gilliebee · 11 months
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OKAY ok so first off the subtle intimacy of jack knowing every single way that hockey (particularly in the 80s before a lot of safely measures were implemented) has worn down and damaged brick’s body and bringing it up every time a new safety measure is put into place (“the first thing I thought of when I saw that curved glass was that your shoulder would work just right if they had that when you were playing!” JACK PLEASE)
and of course like the understanding jack has about the nature of sports and the bodies they affect, the way a dirty hit broke his leg and destroy his division 1 soccer career before it could ever go anywhere like he gets it
the fact that they both went to UNH but jack graduated right when brick became a freshmen so I think for the most part they like JUST missed each other (although if I ever uncover any WGIR recordings of jack calling wildcats games I WILL lose my mind. I don’t have a clear idea of the timelines on that though so stay tuned on that one lol) BUT THEY WERE FATED TO RETURN TO EACH OTHER. the gravitational pull of fate.
and like the chemistry between them was so instant and strong!!!! I’ve watched some 2006 games before jack was full time w nesn and it was dale arnold alongside brick and I swear, all respect to him, but lord the lack of chemistry between him and brick is sooooo palpable. especially when compared to what a natural pair he is w jack they like instantly made each other sparkle. their chemistry is so good it makes people's jobs easier. they ARE flawless together
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jack never failing to seize the opportunity to lavish brick with praise about how smart and handsome he is and also laugh at anything even close to witty that he says. literally everyone needs someone to love them like jack loves brick.
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I saw an article where brick was talking about how he was just happy to be able to play in the nhl even if he considered himself to be ‘mr irrelevant’, mostly flying under the radar. meanwhile jack NEVER misses an opportunity to tell him how amazing a player he was, how strategic and how deeply he understands the game.
the way they are both so obsessed with the game and all of its facets it’s like… really there isn’t anything more comforting than finding someone else who gets it, who understands what it means to have a singular focus on something and also have the exact same focus hhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
the way if you put a pic of brick in front of him, jack literally can’t help himself from immediately being like ‘there’s my partner!!!!!!’ with more love in his heart than I’ve ever felt about anything
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the absolute home they’ve made w each other of nesn...as a true Sold Together Do Not Separate. I DO NOT say lightly that I will be even more devastated when one or both of them retire than I was when bergy retired, they really are the blood pumping through the veins of my game watching experience
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ugh I want to Do Things but my brain won't let me. when I try to execute the functions I just get a busy signal and a voice telling me to try my call again later
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livlaughlove69420 · 1 month
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☆ 𝙒𝙝𝙮, 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚! 📢
Welcome to this blog, I am Liv! The problem with me is I forget I have this acc constantly and will probably disappear for months at a time.. oopsies.
☆ 𝙄𝙣𝙛𝙤
18 yrs old
Cancer ♋️
NSFW and romance writer
☆𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚..
NSFW, Fluff, Light Angst, Headcanons
Southpark (Post Covid/College Age)
Smiling Friends
Stardew Valley
Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva Boss
Demon Slayer
FNAF (Adults and Security Breach Bots)
Chubby!Reader stuff cause projection
☆ 𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚..
Anything with Minors
Pro Ship anything
Hardcore Angst
Fatphobic ppl
Anti Palestinian
Homophobic ppl
Dream SMP lovers (/hj)
Well, that's about it, cya.
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somastory · 7 months
Ok Here’s An Actual TLDR Intro Post
Hi, my name’s Rory 😄 I’m a 24 year old pansexual partnered kinky white cisgender woman (she / her) in the New England area training to become a sex coach (I’m still about 2 years away from finishing this first certification). I’d really like to help out other queer and neurodivergent folks find their full pleasure potential and feel good about the sex they’re having! I’m mostly focused on the scientific and psychological side of sex, rather than any mystical or tantric point of view… but admittedly I am agnostic and like to believe in magic and manifestation 💖. Basically, I have tarot cards, but I’m too lazy to use them!
🚫 DNI if you are: 🚫
— A minor / under 18 years old!!!
Seriously DO NOT interact with adult content creators as a minor… you’re not only putting yourself at risk, you’re also putting the adult at risk too.
Literally anyone else is welcome to interact, I just ask that you be respectful. I only follow, like and reblog posts from people with their age in bio (18+) and after doing the vibe check that they wouldn’t mind my interaction with their content.
👀 What Kind of Stuff You’ll See on This Blog: 👀
— My personal stories about my sexual growth / healing journey. Let’s normalize learning about and embracing our pleasure!
— Sex-positive education and activism :)
— Reblogs of hot stuff related to sexual interests of mine (including taboo stuff like age play, incest, MD/lb, BDSM, somnophilia, dubcon, and noncon… DNI if any of these are a hard no / repulsive for you because I may forget to tag). This may include sexy fan art of my fannish interests if I see it and I do the OP vibe check.
— Fan interests include: LISA, Ted Lasso, Jreg, Danganronpa, Persona 5, Salad Fingers, Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared, The Coffin of Andy & Leyley [and while I’m not really an RPF kinda girl, I also like Formula 1 and Jeremy Clarkson / James May / Richard Hammond].
🤯 My Politics, In Case You Were Wondering (DNI if any of this makes you want to cancel me, but I am open to measured discussion): 🤯
— I support racial justice, LGBT+ rights, disability justice, and the neurodiversity movement. I support transformative justice and I am a prison abolitionist about 99% of the time.
— You can’t control the thoughts in your head or who you’re attracted to. People should not be judged on the basis of their thoughts alone. That being said, I strongly believe that certain attractions are better off (which is to say, safer) explored in fantasy rather than IRL (this includes minor-adult relationships and incest).
— I am Pro Choice but respect Pro Lifers as long as they don’t try to enforce their ideology via the law
— I am COVID vaccinated while being partnered with an unvaccinated person
— I’m kind of post-left these days because I don’t really see a world after capitalism but I think the people can make capital work FOR THEM if they organize with this in mind. Having money is not a sin if you acquired it via your own labor and you strive to use it as ethically as possible.
— I strive to be anti-reactionary in all things except this one: Fuck Trump, I’m never voting for him LMAO. This is also why I’m allergic to most social media because it feeds off reactionary politics.
💖💖💖💖 THANKS FOR READING! 💖💖💖💖 (god this was still probably too much information, I’m really good at that)
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deepfriedbussy · 5 months
Introduction Post (Updated 02/06/24):
This tumblr blog contains adult themes and content, 18+ only. It’s an eclectic mix of intersectionality, trans and homoerotic content, and some dissociative insightfulness (ranting) about the traumatic experiences of a queer person surfing the southeastern United States with of a broken body bound by chronic illness (long covid) and the disabilities it brings.
🚫—gnatzis and all fashy folk, antivax, covid-deniers, anti-maskers, cops and their bootlicking lovers (looking at some of y’all’s “leather” blogs), Zionists, racists, homophobes, queerphobes, transphobes, ableism, toxic masculinity/red pill losers, TERFs, republikkkans or conservatives, misogyny or misandry, and anything else containing dogwhistles I can hear miles and captions away.
Okay, now to the fun stuff!
🏳️‍⚧️—Yes, I am a trans person who experiences gender in a genderfluid/nonbinary way! Either label is fine, and they/them are the pronouns I use in every context outside of sex/kink spaces. In sexual spaces, any pronouns are up for grabs and are hot other than the f-slur.
💖—Demisexual, nonmonogamous, and poly-minded here. My love is fiery, attentive, and intense. And I’m a good boy too, hehehe.
🥵—kinks and fetishes appear on this blog, and I’m trying to retroactively go back to old posts and put on the mature theme filter. If I message you directly, there’s something I like about you!
♿️—Cane user, possibly an ambulatory wheelchair user soon. Themes of CPTSD/PTSD and Long Covid rage vents through here. It’s ruined my life, my body, my brain, my peace of mind. I am not able to do the things I once did. I just want to land somewhere safe and receive the healthcare I need to feel comfortable in my own body and heal.
Content, unless if otherwise noted, comes from reposts and internet searches and is not meant to solicit sales or advice. This is just my little corner of Internet, but please DM me if there is content containing of yours that you need me to remove.
Free Palestine. 🇵🇸
End All Apartheids. ✊
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sebinwhite · 2 years
A series of unfortunate events - Sebastian Vettel 2022 edition
okay so with some help of the f1 twt i compiled a list of all the bad luck seb’s faced this season so far. most of these of no fault of his own  🙃🤡 if there’s something missing or something should be divided etc. feel free to comment
getting covid - two races missed
fucking 🚫🦘AUSTRALIA🐨🚫
fuel temperature gate in the race in miami - pit lane start
mick's terrorism in miami
baku bbw failure
baku (beautiful) spin in the race
356234234 investigations in canada
tyre pressure gate in quali in canada
vsc 2 laps after changing tyres in canada
broken visor at silverstone in quali
aston putting him on mediums instead of softs at silverstone
albono's terrorism in the sprint in austria
25k suspended fine for being a bad bitch in austria
gasly’s terrorism in the race in austria
5 sec penalty in the race in austria
aston martin in general.
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lilsweett3a · 6 months
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its a strange combination…I know.
the thing is I have an obsession with Trump memes and sweet juicy candies. 🍬 living back at home, you stumble upon things that you left back in your childhood. Like I will find the most random things... I was looking in an old wardrobe dresser because I wanted to put a screen protector on my iPad (the Paperlike screen protector btw that makes your screen into paper... it’s amazing how it works). Sometimes I throw random things in there so I ripped open the drawers and started digging in.
when Trump was president in 2020.. it was a year that seemed like I was living in a simulation. Like an acid trip gone terribly wrong. The world turned upside down with COVID, police brutality, the pandemic, unemployment, and so many deaths. On top of that I was stuck in the house as a newly wed. Living with him, his mother, and cousin who had heavy Kenyan accents that I could only understand after a couple of “huh’s” or “what’s” here and there. I HATED that life for me.
sketching has always been an escape for me. Some people play videos games, or watch tv when they need to get away for a moment. I choose drawing every time. But I do like to watch tv when I’m doing it. During 2020 watching the news was the only thing that was on in the Kenyan household. When we woke up and from when we fell asleep, it was a constant bright screen with big bold letters and reporters stating how many more people died in that week. It really got to me and I almost went insane. Watching Trump’s antics and hilarious reactions was the only fun part about the news. I found peace in eating starbursts, drawing, and watching Trump embarrass himself in front of the world.
it’s a new year, maybe he’ll make me actually tune into the news. No lemon starbursts pls 🍋🚫
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julie-su · 2 years
Not 🚫✖️🚫🚫✖️👎👎👎 the sneezeing and fever has started I think it IS COVID after all.well it was fun being coherent butmy brain is baking in my skull
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blocksforbrains · 5 months
don’t get covid guys ❌❌🚫🚫👎 it’s sucks
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top100k · 8 months
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Заработок онлайн для подростка ⏩⏩ https://kahgo.ru/eGqhQcD
Разузнай, как добывают в соединенных штатах америки 10-ки тыщ баксов
Глянь домашние задания - повтори за мной и приобрети 1-ые доходы уже сегодня
Открываем набор - Получай допуск в клуб Freelife, в котором мы собственнолично испытываем актуальные приемы извлечения доходов
Будь супергероем - Создавай то, что непонятно прочим, используя лучшие из лучших инструменты и приспособления на рынке
Профилактическая прививка от бедности - Ты выучишься направлению, которое несомненно будет доставлять тебе деньжонки свыше 10 лет
Успей овладеть свежеиспеченною перспективой, когда весь мир сходит с ума
Хочешь я покажу рецепт, почему у тебя не выходит заработать в сети? Благодаря тому что ты плаваешь в алых водах, а не в бирюзовом океане!
Здесь все очень просто. Ты пробуешь иметь заработок на том, что сейчас не работает, либо там где находится колоссальная конкурентная борьба.
Ты плаваешь в красных водах океана. Успешно заработать тут имеют все шансы только лишь акулы, профессиональные и бесстрастные. Для них ты только закуска. Я предлагаю снизится в глубину. Разуй глаза! На этом месте лазурно-голубой океан. Он щедр источниками и благами, те которые ты сумеешь присвоить себе.
Запомни самое главное! Перечисленное никак не про непонятно какую традиционную сложнейшую наладку рекламных целей, чему в наше время учат в едва ли не каждом курсе по зарабатыванию. И не про все то, от чего у нормального здорового человека способна полететь крыша. Мы такого вообще ни коим образом не касаемся! Запомнил? Прекрасно! Поехали далее. Заработок в интернете школьнику без вложений.
В данном курсе я передам схему, какая выросла в сша под конец 2020 года. Подработка в магните с ежедневной оплатой краснодар. Открыта она была тесному диапазону специалистов, каковые зашибают 10-ки тыс баксов за океаном. Как заработать зимой деньги. Сама схемка исключительна, изысканна и мы завезли ее в ближнее зарубежье для тебя лично. Зарабатывать на опросах в интернете отзывы.
Без применения технический сведений, без сложноватых наладок, без вливания средств, без справки на вакцинацию от COVID :)
Ты повторишь методитку пошагово и приготовишь систему в итоге за парочку вечерков. Удаленная работа щенка. Обучишься пересылать трафик с любого веб узла в мировой сети в необходимое направление, с тем, чтобы делать на этом деле заработки. Заработок дома через интернет.
Не пугайся, звучит значительно страшнее, чем есть на практике. Интернет работа крым. Но это впрямь легко и просто. Как зарабатывать на перепродаже. По этой причине эдакого еще нет в рунете. Способы заработков для пенсионеров в интернете.
Просто-напросто посредством 3 кликов ваше личное объявление явится на площадке, в которой его повидают множество покупателей. Способы заработков для пенсионеров в интернете. А это трафик, за который далее в мировой сети интернет платят большие деньги. Удаленная работа на дому в Беларуси вакансии. Ни одного противника, и не одна сотня тысяч просмотров. Заработок в интернете для школьников без вложений. Об этом ли мечтает абсолютно любой, кто зарабатывает в онлайне? Несомненно!
Рeклaма - Инфopмaция o peклaмодaтeле пo cсылкaм в описaнии
Заработок онлайн для подростка #Заработок #онлайн #для #подростка
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the-blackorchid1 · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NOT4SALE 💜 MAKE AN OFFER 💜 🚫 DON'T BUY 🚫 PLACE ♦️ CARD ♠️ ONLY.
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ocombatente · 8 months
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pipelinelaserraygun · 11 months
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What does the Deep State "get out of it", when they provide cover for criminals?
When this question is tossed around, there's virtually no consideration of demons as 👺👺 embedded in politics...
MUST 🤔 CONSIDER: Some decisionmakers are inhuman.
⬆️ THEY'RE 🗑️ everywhere.
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FORCED 💉⚰️ compliance?
Wholesale trust of FOR-profit pharmaceutical companies, VERY compromised nightly news, and banking on many LITERAL antichrist activities (defund police) with BLIND "Faith" hastens the decline of Western Civilization.
It's only a conspiracy theory, until it becomes backed by FACTUAL evidence: "A plague to end ALL plagues, Agent Mulder. A silent weapon for quiet war. The systematic release of an indiscriminate organism, for which the Men who will bring it on STILL have no cure."
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When it comes to digging for truth there are no cold cases.
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MUST 👁️👁️ SEE, x3❣️
Getting TRUTHS that are supported by 📖 Scripture into 🙏 people's hands these days is met with a battery of restrictions, as when 👺 Nero ruled the Roman empire.
Tucker Carlson's "X" interview with Donald Trump shattered ratings and conventional thinking about how to receive information in 2023.
Deep State's platforms suppress actual totals across 👺 THEIR anything-but "official" narratives.
My publication deals with THIS 🚫, DAILY.
⬆️ Take a look at a pair of short videos here, of activity for God's glory that the general public is normally UNAWARE of.
Reactions from a Seminary in Columbia, FIRST contact, happened Friday 08/25/23.
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Robert the Bruce betrayed Scotland, for an obsession with acquiring table scraps.
💤 joey 46 has similarly betrayed 🇺🇸 America, for an obsession with acquiring table scraps.
⬆️ Being paid to look the other way, in exchange for temporary table scraps, while demons plot to completely 💀 ERADICATE the human race.
Out of spite and jealousy, 👿 FALLEN angelic outcasts want to entirely wipe us out.
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We demo-🐀 RAT are legion. We are a plurality of MANY.
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What happened when the Apostle Paul was thrown in jail? Charges didn't stick! 🎪 And the surrounding media circus only helped SPREAD cries to stamp out injustice.
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"Even though you've been raised as a human being, you are NOT one of them. They only lack 🕎 the LIGHT, to show the way."
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DEMAND better 🌅 lighting. (scroll 📜🚨👇🏼 further down)
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sofu4world · 11 months
(Going to start posting this here! Pls bear with me while I figure out the best formatting for Tumblr<3) (all @ are for IG handles)
This week's calendar 4 SEFFS (sustainable ethical frugal (fruity) freaks)!!☀️💘🌈🫀😆💥
- foodwise, usual Food Commune and farmers' markets🥬🍅 - it's the LAST week to gather sigs for the #copcityvote referendum petition!!!!! Get out there homies!!! Canvass, meet cool ppl, fuck cop city!!!😸📝👮‍♂️🚫 -hella City of Atlanta committee meetings this week. get there, get engaged, and show some non-boomer rep!!🕺🏢 - Insomnia Cookies is doing spend $5, get 6 free cookies thru August. idk if they do fairtrade choc, so can only recc the vegan "birthday cake" cookie🍪 - @charisbooksandmore Open Mic on Thurs 🎤✨ - @thebakeryatl "If The Creek Don't Rise" Exhibition opens this week w gallery, food, and live performers!🖼️💃 - see "English" (play) at Alliance Theatre for free if u check out the library pass🎭🎟️ - Piedmont Park Arts Festival this weekend. free!🖼️🌳 - @atldemsoc Monthly General Meeting on Sat🌹❣️ - Miami Circle Gallery Stroll up in buckhead on sat. free art galleries!🖼️😎
& more to be added! Full gcal on sofusjournal.org/gcal as always💘
Trying out a new format so y'all can see the week's events better here. Skipped today cuz it's late and skipped Tuesday cuz it's just Atlanta city gov meetings happening and I ran out of slides so wanted to post more slay stuff 😛
Also, with college starting up again, I've added a GSU-only tab to the gcal. These are events that I think would be difficult to sneak into unless ur a GSU student. GSU events that are more open to the public will remain on the other calendar tabs 👌🐈dw I love to leach off institutions😆🌟
*Calendar for SEFFs is an actively updated calendar compiling Atlanta happenings that appeal to my fellow artistic, frugal, vegan, activist, car-free, queer, environmentalist freaks😛💘. gcal includes car-free/transit access info & covid-safety details
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milfmoder · 1 year
'round here 999 🚓 is a no-no-no 🚫 but we don't speak german 🗣️
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eric2ews · 1 year
🚫Don't Get Any More COVID-19 Vaccines: 💉 Your Body Will Not Recover from It - David Icke
View On WordPress
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