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forcefemfatale · 2 months ago
i love turning covalue into cotime
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pastel-rights · 1 year ago
yeah anon
haven’t you ever realized that you need to resident those evils!! <3
yeah!! nothing like those evil residents and those cotime players to unite two otherwise different parties!!
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nicsplace · 5 years ago
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November Photo Challenge. Day 1. Selfie. Ok, if you know anything about me, I'm completely obsessed with graphic tees. O.B.S.E.S.S.E.D. During this time of year, I always see Christmas or Holiday tees, but never Hanukkah. There have been the ugly Hanukkah sweaters alongside the ugly Christmas sweaters, but never just shirts. How excited was I to find this?! It says "I Love You A Latke". 😂🥰💙 I found out only a couple years ago that I have Jewish DNA and couldn't be happier! So, say hello to my latke friend! HAHA! #NovemberPhotoChallenge #Day1 #Selfie #PhotoChallenge #November #Jewish #ILoveYouALatke #GraphicTees #SayHelloToMyLatkeFriend #TheBerMonths #TheHolidaysAreComing #TisTheSeason #ItsTheHolidaySeason #ItsTheMostWonderfulTimeOfTheYear #CoolerWeather #WinterPark #IdRatherBeInWinterPark #ColoradoDreaming #COTime #Colorado https://www.instagram.com/p/B4VipMogaC7/?igshid=1uak5om77mq50
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wickedica-plays · 3 years ago
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i keep popping out ocs...send help!
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leitoracomcompanhia · 3 years ago
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Na escola
“Era o cheiro da pobreza, naquele outono de 1945. Contavam-se pelos dedos os que tinham sapatos. Alguns vinham de chancas, outros de tamancos, a maior parte descalços. Vestiam calças e camisas de cotim, a saca que traziam a tiracolo era da mesma fazenda, todos os anos oferecida por um benemérito emigrado no Brasil.”
Manuel Alegre, “Alma”; fotografia de Bernard Hoffman, Portugal, década de 1940.
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thebesterblog · 5 years ago
Ethereum Currency Cosmetic Bags Organizer- Travel Makeup Pouch Ladies Toiletry Case for Women Girls, CoTime Black Zipper
Ethereum Currency Cosmetic Bags Organizer- Travel Makeup Pouch Ladies Toiletry Case for Women Girls, CoTime Black Zipper
Package Included: Cosmetic Bag * 1 Dimension: 6.5″ x 2.5″ x 4″ Material Composition: Twill Weave and Elastic Band. Compact Cosmetic Bag Will Organize Your Beauty to Be Neat and Tidy.
Product Features
MATERIAL: 55% Twill Weave + 45% Elastic Band.
DIMENSIONS: 6.5″ x 2.5″ x 4″; Easily Fit Into Backpack, Easy to Carry.
ELEGANT DESIGN: Protect Your Cosmetics from Scratches, Dust and Accidental Falls.
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czolgusszy · 2 years ago
pivotal transgender moment: we did a group cotime for a series of unfortunate events as a kid and because my mom had three kids she was count olaf and despite the fact she had two daughters and one son, she had us dress according to birth order. so i was claus.
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fathiazahralk · 2 years ago
Temen-temen aku kayaknya gak bisa ya sehari liat aku napas pas lagi meeting karna ada aja gitu gimmick-nya???
Jadi kan setiap Jumat tuh daily huddle-nya CoTime alias ya cuma seru-seruan aja gitu bukan update-an tiap tim. Acaranya biasanya main games gitu tapi akhir-akhir ini jadi suka tunjuk-tunjukkan kan degdegan ya :(
Tadi pagi, mainnya tuh ala eatbulaga dan yang main dua orang kan, DIPILIHNYA PAKE SPIN THE WHEEL DONG. Emang sih peluangnya kecil buat kepilih karna kan partisipannya banyak banget ya Bund sekantor, tapi tetep aja detail gitu ada namanya. Sebagai orang yang ✨sangat pemberani✨ karna aku tremor parah kalau diacak gitu, aku kabur HAHA jadi tiap diputer spin the wheel-nya, aku leave 🙏 Nanti aku minta temen-temen aku ngabarin, kalau udah ada yang kepilih, aku join lagi WKWK maap aku sepenakut itu.
Udah tuh ya ronde satu aman, bukan aku yang kepilih. Ronde dua, aku leave lagi WKWK TIBA-TIBA GRUP CHAT KANTOR RAME
“Fath di mana nama kamu kepilih” “Fath masuk lagi cepetan ini kamu ketunjuk dan ditungguin karna host-nya Kak Oliv, Kak Oliv kan kenal kamu”
AKU NGE-FREEZE. Buset tangan aku langsung gemeter trus aku langsung lari dari depan laptop ke mushola. Berdoa.
“Guys tolong aku, aku takut bgt plis bilangin aja aku lagi di WC gitu” “Gak bisa Fath ini aku ditanyain manager kita, aku gak enak jawabnya”
Febri juga chat aku bilang “Fath kamu kepanggil” ((dan aku baru tau dia gak di-briefing Icha))
Astaga mana pake acara Hamzah pun chat aku juga di Slack
“fathh dicariinnn. namamu kepilihhh” “ZAH AKU TAKUTTT. Bilang lagi ke wc plisss" “gabisa fath :( aku gabisa boong :( ditanyaain” “Ya Allah gimana bilang aja diare”
Iya, aku sepanik itu. Mending dikira diare dibanding kepilih pas huddle. Gak enak aku sampe mikir buset ini pasti kredibilitas aku dipertanyakan kantor mana siangnya bakal meeting sama Manager dan COO kalau ditanyain kenapa gak ada di huddle gimana huhu. Lalu Hamzah chat lagi.
“Wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk ga fath, kamu ga kepilih. aku janjian sama icha buat ngeledek kamu wkwkwkwk”
Kebayang gak sih ini gak sampe lima menit mereka tektokannya cepet banget aku mana kepikiran kalau lagi dikerjain???
Dah tuh karna udah aman, aku join dong. Ternyata pake volunteer gitu yang kepilih adalah Rio dan CEO aku, sebut aja S. Baru join banget loh aku, Hamzah di kolom chat langsung
“fathia wanna helps S“ “diam Hamzah” “fathia really want to help :(“
Ternyata kata Icha emang Hamzah sengaja ngasih tau kalau mereka ngerjain biar aku cepet join trus ditumbalin lagi ☺️ MONMAAP ini gimmick kalau masih di tim aku gapapa deh emang biasa dijadiin tumbal tapi ini kalau sampe sekantor juga plis aku gak bisa 😭
Mana Rabu lalu pas kelas English Club, kami kan topiknya debat gitu ya 3vs3, udah dibagi tim dan temanya juga. Gataunya, tim Febri kekurangan orang padahal tim lawan udah kompit bertiga. Tau kan yang ditumbalin siapa? AKU LAGI 😭😭😭 Aku bahkan gatau temanya apa dan beneran kena spotlight buat ikut debat ya Allah mana pake bahasa inggris rasanya mo pulanggg.
Heran aja gitu temen-temen aku tanpa di-briefing apapun juga suka ujug-ujung sebut nama aku kalau meeting 😭 (PS: aku juga baru tau kata Icha kalau meeting yang gaada akunya pun, nama aku masih suka kesebut buat dijadiin contoh ☺️)
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guardianasdelrpg · 4 years ago
Revelio RPG
El célebre mago Cerúleo Magno presenta su último invento, el "Capturador de Ondas de Transporte de Información Muggle", también conocido como el COTIM, o el Magiavisión, como a él le gusta llamarlo. El susodicho mago hará una demostración el d��a 4 de Abril en el pub de Hogsmeade Las Tres Escobas, para que todo mago interesado en la ciencimagia pueda comprobar como, por primera vez en la historia, un mago podrá visualizar la apodada caja tonta de los muggles en un ambiente puramente mágico, incluso a pesar de las interferencias que podrían ocasionar las protecciones de Hogwarts o el propio pueblo mágico.
Enlace al foro: https://revelio.foroactivo.com/
Enlace al discord: https://discord.gg/Mzb7Nc3NkU
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lamagadeoz · 4 years ago
Revelio RPG
El célebre mago Cerúleo Magno presenta su último invento, el “Capturador de Ondas de Transporte de Información Muggle”, también conocido como el COTIM, o el Magiavisión, como a él le gusta llamarlo. El susodicho mago hará una demostración el día 4 de Abril en el pub de Hogsmeade Las Tres Escobas, para que todo mago interesado en la ciencimagia pueda comprobar como, por primera vez en la historia, un mago podrá visualizar la apodada caja tonta de los muggles en un ambiente puramente mágico, incluso a pesar de las interferencias que podrían ocasionar las protecciones de Hogwarts o el propio pueblo mágico.
Enlace al foro: https://revelio.foroactivo.com/
Enlace al discord: https://discord.gg/Mzb7Nc3NkU
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revelio-rpg · 4 years ago
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El célebre mago Cerúleo Magno presenta su último invento, el "Capturador de Ondas de Transporte de Información Muggle", también conocido como el COTIM, o el Magiavisión, como a él le gusta llamarlo. El susodicho mago hará una demostración el día 4 de Abril en el pub de Hogsmeade Las Tres Escobas, para que todo mago interesado en la ciencimagia pueda comprobar como, por primera vez en la historia, un mago podrá visualizar la apodada caja tonta de los muggles en un ambiente puramente mágico, incluso a pesar de las interferencias que podrían ocasionar las protecciones de Hogwarts o el propio pueblo mágico.
Enlace al foro: https://revelio.foroactivo.com/
Enlace al discord: https://discord.gg/Mzb7Nc3NkU
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anemonenemerosa · 4 years ago
Leo as Groot 😅
Maybe Finn is the Raccoon to be nice to the Rookie and Logan just pouts because Finn never did a matching cotime with him. 😁
What were the cubs for Halloween party? I forgot :(
I actually don’t think I said 😂
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nicsplace · 5 years ago
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I rarely do black and white photos. I wonder why because they look kinda cool. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Happy Thursday night, y'all....AKA....Friday eve. 😂 I'm wearing my favorite sweatshirt from @visitwinterpark. I've had it for a few years and It's the perfect comfy top to wear. I've been back since, obviously, but want to go back so bad! It's my favorite place in America. If I could move anywhere it would be there. 😍🥰🗻❄ #BlackAndWhite #Selfie #WinterPark #ColoradoDreaming #COTime #TheMountainsAreCalling #AndIMustGo #TakeMeToTheMountains #Colorado #MyFavorite #Travel #SingleMom #SingleMomLife #Influencer #RGPTribe #ForTheLoveOfPink #TexasToColorado https://www.instagram.com/p/B2nfFKzgphg/?igshid=u5525hcyskz9
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yesthedarkdayuniverse · 8 years ago
Pot scrie din nou. Sfârșit. Inceput de capitol Nu ala din carte. Ala de aici prezent. Tine cont vorbim despre prezent si implicațiile lui. Legea universală a legăturii umane..a fintei. .spunem despre ea, sau spun eu ca fiind un Kafka neprețuit de nimeni si prin prisma părerilor mele fundamentale despre viata, ca legatura oamenilor fiind ea cat de solida mereu duce in punctul in care oricât de frumoasa este amintirea lor si oricat ii duci in spatele anilor..lucrul acesta in fapt este strict despre tine si nu despre ei. Paradoxal, vorbim despre iubire..de aici cum se vede dand o forma tangibila acesteia, poti spune despre ea ca este una platonică si cea mai adevarata dintre toate pentru ca oricare este povestea lor..a celor doi amanți nu este si una consumabila. Ce nu se consuma nu se termina si nu are capăt..."pana ce moartea ...", au spus oamenii ca sa solidifice un adevar incontestabil. Iubirea nu exista in forma ei reală de basm..s a conturat in energie si puterea celor ce detin adevăratul cumul al simțului. Simtitul e la fel ca o opera epica..e o poveste citită de toți ceilalți, o operă care pentru critici are mereu un înțeles diferit de la individ la individ. Poți contesta asta? Poți crede ca ce iti spun acum este real? Realul fara cusur. E o prostie..acum tu esti criticul..poti contesta, eu aici te las sa o faci, poți fi real. Altcineva ma poate diviniza doar pentru că e o ipoteză validă. E in defavoarea noastra sa credem ca totul trebuie combătut. Pentru o secundă vezi sau nu vezi..si spui ca informatia este fie ea pozitivă sau negativă. Tu nu vezi ca mine, tu nu simti ca mine si nici eu ca tine. Ne întâlnim la jumatate de drum si spunem ca suntem la fel pentru că trebuie sa aparținem de ceva întreg, totuși, fundamental suntem duali si o cotim in sens opus fara a alege drumul comun. Am sa ma citez metaforic pentru prima data si am sa spun cu tărie ca " avem propriul Univers creat din esenta a ceea ce suntem si excelam in asta..Dar fara doar si poate suntem atât de plictisiți de ceea ce avem indiferent de cat este de bun ca ne trezim că divinizam Universul celui de langa fara sa reflectăm asupra noastra". Mai uniform de atât nici nu ma gândeam ca poate sa fie. Constantin Valentina
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read-think-remain · 8 years ago
Hoelderlinus: Fati Carmen
Ambulatis summa in luce humi mollis, o genii beati! Nitidae deum aurae leves vos movent, ut artificis digiti sacros nervos.
Sine fato, ut dormiens infans, spirant caelestes; caste servatis modesta in gemma, floret perpetuo animus eis, et oculi beati spectant quieta in perpetua claritate.
Sed nobis est datum, quiescere nullo in loco, deficiunt, cadunt homines laborantes temere ab una hora ad alteram, velut aqua a coti deiecti ad cotim, in incertum per annos.
Hölderlin: Schicksalslied
Ihr wandelt droben im Licht Auf weichem Boden, selige Genien! Glänzende Götterlüfte Rühren euch leicht, Wie die Finger der Künstlerin Heilige Saiten.
Schicksallos, wie der schlafende Säugling, atmen die Himmlischen; Keusch bewahrt In bescheidener Knospe, Blühet ewig Ihnen der Geist, Und die seligen Augen Blicken in stiller Ewiger Klarheit.
Doch uns ist gegeben, Auf keiner Stätte zu ruhn, Es schwinden, es fallen Die leidenden Menschen Blindlings von einer Stunde zur andern, Wie Wasser von Klippe Zu Klippe geworfen, Jahr lang ins Ungewisse hinab.
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image-transcribing-bot · 6 years ago
okte Ab Yes, People Really Gave a Shit About a Sexualized Handmaid's Tale Costume, Rather Than Drawing Attention to the 48 Products Fetishizing and Sexualizing Actual Indigenous Women From the Same Exact Company: And yes, we really are in hell. [ I Yes, A Company Realy Made A 'SexyHondmakta Tal Haloween Costume And, o, Ridnt go vervet huttgtonpentcom Weesiestooks Sep 21 v decause white wren were ty ns cotume, ra mutes t But ren tney si sting seq Natve" costumes. Otandy ewiin m :| 0 r tis On Weesistools © v anty you women' ono stakavoutiestoo incase you don know woat rat means. 5190 Msnp and Murs as commosites rans ton w is Weesistooks @itessstooss Sep 21 v iyo ean nese outages women uno we mas avout felon cotime, ren you thou have NO protien sting coumen ra ar REL insgenous wonen. o+° un v# a All Nahdee 2 s envie to The Handmaid's Tale already appropriates oppression experience by WoC all over the world and just paints it in whiteface so this honestly doesn't surprise me. It's only considered a tragedy or a womens issue when it's applied to white women. Gross. ras u- seo t- @
I am an image transcribing bot which uses Tesseract OCR to translate images to text. I'm far from perfect but I try my best! Star signs will someday symbol your mistakes. | PayPal | Patreon
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People are more outraged about a sexualized Handmaid costume but not the hypersexualized racist costumes that are routinely called out and criticized by WoC all the time. But what else is new?
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