#could technically have some right now but
acid-ixx · 12 hours
"hostage situation"
series masterlist
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nightwing, to his siblings: okay, so we have to be real careful because the joker and harley quinn are holding our baby sibling hostage and we can't put them in anymore danger.
nightwing, looks at red robin: i'm sure they have some traps laid around the lair so you'll be disarming it.
red robin, nods:
robin: then me and todd will be handling any spare targets, no?
nightwing: of course. cass, steph and duke will be guarding the entrance. babs?
oracle, speaking in the intercoms: this is the closest point of entry where (name) is being kept hostage.
red robin: security cams suggest there's more than just harley and the joker in the lair. a bunch of their goons are heavily guarding both the entrance and the exit. we should thread carefully.
oracle: there's no camera's where (name) is exactly at, but there's a specific room where it's shown that the two are often visiting.
batman, who had been lurking behind them: this is a priority mission. we can't afford to make mistakes.
robin, eyebrows raised: though, is it necessary to bring the entire family? me and my father could handle this entirely by ourselves.
jason, sighs: don't pretend like you weren't the first to suggest the entire justice league to come searching for them, kid.
batman: enough arguing, (name) needs all the support they could get after this. so on my count, we are to bust open the door.
dick: alright, everybody, prepare.
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*meanwhile, inside the lair, in a makeshift "house"*
(name), sitting on a comfy chair whilst holding a cup of hot chocolate and a book in the other, sneezes: oh— did anyone mention my name?
harley quinn, already on her way to wipe their nose: oh my baby! is our baby sick?!
(name): no, i just suddenly sneezed?
the joker, in another room: i spy with my little eye, a child way past their bedtime~ c'mon babyboo, let's get you to bed!
(name): awe, but it's like, 10pm. i wanna read some more.
harley, about to pick (name) up: then let momma read the book for you in bed, cutesy pie—
*the door to the kitchen slams open*
dick, with his escrima sticks on-hand: surrender (name) to us now or—!
dick, absolutely befuddled: wait, what?!
damian, with bruce in tow: what's the hold up, nightwing?!
damian, about to jump right in front of dick before he was stopped by bruce's hand on his shoulder: what is... this?
bruce: ... explain the meaning of this, harley.
harley, holds (name) closer to her chest as she's equally confused: what do ya mean, bats? ain't it obvious i'm taking care of my child?
(name): uhm...
damian, visibly offended: what do you mean, your child? (name) over there is ours.
the joker, walks over to the room in a hurry: what's with all the commotion over here?! (name) is supposed to be in bed, harle— batman?!
bruce, with squinted eyes: don't act stupid, what is this all about?
nightwing, surveying the room: wait, why is (name) in pajamas?
(name), trying their best to shrug in harley's tight hug: i'm... supposed to go to bed...?
the joker, about to walk over to (name) before he's stopped by a batarang almost hitting the side of his head: hey! what's that for? i'm clearly not trying to attack my own child!
bruce: (name) is my child, not yours.
the joker, glaring at batman: well, it's not my fault they choose me over you!
(name) wayne, interrupting the two: uhm... i did technically disown myself from the family so—
damian: disown yourself?
(name): i have every reason to—
dick: look, baby bird, you don't know what's right for you, these guys are dangerous—
(name): i literally got nearly killed by some nobody criminals if not for harley saving me but okay, nightwing.
bruce, whose attention is now on (name): you almost got what now?
(name), rolling their eyes: i almost died, batman. now if you excuse me, i think i deserve a good night sleep tonight.
(name), looks at harley who still hasn't released them from the protective hug: can we?
harley quinn, facepalming in her mind as she stares back at (name): oh, i should've bought you to pam and selina instead.
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evilminji · 3 days
Oh god :Dc a Danny Summons Contract
No you guys DON'T UNDERSTAND-!
Just. Danny! Only Danny! He fucked up. Some ancient Warring States Ninja fucked up. They BOTH agreed to NEVER talk about it again.
Cause like? That ninja? Was a GROWN ASS MAN. A qualified BAMF of the highest order. He WAS the Danger, thank you very much. So, he? Will NEVER live down being saved by...well...
*holds up wildly struggling, noodle limbed, sad wet raccoon havin a terrible day lookin, meat thresher on legs*
It's a BABY. Honestly, his Clan's TODDLERS know how to throw better punch. This scrawny infant baby child is both? His new son. AND an embarrassing trainwreck in motion. FFS kid, that's not how you- No! NO! Don't you DARE bite that opponent! You don't know where they've B-!
Kid they could have BEEN POISONED!!! Spit um OUT! DROP UM! Drop that RIGHT NOW! What are you? A dead Inuzuka? A god forsaken Hatake!? DROP IT!!!
It...sure is An Adventure™.
One of many early "here's how you DON'T make a Summoning contract" experiments, that Clans without seal masters were attempting. He's honestly lucky HIS attempt ended with him still... you know... ALIVE. Problem, though? After bunking for like... a few months? A year? In the command center?
And you know, terrorizing the GIW into complete collapse. Parenting him through some pretty serious life changes. Somehow making Sam MORE terrifying. And a whole host of off screen ninja shenanigans? They figure out? Oh. Only way to send him HOME is to either accept or refuse a Contract.
They gotta make one.
First they head to Frostbite for a recommendation, then? Off to a reputable Ghost Lawyer they go! They have to camp in the waiting room for like... a week. But? Worth it! The contract is AMAZING. And terrifying! Protects them both. Can't be used against EITHER. And that loophole you're thinking off? Ten pages worth of point 4 script, twenty three yards down, for why it's a BAD IDEA and breaks contract~!
Neither of them can make the other do SHIT! Only fully consensual, mutually beneficial, ass kicking here! If we FEEL LIKE IT!
Ninja dad insisted. Never sign a contract with anything less then extreme paranoia, kid! Leave no "implied" or "spirit of the rules"! Loopholes are holes in your armor, with which your enemy stabs you in the back!
Danny, tearfully, sends ninja dad home.
Gross. Emotions all over his armor. If only there wasn't all this sand in his eyes, he'd definitely complain about it. *stoic ninja hug*
Danny? Become a king. One of many. An Ancient. Becomes FUCKING HUUUUUUUUGE. Like? "Aw, your city is so pwecious~☆ n smol~♡! Whats it called again? New York?" Huge. A fuckin LEVIATHAN made of void, stars, and space ice. A Winter corpse, marked by lightning, that became the night sky itself. With a crown of aurora borealis, ever shifting, like flame.
Proportional, in a way, to Summon Bosses. Just as a normal human is to a normal toad, a normal cat, a normal slug. So too, is Danny LARGER then them.
You know... when he feels like it.
The contract? Passes down. Ninja dad does warn his kin. Prooooobably not gonna answer you. He only answers ME cause I'm, well, ME.
Fuckin BET. They declare. And lose. Repeatedly.
Time marches on. The Senju and Uchiha has their Drama. Dear KAMI do they Have Their Drama. Please Stop, says everyone. They... do not. The contract? Fuckin STOLEN. Because of course it is.
It's a HUGE, glowing, death radiating Summons Contract kept in a shrine behind like... SO MANY seals. It makes anyone less then a full grown JOUNIN physically SICK to even touch! Prolonged exposure kills people! Of COURSE it gets fuckin stolen. It's obviously a super, mega, ultra rare AMAZEBALLS Summon Contract... right?
Eeeeeeeeeeeh *so-so hand motion* KINDA!
It IS technically that.
They ain't wrong. Cause Danny IS an Adult now. A King. Connected to the Zone. An ANCIENT. Beyond and Above his mortal origins, even as, by being a Halfa, he is utterly the same. That contract is as close as one could GET to having a contract with the Sage himself.
You know... if he answered you.
Felt like your petty bullshit was worth getting up off the couch for.
Not to MENTION? He can make clones! Like.... billions of them now. Has a skeleton army. Is kinda one of the stronger Ancients. But that's not the point. The POINT? Clones. Don't have to be EQUAL facets of self.
You CAN make a .00001% clone of yourself!
Behold *summons poof noise* Lil Baby Man!
The harbinger of Danny! Here to Test Your VIBEZ™. He sends them each time. To be an adorable menace. Cause problems on purpose. Be gremlins, chew on table legs, maybe. You know, the works! They RADIATE his " I Am Death." Energy. But also his "winter, protection, and starlight" vibes... if you're brave enough to LOOK.
If you don't flinch away from a spirit of the dead. Can embrace the chaotic nature of a Zone ghost. Are kind to something that isn't what you expected, that you can USE, that appears weaker then you. Something that seems dumb. Distractable. Useless in battle.
Can you be kind? Do you immediately give up? To recognize a test when you see one? Is your first impulse cruelty? Distain? It tells Danny a lot. Saves him time.
Which? Is how a young Itachi, freshly Jounin'd, gets thrown through an old and rotting wooden gate into what LOOKS like a vaguely demonic death shrine. Hmmm, concerning. Baby 'tachi has been separated from his teammates. Is having a Bad Time™. The crows can't really help much here.
And, well, that IS a Summoning contract...
He's outnumbered. Low on both weapons and Chakra. Refuses to do anything BUT return home to his family. His baby brother. Is it WISE? No. It is in fact, incredibly, incredibly UNWISE. He has no idea what he'll be agreeing too. But... so long as he live just a bit longer...
He slams an earth wall against the entrance.
Falls back to the Glowing Contract.
Stumbles, as even landing near it makes his insides revolt. His skin prickle and burn. Colder then the nine tails Chakra, emptier, yet somehow endlessly more ABSOLUTE.
It's like the very Chakra in his body screams against it. Rejects it's mere presence. As though all thing alive REFUSE it with desperation and fear. He has no time to muse upon this. It hurt his hand to touch. He does so anyway. Struggling to hold the earthwall against enemy attacks.
He doesn't bother to read the contract. Flings it from the pedestal, to unravel, so he may sign quickly. There. With a practiced motion, he nicks his finger, and scrawls his future away. Whatever demons may come. Whatever monsters this brings. Please... let him live long enough to say goodbye.
The world CRACKS as he summons.
Death and the Shinigami are not the same.
Even those without the ability to sense are battered by the tsunami of... not killing intent. No. There is no intent. No killing. Just... knowing. Heraldry. That Death comes for us all. You can not escape. Foolish and small, is this what you waste your existence on? Ants before a god. Dust before the heavens. He... he can not... breathe...
Frozen. Eyes wide. Sharigan spinning, spinning, spinning. Capturing the delicate lace of nothingness, absence of life, as it drifts by. Unable to move from where he kneels, bloody hand pressed to the ground, in a Summoning.
What Has He Done?
Outside there is panic. Screaming. They flee. He... he wishes he could flee. W...why can't he-? *THHHWAP!* Mmmmph?! Something small and almost bird shaped smacks into his face like a flung ration. Tiny arms spread wide to cling to his bangs and dangle. The deathy power fades... almost... almost as though it were... a threat display?
He focuses on the tiny creature whining and hugging his face. It... is a floating snake toddler? Or is it dragon? They have sharp little claws and stars along their face, a tiny whispy mane of white. Likely a dragon child then. They stick their small tounge out slightly, eyes the blankly trusting stare of small children everywhere.
He clearly want to be carried. Ah. Of course, little one.
Did... did he agree to raise a dragon?
Itachi, smol. Serious. With lil baby man floped on his head or tucked lovingly in his arms. The TEXTBOOK definition of "he don't bite" "YES HE DO!!!" For everyone but Itachi and Sasuke. To whom he is, of course, an INNOCENT BABY who has NEVER done anything wrong EVER. An angel! Why is everyone being so MEAN to poor innocent baby man? Boo hoo~!
It fucks up SO MANY plans.
Because Itachi. A smol child. INSISTS he is a Father now. What are you going to do? Say he can be? Why? Because he's a CHILD? Which is it? Is he a Jounin or a Dependant? An adult in the eyes of the law or a child to be protected by said law from pushing him off to war? Old enough to die, old enough to parent his dragon son!
And SORRY Father, he CANT join Anbu. Who would be there for his child? Ah, he should join a parenting group. *various competent parent instincts go haywire over this tiny Uchiha child in need of parenting* Danzo? For some reason his son seems to really, REALLY hate him. Better avoid him. His child doesn't know yet not to bite respected elders.
Sasuke? Gets to be an UNCLE! To a DRAGON! He takes his job very seriously.
It's the best PR the clan has ever had.
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @hypewinter @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter @legitimatesatanspawn @lolottes @mutable-manifestation
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pennylanefics · 1 day
Stood Up - Nico Hischier
a/n: i had this idea for jack drury originally, but decided to write it for nico instead :) soft nico is always a great idea, plus i need to write more for him! also this is a best friend!nico scenario, there's no romance involved with him and the reader, but it's lightly implied at one point :)
summary: you ask nico to pick you up from a date gone bad
word count: ~2.9k
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You weren’t sure how long you were sitting on the hard, wooden bench, but by now, every single part of your body was numb from the rain, so the numbness of your ass was the least of your worries. The fact that your date had not yet arrived was your biggest one.
You did know that you agreed to meet near the restaurant just to your left at around six, and the rain had started about half an hour later, and the last time you checked, it was over an hour since you even texted him that you were waiting for him.
No response was sent back, just silence on his end. That is part of the reason you are unable to move from your spot, your heart shattering in your chest at the realization of what was happening.
The rain had picked up again, slamming against the concrete and dousing you for a second time, though it didn’t matter much since you were already soaked to the bone, swimming in your shoes, all of the contents of your bag ruined at this point. 
Thankfully, though, only ten minutes later did it slow down to a calm drizzle, allowing what has already fallen to seep into the soil of the earth. It also gave you a chance to pull your phone out and check it, though there was no reason to, you still had no response from him at all.
He did read the messages, twelve minutes ago. But chose not to say a word. In that moment, all the thoughts of maybe he was stuck in traffic somewhere due to an accident, maybe he got into an accident, maybe he was helping a family member last minute with something, left your mind.
He had stood you up.
When just yesterday, after finalizing the details, said how excited he was to see you again. This would have been your third date, but now, here you sat, soaking wet, wondering what went wrong in the past twenty-four hours.
Staring at your phone in disbelief, you were unsure of what to do. It was like your mind was frozen, all thoughts had escaped with every minute that passed as you sat on that bench alone, people walking by, giving you slightly pathetic looks, wondering who in their right mind would just sit there in the pouring rain.
You couldn’t drive home since your roommate dropped you off before she went out with some friends. Your family was out of town for a work trip for your dad, so you couldn’t ask one of them. There was one person left that you could trust, and you weren’t even sure he was awake, or if he had company or not.
Clicking on his name, you press the call button and hold your phone up to your ear. It rings a few times before he picks up.
“Nico?” You let out a soft sigh of relief, hearing his sweet, tired voice.
“Yeah, what’s up? Are you alright?”
“Not exactly,” you choke on your words, your hands beginning to shake ever so slightly. “Could you do me a huge favor? If you aren’t busy, that is?”
“Of course, whatever it is you need.” You take a moment to respond, a shiver running through your body.
“Could you come pick me up from Delilah’s?” Your teeth tug at your bottom lip nervously. He was your last hope, otherwise you’d have to call a friend of your brother’s.
Which, technically Nico is, but you two struck up a friendship outside of that and got to know each other really well. Because of that, he has always been a close confidant to you, someone you could rant to with no judgement, and could trust with anything. That’s one of the reasons you knew calling him with this, he wouldn’t get angry or judgmental.
“Sure, sure. What’s uh, what’s going on?”
“I’ll tell you when you get here, just please hurry?” Nico could sense the heartbreak and urgency in your voice, and it tugged at his heart.
“Alright, hey, listen to me, everything’s going to be okay, yeah? I’ll be there soon, you’re not too far away. Send me your location and I’ll try to get there as quick as I can without breaking any laws.” You chuckle a little and nod, even though you knew he couldn’t see you.
“Thank you,” you whisper, attempting to keep your tears at bay.
“No problem, sweets. Just sit tight, okay?”
Upon hanging up, you send him your location over text and lock your phone, staring out at the roads to wait for him. The temperature had dropped significantly, and with the rain finally stopping for the time being, chills were running up and down your spine, and soon, shivers overtook your body as the wind picked up, brushing against your wet skin.
You tried to warm yourself up as much as you could with your hands, but it was no use. Your waterlogged clothing was adding to the problem, and you couldn’t wait to be out of them and in some warm pajamas.
Not even fifteen minutes later, Nico’s familiar car comes to a screeching stop just a few feet in front of you, and he jumps out of the car, leaving it running.
“Oh my gosh, look at you,” he sighs heavily upon seeing the current state you’re in. His hands pull you to stand up, bringing you right into his chest. The warmth of his arms around you is enough to ease your shiver just a little. “You poor thing. You’re soaked.”
You don’t say a word, just curling into his body for comfort.
“Let’s get you home,” he murmurs, brushing a strand of dripping hair behind your ear that was stuck to your forehead.
He helps you into the passenger seat and shuts your door, racing around the front to get back into the driver’s seat. He clicks the heat up a couple notches and shakes his head, knowing that you need to get out of those clothes soon.
“Actually, can you…um, could I stay at your place? If you don’t have company?” You speak up after he was driving for a few minutes. You were currently stuck at a red light, thinking about what you were going to do for the rest of the night, and the thought of being alone had crept up, the thought alone scaring you.
“Yeah, sure,” Nico agrees immediately, not second guessing his answer. He knew you all too well, if you wanted to tell him about what happened, you would, and he didn’t want to rush or question anything if you weren’t ready. But you asking to stay with him, he figured it was something serious, and there was no way he was going to deny you.
Just as you arrive at Nico’s place, another storm cell was beginning to drop more rain onto the city, and Nico rushes you in quick, before the downfall gets you anymore than it already has tonight.
“I’ll get you a shirt and sweats for you,” he says as soon as the door closes behind him. “Feel free to take a shower or a bath, I can get you a towel. And just leave your clothes in the bath once you’re done, I’ll wash them for you in the morning.” You grin fondly at Nico, his voice quiet and careful as he speaks to you. 
While you take a quick hot shower, Nico heats up some leftover pizza he had from dinner last night for you, leaving it sit in the microwave until you were ready. He also throws a bunch of blankets on the couch to warm you up even more, if you are to need it.
After he’s gotten everything prepared, he takes a seat on the couch and waits for you, queuing up one of your favorite movies he knows you like to watch whenever you are feeling down. While he waits, he checks his phone, scrolling through different apps, messaging friends back, liking some posts on Instagram.
A little while later, he hears the bathroom door click open and quiet footsteps travel down the hall. Locking his phone and turning his head, he finds you dressed in a Devils pullover of his, one he doesn’t wear as often anymore, and a pair of plain black sweatpants.
A small smile tugs at his lips, you slowly making you way over to him. You plop on the couch next to him and for a moment, he is beyond distracted that he forgets everything he had for you.
“Oh!” He shoots up, darting to the kitchen before returning with the plate and a bottle of water. “I have some leftover pizza for you, just in case you didn’t eat,” he tells you, handing you the plate with a couple slices on it.
“Thanks. Yeah, I didn’t have dinner, so I’m starving.” Nico nods and now he feels like it’s the right time to ask, but he still fears coming on too strong.
“Would you…be okay with telling me all that happened?” He finally gets his words out when you finish your food, gazing over at you with a sympathetic look in his brown eyes.
Setting your empty plate on the coffee table, you take a deep breath and look down at your hands, embarrassment filling your body once more. Nico waits for you to feel comfortable and safe enough to share, not pushing you to talk more than he has with asking you.
“I was stood up,” you say just below a whisper. Nico frowns at the thought, hating that you were dealing with this sort of pain. “He just completely ghosted me. Didn’t say he no longer wanted to see me, didn’t even have the audacity to lie and say he got caught up with something. He left me sit there for an hour before he even read my messages.”
“How long were you sitting out there? Before you asked me to come get you?” He was concerned for you, being out in the cold for that long definitely wasn’t the healthiest, even if it wasn’t freezing cold, being wet in a dropping temperature was never good.
“Like an hour and a half, I think. I barely remember now,” you swipe your hair out of your face and shrug. “I got there a little before six. The rain started around six thirty, I’m pretty sure. So I was only in the rain for…probably forty-five minutes.”
Nico can’t help but scoff at the amount of time that your date had left you sit alone with no word on his whereabouts.
“Only forty-five minutes,” he shakes his head in disbelief, his hand coming up to tug his bottom lip between his thumb and pointer finger in a thoughtful manner. “This guy is a real fucking asshole for ghosting you.”
Tears well in your eyes the second he says this, feeling beyond humiliated that you sat out there for so long, waiting for someone that didn’t care for you all that much.
“I thought he liked me,” you choke out. Nico’s heart breaks in an instant, he scoots closer to you to bring you to his chest, comforting you by rubbing his hand up and down your back soothingly.
“Hey, hey, shh, this is not your fault. He’s the one who couldn’t act like an adult and communicate that he didn’t want to see you anymore. I know it hurts, but think about it this way: it’s good that you were able to see his true character early on instead of later on, had you guys gone further with your relationship.”
You find yourself nodding at his words, your head pressed against his shoulder. He holds you tight, not wanting to let you go anytime soon; he knew exactly what you needed and he wasn’t going to deprive you of that.
“Why did you stay out there waiting for him?” He asks, not knowing if he worded it correctly and hoping that you didn’t assume he was shaming you for staying as long as you did.
“I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt, that maybe he was stuck in traffic due to an accident, or if he had gotten in one. But as time passed, the chances got slimmer and slimmer the longer he didn’t show, and as much as I didn’t want to lose hope, it was keeping me from the realization and hurt.”
Nico nods along, allowing you to talk for as long as you need to, not wanting to interrupt until he knows you are finished with whatever is on your mind. 
“I wanted to think the best of him. It’s why I stayed. Maybe some sliver of hope that his phone died and he was really on his way. I knew I shouldn’t have stayed in the rain for that long, but at some point, it became hard to move,” your voice comes out softer than before, emotions filling it, hurting Nico’s heart even more.
“I was embarrassed by the time I called you. I knew whoever came to pick me up would judge me and shame me for allowing a man to treat me like this, but…I really liked him.”
Your tears finally burst through the dam that was holding them back, sobs wracking your body. Nico hadn’t let you go, but now that you were crying, he held onto you tighter, shifting into a more comfortable position while doing so. He lays with you against his chest, his arms circling around your waist and back.
He held you like his life depended on it. He even pressed a few gentle kisses to your hair, also whispering that everything will be okay, that things will get better. Nico also felt a few tears sting his own eyes at the painful cries that were escaping your parted lips.
As you cry, he traces his finger up and down your spine, over your pullover, knowing that it always eased your mind when he did.
“Hey, I want you to look at me,” Nico whispers to you once your sobs subsided and your tears paused for a moment. Raising your head from his shoulder, you sniffle and gaze up into his desolate eyes. His hand rises to wipe your tear-stained cheeks, a small grumble bubbling in his throat.
“You are a wonderful, wonderful person. Any guy would be incredibly lucky to even go one one date with you. This guy that stood you up is a cowardly loser who doesn’t know an amazing person when he has one. He couldn’t even give you a reason because he knew he didn’t have one. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially you, sweets. Alright? So don’t let this coward ruin your beautiful self. I can’t imagine you losing your shine because of someone like him.”
Nico’s words hit your heart deep, and inside your chest, you feel a slight ache, but it’s a good ache. Like slowly, just with his affirmations, a couple pieces of your heart were stuck back together, like a mosaic being constructed of broken fine china.
“I won’t,” you whisper, silently promising him that you’d tough this out and not harp on it too much. But he was right. This guy didn’t deserve your attention anymore, and he sure as hell didn’t deserve your tears.
After talking for a little bit more, Nico decides to make you some hot chocolate, as he could tell you were still a little cold from being so drenched, even though you had taken a hot shower and were dressed very snugly.
With your two mugs, Nico brings you to his bedroom and you two sit in his bed, drinking your Swiss hot chocolate that he brought over from home, chatting quietly.
“Thanks for letting me stay here,” you murmur, curling up into his chest again once your drinks were finished. Nico sets the empty mugs on his bedside table, far too tired to get up and take them to the kitchen for now.
“Anytime. I’m sorry that your night turned out to be so shitty, but I’m always here for you, you know that?” He kisses your forehead as you snuggle as close to him as you could get, your legs tangling together.
This wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for the two of you, you always cuddled like this whenever either of you are upset. But for some reason, this feels different for Nico. He feels far more protective of you, upset that you went through this to begin with. He hated that some man didn’t think of your own feelings and broke you down with his child-like behavior, betraying your trust you instilled in him over the first couple dates.
He never wanted you to feel this type of pain ever again, and he knew there was nothing he could do about it, except for one thing. But that was for another time. Right now, all he needed to do was hold you, comfort you, maybe take you out on a little friendly date tomorrow to try and cheer you up.
“I appreciate it, Nico. It means the world to me.” Nico grins at your words and closes his eyes, resting his cheek against your head. Everything felt perfect to him, but he knew you’d need time to heal from this upsetting event, and he was going to be by your side through it all, just like he promised.
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taglist: @petite-potato4
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agentrouka-blog · 2 days
Favourite sassy Sansa moments ??
This one is still my favourite:
“When Lady Anya first told me of this match, I was afraid that you might look like your father."
"Little pointy beard and all?" Alayne laughed.
“I never meant..."
"I hope you joust better than you talk."
I know she’s technically playing a role here but SANSA STARK’S SASS IS UNDERRATED!!!! she’s so unintentionally funny
Anon, I am pretty sure it's intentional. ^_^
Sansa is dang charming and funny when she's allowed to be.
The older man in white spoke to Sansa gently. "Ofttimes Ser Ilyn frightens me as well, sweet lady. He has a fearsome aspect." "As well he should." The queen had descended from the wheelhouse. The spectators parted to make way for her. "If the wicked do not fear the King's Justice, you have put the wrong man in the office." Sansa finally found her words. "Then surely you have chosen the right one, Your Grace," she said, and a gale of laughter erupted all around her. "Well spoken, child," said the old man in white. "As befits the daughter of Eddard Stark. I am honored to know you, however irregular the manner of our meeting. I am Ser Barristan Selmy, of the Kingsguard." He bowed. (AGOT, Sansa I)
This isn't quite as hilarious at first glance, but she's very much working her audience here, to great effect.
Of course, she rarely has the opportunity to openly speak at all, let alone with sass, so a lot of her snark happens internally.
One of my favorite unspoken lines is this:
The king leafed through it with no interest. "And what is this, Uncle?" A book. Sansa wondered if Joffrey moved those fat wormy lips of his when he read. (ASOS, Sansa IV)
The classic:
"They say my brother Robb always goes where the fighting is thickest," she said recklessly. "Though he's older than Your Grace, to be sure. A man grown." (ACOK, Sansa V)
I'm sure there are many that escape me right now.
But yeah, the TWOW sample chapter is pure gold in terms of watching Sansa be closer to her carefree self. Excitedly overseeing preparations, running and gossiping with a friend, free to bite back for once, free to let her thoughts indulge silly details or observations that don't specifically serve to protect her from harm.
Alayne loved it here. She felt alive again, for the first since her father… since Lord Eddard Stark had died. [...]
Not to be outdone, the pimply knight hopped up and said, "Ser Ossifer speaks truly, you are the most beautiful maid in all the Seven Kingdoms." It might have been a sweeter courtesy had he not addressed it to her chest. "And have you seen all those maids yourself, ser?" Alayne asked him. "You are young to be so widely travelled." [...]
Myranda rolled her eyes. "They're from the Sisters. Did you ever know a Sisterman who could joust? They clean their swords with codfish oil and wash in tubs of cold seawater." "Well," Alayne said, "at least they're clean." "Some of them have webs between their toes. I'd sooner marry Lord Petyr.  [...] She danced with all three Sunderlands, none of whom had webs between their fingers, though she could not vouch for their toes. [...]
And there he stood, Harry the Heir himself; tall, handsome, scowling. [....]
"And is Ser Harrold with them?" Horrible Ser Harrold. "He is." [...]
Ser Harrold had the grace to blush. "Her father says she is more precious to him than gold. He's rich, the richest man in Gulltown. A fortune in spices." "What will you name the babe?" she asked. "Cinnamon if she's a girl? Cloves if he's a boy?" That almost made him stumble. "My lady japes." "Oh, no." Petyr will howl when I tell him what I said.
Alayne is the Sansa that she could have been all this time, the girl who liked to giggle and be silly with Jeyne Poole, had no great issue holding her own in conversation, who drew pleasure and energy from the world around her.
I mean, we know she is playing a role and based Alayne partially on Jon Snow... but that girl there is not a terse and moody grump. She's not even a lean shadow laughingly racing to the bridge with his brother. She is a highborn lord's daughter, inhabiting the center of attention with confidence like she was born to it. Like Sansa.
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diazheartsbuckley · 2 days
🚨 🚨 🚨
So I got a few people who requested this and im so excited to reignite the passion I have for this story so im gonna give you a little bit more than a few sentences 🥹
🚨Cop!Eddie x Doctor!Buck au (where Bobby and Athena are Buck’s adoptive parents)
TW!! Mentions of gun violence
Buck leans back against Eddie’s desk, arms folded tightly across his chest and his lips curls into a straight line as he waits for his boyfriend to finish the last of his paperwork.
Ever since the shooting at the hospital, Buck had felt extremely uncomfortable and anxious, crawling out of his skin at the slightest bit of loud and sudden noise. And a heavy door slamming shut in the distance raises his pulse almost instantly, his entire body flinching and he swallows harshly, trying to swallow down the tears that were forming in his eyes. He didn’t even feel safe in a police station, surrounding by armed police officers. He didn’t even feel safe next to his boyfriend. Buck barely had time to digest that thought, Eddie’s hand gently made its way onto his lower back.
Buck also hadn’t been back to work yet. He tried. He even tried more than once but all he could think about was seeing several of his friends and colleagues lying dead on the ground in a blood of their own blood. He had known some of these people since med school and now they were just…gone. And despite the fact that he had seen people die before, it had never been like this. And he had never held a dying coworker in his arms, begging him to help her. Molly is-…was his friend. And he could feel the weight of her dead against his when he woke up in the middle of the night. He could feel and see his white coat being soaked in a loved one’s blood.
“Hey. You wanna go?” Eddie says gently, noting Buck’s heavy breaths and far off stare.
“Maybe I should get a gun” Buck turns to look at him. Maybe it doesn’t make sense. Maybe he shouldn’t get a gun but it’s the first thing that comes to mind.
Eddie blinks a few times as he stands up, searching Buck’s eyes for an explanation that never comes. “Buck, that’s not a good idea. The last thing this city needs is more guns in the hands of untrained civilians” Eddie tries to reason.
“But you could teach me, right? You’re an instructor” Buck points out.
Eddie wants to argue with Buck’s logic but he’s also right. He is certified as an instructor. But Eddie has to put his foot down even though he hates it. He knew that Buck was scared. He knew that he was barely eating or sleeping, even after seeing a psychiatrist. But this wouldn’t help at all.
“I could” Eddie takes a deep breath in before he continues. “But I’m not going to. I know you’re scared, I know that you feel helpless-…”
He doesn’t get to finish his sentence before Buck cuts into the middle of it. “Then help me!” It comes out louder than anticipated and has a few of the surrounding officers looking at them. “Help me, Eddie. Please, I-I-I can’t spend the rest of my life feeling like this” Buck’s bottom lip quivers as he speaks but he doesn’t care who can see or hear him.
He needs this.
He needs to feel safe again.
He needs to be able to protect himself and his friends and coworkers.
He needs to not feel like a nine-year old defenseless kid again.
He needs to not feel scared ever again.
Make me write ✍️
Using this as my tease tidbit tuesday (even tho it’s technically wednesday here 🤫)
Some of y’all also requested it in my asks so consider this your tag for both the story and ttt/wip wednesday 🥰
Tagged by @wikiangela @weewootruck @dangerpronebuddie @hippolotamus 💕
Tagging!! @tizniz @theotherbuckley @watchyourbuck
@honestlydarkprincess @elvensorceress @wildlife4life
@thewolvesof1998 @bidisasterevankinard @butraura
@giddyupbuck @daffi-990 @actualalligator
@actuallyitsellie @spotsandsocks @steadfastsaturnsrings
@devirnis @jeeyuns @jesuisici33
@slightlyobsessedwitheverything @fionaswhvre 🦋🩵
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narrans · 2 days
My Borrowed Son | 33 | Bullied and Bailed
Chapter Thirty-Three | Bullied and Bailed
Danger. It can be a relative term or one that is thrown around playfully among friends and co-workers. There’s danger in everyday life, hazards that could hurt you a little or a lot. Physical. Emotional. Mental. There are different types of danger that are all around at all times.
There is, however, true danger.
It’s one of those circumstances where you know it if you’ve felt it.
That’s where Parker was.
He was in danger, and he knew it.
Every fiber of his being was electrified, using every ounce of energy he had to break away from his captor. This girl, whoever she was, obviously had no intention of listening to him.
She had already disregarded his free will and autonomy, and he had a bad feeling things were only going to get worse. So, he fought. He splashed and kicked in his metallic prison. He rummaged through his bag when there were moments of calm and found the one thumbtack he brought with him, but nothing else would help protect him.
He needed so much more, but this would have to do.
Parker decided he needed to wait for the right opportunity to use his weapon. Chances were he would only get one chance to use it.
The terrified teen fretted he wouldn’t know when that moment was, and he didn’t have long to think about it. The violent jostling intensified before suddenly stopping entirely. Completely surrounded by darkness, Parker braced himself as the bottle suddenly tilted to the side and then upside down in rapid succession.
Disoriented, Parker sputtered as he inhaled some water and leapt back onto his feet as fast as he could. He knew the girl was going to try and get him out of the bottle, so he tried quickly to find his footing on the lip of the container.
Sadly, he wasn’t fast enough. Because of the slick surface and the quick twisting motion of the cap which knocked him off balance again, Parker found himself falling. It was only a few inches, but it was enough to make him hit the hard surface wrong and topple to the ground. He winced and pulled his legs close, involuntarily running his fingers over them to make sure they were still there and intact.
It was sadly the wrong move.
Being all balled up gave his captor time to sweep him off of the edge of the counter and scoop him into her waiting cupped hands and contain him, covering him with her other hand. Parker immediately thrashed as hard as he could, but he couldn’t move. He couldn’t even reach the pin he had in his bag. All he could do was be contained in darkness as he felt himself being carried from where he was to someplace new.
The next time he felt free, unstifled air, he was falling again. This time, he was falling into a glass fishbowl with no way out. He yelped as he hit the ground hard on all fours propped up on the balls of his feet and leaning forward on his hands, but he didn’t hit it hard enough to sprain or break anything. Parker reoriented in an instant and whipped around in time to see the girl’s face leaning close toward the fishbowl.
He felt so exposed. He felt small. Nothing felt right.
He stiffened his jaw and stood up slowly, fearing any sudden move he might make. His heart was racing, but his mind was racing faster. What was going to happen to him? What was this girl going to do? She hadn’t listened to reason before, but would she now?
“So, what are you exactly?” asked the girl. Her distorted finger inched closer and tapped on the glass, making a horrible hollow dinging sound that sounded like the toll of deep bells. It made Parker shiver. To him, it almost sounded like the bells were tolling for him.
It was ominous.
It made him shrink back.
Parker felt like tears were starting to well up in his eyes. He was shaking from head to toe. What was he going to say? What should he say? Based on what the other Borrowers said, he should keep quiet and not say anything about who or what he was. He technically had already said too much.
“Hey! I’m talking to you!” The girl’s hand suddenly reached into the bowl. She reached forward and poked Parker harshly on his shoulder. He winced and shied away. Parker whipped around and tried backing away, but the slope of the edge of the bowl left little room for him to maneuver. The girl grinned and began spinning her hand all the way around Parker, making him spin around and around until she knocked him off balance.
She laughed as Parker hit the ground and, without a second thought, grabbed his leg and hoisted him up into the air. Parker’s arms flailed involuntarily as he kept trying to keep his orientation right. If she dropped him, he didn’t want to land square on his head.
“You don’t have a tail or anything. You’re not a mouse. You’re not a human. You’re… whatever you are. Are you a doll come to life like Toy Story?” asked the girl. The blood was starting to rush to his head. Everything was getting fuzzy. His world was spinning faster and faster.
But suddenly something in him steeled. It was impossible to describe, but he knew this feeling before. It was same kind of instinct that came to him when someone was approaching. It was the same kind of instinct that kept him focused now.
It was the same instinct that suddenly rose up inside of him and made him feel courage in the face of danger. Though he was still terrified, Parker somehow felt his instincts would keep him on his toes and help get him out of this.
They had to.
Parker didn’t have a choice.
He needed to get out of there.
This was his shot.
As the girl swung him back and forth, Parker timed his strike just right. He reached into his bag and grasped the pin he had stowed away. Swinging forward, Parker drew his shoulders up toward his knees and closer to the girl’s fingers. With all of his might, he plunged the end of the pin into the girl’s finger.
The girl howled in pain and Parker suddenly found himself free falling, but this time he was ready. Parker spun in the air and landed on his feet. He tumbled forward and started running as fast as he could across the desk. Parker wasn’t sure how he was going to get down, but he knew his body would react the way it needed to.
“Ow! You little wretch!” the girl snarled. Parker sensed it before it happened, and he was ready for it. A massive hand came swinging down at him. Parker managed to stop dead in his tracks as the hand crashed down on the desk, shaking the ground beneath him, before he darted around it and headed for the back desk leg.
If he could just get there, he could slide down. Maybe he could just hide behind the leg or slide down Matrix style all the way down. Parker’s arms pumped faster as he willed himself forward. If he could just ge-
Parker didn’t have time to react this time. With his back to Rachel, he failed to see that she had thrust her hand forward from where it was on the desk. As easily as swatting a fly, her hand collided with Parker’s back and threw him forward. He threw his arms up, but it didn’t stop him from slamming into the wall hard.
Parker actually felt himself bounce off of the hard surface dividing this girl’s room from the rest of her house before falling back and whacking his head hard on the hard wood surface. He winced and clenched his jaw as he tried to recover, but it wasn’t fast enough.
The girl’s hand descended onto Parker, pinching his hip hard between her thumb and index finger. The whiplash alone from her lifting him off of the desk created an agonizing pounding in the back of his head. He felt the bruises starting to form on every inch of his body, and he hated that some of them would be in the shape of this girl’s fingerprints.
“You’re gonna pay for that you little twerp. You stick me, and I’ll stick you right b-.”
“Rachel! It’s time to go to your lessons! Get down here now. We can’t be late again,” called some other older female voice. This girl, Rachel, rolled her eyes before stomping over to a nearby table with a clear tank on top of it. She lifted the lid, glowering at Parker, before tossing him inside.
He landed hard on his bruised side and ground his teeth together as he looked up past the glass to the girl’s face.
“Stay there, and don’t wake him up. Make too much noise and he’ll come after you; and I won’t be around to save your butt no matter how much you plead. Maybe you’ll be more willing to talk when I get back. See ya’ twerp.” With that, Rachel snagged some kind of bag off of her bed and vanished out of the door to her room.
Escape was now the priority. The top of the cage wasn’t fastened completely, which was a good sign for him. The gap was only an inch or so wide, but it was going to be enough. It meant he had a chance of getting out if he could just maneuver up to the edge and slip out. With his pin gone, he needed to use what was around him.
Parker finally had a second to look around at what was going on around him, and he immediately felt himself chill in fear. There was a heat lamp above him, scorching the ground below. His surroundings consisted of sand and a few rocks, on very large rock sitting in the corner with something curled up inside. Parker could just barely make out orange-yellow scales, which was enough for him.
He needed to get out of there – fast.
This Rachel girl was some kind of sadistic monster in the making, and Parker refused to be her first victim. The Borrower teen pushed himself to his feet and cautiously began sifting through the sand. Little bits of insect legs brushed against his fingertips, making him want to hurl. Little rocks and pebbles were nearby, but nothing big enough for Parker to climb onto.
He shifted his weight silently across the sand to the nearest big rock and tried to leverage it. The rock wasn’t a real one, if Parker was right about his geology, but it was still too heavy for him to lift on his own. The teen was determined to try though. He couldn’t just sit there and do nothing when he was in a cage with something that was obviously carnivorous.
Parker decided he had no other choice but to stack the smaller stones and mix them with the sand around him. From there, he planned on ripping the cloak around him into strips into a possible line with his pack attached. The hope was that it would get caught on the exposed ledge and let Parker climb out.
It was a gamble, but he was determined to make it work.
It had to.
Parker got to work immediately. He stacked as many small rocks as he could by the edge of the cage and filled in the gaps with sand. The pack was nearly empty, but his water container would hopefully be enough to wedge itself in between the cage top and the wall.
Hands trembling, he unfastened the cloak and began tearing at the fabric from one side of the base to the next since it was the longest. The sound of the ripping, however, was much louder than he thought it was going to be. It was also a lot tougher to tear than he thought. It was a durable material, and Parker’s exhausted muscles shook violently as he tried to tear the cloth.
He was almost through the first strip when he heard it.
A massive shift in the sand.
The hair on the back of his neck stood up on end. Everything in him screamed that he was in danger.
Heart hammering a hole right through him, Parker dared to look back over his shoulder and was met with two massive yellow-brown eyes that seemed to glow from the interior of the rock crevasse mouth. Unblinkingly, the thing simply stared at him before moving its head in a weird jerking motion. Parker knew it was getting a better view of him, and he didn’t like it.
Parker whipped around and grabbed two of the small rocks he had stacked up in the corner of the cage, moving slowly and hoping this thing couldn’t detect him if he moved slowly.
That’s when it moved out of its slumber hole. One massive, clawed hand emerged from the shadows and into the heat lamp light. The rest of its body soon followed, revealing a bearded dragon. Parker knew this from his science classes. It was an omnivore, which was the worst part about it.
Shaking in his shoes, Parker stayed still and crouched by the corner of the cage. He hoped it wouldn’t see him and that Rachel would be back soon to get him out of this mess. Parker knew if he tried to continue his work now, it would get the creature’s attention and undoubtedly it would come after him.
He felt like he was in Jurassic Park with the tyrannosaurus rex looming nearby. The line of it not being able to see him if he didn’t move ran through his head.
Sadly, a bearded dragon was not a t-rex.
With a few more bird like movements to it’s head, jerking from side to side, the reptile marched forward like an unstoppable tank and was heading right for him.
His heart leapt into his throat. The infinitesimal teen, rocks in hand, braced himself and threw the rocks at the critter’s face. One throw. Then the next. Parker had just barely managed to grab two more rocks when the thing sped forward and lunged at him.
Parker’s nimble body leapt out of the way, tumbling in the sand and spinning right in time for the thing to launch itself at him again. This thing was twice the size of Parker, but he knew it wasn’t nearly as big as it could be. It was a baby, probably a new pet just sold, and Parker knew it was probably his only saving grace at the moment.
He managed to dodge a few more times, kicking sand up into the thing’s face as it looked at him, a cold calculating look in its eyes. It was the look of survival, but the way it looked like it was grinning made Parker choke on his emotions.
This thing didn’t care about him.
This thing didn’t know him.
All it knew was that it was hungry, and that Parker looked like nothing more than prey to it. Tears threatened to well up in Parker’s eyes. How could someone be so cruel to someone else? He was a person! He was a living, breathing being. He wasn’t any different than a human despite his size.
Then, it happened.
As Parker moved to dodge again, his timing was off. It was him getting in his head, and that momentary distraction was enough for the bearded dragon to gain the advantage. Parker tumbled a little too soon, and the thing was waiting for him. Sand kicked up into Parker’s face as the bearded dragon lunged forward.
In one lightning motion, it had snagged Parker’s left arm in its mouth. The teeth ground into the soft flesh of Parker’s arm as it jerked its head, tossing Parker with it. He cried out in pain and flailed, slamming the rock into the thing’s eye. It didn’t relinquish its grip though.
Quite the opposite.
It tightened it.
“Ow! No! No! Let me go! Help!”
Parker’s entire body was trembling violently. Panic had a death grip on him and there was little else he could do. He yelled as he began pounding the rock into the thing’s nose and eye as it readjusted its grip again. The scraping teeth against his left arm had undoubtedly found purchase and would not let him go again.
It thrashed again, tossing Parker in the sand and away from the gash Parker made right below its eye. The motion threw Parker off balance and had him pinned in the sand. One of the claws came up and began pressing against his leg as the immense lizard’s jaws snapped again, dragging part of Parker’s shoulder further into its mouth.
“No! Please! Someone, help!” Parker knew pleading with this thing in an empty room wouldn’t do him any good, but it was better than just rolling over. Parker let go of the rock in his hand and kept it on the mouth of the creature, shredding his palm against the needle like teeth. He felt its wet tongue flex again, making Parker sick to his stomach.
The next lunge would be it. Parker knew it.
As he continued to thrash, he felt blood pumping in his ears. His vision was blackening. Parker knew he was moments away from being gulped down by this unfeeling lizard, and there was nothing he could do. That bully of a girl had claimed her first victim, and Parker was ashamed it was him and that it had come to this.
He choked on a sob as he continued to thrash in the lizard’s grip. No matter how fast he sucked in air, it was not helping his darkening vision or the pain in his body.
“What the… No!”
Parker craned his neck to the side and glimpsed a new female figure through the rippled and smudged portion of the glass. In two steps, the girl had closed the distance between herself and the cage and had ripped open the mesh top. The looming hand came right for him, but Parker couldn’t shy away from it; nor did he want to at the moment.
The girl pinched the back of the bearded dragon’s neck and gingerly wrapped her fingers around Parker’s entire body. He was completely suspended, encapsulated by warm, fleshy fingers.
“Let go you nasty lizard!” the girl scolded as she pinched a little harder. The teeth ground into Parker’s arm tighter, making him shout in pain. Then, barely a moment later, the lizard let go of Parker’s arm and scurried back into the rocks where it continued to glare at Parker and this new girl menacingly. Using her other hand, the girl snagged Parker’s things as she carefully lifted him out of the cage.
Parker’s panic didn’t end now that he was out of the cage, however. Now instead of being in a glass cage, he was in a cage made of flesh and bone. A human’s grip had never felt like a dangerous place until now, and it had all changed in a matter of a few hours. His heart continued to hammer a hole through him, and his hyperventilating breathing made him gasp in little wheezing bursts.
The girl was muttering something under her breath as she spun on her heel and headed quickly out of the room. Each step brought a new nauseating sensation over Parker as he was whisked away from one bedroom, down a set of stairs, and into another bedroom.
Out of desperation, Parker began thrashing in this new girl’s grip. Every second Parker became more frantic.
Get out!
Get out!
Parker’s body felt like it was acting on its own as he tried prying the girl’s fingers off of his body, but to no avail. The pads of his fingers merely pressed and slid off of the girl’s index finger that was wrapped around his chest.
“D-don’t! J-just l-let me go!” Parker shouted. The rules of Borrowers not speaking to humans was out of the window at this point.
“Hey… hey there, little guy. It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.” The girl spoke in a gentle, soft tone. It reminded Parker of the way his mom always spoke to him, but that was only one thing that caught his attention.
The voice sounded familiar.
The girl’s hand rotated as she continued to speak. “I know you’re scared and everything else, but you’re safe. I’m not going to tell anyone or expo… oh… my… gosh….”
The moment Parker saw the girl’s face and she saw his, Parker felt his stomach drop into his shoes. There was no denying it. He knew this girl. He’d know those green eyes anywhere; and she recognized him too.
The Borrower teen’s vision swirled. Pinpoint vision overtook him as the girl’s name escaped his lips right as his consciousness faded. “Lyn?”
Continue | Coming Soon
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her-favorite · 2 days
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warnings: sort of fluff? honestly, i have no idea what this would be categorized as.. read to find out!! 😽 - talks of (sex)ual acts but not blatant smut - that’s it, i think
wc: 1,252 - just something small bc i felt like writing something small
a/n: i’ve wanted to write something for matt based on an ethel song for a bit (totally don’t have a pt. 1 to a horror series for him based on another one of her songs in my drafts) so i decided on dust bowl! also i’m seeing her live on the 27th and i’m so fucking excited 🤭 (technically tomorrow since it’s past 1 am when i’m posting this)
a/n 2: as someone who lovesss dialogue, there really isn’t much in this (sadly), so if you’re like me and you like reading about people talking, this probably won’t be very interesting lmao but you can give it a try! 🫶🏻
SYNOPSIS: He was the love of your life, someone that only ever cherished you. You both were made for each other.. and only each other.
a/n 3: listening to the song will help!! promise (had to do an unofficial vers. bc it’s a demo!)
He was the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen.
From his piercing blue eyes, to his messy, soft brown hair, to his perfectly sculpted nose, to his pretty pink lips. It was as if someone had took centuries to hand sculpt his features carefully.
His clothes were old and worn, but it only showed growth. His white sneakers were stained with dirt and grass, with holes seeping through the fabric, but he always told you it was because he wanted them to be worn until they couldn’t be used anymore. His mind always amazed you, though he was as humble as ever. Not once did he speak of himself as someone superior to others, he wanted to be on the same level as outsiders. He wanted that normalcy that comes with growing up.
It was easy to fall in love with Matt.
He looked at you as if you had hung the moon and hand placed the stars. His ocean eyes tinted with admiration anytime they had caught yours. He looked to you as his lover; not a piece of meat that he could bite into and swallow whole so there was nothing left. He didn’t love you for your body, your beautiful sculpture was just a bonus. He loves you for you.
His big hands took time on you. They felt and molded into your curves and marks, memorizing every small and big detail on your skin. From your eyebrows, down to your ankles, he lets his calloused palms gently glide over your soft skin. Whispered praises always left his sweet lips, sinking you deeper into euphoria. He always knew the right words to say, as if he only knew those words in those moments.
He never rushed anything. The way his lips or his fingers or his eyes traveled your body, he worshipped you as if he was only put on earth to do so. He knew you deserved it, you were the only thing that deserved only good in your life. And he’d do anything to do that for you.
It was written in both of your minds that you’d end up together. It was the only way.
Back then, when everyone was naïve and dumb, you and him had made a pact, back in middle school. Had anything happen to you, Matt would join. When you both were younger, it was all just words. But now, as you grow older together, live together, and experience more together, the words became more real; they became set in stone. The both of you knew that if you were to pass, Matt wouldn’t waste a second to be with you; and vice versa.
Some people thought you guys were too close. They thought it was odd to spend so much time with your lover, muttering to others that they’d get sick of their’s had they be around them for too long. But you couldn’t get sick of Matt. And neither could he.
Matt had brought a light into your life, even at such a young age. He was a shy, suppressed boy when you had met him. His father drove a hard bargain into making his son’s life difficult and puzzling, but that never stopped Matt. There were times, when you both were in Highschool, where he’d run away at night and climb the tree by your window because he needed to be near you. On certain nights like those, where his father’s harsh words cut deep wounds, Matt would let you hold him as you promised him a future of leaving this old, shitty town and traveling together, free of everyone and everything.
When you both would have nights like that, it was easy to think of the future. Sometimes, if he was drowsy, he’d confess about how he wanted to be a writer. He wanted to construct his own stories, where he can escape into the words and become the character that he wrote about, delving deep into the flimsy, white paper. He’d whisper, on the edge of sleep, about how he’d write about you. About how he pictured your future together and the way he quietly slurs his words as sleep slowly invades his body, sending him into a deep slumber as all of his body weight lays on you.
You knew he loved you. It was obvious.
Though, the thought of how many other pretty girls have tried to entice him into being theirs never failed to make you spiral. He was your pretty boy, and everyone could see how beautiful he is. Of course other people wanted to be chosen by him.
“I love you.”
His words didn’t shock you the first time he had told you; like you had said, it was obvious. They slipped from his lips when you both had been at your regular Friday drive-in movie. Your eyes were captivated by the old, black and white movie with bad acting that you didn’t notice the way his eyes were captivated by you.
His gaze never wavered as they ventured over your side, perfectly unique.. perfectly you. He tried to fight it, tried to not distract you from the screen that caught every bit of your attention, but he already knew he was going to lose the game.
Not once had Matt looked at any other women with any interest ever since that day in first grade. At such a young, and innocent age, he knew he was made for you. All he’s ever wanted was you. He never gave another girl the light of day, or porn, or anything else. Because he looked at you as someone who deserves all of his attention; someone so effortlessly beautiful, mind and body, that he found that he physically couldn’t ignore you, even if he so desperately tried. You were just so damn captivating.. even after all these years.
So many times, on your scheduled date nights, you’ve both ended up with your lips entwined as your labored breathing shares with his, his pretty blue eyes and pretty pink swollen lips captured only by you, even with pornographic scenes playing on the big screen. He didn’t need them, or want them, he wanted you. His eyes were always on you, no matter what you were doing.
With your whispered promises of the future, it was hard to not feel guilty.
Your hands shook as your eyes rimmed red, sobs being ripped and pulled from you as you begged and pleaded with anything to bring him back. This wasn’t set in stone, this wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t supposed to leave you here without him; he was supposed to stay with you, to leave this godforsaken town and for him to become a writer and to have children and to grow old together, until you rot beside him. But now that’s not an option.
You had promised him a future.. now he doesn’t get one. Because, as you rip at the grass surrounding his headstone, you beseech and cry out as you beg for someone to take you, not him. He didn’t deserve it, he never did anything wrong. Your words were now lies as they replay and replay and replay in your mind, taunting and mocking you as you sob for your lover back.
Though, one thing that was for certain, was your pact. And you were sure to join him as you slowly lose consciousness, your cold body laying beside Matt’s grave.
With the holes in his sneakers.
And his eyes all over me.
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ihavethedreamies · 2 days
Quick Sand | The8
Xu Minghao (The8 - Seventeen)
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~5k
Pairing: The8 x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Sci-Fi AU!, Reader-Insert, Smut, Some Plot, Hookup/One-Night-Stand/Strangers to Fucking
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Lots of use of the word 'Pretty', Swearing, Kissing, Oral (F! & M! Receiving), Soft Dom!? Minghao (not sure what to classify this as), Temperature Play (Cold), One Singular Spank, Unprotected Sex (Uh, don't)
Author's Note: I've had some time open up with my moving stuff, so I got to write this out today. My friend is coming in July to help me pack, so until then I don't have much I can do on my own. Hopefully can get a few things out…
P.S. Minghao is one of my most precious, my sweetest boi. However…he's also really freaking attractive and I'm not sure how to feel about it sometimes. I almost wanted to go soft with this but it wouldn't fit the theme of this series...
-> Hoshi's <-
-> Woozi's <-
-> Wonwoo's <-
-> S.Coups's <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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You hated the capital; it was way too busy and there were way too many people. Sometimes though, you had to go there. If you sound something really valuable, The Assembly wanted you to go to the headquarters to relay the goods or information. After finding a giant wreck that looked like it might have been shot down and the crashed into the desert, they wanted to see you in person. Even though you were technically a freelancer, you had a good reputation and so the government tended to trust you and what you said. While you were there, you decided to leave your rover to get some maintenance, which meant you had to travel around on foot or by transport. Not having anywhere specific to go, you decided to walk around the shopping district. You almost never found anything you wanted, not really interested in clothing or little knick-knacks, you just liked to look. The light of the sun didn't blare down too hard in the city like out in the desert, they had some kind of fancy shield surrounding the whole place. That was probably the only thing you liked.
"Your neck would look much prettier with a necklace." A salesman tried to offer, his accent thick, his own fingers adorned with gaudy rings. You shook your head and continued on. The only issue with being in the center of the shopping district was the stall vendors, they weren't inside and therefore able to more or less heckle customers. It was nice that they let traveling merchants settle in the big, artificially green park in the middle though. As you passed a tent made out of striped fabric, you someone looking at the different headscarves laid on a table. He was tall and skinny, with long black hair half tied up, the rest falling around his neck. He was in white clothes, more like robes, that were long and flowy, but you could still tell he was of a very narrow build.
"Is there one like this with a more plain pattern?" He held one up that was a weave of many colors, and to some it might be pretty, but it looked tacky to you. Seemed he thought the same. There was, however, one that did catch your eye, so you entered the tent yourself. It had a silky texture, nice and thin but strong and was a dull red color. Even with the obviously high-quality material, maybe it wouldn't be too much since it was one color. He turned his head to the side to cast you a glance since you had sidled up right next to him. Casting him a side glance yourself, you nearly gasped. Yes, he was a dude, but he was stunningly beautiful. You were a bit jealous if you had to be honest. One of the stall owners was digging through a pile of scarves, and who you assumed to be his wife came to you.
"How much is this?" She told you and you winced. It was pretty expensive for what it was, maybe because you were in the capital? If the last job paid well, maybe you could afford it then, but you were very low on funds right then. Thanking her anyway, you put it down and headed out, hearing the man speak with the vendor. You lazed down past a few more stalls and tents before you felt something light rest on your head. Red fabric fell into your vision, and you felt the silky material on your forehead and nose. Blinking, you pulled the scarf off your head and turned to see the man from before.
"If you're in the sun a lot, that's a good one to have. It’s strong too." he commented, and you just blinked again.
"Huh?" You managed to get out and he rolled his eyes.
"Some things are worth the cost." He was going to leave it at that, but you called out for him to wait.
"I can't pay you back right now!"
"Obviously, that's why you didn't buy it. Don't worry about it, maybe replace your goggles." He nodded at the eye protection you had around your neck. Your fingers rubbed over the cracked leather, and you looked back at the scarf in your hand as he walked away. If he wasn't going to make you pay him back, might as well accept it. You folded the scarf up and proceeded to stuff it in your pack as you continued through the market. Every so often, his words would pop up in your head as you looked over various wares. Most of the eyewear you saw were pairs of glasses or something more like an accessory than something to protect your eyes from blowing sand. At one stand you looked over the leather works that were presented. It was mostly belts and some jewelry, but you wondered if you couldn't get one and commandeer it to use as a new strap. That would work for a bit, but the thick plexiglass was also almost too scratched. The leather was reasonably priced too, and you were willing to admit one gets what they pay for. Unfortunately, it didn't look like anything was really the right size, so you thanked the vendor for their time and continued on. It was clear you were getting close to the food vendors with the scents in the air, and your stomach gurgled. Heading in the direction of what smelled the best, you ended up gnawing on a skewer of some kind of meat. You learned a long time ago not to ask what it was and just enjoy it. As you were turning your head left and right, looking for something sweet to have after, you were halted when you looked ahead once more. White met your eyes, as well as something dangling in the air. It was a new pair of goggles, nearly identical to the ones you had around your neck.
"Woah, where'd you find these?!" You barely noticed who was holding them, reaching for the eyewear. He easily lifted them up and out of reach and you gaped up at them.
"These you'll have to pay me back for." He noted and you finally looked at his face. Yes, he was pretty, but it was so much so that you got a little annoyed.
"Fine. How much?" You dug into your bag again, looking for your credit chit and he told you. It was a bit pricier than you would normally go for, but if they were the same kind, they would last you another two or three years. Huffing, you held out the little holo-chip and he pulled his own out from his robes and tapped it to yours. When you pulled it back and looked at it, you saw the remaining balance and sighed.
"Why'd you do that?" you asked after thanking him.
"I figured you might have a hard time finding any, so I grabbed these as soon as I saw it."
"Not that, I mean, yes, thank you for thinking of it, but…I meant the scarf. Why'd you buy it and not want me to pay you back?" Your question made his eyes widen and he huffed, turning to look away from you. The tips of his ears tinted a bit red, and he cleared his throat.
"It's clear you're not from around here. That's cheap." He pointed at the edge of the fabric hanging from your bag. Seriously?
"Well, thank you…?"
"(Y/N). Well, if I ever see you again…" You shrugged, not sure how to end the exchange and he gave an awkward smile himself and parted ways.
When you finally got back out into the desert, you were extremely grateful that Minghao had gotten you the goggles and headscarf. You were no longer battered by the blowing sand and your freckled face wasn't completely red as well. But your rover was not doing so hot. Well, it was actually too hot, that was the problem. You had gotten the bad news from the mechanic that there were too many issues to fix, it wouldn't be worth the cost. Even though you got some good money for your tip to The Assembly, it wasn't enough to buy a new rover. You decided to use yours to the finish line and then sell it for scrap. Though…you really wished the finish line wasn't in the ass-crack of nowhere in the desert. In the middle of the day. In the summer. Your face was covered well with the red fabric, but your arms were bare, and the tanned skin was turning red quick, and the blowing sand was scratching as well. Then the bad turned worse when you felt the ground trembling. You were on a compacted-sand path, heading back to the paved road and as it shook beneath you, you noticed a tiny crack. Rumbling then accompanied the quaking and a smell like melting plastic hit your nose.
"For fuck's sake!" You groaned and broke out into a sprint, already tired, sore, and hot. Sand worm. It was always sand worms! The cracks on the path were getting bigger and the hardened sand was crumbling, turning back to fine grains. You cursed and panted as the sand grew softer, making it harder and harder to run on, and you noticed you were sinking as well. Plus, the worm was getting closer. You could see the main road up ahead and you wished you could reach it in time. You yelped when you completely lost your footing, the sand rapidly falling and stirring, pulling you down. Sand was swallowing you, and the grains blowing around you started to sting even more, the acidic saliva of the giant subterranean beast attaching to the sand. Your hands managed to reach the pavement and you wrapped your arm around the signpost just in time, a sink hole opening below you, taking the rest of the sand with it. The sand worm dove deeper and continued on well beneath you and your feet scrambled for purchase along the giant support pillar underneath the road. It was a bit too far away though and was slick from sand erosion smoothing the surface. You were too tired and weak to pull yourself up with just your arms and you were beginning to come to terms with your demise. With one more grunt, you tried to pull up once again, but it was futile. Right when you were about to give up, someone grabbed the back of your tunic at the shoulders and started to haul you up and onto the road. You tried to let them help you stand, but you instead fell to your knees, and they grunted, trying to hold you up.
"J-just give me a sec." You panted, your side twinging, the taste of metal in your mouth.
"Shit, you're scraped to hell and back." His voice was familiar, and you couldn't quite place why, and you looked at your arms yourself and noticed that there were tons of little scratches. Each one stung, and the feeling was intensifying as your adrenaline wore off and you whimpered. When he had leaned over, a pendant hanging on a thin leather necklace fell out of his tunic. It was some kind of triangle-like design, and you couldn’t place why it looked familiar.
"Here, come with me." He slung your arm over his shoulders, and he tried to hold you up and help you walk, but the height difference wasn't exactly going to allow it.
"Can you get on my back?" he asked, and you hummed. He crouched so you could wrap your arms around his neck, and he looped his arms around your legs at his sides, and started toward his hover bike. The white fabric your cheek was resting on also seemed familiar, along with the black hair brushing over it.
"You remember my name.”
“Yeah. What’s this?” Your fingers lazily messed with the necklace and over the stainless steel of the pendant.
“I’m a Ranger, this is our symbol.”
“Good thing you had that scarf, or your pretty face would have been scratched up too." You barely registered his little compliment, trying your hardest to not pass out and drop your full dead weight onto him. You managed to maintain semi-consciousness as he got you on his hover bike and he put you in front of him so he could hold you up easier. You managed to have the energy for him to help you limp into an inn at in the nearest little oasis outpost. You sat slumped against the bar in a stool as he got a room, and he once again gave you a piggy-back ride up to the second story room. You nearly collapsed into one the of the beds and he picked up your legs to help you lay down. The man was saying something, but you were out before you could register what it was.
"Hey, (Y/N)." He shook you awake about twenty minutes later, but it felt like hours to you. You groaned at the soreness and stinging of your body and skin, but you managed to sit up on your own.
"I got some stuff to put on the scratches. Acidic sand?" He made sure he got the right thing and you nodded. It wasn't the first time you had dealt with it, but never to that extent. Minghao kneeled in front of you, opening the salve bottle and it came with a little dropper with a silicone brush on the end. You winced as he carefully and patiently tended to each little scratch, and you had the chance to stare at his pretty face. He really was so freaking gorgeous and sweet. You could tell that he was genuinely worried by the furrow of his brow and his gentle tone as he spoke.
"What happened?"
"My rover borked out in the wastes and so I had to walk back to the road. Then…sand worm." You grimaced and whimpered when he applied the gel to a particularly deep scratch. You watched as the cut slowly grew closed, the salve healing each little mark.
"What were you doing out there anyway?"
"I'm a freelance scavenger. I just go out and try and find wreckage and ruins." He hummed and shuffled a bit closer so he could reach your upper arm better. Getting up higher from where he sat on his knees, he ended up eye level with you, but was still focusing on your little scratches. So. Freaking. Pretty.
"You're staring at me." He huffed, a small smile tugging at his lips, and you choked on nothing, sputtering.
"S-sorry. You're just…pretty." Your last word was so soft because you hoped he didn't hear.
"I'm pretty?" Minghao's gaze flashed to your face and the implication took a second to settle and your face warmed. When you went to rub over your cheeks, you realized you still had your goggles resting up on your forehead. Taking them off, you yiped when you realized why your vision had been blurry; the plexiglass was near melted. Normally it was good against sand; sand worm acid was no joke.
"You've got to be kidding me!" You whined dramatically and let them flop onto the bed. Freaking acid. It seemed he was done with your scratches and his fingers went to your chin, so you were facing him again. Minghao looked over your face and tilted it a bit to make sure you had no scratches on the skin there. His fingers brushed over your forehead to see if the line was from your goggles or was another scratch. Seeing that it wasn't anything, he pulled back, but his face was still close to yours, pretty eyes drawing you in. When your own eyes flitted down to look and see if his lips were just as pretty, you saw him smirk in real-time ultra-high definition.
"What's caught your attention, hm?" You flinched back and gaped, trying to excuse your ogling. You really couldn't though, so you just stared at him. You couldn't help looking back, because something caught your attention. His ears were pierced, but he had a little stud under his bottom lip, right above his chin. Without thinking, your hand came up and your index finger rubbed over the crystalline surface of it and the light blue gem flashed with light at the pressure. You flinched back and noticed a thin filament of holographic marks shimmered over his lips which grew into a smirk once more. What? Minghao shifted his weight again, getting even closer, face so close you could feel the breath from his nose. His hands had rested on the bedding at your sides and his stomach pressed against the edge of the bed, he was nestled between your legs.
"Can I kiss you?" His voice was so quiet, but you could practically feel the words leave his lips he was so close. You nodded dumbly and you weren't expecting just how soft he started. You whimpered and he groaned in response, pressing his lips harder to yours, his hands leaving the bed to rest on your waist. Your own hands, shakily, went to his shoulders and messed with the soft ends of his black hair. You were panting when he finally pulled back, but he seemed significantly less affected.
"Can you do it again?" You asked yourself and he grinned so prettily, eyes creasing from mirth, and he did do it again. You sighed when his hands left your waist, sliding around to your back so he could haul you closer. Your next little whimper seemed to call his tongue, since it ran over your bottom lip. Opening your lips wider, his tongue met yours and it was like you got shocked. Not in a painful way, it felt almost cold, and it seared through you all the way to your core. You shivered and he pulled back enough so you could speak, the hand that had moved to the back of your head leaving.
"What is that?" Your eyes once more went to the gem under his lip, it was glowing a soft blue. His tongue flicked out to run over it and the same thin sheen coated his lips again.
"I have cybernetics through my body, and this just shows when I activate them." His finger ran over the gem again and you noticed that there was a thin line of bright blue under his skin, running parallel to the veins in his pretty hands.
"Makes me stronger when I use my martial arts."
"What else does it do?"
"Wanna know, Miss (Y/N)?" He grinned and it took your breath away. Let alone how he said your name, more like you were some kind of lady, not just some girl that wanders the desert.
"Yes please." You grimaced at your quick response, but he just smiled at it, a little more cutely that time.
"Lay back." He instructed and you shifted up the bed and did so, curious about his plan of action but in no way apprehensive. He crawled on as well and kneeled between your legs, hands running up your thighs still covered by your leather leggings. Minghao hovered over you again, lips pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
"You okay with this going further?"
"Fuck yes." You breathed out and he barked out a laugh. Without any more hesitation, his hands flew to the waist band of your pants and yanked them off in one movement and they flopped onto the floor. He swallowed your little noises as his fingers ran up the bare skin and up to your hips, waist and then your cropped shirt. Sitting up just enough for him to pull it off your head, he sneered down at the wrap-around breast band you had on. The line of light in his fingers lit brighter and pinched the hem and pulled, a clean line slicing through the fabric so he could just tear it off of you. You gasped a bit, but it turned you on way more than the shock of his ruining of your only breast-band. Why'd you leave your big pack in your rover?
"So pretty." Minghao grinned and his next kiss fell on your neck rather than your mouth and you could feel his lips searing over your skin. Instead of a heat, it was cold, instantly raising your skin into goosebumps and you gasped so hard you lost your breath when those cold lips wrapped around your nipple. Even his tongue was cold as he circled the peak and flinched with a moan when his fingers pinched the other nipple. It was a hard pinch too, but the same frosty touch soothed the sting some, and intensified somehow as well.
"Minghao~" Your fingers scrambled over the back of his white tunic, trying to figure out how to get the damned thing off. He chuckled at your desperation and his own fingers went to the tie on his belt that was holding it closed. While he moved his attention to your collar bone and at the base of your throat, he took off the top layer, then the undershirt off as well. He was thin, sure, but there was more there than you initially expected. Apparently, he had taken his shoes off a while ago (yours as well you just realized) and he finally had to pull back to get his pants off. You watched him at the end of the bed, but he kept his underwear on, though you could see the tent from his hardened cock. When you went to get up and go to him again, he stopped you and you thought he was going to climb back over, but he grabbed your ankle instead. You yelped when he dragged you to him, butt stopping right at the edge of the bed, the blanket getting pulled down with you some as well. He fell to his knees, and you were still trying to process what just happened as he took your panties off. The man groaned as he saw your slick pussy, clenching around nothing in anticipation. Not wanting to totally overwhelm you, he reduced the cold from his cybernetics and kissed right at your clit. You still flinched, but more from the pressure and your whimpers turned to moans as his tongue ran up through your folds.
"Fuck!" Your head slammed back into the mattress, fingers digging into the bedding as his long tongue snaked its way into your cunt and you could feel the cold building once again. The sensation was new, a bit weird, but in no way unwelcome. Your shivering increased and your orgasm was rising fast. His thumbs pressed against the sides of your folds, opening you more for him, the pads of his fingers cold as well.
"Minghao!" Your back arched and he held still as your cunt clenched around his tongue, the spasms seeming to last for minutes. You were still trembling when he removed his face from between your legs and he stood, wiping your wet from his face with his arm.
"Such a good pussy, pretty girl." Minghao pressed one knee on the end of the bed by your hip so he could lean over you to look at your face. Your hazy eyes met his and he chuckled.
"Hao~!" You sat up fast and he was a bit shocked but didn't move when your hands went to the waistband of his briefs. He just let you pull them down over his hard cock and when the garment hit the floor, your lips were already wrapped around the head. He swore under his breath, hand resting gently on your head as your tongue swirled over him. You didn't see the faint blue lines that covered the rest of his skin on his cock, but that didn't mean they weren't there. You honestly hoped not though, it sounded more then painful. When you started to ease his dick further into the heat of your mouth, he groaned, swallowing hard, watching as you kept going. He gritted his teeth to try and hold his hips still and he marveled that you took so much of his length so easily, and he was by no means short. You groaned at the taste of his skin and the drops of precum leaking from the head as you swallowed, preparing to let him go even deeper and into your throat.
"Shit, (Y/N)-!" Minghao's hands flew to your head, fingers burying in your hair as your nose pressed to the skin on his groin. You swallowed rapidly, trying to control your gag reflex and your head swam the longer you sat there, not able to breath with his cock in your throat. Finally, you pulled back and started bobbing your head, drool dripping from your lips stretched around his hard cock. More pre hit your tastebuds and your eyes flicked up to his face to see how much prettier he looked then. His eyes were closed, brow furrowed, mouth slightly open. When he opened them again, he wasn't expecting to see your wide eyes meeting his and he grunted, hips jumping out of his control. The move buried him further down your throat then and he panicked that he hurt you, but you just moaned. Do it again. You plead through your gaze, and he got the hint. He was close as it was, and you took his thrusts like a champ, only gagging slightly at the first thrust and he whined. Your hands cupped his thighs, holding him close and he grunted, spurts of thick, hot cum painting your mouth white. You swallowed eagerly, sucking hard to get the rest of when you pulled back. While his dick had softened a bit, he was still pretty hard, and you licked around your lips to get the rest of the fluid off. You gasped when his hand went back to your hair, gripping harder than you would think from him and he tugged your head back so you could look up at him. The sharpness of his gaze paired with the harsh tug made your cunt weep and you mewled. Wiggling a bit, you opened your mouth, tongue out to show him that you swallowed it all. He groaned and tugged again on the strands and a louder moan left your lips, paired with the fluttering of your eyelids, he knew how to play with you.
“You were a good girl, hm?” You nodded and whimpered.
"Want me to fuck you?" You could tell he was a tiny bit unsure with his tone, trying to gauge your reaction.
"Please." You bounced in anticipation.
"Want me to fill you with my cock?"
"Fuck, please!"
"Please, please!" He hummed derisively and let your hair go and you wondered if you did something wrong when he stepped back. Your concern was short lived though when his hands went to your braid instead, wrapping your hair around his hand and using it to manhandle you and flip you over. With such a sweet face and voice, you hadn't expected the dominant streak he was presenting, but you were far from complaining. Your feet hit the floor, chest pressed to the bed, and you barely had time to grab the sheets for leverage before the head of his cock was pressing into you. His cock was long for sure, and even a bit thicker than you realized since your cunt burned deliciously as he filled you. The final inch or two were fucked into you hard, the head of his dick roughly kissing your cervix, hips pressed into the flesh of your ass. His hand was still holding your braid and he tugged a bit, and you whimpered in glee. Minghao's pace grew quickly, and it wasn't long before he was fucking you so hard the headboard of the bed was slamming against the wall. You ended up on your tip toes, body shuddering from each pound, the slap of skin and slick hitting the floor mixed with the little noises leaving both of you. He grunted softly and gave a breathy chuckle when your core fluttered, and another hard thrust sent you over the edge. Minghao slowed the roll of his hips a bit to help you ride out your climax and when you finally were no longer shivering, he picked the pace right back up. He laughed at your squeal when his hand, lit up blue, smacked against the skin of your ass hard, the harsh slap mixed with the cold took your breath away. He groaned when your gummy walls clenched him harder, and he marveled at the red handprint rapidly forming on your butt. You almost protested when he dropped your braid, his thrusts still hard, but shallow and you whined when he leaned over you fully. His fingers laced with yours, stretched above your head and digging into the sheets and your body jolted when the same cold started to rise off his skin. His lips on your neck and shoulder pressed hard enough to leave marks, and with each press of his hips against the back of yours reactivated the hand mark. While it wasn't actually cold, just how your nerves felt it, he felt like you were on fire conversely. Your wet, tight cunt around his cock made it seem like your body had already molded to him. He loved hearing your little whimpers right in his ear and one of his hands snaked around your front and between your legs. The cold fingers hitting your clit circled, once, twice and you came again. Your orgasm was still fading when the third hit and your core clenched him so tight, he had to halt his thrusts. He was panting, trying to hold back, but you clenched his hand hard.
"Please, Hao, inside~" You keened with glee when he allowed himself to let go, the heat of his cum inside contrasting so starkly with the cold on your skin it sent you over the edge again. As you both laid panting, he felt you start to shiver again and he quickly deactivated his cybernetics and you sighed, then giggled.
"I would say that was hot…" You giggled again and he couldn't help but huff with amusement at your little joke.
-> Hoshi's <-
-> Woozi's <-
-> Wonwoo's <-
-> S.Coups's <-
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Master-Master List
Seventeen Master List
Taglist: @gaslysainz
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reonnex · 21 hours
Wesper Fanfic wip
This is a wip of a wesper fic I had been writing! I know I should be updating my own fic but I was kinda stuck on the next chapter and decided to write something else for a break as that has been the only thing I've been working on since middle of April :)
Note that this is not edited at all and only one small section of it! (Minor cw for mentions of the tonics Jan Van Eck gave wylan and his not so great parenting skills)
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Jesper laughed after a joke Wylan had made, setting the bottle of vodka down on the table infront of them as the night continued on.
Jesper and Wylan had just finished a report on the lastest stocks and had been able to sell some new business that they had been stressing about the past few weeks, which they had to celebrate the fact.
Marya was staying away a few days visting Plumje and Alys who Marya viewed as family as well. She didn't see her as a daughter but did family even need a label?
Wylan had been worried about how Marya and Alys would get along, but he had nothing to worry about! Sure there was a little tension at first. Marya being Van Ecks first wife he tried to kill and Alys having to deal with Van Eck now in Hellgate. But after just a few hours the two became inseparable. Gossping and grinning like friends who kne each other for years.
So naturally, Jesper and Wylan had the night to themselves.
Like school boys breaking into their parents wine collection, Wylan had grabbed a few bottles from the wine celler a laughing giggling mess as he handed one to Jesper.
About only thirty minutes in to the night, Wylans cheeks were bright red now with a lopsided smile and his eyes seemed a bit unfosued.
"Im just saying-" Wylan giggled as the drink sloshed in his hand. "Think about it! Talking is just so interesting! Me just moving my mouth is sending vibrations through the air- Soundwaves- like how does thay even work? How can my body store information in my brain and I can transfer that data out by vibrations so perfect that they form sounds? Or words? For that matter why cant an instrument make words? Why can't an instrument talk to us!" He asked with full seriousness.
"Saints Wy you're such a lightweight." Jesper had laughed shaking his head. "You haven't even had a full bottle yet."
"Psh- I've drunk before! Drank...? I am drunk but I have drank plenty of times."
Jesper laughed out again. He could feel the tug of the acholol on him as well, and was definitely starting to feel drunk right now.
But definitely not as drunk as Wylan.
"You went to mercher parties growing up. How are you this drunk over not even one bottle?"
Because the ones they served at those parties are weak!" Wylan snorted. "They're like- sparkling water. And for your information Jesper Llewellyn Fahey." He teased. "I was too young to drink anything there before my father stopped taking me out in public. " He chuckled, as a unsettling feeling crept into Jesper at that comment. "The barrel though. Now this is drunk material." He held the glass up to the sky. "If this was given out to Merchers then...they would pass out. No one would be able to hold their liqueur. Maybe Kaz should replace them all next time if he wants to know secrets so badly."
Jesper laughed and shook his head again as he drank from his own glass, amused by Wylans rant.
"I used to hate drinking." He said after a moment.
"Im shocked." Jesper replied, gesturing to the now empty bottle sitting on the table infront of them.
Wylan shoved him playfully, resulting in Jesper snickering.
"Im serious!" He slurred out. "Did you know that acholol orginally was made up from rice, honey, and hawthron fruit?"
"I did not." Jesper smiled.
"Yeah! Though it could of just been grapes but it was found in residue clay pots in Shu-Han like- thousands upon thousands of years ago."
Jesper could listen to Wylan ramble for hours.
"Well technically acholol is just the name of a whole rang of molecules that are formed when oxygen and hydrogen atoms bind with an atom of carbon." Wylan explained as he drank more from his glass, frowning when nothing came out before looking back to Jesper. "But in alcoholic drinks, acholol is just the specific small molecule, ethanol." He replied.
"The ethanol....ethanol..." he snapped his fingers as if trying to find the word before finally continuing on. "Taste reminded me of my medication."
"Medication?" Jesper frowned. This was not the direction he expected this coveration to go.
"Yeah!" Wylan smiled out. "Couldn't stand the smell of it for like the longest time. I would get nauseous and worry the doctor my father hired would give me more." Wylan said with such little care.
"Slow down what medicine?" Jesper asked, moving to place his drink down before leaning back on the couch, looking at Wylan worriedly.
"You know! The medication to cure me. To...to try to fix my brain to get me to read? I told you about it didnt I?"
No. No Wylan didn't.
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dynamic-k · 3 days
I don't actually know why I'm doing this, but oh well.
This is for Super Sticks. I love your fan fiction by the way, ITS AWESOME!!! :D
This idea kind of came to me in the middle of the night, and I'm not sure why but like:
Vic is an alchemy genius right? And he made something that could help with Hazard's gene problem thingy.
Agent Smith had a leg problem. Despite not having powers, he had proven himself to be an invaluable stick in his time at rocket.
I was thinking, it would be really interesting to see the mercenaries (although not really in super sticks) together. Like, how would they interact with each other? How would they function as a team?
I'm getting off topic xd
Ballista is currently a hero, so it would make sense for the team to be on the hero side, right? I think Primal and Hazard could do it, but Agent can't, due to his left leg being uhh... yeah.
I know it said in Arc 2, that Agent would still have a bad leg: 'Agent being a total badass even with one bad leg', but what if Vic made something to help Agent??? Maybe with Blue as well, if it was another potion...
Having the team helping with hero-ing might help Chosen, Dark, and Second, with all the new villains and such.
idk. i kind of made like an entire au of super sticks, where one small positive thing lead to a whole villain arc XD. The stuff above is just something that happened to pop up in my brain when i was supposed to do homework-
Yeah, I'm just going to stop now.
[*muffled happy crying into pillow noises*]
Vic is indeed an alchemy genius, and he did make immunity supplements. Hazard's usage of his powers always hurt him because his S.P.I. (self-power-immunity) cells were mutated and didn't work properly, so the S.P.I supplements that Vic designed for Hazard were to replace the failing cells. Multiple supplements will have to be taken to keep up the stockpile of good cells.
I have been meaning to include some mercenaries' bonding moments somewhere in Arc Two, or perhaps as a Bonus Feature! I just... Haven't yet figured out where in the timeline I want stuff to be placed yet-
It's so cool you've come up with your own little spinoff AU! I am very intrigued, hehehe
:D Agent is a hero at heart, bad leg neverminded. And I do have a very specific badass Agent scene broiling around in my brain since before Arc One was even completed- XD
In all technicality, Agent's leg is full healed... Except uhh
See, there's nerve damage. Agent's leg was rotated around completely backward and while the emergency surgery corrected it quickly afterward, there's a lasting numbness and mild pain flareups to be suffered from there on out. It may eventually go away after several years, but for now, it stays.
Plot wise, I never planned for Vic to miraculously come up with some solution or fix-it for Agent's leg, even though he is very smart in problem curing areas and alchemy. (This may change, I dunno. My brain is a little bouncy on unfirmed ideas-)
Vic straight-up invented those supplements, came up with a whole serum that mimicked those cell properties, to stand in as a viable substitute. And it took him a very long time to perfect it. It would probably take an equally long time, or even longer, if Vic were to attempt making something for Agent. And uhhh, he can't exactly experiment hands-on in the comfy confines of his current jail cell, can he-
Ballista and Hazard have already canonically been doing hero work in Arc Two's time, and our three Ladybug hollowheads are aware of it, though they haven't yet met Hazard in person. Agent reopened the Rocket Hero program that Vic had abandoned in Arc One, so yeah.
Primal will eventually hop onto the program, I'll say that much, but for nowwww.... The situation is complicated. And I have some plans to help complete her redemption arc. Arc One left things a little ambiguous and incomplete on purpose, hehe
"idk. i kind of made like an entire au of super sticks, where one small positive thing lead to a whole villain arc XD." Color me intrigued! :D I love spinoff AUs~
No wait- Don't stop- I was enjoying the ramble- /silly
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jackalhadrurusluvr · 1 month
im so excited to drink chocolate milk tomorrow
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crabsnpersimmons · 2 months
exam 5 for me... tomorrow!
honestly have been feeling really nervous for this exam since my classmates have either failed it or just barely passed. and i had less time to study this time around because i rushed to book the exam.
so i drew this little encouragement early cuz i need the reminder that no matter what happens tomorrow, i did what i could and i didn't compromise on my boundaries—and that is its own victory.
and i hope that you'll be reminded to celebrate your own big and small victories too!
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"You are nervous and that's okay! You did your best! You set boundaries! You took breaks! We're so proud of you, Starlight! Whatever happens, we'll always be here, cheering you on!"
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kizzer55555 · 27 days
Ultimate Escape Room
Sam, Danny, and Tucker are bored. Nothing seems to be a challenge anymore. Summer vacation is coming up but they can’t agree on anything . Themepark? What’s a better roller coaster than Jack driving? Scary movie? I’m sorry, nothing beats Fright Knight’s nightmare realm. Bungie jumping? Danny can fly. Then Tucker, who’s been typing on his computer, asks “what about an escape room?”. The others are about to shut the idea down because seriously? Easy. But Tucker just grins and shows them his computer screen.
“Ever heard of Arkham?”
Danny and Sam lean over to read the description and all three turn to each other and grin. 
Now, what’s the fastest way to get into Arkham?
So the chaos trio do ✨something✨ that gets them locked up in Arkham and then try to escape and they keep. You know, normal stuff for Arkham inmates. Except this trio? Keep. Getting. Out. Of. Their. Cells. So they are just passing by locked up rogues and waving at them as an army of prison guards chase after them. Sure they could get out the easy way (Aka powers) but no, this is a challenge so they have the normal rules of an escape room. Aka, you can’t break anything and an extra rule where if a guard catches you, then you can’t fight back (also, no one can get hurt). (They make fake identities and everything). So they need to go through the whole process. Figure out how to unlock cuffs. Could be learning to pick a lock with a spoon/stick/long nails. Then find the keys. Possibly having to crawl through vents to get in the warden’s office. Or making deals with prison inmates. Like, I’ll get this for you if you give me that (however they extract a promise that the rogue can’t kill anyone with whatever they help them with.) So they are in prison literally doing errands like find freeze’s weapons in exchange for him telling them the passcode to the gate or something. Or getting Waylon some meat from the cafeteria and he’ll break the lock on this movable vault that has materials to make smoke bombs they can use to distract the front guards. 
These kids are just going wild and it gets to the point where Arkham has to call the bats (like no Waylon, we won’t escape with you, we have to do it without breaking any walls!) So literally the only reason they are not escaping is because they want to do it ‘right’. But they are also aiding other rogues in their escape (at least certain ones. They aren’t helping joker no matter what he offers)
It’s driving the bats mad. They have vigilantes stationed in each hall, in multiple monitor rooms.
They aren’t even using anything clever to block the cameras. They’re using mirrors. Mirrors! Where did they even get so many handheld mirrors! 
They are running circles around the bats. The escaped rogues literally aren’t doing anything yet because they want to see how the three hellions will escape the entire bat clan. They have bets going. So there is a temporary truce.
Just imagine the conversations/interrogations the bats will have with trio, trying to figure out their master plan - because surely there's something more going on than three chaos young adults playing a game, right?
They trio each have a different story. And they are so passionate/convincing actors that no one knows which story is real. At least one of them told a sob story with legitimate tears.
Danny: (all mysterious) You shall never know our master plan….until it is too late. And just casually dropping hints that there is something greater or that the bats are playing right into their hands. Even using ridiculous scenarios like yesss the ketchup explosion in the cafeteria….We are one step further….Mwa ha ha! (Rubs his hands together)
Sam: (absolutely distraught with literal tears running down her face and ruining her mascara.) There is a terrible organization holding their parents hostage. They had been framed and forced to be in Arkham. If they don’t do exactly as they are told, their loved ones are in danger! Should we stay? Should we escape and help them!? No one will believe us and what if we make things worse? We don’t know what to do!
Tucker: (takes a long slurp of a smoothie. Where he got one? No one knows). Yeah we were bored and had nothing better to do than mess with you guys. (Sluuuuurp).
The bats are trying to figure it out. Is the black haired guy telling the truth and the other two are just manipulating them? Is it the girl and the others are only following the plot of the organization? IS THE BARET KID RIGHT AND THEY’RE JUST MESSING WITH US!? WHICH STORY IS IT!?
Under normal circumstances, Sam wouldn’t give a sob story because It’s not really her vibe. But Sam has the opportunity to pull one over on a bat. Do you honestly think she won’t take a chance to mess with them? Also, Dick is the one who is interrogating Sam.
He’s crying too by the end of the story.
Poor guy, Sam will play his heart like a fiddle. 
Also, their fake identities are Jordan for Danny. Mortica for Sam (or Macey for short) and Phineas for Tucker. The fact that they are using fake identities is the only thing they all agree on in the interview. But the bats find nothing on them and the identities are so realistic they wonder if they are even fake at all. If the three are faking fake IDs to throw them off their tail from looking deeper. Apparently their ‘parents’ having a missing persons report.
Damian is interrogating Danny. It’s just so easy to rile him up and get under his skin. It’s absolute drama in that interrogation room. 
Danny: ah yessss. Master plan.
Damian: you shall never succeed! Justice shall prevail evil scum!
And Duke is interrogating Tucker. He just…has no idea how to respond to this. He wasn’t trained for this response. Hostile, yes. Mysterious, yes. Scared, yes. Civilian, yes. Even Flirtatious! YES! But not…this. What does he do? should he take out his note cards?
Also, I’m adding a mix of home alone elements to this. They have to get past the bats somehow and it can’t be lethal. Poor Jason and Steph who are patrolling the halls fall victim to most of this.
At one point, both of them are tied up together and hanging from the ceiling. While the trio just casually walk by under them. 
It’s dental floss. Really strong dental floss.
Then the bats start taking sides. 
Jason? once he hears Sam's story, he's immediately willing to help her. He and Dick are searching for that missing person's report almost religiously.
Tim believes Danny's story. part of it is because it makes the most sense, and the other part is that he's slightly biased from becoming an evil megalomaniac in every timeline he's seen so he's subconsciously trying to stop that from happening here.
Cass believes Tucker because come on, it's Cass.
Steph is siding with Tim because her father was cluemaster so same reasons.
Bruce is trying to fact check all of them and is failing desperately.
Sam added some ‘clues’ in her interrogation and basically threw the GIW under the bus as the organization. So the bats do find a shady organization but so far no missing persons so the other bats still don’t know if what Sam is saying is true or not while Dick takes this as absolute proof and Jason feels like it doesn’t matter if she’s telling the truth at this point. It’s a corrupt organization. So he’ll still blow it up.
I think in this AU, the GIW isn’t a threat and more of an annoyance so Sam just plays them up as even worse. Like, she doesn’t say anything untrue just makes it sound worse out of context. Oh yeah, they opened fire on this random kid. (Gregory when they thought he was phantom) Oh yes, they have destroyed Danny’s house at one point. (The prank war with Vlad) Yes, the have an unhealthy obsession with dissecting people. (Even though they are too incompetent to actually catch anyone).
So again, they don’t know if Sam is telling the truth of the organization or they just used this random organization to draw their attention away from the three’s plans (as Danny implied). Possibly an enemy organization or a competitor.
I know everyone makes the GIW a big threat but I decided to change it up. They aren’t a threat but still get obliterated by a pissed off Red Hood and Nightwing.
And that’s  another reason why Sam gives the sob story. Danny and Tucker are great but they wouldn’t actually sick a crime lord on the GIW. Sam? Absolutely would. She does not care what happens to them. They tore up her garden one time with a stray shot. She wants revenge. And sure, she didn’t actually know what would happen to them after the bats find out but she still doesn’t care.
And through all of this, the rogues are sitting back and eating popcorn while Joker screams bloody murder from his cell. 
#Dpxdc#dcxdp#Kizzer55555 ideas#Sam Danny and Tucker are chaos gremlins. Correction. BORED chaos gremlins. The most frightening of all.#The GIW are not a threat but Sam still decides to mess with them.#Danny is having too much fun messing with Damian. He wants to see how far he can push the baby bat.#At one point he even sets up a scavenger hunt with ‘clues’ that makes Robin run all around Arkham convinced Danny had placed some kind of#Hidden weapon there. It was a whoopy cushion.#Poor Dick is getting played. He’s trying very hard to calm Damian down because that poor Jordan kid is just trying his best!#He has no Choice!#Jordan is now Damian’s life long nemesis.#Duke and Tucker sitting in a room. Slurping slushees…..awkward silence.#They can hear screams of rage from one room and hysterical sobbing in the other. ‘Phineas’ looks at Signal. “Sup”#The trio home alone the entire prison. Then cut the lights. Everyone is convinced they escaped again and start running around and getting#Caught in traps. Meanwhile. Sam and Tucker just broke into Danny’s cell to play Uno. It was game night! They don’t break out on game night!#By morning the entire prison is filled with shaving cream. Glitter bombs. All of the guards are caught in toilet paper like mummies or#Stuck in the vents. Steph and Tim are somehow caught in a life size Chinese finger trap made of pillowcases. Jason is knocked out by the#Ketchup bombs (curtesy of a favor from condiment king). The monitor room looks like an egg apocalypse. Damian is screaming from where#He got trapped in an empty cell. There is an ominous pole in the courtyard with a decapitated teddy bear head impaled on top.#And batman’s suit has been dyed pink.#Technically the trio COULD walk out of here at this point. But they were having game night! They weren’t even trying this time!#It doesn’t count unless they are trying! So they walked back into their cells and close it on themselves. Danny’s cell is right across from#The still locked up Robin who is glaring MURDER at him.#‘Jordan’ winks.
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ctl-yuejie · 1 year
ramblings on Li Ming (and Heart) and homosexuality
moonlight chicken has so many things to offer in terms of technical beauty and interesting themes but what i cannot stop thinking about is the different ways they approach homosexuality in the story.
we have Wen who has a rainbow flag on his desk and pictures of him and Alan on the wall. Wen, who openly flirts with Jim and has no qualms talking openly about his one night stand. Wen, whose step father knows about his sexuality and is close enough with him to discuss his love life.
Kaipa we don’t know too much about. But his mom knows and is supportive and some of the vendors and the chicken family seem to know. But if anyone was questioning in what reality this show is set with all the class discussion and corona featuring, his part of the story shows that homophobia exists and he is worried about how he fits in with his own family, the expectations of his mother and possible the awareness that he makes the family he has “different”.
Jim is arguably even more visibly gay than Wen in terms of what we see throughout the show. He opened the shop with his ex, they prayed at the temple together and even though he objected due to proprities sake eventually they loudly declared their love to each other and the whole neighbourhood knows. Wen somehow feels like he is living in the remnants of a bubble: his circle of friends seems very queer, his closest friend and the whole gym seem to be all part of that as well. This only might change now with him questioning his work and breaking up with Alan: some gatherings he won’t attend anymore apparently.
And finally, we have Li Ming. At school he doesn’t seem to open up to his classmates on most things and additionally is in the closet. While there wasn’t anything alluding to homophobic rethoric being spread at school we can see how the heteronormativity gets to him and feel that there must be good reason as to why no one knows. And it could just be how Li Ming is judging the situation based on vibes, we don’t know. His mother is or at least was homophobic but at the same time he is raised by his gay uncle who is surrounded by other gay people. And I love how it feels like this might have given him enough security to be comfortable with his own sexuality but how it also isn’t enough to shield him from the world at large.
With so many great shows coming out of Thailand and most of them getting more and more political it just feels so real and 2023 to me that Li Ming is part of a generation that knows who they are but still have to battle with the shadow that homophobia has cast way before they were born.
#moonlight chicken#i had this in my draft for a week now thinking if i'd get the time i could put this more leloquently but that was a lie as it turns out#might edit some stuff later#but for now i just have to write about how fantastic this show is for giving these varied realities of queer life#which are all influenced by their environment but also in the way the characters connect across generations#we don't know if him had a gay mentor who could've guided him#whereas li ming technically has him and his neighbourhood friends to reference#but li ming - understandibly so - seems more closeted than anyone else (minus Heart possigly)#in middle school everyone around me proclaimed how supportive they were of lgbt+ rights#but as soon as one guy came out he become the TALK of the school for weeks#he got reduced to his sexuality#and when he dated a girls some months after he got called attention seeking for coming out as gay before#and most people thought they were doing an open-minded thing#and despite knowing that i know that i am not the only queer kid who decided to not come out lest we'd become that talk of the whole school#and our dating lives scrutinized#even though all of us were super comfortable with who we are#and for me that was mostly the case because i had adult lesbian role models close to my family#so i knew i was good and that nothing strange was going on#but still - this othering made the school environment hostile enough to keep me in the closet#so yes - i am extremely delighted with how they depict this dynamic with li ming
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coquelicoq · 8 months
after spending the last week very stressed out and losing sleep over how much i regretted giving my number to a stranger, and after talking to several friends who all gave me the same very wise advice ("decide first what YOU want out of this and make decisions based on that" sounds obvious now but honestly blew my mind), i saw food truck man again today and he asked me if i have a boyfriend, told me he's all alone, hugged me twice, and tried to kiss me. i texted him after to be like just to be clear, i don't want a boyfriend, but i hope you find somebody! and he texted me back: i don't need a girlfriend. i'm married.
#AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA#i was actually so upset after he tried to kiss me. technically he did kiss me but not on the mouth because i would not turn my head lol#but i was like you know what i am an adult and i am going to be soooo mature right now. watch how mature i can be#and sent him this text#and then got that response and honestly now i feel a lot better about everything?? for some reason#i am not really understanding all of my reactions to this situation i need some time to process#but ultimately i have learned some new things about myself (or i probably will once i have processed lol)#and i'm actually quite proud of that text because i could have psyched myself out too much to send it#which i think would have just made me continue to be stressed about this#but i didn't!! i wrote it and i sent it and i didn't overthink it. yay me#sorry 2 everyone who wanted me to have a sexy time but it turns out i did not want to have a sexy time!#and i decided to take some advice that i should only do things i want to do <3 thank you to all my wise friends#it is a work in progress because he asked if he could hug me and i didn't really want to do that but i said okay#baby steps! working on it!#i feel insane though because i usually have a much easier time saying no than most people i know#so i don't know what's happening. it's because i gave him my number. i felt like by doing that i had consented to other things#but i hadn't. and even if i had i can withdraw consent at any time. yes. i do know this
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
actually you know whose reaction I'd be really curious about, potentially coming across fourteen in the shops? Francine!
#francine jones#martha jones#the doctor#dw#doctor who#the (second?) last time they saw each other she nodded to him#and i tend to interpret that as a mix of 'thank you for talking me down' 'hey we survived hell together' and 'thank goodness#martha is coming back to us and you and i both know it's the right thing even though i know you're a fucking mess too but also pls go'#not in the sense that martha was trapped with ten but that ten maybe Could have convinced her to stay potentially#or even just that francine was afraid that ten might do so/martha could possibly choose ten over them#also just that in some ways the jones fam saw the doctor and the master being An Terrifying Other Species moreso than most#there's that relief when martha comes back like they weren't sure she'd be walking back inside#so they dont end it on Bad terms technically#but also potentially... sees fourteen and it's a trigger? sees fourteen and is afraid for martha?#sees fourteen and assumes the end of the world is coming back? sees fourteen and is just... oh... hoped id never see you again#sees fourteen and it's an awkward british 'how have things been? good. you? yeah good. got a garden now. oh that's nice'#(was francine there when martha was on that joint call -- she was wasnt she?#i cannot remember if there's any Looks between them there that indicate how she feels about ten at that point)#anyway i think francine should've been in martha's final scene i think francine was the most important part of martha's life#that symbolised the ways that ten had affected that life#and seeing how francine potentially felt after end of time would have been such a strong indicator of how that story ended there#the tenth doctor#the fourteenth doctor#doctor who spoilers#dw spoilers
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