#crab cam crab cam crab cam
montereybayaquarium · 2 years
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*waves* Hi, fronds!
Did you hear the seacret? We're streaming the crab cam over at @mbayaq today... 👀🦀 Sea you over there?
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official-tam-cam · 4 months
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Sokeefe Krusty Krab AU, I've missed you 💕
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permanently-stressed · 4 months
Do you think that Maddie @sasharcyreal is the tam cam blog 👀
possible and probably, but for me the funniest thing would be if it was a lurker. someone already on tumblr but is in other fandoms, maybe?
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fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
Had a dream they made a movie of the Locked Tomb and the actor they cast to play Palamedes was absolutely STACKED and also Camilla had necro ability suddenly? And also there was a tenth house but the inhabitants of it were just crabs
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chocolatekind · 2 years
WIP: So I heard Jade was supposed to have more piercings and a punk hairstyle 👀
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shadow-says-hello · 7 days
Beast reveal
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jaggedtrachea · 3 months
chill dubstep beats to study and relax to
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muchmossymess · 5 months
Lmao the way I be forgetting I have like ACTUAL mental illness and not cutesy sad sometimes mental illness
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I introduced my parents to the Monterey Bay Aquarium live streams
Productivity in my house may have just dropped a percentage
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skreej · 2 years
i'm bored so here's a video of one of my hermit crabs from a while ago :)
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yourfavvgal · 4 months
dps headcanons - at the beach!!
- i felt that because it is the start of summer and well.. i love dps, why don’t i make some hc so here i am!! enjoy!!
(also i apologise if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes!!)
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- cameron and meeks burn. they fry. meeks burns less than cameron but as soon as cameron has spent at least 30 mins in the sun, he becomes a tomato.
—> to sort that situation, cameron always supplies an umbrella for just him and meeks to sit in so they don’t burn.
- meeks and pitts walk along the rock pools, searching for sea creatures - crabs, fish etc. pittsie gets bitten by a miniature crab and pitts being pitts, runs across the length of the beach, screaming like a girl.
- todd doesn’t really enjoy swimming in the sea so he tends to stay on the edge or not go in at all.
—> he’s AMAZING at volleyball though, better than knox and charlie put together (he’s way better on land then at sea)
- charlie will be in the sea, the entire time. he gets bored sitting on the sand so he runs in the sea and splashes everyone.
- neil and todd both build a GIGANTIC sand castle together and decorate it with rocks and seashells that they (and the rest of the poets) have collected
—> meeks helps to build a moat around the castle and fill it with water!! (amazing building skills)
- knox wants (needs) a tan to impress others (chris) but charlie keeps snorting and laughing at him telling him that she won’t care (she really doesn’t)
- the only people who don’t go in the sea are todd and cam but at one point charlie dragged cameron to the shore next to todd and shoved him into the sea. cameron was obviously not pleased.
- water fight!!! the poets totally have a water fight in the water (splashing around) and charlie screams when he gets salt water in his eyes.
- pittsie forgets to wear any suncream and accidentally burnt his ears, nose and shoulders. he complains about how much it hurts and how it feels like he is dying from the sun.
- mr keating agreed to take the boys to the beach and he sat on a old-fashioned deck chair with his sunglasses on (he also provided the cooler with food in)
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gothamslostboy · 1 year
Can i request bones characters and their pets headcannons?
She’s against pets in general but if she had to pick one she’d choose a monkey
But after researching it and realizing she doesn’t have the adequate amount of time to care for one she lets booth get a dog
Has to be one that’s known for its intelligence tho
A dog man through and through
Specifically a high energy breed he can take for runs
Also likes to play fetch with it
Teaches it tricks
Constantly gets lectures from Brennen every time he says they have the smartest dog
Wants to let it lay in the bed but Brennen says no
He sneaks the dog up after she goes to sleep sometimes
I bet you’re thinking dog huh?
Yeah you’re right
He has a American pitbull terrier he adores
Buys her sweaters for the winter
Takes her out to those dog friendly restaurants to play with Booth’s dog while they hang out
Cat lady 100%
Either a Siamese or a hairless cat
Spoils it with toys and treats, but makes sure it stays at a healthy weight
When no one is around she speaks to it in a baby voice
A cat he found at his local shelter
He doesn’t know what kind of cat it is
Has to take allergy pills because he developed an allergy after he already was attached
A hermit crab he keeps in his office
Gets an artist friend to paint new shells based on sci fi movies he likes
Before he picked a name he was calling it buddy, which just kinda stuck
Likes many animals, but not keeping them
Only got one after Michael-Vincent kept begging
Ended up getting a hedge hog
It curls up in her lap while she paints or draws
Has the hedgehog with Angela obviously
He lets sit on his shoulder when relaxing
Built it a fucking MASSIVE enclosure in their house
This lil thing has so much to play with it’s insane
After a year or two of owning the hedgehog, he convinces Angela to get a tortoise
Who he also spoils
He bought a beta fish one day bc he thought a pet would make him less lonely but he was scared of all the other species at the pet store
He named it Archimedes
Originally just had it in a glass bowl
Bought it a proper tank after Hodgins explained how bad that is
Hodgins also went with him to pick out things it could hide in
Honestly I’m not really sure
Maybe a hamster when she was young
But never got another pet after it died bc she was so sad
Loves Lance’s little hermit crab though
Says hi to it every time she stops by his office
An iguana
He brought him into work once and cam made him put it in Hodgins’ bug room
Takes it for walks
It wears a black spiked collar with its leash
He has two ferrets and and a set of Guinea pigs
Talks to them for hours telling them all the facts that pop into his head
Carries the ferrets around his body (neck, shoulders, arms, etc)
Talks about them like they are his human children
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official-tam-cam · 4 months
let's take a moment to appreciate Tam Cam's long lost sibling, the Sokeefe Crusty Crab AU
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fatkish · 7 months
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Aizawa x Autistic Cat Quirk Reader 2/3
(Again artwork is not mine, I found it on Pinterest)
The link for part 1 can be found below
(Now let’s continue)
After the Boss’s wife took charge and interfered with (read as: lovingly made sure your socially awkward and shy ass wouldn’t pass up a perfectly good chance to get with a ‘handsome and sexy man’) your love life and set you up for a date with the scruffy yet handsome Pro, Aizawa texted you two weeks after the exchange asking you out to lunch on a Saturday.
After freaking out and panicking for a good 30 minutes worrying about what to write back you texted back a thumbs up emoji followed by “yes”
Aizawa gave you the details for what day and time he’d come pick you up two weeks before your planned date and told you not to stress about anything and that if you were more comfortable meeting up outside the cafe then he’d be happy to pick you up there.
Needless to say two weeks went by fast and you couldn’t sleep that Friday night and started getting ready 5 hours before you were supposed to meet. You did your hair after taking a shower and put just a bit of makeup on to hide your tiredness and to accentuate your eyes. You dressed up in cute and semi-fancy outfit that was still comfortable and made sure to bring your keys, wallet, phone and your preferred fidget.
After you and Aizawa met up he took you to a food stall and got you something to eat and then took you to an Aviary/Aquarium.
After you got your tickets and entered the place you latched onto his arm sticking to his side. Due to the various stimuli and being in a new environment you were rather nervous and anxious. When Aizawa saw this he took a pamphlet with a map of the facility and led you through the place guiding you so you didn’t have to think or take in your surroundings, just walk and he’ll guide you.
After some time of walking and dissociating from your surroundings, Aizawa led you to the Kelp Forest exhibit. When he told you to look up you were greeted with this
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(Picture of Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Kelp Forest Exhibit. Picture courtesy of google. This is the only big Aquarium I’ve ever been to and can be found in Monterey Bay California. If you visit the Aquarium’s website you can see live cams of the exhibits. Also most of this date is going to be heavily based off my experience at the Aquarium)
The view was amazing and and the lighting made it look magical. Your eyes pupils dilated as you took in everything. You walked up to glass and watched as small schools of fish swam passed, lager fish swam and maneuvered through the giant stalks of kelp. Small sharks passed by as you took it all in.
The sight of everything made your mind go blank as you watched in awe. All your anxiety vanished as you watched the kelp sway.
Aizawa walked up to you and simply observed your reaction happily watching you fixate on the large exhibit.
After a few minutes you grabbed his hand without realizing and began moving onto the next aquarium in the exhibit. You guys saw octopi, various different kinds of fish and invertebrates and even got to learn about the Kelp Forest environment and all the animals that take part in this ecosystem. You pointed out the moray eels and their faces staring them in the eyes.
After a bit you guys went to the next exhibit which was the coast line.
You guys walked through the small shark exhibit and the sea bird exhibit that showed different kinds of birds and where they nest. (Aizawa had to pull you away to keep you from jumping over the glass partition and hunting down the birds)
Next you both moved onto the tide pools exhibit where you could pet the stingrays and touch the various creatures that are found in the shallow tides such as starfish, various sea weeds, sea cucumbers, purple sea urchins, small sea anemones, decorator crabs and other small creatures.
Aizawa used this as an opportunity to get insight on what kind of textures you do and don’t like. He even chuckled whenever you got excited and your tail began to sway.
After that you guys moved onto the Splash zone. This exhibit showed you how the waves interact with the coastal rocky landscape and how the animals react and what it looks like.
When the wave mechanism for the splash zone dumped the water to imitate a crashing wave you jumped and grabbed onto Aizawa and tried to scurry away only for him to hold you in place and wrap his arms around you.
After calming you down from being spooked you both walked outside onto the overhanging balcony and outside theater. You both walked over to the railing and looked off into the distance seeing the coastline and the far off boats.
When you went back inside you guys went to the jellyfish exhibit. The tranquil atmosphere and nearly thoughtless movement of the brainless creatures was almost enough to put you both to sleep. You both moved on before you could fall asleep in the middle of the exhibit.
The next exhibit was the open ocean. In a giant tank there was hammerhead sharks, giant tuna, sea turtles, various kinds of rays, a few sunfish and different kinds of sharks.
At one point you fixated on a particular fish and followed its movements and even tried to grab at it when it swam by only for you to remember there was thick glass separating you. Aizawa took a short video on his phone recording your little experience.
The same thing happened when you saw the anchovies and Aizawa had to hide his laugh as you circled the round tank chasing a particular anchovy without realizing what you were doing.
After the open ocean you both went to the tropical exhibit where various different types of fish and corals where on display.
You guys talked about how interesting it would be to take a field trip with his students to the place to learn about the various environments and potential hero-ing and how to handle certain situations.
When you entered the tentacles exhibit you got to see various types of cuttlefish and other cephalopods. Aizawa told you about his one student who would probably enjoy this exhibit.
After that, it was The Deep. This exhibit was designed to show off how the aquarium used its research and technology to explore the sea floor.
Here you got to take a look at what the researchers found and what it’s like to take a dive in their research subs and what kind of stuff you’d see.
Here you were able to see creatures like wolffish and other deeper water inhabitants.
You suggested to Aizawa that it would be a great opportunity to exercise different types of underwater rescues and different types of situations where his students would be in a similar environment and how to go about it.
The more you talked about it the more Aizawa began to see the potential for you to be a teacher. Or at least a guest speaker. As you continued to spew word vomit about the topic he realized how important it would be for his students to understand and gain experience interacting with people who were Neurodivergent and had similar disabilities and cognitive difficulties/differences than them.
After that you guys went to the penguin exhibit as you continued to come up with different situations for his students to learn from.
At the end of the day the last exhibit was the sea otter exhibit. You both watched the otters play and dove into the water. After a bit you realized you had been talking most of the time and had genuinely forgotten to keep boundaries in line.
Fearing that your display of your natural personality would be a turn off for Aizawa and that you ruined any chances of getting together with him you began apologizing rapid fire.
Aizawa was quick to reassure you that he had a good time and would love to continue to get to know you. He told you that he didn’t mind your Autistic tendencies as well as your feline behavior.
After you guys left the aquarium you both decided on a time to meet up again and have dinner.
Aizawa made sure to walk you home as you rubbed your face against his arm.
Once you got to your door you turned around and pounced on Aizawa catching him off guard and nearly knocking him over. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and nuzzled your cheek against his head. Aizawa smiled and scratched you behind the ear as you purred and began grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and kneading it.
After you said goodnight you closed and locked your door and immediately went to bed having drained your social and mental battery.
That night you slept well and Aizawa smiled as he headed to his house to get ready for patrol.
That’s it for part 2 and I plan to make a third. Thank you for all the likes and hope you guys enjoy this one too.
(Sorry @atsukawolfcat if I didn’t tag you. I don’t know how but I hope this is right)
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I will figure this out
@myfairkatiecat was willing to accuse anyone suspicious, including me, that they were @official-tam-cam
then, they made this post:
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and after that post they reached out to me to see what I knew. Except they came to me with the information that THEY KNEW who tam-cam is:
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so clearly something changed between that post and when they reached out to me
which makes me think it’s someone from that list in the post:
that would make the most sense. I have gotten MULTIPLE confirmations that it’s NOT Isa (aka permanentlystressed)
it’s not me as you can see confirmed in the chat screenshots above
so while technically it could still be Isa, the people who are match the evidence so far are Maddie (sasharcyreal) or whoever runs the katiefanpage.
I don’t have a lot of reason to believe it’s Maddie, even though the evidence fits. Maddie fits all the proof and myfairkatiecat also stopped accusing them after Katie found out who it was, but that may simply be because they, yknow, FOUND OUT WHO IT WAS. Maddie’s posting during this whole thing doesn’t make me think it’s them, however everything else makes them a prime suspect.
now obviously we don’t know who’s personal account runs @katie-fanpage
but below I’ll link who Katie thinks it is
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(ignore my vote)
I don’t know what to believe, I spent this whole time trying to prove it was Isa, and then trying to frame Katie in order to protect Isa, that I can’t think of it as anyone else
so I’ll let everyone else figure this out with the info available.
Find someone who would know about the Crusty Crab Au, and also one of the suspects for the Katiefanpage. Someone who knows a lot about tam cam, and loves Katie.
I guess I’ll be waiting till Unraveled🤷
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ask-crow-aus · 4 months
[Teardrop has made a magic beach at the mansion, and now everyone's there. Lady Virix and Anise are playing volleyball, Miles is grilling burgers, Irisen is swimming, and Teardrop is getting changed in the bathroom]
*Corvid is watching the kids. Coral has taken an interest in a crab*
*Neo is sitting on the sand with a blindfold on to avoid hurting his eyes*
*Cam and System are avoiding the sand and water, but sitting nearby.*
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