#could wlw Wangji be the alpha lesbian?
tiredbitchposts · 2 years
Honestly, i love WLW! Wanxian fics but my petpeeve with them is that more often than not in they completely forget some character's essence, like, i'm sorry, but there's no way that Lan "I hate interacting with new people, i don't like physical touch, you're not qualified to talk to me so don't you even dare" Wangji would ever be the alpha lesbian y'all pretend he would be.
No way Lan "I wrote my crush a love song, named it our ship name, got jealous when he stood next to other people, adopted his child as my own, named them"I miss my ex", did the ancient chine equivalent of playing with an oujia board every night as an attempt to talk to his spirit, waited 10+ for and only ever stopped bc he came back from the dead" Zhan would be physically capable of being anything other than the useless lesbian pinning after her best friend that doesn't date anyone else bc she's loyal to the relationship they have in her head, like, could she fuck? Of course, does she want to? No
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