, further divided when one became two.
These twins needed you, they needed more than your body could provide—only one-fourth of their entire essence actually came from him.
That leaves you to give them every drop of living power your mortal existence could create. Every breath went to them.
Loki swallows thickly, tears freezing over on his skin and shattering with the movement of every muscle.
Every ounce of immortality you’d gained went to them.
He’d tried to extend your life and his children had taken it for themselves.
“You killed my wife,” he whispers again, dragging himself to heavy feet. “You killed my wife. You killed my wife.”
The door swings open and Thor rushes in, the tearstained faces of Elliot and Frigg not daring to peek past the doorway.
Thor stops in his tracks.
Standing over your dead body, his brother is practically chanting, a man possessed as he stares at the two newborn babies bundled on the bed beside you.
“You killed my wife. Y-you killed my wife. You killed my wife. You killed m—”
His gaze snaps up to meet Thor’s, and a glint of metal in Loki’s hand makes the god lunge forward and tackle him to the ground.
“Let me—”
“NO,” Thor shouts, grabbing the knife from Loki’s hand and hurling it across the room. “You’re not in your right mind, DO NOT KILL THESE CHILDREN—”
“LET ME GO,” Loki nearly screams, thrashing under his grip, fingers scrabbling for his knife again. “LET ME GO, JUST—JUST—”
His voice cracks into incoherent sobs and Frigg runs away from the doorway, having seen and heard plenty.
“Just let me die,” Loki whispers hoarsely, giving one last attempt to throw Thor off of him before going limp on the ground. “I’ve tried so many times. That knife was for me. Just let me die.”
“No.” Thor’s breathing heavily, still pinning Loki’s arms to his sides.
“No,” he repeats, stronger this time. “You have four children who love you. Who need you. You have a kingdom that depends on you, that looks to you as their king.”
“I have no wife,” Loki rasps, starting to struggle again. “I have no love, no wife, no love left in my life—”
It’s a small voice, timid but sure.
“Please stay.” Elliot crouches by his side, nodding at Thor to release his hold on him. “Now we...we don’t have a mother.”
Loki’s body falls slack, silence fills the room for a moment, then he dissolves into sobs.
Gut-wrenching, soul-crushing sobbing, messy and wet and Elliot grabs him, wrapping his arms around his neck and hugging him tighter than he’s ever been able to before.
“She gave me everything,” Loki chokes, clutching at his son’s shirt. “Everything I have, it’s her’s, I don’t—”
“It’s yours, dad, she gave it to you for a reason. Don’t throw us away. Please.”
“I won’t,” he promises, trying to convince himself, “I won’t.”
Several minutes pass locked in their embrace until Loki takes a shuddering breath and lets go, trying his best to compose himself.
“Don’t hide this,” Elliot whispers, wiping away his tears with the back of his hand. “That’s too much to keep inside.”
Loki nods, gulping in air and shakily letting Thor help him to his feet. “F-Frigg?”
“Ran away when she saw the knife.”
“I’m so sorry,” he whispers in horror. “I’m so sorry. I couldn’t—not them, no, no, me...”
Elliot gives him a sad, ready smile and shrugs. “Might want to tell her that.”
He nods furiously, taking a few unstable steps towards the bed. Next to your body, the two newborn twins are blinking, skin still glowing that bright blue.
And even still, through all that just happened, not a single tear has fallen from those crimson eyes.
They have you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
hope you enjoyed, please reblog and feel free to send me ideas!
~ masterlist link in my bio ~
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424 @paradisaicsam @fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas @doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream @avengrcs @vethrvolnir2 @bookgirlunicorn @wabisabigrl @myhealingstar @khaleesi-marvel @ei77777 @spacecrumbs @scarlettghost13 @rocks-are-pretty-odd @confessionsofastrugglingteen @easilydistractedwriter @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fluffyllamaswearinghats @milktearose @lcyouinhell @h0tshotholland @dontmesswithmemundane @southsidesarcasticwriter @helnik-s @lilith-akemi @fire-in-her-veinz @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mischievousbellerina @kcd15 @mellowgirl01 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @allthingzhiddleston @scorpionchild81 @lokixme @blue-automne @galaxycharmed @devilbat @kangaroobunny @end-up-well @planetariumx @sarcsep @mrfandomtastic @amaru163 @im-way-too-many-fandoms @caswinchester2000 @kybaeza @wester-than-west @vintagesunshinebitch @adefectivedetective @poetic-nikolai @moonduhsted @kerri-masson @iamverity @innaminitus @spnbarnes @narcissxblack @woohoney @anxiousamandapanda @padmeisgay @authordreaming13 @lokisironthrone @theunknowinglys @highfuncti0ningfangirl @epicfallenismine @stubby-toe-589331 @fandomnerdsarecool @retrofantasyland @arch-venus25 @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams @littleredstarfish @marshyrebelcloud @okie–loki @atterodominatus @stfxlou @pandacookieowo
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nctwd127 · 5 years
Arranged Marriage.
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Chapter Five.
Warning: Mentions of miscarriage, a panic attack. (If anyone thinks there’s some I didn’t mention please do let me know.)
Word Count: 3176
When it finally registered in my brain what happened with Yuta, I just sat and starred at the front door. No one has ever put a hand on me, not even my parents. I didn’t know what to say or do or even react.
Before I went back to Doyoung, I went to the bathroom to check my face, a small bruise was being shaped at the top of my cheekbone in the form of four fingertips.
With caution I walked over to Doyoung, who laid limp in bed still. Most of the blood was gone from his lip and top of his eyebrow. I wonder what was going through his head right now. I sighed and got my phone out, I opened up my chat with the boys to let them know how Doyoung was doing.
[Me to My Sons]: We’re home, Doyoung is still out cold. Also Yuta followed me here.
[Chitapurr]: Why did Yuta go?
[Donkey]: Did he do anything to you?
[Me]: He wanted to talk, he helped me get Doyoung inside because I couldn’t alone. I wish I had taken you guys up on coming with me. Would have avoided what happened.   
[Donkey]: You’re making me worry. What happened?
[Chitapurr]: Who do I have to kill?
[Me]: No one Ten, no one. And the conversation didn’t happen, instead we argued, he yelled, I yelled. He slapped me and then he left.
[Chitapurr]: The fact that you say it so nonchalantly makes me angry. Are you okay?
[Donkey]: And you don’t expect Ten to kill someone after you said that?!
[Me]: Please guys, don’t do anything, just let it be. I can’t handle any more than I am right now. Please I am begging you.
[Me]: And yeah, I’m fine. I to be honest, didn’t even register it until like five minutes after he left. I am fine.
[Chitapurr]: F I N E! But I am not okay with this AT ALL! He puts his hands on you or Doyoung again, I’m going to kill him.
[Donkey]: I agree with Ten. We’ll let it slide this time B U T never again (Y/N). We mean it.
[Me]: He’s waking up guys, talk to you later.
[Me]: Love you guys so much, really and truly.
A groan left his lips as he tried to sit but failed in doing so, so he laid down again. I put my phone down and walked over to him. “Hey, don’t strain yourself.” I spoke softly, noticing he didn’t realize I was here. His eyes shot up and he turned his head in the direction my voice came from.
“You’re here.”
“Wouldn’t be anywhere else but here.” I smiled at him as I reached my hand out to help him sit up. Pulling him up carefully in case his head still hurt. “How are you feeling?” I quizzed, handing him the glass of water I had brought over earlier.
“Like shit, my head-” He stopped and starred at my face. Fuck! I forgot to cover the damn bruise on my face. “What happened? Who did this?” he fumed reaching for my cheek, the light touch made me wince and jerk back a little. “Nothing, it’s not a big-“
“Don’t bullshit me, what happened?” He interrupted. I pulled away from him for a moment before I looked at him. This is going to start more problems than there were already. “I’ll tell you but you have to promise me, but really promise and mean it that you won’t do anything please.” I begged. He gave me a hard look but nodded.
“Yuta-” I didn’t even get to start before he got up, huffing. “Of fucking course this was Yuta. What did he do? Actually don’t even tell me. I’m going to kill him.” He raged. I just kind of looked at him for a second, he went through a whole beating and yet he still somehow managed to only worry about me, I smiled at him fondly, even if he was ranting on about wanting to murder Yuta.
“Baby, come on. You promised you wouldn’t do anything.” I reminded him. “I know but still! He put his hands on you!” He complained back. There was no use trying to reason with him but I just can’t have any more problems.
“I know but I’m fine, please, just drop it, I don’t want any more problems please.” I tried to reason with him. “Fine. But if this happens again and for his sake, it better not, I’m going to kill him.” He threatened, just like Hendery and Ten. I was going to miss this so much, the thought of not having this in my life every day like I’m used to hurt so much.
The hours seemed to pass us by as we talked, cried and laughed. Reminiscing about the last four years we spent together. It was all pure magic, nothing ever felt like this did. And now it’s over. It has to be for their future.
It was decided it was time for me to leave his home, my home. I couldn’t cry leaving because if I did, I would never leave. We walked to the door, hand in hand. The air was gloomy and sad. We stopped right in front and looked at each other.
“Well my love, this is where it sadly has to end.” Doyoung spoke so softly, I almost didn’t hear him. “Stop, don’t do that, you’re going to make cry again.” I whispered, feeling the tears want to come up. He pulled me into a long tight hug.
“I love you so much, more than anything, okay? Know you can always come to me. No matter what.”
“I love you so much too, more than anything.”
He opened the door and I stepped out. Something in me wasn’t letting me take that step down the stairs. I turned to him, his watery eyes, meeting mine. I threw myself at him engulfing him in a huge hug, our lips meeting, teeth clashing together at the sheer force of wanting our bodies to be so close together, we could morph into one.  
“I just needed to do that one more time.” I muttered into his neck. He hugged me tight once more before he said words that ripped my heart out of my chest. It becoming almost unbearable to even keep my tears in.
“You need to go (Y/N). You’ll have someone else waiting for you now.”
It killed him to have said those words as much it did me to hear them but he had to be harsh in order to get me to leave because if he didn’t, I wouldn’t hesitate to stay.
I got into my car and drove away. In the review mirror, I saw him weep into his hands as he watched me drive away, to the new person that was waiting for me.
Home isn’t a place. It is a person. And I was leaving home.
Parked two houses down my house, I sat in my car, finally having a well-deserved break down. My sobbing was so unbelievably painful and heavy, I could barely catch my breath. I probably sat in there for thirty minutes, crying and sobbing till it physically hurt. I looked at myself in the mirror, eyes red puffy and swollen. Gathered the bits of my broken self as much I could before walking into my home.
Once I walked in, I saw my parents sitting in the living room, watching television. For the past two days, I have ignored all their calls and text, not wanting anything to do with them. However now I had no choice, as I live with them, for now apparently, until I move in with Yuta.
“Oh my god! There you are! Where have you been? What happened to you?” my mother questioned rushing over to me, once she saw me walk in.
I gave her a deadpanned look, “I was with Doyoung.” My monotone voice made her retreat her hand that was going to caress my face. Her eyes flashed of hurt. But I was too hurt too really care how my tone hurt her.
“Who hit you?” My dad questioned taking my face in is hand to see my bruise better, now that it finally settled, it was more noticeable and purple. “Did Doyoung do this to you honey?”
I moved away from them. “He never has and he never will.”
“Anyways, I’m home now and have ended things with Doyoung. Are you happy now?” I bitterly asked.
My parents looked at each other and then me. “We’re just glad you’re home. I know this is hard for you but please, next time a simple text would help. We were so worried for you, we even had to ask Yuta to go to Doyoung’s house to see if you were there.” The worry in my dad’s voice almost made me feel sorry but then the mention of his name made everything feel bitter again.
I simply nodded and walked away to my room. I just didn’t have it in me to really care or process anything. Before I walked into my room, my mom yelled for me. Walking away from the door and closer to the stairs so I could hear her better. “We put boxes in your room, you need to start packing, you’re moving on Saturday.” I didn’t bother answering her.
This has got to be the second worst week of my life. Honestly, what the fuck? Walking into my room, I just dropped to the floor in tears. I didn’t even make it to my bed before I broke down again. This was entirely too much for me to handle. I sobbed and sobbed till it hurt again and even then I kept crying. I mustered enough energy to crawl into bed, where I cried myself to sleep.
“Your baby didn’t make it.” The doctor spoke. “I’m sorry, what baby doctor?” I stammered, not understanding what was happening, one too many emotions started to fill me at once. I was becoming overwhelmed.
“You were three weeks pregnant…” the doctor looked at me and I think he finally understood what was going on by the look on my face. “You didn’t know… I’m sorry this is how you had to find out Ms. (L/N).” He apologized. “I’ll give you a moment to process this.”
Before he made his way out the door, I called for him. “Please do not mention the pregnancy to my parents please doctor, I beg of you.” I pleaded. He gave me a sympathetic look before agreeing not to tell them.
Once the door closed, I cradled my stomach, not understanding how this happened. I was pregnant and I didn’t even know it.
I lost my baby. I lost a piece of myself and Yuta.
~I didn’t know that I had lost Yuta too, at least not yet. ~
I woke up panting, covered in sweat and breathless, my hands flew to my stomach immediately. There was nothing there. Nothing at all. My heart sunk to the pit of my stomach at the realization that the dreams were going to start happening again.
After the accident and having to deal with Yuta not remembering me, the nightmares started. I would scream and cry in my sleep, often so much, some nights I would end up in my parent’s bed, claiming I didn’t remember what it was about but that it just felt terrible. It was always the same thing, the same feeling.   
It lasted for months, my parents even went as far as to get me to see a therapist even if it was considered taboo but I just couldn’t. I didn’t want to bring this out into the real world, I wanted this to stay with me forever, only me.
The baby, the summer before the accident, the story that transpired between Yuta and me. It was the only thing I had left of the Yuta Nakamoto I knew and loved.
Even though we had promised that things were going to stay the same between the four of us, it was hard to maintain that promise when Doyoung stopped coming to school for the remainder of the week.
He wouldn’t answer any of my calls or texts, barely answered the boys. The thought of going to his house to check on him had occurred to me but I knew that going would make things worse for all of us so I refrained from doing so.
I haven’t spoken to Yuta since the slap and he hasn’t made the effort to talk to me either. According to my parents, he was the worried fiancé, making sure I was home the day I came back, as if he hadn’t threatened me to come back or put his hands on me. Disgusting really.
Now it was moving day. I had managed to find time to pack my things despite everything around me going to hell. I wasn’t happy at all and my parents were well aware of it as I had stopped spending time with them and locking myself away in my room whenever I was home.
I barely spoke more than five words to them now. They brushed me off as according to them and Yuta’s parents, it’s what’s best for business. Whatever, all of them can take that bullshit excuse up their asses for all I cared.
Three knocks came from my closed door as I starred at my, now empty room. My once picture covered walls were stripped and naked. My desk empty and ready to be taken with me, my closet empty of all its clothes. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel as empty inside right now.
Upon opening my door, I saw the only two people I could care for right now, Hendery and Ten. “Hey.” I greeted softly. They looked at me with the same sad eyes I had seen all week long.
“How you holding up?” Ten worried as they walked in and closed the door. They were here to help me move the boxes out of here and into my new “home.”
“Okay, I guess. Have you heard from Doyoung?” There was no way I wasn’t going to ask, they knew that. I looked at their faces, as they exchanged worried glances hesitating to answer me.
“What? What happened? Did something happen to him? Answer me.”
“Take a seat (Y/N).” Hendery started looking over at Ten, who slowly nodded. “There’s no easy way to tell you this.” Panic was starting to settle in my veins, my breathing started to pick up quick. “He, well, um.” Hendery paused looking for the right words to say.
“Ten, what happened?” I panicked.
“He slept with someone else. We found her in his house this morning, when we went to see how he was doing.” Ten blurted out, his eyes opening wide when he realized what he said.
The only string that was holding me together, snapped in two. Tears fell fast, the anxiety of everything finally crushed my sanity. Everything was spinning, my breathing elevated way too fast, my chest tighten, and the heat rushed all over my body. My hands were shaking and the tingly feeling traveled to my face and legs.
“Oh my god, (Y/N), what’s happening?” Hendery panicked rushing over to me but I pushed him away, I needed air. “Panic attack.” I could hardly even pant out. Teary eyed, I ran to my door and made my way outside. The fresh air filled my lungs but my panting was still very much heavy.
I hunched over, trying to control my breathing. Tears were running down my cheeks. This was far too much for me to handle. The tingly feeling started to fade and my hands started to unclench.
As I started to settle down, feeling all too lightheaded, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jolted away from it. I turned and saw it was Yuta, who wore a worried and confused expression. Oh god.
“Get away from her.” I heard Ten yell at him as he walked over to be a barrier between us two, making Yuta back up. “Don’t ever in your life come near her again.”
“Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do?” Yuta poked Ten’s chest hard enough to push him back a foot. Ten pushed his hand off and pushed him back. “Don’t provoke me Nakamoto. Because I will drop kick you right here right now. You already have an ass kicking pending for putting your hands on her.”
Yuta took one step forward to stand right in front of him. Just as he was about to say something, Jaehyun and Sicheng came out of Yuta’s house. “What’s going on here?” Sicheng asked walking over to pull Yuta back from Ten.
“Nothing. Just wasting breath on these losers. Let’s finish putting the boxes in the truck.” Yuta ordered looking past them and at me before he walked away.    
“Are you okay enough to go back inside (Y/N)?” Hendery cautioned not wanting to come to close to me again, in case it ticked me off. I gave him a small nod but I felt way too weak so I reached out my hand for him to hold. He took it and led the way back into my home and to my room.
Soon after, Ten came back up as well. An angry and yet worried expression evident on his face. “Are you okay?” He asked, walking over to me and brushing a hair away from my face.
“No. I just… this isn’t what was supposed to happen. He was never meant to be with anyone else. I was never meant to be marry someone else. We were supposed to be together!” I yelled, bursting into tears.
“I don’t know what to say honey, we’re so sorry. Maybe it’ll take a long time before things seem okay, but we’ll be here with you, every step of the way, I promise.” Hendery tried to reassure me.
My heart soared with his reassurance and I was forever grateful for that. I loved the both with my whole heart. Nothing could ever change that or take away from that.
“I love you guys so much. I’ll never have enough words to explain just how much I do.”
Someone came knocking on my door, interrupting our moment. Ten walked over to open it, it was my parents. They said something and he nodded. They left and closed the door. He turned to me and gave me a weak and sympathetic smile.
It was time.
In the matter of one week, I was being ripped away from two homes. One I had known my whole life. The other, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, to love forever and create a future with.
Here was the start of something new. A new home. A new life. A new person to call home.
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spine-buster · 5 years
Alone, Together | Chapter 28 | Morgan Rielly
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A/N: I couldn’t bear to re-live too much of the playoffs so...yeah.  This is the last chapter to deal with them.  We are now moving on to the summer!  Fun and interesting shenanigans ahead!
Lmao wow. So official with ur jacket in the wag group pic. Bet u begged the other wags for a jacket and to be in the pic.
You look really cute in your jacket!  I think you’d look better if you were maybe Steph or Madison’s size though!  Other than that, super cute!
OMG you are honestly the most desperate person in the city of Toronto
pls pls pls how can I become a wag
can u give Auston my number 416 555 0123
So…how’s Scotiabank treating you?
For the love of God, sign up for a yoga class girl.  Pilates.  Start jogging.  Something.  Nothing about your body is flattering.  You can’t tell me Morgan likes all that flab.  You were always a calf but you’ve been a cow since Christmas.
You want to make it seem like you’re ‘part of the group’ of WAGs but we can all tell you’re not.  They include you to be nice but in reality, they probably don’t even speak to you outside of the arena.  To think you are isolating Morgan from his friends and teammates – and for what?  So you can have a WAG jacket one year?  So you can flaunt in front of everyone?  Morgan would be so much better off with someone who doesn’t leech off of him and who doesn’t reek of desperation.  
Bee didn’t know how she survived all the way up to game six.  It was a back and forth between the Leafs and the Bruins and she didn’t know how she was going to handle this game, with the Leafs being able to eliminate the Bruins if they won.  The Leafs won game three, even though at 6:15pm that same Monday, it came down that Naz had been suspended for the rest of the series – however long that was.  The boys were angry, but they tried not to let it show.  That Wednesday, they lost 6-4.  Morgan got two assists that night but they still couldn’t capitalize.  In Boston for game five, the Leafs won 2-1, with Morgan getting another assist on Kappy’s goal.  Now, with game six about to start, she was jittery.  She even felt hot in the jacket but couldn’t bear to take it off.
She was praying for an Easter miracle.  
Once everyone settled back into their seats after the singing of the anthems by Martina, her leg couldn’t stop bobbing up and down.  It was Aryne who had to lay her hand on Bee’s thigh to get her to stop.  “Are you nervous or something?” she asked sarcastically.  
“How have you done this for almost ten years?” Bee asked.  “I don’t know if I can handle it.”
“You’re going to be okay.  You get used to it,” Aryne said.  “Besides, this is actually only the fourth time John’s made the playoffs.”
“What?  Really?”
Aryne nodded her head.  “When we went to Sochi it was much more nerve-wracking.  But that’s besides the point.  You need to calm down.”
“So if they win this, they face the Columbus Blue Jackets, because the Blue Jackets swept the Tampa Bay Lightning,” Bee listed off, remembering the look of the bracket in her head.  
“Could we beat the Blue Jackets?  Like in a series?”
“In a heartbeat.”
Bee’s chest tightened.  “So…like…we could really do this.”
Aryne nodded her head.  “Really really.  But we can’t think about that right now.  We need to focus on beating the Bruins.”
Morgan opened the scoring.  It happened about ten minutes into the first period, a one timer from the blue line thanks to Willy keeping it in the Bruins zone, and Bee erupted from her seat with the crowd to scream and cheer for him, even high-fiving a man and his son who were seated in front of her.  She looked up at the jumbrotron to see him fist-bumping with the bench before they replayed the goal.  Her heart fluttered in her chest knowing that he had opened the scoring in such a big game, motivating the rest of the team.  
That didn’t last long though.  Brad Marchand scored less than two minutes later, and another goal by Krug ended the first period.  DeBrusk, still playing even though there were rumours that he had a concussion, scored in the second period.  Auston scored in the third period and tried to rally the team to tie it.  Late in the game, Morgan and Jake DeBrusk got into a little…scuffle on the ice, and DeBrusk pushed Morgan’s helmet off.  There was an exchange of words, a little pushing and shoving, and Bee couldn’t bear it.
“PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, surprising even herself at the ferocity and volume of her demand.  She stood up in her seat to watch the aftermath and the replays on the jumbotron.  Surely an opponent pulling off the helmet of another player would result in a penalty?  “WHAT FUCKING BULLSHIT!” she screamed at the top of her lungs again.
“Bee, there are children present,” Aryne grabbed her hand.
“FUCK YOU DEBRUSK!” she shouted one more time before sitting down, huffing and puffing in anger as they showed a replay yet again.  “I guess game two let us all know the Bruins can do whatever the fuck they want and get away with it!” she said loudly, but not as loud as before.  She looked at Aryne.  “Can you believe this?!”
“Yes Bee, it’s game six of the playoffs,” she giggled slightly.  “This is the most I’ve seen you get riled up about hockey ever.  I think Mo needs to start getting more physical more often,” she wiggled her eyebrows.
Bee snorted.  If only Aryne knew.  “I just…nobody’s allowed to touch him.  Nobody.  I’ll deal with them myself if I have to.”
Unfortunately, the Leafs couldn’t capitalize and Brad Marchand scored again.  The final was 4-2.  They’d be going back to Boston.
Another game 7.  
Bee could see the looks on everyone’s faces as the buzzer rang to signal the end of the game.  The girls who had been through this before – Alannah, Lucy, Madison, and others – were not smiling.  At all.  There was a look of worry mixed with dread on their faces.  As fans filed out of the arena, the girls all sat in their places, staring at each other.  Nobody got up – Bee didn’t think anyone had the strength to.  There was always a lot of media after the games, anyway, so there was no point in leaving when the fans did.
Aryne, forever the optimist, saw the look on Bee’s face.  “They can do this, Bee.  I know they can,” she said.  “We need to stay positive.”
“I know they can.  The question is if they will,” Bee mused.  “What if they get those awful referees from game two again?”
“They won’t.  The NHL will never let them officiate another game again, they were so bad.  We need to stay positive.  They have all the tools they need.  They can beat the Bruins.”
Bee wished she could be as positive.
Morgan wasn’t a man of many words when he came out of the locker room.  He gave Bee a kiss and said goodbye to everyone before they descended down to the parking garage.  Rocco and Clarette had invited them over for an Easter dinner, and that’s where they were supposed to be headed.  But Bee could see the dejected look on Morgan’s face and the bags under his eyes.  She knew he would probably rather just go home.  She knew he was tired, aching, that he now had a flight to catch tomorrow to go into enemy territory.  
As they got into the car, she looked over at him and put her hand over his.  “I can call Clarette and tell her you’re tired if you want to go home,” Bee said softly.  “They’ve been watching.  They’ll understand.”
“Why would you do that?”
“Morgan, come on,” she said.  “If you want to just go home we can go home.  Or I can take the subway up myself and you can go and rest.”
“No no no,” he said, flipping over his hand to hold hers and bring it to his lips to kiss.  “We promised them we’d be there for Easter dinner.  Clarette’s probably made four different courses.  We’re going.  I’m okay.”
“Briony, I want to take my mind off of hockey right now,” he said, his voice sombre, firm, and resolved.  “I want to be around family.”
She couldn’t protest.  Not when she heard the tone of his voice, not as he cradled her hand in his against his chest, not as he looked at her with his blue eyes.  She couldn’t do it.  “Promise me you’ll tell me you want to go the second you want to?  Don’t feel obligated to stay longer.”
“I will Bumblebee.  I promise,” he said, kissing her hand one last time before pulling out of the parking spot.
When they arrived, it was Rocco who opened the door to greet them.  “Mr. Goal Scorer tonight!” he beamed as he hugged Morgan.  “Great goal tonight!”
“Thank you,” Morgan smiled.
“And you!” Rocco turned his attention to Bee.  “That jacket looks great!”  She spun around so he could see the giant Maple Leafs logo on the back and he oohed and awed at it.  “Can I buy one too?”
Bee giggled as she showed him the ‘Rielly’ patch on her arm.  “You have to start dating Morgan to get one.”
“He’s handsome.  That could happen.”
They broke out into a fit of laughter as Sarah Jessica Barker came running towards them, bringing with her Angie, Mason, and Joshua.  Morgan bent down to pet her and coo at her while Angie, Mason, and Josh looked on with amused expressions on their faces.  “Sorry about the game,” Angie said as Sarah Jessica Barker had enough of Morgan and moved on to Bee.  
“What are we having for dinner?” Morgan asked.  His way of letting her know he didn’t want to talk about it.  Angie got the hint.  So did everyone else.  
“We’re Italian.  We have lamb on Easter,” Rocco informed him.
“We’re also French-Canadian,” Clarette piped up from the kitchen.  Morgan couldn’t help but laugh.  “We are also French-Canadian and have butter tarts to offset the Italian lamb.”
“That’s what I like to hear, Clarette!  Dessert!” Morgan called out to her as she appeared from the kitchen.  “I’m sorry we had to push this back so late because of me.”
“Late?  What late?  It’s barely 7.  Italians have dinner at 9pm,” she said, side-eyeing her husband.  “But everything is ready, so everyone should go sit at the table.”
pls tell ur boyfriend the next game is kind of important and if he could step it up that would be nice
lemme guess…ur going to boston on mo’s dime for game 7?  U have a job yet u never work. So lazy.
No matter how hard you try you will never be as pretty as Steph or Cassie.  Don’t know why you think you are.  Don’t bother.  
You know all the other girls are talking about you behind your back, right?  Word on the street is you’re the most desperate social climber ever, and when the playoffs are over, you’ll be gone too.  On to the next hockey player, slut.
Bee didn’t have anymore nail polish on.  She had peeled off her shellac from sheer anxiety.  Going into the second period, the Bruins were up 2-0, and then John had scored thanks to an assist from Tyler.  Going into the third, it was 2-1.  The boys could do this.  They could do this.  They could do this.
Bee decided against getting together with any of the girls.  She was too nervous and she didn’t want any of them to see just how worried, panicky, and jumpy she was.  She was alone in the apartment and, honestly, right now, she preferred it that way.  She could yell at the TV without anyone looking at her.  She could yell stupid stuff, stuff that probably didn’t even make sense, and nobody would say anything.  She could cry in peace if she wanted to.  She also knew that, regardless of the outcome, the boys would be on a flight after the game, coming home in the middle of the night.  She wanted to be home for Morgan.  Regardless of the outcome.
When the third period started Bee was optimistic.  But less than three minutes in, Sean Kuraly scored.  3-1.  The boys could still do this.  They could come back.
Then Charlie Coyle scored near the end.  4-1.  Bee’s chest tightened.  That was what the score was during that awful game seven in 2013 before the Bruins came back.  Maybe the boys could do the same, with much, much less time.
Patrice Bergeron.  An empty-netter.  5-1.  The Bruins fans went wild.  A waterfall of tears streamed down Bee’s cheeks.
The Toronto Maple Leafs had been eliminated from the playoffs.
Despite her sadness and despite her pain, she kept the TV on.  The stupid panellists with their stupid opinions provided background noise for her tears, but she didn’t listen to anything they had to say.  Why would she when they were trashing Fred, saying he was incapable of being a “game seven goalie”, whatever the fuck that meant, when just two weeks earlier they were calling him the best goaltender in the world?  Why would she when all they did was go over every single little thing the Leafs did wrong?  Why would she listen to them completely tear apart and break down a team they all relied on for their hefty paycheques?  She wasn’t stupid – she knew how sports media worked.  She knew the Leafs provided rating and that their ratings were through the roof because of this – they’d probably be getting some nice bonus cheques.  They were all feckless – all of them.  They changed their opinions on the fly, whenever it suited them, whenever it got them more ratings and more viewers who ended up adopting their shit opinions.  ‘Experts my ass’ Bee thought.  Especially that Nik Kypreos guy.  What an idiot.
And then Morgan appeared on the screen.
She wanted to scream.  Were they actually interviewing him right now?  Really?!  Not even two minutes after the end of the game and they had paraded him out of the locker room into some hallway to answer asinine questions about another heartbreaking game seven?  ‘LET THEM GRIEVE!’ she wanted to shout.  ‘LET THEM FUCKING GRIEVE!’  But no.  Apparently that was impossible.  They wanted every sound bite they could get just so they could talk about it for fifteen minutes afterwards.  Because they Leafs were money.  That’s all they were to these people – sound bites and ratings and money.  They weren’t just hockey players dejected after a loss; they weren’t men who put everything they had into the game, into the entire series, into the entire season; worse yet, they weren’t human beings with complex emotions who didn’t want microphones and cameras shoved in their faces as they dealt with the insurmountable fact that they had let an entire city down.  Money.
She looked at him and how dejected he looked, how heavy his breathing was underneath all his gear.  She wanted to shatter every plate in their kitchen against a wall in anger.  When he was finally released and went back to the locker room, she shed more tears.  God knows how many reporters would be waiting for them in there, too.
She just wanted him home.  God, all she wanted was for him to come home.
When Bee heard the door unlock at almost 2am, she jumped off the couch but stood stoic in her place.  She watched as Morgan pushed open the door, lugging himself into his apartment, letting the door close behind him.  The first thing he looked for was her.  She was all he wanted to see.
“Baby…” she mumbled, running over to him.  “Baby, baby, come here.”
She grabbed on and attached herself to him like he was going to float away.  He immediately wrapped his arms around her, burying his face into her neck.  He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around him tightly.  Almost absent-mindedly, he walked them over to their bedroom before collapsing on the bed.  He didn’t let go.  She felt tears on her neck as they lay there, wrapped into each other, and she began running her fingers through his hair and playing with the tufts of hair at the base of his neck, knowing it was soothing for him.  It was all she could do; all she knew she could do.  There wasn’t anything she could say that would make him feel better.  There were no words for this.  No words besides “I love you,” which she whispered to him over and over again, for however long she needed to.
“We couldn’t do it.”
That’s what Morgan kept repeating.  
“We couldn’t do it.”
Bee couldn’t rewrite history.  “You couldn’t do it now.  But you can and you will.  One day.”  It was all she could offer.
“We couldn’t do it.”
Bee had pre-emptively taken the day off.  She didn’t need to worry about work and, quite frankly, didn’t exactly want to right now.  She got a text from Mark early that morning.  Tell Morgan we were rooting for him all the way.  We’re proud of him.  He’s one of the only guys who showed up to play the game the entire series.
Bee read the text out to him.  He said nothing.
Bee only left the bed to make him breakfast – some Greek yogurt with an organic granola mix and some fresh raspberries and sliced bananas.  When she brought it to him, still in bed, she saw he was in and out of sleep.  She could only imagine he was trying to survive on his last legs of energy by this point.  She placed the bowl on the side table before helping him out of his clothes so he could at least be comfortable in his sleep.  He moved around absent-mindedly to help her, but she knew he wasn’t there.  He probably thought he was hallucinating.  When she was finished, she cupped his face in the palm of her hand gently.  She’d put the granola mix in the fridge to eat later.  
“Y’know what?” he mumbled out suddenly, barely audible or understandable through his fatigue, his eyes cracking open only slightly to look at her.
“I wanna take care’f you.”
Bee didn’t understand what he meant.  She thought for sure he was dreaming already and in some form of sleep paralysis or lucid dreaming.  “What are you talking about?”
“I wanna give you s’much you c’n quit your job n’do s’mthin’ you really love.  Cause I love you.”
Bee was completely still as the words escaped his mouth.  Before she could come back to, or say anything, she heard his soft snores.
It was a few days until Morgan returned to his normal self.  Well, semi-normal.  
The locker clear out was scheduled for Saturday, April 27th, and because they were leeches who didn’t know when to stop sucking the life out of something, the media was expected there.  Mike Babcock would hold a press conference.  The summer rumour mill began of who was staying and who was not; who was going to earn these many millions here and who was going to earn those many millions somewhere else.  Morgan spoke to the media, as he always did.  Off-camera they asked about what he would get up to the entire summer over in Vancouver, since naturally he’d go home.  ‘Lots of golfing, probably,’ he’d answered.  ‘Dad’s birthday at the beginning of June.  Long walks with Maggie where she gets to swim – she loved swimming.  She’s queen of the ocean, too.  Lots of poolside days.  Good wine on the deck.  Back to Toronto for the Pride Parade.  Fishing trips too, as always.  But mostly just stick around home.’
Of course Morgan would go home.  He deserved more than anybody to go home to his family, to take in the fresh air of the B.C. coast and rejuvenate himself.  He deserved to relax; to kick his feet up and sleep with Maggie in his lap; to take the boat out to Gibsons for oysters or to chase pods of whales again.  He deserved to go fishing.  Go golfing.  Do anything he wanted to do.  Isolate himself from the outside world, from hockey.  Live through summer on his rules, how he wanted to.  
She just wondered how their life in Toronto factored into that.
It was a long flight, from Toronto to Vancouver, and Morgan was meant to relax.  She didn’t want him to feel obligated to do anything he didn’t want to do.  They had events that they needed to attend together, sure – like Zach’s wedding at the end of June – but she wondered how all that would factor into him taking time for himself.  She knew they would work it out, like they always did, but it was four months of summer that needed to be accounted for and planned.  There was only so much time she could take off at work – they both knew that.  So she’d have to stay in Toronto.  She wondered if his schedule would be like how she assumed last summer’s was, when she met him.  A bit of time here, a bit of time there, a bit of time anywhere he wanted to be.  
When the locker clean out was all said and done, Bee and Morgan sat together in their apartment, her legs draped over his.  It was all she thought about on the way home.  Since the reporter had asked the question.  “What are we going to do this summer?”
“Well, we have Zach’s wedding and--”
“You deserve to go home,” Bee blurted out.  She was trying desperately not to let her tears fall.  Being without him for long stretches of time was going to be hard – just like it was during the season – but he needed it more than anything.  “You deserve to go home and relax for a bit.  You’ve had a tough year outside of hockey, too.”
She watched as his brows furrowed at her words.  “What was so tough outside of hockey?” he asked.
“Me.  The break-in.  My mom dying.  You didn’t deserve to have to deal with that and--”
He cut her off by giving her a kiss.  “Do you mean outside of hockey, when I met the love of my life?”
She couldn’t handle his words.  The tears escaped her slowly, and immediately she wiped them away with the backs of her hands.  Morgan leaned forward again, capturing her lips in another kiss, and soon, they couldn’t tear themselves away from each other.  It was only when they had to break for air that he spoke again.  “I am going to go home, Briony.  But only for a bit.  I’ll be back and forth, but it’ll be okay.”
“You need to take this time to relax,” she stressed, putting her hand on his chest.  “You can’t go back and forth all the time.  This is your time off.”
“I’ll be fine.  It’s nothing that I’m not used to,” he said.  “Besides, you know I can’t go too long without seeing you.”
She sighed again.  “I can’t go too long without seeing you either.  But your priority shouldn’t be me, your priority should be yourself.”
“Hey, you’re always my priority,” he said, grabbing hold on her hand on his chest.  “You’re my home now too, Bumblebee.  Don’t you ever forget it.”
She internalized his words as much as she could.  You’re my home now too, Briony.  She never thought she’d hear those words – that someone would consider her home.  But of course Morgan did, and Morgan was the one to say it about her.  And even though she knew that in her close future she’d be spending more time than she liked alone, she knew that once he came back to her, they’d go back to being themselves, together.  “Let’s…let’s take out our calendars.”
“I want to see when you’ll be gone.  I know you’re out in PEI with Dion an the Boys and Girls Club, and I know--”
“Please Morgan.  Just take out your calendar.  For me.”
He didn’t fight it.  He moved to take his phone out of his pocket and he opened the calendar.  “I’m going to see if I can catch a flight to Vancouver mid-week, okay?  It can give us a couple of more days together,” he said.  Bee nodded her head, cuddling more into him so she could lay her head on his chest, just below his shoulder.  “We don’t have much in May.  I know you have Alannah’s bachelorette party on the 11th but it’s not like I need to come to that.  I can be back in town for the long weekend the following week and stay for a while.  But then I want to be back home for dad’s birthday.  I want to take him golfing.  We always go golfing for his birthday.”
“Of course,” Bee said.  She couldn’t help but smile slightly.  “Back and forth, back and forth – it’s gonna be like hockey didn’t even stop.”
“What did I tell you?” he smirked, giving her a quick kiss.  “I’m gonna miss your cooking.”
“I’m gonna miss you eating all my cooking,” she said.  “The apartment is going to feel so empty with you gone.”
“You should get a gerbil.”
She snorted as he wiggled his eyebrows at her.  “Don’t tempt me, Morgan Rielly.  You’ll come back in May and this place will be a literal zoo.”
“If that’s what you want that’s fine by me,” he mumbled, leaning in to kiss her again, and again, and again.  Eventually, he pulled her on to his lap and let his hands wander underneath her shirt.  “I’m gonna miss this most,” he mumbled against her lips.
“Me too,” she agreed, her hands cupping his face so she could look at him.  He had shaved off his playoff beard, and there was only stubble now.  She ran her thumbs along his jawline.  “Gonna miss waking up to those baby blues every morning.”
He gave her another kiss.  “Gonna miss waking up with my face between your thighs.”
A smile broke out on her face.  “You’re a perv.”
“Only for you.”
Tick tock tick tock…who is the next hockey player you’re gonna fuck for relevancy?
I bet ur gonna try to get with auston next.  Or fred.  You’re such a slut
Now is your chance to turn into a hot girl for hot girl summer.  Join a gym ffs!!!!!!!!!!
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movedkagen · 4 years
song meme   /   accepting .
KENTA  :   sunkissed   /   khai  dreams
So softly a tender breeze brush against my knees On a summer afternoon I get to thinking 'bout the hazy days Under August shade that I used to spend with you I didn't realize it was all I wanted, what I had My riddled heart, I had to cradle back together just to see It's all like magic to me, you do magic, baby When you love me, you're so lovely I can't help but fall for you, love When you love me, it's so lovely loving you
i  just  think  about  the  type  of  person  kenta  is .  the  loving ,  sweet ,  devoted  person  he  is .  how  being  around  him  is  like  carrying  a  warm  spring  day  with  you .  how  the  way  he  thinks  and  processes  emotion  is  very  simple .  and  yes ,  there’s  a  tinge  of  sadness  in  this  because  kenta  has  lost  the  simple ,  happy  part  of  his  childhood  that  he  loved  so  much  in  coming  to  the  city  but  at  the  end  love  trumps  loss  and  he’s  able  to  be  happy  again  !
GOJO  :  save the day   /   ski  mask  the  slump  god .
I pull up and save the day Don't want any problems, I'll be a call away I'm ready for action, fly without a cape I'm one of those ones, they'll never beat me, they'll never beat me 'Kay, okay how could I forget? Ayy It takes some courage to bet, ayy That must be why you in debt You take the bait and get caught in the net, ayy Evil will never prevail, suckers What is real will never fail to prosper Came from the ground to the top, helicopter I go hard just like the shell of a lobster They all missin' the message All of these people sayin' that they want the treasure Careful of the wishes you make up on your blessings Because the devil in you is plottin' against you And you'll find that your worst enemy is within you You could still be adopted even though you a sibling I'ma paint a vivid picture for all the children It's about time that we change how we livin', I get my prints in the ceilin'
this  song  just  has  gojo  vibes  ...  being  the  strongest  mf  in  the  room  and  knowing  that  but  also  knowing  u  got  enemies  because  of  that  and  toeing  the  line  between  being  boastful  and  simply  acknowledging  he’s  the  strongest ,  but  also  warning  that  people  who  want  to  be  the  best  don’t  know  what  they’re  asking  for  because  it  just  gets  harder  the  higher  you  go  and  how  he’s  going  to  make  that  painfully  clear  to  his  students . 
INDRA   :   what’s  up  danger   /   blackway .
Two-hundred miles-per-hour wit' a blindfold on Mama always askin', "Where did I go wrong?" What's up, danger? Ah, what's up, danger? Traveled two-hundred miles, I'm knockin' at your door And I don't really care if you ain't done wrong, come on What's up, danger? Don't be a stranger I like it when trouble brews, I won't dare change I like it when there's turbulence on my airplanes I like it when I sense things I can't see yet Swimmin' with sharks when they ain't feed yet
Can't stop me now I said, "I got you now" I'm right here at your door I won't leave, I want more What's up, danger? Yeah, what's up, danger?
it  was  so  hard  not  posting  this  entire  song  LMAO  ...  anyways  issa  anthem  for  her ,  indra  does  not  fear  danger  and  the  higher  the  stakes  are  the  harder  she  fights ,  this  song  is  an  ode  to  how  fearless  she  is  and  how  odds  are  never  gonna  stop  her ,  how  she  absolutely  will  know  knocking  on  the  devil’s  door  if  that’s  what  it  takes  to  win ,  how  she  is  unstoppable .
CYRIL   :    DNA.  /   kendrick  lamar .
I got, I got, I got, I got Loyalty, got royalty Inside my DNA Cocaine quarter piece, got war and peace Inside my DNA I got power, poison, pain and joy Inside my DNA I got hustle, though, ambition, flow Inside my DNA See, my pedigree most definitely don't tolerate the front Shit I've been through prolly offend you This is Paula's oldest son I know murder, conviction Burners, boosters, burglars, ballers, dead, redemption Scholars, fathers dead with kids And I wish I was fed forgiveness Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, soldier's DNA Born inside the beast My expertise checked out in second grade When I was nine, on cell, motel, we didn't have nowhere to stay At twenty-nine, I've done so well, hit cartwheel in my estate And I'm gon' shine like I'm supposed to antisocial, extrovert And excellent mean the extra work And absent-ness what the fuck you heard And pessimists never struck my nerve And that's a riff, gonna plead this case The reason my power's here on earth Salute the truth, when the prophet say
DNA.  is  my  favorite  song  for  Cyril .  the  conflicting  narratives  of  success  and  loss ,  pride  and  humility ,  anger  and  calmness  ...  calling  everyone  else  fake  but  not  being  worried  because  that’s  how  u  grew  up  ...  knowing  struggle  as  a  child  that  is  greater  than  some  shit  adults  have  went  through ...  coming  out  of  a  trial  by  fire  and  knowing  you’re  made  of  something  different  and  more  resilient  than  everyone  else .
TENZIN  :  lovely   /   billie  eilish  .
Thought I found a way Thought I found a way out But you never go away So I guess I gotta stay now Oh, I hope someday I'll make it out of here Even if it takes all night or a hundred years Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near Wanna feel alive, outside I can't fight my fear Isn't it lovely, all alone? Heart made of glass, my mind of stone Tear me to pieces, skin to bone Hello, welcome home
a  tenzin  song  not  just  because  she  had  trouble  leaving  an  abusive  environment  that  she  was  trapped  in ,  but  also  because  well  after  leaving  it  tenzin  cannot  escape  the  pained  mentality  she  is  in .  she’s  a  very  timid ,  fearful  person  because  of  what  happened  to  her  and  she  didn’t  used  to  be  that  way .  tenzin  is  someone  who  is  soft  and  kind  despite  her  trauma  but  at  the  same  time  she  has  a  lot  of  difficulty  separating  her  identity  from  her  trauma  and  somedays  her  pains  and  fears  are  all  she  can  think  about .
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vykinq · 5 years
Some thoughts about 212
Okay so we all know that 212 was a doozy because of a LOT of things no matter who your fav is, but i've been particularly thinking a lot about the relationship between Koito, Tsukishima, and Tsurumi in this chapter. Obviously this will contain spoilers, so if you haven't caught up already I suggest doing so before reading this post!
Alright, so basically first thing's first- Koito got his shit royally wrecked. This time, unlike when he got his shit royally wrecked at the drift ice, he doesn't just bounce back up and walk around. Something else strikes me as different as well- his reactions.
Let's quickly compare all of young Koito's near death experiences, shall we?
Firstly, when he was kidnapped, when literally told 'sorry kid you're just gonna have to die for the sake of your country'. What was his response, fight back passionately. He tells his father he's sorry for not being the son his brother could be, and immediately headbutts the russian man later revealed to be Ogata.
When he's caught in an explosion with Tsukishima and confronts Kiroranke, his arm is stabbed completely through to the other side and he's badly beaten, and yet his only response is to push back, fight harder, and curse Kiro for hurting his men. But more on that a little later.
What's different about this time is that upon being stabbed, he isn't overcome with this perseverance. He's not hellbent on surviving. He's not determined. What does he do?
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He makes a meager attempt to raise his gun. His expression is distant and afraid, but not the same as
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See the difference? Screaming and fighting versus....
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So I thought why on earth isn't he fighting back? Sure he just got stabbed completely through his chest (shoulder?) But usually he's so focused on completing the tasks ahead that a little stab won't do much. Except then I remembered chapter 210. Since finding out that Tsurumi isn't this amazing war hero he worshipped, and is instead someone who doesn't give a single shit about him, Koito has been more or less crushed. He isn't excited for Tsurumi to meet them again, and when the arrows came flying in 211, Koito didn't make a move to go take an arrow for Tsurumi like Usami did. Instead, he made moves to save himself. Even though he had a very strange breakdown and screamed over how incredible Tsurumi is at the end of 210, it's pretty clear that he obviously doesn't think that's the case. He's been manipulated almost since childhood into being the kind of soldier who would give life and limb for Tsurumi, only now being told that Tsurumi absolutely wouldn't do the same for him. And unlike Tsukishima, Koito doesn't seem like he's content with being a throwaway pawn. I'm not convinced Tsukishima really is either, but... that's a different post. Kind of.
Back to the scene, we next see Tsukishima yelling his name and coming to the rescue, and a few interesting things happen.
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Koito tries to take the knife out. He may be young and dramatic but he isn't stupid- taking that blade out will most likely kill him and he should know that. On top of trying to quicken his death or escalate his injury (which of these is true I'm not sure yet, hopefully the latter), he tells Tsukishima to leave him alone. This isn't the first time he's done this- on the drift ice we've seen koito declining help from tsukishima.
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Even though he's badly injured himself, Koito doesn't even want to be helped until he's done. However, this is different. Now Koito doesn't seem determined, he just looks resigned. Helpless. He knows he won't be fine but he doesn't seem to care all that much because he's failed Tsurumi before and he's failing Tsurumi now, and even if he wasn't, that man doesn't care about him. Listen, I know the straight explanation for Koito's behavior is that he admires Tsurumi's abilities as a leader, but there's just no way. Kioto is so gay coded it hurts, and with the extent of his obsession towards Tsurumi it would be a reach not to think he had a romantic attatchment to him. And he really is so crushed by the blow to his pride and the betrayal of someone he would lay down his life for, and so he just tries to pull out the blade.
Then there's what Tsukishima does. For someone who wants to watch the Tsurumi theater from the front row seats, he sure isn't going to see much by staying behind against Kikuta's orders and lovingly attending to Koito. His superior is badly wounded and I'm sure he probably knows how down in the dumps Koito is, what with the mental breakup he just had, and instead of asking some other soldier to take care of him, Tsukishima literally takes things into his own hands. This man cradles Koito, gently shoves his hand down, and softly scolds him for not listening to him today, despite so patiently hearing him out the day before.
And before going forward, can I just say:
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Okay. Anyway, so he ALSO mentions Koito heading into this being emotional, but upon finding Sugimoto and Asirpa and asking them to cooperate, Koito literally seemed devoid of emotion. He wasn't angry or eager to please his abusive superior... which leaves me to wonder, what did Koito and Tsukishima talk about between their conversation in 210, and meeting Tsurumi in 212? Maybe they didn't even have to talk for Tsukishima to know Koito was, in general, feeling pretty lost and reckless. I don't know, it's just some food for thought, fic writers. Wink wink.
And lastly, I want to talk about this trainwreck of an ending.
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I've seen a few different theories on Twitter, but here's mine. I want you all to remember how much Tsurumi has taken away from this man, and how much he's seen Tsurumi take away from Koito. Since he was around to stage the kidnapping, Tsukishima has watched this kid be manipulated into being, basically, a dog. Loyal, obedient, questionless, and absolutely head over heels for the first lieutenant. This is after Tsukishima already lost Igogusa, and I have no doubts that in some capacity Tsukishima's become fond of Koito. He probably felt a bit of the same way for koito as he felt for Edogai, when he watched this young man throw his life away for someone who's literally the biggest snake alive. Part of me hopes that even though Tsukishima's apparently okay with the tsurumi theater and being a puppet, maybe he isn't as okay with watching others, people younger than him, being roped into the same thing. Tsukishima has always been caring and selfless to a degree, and in Igogusa's case, fucks shit up for the people he loves. That's why after watching as Tsurumi coldly ignores Koito dying on the ground, maybe Tsukishima's realizing he's sick of it. He thought he'd be the one to have to kill Koito, and be forced with the choice to either do so or rebel, but all of a sudden and all too soon, his superior is dying in his arms. And tsurumi doesn't give a single shit. I don't think that's a knowing glance he's giving Tsurumi, I think he's absolutely fucking pissed. So basically in short, Tsukishima talked big game about having to kill Koito if the other disobeys, but literally one single day later he looks like he's about to rip Tsurumi's head off for letting Koito just lay in his arms and die. That being said i HOPE he doesn't die and I doubt he will given that every other character has been able to survive so much so far, but I'm rlly scared.
That's really all i have, if you wanna scream about this chapter with me more or have anything to add, u know what to do
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hornsbeforehalos · 5 years
A Reminder
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x OFC Warnings: Mentions of Panic attacks and depression, smut, language, fluff. A/N: I know I know I know. I need to be writing Forever. I get it. Oh well. This just kinda came out, idk. My best friend needed some Dean, my brain told me, so I had no other choice but to deliver. Cuz what else are friends for? I love you, best friend <3
Per usual I do not own Supernatural or any of the characters associated with the show. I just play with them. 
Don’t repost my work, I’ll find you.
TAGS:@coffee-obsessed-writer @sorenmarie87 @pink1031 @journeyrose @kazosa @through-thesilver-lining @death-unbecomes-you @donnaintx @docharleythegeekqueen @closetspngirl
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Dean tried to focus on the steady purr of the Impala’s engine to drown his nerves as he raced through the winding roads of the mountains. He grit his teeth as he fought back all the horrible thoughts running through his head, his grip on the steering wheel tightening as he maneuvered the car around a curve. His heart rate accelerated right along with the speedometer of the car, his eyes stinging as his vision clouded with unshed tears. 
Dean was panicking.
She hadn’t answered the phone in days. 
A thousand ideas of what could be wrong clawed at his chest like a hungry wolf, and he swallowed thickly, pushing the pedal below his boot as far down into the floorboard of the car that it would allow. 
He needed to get to her. And fast. 
It wasn’t very long in reality, but a lifetime in Dean’s mind, before Baby’s tires came to a screeching halt outside of her house, the lonely, dim porch light calling to him like a beacon in the surrounding darkness of the woods. A frown dipped his face as he noticed the rest of the house dark, and he drew his weapon before approaching the steps to the door. 
There seemed to be no sign of forced entry, the sigils lining the doorframe all intact and deeply charged. Dean twisted the handle carefully and found it unlocked, and pushed the door open so he could step inside. 
Nothing seemed out of place, even though the hunter only had the dark shadows of the house to go on. After toeing off his boots by the pile of other footwear, Dean wandered through the living room and kitchen and into the hallway, ducking his head into each of the rooms to find her children sleeping soundly. A smirk crept across his face at the sight of her son sprawled across his bed, one foot hanging off the side. 
He tiptoed silently back across the floor towards her room, cracking it slowly to avoid it creaking. As his eyes finished adjusting to the darkness, a smile spilled over his lips at the sight of her form safe and sound on her bed, her breathing even and slow as she slept. 
Her energy was off though, even he could feel it. 
He let his shirt and jeans fall to the ground quietly before he let the mattress dip with his weight, pulling the plush blanket back so he could slip in and encase her with his own warmth. Her body instantly responded, the need for bodily comfort and contact taking hold as she nuzzled her face into his chest. 
“Dean?” She whispered, confusion thick in her sleepy state of mind, “What’re you doin’ here?”
“Why haven’t you answered your phone?” He whispered back, his voice husky as his breath trailed over her face. Dean’s fingers found her face to smoothback the hair from her temple, his strong arms holding her to him tightly.
“I, uh…”She trailed off, sighing gently against his clavicle, “You were hunting, I didn’t wanna bother you.”
“It’s bad again, isn’t it?” Dean responded, squeezing her even closer, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t…”She started, but was softly shushed by Dean’s lips finding hers.
“You never bother me, sweetheart.” Dean cooed once he pulled away from her mouth, “I’m always here.”
“I’m sorry,” She replied, sighing again. Dean could feel the wetness leaking down her face and to her neck, the damn finally breaking as he cradled her, gently rocking them back and forth the best he could. Her fingers gripped his back tightly as he held her to his chest, her frame shaking as she let all her emotions out. 
“There, feel better?” The hunter smirked once she was all cried out, his fingertips trailing languid down the sides of her arms. 
Sighing into him again, she nodded her head, sniffling quietly, “Thank you, Dean.”
“Anytime, baby girl,” He promised, kissing her forehead gently before giving her another squeeze, “You need to talk to me when it starts getting like that. I would have been here sooner.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” She apologized again. She opened her mouth to say something else but was cut off by Deans lips, the soft pillows pressed against her own in a more hungrier fashion then before. 
“Stop saying that,” He growled lowly, rolling them so he was hovering on top of her between her legs, “There’s nothing for you to be sorry for, Jenny. It’s my job to be here for you.” 
Instead of waiting on her response, he dipped his head between the junction of her shoulder and neck, his teeth finding the soft flesh there easy to bite down on. The gasp that came from her in reply had him rolling his hips into her, the thin cotton of his boxers doing little to hide his growing need for her. 
“Do I need to remind you how much I love you?” He rasped after licking the reddening mark, his breath hot and heady as he lapped his way back up to her lips. He nipped at the plumpness of her bottom lip, receiving another gasp in return as her own hips undulating off the bed to grind against him. 
“Dean,” She whimpered, her fingers finding his back again to leave pretty crescent moons in his flesh, “Please.”
“I got you,” He breathed, lifting himself up to his sit on his calves so he could make work of her clothes. Once she was naked before him, the dim light of the moon shining through the window made Dean bite his lip as he contained himself from simply ravishing her. 
“Look at you, princess.” He rasped, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as he gazed up on her lovingly. Her natural instinct was to shy away from his stare, her thighs moving to close as her hands went to cover herself, but one look from the hunter had her stopping short. 
“Good girl,” He praised, prying her legs apart once more so he could slot himself back between them, “Don’t hide from me.” 
“Why ...Why do you…?” She started to say, but Dean shushed her again with a finger to her lips.
“Don’t finish that question.” He warned, letting his finger guide a line down her throat to the valley between her heavy breasts. 
“You know all the reasons why I love you.” Dean started, the thick husk in his voice driving her crazy as he drew a heart on her chest with his finger. He let the digit teasing her drag itself to the left to her nipple, circling the nub until it reached its peak, before smoothing transitioning to the right side and repeating the motion. 
Her lips quivered as she whimpered for him again, her back arching as the man leaned over her once more, his hot, wet mouth enveloping the tight pink nub, teeth grazing and nipping gently as he did so. 
“Fuck,” She gasped, her hands shooting out to the back of his head and neck, “Fuck, Dean.” 
“Mmmm,” The hunter hummed, taking pride in the way he could unravel her. His tongue twirled and his teeth assaulted as his palms came together on either side of her, pushing her tits together so he could easily switch back and forth between both nipples. He pulled his mouth away finally with a loud pop, earning him a mewl from the woman already writhing beneath him. 
“You have the best fucking tits in the world, darlin’,” He drawled beore returning his lips to her flesh, snaking further and further south. The soft, wet muscle in his mouth dipped into her belly button as Dean ran his rough, calloused palms over the scars he knew she hated there, until his large hands gripped her hips, his fingernails biting into the soft, pliable flesh.
“So soft,” he murmured as he continued his ministrations, his teeth finding purchase and leaving a sharp, stinging bruise that enticed a hiss from her lips. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she scratched at his scalp, “So fucking gorgeous.” 
A shaky breath left her body as he hovered over her core, a low, deep, vibrating growl leaving Dean as he dipped his tongue lazily through the crease of her folds. Another whimper passed through her, urging him on and bringing a wicked smirk to Dean’s face. 
“Smell so good, baby girl. Taste even better,” He promised before his fingers found her folds, peeling back the wet layers before his tongue found the hidden pearl of nerves. 
Electricity shot through her bloodstream upon contact, her body sent into overdrive as he worked her over. He threw her thick thighs over his strong shoulders as he devoured her, his mouth licking and lapping their assault as Dean let a thick digit enter her slowly. 
The long, drawn out cry that erupted from her had the strong-willed hunter’s jaw ticking as he steadied his control, his resolve always wavering when it came to the noises he could get her to make for him.
“That’s my girl,” Dean praised as he separated his mouth from her, watching in the pale moonlight as his finger disappeared into the moist, pink flesh of her sex. He added another just to watch her squirm, the muscles inside of her threatening to clamp down on him at any moment as he twisted his hand. 
Just before he knew she was about to come, Dean pulled his hand away so he could hear her whimper in frustration. He loved that sound, but there was one sound he loved even more. 
“Knees,” He growled, giving her thigh a smack that while soft, still echoed through the room. She scrambled to her hands and knees, her back arching to present himself for her just the way he liked. 
“Fuck, Jen,” Dean groaned as his fingertips trailed over her slit before a louder, more firm crack sounded, the stinging pain coaxing a deep moan from her throat, “Love your pussy.”
“Dean, please, fuck me.” She begged, looking over her shoulder at him through her hair, “I need you.”
“You got me, baby,” He urged, his bruising fingers finding her hips again before swiftly entering her in one deep plunge, his body curling over her back, “You got all of me.”
“Fuck,” she gasped at he sudden fullness, her hips automatically bcuking back to meet his thrust, “Yes.”
Dean instantly set a brutal pace, wanting her to feel every inch of him inside her, wanting her to know that she took him apart just as much as he did her. His throaty, raspy moans and grunts pushed her closer and closer back to the edge, the strong muscles of her pussy fluttering involuntarily as she felt the first pinpricks of her orgasm arriving.
“Fuck, Dean, I’m gonna-” She whimpered, her arms collapsing. She fell forward, allowing her back to arch and give the hunter behind her even more access to her deepest parts. 
“Yeah you are, princess. Let go for me, Jen.” He growled, pulling one of her arms behind her back to hold her in place as he fucked into her even harder than before, his throbbing cock threatening to split her at the seams, “Come for me baby, so I can for you.”
“Yes, Dean. Fuck, please come.” She begged, eyes rolling again as her body began to quake under him. 
The shudder that ran through Dean as her body tightened and released rhythmically was enough to set him off, and he shoved into her one final time before spilling himself inside her. Ecstasy shot through both of them, loud, satisfied moans and trembles leaving them as they came down from their highs. Dean collapsed on top of her, his sweaty chest pressed firmly against her back as they caught their breath. 
“You’re squishing me, Dean,” She huffed after a few moments, feeling the chuckle of a reply from the man on top of her.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” he grinned as he rolled off, pulling her tightly against his chest before pulling the blankets up around them. 
“Thank you,” She said after a few moments, smiling up at him as he tucked one of her curls behind her ear.
“For the sex? Baby, you don’t have to thank me for that.” He teased, earning him a snort.
“No, for knowing I needed you here, asshole.” She rolled her eyes, smirking. 
“I always know, although I would have been here faster if you’d have answered the phone.” he replied back matter-of-factly.
“I promise to work on that.” She promised, sighing as she nuzzled into his chest again. 
“You wanna try and get some sleep?” Dean asked, his gaze moving to where light was starting to peek through the curtains.
“If we can, yeah, before the kids get up and-” She started to say, but was interrupted by her bedroom door slamming open and her twin daughters bursting through.
“Mom! Dean’s here!” They both screeched in unison before turning around and seeing him, their eyes widening and smiles splitting their faces instantly, “DEAN!”
“Hey kiddos! How are my favorite girls doing?” He laughed as they jumped on him, their arms wrapping around his neck and squeezing, “I missed you two! Where’s your brother?”
“Oh God, Liam! You were right! Dean IS here!” Caitlyn yelled as the two ran out of the room, their footsteps sounding through the house.
“I guess sleep is out of the question,” He chuckled, shaking his head as he dragged the blanket out of bed with him to close the door so he could find his clothes, “Breakfast? I know you got pork roll.”
Jen smiled up at the man she loved, at the man who loved her, and chuckled, “I swear, you and fucking food, Winchester.” 
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companionhell · 6 years
Fo4 companions hold their and soles kid for the first time (bonus points if synth Shaun gets to hold them too) (double bonus points if u include the name the companions pick and the gender of the child) tank u!!
I only included the companions who are, uh, physically capable of having children without significant scientific intervention, so no synths or ghouls (which rules out 5 people). I can do them too, though, if you want, with a little tweaking of the canon- we don’t have to tell Todd. Just ask if you do! Also, I put Shaun as a separate reaction rather than adding him to each one, because his reaction would be pretty similar regardless of who the companion was.
Cait: Cait had never thought herself the parenting type. But she agreed to help look after Shaun, mostly because of how much it meant for Sole- it was the least Cait could do for them, really. And she discovered that she didn’t really mind being around children- Shaun kind of found her intimidating, yeah, but that just meant he’d listen to her better, plus he bizarrely shared some of Cait’s sense of humor. So when she figured out she was pregnant, after much consideration, Cait decided she’d keep the child. After all, if she had to be a parent with anyone, she’d definitely choose Sole.
Cait didn’t truly understand Sole’s parental attachment to Shaun, though, until she was holding her baby boy after hours and hours of excruciating labor. Much like her drug treatment, she screamed and swore and wanted to claw her own face out- but afterwards, oh, the reward was so sweet. She stared at him with an almost-soft look on her face, speaking to her son, Flann, in the same tone of voice she used for everyone. “Put up a hell of a fight, didn’t you, kid?” Cait laughed when Flann looked up at her. “That’s my boy.”
Deacon: After Deacon lost Barbara, he’d also lost all hope of ever having a loving partner, of ever having a family. He felt luckier than he deserved to find Sole, someone who could be with him, that he’d never ask for more. But then Sole asked him to help raise Shaun, and he was… just so happy. Deacon kept it cool, of course, because that’s what he did, but he was glad to have a role in the family. Even if he was an adopted father, he still had a son, and that had been all he ever wanted. Of course, that didn’t rival the pure amount of emotion Deacon felt when he learned Sole was pregnant. He almost didn’t believe it.
Regardless of Deacon’s disbelief, his beautiful baby girl was born some months later. He took off his sunglasses to better look at his daughter, Harper, at the manifestation of everything perfect and innocent in the world, and at the person he loved so much holding her. Deacon hadn’t remembered what it felt like to be this happy, and though a note of bittersweet regret and self-deprecation stained it, he still reached out for his daughter. He gently cradled her to his chest, rocking and watching her tiny hand wrap around his thumb. “Hi there, Harper,” Deacon said. He felt like he might cry, but he held it together. “Welcome to the world, kiddo. It’s not so bad out here.”
Gage: Gage had been shocked and nervous when Sole asked him to help out with Shaun, but when he looked at it simply, it made sense. He was one of the only ones they trusted- which was smart in the raiding career. Leaving Shaun alone would put a target on his back for any asshole who wanted revenge on Sole. And as long as Sole and Gage were both around, Shaun might as well answer to both of them. It was the execution of those truths that shook him up, but he followed through. Treated Shaun a little gentler than anyone else, though still kind of gruffly- kid had to be tough, after all. But Gage was still pretty surprised when Sole told him they’d be keeping the pregnancy.
He wasn’t going to question their decision- Gage could respect their choice. But he was almost baffled at how much Sole trusted some dick like him, both to help raise Shaun and to have a kid of his own. It was confusing, but also touching, in a weird sort of way that Gage wasn’t likely to admit, but fuck it, he wouldn’t let Sole down. They were the only person that he knew had his back. He’d have theirs too. So after his son was born, Gage stood over the bed, laughing a little at the difference between the tired-as-hell Sole and the tiny baby they held. With some awkward instruction, he managed to hold the boy, Tanner, and really look at him. Gage didn’t know much about babies, but he thought the kid had smart eyes. Tanner would grow up right- he’d make sure of it.
MacCready: There was a reason he couldn’t stop smiling around Sole. For a while, MacCready had lost the only family he had. His wife was dead, his son was ill and far away. But somehow, though he was the last person to deserve it, MacCready had found a loving partner, even another son. He was happier than words could say. Heck, if Sole had someone they could leave Shaun with, they even made the trip down to get Duncan, brought him to the Commonwealth, started their new life together. So when MacCready heard Sole was pregnant... damn, he’d thought he couldn’t be any happier, but he was wrong.
Once their baby boy arrived, MacCready excitedly spent every minute by Sole’s bed. He had three sons- three sons! He couldn’t believe it. MacCready sat there, grinning like an idiot and just taking in the sight of his wonderful partner, the best person in the world, holding their kid, who they’d decided months earlier to name Carson. At the earliest opportunity, he held his boy, careful to support Carson’s head, and the love he felt was so overwhelming that MacCready found himself tearing up. “Hey, buddy,” he said, looking at his beautiful son. “Oh man, I can’t wait till your brothers meet you.”
Piper: Piper liked kids. This was clear by the affectionate nicknames she called Nat, by the way she ruffled Shaun’s hair and always asked him to fix the printing press, by how she gave sweets to the Diamond City kids if they asked. She loved her family more than she could say, Nat and Sole and Shaun, and found herself content in the rhythm of her new life. So though Piper had never pictured herself a mother so young, she was immediately excited for the addition to the Wright-Sole household. This would definitely be some adventure.
Piper didn’t deal with pain super well, so the whole labor process was kind of hellish for her, but once she was holding her little daughter, she found herself newly occupied. The contractions could have been ten times worse, and it’d still be worth it. She wrapped the tiny baby, her little Bea, in a blanket, pressing a kiss to her head. Piper spent the next while looking at her baby, playing with her and cooing and remembering when Nat was so young. "Hey, Bea,” she said softly. “You’re gonna like it out here, I swear. And you’re gonna love your big brother and your Auntie Nat. Just wait and see.”
Preston: Preston had always wanted to settle down with a family. It wasn’t very ambitious, sure, but it just seemed right for him. So he felt pretty damned lucky when he found Sole, just about the most perfect person in the Commonwealth. They were brave, generous, kind, charitable, and, best of all, they loved him. Preston was so, so happy to have them in his life, to get to help raise their son. This was the family life he’d wanted. It was a whole different level of happy, though, when Sole told him they were pregnant.
After several months of preparations (Preston wanted everything to be right), his daughter was born, and Preston loved her from the moment he set eyes on her. This feeling was really... was really something. He’d been smiling the whole time- hell, he’d been smiling pretty much constantly since Sole told him- but once Sole handed him his daughter, carefully wrapped in a little bundle, his beam turned up to eleven. He even got a little emotional, his eyes getting watery as Preston looked at a miracle. “Welcome home, Elizabeth,” he said, pressing his lips against her forehead. “God, I love you so much.”
Shaun: Shaun waited outside, tinkering with a machine, but his mind was really on his mother/father. Sole had said he would soon have a new younger sibling, and he was so excited that he couldn’t fully concentrate on his inventions for months. Once Sole told Shaun it was alright to enter, he got up and ran through the door, ready to finally see his little brother/sister. And once he did, he smiled at the sight- his mother/father held the baby, carefully transferring the child to him. Shaun quickly learned how to hold a baby (he was a smart kid, after all), and the new addition to the family made him as happy as a little boy could be.
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Another request of mine is since we’re not sure who the baby daddy is for adelita is there a way you can do a request on u being angels girlfriend and u helping him raise his baby boy, but also being like worried about him and adelita that they might get back together again?? But angel and adelita don’t get back together in the end.
*Here it is girl! I hope you love it 💕 *
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*gif not mine*
Warnings: Mostly just fluff
When Angel met you he knew he wanted to make you his but there was just one tiny problem, he had a small human growing within another woman. He wasn’t just a single man anymore he and his kid were going to become a package deal and he wasn’t sure how you would respond to that.
He knew he had to tell you right away, it was only fair that you knew before things between the two of you progressed and at least if he got the cat out of the bag early it could save him some potential heartache if this was a dealbreaker for you.
The two of you went out for dinner and it was as you were walking under the stars together that he broke the news to you.
Your hands were entwined as they gently swung back and forth between the two of you, the cool breeze caressing your face.
“I gotta tell you something, querida.” He said nervously, “And I’ll understand if you're not okay with it and never wanna see me again.”
You stopped walking and it took him a couple steps past you and the tugging of his arm to snap him out of his anxious thoughts and realize you were no longer walking with him.
You pulled his arm towards you forcing him to step closer and right in front of you, “What is it Angel? You can tell me anything.”
He licked his lips and nodded his head slightly as he mustered up the courage, “I have a kid,” he began searching your eyes for any negative signs, “Well not yet but I gotta baby mamma, she’s due in a couple months. We aren’t together anymore and we agreed we’d be better off apart but still want the other involved.” He finished never taking his eyes off your face, trying to read any little movement or change in expression.
You processed the information for a bit, it wasn’t exactly what you were expecting him to say but you really liked him and were always good with children you didn’t see why this would be any problem for your future relationship if what he said about the relationship between him and the mother was true.
“Okay,” was all you said as you began walking again, Angel trailing a few steps behind you now.
“Okay?” He asked as he caught back up to your side, your hands never separating, “That’s really all you are going to say?”
“Any kid of yours is going to be an amazing” you said looking over at him, you could see him beginning to smile, “And if I can fall in love with you I know I can fall in love with it.”
You were now stopped in front of your small house just outside the enclosed chain link fence. You leaned up and placed a kiss onto his cheek before giving him a smile, “Goodnight Angel. I look forward to our next date.”
With that you left him gobsmacked as he watched you walk up the pathway to your house giving him one last wave and disappearing behind the door.
It was in that moment that he knew you were the one for him.
Now you were sat on the sofa scrolling through the channels on your tv as you waited for Angel to come back home with his son. He had taken his baby boy to see his mother earlier in the day and should be back soon.
You only met Adelita once, as a mother she naturally wanted to meet the other woman who would be a part of her son's life. You could see how Angel had fallen for her, not only was she beautiful but she was strong and emitted a sense of power that was very compelling.
Angel told you that she was involved in dangerous things and was very busy so it was better for him to have sole custody of the child. He never told you any of the specifics but just that it was safer for you and his son if you didn’t know, the child needed to be as separate from that life as possible.
You understood and really stepped up to the plate as the boy’s other mother. It wasn’t hard though, just as Angel stole your heart, the minute you looked into the big brown eyes of the small infant he had run away with your heart as well.
Angel was so thankful to you, he didn’t know how he would do it without you. Nurturing just seemed to be second nature for you while he still felt like he was stumbling around this whole fatherhood thing. You were always there to help guide and encourage him through all the little moments and each day he fell more and more in love with you.
The clock kept ticking as it got later and later, the sound of the tv became background noise as your mind drifted to what might have been keeping your two boys late.
You could see them together, Angel, Adelita, and their son as a family, happy and whole.
There was always this fear that one day she would steal them back away from you. Of course they weren’t really yours to claim, especially the little peanut, she had every right to take them back.
And why wouldn’t Angel want his family whole? Why wouldn’t he want that for his son?
You felt like an imposter in another person’s life. Never quite feeling like you fully belonged in the role as his mother.
The opening of the door snapped you out of your thoughts followed by the familiar wails of the babe, as Angel lugged the boy in looking exhausted. He set the car seat down gently and began unbuckling the seat belt, “I’m sorry we’re late, mi dulce. He’s been crying nonstop and I pulled over halfway home but couldn’t figure out what he wanted. Fuck I tried everything.” He ran his hand through his hair, frustrated.
You stood up from the couch and made your way into the kitchen, “Maybe he’s hungry,” you called back to him as you began preparing a bottle.
“The little shit just ate before we left,” he said exasperated. He now had the boy cradled into his arms and began rocking and bouncing trying to sooth the distressed bundle.
You finished whipping up the bottle, dabbing the nipple onto your wrist to check the temperature before bringing it to Angel, “Here,” you said softly, handing him the bottle.
He gave you a half smile before gently placing the bottle into his son's mouth, the boy latching on immediately silencing the cries, “How do you do that? Know exactly what he wants,” he asked in amazement.
You just shrugged before clicking off the tv with the remote and sitting back down on the sofa, patting the spot next to you.
Angel sat beside you kicking his feet up onto the coffee table as you snuggled into his shoulder, looking lovingly at the baby. He glanced over to you and smiled, his heart lived for these moments, full of love and wholeness.
“Would you mind?” He asked, doing his best to motion to the bottle.
Catching on to what he was saying you took the place of his hand on the bottle as he moved his now free arm and wrapped it around your shoulder bringing you in even closer. You leaned your head against him and he kissed the top of your head. You both watched as the infant's eyelids became heavy and he drifted to sleep. You carefully removed the bottle and set it down beside you.
Just enjoying the moment and not wanting to disturb the baby you both snuggled together enjoying the moment as a family.
You pulled your legs up onto the sofa and cuddled more into Angel’s chest, his arm tightening around you, “Do you still love her?,” you asked softly for fear of waking the sleeping angel.
It took Angel a minute in his exhausted state to figure out who you were talking about, “Adelita?” He clarified.
He contemplated for a moment trying to think of the right words and how to phrase his feeling properly, “I love her in the sense that she brought life to my son and I will always be grateful to her for that. We have history, but that love’s in the past.”
Your heart instinctively sank at the words “I love her” before you heard the rest.
“But this love is the present and my future, our future.” He smiled as he looked down at the sleeping babe in his arms,“You’re the most amazing woman I have ever met. You took me into your arms lovingly and without question took my son too, our son.” He affirmed, “Not many people would do that, take in another’s child, and to do so so spectacularly. You're a natural with him, definitely make me look bad,” he chuckled, “We’d be drowning without you, mi amor.”
You teared up as he wiped away all your insecurities and doubt with just his words.
“And someday I’m gonna marry you. Then I’ll knock you up like crazy woman,” he smirked, “And we’ll make lots of little siblings for our little man. I already know you’re an astounding mom so there’s no excuse not too. And maybe by our fourth or fifth I’ll finally have it figured out.” He teased a smirk playing on his lips, “We can even get started now.”
You smacked at his hand that lay around you playfully, “I think one is plenty enough for now Angel. And there is no way I’m birthing three or four kids for you. I’ll do two. Max. But that’s all you will be getting out of me.” You teased back.
He chuckled, the sound vibrating through his chest, “We’ll see,” he said, not giving in “I love you. Only you.” He reaffirmed, hoping you believed him.
You sighed and smiled content, “I love you too. And our son,” you gently ran your finger across the side of the baby’s face. The words our son, feeling so good coming from your lips, and like music to Angel’s ears.
Closing your eyes you could picture it perfectly. You and Angel with your four or five beautiful children, one big happy family. You thought about how happy you were and how full of love you felt for the bundle of joy you two had now, knowing the love would only grow as your family grew.
Fuck you just might cave and give him what he wanted.
Everything Taglist: @jad3djay
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how would they go about go deciding to have a kid? like would he just say "i'm gonna put a baby in u" and she agrees on the spot or would she bring it up to him one night during their heart to hearts before bed after she gets back and had spent time with a mother and her baby? or would he bring it up one day after feeling like they're missing something?
Deciding to have a child wouldn’t be a sudden thing, that’s for sure.
They’d be laying in bed one night, Hades completely bare because it’s how he likes to sleep, while Y/N is all cozy in a wool-threaded nightgown as they’re tangled up in the sheets, legs intertwined and breathing mingling.
There’s nothing sexual about it. They’re just cuddling, talking about what had happened throughout the day and sharing chaste kisses every now and then, Harry sponging his lips softly against her’s, down her chin and across her cheeks, smiling fondly against her eyelids as he hears her giggling.
And she’s hugging him to her tightly, hand knotted into his hair, twirling the silky locks around her fingers and sighing blissfully at the low, soothing thrum he releases against the pulse of her neck. His lips vibrate over her throat, resulting in Y/N drawing back slightly in a heap of laughter, the sensation tickling. And he just grins wider, drawing one of his warm legs from between both of her’s and throwing it across her hip, straddling her with his knees as he digs his face deeper into the crook of her shoulder, blowing raspberries into the sensitive flesh. And Y/N’s a mess of squeals, trying to push him off because it’s too much, but Harry’s too endeared and in love and too entranced by the beautiful smile on her face to stop.
Hades’ hands are coasting up her sides, squeezing at her squishy muscles and tummy, holding her down with his chest pressed to her’s. She’s crying out for help and squirming in his strong arms, calling him names and claiming to get revenge and he just can’t help but love her so damn much.
And now, at this moment, with the corner of her eyes crinkled up in glee and her nose scrunched up, teeth showing in a big smile, is when it clicks into place for him.
Harry pulls back from her neck, breathless from fighting to hold her down, panting against her lips as his eyes shimmer a rainforest canopy green. He pushes his hair back from flopping across his forehead, giving her an intense, heartfelt once-over, his next words sudden but confident nonetheless. “I want a baby.”
Y/N’s entire body goes still under him, her expression of carefree joy melting into one if serious shock. She blinks her big innocent eyes up at him, hands coming up to cradle his jaw, gaze flickering over his face, searching with intent. Her voice is small and shaky. “You what?”
But yeah– yeah, this is definitely what Harry wants. He wants a tiny munchkin running around in a small toga, wearing his gladiator sandals because he wants to be a fighter like his dad. Wants to teach him sword-fighting skills and spirit-communication so his son could learn to lead the Underworld alongside him and his wife. Wants to bring one of the Muses down to help him learn how to play the flute so he could grow up and charm a pretty girl one day.
And if he were to have a girl, he wants to run around the castle with her on his shoulders, telling her about how her uncle Zeus could mold clouds into sky chariots. Wants to let her put jewels and bows in his hair and paint his cheeks with rouge, all to see her pretty smile. He wants to feel her fall asleep on his chest with her tiny head pressed right next to his heart as he kisses her small hands and rubs her sensitive back.
Hades just wants a child to call his own as well as to call Persephone’s– a physical embodiment of all their love for eachother, walking around the very halls of this palace. And he wants one now.
“I want…I want a child, Y/N.” He whispers softly, eyes vulnerable and pleading.
Y/N can see just how scared he is of what her reaction will be, but under the thin veil of anxiousness, she can see a type of certainty to his words. He means it– truly means it. There doesn’t seem to be a doubt in his mind.
“You want…Really?!” And suddenly her eyes are welling up with tears of joy, her arms wrapping tight around his neck and pulling him down to kiss her fully. She herself had dreamt of a child every now and then, but wasn’t sure of where he stood on the matter, so she’d held back. So, having Hades say it first was a huge relief to her.
Harry’s laughing into her mouth, tears of happiness wetting his cheeks and gathering at the crest of his upper lip. “Yes, really. I want one, and I want one with only you.”
She gives a short burst of giddy excitement, pecking all over his face. “Gods, you have no idea how happy this makes me, Har. I’ve been waiting for this moment for a while now.”
“Yeah?” He brushes their noses together lovingly, thumbing over her cheekbones with affection. “Well, when do you wanna start trying, then, love?”
“Right now.” She murmurs, reaching down and giving his bare bum a squeeze, blushing when she sees him raise an eyebrow in amusement.
“Y'wanna start now, sweetheart?” Harry’s already trailing a hand up her thigh, spreading them apart from eachother as he plants suckling kisses down her jaw. “Want me in you?”
She nods frantically, nails digging into the tight muscles of his back as she feels him slide up against her clothed heat.
“Gonna fuck you nice and hard and put a baby in you, pet.” He’s already pushing her underwear to the side, his cockhead trailing up and down her folds temptingly. “Yeah, darling? Y'like that? Gonna give me one, hm?”
“Gods, Harry, please…” Her ankles lock around his back, pulling him into her as he rocks himself gently against her center, teasing. “Fuck me.”
And then he is, pressing inside her tightness with a weak grunt, eyebrows rising in pleasure as his eyes flutter in utter euphoria. He surges all the way forward up until the hilt, teeth worrying her bottom lip into his mouth as he starts thrusting at a slow, tender pace, the corners of his lips twitching in blissful glee. He grabs one of her hips roughly to pull against his, his other hand going to cup her neck, keeping heavy eye contact with her as he buries himself deep within her warmth.
“Let’s make a baby, baby.”
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nicknchris09 · 7 years
Old Friends Chapter 22 Impatient
New Years passed and now it was February. Rachael and I were due then. Rachael texted Seth telling him she went into labor. I was jealous, cause I wanted this baby out of me. I was now trying everything to get him out to come. Walking, eating pineapple, bouncing on an exercise ball, even a lot of sex with Seth. But our boy was stubborn. I was getting frustrated. Seems like Seth was too, especially with how I was getting. Now Rachael gave birth to her daughter, Perrin, and I was still a whale. I wanted our son out. I went into the bedroom to find Seth working and sat on the bed. I moved closer to him and began to kiss and suck on his neck. He gently pushed me. "Not tonight, baby."
I smiled, seductively and said as I moved closer, "Come on, baby. I want you, baby."
"I'm not in the mood." He said, sternly.
Then I got angry and sat back on the bed. I crossed my arms and breathed heavily as my anger consumed me. Seth noticed, "Don't get like that, love."
I whipped my head to look at him. "Why? Why don't you want me? Do you find me repulsive?"
"Of course not."
"Is it cause I am as fat as a whale."
"You seeing someone else?"
"God, no!"
"Then why don't you want me, I mean, I don't understand. We have sex all the time. Most guys would love a girl who wants it all the time. Like I am at a lost. Am I do something wrong..."
I didn't know it as I was rambling but Seth kept saying my name over and over to get my attention, but I just kept rambling. Finally he yelled out, "It's cause you make it into a chore now!"
I looked at him, confused and scrunched up my face. "What?"
He looked at me and let out a breath. "You have literally sucked out the fun of sex. Before it was great, but now you demand a time, tell me how we should do it and you don't even want intimacy, you just want us to release and then that's it. Then you wait for a few hours as you get more and more pissed that your labor didn't jump start. Like you literally make into such a chore that I don't want to have sex with you again till this baby comes."
I knew he wasn't try to be harsh, but it felt harsh. I sat back on the bed as I let it sink in. Instantly, I knew I was going to lose. Damn, these hormones are a bitch. I quickly got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I locked the door and sat on the toilet lid. I fell apart as I felt bad and angry and unwanted. Yeah, hormones were a bitch. I heard a knock at the door and I yelled, "Go away, Seth!"
"Baby, please let me in. I didn't mean it like that." He said from behind the door.
"Yes, you did! And the fucked up part about it is that you are right!" I cried harder. "I just want this over."
Just then, he unlocked the door and walked in. "Ho..." My voice trailed off.
"Do you really think I don't know how to get a door open in my house." He said with a smile.
I just looked away from him and said, "I don't want you to see me like this."
He walked over to me and knelt down in front of me. He took my hand and asked me, softly, "Baby, what is going on with you?"
I looked at him with sad eyes and said, "I am fat, Seth. I waddle when I walk, I have a hard time getting up when I sit, I have to pee every five minutes. I cannot sleep cause I am so uncomfortable. I just want him out, Seth. I want to be done with being pregnant."
He smiled at me. "First of all, you are not fat, you are pregnant, huge different. And I know you want this over with, baby. But he is almost here."
"It's not fast enough." I pouted.
He laughed as he stood up and pulled me to him. I stood up and was instantly in his arms. "Come on, baby. We should try to get some rest."
"Okay." I breathed.
The next couple days, I was more miserable, but one day, I set it to the side. Rachael was home and I wanted to see my new niece. So, while the kids were at school and Seth was at work, I drove over to Rachael's. I rang the doorbell and Spencer answered the door. He smiled. "Hey, Maggie, I should have known you would come over."
"Of course, they already put me on maternity leave at work and Seth is at work as the kids are at school, so I thought I could get some quality time with my niece." I said to him, happily.
He nodded. "Come on in. Rachael and Perrin is in the living room." As I walked past him, he asked, "So, when your little one suppose to make an appearance."
"Hopefully soon." I breathed.
We walked to the living room and Rachael was sitting on the couch with her little one in her arms. I smiled, instantly. I walked over and looked down at the little baby. "Oh my god, Rachael. She is beautiful."
I sat down next to her and she asked, "Want to hold your niece?"
"Yes." I replied, excitedly.
She handed the baby to me and I looked down at her. I awed at the little face. "She looks just like you." I told her.
Rachael smiled. Then she asked, "How you doing?"
I sighed as I looked back at the little one in my arms. "I am ready for my boy to come. I am so miserable. I do not miss being pregnant at all.I am actually jealous that you had Perrin already. Our boy is stubborn."
She chuckled. "You do realize, you due date is not for another week right."
"And?" I almost scoffed. "He needs to come, now."
"He will be here soon. Then you will have sleepless nights and a crying infant." She reminded me.
"That part I can deal with. I can't deal with being uncomfortable. Hell, holding her is difficult." I told her.
"Here. I have an idea." She said as she tooked the baby from me. Then she said, "Sit back."
I did and she placed the sleeping baby tummy down on my large stomach. Perrin shifted slightly, then relaxed. She basically cradled my stomach. I smiled at this. My boy had been quite active all day but he even calmed once she was placed on me. I put a hand gently on her back so I made sure she didn't move. Rachael smiled and said, "Now that is precious. I have to get a picture."
She took her phone off the coffee table and snapped a picture. I smiled. This actually made it not so bad. I enjoyed this and was more then ready to have my boy with me.
Seth's POV
I follow my sister on twitter, so when my phone went off and saw she posted something, of course, I checked it out. I smiled as I saw it. My niece was laying on a large belly and even though I couldn't see her face, I knew it was my woman. The caption read 'My little girl already loves her cousin.' This warmed me. Just made me more excited about my boy coming. I worked late as I did this a few nights so when my boy came, I could spend some time at home and just enjoy having our baby there. I got home and the kids were already in bed. It was quiet. I went upstairs to my room and didn't see Maggie in the room. I then heard the shower running in the bathroom and knew she was in there. I waited as I sat on the bed. I answered a few text messages as I waited for her. She walked out but didn't noticed me, as she was using a towel to dry her hair. She had another towel wrapped around her waist and large belly. I smiled as I knew, soon, our boy would be here. She moved the towel out of her hair and pushed her hair back. Then she jumped as she noticed me. "Jesus, Seth. You scared the shit out of me."
I chuckled. "Sorry, love. I didn't mean to."
"How long have you been home?" She asked.
"Just a few minutes." I said with a small smile.
She then moved over to the dresser and pulled a drawer out. I watched as she pulled out some clothes, then placed them on top of the dresser. I got up and walked over to her. I wrapped an arm around her as I cradled her belly, my other hand was on her hip. I said with a smile, "I saw the picture of you with Perrin. I have to say it was beautiful."
"Yeah?" She turned to head and looked at me.
"Yeah." I said, softly.
"Being with her just makes me want our boy to hurry up and make his appearance even more." She breathed.
"Seeing that picture makes me want the same thing." I said, softly.
I then moved my lips to her neck and started to kiss it softly. She moaned, softly, then said, "I thought it was just a chore now."
I smiled against her neck and said against it, "Not when I have a different goal in mind."
She giggled at this and I began to kiss her neck again. She moved her hand over mine and held it as her breathing hitched. As I continued, she began to grind her ass on me. I moaned against her neck. We kept at it for a few minutes. I wanted her. I broke away and she turned around. I moved my lips to hers and took them, deeply. She kissed me back, passionately. I moved my hand to her towel and undid it. I let it drop to the floor. She then began to undress me. We were both finally naked and I broke the kiss. I took her hand and moved her to the bed. I gently pushed her to the bed and she got on it. She laid her head on the pillow and I moved next to her. Her belly has made some things difficult in the bedroom but we found a way around it. Once I was next to her, I kissed her deeply. We kissed for a bit, then I moved hand to her thigh and lift it slightly. She knew what I was trying to do and rolled to her side so her back was to me. I pulled her close to me and I still had her leg lifted. I adjusted myself to get between her legs. I slowly pushed into her. She moaned out, softly. I let go of her leg and she settled it back down on top of mine. I, then, began to move inside her. I, softly, kissed her shoulder and neck as I moved. She just kept letting little moans slip out. I was enjoying this as we needed to just be together and not when we were just trying to jump start her labor. Right now, that was the last thing on our mind. I kept moving as her moans increased. She was getting close. I moved a little faster as I wanted to send her over. I kept this up. Then she moaned out as she came. She kept herself down as she didn't want the kids to hear. I moved my face to her neck and then moaned out, softly, as I too arrived. I pumped a few more time as I rode out our orgasm, then stopped. I moved my arm around her, over her stomach, just under her breast and held her close to me. We both were trying to catch our breath. She the said, softly, "Mmm, that was nice."
I smiled. "Yeah, it was. So much better when you aren't trying to accomplished something other then what it is. More relaxing."
"It is." She said, tiredly.
She yawned and I smiled. "Sleep, baby."
"Okay." She breathed.
I moved the blanket over us as she was already tired. I knew the pregnancy was hard on her body and she needed the rest. I just settled against her as I, too, drifted off.
I don't know how long I was sleeping, but it didn't feel like long, when I was shaken awake. "What?" I groaned.
"Seth, wake up." Maggie said.
"Maggie, I am very tired. Let me sleep." I complained as I still had my eyes closed.
"No, get up now." She almost demanded.
"Maggie, go back to sleep. Please." I was getting annoyed.
She said, almost loudly, "My water broke, Seth."
My eyes sprang open and I looked at her. "What?"
"My water, it broke. I need to go to the hospital." She told me, calmly.
I sat up in bed and was almost in a panic, "What do we do?"
She almost laughed. "Call your dad, then call Dave, him or Miranda will come to watch over the kids. We will get dress and go to the hospital when your dad gets here."
"Okay." I just nodded.
I did as she told and my dad said he would be on the way. I got dressed and Maggie was already dressed. She was so calm and I was in a panic almost. My son was on the way and I was ready. I was ready to become a father finally.
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bleusarcelle · 8 years
When You Fail To Be
I blame you entirely @kaxpha I take no responsibility.
…. Y u hurt me dude.
Anyways. Here it is, chapter 1. Lance and Shiro angst + broganes angst + KLANCE angst + ….Just angst all around, yo.
Um…So yeah, hope you like??? It’s also on Ao3 on my same name. It’s the second part of the Human Healing Pod Au.
Disclaimer: Voltron doesn’t belong to me. Human Healing Pod Au doesn’t belong to me.
Shiro frowns exasperated as he catches Lance’s blue glowing light from the corner of his eye.
It’s been a few weeks since their last group training took place with Lance’s new healing powers. The brunet insisted that he had the hang of it, being able to work through the process on small injuries without getting dizzy after it.
Lance had reassure Shiro that he will continue training on his own but Shiro had just pursed his lips, not convinced in the least. After a few minutes arguing, Shiro finally agreed to Lance’s plan but only if the brunet had someone with him during his training sessions, something that Lance had grudgingly agreed to along with a few more conditions.
One week later and Lance was already breaking one of their conditions.
“That boy, I swear.” Shiro mumbles, making his way towards Lance as the brunet places his hands over the alien refugee they just saved in today’s mission, his blue eyes falling into a vivid glow entirely in less than a tick, “Hey, I said no more healing today, Lance. You –“
It was just a light pull. Shiro placed his Galra arm over the brunet’s shoulder and pull just enough break apart the contact between him and the alien’s wound and suddenly there was screaming.
Agonized and pained screaming echoes around them and Shiro just stares in horror as Lance shakes and continues to scream in his arms, his glowing eyes getting brighter before losing their light and then being bright once again.
“Lance!” Shiro shouts startled, “Lance, buddy, what’s wrong¡?” He yells in panic, making sure to hold the teen tight against him as he continues to scream and then –
Then Lance sighs, eyes rolling to the back of his head, losing their blue glow, and he goes limp on Shiro’s arms, mouth hanging open in a silent scream and Shiro’s heart skips a beat at the sight.
“L-Lance?” He whispers softly, voice cracking, “Buddy?”
“LANCE!” Keith’s voice echoes in panic and urgency, “Lance¡? Shiro, what happened¡? LANCE!”
“H-He’s not breathing.” Shiro gasps, a cold shiver running through his spine, “H-he’s not –“
Lance’s suddenly taken away from him by a pair of red armored hands. Shiro blinks in panic and confusion for a moment before he raises his head and stares at Keith as the black haired teen cradles Lance’s body against his.
“Lance, baby, hey, come on, come on, this is not funny, Lance, please.” Keith mumbles, his free hand gently patting Lance’s cheek in hopes of getting a reaction, “L-Lance, baby, please, please, no. Hey! Come on, you promised! Lance!”
Everything’s a blur for Shiro after that. Keith’s screams and pleads echo inside him, mixing themselves with Lance’s screams along with Hunk’s sobs and the image of Pidge’s scared face. Barely noticing when Coran makes his way towards them and takes Lance from Keith’s arms, followed by the blurry image of Hunk holding Keith back as he trashes and screams wildly when Lance is taken away from him.
He doesn’t even notice Allura’s presence until she whispers his name against his ear and he snaps out of it. He blinks hard and takes the surroundings around him. He’s in Allura’s room, lying down on her bed, facing the ceiling in disorientation and confusion.
“Wha –“ Shiro mumbles softly, “What.”
“Hey, it’s alright. Take it easy.” Allura whispers gently, stroking his hair, “It’s alright.”
“What happened?” Shiro asks in a daze, eyes groggy and tired before they snap wide open as he remembers Lance’s limp weight on his arms, “Lance. What happened to Lance? Allura?”
“You killed him, that’s what happened.” Shiro freezes at the cold harsh voice that answers him and slowly turns his head to the side to meet his little brother’s glare.
“Keith!” Allura snaps, sighing in exasperation as if it wasn’t the first time she has scolded the teen.
“What? It’s true, isn’t it?” Keith snaps back, frowning and glaring angrily.
Allura stays quiet and Shiro’s blood turns cold.
“Allura?” He asks in a small voice and Allura shakes her head.
“He died for a few ticks but we were able to get him back.” Allura answers, her shoulders tense and her voice tired, “But it wasn’t anyone’s fau –“
“No. It was Shiro’s. It was Shiro who made Lance push himself in every training session knowing the danger. It was Shiro who made Lance feel like he needed to push and push and push himself more every time. It’s because of Shiro that Lance has dark bags and swollen red eyes and is tired all the time. It was Shiro –It was Shiro who broke the connection and caused Lance’s heart to stop.”
One, two, three beats and then –
“What?” Shiro breaths out, slowly sitting up on the bed and waving away Allura’s complaints, “What? What does that – What?
“Keith.” Allura says calmly but with an edge of warning in her tone, “Stand down.”
“Whatever.” Keith mumbles, scoffing and sending Shiro a dark glare before turning around and walking towards the exit, leaving behind a frozen Shiro.
“What.” Shiro whispers, “What?”
“Shiro –“
“Keith, no, wait!” Shiro ignores Allura’s words as he climbs down the bed and follows his brother with wobbly but fast steps, “Keith Kogane Shirogane, come back her –!”
Keith turns around sharply and Shiro takes a surprised step back at the furious snarl on his kid brother’s face.
“Don’t call me that.” Keith whispers with menace, “I want nothing to do with you, you hear me? Nothing.”
“Keith –“ Shiro stops as Keith suddenly crashes against him, barely dodging the fist that was aimed for his face, “Keith!” He repeats, grabbing Keith by the arms and keeping him still.
“You damn son of a –! It was your fault! You and your stupid rules! You and – and – God, I hate you, Ifucking hate you!” Keith screams, fist hitting the young adult on the chest, “You fucking – I fucking hate –“
“Buddy –“
“You didn’t protect him!” Keith screams, still trashing and kicking against Shiro’s hold on his arms, “You didn’t protect him! You promised and you didn’t –! You just let him die in your arms! You just stood there as he died and –! Fuck!”
“Keith, please –“ Shiro rasps out brokenly but Keith shakes his head, taking a step back from his older brother, shrugging his hold.
“No. No. He died, Shiro. My – Lance died and I – I couldn’t – And –“ A sudden abrupt sob escapes his mouth and suddenly Keith falls to the ground, sobs shaking his entire body, “I –I –I didn’t know what – And you were – You looked so hopeless as you held him and I couldn’t – I fucking lost it –“
“Keith.” Shiro mumbles, his heart breaking for his little brother but the teen just continues to sob on the ground in the middle of the hallway.
“I-I’m sorry, fuck – I’m sorry, Shiro – I know it wasn’t – wasn’t your fault but –“ Keith presses the palm of his hands hard against his eyes in hopes to stop the flowing tears, “It was mine. It was my fault – And I slash out at you and I’m – He was dead, god , he wasDEAD, SHIRO!”
Shiro doesn’t hesitates and then he’s on the floor, wrapping his arms around his little brother as the teen shakes with sobs, still mumbling incoherently against his brother’s chest and Shiro takes no mind as snot and tears mix themselves on his shirt.
He just holds his brother, tight and strong, and sucks in a deep breath to stop his own tears from falling.
“I’m sorry.” He murmurs under his breath against Keith’s wild hair, “I’m so sorry, little brother.”
Allura just stands quietly on the corner, watching with sad eyes as the brothers sit on the floor, holding each other. She turns then, giving them their privacy before she enters the first room down the opposite hall.
Her footsteps are soft as she walks towards the bed on the corner of the room. The room is dark and quiet, for the exception of the hard panting breathing coming from the bed.
Allura takes a seat on the start of the bed, near Lance’s face, and watches sadly as the brunet rasps out harsh breaths through his mouth, unable to fill his lungs properly.
“Hush, now, it’s okay, Lance. It’s okay.” She mumbles gently, brushing Lance’s wet hair back as the the brunet whimpers inconsolably, “Sh, asteráki. You’re alright.”
She stays there for a while, humming under her voice to calm the brunet down and whispering comfort words as he whimpers and whines unconsciously.
Allura losses track of the time but suddenly, the door opens once again and she meets Shiro’s wide scared eyes at the edge of the door.
“Shiro.” She calls softly and frowns when the leader of Voltron doesn’t knowledge her calling, his gray eyes solemnly placed on the shivering brunet on the bed, “Shiro, love.”
One, two, three steps back out of shock and then Shiro’s running out of the room. 
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Lethal Virus - Part 4/5
Part O N E || Part T W O || Part T H R E E || Part F O U R || Part F I V E Word Count: 1847 Requested by: mymisstina Themes: Angst, AU, Slight Fluff Triggers: Blood, Mentions of Death, Guns. A/N: We’re almost at the end of this series! I really didn’t want to make it five parts but I didn’t like how everything tied in without separating this and the last part. I hope you enjoy.
“How could you be so stupid?” Hoseok groaned looking at his computer, then a gleeful laugh fell from his lips. “Hey, Boss.” Hyunwoo looked up from his own computer, “Yeah?” “Jung Kisoo - the guy Kihyun said was involved in the medical scandal along with Dr. Kim.” “From the other company? Yeah, what about him.” “Jung got married three years ago to a woman by the name of Park Juhyun, but she got really sick. Apparently, he was working on a drug to cure her illness and was trying to rush through testing.” “Medical testing for new drugs can take years, right?” Minhyuk interrupted. “Yeah, exactly. This guy was doing everything in his power to get it pushed to human testing but his wife died before it ever got to that stage. Then, Kim’s company stole the drug and are supposed to be holding a press conference tomorrow to announce it and it’s properties.” “That’s a good lead.” Hyunwoo agreed. “Take Jooheon and stake out the conference tomorrow, he could be planning on releasing the virus then.” He paused for a minute. “Be careful.” “Your concern is touching boss, but that’s not what cements this guy as your lead suspect.” Hyunwoo waited, his eyebrows raised. “When his wife died, he took her last name. Park Kisoo.”
You walked back into the room, just in time for Hoseok to turn his screen around to show Hyunwoo a photograph. You gasped, finding it difficult to breathe for a moment. “T-That’s him.” You finally choked out, stumbling toward the desk, ignoring everyone’s concerned looks. “That’s Dr. Park.” “Hoseok, send me a home address. I’m going to ask this Park Kisoo some questions.” Hyunwoo stood, grabbing his wallet and car keys as he made his way to the door. His hands had just touched his coat hanging in the doorway when you caught up with him. “Where do you think you’re going without me?” You inquired failing to keep any anger out of your voice. How dare he assume that you weren’t going with him. “I know you’re not going to leave your partner behind.” “You’re too sick. If this is our guy… It’s too damn dangerous, ______-ah.” “What’s he going to do, infect me a second time?” You challenged, fire burning in your eyes. “If anything, I should be going alone and you should be staying here. I do not need your protection. I’ve yet to show any symptoms, so how can we even be sure that I’ve been infected.” “Uh, the tests that you had at the hospital?” Hoseok interrupted sarcastically. “Shut UP, Hoseok.” The both of you yelled, not even bothering to look at him. “Fine. Get your things quickly, because I’m not waiting.” As he stormed out of the room, you ignored the burning pain in your chest as you dashed back to your desk before hurrying out the door,
As you pulled up to the modest home, you noticed a light on in the front window. “First sign of danger, you are out of there.” Hyunwoo growled, his voice low and dangerous. “No. First sign of danger and you are out of there.” You quickly climbed out of the car and was followed closely by Hyunwoo, who soon took the lead. The door opened by itself and the two of you stepped inside. “Sorry.” Hyunwoo whispered. Just as the door went to swing shut, Hyunwoo pushed you down and out of the entrance way. The door slammed shut in your face with you outside the building and Hyunwoo inside with a madman.
“HEY! SON HYUNWOO! HEY! AHHHH! FUCK!” You screamed so loudly that you started to cough. Quickly, you got to your feet and pushed through the dizziness as you radioed in for backup and began to search around the house, looking for a way in. As you neared the back, you came across a window that looked into Park’s living room. You could see Hyunwoo and Park sitting, quite civilly, opposite each other. To anyone else, it might look like two acquaintances having a chat. Then you saw Park pull a gun on Hyunwoo, and your eyes widened as you looked for something, anything, to break the window glass. You eyes settled on a brick paver that was loose. Without even thinking of anything except getting inside, fast, you threw the brick paver through the window and the glass exploded, spraying you with thousands of sharp pieces. Ignoring it, you moved to run into the room but your body was too weak from fighting the virus. You stumbled and landed in the shattered glass, cutting your hands and face as you landed. “_____!” Hyunwoo made to jump up but the cock up the gun kept him still. He scowled at Park who began to laugh hysterically. “You did this to her, you arsehole.” “I remember her. She tried so hard to relax me. ‘It’s OK doctor, fighting. The police may seem tough, but we’re just people too’.” He mocked you. 
You shakily got to your feet, ignoring the blood that fell from your body and onto the carpet. Once again Hyunwoo moved to reach you but it was you that stopped him this time. “If my blood gets on me, you get infected. Think before you do something you’ll regret.” Hyunwoo hung his head and let out a pitiful laugh. “I could never do anything for or with you that I’d regret, ____-ah.” He said softly. Park let out a high pitched laugh. “Oh, this is too much fun. You have feelings for each other.” Your face grew red as Hyunwoo’s head snapped up to glare at the man holding you both captive. “She’s my partner, of course I do. We work so closely together, you develop a bond. I imagine you had one similar to your wife - or are you so gripped with madness that you can’t even remember that.” Park ignored him. “I want to play a little game.” He opened the gun and dumped all six bullets from it before selecting one and placing it back into the machine. “There’s a safe there, girlie. If you can figure out the four digit combination. You’ll have the vaccine.”
Your heart fluttered in your chest as you swayed slightly on the spot, the blood loss and virus working together to bring you down. You tried to take a step toward the safe but he stopped you. “Ah, ah, ah. I haven’t finished. Every time you get it wrong. I’ll fire this fun off at your partner’s little head.” Your eyes locked with Hyunwoo’s who nodded. “Come over here, detective, so I can tie you up. While you seem like the type to play fair, I don’t want any chances.” Nodding, Hyunwoo stood and made his way over to sit by Park, who tied the younger man’s wrists behind his back. “Since you both behaved so well. I’ll give you two clues. My wife and I were married on the 11th of April, 2014 and she died on the 1st of September, 2016.” You paused, he’d given you two options. “But I can’t promise that those numbers are in order.” He cackled before pressing the nozzle of the gun directly to Hyunwoo’s head. “Begin, if you please.”
You tried to fight the hazy feeling in your mind and forced your bleary eyes to stay open and alert. His wedding date was the 11th of April. You couldn’t think of a reason why the man would use the date he lost his beloved wife as a code for anything. “Don’t second-guess yourself.” Hyunwoo called. “You’ve got this - oof.” “Shut up or I’ll blow both of your brains out. Fuck the vaccine. Do you want the blood of those other policemen on your hands? Not to mention all the civilians that I’ll infect tomorrow at the press conference.” You forced their voices out of your head and entered 1104 into the safe. Three beeps were emitted from the safe and it didn’t open. You heard the Park pulled the hammer. Your eyes locked onto Hyunwoo’s, every nerve in your body on edge. Click. No bullet. Turning, you took a difficult and shaky breath. Breathing was getting harder and harder to do. 0414. Beep. Beep. Beep. Click. Empty again. You felt feverish and you weren’t sure if it was the nerves or the virus that was finally winning. You thought about what it would be to lose the person you loved. What it would be like to lose Hyunwoo. You wouldn’t want to forget that day for as long as you lived. A wedding was a special day, but death. That was the one true life altering event. The 1st of September, 2016. Did you try the date and month, or the month and the year? Just the month and the year were too vague. No. It had to be the day. Hell, the very millisecond if possible, but you hadn’t been given anything other than a day. “Oh dear… Is that pesky little virus finally winning?” Park cooed. “Hurry, hurry or I’ll think you’ve forfeited and take my next shot." Trying to steady your shaking hand, you typed in 0109.
A long, clear beep resonated through the room. Clank. The safe swung open and you let out a sigh of relief. “______!” You turned just in time to see Park pointing the gun at you before Hyunwoo threw his body onto him. The gun went off.
Someone screamed. It sounded like you, but it was if you were floating through the room outside your own body. Someone cursed. Hyunwoo. “HYUNWOO!” You cried, standing to rush over to him. His thigh was bleeding. Park made to move for the gun but Hyunwoo knocked his head against his own, knocking Park out cold just as the rest of the unit (minus Changkyun) burst through the window. You untied Hyunwoo but quickly moved away as you felt a horrible coughing attack coming over you. “_____!” You heard multiple voices calling your name as you doubled over and let your body heave, blood spilling from your mouth. The last thing you heard was Hyunwoo before everything went black.
Ignoring the pain in his thigh, Hyunwoo raced over to catch you before you hit the ground. “______!” “Boss, no!” Jooheon called. “You’ll get sick.” Cradling ______’s limp body in his arms, Hyunwoo gestured with his head to the safe. “He said there was a vaccine in there.” “What if he lied?” Minhyuk murmured, saying what everyone else was thinking. “I don’t want to live in a world that she isn’t in.” Hyunwoo choked out, his eyes burning. “We get it, Boss,” Hyungwon sighed. “We’d all do anything for our partners. It would kill me if Changkyun d-died, but you have to go on living for them as well.” “She’s not just my partner.” Hyunwoo growled as he lifted you up into his arms, shutting out the pain. “I love her.” He began to leave the house, limping badly as he made his way out to where an ambulance waited. “Bring the vaccine.”
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