sexmaniacinventor · 2 years
On Kaede face could be seen a VERY satisfied smug, for so long miu have been the biggest and bloating about it, heck, even calling HER of all people flat tits, and now, thanks not to surgery, but to the luckiest growth spurt ever, she could send aaaall that frustration back~
But luckily for miu, Kaede was a sweet girl~ she took a genuine smile and pulled miu in a warm hug, pressing their 4 marvelous titflesh melon together "Aaaw~ you’re so cute when you’re mad~ eheh, 2nd isn’t half bad miu~" she then smooched the inventor’s cheek hungry for tasty reactions~
She was only bloating about having the best body because she was all-natural, and she was proud enough of herself that she wanted to show off. She only teased Kaede because she was in love with her; she didn't mean anything by it. But This Kaede was the exact opposite of what she loved about Kaede. She was mean to her for no reason other than petty revenge. Her Kaede would never stoop so low. This Kaede was obviously much different than the Kaede she was used to, but she didn't seem that different. She silently sighed to herself before she started to speak again. "Merry Christmas to you too, Kaede," She said, blushing as her massive breasts pressed against Kaede's. "Why are you like this?" Miu asked as politely as she could. It felt like the two seemingly swapped personalities
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pen-pow-por · 10 months
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Kaede loooooooveees to try new clothes... even if those doesn't fit~
I feel @cowedeacumootsu will like this
By: kainkout
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plaindangan · 1 year
Junko, how about you show mukuro how sexy a soldier can be~? (I’ll provide the pic~)
(A late story to go alongside this amazing work from @cowedeacumootsu)
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"Aren't you glad to see your dear sister, Little Miss Disappointment?~"
"I-I mean...y-yes? It's just..."
"...Looking a bit 'underdressed' for this location..."
When Mukuro received word that her sister would be visiting during one of her operations in the desert, admittedly, panicked was an understatement. This would be the first time (that Mukuro was aware of) that Junko was coming to visit her...and frankly given how volatile Junko was, the possibility of her doing something drastic while her was not very good for Mukuro's nerves.
Yet, as she pondered over what Junko had planned for to disrupt her operations here, Mukuro seemed to have forgotten about one thing that Junko seemed to take pride in more when not plotting for her next bid of despair: how to humiliate Mukuro!~ And what better way to give her a nice hit in the self-esteem department than by flaunting off what she had and her sister lacked!~
Under the noon sun, Junko flashed her ever confident smile to not only Mukuro, but even to her fellow comrades that stood side by side with her. All greeting the fashionista at the gate to their own compound. Though a smile wasn't the only thing she was flashing.
To be blunt, the only that thing that prevented Junko's from essentially being topless was a small camo shirt that was literally holding on by the smallest of knots. Aside from that, heck even with it, Junko exposed to the world her tight stomach and and her own sets of milkers that could put even a well endowed bimbo to shame! Didn't help that she just had to add a tie right in-between her soft knockers to really put emphasis on them!~
Though it wouldn't be Junko if she just ended it like that. No, to match her top, she was also wearing the shortest camo skirt that she could fine (...or could it be a certain cosplayer helped make it?) Either way, it had her her plump thighs out for the world to see. God help anyone who would be able to get a glimpse under there since the wind seemed to have taken the Enoshima Route in only giving enough breeze to tingle their imaginations but never going all the way in showing a juicy ass and what was probably barely covering it!~
Knowing damn well just how much she was stealing the show at the moment, Junko smirked and saunted up to Mukuro hands on her hips. "Heeeey, don't give me that 'underdressed' crap!~ I'm just trying to give these studs here a little visual treat!~ After all, I doubt anyone can get off with you all covered up like that!" she said, pointing at Mukuro's uniform. When compared to her bulky, unappealing uniforms...it was clear who would have stood out more for the 'right reasons'. Blushing from embarrassment, and from seeing her co-workers still gawk in utter bliss at Junko, Mukuro sighed and gestured towards the entrance.
"I...assume you want a tour?" she asked and, for a split second, that dangerous glint in Junko's eyes returned.
"Weeeell, you could say that! Let's go!~" But, as quick as it came, it went back to her faux pleasant grin. Sauntering ahead of them, Junko swayed her hips to really give the guards next to Mukuro a show. Practically hypnotizing them as they looked eager to possibly 'unwind' with her tonight!~ Though for Mukuro this was just the start of a very, very, very, rough day.
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A gift for shuichi’s birthday ? How about a OWN PERSONAL THICC C-O-W-E-D-E Waiting in his bedroom Out of nowhere ?
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"W-what the?!" Well...this was turning out to be quite an eventful day.
"K...Kaede...? W-wha...what...what are you doing...in my dorm room...?" He really had no other words to say other than that...but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little bit curious about this.
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thelewdpokemanik · 2 years
Miu iruma, junko enoshima, or Kaede Akamatsu .
Which one is the most fitting of the "ultimate bimbo" according to makoto ?
Thank you @cowedeacumootsu for both the ask and the images! Love Love <3
"Ah well, I think it depends on what you're looking for in a bimbo, right? For example, Junko's got the style down pat."
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"The make-up, the clothes, the hair, she's not the Ultimate Fashionista for nothing. I know she's always wearing that thick lipstick just to leave rings around my cock. But that's also a big flaw of hers for some people I would think. Very much a free thinker, forward planner, and go-getter kinda girl. Can't say I don't see the good in that myself, but some people think a good bimbo should be an obedient one, and I can understand that too.
Can't count the number of times my plans were waylaid because Junko ambushed me in a hallway, or was waiting for me in my dorm room.
If you prefer your bimbos more docile, then you'd probably prefer Miu."
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"That girl won't be trying anything, and if she does, she'll fold if you so much as raise your voice at her. Manhandle her for a bit, and she'll melt. Give her a good spanking, and you'll have a love-struck slave on your hands for the next few hours.
I learned how to handle her the hard way if you will. Miu was a tease and a bitch when I first met her, or she was acting like one at least. She kept pushing me and pushing me, until I finally gave her what she was asking for.
A few hours later, Miu had learned that teasing me meant me being horny and that I wouldn't hesitate to put the slut in her place to satisfy myself.
That doesn't mean she doesn't still try, but we both know she's simply trying to rile me up to fuck her. And if I don't feel like it, or am busy with another slut, simply telling her to 'go masturbate in a corner' will have the blonde scampering to obey me.
But another issue that both those girls have is that I think they fail to be bimbos on a more base level. Oh, they might look and act like bimbos, but they don't think like one.
Both Junko and Miu are Ultimates. They may act like bimbos, or dress like one, but they will always be their Ultimate before anything else.
That’s probably why I would personally say Kaede’s the best bimbo.
When Kaede first entered this school, she was scouted as the Ultimate Pianist. She was known pretty widely as the Piano Freak, a girl who would regularly play until she passed out, either from lack of sleep, or hydration.
But the moment I saw her, I saw something special
With her determined attitude, her single-minded passion, and the way her tits strained against her sweater, I saw a girl who wasn’t operating at her full potential. And as her Senpai, I decided I had to help her out. Give her proper guidance, if you will.
A few hours later, Kaede was drowning in my cum, and her brain was like wet clay, ready to learn at my feet.
Later that same day, Kaede was walking into the headmaster’s office, begging him to let her change her talent to train and become the Ultimate Bimbo.
It’s been a few months now, and I’m pretty sure Kaede couldn’t care less about piano, unless you were talking about fucking her atop one. The only thing she cares about nowadays is cock and cum and sex. She’s been making good use of Hope’s Peak’s facilities to train both her body and mind to become a proper sex toy every day since we first met.
And, well, the results speak for themselves, don’t they?"
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"Like I said, the girl’s driven. She knows what she wants, and she wants to do it until she physically cannot anymore.
Problem is, not just anyone can handle the new Ultimate Bimbo. Once, she invited her whole class, boys and girls, to an orgy, where she fucked all of them into the ground. Thankfully, the Ultimate Nurse was on site, or Hope’s Peak might’ve been in trouble with all the broken pelvises and dehydrated students.
Even luckier, I was close by to fuck the cow into unconsciousness before she could attack the nurse.
Though the experience did nothing to slow down Kaede’s training. If nothing else, the school was even more invested in seeing just how far she could push herself, and, well, now they also had a boy to keep her in check.
Can’t say if I really deserved the title of Ultimate Stud after that incident, but most everyone agreed, so I didn’t try and resist when they gave it to me. I think it’s mostly honorific until I actually begin making use of the training Hope’s Peak has offered me, though I don’t see much of a reason to do so.
I also didn’t protest when they moved Kaede to my room, for me to fuck into a babbling mess every night, lest she sneak into some unsuspecting victims’ room for the night.
And I can’t deny that Kaede deserves to be called the Ultimate Bimbo either. Usually, I have to go through two, maybe three, sometimes four girls before calming down enough to put my pants back on, but Kaede isn’t afraid to match me thrust for thrust.
By the time I fuck her to exhaustion, I’m feeling pretty winded myself. Not ‘tired’, of course, but still. Enough that some of the other girls are starting to feel backed up themselves now that I no longer need to go through half the student body every week.
All of them, Kaede included, whenever she’s coherent enough to speak actual words, have been asking me to go through the Ultimate Stud training Hope’s Peak is looking into. I haven’t been too interested, to be honest; I’m fine as I am, and while sex is fun, and great exercise, my libido is more of an issue than anything else.
But, I can’t deny that I might have to. After destroying all the girls of Hope’s Peak, it wouldn’t do to not take responsibility, and train until I could actually satisfy them all, even as Kaede’s own training allows her to keep going for longer and longer.
Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I think it’s a good idea; I need to make sure I can both satisfy the Ultimate Bimbo and all the other Ultimate sluts that are begging for my cock.
And, well, Ultimate Stud is probably better than Ultimate Lucky Student, right? Can’t deny that the benefits are a lot better, at least."
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lewdganronpa · 1 year
Shuichi saihara but he has a massive cock and a big juicy sexy ass. I dunno dude, im tired
(so shuichi saihara as always? all the femboy goodness in a cute boy package! get some sleep though!)
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lewdganronpa · 8 months
Congrats! You deserve a Curvy Chisa! <3
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thanks! love curvy chisa!
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thelewdpokemanik · 2 years
Thank you @cowedeacumootsu for providing this Kaede image that inspired this whole story, and @empireofdespair for your feedback!
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Kaede shuffled behind her desk, Miss Kirigiri's too-tight suit almost audibly creaking as she did, making her wince. She was lucky the deputy headmistress' figure had some oomph to it, allowing Kaede to at least wear these clothes, but there was no denying the way her shirt's buttons seemed ready to fly off should she dare breathe in too deeply.
And the skirt was far from ideal either. While Miss Kirigiri was taller than Kaede, her skirt still fell quite short of completely encompassing her ass.
Sitting down as she was, she could feel just how much of her legs were exposed, and she shivered slightly.
Even a blind man could've told her that these clothes didn't fit at all, but she had little choice in her attire, sadly.
There was simply no way she would be going against Miss Kirigiri's instructions, and not only because the woman's severity was legendary.
These internships were an important portion of her grade, and she really couldn't afford to get a poor mark.
Of course, one might wonder why Kaede had decided to take her internship here, as she was the Ultimate Pianist, and not the Ultimate, Secretary, or something. Knowing how to do whatever the deputy headmistress did would do precious little to help her sharpen her talent.
But the answer to that question lay at the feet of her boyfriend. Shuichi, the Ultimate Detective.
The moment internships had been announced, he had jumped at the opportunity to ask Miss Kirigiri, the former Ultimate Detective to mentor him, but she had refused.
Shuichi had been so let down by the news, and Kaede's heart had gone out to him. She'd approached Miss Kirigiri, and asked her if there was some way she could convince her to mentor Shuichi.
But it had been there that she'd learned that Miss Kirigiri literally couldn't do it.
Not because of a lack of interest, but rather a lack of opportunity. Her role as deputy headmistress was critical to the proper functioning of Hope's Peak, she'd told the blonde, and she couldn't take a whole week off without a replacement lined up.
Kaede, perhaps foolishly, had told her that she would take on that role if it could count as her internship, and, well, the rest was history.
Shuichi and Miss Kirigiri were off doing whatever it was detectives did, and Kaede was here. Trying to not be nude.
She sighed, slumping forward slightly, only to be immediately reminded that she better keep her back straight lest she wanted her clothes to jump ship.
Well, whatever. No use dwelling on the past! Kaede pulled out the sheet Miss Kirigiri had prepared for her, with instructions as to what she had to do as the temporary deputy headmistress.
It was a strange thing that left Kaede quite confused. It was in equal parts precise and vague.
Before Mister Naegi's arrival, it told her everything. Her time of arrival, the way up to the deputy headmistress' office, and even where Miss Kirigiri left a change of clothes on site that Kaede had to wear!
But from the headmaster's arrival onwards, it simply said 'Help Makoto in whatever way he needs.'
And like, what did that mean!? How was this a 'critical' role? Did Miss Kirigiri even do anything in this school? Whenever Kaede saw her, it was while Mister Naegi was walking around the school, greeting the students, while the former detective simply glared the rambunctious ones into submission as she followed the headmaster around.
Kaede didn't know what to expect from this internship, but thankfully she should soon learn more, as Mister Naegi entered her temporary office then and there.
He blinked as his eyes landed on her, before smiling widely. "Kaede Akamatsu, right? Kyoko told me you would be taking your internship here."
Kaede couldn't help but blush and look down at her desktop. "Y-Yes, sir." She replied, an embarrassing stutter slipping into her words.
But who could blame her!? She was talking to the Ultimate Hope, the hero of the world! Every girl at least had a bit of a crush on him at some point.
Even if you ignored his history, his warm smile, kind attitude, and cute appearance were all more than noteworthy as well. Hell, even Tenko couldn't find anything to reproach him most days!
But Kaede had grown past that point. Seeing the man walking the hallways at least once a week for the last few months had done a lot to dispel the mysticism that surrounded him, and, well-
Seeing him trip on air and eat dust was a regular sight as well, though there was no denying the cuteness of his clumsiness either.
But that familiarity flew out the window the moment she was alone with him as he approached her desk, looking down at her in the privacy of Miss Kirigiri’s office. It was as if she was seeing him for the first time again, the man seemingly taking up all the space in the room, and only making Kaede’s heart beat faster and faster as he approached her, an easy smile on his face.
Kaede couldn’t help but swallow nervously as Mister Naegi leaned on her desk. “So, did Kyoko tell you what your job would be here?” 
His voice was like rich honey, warm and sweet, enveloping Kaede like a blanket, immediately calming down her nerves and silencing her doubts, though it did nothing to stop her blushing.
“Yes! I-I mean, kinda? She left me a list…” Kaede explained, indicating the paper that was laying on the desk.
Mister Naegi looked at it for a moment, his eyes flying over the deputy headmistress’ neat handwriting, before chuckling. “Not very precise, is it?”
Kaede couldn’t help but giggle along with him. Following his lead just seemed to be her natural reaction. 
Some might wonder how Mister Naegi, being such a cute and clumsy man, might’ve stopped three different killing games organized by enemies of the world, but anyone who talked with him for but a moment knew the truth of the matter.
There was this raw magnetism to him, this energy that radiated from him. It warmed up and ensnared everyone who spent time in his presence. It was the charisma of a man who was absolutely at ease with himself, daring the world to try and throw something else in his path, so confident he was in his capability to overcome it.
“Well, precise or not, it’s a pretty good summary of what Kyoko usually does.” Mister Naegi continued, looking back at the girl’s face. But the moment their eyes met, Kaede’s breath was stolen.
His pale hazel eyes seemed to pierce right through her, and her heart began picking up speed as she struggled to look away. But there was no helping it. Kaede couldn’t look away from that spark of wit that shone in his eyes, a faint amusement that only conveyed camaraderie rather than any kind of mocking.
But more than that, it was the way Mister Naegi himself looked away from her face, none-too-subtly stealing a glance at her expansive chest, checking it out without even a moment’s thought, like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Before she could stop herself, Kaede found her back arching, presenting herself for his inspection, deaf to the way her top strained and creaked. And when he looked back up at her, attraction and approval clear in his eyes, Kaede felt her lips smile widely.
But it only lasted a moment, before a bucket of ice-cold water was figuratively dumped down her back.
What was she thinking!? 
“So? Are you fine helping me out?” Mister Naegi asked, cutting off Kaede’s self-reprimand. She blinked rapidly, trying to chase away the memory of his eyes on her, and the way her breath quickened at the sight of his smile to instead focus back on their conversation.
“Y-Yes, I’m fine with this.” Kaede managed, and there was no stopping her returning smile when Makoto’s own reappeared.
“That’s great! So, follow me to my office, and we’ll get started right away!” He said, before heading towards the backdoor of the room, leading to his own office, only accessible through Miss Kirigiri’s.
Kaede stayed seated for a moment. What had she just been doing? Showing off her boobs to an older man? To someone other than her boyfriend? She was so embarrassed- just what had she been thinking!?
“Kaede?” Mister Naegi asked, making the blonde jump in her seat. “Is something the matter?”
“N-No! Everything’s fine!” Kaede exclaimed, standing up with a fierce shake of her head.
No use thinking about that stupid stuff; she needed to do her job now.
She followed after Mister Naegi, who held the door open for her with a smile that Kaede once more just couldn’t not return.
And once more, the headmaster’s eyes soon left her own, drifting down to the rest of her figure, making the blonde shiver, and before she knew it, her hips gained a sashay as she passed him, making sure to let him admire the sway of her ass as she entered his office.
Kaede froze again. What was that!? Why was she acting like this?
Her blush exploded off her face as she tried to make sense of her actions. Was she trying to- seduce the headmaster!? That was ridiculous! She loved Shuichi! She really did! She loved him so much that she even accepted this post just to make him happy, and she didn’t act like such a- such a slut in front of him. Their relationship hadn’t grown to this sexual level yet- and there was nothing wrong with that!
Kaede wasn’t some slut! Why was she acting like this-
A warm touch on the low of her back silenced her thoughts, melting them away in an instant. The headmaster’s hand was resting against the small of Kaede’s back, diffusing his warmth throughout her body, and instantly, Kaede found her shoulders slouching, losing a tension she hadn’t even noticed. Her thighs rubbed together absently as she focused on Makoto’s presence behind her, the way his strong fingers ignited her skin even through her clothes.
“Are you ready to begin, Kaede?” Mister Naegi asked, his voice coming from over her shoulder, and Kaede’s neck began turning to look back at him.
Her eyes met his, blinking slowly as she tried to make sense of what was happening, but it was all so confusing! The way she acted, the way Mister Naegi acted, the way her body reacted- 
Abruptly, she remembered the list Miss Kirigiri had left her.
'Help Makoto in whatever way he needs.'
Yes, that was her job here. She remembered now. Like a beacon piercing through the fog enveloping her brain, Miss Kirigiri’s instructions suddenly brought her light.
“Yes, I’m ready, sir,” Kaede answered, her own voice sounding distant to her. 
Mister Naegi chuckled. “No need to call me sir. While we’re working together, please call me Makoto.
She had a hard time focusing on his words. Most of her attention was being pulled by his hand on her body, the way it moved minutely in small circles as he pulled her along behind his desk, the way his fingers seemed to just barely cross over the hem of her skirt, only just grazing the curve of her ass.
She blinked at the thought. That was, inappropriate, wasn’t it? Letting another man touch her like this while she had a boyfriend…
Makoto’s hand climbed up to the nape of her neck, and though it exerted almost no force at all on her, it still felt like it weighed a ton, like an anchor hanging around her neck, waiting only for an opportunity to pull her down into a dark abyss from which she wouldn’t emerge.
“Please get under my desk, Kaede,” Makoto asked, and Kaede felt a shiver run down her back. 
Did- did he drop something under there? The headmaster wasn’t that old, was he? Did he really need her to be the one to get under there to pick it up!?
Kaede desperately tried to come up with an excuse, but no. There was no denying the way his eyes shined with promise, the way his hand gently massaged the back of her neck, the way her body heated up under his gaze
If- If she got under that desk-
She- She couldn’t! She couldn’t do that to Shuichi, she couldn’t hurt him like that!
Her mouth opened to say exactly that, her head turning to face the headmaster-
But the moment she tried to move, Makoto’s hand on her neck stopped her in her tracks. Not with any kind of strength, or at least, not muscular strength. Kaede simply realized that Makoto’s hand wasn’t moving with her. He hadn’t given her permission to move, and the blonde found that she couldn’t turn her head at all. Makoto wanted her to stay facing the desk, and she found herself unable to look away from it.
She couldn’t stop staring at it, at the hollow beneath it- and before she knew it, Makoto’s hand had stopped immobilizing her, and had begun to guide her.
His hand was moving her slowly, gently, but the strength in his grip was unstoppable, or at least that was how it felt to Kaede. She couldn’t even think of going against it, so complete its control over her movement was. Soon, Makoto’s hand guided her to her knees, then to all fours, and Kaede crawled under his desk as he demanded, her fat ass high in the air as she did, and her heavy chest almost dragging on the ground beneath her, ignoring the way she was stretching out Miss Kirigiri’s clothes.
Those thoughts had long since abandoned her.
He only let go of her once she had entered the hollow of his desk, only for his hand to slide down her back, making Kaede gasp, to finally settle on her ass, making the blonde moan whorishly at his strong grip. He continued to push her beneath the desk, though he didn’t waste an opportunity to feel up her behind as he did, easily deforming the globe under his strong fingers, leaving Kaede panting like a bitch.
‘What- am I doing?’ She asked herself, her thoughts fighting to be heard over her arousal. But it was much too late. Soon enough, Kaede had completely shuffled her way under the desk, and the headmaster didn’t waste a moment taking a seat and pushing his chair back in, trapping Kaede.
The blonde was still facing the back wall, as if afraid to turn around and face the situation she had brought upon herself.
She was- She couldn’t do this! It was horrible!
“Turn around, Kaede,” Makoto ordered, and the blonde shuffled around to face him before she even realized it. Her body and mind were eager to obey the Ultimate Hope, eager to serve him, she realized. Even now, her every muscle was tense, ready to move at his command, and her every thought was of him.
Her heart was the only thing still protesting this insanity, and its voice was only growing weaker and weaker with every passing moment, vainly trying to remind Kaede of the world that existed beyond the headmaster.
“M-Makoto…” Kaede tried to say something, one last effort to protest-
But she was immediately silenced when she came face-to-face with Makoto’s cock.
Sitting on her legs on the ground, looking up at that- that- monstrosity, she heard her heart fall to silence as if as stunned as she was.
This wasn’t- This couldn’t be real. This- pillar of masculinity, jutting off Makoto’s body like a spear.
But there was no denying it. Not with the way its warmth radiated off it, or the way its smell soon filled the space beneath the desk and Kaede’s nostrils.
She moaned despite her best efforts, her whole body melting in arousal. This was- This smell, it was like-
Kaede’s words failed to describe it adequately. 
Only one thing was for sure. Kaede would be quite satisfied to pass up oxygen for more of Makoto’s scent. And she had never truly known arousal until now.
She wondered if all cocks were like this, but no. She’d have known if Shuichi was packing this kind of heat.
She couldn’t even bring herself to feel bad for disparaging Shuichi. There was this- distance that had suddenly appeared between them right now. Between her and everything in the world that wasn’t Makoto and his cock.
The headmaster was saying something, about what he had to do and what she had to do.
But she didn’t care about the former. And she already knew the latter.
Before she was even aware of it, her hands rose to him, grabbing onto the cock with a reverence she had never known before.
It was impossibly hard, and impossibly warm, as if it would burn the skin right off her hands. But this heat wasn’t painful in the slightest, no. It was a comforting one, an arousing one. It only served to feed the heat in her own nethers. 
Slowly, religiously, she began stroking him, panting as she did. Up she went, her smooth hands gliding over his cock for at least a foot’s worth in length, before going back down the other way, its every throb making Kaede’s mouth water. And when a bead of precum began to pearl from his gland, there was no way she could restrain herself.
The precum exploded on her tongue, making her eyes flutter at his musky taste. Her legs quivered, and there was no stopping one of her hands from leaving his cock to instead dive down into her panties to stoke her own heat.
Unsurprisingly, she found her panties ruined, and her pussy soaked.
One lick brought upon another drop, and thus, another lick, and before long, Kaede was mindlessly lapping at Makoto’s cock, feeling her brain drown in his mind-melting taste.
But of course, Kaede wasn’t here for her pleasure, but for Makoto’s. That’s why, when his hand came down on her head and began pulling her towards him, she didn’t even consider fighting him.
Her mouth fell open automatically, eagerly, and she took the head of his cock in her mouth, lathering it in her spit.
And when Makoto's hand continued on its path, his digits digging into the blonde's scalp as he pulled evermore forward, Kaede didn't even entertain a thought of resistance.
And despite her inexperience, despite the fact that this was her first time giving a blowjob, despite the fact that Makoto's cock was so huge-
She didn't gag. Didn't choke. She simply moved forward in one smooth motion, exactly as Makoto directed her to.
Her body completely accepting of Makoto's cock in her throat, like she had been born and bred for exactly this purpose.
Her eyes fluttered as she felt his length penetrate her deeper and deeper, his girth great enough that her tongue could only just wiggle, crushed underneath him as it was. But wiggle it did, desperate as she was to pleasure Makoto to the best of her abilities.
Soon enough, Kaede's lips kissed the base of Makoto's cock, and she moaned as she felt him throbbing inside her throat. The headmaster held her there for a moment as Kaede's fingers pumped at her pussy, joined by her suddenly unnecessary hand, savoring the taste of Makoto's cock, forever burning it in her brain.
She wanted to stay here forever, feeling her throat convulsing around this welcome intruder, drool dripping down her front and staining Miss Kirigiri's clothes, his smell making her brain drain down her thighs.
But Makoto wasn't satisfied with this. His hand began pulling back on Kaede's head, making the blonde whine and the headmaster chuckle.
"You think you'll earn yourself a load of my cum without working for it?" He asked, and Kaede felt her heart skip a beat.
She remembered the taste of his pre, could only adore the taste of his cock-
She wanted- no, needed to taste his cum.
For the first time, Kaede began fighting Makoto's grip on her, and the man immediately let go of her as she began to move on her own.
And without hesitation, Kaede dove forward once more, greedily swallowing the inches that had escaped her. For a moment, she allowed herself to appreciate this bliss as she felt Makoto's balls laying against her chin, no doubt brewing a potent load just for her.
But before Makoto could get bored, she leaned back again, just barely keeping his gland in her mouth to be showered by her tongue's affection for a moment, before repeating the cycle.
Forward, and backward, and then forward again, only ever gaining speed with every repetition, Kaede violently facefucked herself on Makoto's cock, drool and spittle flying as she did, only adding to the mess her weeping pussy was no doubt making on the floor.
Kaede was working like a sex-craved nymphomaniac, desperate and adoring, looking up at Makoto as the man worked on something or other, wordlessly begging him to bless her with his cum.
Then, for one divine moment, the brunette looked back down at her, making the blonde freeze as their eyes met.
He smiled at her, not even a hint of blush on his face from her efforts. 
"Keep it up, Kaede. You're a fine slut."
Kaede's vision went white as she came explosively all over the floor, moaning to the best of her abilities as she choked on her headmaster's cock.
Yes~ She was a slut, wasn't she? A cheating slut that would do anything for cock, for Makoto's cock~
Her headmaster's words repeated themselves in a loop in her sex-addled mind, her masturbation and face-fucking redoubling in effort with this new motivation he had just given her.
And eventually, the inevitable happened. Makoto’s hand came back down to Kaede’s head, and shoved it against him, forcing his length down her throat, making Kaede’s eyes flutter in glee.
She could feel his balls twitching against her chin as she convulsively swallowed around his cock, desperately trying to milk his load out of him.
And when she felt his testicles bunch up, when she felt his cock throb inside her, when she felt his hot seed shooting down her throat-
She squealed in ecstasy, her eyes rolling up into her skull, so overcome with joy she was. Shot after shot of cum was deposited directly into her stomach, and it was only then that Makoto allowed her to back up enough to receive the remaining ones in her mouth.
She moaned as she felt his musky taste burn out her tastebuds, her tongue swishing his thick cum around in her mouth, and only swallowing once it was clear she wouldn’t be able to hold all of his remaining shots.
And when Makoto’s load finally petered out, Kaede was completely blissed out. Her cheeks were bulging with her headmaster’s load, and she couldn’t bring herself to swallow it. No, she needed to savor it, savor this divine gift.
Her fingers desperately flicked at her clit, and reached as deep inside of her as they could, her mind melting under this twin assault of Makoto’s musky cum infiltrating her pleasure-soaked brain, and her masturbating fingers making sure that Kaede wouldn’t even have a hope of resisting him.
“Are you planning to continue sucking me off with your mouth full, you stupid slut?” Makoto asked, making Kaede freeze.
Her eyes refocused on the cock in front of her, only to smile ear-to-ear as she saw that it was still hard, if not more so even.
Quickly, though still gratefully, she swallowed the first load Makoto had given her, and immediately began working on milking another out of him.
And she quickly did. And then she swallowed another. And another. And another still.
By the time Makoto stood up from his chair, Kaede was completely cock-drunk. She giggled vapidly as she licked the ground clean of whatever drop of cum might’ve escaped her hungry maw, her fingers still pawing at her pussy, just as they had constantly done all this time.
She’d no doubt reached her peak two or three times for every one of Makoto’s, and her brain was having some issue coping with this overwhelming mixture of sensations. Even just Makoto’s bitch-breaking musk would’ve been enough to knock loose a couple of neurons, but coupled with her sex-crazed masturbation and several heavy loads of cum, well-
Let’s just say Kaede wasn’t exactly operating at full capacity.
But that was exactly how she needed to be as Makoto began pulling her out from under his desk, her own legs barely managing to find purchase under her before he laid her front down on the desk, her fat chest squishing under her and making her coo.
“You’re quite confused, aren’t you Kaede? Or at least, you would be if you could string two thoughts together.” Makoto said, standing behind her.
Kaede blinked, before realizing that she might be getting fucked! Immediately, she spread her legs, only to be stopped by a harsh spank falling on her clothed behind, pulling a moan out of the slut, but making her stop all the same.
“Don’t move, slut. Right now, I’m acting as an educator, and I’m going to teach you a lesson.” Makoto said, his voice sending shivers down Kaede’s spine.
“Do you know why you can’t resist me? Why you were all but begging me to take you before I’d even said a word to you? Why you were so ready to abandon your boyfriend the moment I asked you to?”
Kaede froze at the mention of Shuichi, the reminder of her boyfriend piercing through the haze of her arousal, not to mention the fresh air she was finally feeding her brain. “Wh-What are you talking about…” Kaede mumbled, blinking slowly, trying to regain her senses.
Makoto chuckled, before pressing a hand on the small of her back, pressing her core down harder against the desk, making her back arch and Kaede moan, before she blushed.
“S-Stop it…” She whined, but Makoto didn’t listen to her for a moment.
“It’s because you’re a slut.” He said instead, making Kaede’s legs quiver, and she could feel her femcum sliding down them in the hot air of the office.
“Am not…” Kaede weakly protested, only to squeal when Makoto’s hand fell like thunder on her ass once more, sending a jolt of pleasure directly into her pussy.
N-No, not pleasure, it was definitely pain-
Two more spanks fell shortly after, derailing Kaede’s train of thought as she moaned under Makoto’s strength, her hips twitching and humping the air as if trying to tempt him into giving her another.
“Yes, you are. I knew you were one the moment I saw you. Do you know why?” Makoto said, and the assuredness in his voice, the charisma of the Ultimate Hope that could bend the ear of politicians, businessmen, and rulers the world over-
Kaede found her own conviction faltering. Her whole being was screaming at her 'Who are you to stand against him? To think you know better than him?’ 
And she found that, under the weight of his gaze and his words, she was no one.
 “Wh-Why?” She found herself asking.
“Because I have eyes.” Kaede blinked, not understanding, before Makoto’s hands grabbed hold of her skirt and ripped it down her legs, panties and all. And once she was half-nude, without a word of warning, his hand came down once more, but instead of a spank, he forcefully groped her ass, making Kaede moan whorishly, her fingers weakly scratching at his desktop as if trying to crawl away.
But there was no escaping him. Makoto’s strong hand played with her fat ass like it was play-dough, easily spreading and deforming it, every flex of his fingers making Kaede’s brain jolt with another blinding bolt of pleasure.
“I can see your fat ass, and I know it's the ass of a slut who exists to be toyed with.” He said, before his other hand landed on her other cheek, spanking it harshly, and Kaede came once more, her ruined cunt crying in pleasure.
Makoto took advantage of Kaede’s weakness, his strong grip easily spinning the girl around on her back.
“I can see your bouncing tits, and I know those are the tits of a whore who wants to show off,” Makoto said, and before Kaede could even register the words, his hands came up to her shirt, easily ripping it apart and making the buttons explode off it, freeing her bra-clad tits, which didn’t last much longer under the headmaster’s ministrations.
Kaede stared up at Makoto, panting like a bitch in heat, only to receive a smile in exchange.
“Look at you.” He said, his voice calm and serene, immediately stealing Kaede’s attention. She didn’t even react as his hands came down on her once more, sinking into her massive tits. “Isn’t this so much better?” He asked, and Kaede could only agree.
She had forgotten how much easier it was to breathe without being choked out by her clothes- “Isn’t it so much better with your tits out, showing off for a real man? Letting me play with you like the toy you are?”
No, that wasn’t what Kaede was thinking-
His calloused digits left trails of pleasurable tingles as he palmed her tits, pinching and pulling on her nipples, making Kaede gasp, her legs kicking out on either side of the headmaster as she thrashed on his desk under his ministrations.
“How can you pretend that you aren’t a slut when I can just play with your tits for a moment, and you forget you ever had a boyfriend?” Makoto asked, and the moment Kaede’s mouth opened in protest, all that came out was a long moan as his fingers twisted just enough to pull it out of her.
And before she could find her breath once more, Makoto let go of one of her nipples to grab onto her heaving tit’s meat instead, and lifted it to his mouth, making Kaede’s breath hitch.
He looked up at her as he did, and Kaede’s heartbeat stuttered as their eyes met. Makoto’s mouth was stretched in a soft smile up at her. “Aren’t you so much happier now that I’m treating you like the slut you are?” Makoto asked, before opening his mouth wide and taking her nipple into it.
And when he bit down on it, when Kaede found herself thrashing under him even harder as she came, all she saw in his eyes was the satisfaction of being right and helping a stupid slut like her learn the truth.
By the time she came down from yet another high, she struggled to wipe the dumb smile from her face. Her every breath whistled as she tried to fill her lungs. Makoto was standing back up straight, still between her two legs.
She had to stop herself from spreading them even further.
She- She wasn’t a slut! She had a- a boyfriend, and- and- she didn’t- she couldn’t-
Her brain kept getting racked by aftershocks of pleasure, her sensitive nipples standing at attention and her legs twitching weakly.
She wasn’t- she needed to get out of here.
The thought struck Kaede like lightning. She had to leave. She couldn’t stay here with Makoto-
But as if summoned by her thought, Makoto spoke again then, bringing her attention to his face once more, only for her resolve to shrivel at the sight of it.
His smile- it was still there but-
It was a sad smile, and- in his eyes, disappointment.
Kaede found that she couldn’t breathe.
“I don’t understand, Kaede. Why won’t you just accept who you are?” He asked, with such sincerity in his voice that Kaede found herself curling up on herself as he spoke, shame welling up in her chest- but she couldn’t! She wasn’t- She wasn’t wrong, here!
But despite that knowledge, the first words that crossed her lips were “I’m sorry. B-But! I-I think you made a mistake, Makoto. I-I’m not a slut at all! I haven’t even done anything with Sh-Shuichi…” She trailed off as Makoto’s smile only fell further, robbing the voice from her chest.
“It’s fine Kaede.” He said, and Kaede felt a swell of hope fill her- “I am your headmaster. It’s my job to educate you.” only for it to disappear as quickly as it came.
“I-I’m telling you, I’m not-”
Makoto’s hard cock left his pants once more, flopping down on top of her groin.
Kaede’s eyes grew wide as she stared at it, feeling it throb against her skin, feeling Makoto’s scrotum laying against her weeping pussy.
“Don’t worry Kaede! I haven’t given up yet!” Makoto declared, his smile determined and warm, and despite herself, Kaede moaned as she felt him give the tiniest thrust against her.
“I won’t allow such a promising student to waste her time when she should be worshipping cock! I won’t let you pass by the path to your happiness, Kaede! I’ll make you realize just where your place is!” He declared with such conviction, with the strength of the Ultimate Hope that could inspire billions.
And Kaede was just a stupid slut. She never had a chance to resist him.
His hope infected her, and welled up in her chest, bringing a slightly insane smile to her lips.
She was regaining hope once more.
Hope that Makoto would break her, ruin her, and prove what a slut she was.
Her hips began bucking under his length, jumping and twitching in mindless begging, and Kaede’s mouth fell open.
“D-Do it. Save me! Save this stupid slut, and fucking destroy me!” Kaede begged, real distress tainting her voice as she began to believe in the error of her ways.
“I-I want to spend all my time pleasuring your cock! Make me yours! Break me!” Her voice only grew more frantic, more desperate as she stared at him, at his passionate eyes, so full of care for a stupid, useless girl like her.
Makoto’s hips pulled back, dragging the head of his cock across her skin, before he stopped her humping with a firm hand on her groin, making Kaede squeal.
He smiled at her, and the blonde’s heart beat ever faster. 
“Don’t worry Kaede. I’ll save you.” He said, and Kaede came as he thrust inside of her, her pussy swallowing his length with the ease only a true slut could have.
Her begging became nonsensical babbling as her brain failed her, her every thought drowned out by this tsunami of pleasure. And as Makoto pulled back once more for another savage thrust, in one last moment of clarity, a thought managed to pierce through the fog.
‘Is this love?’ Kaede asked herself, staring at Makoto’s smiling face as he reformed her pussy to the shape of his cock.
And when the next thrust blinded her, her tongue falling out of her mouth in a mindless ahegao, she knew she had her answer.
Kaede's brain was melting under Makoto's relentless assault, his animal-like pounding robbing her of all senses But as she howled her own pleasure, the faintest thought crossed her cock-drunk mind.
How lucky was she, to still have a whole week of learning under Makoto?
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thelewdpokemanik · 2 years
When the RIDICULOUSLY femboyi and adorable Shuichi saihara got casted into "Magical starlight : Kaede akamatsu and the mystery of love" as the main bad guy’s cute henchmen, did he expected his life to turn out as he did~? I mean nowadays he is maried and the trophy hubby to the absurdly thicc famous star, the well known Kaede akamatsu~, but it would be fun to know how he actually ended in this paradise of a situation~
(The lenght, detail, stories and all is up to you friend, also you’re amazing.)
(Thank you @cowedeacumootsu for the pics and the ask. Also YOU'RE amazing <3)
Shuichi was quite nervous, but also excited. Being a detective had never come naturally, but it had come easily, at least. He'd spent his whole life steeped in that world. But acting?
He'd never even thought of it. Not even in his wildest dreams. Never held an interest in it.
But while he'd been on a forced vacation due to his uncle needing to close his agency for a few weeks, he'd stumbled across a poster. 
'Magical Starlight: Kaede Akamatsu and The Mystery Of Love'
It was some sort of magical girl kids show, Shuichi thought. He'd heard of it in passing, caught an advert for it on tv once or twice.
But what caught his eye was the line at the bottom of the poster.
'Open auditions! Amateurs are welcome!'
Shuichi didn't know what possessed him to note down the number. Or call the casting director. Or show up and actually try. Or even worse, what had possessed the casting crew to actually call him back.
But here he was. Dressed in what could only be very charitably called a costume.
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He couldn't believe he would be wearing this on live television, much less in a kids' show!
He was still shuffling in place in the changing room, debating the merits of trying to flee when she knocked on the door, making his back shoot up straight.
"Shu-chan~ Are you done changing?" A melodious voice sounded through the door, and Shuichi gulped.
"Y-Yeah…" He found himself answering, and the moment he did, the door was open, letting his co-star in, and making Shuichi blush like a tomato, seeing her in her own costume.
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The thicc-as-oatmeal woman was practically spilling out the edges of her tiny magical girl costume. Shuichi's hands trembled slightly as Miss Akamatsu entered the room, her every step making mounds of flesh jiggle temptingly.
She smiled widely when she laid eyes on him, making him shuffle in place, embarrassed. "You look outright delicious, Shu-chan!" She said happily, the slightest hint of a blush coloring her cheeks.
Shuichi choked on his breath as Miss Akamatsu stepped closer and closer to him, making him look up at her. The older woman had at least half a foot on him, and that was before she put on her heels.
"Th-Thanks?" He stuttered, a hand coming up to the brim of his nonexistent hat, to grasp only air and leaving him to simply look down to the ground.
It was hard to not be intimidated when he was in the presence of the Kaede Akamatsu. The woman seemed blessed by the very gods to succeed in whatever she tried her hand at. She used to be a world-renowned pianist, before becoming an acclaimed actress, not to mention her good looks and shining personality.
Miss Akamatsu was simply born to be a star, unlike shy and gloomy Shuichi. But that was why they were here, wasn't it?
"Stop looking so down, Shu-chan~" Miss Akamatsu sing-sang, leaning down to his level and making Shuichi blush even harder at the view of her cleavage she offered. 
He forced his eyes to look up at her, not directly into her eyes of course, lest he loses his voice once more. "S-Sorry, Miss Akamatsu." He apologized.
The blonde pouted. "'Miss Akamatsu'? I'm not that old, you know? Call me Kaede~" She demanded.
Shuichi bashfully nodded. "S-Sure." He said, pointedly not actually using her name, and making the blonde pout even harder. 
He jumped when her delicate hand landed on his shoulder, her perfectly manicured hand teasing his barely-covered skin and giving him goosebumps.
"You'd think someone would show more gratitude when I graciously offer my precious time to help them learn…" she mumbled, making Shuichi's face pale.
"I-I am grateful!" He insisted, his hands coming up in front of his chest as if to surrender. But he truly was. 
Shuichi might've passed the audition, but it was quite clear that he was lagging behind the rest of the crew, justifiably so. 
And that was when Miss Akamatsu approached him and offered to help him learn his lines and practice with her.
"If it weren't for your help, I probably wouldn't stand a chance… Of course, I'm grateful." Shuichi ended up mumbling, a blush dusting his cheeks as he stared at the tip of his boots.
He heard Miss Akamatsu hum in the back of her throat, before her hand grabbed hold of his chin in her fingers, making Shuichi jump, eyes wide in bewilderment. She slowly forced him to look up at her, the silky smooth skin of her fingers tickling Shuichi as she did.
Shuichi's eyes were caught in the blonde's as she stared down at him, making his heart beat against his ribcage faster and faster.
"So? What do we say?" Miss Akamatsu asked leadingly, making Shuichi's mouth dry out.
"Th-Thank you-"
"'Thank you' who?"
Shuichi was drowning in twin pools of blue. "Thank you, Kaede…" he said, feeling out of breath and making Kaede giggle.
Her hand patted the top of his head, making him blush once again. "Was that so hard, Shu-chan?" She said, obviously pleased with herself, before spinning on her heel and making the detective blink as eye contact was finally broken. “Now come on! We haven’t got all night~”
As she spoke, she left Shuichi’s changing room, leaving him blinking and staring stupidly at his closed door. The detective let out a shuddering breath, and adjusted his suddenly too-tight bottom, though thankfully, they didn’t let anything appear through them, which honestly surprised him.
Pleasantly so, of course. The last thing he wanted was for Miss- for Kaede to think he was some kind of pervert.
He breathed in deep, trying to calm his nerves, and stepped out, following Kaede on the empty set.
The studio was empty, the last employee having long since left for the night, but Kaede had somehow managed to get them permission to use the studio for Shuichi to practice. And in the middle of the half-constructed throne room set, her legs slightly spread and her hands on her hips, her shoulders squared and her chest thrust out, Kaede stood, smiling at him.
Shuichi blushed as he couldn’t stop himself from ogling her, but if Kaede noticed, she made no mention of it. “Are you ready to begin, Shu-chan?” She asked instead as Shuichi stepped closer, though he stopped maybe half-a-dozen steps away, where the script wanted him to be. In front of the imposing throne, between it and Kaede.
He took in a shaky breath, before nodding with as much certainty as he could muster, which wasn’t all that much.
Kaede licked her lips in response. “Then begin whenever you’re ready, cutie~”
Shuichi shivered, his blush redoubling in intensity. He was glad his mask was covering his face right now. But he tried to chase the fantasies Kaede kept inspiring in him, and closed his eyes, focusing on his character.
While he was new at acting, memorizing his lines was hardly a challenge for the detective. 
He gave Kaede his best frown, and posed dramatically, ignoring the embarrassment the pose provoked in him. “S-So you’ve come, Kaede!” He declared with a voice that was intended to be confident. Though he powered through. “If you think that I’ll allow you to reach the Heart of Hate without a fight, then you’re dead wrong!” 
Kaede chuckled behind a raised hand, making Shuichi falter. “Um-”
But before he could point out her mistake(?), she pointed at him dramatically. “It is you who is dead wrong, Shu-chan!” That wasn’t his name in the script!? Was Kaede improvising!? “I’m here for something much more important than that!” She declared, taking a step forward and making Shuichi step back in response. 
His mouth worked soundlessly for a moment, trying to come up with something to say. “I-Is that so?” He questioned, torn between asking Kaede for an explanation and simply going with the flow of the experienced actress. “A-And, what is that?”
Kaede smiled even wider as she continued to walk toward a retreating Shuichi. Or at least he had been before he bumped into the throne. And before he could readjust his course, Kaede closed those few final meters between the two. Her arms fell on the armrests on either side of him, trapping him between her and the seat, leering down at him.
“Isn’t it obvious?” She asked, a hungry gleam in her eyes that made Shuichi gulp. 
“OOOOOOHHH~” Shu-chan howled like an animal, his hips flush against Kaede’s chest, cumming once more against her softness.
“Fufufu~” Kaede sultrily chuckled. Shuichi was bent over, leaning over the throne’s seat, his musky cock trapped beneath him in her large cleavage. She tightened it like a vice with her elbows, and held onto Shuichi’s hips with her hands, not allowing him the range to actually pull his cock out.
Shui-chan had been cute before, but like this, with his cute butt in her face and his balls twitching as she milked him, he was positively delicious~
“Go on, Shu-chan~ You can shoot one more for me, can’t you?” Kaede teased the poor boy, making him whine, but the moment she tightened the grip her chest had around his cock, it transformed into a moan, and his hips began bouncing once more, his balls clapping against the top of her chest.
She licked her lips, before catching one of them in her mouth, moaning at its salty taste, and making Shu-chan cry out, and redouble his efforts at cumming. She thoroughly bathed it in her saliva, savoring its musky taste.
Honestly, such a dangerous cock shouldn’t be attached to such a cute boi~ No doubt any other woman would’ve had her brain melting out of her pussy from the smell alone, but Kaede wasn’t just anyone.
She’d teach this naughty cock just who was top dog.
It didn’t take long for her to feel the nut twitch energetically on her tongue as Shuichi flooded her tits with yet another cumshot. They hadn’t lost any of their volume or thickness, even after three other just-as-voluminous ejaculations.
Kaede would have to pull out the big guns. Not that it would be a big sacrifice on her part~
She let go of Shu-chan’s hips just as he pulled back, surprising him and freeing his length unexpectedly, and used the little space he’d left to sneak around him, dropping herself on the throne in front of him.
She could see the haze of pleasure in his eyes drowning out all of his other thoughts, and chuckled once more. Adorable~
He whined at the lost pleasure and almost immediately began trying to climb her and resume his mindless thrusting, but Kaede’s hand on his chest was enough to stop him. He stared up at her with his eyes full of begging, at least until Kaede spread her legs, revealing her drenched pussy to him.
The effect was immediate. Shu-chan's pleasure-drunk brain suddenly realized that, more than cum, he could breed~ And it didn't wait a moment to do exactly that, hurriedly pulling Kaede's sticky panties to the side, before plunging his thick cock inside of her depths, making her moan throatily. 
His wild thrusting became even wilder as he battered her insides, desperate to fill her up with his seed, to mark her as his forevermore. Of course, Kaede's tight love tunnel was far from helping him calm down. His cock was choked by her warm wetness, her muscles spasming around him as he pulled her first orgasm of the night from her.
Kaede smiled sultrily as she observed Shu-chan's pleasure-distorted face from behind her fluttering eyes. His tongue was hanging from his mouth like a wild dog's, and, well, she simply couldn't resist that invitation.
She leaned down to meet him, and quickly stole his lips and kissed him hungrily, wrestling his tongue into submission, for while Shuichi might have the energy and wildness of a beast, Kaede knew how to tame it with ease, and forced him to dance to her tune as she stared into his rolling eyes.
She broke the kiss for a moment, sending one of her hands to his ass, and grabbing a handful of his soft cheek, encouraging him to go even faster, even harder, before forcing him to swallow her next moan.
She bit his lip unexpectedly, tugging at it slightly and making Shu-chan gasp.
"You're mine." She growled, her teeth working his lip over. 
"Your body's mine. Your heart's mine. Your cum's mine~ and I want it! Give it to me! Cum!" Kaede demanded, meeting each of Shu-chan's thrusts with her own, and making the boy cry out in pleasure as she did. 
And eventually, Shu-chan's resolve broke, as he emptied his balls into her, making Kaede gasp under him as her belly was filled with his warm seed, again and again, until the excess poured out from around his cock.
Shu-chan's body fell atop Kaede's as his strength left him, melting into her as his cock throbbed inside of her.
"Yours. Yours yours yours yours-" He was mumbling under his breath and making Kaede's own heart melt.
"What a good boi you are, Shu-chan~" She praised, squeezing him against her as she did, and making Shu-chan moan once more, though he didn't so much as twitch a muscle.
He was tired it seemed~ Well, Kaede would just have to make sure he slept comfortably, wouldn't she? And, well…
She'd deal with the mess in the morning. Or maybe she'd just steal Shu-chan away to her home and deal with the director's complaints the day afterward, or even the day after that.
She wouldn't allow Shu-chan to leave until he'd satisfied her, or maybe not even then.
She could use a cute little hubby after all~
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thelewdpokemanik · 2 years
Funny elf Shuichi go brrrr
Shuichi was standing in front of the door leading into Tsumugi’s house, shivering slightly in the cold winter’s wind as it blew against his bare skin.
But even the promise of warmth wasn’t enough to make him enter the Ultimate Cosplayer’s Christmas party.
He was profoundly embarrassed. The price Tsumugi had asked for using her house to host the party had been that she would get to design all of her classmates’ costumes, and, foolishly, Shuichi hadn’t thought to raise his voice in objection.
Sometimes, it was easy to forget that, despite Tsumugi acting somewhat like a wallflower, she was an irreverent pervert. And she had, of course, taken the opportunity to inflict her perversions on them all. Or at least, Shuichi assumed she had, since his own costume was…
The word that came to mind was slutty, and Shuichi didn’t feel like calling himself that. But neither whorish nor depraved were any more pleasant. Lewd was the barest minimum he could go down to without outright lying to himself.
Another strong wind blew between his bare thighs, making him jump and shiver.
Fuck it. He couldn’t stand another second out here.
He pressed on the doorbell, and almost as if she had been waiting for him, Tsumugi threw the door open immediately.
“Shuichi! You finally rang!” Tsumugi exclaimed, a spark in her eye that almost made the detective decide that walking back home wouldn’t be too bad a prospect. But before he could try and flee, the bluenette grabbed his arm and pulled him inside.
“Let me take your coat!” She exclaimed, already trying to pull it off him, but Shuichi struggled against her.
“N-No! It’s fine!” He said, a hint of desperation coloring his voice. His coat at least went down to his mid-thighs! Without it, everyone would see-
Shuichi blinked when he finally registered what Tsumugi was wearing, which could only be described as a gift cosplay. A lewd one, of course.
She seemed only to be wearing ribbons, in a complex arrangement that covered her most intimate parts, while still leaving as much skin visible without being categorized as naked. Like, the Christmas version of a bikini.
“There!” Tsumugi exclaimed, using Shuichi’s surprise against him, and ripping his coat off him, leaving him only wearing the costume the cosplayer had designed.
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“Oh, I knew it!” Tsumugi exclaimed, drool escaping her lips as Shuichi’s blush exploded. “You just make for such a delicious-looking elf!” She said, rapidly walking around Shuichi to look at him from all angles, only to pause behind him for a moment and whistle, making Shuichi spin around, embarrassed.
“Wh-What is with this costume, Tsumugi!” He demanded, trying to have his anger overcome his embarrassment, if even for a moment, but the cosplayer wasn’t repentant in the slightest.
“What is it? Do you think I should’ve gone with a thong? I thought that you wouldn’t go for it, but I probably have something upstairs that’ll fit you if you insist…” Tsumugi wondered, looking very fixedly at his bulge, which simply couldn’t hide in the tight material.
“Wh-What!? No! This is- I can’t wear this in front of everyone!” Shuichi insisted though he could already tell from Tsumugi’s expression that he wouldn’t be convincing her.
She was staring at him, a sudden intense look on her face. “I can’t let you do that, Shuichi.” She said, making Shuichi pale.
He took a step back, a shiver going down his back. “T-Tsumugi?” He asked, but before he could react, the ribbon-adorned girl had grabbed hold of him once more. “Wh-What are you doing!?” The detective asked, struggling, but while he had been training with Kaito and Maki, Tsumugi was holding him with the strength of legions of horny fans.
“I won’t let you hide this magnificent cosplay from the world, Shuichi!” She said, before bodily picking him up, making him yelp as he was pressed against her, his face burning as he came into contact with so much bare skin.
He froze, trying not to touch her any more than necessary, but that only made her job easier as she walked towards the door leading into the foyer.
“And if a plain girl like me is enough to embarrass you, then you should definitely try and relieve some stress, if you know what I mean.” She declared, before boldly kicking the door open, attracting everyone’s eyes, and pushing him in.
The door closed behind him before he could so much as blink, and the sound of the lock turning made his heart plummet.
Thankfully, it seemed that not everyone had arrived yet, saving Shuichi some embarrassment at least, but still…
Everyone else here was also wearing skimpy Christmas-themed costumes. Kaito waved at him from the back of the room, his muscular chest bare except for a pair of candy cane-colored overall straps that were tied to his shorts, a redfaced Maki standing beside him, her eyes desperately fighting between staring at the astronaut and looking anywhere else.
Shuichi weakly waved back, but he didn’t have a chance to do much more, before a hand suddenly landed on his butt with a clap, making him yelp.
“Goddamn!” Miu yelled, palming one of his cheeks. “Talk about Christmas cake, am I right?” Shuichi tried to turn towards her, but her grip on him was like steel, and only his neck responded to his command.
But any protest he had been about to raise died in his throat as his eyes landed on the inventor.
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Miu’s bust had always been, uh, impressive. But Tsumugi’s costume somehow seemed to leave it on display even more than usual, no doubt aided by her leather corset. There was a lewd look in her eyes, but when Shuichi tried and take a step back, Miu forcefully pulled him closer, until his face landed in an ocean of softness.
“Oh god,” Shuichi mumbled, feeling Miu’s breasts envelop his head.
“Aren’t you a lewd little pervert?” Miu teased, her other hand suddenly landing on the top of his head, pulling him down even deeper in her cleavage. “But that’s exactly what I’m looking for. That retarded cosplayer gave Kibo a reindeer cosplay, so I’m looking for an elf to go with my Santa costume, yeah? So how about it?” Miu whispered, angling Shuichi’s head to make him stare up at her. “Wanna go find where Tsumugi’s bedroom is, and give that bed more action than it’ll ever see again?”
Shuichi’s blush had reached down to his neck as he stuttered an answer, though he himself wasn’t even aware of what it would’ve been if he ever gathered himself.
Thankfully (maybe), that was when another hand suddenly landed on Shuichi’s boy booty, making him moan quietly as it began to grope him thoroughly, unlike Miu’s calmer grip.
“Heyyy, Shuichi. Miu.” Kaede said, her voice making a shiver go down Shuichi’s spine.
Miu’s face paled at the cold in Kaede’s voice, but she soldiered on regardless. “H-Hey yourself, No T-Tits,” she stuttered, only to yelp as Kaede’s other hand grabbed onto Shuichi’s soldier, spinning him out of Miu’s grasp, though her initial grip on his butt cheek wasn’t so easily relinquished.
Which left Shuichi to land cheek first rather than face first in Kaede’s own boobs.
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Her top went just a bit too high to allow her to swallow Shuichi in her cleavage, but the detective still found himself sinking in her chest, though only for a moment, before Miu pulled him out, leaving him in between the two blondes who were glaring daggers at one another.
He gulped.
Kaede smiled coldly. “Thanks for finding my wayward elf, Miu. We’ll be going now.” She said, but Miu scoffed.
“Wayward? Finders keepers, losers weepers, no? Get your hands the fuck off my man before I cut them off.” She snarled, only to lose heat when Kaede’s smile fell.
“Stay in your lane, bitch, and back off,” Kaede said, leaning forward over Shuichi, pressing her tits against the side of his face.
And for a moment, Miu seemed ready to do exactly that. But before she could completely falter, her groping hand suddenly dove inside Shuichi’s pants, groping him directly.
“Ahn~” He moaned shamefully as her strong fingers grabbed hold of his doughy behind, sinking into his softness.
And the sound of his moan, and the sensation of his ass, seemed to reenergize the Meek Miu back into the Lewd Miu.
“Seems to me like you aren’t taking proper care of him, hm?” Miu said, suddenly changing her angle of attack.
Kaede blinked. “What are you talking about?” She asked, only to be met by Miu leaning forward herself, effectively sandwiching Shuichi between their chests.
“Look at this lewd little elf,” Miu cooed, her hand vigorously groping his behind, shooting bolts of pleasure up Shuichi’s spine. Her nails dug ever so slightly into his skin, just enough to heighten the sensation of her touch, and she even pulled on his cheek, spreading his ass open, making Shuichi whine at the feeling of stretching. “He’s so desperate, so needy~,” Miu said as Kaede’s face reddened more and more as the inventor pulled more and more sounds out of Shuichi.
“Clearly, you’ve been neglecting his lewd male needs,” Miu said, almost triumphantly, but said triumph was short-lived as Kaede’s face screwed up in determination.
The pianist’s own hand dove inside Shuichi’s pants to grab onto him, making him gasp, her long fingers easily covering acres, and digging forcefully, possessively into him.
“Well, maybe you should buzz off so I can tend to those needs, hm?” Kaede said as Shuichi devolved into more and more of an aroused mess between the two busty girls.
Kaede’s words only seemed to motivate Miu further, as her other hand soon went to Shuichi’s front, tracing a slow, sinuous path with a nail down his chest, sending tingly pleasure all across his body.
“Please, a virgin like you couldn’t handle this perverted elf.” Miu scoffed, only for her scoff to be returned by Kaede’s own, and her own hand going directly for Shuichi’s crotch, his cock hard and throbbing for a while now, and only growing more aroused as Kaede’s fingers closed on it, making him buck his hips.
“Don’t act like you’re any better than me on that part, Miu. You’re just as much of a virgin as I am.” She said, before Miu, apparently taking Kaede’s actions as a taunt, also sent her hand to Shuichi’s junk, grabbing him lower than Kaede had, cupping his full balls, and making Shuichi whine.
His head was stuck in between the bickering blondes’ chests, swallowing him in their warmth and softness, while his bottom was harshly assaulted on both sides, the girls’ strong fingers bending his skin to their will, making his legs twitch and his cock throb, his hips bucking and humping their hands like an animal.
“P-Please~” He half-moaned and half-gasped, making both girls and himself freeze. Had he been the one to let out that lewd begging?
The blondes’ faces had also reddened as they heard his aroused, desperate voice.
They shot one another a glance, no doubt noticing each other’s hard nipples and squirming thighs.
Kaede licked her lips. “How about we stop talking, and start doing,” she said, making Miu blink before a salacious smile crossed her lips.
“Sure. I guess I wouldn’t mind showing you how things are done~”
Kaede chuckled before the two girls began pulling Shuichi away, out of the room, though not without groping him thoroughly as they went.
He just barely managed to catch a thumbs up from Kaito, whose own hand seemed suspiciously low down Maki’s back, the assassin panting as she stared into nothing before the door closed behind the trio, who wouldn’t be seen until morning, though they would do a very good job at being heard.
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thelewdpokemanik · 1 year
Miu is a very jealous person, and learning how she wasn’t top one in every Boy’s "want to fuck" list in the accademy ? She took it personally, so here she goes in a mad plan~..
Her first victim was going to be that nerd chiaki~.. she gave her a new video game that as the gamer girl will play it, she will get corrupt by it, changing her to the core, slowly turning the bubbly lazy girl into a toxic punk raging gamer, according her clothing style to her new persona, making her do super lewd lives on twitch, milking her comunity like simps~ and being overall a total bitch to handle~.. admittedly tho it did make her sexier for some, hajime ain’t really complaining considering how.. forward she tends to be as snatching what she wants.. and she wants him~
(The Hajime / chiaki can ne ignored but NO NTR)
Chiaki couldn't say she really understood Miu's reasoning. Trying to make sense of the Ultimate Inventor's motivations was already a mess and a half usually, but her gift and subsequent demand left Chiaki confused, though not overly suspicious.
Yes, Miu had almost outright told her that the game was basically an act of vengeance for some nebulous slight Chiaki hadn't understood. And yes, the inventor had practically admitted to hating the gamer.
But at the same time, Chiaki wasn't sure there was someone in this school Miu didn't talk to exactly like this.
And a game was a game, regardless of why Miu had given it to Chiaki.
And since the file didn't seem to have any kind of virus on it that her antivirus could find, she shrugged, and booted up her stream.
As soon as she did, viewers began flowing into her chat, but she didn't make much of an effort to acknowledge them. Chiaki knew some streamers grew tremendously popular by the sheer force of their personality, but the Ultimate Gamer didn't particularly care for popularity.
Not only that, but this wasn't that kind of stream.
This wasn't Chiaki Nanami's stream. It was the Ultimate Gamer's.
People came here to see her demolish games, learn tips and tricks, and sometimes try their own hand against her in online tournaments.
Chiaki played like a machine. She didn't give the chat much attention as she did, nor did she comment much. The only reason she even had a webcam was to prove she was the one playing, and sometimes explain precise button inputs that required an esoteric grip on a controller.
As the chat slowly filtered in, she opened up the game Miu had given her, and immediately, her gamer nerves warned her.
There was a shiver going down her spine, that warned her that this wasn't a fun game.
No, this was a game that followed a long legacy.
Cat Mario.
I Wanna Be The Guy.
And now, Chiaki's Ultimate Challenge.
A troll game, designed exclusively to make the player angry and ruin their day.
Chiaki could sense it in her bones, but she couldn't say she was opposed to such games.
She even had respect for those who made them. There was an art to them, a technique. You had to truly understand games and those who played them to systematically destroy them after all.
And Chiaki could appreciate the challenge. It was a battle of wits between her and the developer, both using their knowledge of the other to try and find and avoid their traps or lure her into one.
But did Miu have the know-how to make a satisfying one?
An hour later, Chiaki was, frustrated. It was a state of mind she wasn’t familiar with. Especially not while playing a game.
Only one way to find out.
- - -
Not even classic troll games could get her this riled up, nor could uber-difficult rage games. Because those games could be tamed.
Once she fell in a trap once, she wouldn’t fall in it the next go around, and inch by inch, step by step, she would conquer them.
But Chiaki’s Ultimate Challenge was a different beast. Miu was playing dirty, using every trick the Ultimate Inventor could come up with to ruin Chiaki’s night.
Frames dropped randomly, messing up her timing at the worst possible moment. Traps changed speed and position every time she died and reloaded the stage. The game was intentionally running poorly, making her monster of a pc run extremely hot, and making the gamer sweat enough that she had to ditch the jacket a quarter of an hour in.
Not to mention the way the screen obnoxiously flashed bright pink whenever the tiny pixelated Chiaki died, straining the real Chiaki's eyes something fierce, though she didn't dare look away from the screen for even a moment.
The music too was designed to annoy her she thought. The main track was high-pitched and annoying, but she was almost certain that there was a vocal track as well, but the mix was horrible. What she suspected to be a pitch-shifted synthesizer was drowning out the voice something fierce. Not enough to completely stomp it out, but Chiaki simply couldn't decipher a word it whispered in her headphones. 
It wasn’t a challenge of skill, but of will. And Chiaki wasn’t used to being tested like this. A furrow was dug into her brow as she tried to concentrate on the infuriating game. Her button presses came harder and harder, and her jaw was clenched tight.
But it was all for naught. Once more, the platform at the very beginning of the level became intangible without any sense or warning, sending Chiaki back to the title screen with a bright pink flash that made her blink rapidly.
“Dammit!” She said, only to blush at the curse word.
And in response to the first curse word her viewers had ever heard from her, her frustration, and her death, her chat devolved into an indecipherable torrent of comments.
She spotted more than one mocking comment, but she ignored them, only feeding her growing frustration with them into the fire of her determination.
She wasn’t ready to give up yet. Despite Miu’s best efforts, Chiaki was still carving herself a path forward, death by death.
It took many hours, but Chiaki finally managed to crawl her way out of the first level. There was a limit to what a machine could come up with, and Chiaki had come to learn some of the patterns it fell into, allowing her to at least begin to consistently advance.
The real question was whether or not she’d keep her cool long enough to beat the first level.
- - -
For example, that first platform wasn’t as random as Chiaki had thought. It was timed. But not with, like, an internal clock, or a cycle, no.
The platform wasn’t tangible whenever her computer’s clock ended in a pair number.
Chiaki was back in a comfortable rhythm, though not a fun one. Once she managed to find those kinds of esoteric patterns, she could clear some traps, but most of them still evaded her. It was only her Ultimate Gamer’s instincts that had allowed her to come this far.
But this was the first time she saw the second stage, and of course, that meant another game over.
She sighed, but there was also a glimmer of hope in her chest. Progress was possible, at least. And she would clear this game if it took her a year of gaming every night on it.
With a hint of a smile on her lips, she rebooted the game, which of course, sent her back to the first level with the usual pink flash. She’d expected it.
What she hadn’t expected was for the first platform to be intangible even though it was 2:45:11 AM.
Chiaki’s blood ran cold. Like a madwoman, she tried, again and again, to land on it, making sure she wasn’t messing up the timing. But she wasn’t missing her window. It simply no longer existed.
The platform no longer followed the rule she’d discovered. Nor did any of the other traps she’d deciphered.
The patterns had changed once she’d reached the second level.
“FUCKING SHIT!” Chiaki yelled, throwing her controller against the wall, where it exploded into a dozen pieces.
She froze as she did, the sound like a cold shower falling atop her head. She ignored the torrent of comments her actions earned herself.
"F-Fudge." Chiaki forced herself to say, panting. She had jumped out of her seat as she'd thrown the controller, and she took a moment to center herself, panting while resting her hands on her hips, arching her back ever so slightly.
She could feel her shirt sticking uncomfortably to her skin as she did, her room having become a veritable sauna because of Miu's game. Sweat was making her hair stick to her forehead as she closed her eyes to calm herself, only for them to blink back open when her computer began jingling away.
Her head turned towards the monitor, only to blush at the feedback she saw there. Her sweat had turned her white shirt transparent, leaving her pink bra visible through the fabric. Not to mention the way her chest was heaving as she panted, drawing the eye towards her boobs even further.
And the jingles she'd been hearing-
'Nice curves Chi-chan~'
'U go gurl'
'Love seeing those gamer tits <3'
Messages were flashing across her screen. Not in the chat box where the rest of the chat was.
No, those were donations. All of them prompted by her unplanned show.
Chiaki could feel her blush heating her face.
Well, she no longer had a controller anyway. "I'm going to bed. Good night everyone, and th-thank you for the donations." She stuttered, before ending the stream and closing the screen, only to blink once more.
She was leaning down to reach her mouse and as such-
She could see the reflection of her deep cleavage on the darkened screen.
Her blush exploded as she realized how she'd looked as she ended the stream, before shaking her head with a sigh.
This night was a wash as far as she was concerned. Her controller was destroyed, she'd made a fool of herself, and she hadn't made any progress on Miu's fucking game-
She shook her head. Whatever. Clearly, Miu's program could only be called a game in the loosest definition of the term, and she didn't feel bad about saying it was awful and not worth her time.
She crashed atop her bed soon enough, the fatigue brought upon by the heat and the frustration soon pulling her under.
But sleep didn't offer her the rest she'd hoped. That annoying music had followed her in her dreams, as had the whispers and the pink flashes.
Even in her dreams, the flashes disoriented her, and though the whispers were louder, they were just as unintelligible as they had been when she’d been awake.
But even if she couldn't understand them, they were still omnipresent and loud in a way whispers shouldn’t be, drowning out every other one of her thoughts. The pink wasn’t helping her concentrate either.
The flashes came and went without rhyme or reason, assaulting her like flashbangs, as Chiaki tried to escape both them and the whispers. But it was futile. They were hounding her in this nightmare, as she ran without hope of outrunning them.
And when she woke up the next morning, she definitely felt like she’d spent the night running.
She was sweating like a pig, almost heaving her breathes, and worst of all-
That fucking song was stuck in her head.
Thankfully, the donations she'd received the night before had helped finance her new controller. She'd even had some left over to preorder a game she'd been looking forward to.
Chiaki squashed her face into her pillow, and screamed.
- - -
All in all, she was glad she'd gotten them, even if the means had been, well…
She shook her head. Whatever. She booted up the stream once her controller was properly set-up, only to blink when she saw the number of viewers.
It was far more than it had been yesterday evening. And judging from the chat…
Word had spread about what she'd accidentally shown off last night. And people were appreciating her having already taken off her hoodie. They were hoping for another show, which made Chiaki blush.
That wasn't her intention at all! She just knew how hot her room would get while she played Miu's game.
Whatever. Maybe this would mean she'd get more donations. At least let her get something from this shitty game.
She booted up the game, and leaned back in her chair as it loaded, watching the chat chug along.
The viewers were, well, horny was probably the word for it. They were already clamoring for her to undo a button or many, show off more of the cleavage that was hidden behind her tight shirt.
She blushed as she read the mix of lewd compliments and requests. The chat was apparently solidly empowered by its anonimity, and didn't hesitate to speak its mind.
"This isn't that kind of stream, you p-perverts." She mumbled, only to prompt a ding from her computer.
"Thank you for the dona-" Chiaki cut herself off as she read the message attached to the donation.
"We may be perverts, but we are perverts with money."
What an awful line. But a truthful one, it seemed. Chiaki blinked when she saw the amount that had just been sent.
100$. Just like that. Chiaki had made a hundred dollars for doing basically nothing. She blinked again, her mouth opening again to say, what? She didn't know. 
Thankfully, her game finished loading at that moment, beginning to play the music she'd so grown to hate.
She felt herself frowning immediately, before settling in her seat, her brand-new controller in hand.
People who'd liked Chiaki swearing yesterday found themselves eating good tonight.
Playing this game wasn't fun. But she wanted to win. Badly.
- - -
"Goddamnit." The gamer girl bit out as her avatar fell through another platform. She ignored the jeers from her chat once again as she restarted all the way back to level one.
She'd reached a point where she could semi-consistently make her way to level 2, but progress was slow. But slow progress was still progress as Chiaki somehow managed to claw her way to the end of level 2.
Her computer was still chugging, prompting Chiaki to undo a couple of buttons from her shirt to try and survive the heat.
The couple of donations it earned her didn't hurt either.
A chat grabbed her attention amongst the deluge somehow.
'Maybe you should stick to showing off your tits instead of playing games lmao' someone said, making Chiaki's eyes do a double take.
Just in time for her character to run into an invisible enemy.
Died. Again. Because of that asshole.
And the screen flashed again, and that stupid fucking music somehow got even louder, grating against Chiaki’s ears, against her fucking thoughts-
Chiaki grit her teeth, clenched her fists tightly enough that the plastic of the controller creaked under her fingers, though she could barely hear it over the music, the flashes, and the avalanche of chatters-
She breathed in, trying to calm back down, but all it did was send a shot of oxygen into the fire of her anger, immediately burning away the familiar voice in her heart trying to convince her to be the bigger person.
"FUCKING GODDAMNIT! YOU MISOGYNISTIC PIECE OF SHIT!" Chiaki screamed, throwing her controller atop her bed, where it landed with a wholly unsatisfying poomf. She stood up, making her chair roll away behind her as she dove onto her keyboard.
It was a matter of seconds to find the chat again, not hesitating a moment to pull up his profile.
This dumb motherfucker.
"I should just stick to showing off my tits, Theo? Why, so you can jack off your needle dick? How about you stick to being a useless little CUCK! Think about that the next time you look up my stream before touching your microdick!" Chiaki yelled, before banning the chatter, to the jeers and applause of her audience.
She panted once she'd done so, her chest heaving with exertion, sweat running down her forehead and back.
She- had never gotten this angry. Ever.
And she felt great.
There was a gigantic weight that had suddenly lifted itself from her chest, and she fell back in her chair with a smile on her face.
No, not a smile- There was a satisfaction, a slight edge of sadism that pierced through, making it appear as a wholly uncharacteristic smirk.
She blinked when her computer dinged again, announcing a new donation.
‘Im sorry please unban me’
By Th3oK1ll3r.
Chiaki giggled slightly, which quickly turned into a chuckle, and then full-bellied laughter.
She could just imagine Theo’s fucking face as he sent her his hard-earned cash, dick forgotten in hand as he begged pathetically for some of her attention.
A small nugget of pity welled up inside of her momentarily, but she crushed it mercilessly, aided by the music and the lights that were still flashing for some reason, despite Chiaki no longer playing.
She sat up in her chair.
“You think your pocket change is gonna make me unban you? That might be enough to pay your mom for a night, but I’m not a whore like her. How about you either put your money where your mouth is or get the fuck off my stream, Baby Dick?” Chiaki declared mockingly, leaning to the side to pick up her controller once more.
She took a moment to breathe as she did. Her heart was pounding like crazy, and she couldn’t get her smile off her face. Again, that annoying, nagging voice came around to try and make her apologize for lambasting the anonymous viewer, but the catchy tune quickly drowned it out once more.
The shitty loop was at least good for something, Chiaki had to admit. She might have to put it on her phone or something.
She rose back up, controller in hand when she heard another ding. 
Th3oK1ll3r, with another 5,00$.
She made sure not to even acknowledge it, much to the derision of her chat.
Instead, she began playing once more, a smirk still pulling at her lips as she did.
The weight her angry release had freed her from hadn’t yet returned and didn’t seem eager to do so either.
Chiaki’s Ultimate Challenge had never tasted so sweet than with Theo’s desperate donations ringing every so often in her ears, and by the time she left the stream, she told Theo she’d think about unbanning him.
Over the next several streams, Chiaki’s viewers were greeted with the fruit of Theo’s money, not to mention all the other desperate donors that had grown to follow the Ultimate Gamer.
Maybe after a few more hundred dollars.
- - -
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Chiaki had been so happy with herself, so light after that fateful stream, she’d been eager to embrace this newfound mentality of hers.
Gone were the pastel sweaters and oversized clothes. Instead, tight black clothes that made her pale skin pop and her curves all the more pronounced were practically painted on, not to mention the actual paint on her face. Her top revealed an ocean of cleavage deep enough to drown in.
“More than enough to completely swallow the cocklet of any of my viewers…” Chiaki mumbled to herself, pulling at the rim of her tank top and revealing even more skin.
She was still gaming, but she was only paying half attention to the game, instead focusing much more closely on the chat, scanning the influx of new messages with the eyes of a hawk, waiting for her prey to present itself.
And soon enough, a baby-dicked virgin appeared, eager to try and act confident online where no one knew just how much of a cuck they were in real life.
‘How about you stop pretending and actually take off your top?’
Like a lioness pouncing on a gazelle, Chiaki pivoted towards her second monitor, pulling up the user who’d dared speak up.
“Oh, I should stop pretending, AnimeLov3r? Maybe you should stop pretending this isn’t the first time you’ve spoken to a girl in months, and shut the fuck up! Here, I’ll help you out. You’re banned for a week! Take that time to get out of your coomer cave and go talk to a girl other than your mom! Though if that’s too hard for you, just stay here, jacking off your needledick to a girl who’ll never give you the time of day!”
Immediately, Chiaki felt the music’s pounding grow even heavier in her ears, and the pink flashes made her eyes flutter in pleasure. Her thighs squeezed tightly together, rubbing against her core as she rode the high of newfound sadism.
She found that the annoying voice from before was now almost completely gone. Or rather, it had changed its tune somewhat.
‘Who gives a shit what I say to stupid fucking simps? All they’re good for is sending me their check every month. Perverts probably get off to the insults too, like the masochistic betas they are.’
Chiaki found this new train of thought much more agreeable. It fit in quite well with the flashy pink decor and the background music that never quite seemed to go away…
Chiaki blinked rapidly as she heard the doorbell ring.
She felt her heart pick up the pace, her cheeks heating up slightly, a genuine smile stretching her lips.
She’d invited Hakime to come visit her today. After multiple months of procrastinating and hesitating, the two teenagers constantly rocking on the edge of actually becoming a couple, it seemed the Regular Course Student had taken Chiaki’s new wardrobe and attitude as the invitation it was when it came to real men, unlike her army of simps.
And now, he was going to help her branch out in her career.
“Okay losers, my boyfriend just got here. He’s actually got a dick worth something unlike the rest of you, and he’ll be using it to fuck me all night long, so stream’s over.”
That said, Chiaki ‘forgot’ to turn the stream off, and left the room, making sure the webcam got a great view of her ass swaying under her tight skirt as she did.
No doubt the way Hajime would make her scream would make for a great publicity stunt for her burgeoning OnlyFans to all of her cuck viewers who would stick around and masturbate to what a real man was capable of.
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lewdganronpa · 1 year
New headcanon. Shu's mom may be a world wide known actress, shes actually also an ultra thicc ultra ripped and curvy mega sexy divorced strong and independant queen tomboy whos As into "that close to incest" with her son than kaede's mega bimbo goddess of beauty of a mom to her own daughter. She definitely calles shuichi "my little cake" referencing his fat femboy butt and shes very sex and body positive. Also tenko would die from nosebleed meeting her.
(headcanon accepted! i understand and agree! shuichis mom has got it going on)
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