#cr2 for ts
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mareastrorum · 2 years ago
While checking for stuff about holidays, I found a note on the wiki that Campaign 2 started on Grissen.
And I'm wondering if I hate myself enough to plot out the exact days of the week for the rest of the timeline for potentially a single scene.
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mareastrorum · 2 years ago
I have so much goddamn fun with this in my fanfic too, it's great.
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Why Molly Succeeding On Stealth Checks Will Never Not Be Hilarious: a diagram by me
(like i know the boy has high dex)
(but goddamn)
(he is the least subtle person in the history of anything)
bonus, for that one time he thought a cloak would be an adequate disguise:
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orange1896 · 2 years ago
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活塞杆总成24A117080 2070900277 LG953空调模块 4110000696091 转斗联小腔钢管B Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 11418305 堵板 6299000473 转斗油缸HSGF-180*90*553-1273 4120000414048 散热器总成1301-00560Z 2020*1200*620 4120003388 铲斗3.6*3060 29270022881 吸音绵 29340048751 数控剪板机运转交接班记录 11419202 护板 28310006211 六角法兰面螺栓9000000698 9100001087 主轴承螺栓614010114 29370021471 左台架 950S1.9.1.1 6410004501 左大腔钢管总成 6221000103 钢管 11213710 办公室锁(宝石) 6222000172 齿轮 102.30118 29030032931 PLATE WA GREASE BATH 29290045221 进气管 P4WG200-385 26360009572 合页总成 6213000088 喷淋清洗剂QX3033 25kg/桶 6105QA-1004050D-L 4011000488 后罩 4110003492230 压力传感器NPT1/8 7300000313 黄油嘴 29370020941 垫圈0730064292 11211217 发动机罩(金属漆) 6390200426 盒式磁带收音机录音机及附件 6430000971 销轴LGB301-50*95*175-40Cr 29221004491 圆柱销90015050011 28110004411 焊接管夹 L0460W3114A29A0 转向泵吸油钢管 29330033521 LG946油缸总成(先导) 5301015074 弯板 6420001471 轴套LGB302-80*54A2 28370000221 吸音绵 4110003226122 标识牌PE 29270017242 连接夹 14406617 方钢管40×40×2×1550 11212537 PUR海绵167*210*20-CR2 4110002278014 非公路自卸车 29050000251 PARTS CATALOG_ENG_GER_FRE_SPA_KOR 5900015160 碳刷 E64 21906005504 固定板 29170017001 销轴LGB301-110*195N*360-1001G 4110000076203 除水放心滤 4110000679001 维修环107-0.44KG 6900016348 NIPPLE_D03-108-01A+B 4110000565097 支架 26170001521 角钢 4110004412002 二级行星架总成 26330028371 侧卸油缸胶管 M086HWC40 组合接头LGB143-01406*45 4120010455023 E675H挖掘机 29170026801 左后护板 14400761 变矩器油温传感器WG202A FZ0001294 停用-仪表板 4180000013 喷射泵齿轮 1G491-5115-0 6410005398 高压内六角M12*45 4110000042086 L916HL轮式装载机 0L055FW3115A39AA 螺母8154-MH-00061 4180000431 PLATE 4110001089342 L933油缸总成 4110000047090 车体板-05 4019000058 胶管 4110003445183 软管 11213384 非公路自卸车 29010035381 风扇BDFS635X90Z-5-A 29240013811 软管LGB124-003136 29270011261 支座 29300008511 螺栓 M080CWA41 NAME PLATE F11211360Y 左右灯架总成 28280010871 螺钉GB819.1-M5*12EpZn-4.8 26141023141 二轴总成—经适件 4110000565229 右拉杆支板 29240019971 后网板 29121005721 O形圈 28809027711 固定支板 MT86H D124000015 放水阀(组合垫10)BD05L-00006(JB982-77) 6900020267 连杆机构 26030002811 底板 6242000104 REINFORCE PLATE Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 4120009273102 L形块 6360000044 后车架JR956 11221924 6392201906 6410007885 压板 29170042091 导轨防护罩(T613中捷镗床) 4110000009042 发动机罩标识包 FLWCDP 密封 5516114G29 内齿圈 29161000021 P-旋转锁定手柄位置标签 4110002137023 角钢 14405545 配重 9380B11 操纵台总成装配件 29330050001 停用-制动鼓轮4644 309 002 6290000390 驾驶棚 4110001921006 4.5bar背压阀 FDP11B 内六角螺栓M16x45 4120017458 中冷器S9115019A 4014000191 内密封环 403010A 29050024331 海绵 26290007651 缸盖罩垫片HA03018 28250024961 螺栓GB16674.1-M16*80EpZn-8.8 29340036221 胶管F381CACF181810-2000 4130001834 配重12000 29330050471 左挡泥瓦固定板 6216000549 105前车架自检记录质记95-2号 29241002322 进气门座HA03156 29200009461 956V标配第三联接口模块 26141021411 小件长板两孔工装 4120008144 LNG装载机 Mail:[email protected] 4110001654241 停用-软管 26260003561 孔板LGB343-60*30*4-10G 11214030 摇臂室罩垫 29330050091 传动油管支架II 4110000565069 非公路自卸车 4190002101001 皮带 3030900084 开关电源PTF130TO50A 4110000047121 过渡管 LG7300000575-1 P-散热器总成 4110001903015 前大灯(左) 17004400 LUG_WA RH ARM CYL-BOOM WA 4.6M F21M8-02204B 连杆(低)55*55 29030021341 非公路自卸车 6900015784 变速箱总成 FLG6300-TLL Y38-1滚刀芯轴(¢22 3291218) 28340002641 ���油盒 4120006373 行星齿轮 F11216357 鲤鱼钳 29051002571 控���面板 6900019090 左侧围推拉窗后玻璃 4110000556137 胶管F481CACE121206-3200 MT86D 29070027511 HDMI转VGA转换器 绿联 40209 6390300934 发电机皮带轮 58917345 左台架 4120005686 联轴器RJK200D 4110003073012 弹簧 29260018771 驾驶室焊接总成 4130000077 标识_非俄罗斯地区用 4110000054194 调节螺丝 6227000020 涡轮组YJH340K-2 6215000193 多路阀进油块 9150000570 护套 29040000051 密封圈D45 139197 14662987 软管LGB124-004054 26120012141 LG933L驾驶室围板总成 11221634 FLANGE LOCK NUT 6228000377 密封剂1567(50ml) LG7300001029-1 板 3050900038 PARTS CATALOG_ENG_GER_FRE_CHN_KOR 29240013131 标志与标识 4120001877 STEERING PUMP ASSEMBLY 29270009521 皮带式滤芯扳手 14717648 前车架 4110000125302 双温控开关612630060035 26100004061 内六角螺栓 26031004361 螺塞1013646A52D 4110002486 铲斗BG200 26130017121 行星轮架总成 4110000924022 后车架线束 17004344 后吊耳HA02011 11222794 太阳轮 4041002292 弹性板HT220(989) F001.01.1349F 内封油套1BD08-12008 4120003310006 信号灯 F11N6-90700 管夹 2120900117 变径接头 FZ0000561 消音器958N FLG6210-HYLX 滚针轴承贴面密封圈组件0735 298 411 29190009201 盖板 29100020531 买卖合同(2013) 4120003172 右后护栏 4110002247034 推土铲总成 28210012431 LG933L轮胎式装载机-3311214G3903 4041002213 角钢 6239000056 软管20491-36-16TZ/20411-36-16TZ*FC686-16*1 14637850 主阀MX12 4110001100155 铲斗总成 29330103611 停用-工具盒 26120018301 E7150F标识包(轨道机) 29120024301 软管LGB165-012125 2060900190 手电钻DS18DFL 6320000125 液压油箱总成 29360017801 盖板 11213230 限滑差速器4061016070 4110001167177 等离子电极 泛洋60 28400000161 铲斗0.2 LG2933002454161 952贴花 28809002621 塑料袋 4120002573 COVER_GRP 4013000338 936耐磨板总成 11223509 马拉头 M086HW3A0M003 前车架 26290101411 前档板 11213986 钢管 14408526 支架 29010037451 电阻盒 29220012171 关节轴承GE60ES O2-2941000013 卡箍组件SDLG20-DG-04 29240101161 驾驶室总成系统 6900018745 方管30×30×3×1050 6220000468 GLASS LG8937003006 THRUST WASHER_0730.108.167 S=4 8 29361001411 直接头LGB120-01614*35 3611115G3903 斗杆油缸HSGK-170*115*1670-2335 29290046181 胶管F471TCCACF121206-750 11222885 O型圈 型号:P24-1B 4110001300106 PLATE (L=69.5, W=49) 28220003681 铲斗油封 26311000392 右桥板 21909007981 挡块73 520 042 9200001476 涡轮增压器 6214000539 柱塞 29030017151 针规0.75mm FΦ39大 停用-销轴LGB301-95*133*250G-40Cr(临时号,具体要求见JT 4130002672 LG936轮式装载机 11213467 接头 6410004684 动臂一联阀体 4110000036066 固定块 7300000149 后车架左侧板 L955F 14552533 斗杆油缸HSGK-175*115*1670-2335 6224000255 破碎锤机具LG16L D02C-140-30+B 2040900008 平面纱布轮 75mm小盖,120目,加厚 29420004101 中效过滤网(德州亚太YWKH40T) Read the full article
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ariadneclaire · 5 years ago
Top table is so in love with Jester they’re going to let her dress them.
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multishipperlove · 5 years ago
Now that it’s winter again and it gets dark at fuck early o’clock I’m left wondering how everyone in Rosohna isn’t just depressed as fuck. At least show me some Goblins with vitamin C  deficiency or something
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bixbythemartian · 2 years ago
your tags on this #caleb: yeah uh. yeah he's an engineer. he works for exxon mobil but. maybe i can be a good influence#beau: caleb i don't care HOW good he fucks-#caleb: we're not even fucking.
so my thoughts on this-
Essek is a chemical engineer who's good at science communication, and ended up (through family pressure and blah blah) being a government lobbyist for Exxon Mobile. He still dabbles in chemical engineering, but it's entirely software based- simulations and things.
Caleb is a professor for agricultural engineering, with a focus on sustainability, soil management and rewilding and restoration- during his summers he focuses on projects that clean up land where oil has been extracted. Removing oil derricks, rehabilitating the land, etc. Diametrically opposed.
The building is fancy and beautiful and spacious and fashionable but has the worst maintenance imaginable, so Essek can't simply call them for help, because it'll be two weeks before they'll even come up to look at the thing, and in the meanwhile they'll turn his water off from downstairs entirely. (There's some high end residential skyscrapers in New York and DC that have notoriously bad maintenance, and this could take place in either location pretty easily).
The thing that he's about to get into trouble for is that he's been doing under the table engineering work for Halliburton (which focuses on fracking) who was trying to poach him for themselves, and is happy to take his work and leave him twisting in the wind.
And he does lose everything, I think- for a given value of 'everything'. The stakes are lower, because he's not going to be executed, and Essek does eventually lose his house etc so.
He's found out. He loses his lucrative job with the fancy DC/NYC apartment (or both!) and the nice car (all paid for by the company, of course). Part of his contract with Exxon was that any oil digging ideas he has are legal property of them, so he's also sued for copyright infringement or industrial espionage or whichever, and he ends up settling, but it wipes him out financially, and his career is in tatters.
can't stop thinking about a shadowgast "i'm not looking to fuck do you have a screwdriver my bathroom is flooding" grindr au
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spacefjords · 6 years ago
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the sweets and bees and mischief crossover duo we deserve!!
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fjordish · 6 years ago
Last night was such a good episode, not only because we got to see everyone’s different perspectives come into play, but also because of the way they approached it. Everyone was being checked up on, even if it was just the small “are you good?” And because of that, despite how tense it was in the beginning, they can either compromise and find a middle ground, or come to accept the group’s decision.
Nott: Will go along with whatever the group chooses as long as there’s sound reasoning and her husband and child are safe.
Caleb: Wants the group to have an end goal or at least to always be moving towards achieving something. He always brings up the option of a compromise, as that is the quickest way to get everyone to agree on one route.
Caduceus: Ultimately wants what’s best for everyone, but pushes towards what he feels is the most beneficial path for them at the moment.
Beau: Will go with the group’s decision, but wants to make sure she has all the information first. She can be swayed by reasoning and in the end, she is willing to back up her friends, regardless.
Jester: Leans towards the more idealistic routes. She is willing to do what makes her friends happy and will choose the option that keeps the group safe and together.
Fjord: Will go along with whatever the majority wants and turns big decisions into group votes. He is willing to compromise, but still stands with his reasonings/decisions unless proved wrong.
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vecna · 6 years ago
Every week, I see more and more CritRole fans who’ve been around since campaign 1 just... bail from the fandom, over what a dumpster fire it’s become. A lot aren’t even watching the show anymore.
Shit’s depressing!!
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sandersstudies · 4 years ago
Me: *literally will not shut up about CK3, CIVVI, GBBS, CR2, or whatever else my current hyperfixation is*
Everyone who just followed me for TS content: ..... ?
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democanna · 2 years ago
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mmorgmarkets · 2 years ago
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camera-research · 7 years ago
PhotoFast、Transcend社製のSDメモリーカードが付属、iOS専用SDカードリーダー搭載の外部ストレージCR-8710 TSを2017年10月28日より順次発売 - エキサイトニュース
PhotoFast、Transcend社製のSDメモリーカードが付属、iOS専用SDカードリーダー搭載の外部ストレージCR-8710 TSを2017年10月28日より順次発売 エキサイトニュース ... カメラ、ミラーレス一眼カメラの各種RAWデータに対応デジタル一眼レフカメラや、ミラーレス一眼カメラの画像データ記録形式、RAWデータの読み込みに対応しています。CR2、PEF、RW2、ORF、NEF、NRW、MRW、3FR、RAW、KDC、MOS、MEF、DNG、CRW、PAF、PPM ... and more »
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netsmp · 5 years ago
Free Microsoft Ultra File Opener for Windows 10
New Post has been published on https://netsmp.com/2020/05/18/free-microsoft-ultra-file-opener-for-windows-10/
Free Microsoft Ultra File Opener for Windows 10
*** New *** Now Ultra File Opener app supports new CAD formats: .dwg and .dxf. Ultra File Opener (UFO) App is available in both FREE and FULL versions. FREE Version can: * View over 200 file formats for free * Limited to viewing only (converting and printing inaccessible) FULL Version can: * Open over 380 file formats * Edit, save, and print files * Convert and batch convert image files at lightning speed * Open, edit, and convert camera raw files * Extract files from compressed archives * and more. NOTE for DVD users: Ultra File Opener doesn't play discs automatically. You need to select files from them to play, manually. UFO comes with professional technical support to ensure that our paid users are totally satisfied with their purchases. For questions about the app or technical support, please contact [email protected] or use the support link below to submit your inquiry. UFO not only instantly opens popular image, eBook, text document, audio & video, and archive files but also provides edit, convert, and print functions for most file formats as well. Stop downloading specialty software for each file type you want to open and get your own copy of UFO from the Windows Store today! UFO supports the following file formats: *5 Office Formats: DOCX, DOC, XLSX, XLS, PPTX *76 Images & Graphics File Formats: 3FR, ARW, BMP, CALS, CR2, CRW, CUR, CUT, DCM, DCX, DNG, DPX, EMF, EMZ, ERF, FPX, GIF, ICO, HEIC, ITHMB, J2C, J2K, JBIG, JNG, JP2, JPC, JPEG, JPG, KDC, MEF, MIFF, MNG, MOS, MRW, MTV, MVG, NEF, NRW, ORF, OTB, PAM, PBM, PCDS, PCX, PEF, PFB, PGM, PICON, PICT, PNG, PNM, PPM, PTIF, RAF, RAW, RLA, RLE, RW2, SCT, SFW, SGI, SR2, SUN, TGA, THM, TIF, TIFF, VICAR, VIFF, WBMP, X3F, XBM, XCF, XPM, XV *60 Video File Formats: 261, 3G2, 3GP, 4XM, ANM, ASF, AVI, BFI, BMV, C93, CDG, CDXL, DFA, DV, DXA, F4V, FLV, GXF, H261, H263, H264, IVF, LVF, M4V, MJ2, MJPEG, MKV, MM, MMF, MOV, MP4, MPEG, MPG, MV, MXF, MXG, NSV, NUT, NUV, P64, PAF, PVA, RL2, RM, RMVB, ROQ, SMK, SWF, THP, TXD, VC1, VIVO, VOB, WEBM, WMV, WTV, XMV, YOP, AMV, BIK, DAT, DIVX, M2T, M2TS, M2V, OGM, OGV, TP, TS *46 Audio File Formats: AAC, AC3, ADTS, AIFF, AMR, APE, AU, CAF, DTS, EAC3, FLAC, G722, GSM, IFF, IRCAM, ISS, M4A, MLP, MP2, MP3, MPC, OGG, OMA, PVF, QCP, RSO, SBG, SHN, TTA, VOC, VQF, W64, WAV, WMA, WV, XA, XWMA, AIF, AIFC, M4B, MKA, MPA, OGA, OPUS, RA, SPX *51 Archive File Formats: 001, 002, 7Z, APK, ARJ, BZ2, BZIP2, CAB, CBR, CPGZ, CPIO, DEB, DIAGCAB, FAT, GZ, GZIP, HFS, IPK, ISO, JAR, LHA, LZH, LZMA, MSU, NTFS, NUMBERS, PAGES, PIZ, R00, RAR, RAR_, SFX, SQUASHFS, SWM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TBZ2, TGZ, THEMEPACK, TXZ, WAR, WIM, XPI, XZ, Z, Z01, ZHTML, ZI, ZIP *3 Partially Download File Formats: CRDOWNLOAD, PART, PARTIAL *6 Portable Executable File Formats: AX, BPL, DPL, EX_, EX1, MSSTYLES *120 Text File Formats: ADS, ASA, ASAX, ASM, ASP, ASPX, AU3, AUT, BAS, BlueButton, BSH, C, CC, CFG, CGI, CLN, CMAKE, CNF, CONF, CPP, CS, CSPROJ, CSS, CTEST, CTL, CXX, DIZ, DOB, DOCBOOK, DPK, DSR, E, ERB, ERL, ES, F, F2K, F90, F95, FOR, FRM, GD, H, HH, HPP, HRL, HTACCESS, HTD, HTM, HTML, HXX, IDL, IFACE, IMPL, INC, INF, INI, IPP, ISL, JAVA, JS, JSP, KSH, LOG, LST, LUA, M, MAK, MANIFEST, ML, MLI, MPX, NFO, NSH, NSI, ODL, PAG, PAS, PHP, PHP3, PHTML, PL, POD, PP, PROPERTIES, PY, PYW, R, RAKE, RB, RBW, RC, RC2, RHTML, RJS, RSOURCE, S, SESSION, SH, SHTML, SIGN, SMA, TCL, TXT, VALA, VB, VBG, VBP, VBPROJ, VBS, VBW, VH, VHD, VHDL, XAML, XML, XMP, YAML, YML, UCCAPILOG * 12 eBook Formats: PDF, EPUB, MOBI, DJVU, DJV, XPS, OXPS, CBR, CBZ, FB2, FB2Z, ZFB2 *1 Other File Format(s): UPD Link:
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spacefjords · 6 years ago
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au where molly’s around (still/again) and he makes out w fjord on a balcony in nicodranas. idk what else is up in this au, but smoochin is important
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fjordish · 6 years ago
I can’t even IMAGINE the texts that Taliesin is sending them right now.
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