#cpuk spoilers
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larrythefloridaman · 6 days ago
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taffyglitch-art · 5 months ago
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orderlabsoffical · 1 year ago
out of my way cloneboy i am about to achieve apotheosis and ascend into a divine state of being that gives me absolute control over the power of time itself
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taffy-glitch · 5 months ago
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more icpuk edits sorry j0hn's in so many of these. i have the Illness (loving hackerman j0hn)
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drorder · 1 year ago
hey so idk if this is a theory as much as it is analysis but i just realized: In Prism’s search for a new god, she isn’t looking for strength— she’s looking for manipulability. She’s looking for flawed, passionate people who wear their hearts on their sleeves, who she can aggravate easily and possibly turn against other people. My evidence for this is as follows: her choice to turn Peppermint of all people into a goddess, the fact that she focuses on Dani as a prospective new god, and then also her dissatisfaction with Cobalt, who is almost as strong as Dani, but who is less susceptible to her manipulation.
im gonna come back to this later and flesh this whole theory out as an essay, but i dont have time rn. I will say- its been a bit since i reread the NCCTs, and I havent seen any of the stuff past halfway through NCCT4. So if there’s any extra info from there that either supports, disproves, or adds another angle to this, I’d love to hear it.
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missmako-chan · 1 year ago
@lilacchao, catch! Swapped around a bunch of different ideas before settling on this, and I think I did pretty good! Merry Extremely Late Christmas!
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"Huh? You wanna be the one to put the star on the tree? Well alright, lemme just...upsy daisy!" "There we go! Real pretty, isn't it, pastrycake?" "...pastrycake? Are you......alrigh— NERA!!" "S...sorry, didn't mean to yell at you, pastrycake.......I was just worried you might...........poke your eyes out with the star.......if you got any closer........" "But.....you're alright now.......you're here...." "....y'know what, why don't I go make us some hot chocolate?"
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bubblymiilk · 9 months ago
If we're allowed to send more character asks. 5, 12, 24 for Larrold?
Absolutely, love a good Florida Man
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
First one is Mask of My Own Face of course, with another Lemon Demon being Nothing Worth Loving Isn't Askew (it's like. The Hackshifter Song to me). You're Nobody Till Somebody Wants You Dead by Saint Motel is another one. And honestly this ones just pure Vibes but Brokopoly by Lyre Le Temps too
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I like to think he's a very clingy in your personal space type of guy, especially to J0hn. He likes to hang out On J0hn whenever he can, also just becoming a weighted blanket at times. I'm also a Larrold "gaining weight as a sign of character growth" truther, I imagine Florida Man as a sorta bean pole (exaggeration) when he first comes the tournament, but after his time as Home and becoming more comfortable with Himself. that's a cool fat guy right there <3
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Y'know. Larry is so much His Own character it's hard to think...
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guess-that-ship · 11 months ago
Congratulations to friendship in solitude! What an amazing comeback!
Their identity is...
Kamishiro Rui and Akiyama Mizuki from Project Sekai!
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Thank you @mizuribbons for your submission!
In second place we have The Time Goddess and the Time Traveler! Their identity is...
Folk and Chartreuse from CPU Kerfuffle!
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Thank you for your submission!
Finally, in third place we have Lightning Strikes Twice! Their identity is...
Blade Which Strikes Twice and Iliris Somerset by @multi-lefaiye!
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Thank you Xavier (@multi-lefaiye) for your submission!
S10 Finals
Lightning Strikes Twice
The Blade has known only violence their whole life. Raised from childhood to be a weapon, they're an efficient, brutal killer. They strike like lightning, swift and deadly, with no room for anything besides the bloodshed they've spent their existence wading through. And they're perfectly fine with it, until they meet the Rope, who looks at them and sees something no one else has: a person, worthy of attention for more than the violence they reap.
The Rope is a cunning man, charming and roguish with a quick smile and a quicker trigger finger. He has big dreams for how to fix a world that's rotten to the core, but no means to accomplish them… until he meets the Blade. What starts as fascination turns to admiration, as he realizes this broken person raised by death might be exactly what he needs to burn away the rot.
Lightning strikes and a fire ignites. The Blade cuts down anyone the Rope asks them to, and the Rope lavishes them with love and praise for every life they take in his name. He gives them purpose and identity outside of what they were created for, and for that they are determined to always stay by the side. They say love changes you for the better, and the Blade is inclined to agree.
The Time Goddess and the Time Traveler
cw: spoilers
The goddess of time manifests herself on the mortal plane to take care of a problem with a villain who is messing with the fabric of time. While making her way to fight this villain, she meets a time-traveler who is also out to stop this villain. Though they are on the same side, her frustration with his flippancy around the time travel causes her to snap at him, but… he reacts unexpectedly by flirting with her. And she's never been caught by surprise like that before, being used to seeing all of time at once.
When the villain is defeated, the time-traveler should be erased from the timeline, since the future he traveled back from no longer exists. However, the goddess decides to keep him in the timeline as she's grown fond of him, though it is to her detriment, because she wants to keep being surprised. This unstable arrangement continues as the two of them grow to love each other, and she grows to love the life they have together… until the time-traveler begins to fade from the timeline anyway. To save him, the goddess ultimately decides to give up her godhood to remain with him, and to truly live a mortal life with the people she cares about.
friendship in solitude
cw: bullying, suicide implication, spoilers
ever since he was a child, K has been shunned. everyone at school saw his ideas as dangerous, and him as weird. A is in the same boat. their way of dressing was thought to be weird since childhood, too. at home, K had his mother and the kid next door, and A had their family. but at school, both were alone. until junior high school.
one time, in junior high, A went up to the rooftop for "no reason", and found K. the two became friends, and when they were at school, they would meet on the rooftop. they kept each other alive. while they were alone for the most part, they had each other. everyone else thought of them as freaks, but they thought of each other as friends.
however, K was a year older, and so eventually, he graduated from junior high without A. that year was awful for both of them. A would go to the rooftop, and remember… their only friend had already graduated. K wasn't better off, as nobody in his new school would be friends with him, either. they were both back were they started: friendless. shunned. alone.
the year had passed, and a new one began. A had now graduated from junior high. K moved schools. it just so happened that they were now in the same high school. they'd changed quite a bit in that year, but now, they had each other once again. they had other friends, as well, but what's important is that, while they were still seen as weirdos by some, they had reunited with the one who had once been their sole comfort at school.
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ampersketch-art · 28 days ago
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Part 2 of my gift exchange with @royaltyfreeramblings (not what I had planned for part 2 but the original part 2 ended up being too much and irl stuff ruined my schedule to finish that).
Part 1 here.
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elven-moss · 2 months ago
I swear i made more, but this is the last one i can find rn
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luxuriainash · 3 months ago
we keep loose tracking documents re: important source stuff to help ourselves sort out the "timeline" of sorts and also to share with people who wanna know and right now they're all mostly loose connected notes of things to look more into + what ties to what. it's all so insane sans context
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taffyglitch-art · 6 months ago
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arc phrases and queer awakenings
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royaltyfreeramblings · 1 year ago
Larry the Florida Man has been missing for two slutty slutty year
Larry the Florida Man has been missing for one slutty slutty year
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taffy-glitch · 1 year ago
Yeah sorry we sent your boyfriend to be experimented on by the local evil scientist. yeah he's kinda made of goo now. it's fine though he's gotten used to it and is using his new abilities well. in fact, he- well okay we might have sent him back in time to create a stable time loop. yeah he might have died and lost an arm in the process. it's okay he got better though he's just seven years older and irreversibly changed now. he's doing so well he even pissed off the god of death. oh no dont worry he got out of trouble with the god of death. how you ask? well okay he might've gotten possessed by a demon and gone missing-
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wondergamer101 · 1 year ago
uhh larrold cpuk. for character bingo
ah, mr. posterboy himself... or uh, one of many, i guess
skin 7 joker who is actually a random shapeshifter
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(art by @taffyglitch-art)
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hey, look at that! a bingo!
yeah, he's just a really cool guy. silly bastard. i kinda wish i had as much to say about him as everyone else that rotates him in their heads a lot more than i do. like, i know for a fact that there's all sorts of meaning and analysis that i can dig from out of him, i just...can't think of any...
i think he works best bouncing off someone, whether that's his boyfriend or [REDACTED FOR SPOILERS]
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bubblymiilk-art · 2 years ago
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"A handsome motherfucker motherfuckin' looking back at me"
(also alternate lyrics because I liked them too much)
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