#could he have also been Trists husband?
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I can't get over the Lord of the Hells being Arcadia for basically the whole series? Like they had so many conversations with her where she expressed her reluctance to destroy the knowledge but that wasn't even her
#critical role#critical role spoilers#cr downfall#its insane how little he lies#could he have also been Trists husband?#i fucking hope not
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Spoilers C3E101
The Light has echoes here.
A man hiding his grief behind a mask.
A woman seeking acceptance.
One who only wishes to love constantly faced by betrayal.
A wild thing, tired and aching, seeking release.
A creator, haunted by meaning and finality and seeking more.
And one who was just trying to learn what it meant to be.
That found the same answer, love.
Downfall, blew my expectations out of the water.
And god do I want to know the BHs reactions to all of that.
But more than that, I want to know what became of the Cassida’s son? Trist’s children? Selena? Where did the Arch Heart send her?
And another question, or perhaps a worry… Cassida’s body… is likely still within Aeor. Preserved
Death’s Arbiter is chained, and resurrection only works on the Moon.
I have some worries
But back to the Gods, we saw them for who they are now, the guilt and dispassion and choices.
All their choices, their origins, their denials and acceptances…
We saw, and the Bells saw, that the Gods can change.
They’ve done it before. Can they not do it again?
I’m not sure if that is the message Ludinus wanted the Bells to see, the question is… will that be what they come away from it with.
Aeor Fell, but not just because of Divine Intervention.
But Human Error.
Yes, fate deigned that this is the path we walk, the history already established.
But now we see the other paths that could have been walked.
One where a woman is not slighted and her wish does not burrow in the minds of thousands.
One where the Betrayal works as intended.
One where Hope and New Dawn got their wish.
It’s all… choices. Not Fate, not really.
But if there’s one thing I can come away from… it’s the Moon gets a free pass on eating Asmodeus.
He set… all of it up.
And in the end, it was a trap that he wished to use to kill his Kin, something they never contemplated.
Also taking the face of Trist’s husband was… just another petty cherry atop his shit sundae of a persona.
Utter Bastard that he is.
Moon Food he should be.
Excited, and admittedly a bit tense for next session cause what happens there, makes or breaks this campaign for me.
Now it’s nearly five in the mornin, and I’m going the fuck to sleep. See y’all next Thursday!
Edit: Sidenote is the Everlight Caduceus’s ancestor?? Cause we had two semidivine Firbolgs being defended by the Champion of Death and folks tied to the Wildmother so I gotta just wonder…
#critical role#critical role spoilers#cr downfall#exu calamity#cr trist#cr ayden#cr emhira#cr asha#cr silaha#cr the emissary#cr imogen#cr fearne#cr laudna#ruidus#cr orym#cr ashton#cr chetney#cr fcg#cr dorian#cr braius#asmodeus#aeor
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AU Tudor: Best Destinations for Henry VIII's Wives (That is, if they had never married him)
Catherine Howard-Duchess of Suffolk (1523-1566)
Catherine knew that the man she considered her "future husband" Francis Dereham, would not return to marry her and the only option she had was to get ahead, she knew that her grandmother Agnes wanted to get her out of her residence and for her to look for a good job in court. English. Luckily for the young woman, she managed to become a companion of Queen Eleanor of England, consort of King Henry VIII of England.
She worked for a year for the queen keeping her company, but in 1542 the queen decided to find a good marriage for her and she settled on Thomas Seymour I Baron Seymour of Sudeley, who was fifteen years older than her maiden. This commitment did not please Catherine very much, who was not attracted to Seymour even though he liked the idea of marrying a beautiful and energetic young woman.
In the year 1544 the wedding took place and it is known that Catherine did not stop screaming like a little girl at the ceremony. A year later the baroness became pregnant and on August 15, 1545, a premature child Thomas Seymour was born, but this baby died two days later. The pregnancy and the death of her son were traumatic for Catherine as she hoped the baby would survive and she thought she could never have more children. Despite this, Thomas Seymour wanted to have more children again to ensure his title of Baron of Sudeley, but Catherine did not become pregnant again and the marriage broke up, returning Catherine to the English court.
In 1546 Catherine Willoughby, widow of Duke Charles Brandon, settled for a time at court with her children at the request of Henry VIII to recover from the pain of losing her husband. At that time, Catherine met the new Duke Henry Brandon, who was twelve years younger than the maiden and it is known that the two had a good relationship.
Two years later Thomas Seymour was found guilty after discovering a conspiracy against the Prince of Wales, Arthur Tudor, supposedly having the prince assassinated and putting his brother, Charles, as heir. Thomas was executed on March 20, 1548 and his title of Baron of Sudeley passed to the Parr family. Catherine was widowed at the age of 25, but she did not feel sad even though she had to dress in mourning for a while. A year later, Catalina was assigned to be the accompanist of Catherine Willoughby with whom she had a good relationship and especially with the Duke of Suffolk, Enrique with whom she played various instruments and went to theater performances.
Around the year 1550 when the duke was 14 years old and Catherine 26, both began a flirtation and made kissing games, it was rumored that Enrique was not a virgin when he was 15 years old and that Catherine was the one with whom he had lost her. A year later the young Duke contracted English sweat and feared for his life being visited by King Henry VIII's doctors, it is known that Catherine was kept in check, but she was genuinely worried about the Duke and during that time she only came out of her alcove to eat and walk a bit.
Enrique managed to recover by the year 1552 even though he remained locked up in his room for two months for security until he was completely well. Catalina visited the young man with whom she talked and even read to him, something unusual for Howard. In 1553 Catherine began a romance with Henry Brandon when the young man was already of legal age and it is known that the young woman left her rooms open for Brandon. Lady Willoughby did not see well that her son spent a lot of time with his companion thinking that she was older and could not give him any children and she thought of looking for a marriage for him, but Henry was already very much in love with his lover and in the year 1554 Catherine became pregnant to everyone's surprise, as it was believed that she was infertile after her first pregnancy.
In 1555 Henry and Catherine were secretly married in a private chapel where only the two of them were, that same year the second son of Catherine and the first of the couple, Charles Thomas Brandon, future Duke of Suffolk, was born and this was a great joy for the couple securing the Duchy of Suffolk for the Brandons. A year later the duke gave his lover a small residence near the duchy where it would be his meeting place and his love nest, also where he would live with his son Charles and it is said that Catherine was a cuddly, loving mother even though a little carefree. In 1557 Catherine became pregnant again and gave birth to a girl that she named Joyce, in honor of her mother Joyce Culpeper who would be the third wife of the Duke of York, Edward Tudor.
Catherine Willoughby did not accept the affair and the children planning to marry her son with one of the daughters of the Duke of Orleans, Henry of Valois, but the young man refused and confessed to having married his lover in secret, declaring Catherine as his Duchess of Suffolk in the year 1559.
That same year Catherine gave birth to her last child, Henry the fourth Duke of Suffolk, and she and her children were installed in the duchy, receiving the treatment of duchess and her children as heirs.
The next it is known that Henry sought the validity of his marriage and that the church accepted his children as legitimate, but it was a failed attempt and Lady Willoughby tried to convince her son to divorce and look for another wife, but the duke turned to deny. In 1563, under strange circumstances, the dukes were able to get her marriage to be valid, supposedly due to the noble origin of Catherine, as she was the granddaughter of Thomas Howard, II Duke of Norfolk, and niece of her successor, Thomas Howard III. But, it is rumored that Catherine seduced the Pope to get the papal dispensation. The life of the dukes was calm even though it is said that Enrique had a passing lover named Mary Salas, but it is unknown what happened to her later. In the year 1566 Catherine began to feel weak after a hunting party and was in bed for a few days until on March 14 of that same year, Catalina Howard was found lifeless at 43 years of age, in her bed. It is believed that she could have been bitten by a poisonous insect or that one of her ladies poisoned her on the orders of Mary Salas, but that is not confirmed.
Henry was in mourning for three years after the death of his wife, but in 1570 he married the daughter of his brother Charles Brandon, Lizeth Brandon with whom he had three daughters. Catherine's sons became Dukes of Suffolk continuing the Duchy by Henry IV Duke.
AU Tudor: Los mejores destinos para las esposas de Henry VIII (Es decir si ellas nunca se hubieran casado con el)
Catalina Howard-Duquesa de Suffolk (1523-1566)
Catalina sabía que el hombre que consideraba su��“futuro esposo” Francis Dereham, no volvería para casarse con ella y la única opción que tenia era salir adelante, sabía que su abuela Agnes quería sacarla de su residencia y que buscara un buen trabajo en la corte inglesa. Para la suerte de la joven logro convertirse en dama de compañía de la reina Leonor de Inglaterra, consorte del rey Henry VIII de Inglaterra.
Trabajo por un año para la reina haciéndole compañía, pero en el 1542 la reina decidió buscarle un buen matrimonio y se decidió por Thomas Seymour I Barón Seymour de Sudeley, quien era quince años mayor que la doncella. Este compromiso no agrado mucho a Catalina quien no se sentía atraída por Seymour pese a que el le agradaba la idea de casarse con una jovencita hermosa y llena de energía.
En el año 1544 se celebro la boda y se sabe que Catalina no paraba de chillar como una niña pequeña en la ceremonia. Un año después la baronesa se quedo embarazada y el 15 de agosto del 1545, nació un niño prematuro Thomas Seymour, pero este bebé falleció dos días después. El embarazo y la muerte de su hijo fueron traumáticas para Catalina ya que tenia la esperanza de que el bebé sobreviviera y pensaba que jamás podría tener mas hijos. Pesé a esto Thomas Seymour quería volver a tener mas hijos para asegurar su titulo de barón de Sudeley, pero Catalina no volvió a quedarse embarazada y el matrimonio se rompió regresando Catalina a la corte inglesa.
En el 1546 Catalina Willoughby, viuda del duque Charles Brandon se instalo un tiempo en la corte junto a sus hijos por petición de Enrique VIII para recuperarse del dolor por perder a su marido. En aquel entonces Catalina conoció al nuevo duque Enrique Brandon, quien era doce años mas joven que la doncella y se sabe que ambos tuvieron una buena relación.
Dos años después Thomas Seymour fue hallado culpable tras descubrirse una conspiración en contra del príncipe de Gales, Arturo Tudor, supuestamente mandar a asesinar al príncipe y poner al hermano de este, Carlos como heredero. Thomas fue ejecutado el 20 de marzo del año 1548 y su titulo de Barón de Sudeley paso a la familia Parr. Catalina quedo viuda con 25 años de edad, pero ella no se sintió triste pese a que tuvo que vestir de luto por un tiempo. Un año después Catalina fue asignada para ser acompañante de Catalina Willoughby con la cual tuvo una buena relación y sobre todo con el duque de Suffolk, Enrique con quien tocaba varios instrumentos e iba a funciones de teatro.
Por el año 1550 cuando el duque tenia 14 años y Catalina 26, ambos iniciaron un coqueteo y hacían juegos de besos, se rumoreaba que Enrique no era virgen cuando cumplió los 15 años y que Catalina era con quien la había perdido. Un año después el joven duque contrajo el sudor ingles y se temió por su vida siendo visitado por los médicos del rey Enrique VIII, se sabe que Catalina se mantuvo a raya, pero estaba genuinamente preocupada por el duque y durante ese tiempo solo salía de su alcoba para comer y pasear un poco.
Enrique logró recuperarse por el año 1552 aun que permaneció encerrado en su cuarto por dos meses por seguridad hasta que estuviera completamente bien. Catalina visitaba al joven con quien platicaba y hasta le leía, algo poco común en Howard. En el 1553 Catalina inicia un romance con Enrique Brandon cuando el joven ya era mayor de edad y se sabe que la joven dejaba sus habitaciones abiertas para Brandon. Lady Willoughby no veía bien que su hijo pasara mucho tiempo con su dama de compañía pensando que ella era mayor y no podría darle ningún hijo y pensó en buscar un matrimonio para el, pero Enrique ya estaba muy enamorado de su amante y en el año 1554 Catalina se quedo embarazada para sorpresa de todos, ya que se creía que era infértil tras su primer embarazo.
En el 1555 Enrique y Catalina se casaron en secreto en una capilla privada donde solo estaban ellos dos, ese mismo año nació el segundo hijo de Catalina y el primero de la pareja, Charles Thomas Brandon futuro duque de Suffolk y esto fue una gran alegría para la pareja asegurando el ducado de Suffolk para los Brandon. Un año después el duque le dio a su amante una pequeña residencia cerca del ducado donde seria su lugar de encuentro y su nido de amor, además donde viviría junto a su hijo Charles y se dice que Catalina era una madre mimosa, amorosa aun que un poco despreocupada. En el 1557 Catalina volvió a quedar embarazada y dio a luz a una niña que nombro Joyce, en honor a su madre Joyce Culpeper que sería la tercera esposa del duque de York, Eduardo Tudor.
Catalina Willoughby no aceptaba el amorío y los hijos planeando casar a su hijo con alguna de las hijas del duque de Orleans, Enrique de Valois, pero el joven se negó y confeso haberse casado con su amante en secreto, declarando a Catalina como su duquesa de Suffolk en el año 1559. Ese mismo año Catalina dio a luz a su ultimo hijo, Enrique cuarto duque de Suffolk y ella junto a sus hijos fueron instalados en el ducado recibiendo el trato de duquesa y sus hijos de herederos.
Los próximos se sabe que Enrique busco la validez de su matrimonio y que la iglesia aceptara a sus hijos como legítimos, pero fue un intento fallido y lady Willoughby trato de convencer a su hijo de divorciarse y buscar otra esposa, pero el duque se volvió a negar. En el año 1563 en extrañas circunstancias los duques pudieron conseguir que su matrimonio fuera valido supuestamente por el origen noble de Catalina al ser nieta de Thomas Howard, II duque de Norfolk y sobrina del sucesor, Thomas Howard III. Pero, se rumorea que Catalina sedujo al Papa para conseguir la dispensa papal.
La vida de los duques fue tranquila aun que se dice que Enrique tuvo una amante pasajera llamada María Salas, pero se desconoce que fue de ella mas adelante. En el año 1566 Catalina empezó a sentirse débil tras una partida de caza y estuvo en cama por unos días hasta que en el 14 de marzo de ese mismo año, Catalina Howard fue encontrada sin vida a los 43 años de edad, en su cama. Se cree que pudo sufrir la mordedura de un insecto venenoso o que alguna de sus damas la enveneno por orden de María Salas, pero eso no esta confirmado.
Enrique estuvo de luto por tres años tras la muerte de su esposa, pero en el 1570 se caso con la hija de su hermano Charles Brandon, Lizeth Brandon con la cual tuvo tres hijas. Los hijos de Catalina llegaron a ser duques de Suffolk continuando el ducado por parte de Enrique IV duque.
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Who is important and ¿por qué?
Heroines, Role Models, and Everyday People
I am heartbroken
Mi corazón está sumamente triste
She was such an AMAZING human being
Un ser humano extraordinario y lleno de amor y bondad
These were some of the Facebook posts in the days after my friend Sandra’s passing on March 31, 2020. According to this ABC news article, she was the first teacher we lost to COVID in New York City. These were early days in our latest collective experience of human frailty brought on by this crazy pandemic. At the time, newspaper articles showed crisp charts with very tall bars for people over 65, but the bar for Sandra’s age group was pretty short. Sandra was my neighbor, my friend, and my peer. At 54 years old, we were the same age. Our kids were the same age, we’d both been dual language teachers for years, and we’d shared our dreams for supporting Sunset Park kids when we retired. My dream was to help kids with all of those little gaps in support as they head off to college. Hers was to start a really great preschool for families that couldn’t afford it. For me, the virus now felt real and personal; I now knew that the virus could take something from me, something important. In addition to the personal impact on me, the effects of Sandra’s death reverberated throughout our Sunset Park community. Sandra was an everyday, regular person in my life. But the way she lived her everyday life, made her special. For many, Sandra was a role model, and even a heroine.
In the days after her death, Facebook was filled with posts about what made Sandra so special (including, She was just the type of everyday superheroine that Dulce Pinzón portrays in her photographs at https://www.dulcepinzon.com/.
The New York Times, The Daily News, Democracy Now, Chalkbeat, NYSUT, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-NtmrK-S8g ). One of the posts listed the many awards she won for her teaching. Other posts told stories of all of the special ways that Sandra helped her students, her friends, her neighbors, and her family. Still others just talked about her warmth and kindness. Recently, I was in Prospect Heights and I ran across this mural commemorating Sandra from her school community. (It turns out it is part of a project, Underhill Walls, started by Jeff Beler collaborating with Love Heals to beautify an abandoned building. Sandra’s mural was recently added to the mural.)
Just to give you an idea, let me go back in time to tell how Sandra and I started to become friends…
Years ago, when my father was ill, we brought him to live with us. Soon after he arrived, my principal called me down to the office. My father had fallen in the bathroom. He hit his head and broke his hip, said the voice on the phone. Under the influence of strong, prescribed medications, my father’s lucidity came and went. The doctors told me I needed a Durable Power of Attorney, if I wanted to be able to make his medical decisions in his less lucid moments. To get that, I needed a notary public. This detail became a stressful task at the time, getting between me and my father’s care. After all, how can you get a notary public into the hospital and one that will keep coming back until he’s lucid?
Somehow Sandra heard about our situation and she reached out to me and volunteered; it turned out she was a notary public! She came to the hospital two or three times until my father was cognizant enough to go over the paperwork and understand what he was signing. Each time, I apologized and thanked her profusely. Each time she threw her head back, smiled a wide warm smile, and said it was no big deal.
At the time, I barely knew her. But, over the years, I learned that this is who Sandra was. She had two young kids, was helping to raise her sisters’ kids, taking care of older parents, and teaching full time in Red Hook, three neighborhoods away. And, every time I saw her, she shouted across the street and we chatted.
At the time of Sandra’s death, so early in this pandemic, this was a huge loss for me, a personal, heartbreaking loss. It still is.
Since then, I have come to wonder if this wasn’t more than just a personal loss, both because Sandra touched so many lives and also because, being Dominican, she was Latin@.
Back then, I was worried about my mother, my aunts and uncles, my friends’ parents, my older friends. I was shocked time and time again, as my friends lost family members at an alarming rate. One of my colleagues at school lost her father and her 24 year old brother within days. Another friend’s husband lost his grandparents and his father was in ICU for what seemed like ages. My student teacher’s grandmother was in the hospital for weeks. One of my professors told us to please be careful over Christmas break, because she had lost 3 family members within a week after they had a small birthday gathering. At some point, I realized that every last one of these people we had lost were Latin@ or Black. Before the press started reporting about the inequities of the ravages of the virus, it was becoming obvious to me.
My white 77 year old mother and 78 year old mother-in law were fine, even though the former kept going out to buy food, shop for non-essential items and the latter lived in a nursing home. My sister-in-law and nephew survived infection unscathed, even though they both had significant risk factors. In fact, my white family members and my many white friends were mostly fine. I’ve heard of only a tiny handful of white people who have lost family members or friends, mostly older and with quite serious underlying conditions.
By April 10, 2020, news articles like this NBC article were starting to pop up. According to the COVID Racial Data Tracker, a collaboration between the COVID Tracking Project and the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research, Latin@s are dying at a rate of 167 per 100,000, while whites are dying at a rate of 121 per 100,000 (Here is the link).
Sandra wasn’t pushed out of the neighborhood by gentrification and, since she owned her home, she wouldn’t likely have been. Still, she’s gone and I can’t help but think that, if she were white, she’d probably still be here. My anger, frustration, and resentment are palpable as I write this. Sunset Park is less without Sandra. How many other regular people, role models, and heros have we lost in the Latin@ community?
NOTE: Other challenges for the Latin@ community have been access to educational resources (like waiting so long for DOE iPads and ongoing challenges with Internet access, unemployment, and food insecurity, and access to vaccines).
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Remember Me
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29956005
CW: Death, Dead Character
This is original work with OCs that an ex friend of mine and I had. I know they won’t mind that I continue using them as I wrote more of them than they did, and 3 out of the 4 used are mine anyways. I might start posting more of them, but for now, enjoy this. Forgive my Spanish. I do speak it (I’m Latina) but not good at writing much.
Songs Inspo: Recuérdame (Arullo) by Gael Garcia Bernal, Lucy Hernandez Entre Dos Aguas by Paco de Lucia
Santiago watches from the door as Lorenzo strums his guitar, their three year old daughter looking at him with joy. A soft smile was on his face, listening to his husband sing to their daughter.
“Recuérdame. Hoy me tengo que ir, mi amor. Recuérdame,” Lorenzo sings to Zeriah, smiling at the way she bounced on her knees.
This was their song now, a sweet song he has sung to her since they brought her home. He would mostly sing it when he had a long business trip or when it was bedtime. He would also sing it whenever Zeriah requested it. He could never say no to his sweet daughter. His pride and joy.
“No llores, por favor. Te llevo en mi corazón y cerca me tendrás. A solas yo te cantaré, soñando en regresar,” Lorenzo taps her nose, laughing at her sneeze. She always did sneeze when her nose was tapped or kissed. She got that from him.
“Recuérdame. Aunque tengo que emigrar. Recuérdame. Si mi guitarra oyes llorar,” Lorenzo continues strumming his guitar, looking over at Santiago.
He smiles at the sight of his husband, watching him record them both. He always had a thing for capturing moments. Lorenzo blows a kiss, both men laughing as Zeriah does the same.
Lorenzo looks back at Zeriah, both starting to sing again, “Ella con su triste canto te acompañará. Hasta que en mis brazos tu estés,” Lorenzo smiles and kisses her cheek, finishing up the song with her, “Recuérdame.”
Zeriah stares down at the tombstone of her father, bending down and places down the sunflowers. She smiles sadly down at the grave, looking at her fiancé as he places a hand on her shoulder. Zeriah wipes away her tears and looks over at her father, Santiago, who stood next to her as well.
“Can you start please?” Zeriah whispers to her fiancé, letting out a deep breath as she goes down on her knees.
The sweet sound of a guitar surrounds them, Zeriah gently brushing her hand over the tombstone. It’s been six years since he’s passed away and it still hurt her. She doesn’t cry much anymore, she moved on as he told her to do. She wishes Lorenzo could have met Aidan. That Lorenzo could have been there for her college graduation. He would have cheered the loudest of them all. She was now twenty five, and grown up to be the woman he wanted her to be. Independent, happy as she can be, with her dream job.
“Papa,” Zeriah whispers softly, putting a smile on her face.
“Now now. No tears, mija. Quiero ver esa sonrisa antes de que me vaya. Ahi esta. Esa sonrisa hermosa. Ay, mi niña. My girasol. Recuerda, mira la vida con una sonrisa. Es un insulto para las que te quieren matar que sonríes. Siempre sonría. Baila. Grita con emoción. Dale gracias a lo que te crees, que amaneciste con vida.”
Zeriah stands up and looks at her dad, and holds out her hand. Santiago looks at Zeriah and nods, holding onto her hand. They both smile, closing their eyes at the breeze of wind they feel. They both start to dance, smiles on their faces as they did. They could feel Lorenzo with them, strumming his guitar and cheering them on.
“Baila! Tira un grito! Woo!” Lorenzo laughs as he strums his guitar, watching Santiago and Zeriah dance in the rain.
They dance, they laugh, they talk with smiles. They celebrate Lorenzo’s birthday with no tears, with no sadness, but with joy. They do it every year, as he requested they do. To see his birth and death not as a moment to mourn, but to celebrate his life. And so they do.
They celebrate and remember him.
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La reina Rhaena Targaryen fue la hija mayor del rey Aenys I Targaryen y la reina Alyssa Velaryon. Fue la jinete del dragón Sueñafuego.
Estuvo casada tres veces, con su hermano Aegon el Incoronado y tuvieron gemelas, Aerea y Rhaella. En el 43 d. C. su esposo se revelo contra su tío Maegor el Cruel por el trono de Hierro, pero fue asesinado por este cerca del Ojo de Dioses.
Para proteger a sus hijas, les tiñó el pelo, cambió sus nombres y las envió lejos, al cuidado de aliados poderosos. Rhaena insistió en no saber adónde irían; no podría revelar lo que no supiera, ni siquiera bajo tortura. Estaba en Isla Bella entregada al descanso, la lectura y la oración, cuando fue llamada a la capital por su tío Maegor. Sabiendo que si se rehusaba, Lord Marq y sus hijos sufrirían la ira de su tío, Rhaena montó en Sueñafuego y voló a la Fortaleza Roja, donde se enteró que se casaría con el rey.
Se caso con Maegor en el 47 d. C. junto con Jeyne Westerling y Elinor Costayne. Pero, el matrimonio fue estéril.
Al año siguiente, su hermano Jaehaerys se declaró el rey legítimo en Bastión de Tormentas. Al conocer la noticia, Rhaena huyó de Desembarco del Rey en su dragón Sueñafuego llevando con ella a su hija Aerea y la espada Fuegoscuro para unirse a la causa de su hermano. Al discutirse el derecho legítimo de Jaehaerys para ser rey, la misma Rhaena concordó en que sus hijas no eran aptas para ser reinas mientras ella, que había llegado a aborrecer Desembarco del Rey y la corte, sólo quería regresar a Isla Bella. Asistió a la coronación de su hermano y los acompañó en su procesión hacia Antigua, pero en Altojardín subió a Sueñafuego y voló hacia Isla Bella.
A comienzos de 49 d.C., la reina Rhaena contrajo matrimonio con Androw Farman, el segundo hijo de Lord Marq Farman, en una apresurada ceremonia íntima a cielo abierto en Isla Bella. Según diría la misma Rhaena posteriormente, se casó con Androw porque era amable con ella. Sin embargo, según lo escrito por el maestre Smike a la Ciudadela, "la reina encontró al amor de su vida en Isla Bella, pero no en Androw, sino en Lady Elissa, su hermana".
En el 54 d. C. su esposo enveneno a sus amigas y primas mas queridas con lagrima de Lys. Al descubrirlo Rhaena demando que fuera encerrado, castrado y que lo hicieran comer su propio miembro. Pero, Androw se quito la vida antes de recibir su castigo. A finales de ese año, su hija Aerea (quien había sido llevada a Rocadragón con ella) reclamo a Balerion y huyo de la isla. Rhaena estuvo buscándola por los SIete Reinos, pero no la encontró.
La noticia del regreso y muerte de la princesa Aerea en 56 d.C. encontró a Rhaena en Estermont. Cuando la reina volvió a la capital, su hija ya había sido incinerada; sabiendo que su hija detestaba Rocadragón y había deseado volar, montó en Sueñafuego y esparció las cenizas a los cuatro vientos. El rey Jaehaerys le ofreció volver a Rocadragón, pero Rhaena se negó a volver a sus fantasmas; también se negó a volver a casarse, como sugirió la reina Alysanne. Eventualmente, el rey la acomodó en Harrenhal con Lord Maegor Towers.
Tras la muerte de su hija Aerea, jamás volvió a visitar Desembarco del Rey ni Rocadragón, aunque volaba a Antigua anualmente para visitar a la septa Rhaella en el Septo Estrellado. Al final de su vida, el pueblo llano de las Tierras de los Ríos la temía como a una bruja y quienes visitaban Harrenhal recibían hospitalidad, pero no llegaban a verla. Siguió montando a Fuegoensueño hasta el final de su vida. La reina Rhaena fijó sus aposentos en la Torre de la Viuda de Harrenhal, mientras Lord Maegor moraba en la Torre del Miedo. Según se dice, con los años la reina Rhaena y Lord Maegor llegaron a entablar una suerte de amistad. Tras la muerte de Lord Maegor en 61 d.C., Rhaena se hizo cargo de sus criados hasta su propia muerte en 73 d.C., a los cincuenta años. El rey ordenó que fuera incinerada y sus cenizas fueran enterradas en Harrenhal.
Fue una mujer con una vida llena de problemas y momentos tristes. Su hermano-esposo murió, fue obligada a casarse con Maegor y su tercer matrimonio fue casi su perdición. Ademas no pudo tener una relación cercana con sus propias hijas, especialmente con Aerea.
Queen Rhaena Targaryen was the eldest daughter of King Aenys I Targaryen and Queen Alyssa Velaryon. It was the fire-dreaming dragon rider.
She was married three times, to her brother Aegon the Incorporated, and they had twins, Aerea and Rhaella. In 43 d. C. her husband rebelled against his uncle Maegor the Cruel for the Iron throne, but was killed by him near the Eye of the Gods.
To protect her daughters, she dyed their hair, changed their names, and sent them away, in the care of powerful allies. Rhaena insisted on not knowing where they would go; She could not reveal what she did not know, even under torture. She was on Isla Bella devoted to rest, reading and prayer, when she was called to the capital by her uncle Maegor. Knowing that if she refused, Lord Marq and her children would suffer the wrath of her uncle, Rhaena mounted Dreamfire and flew to the Red Keep, where she learned that she would marry the king.
She married Maegor in 47 AD. C. together with Jeyne Westerling and Elinor Costayne. But, the marriage was sterile.
The following year, her brother Jaehaerys declared herself the legitimate king at Storm's End. Upon hearing the news, Rhaena fled King's Landing in her Fire Dream dragon, taking her daughter Aerea and the Darkfire sword with her to join her brother's cause. In discussing Jaehaerys' legitimate right to be king, Rhaena herself agreed that her daughters were unfit to be queens while she, who had come to abhor King's Landing and court, only wanted to return to Isla Bella. She attended the coronation of her brother and accompanied them in her procession to Antigua, but in Altojardín she went up to Sueñafuego and flew towards Isla Bella.
In early AD 49, Queen Rhaena married Androw Farman, Lord Marq Farman's second son, in a rushed intimate open-air ceremony on Isla Bella. As Rhaena herself would later say, she married Androw because he was kind to her. However, as written by Maester Smike to the Citadel, "the queen found the love of her life on Isla Bella, but not on Androw, but on Lady Elissa, her sister."
In 54 d. C. her husband poisoned his friends and dearest cousins with Lys' tear. Upon discovering it Rhaena demanded that she be locked up, castrated and that they make her eat her own member. But, Androw took his own life before receiving his punishment. At the end of that year, her daughter Aerea (who had been taken to Dragonstone with her) claimed Balerion and fled the island. Rhaena had been searching for her in the Seven Kingdoms, but had not found her.
The news of Princess Aerea's return and death in A.D. 56. found Rhaena in Estermont. When the queen returned to the capital, her daughter had already been cremated; Knowing that her daughter hated Dragonstone and had wanted to fly, she rode Fire Dream and scattered the ashes to the four winds. King Jaehaerys offered to return to Dragonstone, but Rhaena refused to return to her ghosts; she also refused to remarry, as Queen Alysanne suggested. Eventually, the king settled her in Harrenhal with Lord Maegor Towers.
After the death of her daughter Aerea, she never visited King's Landing or Dragonstone again, although she flew to Antigua annually to visit Septa Rhaella in the Starry Sept.. At the end of her life, the flat people of the Riverlands feared her like a witch, and those who visited Harrenhal received hospitality but never saw her. She kept riding Dreamfire until the end of her life. Queen Rhaena fixed her chambers in the Tower of the Widow of Harrenhal, while Lord Maegor dwelt in the Tower of Fear. Reportedly, over the years Queen Rhaena and Lord Maegor came to establish a kind of friendship. Following Lord Maegor's death in A.D. 61, Rhaena took care of her servants until her own death in A.D. 73, at the age of fifty. The king ordered it to be cremated and its ashes to be buried at Harrenhal.
She was a woman with a life full of problems and sad moments. Her brother-husband died, she was forced to marry Maegor and her third marriage was almost her downfall. Furthermore, she was not able to have a close relationship with her own daughters, especially with Aerea.
#rhaena targaryen#aerea targaryen#rhaella targaryen#aenys targaryen#alyssa velaryon#alysanne targaryen#jaehaerys targaryen
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Dr.Lecter and Leda and the Swan
The below is from an essay by the artist Anne Shingleton discussing Leda and the Swan, her artwork, and why she believes Hannibal Lecter likes it. The essay was originally provided by the now defunct Hannotations from the contributors BloodandIvory and NyxFixx. Minor content edits by me, but you can read the full essay here. You can also learn more about Anne Shingleton and her artwork at her official website.

[Lecter’s] absentee landlord apparently had a fixation on Leda and the Swan, The interspecies coupling was represented in no less than four brozes of varying quality, the best a reproduction by Donetello, and eight pantings. One painting delighted Dr.Lecter, an Anne Shingleton with its genius anatomical articulation and some real heat in the fucking. The others he draped. - Hannibal, Chapter 97, by Thomas Harris
Ever since the misty dawn of Greek mythology, Leda and her doting swan have lived and loved in countless poets' lays and, less ephemerally, in thousands upon thousands of embodiments in paint, line, stone and metal.
They appear in the arts of Rome and Hellas in a profusion of sizes and materials, from golden bracelet pendants and silver table ornaments to great sculptures cast in bronze and hewn from marble (such as the Great Relief in the British Museum), from delicate drawings on precious ceramics to colourful frescoes on the walls of atria and chambers. But after the decline of Rome they nodded off into the many long centuries of bleak post-Roman Europe, awaking briefly now and then and here there to invigorate some ornamental arts and crafts of the Middle Ages.
(The essay, as well as an image of Anne Shingleton’s version of Leda and the Swan is below the cut. It’s a little bit graphic, so fair warning)

Leda and the Swan by Anne Shingleton
It was the Italian Renaissance with its exuberant rediscovery of classical antiquity & say, from about 1400 or so onward that brought them once again into the limelight of profane (in the sense of non-ecclesiastical) imagery. Nearly all the great Renaissance artists drew, painted or sculpted their Ledas, conspicuous among these being an oil-on-canvas by Leonardo Da Vinci, known only through several copies by his followers, and Michaelangelo’s stunning marble, today in Florence's Bargello. From there they coupled their way through the next five centuries and far beyond Italy's shores and borders, into and out of the Baroque and Rococo, into the nineteenth century to brighten some sclerotic corners of Neo-Classicism, and eventually even into Art Nouveau, there briefly to beguile a languorous Belle Époque. After August 1914 they withered, along with the rest of Europe's humanistic culture.
Nevertheless, even today, in our own age of mostly meretricious rubbish art mass-produced to con newly-rich illiterates, they glow softly still among the now very distant and still receding constellations of our classical heritage.
Who, then, was Leda, and who the swan?
Antiquity sang several different versions of her tale. Most agree that she was the daughter of Thestius, king of Aetola, and the wife of Tyndraeus, king of Lacedaemon. Somehow she inflamed the passions of Zeus, Some said that he saw her bathing in a sparkling sun-drenched stream, others that Hephaistos had told him about her dissatisfaction with her husband's ways in bed, and others still that he was only out to spite his consort, Hera.
In any event, he was smitten and, having just lately visited Danae as a shower of gold, Europa as a bull, Io as a cloud, Ganymede as an eagle and others still in guises no less inventive, he decided to assume yet another one for his tryst with Leda: he would swoop down majestically on snowy pinions . . . as a swan.
Mythology fails to tell us whether these forms were mere travelling costumes, so to speak, and whether, as we may well suppose, upon arrival at the bedside he reassumed his customary and divine semblance of a robust, virile man in the prime of his maturity. I've heard that a swan's penis - to be precise: a cob's - is exactly like a circumcised human one in miniature, and that this gave rise to the amorous-swan legends . . . but I confess that I've never checked it out with a cygnologist, though I should've done so long ago. Perhaps some thoughtful cygnologist will let me know?
In any event, swan or man, he had his way with her, or she with him, or each with the other. Of it came an egg, or, in other versions, three eggs, and in others still seven, and you mustn't act surprised: when a fertile lady mates with a cob she'll lay eggs - faultless logic, that, and winsome science.
One tremendous event that soon followed was to become a bedrock and fountainhead of Western culture: for whilst out of two eggs hatched the twins Castor and Polydeuces.
I relinquish the podium to Homer.
My own versions…. differ a little from the conventional ones. For one thing, neither my painted nor my sculpted Zeus arrives in the form of a swan but rather dressed up as one . . . he's wearing a (rather skimpy) swan costume, under which he is very much the Chief Olympian: strong, handsome, supremely male, his ebullient libido refined by aeons (he being immortal) of experience and divine dedication to his beloved's (not always female) pleasure.
For another thing, most Leda depictions are intra-coital: it's happening, nobody can figure out just how but they're at it. My painting instead shows them as post-coital.
In the painting, the oil lamp on the rocks just right of the love nest is still burning but night is fleeing, crescent Selene is fading, colours are being reborn everywhere. First light is bathing the two dreamy, sated lovers. Birds chirp in chorus. An exquisite post-orgasmic Leda is savouring the last after-tremors of her lique-factions while scenting the dewy flowering of day. Zeus has retired to the top of the bower, his costume all awry, a smile of surfeit on his lips. Post coitum omne animal triste, said Aristotle: after mating all creatures are sad. I think there is truth in that, but it is more complex, less formulaic. The martyrs enter the arena hand in hand but the lions eat them one by one. Lovers in the act dispense with the meum-teum sense (Robert Graves), but after the shared orgasmic heats, the post-orgasmic chills overtake them one by one, and, slowly, deliciously if all went well, they drift apart, sometimes a little numbed, nearly always bewildered, on separate outbound tides. Even, or perhaps especially, if they're gods. My painted Leda and her god are poised over this hot-cold watershed. Until the next time…
Why does the doctor 'delight' in the Leda story? I don't know. Best ask Tom Harris. But I'll have a guess.
As he does in The Silence of the Lambs, as does so much literature both old and modern, Harris draws unconsciously or knowingly - I don't know which - on the world of myth and fable, that genome of the collective human subconscious. The leitmotif in both Silence and Hannibal, not deafening or intrusive but audible throughout from the dark beyond the firelight, is that of The Beauty and The Beast. Since I'm neither a poet nor a scholar I'll refrain from windy disquisitions, but to me the parallels between that fable and the interbraiding of the lives of Hannibal and Clarice Starling seem clear enough.
Clarice-Leda has taken vestal vows, has dedicated her body and soul to the FBI: not for her the traditional role of wife and woman as prescribed by patriarchal orthodoxy. Like the life of chaste and virginal Beauty, Clarice's life, so far as we've been told, is manless, and hence, conventional wisdom would have it, arid. The fable now demands that she be sexually fulfilled, 'sexually' having here a wide, deep, polyhedral meaning far beyond mere genital tiddlywinks.
Lecter-Swan is a beast, no doubt of that, and no need to dwell on definitions. The fable now demands that she make him human, meaning here humane.
And behold, in the book, though alas not in the film, both undergo the magical transformation: Beauty turns the Beast humane, the Beast wafts Beauty to, up and over the moany summit where she is, presumably, fulfilled. Both are reborn from scratch - from the egg, so to speak, through each other.
I think that could well be why the doctor delights in the one painting in the room that he leaves uncovered for Clarice to see.
Anne Shingleton
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ella y yo → zabdiel de jesus/christopher velez
lmao hi, it me. so, basically i really wanted to write my first cnco piece and i couldn’t figure out what to do. then during reina’s visit i came up with this idea and decided to use two of her lanes bc isn’t that just fun. this is HEAVILY inspired by “ella y yo” by aventura feat. don omar. this is my first cnco writing piece pls be nice. -drea
Zabdiel knew that what he was doing was highly wrong. But he couldn’t help himself. He loved the thrill of being able to see you when nobody else knew. And he loved hearing his name leaving your lips every night.
But the thrill and happiness came to an end every morning when he woke up to see that you had already left by then, leaving him alone with nothing but the memory of the previous night.
Why was it so wrong?
You were married to one of his best friends and band mate, Christopher Velez.
This whole ordeal with Zabdiel had started off as innocent flirting but it had turned into more after drunken confessions while Christopher was away and one thing led to another and you had ended up sleeping with him. You thought it was just a one time thing, but it became far from that. You two began to live your own little adventure that was punished by God. But it was harder on Zabdiel, who ended up falling in love with you.
Falling for you was something that had not been planned but a man can only control his feelings for so long. The rest of the band began to take notice in Zabdiel’s change of attitude. They knew something was going on with the blonde Puerto Rican but could not come to a conclusion. And they sure as hell did not know about his affair with Christopher’s wife.
The boys kept trying to push it out of him, the reason why he was acting so strange. Eventually with enough convincing, they got him to agree to go out with them to the bar that night, with hopes that maybe he’ll meet a woman and get his mind off of what was bothering him. In all honesty, the boys thought that maybe Zabdiel was still hung up on the ex that completely crushed him. But this was far from it.
Some of the boys decided to join in on the fun of meeting a woman, leaving Zabdiel and Christopher behind at the bar. Zabdiel swirled his finger around the rim of his glass as he avoided eye contact with Christopher.
He would occasionally take a couple of sips here and there, the silence awkward between the two friends before Christopher decided that enough was enough. He was tired of seeing his friend so down over whatever it may be.
“Que te esta pasando, Zab? (What’s going on with you, Zab?)” Christopher finally spoke up, turning in his seat to face his friend and taking a sip of his own drink.
Zabdiel couldn’t help but shrug, unable to find the words to describe his situation without basically exposing the fact that he was sleeping with you.
“Nada, solo un poco estresado. (Nothing, just a little stressed).” Zabdiel lied straight through his teeth and it was almost as if Christopher could look right through him.
“Okay.. como se llama? La muchacha que te tiene como un loco? (Alright, what’s her name? The girl who’s got you crazy?)” Christopher asked, catching his friend off guard. How the hell did he know that this was about a woman other than his ex? Was he that transparent?
Zabdiel didn’t know what it was but eventually he began to speak, pouring all his feelings out on what had been bothering him for the longest time. “No es que importe tanto el nombre. No es nada comparado con como me hace sentir. Parecemos dos locos viviendo una aventura castigada por Dios. Un laberinto sin salidas, donde el miedo se convierte en amor.. (Her name doesn’t matter much. It’s nothing compared to how she makes me feel. We’re like two crazy people living an adventurous life that’s punished by God. A maze without exit where the fear turns into love).”
Christopher couldn’t help but feel slightly interested in just who this mystery woman is that somehow has his best friend so hooked on her. He knew the story with Zabdiel’s ex and how in love with her he was. But this was clearly not the same woman. This was someone else. Someone else had stolen his friend’s heart and had him absolutely whipped.
Zabdiel took another sip of his drink, the alcohol giving him a little bit more confidence to continue speaking on how he feels. “Pero es triste, en serio. Ella y yo solo nos vemos a escondidas para ahogar esta prohibida pasión. Y ‘pa ‘certe bien honesto, aunque tiene dueño, yo solo tengo un sueño.. ser su protector. (But it’s sad, really. She and I only see each other secretly to drown the prohibited passion. And to be very honest, although she has an owner, I only have one dream.. to be her protector).”
The last sentence really hit Christopher as he heard his friend pour his heart out. It made him feel bad for him, he knew how great Zabdiel was. Any woman would be lucky to have him, even if she was married. If this woman meant so much to Zabdiel, he had to fight for her.
“Y porque no luchas por el amor, si tanto la quieres? Quizas su marido no manda en su corazon. (So why don’t you fight for this love, if you want her so much? Maybe her husband doesn’t even own her heart).” Chris began to say before Zabdiel shook his head almost immediately.
This couldn’t be happening. This was the last thing Zabdiel wanted: to be given advice by his friend when he was already causing so much drama.
“Mira, papa, mi esposa y yo? Somos felices, dos almas matices, se lo que es el amor. Por eso te entiendo. Y aunque sea casada, no te alejes por temor. No lo hagas. (Look, papa, my wife and I? We’re happy, two nuanced souls, I know what love is. Which is why I understand you. And even if she’s married, don’t run away due to fear. Don’t do it).” Christopher preached to his friend, who continued to shake his head in denial.
If only it were that simple to just fight for love and have it work out for him.
“Amigo, ella y yo teniamos claro que era una locura esta relacion. Pero la cama nos hacia una invitacion a solo hacer el amor. (Dude, she and I had it clear that this relationship was crazy. But the bedroom gave us an invitation to only make love).”
Christopher dismissed the lame excuse, waving it off as he shook his head. “Ay, ya te lo explique, papa. Cuando hay personas que se aman el amor tiene que vencer. Y el marido? Bueno ese tiene que entender que perdio su hembra, ahora es tu mujer. Porque no pueden ganar los tres. Por eso te repito.. lucha por amor. (I already explained it to you. When there’s people who love each other, the love has to overcome. And the husband? Well, he has to understand he lost his woman, now she’s your girl. Because all three of you can’t win. That’s why I’m gonna say it to you again, fight for love).”
At this point, Zabdiel had had too much to drink and the fact that his friend was trying to give him advice despite the position he was in made him even more mad. It made him livid that he was rooting for him to commit to this.
It angered Zabdiel that in reality, he was rooting for him to go after his wife. His temptations were getting the best of him and wanted to just listen to his friend, but he knew that it was wrong.
Zabdiel’s mind wandered to his last encounter with you. How he felt like he was the only man in your life. How you were basically melting at his voice and his actions. He also thought back to the pang in his chest when you mentioned having to go home to Christopher.
But just how long can he keep this up for? This will never work out for him.
Zabdiel took a deep breath before looking over at his friend. His cheeks burned from the alcohol but it was almost as if it was doing the talking for him at this point. He officially had no control left.
“Amigo, te voy a pedir perdon por lo que te voy a decir. Me traicionaron las ganas de volverla a ver. Y aunque todavía no puedo creer, lo que este amargo encuentro me hizo comprender. Pues tu también llegaste a ese lugar, donde tantas veces yo la fui a buscar.Y aunque no es fácil lo que voy hacer. Admitiré... que salí con tu mujer. (Dude, I’m gonna ask for your forgiveness for what I’m about to say to you. I was betrayed by my desire to see her again. And I still can’t believe what this bitter encounter made me understand. Well, you’ve also been to the place I’ve picked her up from multiple times. And it’s not easy for me to do this. But I will admit.. that I’ve been with your wife).” There was no going back now. Zabdiel had admitted it all.
As the words left Zabdiel’s mouth, Christopher’s ears began to burn. Was he hearing correctly. And he thought that he had heard wrong until Zabdiel repeated that again, he’s been with you. The glass that was in Christopher’s hand was shattered as he broke it out of rage.
His mind began to spiral. This couldn’t be true. But at the same time.. it began to make sense. He realized that it had been a lie when you claimed to be going to Puerto Rico with a “girl friend” of yours. It made sense when you brought home no pictures with said friend. You had been with him... and Christopher had been oblivious to it.
Christopher rapidly got up, standing up to look at his best friend in the eyes but he looked at him with nothing but pure rage... and hatred right now. “Que te perdone Dios, porque yo no lo voy a hacer.. los perdi a los dos y a la misma vez. Ya veo que todo, pero todo era mentira. (Let God forgive you, because I won’t be doing it.. I lost both of you and at the same time. I see now that everything, everything was a lie).” He shouted in his friend’s face, getting the attention of the three other members of the band, who rushed to separate the two before things got physical.
Zabdiel looked at Christopher’s hand which was now bleeding from breaking the glass and then took notice of the way he was looking at him. He had never seen Christopher look at anyone in that way. And he knew he was to blame.
Christopher continued to shout insults at him, calling both you and him “liars” and questioning how could he ever do that to him.
And he was right.
In the end, Zabdiel was the one who suffered the most.. he lost a friend because of temptation and not realizing the damage he was causing.
#cnco#zabdiel de jesus#christopher velez#richard camacho#joel pimentel#erick brian colon#cnco imagine#cnco concepts
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Quick note on how I write Mary and how I’ll write Joseph when he inevitably joins this blog:
I want to preface this by saying upfront that I LOVE Joseph. He was probably my fav dad (between him and Robert) and this is just how I portray his and Mary’s relationship. If you play Joseph, then our interpration is between us, but if you are x, y, z dad (or if IM playing Joseph), then... we’ll this is my interpretation and headcanons pertaining to their relationship.
Joseph is a grade a douche, but he’s still a person with layers. He loves Mary, in his own way, but when she had a kid, the relationship wasn’t the same. I also headcanon that Mary had a miscarriage between Chris and the twins, something the couple handled very differently. Joseph fell to looking for other people to help his problems, eventually sleeping with others, mostly men because he didn’t want to risk a child (I do headcanon him bisexual). Mary, on the other hand, without her husbands support and with the women at church only telling her it was ‘God’s Plan,’ felt alone and isolated. She turned to drinking.
They did want to try again. So they tried. And Mary quit drinking when she got pregnant. Two babies. A fucking miracle. It would erase everything bad... but then she saw the messages on Joseph’s phone. So she left to her mothers (who I will eventually write more about). Her mother basically reminded her that a) she was a college dropout who didn’t have a job and lived off her husbands wages, b) she had one child and two on the way, and c) she should just ride it out, go to counseling, all in all get over it. Her mother also played a victim blaming game, telling Mary if she had been more available to Joseph he wouldn’t have gone and done anything. Whether that’s the case or not...
Anyway. They talked and they went to counseling and it went well. But when the twins were born, Mary was constantly tired and itching to drink. Joseph wanted his wife back but she was drowning in children. He helped where he could but both of them were drawn back into old temptations. Joseph started playing around a little more, really flirting. He was thinking about leaving Mary... but how would he look, leaving her and his three kids? And did he even want to leave her? He painted their relationship as, mostly, awful. Partially for the sympathy of it and partially because that was just his perspective. It was awful. Even though there were nights the house was quiet and Mary would climb in his lap, or stumble against him drunk and wanted to dance.
It was like old times all over again, before the kids and before the miscarriage and on those nights they loved each other. On those nights they still do love each other. And some nights Mary would fall against him crying because she felt and feels like she’s falling apart, but what can he do? He feels useless and escaping into his little trists? That helps escape the feeling for a while. And she drinks. And takes birth control pills that Joseph doesn’t know about.
She finds out about Robert before she finds out that Crish is coming. She notices that Joseph isn’t wearing his wedding ring anymore. She hears someone at the bar say that he tells guys he isn’t married or he’s getting a divorce. She doesn’t blame Robert. Mary drinks heavier than ever and continues drinking into her pregnancy, though she’s somewhat monitored and between Joseph and Robert and Damian, she doesn’t get away with it (often). Someone brings up AA and she says she doesn’t have a problem.
Crish is born premature but with no defects. Joseph thanks God. Joseph promises he’ll stop fucking around. Mary doesn’t believe him and when she asks about his ring, he says he took it off to work on the car and he can’t find it. It’s a partial truth. Mary doesn’t really care. She doesn’t care about much. She isn’t sure Joseph does either, and while she loves her kids sometimes she can’t seem to care about them either. Chris she favors and she hates herself for it. Because in her eyes, Chris didn’t start the problem, the miscarriage did, and it was all down hill from there. Every night, she spends an extra few minutes with the twins and she holds Crish, and she prays to have more love for them because sometimes she just can’t care.
And Joseph? He’s trying. But his wife is distant, she goes out with Robert half the nights of the week, and he knows she flirts with men at the bars. And he knows she never goes home with them. And he knows that every time he does go home with someone, it kills her a little bit inside and she gets one step closer to one drink too many. But he doesn’t replace the wedding ring and he gives his sweater to the new neighbor when there’s a chill in the air. Sometimes when he goes home, he finds Mary drunk in Crish’s room, staring at the kid like he’s abstract art and she’s crying and she wants to dance.
Sometimes they still love each other and they both are holding to the thread of hope that says everything will be okay.
#im feeling a lot of things rn#;;interpretation#;;about#;;characters#;;dream daddy#{{ god help my man if he's foolin' around :: joseph/mary }}#|| sippin' on a cocktail drinking in the loo :: mary christiansen ||#dream daddy rp
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Triste Weapons
Disclaimer: None of this is mine, everything was collected from Amelia Atwater-Rhodes’ old websites, the wiki, and the old message boards. Anything written in the first person is a direct quote from Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. For all the entries in the The Den of Shadows Reference series, check the tag or this page.
As was mentioned in In the Forests of the Night, Triste blood is poisonous to vampires. In Midnight Predator, firestone was introduced- a creation of Triste witches, which is also poisonous. What these two things have in common is that they are both containers for the Triste power, which will feed ravenously on other power with which it comes into contact. The more similar the power is, the easier it is for the Triste power to feed on it.
Firestone is a concentration of Triste power that has been put into glass or crystal. It is nearly unbreakable, and it is poisonous to vampires and, to a lesser extent, to shapeshifters and Macht witches. It is generally a translucent red in colour with veins of gold, though the more golden it appears, the more potent it is. More often than not it is most effectively formed into some fashion of a blade, although it has also been seen woven into rope, wire, and jewelry (more than one Witch at NO has jewelry containing Firestone). The only time it can be damaged, broken or altered is by another Triste, or perhaps by a higher level Nyeusi.
Minor wounds created by firestone on a human will accelerate the healing process. Most firestone is red with some gold veining; the strongest, "gold firestone," is nearly solid gold (hence the name). Even a scratch from gold firestone is deadly to most vampires and bloodbonds.
Red is the weakest form, and it can limit a vampire's ability to heal and weaken them. While it is not as poisonous to other Nyeusi, it can definitely create a wound that will scar on both Macht Witches and shifters alike. Contrary, however, to this, concerning humans the firestone will react exactly the opposite - wounds caused by it will heal faster.
Gold, or Pure Firestone, is fatal the moment it comes into contact with vampire blood. Smaller wounds on both shifters and Macht Witches can become incapacitating, and bigger wounds will heal much more slowly than they would from a standard blade. Because of this, wounds that would not have been fatal by normal means may become as such. Gold firestone is so potent that it is also unhealthy to humans.
While these are the two main levels of firestone, there are many variations in between with varying degrees of potency. Firestone is a very hot commodity in the Nyeusi world, because there are very few Tristes who can weave it, let alone any who can form the golden variety. If they are able to, it is a very taxing process on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels. For these reasons and more, it is a rarity and can fetch very high prices among Nyeusi clientele.
Aside from Tristes, the person who is known to have used it the most is Jeshickah, who wove firestone wire into the poppers of some of her whips (Jaguar and Gabriel do the same thing) and firestone thread into much of the rope she uses, so the would be as effective against shapeshifters and vampires and witches as they are against humans, and would allow the humans she works with to heal a little faster to keep them from dying. Firestone set into rope or chains, or resting against a vampire's skin, can make it impossible for a vampire to transport.
There are other, less generic uses for firestone, as well - you might think of them as spells. Instead of raw power, firestone can be imbued with a particular will, with the intention of for example affecting a specific aura. One such example was a necklace given by a Triste to a disloyal lover's "other woman" (whom he married), which chronically drained energy away from the emotion and red auras, leaving the wearer devoid of any drive or passion until finally she killed herself. After the woman's bereaved husband also passed away, the "garnet" necklace was put up to auction at the estate sale and came into the possession of the Madder family.
Triste Blood
Triste blood is identical in every way to human blood, BUT, the elemental power that is bound to the blood goes right along with it, and when a vampire decides to snack on a Triste, he or she will get a good dose of that, too. This is how it gives the poisoning effect, which can lead to great incapacitation, and even death, depending on the situation. With their blood in the veins of the vampire, a Triste can 'feed back', ravaging them of raw power before they can retaliate, and far faster than any vampire would physically be able to bleed them out. It is possible, however unlikely it may be, for a strong Triste to restrain his magic and allow a vampire to feed without being poisoned. If the Triste is willing, he can even allow just enough magic into his blood to make it a powerful or even drugging meal. Most vampires would never trust a Triste to do this, of course, and most Tristes would not trust a vampire at their throat for that long without exercising some kind of magical control over them. After all, a vampire is still strong enough, and fast enough, that at that proximity they could break a Triste's neck before he could fight back.
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Tristes: Poison
Triste Poisons, and Firestone
As was mentioned in In the Forests of the Night, Triste blood is poisonous to vampires. In Midnight Predator, firestone was introduced- a creation of Triste witches, which is also poisonous. What these two things have in common is that they are both containers for the Triste power, which will feed ravenously on other power with which it comes into contact. The more similar the power is, the easier it is for the Triste power to feed on it.
Firestone is a distillation of Triste power, bound into glass or crystal. It is transparent red in color, with veins of gold; the stronger it is, the more gold. It is most often forged into some kind of blade, but threads of it can also be woven into rope or wire, or set into jewelry. It can only be broken or otherwise shaped by a powerful Triste (or some of the higher Nyeusi).
Red (the weakest) firestone can limit a vampire's a ability to heal, and weaken them. Though it is not as poisonous to shapeshifters and other nyeusi, it will create wounds that will scar a shapeshifter or Macht witch. Firestone reacts slightly differently around purely human power, such that wounds made with firestone on humans heal faster.
Gold (pure) firestone is instantly deadly the moment it touches vampiric blood. Small wounds on shapeshifters and Macht witches can be incapacitating, and major wounds heal more slowly than those from a regular blade, so wounds that otherwise might not have been fatal, may be. Gold firestone is powerful enough that it's not healthy even to a human being.
There are of course levels between these two, of many varying strengths. Few Tristes are capable of making firestone, and even fewer can make gold firestone; even if they can, it is a very draining experience. Firestone is therefore valuable in the realm of Nyeusigrube, for its many uses.
Aside from Tristes, the person who is known to have used it the most is Jeshickah, who wove firestone wire into the poppers of some of her whips (Jaguar and Gabriel do the same thing) and firestone thread into much of the rope she uses, so the would be as effective against shapeshifters and vampires and witches as they are against humans, and would allow the humans she works with to heal a little faster to keep them from dying. Firestone set into rope or chains, or resting against a vampire's skin, can make it impossible for a vampire to transport.
There are other, less generic uses for firestone, as well - you might think of them as spells. Instead of raw power, firestone can be imbued with a particular will, with the intention of for example affecting a specific aura. One such example was a necklace given by a Triste to a disloyal lover's "other woman" (whom he married), which chronically drained energy away from the emotion and red auras, leaving the wearer devoid of any drive or passion until finally she killed herself. After the woman's bereaved husband also passed away, the "garnet" necklace was put up to auction at the estate sale and came into the possession of the Madder family.
Triste blood in itself is actually just blood, identical to human blood. However, as the elemental power is bound to the blood, most of the time when a vampire drinks a Triste's blood he gets a good bellyful of its power, too - which is the "poisoning" that can lead to weakness or even death. It doesn't help that most Tristes who allow themselves to be fed upon use it as an opportunity to feed upon said vampire; especially with his blood in a vampire's veins, a Triste can drain raw power far faster than the vampire can drain blood.
It is, however, possible for a strong Triste to restrain his magic and allow a vampire to feed without being poisoned. If the Triste is willing, he can even allow just enough magic into his blood to make it a powerful or even drugging meal. Most vampires would never trust a Triste to do this, of course, and most Tristes would not trust a vampire at their throat for that long without exercising some kind of magical control over them. After all, a vampire is still strong enough, and fast enough, that at that proximity they could break a Triste's neck before he could fight back.
0 notes
300 French Words
First Verbs
be - être
there is - il y a
have - avoir
do - faire
go - aller
want - vouloir
can - pouvoir
need - avoir besoin de
think - penser
know - savoir
say - dire
like - aimer
speak - parler
learn - apprendre
understand - comprendre
that (as in “I think that…” or “the woman that…”) - que
and - et
or - ou
but - mais
because - parce que
though - bien que / quequoi
so (meaning “therefore”; e.g. “I wanted it, so I bought it”) - de façon à ce que (in order that) / donc / par conséquent / alors
if - si
of - de
to - pour (indicates aim of the action) / à, vers (indicates where sb or sth is going)
from - de, à partir de (indicates where sb or sth starts OR indicates origin of sb or sth) / de, de la parte de (given or provided by sb) / de, à partir de (indicates a starting time)
in - dans
at (a place) - à
at (a time) - à
with - avec
about - sur / de
like (meaning “similar to”) - comme
for (warning, this one has several meanings that you need to take care of) - pour
before (also as a conjunction) - avant
after (also as a conjunction) - après
during - au cours de or it is usually omitted
Question Words
who - qui
what - quel (determiner) / qu’est ce qui (subject) / qu’est ce que (object) / quoi (after preposition)
where - où
when - quand
why - pourquoi
how - comment
how much - combien
which - quel
a lot - beaucoup
a little - un peu
well - bien
badly - mal
only - seulement, ne ... que
also - aussi
very - très
too (as in “too tall”) - trop
too much - trop
so (as in “so tall”) - si / aussi / tellement
so much - tellement
more (know how to say “more … than …”) - plus ... que ...
less (know how to say “less … than …”) - moins ... que ...
as … as … (e.g. “as tall as”) - aussi ... que ...
most - le plus
least - le moins
better - meilleur
best - meilleur
worse - pire / plus mal
worst - le/la pire
now - maintenant
then - alors, à cette époque (at a time in the past or the future) / puis, ensuite (indicates what happens next) / donc, en ce cas ( indicates what you assume to be true because of sth that has been said) / si ... alors (if ... then) / bon, alors (okay, then)
here - ici
there - y / là / voilà
maybe - peut-être
always - toujours
usually - d’habitude
often - souvent
sometimes - parfois
never - jamais
today - aujourd’hui
yesterday - hier
tomorrow - demain
soon - bientôt / peu après
almost - presque
already - déjà
still - encore / toujours
even - encore
enough - assez / suffisamment
the, a (technically articles) - le, un
this - ce
that - ce
good - bon
bad - mauvais
all - tout
some - du, de la (indicates an unspecified amount ) / des (indicates an unspecified number) / quelques, certains (indicates part of a number or amount of people or things, not all of them)
no - non
any - aucun, quelque (in questions and negative sentences) / n’importe quel (no matter which one)
many - beaucoup de
few - peu de / quelques
most - le plus (greatest quantity of) / la plupart (majority of something)
other - autre
same - même
different - différent
enough - assez
one - un
two - deux
a few - quelques
first - premier
next = prochain
last (meaning “past”, e.g. “last Friday”) - dernier
last (meaning “final”) - dernier
easy - facile
hard - difficile
early - tôt
late - tard
important - important
interesting - intéressant
fun - drôle / amusant
boring - ennuyeux
beautiful - beau
big - grand
small - petit
happy - heureux / content
sad - triste
busy - occupé
excited - excité/emballé
tired - fatigué
ready - prêt
favorite - favori/-ite, préféré/-ée
new - nouveau
right (meaning “correct”) - exact, juste (correct according to facts) / bon (right according to a particular situation)
wrong - faux, maivause (not correct) / pas le bon (not right, appropriate, or wrong correctly)
true - vrai (factual/correct) / véritable, réel (real/genuine)
Know them in the subject (“I”), direct object (“me”), indirect object (“to me”), and possessive (“my”) forms.
I - je / moi / me / mon
you - tu / toi / te / ton
she - elle / elle / se / sa
he - il / lui / se / son
it - il / ça / ça / son
we - nous / nous / nous / notre
you (plural) - vous / vous / vous / votre
they - ils, elles / se / eux, elles / leur
If your language has grammatical gender, then learn each noun as “the [noun]” with “the” in the correct gender. (e.g. in Spanish, instead of learning language = “idioma”, learn language = “el idioma”.) This will help you remember the gender.
everything - tout
something - quelque chose
nothing - rien
everyone - chacun / tout le monde
someone - quelqu’un
no one - personne
(name of the language you’re studying) - le français
English - l’anglais
thing - le chose
person - la personne
place - le lieu
time (as in “a long time”) - le longtemps
time (as in “I did it 3 times”) - la fois
friend - l’ami (masculine) / l’amie (feminine)
woman - la femme
man - l’homme (masculine)
money - l’argent (masculine)
country - le pays
(name of your home country) - des Philippines
city - la ville
language - la langue
word - le mot
food - la nouritture
house - la maison
store - le magasin
office - le bureau
company - la compagnie
manager - le directeur, la directrice / le manager / le gérant, la gérante
coworker - le/la collègue
job - le travail
work (as in “I have a lot of work to do”) - travail
problem - le problème
question - le question
idea - l’idée (feminine)
life - la vie
world - le monde
day - le jour
year - l’an (masculine) / l’annee (feminine)
week - la semaine
month - le mois
hour - l’heure (feminine)
mother, father, parent - mère, père, parent
daughter, son, child - fille / fils / enfant
wife, husband - femme / mari
girlfriend, boyfriend - petite amie / petit ami
More Verbs
work (as in a person working) - travailler
work (meaning “to function”, e.g. “the TV works”) - marcher
see - voir
use - utiliser
should - devrais / devrait / devrions / devriez / devraient
believe - croir
practice - s’entraîner
seem - sembler
come - venir
leave - partir
return - revenir / retourner
give - donner
take - prendre
bring - apporter
look for - chercher
find - trouver
get (meaning “obtain”) - avoir / trouver / acheter
receive - recevoir
buy - acheter
try - essayer
start - commencer / débuter / se mettre à
stop (doing something) - arrêter / cesser
finish - finir
continue - continuer / se poursuivre
wake up - se reveiller
get up - se lever
eat- manger
eat breakfast (in several languages, this is a verb) - manger le petit déjeuner
eat lunch - manger déjeuner
eat dinner - manger dîner
happen - arriver / se passer
feel - senter
create (aka “make”) - faire / fabriquer
cause (aka “make”) - faire / rendre
meet (meeting someone for the first time) - rencontre / se recontre
meet (meaning “to bump into”) - renctontre
meet (an arranged meeting) - se rejoindre
ask (a question) - poser
ask for (aka “request”) - demander
wonder - se demander
reply - répondre
mean - signifier (to have a particular meaning OR to result in) / vouloir dire (intending to say or mean sth) / avoir l’intention de (to intend sth you do to have a particular effect)
read - lire
write - écrire
listen - écouter
hear - entendre
remember - se rappeler / se souvenir de
forget - oublier
choose - choisir
decide - decider
be born - naître
die - mourir
kill - tuer
live - vivre
stay - rester
change - changer
help - aider
send - envoyer
study - étudier
improve - améliorer
hope - espérer
care - s’intéresser à / se soucier de
hello - bonjour
goodbye - au revoir
thank you - merci
you’re welcome - de rien
excuse me (to get someone’s attention) - excuse-moi / excusez-moi
sorry - désolé
it’s fine (response to an apology) - c’est bon
please - s’il te plaît / s’il vous plaît
yes - oui
no - non
okay - d’accord
My name is - Je m’appelle
What’s your name? - Quel est votre nom ? / Quel est ton nom ?
Nice to meet you. - Enchanté.
How are you? - Comment ça va ?
I’m doing well, how about you? - Je vais bien, et toi ?
Sorry? / What? (if you didn’t hear something) - Pardon ?
How do you say ______? - Comment est-ce que tu dis ____ ?
What does ______ mean? - Qui signifie le/la ____ ?
I don’t understand. - Je ne comprends pas.
Could you repeat that? - Pourries-tu répéter ça ? / Pourriez-vous répéter ça ?
Could you speak more slowly, please? - Pourriez-vous parler plus lentement, s’il vous plait ? / Pourries-tu parler plus lentement, s’il te plait ?
Well (as in “well, I think…”) - Eh bien / Enfin
Really? - Vraiment ?
I guess that - Je suppose que
It’s hot. (talking about the weather) - Il fait chaud.
It’s cold. (talking about the weather) - Il fait froid.
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5/18/18 -- Sister Makenzie Moss, Brazil, Natal Mission

Semana de Skype!!!
Sick Again!
Eu acredito em Milagres!!
1 ANO E 1 MÊS!!!
Work is Good!!!
Feliz Páscoa!!
Semana de Skype!!!
Posted: 18 May 2018 12:38 PM PDT
Beleza, então não vou mentir, eu não lembro muito sobre esta semana por causa da skype ontem kkkk. Mas eu sei que esta semana foi tão boa! Falei com minha família maravilhosa ontem e foi perfeito! Tbm tivemos 3 confirmações ontem na igreja e nossa pesquisadora prestou seu testemunho na reunião sacramental. Mano do céu, tinha tanto medo quando ela levantou mas o testemunho dela era bonito bonito bonito! Ela contou como ela nos conheceu e que ela quer a família dela na igreja com ela. Ela falou que ela sempre falava que queria conhecer a nossa igreja e que finalmente aconteceu! Ela amou igreja e já marcamos pra ela e o filho dela vir conosco semana que vem! Estamos muito animadas pra ela e esperamos que temos o batismo aqui logo! Além disso não tenho muitas noticias pra vocês.. mas eu sei que Deus prepara as pessoas por o momento perfeito. Que sem ele esta obra será impossível! Estamos vendo milagre depois milagre e eu sei que Deus está preparando as pessoas aqui!
amo vocês com todo meu coração,
Sister Moss
Google Translate Version
Beauty, so I will not lie, I do not remember much about this week because of skype kkkk yesterday. But I know this week was so good! I spoke to my wonderful family yesterday and it was perfect! We had three confirmations yesterday at the church and our researcher gave her testimony at sacrament meeting. Hand of the sky, she was so scared when she got up but her testimony was beautiful handsome handsome! She told how she met us and that she wants her family in church with her. She said she always said she wanted to meet our church and it finally happened! She loved church and we already marked her and her son came with us next week! We are very excited for her and we hope we have the baptism here soon! Besides, I do not have much news for you ... but I know that God prepares people for the perfect moment. That without him this work will be impossible! We are seeing miracle after miracle and I know that God is preparing people here! I love you with all my heart, Sister Moss
Sick Again!
Posted: 18 May 2018 12:38 PM PDT
Ok so this week I was sick AGAIN!!!! I don't know what's happening with my body ahah but everything will be alright! With transfers and everything it was super crazy this week! So as it happens to all of us, Sister L. Gui went home last week... Man its always so sad to say goodbye to such amazing people! I miss her so much already but I know that I will see her again soon and that we'll keep in contact! My new companion is Sister Feitosa and she's from São Paulo, São Carlos! She has one year on the mission and is crazy crazy crazy! Love her tons! Super super excited to work along side her this transfer, I know we'll see tons of miracles continue to happen here in Panatis!
Beyond being sick we didn't do a whole lot. We left to work just enough to teach and help Diomédis (the dad/husband of the 2 that got baptized last week). Everything worked out perfect and he too was baptized this week! Man it's been such a blessing teaching them all! Their story is crazy and really just proves how much God really prepares people for just the right moment! They've been in contact with the missionaries for 2 years now, and it took their daughter to leave on her mission for them to realize that this is something they need in their whole family! Its a golden family! I feel so beyond blessed to have gotten to know them and love them! They're my family here, and don't want to leave them!
Love you guys so so much!
Sister Moss
Ok, então esta semana eu estava doente novamente !!!! Eu não sei o que está acontecendo com meu corpo ahah mas tudo ficará bem! Com transferências e tudo foi super louco esta semana! Então, como acontece com todos nós, a Sister L. Gui foi para casa na semana passada ... Cara, é sempre tão triste dizer adeus a pessoas tão incríveis! Eu já sinto muita falta dela, mas sei que a verei em breve e que manteremos contato! Minha nova companheira é a Sister Feitosa e ela é de São Paulo, São Carlos! Ela tem um ano na missão e é doida doida doida! A amo com força! Super super animado para trabalhar ao lado dela esta transferência, eu sei que vamos ver milhões de milagres continuam a acontecer aqui em Panatis!
Além de estar doente nós não fizemos muito. Nós saímos para trabalhar o suficiente para ensinar e ajudar Diomédis (o pai / marido dos 2 que foram batizados na semana passada). Tudo deu certo e ele também foi batizado esta semana! Cara, tem sido uma b��nção ensinar todos eles! Sua história é louca e realmente prova o quanto Deus realmente prepara as pessoas para o momento certo! Eles estão em contato com os missionários há 2 anos, e foi por causa de sua filha para saindo pela missão para eles perceberem que isso é algo que eles precisam em toda a sua família! É uma família de ouro! Eu me sinto tão abençoado por ter chegado a conhecê-los e amá-los! Eles são minha família aqui, e não querem deixá-los!
Amo muito vocês!
Sister Moss
Posted: 18 May 2018 12:38 PM PDT
Hey everyone! so this week was just full of miracles!! Here in Brazil and also back home!! So happy to have the kiddos officially a part of the family! And to have "seen" them make the greatest decision to be baptized on Saturday!! so so happy I had the chance to talk to them a bit on their very very special day!! And yesterday to top everything off, we ended the transfer with 3 baptisms!!! Man I've never felt the spirit so strongly as I did at these baptisms! It was incredible!
So first off we had the baptism for Louise, an 11 year old genius!! Her mom was less active but is starting to go back to church, and brought her to church for the first time 2 weeks ago! Guys she is so so perfect!! we bonded so quickly with her and her mom, we love them so so much!! So when I say she's a genius I'm not lying. She speaks 4 languages and basically taught the lessons to us! It was so awesome! She was so ready and willing to follow the example of our Savior Jesus Christ and I know that through her, her mom will stay active and her little sister will one day be baptized too! The baptism was awesome! The girls in the Primary sang A Child's Prayer for her and made a cake for her! So freaking cute! It was her moment, she just loved it!!
Then after lunch we went back to the church to have the other 2 baptisms! Mother and daughter, Nadja and Amanda! so this story is pretty crazy! Its been about 2 years that Nayla (the oldest daughter) was baptized. Then her sister Pamela, then their brother Gabriel. Within the last 2 years, Nadja wouldn't allow any of the missionaries teach her (we found this out this week). She wanted nothing to do with the church and to be honest was very upset that her children had joined. She was very against all of it. About 2 weeks ago Nayla left for her mission!!! When she left Nadja started coming to church with the rest of her kids. And had that awesome Sunday with President Colleoni talking with her and needless to say she agreed to take the lessons and to be baptized! We were so so excited!! Its amazing how God prepares the people who are really ready! We got to her house to teach her and the asked her youngest daughter if she wanted to be baptized with her mom! She said yes and we started teaching them! Amanda is also very very smart! She pretty much taught everything too! And when we were teaching about the Restoration Nadja asked Amanda why she wanted to be baptized and little Amanda said "because I know the book of Mormon is true"! man i nearly died when she said that!! She is 9 years old and already knows that! Wow! The week went on and we were there at their house every single day! Man I've never seen Satan work so hard on one person to not be baptized, anything that could have gone wrong to prevent the baptism went wrong. But Nadja and Amanda stayed strong and at the end of it all, all went well! The baptism was incredible! The whole ward was there and like 4 sets of missionaries! It was so awesome! The spirit was so so strong!!! There wasn't a dry eye in the room!
And today Nadja called me and said that her husband who also wanted nothing to do with the church for the longest time decided that this week would be his baptism!!! Guys when he gets baptized, the whole family will be together in the gospel! We'll complete this family! And here in a year and a half (when Nayla gets home) they'll all go to the temple to get sealed for eternity!
Guys my heart could not be more full! I am so so happy to see the rest of this amazing family enter into the church of Christ! One thing that made me bawl my eyes out yesterday after the baptism is Nadja hugged me and said to me that I am a person very special to her and her family. But little does she know, that her and her family have changed my life! They are my family here! I love them so so much and am so full of love and joy for their decisions to be baptized! Man a mission is the greatest thing ever! I don't even want to go home (sorry mom) haha!
Love you all so much! Please pray that everything works out for the baptism this week and for everyone to stay strong and active in this amazing gospel!
With love,
Sister Moss
Eu acredito em Milagres!!
Posted: 18 May 2018 12:38 PM PDT
Beleza meu povo! Então esta semana foi normal até ontem. Mas deixa eu contar tudo!
Então não vou mentir, esta semana eu estava doente de novo... acho que estou morrendo com L. Gui! HOLY COW!!!! Maaaas vai dar tudo certo, ore por meu saúde kkkk. Ficamos em casa um dia por causa de meu doença e tivemos conferência de zona tbm. Então tudo era bem corrido esta semana.
Conferência era tão boa! Presidente basicamente só queimou, mas tudo bem. por vez em quando tem que acontecer. Aprendemos um "novo lição" de ensinar sobre a igreja, e como ela é. Tipo assim, bem simples. Foi legal, geralmente Mossoró participam com a interior, mas algumas coisas aconteceu e eles vierem pra ca pela conferência! Foi dahora a ver todos eles! Corremos atrás nossa padrão com a conferência e tudo era bem difícil. mas deu certo! E chegamos no domingo!!!
Vamos lá. Então Domingo (ontem) foi massa!! cara, não têm ideá! Estávamos indo pra igreja e no metode no caminho nossa pesquisadora parou a carro e levou a gente o resto do caminho! sempre é um milagre a pegar corona kkkk. Esperando pelo reunião sacramental a começar e mais duas pesquisadoras entraram! Mais dois milagres!! Mas essa não é o melhor parte!! Presidente e Sister Colleoni nos visitou hoje, para ver como eu sou. Então depois o sacramento ensinamos (basicamente só L. Gui, eu estava morrendo) a aula dos princípios do evangelho. Presidente e Sister Colleoni assistiu a aula e ajudou bastante com algumas perguntas das pessoas. Depois desta aula Presidente colleoni falou um pouco com uma de nossas pesquisadoras. A primeira coisa ele falou era "Irmã porque você não foi batizada ainda?" bora lá agora né?
Beleza então ele sentou com ela e tirou todos as duvidas que ela tive! Ela explicou que queria esperar a filha dela voltar da missão a ser batizada. Presidente curtiu ela e falou "não você vai ser batizada este domingo e vai mandar as boas noticias pra sua filha que agora só tá esperando a voltar pra ser seladas". cara gente era tão poderoso! quase chorei na hora! Presidente é tão bom!
Depois a igreja, Presidente chamou a gente e falou que ele quer muito a ensinar pra ela e ele vai voltar durante a semana pra ir lá conosco! Vamos ensinar alguém com o Presidente! Será massa!! Ainda mais depois a igreja a pesquisadora ligou e confirmou que ela VAI ser batizada este domingo! Gente faz uma semana que fizemos o jejum pedindo pelos milagres e esta semana vemos muitos acontecendo! Jejum é real! Milagres são reais!!!
Foi uma ótima semana! Ainda sendo doente e bem corrida! Sei que não existe coincidências, que Presidente tive um proposito maior de visitar a gente ontem. Sei que Deus responde nossas orações, todos eles!!! Amo este evangelho!
Amo vocês!
Sister Moss
Google Translate Version
My people beauty So this week was normal until yesterday. But let me tell you everything!
So I'm not going to lie, this week I was sick again ... I think I'm dying with L. Gui! Holy Cow. Maaaas will be all right, pray for my health kkkk. We stayed home one day because of my illness and we had tbm conference. So everything was well run this week.
Conference was so good! President basically just burned, but that's okay. every once in a while it has to happen. We learn a "new lesson" from teaching about the church, and how it is. Like that, very simple. It was cool, usually Mossoró participate with the interior, but some things happened and they came and saw the conference! It was now time to see them all! We ran our pattern with the conference and everything was very difficult. but it worked! And we arrived on Sunday !!!
Come on. Then Sunday (yesterday) was massive !! Dude, they have no idea! We were going to church and on the way in the way our researcher stopped the car and took us the rest of the way! It's always a miracle to get a kkkk crown. Waiting for the sacrament meeting to begin and two more researchers came in! Two more miracles !! But that's not the best part !! President and Sister Colleoni visited us today, to see how I am. Then after the sacrament we taught (basically just L. Gui, I was dying) the gospel lesson class. President and Sister Colleoni attended the class and helped a lot with a few questions from people. After this class President Colleoni spoke a bit with one of our researchers. The first thing he said was "Sister why have not you been baptized yet?" It's there now, right?
Beauty then he sat with her and took away all the doubts she had! She explained that she wanted to wait for her daughter to return from the mission to be baptized. The president liked her and said "you will not be baptized this Sunday and will send the good news to your daughter who is just waiting to be re-sealed." Dear people, it was so powerful! I almost cried at the time! President is so good!
After the church, President called us and said that he wants to teach her a lot and he will come back during the week to go with us! Let's teach someone with the President! It will be mass !! Even more after the church the researcher called and confirmed that she WILL be baptized this Sunday! People have been fasting for a week for the miracles and this week we see many happening! Fasting is real! Miracles are real!!!
It was a great week! Still being sick and well run! I know there are no coincidences, that President had a greater purpose of visiting us yesterday. I know God answers our prayers, all of them !!! I love this gospel!
Love you!
Sister Moss
My sons: Elders Woodward and Demetter (Want an explanation? Just ask! Haha!)
1 ANO E 1 MÊS!!!
Posted: 18 May 2018 12:42 PM PDT
Gente, eu não acredito que já tenho um ano e um mês na minha missão!! estou terminando aqui logo!!! A missão passa tão rápido! Mas é uma coisa maravilhosa, e inesquecível! A gente não fez nada muito diferente esta semana, mas quero prestar meu testemunho sobre minha missão.
Eu sei, sem duvida que eu devo estar aqui, agora com essas pessoas! Esse é realmente um chamado por Deus, e ainda assim, as vezes não sinto, Ele precisa de mim aqui. A missão é a coisa mais difícil em minha vida, eu nem sei como agir as vezes. Mas sei que Deus tem um plano perfeito, e tem razão por tudo! Sei que Ele prepara as pessoas em todo conte para nos. Sei que Deus dá os esforços pra cumprir a obra dele. Testifico que este é a igreja verdadeira do Salvador Jesus Cristo. Ele é nosso Redentor, e Ele está sempre no nosso lado. Sei que Ele deixou uma doutrina perfeita pra nos a seguir. E quando seguimos ganhamos um testemunho verdadeira que Ele e nosso Pai Celestial nos amam, e querem nos abençoar! Amo muito minha missão, amo muito meu Salvador, amo muito este evangelho e estou tão grata por minha oportunidade de ter mais 4 meses aqui em minha casa com minha segunda família! Parte meu coração saber que daqui a 4 meses vou deixar tudo isso... Mas estou imensamente grata por esse oportunidade maravilhoso de ser um instrumento nas mãos do Senhor.
Amo muito vocês!
Sister Moss
Google Translate Version
Guys, I can not believe I already have a year and a month on my mission !! I'm finishing here soon !!! The mission goes so fast! But it's a wonderful thing, and unforgettable! We have not done anything very different this week, but I want to share my testimony about my mission.
I know, without doubt I must be here, now with these people! This is really a call from God, and yet, sometimes I do not feel, He needs me here. Mission is the hardest thing in my life, I do not even know how to act sometimes. But I know God has a perfect plan, and he's right about everything! I know He prepares people everywhere to tell us. I know God gives the effort to do His work. I testify that this is the true church of the Savior Jesus Christ. He is our Redeemer, and He is always on our side. I know He left a perfect doctrine for us to follow. And as we go on we gain a true testimony that He and our Heavenly Father love us, and want to bless us! I love my mission very much, I love my Savior very much, I love this gospel very much and I am so grateful for my opportunity to have another 4 months here in my house with my second family! It breaks my heart to know that in four months I will leave all this ... But I am immensely grateful for this wonderful opportunity to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord. Love you so much! Sister Moss
Work is Good!!!
Posted: 18 May 2018 12:41 PM PDT
Hey everyone!! So this week was much much better than last week. My companion and I still aren't 100% better but we were good enough that we actually left the house this week to work!! Woohoo what a miracle, it's horrible staying home on the mission. I just want to get out and work!!! We got tons of work done this week, which was awesome! We basically started everything new because we didn't get out last week, but turned out pretty well if you ask me! We're working a lot with the mom and sisters of our recent convert Maria Eloisa. Man first off, since her baptism she has changed sooooo much, its so amazing to see these changes in her! And secondly, we're working a lot with her mom to help her really get into the church and the idea that it really is a good thing for her, no the BEST thing for her. She went to church with us this week and seemed to really enjoy it. I think it helped a lot that the lessons this week were more on the atonement and how we should all apply it to our lives. I think it really helped her understand the little tiny sacrifices she will be giving to receive the everlasting promises and love that the Savior gives to us everyday. We had a few more people at church with us, which is always great. We are now working with the daughter of a less active in our ward too. She's 11 and is super religious! I talked to her a bit yesterday and she told me she'd been raised in the Catholic church but wants to learn more about the Mormons haha. She's super sweet!!
Beyond talking to literally everyone this week to find new people to teach we didn't do a whole lot. We still had a few days that we stayed at home because we were experiencing lots of pain but overall everything went really well this week. Loving my companion, she's literally the greatest! And I learn so much from her everyday! Love love love it!
Just want to bear my testimony for you all that I know without a doubt, that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. He is the only person who was and is able to give so much for the whole world. I know that he suffered beyond comprehension for all of my sins and all of my weaknesses. I have lots so I know he suffered beyond anything I can even imagine. He is my Savior and I will be forever in his debt! One thing I liked that I heard at church yesterday was that someone asked what we do everyday to try and show our gratitude for the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us. So I want to pose the same question for all of you:
What is it that you do everyday to show that you are grateful for the sacrifice that Christ made for you?
Love and miss you all with all my heart!!!
Sister Moss
...And in Portuguese!
Ei pessoal! Então esta semana foi muito melhor que na semana passada. Minha companheira e eu ainda não somos 100% melhores, mas éramos bons o bastante para sairmos de casa esta semana para trabalhar!! Woohoo que milagre, é horrível ficar em casa na missão. Eu só quero sair e trabalhar!!! Fizemos tanto trabalho esta semana, o que foi incrível! Nós basicamente começamos tudo de novo porque nós não saímos na semana passada, mas saiu muito bem se você me perguntar! Estamos trabalhando muito com a mãe e as irmãs da nossa recente conversa Maria Eloisa. Gente primeiro, desde o seu batismo ela mudou muito muuuito, é tão incrível ver essas mudanças nela! E em segundo lugar, estamos trabalhando muito com a mãe dela para ajudá-la a realmente entrar na igreja e a idéia de que realmente é uma coisa boa para ela, não é a MELHOR coisa para ela. Ela foi à igreja conosco esta semana e pareceu gostar muito. Acho que ajudou muito que as lições desta semana estivessem mais na expiação e como devemos aplicá-la em nossas vidas. Acho que isso realmente a ajudou a entender os pequenos sacrifícios que ela vai dar para receber as promessas e o amor eterno que o Salvador nos dá todos os dias. Nós tivemos mais algumas pessoas na igreja conosco, o que é sempre bom. Agora estamos trabalhando com a filha de um menos ativo em nossa ala também. Ela tem 11 anos e é super religiosa! Eu falei com ela um pouco ontem e ela me disse que foi criada na igreja católica, mas quer aprender mais sobre os mórmons kkk. Ela é super da hora!!
Além de conversar literalmente com todos as pessoas encontramos na rua esta semana para encontrar novas pessoas para ensinar, não fizemos muito. Ainda tínhamos alguns dias em que ficamos em casa porque estávamos com muita dor, mas no geral tudo foi muito bem esta semana. Amando meu companheiro, ela é literalmente a melho! E eu aprendo muito com ela todos os dias! Amor, amor, amor!
Só quero prestar meu testemunho por todos vocês que eu sei, sem dúvida, que Jesus Cristo é nosso Salvador e Redentor. Ele é a única pessoa que foi e é capaz de dar muito para o mundo inteiro. Eu sei que ele sofreu além da compreensão por todos os meus pecados e todas as minhas fraquezas. Eu tenho muito, então eu sei que ele sofreu além de qualquer coisa que eu possa imaginar. Ele é meu Salvador e eu ficarei para sempre em dívida com ele! Uma coisa que gostei e que ouvi na igreja ontem foi que alguém perguntou o que fazemos todos os dias para tentar mostrar nossa gratidão pelo sacrifício que Jesus Cristo fez por nós. Então eu quero fazer a mesma pergunta para todos vocês:
O que vocês fazem todos os dias para mostrar que são gratos pelo sacrifício que Cristo fez por vocês?
Amor e saudades de todos vocês com todo meu coração !!!
Sister Moss
Feliz Páscoa!!
Posted: 18 May 2018 12:38 PM PDT
Tá, então esta semana foi bem difícil pra a gente... Nos duas ficamos doente a semana inteira, e não conseguimos de sair de casa. Somente pra conferência no final da semana. Então não tenho muito a te dizer.. mas mano conferência era bom demais! Tinha muitos perguntas e agora sei que elas foram respondidas! Foi muito muito bom de ouvir a voz de nossa novo profeta! Sei sem duvida que ele foi chamado por Deus para nos guiar nesses dias! Amo muito Presidente Nelson e seus apóstolos!
Além da conferência não tenho muito a te dizer. A semana foi difícil, não trabalhemos muito, quase nada.. Vamos ao hospital amanhã de novo a ver o que era a problema. Sei com todo meu coração que temos um profeta vivo hoje! Que tudo que ouvimos na conferência era respostas por nossas perguntas. Que Deus realmente responde seus filhos!
Não esquece o razão deste epoca do ano. A ressurreição de nossa Salvador Jesus Cristo! Sei que realmente ele é o Salvador do mundo! Que ele nos salvou e nos salva todos os dias, se a gente aceita ajuda dele! O amo com tudo que eu sou!
Amo muito vocês!! Feliz Páscoa!!
Sister Moss
Google Translate version...
Okay, so this week was really hard for us ... We were both sick the whole week, and we could not leave the house. Only for conference at the end of the week. So I do not have much to tell you .. but the conference was good too! I had many questions and now I know they have been answered! It was very good to hear the voice of our new prophet! I know without a doubt that he was called by God to guide us these days! I really love President Nelson and his apostles!
Besides the conference I do not have much to tell you. The week was difficult, we did not work much, almost nothing .. We go to the hospital tomorrow again to see what the problem was. I know with all my heart that we have a living prophet today! That all we heard at the conference was answers to our questions. That God really answers your children!
Do not forget the reason of this time of year. The Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ! I know that he is indeed the Savior of the world! That he has saved us and saves us every day, if we accept his help! I love you with everything I am!
Love you so much!! Happy Easter!!
Sister Moss
<<A little explanation...>> This week we stayed home sick with dengue, so we didn't get anything done. But this upcoming week should be better. and we're doing better. we both have dengue, and it's awful. lots of body pain, any and every part of the body. lots of fevers, every day for a week. we had a few days really bad that we couldn't even leave our beds.. it was really bad. today I don't have too much pain, but i think I'm still with fever. and it's a sickness you get from the freaking mosquitoes.
0 notes
Characters: The Original Vampires
Disclaimer: None of this is mine, everything was collected from Amelia Atwater-Rhodes’ old websites, the wiki, and the old message boards. Anything written in the first person is a direct quote from Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. For all the entries in the The Den of Shadows Reference series, check the tag or this page.
Jazlyn shows up indirectly in Demon in my View, so if you haven't read that book yet, be aware that this may contain spoilers. Jazlyn was Siete's last fledgling, and was born around 1935. She got to know Siete fairly early in her life, and was offered immortality many times, but always refused. She was still young and had a husband she loved, and had no wish to change her life. Since Siete had twice before had bad experiences with changing humans against their will, he accepted her refusal -- well, barely, since he still asked her now and then. However, this changed the night her husband died in a car accident in 1960. Since her parents had died years ago, and she didn't have many friends, Siete was the one she turned to in her grief. She still refused immortality, however. She didn't want to face forever without her husband by her side. All she wanted was to be left alone and given time to grieve. Even this, however, was denied her. One week after her husband's death, she found out that she was pregnant. Unable to face this, to live on to raise their child on her own, she finally accepted Siete's offer. Later, of course, she regretted her choice, but there was little she could do. She disliked the darkness of her new world, the almost enforced cruelty, and she always remained weak, disgusting to most other vampires who had to "babysit" her. Then, in February 1983, a choice was given her. A Macht witch, Monica Smoke, found her while she was visiting her husband's grave, and offered her a sympathetic shoulder and then the opportunity to become human again. She accepted this, of course, and was happy to leave the vampiric world behind, even if she was probably somewhat sad that Monica died in the process. It is currently not known whether Jazlyn is still alive or not.
Kalika was the first vampire Siete made, and was time-wise contemporary with both Vida (Macht's daughter) and Aric (Triste's first student). In fact, the three of them were from the same village; Kalika and Vida were half-sisters, and Aric was Vida's lover. Kalika and Vida's father was the leader of their village, a seer of sorts -- a wise man or shaman or whatever you care to call him. Kalika was to have inherited his position, but living at the center of the newly-powerful Nyeusi’s playground ruined her plans somewhat. Vida -- spurred on by her lover, Aric -- made a play for power, and Kalika was driven out, to live or die as Fate willed, in the desert. Naturally, someone who was hated by both Macht’s child and Triste’s first initiate interested Siete greatly, and he decided to try his hand at playing god -- and he changed her. It was more of an experiment, and he didn't exactly tell her what he was doing or ask her permission, so after he changed her, they parted ways and pretty much never met again, and as such never forged any type of relation. Nor did she learn anything from him. Several years later, Kalika returned to her village, and argued with and finally killed Vida, failing to realize until after she had done so that Vida’s daughters were looking on. Kalika fled, and that is when the Macht witches come to power and why especially the Vida line hate vampires with such passion. As for the rest of Kalika's story, she wandered for a while. At one point, she fostered a human child named Taja, and in later years when Taja was an adult, Kalika attempted to change her as Siete had changed Kalika. It didn't work out, and Taja ended up as the very first bloodbond. A little later, Kalika ran into -- guess who -- our favorite Triste, Aric. They had an interesting relationship for a number of years that rested mainly on the fact that they were among the only immortals on Earth, and Aric had discovered that vampires put off an energy that's great to feed on. Over time, Aric became jealous of Taja's constant presence and precedence in Kalika's affection. Eventually, he fought with Taja (not exactly a fair fight) and would probably have killed her, except that Kalika returned. They fought. Now, the problem is that very powerful vampires and very powerful Tristes rarely fight face-to-face because it simply doesn't work well. Kalika managed to attack Aric in his larmaen (his private chambers, and also where a Triste is strongest), but succeeded in dragging him out of it and transporting them both to an underground cavern, which caused an unexpected power-flare from Aric, which caused many of the crystal formations in the surrounding stone to become saturated with Triste power (firestone), which meant Kalika then couldn't get them from the cave, where they both managed to starve to death. Except vampires and Tristes don't really starve to death; they simply lose their mortal forms, after which they can be summoned by someone who either really knows what they're doing (Moira was summoned back once by Fala and Aubrey, for example, after she starved in such a manner) or by someone who really doesn't know what they're doing, such as Rene, protagonist of one of Ms Atwater-Rhodes' unpublished stories. Since Kalika has been locked up in that cave with Aric since that time, and didn't really develop.
The cave itself was a geode, and through a glitch (occurring when a vampire teleports a fighting Triste directly from his larmaen) the crystal in the walls became saturated with Triste power... in short, firestone. The "bubble" of Triste power was strong enough to lock Kalika inside.
There isn't much information available on Renaei. She was born around 7000BC. Siete fell in love with her and changed her, and even today, nine thousand years later, he loves her. Her main love, however, has always been Silver, no matter how much he despises her, and it was she who asked Siete to change him. The reason why she didn't do it herself was partly because she didn't know if she could. There is more on the Renaei/Silver relationship in the information post on Silver. Appearance-wise, she's of average height, with medium-dark skin, long black hair and soft facial features. All-in-all, she gives a rather pampered impression. Well, as pampered as a predator can look. It's not canonically known why she's chosen not to create any fledglings even after Silver proved it was possible to do so, so until further information is disclosed, assume that she simply hasn't felt like it.
The head of the most powerful vampiric line, Silver rules New Mayhem, and through it, over all of vampiric kind.
Born around 6800 BC, Silver was discovered by Renaei, Siete's second fledgling. While she fell in love with him, he was unaware of this -- barely noticing her presence. He had a wife and children, and was devoted to his family. Renaei would have been content to see him happily live out his life, but fate had other plans, and after the deaths of Silver's wife and children she begged Siete to change him in order to save him from himself. Siete tried to argue that making immortal someone who wanted to die wasn't the best idea in the world, but Renaei was still very young at this point and a little less than completely reasonable. Why didn't Renaei change him? The answer is kind of two-fold. The simplest part is that she didn't know she could. Silver was the first of Siete's vampires who actually tried that experiment... actually, the second, but the first try, by Kalika, failed, and no one but her knew about it anyway. But that's off the subject. Neither Siete nor Renaei knew that it would be possible. I imagine Siete had his suspicions, however, which brings us to the second part of the answer: Silver was going to hate whomever changed him. Siete knew this. He hoped to spare Renaei that, if he could. It didn't work, but he tried. So Silver hated Siete for turning him into a vampire, but this hatred also spread to Renaei when he found out it was because of her love for him. Because of this, and because he as a result treated Renaei very badly, Siete grew to hate Silver in return.
0 notes
Who’s your mommy?: The mystery of Lila Light
In honor of Mother’s Day, I thought it would be fitting to do a post on Risika’s mother, Lila Light. As mentioned before, I’m using the original names in the title because I’m posting this in the main tag and I just want to signal that it’s relevant. I’ll keep using original names if I’m talking specifically about the original iteration and in quotations and stuff, but I’ll be referring to everyone by their new names in all other situations.
So in the original ITFOTN, all we really know about Roksana’s mom is that she died in childbirth. We don’t have a name or anything, really. All the details we get are in brief mentions from the other books and Word of God, so this is me piecing it all together and then shaping it for my rewrite.
The Facts:
The Light line died out with Lila Light, the last Child of Light to be trained, who lived in Vieton with her husband, Peter, in the late 1600s. As anyone can tell, she's one of Kaleo's fledglings. Her husband fled to a human village with their children Alexander and Rachel Weatere, and were never recovered by the other Macht witches. Lila's sister Mara became the first of the Marinitch line.
(Den of Shadows Wiki)
Lila attracted the attention of Kaleo, who is renowned for his tendency to ruin the lives of women he fancies. He courted Lila for three years. By the time her children were born, he was growing impatient. Concerned that Kaleo would kill her children in order to have her, Lila allowed him to change her, believing that her line would continue in her children. Unfortunately, her human husband panicked at her disappearance and fled Vieton in order to raise their children in the human world, believing he could keep them safe from Midnight that way.
Ironically, he was right. Rachel and Alexander were never threatened by Midnight. Though Alexander was informed of his heritage when he was trained as a Triste by Pandora, into modern day, Risika is still unaware. She is also unaware that Lila Light, who now goes by the name Charcoal, resides in New Mayhem.
It is probably not a coincidence that the original Mayhem burned down shortly after Risika’s first visit.
All of that said, there are still some unanswered questions:
Did Ather and/or Aubrey know about Risika’s true heritage and what became of her mother? Did anyone? If so, how does Risika still not know? If Alexander found out about his heritage, but did he know that Lila was turned into a vampire and is still out there somewhere? If Lila lives in New Mayhem (according to Word of God), how has she never run into Risika? If no one knows about this...how?
So here’s how I’m piecing it together (here’s where I start using the new names):
Lucía López’s birthname was Amara Tlahuilli but adopted the alias Lucía López when interacting with humans. Lucía was originally from Veracruz, México, where she met and married Pedro Vásquez. She later moved the family up north to Vieton as Midnight threatened to expand southward (refer to the geography post). She was changed into a vampire by Kaleo and continues to live under the name Ceniza. After her disappearance, Pedro moved the family back to México and barely spoke of her again.
As noted in the post about names, I decided to give Lucía multiple aliases because it would explain why no one seems to be putting two and two together.
So who actually knows about Lucía's true identity?
Lucía and her maker, Kaleo, obvs. But based on the reference materials, for all the witches know, she’s dead and no one knows what happened to her children.
I think Lucía probably let Kaleo change her under the condition that he leave her family alone and also that no one would ever find out her true identity. As the last of the Tlahuilli line, her being changed most likely would’ve started a war between the vampires and the witches, which would have been disastrous for the witches as they were also being threatened by the Inquisition in the south and the witch trials in the north. This would also have pulled her family further into nyeusigrube, which was something Lucía wanted to avoid until they were older. Even though they would have the protection of the witches, their identities would put them at risk immediately. And also, Lucía would be in this really awkward place in between the warring parties and either way, no matter what the outcome of the war, it wouldn’t change the fact that she had been turned.
But anyway, this is all to say that even though Kaleo is a known fuckboy, I’m saying he kept his word and never told anyone Lucía’s true identity, and she laid low for a good century or so until everyone else who knew her irl died.
Word of God says that Lucía's alive and still living in Nova Malvada, but it just doesn't make a lot of sense for that to be the case and somehow Roksana doesn't at least know about her. So I’m changing it so that when Lucía burns down Malvada, she either kills herself or fakes her death so that she can quietly leave vampire society and never have to risk Roksana finding out about her (because that would be hella awkward).
While WoG says that Alejandro ‘learned of his heritage’ while training, this could mean anything, really- did he find out that he was specifically the son of the last Tlahuilli witch or just that he has witch heritage? Did Pandora know more than she told him?
An entire line of witches dying out is a pretty big deal, even if not everyone knows the details of it (names and family members and such), people would at least know what line it was. But still, it wouldn’t be at the forefront of anyone’s mind by the time Roksana got turned.
For someone like Pandora though, who’s quite old and one of the most powerful among her species, she’d definitely be in the loop about this. I think she would’ve immediately realized who Alejandro was but she’d be wise enough to keep him in the dark about some of it...which is all to say that Alejandro doesn’t know that he’s a Tlahuilli (Pandora probably convinced him that the fire stuff was just a small part of his power development or something like that) or who his mother is. Idk, maybe he thought (or was lead to believe) that he was a Smoke witch.
This can get confusing (i.e., someone could know that Lucía was mother to twins, but not know that Roksana was one of the twins, etc.), but here’s my summary of who knows what:
Lucía López = Amara Tlahuilli - Lucía, Pedro, Kaleo, Lucía’s family and close friends; *Pandora figured it out after discovering Alejandro but it doesn’t really matter to her what Amara’s human identity was
Amara was the last of the Tlahuilli line - Lucía, Kaleo, Pedro, the rest of the witches, Pandora
Lucía/Amara is “dead” - Everyone (except Lucía and Kaleo)
Lucía/Amara is now a vampire - Lucía and Kaleo
Lucía/Amara = Ceniza - Lucía and Kaleo
Lucía/Amara had children - I imagine most people knew, but this detail was probably forgotten with time
Lucía/Amara’s children were twins - Only the witches, probably. I don’t think anyone else would think that detail was important enough to remember.
Amara was the mother of Roksana and Alejandro - Pedro, Lucía, Pandora; *Kaleo knew that Amara had twins, but didn’t know/care about their identities and never realized that vampire!Roksana and Triste!Alejandro were her children because he didn’t know them enough to put it together.
As far as what Roksana does know, she probably figured out that she and Alejandro had some sort of witch heritage going on. As with Alejandro, it’s more likely that she would’ve thought they were Smoke witches (because they’re not extinct and they seem to be a prolific line). She knows vaguely that there used to be a line of witches called Tlahuilli that went extinct. This is probably the extent of it. She’s a vampire, so she won’t know too much about what goes on with witches, and she doesn’t even hang out with other vampires, so she’d probably know even less than the average vamp.
So I guess that settles it. I might make some changes as I shape the story further.
Something else I wanted to talk about- I feel like a lot of times in fiction, dead moms don’t have real personalities aside from generic mom traits, so for Lucía, even if we don’t end up seeing her, I just wanted to make sure that I had her personality in the back of my mind.
So based on my headcanon of how things went down, Lucía seems to be a very intelligent and pragmatic person. She’s very rational and carefully weighs her options before making a decision, and when she makes a decision, she really commits to it. And I think because of that, when she finds out what happened to her daughter, it completely devastates her and she finally snaps and does something totally impulsive and destructive.
It might not be entirely necessary for the rewrite, but I’d really like to do some more headcanons about her later on.
#In the Forests of the Night#amelia atwater rhodes#Den of Shadows#Nyeusigrube#Lucia#Roksana#Alejandro#characters
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