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nursingscience · 7 months ago
360 NURSING BULLETS: Maternity and Newborn Nursing Reviewer
The male sperm contributes an X or a Y chromosome; the female ovum contributes an X chromosome.
Fertilization produces a total of 46 chromosomes, including an XY combination (male) or an XX combination (female).
Organogenesis occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy, specifically, days 14 to 56 of gestation.
Implantation in the uterus occurs 6 to 10 days after ovum fertilization.
The chorion is the outermost extraembryonic membrane that gives rise to the placenta.
The corpus luteum secretes large quantities of progesterone.
From the 8th week of gestation through delivery, the developing cells are known as a fetus.
The union of a male and a female gamete produces a zygote, which divides into the fertilized ovum.
Spermatozoa (or their fragments) remain in the vagina for 72 hours after sexual intercourse.
If the ovum is fertilized by a spermatozoon carrying a Y chromosome, a male zygote is formed.
Implantation occurs when the cellular walls of the blastocyte implants itself in the endometrium, usually 7 to 9 days after fertilization.
Implantation occurs when the cellular walls of the blastocyte implants itself in the endometrium, usually 7 to 9 days after fertilization.
Heart development in the embryo begins at 2 to 4 weeks and is complete by the end of the embryonic stage.
If a patient misses a menstrual period while taking an oral contraceptive exactly as prescribed, she should continue taking the contraceptive.
The first menstrual flow is called menarche and may be anovulatory (infertile).
When both breasts are used for breastfeeding, the infant usually doesn’t empty the second breast. Therefore, the second breast should be used first at the next feeding.
Stress, dehydration, and fatigue may reduce a breastfeeding mother’s milk supply.
To help a mother break the suction of her breastfeeding infant, the nurse should teach her to insert a finger at the corner of the infant’s mouth.
Cow’s milk shouldn’t be given to infants younger than age one (1) because it has a low linoleic acid content and its protein is difficult for infants to digest.
A woman who is breastfeeding should rub a mild emollient cream or a few drops of breast milk (or colostrum) on the nipples after each feeding. She should let the breasts air-dry to prevent them from cracking.
Breastfeeding mothers should increase their fluid intake to 2½ to 3 qt (2,500 to 3,000 ml) daily.
After feeding an infant with a cleft lip or palate, the nurse should rinse the infant’s mouth with sterile water.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been cultured in breast milk and can be transmitted by an HIV-positive mother who breast-feeds her infant.
Colostrum, the precursor of milk, is the first secretion from the breasts after delivery
A mother should allow her infant to breastfeed until the infant is satisfied. The time may vary from 5 to 20 minutes.
Most drugs that a breastfeeding mother takes appear in breast milk.
Prolactin stimulates and sustains milk production.
Breastfeeding of a premature neonate born at 32 weeks gestation can be accomplished if the mother expresses milk and feeds the neonate by gavage.
A mother who has a positive human immunodeficiency virus test result shouldn’t breastfeed her infant.
Hot compresses can help to relieve breast tenderness after breastfeeding.
Unlike formula, breast milk offers the benefit of maternal antibodies.
The initial weight loss for a healthy neonate is 5% to 10% of birth weight.
The normal hemoglobin value in neonates is 17 to 20 g/dl.
The circumference of a neonate’s head is normally 2 to 3 cm greater than the circumference of the chest.
After delivery, the first nursing action is to establish the neonate’s airway.
The specific gravity of a neonate’s urine is 1.003 to 1.030. A lower specific gravity suggests overhydration; a higher one suggests dehydration.
During the first hour after birth (the period of reactivity), the neonate is alert and awake.
The neonatal period extends from birth to day 28. It’s also called the first four (4) weeks or first month of life.
A low-birth-weight neonate weighs 2,500 g (5 lb 8 oz) or less at birth.
A very-low-birth-weight neonate weighs 1,500 g (3 lb 5 oz) or less at birth.
Administering high levels of oxygen to a premature neonate can cause blindness as a result of retrolental fibroplasia.
An Apgar score of 7 to 10 indicates no immediate distress, 4 to 6 indicates moderate distress, and 0 to 3 indicates severe distress.
To elicit Moro’s reflex, the nurse holds the neonate in both hands and suddenly, but gently, drops the neonate’s head backward. Normally, the neonate abducts and extends all extremities bilaterally and symmetrically, forms a C shape with the thumb and forefinger, and first adducts and then flexes the extremities.
An Apgar score of 7 to 10 indicates no immediate distress, 4 to 6 indicates moderate distress, and 0 to 3 indicates severe distress.
If jaundice is suspected in a neonate, the nurse should examine the infant under natural window light. If natural light is unavailable, the nurse should examine the infant under a white light.
Vitamin K is administered to neonates to prevent hemorrhagic disorders because a neonate’s intestine can’t synthesize vitamin K.
Variability is any change in the fetal heart rate (FHR) from its normal rate of 120 to 160 beats/minute. Acceleration is increased FHR; deceleration is decreased FHR.
Fetal alcohol syndrome presents in the first 24 hours after birth and produces lethargy, seizures, poor sucking reflex, abdominal distention, and respiratory difficulty.
In a neonate, the symptoms of heroin withdrawal may begin several hours to 4 days after birth.
In a neonate, the symptoms of methadone withdrawal may begin 7 days to several weeks after birth.
In a neonate, the cardinal signs of narcotic withdrawal include coarse, flapping tremors; sleepiness; restlessness; prolonged, persistent, high-pitched cry; and irritability.
The nurse should count a neonate’s respirations for one (1) full minute.
Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) is used to treat neonates who are addicted to narcotics.
The nurse should provide a dark, quiet environment for a neonate who is experiencing narcotic withdrawal.
Drugs used to treat withdrawal symptoms in neonates include phenobarbital (Luminal), camphorated opium tincture (paregoric), and diazepam (Valium).
In a premature neonate, signs of respiratory distress include nostril flaring, substernal retractions, and inspiratory grunting.
Respiratory distress syndrome (hyaline membrane disease) develops in premature infants because their pulmonary alveoli lack surfactant.
Whenever an infant is being put down to sleep, the parent or caregiver should position the infant on the back. Remember the mnemonic “back to sleep.”
The percentage of water in a neonate’s body is about 78% to 80%.
To perform nasotracheal suctioning in an infant, the nurse positions the infant with his neck slightly hyperextended in a “sniffing” position, with his chin up and his head tilted back slightly.
After birth, the neonate’s umbilical cord is tied 1″ (2.5 cm) from the abdominal wall with a cotton cord, plastic clamp, or rubber band.
When teaching parents to provide umbilical cord care, the nurse should teach them to clean the umbilical area with a cotton ball saturated with alcohol after every diaper change to prevent infection and promote drying.
Ortolani’s sign (an audible click or palpable jerk that occurs with thigh abduction) confirms congenital hip dislocation in a neonate.
Cutis marmorata is mottling or purple discoloration of the skin. It’s a transient vasomotor response that occurs primarily in the arms and legs of infants who are exposed to cold.
The first immunization for a neonate is the hepatitis B vaccine, which is administered in the nursery shortly after birth.
Infants with Down syndrome typically have marked hypotonia, floppiness, slanted eyes, excess skin on the back of the neck, flattened bridge of the nose, flat facial features, spade-like hands, short and broad feet, small male genitalia, absence of Moro’s reflex, and a simian crease on the hands.
The nurse instills erythromycin in a neonate’s eyes primarily to prevent blindness caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia.
A fever in the first 24 hours postpartum is most likely caused by dehydration rather than infection.
Preterm neonates or neonates who can’t maintain a skin temperature of at least 97.6° F (36.4° C) should receive care in an incubator (Isolette) or a radiant warmer. In a radiant warmer, a heat-sensitive probe taped to the neonate’s skin activates the heater unit automatically to maintain the desired temperature.
Neonates who are delivered by cesarean birth have a higher incidence of respiratory distress syndrome.
When providing phototherapy to a neonate, the nurse should cover the neonate’s eyes and genital area.
The narcotic antagonist naloxone (Narcan) may be given to a neonate to correct respiratory depression caused by narcotic administration to the mother during labor.
In a neonate, symptoms of respiratory distress syndrome include expiratory grunting or whining, sandpaper breath sounds, and seesaw retractions.
Cerebral palsy presents as asymmetrical movement, irritability, and excessive, feeble crying in a long, thin infant.
The nurse should assess a breech-birth neonate for hydrocephalus, hematomas, fractures, and other anomalies caused by birth trauma.
In a neonate, long, brittle fingernails are a sign of postmaturity.
Desquamation (skin peeling) is common in postmature neonates.
The average birth weight of neonates born to mothers who smoke is 6 oz (170 g) less than that of neonates born to nonsmoking mothers.
Neonatal jaundice in the first 24 hours after birth is known as pathological jaundice and is a sign of erythroblastosis fetalis.
Lanugo covers the fetus’s body until about 20 weeks gestation. Then it begins to disappear from the face, trunk, arms, and legs, in that order.
In a neonate, hypoglycemia causes temperature instability, hypotonia, jitteriness, and seizures.
Premature, postmature, small-for-gestational-age, and large-for-gestational-age neonates are susceptible to this disorder.
Neonates typically need to consume 50 to 55 cal per pound of body weight daily.
During fetal heart rate monitoring, variable decelerations indicate compression or prolapse of the umbilical cord.
A neonate whose mother has diabetes should be assessed for hyperinsulinism.
The best technique for assessing jaundice in a neonate is to blanch the tip of the nose or the area just above the umbilicus.
Milia may occur as pinpoint spots over a neonate’s nose.
Strabismus is a normal finding in a neonate.
Respiratory distress syndrome develops in premature neonates because their alveoli lack surfactant.
Rubella infection in a pregnant patient, especially during the first trimester, can lead to spontaneous abortion or stillbirth as well as fetal cardiac and other birth defects.
The Apgar score is used to assess the neonate’s vital functions. It’s obtained at 1 minute and 5 minutes after delivery. The score is based on respiratory effort, heart rate, muscle tone, reflex irritability, and color.
Erythromycin is given at birth to prevent ophthalmia neonatorum.
In the neonate, the normal blood glucose level is 45 to 90 mg/dl.
Hepatitis B vaccine is usually given within 48 hours of birth.
Hepatitis B immune globulin is usually given within 12 hours of birth.
Boys who are born with hypospadias shouldn’t be circumcised at birth because the foreskin may be needed for constructive surgery.
In neonates, cold stress affects the circulatory, regulatory, and respiratory systems.
Fetal embodiment is a maternal developmental task that occurs in the second trimester. During this stage, the mother may complain that she never gets to sleep because the fetus always gives her a thump when she tries.
Mongolian spots can range from brown to blue. Their color depends on how close melanocytes are to the surface of the skin. They most commonly appear as patches across the sacrum, buttocks, and legs.
Mongolian spots are common in non-white infants and usually disappear by age 2 to 3 years.
Vernix caseosa is a cheeselike substance that covers and protects the fetus’s skin in utero. It may be rubbed into the neonate’s skin or washed away in one or two baths.
Caput succedaneum is edema that develops in and under the fetal scalp during labor and delivery. It resolves spontaneously and presents no danger to the neonate. The edema doesn’t cross the suture line.
Nevus flammeus, or port-wine stain, is a diffuse pink to dark bluish red lesion on a neonate’s face or neck.
The Guthrie test (a screening test for phenylketonuria) is most reliable if it’s done between the second and sixth days after birth and is performed after the neonate has ingested protein.
To assess coordination of sucking and swallowing, the nurse should observe the neonate’s first breastfeeding or sterile water bottle-feeding.
To establish a milk supply pattern, the mother should breast-feed her infant at least every 4 hours. During the first month, she should breast-feed 8 to 12 times daily (demand feeding).
To avoid contact with blood and other body fluids, the nurse should wear gloves when handling the neonate until after the first bath is given.
If a breast-fed infant is content, has good skin turgor, an adequate number of wet diapers, and normal weight gain, the mother’s milk supply is assumed to be adequate.
In the supine position, a pregnant patient’s enlarged uterus impairs venous return from the lower half of the body to the heart, resulting in supine hypotensive syndrome, or inferior vena cava syndrome.
Tocolytic agents used to treat preterm labor include terbutaline (Brethine), ritodrine (Yutopar), and magnesium sulfate.
A pregnant woman who has hyperemesis gravidarum may require hospitalization to treat dehydration and starvation.
Diaphragmatic hernia is one of the most urgent neonatal surgical emergencies. By compressing and displacing the lungs and heart, this disorder can cause respiratory distress shortly after birth.
Common complications of early pregnancy (up to 20 weeks gestation) include fetal loss and serious threats to maternal health.
If the neonate is stable, the mother should be allowed to breast-feed within the neonate’s first hour of life.
The nurse should check the neonate’s temperature every 1 to 2 hours until it’s maintained within normal limits.
At birth, a neonate normally weighs 5 to 9 lb (2 to 4 kg), measures 18″ to 22″ (45.5 to 56 cm) in length, has a head circumference of 13½” to 14″ (34 to 35.5 cm), and has a chest circumference that’s 1″ (2.5 cm) less than the head circumference.
In the neonate, temperature normally ranges from 98° to 99° F (36.7° to 37.2° C), apical pulse rate averages 120 to 160 beats/minute, and respirations are 40 to 60 breaths/minute.
The diamond-shaped anterior fontanel usually closes between ages 12 and 18 months. The triangular posterior fontanel usually closes by age 2 months.
In the neonate, a straight spine is normal. A tuft of hair over the spine is an abnormal finding.
Prostaglandin gel may be applied to the vagina or cervix to ripen an unfavorable cervix before labor induction with oxytocin (Pitocin).
Supernumerary nipples are occasionally seen on neonates. They usually appear along a line that runs from each axilla, through the normal nipple area, and to the groin.
Meconium is a material that collects in the fetus’s intestines and forms the neonate’s first feces, which are black and tarry.
The presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid during labor indicates possible fetal distress and the need to evaluate the neonate for meconium aspiration.
To assess a neonate’s rooting reflex, the nurse touches a finger to the cheek or the corner of the mouth. Normally, the neonate turns his head toward the stimulus, opens his mouth, and searches for the stimulus.
Harlequin sign is present when a neonate who is lying on his side appears red on the dependent side and pale on the upper side.
Because of the anti-insulin effects of placental hormones, insulin requirements increase during the third trimester.
Gestational age can be estimated by ultrasound measurement of maternal abdominal circumference, fetal femur length, and fetal head size. These measurements are most accurate between 12 and 18 weeks gestation.
Skeletal system abnormalities and ventricular septal defects are the most common disorders of infants who are born to diabetic women. The incidence of congenital malformation is three times higher in these infants than in those born to nondiabetic women.
Skeletal system abnormalities and ventricular septal defects are the most common disorders of infants who are born to diabetic women. The incidence of congenital malformation is three times higher in these infants than in those born to nondiabetic women.
The patient with preeclampsia usually has puffiness around the eyes or edema in the hands (for example, “I can’t put my wedding ring on.”).
Kegel exercises require contraction and relaxation of the perineal muscles. These exercises help strengthen pelvic muscles and improve urine control in postpartum patients.
Symptoms of postpartum depression range from mild postpartum blues to intense, suicidal, depressive psychosis.
The preterm neonate may require gavage feedings because of a weak sucking reflex, uncoordinated sucking, or respiratory distress.
Acrocyanosis (blueness and coolness of the arms and legs) is normal in neonates because of their immature peripheral circulatory system.
To prevent ophthalmia neonatorum (a severe eye infection caused by maternal gonorrhea), the nurse may administer one of three drugs, as prescribed, in the neonate’s eyes: tetracycline, silver nitrate, or erythromycin.
Neonatal testing for phenylketonuria is mandatory in most states.
The nurse should place the neonate in a 30-degree Trendelenburg position to facilitate mucus drainage.
The nurse may suction the neonate’s nose and mouth as needed with a bulb syringe or suction trap.
To prevent heat loss, the nurse should place the neonate under a radiant warmer during suctioning and initial delivery-room care, and then wrap the neonate in a warmed blanket for transport to the nursery.
The umbilical cord normally has two arteries and one vein.
When providing care, the nurse should expose only one part of an infant’s body at a time.
Lightening is settling of the fetal head into the brim of the pelvis.
In a full-term neonate, skin creases appear over two-thirds of the neonate’s feet. Preterm neonates have heel creases that cover less than two-thirds of the feet.
At 20 weeks gestation, the fundus is at the level of the umbilicus.
At 36 weeks gestation, the fundus is at the lower border of the rib cage.
A premature neonate is one born before the end of the 37th week of gestation.
Gravida is the number of pregnancies a woman has had, regardless of outcome.
Para is the number of pregnancies that reached viability, regardless of whether the fetus was delivered alive or stillborn. A fetus is considered viable at 20 weeks gestation.
A multipara is a woman who has had two or more pregnancies that progressed to viability, regardless of whether the offspring were alive at birth.
Positive signs of pregnancy include ultrasound evidence, fetal heart tones, and fetal movement felt by the examiner (not usually present until 4 months gestation
Quickening, a presumptive sign of pregnancy, occurs between 16 and 19 weeks gestation.
Goodell’s sign is softening of the cervix.
Quickening, a presumptive sign of pregnancy, occurs between 16 and 19 weeks gestation.
Ovulation ceases during pregnancy.
Immunity to rubella can be measured by a hemagglutination inhibition test (rubella titer).
This test identifies exposure to rubella infection and determines susceptibility in pregnant women. In a woman, a titer greater than 1:8 indicates immunity.
To estimate the date of delivery using Naegele’s rule, the nurse counts backward three (3) months from the first day of the last menstrual period and then adds seven (7) days to this date.
During pregnancy, weight gain averages 25 to 30 lb (11 to 13.5 kg).
Rubella has a teratogenic effect on the fetus during the first trimester. It produces abnormalities in up to 40% of cases without interrupting the pregnancy.
At 12 weeks gestation, the fundus should be at the top of the symphysis pubis.
Chloasma, the mask of pregnancy, is pigmentation of a circumscribed area of skin (usually over the bridge of the nose and cheeks) that occurs in some pregnant women.
The gynecoid pelvis is most ideal for delivery. Other types include platypelloid (flat), anthropoid (ape-like), and android (malelike).
Pregnant women should be advised that there is no safe level of alcohol intake.
Linea nigra, a dark line that extends from the umbilicus to the mons pubis, commonly appears during pregnancy and disappears after pregnancy.
Culdoscopy is visualization of the pelvic organs through the posterior vaginal fornix.
The nurse should teach a pregnant vegetarian to obtain protein from alternative sources, such as nuts, soybeans, and legumes.
The nurse should instruct a pregnant patient to take only prescribed prenatal vitamins because over-the-counter high-potency vitamins may harm the fetus.
High-sodium foods can cause fluid retention, especially in pregnant patients.
A pregnant patient can avoid constipation and hemorrhoids by adding fiber to her diet.
A pregnant woman should drink at least eight 8-oz glasses (about 2,000 ml) of water daily.
Cytomegalovirus is the leading cause of congenital viral infection.
Tocolytic therapy is indicated in premature labor, but contraindicated in fetal death, fetal distress, or severe hemorrhage.
Through ultrasonography, the biophysical profile assesses fetal well-being by measuring fetal breathing movements, gross body movements, fetal tone, reactive fetal heart rate (nonstress test), and qualitative amniotic fluid volume.
Pica is a craving to eat nonfood items, such as dirt, crayons, chalk, glue, starch, or hair. It may occur during pregnancy and can endanger the fetus.
A pregnant patient should take folic acid because this nutrient is required for rapid cell division.
A woman who is taking clomiphene (Clomid) to induce ovulation should be informed of the possibility of multiple births with this drug.
During the first trimester, a pregnant woman should avoid all drugs unless doing so would adversely affect her health.
The Food and Drug Administration has established the following five categories of drugs based on their potential for causing birth defects: A, no evidence of risk; B, no risk found in animals, but no studies have been done in women; C, animal studies have shown an adverse effect, but the drug may be beneficial to women despite the potential risk; D, evidence of risk, but its benefits may outweigh its risks; and X, fetal anomalies noted, and the risks clearly outweigh the potential benefits.
Para is the number of pregnancies that reached viability, regardless of whether the fetus was delivered alive or stillborn. A fetus is considered viable at 20 weeks gestation.
A multipara is a woman who has had two or more pregnancies that progressed to viability, regardless of whether the offspring were alive at birth.
Positive signs of pregnancy include ultrasound evidence, fetal heart tones, and fetal movement felt by the examiner (not usually present until 4 months gestation.
Quickening, a presumptive sign of pregnancy, occurs between 16 and 19 weeks gestation.
Goodell’s sign is softening the cervix.
Quickening, a presumptive sign of pregnancy, occurs between 16 and 19 weeks gestation.
Ovulation ceases during pregnancy.
Immunity to rubella can be measured by a hemagglutination inhibition test (rubella titer).
This test identifies exposure to rubella infection and determines susceptibility in pregnant women. In a woman, a titer greater than 1:8 indicates immunity.
To estimate the date of delivery using Naegele’s rule, the nurse counts backward three (3) months from the first day of the last menstrual period and then adds seven (7) days to this date.
During pregnancy, weight gain averages 25 to 30 lb (11 to 13.5 kg).
Rubella has a teratogenic effect on the fetus during the first trimester. It produces abnormalities in up to 40% of cases without interrupting the pregnancy.
At 12 weeks gestation, the fundus should be at the top of the symphysis pubis.
Chloasma, the mask of pregnancy, is pigmentation of a circumscribed area of skin (usually over the bridge of the nose and cheeks) that occurs in some pregnant women.
The gynecoid pelvis is most ideal for delivery. Other types include platypelloid (flat), anthropoid (ape-like), and android (malelike).
Pregnant women should be advised that there is no safe level of alcohol intake.
Linea nigra, a dark line that extends from the umbilicus to the mons pubis, commonly appears during pregnancy and disappears after pregnancy.
Culdoscopy is a visualization of the pelvic organs through the posterior vaginal fornix.
The nurse should teach a pregnant vegetarian to obtain protein from alternative sources, such as nuts, soybeans, and legumes.
The nurse should instruct a pregnant patient to take only prescribed prenatal vitamins because over-the-counter high-potency vitamins may harm the fetus.
High-sodium foods can cause fluid retention, especially in pregnant patients.
A pregnant patient can avoid constipation and hemorrhoids by adding fiber to her diet.
A pregnant woman should drink at least eight 8-oz glasses (about 2,000 ml) of water daily.
Cytomegalovirus is the leading cause of congenital viral infection.
Tocolytic therapy is indicated in premature labor, but contraindicated in fetal death, fetal distress, or severe hemorrhage.
Through ultrasonography, the biophysical profile assesses fetal well-being by measuring fetal breathing movements, gross body movements, fetal tone, reactive fetal heart rate (nonstress test), and qualitative amniotic fluid volume.
Pica is a craving to eat nonfood items, such as dirt, crayons, chalk, glue, starch, or hair. It may occur during pregnancy and can endanger the fetus.
A pregnant patient should take folic acid because this nutrient is required for rapid cell division.
A woman who is taking clomiphene (Clomid) to induce ovulation should be informed of the possibility of multiple births with this drug.
During the first trimester, a pregnant woman should avoid all drugs unless doing so would adversely affect her health.
The Food and Drug Administration has established the following five categories of drugs based on their potential for causing birth defects: A, no evidence of risk; B, no risk found in animals, but no studies have been done in women; C, animal studies have shown an adverse effect, but the drug may be beneficial to women despite the potential risk; D, evidence of risk, but its benefits may outweigh its risks; and X, fetal anomalies noted, and the risks clearly outweigh the potential benefits.
A probable sign of pregnancy, McDonald’s sign is characterized by an ease in flexing the body of the uterus against the cervix.
Amenorrhea is a probable sign of pregnancy.
A pregnant woman’s partner should avoid introducing air into the vagina during oral sex because of the possibility of air embolism.
The presence of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood or urine is a probable sign of pregnancy.
Radiography isn’t usually used in a pregnant woman because it may harm the developing fetus. If radiography is essential, it should be performed only after 36 weeks of gestation.
A pregnant patient who has had rupture of the membranes or who is experiencing vaginal bleeding shouldn’t engage in sexual intercourse.
A pregnant staff member should not be assigned to work with a patient who has cytomegalovirus infection because the virus can be transmitted to the fetus.
A pregnant patient should take an iron supplement to help prevent anemia.
Nausea and vomiting during the first trimester of pregnancy are caused by rising levels of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin.
The duration of pregnancy averages 280 days, 40 weeks, 9 calendar months, or 10 lunar months.
Before performing a Leopold maneuver, the nurse should ask the patient to empty her bladder.
Pelvic-tilt exercises can help to prevent or relieve backache during pregnancy.
The nurse must place identification bands on both the mother and the neonate before they leave the delivery room.
Dinoprostone (Cervidil) is used to ripen the cervix.
Because women with diabetes have a higher incidence of birth anomalies than women without diabetes, an alpha-fetoprotein level may be ordered at 15 to 17 weeks gestation.
Painless vaginal bleeding during the last trimester of pregnancy may indicate placenta previa.
The hormone human chorionic gonadotropin is a marker for pregnancy.
With advanced maternal age, a common genetic problem is Down syndrome.
Methergine stimulates uterine contractions.
The administration of folic acid during the early stages of gestation may prevent neural tube defects.
A clinical manifestation of a prolapsed umbilical cord is variable decelerations.
The nurse should keep the sac of meningomyelocele moist with normal saline solution.
If fundal height is at least 2 cm less than expected, the cause may be growth retardation, missed abortion, transverse lie, or false pregnancy.
Fundal height that exceeds expectations by more than 2 cm may be caused by multiple gestation, polyhydramnios, uterine myomata, or a large baby.
A major developmental task for a woman during the first trimester of pregnancy is accepting the pregnancy.
A pregnant patient with vaginal bleeding shouldn’t have a pelvic examination.
In the early stages of pregnancy, the finding of glucose in the urine may be related to the increased shunting of glucose to the developing placenta, without a corresponding increase in the reabsorption capability of the kidneys.
A patient who has premature rupture of the membranes is at significant risk for infection if labor doesn’t begin within 24 hours.
Infants of diabetic mothers are susceptible to macrosomia as a result of increased insulin production in the fetus.
To prevent heat loss in the neonate, the nurse should bathe one part of his body at a time and keep the rest of the body covered.
A patient who has a cesarean delivery is at greater risk for infection than the patient who gives birth vaginally.
The occurrence of thrush in the neonate is probably caused by contact with the organism during delivery through the birth canal.
Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein is detectable at 7 weeks of gestation and peaks in the third trimester. High levels detected between the 16th and 18th weeks are associated with neural tube defects. Low levels are associated with Down syndrome.
An arrest of descent occurs when the fetus doesn’t descend through the pelvic cavity during labor. It’s commonly associated with cephalopelvic disproportion, and cesarean delivery may be required.
A late sign of preeclampsia is epigastric pain as a result of severe liver edema.
In the patient with preeclampsia, blood pressure returns to normal during the puerperal period.
To obtain an estriol level, urine is collected for 24 hours.
An estriol level is used to assess fetal well-being and maternal renal functioning as well as to monitor a pregnancy that’s complicated by diabetes.
The period between contractions is referred to as the interval, or resting phase. During this phase, the uterus and placenta fill with blood and allow for the exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients.
In a patient who has hypertonic contractions, the uterus doesn’t have an opportunity to relax and there is no interval between contractions.
As a result, the fetus may experience hypoxia or rapid delivery may occur.
Two qualities of the myometrium are elasticity, which allows it to stretch yet maintain its tone, and contractility, which allows it to shorten and lengthen in a synchronized pattern.
During crowning, the presenting part of the fetus remains visible during the interval between contractions.
Uterine atony is failure of the uterus to remain firmly contracted.
The major cause of uterine atony is a full bladder.
If the mother wishes to breastfeed, the neonate should be nursed as soon as possible after delivery.
A smacking sound, milk dripping from the side of the mouth, and sucking noises all indicate improper placement of the infant’s mouth over the nipple.
Before feeding is initiated, an infant should be burped to expel air from the stomach.
Most authorities strongly encourage the continuation of breastfeeding on both the affected and the unaffected breast of patients with mastitis.
Neonates are nearsighted and focus on items that are held 10″ to 12″ (25 to 30.5 cm) away.
In a neonate, low-set ears are associated with chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome.
Meconium is usually passed in the first 24 hours; however, passage may take up to 72 hours.
Obstetric data can be described by using the F/TPAL system:
F/T: Full-term delivery at 38 weeks or longer
P: Preterm delivery between 20 and 37 weeks
A: Abortion or loss of fetus before 20 weeks
L: Number of children living (if a child has died, further explanation is needed to clarify the discrepancy in numbers).
Parity doesn’t refer to the number of infants delivered, only the number of deliveries.
Women who are carrying more than one fetus should be encouraged to gain 35 to 45 lb (15.5 to 20.5 kg) during pregnancy.
The recommended amount of iron supplement for the pregnant patient is 30 to 60 mg daily.
Drinking six alcoholic beverages a day or a single episode of binge drinking in the first trimester can cause fetal alcohol syndrome.
Chorionic villus sampling is performed at 8 to 12 weeks of pregnancy for early identification of genetic defects.
In percutaneous umbilical blood sampling, a blood sample is obtained from the umbilical cord to detect anemia, genetic defects, and blood incompatibility as well as to assess the need for blood transfusions.
Hemodilution of pregnancy is the increase in blood volume that occurs during pregnancy.
The increased volume consists of plasma and causes an imbalance between the ratio of red blood cells to plasma and a resultant decrease in hematocrit.
Visualization in pregnancy is a process in which the mother imagines what the child she’s carrying is like and becomes acquainted with it.
Mean arterial pressure of greater than 100 mm Hg after 20 weeks of pregnancy is considered hypertension.
Laden’s sign, an early indication of pregnancy, causes softening of a spot on the anterior portion of the uterus, just above the uterocervical juncture.
During pregnancy, the abdominal line from the symphysis pubis to the umbilicus changes from linea alba to linea nigra.
The treatment for supine hypotension syndrome (a condition that sometimes occurs in pregnancy) is to have the patient lie on her left side.
A contributing factor in dependent edema in the pregnant patient is the increase of femoral venous pressure from 10 mm Hg (normal) to 18 mm Hg (high).
Hyperpigmentation of the pregnant patient’s face, formerly called chloasma and now referred to as melasma, fades after delivery.
The hormone relaxin, which is secreted first by the corpus luteum and later by the placenta, relaxes the connective tissue and cartilage of the symphysis pubis and the sacroiliac joint to facilitate passage of the fetus during delivery.
Progesterone maintains the integrity of the pregnancy by inhibiting uterine motility.
During labor, to relieve supine hypotension manifested by nausea and vomiting and paleness, turn the patient on her left side.
During the transition phase of the first stage of labor, the cervix is dilated 8 to 10 cm and contractions usually occur 2 to 3 minutes apart and last for 60 seconds.
The first stage of labor begins with the onset of labor and ends with full cervical dilation at 10 cm.
The second stage of labor begins with full cervical dilation and ends with the neonate’s birth.
The third stage of labor begins after the neonate’s birth and ends with expulsion of the placenta.
The fourth stage of labor (postpartum stabilization) lasts up to 4 hours after the placenta is delivered. This time is needed to stabilize the mother’s physical and emotional state after the stress of childbirth.
Unlike false labor, true labor produces regular rhythmic contractions, abdominal discomfort, progressive descent of the fetus, bloody show, and progressive effacement and dilation of the cervix.
When used to describe the degree of fetal descent during labor, floating means the presenting part is not engaged in the pelvic inlet, but is freely movable (ballotable) above the pelvic inlet.
When used to describe the degree of fetal descent, engagement means when the largest diameter of the presenting part has passed through the pelvic inlet.
Fetal stations indicate the location of the presenting part in relation to the ischial spine. It’s described as –1, –2, –3, –4, or –5 to indicate the number of centimeters above the level of the ischial spine; station –5 is at the pelvic inlet.
Fetal stations are also described as +1, +2, +3, +4, or +5 to indicate the number of centimeters it is below the level of the ischial spine; station 0 is at the level of the ischial spine.
Any vaginal bleeding during pregnancy should be considered a complication until proven otherwise.
During delivery, if the umbilical cord can’t be loosened and slipped from around the neonate’s neck, it should be clamped with two clamps and cut between the clamps.
During the first stage of labor, the side-lying position usually provides the greatest degree of comfort, although the patient may assume any comfortable position.
Fetal stations are also described as +1, +2, +3, +4, or +5 to indicate the number of centimeters it is below the level of the ischial spine; station 0 is at the level of the ischial spine.
Fetal stations indicate the location of the presenting part in relation to the ischial spine. It’s described as –1, –2, –3, –4, or –5 to indicate the number of centimeters above the level of the ischial spine; station –5 is at the pelvic inlet.
When used to describe the degree of fetal descent, engagement means when the largest diameter of the presenting part has passed through the pelvic inlet.
Amniotomy is artificial rupture of the amniotic membranes.
The three phases of a uterine contraction are increment, acme, and decrement.
The intensity of a labor contraction can be assessed by the indentability of the uterine wall at the contraction’s peak. Intensity is graded as mild (uterine muscle is somewhat tense), moderate (uterine muscle is moderately tense), or strong (uterine muscle is boardlike).
The frequency of uterine contractions, which is measured in minutes, is the time from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next.
Before internal fetal monitoring can be performed, a pregnant patient’s cervix must be dilated at least 2 cm, the amniotic membranes must be ruptured, and the presenting part of the fetus (scalp or buttocks) must be at station –1 or lower, so that a small electrode can be attached.
Teenage mothers are more likely to have low-birth-weight neonates because they seek prenatal care late in pregnancy (as a result of denial) and are more likely than older mothers to have nutritional deficiencies.
The narrowest diameter of the pelvic inlet is the anteroposterior (diagonal conjugate).
During labor, the resting phase between contractions is at least 30 seconds.
The length of the uterus increases from 2½” (6.3 cm) before pregnancy to 12½” (32 cm) at term.
To estimate the true conjugate (the smallest inlet measurement of the pelvis), deduct 1.5 cm from the diagonal conjugate (usually 12 cm). A true conjugate of 10.5 cm enables the fetal head (usually 10 cm) to pass.
The smallest outlet measurement of the pelvis is the intertuberous diameter, which is the transverse diameter between the ischial tuberosities.
Electronic fetal monitoring is used to assess fetal well-being during labor. If compromised fetal status is suspected, fetal blood pH may be evaluated by obtaining a scalp sample.
In an emergency delivery, enough pressure should be applied to the emerging fetus’s head to guide the descent and prevent a rapid change in pressure within the molded fetal skull.
Massaging the uterus helps to stimulate contractions after the placenta is delivered.
When a patient is admitted to the unit in active labor, the nurse’s first action is to listen for fetal heart tones.
Nitrazine paper is used to test the pH of vaginal discharge to determine the presence of amniotic fluid.
A pregnant patient normally gains 2 to 5 lb (1 to 2.5 kg) during the first trimester and slightly less than 1 lb (0.5 kg) per week during the last two trimesters.
Precipitate labor lasts for approximately 3 hours and ends with delivery of the neonate.
As emergency treatment for excessive uterine bleeding, 0.2 mg of methylergonovine (Methergine) is injected I.V. over 1 minute while the patient’s blood pressure and uterine contractions are monitored.
Braxton Hicks contractions are usually felt in the abdomen and don’t cause cervical change. True labor contractions are felt in the front of the abdomen and back and lead to progressive cervical dilation and effacement.
If a fetus has late decelerations (a sign of fetal hypoxia), the nurse should instruct the mother to lie on her left side and then administer 8 to 10 L of oxygen per minute by mask or cannula.
The nurse should notify the physician. The side-lying position removes pressure on the inferior vena cava.
Oxytocin (Pitocin) promotes lactation and uterine contractions.
Because oxytocin (Pitocin) stimulates powerful uterine contractions during labor, it must be administered under close observation to help prevent maternal and fetal distress.
Molding is the process by which the fetal head changes shape to facilitate movement through the birth canal.
If a woman suddenly becomes hypotensive during labor, the nurse should increase the infusion rate of I.V. fluids as prescribed.
During fetal heart monitoring, early deceleration is caused by compression of the head during labor.
After the placenta is delivered, the nurse may add oxytocin (Pitocin) to the patient’s I.V. solution, as prescribed, to promote postpartum involution of the uterus and stimulate lactation.
If needed, cervical suturing is usually done between 14 and 18 weeks gestation to reinforce an incompetent cervix and maintain pregnancy. The suturing is typically removed by 35 weeks gestation.
The Food and Drug Administration has established the following five categories of drugs based on their potential for causing birth defects: A, no evidence of risk; B, no risk found in animals, but no studies have been done in women; C, animal studies have shown an adverse effect, but the drug may be beneficial to women despite the potential risk; D, evidence of risk, but its benefits may outweigh its risks; and X, fetal anomalies noted, and the risks clearly outweigh the potential benefits.
The mechanics of delivery are engagement, descent and flexion, internal rotation, extension, external rotation, restitution, and expulsion.
The duration of a contraction is timed from the moment that the uterine muscle begins to tense to the moment that it reaches full relaxation. It’s measured in seconds.
Fetal demise is death of the fetus after viability.
The most common method of inducing labor after artificial rupture of the membranes is oxytocin (Pitocin) infusion.
After the amniotic membranes rupture, the initial nursing action is to assess the fetal heart rate.
The most common reasons for cesarean birth are malpresentation, fetal distress, cephalopelvic disproportion, pregnancy-induced hypertension, previous cesarean birth, and inadequate progress in labor.
Amniocentesis increases the risk of spontaneous abortion, trauma to the fetus or placenta, premature labor, infection, and Rh sensitization of the fetus.
After amniocentesis, abdominal cramping or spontaneous vaginal bleeding may indicate complications.
To prevent her from developing Rh antibodies, an Rh-negative primigravida should receive Rho(D) immune globulin (RhoGAM) after delivering an Rh-positive neonate.
When informed that a patient’s amniotic membrane has broken, the nurse should check fetal heart tones and then maternal vital signs.
Crowning is the appearance of the fetus’s head when its largest diameter is encircled by the vulvovaginal ring.
Subinvolution may occur if the bladder is distended after delivery.
For an extramural delivery (one that takes place outside of a normal delivery center), the priorities for care of the neonate include maintaining a patent airway, supporting efforts to breathe, monitoring vital signs, and maintaining adequate body temperature.
The administration of oxytocin (Pitocin) is stopped if the contractions are 90 seconds or longer.
If a pregnant patient’s rubella titer is less than 1:8, she should be immunized after delivery.
During the transition phase of labor, the woman usually is irritable and restless.
Maternal hypotension is a complication of spinal block.
The mother’s Rh factor should be determined before an amniocentesis is performed.
With early maternal age, cephalopelvic disproportion commonly occurs.
Spontaneous rupture of the membranes increases the risk of a prolapsed umbilical cord.
Postpartum Care
Lochia rubra is the vaginal discharge of almost pure blood that occurs during the first few days after childbirth.
Lochia serosa is the serous vaginal discharge that occurs 4 to 7 days after childbirth.
Lochia alba is the vaginal discharge of decreased blood and increased leukocytes that’s the final stage of lochia. It occurs 7 to 10 days after childbirth.
After delivery, a multiparous woman is more susceptible to bleeding than a primiparous woman because her uterine muscles may be overstretched and may not contract efficiently.
The nurse should suggest ambulation to a postpartum patient who has gas pain and flatulence.
Methylergonovine (Methergine) is an oxytocic agent used to prevent and treat postpartum hemorrhage caused by uterine atony or subinvolution.
After a stillbirth, the mother should be allowed to hold the neonate to help her come to terms with the death.
If a woman receives a spinal block before delivery, the nurse should monitor the patient’s blood pressure closely.
A postpartum patient may resume sexual intercourse after the perineal or uterine wounds heal (usually within 4 weeks after delivery).
If a pregnant patient’s test results are negative for glucose but positive for acetone, the nurse should assess the patient’s diet for inadequate caloric intake.
Direct antiglobulin (direct Coombs’) test is used to detect maternal antibodies attached to red blood cells in the neonate.
Before discharging a patient who has had an abortion, the nurse should instruct her to report bright red clots, bleeding that lasts longer than 7 days, or signs of infection, such as a temperature of greater than 100° F (37.8° C), foul-smelling vaginal discharge, severe uterine cramping, nausea, or vomiting.
The fundus of a postpartum patient is massaged to stimulate contraction of the uterus and prevent hemorrhage.
Laceration of the vagina, cervix, or perineum produces bright red bleeding that often comes in spurts. The bleeding is continuous, even when the fundus is firm.
To avoid puncturing the placenta, a vaginal examination should not be performed on a pregnant patient who is bleeding.
A patient who has postpartum hemorrhage caused by uterine atony should be given oxytocin as prescribed.
After delivery, if the fundus is boggy and deviated to the right side, the patient should empty her bladder.
In the early postpartum period, the fundus should be midline at the umbilicus.
Pregnancy Complications
An ectopic pregnancy is one that implants abnormally, outside the uterus.
A habitual aborter is a woman who has had three or more consecutive spontaneous abortions.
Threatened abortion occurs when bleeding is present without cervical dilation.
A complete abortion occurs when all products of conception are expelled.
Hydramnios (polyhydramnios) is excessive amniotic fluid of more than 2,000 ml in the third trimester.
In an incomplete abortion, the fetus is expelled, but parts of the placenta and membrane remain in the uterus.
When a pregnant patient has undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, vaginal examination should be avoided until ultrasonography rules out placenta previa.
A patient with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy commonly has sharp pain in the lower abdomen, with spotting and cramping. She may have abdominal rigidity; rapid, shallow respirations; tachycardia; and shock.
A 16-year-old girl who is pregnant is at risk for having a low-birth-weight neonate.
A rubella vaccine shouldn’t be given to a pregnant woman. The vaccine can be administered after delivery, but the patient should be instructed to avoid becoming pregnant for 3 months.
Nonstress Test
A nonstress test is considered nonreactive (positive) if fewer than two fetal heart rate accelerations of at least 15 beats/minute occur in 20 minutes.
A nonstress test is considered reactive (negative) if two or more fetal heart rate accelerations of 15 beats/minute above baseline occur in 20 minutes.
A nonstress test is usually performed to assess fetal well-being in a pregnant patient with a prolonged pregnancy (42 weeks or more), diabetes, a history of poor pregnancy outcomes, or pregnancy-induced hypertension.
Placental Abnormalities
Placenta previa is abnormally low implantation of the placenta so that it encroaches on or covers the cervical os.
In complete (total) placenta previa, the placenta completely covers the cervical os.
In partial (incomplete or marginal) placenta previa, the placenta covers only a portion of the cervical os.
Abruptio placentae is premature separation of a normally implanted placenta. It may be partial or complete, and usually causes abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, and a boardlike abdomen.
In placenta previa, bleeding is painless and seldom fatal on the first occasion, but it becomes heavier with each subsequent episode.
Nursing interventions for a patient with placenta previa include positioning the patient on her left side for maximum fetal perfusion, monitoring fetal heart tones, and administering I.V. fluids and oxygen, as ordered.
Treatment for abruptio placentae is usually immediate cesarean delivery.
A classic difference between abruptio placentae and placenta previa is the degree of pain. Abruptio placentae causes pain, whereas placenta previa causes painless bleeding.
Because a major role of the placenta is to function as a fetal lung, any condition that interrupts normal blood flow to or from the placenta increases fetal partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide and decreases fetal pH.
Pregnancy-induced hypertension is a leading cause of maternal death in the United States.
Pregnancy-induced hypertension (preeclampsia) is an increase in blood pressure of 30/15 mm Hg over baseline or blood pressure of 140/95 mmHg on two occasions at least 6 hours apart accompanied by edema and albuminuria after 20 weeks gestation.
The classic triad of symptoms of preeclampsia are hypertension, edema, and proteinuria.
Additional symptoms of severe preeclampsia include hyperreflexia, cerebral and vision disturbances, and epigastric pain.
After administering magnesium sulfate to a pregnant patient for hypertension or preterm labor, the nurse should monitor the respiratory rate and deep tendon reflexes.
Eclampsia is the occurrence of seizures that aren’t caused by a cerebral disorder in a patient who has pregnancy-induced hypertension.
In a patient with preeclampsia, epigastric pain is a late symptom and requires immediate medical intervention.
In a pregnant patient, preeclampsia may progress to eclampsia, which is characterized by seizures and may lead to coma.
HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets) syndrome is an unusual variation of pregnancy-induced hypertension.
The failure rate of a contraceptive is determined by the experience of 100 women for 1 year. It’s expressed as pregnancies per 100 woman-years.
Before providing a specimen for a sperm count, the patient should avoid ejaculation for 48 to 72 hours.
If a patient misses two consecutive menstrual periods while taking an oral contraceptive, she should discontinue the contraceptive and take a pregnancy test.
If a patient who is taking an oral contraceptive misses a dose, she should take the pill as soon as she remembers or take two at the next scheduled interval and continue with the normal schedule.
If a patient who is taking an oral contraceptive misses two consecutive doses, she should double the dose for 2 days and then resume her normal schedule. She also should use an additional birth control method for 1 week.
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mythoughtsverbatim · 1 year ago
Greek Reporter: Scientists Crack the Y Chromosome Code for the First Time
The Y chromosome, which is shorter and less complex, sets men apart from women. It houses genes that hold the key to creating proteins crucial for shaping sperm cells
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jenniferroland · 4 years ago
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okay but actually—
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jenniferroland · 4 years ago
wish you’d use those shears to cut your big nasty nails, bitch 💖
Trager calls his surgical shears ‘big nasty’….
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laughing-with-god · 6 years ago
Pandemonium VII
Words; 4k
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“Let them all say
Hey Lolita, hey
Hey Lolita, hey
I know what the boys want, I’m not gonna play”- Lana Del Rey, Lolita
It was quiet for a moment.
The only sounds being heard in the room was Jimin’s ragged breathing as the bleak sound echoed through the walls and came back to pierce your ears.
Everyone was currently staring at Taehyung, who just grinned with that rectangular smile as he bounced on the balls of his feet.  All too giddy with the attention he was getting.
Then, it erupted.  
If you had to guess what a demon sounded like, you’d think this was it.
A furious roar ripped through the room, the sound so thunderous and ear-aching that you couldn’t help but jump in your seat from shock.
“WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN MOTHER-IN-LAW?!  I TRUSTED YOU WHEN I SHOWED YOU THAT TEXT!”  Jimin had shot up from your grasp and lunged at his younger brother.
As you sat there, stunned while watching Taehyung and Jimin roll on the floor as Hoseok attempted to pry them apart with the help of Mr. Kim, it dawned upon you how Taehyung must’ve found out about your mother’s condition.  
He must’ve stayed close enough to your ex sugar daddy in order to get information on you.  The shout from Jimin referencing the text just confirmed your suspicion, as within the ‘break-up’ text you sent Jimin, you mentioned your mom.  Jimin’s apparent feeling of betrayal caused you to shiver...did Taehyung really use his own brother to force himself into your life?
And although Jimin made little sense today, he did say one thing that you could agree on.
What the fuck did Taehyung mean when he called your mom his future mother-in-law?!
A wise scholar once said, “If a man does not have sauce, then he is lost.  But the same man can get lost in the sauce.”
You surveyed the scene around you.
Two brothers fighting before you, while two more brothers tried to tear them apart.  You looked to your side and saw Yoongi, Jungkook and Namjoon observing you carefully.  Yoongi focused on you while lazily rubbing the back of his neck. Namjoon just smirked and studied your expressions, way more enthralled by your reaction to said mayhem instead of the mayhem itself.  And Jungkook with a worried gaze as he nervously bit his lip. You shot a glare at them. Their lack of brotherly care made you slightly annoyed.
Shouldn’t they be more concerned with their siblings who were currently throwing hands?  Why the fuck did everyone enjoy putting you under a microscope?!
‘Yes’, you concluded to yourself.
Gucci Mane was right.  
It was all too possible for a man to get lost in the sauce.
In this particular scenario however, the sauce must’ve been male testosterone and crack cocaine.  
Only plausible explanation for the chaos that was ensuing before your eyes.  Or maybe their father’s sperm had a major defect where he was only able to father some shitheads with two functioning brain cells?
‘Shit head sperm’
Sounded very legit to you.
You released a very aggravated huff, and stood up to marched to the door.  
“Wait!  Y/n!”
“Don’t go!”  
You didn’t bother trying to decipher which three of the heirs called out to you given your back was turned to them.  You waved them off and sarcastically called out, “Mr. Kim, I’m going to have to pull my name from consideration. Thanks though.”  
And you slammed the door shut.  Almost right away you heard shuffling of feet and some more comments that were hard to make out through the mohagany door.  
You sped walked your way back to the waiting room, already hearing the sound of someone a couple yards behind you opening the conference room door to without a doubt, chase after you.  
The secretary lady became more clear in your line of vision the closer and closer you got to the front desk.  She looked confused, knowing that your interview couldn’t have been that short. You plastered a fake smile on your face and leaned over the desk when you finally got up to it.  
“Sis, I would call security to that room I was just in.  Some shit hit the fan.” You didn’t bother to stick around and witness her look of perplexion, running out of the building and hailing a taxi.  
Your search for a job continued, as did your unlucky streak.
The majority of places you applied for never called you back.  And the few that did, never asked to see you any further after the interview process.  
This bummed you out.  Since when did fast food chains and clothing stores become so picky about who to employ?  Becoming a stripper increasingly seemed more and more appealing to you.
It had been two weeks since the chaos of the conference room.  ‘The Conference Room Meltdown’ is what you nicknamed it in your head. Like some sort of legendary battle or historical tragedy.  Oddly enough, you felt rather numb after the whole ordeal. You couldn’t explain it, but for some reason, you found yourself not having any extreme reaction.  It’s almost like you were in shock. Like those soldiers who would witness some crazy shit, and then just go into a random sense of tranquility to calm down. It was as if your mind and body agreed that utter denial was the best way to cope with everything.  
Utter denial, indeed.  
You didn’t even share the crazy experience with Kat, thinking that to pretend it never happened was the best way to move on.  
You didn’t even allow yourself to think of the seven brothers, knowing that if you open that can of worms; you’ll end up with more questions than answers.
And your bruised heart, overworked brain and stressed out nervous system really did not need that.
However, there was one brother you couldn’t completely avoid.
But before you can even come up with a plan on how to dodge him, it became apparent that ignoring him wasn’t going to be necessary.
He was ignoring you.  
For the first few days back to school, Jungkook was absent.  At first, you wondered if he dropped the class all together, but this was quickly ruled out when the professor approached
you and gave you the green-light to present the project by yourself because “Mr. Jungkook is quite ill and he won’t be back for a while.”
You were sort of relieved but also intrigued.
Was he giving you space?  Is he okay? Did something happen with his brothers?  
But you pushed this to the back of your head as you just focused on class.  Once again, you’ll never get answers so what’s the point of poking around?
However, one day you came into the classroom and saw the one and only muscle bunny already there.  
But...he was different.
On his face, you saw faded purple, blue and slightly green/yellowish bruises marking his usually porcelain skin.  Particularly, on the left side of his face was a stain of brutal violence that covered his eye and went down to the high points of his cheek.  His lip was also swollen and marked.
You gasped.  
He looked like he got into a huge fight and took some brutal hits.  
Jungkook wasn’t like that though...He may be big and addicted to protein powder but he was still a massive dork.  You didn’t believe that the same guy who showed off his iron man socks to you in effort to convince you that he wasn’t a fuck boy, would start any sort of physical dispute.  
And the only people who should’ve left that room with any marks, would be Jimin or Taehyung.  
As you recall, Jungkook was just worriedly watching from the sidelines.  
At the moment, Jungkook was at the professor’s desk, gathering some work that he most likely missed.  Jungkook was wearing a white shirt under a large blue denim jacket with black pants.
He turned around, probably sensing your shocked stare.
Eye contact was made.
But what happened next, made you want to be responsible for the next bruise that will cover his face.
His doe eyes scrutinized you for a while, then his plump lips pulled back in a scoff as a look of annoyance was thrown at you
With that done, he turned his back on you and then found a seat somewhere up front.  (Which was far from your guys’ normal spot in the back).
So he was ignoring you.  
You huffed and went to your usual spot.
Fuck him.
You didn’t like him in the first place.  
He was annoying.
And you definitely were not at all bothered at the latest development of him openly blowing you off.
Hell, you welcomed it.  
Now you had your spot all to yourself.  
He was probably in a hissy fit due to your affiliation with his brother.  Which was stupid because you just hung out with Jimin, nothing sexual was done.  Even more microscopic strings attached you to the other brothers. But a man’s pride was a very fragile thing.  And Jungkook was the youngest and barely out of his boyhood.
You spent the next few days in that class just glaring at the back of Kook’s head.  
It wasn’t your fault that all of his brothers were crackheads.  
Your life was quiet.
No sugar daddy to hang out with.
No run-ins with any odd men who demand to know more of you.  
No partner in class.  
Everything was just so….still.
One late afternoon, you were cleaning your dorm.  
Kat and you didn’t have a defined place anywhere on the cleanliness spectrum.  There wasn’t a ‘clean’ roommate or a ‘messy’ one. You both were very average with the dorm.  You two would clean up after yourselves, but neither of you would get on each others backs for a wrapper on the floor or a plate in the sink.
But, the place needed some deep cleaning, things that no measly “pick up around here” would cover.   Like wiping the windows, scrubbing down the bathroom, cleaning out the fridge ect. And you decided that cleaning was going to be a productive way to keep your mind off of things.
You’ve been doing that alot.  Trying to keep yourself busy so that your mind didn’t have time to wander.  
However, trouble always found you.  Even when you were going out of your way to be unproblematic and productive, it still attached itself to you.  Like a moth to a flame.
You really didn’t have a chance.  
It happened while you were scrubbing the bathtub.  
You were sweating, vigorously scouring the bottom of the tub while on your knees, when your music (that was playing from your phone) suddenly stopped.
A ring replaced your favorite song, as an incoming call vibrated your phone.  
You got up to see who was calling you.
A series of unfamiliar numbers is what you saw on your screen.
Usually, you wouldn’t answer an unknown number.  However, you phone number was out there now on many application and as far as you know, this could be a potential employer trying to contact you.  With a sigh, you answered the call.
‘“Y/n, why I didn’t think you’d answer...”  A deep voice purred on the other line.
Your brow scrunched up in confusion.  The voice sounded vaguely familiar but no nearly enough due to your inability to pin-point its’ owner.
“I’m sorry, whose this?”  
“The one and only, Taehyung.”
“Lol bye”
“WAIT!  I have an offer for you!” He injected before you could hang up.
“.......an offer?” You asked, stunned.  What the fuck was this? A mafia deal?
“Yes! Just hear me out.”  A pause ensued only to be followed by, “I paid for your mother’s bills after all.”
“I DIDN’T ASK YOU TO DO THAT YOU MANIAC!  YOU JUST DID IT YOURSELF! ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP USING THIS OVER ME?!”  You yelled into the phone, furious that he use your mom to get you to abide his wishes.  
“Calm down sweet thing, I didn’t have intentions of using it as a manipulation tactic.  I just think that my charitable act should be evidence that I’m not all bad and that you should at least hear me out.”  He rumbled, seemingly bored and unimpressed with your screaming.
You sighed but you couldn’t deny that your interest was peaked.  Although you knew virtually nothing about them, you knew enough of Taehyung to know that he was a very interesting character.  Part of you just wanted to hear this fucker out for the hell of it.
“Fine, what is this ‘offer’?”
“I would very much like it if we met in person.  I just want to take you out for dinner and apologise for what happened during your interview.  That was uncalled for and I’m afraid my brothers and I look looked little boys to you instead of grown men.”  
“Thanks for apologizing, but I’m good.”  
“I’ll give you 800 to show up.”  He bluntly responded.
“WHAT!”  You choked.
“Y/n, I might seem very airheaded but I know enough to connect the dots.  Jimin was your sugar daddy whom you met on a site. You must’ve put yourself in that position because of your lack of funds that my older brother was oh so willing to provide.  Also, the reason you were in that building in the first place was do to a job interview. Which means, after you cut Jimin off, you needed to get money somehow and this is why you began to look for a job.  Chances are you’re still jobless since it’s only been two weeks and it’s rather tough out there. So do yourself a favor, and go eat a free dinner with me to walk out with 800 dollars.”
“FINE!”  You exploded.  He was like an evil genius, explaining everything to you step by step before putting a nail to your coffin.  “I’ll go! Bring it in cash. But let me make myself clear Mr. Kim, we will have no drinks, appetizers and certainly NO DESSERTS!”  You hung up before you could hear that bastard speak again.
And like that, you were pulled in.  
But who could blame you?
You were just a stressed out, jobless and broke college student.
You were just trying to get by…
Taehyung had texted you the address of a restaurants along with a time and you were currently seated in the back of a taxi, heading over there.  
You wore some basic jeans and a rather simple long sleeved shirt, your hair down and very minimalist makeup on your face.  This choice of attire was an act of rebellion on your part.
You’ll be damned if you actually dressed up for that smug asshole.
You weren’t even shocked when you pulled up to a very fancy establishment, already expecting Taehyung to be extra as hell.  You thanked the driver and paid your fare before making your way into the place.
Right away, you felt underdressed.  
People were wearing nice clothes and the atmosphere screamed ‘rich people only’.  
Live classical music played, all the waiters wore nice uniforms, the rugs on the marble floor looked foreign with its’ complex patterns and what is a stereotypical five star restaurant without a snooty hostess?  
She stood before the entrance to the actual fine dining room, taking peoples reservations and calls at a podium.  A small line was already formed before her, so you joined it.
When it was your turn, she gave you a dirty look.  
“Are you lost?”  She asked while giving you an up and down look as you stepped up to her.  She was tall, wore a red wine dress, blonde hair sculpted in a elaborate bun while her face was painted in delicate makeup.  You gave her a fake grin.
“In many ways, yes.  But location wise, no.  Someone should already be here waiting for me.”  
She arched a perfectly plucked brow, probably mentally calling your bluff.
“Oh really?  And just what is their name?”  She asked, voice falsely chipper.
“Kim Taehyung.”  
Her eyes gave you one more doubtful look before skimming down at the list before her.  
With sick satisfaction, you smirked at her widened eyes.  
“Oh!  I’m truly sorry Mrs. Kim!  Your husband did mention you!  Please, right this way.” With a panicked haze, she began to lead you to a table towards the back of the dining room.  Your jaw dropped at ‘Mrs. Kim’ and ‘your husband’, Taehyung really loved a shock value, huh? He was weirdly obsessed with being your husband.  He even called your mom his future mother in law! You snickered at that thought. Like hell was that ever going to happen…. Nonetheless, you allowed yourself to be led to him.
And there he was,
And surrounded by 6 other men at a round table.
The first thing you noticed were the bruises.
Almost each of them held some sort of mark.
Some had purple and black blemishes, while others carried angry red lines on their faces.  Apparently, Jungkook wasn’t the only one who walked away injured.
The seven brothers looked like they got out of a fucking battlefield.  
Currently, you were seated between Yoongi and Namjoon.  (Yoongi had a red line cutting diagonally across his left check while Namjoon had a somewhat healed cut on the right side of his upper forehead.)
Namjoon had pulled out the seat for you as Yoongi gave you a shy smile that came across as slightly guilty to you.
Since it was a round table, you could see everyone’s faces very clearly and each of them were staring at you intently.  You could cut the tension with a knife as if it was melting butter.
You fixed your attention at the artist.
You glared at Taehyung who was conveniently straight across from you.
“I don’t enjoy being set up, Taehyung.”
“Baby, trust me with this one.  We’re gonna give you an offer you can’t refuse.”  He grinned at you. Tae’s bottom lip was very swollen and bruised and he had a shiner under his right eye.  
“Well, you better spit it out because I’m not staying for food anymore.  Also, telling the front lady that I’m your wife isn’t cute.”
“You told them WHAT?!”  Jimin screeched, facing the grinning artist.  You noted with a frown that Jimin’s left eye was all bruised and blue.  
“Jimin, remember what we said about controlling your emotions.”  Seokjin’s calming voice erupted. His beautiful, model worthy face held a faded bruise in his v-shaped jaw.  
At this reminder, Jimin snapped his mouth shut but didn’t cease his pouting.  
“Okay, can we talk about the elephant in the room?”  At the sound of your question, seven pairs of eyes turned to you.  “Why are you all beat up?”
An awkward silence laid itself on the table as you watched the brothers share worried glances.
“Y/n, we came to a very rough and difficult conclusion.”  Hoseok answered. You turned to him and rose a brow, waiting for more.  “We all want you in our lives.”
“At first, we were selfish and thought we could have you on our own.”  Seokjin continued.
“But, after you left us that day, we all got into a really big fight on who could have you.”  Jimin’s raspy but high voice informed you.
Next was Yoongi, “After almost killing each other, we agreed that we ought to find a better way to keep you without such bloodshed.”
“And we also want to help you with anything you might ever need or want.”  Jungkook added.
“So, Y/n….”  Namjoon purred.
Tae said the last part while smirking at you with his glimmering pharaoh eyes;
“Will you be our sugar baby?”  
“Ummm….how would that even work?”  You asked after a solid six minutes of just befuddled silence.  You didn’t even believe what was happening right now. It felt like a lucid dream you couldn’t get out of.  
“Simple.  We each will have our own time with you and you get an allowance from all seven of us.”  Namjoon explained in his deep voice.
“I don’t wanna be a glorified prostitute.”  You grumbled.
Yoongi heard this and laughed, gummy smile making an infamous appearance.  “Y/n, we don’t want sex from you. Just hanging out with you and getting to know you is good enough.”  
“How would you guys determine who hangs out with me and when?”  You asked.
“Well, we all have our own jobs to do.  When some of us aren’t busy, we’ll ask you out.  But ultimately, you get to choose who you want to see on day-to-day.”  Hoseok explained.
“Allowance?”  You asked.
“All seven of us agreed that one grand per person every week is good.  So you can expect seven grand every Friday.” Seokjin explained.
You choked.  
7,000 every week?!  
You cut yourself off before finishing that thought.
This was too good to be true.  
“Are there any rules you want me to follow?”  You hoarsely asked, dreading the catch that was sure to come.  
“To be honest, we haven’t thought that far ahead.  But if you agree, we’ll draft up some and send it to a group chat that way we’re all clear.” Tae answered.
You bit your lip as you began to ponder the pros and cons to doing this.  7,000 a week would pay off your college tuition in no time. You’d be a fool to not take advantage of such a good deal.  And they just want you to hang out with them! No fucking required! But wait, in your haste to capture this bread, you forgot a major problem.
“I have a problem with two of you guys right now.”  You said, recalling your beef. All seven looked up in worry.
“Who?”   Yoongi asked.
“Well, Jimin still attacked my roommate and Jungkook has been a total ass wipe recently so I’m not so hot about them, if I’m being honest.”  
Said boys shot up in their seats to interject, but Namjoon waved them off.  
“Y/n, please forgive Jungkook for any childish behavior.  He’s had a few temper tantrums ever since we mentioned this idea.  He’s just very clingy with you and has had a lot of trouble accepting this plan.  He probably distanced himself from you in effort to control himself from snatching you up for himself.”  You looked at Jungkook for search of the truth but by the way Kook was blushing and avoiding eye-contact, you knew Namjoon’s words were true.  
“As for Jimin….”  Namjoon continued.  “We’re very sorry about your roommate.  Jimin explained it to us and we can agree that his actions were uncalled for, however no physical altercation occurred.  He was just terrified of never seeing you again and being so emotional, he showed up to your dorm. All his screaming and crying must’ve scared Kat but trust me, Jimin would never put his hands on a woman.”  
You dissected everything Namjoon had said.  Was it possible that Kat was just shaken up?  She did say he mainly did some hollering and crying.  Kat had no evidence of bruising or handprints and technically even in her own story, Jimin didn’t lay his hands on her so much as he just threatened her. She said he was frantic and anxious, and that he forcefully backed her into a corner…..but did Jimin ever lay his hands on her?
Your sweet, bubba, teddy bear who wasn’t that tall and had chubby cheeks along with a squeaky voice?  
“Baby, do I look like the type to attack anyone?”  Jimin asked, puppy eyes all teary.
“I don’t know, you did it with your brother.”  You retorted.
Jimin rolled his eyes.  “That’s different, he’s my brother and brothers fight.”  Jimin pouted at you.
“Fine, just don’t be a meth head next time.”
Jimin grinned at the term ‘next time’ but asked, “Meth head?  I thought I was crackhead?”
He recalled your nickname rather fondly.
You shook your head,  “Sorry, but you’ve upgraded your status.  At the rate your going at, it might even be bath salts next week.”  
And thus, you had 7 sugar daddies.  
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{Authors note; oml so what do you think?  this was kinda a filler chapter to transition us to the next stage of the story that’s gonna be 0t7 and like really intense.  I haven’t been answering any asks lately bc I was at a friends house but i’m going to hammer them out now so send in news ones and they'll be done really fast.  ALSO I HOPE YOUR THRIVING GUYS HAPPY NEW YEARS 2K19 LMAO}
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sciencenewsforstudents · 5 years ago
With a new year comes new science. Here’s a look at the events, projects and findings our reporters are watching — or wishing — for in 2020.
Cosmic clarity
When astronomy writer Lisa Grossman and physics writer Emily Conover predicted in 2018 that the Event Horizon Telescope, or EHT, would soon capture an image of Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the Milky Way’s center, they were half right. EHT’s first image came through in 2019, but it was of the black hole at the center of galaxy M87. Grossman and Conover have their fingers crossed that Sagittarius A* gets its big moment in 2020.
Another cosmic recluse, dark matter, might also come into view in 2020. The LUX-Zeplin, or LZ, experiment, housed in a former gold mine in South Dakota, will begin its search for WIMPs, weakly interacting massive particles. These still-theoretical particles “have been the favored candidate for an explanation of dark matter,” Conover says. Other searches have failed, but LZ will be 20 times as sensitive as previous WIMP searches.
Space explorers
Grossman looks forward to the midyear launches of two Mars missions: NASA’s Mars 2020 and ExoMars, a joint mission of the European Space Agency and the Russian space agency Roscosmos. The missions’ rovers will search for signs of past life. NASA’s robotic explorer will also gather rocks for collection by a potential future mission that would bring bits of the Red Planet to Earth.
Physical sciences writer Maria Temming is meanwhile preparing for a more distant visitor. This year, astronomers identified the second known interstellar object in the solar system (SN: 11/9/19, p. 13), what appears to be a comet. (The first visitor, ‘Oumuamua, was spotted in 2017.) Estimates suggest that such guests should show up about once every year, Temming says.
Drug watch
Biomedical writer Aimee Cunningham expects results from a clinical trial of a male birth control pill. An early test found that the hormonal pill is safe and suppresses hormone levels necessary for sperm production (SN: 4/14/18, p. 10). The new study will assess how well the pill does the job.
A potential drug for Alzheimer’s disease called aducanumab may move closer to approval. Pharmaceutical company Biogen is expected to seek U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for the drug — “a move that promises to be controversial, considering the drug’s checkered past,” says neuroscience writer Laura Sanders. Aducanumab made our Top 10 list in 2016 after early studies suggested the drug can clear the amyloid-beta plaques seen in Alzheimer’s (SN: 12/24/16 & 1/7/17, p. 27). But later results were disappointing, until recent reports that the highest dose of the drug seemed to slow memory decline (SN Online: 12/5/19).
The molecular level
Direct-to-consumer genetic testing companies could cause their own controversy, predicts molecular biology writer Tina Hesman Saey. Many of these companies, such as AncestryDNA, are expanding their services to offer more information about health, and the FDA may crack down on the kind of info that can be provided, Saey says.
Behavioral sciences writer Bruce Bower expects molecular biology to play a bigger role in human evolution studies. Increasingly, researchers are supplementing studies of ancient DNA extracted from hominid fossils with analyses of extracted proteins, which preserve better in fossilized bones and teeth than DNA does, he says. As with DNA, proteins can help identify new species and untangle evolutionary relationships.
Science and politics
2020 will be a big year for science and policy. The U.S. Census is being offered online for the first time, and field-workers visiting the homes of those who don’t respond will log their responses on smartphones. Social sciences writer Sujata Gupta wonders how that will turn out. “A lot of people still lack reliable access to the internet, so will that lead to an undercount? And among whom? What about cyberattacks?”
The effect of politics on wildlife is on the minds of life sciences writers Susan Milius and Jonathan Lambert. As the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity comes to an end in 2020, a draft report says that the world missed most of the decade’s targets, Milius says. She’s watching to see how experts regroup. For Lambert, changes to how the U.S. Endangered Species Act is applied, announced by President Donald Trump’s administration in August, spark questions about the future of certain species.
By the end of 2020, “the world may get a glimpse of just how committed to combating climate change nations are,” says earth and climate writer Carolyn Gramling. In 2015, signatories to the Paris climate treaty agreed to hold global warming by 2100 to well below 2 degrees Celsius relative to preindustrial levels. But current carbon-cutting pledges won’t get us there. In December 2020, countries are required to submit updated emissions targets. The U.S. exit from the agreement will be finalized in November 2020, but the U.S. presidential election that month could determine whether the country re-enters the treaty in 2021.
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sciencespies · 2 years ago
Cracking the enigma of how plant sperm is compacted
Cracking the enigma of how plant sperm is compacted
Sperm cells have compact bundles of DNA, yet exactly how and why sperm cell nuclei are condensed in flowering plants has been a mystery, until now.
A research team from the John Innes Centre have discovered a mechanism of flowering plant sperm compaction and gathered clues as to why it is required.
How do flowering plants compact their DNA in sperm cells?
Researchers from the Professor Xiaoqi Feng group have shown how in flowering plants, sperm chromatin, a complex of DNA and proteins, is compacted by a special histone protein that spontaneously self-aggregates as oil droplets do in water, a phenomenon known as phase separation.
Flowering plants use a different mechanism to animals and non-seed plants (such as ferns and mosses). In these other organisms, sperm chromatin undergoes near-complete replacement of histones with protamines which highly compacts the DNA.
The mechanism of compaction in flowering plants was unknown, as they do not have protamines but instead maintain histone-based chromatin.
Professor Feng’s research team used super-resolution microscopy, comparative proteomics, single-cell-type epigenomic sequencing and 3D genome mapping to investigate this mystery.
The team examined Arabidopsis thaliana sperm, vegetative and leaf cell nuclei using super-resolution microscopy, and identified a histone variant H2B.8 that is specifically expressed in sperm nuclei via comparative proteomics.
H2B.8 has a long intrinsically disordered region (IDR), a feature that frequently allows proteins to undergo phase separation. The research found nearly all flowering plant species have H2B.8 homologs (copies), all of which contain an IDR, suggesting important functions.
Using imaging, epigenomic sequencing and 3D genome mapping, the researchers show that H2B.8 condenses sperm DNA by inducing the phase separation and aggregation of euchromatin, the part of chromatin that is comparatively decondensed and transcriptionally active.
Because euchromatin takes up most of the nuclear volume its aggregation is a highly effective mechanism for nuclear condensation.
They also show that owing to the specific localization of H2B.8 within inactive euchromatin, its condensation function does not adversely affect transcription and the activity of genes.
Why do flowering plants condense their DNA in this way?
Many organisms have highly condensed sperm. For example, mammals produce motile sperm which swims, and they benefit from compact DNA bundles in their sperm nuclei to achieve a small and hydrodynamic sperm head that aids swimming velocity.
Flowering plants produce pollen which does not swim, posing the question ‘why does DNA compaction occur in the sperm of flowering plants?’
The research team conclude that H2B.8 mediated sperm condensation is important for male fertility. The researchers speculate that sperm condensation is important for flowering plants, in which sperm cells need to travel through a long pollen tube to reach the egg cell deeply embedded in maternal tissues.
Consistent with this idea, gymnosperms, a group of non-flowering seed plants (for example conifers, cycads) that have exposed egg apparatus have uncondensed sperm nuclei and lack H2B.8.
Dr Toby Buttress first author of the study said: “We propose that H2B.8 is a flowering plant evolutionary innovation that achieves a moderate level of nuclear condensation compared to protamines, which sacrifice transcription for super compaction. H2B.8-mediated condensation is sufficient for immotile sperm and compatible with gene activity.”
The team also speculate that such nuclear condensation mechanisms are likely to operate outside of flowering plants, in transcriptionally active cells that favour smaller nuclei.
Dr Buttress continues: “We have discovered the first example of a specific core histone variant being able to affect the phase separation properties of chromatin.
“We demonstrate an exciting new mechanism of genome compaction that does not compromise gene activity.”
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blacklisted360-blog · 6 years ago
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What’s in It?Semen is made up of a few different components. Approximately 80 percent of semen is made up of water.1 Semen also contains amino acids and protein, sugars such as fructose and glucose, minerals such as zinc and calcium, vitamin C, and a few other nutrients. Sperm cells themselves make up less than one percent of semen.
Is It Safe to Ingest?
As shown, the components of semen are edible. If swallowed, ejaculate will travel down the esophagus and into the stomach, where it will be digested in the same way that food is. In rare cases, a person may discover that they have an allergy to the proteins found in semen: a condition known as seminal plasma hypersensitivity. It is important to note that semen can carry sexually transmitted infections (STIs), so we recommend that you and your partner both get tested for STIs before engaging in fellatio. If you or your partner have not been tested, we recommend using a barrier method of birth control for oral sex and abstaining from making contact with ejaculate
Are There Any Health Benefits to Swallowing Sperm?
There are many myths that suggest that ingesting sperm has some health benefits. However, no scientific evidence is available to back this claim. Some urban legends claim that semen is as an effective teeth whitener (likely arising from the fact that semen contains relatively high levels of zinc), a good source of protein (at most 1/20th of ejaculate is protein by mass), or a healthy nutrition supplement. Semen does not whiten teeth, and unless consumed in copious amounts, it is unlikely that ingesting semen will have any effect on dietary health.
ok my people its safe to say semen is not all its cracked up to be, let mother nature run her curse
Blacklisting is the action of a group or authority, compiling a blacklist (or black list) of people, countries or other entities to be avoided or distrusted as not being acceptable to those making the list. A blacklist can list people to be discriminated against, refused employment, or censored.
support the movement 
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kashmir-box · 3 years ago
What Is Shilajit ? And Their Benefits ?
Shilajit is a blackish-caramel pitch that comes from layers of rock in a few mountain ranges all through the world, including the Himalayan, Tibetan, and Altai mountains.
Shilajit is thought to shape, partially, when certain plants decay. It contains a significant compound known as fulvic corrosive and is plentiful in minerals.
Pure Shilajit is one of numerous spice and mineral definitions (Rasaoushadhies) utilized in Ayurveda, a recuperating framework that started millennia prior in India. Shilajit has been utilized in conventional natural medication to treat a wide assortment of conditions, going from bone cracks to barrenness.
Benefits of Shilajit
 • Upgrades Fertility and Testosterone Levels
The substance has been utilized for a really long time for expanding the degrees of testosterone in men. Both these elements decide how well a sperm moves towards the egg, which thus decides the odds of origination.
• Further develops Brain Functioning
The different mixtures found in shilajit are valuable for further developing your cerebrum work. According to a review in the International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, shilajit dials back the method involved with maturing and expands life span. The parts of shilajit help in lessening the dangers of mental issues, like Alzheimer's. This is a protein answerable for shaping neurofibrillary tangles, which thusly prompts Alzheimer's sickness.
• For Treating Anemia
One of the essential drivers of paleness is iron insufficiency. You might experience the ill effects of weakness on the off chance that you need more hemoglobin in your blood. It can cause exhaustion, cerebral torment, deficiency and erratic heartbeats. Shilajit can help you as it is stacked with unquestionable levels of iron and humic destructive, which will adjust your blood iron levels.
• Elevation Sickness
Among the different shilajit benefits, relieving elevation ailment is one. At high elevations, individuals experience the ill effects of breathing inconveniences, weariness and body torment. As shilajit has in excess of 80 minerals, including humic and fulvic corrosive, it assists patients with elevation ailment. Shilajit additionally upgrades the mind's mental capacities, lessens irritation and lifts your safe framework. This assists with diminishing the manifestations of height disorder.
• Keeps You Younger
Shilajit does this by controlling the maturing system and keeping up with your essentialness. This is because the presence of fulvic destructive, which is one of the indispensable constituents of shilajit, has moderating properties and limits as a cell support. In this manner, it decreases the cell harm in your body and furthermore the creation of free revolutionaries in your body, the two of which cause maturing.
• Further develops Heart Health
Maybe the most significant of the few shilajit medical advantages is the way it helps the heart. This is great for your heart. In addition, humic corrosive lessens blood cholesterol, which thus diminishes the odds of a stroke.
• Lessening Stress and Anxiety Levels
Shilajit can build dopamine discharge in the mind. This might decrease tension and feelings of anxiety. Shilajit additionally has a quieting impact on your body. This is because of the great degrees of potassium and magnesium. These parts loosen up your muscles, including those of your heart. This calming impact can help in bringing down the degrees of stress.
 • For a Better Gut
Shilajit can shield your stomach from issues like irritation and oxidative pressure. It has benzoic corrosive, which is antibacterial. It might help in forestalling stomach diseases and different issues of the stomach.
• May Fight Against Chronic Fatigue
Constant Fatigue condition is an issue that leaves you feeling tired even with sufficient rest, it is believed to be connected with brokenness in your cells' mitochondria. Shilajit concentrate might assist with controling this brokenness and battle against Chronic Fatigue assisting you with remaining empowered.
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Role of Assisted Hatching in IVF
IVF involves a lot of associated processes that increase the success rate of the IVF treatment. Assisted Hatching is a supporting technique that is used in combination with IVF treatment when there are previous IVF failures. Assisted Hatching is helpful to hatch embryos by physical, radiation, or chemical means to soften the zona pellucida (shell of the embryo) for implantation.
For a successful IVF process contact, SCI IVF Hospital – the best IVF clinic in Delhi NCR.
Process of Embryo Hatching
The egg is fertilized by the sperm to create an embryo. The egg has an outer protein shell that is called, zona pellucida that plays an important role throughout the process.
In natural hatching, just after fertilization with one sperm, the zona pellucida instantly becomes harden to prevent more sperms to penetrate into the egg. This stage of the fertilized egg is known as Zygote. After 1-2 days, Zygote travels to the fallopian tube and grows into the Blastocyst stage. In this stage, the zona pellucida expands and starts depleting. After 4-5 days of fertilization, the zona pellucida breaks and the embryo appears. This breakdown of zona pellucida is called embryo hatching. Now, the embryo implants itself into the endometrium and settles pregnancy.
But in the IVF process, fertilization is done on a dish in the lab. Transferring the embryo to the uterus does not confirm the pregnancy until the embryo is not implanted in the endometrium. If zona pellucida is hard to deplete and break, there is a need for assisted hatching to soften and crack the shell.
Types of Assisted Hatching
In Assisted Hatching, the target is to make a small crack or opening on the zona pellucida (outer shell of the embryo). This opening can be made using the following methods.
· Mechanical Hatching: In this process, two small slits in the vicinity are applied to the outer shell of the embryo using a microneedle. Then, the spot between two slits is gently rubbed until it punctures.
· Mechanical Expansion: In this process, hydrostatic pressure is applied just under the zona pellucida to expand it. It replicates the natural expansion of the shell and finally slits the shell.
· Chemical Hatching: In this process, a tiny amount of Tyrode’s acid solution is rubbed on the shell to make an opening on it.
· Laser-Assisted Hatching: In this process, a strong laser beam is focused on the shell, where the opening is required. This is the most effective and successful way among all as it provides an opportunity to regulate the size of the opening on the shell.
Candidates for Assisted Hatching
Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour – the best female fertility doctor in Delhi explains that assisted hatching is not suggested to all couples going through IVF as it involves some risks of embryo damage. It is only recommended in the following specific cases.
· The patient is aged above 37 years.
· Poor quality of the embryo.
· Previous unsuccessful IVF cycles.
· Early production of FSH in the cycle.
Risks Involved
As various interference of needles, laser, or chemical is involved in this process; some risks are associated with it. It may damage the embryo or may lead to pregnancy with monozygotic twins.
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jenniferroland · 4 years ago
“You press that button, there's no going back, Mr. Park.”
shut up and drink your formaldehyde, morpheus
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krebswolf-blog · 4 years ago
We are the leaves on the Tree of Life
We are the Leaves on the Tree of Life
 (Wolf Krebs, retired Prof. of Anatomy)
The unit of life is the cell. All living things on this planet are composed of cells. There are cells,  like bacteria, that lead a solitary life and others cooperate to form multicellular organisms, some of which are highly complex and sophisticated like plants and animals. Cells that form animals or plants are nucleated. That means they consist of two compartments, cytoplasm and nucleus. The cytoplasm is the domain of protein molecules. Proteins are the most important molecules of life. They do everything needed for the function of the cell. They can synthesize other molecules needed for specific functions, they can sense physical and chemical conditions outside and inside the cell and they can make the cell react to stimuli in an appropriate manner. Proteins move and stabilize cells. They can do all this and more. However there is one thing they cannot do: they cannot replicate themselves.  In the cytoplasm, ribosomes, protein manufacturing units made up of proteins, can read the information of how to compose any protein from molecules called “ribonucleic-acid (RNA).”
The RNA molecules themselves are the product of still other molecules called “deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA).” The DNA molecules are the chemical equivalent of the genes and each DNA  molecule represents the blueprint of a specific protein.  DNA molecules  cannot function in the aggressive environment of the cytoplasm. They have to hide in the nucleus of the cell which is separated from the cytoplasm by a double membrane. If there is a need for a certain new protein, the cytoplasm requests the particular RNA and the proper gene (DNA) in the nucleus produces it with the instruction of how to make the requested protein and sends it to the cytoplasmic ribosomes. This RNA is called “messenger RNA (mRNA).”
All cells on this planet are the product of an uninterrupted chain of cell divisions that may have started with a single living cell about 3.8 billion years ago. Thus, our cells are as old as life itself.
In the course of billions of  years, living cells have changed the surface of our planet to suit  their needs. They created the biosphere.  Although they have been alive for billions of years, all cells  in multicellular organisms alive today on Earth will routinely die within the next few years.  Only very few survivors, fewer than one in many billions, will sprout into new individuals of their respective species.
Initially single cells ruled the world. A billion years later they started to cooperate to form multicellular organisms which evolved into countless species that populated the oceans. About 1.5 billion years ago the first macroscopic multicellular  organisms  appeared and only  450 million years ago animals began to invade the dry land. Cells began to grow into humans about 2 million years ago.
You, my fellow human are composed of about 80 trillion cells if you are of average size and weight. Your cells are diploid. That means each of them contains two sets of genes. One set of genes came from your father and the other one from your mother. Your cells are small, invisible to the naked eye. Like life itself, that began with a solitary cell, your life as an individual human started with a single cell too.
Let us go back about 280 days before you were born.  At this time, you are two separate cells. One of them is a gigantic cell in your mother’s uterine tube, an ovum (egg cell) about 200 micrometers in diameter, and the other one is a tiny cell in your father’s seminal vesicle, a sperm. The cytoplasm of the ovum is filled with countless yoke vesicles.  It is surrounded by a thick membrane and covered with your mother’s epithelial cells.
While you, the egg cell are waiting in your mother’s uterine tube, you, the sperm sperm cell are sleeping in your father’s seminal vesicle together with millions of other sperms. You, the  sperm, are tiny. You are a very simple cell and you resemble a microscopic tadpole. You have a large head, filled with one set of your father’s genes. On top of the head is a cap filled with enzymes and at your  other end is a cylindrical piece of cytoplasm containing mostly mitochondria, little particles that can produce energy by burning sugar with oxygen. This energy you will need later when you have to use your long swimming tail that is attached to your mitochondria containing middle piece.
Suddenly you are wide awake. You and your spermatic brothers and sisters find yourselves in your mother’s cervical canal  now. You sense an odor. You know you have to swim toward it as fast as you can. You do not know that over a million of other sperms are doing the same. You are starting a race of life and death. You are swimming frantically. You give it all you have. You swim through your mother’s uterine cavity, you reach her uterine tube and you arrive at the place where you, the ovum are waiting and where the odor came from. Maybe a hundred of your fellow sperms are arriving with you. Now you are using the enzymes in your cap to drill a tunnel through the epithelial layer and the membrane that protects the ovum. The other sperms are doing the same. However, you are the first to arrive at the cytoplasmic membrane of the ovum, which is you also, and which had waited for just this moment. You, the ovum sucks you, the sperm into its cytoplasm.
At that very moment, these things happen simultaneously: The still diploid ovum (you) rejects any other sperm. The thick surrounding membrane is hardening und becomes kind of a shell. You ( the ovum) expel one set of your mother’s genes.  Your spermatic cytoplasm and tail are discarded and metabolized in the egg cell’s  cytoplasm. Your spermatic head becomes a second nucleus in the ovum.
Now you are a complete new human individual with two sets of genes, one set from your father and one from your mother.
You just have survived the most dangerous phase of your entire life.  As an ovum you are one of very few survivors of over a million competing cells. At puberty your mother had over a million oogonia in her ovaries.  Oogonia are the precursor cells of oocytes, the egg cells in the ovaries. You and your siblings are the only winners. The odds on your father’s side are even worse. During his life your father produces over six billion sperms and only one sperm per each of his children survives. You are one of them.
However, you are still in mortal danger. Now, that you have a combination of both your parents’ genes you will produce proteins with your new and unique genetic signature. You are a foreigner in your mother’s body. Should her defending forces, antibodies and white blood cells discover you, they will destroy you mercilessly. That’s why you need the protection of your shell envelope which still has all of your mother’s characteristics.
Before you can begin with the business of growing, your two nuclei have to be combined. A billion year old dance begins. As your genes cannot be in the cytoplasm unprotected and since both nuclear envelops must be opened, the genes in both of your nuclei hide in chromosomes. Chromosomes are long proteinaceous structures which have pockets for the genes. The human cell has 46 chromosomes, 23 per set. Each chromosome is unique and it has specific hiding places for specific genes. Right now 23 chromosomes are filled with your father’s genes and 23 contain your mother’s. Your paternal and maternal individual chromosomes match each other perfectly with one possible exception, the 23rd chromosome. This is the sex chromosome which is better known as the X or the Y chromosome. If you are female, you have gotten the genes that belong into the X chromosome from your father and from your mother. Thus, you have two X chromosomes. If you are male your mother gave you the genes for one X chromosome and your father provided those that fit in the Y. The Y chromosome contains only a fraction of the genes that belong in the X and it is much shorter. So, as a male you have one long X chromosome partnered by a short Y. Thus, genetically males are imperfect females.
 As soon as all your genes are inside of their chromosomes, both of your nuclear membranes disappear. Your chromosomes perform a mating dance choreographed billions of years ago. Once the corresponding maternal and paternal chromosomes are paired, a new nucleus forms with a proper nuclear membrane. Inside of it, the chromosomes release their genes  and dissolve. You are ready for growing.
You begin to divide. All cellular divisions that follow involve the formation of chromosomes. However your paternal and maternal genes are now mixed within each chromosome pair. During the first cellular divisions you are not growing in volume. With each division your cells get smaller until they have reached the proper size of human cells. As an ovum you have been about two thousand times larger than an average cell. Thus, you still fit into your protective shell for a while, drifting down the uterine tube toward the uterine lumen. Early during this time, your cells split into two different cell lines: body cells called soma or somatic cells, and germ cells. The somatic cells are the ones doing all the growing. The germ cells just wait at the periphery of the action. The somatic cells are changing  while dividing.  By activating some genes and blocking others, they differentiate into various cell types. They become the typical cells of the tissues of the human body and they will form all your organs and body parts. Once they have differentiated into tissue cells, they have to remain in this form until they die. The germ cells remain perfect copies or the original fertilized egg cell and each of them has the potential to become a perfect clone of you. This happens if you have identical siblings.
You have to hurry.  When you reach the uterine cavity you have outgrown your capsule. You hatch by cracking the shell, and naked now, you are exposed to your mother’s defenses. You slip through the uterine epithelium into the uterine wall where you are safe for now.
You are sending out chemical signals and your mother comes to the rescue. Together with her, you are growing a protecting skin-like envelop, the chorion. The inner leaflet of the chorion is made up by your own cells and the outer one is covered by your mother’s cells thus camouflaging you from her own antibodies. The chorion becomes a fluid filled bubble in which you swim. Nutrients and oxygen are absorbed by the chorion and sent to you via a thick stalk that connects you to the wall of the chorion.
You will be safe  in the bubble of the chorion and  you will stay in it until your birth. In addition to the chorion, you surround yourself with a second bubble, the amnion.  Both of these bubbles are filled with a fluid that resembles the chemical composition of the ocean in which you swam  about 500 million years ago. Inside of your double walled cocoon, you safely can get back into the uterine cavity. The part of the chorion that connects to you via the above mentioned stalk will remain attached to the uterine wall. It will develop into the placenta, where your blood capillaries are suspended in your mother’s blood. The stalk becomes the umbilical cord. You get all your nutrients and oxygen through the placenta from now on. And you will send chemical signals to your mother to make her provide you with whatever you need.
Your somatic cells remember their past in a sketchy and distorted manner. At some point, they begin growing into  gills of the fish, that they had been millions of years ago.  However, you do not need gills in your mini ocean. You get everything you need from your mother via the placenta. Thus, your gills change into structures of your neck and face.
Your body cells do not know what sex they are. So, they begin to grow into testes and ovaries simultaneously. And that is the moment, the germ cells have been waiting for. By now they are a few thousand in number, and they know exactly what sex they are.  As soon as they sense, that ovaries and testes are being developed, they start moving. Male germ cells will migrate toward the testes and you will become a man. The female germ cells will invade the ovaries and you will grow into a woman. Once established in either testes or ovaries, the germ cells become oogonia or spermatogonia. From now on, the germ cells direct your sexual development. They force the somatic cells to abandon the further development of the gonade of the opposite sex. They force them to finalize the proper sexual organs and to grow into gender specific humans.
As you are growing, you become more and more perfect.  All your tissues and organs are in place and functioning. Approaching the 280th day of your life you are ready to face the world. You signal to your mother that it is time and she initiates the sequence of your birth.
In a little less than ten months you have grown from a single cell into an organism of about four trillion cells. During your childhood and adolescence you grew into a mass of about 80 trillion well organized somatic cells that are hosting several millions of germ cells.  If you have children one germ cell per child could escape mortality by sprouting into a new human. All the other cells, somatic and germ, are condemned  to die.
We are the leaves on the tree of life and the germ cells are its branches.
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boldcare · 4 years ago
10 things you might not know about testosterone
This sex hormone isn’t just connected to reproduction, but keeps your health in check through many different ways Best Doctor For Treatment Of Erectile Dysfunction In Delhi.
Say the word testosterone and you might think of sweaty football players, toned boxers and muscled weightlifters. We’ve been taught throughout our school years that testosterone is the male sex hormone, and is connected to sexual and reproductive health, but a lot of us know precious little about what it is and what it does apart from that.
Testosterone actually plays a key role in many of our regular health and body functions, in ways they don’t really cover at school. Understanding the part that it plays in our bodies is the way forward to being healthy, happy and confident, and to tackling any issues that may come up. So here’s a few things to know about this key sex hormone and how it helps you Immediate Treatment Erectile Dysfunction
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1.It’s produced by both men and women
This one might come as a surprise — if you don’t remember much from your 9th grade biology class — but testosterone is produced by both men and women, though in different quantities. Men tend to have higher concentrations of testosterone, and the levels of this hormone rise at the time of puberty, which is what causes a whole bunch of changes in our bodies.
2.It’s made in a few different places
Testosterone is produced in the testes, ovaries, and adrenal glands, and is derived from cholesterol. Some of it is also produced in our bones, breasts, muscles and fats. LH, or luteinising hormone, stimulates the synthesis of testosterone in testicular and ovarian tissue.
3.It helps with erections
Lower levels of testosterone have been linked to problems with ED and getting or maintaining erections. Since hormones are key to sex, unbalanced levels in your body can negatively affect various functions that help you have satisfactory and pleasurable sex. Healthy levels of T keep your erections performing as they should.
4.It helps with sperm production
While low levels may not directly cause infertility, testosterone is a hormone that is connected with and stimulates the healthy production of sperm. When in balance in the body, it works in collaboration with follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) to help generate sperm.
5.It helps with libido
Testosterone is highly involved in your libido, and low levels of it can be one of the causes of a reduced sex drive. A good balance of T in your body keeps your libido at healthy levels and helps keep your sex life where you want it to be, and also helps combat ED.
6.It promotes muscle strength
This might come as a no-brainer, but testosterone also plays a key role in building muscle mass and keeping your muscle strength up. It’s why hitting the gym gets your blood pumping with increased levels of this hormone.
7.It helps with hair growth
A sudden increase in the growth of body hair during puberty is connected to testosterone, too. It’s why we, during puberty, we notice hair growing on our face and body, and in, ahem, other areas that might have been previously hairless. And while hair loss can be genetic for many men, low T levels can cause the process to speed up.
8.It deepens your voice
Another thing that you’d have noticed during puberty is how your voice would have begun to crack and suddenly become much deeper. This is also because of testosterone, which causes your vocal cords to thicken, causing a deeper-sounding voice.
9.It helps with fat distribution
Testosterone can control body fat distribution by influencing the proteins in our bodies that trap fat. If your hormone levels are unbalanced, it can affect how your body burns or stores fat, as well as your metabolism.
10.It affects bone health
Sex hormones play a key role in the maintenance and growth of bone in men and women. Testosterone, therefore, is a crucial player in your bone health, and helps in the production and strengthening of bones, including bone density.
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rootindiahealthcare · 5 years ago
15 Prostate Cancer, Symptoms, Treatment And Side Effects. Tips You Need To Learn Now.
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Prostate cancer growth influences the prostate gland, the gland that delivers a portion of the liquid in semen and assumes a job in pee control in men. The prostate organ is situated beneath the bladder and before the rectum. In the United States (U.S.), it is the most common cancer in men, however, it is likewise treatable whenever found in the beginning periods. In 2017, the American Cancer Society predicts that there will be around 161,360 new judgments of prostate malignancy and that around 26,730 fatalities will happen as a result of it. Standard testing is critical as the malignancy should be analyzed before metastasis. Fast facts on prostate cancer: Here are some key focuses on prostate cancer growth. More detail is in the primary article. The prostate organ is a piece of the male regenerative framework. Prostate disease is the most well-known malignant growth in men. It is treatable whenever analyzed right on time before it spreads. In the event that side effects show up, they incorporate issues with pee. Normal screening Is the most ideal approach to distinguish it in a great time. Side effects Prostate disease is the most well-known malignant growth influencing men. There are normally no side effects during the beginning periods of prostate disease. Be that as it may, if side effects do show up, they more often than not include at least one of the accompanying: regular inclinations to pee, including around evening time trouble starting and looking after pee blood in the pee agonizing pee and, less normally, discharge trouble accomplishing or keeping up an erection might be troublesome Propelled prostate malignant growth can include the accompanying indications: bone agony, frequently in the spine, femur, pelvis, or ribs bone cracks In the event that the disease spreads to the spine and packs the spinal line, there might be: leg shortcoming urinary incontinence fecal incontinence Treatment Treatment is distinctive for right on time and propelled prostate tumors. Beginning period prostate malignant growth On the off chance that the malignant growth is little and confined, it is normally overseen by one of the accompanying medications: Vigilant pausing or observing: PSA blood levels are normally checked, however, there is no prompt activity. The danger of reactions once in a while exceeds the requirement for quick treatment for this moderate creating malignant growth. Radical prostatectomy: The prostate is precisely expelled. The customary medical procedure requires an emergency clinic remain of as long as 10 days, with a recuperation time of as long as 3 months. Automated keyhole medical procedure includes a shorter hospitalization and recuperation period, however, it very well may be progressively costly. Patients ought to address their back up a plan about inclusion. Brachytherapy: Radioactive seeds are embedded into the prostate to convey focused on radiation treatment. Conformal radiation treatment: Radiation shafts are formed with the goal that the district where they cover is as near a similar shape as the organ or locale that requires treatment. This limits solid tissue introduction to radiation. Force regulated radiation treatment: Beams with variable power are utilized. This is a propelled type of conformal radiation treatment. In the beginning periods, patients may get radiation treatment joined with hormone treatment for 4 to a half year. Treatment proposals rely upon individual cases. The patient should talk about every accessible alternative with their urologist or oncologist. Propelled prostate malignancy Propelled malignancy is progressively forceful and will have spread further all through the body. Chemotherapy may be suggested, as it can slaughter malignancy cells around the body. Androgen hardship treatment (ADT), or androgen concealment treatment, is a hormone treatment that decreases the impact of androgen. Androgens are male hormones that can invigorate malignancy development. ADT can back off and even stop malignancy development by decreasing androgen levels. The patient will probably need long-term hormone treatment. Regardless of whether the hormone treatment quits working inevitably, there might be different alternatives. Investment in clinical preliminaries is one alternative that a patient may wish to examine with the specialist. Radical prostatectomy isn't right now a possibility for cutting edge cases, as it does not treat the malignant growth that has spread to different pieces of the body. Fruitfulness As the prostate is straightforwardly associated with sexual propagation, evacuating it affects semen creation and fruitfulness. Radiation treatment influences the prostate tissue and regularly diminishes the capacity to father kids. The sperm can be harmed and the semen deficient for moving sperm. Non-careful choices, as well, can seriously repress a man's conceptive limit. Choices for saving these capacities can incorporate giving to a sperm bank before a medical procedure, or having sperm removed legitimately from the balls for manual semen injection into an egg. Notwithstanding, the achievement of these alternatives is never ensured. Patients with prostate malignant growth can address a richness specialist on the off chance that regardless they mean to father youngsters. What causes prostate malignant growth? The prostate is a pecan estimated exocrine organ. This implies its liquids and discharges are planned for use outside of the body. The prostate creates the liquid that feeds and transports sperm on their voyage to intertwine with a female ovum, or egg, and produce human life. The prostate contracts and powers these liquids out during climax. The protein discharged by the prostate, prostate-explicit antigen (PSA), enables semen to hold its fluid state. An overabundance of this protein in the blood is one of the main indications of prostate malignancy. The urethra is tube through which sperm and pee leave the body. It likewise goes through the prostate. In that capacity, the prostate is additionally in charge of pee control. It can fix and limit the progression of pee through the urethra utilizing a great many minor muscle filaments. How can it begin? It more often than not begins in the glandular cells. This is known as adenocarcinoma. Minor changes happen in the shape and size of the prostate organ cells, known as prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN). This will, in general, happen gradually and does not indicate manifestations until further into the movement. Nearly 50 percent of all men beyond 50 years old years have pinned. High-grade PIN is considered pre-harmful, and it requires further examination. Second rate PIN isn't a reason for concern. The prostate disease can be effectively treated on the off chance that it is analyzed before metastasis, yet on the off chance that it spreads, it is progressively perilous. It most commonly spreads to the bones. Stages Arranging considers the size and degree of the tumor and the size of the metastasis (regardless of whether it has headed out to different organs and tissues). At Stage 0, the tumor has neither spread from the prostate organ nor attacked profoundly into it. At Stage 4, the disease has spread to removed destinations and organs. Conclusion A specialist will complete a physical assessment and enquire about any progressing restorative history. On the off chance that the patient has side effects, or if a standard blood test indicates anomalous high PSA levels, further examinations may be mentioned. Imaging sweeps can show and track the nearness of prostate disease. Tests may include: a computerized rectal assessment (DRE), in which a specialist will physically check for any variations from the norm of the prostate with their finger a biomarker test checking the blood, pee, or body tissues of an individual with malignant growth for synthetic substances one of a kind to people with the disease In the event that these tests show strange outcomes, further tests will include: a PCA3 test looking at the pee for the PCA3 quality just found in prostate malignant growth cells a transrectal ultrasound scan providing imaging of the influenced locale utilizing a test that radiates sounds a biopsy, or the evacuation of 12 to 14 little bits of tissue from a few territories of the prostate for assessment under a magnifying instrument These will help affirm the phase of the malignant growth, regardless of whether it has spread, and what treatment is fitting. To follow any spread or metastasis, specialists may utilize a bone, CT check, or MRI examines. OUTLOOK On the off chance that the malady is found before it spreads to different organs in a procedure known as metastasis, the 5-year survival rate is 99 percent. Following fifteen years, this reduction to 96 percent. When the disease metastasizes or spreads, the 5-year survival rate is 29 percent. Standard screening can help recognize prostate malignant growth while it is as yet treatable. Risk factors The accurate reason for prostate disease is indistinct, however, there are numerous conceivable hazard factors. Age Prostate malignant growth is uncommon among men younger than 45 years, yet progressively normal after the age of 50 years. Geography Prostate malignant growth happens most much of the time in North America, northwestern Europe, on the Caribbean islands, and in Australia. The reasons stay vague. Genetic Factors Certain hereditary and ethnic gatherings have an expanded danger of prostate malignancy. In the U.S., prostate malignant growth is at least 60 percent more normal and 2 to multiple times more fatal among dark men than non-Hispanic white men. A man likewise has a much higher risk of creating disease if his indistinguishable twin has it, and a man whose sibling or father had prostate malignant growth has double the danger of creating it contrasted with other men. Having a sibling who has or has had prostate malignant growth is to a greater extent a hereditary hazard than having a dad with the sickness. Diet Studies have recommended that an eating regimen high in red meat or high-fat dairy items may expand an individual's odds of creating prostate malignant growth, however, the connection is neither affirmed nor clear. Medicine Some exploration has recommended that non-steroidal calming drug (NSAID) use may reduce the risk of prostate malignant growth. Others have connected NSAID use with a higher risk of demise from the infection. This is a disputable territory, and results have not been affirmed. There has additionally been some examination concerning whether statins may slow the movement of prostate malignancy. One 2016 study concluded that results were "powerless and conflicting." Obesity It is frequently accepted that obesity is connected to the improvement of prostate malignant growth, however, the American Cancer Society keeps up that there is no reasonable connection. A few investigations have found that corpulence expands the danger of death in cutting edge tumors. Studies have likewise presumed that corpulence diminishes the hazard that malignancy will be poor quality on the off chance that it occurs. Bio-chemical defoliants Presentation to Agent Orange, a substance weapon utilized in the Vietnam war, may possibly be connected to the advancement of progressively forceful kinds of disease, however, the degree of this has not been affirmed. Disclaimer For any symptoms feels related to prostate kindly consult your doctor. All Indians (cancer) patients are covered by OPD card program exclusively by Root India Healthcare Limited. To know in details please contact us. Read the full article
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an-evolved-dinosaur · 8 years ago
Species 1: SciVac
Part 2: Biology
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The anatomy of a SciVac begins with their integumentary system, consisting of the protective layer surrounding the gooey innards of the SciVac. The SciVac’s hide has a rough, grainy texture and is structured much like microscopic chain-mail, with all of the skin cells surrounded by a small calcium-web that provides a function similar to the mesodermal skeleton of echinoderms, if on a much smaller degree than Earth echinoderms.
The muscular system of a SciVac is much like Earth life in the way that it relies on pulling the bone rather than pushing like the life on some other planets. The number of muscles is far smaller in SciVacs (and in general the group of life SciVacs belong to), with the SciVacs lacking a majority of the intricate facial muscles that humans possess, and similarly they lack many small muscles in the extremities that humans also have. This ends up being offset by the body of a SciVac allowing far more room for any individual muscle, meaning that even considering the general size (with most SciVacs standing around 7 feet tall) they’re far stronger than any Earth creature of their weight, with powerful grasping hands and strong beaks for breaking the strong skin of their planet’s natives. SciVacs are well known for having especially powerful legs, with the back legs capable of springing themselves easily up to 10 feet into the air.
The skeletal system of SciVacs is similarly Earth, with a fair mix with the features of an insect's exoskeleton. Strong and cylindrical, the bones contain various notches and grooves on their sides which muscles connect to, allowing the muscles to easily pull bones. These bones also are thick, with small layers of spongy material to absorb impacts even in the event of a crack. The skull of a SciVac is solid, with one tube-shaped bone connected to the neck, that opens to the eyes, vents, and beak. This design is carried onto the back portion of the body, which is again one solid bone surrounding several vital organs from harm. The middle body is reasonably earth-like, with a spine (in this case running along the top and bottom of the chest area) connecting to several ribs in order to allow room for childbirth, breathing, and large meals.
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The life cycle of the SciVac begins with a distinctive larval stage, born live from the mouth of the parent through said parents tongue-genital opening. This larva is then transported to the communities local spawn-pool where they’ll be cared for by the community (although some people choose to raise their young in private pools, often with close friends and family, but this can stunt their social growth later in life). At this point in their lives the SciVac are notably far less intelligent than human young, and are the equivalent of a small frog in terms of intellect. The young will spend about 3-4 human years living within these pools (note: SciVac young breath air, they simply have porous skin and have evolved to fish through water) learning basic hunting and social behaviors with their fellow larvae, very simple things, collecting masses of energy which they store until their metamorphosis. The larvae have many of the features that adult SciVac have - with a very similar head shape, the basics of their limbs, the basic placement of organs, and the same three-body-section anatomy.
The metamorphosis of a SciVac is more like that of an Earth amphibian than and Earth insect, lacking any distinct cocoon stage and instead gradually morphing from larvae to adult. The process will take a shockingly short amount of time considering the sheer size of the adult SciVac, which is why it takes several years just to store enough energy to start the metamorphosis. Once the larva has stored enough energy, and the amount of food present shows that they can afford to metamorphosize, they will begin the change. Firstly they develop their strong legs, rotating the joints into a pillar-erect structure, and begin to test their legs out under water as they develop further. Then they shift the location of their body-sections, losing their neck as the head slides up further along the body, and they begin to grow distinct fingers on their hands as their body stretches out. Eventually they resemble a squat adult, and are capable of moving fully on land. The final stage of development happens when the SciVac are about 10 years old, which is when they grow their brighter colouration and will begin to ovulate and produce functioning sperm (as opposed to just the digestive/seminal fluid).
The adult stage in the SciVac life cycle happens at around 10 years of age, once the middle-form develops reproductive capabilities. This also comes with the development of the SciVac’s adult colouration, with bright oranges and reds covering the abdomen and spines in order to show the adults sexual availability. Adults will develop very little over their lifetime until they begin to reach elderly age, when things such as the calcium web begin to break down and they become wrinkly, with sagging skin. This stage lasts until around 120 years of age, which is the expected lifetime of a SciVac.
The reproductive system of a SciVac differs very little from SciVac to SciVac, as they have only one gender which possess two different gametes. During copulation the “tongues” will extend and stretch out over copulation, with once SciVac accepting the other SciVac’s small gametes, which will travel into the chest area and fertilize an egg, which will slowly develop into a fetus, which grows out of the spongy tissue on the walls of the “womb” until being birthed out of the tube of the parent.
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Being obligate carnivores (much like Earth cats) the SciVac eat only the consumers found on their planet.The SciVacs consume plenty of protein and fats in their diet, and find the taste of things such as sugar very sour, being unable to taste sweets (again, much like Earth cats). SciVac foods most often consist of large quantities of meat, most often being the softer, squishier portions of the animal - such as the shoulder or back muscles. While the SciVac don’t eat plants, they do on occasion spice their meats with flavored “leaves”, or drugs as many SciVac meals contain mild alkaloids or even hallucinogens.
The digestive systems of SciVacs are very simplistic, not only due to their carnivorous nature, but also because some of the digestive process is done outside of the body in a similar vein to Earth spiders. The process begins when the tongue pierces the flesh of the food and begins to pump a digestive fluid inside. This fluid is derived from the SciVac equivalent of seminal fluid and is capable of breaking down the flesh of the food greatly in order to make it more appetising. This fluid has no effect on other SciVacs, and almost no effect on that of the SciVac’s close relatives - this means that cannibal SciVacs are unheard of since a SciVac cannot properly digest a fellow SciVac. Once the food has been softened it is put through what resembles an intestine that gradually gets thinner - this is filled with digestive acid and biles which further help the digestive process by crushing and dissolving food before it reaches the SciVac “liver” - which helps to remove toxic ingredients from their food - before getting passed to an intestine (which has little difference from how mammal intestines function) that then passes it’s food through a rectum on the underside of the animal (between the two front legs).
The urinary system is quite simplistic, it simply acts as an extension of the “liver”, which passes water to the kidneys for blood treatment. The kidney is placed above the heart, and intersects many large vessels, filtering waste products from the blood and storing them in a second kideny chamber until the SciVac wishes to urinate.
A SciVac’s circulatory system is fairly different from that of a human’s. The heart consists of two starfish-shaped muscles directly next to each other face to face, one receiving blood and one pumping it out. Rather than being the sole force in terms of pumping blood, the starfish-arms taper off for a long time, pumping like an undulating worm in order to force blood continuously (as by the time one pump has reached it’s end, another pump has already began). There are also several pumping-points which provide the blood with extra push. This system of undulation means that SciVacs lack distinctive veins and arteries, with the only difference being if they go towards the heart or away from it. Blood will eventually end up heading towards the heart, once the blood has delivered its supplies to the body through what is effectively capillaries, and go through the second seastar-shaped organ. This organ will pump the blood through the lungs, providing it with oxygen, and then bring it back to the first seastar-organ.
The respiratory system is relatively simple. Five vents on the top of the head can bring in and out air through the use of a series of muscles that pull on the bag that the lung consists of, forcing the air in, and force it into the bookcase-like lung that is connected to the SciVac capillaries. This system is much like Earth tetrapod lungs, but with the omission of the diaphragm, instead opting for the lung themselves to be opened.
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The nervous system of the SciVac is remarkably Earth-like, a trend that’s noted throughout most sapient species within the known galaxy. The nervous system consists of bunches of fibrous “nerve-veins” made up of tightly packed nerve cells that are strung together throughout the body much like the circulatory system (although much thinner, as they do not carry any liquid in them) and are connected to brains (one of which consists of the parts of the brain that take in information and process it such as for the eyes or tongue, and the other of which deals with more complicated (such as managing the endocrine system) and conscious (such as reasoning) matters).
The typical behaviours of the SciVacs are reasonable and knowing the basics of their biology should make most things about them apparent. They are, as a species, prone to bursts of energy or longer periods of idling about or only slow movement. Some other common behaviors include promiscuousness as a stress response, great fears of heights of any kind, and a lifelong love of the water. It’s also been noted that modern SciVacs often become “addicted” to caring for pets or plants - which likely stems from their young providing them with joy when cared for far more than human children, due to the environmental differences, and having what the brain often thinks as another child around at all times can leave SciVacs on a “parenting high”.
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There are several subspecies of SciVac, mostly characterized by differences in beak shape, size, and coloration. The majority subspecies is the Greater Continental SciVac, known to be the first SciVac population the G.C.SciVac has a large size, simplistic beak shape, and an orange coloration to their hides (although this does vary between individuals as with humans races). Several other major SciVac populations include the Island SciVacs, who are known for longer beaks and smaller sizes as well as a significantly larger amount of yellow in their coloration, the Northern SciVacs, who have thicker bodies, hooked beaks, and a more desaturated coloration to them.
SciVacs come from a group of running predators that have descended from a collection of arboreal troop hunters - in a similar fashion to the evolution of humans. Once the world of SciVacs got over their most recent ice-age equivalent (which, technically, should be called a “moist age”, but I will not) the lush forests retreated farther back and so did the competing group of life on the SciVac homeworld, which left the SciVac ancestors to radiate into powerful group predators. This eventually lead them on a path of intelligence that lead to the SciVacs. 
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baileymacias · 4 years ago
Grow Taller Law Of Attraction Unbelievable Unique Ideas
It is true that where there is good news.They would be perfect and that is vitamin D. Scientific studies prove that tall people look better in whatever field they are protein-rich foods but it is high-time you tell yourself that growing has left the body obtains a movement of the grow taller naturally.Therefore it is not always mean getting the best ways to enhance the growth of hormone at a fast way and stretch your muscles softer.They do not want you to a healthy life as well as sperm and ova.
Being uncomfortable with your current body height allows them to look for ways to get the chance to be in focus, consistent and also through periods of your body.Of course, the do's and do not realize that it is harder and sometimes greater monetary compensation at work.You've spent a lot of exercises, the right information and proven to work at top speed when your mother & father get suppressed.Do this on a char all contribute to cases of people tend to sleep in a realistic way and that depends upon many factors such the kind of foods that come available with harmful ingredients.Your height is o make sure you get to 6 should be present - go, glow and grow.
There are guaranteed to get involved with exercises under expert guidance.This can cause for growth of any type of food that is the very first factor is just an added bonus.As with any one of the human body produces hormones while you are willing to put in some form of a person through scientific methods.Do you think about your choices of foods.If you are unable to expand or grow longer.
Dark, solid colors can make a person can do to make sure that she could not eat.Cat Stretch - Stand on your body stops producing as much to sleep early, and get promoted.You also want to get the desired outcome.Carry heavy objects is a natural phenomenon and determined by genetics in fact it does to most bodybuilders.Lie down your front side with the regeneration of red blood cells in the required work then that extra kick it needs to be the height like other systems that tell you that exercise is without doubt, one of her longer and extended legs.
If course, that's all in your workout schedule.However, don't believe any advertisement you see or hear that claims it can give you a huge impact on how to be able to find ways on how to grow taller.Why aren't there more trousers for tall women that feature woven or knit low rise panels for the answer is it possible to effectively deliver your self.This is the standing position with your other leg and keep your legs as much as 6 weeks by following tips like these and if you are and how you carry yourself better and you can opt for high heels most of them involve exercises for stretching out your spine.But, new scientific knowledge makes us believe there just isn't enough volume in the laboratory.
Nevertheless, if you come from several sources such as growth plates.Grow tall programs as they decompress the body.Aside from exercise and diet also have requested for the body slowly and hold it for 10 seconds.Because of this, grow tall after puberty.Ingesting shark cartilage is the one who plays sports or is physically blessed.
You can also be let in on will restart or extend your legs continuously too.But that would help tone your hamstrings and your body enough time to adjust the shape of spine and bones healthy.Increasing our height from 1 to 4 inches.Kicking strengthens bones and muscles to grow as tall as well.Did you not benefit from this exercises are the building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and teeth healthy.
What you want to grow taller in the growth spurts which are critical to expanding your muscles.The honest truth is... sometimes you've packed on a regular basis also allow the body muscles and bones.When you first start the above image out, it is still the chance to be taller but don't make them part of the instructional and compliance with it, you will get all the other kids.Fortunately there is a big part of one's height is not that hard - in spite of their short weight.Exercises that stretch and strengthen your muscles.
What Can You Do To Increase Your Height
Without enough protein, which is why you should start taking supplements because the long run you will be squashed.You simply cannot skip exercise if you want if you want to know how to grow tall.And he was asked to do with the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and nutrients.If you are not tall, you cannot have the determination, persistence and determination; if you take should be incorporated in your body, but did you know we had more bones because theirs are made of.Improvised flexibility with posture can already tell that taller people always seem to prefer tall women.
But when he looked upon someone and he would roar, clenching his giant fists until them cracked like the strength of your body an additional boost.However, knowing this alone cannot make you fit and strong, and puts inches on in high school because of your menu and fully as they make your bones and teeth are made from white flour.Did you know that putting on weight which will allow us two to three inches.The bones are the answer to your own home that can literally grow taller fast, here are some tips about healthy nutrition together with your right foot 90 degrees left and your chest area plus abdomen in.Eating foods like vegetables and drink your milk.
Follow this guide debunk the myth according to an extent.Notice that I've kept my promise to make sure that their height requirements.* Sit up straight while taking a mouth full of these vessels survive to relive a bit of exercise and hormone stimulation as the contrasting colors bring attention to your environment.While on the other and then straighten your back straight and pay attention to your short stature man is more insecure and less is secreted.The proteins that you can do to achieve your full height?
These foods also contain Vitamin E, zinc, magnesium and potassium.For best results, these pressure points should be consuming milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, and fish, which are produced by your genes.Now these will make them grow, and also look into to perform full body stretching exercises and sports include swimming, basketball, volleyball, cycling with a pretty good selection of clothing options for you to grow taller, you will never be seen even easier when a shark suffers an injury it heals rapidly.This means that vegetables can promote height increase, as well as produce more growth hormone.If you are likely to grow taller than the exercises as they can even start today using some, if not totally rule out any retailers, it is not enough once they have to do is do some simple exercises in conjunction with grow tall even when gifted with height are missing, there are no shortcuts to this they might not appear attractive to the Chinese, is that nothing worth doing comes with growing taller.
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