#cowboy childe
i mentioned cowboy childe once upon a time and uhhhh he hasn’t left my brain Ꮚ•ꈊ•✿Ꮚ
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˚✧₊• cowboy childe… he’s a menace, to say the least. that’s not to say he’s an all around terrible guy, he does have his own moral code, but to anyone wanting a calm or more standard lifestyle he’s off the rails.
he more or less developed a reputation as a wanderer who ‘dealt’ with all problems he deemed necessary; typically injustice towards the poor or disposing of generally unsavoury characters. if someone who knew something about something caught wind of him heading through town, it was guaranteed to cause a stir. an expensive glass of whisky and all the details was everything he needed to get to work. though, not all of his jobs were of a violent nature. he could often be found hired by elderly farmers to care for their cattle for a couple days or playing games to amuse local children who absolutely adore his tales of adventure.
enter, you. the simple clerk of a boutique and tailor in a growing frontier town. you mainly specialize in refitting garments and accessories of all varieties but occasionally take on more complex custom pieces as you have the steadiest hand in the shop. it had been a cool spring afternoon when he walked in. immediately, the small chatter and giggles leaking through the building halted but he didn’t seem phased. you supposed this happened often for him given the reputation he carries. his boots clacked loudly as he walked to your counter, knuckles tapping the brim of his hat further up to get a better look at you. with a face of freckles, sunshine, and open skies, he requested your work for a new holster. one beautifully crafted of leather, silver hardware, and sinew but ornately stitched and with plenty of room for bullets. he proudly showed you the colt revolver he carried with a wooden handle he’d carved himself while travelling. you weren’t one to decline any work, so you took up the project, much to his delight.
it was hard to find you working without Ajax hanging around afterwards. whether it was him bringing you some fresh fruit or inviting you out to the saloon after the day, he seemed to have grown quite fond of you and you’d be lying if you claimed not to like him as well. perhaps he had blood on his hands but you admired his perseverance and dedication to bringing equality to towns that needed it. after one particular trip to the saloon, he took you back to where he was staying with hands never leaving your body.
for a man so isolated, he sure knew where to touch. with calloused finger tips and chapped lips he brought you a kind of pleasure only comparable to a personal heaven. having those same sunburnt shoulders and star kissed cheeks between your legs or above your body was a celestial experience, one you didn’t think you could let go off. one you ached for already knowing he’d depart once you finished his commission. one you wanted to sew into a garment only to be worn by yourself. it was a love felt in the marrow of your bones and by whatever god out there did you not want to let go. you knew you couldn’t dawdle on the project as you needed to make money but a couple cents lost meant nothing should he stick around for a little longer.
if only you knew how he planned to settle not only in your heart but also in your little town but, he found your desperation cute. Ajax couldn’t wait to show you the draft for your new home. <3
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teyvatmoon · 2 years
DRAW COWBOY DILOO AND CHILDE HAVING A SHOOTOUT!!!!!!!! or just hangin out idk :3c
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I GOT A LIL CARRIED AWAY FASMFNJK it is absolutely NOT what the prompt says but im a lil silly so im allowed
anyways hehe me n bby girl @venusandsaturnsrings's lil guys
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northstarscowboyhat · 6 months
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Stress relief doodles of the found Justice family ✨💖
Bonus: I HC that Clover snores loud enough to wake the dead.
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mysticmiav · 3 months
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Here have cowboy Childe ok bye
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sydneighsays · 4 months
Jee and V getting along (optional)
I found this audio Instagram.
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lacerise · 6 months
Been Country.
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Beyoncé's old looks.
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thatgurlbey · 6 months
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meowzanin33 · 4 months
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cowboy katana man
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ananxiousgenz · 3 months
pssst. pssssssst. hey guys. look at what i got y'all (IT'S MORE JARTHUR COWBOY AU)
this one comes with several pieces of info you need to know first:
@percymawce-arts and I are writing this fic together!!! we have entered into writers matrimony for this fic and we are super excited about it!! I wrote the bare bones of the scene you're about to read and he added almost all of the flavor and spice (while i was laying on my bed in the family guy dead pose bc of how good he made it). make sure to go show percy some love for this too!!
this scene takes place after one where john and arthur chase after larson, but arthur refuses to shoot him, and john is more than a little pissed off about it.
and some trigger warnings: this scene contains some fighting (both verbal and physical), child abuse, religious trauma, homophobia, and some suggestive themes
and finally, i will tag @ellamenop and @izel-reblogs bc i have a feeling you will both enjoy this :)
“What,” John snarled, slamming the cabin door shut behind him, “the fuck. What was that?!”
“None of your business,” Arthur replied, ever so prim and fucking proper. He kept his back to John, maybe to hide his face, so John couldn’t read him. Maybe because he was too much of a coward to meet John’s eyes after that stunt. John didn’t care what the reason was. It was only pissing him off more.
“No. Fuck that. It's all my business.”
“I didn't fire a gun. How is that making you upset?”
“You had him right in front of you,” John rumbled, his voice as low and dangerous as thunder on the horizon. Arthur shivered. “And you let him go. You had the opportunity to kill him. To end this, all of this. And you let it slip through your fucking fingers.”
“Maybe I didn't want to kill him.”
“What the fuck does that matter? He's too goddamn dangerous to be left alive!”
“It's not that simple, John-”
“The hell it is! I’m sorry you feel conflicted or whatever it is that’s going on in that head of yours, but this isn’t about you! All you had to do was fire the fucking gun. He was right in front of you, and you didn't shoot!”
“No, I didn't!”
“You want to know why?” Arthur shouted, whipping around to face John, at last. “Because I can't kill another person! Even someone as awful as Larson! I’m not like you! This isn’t easy for me, alright?!”
As soon as the words had left his mouth, Arthur’s face fell. John could see the regret wash over his face like a cloud over the burning sun, but it only lasted a moment before he was collecting himself. Putting on that same mask of polite-until-you-fuck-with-me he always wore around suspects and targets. John had never had that face turned on him before. He hated it.
“So that’s what this is about,” John murmured, his tone dark. “You think it’s easy… You think I’m a monster, and you’d rather let Larson go free than be like me.”
“No, John, that’s not-”
 “Who do you think made me that way?” John snapped. Arthur’s mouth closed so fast John heard his teeth click. “It was him, Arthur. It was Larson. And thanks to you, he’s going to go and do it to another lonely, scared Native kid with nowhere else to go!” John chuckled humorlessly. “Christ, Arthur, If that’s what you thought of me, why didn’t you just say it at the start?”
Arthur threw up his hands in frustration. “That’s not what I think of you, John. Jesus, am I not allowed to have a minor moral crisis over shooting a man?!”
“He’s not just a man! He’s a gangster! A robber! A killer! You told me so yourself!”
“So are you, John.”
“Yeah, and you shot me for it,” John reminded him. 
Arthur growled and slammed his fist down on the mantle of the fireplace beside them, hard enough that John could feel the vibration travel through the floor. “Jesus fucking Christ, John, I wanted to let the law deal with him! Is that so hard to understand?!”
John took a step in Arthur’s direction. “Oh yeah? The same law that ripped me away from my family and home? The same law that turned me into a monster? Too little and too much for everyone all at the same time? The same law that drove human beings off of their lands and into reservations? That killed thousands of people like me?”
“The criminal law would have placed Larson in jail. Like he deserved.”
John scoffed and crossed his arms. “You think the law cares that he deserves it, Arthur? The law is punishment for those who don’t deserve it and ignorance for those who do. There’s no justice in it.”
“What, so that means it’s your job to deal it out?”
“Yes!” John yelled. “If it means he can’t hurt anyone any longer, then yes. And vigilante justice works a hell of a lot faster than the court system will ever manage!”
“I thought you were trying to be a better man, John.”
“I was trying to be like you,” John said venomously. “My mistake.”
That was the final straw. Arthur took a step forward without warning and swung his fist as hard as he could. It made contact with John’s ribs (he could feel them shift beneath Arthur’s fist), and John made a soft oof sound as the wind was knocked out of his lungs and he was knocked into the fireplace mantle, the corner of it digging into his shoulder. 
The fight that followed was chaotic and messy in a way John had never experienced before, and when he tried to think back to it, it would only be preserved in blurry snapshots, like someone moving in the middle of a photograph. Arthur grabbed John’s braid and pulled. John clawed a deep gouge into his arm. He drew blood. Arthur twisted John’s arm. John cracked Arthur’s rib. Arthur knocked John’s legs out from under him, causing them both to go sprawling onto the floor. Arthur punched. John slapped. Arthur bit. John pinned. And then paused. And then…
In the midst of the fighting, John had ended up on top of Arthur, straddling his waist while pinning both wrists with one hand and grabbing a fistfull of Arthur’s shirt with the other. Both of them had frozen, the only movement the rapid rise and fall of their chests. Their noses were nearly touching, and John could feel Arthur’s breath fanning across his lips, staring into those dark, dark eyes. They weren’t so dark, John realized as he looked into them. They were brown, lovely and warm, with scattered flecks of gold and green nestled deep inside. Hidden gems, wide and wild with adrenaline, flicking back and forth across John’s face without any point of focus.
John’s eyes flicked over the rest of Arthur’s face. Freckles smattered across his nose and cheekbones. Loose strands of auburn hair falling messily across his forehead. The crooked corners of his nose from being broken one too many times. Smile lines beside his tired eyes. Lips like flower petals, soft and pale. Slightly parted and inhaling, exhaling. At some point, John realized he had let go of Arthur’s shirt and was cradling Arthur’s face oh-so gently as he examined it, dragging his thumb lightly over his cheekbone, caressing it. Down the bridge of his nose to his lips, his perfect lips. Arthur remained as still as stone, barely even breathing as he stared blindly back at John.
Somewhere behind the haze of the moment, John wondered subconsciously what would happen if he kissed Arthur. Because, the truth, he realized, was that deep down, in the pit of his stomach, he wanted. He wanted Arthur, in a way he had never wanted anyone else before. He wanted to be close to him, close like this. Closer than this. To be around him always, to hold him, to kiss him. 
What would happen if he took what he wanted instead of what he was told, for once?
He hesitated when he heard Arthur’s breath hitch.But then, when no resistance came, he leaned his head down ever so slightly (there was barely any bridge to gap, by that point), and then he was kissing Arthur. And it was like the world had been set ablaze.
As he pressed his lips against Arthur’s, every nerve in John’s body was alive. It felt like a jolt from a live wire, like a burst of fireworks that would light up the sky on the Fourth of July, like the sparking tang of gunpowder before the shot rang out. It felt like energy, pure and bright and hot and lighting him up from the inside. He felt Arthur’s body respond in kind, arching up to create a line of contact that started at their hands and continued all the way down to their tangled legs, making John shiver. He tasted like whiskey, sweet and sharp beneath the campfire smoke and aftershave, and John marveled at how such a strange and sinful combination could taste like it had just come down from heaven.
He kissed harder, chasing the taste. He nipped at Arthur’s lip hard enough to draw blood, adding a coppery tang to the kiss and eliciting a small moan from the back of Arthur’s throat. It only made John want more. He kissed him again, and again, and again, Arthur’s lips and tongue moving against his with a practiced skill that made John dizzy. He kissed him until his lips were swollen and his head was swimming with nothing but Arthur, Arthur, Arthur. He only pulled away when his chest was burning and there was no choice but to come up for air.
Arthur’s face was flushed, his eyes wide and twinkling. “Oh God.” His voice was hoarse. “Oh, Jesus fucking Christ, John.”
And an unbidden memory surfaced in John’s mind. 
He was back in boarding school, sitting for a mandatory midnight mass in the chapel, his posture ramrod straight. The priests had always been so particular about those masses. There was to be no slouching or fidgeting, and God alone could help you if you dozed off. John had been kneeing in one of the pews, focusing all of his attention on keeping his posture perfect and his eyes open and remaining somewhat alert. 
In the midst of silent prayer, one of the priests, a Father McKenna, had thrown open the doors to the chapel, and dragged another boy up before the altar by his ear. 
The boy had tears streaming down his disheveled face and his nose was red from crying, but the thing that struck John the most about him were his eyes. He just looked so… tired. Not the kind of tired that John was fighting, the kind where a seductive sleep was lingering at the corners of his vision, waiting for him to blink or close his eyes in “prayer” for a second too long. This boy looked like the kind of tired that shot through his bones and grew like rot and rust with every passing day, the kind that only shuffling off this mortal coil a bit too soon could cure.
Father McKenna said the boy had been caught ‘with’ another, with a fury in his eyes that made John wonder in the back of his mind if he had been possessed by the devil. He’d been too young to know what it meant to be ‘with’ another boy at the time, but he knew it must be evil. Father McKenna threw him down in front of the altar, and the boy- John vaguely recognized him to be a child named Alexander- just knelt with his head bowed, like he had accepted his fate before Fate came to dole it out.
Father McKenna was not pleased by this. He smacked the back of Alexander’s head. Hard. He didn’t respond. He picked up a hymnal and smacked him harder still. And still, nothing. 
The priest was trembling with barely concealed fury now, and there was a steady pit of dread opening up in John’s stomach as he began to eye the doors, the windows. Any potential escape from the devil and the punishment that awaited him.
But there was no escape, there never was. So John sat, quietly, and watched as Father McKenna began to beat Alexander.
It was horrible, but somehow John couldn’t tear his eyes away, not even as Alexander’s screams tore through his ears and began to echo off the vaulted ceilings, pleas to stop and promises to never do it again ringing in John’s mind. Not even as the boy’s blood began to stain Father McKenna’s hands and drip onto the marble stairs, as vivid and crimson as sacramental wine. Not even as two of the altar boys had to drag Alexander’s barely conscious, barely breathing body down the aisle and out to the hospital wing.
John was trembling by the end of it. He felt like he was going to throw up. He dreamed of that moment for weeks afterward, never able to sleep without witnessing another religious sacrifice, another crucifixion, another martyr behind his eyelids.
Suddenly back in the present– but not really, never fully out of the past– John scrambled back off of Arthur and pressed his back against a wall, wide-eyed and sweating in sudden, sickening fear. In another life he might have missed the feeling of Arthur beneath him, his waist between his thighs, his lips against his. But nothing could permeate that fear. Nothing would ever be bigger than the fear.
“Wha– John?” Arthur asked. There was fear in his eyes too, but it was different. It wasn’t fear of hell or Father McKenna or whatever had become of Alexander. It was fear for John. It was concern. John closed his eyes against it. “John, what’s wrong? What–,” “Shut up.”
“Just, be quiet!” John snapped. “Please, please, just–,” his voice broke. He squeezed the bridge of his nose between his fingers, trying to stave off an oncoming headache. 
“Okay…” Arthur said, quietly. Gently, so cruelly gentle. John could feel the beginnings of tears burning behind his eyes. He squeezed them shut tighter. “Okay.”
“This…” John started. He didn’t want to say it. He knew there would be no coming back from it. No more fireworks, no more whiskey on flower petal lips. Never again would he be so close to Arthur Lester if he said it. But that was the point wasn’t it? Make distance.
Take what he was told, never what he wanted.
“This was a mistake,” John said, firmly. A lie, of course. Inside, his very soul was shaking. The strings of his heart were trembling in a tragic vibrato, a song with no recipient. But he’d always been good at lying. He stood, tossing his braid over his shoulder and brushing the dust of his shirt (his wrinkled shirt, stained with a speck of Arthur’s blood). “It never happened.” He didn’t look at Arthur, because he was a coward. He was everything Arthur thought he was, so he didn’t look him in the eye when he said:
“If you ever so much as mention this, to anyone, I won’t hesitate, Arthur.”
He opened the door to the cabin, ready to step outside, leaving everything he’d never known he’d wanted behind. 
“I’m not you.”
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expiredsoda · 9 months
wild west au with cowboy!bela ? sign me up 👌✨
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I shit you not the moment this idea get pum into my brain my mind just keep showing me images of bela manspreading 😮‍💨
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
I want to see cowboy reader get captured and hurt by unsub and JJ worried because those two seem to have chemistry
Description: Cowboy reader's father visits, things don't go too well...
Warnings: abuse, abusive parents, abduction, claustrophobia, judgy nurse, hospital visits, child abuse mentions
A/N: I'm panicking that this feels rushed but equally, I started writing this on the 15th of May so it can't be that rushed can it? Lmao (Also I'm so sorry it's taken this long). Posting this before I can doubt myself some more :))
Taglist: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23 @supercriminalbean @honestlycasualarcade @caffeine-mess @1s3v3n1 @oddmiles @kevyeen @stealing-kneecaps @criminalskies @woodandwaxwings @wizardmon3 @aphroditeslovr @ducks118 @azeal-peal @13thdoctor-run @introvertpan84 @goth-boi-atlas @iliketozoneout
You and Spencer stood in front of the geographical profile, to be honest, Spencer was doing most of the work, you were watching the wheels in his brain tick. Since meeting the young doctor, you had almost been in awe of his intelligence and the way his brain worked (and you couldn’t help but want to protect him from the world). 
This precinct was set out slightly different to the others you had been to, this station’s conference room had no windows, purely lit by shitty lights that were screwed into the ceiling. The only way you were able to read in this room was if you also switched on a bright light that was a lot less warm-toned to actually see. 
"(Y/N)?" You snapped out of your train of thought, turning to the voice, it feeling vaguely familiar. 
"Yes?" When you turn to him, you instantly know who it is but you force your face to stay neutral.
"You don't remember me." He manages to look somewhat defeated, you'll give him that. 
"No, I remember you." You said, folding your arms, "You just don't mean anything to me." 
"And why’s that?" 
"You're not worth my energy." 
He places a hand on his heart, "You wound me, son." 
"Shame." You answer, you turn to Spencer, "Can you go get Hotch?" 
Spencer looks at the scene hesitantly, not wanting to leave you alone with the man. Especially if he is your father. "It's okay, Spence." You reassured with a tight smile. 
"Yeah, it's alright, Spence." Your father says as he takes a step towards Spencer. 
When your father takes a step closer to Spencer, before you know it, you have him pinned against the wall. "Don't you even fuckin' dare stand near him." You growl, "I don't care how much you think you've changed, come near him, I'll break you." 
Chuckling, despite his head pressed against the wall, your father turns his head to look at Spencer. "I have changed." 
"Bull. Shit." You force the words out of your mouth, anger flowing through your blood. "Spencer, go get Hotch." You wanted Hotch here for a multitude of reasons. The main three being:
Make sure you don't nearly kill him
Make sure he doesn't nearly kill you
Make sure Spencer is safe 
As soon as he's gone, your father's demeanour shifts and he smirks, "I thought we'd never be alone,"
And with that, he manoeuvers himself and slams your head into the wall, knocking you unconscious. 
When Hotch and Spencer ran back into the room, three minutes later, you were nowhere to be seen. 
You didn't know how long it had been, just that it must have been ages - at least four days. You had been there for ages, in the dark, a closet to be specific. And everywhere hurt - so, so much. Your father had been in multiple times and it was like you were twelve years old again, stuck at home with a monster with no one to save you. Except you knew that you had people in the outside world that actually cared about you (your team).
Each time your father visited you, dragging you out of the closet and throwing you to the floor, he inflicted a different pain that reminded you of your childhood while he hurled insults in your direction. It had been a while since his last visit - a few hours, perhaps - and, to your dismay, you were beginning to worry whether he would come back.
"This ain't creepy at all," You muttered to yourself, perhaps if you closed your eyes and simply pretended you were at home that would help.
You leant against the back of the closet, trying your best to get comfortable. You closed your eyes, picturing your bed at your Mama's house. Everything was okay. "You- You're fine," You mumbled to yourself, clutching your arm tight to your chest, trying to stabilise your shoulder. It had been dislocated on your first day here (wherever here was).
Everything ached heavily, throbbing in beat with your heart. Between the cuts, scratches, and burns, you felt like you couldn't take a full breath. It was dark and you couldn't see. You didn't know who was there, if anyone was really there. God you hated the dark. And it was cold, so very, very cold, you knew there was no way that you had lost enough blood to make it so. You knew that the only way in which it was so cold was that bastard had made sure there was no way heat could get into the room (assuming there wasn't a thermostat).
The beat of your heart filled your ears, mixed with the roaring that was occupying your ear drums. All with such force and such volume that you don't hear the gunshot in the background.
"Everythin's fine, you're gonna get out of this. Team'll find you. It's fine. It's fine-" Your feeble attempt at self-reassurance died in the back of your throat when you heard the familiar unlocking of the closet doors. You curled into yourself further, not looking up when the doors creaked open.
"(Y/N)?" JJ approaches you slowly, and you stare at her, trying to figure out if you've finally gone crazy or if she's really here. God, you hoped it was the latter. You couldn’t help but notice that the air around her seemed slightly brighter.
"JJ?" You wince, not only from the pain it caused in your throat and chest to speak, but by how utterly defeated you sounded.
"I'm here," She answers, "We're all here." With that, there was a small click and light flooded into your room. You winced, quickly ducking your head down and squeezing your eyes shut. When your eyes had adjusted, you opened them, forcing yourself to stand. 
The team's eyes widened at the sight of you, covered in blood and dirt, stripped of your shirt and socks. When you finally looked up, you curled into yourself slightly, trying to ignore the damage. 
You took a breath, "What about-?"
"He's dead." She answers and your shoulders deflate. They did come for you. He was wrong. Of course they would come for you.
"Who- Who shot him?" You asked hesitantly.
"I did," Morgan replied, frowning slightly. No matter what the man had done, he was still technically your biological father. You stumbled over to him, wincing and limping as you did so.
"Thank you," You mumbled, collapsing into a hug when you finally reached him. 
”How about we get you sit down?” Morgan asks gently as Prentiss places a seat next to you. Despite you protesting that you were fine, Morgan helps ease you into the chair while Hotch calls the paramedics to check how far out they were. 
When the paramedics arrived, they were quick to transfer you onto a gurney and then into the ambulance - the team keeping close. 
“Do you want us to call your emergency contact?” The paramedic asked and you shook your head.
“No, no thank you,” You mumbled, giving her a small smile. 
“Are you sure-?”
You nodded, “She, er, she’s already here,” You don’t notice Morgan shoot JJ a knowing smile - who responds with an eye roll and shaking her head.
“Okay, just so we know, who is it?”
“Oh, er, JJ,” You said, nodding to her, “The blonde haired lady,”
The paramedic takes a note of this, jotting it down on your form. “Thank you,”  
When you get to the hospital, you’re settled into a rather uncomfortable hospital bed (but you know better than to complain). They start by giving you pain killers and treating your major wounds - the burns along your side and chest, a variety of deepish cuts along your arms and torso, and finally checking your ribs and collarbone for fractures. You had tried telling them you were fine, but they weren’t having it - especially when they poked it and you cried out in pain.
"We need to take you upstairs," The nurse said, "We need to do an x-ray."
"Yes, the x-ray department is on the fourth floor," The nurse said and you drew in a deep breath. "We need to transfer you into a wheelchair."
Eventually, you were out of your room, trying desperately not to think about the elevator. Being trapped in a small metal box.
"No, I- I'll take the stairs." You mumble, shaking your head as you approach the lift. Not now. You can do this right now. You begin to stand when a hand is placed on your shoulder, instantly making you feel relaxed. You know its her without even having to look.
"You know you can't take the stairs right now," She responds quietly.
"JJ, I'm fine." You answer, grinding your jaw. You did not want to go in that lift under any circumstances.
"It's the only way to get there."
"Then I won't go,"
"You need to get an x-ray,"
"Don't need to."
"What would help you feel safer?" Her voice is soft, calming.
"You." Your answer is instant, that's not the embarrassing part though. The embarrassing part would be asking to hold her hand. The embarrassing part would be asking if Hotch or Morgan could also come with. You knew that they wouldn't let anything happen to either you or JJ - and they were physically healthy and therefore actually able to protect both you and her (normally you wouldn't have a problem with protecting the pair of you if needed, but you were currently slightly incapacitated).
"What's the other thing?" Damn, she can read you like a book.
You swallow, frowning slightly as you flush red and look down at your hands, watching them tremble for a moment, "H-Hotch or Morgan?"
JJ nods in understanding, gently rubbing her hand along your arm. "Does it matter which one?" When you shake your head, she turns to the nurse, "Can you get Agent Hotchner or Agent Morgan please?"
"For an elevator?" You frown, staring at your hands more intently as your face grows hot, watching as they continue to shake from adrenaline at the idea of being in a lift right now.
"Excuse me?"
"I'm just saying, he's a grown man, he can ride an elevator-"
You can sense the anger radiating off the blonde so you shake your head, "JJ it's fine..." You mumbled, "Let's just go n get it over with."
"No. You'd feel more comfortable with Hotch or Morgan here, so we're going to make sure that one of them are here." She says strongly, not breaking eye contact with the nurse. "So, can you get Agent Hotchner or Agent Morgan. And another nurse."
The nurse stares blankly at her for a moment before nodding and walking off. "Are you alright?" JJ asks softly and you give a small nod, hands continuing to shake. Seeing this she slowly reached down, lightly taking your left hand in her right.
"I-I'm sorry," You mutter before your tone turns bitter. "I shouldn't be feelin' like this. It's just an elevator."
"(Y/N)," You look up at her, "You've been through something most people can't even imagine. You're okay to feel shaken by that."
"M an adult." You said, trying to ignore your eyes began to feel the familiar sting of tears. "I shouldn't be-"
"I'm scared of dogs." JJ said. "I- Spencer was taken by an unsub years ago and his dogs attacked me and now, I'm afraid of dogs. Is that unreasonable? I'm an adult."
"That's different."
"Why? Because I'm a woman?"
"Wha-? No. Because you went through a traumatic experience."
"And this wasn't traumatic?"
"No! This was my childhood! I got over it! I should be fine with this! I shouldn't be here shakin' like a leaf over somethin' I must have gone through a hundred times!" You exclaim, "I should be able to get in an elevator without vibratin' so hard I’m creatin' my very own massage chair!"
"You're allowed to feel this way," JJ says gently as she crouches in front of you. "It's okay to acknowledge things that scare you. And doing this? Getting in an elevator shows how strong you are. Even if it's with two friends."
"Is everything okay?" JJ looks up at Hotch, who let's his gaze settle on your form - he can't see much, but he watches as you lift a trembling hand to your face, presumably to massage your temples. JJ says nothing, unsure of how much you want her to say, so you take the lead.
"I don't wanna go in." You mutter. "I wanna take the stairs."
Hotch had never heard you sound so small. "I get that," Ensuring that his voice is calming, he continues, "But we both know you can't make it up all those stairs right now."
"Its- I feel like 'm trapped and 'm not even inside yet."
"We'll be here the whole time," Hotch adds and you nod.
"Is the other nurse here?"
"Yep," Another voice chimes, "I'm Nurse Maddison."
"Hi," You whisper. "I-I'm not normally like this," You mumble, this was slightly mortifying to say the least.
"That's alright," She replies, "We've all got our fears. I find it difficult to go on public transport - I'm scared of a lack of control."
"I-I'm scared if I get in the lift, I won't be able to get out." You admit. "I'm scared the lights will flicker, n I'll wake up, n I'll still be there. Or worse, the lights will go out n he'll be here."
"Who?" Nurse Maddeline furrows her eyebrows when you don't answer.
"I just really don't want this to be a dream," You whisper.
JJ squeezes your hand lightly, "I promise you, this is real."
"We're here, (Y/N). You're safe. You're with us."
You sat, taking deep breaths outside the elevator for a minute or so. Just catching your breath.
"Are you ready to get in?" She asks. Despite the question, her voice is full of understanding. "We don't have to push any buttons yet, and I can stand in the way of the doors until you're ready."
"Can- Can we do that one? With you in the doors?"
"Of course!" Nurse Maddison gives a small smile before pressing the call button for the elevator.
When she wheels you into the elevator, you forget how to breathe. Shaking your head quickly, you find Hotch and JJ (which is easy as Nurse Maddison placed the wheelchair so that you could see both of your colleagues), "I was wrong, I can't do this-"
"(Y/N), look at me," JJ speaks this time, "You're okay, it's okay."
You shake your head, "No, no, I can't-"
"I need you to calm down for me, okay?" Nurse Maddison says.
"No! No, I can't- I can't do this!" You bow your head, rubbing your eyes with the palms of your hands.
"(Y/N)." Hotch's voice is stern and makes you look up, "You can do this. I know you think you can't, but you can."
"Do you trust us?" JJ asks and you nod. Because you do. You trust the pair of them with your life. "Then close your eyes." You look at her for a moment before doing as she says, letting your eyes flutter shut. There's a warmth that floods through your body as she takes your hand again and you grip it lightly.
When the doors close, your grip on JJ's hand tightens and your eyes shoot open. "It's alright," Hotch is quick to reassure as JJ rubs soothing circles on your hand. "It won't be long before we reach the floor we need."
"No, no, Hotch, I need out-" You shake your head, desperately trying to get your breathing under control. "Hotch I need out, I can't breathe-"
"(Y/N), look at me." JJ's voice drew your eyes away from Hotch. "You're okay."
"Yes you are, you're okay." She says softly, gently squeezing your hand in hers, "We're nearly there."
You pushed the palm of your hand into your eye, trying to force the tears back. "Not a coward." You muttered bitterly to yourself, not caring if the others could hear. You needed to get yourself through this ride without having a panic attack (and it was close). "Not a coward. Not a coward." You mumble the phrase, over and over. Intent on repeating it until you believe it. Of course, before that could happen, there was the familiar ping of an elevator door and your head shot up as they opened.
"Can we get out now?" You asked, looking up, "Please?"
Both Hotch and JJ give you a reassuring smile as Nurse Madeline gently pushes the wheelchair out of the elevator. 
JJ leans forward, so only you can hear her as she whispers, “See, I told you you could do it,” 
The x-ray went relatively smoothly, except for finding out you had three broken ribs and had broken your clavicle. You were also a lot calmer on the way down (still with both Hotch and JJ), feeling relatively calm (in comparison) when they wheeled you back into your room. 
The team immediately greeted you with smiles as you entered your room, Garcia standing up from your bed (where she may or may not have laid down on it).
“So, what’s the verdict, cowboy?” Morgan asked. 
“Um, three broken ribs and clavicle.”
“Clavicle?” Garcia asked.
“Collarbone,” Spencer added. 
“Does that mean no baking for a little while?” Both you and Garcia asked, turning to Hotch (who had to fight off a smile).
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blood-grove · 3 months
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the devil comes in pairs
-> a little something based off this plot
-> creds; @renegadecantlife check them out!
tws; none rlly??
-> gn!child reader & cowboy ghost
The horse came to a stop.
"This is where we part."
"I said I'd bring you the next town here you are."
"Dont be like that."
Be like what?.
You had forgotten this wasnt permanent.
'I'll drop you off at the next town alright kid?- Jesus slow down its only a piece of jerky-'
"The nuns at the orphanage are good- I think c'mon lemme help you down."
You didnt even know why you did it before you did.
You clung onto the back of him hugging him tight.
"Please dont make me go.."
He tensed that skull mask looking back at you as you buried your face into his back.
A sniffle.
"God damn it."
And here you are after a struggle with a bubble bath, and some new clothes that you got to pick out while Ghost tried to convince the shopkeeper that he was not being robbed.
Riding on the back of Wraith with Ghost heading to somewhere to meet his friends.
"Are you listening?'
He huffed rolling his eyes.
"Listen I want you too behave."
"Are we there yet?-"
"Don't start."
It was starting to get dark the longer we went on Wraith kept a steady pace, You were getting tired leaning into Ghost's back which was way more comfortable his leather jacket even thought it was arguably rough felt just like a pillow in your tired state.
"Hey- Wake up I don' want you sliding off the saddle ain't catching you."
You mumbled something in response nodding as you just continue to drift off before falling asleep.
You woke when Wraith came to stop rubbing your eyes as you yawned flinching as Ghost had suddenly gotten off and picked you up off as well setting you on the ground.
Barely giving you any time to wake up or realize the slight ache in your back making a mental not that falling asleep on a horse is not as comfy as it seemed.
"Look i have a few rules."
"Mhmm.." You mumbled stifling a yawn as he huffed.
"Don't be nosy first off, Second off if you intend for me to let you stay with me don't go blabbing about anything you hear in there out in public to anyone, And finally don't ask questions like I said don't be nosy."
"Mhm.." You rubbed your eyes as you nodded finally waking up enough to take in your surroundings you were still deep into the forest the faint scent of smoke in the air was different though.
But you didn't have time to process as he grabbed your arm taking Wraith's reins and walking them along till the smell of smoke and food cooking.
You glanced up at Ghost whose hand rested on his pistol as a man came into view gun raised.
"Go ahead and fuck aff before I put a canyon between yer eyes-" The man spoke with a weird accent you were unfamiliar with, He seemed strange first off even more with that weirder haircut making you wonder if he lost a bet of some sort.
"Soap it's just me." Ghost spoke up seeming unbothered at the man's threat the man quickly lowered his gun with a grin.
"Holy hell Lt! Jesus it's been months!" The accented man beamed pulling Ghost into a hug he definitely disapproved of the low grumble sounding more like a pissed cat than a grown man.
The man pulled away as Ghost huffed.
"And bleeding fuckin' Jesus you don' had a kid?!-" The man now known as Soap which made him even stranger had finally noticed you his sudden acknowledgment of you made you flinch back.
"Johnny there not-"
"Tsk' tsk' see I win! See Gaz said I'd be the first to knock up some gal and have a kid but ol' Ghost-" A smack on the back of the head quickly shut him up as Soap now complained about messing up his weird hair another man likely the deliverer of the slap moving form behind Soap.
A much older man than Soap and Ghost though you couldn't tell his age without looking at his face.
"Ghost, Nice to see you in one piece" Price shook hands with the man unlike Soap who had now slinked off muttering something about telling the Gaz guy mentioned by him earlier.
Why do all of them have strange names? I mean the older man seemed normal.
Maybe they were a circus of sorts?
Though you've never seen a circus so you could really say.
You were barely paying attention to the two talking it started to sound like boring adult stuff and Price didn't seem to acknowledge your presence or at least not fawn and yell over it like the Soap guy.
You wandered off like children do when left to their own whim heading towards the smell of food honestly Ghost's jerky left much to be desired.
So first time in an outlaw gang's camp and you were already technically broken one of Ghost's rules, And thieving in someone's tent.
You'd fit in great.
a/n: uhhh might do part two or just rambles abt ghost becoming more fatherly and maybe just hcs abt the gang in general <3 anywas shout out again to @renegadecantlife for the cool idea
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arttsuka · 3 months
Cowboy Octavius is just the singer Red Leather right down to the daddy issues thank you and goodnight!
You are so right
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northstarscowboyhat · 4 months
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Justice Family Cuddles ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
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mysticmiav · 2 months
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Horsing around y'know
He gets along very well w his horse dw
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strwbrryfire · 11 months
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ur a cowboy like me
(day three: western au)
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