#covid then vs now
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suchananewsblog Ā· 2 years ago
COVID at 3 Years: Where Are We Headed?
March 15, 2023 ā€“ Three years after COVID-19 rocked the world, the pandemic has evolved into a steady state of commonplace infections, less frequent hospitalization and death, and continued anxiety and isolation for older people and those with weakened immune systems. After about 2Ā½ years of requiring masks in health care settings, Ā the CDC lifted its recommendation for universal, mandatoryā€¦
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0v0theo Ā· 2 months ago
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oriixxc Ā· 6 months ago
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2020 vs 2024
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arahir Ā· 22 days ago
ao3 sweetie you have to stand up we can't keep doing this
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thenaervassa Ā· 9 months ago
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Iā€™ll never get over these kinda of comparisons so have another art at the start of Covid vs now
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fandom-blackhole Ā· 10 months ago
Having a decent conversation with your father and it taking a hard left is a canon event I fear
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crochetkit Ā· 1 year ago
what if i. started a timer for like 8 hours and just saw how much i could crochet in that time. what if i did that
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neona Ā· 3 months ago
at some point I have GOT to fuckign figure out what the hell happened to me that made it hard to talk to people online
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suchananewsblog Ā· 2 years ago
Future COVID Vaccines Must Be Better; Science Races to Respond
SOURCESĀ  David L. Hoey, president and CEO of Vaxxas, Cambridge, MA, and Brisbane, Australia. Pablo Penaloza-MacMaster, PhD, assistant professor of microbiology and immunology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago. Jasdave Chahal, PhD, co-founder and chief scientist, Tiba Biotech, Cambridge, MA, and Brisbane, Australia. Vaxart news release: ā€œVaxart Announced Positiveā€¦
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dumbass-404 Ā· 6 months ago
Tempted to revert to my Covid coping mechanism of "Hey this thing happened in my life so I'm making the exact same thing, with exact same events beat-for-beat, happen to my favorite character."
I still do this, it's just not beat-for-beat. But man. I am this close to just translating recent events to a lil guy.
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hearts-and-hands Ā· 2 years ago
thinking about who my parents were and who they are now.
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gallusrostromegalus Ā· 8 months ago
If you please; what is your Tolberone theory of knowledge?
My theory, which I thought up a few weeks ago while sick with covid, is that all knowledge is a form of art, and that there are very broadly three basic types of knowledge arts: physical arts, philosophical arts, and scientific arts, and that pretty much all academic, artistic and practical disciplines exist somewhere in that triangle spectrum.
Physical arts are knowledges of how to actually, physically do things. The purest front of physical arts are things like dance and navigation.
Scientific arts are knowledges of things that can be tested and proven. Computer programming and Quilting are both scientific arts: they work, or they don't.
Philosophical Arts are knowledges of things which while not objectively provable, are still very real. History and Being A Good Listener are philosophical arts.
Nearly every discipline of knowledge is some combination of all three. Cooking is largely applied chemistry, a scientific art, but it's also a philosophical art because flavor is extremely cultural and contextual, and a physical art because you have to know how to hold the damn knife and heat when it's done.
The first part of toblerone theory is that, like how each piece has three sides, any given project needs at least one person who has a good grasp of each of the underlying arts involved or it's going to go sideways at best. For example:
Physical and Scientific arts, no philosophy: Jurassic Park. They need someone to point out that, while very possible, it's not necessarily a good idea.
Philosophy and Science, no physical: that dril tweet about the forum debate locked by a mod after 12,000 pages of heated debate. They need someone to drag them away from the keyboard and actually do something.
Philosophy and Physical, no science: that cult in midsommar that put a guy in a bearsuit. Without the ability to engage measurably with the world, they give into fear and behave like reactive animals. Also the "rare chicken steak" phenomenon.
You can have differing ratios of each type- Jurassic Park really only needed two philosophers: one animal behaviorist and an OSHA inspector, and 98% of the issues would have been avoided- but you do need at least ONE of each underlying art to check each other's work.
The second part of toblerone theory is that, like how the toblerone is made of many triangle pieces, there are poles to the triangle spectrum. Practical vs Esoteric arts. Short term and long term arts. High stakes vs for funsies arts.
While you have have different ratios and levels of expertise in each of the arts, you do all need them to be on the same piece of the bar, or they won't take each other seriously. A UN Diplomat and a climate scientist aren't going to take the advice of physical artist my uncle Bobby the plumber re: global warming, but they will take the advice of physical artist my Aunt Cheryl the civil engineer, a world expert in getting shit done.
The same applies for the other end of the spectrum. Aunt Cheryl the civil engineer isn't going to get much milage with the local high school student council and principal Waley when the problem at hand is "what are we going to do for this year's prom theme?"
I gotta go to therapy now, pictures later.
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wilwheaton Ā· 8 months ago
For some odd reason, moderator Jake Tapper told Trump in the beginning that he didn't need to answer the questions and that he could use the time however he wanted. Trump ran with that, essentially giving a rally speech whenever he had the floor and was unresponsive to the vast majority of the questions. He made faces and insulted Biden to his face, at one point calling him a criminal and a Manchurian candidate. If anyone had said 10 years ago that this would happen at a presidential debate they would have been laughed out of the room. After the debate when most of the country had turned off cable news or gone to bed, CNN aired its fact check. [...] Even had Joe Biden been at the top of his game, he would not have been able to parry all those lies and he shouldn't have been put in the role of being Donald Trump's fact checker. His choice was to either ignore the lies and let them stand so he could use his time to make his own case or spend the entire debate correcting the record. It was not a fair fight. It's obvious that Biden's terrible performance has caused panic among Democrats and liberal pundits and analysts. The calls for him to withdraw are loud and meaningful and it's going to be a very rough period in this campaign whatever happens. For me, this isn't really a question. As long as Donald Trump is on the ballot, I will vote for the Democratic nominee. If it's Biden or someone else, the calculation remains the same. Nothing is worse than another Trump administration and I suspect that at the end of the day Democratic voters will agree with that. So it's still a matter of those undecided voters in swing states, just like it was on Thursday morning.
CNN's debate was no fair fight
CNN, yet again, gave Trump a national stage to vomit an endless stream of unchecked lies, and today, CNN is telling itself and anyone who will listen that the network and its moderators did a great job. Thatā€™s just plainly false, and America is paying the price for their failure.
That doesnā€™t let Biden off the hook. Biden had a terrible night. He was so bad, itā€™s allowed the political press to completely ignore not just how much Trump lied, but what he lied about: January 6, all his indictments, his Covid response, and on and on. President Biden was a disaster, and his campaign should be at DefCon 1 to try and repair all the damage. I am terrified that his awful performance will obscure his surprisingly good record and leadership in the post-insurrection era, and give the political press an excuse to run with ā€œBiden is oldā€ in the face of Trumpā€™s endless lies, his felony convictions, his pending trials, and all of his criminality. Someone at Salon said that Trump didnā€™t win, but Biden absolutely lost. I canā€™t argue with that, even if the facts are all on Bidenā€™s side.
Iā€™ve seen President Biden on TV today, and even last night after the debate, where he didnā€™t come across as an ancient dude who needs a walker on his way to some Matlock reruns. He looks and sounds like the SOTU Biden we all expected would show up last night. I have no idea why he was so awful for 99% of the debate (the campaign says he has a cold), and I have no idea why the guy who is showing up to speak to supporters today, and who delivered the SOTU didnā€™t show up last night to save America from Trump, again.
But we have to live with this reality now, and I hope like hell that the Biden campaign, the candidate, and the entire Democratic party apparatus scrambles like fucking crazy to get all hands on deck to fix this, and remind voters that
This isnā€™t about BIden vs. Trump. This is about America vs. Project 2025.
There will be no second debate where Biden can try to salvage something out of the wreckage of this one. Trump has everything to lose and nothing to gain. Trump will crow about how he won, and declare he has no reason to debate again, and heā€™s right. Biden had one shot and he absolutely blew it. The moderators did not help, but the campaign had to have known they wouldnā€™t, and it sure looks like they didnā€™t prepare Biden for what we all knew was coming. I donā€™t know how those same people stop the bleeding, and if they canā€™t, America and the world are in real, real trouble.
But we all have to remember that we have a choice to make in just a few months. Right now, and probably on election day, the choice is between Joe Biden and Democracy, or Donald Trump and Fascism. Itā€™s stark, itā€™s clear, itā€™s binary, and I can not believe that it is even a question. I just hope that there are enough voters out there who will understand that we do have a choice. The options suck, but we do have a choice.
Please choose Democracy. Please choose America. Please choose the future world our children will inherit from us.
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dathen Ā· 2 years ago
Weā€™re so used to the sexual reading of the entire book of Dracula, which takes the sensuality of the early chapters and jams everything that follows it into the same metaphor no matter how poorly it fits, but I feel the segment weā€™re approaching works much better with a lens of chronic illness and disease.
Vampire legends are inextricably intertwined with disease. Many of them are said to have been birthed by burying victims of disease too soon, who later seem to rise from the dead. But whatā€™s more is that Stoker and his family have deep-seated trauma over disease: his mother had to flee her hometown at the age of 14 because of a horrific cholera epidemic, and Stoker himself was bedridden as a child from an illness that no one could identify.
Found this quote from Irish Historian Mary McGarry:
Bram as an adult asked his mother to write down her memories of the epidemic for him, and he supplemented this using his own historic research of Sligoā€™s epidemic. Scratching beneath the surface (of this essay), I found parallels with Dracula. [For instance,] Charlotte says cholera enters port towns having traveled by ship, and can travel overland as a mistā€”just like Dracula, who infects people with his unknown contagion.
I bring this up because a lot of academic analysis insists that Lucy sleepwalking is proof of her being the Slutty Woman archetype that needs to be punished. This suggested symbolism is hilarious when put next to the text saying she inherited it from her father, but Iā€™d like to suggest a different angle from the lens of disease suggested earlier:
Lucyā€™s sleepwalking is a condition that predates Dracula but makes her an easy target for him to prey on. Through the lens of disease symbolism, she now is someone with chronic illness or disability who is especially vulnerable to infectious disease. This becomes a cross-section of Stokerā€™s trauma regarding disease: his own mystery illness and his mother fleeing a plague.
To wind down my rambles with a bit of a soapbox, I feel this adds a very poignant layer to the struggle to keep Lucy alive. The COVID pandemic showed a horrifying level of casual ableism vs disabled and immunodeficient individuals, shrugging off their vulnerability and even their deaths with ā€œwell COVID only kills them.ā€ Thereā€™s something deeply gratifying at seeing the way everyone around Lucy fights to the bitter end to protect her and refuses to just give her up to Dracula, whether itā€™s Mina physically chasing him away or the suitor squad pouring their blood into her veins or Van Helsing desperately searching for cures. The vulnerable deserve no less than this. Theyā€™re not acceptable casualties.
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murmurlilies Ā· 6 months ago
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art at the beginning of COVID vs. now // oh my GOD I cannot believe how PALE Maya was back then asdjklfgh!!! my eyessss šŸ˜µšŸ”„
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suchananewsblog Ā· 2 years ago
3 Years On, Why Donā€™t We Know the Extent of Long COVID?
SOURCES: Amesh Adalja, MD, senior scholar, Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security. Manali Mukherjee, PhD, immunologist, assistant professor, Division of Respirology, Department of Medicine, McMaster University. Sarah Wulf Hanson, PhD, research scientist, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington. Lisa McCorkell, co-founder, Patient-Led Researchā€¦
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