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multi-gutsygumshoe · 5 years ago
Some cute JaneKri I decided to draw with the help of my homestuck discord deciding who to pair Jane with
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seafoamsweetheart-blog · 7 years ago
[ Her Merciful Ascendance [HMA] began trolling His Imperial Arbitration [HIA] ]
HMA: S)(ello fincess.  3B) HMA: Did you miss me?
HIA: 'ey its the princess HIA: what's up? HIA: may6e? wh9's askin'
HMA: It's a fincess eelrig)(t. HMA: Noffin muc)(.  Just enjoying a day wit)( my clade. HMA: I saw your tidal and t)(oug)(t 'T)(is bass)(ole )(asn't )(eard from me in a w)(ale.' HMA: Moby I s)(oald grace )(im wit)( my cute quirk.
HIA: well c9nsid'a me graced (;B HIA: sh9cker a cut fin like y9u w9uld 6e talkin ta me again s9 s99n HIA: what's the 9ccassi9n sweetheart wantin' a r9und 2?
HMA: )(e)(e.  It seams you can't reefsist me, can you? HMA: Muc)( to your displeasure no, I'm afraid I can't take you up on your 'generous' offer. HMA: I acs)(oally wanted to sea )(ow you were doing.  38P HMA: Or is t)(at conc)(sidered taboo for you wit)( your fuckbuoy lifestyle.  38P
HIA: HEY HEY AIN'T N969DY HEA LIVIN N9 FUCK6U9Y LIFESTYLE HIA: It's called 6ein' an emper9r that can d9 what he want HIA: anyways this m9nth I get extra cra66y a shame ya can't c9me 9ver HIA: Y9u wantin' t9 kn9w h9w I 6e is less 6elieva6le than c9ld fire
HMA: Someone got all D-EF-ENSIV-E so suddenly. HMA: You must )(ave woken up on t)(e wrong seaside of t)(e absurd )(uman bed. HMA: )(e)(e. HMA: Once a fuckbuoy alwaves a fuckbuoy. HMA: -Efin if you )(ave a fancy little tiara on t)(at cute )(ead of yours. HMA: 38*
HIA: hey at least I can admit I like fuckin ar9und unlike y9u princess d8B HIA: aint en9ugh m9ney in the w9rld that'd make me 6elieve half the facade y9u 6e fr9ntin all the time. HIA: speakin' 9f ann9yin' 6itches have ya heard fr9m Cal? HIA: I ain't hear fr9m that lil shit in a while I'm w9rryin 9ver here.
HMA: I don't pike fucking around, acs)(oally. HMA: Conc)(sider yours)(ellf a lucky case to efin be touc)(ing me, muc)( less getting to sea all of me. HMA: Naut t)(at it matters anywaves.  I know I've been on your pan.  38;) HMA: I am naut annoying.   I'm CUT-E. HMA: )(owebber, I t)(ink Cal is doing ocray? HMA: I've been busy wit)( my own fins. HMA: T)(ere's been no tide to reely to worry aboat )(im. HMA: Aw)(.  Look at you. HMA: You acs)(oally DO care aboat somefin otter t)(an your )(UG-E -EGO. HIA: 6ig statement ta say c9min fr9m the 6itch wh9 was all up 9n this 6IG EG9 last time ya visted (;B
HIA: and I care s9metimes! shit ya think im s9me kinda m9nster? HIA: lil guy left an impressi9n 9n me lets leave it at that HIA: and may6e y9u have 6een 9n my pan HIA: m9stly that fat ass 9f y9urs 6ut I mean it's still y9u right? HIA: 6itch that ain't luck I kn9w I'm irresista6le
HMA: It was bigger t)(an somefin else last tide. HMA: Just kidding! HMA: Your -EGO is bigger t)(an anyfin else on you. HMA: T)(at's still so CUT-E.  You care aboat someone more t)(an doing your )(air or your nails. HMA: MY ASS ISN'T FAT. HMA: It's perc)(fectly proportioned for my size. HMA: YOU are just jellyfis)( I )(appen to )(ave a cute one. HMA: ... HMA: Coddamnit.  W)(y do I let you encourage me to be so lewd. HMA: W)(at is your S-EACR-ET. HMA: You moby irresistabubble... HMA: Boat one fin is for s)(ore, you're t)(e one w)(o caved first and invited me over. HMA: Someone wants to rest in Peixes.  38;D
HIA: why rest when I can just keep c9min in and 9ut all day? HIA: (8B HIA: 6a6e ya ass is fat and I remem6a it quite well fr9m my angle HIA: and that ain't n9 insult either HIA: And just like ya said 6a6e I insight it cause I am irresista6le HIA: And last I remem6a Peixes y9u the 9ne wh9 sent me that 699tycall n9t me. HIA: and y9u can g9 fuck a clam with that carin' 6S y9u spillin' actin' like me havin' s9me s9rta c9mpassi9n is the funniest shit this side 9f Alternia eva see. HIA: 6itch if I truly did n9t care then this c9nv9 w9uld n9t 6e happin' and y9u'd 6e a piece 9f ass I get t9 mark 9ff my list 9f 6ad 6itches t9 fuck. |8B
HMA: You're getting sentimental on me eelready? HMA: T)(at's so sweet! HMA: Moby. HMA: Just moby. HMA: I )(appen to miss you too, )(mm? HMA: If I could sea you again, I would. HMA: Boat I pike teasing you.  It's fun. HMA: It seams to keep you coming back. HMA: And conc)(estly, it must be working if you're still glubbing wit)( me.  38) HMA: It just means t)(at we )(ad a lot of fun. HMA: And moby, just MOBY, our connection is reel, t)(en.
HIA: I c9me 6ack 6ecause my mem9ry 6e fuzzy HIA: 6ut I kn9w I feel s9methin f9r y9u HIA: I kn9w Cal wiped my mind a s9methin, I just d9n't kn9w what that is. HIA: and he w9nt tell me why. HIA: I wanna kn9w why a pink fuck like y9u makes my pusher race and d9 all s9rts a things wheneva ya message me. HIA: 9r efin sea me. HIA: SEE. ME. EVEN. HIA: stupid puns
HMA: You mean you acs)(oally reely do? HMA: )(oly s)(ip. HMA: Conc)(sider me impressed! HMA: Again, if I could tell you, I would. HMA: I want to. HMA: I eel t)(e same wave. HMA: -Efin t)(oug)( you irribait me, naut being able to glub wit)( you )(as been )(ard. HMA: And you punned for me! HMA: I'm flattered!  Reely! HMA: It makes it bereefabubble t)(at my caring aboat you is wort)( it. HMA: )(alibut you pun for me again? HMA: Joking and flirting seaside, )(ow are you doing? HMA: I still do acs)(oally care, you know.
HIA: ... HIA: I've 6een 6eta cutiefin HIA: c9nchestly they g9t me swamped 9va hea d9in all my shit and Didi g9t me w9rkin t9 the 69ne. HIA: I g9t c9urt in an h9ur t99 HIA: I aint neva had this many sessi9ns in a fuckin day let al9ne a week. /8B HIA: shit's 6een stressin me and the witch w9n't sit d9wn tw9 m9thafuckin' sec9nds t9 6e my m9ireel and listen t9 me. HIA: all she want is take take take she ain't neva give 6ack ta me. And if I speak up '69at it she get mad. HIA: and I w9n't say what happen afta w9rds 6ecause it aint shit y9u need ta kn9w. HIA: I 6e wantin ma lil cra6cake s9metimes s9 I can talk '69at half this shit 6ut I feel like I fucked up 9ur friendship s9meh9w? HIA: aint the first m9therfucker t9 leave s9 I mean I'm g99d whateva... HIA: I d9n't g9t much pe9ple wh9 t9lerate my shit eitha way. HIA: I g9t millie 6ut she d9n't give a shit she just a slave. HIA: she'd s99na krill me than talk pale shit.
HMA: I )(ad no idea you were so lonely. HMA: 38C HMA: I'll tell you w)(at. HMA: If I come across Cal, I can pass on a little message if you want. HMA: I'm s)(ore )(e wants to )(ear from you. HMA: I t)(ink )(e still cares aboat you, I reely do! HMA: Seadweller's )(onor.  380
HIA: I'm n9t l9nely I g9t s9me9ne in my 6ed every night- HIA: d8B HIA: ... I mean that'd mean a l9t yeah HIA: I just wanna kn9w h9w he 6e.
HMA: I'll pass it along, on my )(onor. HMA: I'm ocray I guess. HMA: I've been a little stressed trying to take care of everyone )(ere. HMA: Boat otter t)(an t)(at fins )(ave been ocray. HMA: I got a Feebas!  A little Pokemon t)(at evolves into somefin beautiful. HMA: I dunno if you remember Lady, my Magikarp, boat t)(ey get along. HMA: )(ere are my two little gills! [HMA uploaded princessleiaandladyred.jpg]
HIA: 9h c99l HIA: s9unds shitty when did ya 6ec9me every9nes lusus? ?8B HIA: them little 6aes l99k ad9ra6le! (8B HIA: I g9t a kra66y named Pinchers HIA: he an 9ld fuck 6ut I l9ve 'em [HIA uploaded krabbyfuckrr.jpg]
HMA: )(e is so CUT-E! HMA: GLUB GLUB GLUB! HMA: I could stare at t)(at cutiefin all day! HMA: )(e)(e. HMA: I t)(ink I'm in love!
HIA: Next time I'll let y9u see him HIA: he a friendly giant HIA: He 6ig en9ugh y9u c9uld sit 9n his 6ack y9u'd have a 6last
HMA: I t)(ink I )(ave a reefson to come sea you t)(en. HMA: I would love to spend some tide wit)( your crabby frond. HMA: 38D 38D 38D
HIA: I g9t m9re 6ut he my fav9rite
HMA: Play favorites wit)( your partners. HMA: You're suc)( a glubbing tyrian. HMA: 38P
HIA: Whaaaaaat?? HIA: I g9t gigi my shiny gyarad9s that likes swimmin in my aquarium HIA: sharpedo likes hanging with gigi HIA: and claws my crawdaunt chills with Pinchers 9ut 9n the sand in the 6ack
HMA: You )(ave so many! HMA: I'm tidally jellyfis)(! HMA: T)(oug)( I will admit I want a s)(iny Umbreon. HMA: I want to call t)(em Nox.  38) HMA: I love my little gills t)(oug)(. HMA: One day t)(ey s)(ell be beautiful and powerful after all of t)(e love I give t)(em.  38)
HIA: I was a fuckin' nerd when I g9t the thr9ne the first few sweeps s9 HIA: I started c9llectin' and trainin' my 6a6es and n9w they 9ld, 6ig and p9werful like their daddy (8B [ HIA uploaded gigitrippin.jpg, PINCHERSNO.jpg to HMA ]
HMA: O)( my cod! HMA: I'm SO saving t)(ese! HMA: T)(ese will mako me smile over t)(e next week for t)(e fins I've got to do. HMA: You know, 'searious business'.  38P HMA: Just look at t)(em! HMA: T)(ey are so CUT-E! HMA: I want to pet t)(em all~!
HIA: i w9uldn't pet gigi they a mess HIA: 6ut yeah i g9t l9ads 9f 'em HIA: sharped9 the 9nly girl th9ugh s9 I can't even 6reed 'em )8 BHIA: I g9t m9re cute shit y9u'd pr96a6ly l9ve 6ut y9u kn9w h9w it 6e HIA: reputati9ns and shit d8B
HMA: Don't be t)(at wave! HMA: It's naut pike I )(ave anemone one I can s)(are t)(is wit)( pike t)(at. HMA: -Everyone would get ANGRY if t)(ey knew I was glubbing wit)( you.  38V HMA: Please s)(ow me! HMA: Do it for your fincess~!
HIA: why s9me69dy get mad y9u talkin t9 me aint y9u an empress??? HIA: 6itch y9u sh9uld 6e all9wed t9 d9 what y9u want when y9u want HIA: with9ut tellin n969dy y9 6usiness the fuck HIA: And fine... [ HIA uploaded plushpile.jpg to HMA ] ==> The pic is a pile of plush dolls from pokemon, different anime but the one feferi notices most are the salior scout ones, death note and attack on titan, generally cute cat, sheep and crab plushies, and sweets themed plushies as well.
HMA: W)(Y DIDN'T YOU -EV-ER GLUB YOU PIK-E SAILOR MOON OR OTT-ER ANIM-E! HMA: O)( my COD! HMA: I'm fangilling so )(ARD! HMA: You are now my favorite tyrian bass)(ole. HMA: I glubbing adore you! HMA: We )(AV-E to cuttle in t)(at pile!
HIA: T//8B HIA: Like i said HIA: I've g9t a fuckin reputati9n. HIA: I used t9 watch a shit t9n 9f anime with didi......
HMA: Fuck your reputation. HMA: You're glubbing adorabubble! HMA: 38D
HIA: N9 
HMA: Coddamn it, Crabcatc)(. HMA: You're B-EGGING to be cuttled.
HMA: Later.
HMA: I will, ocray?HMA: W)(en )(ave I ever let you down?
HIA: and I 9nly sh9wed y9u 9ne pile..... HIA: T8B y9u d9n't want an answer t9 that HIA: i g9t m9re piles...
HMA: Rig)(t. HMA: S)(ore. HMA: I need to sea moor of you piles. HMA: I'm CURIOUS. HMA: You're giving me ideas for my own.
HIA: depends which 9ne y9u wanna see HIA: m9re plush? HIA: 6lankets? HIA: pill9ws? HIA: I mean I g9t a "pile" f9r t9ys 6ut that shit's private y9
HMA: ... HMA: 38//Y HMA: I.  Don't need to sea t)(at anywaves. HMA: I've.  I don't. HMA: T)(at's naut necessary, Crabcatc)(.
HMA: YOU WOULD )(AV-E SOM-EFIN PIK-E T)(AT YOU GLUBBING BOTTOMF-E-ED-ER! HMA: You're still a fuckbuoy after all. HMA: For all I know you )(ave piles of underwear from all of your conc)(quests.
HIA: THAT'S DISGUSTING HIA: I'm a pr9per 6itch I g9t that kinda shit in a dresser HIA: And N9 I D9 N9T HAVE TR9LL UNDIES THAT NASTY HIA: I'm a fuck 69y n9t a pervert HIA: T8B
HMA: Good to know w)(ere you draw t)(e line. HMA: You're still )(orribubble and you know it.
HMA: It's ocray t)(oug)(. HMA: [Message deleted].
HIA: ?8 BHIA: well yeah fuck y9u t99
HMA: Saury.  I got a little carried awave. HMA: Now is naut t)(e tide for somefin pike t)(at. HMA: Boat I'll tell you one day. HMA: In person.  38)
HIA: 6itch en9ugh with the cryptic talk HIA: I ain't signed up f9r this paran9rmal activity shit HIA: st9p with the damn riddles and 6e real with HIA: getitn' fuckin' ann9yin'
HMA: I am being reel wit)( you, Crabcatc)(. HMA: Just please trust me for now. HMA: As much as you can. HMA: After t)(at I can tell you everyfin. HMA: Ocray, love?
HIA: yeah yeah HIA: i d9n't like this patience shit y9u g9t me 9n HIA: T8B
HMA: I know. HMA: I'll mako it wort)( it. HMA: For t)(is I'll do nearly anyfin you ask after. HMA: )(ey. HMA: ... HMA: I'm glad to )(ear from you again. HMA: I would be lying if I didn't glub I miss you.
HIA: I'll h9ld y9u t9 it. HIA: yeah yeah same here.. HIA: /8B HIA: g9 d9 y9ur weird clade thing HIA: I g9t c9urt
HMA: Stay safe! HMA: And take care of yours)(ellf you bass)(ole. HMA: Try naut to miss me too muc)(. HMA: 38;)
HIA: same t9 y9u princess (;B [HIA has ceased trolling HMA]
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