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officialaemondtargaryen · 4 years ago
Five Kisses pt. 1
Summary: Your relationship with Bucky is defined by five different kisses. 
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2,895
Author’s Note: Coming out of retirement! I hope that you all enjoy. I didn’t want to split this up into three parts, but it would have been a really long one-shot if I had. Le me know what you think! I haven’t written anything in like four years, so I’m not even sure if people still read fics. So toss a reblog to your fic writer, o’ readers a plenty! 
You can read part two here!
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You weren’t sure what to call Bucky Barnes. He wasn’t really someone you’d call a friend, but he was a little more than just an acquaintance. In fact, he was more of a pain in your ass than anything. Natasha introduced you to him, half in hope that the two of you would hit it off. Only, after an hour of knowing him, the only thing you wanted to hit was his head off of his shoulders.
Avoiding him after that first encounter was hard, seeing as he was always around with that stupid, shit-eating-grin plastered to his face. You could tell that he knew just how much his mere presence annoyed you; he enjoyed watching your jaw clench, teeth-grinding at the sound of his voice whenever he said something incredibly stupid- which was every time he opened his mouth.
You tolerated him, but only because you had to; for Steve and Nat’s sake. No one said you had to like him. You didn’t want to like him.
That was until he wound up in your dreams.
You might have been in an elevator or a doctor’s office, you couldn’t really remember. The details of the dream were fading fast, and the only thing that continued to stick out was Bucky. And your hands grasping at the lapels of his suit jacket, pulling him down to you. And the way your noses bumped together. And the sound of a desperate moan escaping the depths of his throat. 
And how ridiculously soft his lips were.
A blush crept across your cheeks as you sat in your bed, embarrassed; hands holding your head as you wondered how your subconscious had let this happen. The thought of kissing Bucky Barnes had not once crossed your mind before, and now the thought of kissing Bucky Barnes had your mind racing. It was just a kiss and then you woke up. But as you sat atop tangled sheets, you thought of what might have happened if you had stayed asleep; your heartbeat kicking as you imagined him kissing you in other places.
You sighed; eyes clamped tight as you shook your head, trying to snap yourself out of it and push any thought of the man out of your mind. Natasha tried to make small talk with you in the kitchen when you went to make a cup of coffee, but at the first mention of Bucky you made up some excuse to get the hell out of Dodge. 
Over the next few weeks, you were avoiding him more than usual. You turned down invitations to go out with the group-, knowing that he would be there. And when he and Steve came over to your apartment, you’d find some reason to leave; work, needing something from the grocery store, going to the gym or going to hang out with one of your other friends. Sure, it was just a dream, but you couldn’t deny that you had begun to think of Bucky in a different way since then. And you were sure your feelings would disappear if you stayed away from him for long enough.
You were coming home one night after work, completely exhausted and drained, and before you even opened the door to your apartment, you could hear the faint sound of laughter on the other side. You sighed as you slid the key into the lock, completely forgetting that it was Thursday night, or as Nat liked to call it, ‘Family Night’. 
Natasha heard the door shut behind you and called for you to join them. Not feeling like fighting this one, you made your way to the kitchen. Nat stood at the stove, a steaming pot of noodles in front of her while Steve was leaning against the counter, in the middle of telling some story about when he and Bucky were in Italy. And Bucky was at the table, beer in hand, smiling as he tried to dispute Steve on a few of the details in the story.
“Hey guys,” you mumbled as you walked into the kitchen towards the refrigerator to grab a beer. “That smells great, Nat.”
“Thanks,” she beamed, obviously proud of herself. Your roommate rarely did any cooking, and most of the time the two of you were ordering take-out or going to the nearest ‘pizza-by-the-slice’ joint. You knew this newfound love for cooking- she had even bought herself an apron- was to impress Steve. And it was cute, you couldn’t deny. “How was work?”
You nearly collapsed in the chair across from Bucky and kicked off your heels. His eyes were burning a hole into you, but you kept your gaze fixed in the direction of Natasha and Steve; not wanting to look at him, afraid of what would happen if you did.
“Today was rough since we have that audit coming up.” You replied before taking a swig of your beer. “It’s nice to be home.”
“Amen to that,” Steve declared as he held his bottle up in the air. 
You copied his movements and sat back in your chair with a sigh. The kitchen was filled with a comfortable silence, save for the sound of the water boiling in Nat’s pot. You ran a hand through your hair and finally looked up at Bucky who was glancing down at his phone. Your eyes skimmed over his features and you wondered how you had never noticed his freckles or the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled at something. 
How could you have never noticed that Bucky Barnes was beautiful?
“Buck, did you find something for this weekend?” Natasha asked, breaking the silence and your stare. 
“This weekend?” You questioned.
“Yeah, I thought it would be nice if we all went out and did something fun,” she replied. “You’ve been so busy lately, Y/N, and you told me that you didn’t have any plans this weekend, so I figured we’d go somewhere and let loose.” 
“Oh,” you said quietly.
“They’ve got a band playing at Josie’s on Saturday night,” Bucky informed, as he looked up from his phone and met your eyes for only a moment before you averted your gaze to look at Nat.
“I’m always down for Josie’s,” Steve stated.
“Yeah, Josie’s sounds good,” Natasha added. “Y/N, what do you think?”
“Sure, Josie’s it is!” You replied with a nervous grin.
Saturday night came way, too soon. Natasha had texted you that she and Steve were going to be running a little late coming from dinner and that they’d just meet you and Bucky at Josie’s soon. Your stomach churned at the thought of spending any time alone with him, but it quickly turned to butterflies as you opened the door and saw him sitting at the corner of the bar.
He looked good. The sleeves of his dark sweater pushed up his arms as he brought the beer bottle up to his lips and took a drink. He noticed you and waved as if you hadn’t immediately spotted him the moment you walked in. He was hard to miss, after all. 
“Hey,” he said as you reached the barstool next to him. “You want a beer?” You nodded and he motioned for the bartender to grab you a bottle. “Steve and Nat are going to be late.”
“Yeah, she texted me.” You told him. He nodded his head in reply and thanked the bartender when he placed the bottle of beer in front of you. “Thanks,” you told Bucky with a soft smile before pressing the bottle to your lips.
“You look nice tonight,” he mentioned and your cheeks began to blush.
“Thank you,” you replied. “So do you.”
“What?” Bucky’s face was shocked. “No smart ass remark?”
You rolled your eyes. “Don’t start.”
The silence that fell over the two of you wasn’t awkward, but it wasn’t comfortable either. It was unlike Bucky to compliment you, and you figured he was just doing it to be civil, but that didn’t stop your cheeks from forming a light blush. You kept your gaze downcast, checking your phone every few seconds out of boredom. Bucky absentmindedly drummed his fingers on the marble countertop to the beat of the song and you noticed just how nice his hands were. 
You talked about work, mostly. He asked about the audit, which you were surprised he remembered, and he boasted about his own work. The band started playing not long after that. They were good; a classic rock cover band that only played the hits. And for what seemed like the first time, you were actually enjoying spending time with Bucky Barnes. He had even asked if you wanted to move to the dance floor, and you did; dancing to song after song, drink after drink, you couldn’t remember the last time you had this much fun.
“Hey!” He called over the music. Bucky held up his phone to you, showing a text message thread from Steve, but at that point your vision was pretty blurry. “They aren’t coming.”
“Who needs them?” You replied with a smile. “You want another round?” 
“I got it,” he replied and turned to head back to the bar.
You placed a hand on his chest to stop him, “I got this one.”
Bucky smiled at you when you came back with two more shots of tequila. “Cheers to pleasant surprises,” he said as he held his shot glass up to yours.
“Pleasant surprises indeed,” you replied before you downed your shot.
You both laughed at each other’s faces after you downed the sour liquid and sat your empty glasses on a table nearby. The band finished their last song and announced that they were going to slow things down a bit. You could feel the alcohol swimming in your veins as couples gathered on the dance floor to dance to some, old slow song. 
Bucky held out his hand and you took it, not thinking twice about it. He pulled you in close to him, and you rested your head on his chest; eyes closing at the light scent of his cologne. You were thankful that Steve and Natasha didn’t show up; you weren’t sure how you and Bucky would have acted towards each other if they had. You could hear him humming along to the music and a smile made its way to your lips as you also began to sing along. 
Before you knew it, the whole dance floor was loudly- and drunkenly- belting out the lyrics during the song’s chorus. As the song began to fade, people began to move off of the dance floor while the band announced they were going to take a break. However, you and Bucky were still holding each other closely as the bar began to play their own music in the interim. You looked up at him from your place on his shoulder and he glanced downwards and smiled. 
“You want to get out of here?” He asked. His hands release their grip on your waste and you groaned inwardly. “I know a really awesome food truck that is stays open late, and cheese fries sound really good right about now.”
“I am not going to argue with that.” You said and reluctantly took a step back from him, knowing that it would be a good idea to eat something to hopefully save yourself the hangover that you knew you would have in the morning. 
Once you had both settled the tab, you stepped out of the bar and into the cool air of the city. The wind kicked up, causing your hair to fly around your face as you looked out at the glistening lights of New York City in the distance. You could see Bucky looking at you out of the corner of your eye, he smiled when you turned to him. 
It was quiet, save for the sounds of the streets, as you began walking along the sidewalk- side by side. Your arms brushed against the other every few seconds, and you began to relish in the warmth, even if it was only for a fleeting moment before he took another step. He broke the silence first, making a joke about Steve and Nat not showing up and you laughed. You were surprised by how easy it was to talk to him; opening up more and more, little by little. But then his fingers brushed against yours and you thought he was going to hold your hand. Suddenly, your story about falling out of the tree in Mrs. Johnson’s yard trying to rescue her cat was cut short, as your heart and stomach fluttered at the feeling. You glanced downwards wondering if he noticed your face blushing red, and bit the inside of your cheek as you tried to pull yourself together.  
“So did you rescue the cat, or not?” Bucky asked, stopping on the street corner. You stopped too and looked up at him. His lips were pulled into a ridiculously attractive grin, and it was hard not to form a smile of your own.
“Of course, I rescued the cat.” You said with pride, rolling your eyes at him. “Wait a second,” you looked around at your surroundings as you realized that you had no idea where you were. And Bucky’s food truck was no where in sight. “Where are we?” 
Bucky also looked around and chuckled. “Well, I thought the food truck was in this direction a few blocks down from the bar, but I am a little drunk and I may have been wrong.” 
You sighed jokingly and pulled out your phone, “I’ll call us a ride.” 
It didn’t take long for a cab to show up and the two of you slid into the backseat. You gave the driver the directions to your apartment and he pulled off, allowing a noticeable silence to take over. You looked over at Bucky who was glancing out the window, and when he turned his head in your direction, you quickly looked away, chewing on your lip. You kept your hands in your lap, mindlessly plucking at the hem of your blouse before sneaking another glance over at Bucky. His beautiful blue eyes were fixed on you, and you gave him a small smile. 
There was so much tension in the air, it was hard to breathe. You silently thanked God as the cab driver pulled up on the curb outside of your apartment so that you could open the door and get some fresh air. There was something about the way that he looked at you that was unlike anything you had every experienced before. You knew, just from that one look, that he felt the same- and you weren’t sure how to feel about that. 
“Thank you,” Bucky told the driver and passed him a tip. “Have a good night.” As the driver took off, Bucky turned to you. 
“Well this is me,” you told him with a smile. “I’d ask you if you wanted to come up, but who knows what Steve and Natasha are doing up there since they blew us off.” 
“Right,” Bucky laughed as he rocked back and forth on his heels. 
“I had a really nice time, though.” You told him, not wanting to discourage him. “Who knew you were such good company?” 
“There’s that smart ass remark I’ve been waiting for all night,” he laughed. 
“Don’t tell Steve and Nat, but I’m kind of glad that they didn’t show up.”
“Oh yeah?” He asked, taking a tiny step towards you. “Why’s that?” 
You also took a tiny step towards him and the gap between the two of you was closing inch by inch. “Because,” you managed to say whilst swallowing a lump in your throat. “I don’t think we would have had nearly as much fun as we did.”
“I’m glad you had a good time,” he said in what was barely a whisper as took the last step to close the space between you.
“Are you going to kiss me?” You asked.
“Do you want me to?” He replied, you could feel his breath. 
You nodded and Bucky closed what little gap there was left between your lips. The kiss was soft and warm, and everything that you expected- but better. You could still taste the tequila and lime on his tongue as you explored each other’s mouths, and you gripped on to his sweater, pulling him as close as you possibly could. It felt like a long time coming, like you had always wanted each other, but weren’t able to admit it to yourselves. It was as if a weight was lifted off your chest. 
And, quite literally, it was your dreams coming true. 
You pulled back and caught your breath, smiling like a fool. “I, uh- Before I end up saying something really stupid and ruining the moment, I’m going to go.” Bucky smiled and shook his head. “But, just know I had a really great time tonight. So thank you for that.” You said as you backed away, almost running into the door as you turned around. 
“I’ll see you later?” He asked as you pulled the door open and stepped inside.
“In your dreams, Barnes!” You replied, turning back around only to stick your tongue out at him and then disappear up the staircase. 
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marvel-lous-things · 5 years ago
realistically, Steve's magnetic arm band thing from AoU that brought his shield back to him could never malfunction ever. Because it's Stark tech.
But imagine if it did one day because he tripped on the stairs and all 200 pounds of patriotic muscle landed squarely on it. so it just started yanking every thing even vaguely attracted to magnets right out of its place. imagine.
Steve: *reaches for his shield mid mission*
Steve: what-
Clint, firmly attached to Steve's arm by his belt: YOU TELL ME
Steve: *stretches*
Tony, holding onto the refrigerator for dear life as it barrells down the stairs and right into Steve's face: *SCREECHING*
Steve, final-showdowning: five
Villain of the week: do I absolutely have to wait for your shield or can I go-
Steve: FOUR
Steve: three
Steve: twO
Villain: I have to pick my daughter from ballet man
Steve: ONE
Steve: BOOM
Villain: is that a paperclip-
Steve, crying: shut up
Steve: oh my god. Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that I promise oh my fucking god-
Natasha: okay you need to fix that thing
Natasha: aight
Steve: ...
Steve, trying his best to dispel the mortifying awkwardness: so do you always keep an iron knife in your bra or-
Natasha: please stop talking
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big-gay-apocalypse · 4 years ago
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I’ll thank you to call me Storm, Captain.
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syvette25 · 4 years ago
Bucky constantly giving Sam shit for the shield when he has no idea what it's like to be a black man in America....Imma need Sam to set him straight real soon.
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iwillbeinmynest · 5 years ago
Hold On Loosely - Biker!Steve x Reader(f)    Chapter 16
Authors Notes:  If you’d like to be tagged please send me an ask. I keep better track of tags that way.
Word Count: 1.1k
Special Thanks: Here’s to @itsanerdlife for fueling my Biker obsession and being my Beta for this whole thing. To my girl over at @girl-next-door-writes who also beta’ed for me. And an extra shout out to @bettercallsabs for this beautiful graphic. She is amazing and y’all need to check her out!!
Notes/Warnings: (My notes and warnings are for the story as a whole. Some notes and Warnings will not apply to every chapter.) smoking (I do not support smoking. keep your lungs clean y’all.) drinking, (be of age, don’t be stupid) minor violence, backstabbing, attempted murder, anxiety, stress, mentions of death, car accident, trauma, …I think that’s it. let me know if I’ve missed something.
Master List
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 Steve had never been so mad in his life. So much just happened that he didn’t have time to process it all. What he did have time for was a drink. He ignored the grumbling of the crowded bar- who were all, no doubt, gossiping about the scene that had just taken place - and stared Clint down until a drink was in his hand. And then the next drink, and the next.
 Sam sat in the stool beside him. “You’re taking this harder than I thought you would.”
 Steve didn’t say anything, but he finally put his drink down.
 “All this over one girl, huh? Who’d’ve thought.” Sam chuckled before he left Steve to his thoughts.
 “All this for one girl.” Steve shook his head.
 “Penny for your thoughts?” 
 Steve was surprised to see Mandie sitting beside him now.
 “You okay?” She asked genuinely sympathetic. “I know Y/N can be pretty dramatic but I want you to know I never said any of those things about you.”
 Steve took a deep breath. “Yeah, well, who cares.” Another long sip of his drink and he slammed the empty glass on the counter.
  She put a hand on his arm. “It’s okay to hurt, you know.”
 Steve froze and stared at her. Of all things to happen tonight, this was the least expected. 
 Mandie smiled at him. “I don’t know how you feel about Y/N right now but she’s…” She sighed and looked down for a second before giving Steve weary eyes. “Well, she’s not been the same since she lost Danny.”
 “How so?” Steve waved over Clint who, against his better judgment, brought him another drink.
 “She used to be much more… I don’t know how to describe it, submissive maybe? Obedient? I don’t know.”
 Steve took a sip of his drink and grimaced at the burn. This was definitely stronger than the last few drinks. Good. He was gonna need it.
 “Mandie sat up tall and looked straight ahead, admiring herself in the mirror. “I would never act like she did. If a man told me to do something I would do it.”
 Steve felt sick. “Well, you’re better than her then.”
 Mandie practically beamed but she contained herself. “Thank you, Steve. And forget about Y/N. You deserve a woman who will treat you right and do what you say. A good woman listens and she sure doesn’t shove a man in public, or elsewhere for that matter. She tried to embarrass you in front of the club. She disrespected you. You should have an old lady who understands that what you say goes and that the club always comes first.”
 “You volunteering?” He smirked.
 She grinned. “So, what if I am?”
 “I’d probably take you up on it if you were.”
 “You’re drunk.” She chuckled and swirled a finger in her drink.
 Steve leaned in close, “So, what if I am?”
 Mandie ducked her head and giggled at his flattery.
 “How do you know so much about bikers and old ladies anyways?”
 She shrugged her shoulders. “My dad was Treasurer of a club before he kicked the bucket.”
 “Oh yeah?” Steve was surprised to hear this. “What club?”
 Mandie gave him a sly smile. “You ever heard of the Four Horsemen?”
 Steve choked on his drink and swore twice. “Are you serious?”
  “As serious as sin.” 
  Steve shook his head in amazement. "I never would have guessed. That's one tough crew.”
  Mandie looked Steve in the eyes. “I’m tougher.”
 Peter Quill walked over and put his hand on the back of Mandie’s neck. She winced and looked pleadingly at Steve.
 “Come on,” Peter said while eyeing the bar. “I don’t want to be here anymore.”
 Steve faced Peter. “Why? Uncomfortable being the only foreign kutte in this town? How come you didn’t ride home with your club, Quill?” 
 Peter leaned in close to Steve without letting go of Mandie. “You ain’t my VP. I ain’t gotta tell you jack.” He leaned back and pulled Mandie off her bar stool. She winced and grabbed her neck.
 Steve ripped Peter’s arm off of her and pulled her close. “She’s staying here.”
 Peter turned on a dime and glared at Steve with clenched fists. “No, she’s comin’ with me.”
 “Doesn’t look like she wants to.” Bucky stepped up.
 Peter looked around to see most of the men in the bar ready to fight him. He chuckled and put his hands up. “Keep her. She ain’t worth me getting beat over.” and Peter left the bar without any resistance.
 "I'm sorry to cause you such trouble." She looked up at him ashamed.
 "Doesn't bother me. Somethin' about him doesn't sit well with me." Steve looked around and saw Nat staring at him. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Hey, you wanna get outta here."
 Mandie leaned into Steve and nodded, “Yeah, thank you. He was awful and I’m pretty sure he was a criminal.”
 Steve wrapped an arm around her and lead her to the back rooms. “Most of the guys in those kuttes are criminals. You should know that with your extensive biker knowledge," He smiled at her for a second. "What makes you think so, though?”
 Mandie shrugged. “I don’t want to talk about him anymore. I'm ready to move on from him.” 
 “I guess that’s fair.” Steve tugged her into one of the bedrooms and let go of her hand. “Listen, Mandie-”
 She shut the door behind her and wrapped her arms around his neck, practically jumping on him. She locked lips with his and kissed him hard. 
 Startled Steve pushed her back. “What was that for?”
 “Well, why else would you have brought me back here? I want to forget about Peter and you need to forget about Y/N and trust me I can definitely help you forget her.” She winked and sauntered closer to him. 
 “Forget her?”
 Mandie slid out of her sweater and let her hair down. “You like tough girls, don’t you? Of course you do, all bikers are the same. Well, how’s this for tough?” Mandie gently pushed him to sit on the bed then straddled his lap. She leaned in close and whispered in his ear. “What if I told you I could get rid of her? Permanently.”
 Steve leaned back. “Seriously?”
 “Mhm, Just say the word and you’ll never have to worry about that tramp again.” She kissed his neck and began to tug at his shirt.
 Steve pushed her back again. “Do it.”
 She finally stopped and looked at him. “Are you sure?”
 Steve’s heart was racing. “If I say yes, how soon can you get it done?”
 Mandie got up from his lap and kissed his cheek. “I’ll take care of it, babe. I’ll see you later tonight.” She pointed a red nail at him. “You be ready for me when I get back.” and with a wink, she was out the door.
HOL Tags:
@jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @kaylaphantomhive @patzammit@queenkrissy11 @a-distantdreamer @patodoto @marvelous-capsicle@marvelfansince08love @lakamaa12 @mizzzpink @southernsassiprincess @teller258316  @marvelfansince08love @rosegoldlilacs @rainbowkisses31 @badassbeckettswan @my-favorite-fics-and-imagines
Forever Tags:
@heismyhunter @sgtbxckybxrnes @pickledmoon @whimsicalrebirth @marvel-lucy @thisisthelilith @james-bionic-barnes @thedreamingowl @poemwriter98@kimistry27 @annie-lujan @buckyandsebsinbin @lilasiannerd @gypsy-storm-15 @cassiopeiassky @earinafae @the-stuttering-kiwi @obsessedwithatwell @shortiiqt16 @shifutheshihtzu @elaacreditava @nikkitia7 @theonewithallthemilkshakes @gallifreyansass @storytellingwanderer @palaiasaurus64 @iamwarrenspeace @engineeringgirlcve @magnolia-wanders @carameldaemoncakes @canumoveyourseatup-no @melconnor2007 @movingonto-betterthings @spideytrxsh @fantasticmiraclehologram @kapolisradomthoughts @iamwarrenspeace @melconnor2007 @yesiamdeliciouslycaffeinated @mcu-avengerrs @archy3001@mmauricee @barnesvogue @feelmyroarrrr @beyondbarnes @marvelous-avengers @veronicalei @cornflax01 @kudosia @witchymarvelspacecase@beccaanne814 @inumorph @thisismysecrethappyplace @artemis521@darkhologramblaze @palaiasaurus64 @awkwardfangirl2014@diinofayce @youclickedthislink @lille-kattunge 
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neverendingwatchlist · 6 years ago
Steve fans : *hate Tony*
Tony fans : *hate Steve*
Stony shippers : *cry in distance*
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xxilovemyfridgexx · 6 years ago
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Marvel is trending in two different tags oh my god this is–
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space-snake · 6 years ago
If Steve or Tony die (apparently that's a theory but I try not to look at anything related to a movie until I've seen it so maybe this is a Confirmed Thing That Is Happening, I don't fucking know) then you know they're gonna make up before or during the death scene and it'll be really sad.
But good news! The fix it fics will have a GOLD MINE of potential! One of them thinks they're dying so they make up, maybe confess some feels, and then wake up in the hospital like 'oh shit'. Delicious!
This also works if both of them end up dying.
That's why I love fanfiction; a movie or whatever can say 'this thing happened' and then we just say 'no it didn't :)'
I do ship Stucky mostly now but my start in the Marvel fandom was Stony and I am SO ready for them to make up, even if one or both die, because of everything I said above
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docgold13 · 6 years ago
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dramaqueeenamby · 4 years ago
WAP • Steve R. & Thor O.
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A/N: Smut. No plot at all. Just smut. THIS IS A ONESHOT. 
Warnings: SMUT. 18+. Threesome. Double penetration. Oral (male and female both receiving and giving). Cum kink?. Light choking. Very light dom theme.
Words: 3.4K 
You wanted to fuck Steve.
But you also wanted to fuck Thor.
It was a problem, a persistent desire that lapped at you even while doing the most mundane tasks such as sitting in on a teleconference meeting with either of them. They spoke politics. You thought dirty.
It was the textbook definition of unprofessional, but damnit, you wanted what you wanted, and you wanted them both.
Separately, of course.
Or maybe at the same time.
The thought sent chills up your spine and throughout your core.
The infatuation began the first day you accepted the job as Stark’s assistant. And that was another thing, your desire initially geared toward Tony. Maybe it was the wife and kid that obliterated the flame. You couldn’t do that to a family man no matter how badly you wanted to literally do the family man.
Some things, some people, were just off limits.
Stark was one of them.
And so, you’d accepted your position as his assistant and became okay with the fact that it was the only position the retired playboy could put you in.
Perhaps that was what did it. You’d never liked not having someone to play with.
And here walked in Stars and Stripes, himself. For a fossil, he played the role of everyday Jake quite well.
There were tiny telltale signs, however, that he was truly the right man living in the wrong time.
For one, his damn wardrobe. Slacks and a button up shirt. That was all you ever saw him in. Goddamnit, the man was in desperate need of some jeans or even better—gray sweats.
And his hair, it was always slicked back. You could always imagine him standing in the mirror of his one-bedroom apartment, making sure it looked presentable.
No one gave a damn about that anymore.
You just wanted to reach up and mess it for him half the time or grab onto it as he ate you out from off the copy machine, but you digressed.
And his speech, so proper, so focused on the semantics. Two things he never did: contractions, profanity, and you.
Okay, so that was three, but your prayer was to get it to two!
Or was it to nail two of them?
That brought you to Thor.
That smug, son of a bitch.
You wanted to slap that smirk off his face at least once a day and smother his face at least once every half hour. A good balance, if you could say so yourself.
You knew his dick was big. You just knew it. So was Steve. It’s just you weren’t sure if Born In the USA remembered how to use it. That wasn’t a concern with Thor. You saw how he eyed some of the interns and trainees. Hell, even Natasha before she promptly put him in his place.
That selfish bitch.
You’d give anything to have him put you in your place.
Right on top of his dick.
And it wasn’t like you were enduring a dick famine. You had several men on rotation, but they were all so boring. There was no spark there, anymore. Half the time, you had to do all of the work anyhow, and that just simply wasn’t fair.
You deserved better.
You deserved the Dream Dick Team.
“Scan these in for me.” Stark dropped a stack of paperwork onto your desk with his left hand while reading over another massive pile in his right. “Thanks, kid.”
You reached over, grabbing it already knowing that I had to be separated and sorted as well. Stark’s method of organization didn’t exactly correspond with the systems that the company used, but it did help to eat up time, so there was that.
“I do have a name, you know.”
“I know. It’s kid.” He called out, disappearing down the hall, oblivious to the middle finger you flashed his way.
“I saw that.”
Or maybe not.
“Sorry, boss.”
You didn’t actually mean it. One of the benefits of working for Stark, sans the much-needed medical coverage, was that the line between professionalism and unprofessionalism was pretty damn blurred. And no one smudged that line more than Stark. He was a fun boss, which made you inclined to believe he was equally as fun in the sheets, not that you would ever get to find out.
Your huff was laced with disappointment and frustration.
All of the good ones really were taken. Or too damn polite to choke you and spit in your mouth. Or from another fucking planet with an abundance of readily available alien pussy.
A tiny gasp emitted as you shuffled through the paperwork. What if they had multiple genitalia or some shit? The thought nearly brought tears to your eyes. Double penetration. Double the pleasure. Double the fun. And fuck forever—ever ever.
This was so damn cruel. The universe clearly didn’t want to see you and your four holes happy, and you were sick and tired of the ardent disrespect.
“Greetings, Y/N.”
Goddamn that fucking greeting bullshit. Unless it was a greeting between your mouth and his dick, you didn’t want to hear it.
“Captain. Thor.” You nodded to each of them, respectively, fully aware of the discomfort that stemmed from Steve.
“I’ve told you, Y/N. Steve is just fine.”
“How about daddy?”
Okay. So, a couple of things could happen in that moment. You could slide back in your chair with wheels and knock your head into the desk until you were unconscious. You could roll back in that chair with wheels, and sprint like you stole something. Or, you could play dumb and pretend what you just said wasn’t really what you just said.
All seemed viable options, really, and you were leaning more toward the sprinting.
But then something happened, something completely horrible and disgusting and despicable and just vile.
He laughed.
The motherfucker laughed.
And then, he made it even worse.
“Sure, why not.”
You pushed your braids behind your ears. Maybe your hearing was off. Yeah, that was it. You were way overdo for an appointment with the ENT doctor, anyway.
“Excuse me?”
This time, Thor spoke. “He’s been waiting some time, Lady Y/N. For you to say that. We both have.”
Your eyes darted from side to side. “What?”
Steve stuffed his hands in his slacks and shrugged. “It’s true, but we knew you’d finally say something when you were ready.”
“Say what?”
Steve spoke so plainly, so calmly, so unlike everything that you were currently feeling. “That you want us to fuck you.”
Sweet, Black Baby Jesus. It’d finally happened. The world had gone to hell in a handbasket.
That was literally the only explanation for not only what was just said, but for what followed what was just said.
“So, come on.”
You struggled but managed a response. “C-come where.”
“Hmm. Preferably, all over that pretty face of yours.”
“Or the pretty lips.”
But, for now, with us.”
You know those moments where all you can do is say what in the actual fuck is life? Well, that statement was made for moments like this. Kelly Clarkson was definitely onto something.
“Y/N.” You jumped in your seat when you realized that he was merely inches away from your face, fists into the desk. “We won’t ask again.”
The sensible thing to do was to continue to probe to figure out just what level of hell this was. Dante should have showed up at any minute. But what did your dumbass do? You slid back in your chair with wheels, stood, and allowed the two men you considered bosses to lead you down the hall, into the elevator, and into the same conference room where you often patiently sat and waited to the side for Stark to finish.
And unfortunately, it was never on you.
Except, this time, you weren’t in the corner, you were on the table, courtesy of Thor picking you up and placing you down as if you were a lightweight.
He stepped back and stood beside Steve while you just looked like any meme from the mid to late 2000’s, still 100% confused as to what in Beyonce’s name was going on.
“Where do we start with you?” Steve spoke to himself, or maybe Thor too, your brain was too foggy to pay too much attention to where or who his words were directed.
“Take your clothes off. Everything.”
Like the dumbass bitch you are, you looked from side to side and pointed to yourself. “Me?”
Wrong move, Dory.
With inhuman speed, Thor stood in front of you, hand around your throat. His grip was loose but firm, so much so that your thighs pushed together. God, you wanted him to squeeze tighter.
And just like that, he was back next to Steve. You wasted no time in following orders this time around. You couldn’t unbutton your blouse fast enough, tossing it to the floor. Every other piece of clothing that covered your body followed suit until you were completely nude, back sitting on the table, legs pressed together.
Well, initially.
The silence was making you uncomfortable. You craved some type of communication. Contact would be even better. And the way they were just looking at you, it didn’t help.
Gradually, your legs parted, revealing your bare pussy. God, you were grateful you kept that wax appointment. It didn’t miss you how Thor’s brow quipped, and Steve’s jaw twitched.
A small smile played on your face as you innocently asked. “What?”
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t so innocent, but time was of the essence, and you needed your essence to be spilling from here to the 98th floor sooner rather than later.
“She mocks us.”
“It seems so.”
Holy fuck, this was getting to be fun. You’d hooked their attention, now you just had to reel it in. Your right hand seemed to sense the pending activities and wanted to get a jump. Slowly lifting from its firmly planted spot on the table, your hand moved to your full breast, down your stomach folds, over your fupa, and bow chika wow wow.
You chewed on your bottom lip when you felt your kitty. She was already leaking dew.
“Fuck yourself.”
Two words. One task. Mission: accepted.
You went to work, your three middle fingers working in perfect synchronization, tending to your sensitive and neglected bud. God, you’d masturbated in the shower just this morning, but this felt so different. Probably because of the two men who stood before you. Speaking of, you opened your eyes and grinned wryly at their reactions.
They were pissed, and that only caused a loud moan to leave your mouth as you slapped your own cunt, loving the sound it made because of the slickness.
“I’m so fucking wet.” You played around with your wetness, lifting your hand and sticking your fingers in your mouth, licking each digit one by one, dropping your hand to your breast and playing with your nipples. “Oh my fucking God.”
You were gradually making yourself a sticky mess, not to mention, the mess you’d made all over the table, but you gave not a single fuck. The only fuck, fucks, you gave were about the two men who stood before you.
Returning your hand to your throbbing pussy, you laid back on the table so that you could reach deeper, plunging your fingers inside, milking yourself. Every so often, you’d remove your fingers and spread your juice all over your vaginal area. Call it a kink, but you loved the feeling of cum all over your body. Yours. His. Anyone’s. It was just a serious thrill for you.
“Fuck!” You shouted just as you started to feel the familiar intensity brewing in the pit of your stomach because your ankles were grabbed, harshly yanking you down off the table. Your feet never touched the ground, however, because you were laid on your stomach over the arms of a wheely chair.
Seconds later, your hips were lifted, your ass perked up in the air.
“I think she’s ready for us, don’t you, Thor?” You whined. You could feel Steve’s cool breath on your pussy. He had to be centimeters away from fulfilling ½ of your dream fucking, and yet was insisting on this tantalizing yet frustrating wait.
“Would you just eat my fucking pussy alr--” You shouted as he silenced your protest with obedience. Holy fucking hell, if you could, you would have screamed so loud that all of Manhattan could hear you. He lapped and sucked with an insatiable hunger, booty jerking around but only momentarily as he brought his hands to your hips to hold you still while he feasted.
You dropped your head only to have it yanked up by Thor grabbing a fistful of your braids and forcing you to look at him.
“Such a pretty mouth.” Your eyes almost bugged out of your fucking head when you saw his massive dick, hard and dripping with cum, just hanging in front of you. You were already salivating in anticipation when he used his thumb to part your full lips. “We shall see if you can use it to please your king.”
Without even so much as a warning, he forced your mouth open with his thick fingers and forced your jaw to its absolute max as he stuffed his even thicker dick in your mouth, You immediately felt him stabbing the back of your throat, and the sensation brought tears to your eyes and butterflies to your stomach.
He didn’t have you too shook though because you immediately went to slurping and deepthroating, bracing your elbows on the arms of the chair while holding onto his hips to stabilize you.
Thor’s head went to the top of your head, taking a fistful of your braids. You peaked up over your eyelids to see his head tilted back, eyes closed, mouth tensed. You were so proud of yourself that you took another inch, practically gagging as tears continued to spill from your eyes. The tears a combination of how stuffed you felt, orally, and from the oral pleasure America’s finest was causing down below.
God, who would have thought the fossil could eat pussy so well?
Thor had started face fucking you, the intensity of the thrusts of his hips into your mouth causing the chair to slide back and forth. Still, Steve’s mouth stayed attached to your pussy, and by now, your entire lower half was a stick hot mess.
And you fucking loved it.
It was enough to make you cum. Again, that was.
Even as Steve made you cum, Thor refused to allow you the room to breathe. This caused an intensity in your tears. It was so blissfully overwhelming. You hadn’t a clue what you’d done to deserve this, but goddamnit were you relieved.
Hell wasn’t so bad after all, and if Dante wanted to join in, the more, the merrier.
You moaned, mouthful of Thor, when Steve pulled out only for your ears and ass to perk up when you felt something thick and hot against your ass. “Such a sweet pussy.”
“Is she?”
“Absolutely,” Steve grunted, reaffirming his grasp on your hips. “Now to feel you around my dick.”
Impaled. Stuffed. Exploding. Those were all words that only halfheartedly described how you felt. You didn’t have to see Steve to know that he was big in girth and long in length, I.e. the perfect combination. He was so deep inside of you, hips repeatedly and firmly clashing into yours, driving his dick deeper and deeper into you.
By now, Thor had also freed your mouth and allowed your jaw a respite, but not before emptying all over your face. Your pussy clenched against Steve as you excitedly allowed your tongue to travel as much of your mouth as you could, sucking in Thor’s cum. It was simply majestic, as was he, as was this entire fucking, well, fucking.
Your moans and screams echoed and bounced off every wall, surely reverberating down the hall and across the various floors. You gave absolutely zero fucks. All of New York could hear you for all you cared.
Thor continued to jerk off in front of you, still very much hard even after splattering you with his cum.
What a God.
As expected, Steve made you cum several times, squirting the last time, the first time you’d ever done so. It was more than you could have ever asked for. And yet, it truly was the gift that kept on giving.
After completely filling you with him cum, Steve pulled out of you, making sure to use his fingers to smear the cum that leaked all over your pussy lips.
Seconds later, they switched, Thor was behind you, Steve in front of you. However, Thor quickly flipped you over so that you were on you back and stood between your spread and tacky thighs.
“Do you think you can take me, little one?” He asked mockingly, fingers playing with the cum on your stomach. You nodded furiously, only to feel your jaw grabbed and head craned back.
Steve’s bulbous head tapped against your lips. You opened eagerly, downing him at the same moment Thor slammed into you. If not for them steadying you, you would have jumped right off that chair. Steve was big, but Thor was massive and curved. A curved dick was your dream come true.
Actually, being dually fucked by a God and Captain America yourself was your dream, and now, a reality.
What an afterlife.
The both took you, front and back, roughly. You were being whisked back and forth like a rag doll, your titties flopping all over the place. Whiplash was most definitely a concern as well as the inability to walk tomorrow, or ever, but really, what a better way to be rendered incapacitated?
I mean, Steve was literally beating on the little dangly thang that swing in the back of your throat, and had you been able to look down, you could almost bet you could see Thor in your fucking stomach. He was just that deep.
This was the hill you would die on, and you couldn’t be happier.
Your face was damp from persistent tears and tacky from slowly drying cum, a layer of light sweat soaking you from head to toe, and you knew that your edges were shot, but none of that mattered, especially when Thor pulled out and started to eat you out, your thighs clamped around his head, trapping him. He could stay there forever. They both could.
Unfortunately, all god things must come to a respite, or whatever the fairy tales said.
After cumming at least 87.5 times, they both freed your beaten and thoroughly used mouth and vagina. There was so much cum, it was splattered all over your pelvis, dripping onto the floor. You’d never been so stuffed. Literally.
“Are you okay?”
Thor asked, or maybe Steve. You were too physically exhausted to pay that much attention, your eyes fluttering shut. “Fucking divine.”
“Excuse me?”
Your eyes shot open and you were met with puzzled expressions from both Thor and Steve.
You looked around, you were seated in your desk, hair still intact, fully clothed, edges still laid. You paused.
What the fuck?
“Are you sure you’re alright, darling?” Steve’s concerned voice broke your stunned trance. This....this couldn't be happening. No fucking way. You did not just dream all that. It wasn’t possible. It was too damn real.
And yet....
You felt at your face. It was moisturized, but with CeraVe. Not CeraCum.
“It was a fantasy....” You whispered to yourself, holding back tears. “None of it was real.”
“Would you like us to talk to Stark about allowing you to get off earlier?”
Your eyes widened. “But, I already did,” you all but whined.
Thor whispered to Steve. “Is this what you Midgardians call a psychotic break?”
This was cruel, beyond cruel, sinfully wicked. You had no words. Thor and Steve watched as you whined while gathering your shit. You didn't even bother clocking out or shutting off the computer. You just had to get out of there and fast.
You said not a word to either men as you stumped off completely done with the day, and, well, life. 
It wasn’t until you entered the elevator that both men chuckled.
“This is going to be fun.”
“No, she is.” 
Steve and Thor chuckled, anticipation for the next time already brewing. 
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jackdoe · 8 years ago
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Reblog this Picture of Captain America punching Adolf Hitler because it’s 4th of July and also fuck Secret Empire. 
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jaredthegreek · 8 years ago
Review - Secret Empire, June Part 2
Things got delayed due to the holiday and Anime Expo, but here it is the second half of June’s Secret Empire comics.  This time around it wasn’t a fun batch, but there were a couple fun stories. Overall, I really wish this wasn’t such a long event.  Not much happens issue to issue and once you get past the shock factor of this stupid concept there really isn’t much else going on.  While there is the chance that there will be a big exciting payoff for all this, I really doubt it will make up for the difficulty of sticking with this event.  However, until that time please enjoy my thoughts on several more comics in this never ending event.
Secret Empire: Brave New World 2: Three new stories come to fill in some gaps in the saga.  The first story follows Shaun as he Mary Sue’s his way into the role of the new Patriot. This character has been sulking about the event and previous stories and finally got his chance to be a hero.  I’d care far more if he felt like a real character. The second story is a comedy adventure with Bob Agent of Hydra as he battles an inhuman.  It’s a nice diversion and far better than the previous issue’s comedy story.  The final story is a follow up to the Invaders story from the previous issue.  The time a rebel attack sends Namor and his troops into chaos while the prisoners attempt to escape.  Overall this was a better issue than the previous one, but the art can be a little mixed.  The Bob story is short and the art a little bland, while the faces in the Invaders story are generally ridiculous.  Despite the flaws this was a fine issue, but this mini-series isn’t really worth reading yet.
Secret Empire #5: It’s hard to not judge a book by its cover when the art is weird and disproportionate and the credits make me want to scream out in rage.  The story jumps around all over the place and at times can be hard to follow.  Black Widow is ‘captured’ while the Underground try to get more of the fragments, and the Mutants are doing some shady things behind the scenes.  The ending comes with an attack on the Underground and a dumb reveal about the strange shadowy place that keeps popping up in the story.  The art team is made up of a large group this time around making this comic a bizarre reading experience due to the style changing every three or so pages.  The series just gets worse and worse as it continues.  The art is falling apart, the story is too convoluted for its own good and finishing an issue makes me feel like I wasted a chuck of my life.  
Amazing Spider-Man 29: Another comic that feels like it should have been released in May.  The story begins prior to the events of Secret Empire with Peter Parker giving an interview about the recent events in his series.  This is followed by the attacks starting and Spider-Man facing off with the Superior Octopus.  The writing is strong as both Otto and Peter are written with wit and humor.  The art is also great and makes the fight very intense. It’s nice to see the first showdown between Otto and Peter after everything that has happened, but tying it into Secret Empire means that things will be dragging for a bit.  This is a good issue overall, but I’m concerned about the direction of the story.
Occupy Avengers 8: This is an odd side story and sadly not really worth reading.  The story follows Hawkeye’s team as they protect famers during the Hydra occupation. This leads them into coming up with a bigger plan to strike back.  The writing is pretty weak.  This book is filled with weak banter, terrible jokes, and some stereotypical dialogue.  None of the characters are memorable and the only saving grace of this story is that it shows a different side of this war.  The art is serviceable, but nothing special.  This is a skippable story, but it isn’t necessarily a terrible story, just weak.  
USAvengers 7: This is such a fun book and this story would work whether there was an event or not.  The battle against the mind controlled Red Hulk begins and things get out of hand really quick.  To explain anything beyond that would spoil the fun surprises in this issue.  The dialogue is great, the battles are fun, and the whole experience of reading USAvengers is a treat.  The art is also great, especially when it cuts to Squirrel Girl explaining part of the story with silly stylized drawings.  This is one of the rare books that makes me happy to be reading this event.
Doctor Strange 22: Thankfully this is better than the previous Strange issue, but it still drags on with terrible jokes and bad action movie dialogue. Doctor Strange and his crew team up with Kingpin to find some new magic McGuffins to break their way out of the darkforce dome.  It takes a long time to move forward and the ending is cliché.  The art is mostly good, but the facial expressions are terrible. It is possible this will be an important story in the course of this event, but it isn’t a fun read.  If thse tie in issues are any indication of how this series normally rolls then you would be best off avoiding this series and reading some of the previous, better, Doctor Strange comic book runs.
Captain America: Steve Rogers 18: This story fills in a bit more around the Atlantis timeline of events. setting the ‘Brave New World’ story prior to this and Secret Empire #4 right at the end of this issue.  The story is almost non-existent with Namor reflecting on his actions and Steve Rogers give a long winded, but empty speech at the UN.  The art is fine except for some of the faces and tensed muscle close ups that just look silly.  This is a good tie-in story due to actually adding to the main storyline and while it is a little bland it isn’t that bad of an issue.
Mighty Captain Marvel 6: The story continues with the team trying to find a way to communicate with people back on Earth.  The rest of the issue ties into the lack of morale and supplies that are slowly plaguing the Ultimates team.  The writing is great and it makes you feel for the team as they deal with this war of attrition.  Adding to that the great art and you have a wonderful book that I can’t wait to see  this series get past this event and tell unique stories.  This is well worth the read even if you have given up on Secret Empire as a whole.
Secret Empire Underground #1: This should be the last of the one-shots, though why each of these were not placed into a single series showing different sides of the war is anyone’s guess.  Like the previous reviews of the one-shot tie-in stories I don’t let the stupid numbering influence my review.  This is the full story of the Underground going to the Savage Land which is synopsized in the 5th issue os the main series.  The writing is good and the banter is fun as the team tries to get the cosmic cube shard from the rulers of the Savage land.  The art has a more cartoonish slant to it, which works for the mostly silly adventure.  This is a humorous side story that does flesh out part of the main series making this a great read for completionists.  
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy Annual 1: Wow, that was a whole bunch of pointless.  The story follows the Guardians as they team up with Yondu to find a weapon that can break the barrier around Earth, spoiler they don’t.  While the dialogue is enjoyable, but this isn’t all that entertaining of a story because you already know how it will end since this is a tie-in book and not part of the main saga.  It feels more like a side-story from the movies than a part of the Secret Empire event. The art is fine with a cartoony style, but the action is very static.  Overall, this is a waste of time whether you are reading the New Guardians or if you are reading Secret Empire.  
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marvel-lous-things · 5 years ago
Tony Stark: fucking dies
Me, reopening my horde of bookmarked post-Captain America: Civil War angst + hurt/comfort fics dated may-august 2016 and invariably tagged "Tony stark needs a hug": yall hear sumn
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valenjagi · 6 years ago
I aspire to be as nice and wholesome as Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan combined.
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magicman-mephistopheles · 5 years ago
the fact that @gayce-ventura basically just told @its-not-captain-america to run and save themself is just pure gold lol
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riotphoenyx · 6 years ago
So, you logged into Tumblr and you started discourse on a topic you don’t know jack shit about... It’s ok we all do it.
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