#could also be connected to that one audio of an active set where somebody was screaming for Steve to run with their full chest
asstroyess · 2 months
Edit: (Disclaimer of possible spoilers in case you don’t wanna see speculation)
Another post made me realize that in this clip
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Dustin is wearing the same hat as in this pre-vis from quite awhile ago
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Which then put me down a little rabbit hole to see what specific scene this could be from, which lead me to this Reddit post
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Putting this all together, with the matching hats and outfits as in the two pre-vis’s and Nancy, Jonathan, Steve and Dustin appearing to be in or somewhere near the Upside Down in the promo clip, might mean we are gonna get these four on a little impromptu Upside Down trip
link if you want the full post
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
08/16/2021 DAB Transcript
Nehemiah 11:1-12:26, 1 Corinthians 10:14-33, Psalms 34:11-22, Proverbs 21:14-16
Today is the 16th day of August welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we move into this week and get settled in. I guess about the time we get settled in the week is over and that's how it works. But here we are for the next step forward together and that will lead us back into the book of Nehemiah. We’ll actually conclude the book of Nehemiah in tomorrow's reading but for today Nehemiah chapter 11 verse 1 through 12 verse 26.
Okay. So, maybe an underlying question in our read…from our reading from first Corinthians today would be how…how close to the line can we get? Like how close to the line of something that’s questionable can we get before we actually enter into something that's sinful. And that's a question I get asked several times in a year and I typically think, well if you're…I mean if that's the question then probably take some steps backward and reevaluate. But because Paul is talking about this in detail and in specific then we can surmise that this was a question was in the church of Corinth. And in specific it was about eating…eating food that that might've been consecrated to an idol, a false God. So, we can read this kind of stuff and go, man I have never ever, you know, you don't go to the grocery store and think…and ask those questions to yourself when you're picking out your selection to meet. And, so, it's a very, very different culture. And, so, just to have the background here, in the Roman Empire we understand that there's a pantheon of gods, the gods of the Empire. Lots of gods are being worshiped. There are the gods of the Empire and then there is generally freedom to worship whatever you want to worship as long as you have an allegiance to the gods of the Empire. The Jews have the worship of the most-high God, and they were excluded from this and then Christians were excluded from this for a while and then they got in a lot of trouble and a lot of persecution. So, this is kind of right in the thick of this as this is all getting sorted out because how would they go to their meat market, their grocery store, as it were and know the origin of the meat. I mean we might ask the questions today like, is this organically fed, grain fed, like were these happy animals, that kind of stuff. And you can track that information down if you go hard enough after it but a meat market in a cosmopolitan city in the Roman Empire, kinda going around and saying, okay was this sacrificed in a ceremony? And to whom was this sacrificed and when and all of this could get complicated. But the church didn't want to participate in idolatry even passively. And, so, Paul's instructions then were, eat. You don’t have to ask those questions. According to Paul, the earth and everything in it belongs to the Lord. It becomes an issue when it touches somebody else's life in a way that causes them confusion or it becomes a problem when were just looking for a loophole so that we can have 1 foot in the kingdom of God and following Jesus while at the same time honoring other deities, consuming meat that we know was ritually sacrificed to a false God, and honoring that in the process, not passively but actually participating and knowingly doing it.  And, so, this last one that we just talked about, like trying to ride the fence basically to have 1 foot in one place in 1 foot in another place and have the best of both worlds, as it were, Paul's like, and I quote “you cannot drink from the Lord's cop and also from the cup of demons. You cannot eat at the Lord's table and also at the table of demons. Or do we want to make the Lord jealous? Do we think that we are stronger than He?” And, so, that’s pretty clear. You’re not gonna have your foot in Baal worship and in Christ worship at the same time because that’s not how it works. There is only one God, only one, the most-high. And then the issue of, how can you know? Like, if…if…if you're not actively trying to have 2 feet in two different worlds, you really are a follower and a disciple of Jesus, you want to keep yourself pure and so you’re trying to avoid sinning passively by consuming food that may have been consecrated to an idol. Paul's basically like don't worry about that, unless it affects somebody specifically. And he uses an example. Like, what if we’re invited over to a friend’s house who isn't a believer and they actually believe in a different god, and they worship that other god and they sacrifice to that other god, but you are friends, you are associates you’re trying to be the light of the world, you're trying to share the good news of the gospel and you're invited over, then go and don't worry about what's put before you. Eat the food. It's not about the food. It's about the posture of heart. Eat the food. However, if those people who are your friends understand that your religious convictions are different and there's, and in an attempt to honor you, they let you know, like hey, yeah, this steak here, this was sacrificed to, you know, our god. Well then, they're letting you know so that you don't have to break a conviction. Like they’re honoring you in honoring your convictions and allowing you to know that. So rather than going oh, it's no big deal, no problem than honor them back and show allegiance to the Lord because they've made it a point to let you know this. And, so, this is the posture of heart that Paul is instructing the church in Corinth and by way of the letter to Corinth us, how we are supposed to act toward each other, honoring each other while not getting lost in the weeds about things that we can't know or convictions that we do not have. And Paul kind of preempts by giving the follow-up question. And that is, why should my freedom to act be limited by another person's conscience? If I thank God for my food why should anyone criticize me about food for which I give thanks? Which is a super individualistic concept that we should be very familiar with because it's dominant in the world today. Why do…why does what somebody else thinks, why should that affect my life? I should be to live my life without worrying about what everybody else might see or do? And I believe that Paul would argue, yes you are absolutely correct when you are following hard after God. But when you are trying to take the freedom that you found in Christ and exploit it to the point that it's confusing to people who might seek Christ you gotta take a second look, maybe a couple steps back and re-examine the situation. And we can see that, you know, we’re using this specific example. There are all kinds of sets of circumstances. Basically, this is a conversation about gray areas and some words and language to give us insight into the fact that it's not about the gray areas so much. It's about the why. It's about the posture and motivation of our hearts. So, Paul boils this issue down really brilliantly with something that's tangible enough for us to carry around and remember. When we walk into that kind of a scenario and we’re not quite sure how…how…what our decisions, what our choices should be. Paul says, well, whatever you do, whether you eat or drink, do it all for God's glory. Live in such a way as to cause no trouble either to Jews or Gentiles or to the church of God. Paul says just do as I do, I try to please everyone in all that I do, not thinking of my own good, but the good of all, so that they might be saved. That distills down very nicely into a core. Can I do this for God's glory? If that is just a checkpoint that we can insert between the decision and the action. If there’s just that little checkpoint that says, can I do this for God's glory. We might do it anyway, even if the answers like…we might willfully go forward, but we won't be confused. We do have a will and we can make our choices, but that could save us a lot of trouble. And, so, let's consider that as we move through our day.
Jesus, we invite You into that. It's…we’re all wearing masks in this world. And, so, there's situations all the time where it's not always clear how to navigate, but to have this little checkpoint in our lives that says, “well, can I participate for the glory of God in this” really really helps, not only whether or not we should proceed, but if we do proceed, how? How we should proceed. With what posture we should proceed because we understand that we are doing it for Your glory and we are trying to bring honor to Your name in what we do as we are a witness, the light in the situation to reflect Your glory into it. So, come Holy Spirit because we certainly do need help. If we’re paying attention, we…we may be somewhat successful. But if we’re not paying attention, which is a lot of the time, we don't…we don't consider what we’ve done until it's already over and then we’re reflecting back. So, come Holy Spirit. We…we need to change that. We need to think these things through in advance and we need Your help. And, so, we humble ourselves before You and ask for Your help in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi this is Donna from California and today is August 11th. I finally got caught up and was out this evening on a beautiful walk listening to the podcast and then the prayers and a prayer came across that just made my heart just…just lift up doctor John, our dear friend and brother Doctor John to you Lord. He's recovering from surgery for glaucoma and bent over, felt a pain, and is now having some…some disturbances in his vision and fears blindness in that eye. Lord Jesus please rush to him please heal him. We…we ask that…that you…you bring healing to him from the surgery from the glaucoma and restore his vision. Thank you, Jesus for…for doctor, John and let him know how loved he is by our community. Thank you doctor John for all the times that you've called in prayers for…for us and lifted us up and we cherish you. I will be keeping you in prayer. And please let us know how you're doing too and how we can continue to pray for you. And we love you. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.
Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is Renzo in Florida and I just want to pray for Doctor John. Father God I just thank you for everything that you give to us Lord and I just please pray for doctor John and that what he's going through right now God for what…with the glaucoma surgery God I just please pray that what just happened to him as he called in today on the 11th God I just please pray that…I just please pray that…that that vision that was just turned into black and white God would be completely restored, that the surgery go well, that his vision to be completely restored in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Yes. God please just help him to just be touched by the Holy Spirit and let him be guided in everything he does. And father God I just please pray as he's recovering from that, and I please pray for him to just keep trusting You Lord in everything. And father God please, I want to pray for I think he said Jonathan…I think his name was Jonathan and Bethsaida. But he said they were struggling with COVID. God I just please pray that they're completely hailed in name of Jesus. God You can do all things. You’re the great physician God and You do all things. All things are possible through You. Please heal them. Let them be completely recovered in the name of Jesus. Amen. God bless you guys. You have a blessed rest of your day. Jesus loves you.
Good morning DAB family this is John O'Connor calling from Juba South Sudan. This morning I would like to ask you to join me in praying for my son Steven John. Steven John is my second child but my first son. I have three sons. He's the first one. Steven John has been diagnosed with bipolar and we have seen him go through the phases with severe depression that lasts for quite some time and then the manic phase that is erratic, pressured speech, and poor judgment and, you know, very restless. And we have gone through the phases that families go through when you're…when you have such a thing in the family. We have been filled with shame. We're going through denial. But now I can only call on…on God to help us with my son. So, your prayers are really really important. I have seen what God can do when people in this community pray. So, I need your prayer. And thank you for praying. Have a good day. Bye-bye.
This is God's Life Speaker. Hello DAB family. I was listening on the 12th, and I heard a 16 year old young lady call in to encourage another DABber who's pregnant. And what she pointed out is that, I can't. And then she gave biblical scripture to back that up. Oh yes you can when you lean on God. I can do all things through Christ. And that is just amazing First off. 16-year-old. God bless you sweetheart. May you be speaking life into those around you which I sure…I am sure that you are. I wanted to point out some of the I cants of the Bible. And those would be, I can't, Moses. That's right, he couldn't until he took off his shoes on that holy ground and turned his attention towards that burning bush. Jeremiah, I can't because I'm too young. That's right until you believed that God said that I picked you for this and you will. Gideon, I can't because I'm not. That's right until you put on what God has called you. There are so many I cants. We need to stand for Christ, who He is, what He has called us to do, who He tells us we are and start speaking them out loud, and walking with that scripture exactly like the 16-year-old has blessed us with and reminded us. So may we all take up what is put on us like Nehemiah. Just take the next step. Go in Christ. Meet with Him first and then step it out, walk it out, speak it out. Amen.
Hi DAB family this is Jessica from California. Today I'm calling to leave a message for Kingdom Seeker Daniel. This is regarding your…your check in after not being able to get in to see her son and how your friend said that God is in the know sometimes. And I have to agree with that because I was actually in the position that your sons end. I was on the other side of the wall, and I had a really bad drug problem. I wound up going crazy. I was schizophrenic on meth and I…I went to this lady's house and I thought that these people were creeping on my daughter and all this strange stuff and I entered their home and to make a Long story short I wound up in jail. I was confused. I was lost and that's right where God met me. And if I wouldn't…if I hadn’t of had so much time between…to myself between me and God, you know, with no interference from my family and to realize…to sort it all out mentally then I probably wouldn't be where I am today. Well, this was in 2015 and I'm telling you the Lord delivered me from it all. I lead a normal life. I've been out for three years. I went to a massage therapy school. My whole entire lives changed. All my relationships have been healed because I had that one-on-one time with the Lord. And just trust that the Lord's working and that He can change your son's heart to realize where…where you were there for him and how much you love him. And I just I hope you stay strong. Thank you.
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nascent-chaos · 5 years
So I know Reed likes to play games with Red, read with Stretch, and cook with Edge, but what activities does she like to do with the other boys that are just one-on-one? What activities do/would the boys prefer to do with her?
Sans :: Sans is something of the tinkerer of the bunch. It’s actually one of the jobs he’d held just before he and Papyrus moved into the lodge - he’d often fix up broken appliances or trinkets. His bigger projects are usually kept confined to the lab, so Reed never really gets to see those, but his smaller projects are typically worked on up in his room. She enjoys watching him from time to time - it’s amazing to see him take bits and bobs and bring them together to create something big like a new motor, or something small like a little music box. He does tend to get a lot of little things from other monsters that he still patches up as favors to them, and it’s one of the ways he still earns a bit of cash after the gold exchange, and before he chipped in with Alphys to help humanity implement some of the technology monster-kind had developed.
As far as activities he’d like to do with her? Well, Reed always secretly wished to be able to learn more about the heavens. The idea of being able to identify stars and constellations in the night sky is one that has always struck her as lovely, and if he ever had the chance to make those lessons a thing? He'd be over the moon!
Papyrus :: Gardening is a big thing for these two. Ever since she moved in, Paps has helped her establish a garden off near the edge of the property where they’ve been growing all manner of vegetables and herbs, both fit for human and monster consumption. It’s a common sight to see the two of them working side-by-side in the earlier hours of the morning as they tend to it, watering and weeding and maintaining the health of the plants as they work. Cooking is also a big hobby they share.
Papyrus secretly wishes he could bring Reed with him on his morning training routine from time to time, but for the most part, the level of activity he and Blue do appears to be just a bit too much for the poor human to handle (boy do lungs seem to be a drawback!). She’s not often able to complete the full route they jog along, and has never had to opportunity to observe as he, Blue, Edge, and Black train (as things like their sparring sessions are usually done at the home of another member of the guard).
Blue :: He’s a huge fan of vehicles. The garage is, for the most part, his go-to space to unwind, and he always seems to be customizing something while he’s in there. Reed will be the first to admit that she doesn’t know much of anything about vehicles (she can’t drive, after all), but loves seeing how excited he gets over a new plan he’s hatched. She’s always willing to lend him a hand, and he’s always thrilled with having her there to keep him company as he works! Like Papyrus, Blue secretly wishes he could take Reed out for an early morning jog or something when he trains. He’d love the idea of the two of them getting to go into the valley and see the sights as they pass through!
Stretch :: As you said, the pair shares a love for books. Stretch’s primary source of income is through the royalties he makes as a writer, and he’s even gone so far as to publish a book or seven (a fact he’s dead-set on keeping from Reed out of embarrassment, as some of them do have a few, err… *ehem* steamy segments). He went so far as to help set up a sort of reading nook for her in the attic and the pair will often spend their free time up there enjoying a good book and each other’s company. On days with good weather, or if Reed seems to be in need of some time to unwind after work, they may even take an hour or so to head to her little hideaway in the woods to relax and unwind.
At home Stretch, as well as Hickory, loves ‘lending her a hand’ while she’s baking. Of course, by lending her a hand, what they really mean is sampling her latest batch of whatever sweet thing she’s just pulled out of the oven. She teasingly calls the two her ‘professional taste-testers’, and they’re often the two that get to sample whatever she’s been experimenting on and provide her feedback before the others get to try it out. Okay, so maybe it's not exactly 'one-on-one time', but it's not unusual for the other to be absent or busy during these times!
Red :: Gaming is a big thing for Red but, more than doing it together, Red likes to sit back and watch Reed take a go at it. She was raised in a household where they didn’t really have those kinds of things and, sure, she knows perfectly well what a playstation or xbox is, she’s just… never actually played on one before she’d moved in with them. Granted, her reaction time is pretty terrible and it seems she prefers story-driven games over the action-packed first-person-shooters he loves so much, but he actually finds watching as she tries solving a puzzle or cheering when she overcomes some in-game boss to be… pretty damn adorable.
But honestly, though? He just wishes he could spend a little more time together with her outside of the lodge in general. He’s pretty envious of Sans and those weekly get-togethers he has with Reed. Would it be wrong of him to try and set up something like that with her, too? Would she even be up for something like that? Somebody please help this insecure boi.
Edge :: Cooking with Edge is, perhaps, the most common forms ‘alone time’ Reed has with the skeleton. Edge quite enjoys giving her a hand in the kitchen, as cooking for a family of ten is something even he’ll admit is no small feat. It’s also one of the few times they seem to talk about anything and everything, and they both find the open and casual chatter to be… refreshing. Okay, so maybe it’s more Reed talking and Edge listening, but still. The setting allows for the both of them to unwind a bit, for the two of them to exchange ideas and get creative in the kitchen, and on more than one occasion there might have even been the briefest of flour fights (he’ll vehemently deny it ever happened, though!).
He is a bit… envious of Stretch, though. As much as he’d like to spend some time outside of the kitchen and enjoy her company he never seems to have the opportunity, as there always seems to be someone else around. And hey, the guy is a Papyrus too, after all, and that means… well… Okay, so maybe once he’d like to be able to sit next to Reed and the two of them share a book a-and she could lean on him for once or something too, damnit! He has great literary tastes too, you know!
Black :: Most of their quiet time seems to be limited to the mornings, as he's the earliest riser of the bunch (just behind her). She'll often already be awake and starting breakfast for the family by the time he's headed downstairs, and the two will take the time to connect a bit before their days start. It's not something most would consider a prime activity to do together, sure, but there's a sort of tranquility to this tradition of theirs that both parties enjoy, and will definitely notice is missing if something interrupts it. Black is, for the most part, something of a workaholic, so a majority of his time at the lodge is spent on the work he brings home.
If he could, though… he'd like to spend more time with her outside of the lodge. Granted, this isn't exactly realistic given they live on a reclusive mountainside out in the armpit of nowhere, but is it bad that he'd like to just take a scenic walk with her sometime? He… didn't hate getting to spend time with her on their 'not-date' that day, and… well, any private time when he can be free of his responsibilities and just *unwind* a little would be nice.
Hickory :: Hickory is, by and large, probably the most reclusive of the lot, being the second most distant to her just behind Classic. Unlike the others, however, he… doesn’t seem too eager to spend any one-on-one time with Reed for some reason? In fact, despite everything between the two, they’ve only ever been alone together a handful of times in the past. Perhaps the most one-on-one time she typically has with him is in the kitchen, where he’s only too eager to help with the quality control for the latest batches of... whatever she’s baking that day. Aside from that, however, when not out fulfilling some task given to him by Black or eating with the rest, he’s often locked away in his room doing Angel-only-knows-what.
Only, now Reed knows just what that is.
She’s seen the audio equipment and instruments in his room, and she’s hoping it’ll make for a decent conversation-starter? She never knew just what his hobbies were aside from sleeping, eating, and hitting on women for a good laugh, so… maybe… this might help break the ice between the two a little? Maybe she could ask to sit in on his work one of these days and see what he does. Would... it be weird if she asked him to play a song for her?
Dust :: There isn’t really any set activities these two do together, yet Dust is still probably at the top of the charts in terms of who spends the most one-on-one time with her. This likely developed following the second attack, after which Reed often tried to keep him around in order to prove a point to the others. Out of this had sprouted the habit of Dust giving her a hand with the menial tasks around the Lodge, from cooking to cleaning to tending to the laundry. It’s not much, and the two don’t really do much more than chat idly with one another, but given she’s one of the only individuals present who doesn’t look upon him with resentment… well, he’s perfectly content with the way things are right now. He’s still not the biggest fan of humanity in general, and he’s not going to go out of his way to try and grow any closer to her because, quite frankly, while he doesn’t mind her company he simply doesn’t care. Why should he, when he’s probably going to be thrown back into his own timeline here any day now?
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rhinozilla · 5 years
Whumptober Day 4: Human Shield
Summary:  In a moment of terror, Connor discovers a sense of self preservation that he had never had use for before.
Warning for active shooter situation in a bank.
That wasn’t supposed to happen.
The sound of machine gunfire had faded as quickly as it had struck, filling the space with the kind of dead silence that made Connor’s audio processors strain. The world was a blind wall of blue tinted static across his vision, even though he knew that his eyes were still open. Red text was scrolling rapidly through the static, warning him of the damage.
One of the bullets had cut across the front of his face, shattering his nose and cutting deeply across his cheekbone before continuing on its trajectory toward its next victim…presumably the victim that was lying dead on top of him now.
The bank hadn’t exactly been full of people when the shooting started, but he had been standing close enough to this civilian…there hadn’t even been time to properly identify the elderly man. Connor hadn’t even seen his face…As soon as the shooting had started, the man had, seemingly on instinct, grabbed Connor’s arm and yanked him with him back behind one of the island counters on the bank’s open floor area.
In the span of only seconds, there had been screaming, and then the bullet had rendered Connor blind, and he could only hit the ground as the man pulled him behind the nearest option for shelter. Then the man had landed on top of him, Connor’s systems immediately picking up on the bullet wound to the human’s head… Two other reckless bullets had hit the man’s torso as he went down. He had been killed instantly…His last act had saved Connor’s life.
The screaming went silent with the gunfire, and in the aftermath, there was only the more mundane sound of footsteps, doors opening and closing, and murmuring voices from the shooters.
Mission Objective: Apprehend Shooters.
Without his sight, Connor’s other senses strained to compensate from his position on the floor. There were five definitive sets of footsteps…three different identifiable guns had been used…Connor had won altercations against worse odds, but then, he had not been damaged and blind. He couldn’t register any other life signs nearby…whether that meant more of his system had been compromised or that everyone around him was also dead…he couldn’t be sure, but he needed to act now if—
Warm blood from the body on top of him was soaking through Connor’s jacket, starting to stain his skin. It dripped from the dead man’s head onto Connor’s neck, rolling toward his jaw before reaching the floor, where a puddle was forming. One of the man’s hands was still wrapped around Connor’s elbow, fingers gone limp in the ghost of a grip.
Connor’s higher functions stalled as his system focused solely on those stimuli. To the exclusion of everything else, all he could think about in that moment was the blood slowly covering him and the weight of the body pressing him to the floor.
Mission Objective: Apprehend Shooters.
His programming insisted, but something else in his body rebelled, keeping him where he was.
He was outnumbered. Outgunned. Damaged. He would be killed. It was not a question. He WOULD be killed if he tried to take on the shooters before police arrived.
Police would arrive. He…he had managed to send out a call to dispatch before he hit the ground, hadn’t he? The white noise seemed to be spreading from his vision to other aspects of his programming, making it difficult to think…His skin felt like it was being pressed by a million pins and needles, burning where the blood was coating him.
The footsteps were returning. He had to act. He had to do something.
Mission Objective: Apprehend—
Something deep, something visceral and unnameable, locked up his systems, clawing up out of his chest and spreading like barbed wire through his limbs. It overrode his programming and flooded the thirium in his veins with ice.
He latched onto the new mission objective with a desperation he’d never felt before, and in a split second, he had manually turned off his LED, forcing the ring to go dark. He left his ruined eyes open, though he stopped trying to focus them. Instead, he let them go blank and glazed, approximating a death stare. He willed all the tension out of his synthetic muscles, allowing his limbs to go limp, sagging more fully into the puddle of blood surrounding him.
In that split second, he gave in to the preconstruction path that told him that playing dead would give him the highest probability of surviving this moment, and he did his best to imitate a corpse as the footsteps came closer.
The proximity damage to his optical units had severed the connection that allowed him to process the images that they were recording…but he could only hope that they were in fact still recording. Maybe later that footage could be used to identify the shooters…Maybe this fear-fueled act that he was performing would do some good in the long run.
Fear…That was the unnameable something that had rendered him inert.
It pooled in a vise through his systems, spawning a secondary reaction that pumped hot through his circuitry. If he just stayed still, if he just did this, if he just played dead well enough, then he would make it. He’d be safe. He’d get to go home. He’d survive this.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
He hadn’t been designed for…for self preservation. He was supposed to save humans…like this human who had given his life to save him…Connor hadn’t been able to protect him. This old man had reacted faster and more effectively than Connor, the cutting edge android prototype, had.
The shame of failure bled into the blue static, momentarily eclipsing the fear.
If this was all that he was good for…then what was the point of him?
The fear doubled back as more noise echoed into the room. Sirens, additional footsteps, more voices—some he recognized, some he didn’t—and a brief spatter of gunfire clouded his audio processors.
One set of footsteps drew close…too close…and klaxons blared through his brain for only Connor to hear, panic contributing to the paralysis.
“Oh God…Connor, oh God, oh please no…”
It took entirely too long for his system to recognize the voice as Hank’s, and even then, a combination of fear and panic caused his programming to leave all logic behind.
That wasn’t Hank, it told him. Somebody was impersonating Hank, trying to trick him into giving up the ruse…just so they could kill him for real.
“No, no, no…”
The voice came closer, and then the body on top of him was being gently removed, rolled away and placed carefully on the floor beside him. Hands moved under Connor’s back, hefting him up somewhat until he was leaning into a warm, living, breathing body. The arms held him close to a chest, and one hand cradled the back of his head with trembling fingers.
“Hank…” Connor whispered, more desperate for it to be true than he was scared that it was a trick.
“Connor? Connor! Oh my God!”
The hands turned panicked, holding him away to look at him. With a groan, Connor let go of the manual overrides that had been maintaining his disguise as a corpse. His LED kicked back on, rapidly circling a terrified red that quickly turned yellow as he blinked, trying to force his eyes to work. Willpower couldn’t bypass the damage, and he remained blind to the world. In that moment though, that was okay, because he was alive…and Hank was here.
“Jesus Christ…Thank you, Jesus Christ…Connor?” Hank was saying, resting Connor’s upper body on Hank’s lap instead of the bloody floor.
“Hank…I—“ Connor’s voice was halting and shaking, and he tried to force stability into his vocal modulator. “I didn’t—I’m sorry—I didn’t—I c-can’t see…”
“Shh, shh, shh,” Hank whispered brokenly, running a hand soothingly through his hair a few times. “We’ll get you fixed up. Don’t worry. I gotcha. Just hang on, okay?”
“…Ok-okay…” A whimper escaped, and his ruined eyes began to leak tears. “H-he saved m-me…I c-couldn’t—“
“Shh,” Hank repeated, pulling him closer into his embrace. “I know, son. It’ll be okay. It wasn’t your fault.”
What little control Connor had left over his limbs tried to curl him into himself, his hands finding some of the fabric of Hank’s coat and grabbing onto him. Something inside him cracked open, and he turned his face into Hank’s shoulder, tears of fear and relief finally flowing free in earnest.
Hank held him tighter as the dam broke for them both. “You’re okay…I have you…You’re okay…”
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
01/27/2021 DAB Transcript
Exodus 4:1-5:21, Matthew 18:1-20, Psalms 22:19-31, Proverbs 5:15-21
Today is the 27th day of January welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it is a joy, a privilege, an honor, all things good to be here with you around the Global Campfire taking the next step forward on our voyage through the Scriptures this year. All things are a go here in the rolling hills of Tennessee and I trust that all things are well with you wherever you might be on our big, beautiful planet that God has given us to steward and live upon and enjoy life together. So, let's dive in. we’re reading from the English Standard Version this week and we are getting to know this new figure that has appeared in the story. His name is Moses. And we’ll be traveling a long time with Moses. And I mean he…he will affect the rest of the Bible. So, Exodus chapter 4 verse 1 through 5 verse 21 today.
Okay. So, in the book of Proverbs we basically have some self-evident wisdom. It's pretty clear what's being said here. But underneath it all, what is the…what is the ultimate warning? The ultimate warning is do not stray from the path, right? Don't leave the path of wisdom. So, isn't this very, very similar to what we are taught in the Gospels in terms of following the path of Christ so that we might be Christ-like? And what we are watching in Jesus ministry is that He is at teacher of wisdom. And, so, what we begin to understand is that there is a path that leads to life and the Bible continually reminds us that it exists, but it also reminds us not to stray from it. And it gives us all kinds of advice along the way about what it looks like when we do if we need that advice. But so often we don't need that advice because we've experienced what happens when we step away from wisdom or we walk away from the path and into rebellion. And, so, let’s remember, there is a path, there is a way. And if we would maybe…maybe slow down on all the excuses about why we can't be obedient or why we can't walk this path, maybe we should just try actually just walking the path and not…and not straying to the left or the right. I mean, here we are in the middle of the week about finish the first month of the year. How about we be very very intentional about walking the path and not deviating to the left of the right for the rest of this week. That would be a good way to bring the week to a landing. A lot of the things that have become tumultuous might begin to simmer down. So, let's consider the voice of wisdom as we so often do as we so often should.
Okay. If we go back to the book of Exodus where we started our journey today, we’re getting to know Moses. Moses has met with God. God has given him a command to go back and set His people free and be His mouthpiece. Really one of the saddest scenes of the Bible happens today because Moses is talking to the Almighty most-high God, who has said, “I have seen the plight of your family, your people. These are my people to. And I have…now they have flourished but now they are in slavery and I have heard what is happening to them. I'm going to set them free and you are going to be my instrument.” And Moses…Moses is talking to God and giving God every excuse about why he can't obey Him and they're having a direct conversation. And Moses is like, “I'm not a good speaker and, you know”, and God's like, “I’ll send Aaron.” And there's all this stuff going on until Moses heart is completely revealed. And this is the sad part. And we should think about our own lives because this is why it sad. Moses is invited by God to be a part of the story. And Moses in the end, says, “could you send somebody else besides me?” Oh. that has been my story. I…I can't run from that. That has been my story throughout many seasons of my life. That has been all of our stories at one point or another. And, so, this is how the Bible becomes this mirror where all the sudden, yeah, we’re in the story too. Certainly, we’re watching a narrative. Moses is going to Pharaoh. We’re watching all this stuff happen, but we begin to realize that the story here is mimicking our own story and that's not an accident. In the end Aaron comes, Aaron's the mouthpiece, Moses is the prophet, they convince all of the leaders that God has seen them. And then they go and confront Pharaoh and things only get worse, right? They only get worse. And, so, Moses is like, “what in the world have I done?” And the people are like, “what in the world have you done? You've made us stink to Pharaoh. He's like, there's no way we can do what he's asking us to do. He's gonna kill us all.” And that's where we leave the reading today. If we remember the story that we read just before this one, that was the story of Joseph. And didn't things get way worse before they ever got better? So, isn't there some kind of theme emerging here about following God. when God invites us to be a part of His story He’s going to confront evil. He's…He's not just going like, “Oh, now you believe. Let me…now you've won the lottery. Here's a new couch and here's a new voice activated TV, so you never have to leave that couch except to go into the kitchen and get food. Enjoy your life. God isn’t inviting us into laziness or idleness. He’s not just Santa Claus trying to bring presence. There’s evil in this world, and He would like to use this as His agents to be a part of removing it from the world. Because ultimately, we’re gonna watch throughout the stories of the Bible and we’re gonna hear all kinds of prophecies in the Bible that this is ultimately the objective. Gods not mad at people. He’s not trying to destroy people. He is fed up with the evil that is destroying people and His ultimate goal is to eradicate it, to remove the things that would separate us from God. And once that begins…I mean just like we were talking about, like, let's not deviate from the left to the right and stay on the path of wisdom for the rest of the week. If we do that, then the darkness that may exist on the margins of our lives, it won’t take long before kicking and squirming. It won't be long before we’re confronted with our own selves. And then we have to start asking ourselves the kinds of questions that we see in the ministry of Jesus. Do I actually want to live true even if that marginalizes me, even if all the games that I've been playing to kinda make the culture work for me, even all the falsehoods that I present to the world, even if those have to go do I want to be true? Even if it's gonna get more difficult before it gets easier, do I want to live true? Some pretty poignant things for us to think about as we continue our journey through the rest of this day.
Holy Spirit come. These are definitely penetrating things to consider - the path before us and not deviating from it, paying attention to wisdom to illuminate that path, understanding that living in wisdom and walking the narrow path that leads to life is not always going to be easy. In fact, often it won't be. Yes Jesus, we…we haven't reached this point yet but You will tell us that it is important to count…to count the cost and we’re beginning to see why that matters. So, come Holy Spirit and help us to walk true and walk the path of wisdom, even if only for the rest of this week. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. So, be…be aware. Stay tuned and stay connected.
Check out the Community section. And of course, I’m talking about the website, but if you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can access all these things as well. But the Community section is where to…well that's where the Prayer Wall lives. So, there…there's always opportunity to ask and to receive prayer there. But it's also where to get connected. All the different links to the different social media channels that we participate in, those are there and it’s good idea, at least to be aware of but its good idea to at least follow the Daily Audio Bible on…on…on your platform of choice just so you can be aware of announcements and reminders and encouragements and that kind of stuff. So, check that all out. You can get connected in the Community section at dailyaudiobible.com or in the Community section within the app, which is by…you can access that by pushing the little Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner. And that'll open the drawer and you’ll find community in there.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if…if what's happening here is meaningful, if bringing the spoken word of God read fresh every day and just given to anyone who will listen to it anywhere on this planet any time any day or night no matter what's going on and to build community around that rhythm, if that is meaningful thing in your life then thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button at the top in the app. You won't miss it. No matter where you are in the world you can hit the Hotline button and reach out or there are a number of numbers, phone numbers that you can use. In the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to dial. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to call. If you are in Australia or that part of the world 61-3-8820- 5459 is the number to dial.
And that’s it for today, I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello DABbers this is daughter of the King from Tennessee. Father we thank You according to Your word You have established us as Kings and priests unto the most-high King Jesus Christ. You said in Your word when the King said he decrees a thing it shall be established. Therefore, we DABbers decree and declare according to Your word that we are blessed in the city, we blessed in the field, where above only and not beneath, we are the head and not the tail, we blessed coming in, we blessed going out, we’re the lenders and not the borrow. We thank You Father we blessed upon our jobs. We blessed in our homes. We confess Your word that are families are blessed, our children are blessed, and prospers all the days of our lives. We thank You. Welcome everyone to this brand-new year. Welcome newcomers. And we thank You. Brian we just so…oh my God January the 22nd recording is so good, and we all need to save this and go back continuously on faith. The…the substance of faith allows us to have access to something we cannot prove, right Brian? We cannot prove. And we must have faith. Peter was walking on it, but he looked around. And that's what we do. We get discouraged when we look around and we fall. But we trust in God that we…that this 2021 would be the best year ever and we would not continue to look with our eyes that we would trust God in every…every area of our lives. I wanna continue to lift up Gary who called for prayer he would be going to Hospice. God we just praying and believing You with our faith that You would give him life, that he would…life would be restored and we thank You guys for everybody…
Hey this is Micah in awe in Kansas City. So, yesterday I didn't make it all the way through the DAB. Something with work came up or something where it stopped me during Brian’s…before the final message and I didn't get to hear the prayer. So, it kept bugging me, like I need to listen to the rest that just so I do my due diligence. And I was like, but the prayer is not that important, like it's just it's just the same old prayer da da da da. But man was I wrong. This morning I started out by listening to that. It would have been…it's the January the 22nd and heard these totally encouraging messages like Alyssa from Montana talking about how the Daily Audio Bible lets you be in the Bible daily. Amazing! Like, if…if the Daily Audio Bible only ever helps just you have a relationship with God in the mornings then it was so worth it, and it's done it to so many people and all…just insane. I'm…I'm so happy that I listened to the prayers. And I want to welcome you. I've been here like a year and a half or something like that and totally excited to have you in our family. Please call in and tell us how you're doing. Tell us…give us prayer request praise reports. The brother from Indiana. Man…like when you went through the faith of the people that called in, I really felt that. That’s incredible. And then there's another brother or you didn't leave your name, but you were talking about how you were struggling with a hard heart towards people. Dude, that is me too. Like, I've been struggling so hard to be loving and this virus times just makes it so easy to just put people off to the side and like get away from me. You know what I'm saying? And I want to join in on that prayer with you. I'm praying for you. This is Micah. Pray for me. God soften our heart. I love you all.
Hello, this my name Golden McQueen. I'm from __ McGill Nevada I'm nine years old and when…somebody really close to me and my grandma and me and my grandma died in…in a car crash and her name was Betsy Lopez. Today we're going to her funeral, but I could wish you…I wish you please send it out because I don't I…I want everybody to hear how sad that people because we live in a…how sad we are because we love __ and it's hard to get messages out. And we live in a the…rural area of Nevada. So, it's…it's hard…very hard to get messages…messages out. And I'm only nine years old but…but…but I wanted to do this for my grandma and for her as a lasting memory. Thank you very much and…
Hi this is Pamela from Pennsylvania. I am not feeling well today. So, it gives me a wonderful opportunity to catch up on the community prayers. I'm sitting here with my notebook and pen recording names and prayers. I'm getting to know all of you and lifting each request up in agreement with you. I wanted to share…the woman who's praying with hope for healing, I didn't catch her name today, talked about all of her life living in fear and that resonated with me. And just recently I the Holy Spirit may be aware that all of my life I've been making decisions out of fear. It started because of the environment that I grew up with…grew up in with my father being schizophrenic and beating my mother and I had to play the protection role standing in between. God has now healed me from all of that. He's healed me from the continuing saga of being married to two abusive husbands and I am now living in God's grace, freedom, healing and victory. I praise our Lord and savior and I encourage all of you that He really does love us and He really will heal us completely.
There was a woman that was very beautiful and her beauty was from the Lord she had never ever been with a man she was a irgin and very much adored even her brother who knew right from wrong wanted her so bad that it burned but his sister the Virgin wanted to please the Lord so all his advances she spurned he continued to burn and got physically sick and he forced her to do things his way and because he was bigger and stronger than she was there wasn't too much she could say but after the act his love turned to hate and he wanted her out of her sight She begged and she pleaded the best that she could but there was no way to make this thing right now the brother who raped her was soon killed himself by another brother who heard what he had done the father of all of them David was now very much ****** and the killer was now on the run then the killer got killed and the father was sad when the families in conflict it's all just plain bad families are very important to God but even more so they're important to us sometimes we don't understand all God's ways so it's very important just to trust don't desire the things that are wrong don't allow them to fester and burn Satan is always waiting my friends to trap you wherever you turn he destroyed their whole family and he'll destroy your house too he started in Eden and he's definitely not through so keep your desires above board and chase let all of your dealings be done face to face all of God's ways are wholly and pure and he won’t give you more than you're able to endure pray in his spirit do things his way and your strength will increase as you grow day by day
[email protected]. I'd like to shout out to Mark Creed from down under. Know that you're being thought...
Good morning dear DAB this is Jeanette from Denmark I want to share something that I thought changed my life step by step. There's been many things, but since I moved here when I was twenty, I learned the example of two house church leaders who shared what their life had been like by simple example. We were at the little building that we had gotten permission to use and the pastor…well our school teacher he…he asked us to be quiet after a good period of singing together welcoming the Holy Spirit in. And I was at the projector and he said, well let's stop singing. Just let your heart rest and think of the Lord. Be still before the Lord. Know that He is here, and He is with, that He always has been and always will be and that you are in His arms at this moment. He is so good. He will never leave. He will never forsake you and He loves you. And that moment of breathing opened my heart to a whole different realm of possibility. The pattern started to become a walk, but also I knew I could be in the stillness with my Jesus, my savior, my father in heaven and the Holy Spirit. And in this time stillness and, yeah, the song of worship, it brings hope. I love you all. Bye.
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onestowatch · 5 years
How Los Retros Turned ‘70s Jazz Into Your New DIY Indie Obsession [Q&A]
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Photo: Ross Harris
Los Retros is proof that the only thing you need to make a great record in the modern age is a living room, some instruments, and a fire under your ass. Mauri Tapia, the mastermind behind Los Retros, writes and records all of his music from his parents’ home in Oxnard, California (a city that has also served as an incubator for artists like Madlib and Anderson .Paak.) Despite the barebones setup, Tapia manages to create recordings that paint a vast expanse of sound and color.
For the last few years, Tapia has been touring with a recurring cast of individuals around Southern California, spreading the gospel of his music and recording yet more songs from Oxnard in between shows. With the release of Los Retros’ debut EP, Retrospect, on June 21 via Stones Throw Records, the public outside of the Golden State gets to experience Los Retros’ unique sound for the first time. 
It was Ones to Watch’s distinct pleasure to sit down with Mauri Tapia to talk DIY recording, sources of inspiration, and turning a ride to a show into a marriage.
OTW: When did you start writing music, and how did that evolve into Los Retros?
MT: Well, uh, I don’t actually write most of it down; I just kind of form it and do it, it’s all memorized. I didn’t have access to any recording software until I was about 15, and that’s when I started really recording audio for the first time. At first, I just tracked guitar, then eventually drums, and yeah it kind of developed from there.
OTW: Your music has a very distinct feel that blends American indie/pop with Latin elements. Who are some artists that influenced the development of your sound?
MT: My parents for a long time when I was a little kid would play a lot of Spanish rock bands, some of those were, like, Los Freddys, Los Terricolas, Los Ángeles Negros, and so on. I never really cared for the sound until I got older. You know, maturity. I think a lot of those songs were in my head, just thinking about them and remembering all those moments, and I was like, “Hey that sounds like something cool that I’d like to make.” So I took some of those songs as a sort of reference to what I started making. Some of the others, like two on the album are kind of influenced by this dude named Tonetta. The whole album is actually a twist on a lot of stuff I listen to – it is original, but definitely reflects what I was listening to at the time. I recorded the album two years ago, actually, and I just finally decided to release it.
OTW: You took the inspiration for your moniker from a Chilean band called Los Ángeles Negros that has been active since the 70s – can you dig into this connection a little deeper?
MT: Yeah. So our project actually used to be called what the album is called, Retrospect. That was the original name, but there was already a band with that name, and we didn’t want to get sued, you know? We thought, “Alright, let’s switch it up.” I wanted to keep Retro in there because that’s just something that, like, maintains with our whole reality. And I thought, I lot of those bands I grew up with have “Los” in their name, and in English the same for bands like The Strokes. Actually, somebody on my live channel mentioned the name Los Retros and I was like “You know what, that’s a pretty cool name,” so I just kept it and here we are.
OTW: With the DIY approach you take to recording your music, do you face any interesting challenges translating the pieces to a live show? How do you adapt your music for a live setting where you can’t play drums, guitar, and bass all at once?
MT: Well, like I mentioned I write – well, not write down but you know what I mean – come up with the tunes, you know, record them, mix them. When we perform I have several friends that play with me. My little brother plays with me now and my wife does too, actually. And my friend who’s been there since the beginning playing bass. I guess that’s what makes it Los Retros.
OTW: I want to congratulate you on your debut EP that just dropped last month, Retrospect. How did you choose the six songs that would be featured on the project? Did you take anything in particular into consideration when choosing the play order?
MT: Kinda. So me and Wolf, the founder of Stones Throw, we hang out every now and then and we would always change it up. We had a bunch of other songs that we thought about putting on the album but we just thought these ones were better. We never really talked much about the order, we sat down and picked it in maybe, I dunno, four or five minutes. We thought, well, let’s put “Last Day On Earth” at the end, because you know the “last day” implies the end. The first couple songs are all about my wife. But the truth is, I don’t think it really matters what order its in. We just kind of threw it together.
OTW: A lot of your songs involve complex chord structures, and I’m told that you play every instrument featured on each track. How did you go about learning all these instruments?
MT: I started playing guitar when I was eight. I eventually got my own guitar at 11, and really started getting better at it. My school had this after school program called Rock Band, and me and a friend would go there, and I just had access to so many more instruments there than I had at home. So I just played around with anything I could get my hands on. I picked up a bass and tried some bass lines, which is actually pretty similar to guitar. I eventually got on the drums around 8th grade. I didn’t get my own drum set ‘til about a year and a half ago, actually, but I’d always play whenever I was at school. Then three and a half years ago I got my first keyboard, some people on YouTube started sharing my music and all that. Around that time I started getting into a lot of old bands from the 70s, kinda started playing around with the chords they were using, and it all developed from there as I found my own sound.
OTW: What is your favorite story behind one of the tracks on Retrospect?
MT: Yeah, the song “Friends.” It’s about my wife. So long story short, I didn’t have a ride to show one day. I was kind of acquaintances with this girl, we had talked a little bit in the past, nothing too special. Then I invited her to one of my shows, and *laughs* I didn’t necessarily lie, but I said I didn’t really have a ride, since the car my drummer was taking was too packed with gear for me to fit. So she gave me a ride, and we ended up becoming friends for a pretty good while, you know, and there was definitely something there. So I wrote this song and figured I’d show it to her, and she’d have to do something about it, so… yeah, now we’re married.
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Photo: Ross Harris
OTW: You’ve developed a devoted following in your native Southern California and have played shows all around the region. As your career continues to develop, where are some areas that you want to tour? Do you have any bucket list venues?
MT: Hmm, I don’t know, I haven’t really though about it. I just wanna go play places where people will watch me. If I had my choice I guess I’d like to play in Japan, I’ve always been interested in Japanese 70s funk stuff. Honestly, New York sounds cool, too. I’ve only left California once when I was about two years old. I went to Mexico. But now the laws are a little different regarding specific people and my parents can’t go back, and for me I’d rather visit with my parents than go by myself. I don’t really have any bucket list venues. Maybe some cool back yards – I like intimate shows, haha.
OTW: Assume next year you could support any artist on an international arena tour – who would you want to support and why?
MT: Well, if he could even still play, I’d say this dude Alain Mion. He was a composer for this soul-jazz band called Cortex from the 70s. He’s probably almost 80 though. Roy Ayers too, but I know he was just hospitalized, so that would be tough. Really any of those old funk guys, because that’s the sort of music I wanna be making. It’s a long shot but maybe George Clinton, though I know he’s retiring pretty soon.
OTW: Clearly you have the chops to do great things on your own – but if you had the opportunity to collaborate with any active artist, writer, or producer on a project, who would it be and what sort of project would you undertake?
MT: Well actually, I’m collaborating with one of the best right now, Steve Arrington. I wish I could give you more details on that project right now, but I can’t.
OTW: Who are your Ones to Watch?
MT: Huh, I don’t know, I listen to a lot of old music, haha. He’s not new, but I think people should know about Alan Hawkshaw. Brian Bennett, too. Oh, and Bill Evans. There you go.
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akiiiraaa · 5 years
How to choose IP cameras
If you are looking to choose a IP camera, the option may be mind-boggling. Below are great tips to guide you. There is lots to think about when it comes to wireless security camera features, technical specs and also standard tech will go. A real difference from a web camera and a true wireless security camera is one important distinction. Webcams will often be lumped within the wireless security camera type for the reason that many of them give several safety features, however I would certainly reason that there're quite constrained if your goal is actually safety.
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Make the Arlo ultra as well as the Nest Cam Outdoor as illustrations. Both of those enable you to experience a live video feed with ones own smartphone anywhere you own an net connection, but yet Ring Spotlight is not going to warn you each time a possible safety measures concern develops (for instance once the built-in security alarms discover motion, and so on.), whereas the View offers a huge amount of customizability so you're able to obtain warnings when anything occurs, if that's what you look for. This could possibly seem to be a small variance, though if you are going the standalone Build-it-yourself home security camera route, those signals will be the only way to estimated real-time tracking (short of staring at the streamming all day). Build it yourself also often ensures that, unlike Scout as well as other service providers, there is no qualified professional tracking service lurking behind your wireless security camera. It means, for better or even worse, it will likely be up to you to get hold of the authorities if you see somebody breaking in to your property. If you can't get the choice to get yourself a notification each time a safety measures situation happens, you can easily miss out on the one time that any criminal snatches up that high priced bit of earrings. That does not mean that there are no place for webcams as safety supplements, but they are genuinely ideal reserved for checking in for a doggy the whole day to be sure your own fleece has not yet became a gnaw plaything.
Amazing benefits of security cameras
DETER Criminal activity
That is the primary as well as most apparent advantage of installing security camera systems. After they are put, you will be able to experience their very own influence on many people almost immediately. Even when they're placed discreetly, you're going to start sensing a sense of home security, which is priceless. In no way let any one and / or anything suspicious out of your glance using ip camera. While it is suggested that you prevent buying dummy video security cameras, I simply cannot stress enough over the need for preparing genuine ip camera as a strong basic safety measure. Thieves are generally smart and dummy video cameras show by themselves away, hence there is actually silly of having these items.
Putting security cameras positiioned in arranged destinations comes in handy if you want to look at actions and words and phrases of persons or within the event. Modern video security cameras aren't just backed up with top quality video clip features, but audio as well. The fresh vision together with sleek audio means they are more beneficial than ever at saving a series of incidents. This is very effective while confronting a legal situation, where the eye witness often have left behind a particular very important information as well as might be providing by having an reliable account of what really took place. By having a security camera, the legitimate government bodies can see any series of incidents as they really unfolded. Just How Much Must You Invest in a Home Security Camera? More than ever before, surveillance systems can be purchased in a range of types expenses to supply a sense of security to the wide variety of householders. The average price of a security system and installing might be $1,335. A result of variations in types and excellence of security cameras, installing the device usually varies between $550 and $2500. Hard wired equipment are cheaper for parts yet a lot more for installation, in $160-$300 for each camera system, in comparison with the wireless network alternatives. The excellent news: putting in virtually any product can help to save bills of homeowners insurance. You will find 2 choices to carry out: wire less or wired along with Internet protocol address or Closed-circuit television. On the other hand, several other elements contribute to the last set-up. Almost all products contain several surveillance cameras utilizing perhaps on-site or cloud storage. Oftentimes they will include movements detectors, much better quality, professional tracking, and night vision features. Increased alternatives mean higher sophistication, and more fees. Finally, your needs and needs and wants will go to influence the last cost. Throughout the years, home security camera price ranges have fallen, leading them to be an affordable necessity. A typical alarm system design and installation is going to cost close to $1500. However, the price just for skilled setup will differ greatly according to device model along with amount of security cameras. On top of devices prices, each video camera is going to range from $100 to $250 for professional installation. A process made for Do-it-yourself setting up will cost you simply time, if you possess the equipment. Whether you turn out progressing the Build-it-yourself path or even employing a expert, a preliminary assessment will assist you to have an understanding of your exact specifications based on the requirements in your home. An assessment is commonly absolutely free. The size and style and design will depend on a large number of variables.
Cabled Security cameras
Although installing costs higher than wireless network calculating close to $160 to $200 in each surveillance camera, the components of cabled products will be more reasonable. Considering the fact that holes are going to be drilled, wire connections applied, as well as gateway established, hiring a specialist is frequently vital. Past the initial payment, the only disadvantage is fixed locations. The positives could surpass the negatives. Wired equipment cannot be broken into from another location, jammed, and have power built-in ? frequently using power supply backups with regard to electric power outages.
Wi-fi IP camera
Wireless network systems are super easy to set up, which makes them the option for Build it yourself homemade projects. A DIY install should charge you free of charge along with qualified work no more than $125 every single webcam. They're very simple to transfer along with almost always provide remote control easy access. Drawbacks comprise of simply no straight power supply and should be placed in your property's wireless range to be effective correctly. Sometimes they currently have decreased solution than cabled counterparts and can be broken in to from another location. Wifi devices will also be subject to signal interference.
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blooming-baek · 5 years
The easiest way to choose security cameras
In case you are aiming to choose a security camera, the choice can be mind-boggling. Below are great tips to help you out. There's a lot to take into consideration as far as security camera characteristics, specifications and also standard technology should go. The main difference between a web cam and a genuine surveillance camera is certainly one critical distinction. Webcams tend to be lumped underneath the wireless security camera classification due to the fact most of them provide some security measures, but I may argue that they can be rather restricted if your priority is security. Take the Ring Spotlight as well as the Swann Bullet Camera as illustrations. The two let you experience a live video feed within your telephone anywhere you have net connection, nonetheless Smonet Security Camera will not warn you every time a possible safety measures trouble develops (for instance once the built-in receptors find movement, etc.), whilst the View offers you a ton of customizability so you're able to obtain signals anytime anything occurs, if that is what you wish. This could possibly look like a little distinction, however if you simply 're going the particular stand alone Build-it-yourself wireless security camera path, those signals include the greatest to mimic real-time observation (lacking checking out the feed all day long). Build it yourself frequently indicates that, contrary to SimpliSafe along with other companies, there's really no skilled professional observation services at the rear of your home security camera. Meaning, for better or even worse, it will be your responsibility to consult the police when you notice somebody breaking in to your house. If you do not have the right to get yourself a notice when a security and safety circumstance happens, you can quite easily overlook the only one time frame that a burglar grab that high-priced bit of charms. That does not mean there's no room for webcams as security measures supplements, but they are genuinely most beneficial limited to viewing in at a pet each day to ensure your own jumper hasn't turned into a chew up plaything.
Amazing advantages of security camera systems
Stop Criminal offenses
This is actually greatest and the most noticeable benefit of using security cameras. Whenever they are placed, it will be possible to witness its effect on people right away. Even though they are positioned quietly, you may start sensing a feeling of secureness, and that is priceless.
MONITOR Situations As well as ACTIVITIES
It is rather effortless to work together with ip camera equipment as they possibly can be placed any place on condition that there's a source of energy within reach. They come in just about all size and shapes; many are very small enough to always be disguised . in flowers, pictures, photo frames, etc. Depending upon your expectations you can aquire each hidden cams or mountable kinds. Never allow any person or anything suspicious through the sight with security camera systems. And while is always that you steer clear of getting fake surveillance cameras, I simply cannot stress enough regarding the importance of preparing true security camera systems as a good protection measure. Bad guys are generally sharp and fake security camera systems present on their own away, hence there’s truly no point of having these products.
Having ip camera placed in specific sites comes in handy when you require to monitor behavior or words of persons or perhaps during an event. Current video cameras are not only equipped with very high quality video capabilities, but audio also. The crystal clear pictures in conjunction with sleek sound means they are more efficient than in the past at recording a number of happenings. This is very effective when coping with a lawful circumstances, where the eye witness may have ignored a certain critical details or simply may perhaps be supplying by having an exact account of which actually transpired. By using a security camera, your legitimate regulators is able to see all the combination of incidents while they truly unfolded.
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Exactely How Much Will You Pay for the Ip Camera?
More than ever, surveillance systems can be purchased in a number of choices expenses to give a sensation of safety and security to a number of property owners. The average price of an alarm system along with installation is normally $1,100. Due to variants throughout types and excellence of ip camera, the installation commonly spans in between $550 and $2,000. Cabled systems are cheaper just for elements but extra for assembly, with $140-$210 per camera system, in contrast to their own wireless alternatives. The best news: installing some kind of product can save costs for home owners insurance. There's 2 options to decide: wifi or cabled along with IP or CCTV. Even so, a number of other aspects lead to a final set-up. Nearly all systems have got a number of cams having perhaps DVR or NVR storage. Occasionally these folks can include motions sensors, superior picture resolution, professional following, and also dark vision features. Greater solutions mean increased difficulty, along with greater charges. At some point, your requirements and needs and wants must go to dictate the total expenses. Over the years, home security camera prices have got fallen, rendering them an inexpensive basic need. An average burglar alarm system installation will cost you close to $1500. Although the price with respect to specialist set up may vary significantly according to device style and number of security cameras. On top of equipment prices, each webcam is going to range between $100 to $180 pertaining to skilled installment. A device specifically for Do-it-yourself installment can cost you nothing but time, if you have the devices. Whether you wind up proceeding the Build-it-yourself path or choosing a pro, an initial discussion will help you know a person's exact needs based on the requirements in your home. An appointment is typically 100 % free. The size and style and design is determined by a lot of variables. Wired IP camera Although installing costs more than wifi averaging just about $100 to $190 for every surveillance camera, the elements regarding hard wired systems are often more budget friendly. Considering that holes are going to be drilled, wires applied, plus conduit used, hiring a specialist is normally crucial. Past the advance costs, the only drawback is fixed spots. The positives may well surpass the disadvantages. Hard wired systems can not be broken in to from another location, crammed, and still have energy inbuilt ? generally along with battery power back-ups for energy failures.
Wireless network Security cameras
Wireless network products are super easy to install, driving them to be the options for DIY projects. A Do It Yourself install should run you for free with specialized work only about $90 every single video surveillance equipment. They may be very simple to transfer and also almost always offer you remote accessibility. Downsides include things like simply no direct power source and has to generally be set up in your house's wifi area to operate properly. Many of them have lower quality compared to wired counterparts and could be hacked from another location. Wireless network designs are usually at the mercy of signal disturbance.
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ho-ods-blog · 6 years
If we reduce everything to information do we lose the aesthetics, empathy and much more in life? What do you think?
To understand my current perspective and create the desire within you to pursue your personalized & positively balanced, productive quest for understending is to imagine what what isn’t possible by being easily done yet not in fact impossible - the sentence explaining all conspiracies as well as  what I’ll be explaining through the example of a chip - which isn’t one of the conspiracies at all.
Imagine if we all got chipped, for the sake of mutual understanding imagine it like a tiny memory card inserted, let’s say behind your ear which works because it connects, duplicates then mimmics each neuron and then replaces it by removing the original   with the technological components also within it.
Imagine that the heart keeps our body and mind alive and the chip our brain.
Now imagine that chip contains the whole of information from the main central computer which had collected all of searches and statistics along with the feedback itself in a matter of seconds upon laying your eyes on the person, home etc as well is still providing the same procedures and updating everyone each decided period of time.
Would you want to live in a world which now defines you insane/and/or questionable because you googled dick cheese around your friends for a joke and tried to understand sexual preferences as a kid? Nobody would. But that would be inside the mind of the person who would lay their eyes upon you a.k.a. it would get the information from the chip on another and that person would get your information just the same.
Do we then lose the aesthetics, empathy and much more in life? 
Okay, I am definitely writing this particular chunk of sentences to also signify I no longer give a shit about privacy because the groups of supertechs could come at me at any given moment, disrupt my algorithms to make my content visible to less users and there really isn’t much I can do as an average citizen with some interesting hobbies so therefore a couple of people from my hometown judging me for actively pursuing my interests in a way I choose really doesn’t even come to me as a negative thing anymore because there’s far more going on which I want to focus on and direct my maximum positive potential and impact on.
Now that that is out of the way,
That transhumanistic viewpoint(the chip example) is what I chose because I’ve read too much about it, seen too many films which lead to more research and read too many insights but today that example of the chip is just a prolonged and complicated version where the chip is the computer, the phone, the laptop and the human can find out information just not fast and easily or without extensive technical literacy and trial and error.
That is why this cybernetic connection was implemented with the assistance and constructive creativity of the groups of supertechs for the agendas long as the existance itself. I can write about this in another post extensively.
What matters to me more than my own privacy and social justice within my own experience is a positive change I can contribute by sharing not the information I am learning but the way I work my mind and actions around it because throughout the past year I have come to terms with the exceptional components I was once scared to share.
Today, I am conscious of my voice and more so confident in it’s validity because I see no negatively directed energy consciously or unconsciously motioned my way as anything which could ever be stronger than God, no weapons forged against me prosperous and no truth which I speak less legitimate than somebody’s illusion of theirs despite them percieving it as truth.
I now resonate with the ideals which bring in no obligations for accusations to prove what is already truth as well as no pointed fingers but rather everyday courses of action from healed individuals of own controlled mindsets because keeping a positive vibration is in fact what should matter right when you wake up, while you are brushing your teeth, making lunch, going to school, work etc. what matters is to use the internet, web and social media consciously as well as choosing what you want to think about and what gets to hurt you and keep you stagnant.
This simple piece of text is made with the intent to serve it’s purpose on it’s own.
It isn’t done so that at a certain point in the future when there’s plenty of them as well as other endeavors it’s author gets money, status, recognition, fame, etc, nor is it the goal of any of my visionary creative endeavors.
I had made enough of regretful decisions in my life to innerstand, understand and overstand as well as define the emotion of it without words necessarily that I must use the remaining time of mine on Earth for the greater good.
It is fortunate for us to be alive at a time where doing something as simple as writing a micro-blog post can offer some people a chance to start controlling their thoughts in hopes of maintaining a safe space.
What I had gathered from merely a couple of videos on youtube in which Jaron Lanier ( computer philosophy writer, considered the funding father of virtual reality, visual artist, was in the first company which sold VR goggles, was in Atari, worked on apps for internet 2, visiting scholar at Silicon graphics, works at Microsoft research since 2009 as thhe interdisciplinary scientist etc) is speaking about the contents of his book “you are not a gadget” as well as information since the digital age took place was more than enough for me to try and find the appropriate place to channel it constructively.
I decided to use the notes I make along the way as I watch the videos and read the material as a tool I can shape into something for those who aren’t necessarily willing to sit and watch youtube videos all day long, clean their house and listen to them, drive and audio it or perhaps even read the books ( which I want to highlight still ARE much-MUCH greater sources for everything I will ever be speaking on because through the information I share I am still secluding a paragraph to explain how I choose to deal with the information instead of turning it as a weapon for my own stagnancy and misguided lack of faith.)
It is still the biggest tragedy to me to see this cybernetic connection we share done in the utmost negative way and the knowing it hadn’t even started to take place at it’s maximum potential is truly what could be terrifying to a point of episodic daily nausea if only us and in this case myself were to base our mental states upon people and actions which are outside of our control.
The computer can send information to another bundle of information in a set of bits and it is analyzing them mathematically and, yes - it does not matter to a computer what the information says.
”Meaningless disorder is to be challenged and not fear because we can choose to be overwhelmed or emboldened.”
The strength from within is omnipresent and the fear of failure, lack of constructive impact or whatever the individual might use to shape their own low vibrational perspective for not making an active shift in their own life -are all illusions because the purpose of the negativity is to achieve sustainability of itself as it is. That is why it is important to understand you either sink towards the end of your life or swim towards it because as you can see the finish line is the same yet the pathaways different.
It may be easier to keep the sinking mindset yet it isn’t even remotely as joyful, courageous, rewarding, fruitful, positive, needed and surprisingly positively influential to those around you (as well as much, more I can write about) than the swimming.
In this life you can choose to think finishing highschool and  pursuing a degree, finding and maintaining a job with or without a carreer, finding, accepting, returning as well as nurturing and maintaining love, travelling and friendships are the peak you need and want yet the sinking mindset still bears the low vibrational tendency to show up uninvited and subtle as it hides within outcomes you learned how to disregard positively and label it swimming.
Whatever you choose, the information presented remains existant and true.
Anytime two people connect to the internet is universally financed by a third party who believes they can use behavioralist techniques to manipulate the first two people without them undestanding whats up.
In regards to the talks by Jaron Lanier -
the WE is the global cyber net in which those who built it, are making the most money off it as well as keeping it existant are somehow above the circumstances and the average citizen are still modern day workers to keep it going and developing into whatever the purpose of the behavioralist techniques really is while it is disquised as solely statistics to better consumerism and the user experience.
“We’ve created a society based on universal trickery and deception and therefore developed an already flawed society into a universal community of individuals who do not believe election votes, routinely expect to be bullied one way or another and made to feel terrible. That is the society which does not believe in truth anymore.” we're all connected, from seemingly all perspectives.
A manmade connection would be computers which had done another interconnection and way back in 1938, a man by the name of Burrhus Frederic Skinner decided to present an idea of treating computers as a tool to remove individuality and by experiments alter the human nature by getting them to change by the reward/punishment stimuli a.k.a. positive/negative feedback loop(social experience) and the negative ones are more common actually because of that feedback loop between the dopamine hits. The person contributes their motion, eye movements and facial expressions to the statistics.
The experiment is a human version of keeping a rat in a box and providing it some food when it pulls down the tiny lever inside that box .
The cybernetics are naturally a negativity machine. The likes, comments, the interaction people get on social media is what provides them the small dopamine hits which keep them using it in the ways which highlight education last.
Skinner was about using digital networks to transcent idiosincracy(a mode of behaviour or way of thought peculiar to an individual!) He was the first there to have something to say about peoples “weird and felatious ideas about freedom) the first time it crossed paths with computing was through Norbert Weiner who was the first generation contribute when the ideas for altering started.
He was the first who started changing others’ perceptions on how the computers are being percieved. The idea is to use a computer to make it into much more than it is,as well asmuch more complicate and Weiner coined the term for it from the Greeks which is the now famous “cybernetics”)
the scientific study of how information is communicated in machines and electronic devices, comparing this with how information is communicated in the brain and nervous system / Too often a simplistic cybernetic control model underpins performance measurement systems. -cybernetics was trumpeted as a universal science of government that would help to guide the social organization necessary for modernization.
DEFINITION OF CYBERNETICS BY DICTIONARY.COM: the study of human control functions and of mechanical and electronic systems designed to replace them, involving the application of statistical mechanics to communication engineering.
What if you have a computer watching a human being, his moves, looks etc and then what if that computer provided stimulus. Couldn’t this computer gradually become an automated behavioralist who controls the person?
This is a human use of human being and if everybody has these computers with themselves always then these little computers can measure everything about those people, who they talk to, what they search, their locations, and in return give them some sort of reward/feedback - texts, sounds, art etc.  but what we neglected is the radios connecting all of those small computers to a big computer which is modifying a computer like a behavioralist who could pull statistics and change society without you knowing it is happening to you, too.  
This all goes into depth just like anything and the particular planted seed had developed itself stranded into one probability for salvation in a clusterfuck of mass destruction of probabilities because despite the good and the bad within for example Artificial Intelligence, those of us who consider it’s positive aspects are on the same page as we speak of it the like we speak of  humans who, naturally, aren’t all good with good intentions and the technological advancements are not yet well balanced with anything else in our world which is behind it.
Instead of rescuing people, natural resources, animals, finances, jobs, security etc. we had massively shifted to a world of subtle, reliable shades of different types of horror in which ignorance serves as a peace of mind, heard, body and soul which still is mostly low vibrational and contributing to the madness in any way the technology pleases.
The culture of digital technology and it’s strong movements back in the 80′s and 90′s served to commerce the idea of making everything free and open. The culture, the software, the music, the encyclopedia, the anything.
The idea was to use a certain special group of people considered the supertechs to change the coutse of history with the advertising model as the meeting point.
The surface experience for people is about business of advertisements where the biggest are the wealthiest and at this point Mr.Lanier had already confirmed that he is actively supporting Google and had sold his company once to them.
What interests me about Mr.Lanier is why he thinks that nobody truly hears what he is saying because most people do and the only reason nobody is doing anything to actively pursue the most productive courses of action towards the biggest change is the fact we think we will be met with death or disappointment because one broken down middle class individual is nothing to a group of elite supertech at the Silicon valley type of hubs around the globe.
Mr. Lanier says the right way to proceed is to change yet he bears such friction when he is saying that what we would be doing is unimaginable yet achievable if the act of trying actually takes place. So, is he saying that the dominant power considers the change unimaginable because they had created this agenda which does not deem it fitting but speaks on what could be done if we were to actually do something which nobody within that elite community actually wants if the advertisement model is still not in their infrastructural ownership?
The experience of our lives is much more deep and valuable than certain wordings deem it out to be.
“Social experience” sounds like two words you read and go on yet what we rarely consider is what it all means.
It is your entire living experience and it matters because we’ve created such an easy way to unconsciously shift our energy to motion due to feelings and where we direct it and using words as energy signatures which help and to further explain just understand that we even think with words and the manifestation is a path of directed energy. (Emotion, E=energy, energy in motion)
The bizarre solutions of the supertechs as I had already stated were to make everything open and sharable without much knowledge of behind the scenes.
The differences between advertising , adjusting and finetuning(a.k.a manipulation a.k.a behavior modification without the consumers knoweledge) because:
companies=behavior manipulation modifiers,
engagement =addiction
The changes this creates are small, broad and statistical which is how you achieve a goal without mass disturbances.
The companies sales pitch example is: We’re targeting this group of two million consumers. We can get 3% of this part of our consumer whole to change by 5%.”
You could say: Who cares? We get free shit for these tiny shades of difference.” but what I must state once more is the importance of what Jaron is saying is that the reliable shades of difference carefully applied consistantly have a compounding effect/like compound interest over time and the results are a significant change which CAN make shit really ugly like overturn elections, disrupt the society.
One important thing to mention is that Mr. Lanier defines the process of placing the whole world through a central computer would be mass insanity yet he states that it is not feasible which he used to say it isn’t impossible yet not as easy.
All of those fast samplings capture what drives you fastest - the responses. The negativity which makes the most money is between the dopamine hits. These include startle responses, becoming scared, arising fast and decaying slowly.
BEHAVIORALISM BY WIKIPEDIA: Behaviouralism seeks to examine the behaviour, actions, and acts of individuals – rather than the characteristics of institutions such as legislatures, executives, and judiciaries – and groups in different social settings and explain this behavior as it relates to the political system. BEHAVIORALISM BY GOOGLE: the methods and principles of the scientific study of animal (and human) behaviour.
BEHAVIORISM BY GOOGLE: the theory that human and animal behaviour can be explained in terms of conditioning, without appeal to thoughts or feelings, and that psychological disorders are best treated by altering behaviour patterns.
DEFINITION OF CYBERNETICS BY CAMBRIDGE DICTIONARY: the scientific study of how information is communicated in machines and electronic devices, comparing this with how information is communicated in the brain and nervous system / Too often a simplistic cybernetic control model underpins performance measurement systems. -cybernetics was trumpeted as a universal science of government that would help to guide the social organization necessary for modernization. DEFINITION OF CYBERNETICS BY DICTIONARY.COM: the study of human control functions and of mechanical and electronic systems designed to replace them, involving the application of statistical mechanics to communication engineering.
So we have to find a way to be sane throughout the paranoia one could encounter. To be optimistic despite the realism pushing itself with logic by default.
We have to face up to climate change.
We have to define our fear of A.I and transhumanism,
We have to stop genetically modifying food and people,
We have to start filtering our tap water,
We have to stop painting another false image over mass murders, dissapearences and the already painted picture of peace,
We have to find a way to stop deforestation, habitat loss, poaching,
We have to implement a steady course of action to limit the amount of technical illiteracy,
We have to find a way to create money which isn’t from trees, fix minimal pay where it exists only on paper, remove the governments maximum involvement and keep it a normal percentage,
We have to be aware of the extinction of animals which are actively happening each year,
We have to find a way of dealing with trash outside of the ocean because it is killing the beings meant to live in it not be murdered in it,
We have to find a way to deal with our natural resources again which are sunlight, atmosphere, water, land along with vegetation, animal life that naturally subsits upon or within the identified substances, coal, oil, natural gas, phosphorous, other minerals, iron, soil, timber which are all exposed to destruction.
We have to start purging out egotistical issues from our hearts and choose education and a multiversal mindset through local actions and sharing this post would actually be a gigantic first step.
We have to find a way to remain sane despite the world.
Never stop believing in our own purpose because of low vibrational people who mask out the words of yours in a humoristic set back which always work around the same groups of people who value popularity amongst their friends and social media than actually working on becoming a better person with an active role in shifting the world as a small, reliable shade of difference simply because they found a way of pushing out their own content without making a fuss about their own awareness.
What is the measure to which we measure empathy these days, asked the deceased Alan Turing, who will be the next topic on ho-ods.
Would we be in a position to proclaim equal rights to a machine if the machine could pretend to be a person undistinguishable from me and you.Do you agree with what the C.E.O of Google is actively sharing when you realize that it comes about the internet coming alive as a big living thing in which we are neurons/thoughts and the personalizations we make don’t allow personell forgetting.
Ask yourself why shouldn’t you trust the promise of artificial intelligence?
Who is the civilization for?
How to be a humanist and pro technology at the same time?
What is a person in todays age?
Are we really cyber liberaterians because we haven’t gotten passed anything new due to the fact we have chosen to give everything of ours for free as we are portrayed as liberaterians?
Who owns the future?
What about misdirect angry people who grew up in a less functional world than it ought to be given due to our technological capabilities?
The next essay will be posted sometime on march 16th. Be sure to check out You Are Not a Gadget by Jaron Lanier either on youtube or pdf.
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vivareverie · 7 years
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"So, what now?"
That's a question I've had stuck on my mind for at least the past month or so now, regarding the state of my content production and my life as a YouTuber. It's a question that I've somewhat avoided asking myself for the past year, because I somewhat naively thought "Hey, everything'll just work out". Needless to say, that isn't the case, so here I am asking myself this question now.
Before I go any further I'd like to quickly clarify something: This isn't a depression thing. It might sound like a depression thing by the way I'm writing or the overall tone of this post, but I currently have zero mental health issues and require no sympathy in that area. All this is is an introspective look at my state of affairs, looking at what I did wrong attempting to grow my channel, and where to go next.
So, let's start from the start: My channel's success was lightning in a bottle. "Surprise! Your video has gone viral!" Starting with super short meme-y pony toy videos. Well... Admittedly that was at least a few years into my "career" at that point, but all my content before then just silly "Early-teen goofing around"-type videos, once I suddenly actually had an audience to make videos for, I obviously wanted to keep going. What's important about this "Era" is that I had a theme going on. I was the "Pony toy video guy", that was where my initial audience came from, watching my ~10 second long meme-y videos for a short giggle. These videos were very short, very easy to make, and had an audience... So, why did I stop?
Three big reasons: One, money. To make videos making fun of silly pony merch, I had to buy the merch, and, to put things into perspective, that Celestia toy alone was $50. Imagine that but for every single toy in every single video and it adds up quick. The good news is that I liked collecting them, and I had the money, but that was quickly running dry. You might ask "Well, couldn't you reuse toys?", and I did a bit, however...
Two, I hated reusing jokes, and still do to this day. Even back then I'd felt I used the "Celestia toy hits thing" joke 2-3 too many times. I suppose I'd somewhat considered it a running joke- but without putting a twist on it, it was just the same thing happening over and over again. Although "toy abuse" wasn't the entirety of my content back then- I did still try to be creative about it- but nonetheless I kinda felt that well drying up. Plus, finally, there's reason three, and this one is probably a bit obvious...
Three, I wanted to try out animation. It's history time: The reason why even my earlier pony animations looked at least half-decent was because I already knew ahead of time how to use Flash, the program used to animate MLP. This was because I used Flash to learn how to make terrible bodged-together video games, some of which are still online over on Newgrounds and Kongregate (And no, I won't be linking them (Maybe at a later date)), those games, although they were pretty terrible, did inadvertently teach me how to use an animation program, meaning that, when my YouTube channel kinda blew up, I suddenly had an entire genre of media to create with at my disposal.
Thus started "Phase two" of viv, the "Short goofy animation" phase. At the time I didn't think I was gonna ditch the toy video stuff, but after a short while I felt... More satisfied with my animation work. It took me a while to nail down why, but in the end I felt like I was "Undeserving" of the amount of attention I got from my toy content, and felt as if I had to "Earn" the amount of followers I was getting. My toy videos were recorded with terrible audio, a bad camera, very little care for lighting (One video in particular's punchline was ruined because I didn't think about lighting, "Applejack Wins" I believe was the name of that one), however my animations, with the exception of a couple of my early ones having framerate issues, were very "Clean" and felt polished, something I definitely couldn't say about the majority of my toy videos.
Likewise, my standards went up, and they went up fast. I did start off making more silly goofy short stuff, but I kept setting borders for myself making content more difficult to pump out. I wanted to make music videos, but I eventually said I didn't want to make them using pre-established "stuff you could buy on itunes" tracks, worried about potential copyright ramifications. A lot of my short videos were based on clips of songs, and I stopped doing those for the same reason. This was also a very similar (Albeit technically very different) reason why I stopped using show-style puppets, and although I technically could've continued animating show-style if I wanted, my standards had gotten higher still, and I wanted to start making animations using my own "Design" of puppets. Those are the horses you see in the banner of my Patreon page, the doofy ones with the fat noses. This starts what I'd call "Phase three" of viv.
...However, where I went, the majority of fans did not follow.
My earlier content was easy to digest, easy to share around, and easy to click on. Short doofy meme videos. Phase three of viv however- Although the content I was making was finally meeting my stupid standards, it ran into two problems. One, content production got slooooow. The entirety of the first couple of "phase three" years feels like I'd gotten nothing done, despite the, well, "Objectively better" quality videos coming out. I can count how many vivshorts I have on three hands, which is... Not a lot. It's good, and all of them are great, don't get me wrong, but throughout this entire "essay" I've been leaving out one giant big huge factor regarding my content: YouTube itself.
I'm sure you've heard this a million times before, but in case you haven't: YouTube does not promote channels that don't post often. The system likes channels that make long videos, and they like them posted every day.  This is... The complete opposite of the state of my channel, however. Especially these days, where my projects get larger, and the gaps between videos get longer. Unfortunately, the amount of production put into videos does not necessarily translate to views- Or at least not anywhere near the amount it does compared to my older videos.
I did make an attempt to make my channel more active with my Vivcast series, but, although that series has its fans (And I love you all much and you know who you are), I feel like all that did is hurt me during phase three viv. It littered my channel with videos that only a very niche audience would appreciate, and meant that newcomers would have difficulties finding the videos my channel was centered around when visiting my channel, which is, you know... A bad thing. All my Vivcast videos are now unlisted on my channel, but the playlist is still publicly available for those who still want to see them.
The second big reason why I got a huge dropoff of viewers from phase three viv was the change in style, or, more specifically, the lack of using MLP characters at all. I stopped being part of the trend, and went and did my own thing. It gave me more creative freedom, but it was less "Immediately appealing". It's far easier to click on "Rainbow Dash is Excited" than it is "The Second Day of Chrasmas". I've created a bubble of content that only those inside the bubble can enjoy, and this bubble is already inside the bubble of MLP itself, which, as much as I wish it wasn't so, has a huge huge huge stigma around it that to this day has never dwindled. Despite my content being less about the ponies themselves and more about the comedy or the writing or the animation, just the vague connection to MLP is a huge turnoff for potential new viewers who although might not care for MLP might still enjoy the content I may put out.
So, due to this, I have a dwindling viewerbase both because I'm not directly using MLP characters (Meaning the general MLP fans are turned off from my content) and also because I'm using pony characters in the first place (Meaning the non-brony side of the internet won't be looking at my content in the first place). I've inadvertently created a niche inside of a niche because I became complacent. I thought "Hey, if I make videos, the viewers will come, as they always have been", and that was true a few years ago, but I've diverted the train far far off course and not many people still want to stay on the ride.
...Okay, I should mention, no, 10k views per video is not bad in any way. That's really really good and many many many youtubers wish they got a fraction of the viewerbase I got, but it's all relative. In my case, I'd steered my life towards "Hey, I got a good following going, if I grow my following enough I'll be able to make YouTube videos for a living! That'll be super cool!" And that was okay for a long while, while I was "Doing the motions", while I was at college, while I was at university, while I was looking for a job and not finding any for... The entirety of 2017. That's a long time, that's, like, 4+ years at least. But, that whole time, it was fine. I was in no rush, I was in no hurry, no real problems, I'd gotten a little lazy and my content slowed down for it, but I didn't necessarily need the money so I wasn't churning out garbage 24/7 just to make sure I hit a threshold. I thought to myself "Hey, I'll think of something, eventually. 10k views per video isn't enough to make a living off of, but I'll make something that'll go viral again, eventually. It'll be fine."
However, that changed this January.
My new years resolution was to go back to making monthly videos. The Second Day of Chrasmas I made relatively quickly and I'd totally be up for keeping that going, I thought. But my free time was suddenly whisked away, and I was suddenly told I'd be "Working for the dole" for half the week, every week, for at least the next 6 months, or until somebody finally decides to hire me. If that's French to you, essentially that means that, in order to get the money I'm literally living off of, I'm now forced to spend ~15 hours every week doing tiring sweaty exhausting labour work, getting pricked, scratched, sunburned, and bitten, on top of the obligation I already had regarding finding work with the job employment agency I'm hooked up with, oh, and that's not even mentioning that I'm not earning any more doing this work than I was earning the entirety of 2017. essentially meaning that all the free time I'd grown complacent with the past year is now gone in the blink of an eye, and I'm getting nothing out of it.
...So I thought "Okay, 2018 will be the year I finally set my channel back on the right track." Suddenly that's something I can't do. I can't make videos that bring the views back when I literally don't have the time nor energy to make those videos in the first place. The past January shows it, I forgot to make the post-January update Patreon post because of how quickly the month passed by for me. My complacency led me down this track and now I'm paying the price for it.
Okay... So... What now?
This was the question I asked at the start of this post, and what you just read is my story leading up to this question. I don't know if I have the right answer to that question, but I have a few proposals.
One: Cut my ties with pony content entirely. This is a route I'd been intentionally avoiding because I didn't want to be one of "Those guys". You know, the "I'm grown up and more mature now, and therefore I cannot like or associate with pony anymore". That... In itself, I'd personally say is an extremely immature sentiment, cutting ties with who you once were is like denying part of your life existed. Likewise, if this were the route I'd take, I would never deny my association with MLP... However, I would be changing all my branding and future content to not be MLP related, and move into, say, video games stuff instead. That way I can tap into a very large audience of people that didn't exist within my bubble within my bubble. I may be able to grab that "Lightning in a bottle" once more... I wouldn't stop doing Bronies Reacts, though.
Two: ...Keep going. This is the significantly more risky route, but I still have unfinished business in pony content. The two big ones are Trigger Happy Horses and Brony Polka Animated, Trigger Happy Horses being very very well loved and a project I would be very happy to continue if I had the money and time, and Brony Polka Animated being a project I teased... Ah jeez, two years ago. Both projects would require at least several months straight of work to finish/continue, meaning no other content on my channel (Outside of stuff that maybe I could hire other people to edit (Which would imply I had the money to do so, which, I don't)), meaning it'd be super unlikely my channel would grow in any way from it. I'd still be inside my niche of a niche, that double-layered bubble. But... Maybe people would come back if they saw these projects as finished projects? I don't know, and I have no way of knowing- But I expect that may unfortunately not be the case.
Three: Do both... Kinda. Perhaps I could begin by doing new stuff that appeals to a larger audience and completely ignoring those huge projects on my backlog until I've reached a point of equilibrium- And then return to them once I've maintained a stability on my channel. Albeit, that implies I get to that point in the first place, I may be trying to throw darts at this invisible dart board for the rest of my life, meaning those projects go entirely unfinished forever...
...At the end of the day, if I want to keep doing YouTube, I'll want to be earning enough off of it to make it viable. This means consistent revenue, every month, every year. I'm getting a very nice fraction of that off of Patreon right now, and I thank all my patrons wholeheartedly for it, but... I need at the very least quadruple the amount I'm currently earning to get back to even attempting YouTube full time. Single time pledges won't really help either, I either need four times the amount of patrons I have or at least ten times the amount of views on my future videos, and consistently.
This revamp needs to happen. With it I'll be revamping the structure of my Patreon page before the end of the month, including probably removing the $10 and $30 pledge options... Which I feel like is kind of a terrible move because it's the last foothold I really have, I'll be cutting my revenue in half with that move alone, but I don't feel comfortable being pledged those amounts when the content I'm putting out is minimal at best, and entirely against what you were asking for at worst. Although I believe there is an option to pledge a higher amount than the given pledge amount, no rewards come with that, and nobody is obligated to do that for me.
Will this post do anything about my situation? Deep down I kinda hope it will, but really... I don't expect it to, and I've accepted that. You gotta deal with what life gives you, and when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. That term is thrown around so much it sounds like white noise so I'll turn it into a metaphor that actually means something: If you're given shit, make something out of it. Well, I've been given shit, so here I am figuring out what to sculpt it into.
It's midnight where I live now, so I'll be going to sleep. When I wake up I hope to have the answer to my question.
Good night.
- Viva
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
03/29/2020 DAB Transcript
Deuteronomy 11:1-12:32, Luke 8:22-39, Psalms 70:1-5, Proverbs 12:4
Today is the 29th day of March, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m  Brian it's great to be here with you at the beginning of a week where we just consider that it's all out in front of us and step through the threshold together and see that it's brand-new, it's waiting to be lived into, its shiny and sparkly, and the choices that we make and the paths that we walked down they’re gonna tell the story of…of this week. And, so, let's approach it with full hearts and an openness to God's leading in our lives. So, we gotta a new week. So, we’ll read from the New International Version this week and we’re gonna be continuing our journey through Deuteronomy and Luke. And just by way of reminder, I hope it's not over reminding but Deuteronomy is…these are the final things that Moses has to say. So, it is reviewing the story that we've read, but he's speaking it to a generation of people that are about to attempt to go into the Promise Land. And, so, it is a review, but it gives us a really good chance to review a lot of territory that's very detailed. Deuteronomy helps us kind of pull that together as we prepare to move into a new era in the Bible. So, today we’ll read Deuteronomy chapters 11 and 12.
Father, we thank You for bringing us into this brand-new week and as we enter this week, we enter it with a rhythm of life, allowing Your word to speak into our hearts each and every day. And, so, even as we’re here at this…at this little threshold with his new week, You know, that’s just something that we recognize every week, it's still true, it's out in front of us and we don't dare want to take a step forward without taking a step forward with You. We’ve learned far too well what our own way looks like and yet we confess that everything will sweep in upon us in this week and we will be busy about our own way without even realizing it, but we’re here now and we’re out in front of it and we’re inviting Your Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. And…and…and that's never not happening. Wisdom is never not at every crossroads, either. What we need we have we’re just often not paying attention at all. And, so, come Holy Spirit, quicken us, that we might slow down enough to know that before we make any decision which should consult You. Come Holy Spirit into this week we ask in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website and that is indeed home base for a virtual community like ours. So, that’s where you go to find out what's going on around here.
That's where the Prayer Wall lives and that is always happening. That’s we’re get different links of different connection points on social media, etc. Those…that can all be found in the Community section.
But also something really unique is going on around here, something we’ve never ever been able to do before, but just really overjoyed to be able to do it in the time that we’re kind of going through, this disruption that is happening throughout the world and, you know, causing all kinds of interesting things to be said and done each day. And we began kind of the middle of…middle of last week and we’ll kinda go through this week until we’ve concluded. But, my book, Sneezing Jesus, we’re releasing this as an… releasing the audio addition one chapter a day. And this is a gift. This is a gift from NAV Press who published this book. It’s a gift from the Daily Audio Bible. This was the fertile soil from which it was written, but this is the gift of good news. It's a portrait of Jesus life. It's an exploration of Jesus humanity and what that means to our humanity. It's a clear and concise telling of why the good news is good news and it's an exploration of the fact that the good news spread like a virus and good news can spread like a virus just like darkness, just like viruses that can hurt you. And, so, today we are up to the chapter called Between a Place and a Hard Rock. And this explores the story of Jesus walking away from the sea of Galilee, 15 miles. So, like walking 15 miles north to the city of Caesarea Philippi which is a pagan Gentile city. And this is the place where Jesus asked perhaps the most important question that can ever be asked in life, “who do you say that I am?” So, that chapter is available now. It just shows up along with the Daily Audio Bible each day. It’s a separate program but it shows up in the feed and you can click on it and listen to it and move through the book together as we do…do this in community. So, be sure to take advantage of that. It's…it's a joy, it's a joy, honestly to give this to you, especially now.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com. There's a link that lives on the homepage. I thank you. I thank you with all of my heart for your partnership. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer the mail, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can dial 877-942-4253 or you can just hit the Hotline button in the app and begin to share from there.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi DAB family it’s Carla Jean in Las Vegas I am calling to pray for all of us during this pandemic. In particular I am a couple of days behind, but I just heard Asia praying and feeling isolated and judged. And I’m just so sorry sister that you’re going through this and I’m just praying that hearts and minds will open and just be kind to one another. I read Peter’s request on Facebook to pray for God’s Smile who’s in such tremendous pain. And it hurts my heart to know that you are in pain sister and please know that I’m praying for you very deeply. Sierra, I’ve heard you, I heard your mission trip is postponed and that you’re feeling abandoned by your grandpa. And I’m just praying that God will work on his heart, that he will come to know the Lord first and foremost and to find reconciliation with you and I am praying that the Lord will open up a place for you to be and that while you are in the hallway you are praising Him in the hallway. Jerry from Duluth, I hear you brother. My kids also have mental health issues. And my son woke me in the middle of the night last week and was suicidal. Brother, you are not alone. I’m praying for your kids. Please pray for my kids too. I love you all so much. And thank you Brian for being the pioneer to online and virtual community. We so need you and I’m so glad that I’ve been part of this community for years so that right now I don’t feel as alone as I would without you. I love you all so much. God bless you. Bye.
Hey DAB family, first and foremost I want you to know that I’m praying for the whole world. I know these are some scary times, but we rely on the Lord and His promises. We should not fear, we should not live in fear for He is a great God. Would you please pray for my sister-in-law that is been called to go to New York? She’s a doctor, she was…she’s in the military reserve and they were just activated, which means that they will go and serve and help all the sick in the midst of everything that’s happening in New York. Please pray for them. She has a little boy, he’s less than a year old. So, he’s going to be at home left. Would you please lift her husband up as he will be home as well playing the role of a single dad? They don’t have a timeframe. Her name is Natalie, her husband’s Kenny their son is Caleb. I also have another request. My sister-in-law Michelle is a nurse. She is an RN in California in LA for Kaiser and I’m sure you’ve heard in the news they are completely under resourced. Please pray for them. Pray for a hedge of protection over all health care, all the nurses and doctors, janitors, I mean everyone that is just making sure that the hospitals are running to care and love everybody. This is Stephanie from California. Thank you so much. Love the DAB family. And thank you so much for lifting us with prayer. Love you guys. Stay strong. Share the gospel, especially during this time. Stay positive. Love you guys.
Daily Audio Bible this is Jane Ruth from Nebraska and I wanted to say something else. I know that I’m not supposed to submit twice. But Brian, on my belly button birthday March 22nd, you talked about Luke 15 and you talked about the…the guys…letting the guy come down through the mat…through the roof on the mat. And you made reference…you know sometimes all these parables kind of run together for me…but the thing that Jesus said was, “your sins are forgiven.” And when you said the words, you know, we can say that to somebody else, that your sins are forgiven, I thought, “that’s heresy.” But wait, in the Lord’s prayer, and you said this, we are to forgive other people’s sins as He forgives our…forgives our sins. And the thought that went through my mind was, “Jane where have you been all this time. You’ve been saying those words over and over again.” And it was like He sets the captive free and I felt like finally, finally I could forgive all these people that I’ve been carrying around on my…on my back like this albatross. And I felt like finally Jesus saves because I have been set free. It was the most incredible awareness that I don’t have to carry these people around anymore. Thank you so much.
This is Violet from Indiana I’m calling in response to Nick’s request for prayer. Nick helps in public transportation. Drives a bus I think he said. I want to know Nick I’m praying for you and adding to that prayer all of the DAB family who work in service to the public where they are daily exposed to people who are often acting in a much less-than-perfect way. I pray that God will protect you and help you through this time so that you will not become ill. But I also pray that the Holy Spirit will fill your hearts with the spirit of forgiveness as so many of us are so less-than-perfect and we display behavior that is not loving, not kind, not patient, not considerate and that you service workers can be filled with forgiveness as our Lord forgives us, forgiving us for our imperfections that we display that just add to the burden of the work that you are so graciously serving for us. So, I will keep you in my prayers Nick. And all of those DAB family who are giving service, I thank you and I thank God for the gift of you in our lives. Amen.
Good day Daily Audio Bible family my name is Oscar I’m calling in from the United Arab Emirates where I live and work. I’m a first-time caller but have been a listener for about a year now and I’m really grateful for the family I have here in the Daily Audio Bible. Thank you, Brian…Brian Hardin and family for all that you do and for letting God use you in such mighty ways. I’m calling in today because I just listened to the first part of the book Sneezing Jesus and I can’t describe what a blessing…what an encounter it has been. I think one word to describe this is Emmanuelle, God with us. I mean like the book mentions as much as we like to focus on the divinity of Christ which, of course, cannot be denied, the human side of him, the humanity of Christ makes Him so…so relatable. And the fact that…that God wouldn’t…wouldn’t give up, the fact that God doesn’t give up on humanity. In fact, I find that…through this book I find that God actually affirms our humanity. And it’s a real miracle to see how he brings forth these treasures from our earthen vessels. And I can’t imagine…can’t describe. Sorry, if my thoughts are a bit jumbled. It’s because I’m still reeling from the __ of this book. It’s something that I never realized I needed at this very point in time. And I just want to say, thank you so much for making this available. I’m totally going out there to buy the book myself. Thank
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augustwash1 · 4 years
Effective Guidelines to Love Life More Hiding your Cell Phone
Is incredibly regular for people to use somebody else's phone and be the first time. In doing so , were seeking to replicate that initial feeling of independence a mobile phone delivers. A relative in another point out was in the hospital. It was a Sunday evening, and I have been invited into a party. Instead of being away having fun I was sitting in my own apartment, awaiting the phone to call, troubled for reports. It was an associate who lend me his cellphone to make certain I will understand any news as quickly as possible, and in addition, be able to go to the party. There was no reason for me personally to be connected to my landline. We look back again at that occasion, and in addition for wondering at exactly how gracious my pal was in loaning me his phone intended for the night (who would volunteer their mobile phone away nowadays? ), My spouse and i couldn’t stop being amazed at the freedom this cellphone gave me. I had been able to venture out and be social - while still staying accessible simultaneously. This is the kind of freedom mobile phones give. But today our phones are about a lot more than audio calls, and they are no more an optionally available possession. They are really integrated into existence in ways not really their designers thought possible. However screen period is the new sitting in a desk chair all day at a time, which I happen to agree is a poor thing. I have a standing table and it is been a life changer. Industry when we are electronically connected more than ever, yet feeling alot more detached than ever, we are being taught, even cautioned, to minimize the dependence on cellular phones. To actually limit our time in front of screens, to put the phone down and also have a real discussion with someone, face to face. Prevention of gadgets and screen time has become becoming a extravagance item; being able to disconnect from your phones to get an extended time period bestows a status that a lot of us can’t afford or obtain. Do it, our company is told, for your sanity in the event that not humanity, and also for your neck: regularly looking straight down at your mobile phone strains your lower back, which leads to all sort of physical distress. I’ve also experienced repeating stress affliction with my hand from a lot of scrolling, and I could trust my forearm sometimes is painful in a odd place if I’ve applied my cellphone for very long. However can be using each of our cell phones a lot really so bad? Does being addicted to the phones genuinely disconnect all of us from others as much we think? Are not there positive factors for the activities that occupy all of us while our company is clutched to our mobile phones? Whenever we use our phones, can there be something we are missing that individuals would be carrying out otherwise? We get a great deal out of using my own cell phone, therefore no, Really dont want that will put it straight down. The answer is to not be socially shamed into using my own cell phone significantly less. The answer is to make certain cellphone use is hard to kick and beneficial and amusing, not a distraction coming from boredom or perhaps isolating you from sociable or professional settings. It is crucial to be intentional and conscious of how youre using your cellphone, not if you’re utilizing it at all or perhaps too much. The minds are constantly operating, processing our many thoughts, worries, problems, plans. We require a thoughts from all this, but sometimes, life is not so very clear cut. Take those movies. I go, nearly exclusively, into a movie theater which has a strict zero phones, no texting policy. They will put your rear end out if you utilize a phone in the theater. Nevertheless when I was having a friend, in which theater, who was being forever texted by his better half. As it happens her mother was in critical wellness trouble. He wound up leaving the movie to arrange to go to the international airport. As great as an uninterrupted movie encounter is, this doesn’t overcome emergencies if they arise. Couple of experiences with another individual will be as close and developing as a shared meal. (Hang on, I’ll get to love-making in a small. ) If there was ever before a moment once you’d wish to connect with somebody else, immediately, eye to eye, devoid of distraction, it might be over a meals. But, much like almost everything, there could be exclusions. What if, over the course of the chat, you start discussing going on a trip together, or about countrywide parks, or about endangered species? Looking up photos showing your associate can add towards the talk. Successfully Googling a well known fact or reference point can help within your debate. Writing a social media post you found provocative, interesting or perhaps important can be a launching level of a conversation. In those occasions, anyone is not distancing your self or placing something among you and someone else, you are sharing. ver post Believe me, sharing can be a magnificent point. What I’m not fighting is that the two of you should be taking a look at Facebook, independently, without interesting with one another. What I am declaring is that your mobile phone can be a conduit, a guideline, a personal guide for source materials, to bring and aid your chat. In case the focus continues to be on the both of you, the phone is really a prop. If the focus is definitely centered on the device, the gadget is the central magnet and you have shed attachment. The previous is very good, these is not. Each of our phones are a device. How we choose to use this instrument is what give them their particular benefit. You might think the very last place you’d want cellphone distraction could be the bedroom. On the surface, two people resting in bed next to each other, every single with cellular phones in their hands, all but disregarding each other, sounds like one of the most depressing, heart and soul-hurting displays one can easily think of modern life. But could it be naturally poor? If I’m reading the New York Times, what does this matter in the event that I’m browsing the actual conventional paper or the digital version in the device? In the event that I’m examining email, exactly what does it matter if I have a laptop or cellphone? If I am mastering games or otherwise distracted, how much does it subject if I am browsing a book of mastering some game? And in fact, rarely we sometimes glamorize reading in bed jointly? I love studying books, and locate it kind of hot my own partner truly does too. Carrying out that during sex together, then simply talking about what we’re browsing, is a great intellectual turn-on. So with every due value to several investigators, in this case, the carrier is usually not the response. What is important here is certainly not the device by itself, yet the activity you are involved in, either together or independently. There could be togetherness when two people are on their phones, just like there is once reading catalogs. Usually the problem arises when utilization of a gadget supercedes something, or perhaps causes a break up if a point of attachment could otherwise arise. Might associated with your telephones from bed mean more sex? Maybe. Should likewise lead to someone getting out of bed faster in the day time, or perhaps sleeping sooner at night. Although we’re while having sex, did you know that through your phone, you can view movies? Or look at photographs of…. whatever it truly is that arouses you? Or work with software meant to foster dialog or activity with a intimate spouse? The device is a tool. It exists without inherent judgment, qualities or worth. What we label of it is up to us. Should i really need to tell you this? Obviously there are times when you should absolutely never touch your smartphone, starting, surely, with driving a vehicle. (Guilty as recharged: I frequently use the Roadmaps applications in the phone to help me acquire where Im going. It’s not so straightforward, is it? ) I think faith based services must be device-free areas and specific zones, as should particular spaces, like gym bathroom rooms, exactly where privacy needs to be respected. I have a distaste for those who use their phone at the health club; I don’t need to hear your business calls although I’m strength training. Also, I see plenty of people using exercise and workout software on their telephones, showing the issue, that just as before, these types of mini-computers inside our pockets happen to be what we make of them. Should you be one of those people who attend a concert and require saving video footage and shooting photographs the full time, I actually ask how much of that is necessary. Taking joy in the moment for yourself, not merely through a device, is highly advised. But…. have I at any time watched concert footage online taken by somebody else? Yes, I use. A few years ago I was by a golf ball game with my Dad. I have been in the habit of checking Tweets during video games to follow along with the city of followers and media to help boost my connection with the game, and to know more about that which was going on. And that’s great for when watching at home. However I had been there. I didn’t will need that community - I had been with 20, 000 people, and my father. So I set my phone in my bank. I missed the comments. I skipped the details of issues I didn’t see since live, you miss much more than you think.
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Yet I was in a position to soak in the surrounding. I had been able to talk to my Dad about what we thought would happen next. And later, at nighttime, when we brought up the game, we all reflected upon so many different occasions, details I might have overlooked had I looked at my own cellphone even more. So almost always there is a trade-off. You will come across moments when the mobile phone may distract you. That muddiness can be a awful thing (when you should be discussing with a loved one) or possibly a good thing (when you’re sad and alone and want something to cheer you up). It can disconnect you (when you avoid another person by diving into social media) or enable you to get together (if you look up a joke to see or employ your cellphone to turn on music to boogie to). Let us not hold our equipment responsible for your condition. A couple, lovers, let’s say, lying down in bed. In a single moment, they are both on their cell phones, lost within their own sides. In the next, their particular phones will be off, for the bedside table. What happens subsequent? Anything could happen. It’s up to the two people included. That’s true whether you may have your telephone in your hand or not. Of course, if you do, you also choose how to use your telephone: in a disconnecting way or possibly a sharing approach. If you’re sense bad or perhaps responsible about being with your mobile phone, guess what happens you should carry out. You really should trust your gut. Is essential to carry the person having the phone accountable, do not blame the product.
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kathylewisseo · 4 years
How to Track Someone Using Hidden Cell Phone Tracker?
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Are you looking for a solution of how to track someone’s phone when they have either lost it, or you also want to know their whereabouts? Here’s a complete guide on how you can get it done on Android and a list of mobile tracking apps that enable you always to know where your family and friends are. Whether you consider the ability to movie call a person ten million miles away or be able to relish high-definition entertainment anywhere at any time, cellular phones have been a blessing from the start. They only continue to evolve into a bit of technology that’s profoundly personal.
Location-Based Services – LBS
What makes phone spy app even more effective is that they utilize location-based services to help you find places about one to see, directions throughout cities, and even permit you to share your live location with different individuals to let them know where you are.
 However, what about if you want to understand how to track someone’s phone when they cannot share their location or are unable to do so since they’ve lost or misplaced their smartphone someplace? The issue of losing your Android phone or iPhone is not a brand new one and may happen to the best people, and fortunately, there is a safety net.
Why Cell Phone Trackers Are More Convenient?
If you are worried about a loved one who is not responding to your messages and won’t answer your telephone calls or misplaced your phone somewhere and stress that it might be stolen, tracking it is the first thing that should come into mind. Even though you can expect the best results with the Wi-Fi, GPS, and Mobile Networks available when tracking a telephone, there is almost always a way to get a grasp of the mobile phone’s location. By using not just the services from manufacturers such as Locate My Device by Google and Find My iPhone by Apple, but also many third-party cell phone tracker app available for users to download, you can always understand where that loved one is.
Locate an Android phone with Google’s Locate My Device
Back in 2016 at Google I/O, the company added an essential ability to Android OS in the Locate My Device Support. This feature keeps all your Android devices connected, provided that the location services are enabled on the device. As a preventative measure, ensure that the support is enabled in the Preferences — Security & lock display — Apparatus administrators — Locate My Device.
Download the Locate My Device app from the Google Play Store. You can also choose to access the Find My Device web service with your computer or tablet computer.
If you’re attempting to understand how to monitor someone’s phone and not yours, make sure you sign up using their Google account.
As soon as you’ve signed in using the Google account, you need to observe all of the devices that are synced into it.
By selecting the device that you want to find out the location, you will have the ability to see where it was last detected on the map by Google.
Aside from observing the last seen location of the Android apparatus, you will also have the ability to perform certain actions that could help you find it.
Play Sound: When you press this button in the side menu, the Find My Device service will activate playing a sound on the apparatus. This is very beneficial if you’ve lost the phone in your vicinity and need some audio assistance to locate it. As soon as you activate the Play Sound option, it will produce the apparatus ring for 5 minutes at a stretch, even when the phone is on Quiet mode. After you have discovered the apparatus, you can quit making it ring by pressing the Power button.
Secure Device: The option comes in handy when you’ve lost your apparatus and guess the telephone or tablet computer and has been picked up by somebody. With the Secure Device option, you can set the apparatus on a lockdown and prevent anyone from accessing it while putting up a contact number and message on display for the finder to contact you on. Even though the device will signal from the Google account following this action, you will continue to have the ability to track it.
Erase Device — If you’ve come to an understanding your phone is either lost or stolen for good, the only form of damage control you can do is maintain your data on the device away from the perpetrator. Using the Erase Device attribute is fundamentally a kill switch, erasing your device of all the information, including the Google accounts synced into it. After you’ve performed this action, you will no longer be able to track gps location of their telephone or tablet.
Use Third-Party Apps, Like TheWiSpy because such tools are more reliable to use and give remote access!
 Originally Published By: https://www.topicstalk.com/how-to-track-someone-using-hidden-cell-phone-tracker/
 Republish at: WordPress, Strikingly, Blogger
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aircoil50 · 4 years
Do Not Use your Cell phone in Sociable Environments
Is incredibly common for all of us to use somebody else's cellphone also to be each of our very first time. In doing so , were looking to duplicate that initial sense of independence a mobile phone provides. A family member in another express was in the hospital. It was a Saturday nighttime, and I have been invited into a party. Rather than being away having fun I was sitting in my apartment, waiting for the phone to call, restless for reports. It was a pal who lend me his cell phone to make certain I will understand any reports as soon as possible, and in addition, be able to go to the get together. Obviously there was no reason for myself to be connected to my own landline. My spouse and i look backside at that occasion, and in addition in wondering at how gracious my good friend was in loaning me his phone intended for the night (who would volunteer their cell phone away these days? ), I actually couldn’t has stopped being amazed at the freedom this cellular phone gave me. I was able to step out and be cultural - although still becoming accessible at the same time. This is the kind of freedom cellphones provide. But today our telephones are about much more than audio communications, and they are will no longer an optionally available possession. They are integrated into our lives in ways not really their creators thought. But screen period is the fresh sitting in a office chair for hours at a time, which I happen to concur is a awful thing. I have a standing table and it’s been a life-changer. In a time when we are electronically connected nowadays, yet sense even more disconnected than ever before, we are being taught, even admonished, to reduce each of our dependence on cell phones. To limit our amount of time in front of monitors, to put the telephone down and still have a real discussion with an individual, in the flesh. Avoidance of products and display screen time has become becoming a luxurious item; to be able to disconnect from your phones to get an extended time period bestows a status that a lot of us can’t find the money for or attain. Get it done, we are told, for your sanity if not humankind, and also for your neck: regularly looking down at your cellphone strains the lower back, that leads to all kind of physical soreness. I’ve actually experienced recurring stress symptoms with my hand from excessive scrolling, and i also could vow my forearm sometimes is painful in a strange place in the event I’ve employed my mobile phone for too long. Nevertheless is usually using our cell phones a lot really so bad? Does being addicted to each of our phones genuinely disconnect all of us from other folks as much we think? Are not generally there rewards for the actions that occupy us while we are clutched to our cell phones? When we use our phones, perhaps there is something we are missing that we would be carrying out otherwise? We get a lot out of using my own cell phone, so no, Dont really want to place it down. The answer is not to be socially shamed in to using my cell phone fewer. The solution is to be sure cellphone use is hard to kick and beneficial and entertaining, not a distraction coming from boredom or perhaps isolating you from cultural or professional settings. The key is to be deliberate and aware about how youre using your phone, not whether you’re using it at all or perhaps too much. Each of our minds will be constantly operating, processing each of our many thoughts, worries, concerns, plans. We really need a distraction from everything, but at times, life is not so clear cut. Take those movies. We go, nearly exclusively, into a movie theater using a strict simply no phones, no texting insurance plan. They will chuck your rear end out when you use a mobile phone in the theater. However when I was having a friend, in which theater, who was being endlessly texted by his partner. As it happens her mother is at critical well being trouble. This individual wound up leaving the movie to organize to go to the airport. As wonderful as a continuous movie encounter is, it doesn’t trump emergencies when they arise. Few experiences with some other person will be as romantic and connecting as a shared meal. (Hang on, I’ll get to sexual intercourse in a day. ) If perhaps there was at any time a moment once you would need to bond with another individual, directly, eye to eye, without distraction, it would be over a food. Yet, much like everything, there may be exceptions. Imagine if, over the course of the conversation, you begin referring to taking a trip together, or perhaps about countrywide parks, or perhaps about decreasing in numbers species? Looking up photos showing your companion can add to the conversation. Quickly Googling a well known fact or reference point can help inside your argument. Writing a social networking post you found provocative, interesting or perhaps important could be a launching point of a chat. In those occasions, you aren’t distancing yourself or putting something among you and another person, you are sharing your thoughts. Believe me, sharing can be a good factor. What Im not arguing is that the both of you should be taking a look at Facebook, individually, without interesting together. What I am stating is that your phone can be a conduit, a guide, a personal resource intended for source material, to bring and help the talk. In the event the focus continues to be on the both of you, the smart phone is a prop. If the focus is usually centered on the phone, the gadget is the main seduction and you’ve dropped bond. The previous is wonderful, these is not really. All of our phones are a device. Just how all of us choose to use this device is actually give them all their benefit. One could think the past place you would want cellular phone distraction could be the bedroom. On the surface, two people lying down in bed following to each other, every with cell phones in their hands, all but neglecting each other, feels like one of the most gloomy, soul-hurting scenes one may easily think of modern life. Nevertheless would it be naturally negative? If I’m reading the New York Times, what does it matter if perhaps I’m examining the actual paper or the digital version in the cellphone? If I’m checking e-mail, what does it subject if I possess a notebook computer or mobile phone? If I’m practicing games or otherwise distracted, what does it matter if I am browsing a book of playing some game? https://www.macworld.com/article/3278585/apple-smartphone-addiction-ios-12.html And besides, would not we occasionally glamorize studying in bed together? I love studying books, and discover it kind of hot my partner will too. Carrying out that during sex together, after that talking about what we’re browsing, is a great intellectual turn-on. So with all due admiration to plenty of experts, in this case, the medium can be not the message. What matters here is not the device itself, but the activity you’re engaged in, either jointly or separately. There can still be togetherness when two people are on their very own phones, in the same way there is when ever reading books. Their challenge arises when utilization of a phone changes something, or triggers a split up when a point of interconnection would otherwise take place. Might removal of your mobile phones from understructure mean more sex? Maybe. Should likewise lead to somebody getting out of bed faster in the morning hours, or perhaps sleeping faster at night. And while we’re while having sex, did you know that through your phone, you can watch video clips? Or perhaps look at photos of…. what ever it can be that arouses you? Or work with applications intended to foster discussion or activity with a loving partner? The product is a device. It is present without inherent judgment, qualities or worth. What we label of it is about us. Must i really need to tell you this? Certainly there are times when you must absolutely hardly ever touch your smartphone, beginning, certainly, with traveling.
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(Guilty as incurred: I often use the Roadmaps programs on my phone to assist me acquire where I’m going. It isn’t really so straightforward, is it? ) I think religious services must be device-free areas, as should particular spaces, like gym bathroom rooms, where privacy needs to be respected. I have a distaste for those who use all their phone at the health club; I don’t need to hear your company calls while I’m lifting weights. On the other hand, I realize a lot of persons using work out and workout applications on the smartphone, demonstrating the point, that once more, these kinds of mini-pc systems within our pockets will be what we label of them. If you’re among those individuals that attend a live performance and insist on documenting video clips and shooting photographs the complete time, I actually ask how most of that is important. Experiencing the moment in time for yourself, not merely through a device, is highly recommended. But…. have got I ever watched live concert footage on YouTube taken by someone else? Yes, I've. Just a few years back I was for a field hockey game with my Dad. I have been in the habit of checking Myspace during games to follow along with the city of followers and mass media to help boost my experience of the game, also to know more about the fact that was going on. And that’s perfect for when watching in the home. But I had been there. My spouse and i didn’t need that network - I had been with twenty, 000 persons, and my father. Thus I set my mobile phone in my pocket sized. I missed the discourse. I skipped the details of items I didn’t see because live, you miss more than you think. Nevertheless I was able to soak inside the setting. I had been able to talk to my Dad as to what we believed would happen following. And later, during the night, when we mentioned the game, we all reflected in so many different moments, details I would have missed had We looked at my personal smartphone even more. So there is always a trade off. You will discover moments when your smartphone may distract you. That frenzymadness, desperation, hysteria, mania, insanity, delirium, derangement can be a poor thing (when you should be talking with a liked one) or possibly a good thing (when you’re miserable and alone and want something to cheer you up). It can detach you (when you avoid another person simply by diving in social media) or provide you with together (if you look up a joke to share or make use of your cellphone to turn on music to dance to). Let us not keep our products responsible for the human condition. A couple, lovers, let’s say, laying in bed. In one moment, they are both on their cell phones, lost inside their own sides. In the next, their very own phones happen to be off, for the bedside stand. What happens next? Anything can occur. It’s up to the two people included. That’s true whether you have your phone in your hand or not. And if you do, in addition, you choose using your telephone: in a disconnecting way or possibly a sharing way. If you’re feeling bad or guilty about being on your own phone, you know what you should perform. You are required to trust your instincts. Is undeniably critical to keep the person holding the cellphone liable, do not blame the product.
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emmaavaseo · 4 years
Why Do You Require Spy App For Android?
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Nowadays all teens and children spend time on the internet. Unfortunately, these programs can develop into a real problem when a child watches violent material becomes a victim of online predators and bullies on instant messengers. Fortunately, contemporary program developers have discovered a solution to these problems -- a spy program that could track online activities and allow you to keep your eye on children.
A contemporary spy program for Android allows parents to know where their children are, which places they see, what they hunt on the internet, what they talk with buddies in chats or through telephone calls, and a lot more. Spy app for Android delivers strong features like track GPS location, GEO-fencing, phone recording, URL tracking, program blocking, listening to dwell surrounds, keylogging, etc.. In reality, such tracking programs make parents' lives much easier enabling them to spy on kids from anywhere on earth through an internet account.
Android spy
Android spy APK will help you stop children from communicating with individuals who seem to be the problem, make sure that kids do not watch some improper content on the internet, or assess if they have reached the destination securely. 
Furthermore, some companies use spy apps for android to monitor their staff members' tasks liberally. Spyware might help you research employees' unlawful activities, detect slackers, and stop data leakage in addition to enhance the group's productivity and functionality.
 That is the reason why lots of men and women wonder how to spy on Android. In the following guide, I will inform you about the ideal spy programs for this particular working system with the most effective tracking features.
Before assessing the listing of the very best Android spy programs 2020, let us look through the legal factors connected with utilizing spy programs. 
Tracking apps have to be utilized just for legit purposes, such as parental control and employee tracking. If you would like to set up a spy app for android remotely on the apparatus you don't have, notice that such tracking is not legal. If you are likely to use a tracking program to capture your boyfriend cheating, then this might also cause the breaking of state and federal legislation.
 Even when you're married you should not dismiss your spouse's privacy and can't utilize Android spy programs to expose a cheating partner. It is much better to speak with your state and national laws to prevent privacy violation penalties, penalties, and compensation, before installing spyware on somebody's device.
Without further ado, let us check the listing of the best monitoring programs for the Android devices.
This is the ideal spy program for Android by far. TheWiSpy enables remote observation of any type of user activity on the Android apparatus and provides over 50 powerful capabilities. 
The significant features include tracking of social networks and talks (Facebook, Snapchat, Viber, Whatsapp, Tinder, Skype, Instagram, and much more), GPS monitoring, telephone logs, a record of media documents, spying the record of messages, text messages, along with running programs. 
TheWiSpy softly records the information and sends it to the internet dashboard which you could get from any web-browser.
Furthermore, the program records live encircles via the mic and camera, allowing you to know what is occurring close to the gadget. 
With this spy program, you will not ever wonder if your child has attained the destination or when he/she has gone into an undesirable party since TheWiSpy shows you the positioning of your goal with a route and timestamps in addition to informs you after the system reaches undesirable locations.
Fair pricing;
strong top GPS tracker apps with avenues, timestamps, and alarms;
chat monitoring;
phone log recording;
hidden manner (the program runs quietly on the apparatus );
simple to set up (no origin demanded ).
The internet panel comprises plenty of features so you are going to need a while to get used to it.
It allows you to check the record of inbound and outbound calls with time, length, and caller information (contact name and telephone number), which means that you can track the men and women who speak to your child and stop a kid from communicating with undesirable contacts until it becomes an issue. 
You might even list Facebook, Instagram, and Tinder actions to make sure your beloved one does not discuss some personal information with strangers on social programs. For this use, it is possible to even check media saved on the child's device. With mSpy spy app for android, you are going to understand what your child is up to by documenting all visited URLs.
This program provides you with a vivid picture of exactly what your children do online even when you're not current. Together with Spyera, you can listen to all telephone calls your children to accept or make in real-time. 
Among the most effective features is video and audio surveillance which allows spying live environments via the device mike and cameras. Further, you may read all text messages, MMS, and mails to learn what your beloved is left up to.
The tool enables you to monitor places and visited sites in addition to media files saved on the target device. It's simple to install and use, you do not have to be tech-savvy to begin tracking Android apparatus with Spyera.
 The program is totally undetectable on tablets and smartphones. Each of the listed information is delivered to your internet account.
Distant real-time tracking;
life encircles monitoring;
simple to use.
No free trial;
a few individuals will discover the PRO variant expensive (the cost starts at $24,99 a month).
 Originally Published by:
 Republish at: Blogger, Strikingly, Wix
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