#covid19 response fund
csrconsultants · 5 months
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radicalbotanicals · 9 months
IMPACT – A Dive into Etymology, Meaning, and Importance
Impact. It is a word almost onomatopoeia-like, you can feel the “thunk” of it, like a fist punching straight through solid rock. It has me thinking about the definition of the word and why its so important to the world of activism. In fact, there are multiple definitions which I will outline here. Collins dictionary lists them as follows:
The impact that something has on a situation, process, or person is a sudden and powerful effect that it has on them.
An impact is the action of one object hitting another, or the force with which one object hits another.
To impact on a situation, process, or person means to affect them.
If one object impacts on another, it hits it with great force.
All these definitions indicate a connection with enacting some sort of force or change upon something or someone, but the primary emphasis being on the power behind that action, and I think that is what we need to take away from this and why impact is really what matters; it is the engine behind any sort of activist movement.
As we exist in the digital age, impact becomes more and more difficult to achieve. We certainly have more and more tools now then we ever did before to measure what we consider to be “impactful” actions, all the examples presented in class regarding “Impact Reports” which use analytics to breakdown social media reach and user bases, or perhaps likes, shares, retweets. But how do we see the fruit of those labours? How do we measure how many people were touched by the efforts made by activist groups during the year? And what are the long-term effects of those efforts? I think this is a time-honoured question dating back to the earliest days of 20th century activism movements that we still are no closer to answering.
I think we need to revisit our definition again – create impact, sure, but how deep is the impression that that impact makes? Is it something that merely causes a crack that can be easily sealed over, or does it create a permeant mark upon the surface that cannot be ignored? Does it change the entire structure itself? This is where efforts need to focus, and I am not saying it is an easy task.
There is an example I want to talk about, and I think it is the very reason why we need to think differently about how we measure impact, and what to pay attention to. For nearly 25 years, there was an organisation operating in my native Canada that was a celebrated and revered, called Free the Children, later changing their name to the WE Enterprise. I was raised believing this organisation was something to be proud of, I even attended the coveted WE Day concerts through my school in which they would invite the biggest stars to perform all in the name of the mission of “Freeing the Children” from child labour globally. We all learned the story of how 12-year-old Craig Kielburger saw a news article in the Toronto Star about a boy from India who was forced to work in harrowing conditions in a textile factory, and how this inspired him to start his organisation to ensure this hellish practice ended.
That all changed in 2020, as recapped in Carrie Karsgaard and Lynette Shultz’ paper, ME to WE Social Entrepreneurship: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing (2022).  “WE Charity’s $912-million contract to run the Canada Student Service Grant, a program intended to provide volunteer experiences for young people as a response to COVID19. The contract raised questions that revealed shrouded business relationships between the organization and high-level Canadian politicians. Public criticism erupted following a flood of media stories telling of racist activities within WE problematic international development relations and questionable investment of charity funds into real estate holdings.” It was shortly after this all came to light that the organisation closed, and “many teachers are left feeling both abandoned and misled” (Karsgaard, Shultz, 2022)
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Appearances can be deceiving – Credit: V. Tony Hauser
This brings me back to that question of impact once again. An organisation can appear as if it is making tangible change, but is it truly doing anything at all? We slowly began to learn where money and donations were actually being funnelled into and it was not the places we intended them to go. The WE enterprise had its hooks in the Canadian education system for decades, so no one was looking too closely outside of the optics they were being presented, a symbiotic relationship for an already strained ministry was no sweat off their backs. I think we need to do better, look closer, and I am not entirely sure how to do that, but I know there must be a way out there somewhere. There is probably no “One Size Fits All” solution, but I think if we change the way we look at impact, we may find better ways than how we have been carrying on for decades.
Karsgaard, C. and Shultz, L. (2022) ‘Me to we social entrepreneurship: A Wolf in sheep’s clothing’, Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l’éducation, pp. 99–127. doi:10.53967/cje-rce.v45i1.4929.
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paigerro · 1 year
Chapter 16 Reflection
Based on the article shared with us earlier this month, “What Did the Fed Do in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic?” put out by the Brookings Institute, the Fed did so much to lessen the affect(s) of the pandemic on the economy (https://www.brookings.edu/research/fed-response-to-covid19/). They eased monetary policy by cutting the federal funds rate; used “forward guidance” to communicate future monetary policy and build confidence, or at least, provide a vague outline to investors and consumers; and resumed quantitative easing by buying back large amounts of government backed debt. The Fed also supported financial markets by lending to securities firms and backstopping money market mutual funds by relaunching the “Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility” which lent money to mutual funds that were having a hard time meeting depositors withdrawals. The Fed also encouraged banks to lend by loaning money to banks directly and by relaxing regulatory requirements, allowing banks to use reserves that were just waiting for such “rainy day” conditions. The Fed also made it possible for small and mid-sized businesses to access emergency loans, as well as state and municipal governments.  Because these actions were all carried out by the Fed, they would be examples of monetary policy, tools that the Fed can use to affect interest rates and the money supply. I feel like I’m only really scratching the surface here of all that the Fed did in response to the pandemic to keep the US economy from total disaster. This was combined with the government’s various fiscal policies that were passed in a similar effort. All together, there were four stimulus and relief packages passed (though the last one is deemed 3.5) between March 6th 2020 and April 24th 2020 (https://www.investopedia.com/government-stimulus-efforts-to-fight-the-covid-19-crisis-4799723). I would say that their combined efforts were successful seeing as the US economy did not completely tank in the face of the global pandemic. However, such expansionary policies may be responsible for current economic conditions, namely, the inflationary cycle we have been in for the last year and a half now. In response to higher inflation, which began in mid 2021, the Fed has been increasing interest rates by .25-.5 percentage points over the last year. Since it’s only been one year since the Fed began raising interest rates, we are only now just starting to feel the effects. I can’t say that they have been successful or unsuccessful so far as it is still too early to tell. As far as the government and any fiscal action that they might take, I have no idea if they have done anything in response to inflation. Theoretically, the government could raise taxes, which would help suck some of the excess money out of the system, but I have not seen nor heard any hint of this happening. What politician is going to successfully run on a platform of raising taxes? On top of that, while everyone is struggling to make ends meet due to inflation, no voter is going to happily start paying higher taxes. If only there was some magical way to get citizens making over $250k/year to pay higher taxes… if only the wealthiest citizens among us could be persuaded to pay a fairer amount of taxes proportionate to their absurdly and unnecessarily high earnings so that they rest of us might be even just slightly better off… Unfortunately, I can’t ever see that happening in our country. The wealthiest members of the US economy also hold the most sway over fiscal policies that would reduce such massive inequality by charging them a higher tax rate. I feel that, in order to amass such amounts of wealth and gain such disproportionate amounts of power, these folks can’t have been the most civic minded to begin with. And, if I know anything about humans by now, it’s that, for all of our technological and societal advances, our brains have not evolved all that much from our days on the African Savannah. That being said, we are biologically wired to be greedy, to hoard resources beyond our immediate and even foreseeable future needs. How would you reason with a monkey sitting atop a 3 ton pile of bananas? How would you convince the monkey that it couldn’t possibly eat even a fraction of all of those bananas in its lifetime and that many more monkeys could be made better off if only it would give up 1 ton of its banana pile? Let’s say that it’s even a pretty smart monkey that has a small band of monkeys working for bananas to keep the 3 ton pile safe. How in the world do you reason with greedy, scared, overprotective monkeys?
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trustmaps · 2 years
State of california
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This report includes national examples of ways to increase bachelor’s degree capacity, and we make specific recommendations for policymakers and campus leaders toward ensuring that California can increase college access, improve college attainment, and close racial/ethnic gaps. Our mission is to serve as the Governor’s chief fiscal policy advisor and to promote long-term economic sustainability and responsible resource allocation. The California Students Vote Project team works hard to create civic engagement resources for the. In addition to analyzing trends in eligibility, admissions, and enrollment to the UC and CSU by race/ethnicity, we also review recent policy changes and campus practices that are impacting access and success. California Secretary of State, Sacramento, California. Without addressing the persistent inequality in preparation, access, and success to our universities we will fail to capitalize on the growing talent seeking college opportunity.
While there is good news in this report, especially related to growing preparation for the university and growing student diversity in admissions, there are still many concerns preventing California from realizing a goal of equitable access to college for all Californians regardless of their income, race/ethnicity, or Zip Code. This state is home to booming tech industries in both San Francisco and Los Angeles. Bordered by Oregon to the north, Nevada and Arizona to the east, Mexico to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. It was admitted as the 31st state of the union on September 9, 1850, and by the early 1960s it was the most populous U.S. In the United States, California is a state in the west.
This report provides an update on California’s progress and persistent challenges related to admissions to the UC and CSU. California, constituent state of the United States of America. If you need more information about recovery or. California has been hit with devastating wildfires and other natural disasters in both the northern and southern parts of the state. Saving your California location allows us to provide you with more relevant information. Unfortunately, these students are finding an increasingly competitive admissions environment as universities respond to the growing number of applicants for limited spots by raising the bar for admissions, especially as state funding to expand capacity fails to adequately fund every eligible student. For more information on COVID in California, please visit COVID19.CA.gov. Therefore, it is not surprising to see more California high school students are striving to attend college and meet the eligibility requirements for our public universities. New California is a new state in development exercising its constitutional Right to form from the State of California as codified under Article IV Section 3 of the United States Constitution and in the United States Declaration of Independence. A bachelor’s degree, in particular, provides unrivaled economic and health benefits not just for the individual earning the degree, but for California. State Government State Agencies State Government Official Name: California. If any questions arise related to the information contained in the translated website, please refer to the English version.In California and across the nation, the value of a college degree continues to increase. Find contact information and major state agencies and offices for the government of California. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes. The web pages currently in English on the DMV website are the official and accurate source for the program information and services the DMV provides. Welcome to the California State Treasurer’s Office Investor Relations website. The DMV is unable to guarantee the accuracy of any translation provided by Google™ Translate and is therefore not liable for any inaccurate information or changes in the formatting of the pages resulting from the use of the translation application tool. The State Controller’s Office has streamlined processes to expedite financial transactions and reporting, and document submission for government agencies.
Google™ Translate is a free third-party service, which is not controlled by the DMV. California State Controllers Office: California State Controllers Office Public Web site (PWS) For more information on COVID in California, please visit COVID19.CA.gov. This translation application tool is provided for purposes of information and convenience only. Therefore, it is not surprising to see more California high school students are striving to attend college and meet the eligibility requirements for our public. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) website uses Google™ Translate to provide automatic translation of its web pages.
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pranalipawarshinde · 2 years
Corporate Wellness Market to expand at a CAGR of 7.6% from 2020 to 2028
Corporate Wellness Market: Introduction
According to the report, the corporate wellness market was valued at US$ 4.9 Bn in 2020 and is projected to expand at a CAGR of 7.6% from 2020 to 2028. Corporate wellness programs are designed to support employees in understanding their health risk and accepting healthy behavior at workplace and to reduce their healthcare expenditure. Corporate wellness programs consist of health risk assessments, fitness, health screening, weight management, smoking cessation, and nutrition.
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These programs reduce the cost of hospitalization, emergency room visits, specialist visits, and surgeries. Moreover, corporate wellness programs result in decrease in absenteeism, increase in productivity, and improvement in quality of life of employees. Corporate or workplace wellness programs can be described as employer-funded services designed to promote and maintain good health of employees.
The primary purpose of corporate wellness programs is to deliver positive return on investment that is accomplished by reducing absenteeism and lowering health insurance premiums. The most important advantage is a healthier workforce that transforms into a healthier population. Health risk assessment is a quick and simple way to provide employees feedback on their level of health and giving them direction on how they need to improve their health. Health risk assessments are evaluation of employees’ physical condition and assessing the disease risk and overall level of health and fitness.
Rise in Incidence of Chronic Diseases to Drive Market
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory diseases account for 8.5 million deaths in Southeast Asia each year. One third of these deaths occur before the age of 70. Old age and lifestyle factors such as use of tobacco, alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet, and inadequate physical activity are the factors responsible for NCDs. Hence, an employer has to promote and maintain the health and wellbeing of an employee by providing corporate wellness services that reduce the medical cost and boost productivity.
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Smoking Cessation Segment to Dominate Market
Based on service, the corporate wellness market in Asia Pacific has been classified into health risk assessment, fitness, smoking cessation, health screening, weight management, nutrition, and others. The disproportionate increase in the number of cigarettes smoked in China is a combined effect of rise in smoking intensity and growing population.
According to the WHO, China is the largest producer and consumer of tobacco in Asia Pacific, with more than 300 million smokers. Currently, more than half of tobacco smokers are men. One in every three cigarettes smoked in the world is smoked in China. Additionally, over 700 million non-smokers in China, including 180 million children, are exposed to second hand smoke (SHS) at least once a day in a typical week. Exposure to SHS causes 100,000 deaths annually.
In an organization, team members who smoke cigarettes cost their employers more money due to health issues compared to non-smokers. Some workplaces have found it in their best interests, both ethically and economically, to offer smoking cessation programs to team members.
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China to Lead Asia Pacific Market
China's corporate wellness industry accounted for majority of market share due to development and high adoption of wellness programs. Economic development and urbanization in the country have led to change in lifestyle and increase in chronic diseases such as heart diseases and diabetes. Various public and private players provide corporate wellness services in China. Services including physical activity, smoke-free policy, and knowledge related to healthy diet have witnessed significant demand. The fitness segment is driven by rise in average age of the workforce and increase in awareness about fitness. Moreover, surge in sports competitions is likely to drive the fitness industry in China.
Competition Landscape
The corporate wellness market in Asia Pacific is fragmented in terms of number of players. Key players in the market include Central Corporate Wellness, ComPsych Corporation, Optum, Inc., JLT Australia (Recovre Group), Truworth Wellness, SOL Wellness, Sodexo, ConneXions Asia, and Bupa Wellness Pty Ltd.
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The Duchess of Cambridge & My Favourite Outfits of 2020
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charitabledirection · 4 years
April 16th, 2020: This week both Liam Payne and Niall Horan announced on twitter that they are part of the line up of the virtual concert that will take place on April 18th in support of health care workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic. The line up comprises many more artists from all genres of music including Taylor Swift, Andrea Bocelli, Billy Eilish, Jennifer Lopez, Elton John, Keith Urban, Hozier, and many more.
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intelligentliving · 4 years
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will donate $3.7 million to a Seattle-area public health agency, homeless service providers, several local foundations, and more. This donation is part of a previous $5 million pledge to the Seattle region. The foundation will give $1 million...
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ultrakdramamama · 4 years
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Curated in collaboration with Lady Gaga, the April 18 event will celebrate health workers globally.
As the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic continues to force people apart, Global Citizen is using the power of music and advocacy to bring people together with One World: Together At Home.
Announced on April 6, One World: Together At Home is a global special curated in collaboration with Lady Gaga, premiering Saturday, April 18, in celebration and support of health care workers and the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the World Health Organization (WHO).
It will include appearances and performances by today’s most notable entertainers — and on Tuesday, the organization released a new list of participants, including Alicia Keys, Amy Poehler, Awkwafina, Camila Cabello, Céline Dion, Ellen DeGeneres, Jennifer Lopez, LL COOL J, Lupita Nyong’o, Matthew McConaughey, Oprah Winfrey, Pharrell Williams, Sam Smith, Shawn Mendes, Taylor Swift, Usher, Victoria Beckham, and more.
The special event will be hosted by Jimmy Fallon of The Tonight Show, Jimmy Kimmel of Jimmy Kimmel Live, and Stephen Colbert of The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. Friends from Sesame Street will also add to the incredible lineup.
"We are grateful to the private sector who have listened to the public’s call for action and come together to support the global response to COVID19. This pandemic is too large for governments to tackle alone," said Hugh Evans, co-founder and CEO of Global Citizen.
We’re calling on individuals and philanthropists to join and support COVID-19 response initiatives. Changemakers, investors, and foundation leaders are being urged to support global health efforts by investing in building stronger health systems and funding vaccine development.
"We are also incredibly grateful for the continued support from the artist community to make One World: Together At Home a moment of global unity," Evans said. "Our hope for the special is that everyone will come away believing that we, as a shared humanity, can emerge from this moment forever grateful for the work of doctors, nurses, teachers, grocery store workers, and all those who are the backbone of our communities."
One World: Together At Home will be broadcast on Saturday at 5 p.m. PDT/8 p.m. EDT, appearing on ABC, NBC, ViacomCBS Networks, The CW, iHeartMedia, and Bell Media networks and platforms in Canada. Internationally, BBC One will run the program in the UK on Sunday, April 19, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. BST. Additional international broadcasters include AXS TV, beIN Media Group, IMDb, MultiChoice Group, and RTE.
The broadcast of One World: Together At Home will include appearances by: Amy Poehler, Andrea Bocelli, Awkwafina, Billie Eilish, Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day, Burna Boy, Camila Cabello, Céline Dion, Chris Martin, David Beckham, Eddie Vedder, Ellen DeGeneres, Elton John, FINNEAS, Idris and Sabrina Elba, J Balvin, Jennifer Lopez, John Legend, Kacey Musgraves, Keith Urban, Kerry Washington, Lady Gaga, Lang Lang, Lizzo, LL COOL J, Lupita Nyong’o, Maluma, Oprah Winfrey, Paul McCartney, Pharrell Williams, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Sam Smith, Shah Rukh Khan, Shawn Mendes, Stevie Wonder, Taylor Swift, and Usher.
There will also be a globally curated digital show beginning at 11 a.m. PDT/2 p.m. EDT/6 p.m. GMT. Streaming partners include Alibaba, Amazon Prime Video, Apple, Facebook, Instagram, LiveXLive, Tencent, Tencent Music Entertainment Group, TIDAL, TuneIn, Twitch, Twitter, Yahoo, and YouTube.
The digital livestream of One World: Together At Home will include appearances by: Adam Lambert, Andra Day, Angèle, Anitta, Annie Lennox, Becky G, Ben Platt, Billy Ray Cyrus, Black Coffee, Bridget Moynahan, Burna Boy, Cassper Nyovest, Charlie Puth, Christine and the Queens, Common, Connie Britton, Danai Gurira, Delta Goodrem, Don Cheadle, Eason Chan, Ellie Goulding, Erin Richards, FINNEAS, Heidi Klum, Hozier, Hussain Al Jasmi, Jack Black, Jacky Cheung, Jack Johnson, Jameela Jamil, James McAvoy, Jason Segel, Jennifer Hudson, Jess Glynne, Jessie J, Jessie Reyez, John Legend, Juanes, Kesha, Lady Antebellum, Lang Lang, Leslie Odom Jr., Lewis Hamilton, Liam Payne, Lili Reinhart, Lilly Singh, Lindsey Vonn, Lisa Mishra, Lola Lennox, Luis Fonsi, Maren Morris, Matt Bomer, Megan Rapinoe, Michael Bublé, Milky Chance, Naomi Osaka, Natti Natasha, Niall Horan, Nomzamo Mbatha, P.K. Subban, Picture This, Rita Ora, Samuel L Jackson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sebastián Yatra, Sheryl Crow, Sho Madjozi, SOFI TUKKER, SuperM, The Killers, Tim Gunn, Vishal Mishra, and Zucchero.
On top of releasing a new list of participating artists, we also just announced corporate partnerships that intend to support the WHO’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, powered by the UN Foundation, and regional organizations working to tackle local issues, too.
As part of the One World: Together At Home campaign, Global Citizen has partnered with Analog Devices, Cisco, Citi, The Coca-Cola Company, Delta Air Lines, GSK, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo, State Farm, Target, Teneo, Verizon, Vodafone, and WW International.
Commitments from One World: Together At Home partners will go toward resources for frontline health workers, as well as local organizations working to provide food, shelter, and health care to people in need during this pandemic.
One World: Together At Home is part of our campaign launched in March in support of the WHO’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. Global Citizens from more than 130 countries have taken tens of thousands of actions in support of the response fund, calling on world leaders and corporations to do their part and pledge commitments.
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csrconsultants · 5 months
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news24fresh · 4 years
Government opens up NDRF for individual donations
Government opens up NDRF for individual donations
Centre has applied an unused provision in the Disaster Management Act, 2005 to allow any person or institution to contribute to the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) for the purpose of disaster management.
On Saturday, MHA said it has “laid out the modalities for receipt of contributions/ grants from any person or institution for the purpose of disaster management” in the NDRF as…
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newsoutbursts · 4 years
Govt. opens up NDRF for individual donations
Govt. opens up NDRF for individual donations
Centre has applied an unused provision in the Disaster Management Act, 2005 to allow any person or institution to contribute to the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) for the purpose of disaster management.
On Saturday, MHA said it has “laid out the modalities for receipt of contributions/ grants from any person or institution for the purpose of disaster management” in the NDRF as per…
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charitabledirection · 4 years
April 7th, 2020: All the proceeds from the sale of Harry Styles’ Stay Home Stay Safe t-shirt will go the COV-19 Solidarity Response Fund in support of the World Health Organization.  If you want to directly donate to this fund, head over to the link above. You can donate any amount. 
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amitbchoudhury · 4 years
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adidas ropes in Manushi Chhillar as brand ambassador – ET BrandEquity Chhillar has joined the adidas team and a roster of ambassadors including Ranveer Singh, Rohit Sharma, Hima Das, and over 20 other top athletes and youth icons.
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thosedamnliberals · 4 years
Anthem Foundation is committed to supporting California and its community partners who are facing unique challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. To date, approximately $4 million has been committed by Anthem Blue Cross and its Foundation as part of a targeted response to the COVID-19 pandemic across the Golden State. This relief funding places an emphasis on improving lives by addressing needs for food, basic necessities, PPE/medical supplies, education and technology, essential worker supports, and social and emotional wellness.
Through a new donation of $200,000 to United Way and Feeding America, the contributions will allow both organizations to provide supplies that are crucial for frontline responders regarding the coronavirus pandemic in the state. The funds will be cascaded to food banks, shelters, and other resource centers across the state that is helping struggling individuals and families facing this health crisis. More specifically, our $100,000 contribution to the Feeding America COVID-19 Response Fund will help Feeding America’s network of 17 food banks throughout California to secure resources, meet increased demand and implement extra social distancing precautions as they continue to serve the most vulnerable members of the community.
Our $100,000 contribution to the United Way’s COVID-19 Response Fund will support California’s low income and vulnerable populations by providing food assistance, cash to pay for necessities such as rent and utilities, and even broadband access to help school children continue their education from home. Funds will also support the United Way’s 2–1–1 program, which connects people with needed resources and support. Additionally, the fund will help many of the state’s agricultural workers to help them provide support to their families.
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