#cotsi Toby
tarmiskye · 7 years
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Toby reminds me of Radar Why does he remind me of Radar
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lunaraen · 5 years
Have you ever thought about writing for a (I don't know if there's more than one) COTSI/MOTGI hybrid AU? Do you have any ideas/headcanons specific to a COTSI/MOTGI hybrid AU?
There is a costi/motgi hybrid AU by warning-heckmouth, so you might note some (a lot of) similarity between that one and what ideas/headcanons I write here! I have considered writing for it before, but nobody’s requested it before and I don’t know how much interest there would be in a hybrid AU fic for costi/motgi.
Given recent additions and variants, I imagine Mo is probably a normal mooshroom hybrid while Slugger is a cluckshroom hybrid. Calling Slugger a chicken is punishable under threat of some very solid punches.
Quinn, as a human, is unused to people as it is. She knows even less about hybrids due to her self imposed isolation, and while she definitely doesn’t think of them as less than people, she also has no idea what to expect.
(Cuddle piles are one such unexpected outcome. There are so many cuddle piles once the series starts and they’re all thrown together on the islands, because the islands are always too cold at night and most of them are invitingly furry/fluffy. Kate doesn’t exactly encourage it outside of teams, because that doesn’t help foster “healthy competition”, but towards the end of Season 1 they’re all fed up with Kate as it is. If they want to cuddle, they cuddle, and it takes a while for Quinn to adjust to that and work out ways to not be uncomfortable with it. (She declines and worms her way out of them at first, but that just makes the others think she’s acting “too good for them” and being stuck up / aloof.))
Beyond just being a zombie, Zed’s also the odd one out of their group for being the only non-mammal hybrid, a “zombie snake” (eastern hognose) hybrid. He doesn’t have to worry much about the playing dead part now that he’s actually a zombie, but he still ends up resting on his back (in the shade) with his mouth open when he and Kate aren’t announcing or he isn’t busy helping Kate.
(It’s because being a zombie, even an oddly “normal” one, means there are a lot of threats constantly lurking in the back of his mind, such as the usual threat of sunlight and the variety of shiny weapons and tools used in the challenges. Regardless of what he “knows” regarding his safety, his reflexes/instincts don’t take chances.)
Kate is ridiculously over the top and expressive as it is- the long tail she has only helps complete the look, and she’s more than aware of how much her audience loves cats.
Kate has made the occasional joke about hunting Toby, just to scare him. She succeeds, but none of the others are very fond of these jokes.
(Kate will feed Quinn misinformation about hybrids, especially when they’re working together in Season 2, just so she can watch the sparks fly. Quinn figures Kate’s information isn’t entirely accurate, but she’s also very much in the position of “that doesn’t sound right but I don’t know enough about hybrids to dispute it.”)
Theseus is a hybrid while Poseidon isn’t, but Poseidon used his command blocks to hide/alter Theseus’s hybrid traits. (An idea I’m shamelessly borrowing from warning-heckmouth’s mcsm hybrid AU.)
When Theseus joins the group after Season 2, he stands out a bit for being a turtle hybrid. (He and Zed get along unexpectedly well due to both being reptile hybrids- Theseus can sunbathe while Zed can’t, but Theseus regularly gives Zed warmed stones instead. He’s the second person to do so, with Kate being the first.)
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warning-heckboop · 6 years
COTSI/MOTGI hybrid au? :>
cotsi hybrid au! It is a thing I’ve talked about in the past, although I cant say I’ve put a ton of thought into it. I know I want Quinn to be human, thats for sure, but everyone else I only have rough ideas for:
Kate: Cat
Toby: Hamster (Or some kind of mouse? Not sure. Something timid)
Durango: Bull
River: Sheep
Sacha: Wolf
Rudi: Husky 
As for Zed, Mo, and Slugger, I havent really come up with anything yet. Of course I’m always willing to listen to suggestions, even for the ones I already have ideas for!
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warning-heckboop · 7 years
How does the cotsi vampire au work?
I’M GLAD YOU ASKEDOkay, so, basically, it follows a similar storyline to cotsi, except, instead of running a game show, Kate is a lone vampire who desperately needs a coven to help her hunt and survive. Since taking too many people from one place would cause suspicion, and possibly an angry mob hunting her down, she kidnaps two individuals from several different locations. Of these pairs of two, she picks one person to turn into a vampire to join her coven (Quinn, Sacha, Mo, and River), and then traps the remaining person to act as a sort of back-up meal for dry periods (Toby, Rudi, Slugger, and Durango). None of the involved participants are particularly happy about their predicament, but they’re limited in their ability to turn against Kate. The humans are stuck, with no way of escape, and even though the vampires could technically break their partners out and leave, they know they’d be shunned from or even hunted down in their old homes, so they’re ultimately stuck where they have at least a small semblance of community.I know you might be wondering about the choices of vampires versus humans. Quinn and Toby is pretty self explanatory, considering Quinn would be the better hunter of the two. Sacha and Mo I sort of picked randomly, partially because I think both their personalities fit better as vampires than Rudi or Slugger’s. Finally, there’s Durango and River. I have a whole story behind why I made River the vampire instead of Durango, but basically it simmers down to the fact that River was deemed too weak to be reliable as a back up meal, whereas Durango is much healthier and fit, meaning he can withstand a lot more feedings than River could. Durango puts up a heck of a fight, though, and manages to keep Kate from feeding on him. The only person who has fed on him is River, and that was only a result of Durango, after finding out she hasn’t fed once since becoming a vampire, and was starting to starve because of it, holding her down until her instincts got the best of her, and she ended up biting him out of a desperate survival instinct.
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