#cough especially Nya
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l1-b1 · 9 months ago
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I love drawing the smith sibling’s hair
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toastingpencils37 · 1 year ago
One thing I hate about certain shows? When they have a protagonist who is a woman and is a really good fighter, and then those fighting skills are thrown away by the writers constantly to make said woman appear weak. Just so the male protagonists can save said character.
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hollaforlyla · 8 months ago
dating the ninja: series (headcanons) | cole brookstone , zane julien x reader!! ( ≧ᗜ≦) ♡
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a/n: okiiii heres part two, coles part seems so long, but they are kinda the same length. I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH!!!!
part one !!
warnings: non rly, not that i can remember lol
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· He may be the Elemental Master of Earth, but under all those rocks he's a baby boy at heart.
· First meeting wasn't anything new, you all met through Sensei Wu. You, Cole, Kai, and all the others. At first, you two were nothing but friends. Best friends for that matter...until a couple of years went by and Cole started to feel...different around you.
· He can't really be in the same room as you anymore without having to blush whenever he talked to you, but he was pretty good at hiding that from you. But once you're gone his face is red and you know Kai, and sometimes Jay, teases him for his crush on you.
· He thinks you're the greatest person to ever exist, need anything you go to him and he'll help you hands down!
· Expect a bunch of piggyback rides wherever you two go. Walking around the Monastery? You're on his back. Just making a quick run to the store, he'll carry you he does not think you're heavy at all.
· "It's like holding a pile of feathers." <3
· He can be very protective over you but he just wants you to be safe. He knows you can take care of yourself but he feels like a bad boyfriend if he can't do anything to help you when you need him.
· He also loves to cuddle. He's like a huge teddy bear you'd wanna hug forever! 
· Play with his hair, I swear it makes him feel so much better! All the stress he had rested on his shoulders drowned away when you touch his hair. You usually do it when you two are cuddling, or when he's angry at something and you use that to calm him down. 
· He loves to use nicknames for you, and the one he'll normally use is "Honey" or "Cake" ... Yeah, Cake. He loves cake and you're sweet like cake so boom it works. A rare one he'll also use is "BooBoo Bear." He will also use "Sweetheart" when he needs something from you, you learned that a little while ago.
· He's so scared to leave you alone during missions. There was this one time in the Sons of Garmadon take over, he, Kai, Jay, Zane, and Master Wu were sent to the Realm of Oni and Dragon for a little while and when they returned you were severely injured.
· He was scared to lose you, but when you recovered he gently tackled you into a hug and sobbed in your shoulder, you could feel his hands rub your back and grab the fabric of your clothes when he knew you were there, live and well. 
· He and you have karaoke moments together and it's hilarious when one of the others walks in on it. Cole's red from head to toe and you're just there standing like a statue as you look back from the said person and Cole.
· If it's one of the guys Cole will literally grab a pillow and throw it at them, chasing them out of the room but if it's Master Wu, Nya, or any one of the elders he'll cough nervously as he waits for them to leave. 
· You guys also cook together, but because Cole was banned from the kitchen, 3 times, Zane had to keep an eye out for the both of you if you were a decent cook and can handle both Cole and the cooking Zane will smile and leave the two of you be. 
· There was this one time Cole accidentally lit the inside of the oven on fire and a lot of baking soda was involved. After that, Cole usually just gets store-bought cakes or treats when he feels like it. 
· When you two sleep, he likes to have you in his arms. It makes him feel more confident and he knows you are protected. But that doesn't mean he doesn't like to be held, he loves it, especially by you.
· The covers are over both your bodies and the heat from his hold and the blanket made it feel like an active volcano in the bed. 
· Knowing Cole snores, (canaon) you don't really get affected by it in any way, but sometimes it does tend to get annoying but you say nothing because you don't want to make him upset in any way. Besides, everyone snores it's nothing to be ashamed of.
· In the mornings' Cole is normally unlikely to wake up before you. So you wake up in his arms under the covers, his chest to your back and his face by your neck. You sometimes tend to fall back asleep in his arms or you try your best to get out of bed....but that just normally wakes him up and you have a new problem to deal with.
· His phone wallpaper is the both of you on your first date at a bakery called "Cakes Delight" and you playfully rolled your eyes as Cole's eyes sparkled at the sight of all the flavors and dragged you into the bakery. 
· The photo is you with Cole's phone taking a bird's eye view angle pic. You had a cookie in your mouth winking at the camera giving a single finger gun to Cole's head, (for fun) all while Cole had three cakes on one plate, a smile on his face as it was stuffed with cake while he gave a peace sign for the photo. 
· When you're talking with one of your friends who came to the Monastery to hang out, Cole tends to wrap himself in a blanket and tackle you mid-conversation and playfully whine about 'being left alone' even though he had the guys to hang out with.
· Even though you two are a couple, he can't help but get butterflies every time you do something cute. Sneeze? He's smiling. Becoming clingy? His heart has melted.
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 · He is very patient and understanding with you. He doesn't invade any of your personal life unless you talk to him about it. 
· Whenever you are angry he'll try his best to talk to you in the most sweetest tone you have ever heard and comfort you. Calming you down enough for him to be able to touch you and give you a hug.
· Sends you "good morning, my love. i hope you had an excellent sleep. breakfasts on the table for you on the kitchen counter downstairs. I and the other ninja will be outside in the courtyard if you need me to assist with anything you may need." in the mornings when he wakes up before you. he likes to wait until your awake to talk to you and won't bother your sleeping figure unless it's like 12:30 in the afternoon and you're still asleep. (you're just like me fr)
· also his goodnight texts>>
· "good evening, dove. i hope you do not stay up extremely late again so you do not wake up sad or grumpy. we already have kai, we do not need another one. make sure you brushed your teeth, floss, and washed your face. i hear washing one's face helps relax them. i love you to the moon and back. sweet dreams, my love."
· you taught him emoctions (or however you spell that word aahshsjbsj) like, "<3, :3, UWU," ETC, and now he uses the '<3' one in almost every text to show his love for you and your heart melts when he sends them and goes like "did i do that correct, my dear?"
· Every morning when he sees you walk into the kitchen, he falls in love with you all over again when he sees your sleepy state. Your eyes are droopy, you have some drool on your lips, and your hair is all over the place.
· While you eat his breakfast he'll pull up a chair behind you and offer to comb your hair (either it's long or short) he'll run his fingers through your hair once detangled.
· Because he can get a bit cold, one being the Master of Ice and two he's a Nindroid, whenever you both cuddle he'll have a blanket wrapped around, mostly you, the two of you as you both chat about your day.
· Tries to attempt a 'wink and walk away' but it just ends with him awkwardly blinking at you while Kai's laughing his ass off in the back.
· He was the first to confess his feelings towards you, with the help from his brothers, but they gave such bad advice he ended up short-circuiting because of how embarrassed he was.
· "I never knew Nindroids could get flustered." Jay joked while attempting to repair Zane with help from his Yang, Nya.
· You giggled as you took Zane's hand, who was lying down on a metal table. 
· "I love you too, Zane."
· His favorite place to kiss you is the back of your hand, palm, wrist, or knuckles. he's grown the habit of just taking your hand and placing it on his lips.
· "Zane, lemme have a turn with the dishes you've been doing every day of this week." You smiled at your boyfriend who sighed softly taking his hands out of the water and drying them. Before he left he turned around and grabbed your hand, turning it to show the back of your hand and pecking it, "I suppose you are right. Thank you, my love."
· Leaves you all red-
· Loves going grocery shopping with you, it makes his day 10x more special knowing he's with you and everything's ok. Sure you once lost him in a Metro but you soon found him...after 30 minutes of looking.
· Zane has an entire memory bank of just you and him stored inside of him while you have a photo album of you two (while ofc you have one for all your friends, including the others, but Zane is special <3)
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kindaasrikal · 3 months ago
Slapping the ninja with hobbies that aren’t just ninja-ing or the already clearly stated ones because they desperately need lives
Cole seriously likes arts and crafts. He’s got his own little area in his room thats just filled with arts and crafts supplies. Glue, glitter, fabric, ribbons, sticks, gems, you name it. He creates ribbon roses, makes his own birthday cards, creates cute little designs almost all the time and gives them to all of the ninja in random little areas.
Zane actually likes taking small random items and fixing them. Nothing big like how three certain somebodies (Cough nya jay and pixal cough) do but just little things everyone owns and can’t fix. Kai accidentally broke a massive candle in a har and he ran off to find Zane to fix it, a bracelet Nya owns broke so she immediately hands it off to Zane, Lloyd breaks a tea cup and presents it to Zane with a ‘please help me.’
Jay really likes any sort of skating. Roller skating, ice skating, skateboarding, you name it he knows it and much better than you do. He takes pride in knowing the most complicated of tricks and moves, and may or may not have used his ninja training to cheat a little but we all would do that let’s be real. He sometimes starts skateboarding in the monastery and Wu may or may not have snatched it from under his feet multiple times but Jay has no proof.
Kai, after having everyone constantly talk to him about how ‘fun’ it was, got hooked onto adventure books. he reads them all, he knows all the big authors, he knows every character and every piece of lore and if he's obsessed enough he WILL buy the entire series. A guilty pleasure he got hooked onto right after was fanfiction. He reads it all.
Nya, strangely enough, got hooked onto flowers. She loves making bouquets and giving them to anyone and everyone who wants them. She’s memorised every meaning each flower has been given, and soon enough she got interested in other plants too, especially ones under water. She takes care of them like her babies and if they die she will be found sobbing in a corner holding the pot or whatever it was in.
Lloyd tripped his way into making clothes. He learnt how to sow from Misako, who was used to altering clothes for Garmadon and Wu. Lloyd specifically likes making designs on shirts and hoodies and the such, usually working with Cole on that front. You could usually find him hunched over anywhere dimly lit with a needle, a shirt, a bunch of thread and a will to make something cool. He could use the machines, but he once accidentally shoved his finger right underneath and he’s held a grudge ever since.
Skylor loves to write, and write she does with that uncompleted 200k original story she’s afraid no one will like, and keeps procrastinating so much that she even writes fanfiction of stuff she hasn’t been into for years. The reader named ‘redhotshot204’ keeps leaving comments though, so she supposes she should keep updating.
Morro is unashamedly good at ballet. He first learnt it for his ninja business, but he became so good at it he couldn’t let it go. He’s graceful with every step he takes and never makes any mistakes every twirl and spin and whatever and he will kick people in the face. Hard. He honestly hates tutus so he will try strangling people with it if forced to wear one, but he absolutely loves ballet shoes. Spinning around in his tip toes became an instinctual habit after a bit.
Harumi likes making jewellery, and makes them as heavy and as sharp as possible. Shes capable of making earrings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, whatever. It mainly started because she couldn’t find the type of jewellery she wanted during her SoG years, so she began making it by herself. She even glued the spikes of her gi on herself.
Echo got interested in cars, specifically toy cars, and making them functional as actual cars. Not the most normal of hobbies but knowing who he’s related to its to be expected. He once accidentally made an evil toy car and it kept hitting everyone’s heels and ankles the entire day. Harumi ‘accidentally’ pushed Cole onto it so it would break. They had to perform a funeral because Echo was going to actually arrest them for murder if they didn’t.
Pixal got into painting. Sometimes shes slapping paint onto a canvas and then calling it a day, other times shes making something that rivals the Mona Lisa. Landscapes are what she prefers the most, often drawing the scenes they all see when going on big missions, with bright colours to show the beauty they saw. They love hanging it all up around the monastery.
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yvainetres · 2 months ago
Kai Headcanon - Cooking
Like really well.
While mostly teaching himself he did get a bit of help from a few of the elderly ladies that lived in his village who regularly visited the shop plus the few babysitters they had growing up. The main reason he learned was to ensure that Nya didn’t go without any nutrients she needed to grow into a healthy adult.
It can be argued that he is an even better chief than Zane when he tries and ESPECIALLY on recipes he knows and loves. (He has this specific butter chicken recipe that Sal would die for)
However, once he joined the ninja, a lot of the stress of responsibilities was taken off of his shoulders. So he stopped trying. Taking the time to enjoy life himself. With this, his cooking became a sort of hidden talent. Which he didn't start using again until much later on. (*Cough* to impress someone *Cough*)
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crackedpumpkin · 2 months ago
Hi. No one asked me for this but here is my (slightly) more organised opinion on the Ninja.
[ original ask ]
*Everything stated is purely from my perspective and not meant to represent a group or anyone else other than myself. I am aware that not everyone will agree and I do not expect you to, this is like my own mini vibe check lol*
Lloyd reminds me of the sun peeking through a shroud of grey clouds. He's an amalgamation of the entire team, not just because of the fact that they've been around him since he was a literal kid, but because they're his role models in more ways than one.
He's got Kai's spirit, Jay's goofiness, Zane's level head, Nya's courage, Cole's leadership and Master Wu's wisdom. (Not gonna include Garmadon here)
Being through all that he has is more than enough for a lifetime, and I'm thankful that DR is showing more of that side of him. (also as i type this i just whacked away a bug into oblivion) PTSD is a given, and I feel that the way most of the boys express or deal with it is gymming, especially Lloyd, Cole, and Kai.
He wakes up at night in a cold sweat every so often, with lingering blades that press against his neck filled with intent to kill. If Ninjago had the freedom of Vox Machina's explicitness, I would be sat without question.
At his core he is still that ray of sunshine he was back then, but overshadowed by a constant pressure to be perfect in every way possible. His insecurity to me is never being good enough. He'll always fall short of people's expectations, be it saving the world or passing on his knowledge (cough DR)
Love life wise though, I see him as the type of guy to have unintentional rizz. He grew up with Nya so he knows the taboo topics, and not to mention Zane's love language so he's willingly giving away his umbrellas and jackets to everyone. He doesn't expect reciprocation, but like is definitely oblivious to the extent of how hot girls find him. (Have you seen Garmadon like girl he's the only dilf for me thanks)
Kai is like a flame at its brightest just before it flickers out. Fierce, relentless, and unyielding are what I'd use to describe him. His persistence fuels him, his kindness grounds him, and most of all his loyalty defines his character.
He reminds me of Percy Jackson which is ironic considering their elements, but their cores are similar to me. Cockiness is a constant front he has to put up not just because it's yk...Kai, but because since young he's had to be Nya's pillar of support.
I think it truly translates to when he joins the team and becomes a part of it fully that we see how brightly he can burn for them. He has to be there for everyone, but who's going to be there for him?
I personally think he's way more level headed than you expect, having helped raise Nya without much support. He's had to be the mature one to give up his snacks, his time, and his patience. In my depiction of him I try to showcase more of these traits because I truly view him as a de facto leader who's able to step up to that role.
Jay is like the sparks dancing inside a glass sphere that activate upon touch. He's often portrayed as the funny, goofy one but I believe he's a lot more.
He reminds me a lot of myself in both the worst and best ways. We're both impulsive, quick to jump to conclusions, and overly dramatic to the point that I would gasp in dramatic offence if I go on.
But there's a softer side to him that often gets overshadowed by his humour. Jay is deeply kind, generous, and compassionate. He's someone who gives far more than he takes.
I miss the moments when he was shown repairing ships or geeking out over the tiniest details. Those glimpses of his ingenuity and unrestrained passion reveal the parts of him that feel overlooked. He’s not just the comic relief, he’s the dreamer, the innovator, the one who sees potential where others see impossibility.
But also, I could be heavily biased.
He has ideas that can be easily dismissed as folly, but that doesn't dim his spark which I admire. He thinks out of the box and constantly looks for new angles when not being held under pressure.
When he's with a team that fully supports and accepts him, that when he begins to really shine.
Zane is a whisper of the first snowfall, its delicate touch unwavering. When I found out he was a robot in the first few seasons I was utterly mind blown, and we got to explore his struggles in identifying himself.
He's often portrayed as the reliable and consistent one, and there's not really much i can personally expand on. I find that he is however, overshadowed almost as often as Jay is in the subtlest of ways.
There's lots of moments where I feel he's truly taken for granted, and it makes me rather sad. He's the backbone of the group to me, and I see him as someone who never fails to take everyone into consideration when making a decision.
What I do wish for the most, is not making him being a robot his entire personality.
Nya is the raging torrent of a waterfall, its waves crashing into a serene lake, leaving ripples that echo beneath the surface.
Contrary to popular opinion, I strongly believe that she is just as chaotic, if not more so than Jay. While Jay’s chaos comes from impulsiveness and humour, Nya’s feels more deliberate, as if she's carefully choosing when to strike. She’s a tsunami of passion and determination, with a streak of unpredictability that keeps everyone on their toes.
To me, she has plenty of academic smarts, when it comes to theory. Give her an assessment book for quadratic formulae and complex problems and she'd be able to solve it with little to no problem.
In practice however, it's a completely different story.
Things tend to get… messy. Her execution can be chaotic, not because she’s incapable, but because she’s constantly testing boundaries, sometimes pushing too far just to see what happens.
Kind of like a mad scientist, if you think about it.
I hated what they did with her in the earlier seasons of the love triangle, and it gives me utter nightmares till this day.
With that grievance aside, what I love most about Nya is how much she embodies her element in all its forms. She adapts effortlessly to new challenges, flowing around obstacles and finding creative solutions. She can be calm and serene, like a glassy lake, but she’s just as capable of becoming a fierce, unrelenting wave when pushed too far.
Her ideas aren’t always perfect, sure. Sometimes she’ll charge headfirst into a situation with half a plan and sheer determination, but it’s that tenacity that makes her so inspiring. She’s not afraid to fail because she knows she can bounce back and try again.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 
@ml3czqo @elysiuansstuff
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stealingyourspins · 11 months ago
So if the first Spinjitzu master was the child of a dragon and oni, would it be so far-fetched for the other masters to be dragon children too? Especially with how wonky they are with the timeline.. Like the parents that fought with Wu are probably at least in their 30’s-50’s when the ninjas are born?? Idk I just like to think they’re long lived too.
Or, in which Kai’s self esteem/abandonment issues act up, leaving him feeling unneeded. So dragon puberty combined with getting sick with some fire elemental specific flu decides to throw him into a loop and force himself to be the one cared for, for once in his life. 
Kai hasn’t been in a good mindset lately. His siblings don’t seem to need him anymore. Lloyd is (mostly) all grown up and Nya is now a warrior in her own right. He doesn’t have to work in the forge or scrape for odd jobs just to put food on the table. They have a better home than he ever could have dreamed of. They have an allowance. They have a parent guardian that does all the things he shouldn’t have had to do in the first place.
It’s just, the others all have such useful talents. Zane can cook, strategize, and do incredible robot things. Cole had super strength, climbed cliffs like a spider, and was a natural with animals. Jay and Nya could build just about anything they can think of, and Nya always said that his own smith work was shoddy at best. Lloyd was the actual chosen one.
What was he good at other than burning things down?
Kai thought he was past this, past the need to snap out at others and do things alone. He was the last to join the original team. The other three were probably training together for years before he was brought in just because Nya was kidnapped. His entire induction was a trial by fire. It’s just far too easy to fall back into old habits sometimes…
His village was rustic and poor, so far in the outskirts that they didn’t have electric power or indoor plumbing. Nya learned to read before he did,(he still had trouble with it) insisting on her staying in school while he spent all day scrounging up any money he could. Whether from quick jobs or quick fingers. Food was hard to get as a six year old, let alone learning to use the forge with what little he could remember dad teaching him. He had street smarts and improvisation ingrained into him. Thinking on his feet and jumping into action so they could survive another day.
His mood was making him slip, he knew it was but he couldn’t stop it. Sparring against Jay always got him riled up, with all the verbal jabs at his sore spots that normally he could brush off and banter right back. Today he was just angry. Not just his temper but his body feels weird too. Restless, frustrated, sluggish, sore. His skin felt too tight and his muscles ached. His gut and lungs were clogged with soot. His head swims in fog.
Another miss had him slamming into a pillar. Everyone on the side chuckled and it made his chest burn hotter. Kai’s throat rumbled with a growl, a breath of flames licked over his teeth as he abandoned his weapons, loped forward on all fours and pounced, knocking the stunned blue ninja to the ground where they grappled and flipped and rolled through the dust.
Kai’s head lunges forward, teeth snapping together just a second too late to catch an arm. An electric kick to his stomach sends him flying back. Rolling tail over head once, then digging fingers and toes into the dirt till he slides to a stop. Crouched low to the ground, hissing and tensed to pounce again before something black and heavy jumped on his back, wrenching his arms behind him and pinning him in an unbreakable grip.
Kai kicked and screamed and flared his flames against stone skin until falling limp under Cole, exhausted and out of breath. A tickle in his throat turns into a cough, a wad of ash and spit splat on the tiles. 
Cole sighs in relief slowly easing off the other in case he starts up again. Instead Kai keens, tiredly chasing the lost touch. Cole smirks, his fingers petting through the wild hair until the hot head drifts to sleep.
“Somebody please tell me WHAT THE HELL THAT WAS ABOUT?!!!” Jay shrieks after watching Kai throw a hissy fit underneath Cole, who was already taking the fire ninja to his room.
“Kai has seemed unusually stressed as of late. Perhaps he is feeling unwell?” Zane says
“Stressed? STRESSED? He tried to BITE me! He went full primal and chased me around like an animal! He grew a tail for Wu’s sake!!”
(later after someone goes to check on him, finds his bed buried under a mountain of blankets and clothes stolen from everyone, and runs to Wu)
Wu- “It appears young Kai is experiencing a nesting phase.”
Zane- “Nesting. The act of birds or dragons preparing to lay eggs and raise young.”
“He’s pregnant?!”
Wu  “Not necessarily. It is more likely that Kai feels like making one to make himself feel better during his illness.” Wu strokes his beard. “However, if he, or even any of you, decides on a partner in the future it might be possible.”
“He can GET pregnant?? But he’s a guy!”
Wu “Dragons are the very source of creation. Something as small as gender wouldn’t stop a determined dragon.”
“HOW does that work?! Why would he WANT to get pregnant?!!”
“I’ll tell you when you’re older. Maybe a few decades from now.”
Is Wu kidding? who knows~ :3 Also would a fever for a fire elemental rise enough to bake the air, and ignite the nest? or douse them into dangerous cold? Having trouble deciding.
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icy-watch · 1 year ago
New season! Season 15!
I really only know a handful of other series that made it to season 15 and ended *cough Supernatural cough*. Anyway.
I’m guessing crystals will be involved this season somehow.
Those are actually some stones I know the least about. But they’re very pretty.
...are people going to be turned into crystals this season? That'd be neat. And terrifying. Like, nightmarish.
Ok. First episode, Farewell the Sea.
That's actually really sad. Especially since Nya is the ocean itself now. They're really going to say goodbye to her, aren't they. I don't think I can handle that.
She was the second character in the entire series we were introduced to. It's going to be weird not to have her around. And to say goodbye to her forever? Yeah. Ouch.
Let's get my heartbreak over with.
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rpreaperperson · 2 years ago
6: Grumpy Claw
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For more : Masterlist
Warning: Mean Ghost...dont he always
Cheeks puffed, eyebrows furrowing, mouth upside down, eyes glaring at certain someone
And that someone ... is the one who push her down the river when they tried to escape from the mercenaries to the river
Her fluffy tail tapping, each time its tapping the person who makes her anger flinch 
“Kitty...c’mon you know he didn’t mean it, he just doesn't want you to get hurt..” Soap coax her to forgive whatever the culprit had done to her
 “psst, what's wrong with her?” Grave whisper at Soap
“uhh well...”.
They’re moving on the white building that kept Hassan....well supposed to anyway, all they got a cartel members and no signs of Hassan
But Claw can still smell Hassan around the room as she sniff around the room.
“They must’ve moved him” her ears twitching at the rough voice
“When?”Soap ask
“not long Master, not to mention theres his flag, must I say your intel’s perfect Master Ale” her finger tracing the flag as she glance at Alejandro, nodded in gratidute Alejandro smiled at her
But then a sound of rumbling alert her,and the tense of her body making Ghost alert too
He glancing out the window
“What is it?”
“The army”
“We got reinforments”
“Negative” Claw snapped her head at Alejandro
“They’re enemies?! But..why?! I thought the army –“ Claw shriek ears flatting against her head in fear
“Calm down gatita, These are troops are paid by the cartel. They’re helping the cartel protect Hassan” hearing this making her ease a little bit
“Mutiple vehicles...troop transports. Light armor”
“Hold fire, let them get close” Claw mounting her gun rushing into Soap side, her belly full of adrenaline glancing at each of her Masters
‘So...this is war..although I already feeled one..but why is this one feels different?’
“Weapons free!!”
“Nya?!” She immediately duck when a bullet came through her, annoyed Claw throwing her grenade
“Eat this! KABOOM!”
“Good girl!” Alejandro praise, Clam beamed at the praise
Then the enemy threw a tear gas, yellow gas spread the room hands covering noses and mouths as they started coughing
Especially Claw who was deeply sensitive with her nose, ear flatting she wobbled as Soap grab her back collar, without word he held her close and jumped out the window along with the others 
“Ya okay Lass?” 
“Y-yes Master..” she smile assure him, Soap as usual rubbing her soft hair 
Alejandro who saw Soap’s affection to Claw became a little bit envy of Soap
“Down the hill! We'll lose them in the mountains! Fan out and stay close” following the Colonel order they retreat down to the hill
Claw slit eyes scanning around the mountain as she pointed her gun, ear’s twitching wildly 
“Save your ammo Cl-- “her eyes caught something and she lauches her bullet pass one of the soldier head Rodriguez, she shot a sniper who had been aimed them from the ledge
“YEAH! Did you see it? Ma-” Ghost stare stabbed through her skull, a silent scold treatment 
Her ear flopped into her head
“Good shot Claw!” then she beamed at the praises from Alejandro
“Ahh so I’ve heard she’s really a good shooter” Grave glance at Claw who still glaring at the person
“And I so proud of her...Anyway” 
“You’ve lead us to dead end mate!” nowhere else to go but to jump to the river
“W-we jump from here?” Claw squeked holding her gun close
“Don’t lose your weapon!” Alejandro jumped followed with Rodriguez
“Jump Claw!”
“I-I think -- “
“Bloody Hell .Just.GO!!” Ghost shoved her back, Soap widen his eyes as Claw falling into the river
“Ghost pushed her into the river and she mad at him?”
“more or less, but can’t say he doesn’t deserve it”
“eh..He’s been kinda mean to her today” rubbing under her neck Soap able to making Claw purring in delight
“Master..” the hybrid tugging his shirt
“Am I a bad girl?” eyes went teary as she looked upon his
“Nahhh why you think of that?? LT just havin another grouchy mood, ain’t that right  L.T?!”
“if she could be more obedient then maybe, I will not be this grouchy” Ghost snap at Soap
“W-woah woah hold it there Ghost..calm down” Soap putting his hand up, Grave raising his eyebrow surprised to saw the calm lieutenant be this snappy
“M-master...why did you so meann, I’ll do everything you told me...”
“No!, no you dont..” He pointed his finger at her 
Body trembling irrated , her eyes became teary
Soap and Ghost stood there in shock 
“.....join me instead?” ask Graves patting her shoulder
“Can I?!
“Yep, ‘sides most of the boys is a cat person sooo..yeah they would be delighted” he smirk as Graves rubbing between her ears
“NO! join me instead Claw! I will give you many snacks as many as you wants!” suddenly Alejandro pop up out of nowhere with Rudy beside him deadpan 
“SNACKS?!” Graves ‘tsk’ing 
“Claw...please you dont have to..” Soaps plead became muted on Claw ears
Her attention completely focused on Alejandro
 then he glared at Ghost 
“....Shit” for the first time Ghost got scolded by Soap
Taglist:  @lilpothoscuttings  @kaoyamamegami
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traffic-light-eyes · 1 year ago
Sneak peek cause I like this interaction
Lloyd coughed. “Well, who volunteers to walk into the creepy hallway first?”
Everyone seemed to find something very interesting to stare at. Even Zane. Nya thinks the floor is very nice at this particular moment. A very nice floor, perfectly undusted and grimy with suspicious moldy bits. Very nice.
“Oh, come on, guys! You wouldn’t make me—your younger, traumatized, fatherless brother—go out into the scary rune hallway, would you? Would you be so heartless to do that?” Lloyd practically swooned, hand delicately placed on his forehead. “Especially when you know what happened the last time runes were involved.”
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ninja-confession-go · 5 months ago
I get really confused anytime someone says MotM is a good season. It's probably my least favorite season BY FAR and really did Cole's character a disservice. Everyone was (kinda) OOC and there was so much wasted potential. Also, Lloyd's sudden distrust of princess (cough.. misogyny) made no sense especially when you see him get over his trust issues in S11. The stuff with Nya fighting over Jay was also very annoying because... she is more than Jay's girlfriend!! But that's her entire role in the season. I also dislike how they ALWAYS pair Nya and Jay together. Let us see other character dynamics please. The Skull Sorcerer is an incredibly plain villain and it doesn't help he was one of MANY twist villains in a row. I always liked the concept of "Master of Earth liberates people in the sky," because usually we associate air and clouds and etc with freedom. It just sucks because the closest thing to a Cole season we got was S5 and also the DotD special, but even then that wasn't a full focus. It was such a huge let down and I have never found myself speeding through a season. It was the worst part of every Ninjago season (not really) rolled into one... super boring too.
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girlystories · 1 year ago
— pairings: various ninjago x female/runaway/slightly depressed reader
Summary: you run away from your abusive and controlling parents, only to almost be killed in the middle of nowhere. mysteriously miraculously you manage to avoid them alive, and stumble upon two amazing siblings. Additional warnings: none. Words: 3k
previous part here
next part here
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Chapter 2: The way of the ninja
Kai was training under Sensei Wu for what seemingly was a week. He had to climb the mountain every morning to reach the Monastery, where Wu lived, and had to complete a course. He failed each day, coming back home frustrated, but determined to not give up. He couldn't. He had to save his sister. He had to save Nya. 
One day though, he was more upset than usual. He came back home more silent and worn out. As he sat at the table, he hadn't touched [Name]'s food not once. He only stared at it, playing with it with his fork. [Name] quickly noticed his different attitude. Pursing her lips she managed the courage to ask him about it. 
No answer. 
"Kai", she called out. A bit louder this time. 
  . . . 
"What?!", he snapped back at her. 
She flinched, staring at him with widened eyes. She placed her arm close to her beating heart trying to manage her quick breaths. Why was she overreacting? It's not like he hit her or something... 
"Oh, [Name], it's you. I'm so sorry-", Kai said casually but stopped when he noticed her frightened reaction. His eyes frowned in concern. "Are you alright? I'm so sorry! I don't know what got over me", he got up and slowly approached her as he raised his arm to reassure her. 
"N-no, it's okay", she coughed, swallowing the urge to tear up. "Sorry for overeating..." she laughed awkwardly. 
"No, don't apologize. It's my fault. I shouldn't have shouted at you like that, especially with what happened to you that day", he explained. "I-I'm just so worried about Nya... I could've done something, but I-". He rested his body's weight on the table as he slightly slouched his back. He covered his face.
"Kai...", [Name] got up, resting her hand on his back and making circular movements to comfort him. "It wasn't your fault. Neither of us could see that coming. We did everything we could..."
He only lowered his hand down slightly to take a look at her face, revealing his teary eyes. [Name]'s heart shattered at the sight in front of her. She instantly bring him into an awkward hug. If only she could do more...
A pair of arms were wrapped around her before Kai tightened his grip. His head rested on top of her left shoulder as his body started shaking. He took deep breaths, and not long after he broke down crying. They both stayed like that, him bringing [Name] close as she rubbed his back. After a while, he started to calm down. 
As he let go he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, his brown eyes shining from the tears. He didn't even remember the last time he cried. Probably the day he woke up the day his parents disappeared without a trace. He begged for them to return, for his mother's comforting words and his father's reassuring embraces. But no matter what, his cries never reached them. Instead, he got help from the villagers until her was able to take care of himself and Nya. The only family he had left. She made him forget that day. Without her, he had no one. He was all alone. 
"We'll save her. I promise", [Name]'s determined eyes pierced through his hopeless ones, helping him regain back his hope. To keep going.
He nodded, whipping away his tears. "You're right." he looked back at her with a smile. "Thank you." 
[Name] smiled back at him. 
They both then finished their meal and Kai went to his training as she worked at the Shop. Eventually, the sun was setting and [Name] looked at the brunette through the window. He was now on the ground, full of sweat, drinking down the whole water bottle in one go. Her smile slowly faded, as her mind wandered.
Why wasn't she also a ninja? Why didn't Wu train her too? Was she not worthy of becoming a fighter like Kai? She felt a bothersome feeling deep down, like it was eating her whole. As much as she was grateful for Kai she couldn't help but wonder, why was he chosen and not her. Shaking her head she resisted the urge to hit herself. This wasn't about her! This was to save Nya. Why did she always have to make everything about herself? She wasn't worthy of anything anyway. Her parents were right. She isn't needed. She is just a burden to anyone. She should just not get in Kai's way. She'd only bring him down. 
Her thoughts came to a halt as Kai opened the door. He had now a grin placed on his lips, wiping off sweat from his forehead with his sleeve. "Whew, glad that's over!" 
"O-oh", she exclaimed surprised, placing down the helmet she was polishing. "Finished already?" 
"Yep! I'm just about to take a shower." 
She bumped him on the shoulder with a smirk. "Well you really do need one, that's for sure." 
"Are you implying something?" he teasingly asked, returning the look. 
"Nope, I'm just saying!"
He chuckled. "Okay, if you say so! I'm not gonna say anything about you then."
[Name] raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms close to her chest. "What's that supposed to mean?" 
Kai raised his arms defensively as he made his way to the upper floor. "Nothing!" 
"Don't "nothing" me! Did you just say I smell?" 
"I didn't say anything! You said that yourself!" he echoed from upstairs, but [Name] could hear the joking tone in his voice. 
"You're such a jerk..." she murmured, shaking her head. 
   Kai came back, but instead of his usual frustrated attitude, he was excited. He shot the door open and raised his arms. That could mean only one thing. "Guess what!" 
The young girl looked at him with anticipation. "Does that mean...?" 
"I passed!" 
[Name] basically jumped in the air and into Kai's arms. Her face beamed and squeezed Kai under her grip. "I knew you could do it!" 
Letting go Kai laughed. "You should've seen it! I had to throw my sword at him while I was basically mid-air - which was so fucking epic - and his face said it all! Just when he was about to add sugar to his tea, I, the one and only Kai, appeared - out of nowhere - next to him and was all like: would that be one sugar or two?" he proudly proclaimed.
"Good job! I can only imagine his face", [Name] laughed. "I told you you would show him sooner or later." 
"Yep! I just need to take some of my stuff and we'll move to the Monastery." Kai said, opening the closet door, and taking out a suitcase. 
Her expression suddenly appeared worried. "Wait..." 
There was silence as Kai was opening his drawer, and placed in his luggage the necessary amount of clothes. He hadn't that many to begin with. "Yeah?" 
"What about me?" 
He turned around, raising a brow. "What about you?" 
"I mean like, will I stay here? Alone?" she rubbed her hands together, looking to the side. 
"Of course not!", Kai approached her, taking her hands under his. "You'll come with me, of course. There's no way I'm leaving you here." 
"Really," he said with a gentle smile. 
[Name] southened under his touch and reassuring words, sharing a smile. 
"Now come help me with my luggage. You know how bad I am at organizing that kinda stuff." 
Laughing, [Name] took a look a the mess her roommate had made. The suitcase had a pile of random clothes on top of it, in no way folded or in order. "You're hopeless, you know that?" 
"Ugh, shut up." he rolled his eyes. 
   As they arrived, Sensei Wu was welcoming. He assigned them their room and advised them to rest. He quickly took notice of [Name]'s wounded frame, as she was still covered in bandages. With a worried look, he asked to inspect it, but also the cause of it. 
"I... was attacked one night."
"And how, may I ask, where you attacked?" 
"I was walking one night, when a group of men followed me, and then - you probably can guess what happened." 
Sensei Wu nodded in response. His gaze was fixated upon her scars as he was applying new bandages. "Remind me where that happened?" 
[Name] was quiet for a bit as she pursed her lips. "Just a bit outside Kai's hometown... I believe it's called Ignacia?" 
"... I see," he finished, not returning his gaze to her. "Why were you alone at night in the middle of nowhere?" 
She didn't respond. Looking anywhere but his piercing eyes she rubbed her right arm, sweatdrops forming on her forehead. 
"Sorry if I pried into your business, dear. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. But if you need anyone to talk to, don't hesitate to come for me for help." he got up from her bed with the medkit in hand. As he made his way towards the door his calm voice echoed through the room. "You should rest. These wounds are no laughing matter. Rest well." he said shutting the door. 
A soft smile appeared on her lips. He had no idea who she was yet he was so concerned for her well-being. Maybe she should tell him about the incident that night. Maybe he could help her with that. Maybe one day. Maybe. 
For clothes [Name] hadn't had to take many since Nya lend her only a pair for the day, since her old ones were bloody, and a pair of pajamas. Not like Kai had that many, just a few sweatshirts and t-shirts, and a few pants. [Name] only had her phone to worry about but was dead because it had no battery. Not that she needed it much. The only people she talked to were, her parents, and her classmates. For school projects, of course. Not because she had friends or something. 
She had asked Kai for a charger but he hadn't any, nor a phone. He informed her that Ignacia was from a relatively poor village. To her surprise, Sensei Wu had a charger. He had some storage with numerous items, but after a while, she managed to find a charger comparable to her phone that worked.
In her new room, she plugged her phone to charge and laid on the bed. The moonlight gave the room some light from the window and she took that as a moment to think. She hated thinking. Too many things to worry about. Too many things to stress about. But this time it was different. She ran away from home. She was finally free. She didn't have to worry about her parents' high expectations and she finally didn't have to care about school anymore. Too much drama. It was filled with selfish assholes anyway. Everyone from that school only cared about themselves. Their fame and their image. And they had found [Name] as their little victim, to make themselves feel better. So they bullied her. But after a while, they got bored. They still teased her, though, from time to time. But most of the time she was just in the background, existing. 
Before she knew it she had drifted to sleep. Her frame to the side, her legs wrapped around the covers, and her arms hugging herself for comfort. An unconscious habit of hers. Her breathing was slow and her eyes were peacefully shut. 
Kai was getting ready for bed, brushing his teeth. Drifting out of his thoughts, he suddenly attacked the air with his toothbrush, talking to himself. "Oh yeah?! Take this!" 
Unbeknownst to him, a ninja, wielding a pair of nunchucks landed quietly near the door. 
"And this!" 
Another ninja, this time possessing a pair of shurikens landed in the corner of the room. 
"And this!", just as Kai exclaimed, he came face to face with a ninja holding a scythe. This led to him noticing the other two ninjas, all dressed in black gi. "Oops..." 
Not wasting any time, Kai attacked the ninja and escaped through the rooftop. The ninja followed him to the floor of the Monastery. Kai then clicked the button on the dragon statue, turning on the training equipment to attack the other ninja. As the fight continued to take part, Kai landed on one of the ninja, making the other two dogpile on them. When suddenly, Wu stopped the fight. 
The three mysterious ninja quickly got up without any hesitation, bowing to Sensei Wu, "Yes, Sensei".
Kai frowned his eyebrows, confused. "Wait a minute, they're your students too?", he asked, receiving a nod in response from Sensei Wu. "This was my final test, wasn't i-" 
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You never said anything about a fourth. It's always three! Three Blind Mice. Three Musketeers. Three—", the ninja wielding the nunchucks interrupted Kai. 
"Uh, what he's trying to say, Sensei Wu, is that three of us have trained together. We're solid", the scythe user explained in a more simple explanation. 
"Didn't look so solid to me", Kai rolled his eyes with a mocking smile, crossing his arms to his chest. 
The whole commotion managed to wake up [Name], as she decided to make her way outside. Sheepishly, she dragged her legs through the wooden floor towards the monastery door. She yawned as her grip was placed on the door, not trusting her balance on its own. "...What's going on?", she rubbed her eyes. 
Everyone turned their attention to her. If she could see through their masks, she would notice all three of them turning a light shade of red appearing on their cheeks. Instead, she only took notice of Kai, who gave her a gentle smile. 
"And who's she?", one of them asked. 
"[Name]!", Kai exclaimed. "You missed an awesome fight! I was literally kicking all of their asses!" 
In response she smiled sheepishly, rolling her eyes at his proud excitement. 
"There's a fifth?" 
She wished. 
"And not to mention, a girl?", the guy on Kai's right asked, making her wonder if he meant it in a good way or a bad way. 
"Master, what is the meaning of this?", the shuriken user calmly questioned. 
Wu shook his head "No, there is not a fifth. But, each of you four have been chosen. Each in tune with elemental properties. But first, ninja, Go!", spinning, Sensei Wu passed the boys, changing their gi, and giving them each a weapon. 
"How'd he do that?!" 
"Woah! Look what color I am!", the blue-colored boy exclaimed in enlightenment. 
"Wait a minute, I'm still black?" 
Sensei Wu placed his bamboo stick on Kai, who was now wearing a red colored gi. "Kai, Master of Fire. It burns bright in you".
"Jay is blue, Master of Lightning", he stated, now placing his bamboo stick on the guy standing next to Kai. 
"Heh, that's not all I'm the master of. I do a little inventing. A dabble in model building. A touch of cooking. A little poetry", Jay rambled. 
"More like 'Mouth of Lightning'", the black-colored ninja, grumbled under his breath. 
Sensei Wu saw this opportunity to bring his attention to the black colored ninja. "Black Ninja is Cole, solid as rock, Master of Earth."
Cole turned his attention to Kai. "Nice to meet you, kid. I got your back, and for the record, there ain't nothing in this world I'm afraid of." Bringing his hood down he revealed his medium-length, shaggy black hair, which was swept to the left. He had busky dark eyebrows matching his eyes. He was relatively attractive, to say the least. 
"Except for dragons", the one on the far left simply stated, much to Cole's dismay. 
"Dragons... aren't from this world, Zane. I said in this world..." 
"White Ninja is Zane, Master of Ice, and seer with sixth sense", as Wu spoke, Zane utilized his shurikens before making them vanish. 
Widening her eyes, [Name] gasped. "Woah! Who'd you do that?", she asked, clapping her hands together, not containing her excitement. 
Zane smiled gently at her reaction. "I could show you one day, intriguing one."
Intriguing one? [Name] slightly blushed at the nickname. 
"I sense this one takes things a little too seriously", Kai teased. 
"You too have the gift?", Zane questioned, bringing his ninja hood down. He had pale blonde and a somewhat flat-top hairstyle with sideburns. Similar to his hair he had pale - almost white skin. His shining blue eyes were most noticeable.
The blue ninja - Jay - awkwardly laughed, binging his hood down as well, revealing his short, straight, reddish-brown hair. He also had blue eyes with a notch on his right eyebrow. "He's just making a joke, Zane. Remember what we talked about? Your sense of humor? Huh?" 
"Yes, it was a joke. Haha." 
"You four are the chosen ones who will protect the Four Weapons of Spinjitzu... from Lord Garmadon."
"But what about my sister?!", Kai urged. 
Jay gasped. "We're saving a girl? Is she hot?" 
Kai eyed him a glare and Cole scolded him, "Jay..."
"I-I just wanna know what we're getting ourselves into. Does she like blue?" 
"Back off!" Kai snapped defensively. 
[Name] kinda wished she had an overprotective older brother, further envying their sibling relationship. 
"When we find the weapons, we will find your sister. It is the time! We must go to the first weapon!", the wise old man announced to the four ninja. 
"Whoa! Hold on a minute. You said you were gonna teach us Spinjitzu", Cole protested. 
"Spinjitzu is inside each and every one of you, but it will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found", Wu paused for a moment. "Come! My feet are tired. Tomorrow, we will take the horse carriage", he said passing [Name] and making his way to his room. 
"Now we have to find the key?", Jay asked, annoyed. 
"Yeah, I'm feeling like he's taking us for a ride." 
"Well, if it means finding my sister, then sign me up." 
"I'm wif you, Kai...", [Name] mumbled, as she hardly kept her eyes open. Lightening her grip on the door she slowly drifted downwards, losing her balance. 
Kai chuckled as he made his way towards her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, helping her on her balance. "Let's get you tucked to bed, alright." 
"Getting a cute girl tucked to bed. I'm not jealous at all...", Jay grumbled to himself. 
"Now now...", Cole reassured him, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at Jay's complaints.
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toastingpencils37 · 1 year ago
You know the perfume prank Kai did to Nya in Season 1?
Well allow me to make it worse for you watching it.
Zane laughs and then high-fives Kai and then turns off his humor switch.
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Meaning that this motherfucker knew Kai was doing it. And I'm pretty sure that just like Kai, Zane knew that Nya was allergic to perfume as well.
(On a side note, this also in a way feels very out of character for Zane, especially Seasons 1-3 Zane. Zane doesn't really feel like the type of person who'd do a mean prank like this, y'know? He feels more like the type of person who wouldn't understand the prank and would wonder why others think it's funny (*cough* Episode 2 *cough*)
Though you could also chalk it up to Zane learning the other's ways. Because let's be honest, in situations like this, the majority of the ninja are assholes in Season 1. Or that Zane's humor switch changes his personality somewhat.)
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fracturedviceroy · 1 month ago
" Hey, I thought I would ask since the silence in my room is... um, quite eerie, especially whilst I'm trying to sleep at night. May I have a white noise machine in my room? Or if all else fails... a Television? Or better yet, am I able to collect one of these myself via the Gachapon? "
Of course you can get them from the gachapon nya- *cough*
Yes. You can get them from the machine. Do make sure to nyave plenty of Mara bucks!
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froginninjago · 3 months ago
Day 363: Just a sketch for now, I'll expand on it more tomorrow
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Quick explanation: So I realized that Hanahaki would go wonderfully with Dragons Rising Jaya! So have Nya with some flowers, explained below
Outside the lungs are Jay, inside the lungs are Nya's feelings
Bottom right of right lung: Baby's breath for Everlasting love. Nya isn't going to be able to just stop loving Jay, even if it kills her. He's meant so much to her over the years, she can't forget it
Bottom left of right lung: Pink Camelia for Longing for you. She wants Jay back so bad. She just can't have him. Maybe not now, maybe not ever. She'll keep waiting.
Bottom left of overall photo: Butterfly weed for Let me Go. Jay doesn't know who Nya is, but he knows she's majorly attached to him for some reason. And he knows it's killing her. He doesn't know her, but he knows he doesn't want her dead- but he can't put his finger on why.
Bottom flower on left lung: Red carnation for My Heart Aches. Self explanatory, really. It physically hurts Nya to see Jay going about a new life that goes against everything she thought she knew about him, even as he doesn't seem to know anything else. Like all their years together were nothing.
Flower to the right in the bottom left: Yellow Carnation for Rejection. Nya offered Jay her love, but he can't take the love of a stranger. Especially because he can vaguely remember someone he loved, once upon a time. He doesn't know who it was, but he doesn't want to betray this mystery figure of his memories by moving on.
Upper flower in bottom right: Crab Blossom for Ill Intent. Jay knows that this strange woman's family and friends seem to want him gone, but he can't fathom why. He knows they have opposing ideals, but this seems to run much deeper.
Upper right flower in right lung: Daisy for loyal love. It's the same as the baby's breath really - Nya will never forget Jay. But because she can't forget him, she will never move on from him. She is loyal to Jay, and Jay alone, forever. For as long as she lives, and past that.
Lower left flower in right lung: Forget me not for Do not Forget Me. Nya knows that all of Jay's memories of her and everyone else are gone. She knows that he doesn't care for them anymore. But she still holds onto the hope that he might have some vague sense of what they meant to each other.
Upper flower in left lung: Crimson rose for Mourning. Even as she tries to stay optimistic, Nya can't deny that if Jay comes back to her, he'll be different. They'll both be different. The Merge changed both of them, through the new places and people they meet. So Nya mourns their past relationship, even if she still has a dwindling hope for a future one.
Flower by Nya's mouth: Sweet Pea for Thank You For A Lovely Time. I purposely left this out of her mouth, in between the realms of Jay and Nya's flowers. It's in Jay's side, because like I said- he vaguely knows that someone once meant a lot to him. But he doesn't remember that it was Nya, so its leaving her body. And that exit is Nya forcing away the notion that he's completely gone. It goes hand in hand with the mourning, she can mourn his past self, their past love, and still hold out hope for a new life. So she thanks all of their past experiences, and hopes to get them back- this is the first flower Nya coughs up.
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maximillien · 3 years ago
Amantes Maxime
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Pairing: Cale Henituse x transported!reader (she/her)
Type: angst
Warnings: mention of character death, panic attack/hysteria, mention of dead body, blood (Ofc its Cale 💀)
-and once again,
That was the first thing Cale could feel clogging his lungs up.
He felt an arm around his shoulder, supporting him upwards.
Trying to open his eyes, mind a blur.
What the hell happened?
The smell of blood invaded his senses, memories coming back too sluggishly for his liking.
I overused my Ancient Powers.
His knees were shaking, eyes still foggy.
All of his senses were tingling, ears ringing, hands cold yet sweating, brain throbbing through his skull.
I coughed up blood again.
His muscles relaxed in realisation of the person that was currently aiding him.
Choi Han.
Choi Han is holding me up.
Cale stayed silent, but the Swordsmaster knew he was awake.
Yet, he decided to keep quiet.
For his friend, his companion, was still very visibly confused, and Choi Han hoped he would stay that way, at least till they could get Pendrick or Saint Jack to heal him.
Because sadly,
The curse he had as Kim Rok Soo decided to show its ugly nose, one last time.
They arrived back at the camp.
Cale had managed to piece together enough information in the silent walk back to the tents with Choi Han.
After coughing up blood, he fainted, albeit for a short while, since he was usually out for days.
They won the fight, of course, he had perfectly predicted the opponents' move to the smallest detail.
However he had not made his family aware of his plan to use the Ancient Powers.
Cale sighed as he thought about the cacophony of noise and complaints that he would receive towards his...tendencies, that would ensue the moment of his return.
He shivered, body quivering even more when he thought about being on the receiving end of Ron's cold glare.
I have an odd feeling that the lemonades from now on will be especially sour.
As they approached the tent, worry filled the bottom of Cale's stomach.
Is everyone alright?
He scoffed at himself and pushed those thoughts away.
Of course they'd be alright, this group is solely filled with strong punks.
Ah, the children are alright.
A hoard of voices suddenly calling his name at once could be heard. Pendrick and Jack fretting over him, Raon tearfully shoving apple pies in his saviour's mouth, On quietly watching next to her brother, who was asking Cale how he was feeling.
But he was focused on one thing only.
Her voice.
Her presence.
Nowhere to be found.
Cale craned his neck upwards a bit, trying to catch a tuft of (h/c) hair, to no avail.
Has she gone to rest? To eat? To be healed? Is she okay?
His eyes darted around every head in his vicinity, staying no longer than a second, quickly scanning his friends. A thrum of questions filled his brain, worry slowly filling the pit of his stomach, replacing his hunger. (Or was it because of Raon's apple pies?)
Due to his weakened state, Cale spoke one word- no.
One name.
The people fussing around him stilled, eyes widening.
Jack looked like he was about to cry, hands trembling whilst patting him down and checking for any visible wounds he could heal in the moment.
Silence filled the air, thick enough for a pin drop to be heard.
Dread replaced worry.
'Where's (Y/n)?'
He couldn't say much else, his voice sounded like a mere croak, his throat seizing and clenching in pain at the smallest use.
Raon sniffled harder than he previously was, On stayed quiet as Hong started to tear up after his younger brother.
A familiar voice spoke up, finally breaking the tense silence.
'You should go lie down.'
The voice sighed. Not sounding as exasperated as it usually was. This time the voice sounded...defeated.
'I'll tell you.'
Cale weakly pushed Choi Han away, slowly walking towards his tent, the golden dragon following closely behind.
They trudged through the ashen stained grass, following the flatter-looking grass leading to the commander's tent.
He lifted the tent's flap upwards, a silent invitation for the dragon to enter with him. Cale fell on the bed, exhausted with keeping his weak body up, bed creaking from the sudden weight.
Eruhaben took a chair from nearby and sat down in front of Cale, staying quiet.
After a few beats of silence, he spoke in the softest voice possible.
'She didn't make it, Cale. Saint Jack rushed over to heal her, but it was already too late and-'
Cale's brain cut out his voice, leaving only a low hull ringing through his skull.
Understanding filled every bone, every fibre of his being. The air seemed to have been punched out of his lungs, a gaping empty hole filling the center of his chest. His temperature lowered to seemingly impossible levels as he felt himself freeze over. Time stopped as the realisation slapped him in the face.
(Y/n)'s dead.
Thoughts, memories of her filled his brain, like a looped song. Her voice, her smile, her eyes. The day they met. The last things they apparently told each other.
Cale gritted his teeth.
His raspy voice quietly interrupted Eruhaben
'Her body. What happened to her body?'
Eruhaben looked at the man in front of him. His eyes softened slightly.
'She's in a tent nearby. Miss Rosalyn and I used preservation magic on her. The children want to bury her in the field where she was found.'
Cale stays silent.
Eruhaben watched him.
Cale, who's head was hung unusually low.
Cale, who hadn't noticed he was shaking, his shoulders and body trembling only slightly.
He watched his child slowly work through his grief.
A thought crossed the ancient dragon's brain and quickly left.
Lovers suffer the most.
Eruhaben sighed, deciding to leave Cale alone, to let him work through his grief and emotions properly.
Before leaving, he put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it.
'We are here for you. If you need us, we'll always be there for you.'
The commander could only muster a slight shake of the head in affirmation before lying down on his bed, facing the wall of the tent.
Eruhaben grimaced, heart throbbing painfully in his chest.
Because he knows that Cale, out of everybody here,
Was suffering the most.
As his footsteps could be heard leaving the vicinity, Cale relaxed his shoulders, eyes opening and staring at the fabric in front of him.
Thoughts swirling uncontrollably in his brain.
A slight lapse of relieving silence.
Then his body started warming up, responding to his use of [Records].
Warm, summery wind stroked his face gently, rousing him from his thoughts.
A field- right, they were in a field that day.
The day they found (Y/n).
A person that, just like Choi Han, had travelled from another world.
Lying in a field, flowers crumpled under the weight of her body.
Obviously unconscious.
Raon was the first to notice an...odd presence, lying only yards away from them.
'Human! Human!'
Raon flew towards him, agitating Cale to get his attention.
'There's a person lying in the grass! And they're wearing weird clothes!'
Although he was surprised a person would be lying in a field of the Henituse estate, Cale did not react much to this information. The group he was lugging around was much weirder.
Cale let himself be dragged by Raon, On and Hong trudging behind, curiosity peaked and in need to be satiated.
A mere few steps, to meet the girl who would later work her way through his heart.
Cale's heart stopped.
Modern looking trousers, a tee-shirt with a logo of a band, and cat printed mismatched socks.
Realisation dawned on him, that this person was from another world.
Just like Choi Han and himself.
He lightly gaped at the body lying down in front of him, bag slung over her shoulder in an uncomfortable position, belongings skewered all over the place. However, a book hanging out of her bag caught his attention.
The children were talking behind him animatedly and curiously, wondering who this person could be.
Cale reached down to take the book peeking out, and flinched upon seeing the cover.
'Trash of the Count's Family'
Two characters stood out, one being Cale and the other being a hidden angle of his past self, Kim Rok Soo.
'I guess I'm a character in this book then?'
He skimmed through the book for a short while, confirming that the facts within it were indeed true.
'What is it human?'
Cale paused.
'Could you lift her up?'
Raon's eyes glistened, small body shaking excitedly.
'Are we taking her home?'
Cale nodded.
He thought this person could prove useful with their future knowledge.
He bit his lip.
Eyes stinging and burning, tears begging to be let out.
He pushed his feelings down to open another [Record].
'So you've finally woken up.'
The woman lying in the bed flinched at the sound of his voice, gripping the sheets tighter, trying to sink her body further into the bed to hide.
Cale sighed and closed his eyes.
He hesitated for a moment, pulling the book he had put on the table towards him, and started walking towards the bed.
Her eyes darted down to it, and widened.
Her book.
'Ah- I-'
She cleared her throat, regaining her voice.
'Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but you are Cale Henituse, right?'
He stilled slightly and nodded.
Her eyes widened more, if that was even humanely possible, and honestly, he thought they would pop out of their sockets.
He saw her hands relax and fall limp at her side, ungrasping the bedsheets from her vice-tight grip. Her jaw slacked, mouth opening in a little 'o' shape.
He however was not prepared for her eyes to roll back into her head and for her to faint.
Cale watched her body slump back against the headboard of the bed uncomfortably and slowly walked over to her.
He snapped his fingers in front of her face, checking how deep into unconsciousness she had fallen.
When the mystery girl showed no signs of waking up he brought his hands up over her upper body, hovering before quietly muttering an apology under his breath, threading his arms under her ribcage and head, laying her down in a more comfortable position on the bed.
Showing no signs of waking up he made himself comfortable in a nearby chair, opening the book containing his apparent life story inside of it. Opening the first page, he saw a name scrawled out in dried ink.
(Y/n) (L/n).
Tears fell down his cheeks without him realising.
Memories ran through his brain, trying to comfort him.
The first time his heart leaped, nearly jumping out of his chest. In shock he momentarily wondered if he was dying as the Ancient Powers in his head all groaned in unison.
The first time in a long time since he'd lost his companions, that his heart longed.
An ethereal, warm, comforting feeling.
A feeling he desperately pushed away, once realising it's connotations.
Cale closed his lightly swollen eyes again, letting himself drown in his records.
Letting himself drown in the only memories left of (Y/n).
Her smile,
Her skin,
Her lips.
The way the sun shone in her hair.
The worried look on her face whenever anybody would come back injured, a homemade first aid kit at the ready in her hands as she ushered said person to a nearby chair and bandaged them up while lightly scolding them.
The intimidation and the spiteful look on her face, as she took down whoever insulted her family, the fire in her eyes, the venom that crawled out of her mouth from the deepest parts of her gut.
The nights where she allowed herself to be weak and succumb to the fear of moving worlds, the nights where she would depend of him, falling onto his shoulder and silently sobbing at what she lost as he rubbed her back.
The look of love she sent the children's way- his way, like a warmed blanket covering his being, raw emotion dripping out of her eyes.
And Cale used [Record] once again-
A/N: this is my first ever time writing fan fiction 😤I hope y'all liked the angst. Anywho if it wasn't obvious enough I created a loop, so Cale is constantly replaying a [Record] of reader's death.
Love y'all stay safe and take care of yourselves!
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