arlzuteni · 24 days
The Evolution (or not) of Fuji Syusuke
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Fuji: Let's throw this match, it'll be fine.
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Fuji: Okay wait, that's my brother. I'll crush you.
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Fuji: Here's a lob!
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Tezuka: Play seriously. Fuji: No.
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Fuji: But I will win this thing even if I'm blind!
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Fuji: Ahh... can I just pretend I tried? Echizen: No. Play seriously.
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Fuji: Okay fine maybe I will!
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Fuji: ...or maybe I'll just quit tennis for good or whatever.
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Fuji: Haha, joke's on you, here's the super serious new me!
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Coach: Fuji, you're on! Fuji: I'm ready! Echizen: Actually, I kinda really wanted to play tho... Fuji: Ohh yeah no that's cool you can have this match :3
To be continued ad infinitum?
Srsly tho I love Fuji and since he's canonically only 14 years old he can change his mind about tennis however often he wants.
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arlzuteni · 29 days
Prince of Tennis Episode #144
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Tezuka: (to himself) This is an important tennis decision. I must be neutral. Don't think with your dick, Tezuka, don't think with your dick...
Tezuka: I choose Fuji.
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arlzuteni · 9 days
Sometimes I imagine what life must be like for voice actors who once in their lives many years ago did the voice of a minor tenipuri side character.
Like their lives are probably mostly chill but sometimes they get a call like this:
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Company: Heyyy do you remember voicing this character on that one tennis anime?
VA: Uhhh, vaguely? maybe?
Company: Awesome, why that‘s great because we need you to record a song for them!
VA: Are you sure because I think I recorded like two lines of dialogue back then?
Company: Positive! We‘ll see you at the studio!
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arlzuteni · 22 days
Prince of Tennis Episode #145
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This happened and needs no comment.
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arlzuteni · 24 days
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Still catching up on tennis media from the last xx years I've been away from the fandom. So now I'm 4 minutes into this movie and--
When did this happen?
How did I miss it?
Why did the world not outright IMPLODE when the guy who literally KILLED the DINOSAURS started dancing the macarena at a tennis venue??
Apparently this movie is 1:40 long let's see if I make it through without further brain damage.
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arlzuteni · 27 days
Lesser known tenifacts #2
Everything you didn't need to know about some other school, delivered directly to your feed whether you want it or not. Unsubscribe from tenifacts today!
St. Rudolph's dormitory is called the "Lustrous Garden" (輝きの園)
according to an OB, the school formerly only made it to the first round of the Tokyo tournament
St. Rudolph is currently accepting donations for the school's 10 year anniversary celebration (which will happen in 5 years time)
Today's tenifacts are from pages 371-373 of fanbook 40.5
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arlzuteni · 1 month
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they had this whole naked get-together and did not invite any of the teams who have freshmen on them because reasons. also, that's milk they're drinking.
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then the orgy happened. everyone had a good time.
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arlzuteni · 1 month
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the world's tiniest adhesive towel, just stick it to your dick
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