#cost of building a house in nigeria
batboyblog · 5 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #14
April 12-19 2024
The Department of Commerce announced a deal with Samsung to help bring advanced semiconductor manufacturing and research and development to Texas. The deal will bring 45 billion dollars of investment to Texas to help build a research center in Taylor Texas and expand Samsung's Austin, Texas, semiconductor facility. The Biden Administration estimates this will create 21,000 new jobs. Since 1990 America has fallen from making nearly 40% of the world's semiconductor to just over 10% in 2020.
The Department of Energy announced it granted New York State $158 million to help support people making their homes more energy efficient. This is the first payment out of a $8.8 billion dollar program with 11 other states having already applied. The program will rebate Americans for improvements on their homes to lower energy usage. Americans could get as much as $8,000 off for installing a heat pump, as well as for improvements in insulation, wiring, and electrical panel. The program is expected to help save Americans $1 billion in electoral costs, and help create 50,000 new jobs.
The Department of Education began the formal process to make President Biden's new Student Loan Debt relief plan a reality. The Department published the first set of draft rules for the program. The rules will face 30 days of public comment before a second draft can be released. The Administration hopes the process can be finished by the Fall to bring debt relief to 30 million Americans, and totally eliminate the debt of 4 million former students. The Administration has already wiped out the debt of 4.3 million borrowers so far.
The Department of Agriculture announced a $1 billion dollar collaboration with USAID to buy American grown foods combat global hunger. Most of the money will go to traditional shelf stable goods distributed by USAID, like wheat, rice, sorghum, lentils, chickpeas, dry peas, vegetable oil, cornmeal, navy beans, pinto beans and kidney beans, while $50 million will go to a pilot program to see if USAID can expand what it normally gives to new products. The food aid will help feed people in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Haiti, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Yemen.
The Department of the Interior announced it's expanding four national wildlife refuges to protect 1.13 million wildlife habitat. The refuges are in New Mexico, North Carolina, and two in Texas. The Department also signed an order protecting parts of the Placitas area. The land is considered sacred by the Pueblos peoples of the area who have long lobbied for his protection. Security Deb Haaland the first Native American to serve as Interior Secretary and a Pueblo herself signed the order in her native New Mexico.
The Department of Labor announced new work place safety regulations about the safe amount of silica dust mine workers can be exposed to. The dust is known to cause scaring in the lungs often called black lung. It's estimated that the new regulations will save over 1,000 lives a year. The United Mine Workers have long fought for these changes and applauded the Biden Administration's actions.
The Biden Administration announced its progress in closing the racial wealth gap in America. Under President Biden the level of Black Unemployment is the lowest its ever been since it started being tracked in the 1970s, and the gap between white and black unemployment is the smallest its ever been as well. Black wealth is up 60% over where it was in 2019. The share of black owned businesses doubled between 2019 and 2022. New black businesses are being created at the fastest rate in 30 years. The Administration in 2021 Interagency Task Force to combat unfair house appraisals. Black homeowners regularly have their homes undervalued compared to whites who own comparable property. Since the Taskforce started the likelihood of such a gap has dropped by 40% and even disappeared in some states. 2023 represented a record breaking $76.2 billion in federal contracts going to small business owned by members of minority communities. This was 12% of federal contracts and the President aims to make it 15% for 2025.
The EPA announced (just now as I write this) that it plans to add PFAS, known as forever chemicals, to the Superfund law. This would require manufacturers to pay to clean up two PFAS, perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid. This move to force manufacturers to cover the costs of PFAS clean up comes after last week's new rule on drinking water which will remove PFAS from the nation's drinking water.
President Biden met a Senior named Bob in Pennsylvania who is personally benefiting from The President's capping the price of insulin for Seniors at $35, and Biden let Bob know about a cap on prosecution drug payments for seniors that will cut Bob's drug bills by more than half.
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hdarahproperties · 30 days
Cost Of Building Materials So Far In Nigeria as of Now!!
For many years, the cost of building materials in Nigeria has been a source of concern because it has a direct impact on the affordability and accessibility of housing for the typical Nigerian. The cost of building materials has risen dramatically in recent years, generating a rippling effect in the real estate business.Inflation, foreign exchange rates, transportation costs, and government…
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balkanskapravila1371 · 3 months
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Modular Designs Nigeria: Revolutionizing Construction with Metal Berg Manufacturing Company Factory
In recent years, the construction industry in Nigeria has experienced significant changes, particularly with the rise of modular designs. At the forefront of this transformation is the Metal Berg Manufacturing Company Factory, a leader in providing innovative and efficient building solutions. But what exactly makes modular designs Nigeria's preferred choice in construction, and how is Metal Berg Manufacturing Company Factory contributing to this trend?
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What are Modular Designs and Why are They Important in Nigeria?
Modular designs refer to the process of constructing buildings in sections, or modules, which are then transported to the construction site for assembly. This method offers several advantages, including reduced construction time, cost savings, and improved quality control. In Nigeria, where rapid urbanization and the need for affordable housing are pressing issues, modular designs provide a practical solution. Metal Berg Manufacturing Company Factory has been pivotal in introducing and popularizing these designs, ensuring that the structures meet the specific needs of the Nigerian market.
How Does Metal Berg Manufacturing Company Factory Implement Modular Designs in Nigeria?
Metal Berg Manufacturing Company Factory utilizes state-of-the-art technology and innovative techniques to create modular designs Nigeria can rely on. By manufacturing modules in a controlled factory environment, the company ensures that each section adheres to strict quality standards before being transported to the site. This process not only minimizes waste and environmental impact but also allows for faster project completion. The factory's commitment to excellence is evident in the durability and efficiency of their modular structures, making them a top choice for various construction projects across the country.
What Are the Benefits of Modular Designs for Nigerian Construction Projects?
The benefits of modular designs Nigeria embraces are numerous. Firstly, modular construction significantly reduces building time, allowing projects to be completed in a fraction of the time required for traditional construction methods. This speed is crucial in addressing the country's urgent need for infrastructure development. Additionally, modular designs are cost-effective, as they reduce labor and material costs. Metal Berg Manufacturing Company Factory's modular solutions also offer flexibility, enabling customization to meet specific client requirements. Furthermore, the factory's designs are sustainable, reducing the carbon footprint associated with construction.
How is Metal Berg Manufacturing Company Factory Innovating with Modular Designs Nigeria Needs?
Innovation is at the heart of Metal Berg Manufacturing Company Factory's approach to modular designs. The company continuously invests in research and development to improve their construction methods and materials. By leveraging advanced technologies and staying ahead of industry trends, the factory ensures that their modular designs Nigeria benefits from are both cutting-edge and practical. Whether for residential, commercial, or industrial projects, Metal Berg's modular solutions provide robust and versatile options that cater to the diverse needs of the Nigerian market.
Why Should Developers Choose Metal Berg Manufacturing Company Factory for Modular Designs in Nigeria?
Choosing Metal Berg Manufacturing Company Factory for modular designs Nigeria requires means opting for reliability, quality, and efficiency. The company's extensive experience and expertise in modular construction make them a trusted partner for developers. Their comprehensive services, from design and manufacturing to transportation and assembly, ensure a seamless construction process. Additionally, Metal Berg's commitment to customer satisfaction and their ability to deliver on time and within budget make them an ideal choice for any construction project in Nigeria.
What is the Future of Modular Designs in Nigeria with Metal Berg Manufacturing Company Factory?
The future of modular designs in Nigeria looks promising, with Metal Berg Manufacturing Company Factory leading the charge. As the demand for sustainable and efficient building solutions grows, the factory's innovative approaches and dedication to quality will continue to set industry standards. By fostering partnerships and investing in local talent, Metal Berg is poised to drive the widespread adoption of modular designs Nigeria can be proud of. The company's vision is to revolutionize the construction landscape, making high-quality, affordable housing and infrastructure accessible to all Nigerians.
In conclusion, modular designs Nigeria embraces are transforming the construction industry, thanks in large part to the pioneering efforts of Metal Berg Manufacturing Company Factory. By offering innovative, cost-effective, and sustainable building solutions, the factory is addressing the country's growing infrastructure needs and setting a benchmark for quality and efficiency in construction.
Metal Berg Manufacturing Company Factory Block 16 Plot 283, Green Estate, Amuwo Odofin Estate 102102, Lagos, Nigeria
+234 803 044 2676 https://www.metalbergmanufacturing.com/ https://goo.gl/maps/NfZ25r1vuWz2GHBMA
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mdafricanart · 5 months
Bronze Statue from Nigeria
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Explore a curated collection of authentic African art at our online store. Discover unique antique pieces, masks, textiles, stools, and woodwork that tell stories of heritage and craftsmanship. Bring the spirit of Africa into your home with our handpicked treasures. Shop now for a cultural journey through timeless arti, Baule mask ivory coast, Baga stool guinea, Bronze Statue from Nigeria , Kuba textile Congo, Hand carved baga stool guinea , Lega Mask in USA. https://mdafricanart.com/
The Slave Historical centers
However there are a few motion pictures that have attempted however much as could reasonably be expected to portray what the Slave Exchange Time resembled, one wouldn't actually comprehend how disheartening and close to home the Period was until you go on an outing to one of the slave exhibition halls, similar to those in Badagry. In the event that you are not in that frame of mind for a close to home margin time or not an admirer of history, you might need to skirt the excursion to the slave historical centers.
Bronze Statue Nigeria
Ceremonial beaded Bracelet South Africa 
Ceremonial cache sexe from nigeria 
Dan Guere Mask from Liberia 
Gouro Mask from Ivory Coast
Shield from South Africa 
Ceremonial cache sexe
Bronze Statue from Nigeria 
Baga Stool from Guinea 
Kuba textile from Congo
With around 4 slave historical centers present in Badagry, they all assist with safeguarding the social legacy and remind visiting travelers the sufferings individuals impacted by the slave exchange went through. The slave exchange exhibition halls incorporate - Badagry Legacy Gallery, Seriki Faremi's Brazilian Baracoon, Vlekete Slave Market and Mobee Illustrious Family Slave Historical center.
However the vast majority of these galleries have somewhat changing anecdotes about their originators, they all offer the very anguishing encounters of slaves that have been held hostage in the rooms. On your visit to every one of these galleries, you will be relegated a local escort who will make sense of in extraordinary subtleties the story behind each room and item.
Vlekete Slave Market
This market was laid out in 1502, it filled in as a gathering point for European slave shippers and African brokers. This market was as around then the biggest and generally populated, offering near 900 slaves each week. Slaves were typically actioned for products like iron bars, reflect, dry gin, bourbon, firearm and different things.
Seriki Faremi's Brazilian Baracoon
Seriki Faremi William Abass Baracoon comprises of 40 small rooms and each room was utilized as a cell to hold 40 slaves. A few different things in plain view incorporate, created iron chains of different sizes and shapes. The more modest chains are utilized on the offspring of the captives to keep them from upsetting their folks while they chipped away at the estate.
Seriki Faremi was a man who for the most part traded slaves for housewares and different things as the Brazilians that time don't perceive cowries as cash.
The possibility of Bosses utilizing Umbrella traces all the way back to the pilgrim period. Seriki's popular yellowish weighty umbrella is said to have cost him 40 slaves and different things, for example, porcelains, cups and gramophone records, each cost him 10 slaves.
The Seriki's garments, archives of exchanges and the staff of office introduced to him by the provincial bosses are as yet present at the scene.
Badagry Legacy Historical center
It is a story building situated in the focal point of the memorable traveler town of Badagry (in the Boekoh quarters region, known as "Adugbo Oyinbo" in nearby Yoruba vernacular, signifying "neighborhood of white men"). It houses the relics, records and culture of the Badagry public. Things in the exhibition hall traces all the way back to pre-slave time, slave period and post slave time. The African story didn't start with slave period and this historical center shows it; as you will track down the way of life and records of individuals who possessed Badagry well before the pioneers came and made a huge difference.
There are 8 exhibitions generally named at various times of the slave period in the Badagry Historical center. The Early on Exhibition, which is the first you will see as you enter the historical center, has a sculpture of a man with broken chains.All displays make sense of how slaves are caught, sold, rebuffed, moved and in particular, genuine legends who battled for the nullification of slave exchange are in plain view in the exhibition.
Mobee Illustrious Family Slave Historical center
Very much like the other slave historical centers, it contains comparative articles the slave dealers used to hold slaves hostage during the slave period.
One novel thing found in this exhibition hall is the Cannon firearm, which is generally fired three times each day - in the first part of the day as a sign the slaves are going to the homestead, at night to tell the slaves are returning from the ranch and later in the evening, to advise all captives to remain inside, anybody found external after this advance notice is normally sold into servitude.
One fascinating truth anyway is, while the pioneer behind this slave gallery helped slave exchange, his child, Boss Sumbu Mobee worked with the annulment of slave exchange.
Badagry Slave Course: Final turning point
To get over to the "Final turning point", you should enlist a boat from the breakwater where slaves were removed 4:00am consistently to the opposite side to deal with the manor or be sent to their last processes abroad. Lines of coconut trees established by the slaves are still along the shore where you will take a boat.
Along the streets, white stones are organized to check the specific course the slaves strolled on, binded by shackles in a solitary document.
Through the excursion to the "Final turning point", you will see a well and near a milestone peruses, "Unique Spot, Slaves Otherworldly Lessening Great", worked by every one of the bosses in Badagry managing on slave business who met up around then to enchant in the well, a sort of dark sorcery which brings neglect. No one has drank from this well in more than 600 years and the rainbow looking shadow cast over the water will make you keep thinking about whether the spell is as yet strong.
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realjaysumlin · 5 months
I really enjoy speaking both Twi and Igbo but I am now learning Xhosa and I hope to be speaking it soon. I am having problems with the click sounds which is sad because I do speak some Spanish and French.
I'm moving back to Ghana soon and I do spend a great deal of my time when I am there in Cape Verde Isles and Nigeria occasionally I would go to other parts too.
I'm more into West Africa than any other place in Africa because I love warm and hot weather year round. The best palace can be found in Nigeria but the traditional housing is better in Ghana. I lived in a three story flat that cost around $600.00 USD a month. I did have to pay 1 year in advance and I was cool with that.
This time I am building my own with a nice farm for my family.
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niscompress · 5 months
How Odumeje Released His Latest Album in London.
Onitsha-based pastor Chukwuemeka Odumeje has released a new song titled 'POWER'.
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In the new single featuring Nigerian self-styled singer Flavour, the popular entertainer preacher rolled out a list of his powers including “Indaboski Bahose, Dabush Kabash, Lefase Fare, Abido Shaker, and Gandusa Ganduja”.
It was gathered that this is the second time Odumeje will be collaborating with Flavour whom he featured on the gospel track ‘Umu Jesus’ in 2020. He also featured Phyno in 2022 on the single ‘Ike Billion Billion’.
In what appears to be a “comedy” show in London, the United Kingdom, on April 13, Pastor Odumeje hosted the show at the Lighthouse Theatre by 5:30 pm with an entry fee of £33.19 per person. A table for 6 goes for £700 while that of 10 persons is £1000.
He wrote,
“London 2024: Power or Nothing. Don’t miss this great event on Saturday 13th April, 2024. My new album will be released with great power in London in 2024, Get ready to laugh till your sides ache and dance like there’s no tomorrow! Join us for a night of uproarious comedy, electrifying music performances, and non-stop entertainment with the only The Lion Himself, Prophet Chukwuemeka Odumeje alongside a stellar cast of seasoned comedians and entertainers live in London, UK, on Saturday, April 13, 2024.
Odùméje was born in Anambra State, Nigeria into a family of six children as the third-born child of Mr and Mrs Pius Ohanaemere.
In March 2022, his church building was identified as one of the houses obstructing drainage channels in Okpoko, Onitsha, and a part of the church was marked for demolition. The Governor of Anambra State, Prof. Charles Chukwuma Soludo had pledged to clear the drainage channels to check flooding in the area.
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He was manhandled by the government officials who came for the demolition exercise as he tried to stop them from carrying out the operation. However, Governor Soludo reacted to the incident by promising to discipline those who manhandled Odumeje and also warned that the pastor should be ready to bear the cost of demolition since he was given adequate notice before the exercise was carried out.
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brianwhary · 6 months
Exploring the Nigeria Construction Market: Trends and Insights
The construction industry in Nigeria stands as a cornerstone of economic development, reflecting the nation's growth trajectory and infrastructure ambitions. Understanding the nuances of this dynamic market is essential for stakeholders looking to capitalize on emerging opportunities and navigate potential challenges effectively.
Market Overview
The Nigeria construction market portrays a landscape ripe with potential, driven by factors such as population growth, urbanization, and government investments in infrastructure development. From residential and commercial projects to large-scale infrastructure endeavors, the market encompasses a diverse array of construction activities catering to various sectors.
Key Trends
1. Infrastructure Development Initiatives
The Nigerian government's focus on infrastructure development serves as a primary driver for the construction sector. Ambitious projects such as road networks, bridges, airports, and railways aim to enhance connectivity, facilitate trade, and spur economic growth across the nation.
2. Urbanization and Housing Demand
Rapid urbanization has led to increased demand for housing and real estate developments in major cities. The growing urban population necessitates the construction of residential complexes, commercial buildings, and mixed-use developments to accommodate the burgeoning demand for shelter and amenities.
3. Embracing Technological Advancements
The construction industry in Nigeria is gradually embracing technological innovations to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance project outcomes. Technologies such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), prefabrication, and drone surveying are being increasingly adopted to optimize project management, reduce costs, and mitigate risks.
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Buy the Full Report to Know More about the Nigeria Construction Market Forecast
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Market Segmentation
1. Construction Type
Residential construction
Commercial construction
Infrastructure construction
Industrial construction
2. Sector Focus
Energy and utilities
Hospitality and tourism
Competitive Landscape
The Nigeria construction market is characterized by intense competition, with both domestic and international players vying for market share. Key players leverage their expertise, technological capabilities, and strategic partnerships to secure contracts and maintain a competitive edge in this dynamic environment.
Future Outlook
Looking ahead, the Nigeria construction market is poised for sustained growth, fueled by ongoing infrastructure projects, urbanization trends, and favorable government policies. However, stakeholders must navigate challenges such as regulatory constraints, funding uncertainties, and geopolitical risks to capitalize on the market's potential and drive sustainable development.
In conclusion, the Nigeria construction market offers promising opportunities for stakeholders willing to invest in the nation's infrastructure development journey. By aligning with key trends, harnessing technological advancements, and fostering strategic collaborations, players can position themselves for success and contribute to Nigeria's socio-economic progress through sustainable construction practices.
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petnews2day · 6 months
Improving access to mortgage penetration in Nigeria
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/dc8mC
Improving access to mortgage penetration in Nigeria
The fact that the Nigerian housing sector is currently hobbled by a plethora of challenges is no longer a matter of debate. With a weak legal and regulatory framework, high costs of land and building materials, high inflation, a weak value of the naira, a lack of critical investment in the sector, and an infrastructure […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/dc8mC #PetFinancialNews
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hardynwa · 7 months
Food smuggling: FG intercepts 141 grain trucks, drivers threaten strike over attacks
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In continuation of measures to address the food inflation and cost of living crisis, the Federal Government Tuesday said it had so far intercepted 141 trucks attempting to smuggle grains and other staples to Niger Republic, Chad, Cameroon, and the Central African Republic. The Comptroller-General of the Nigeria Customs Service, Bashir Adeniyi, said that the service had within two weeks arrested about 120 trucks smuggling food items from Nigeria while the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission stopped 21 food trucks from leaving the country on Tuesday. As the CG was disclosing the measures being enforced to ensure food security at the House of Representatives in Abuja on Tuesday, truck drivers, who have been targets of attacks by hoodlums, had threatened to declare a strike if the situation persisted. Several trucks and warehouses, mostly owned by manufacturers and other members of the organised private sector have come under attack from hoodlums as the food inflation and the cost of living crisis in the country spiralled. Last week, some youths stole food items from trucks stuck in traffic along the Kaduna Road in the Suleja area of Niger State. On Sunday, hoodlums attacked a warehouse belonging to the Agricultural and Rural Development Secretariat of the Federal Capital Territory Administration located in the Dei-Dei area of the capital city where they looted rice, grains, and other relief items. The miscreants in their numbers also stormed another warehouse in the Idu Industrial Estate, Jabi, Abuja, but were repelled by the troops guarding the facility. Similarly, another set of youths attacked trucks conveying building materials and spaghetti in Ogun and Kaduna states on Saturday and Sunday, respectively. Worried by the unsavoury development, the organised private sector warned the attacks could lead to a shutdown of industries across the country. Briefing the federal lawmakers on the enforcement of the Presidential directive to curtail food smuggling during the sectoral debate series, the Customs CG, Adeniyi, said President Bola Tinubu had given a directive that the arrested trucks be diverted to the local markets in the area where they were arrested to force down the prices of grains and other food items. 120 food trucks “We arrested in two weeks about 120 trucks of food items going out of the country. These are the food items Mr President has asked us to give back to the local markets where the arrests were made. We believe this will drive down the price of food items in these places,” he added. He stated that the decision to halt the smuggling of food items was to fight hunger and not encourage those who wanted to enrich themselves at the expense of the people. He warned against adopting quick-fix solutions to address the food scarcity in the country, adding that the country must put in place long-term measures to address the situation. Adeniyi explained that the Customs were playing their part in ensuring that the problem of food security was addressed, adding that currently, most agriculture inputs attract zero duty and the value-added tax. The CG noted that the need to learn from lessons learnt while auctioning seized food items in Lagos was the reason the service was ha to commence the program outside Lagos State. About seven persons died in a stampede at the NCS Old Zonal Headquarters in the Yaba area of Lagos State during the auction of bags of rice confiscated from smugglers by the NCS last month. The incident forced the authorities to suspend the exercise. Bringing the lawmakers up to speed on the public auction, Adeniyi said President Tinubu directed the NCS to auction to vulnerable Nigerians the food items intercepted at the Nigerian borders, noting that the implementation of the programme kicked off in Lagos, but was stopped. Adeniyi further said the seized foodstuffs were to be sold to the local markets nationwide on the President’s orders. He said, “Mr President has directed that we sell directly to needy Nigerians food items produced locally but which were seized. This is one of the ways to address hunger and food scarcity we are facing. We have started this in Lagos. “Also, the President has also directed that imported food items seized by the Nigeria Customs Service should be sold back to the local markets for resale to Nigerians.” Fielding questions from lawmakers during the session presided over by Deputy Speaker, Benjamin Kalu, Adeniyi gave reasons why the auction of seized grains was temporarily discontinued by the NCS. “We started in Lagos but you know what happened. There was a stampede. No matter the number of bags of rice you share or sell, it will not be enough. “We have to focus on one place at a time. We will use the lessons we learnt in Lagos to coordinate this programme when we resume,” he said. In their enforcement of the Presidential directive against food smuggling, operatives of the Maiduguri zonal command of the EFCC have arrested 21 trucks loaded with food and non-food items heading towards N’djamena, Chad Republic, Central African Republic, and Cameroon. The Head of Media and Publicity, EFCC, Dele Oyewale, said in a statement on Tuesday, that the trucks were intercepted in a sting operation at major exit routes along Kalabiri/Gamboru Ngala and Bama Roads, Borno State. It said, “Investigation showed food items cleverly concealed in the trucks that would have gone undetected but for the eagle-eyed vigilance of operatives of the commission. Meanwhile, the Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Abubakar Kyari, on Tuesday said that food scarcity came too early this year, noting that “It often rears its head in May/June but it came quite early this time.’’ This was just as he blamed the food scarcity being experienced across the country on smuggling, flooding, the naira redesign policy and the COVID-19 pandemic which ravaged the world in 2019 and 2020. Speaking at the sectoral debate series at the House of Representatives on Tuesday, Kyari noted that the naira redesign policy implemented by the government of Muhammadu Buhari denied small-scale farmers access to cash to pay for their harvest towards the end of 2022 as well as pay for cultivation during the commencement of the wet season. He asserted that the insecurity in the country culminated in low cultivation of land as many farmers were displaced from their communities. To address the challenges being faced by farmers nationwide, Kyari assured Nigerians that President Tinubu had mandated the agric ministry to make grains available both for cultivation and consumption. “We have engaged the World Food Programme to help stabilize prices. We also asked them to assist our farmers to produce more food. “But we want our farmers to take advantage of irrigation facilities to do all-season farming and the President has been very supportive of this,” he said. The minister noted that so far, “About 5,000 tractors are working in Nigeria,” adding that the nation needs “72,000 functional tractors to meet the growing needs of Nigerians.” He added that the ministry had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a manufacturer to supply 2, 000 tractors annually for the next five years. Driver may strike In a development that could compound the social and economic situation in the country, truck owners involved in the haulage of food and fuel have declared that they may stop transporting the commodities following the incessant attacks on their vehicles by hoodlums. The National President of the Nigerian Association of Road Transport Owners, Yusuf Othman, in an interview with The PUNCH on Tuesday, said the truck drivers might withdraw their services if the attacks and looting of food trucks continued. He called on the state governments to address the looting of trucks, adding that the looted food items were not insured by their owners. In an interview with The PUNCH on Tuesday, Othman said the recent attacks had severely impacted their operations negatively. He stated, “We are affected negatively by these attacks and right now we are strategizing. It might interest you to know that the insurance we get does not cover riots or such fracas. “So, we are appealing to the general public to avoid such attacks on our trucks. This is because if such kind of attacks continue, what will happen is that transporters will stop carrying food items and this will lead to food scarcity across the country. “If you are transporting food and somebody stops you on the road and loot the food items, what will you do?” The NARTO president expressed worries about the inadequate security on the roads, stating that the truck owners would stop operations if the attacks on truck drivers did not abate. “We just have to stop transporting the food items, until something is done about it. Security has to be enforced. The various state governments need to act now to reduce the suffering of their citizens because this is not entirely a Federal Government issue. “The state governments must be able to curb these concerns because it is usually the local people in states that attack our trucks and cart away food items in these trucks,” Othman stated. On whether NARTO had commenced any form of discussion with state governments on the issue, Othman replied in the negative, stressing that some of these attackers also targeted fuel tanker drivers. He, however, stated that the association had met with security agencies over the issue and again pleaded with the public to desist from attacking trucks transporting food and other products. The transporter said, “As for state governments, we have not met with them because we don’t have direct access to interface with them, but are discussing with some security agencies how best to avoid this kind of incident. It is not good for everyone. “It can threaten the distribution of food because if you load (goods) and somebody is going to stop you on the road to loot the goods, why will you continue to load? And mind you, it is not only trucks that are transporting food that they attacked.’’ Speaking further on the attacks on tanker drivers, Othman explained, “For the fuel that we load, sometimes when these trucks break down, you will see locals coming to open the tanks by force to scoop the fuel. “If a fire breaks out during such an instance, people will attribute it to fallen trucks, not knowing that it was the locals who forced the tanks open to scoop fuel.’’ “So, it is high time people realised that as much as we appreciate the situation of the country, they must know that two wrongs can’t make a right. There is the need to address these things holistically so that we get a lasting solution,” he stated. Read the full article
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reportafrique · 8 months
EFCC Arrests Ex-Minister's Brother in N8 Billion Probe
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The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has taken into custody Abubakar Ahmad Sirika, the younger sibling of Hadi Abubakar Sirika, the former Minister of Aviation. His apprehension on Sunday, February 4, 2024, is part of the ongoing probe into the Aviation Ministry's operations. Allegations against him stem from his involvement in contracts totaling N8 billion while his brother was in office. Despite being a civil servant, holding the position of deputy director at Level 16, he purportedly received contracts from the ministry. The charges leveled against him include conspiracy, abuse of office, diversion of public funds, contract inflation, criminal breach of trust, and money laundering, amounting to N8,069,176,864. The EFCC asserts that these contracts were awarded to a company named Engirios Nigeria Limited, owned by Sirika's younger brother. Notably, he is listed as the company's Managing Director/CEO and the sole signatory to its bank accounts at Zenith and Union banks. Sources within the EFCC revealed that the former minister allegedly granted these contracts despite knowing that his sibling held a position in the Federal Ministry of Water Resources since 2000. The first contract, awarded on August 18, 2022, involved the construction of a Terminal Building in Katsina Airport, priced at N1,345,586,500. Subsequently, on November 3, 2022, a contract worth N3.8 billion was given for the establishment of a Fire Truck Maintenance and Refurbishment Centre in Katsina Airport. The third contract, dated February 3, 2023, pertained to the procurement and installation of lifts, air conditioners, and a power generator’s house in Aviation House, Abuja, costing N615 million. Lastly, on May 5, 2023, a contract valued at N2.2 billion was awarded for the procurement of Magnus Aircraft and a simulator for the Nigerian College of Aviation Technology, Zaria. Despite these substantial sums, investigations have revealed no evidence of work being completed on any of the contracted items to date. Out of the total contract amount, N3.2 billion was reportedly disbursed to Engirios Nigerian Limited, which subsequently transferred the funds to various companies and individuals. Abubakar Sirika is currently in EFCC custody, where he is cooperating by providing additional information on the financial transactions within the Aviation ministry. The probe into these alleged irregularities underscores the government's commitment to combatting corruption and ensuring transparency in public service operations. As the investigation progresses, further revelations may shed light on the extent of malfeasance within the ministry and hold accountable those responsible for misappropriation of public funds. Read the full article
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rainsmediaradio · 9 months
Nigeria's Student Housing Market - Dr Kenny Odugbemi
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Nigeria's Student Housing Market The private sector’s push into Nigeria's student housing market is estimated at $250m Private developers will need to partner with Developmental partners to facilitate FDI to develop Student housing units a ready made need of over five thousand tertiary institutions covering Universities -States and Federal College of Medicine College of Technology Other tertiary institutions including Vocational schools Over the last few years, higher education institutions have switched their business models to lean ones to reduce their setup and operating costs. One of the strategies adopted is outsourcing various aspects of their operations, such as student housing, to third-party developers and operators. This has prompted investors to develop privately-owned student accommodation to bridge the gap between the increasing demand for student accommodation and what can be provided by higher education institutions. Africa’s top business people as they reveal value in building African students' housing capacity - Ideas: Potential business opportunities in Africa to explore. - Trends: How innovation, changing consumption patterns and other forces are impacting countries and industries in Africa. Special e of Eye on A.I. Federal government’s movement around AI ought to be at center stage, sparked by the Senate’s first listening session to inform how it might regulate emerging technology. So today ought to be catching up on what’s been happening around AI at the state and local levels, where we ought to be seeing executive orders, regulations, chatbot rollouts, and overall, a whole lot more in the way of action. Our President needs to sign an executive order establishing a new AI task force to inform how the state’s government could benefit from the technology. The task force must be charged with studying, evaluating, and developing policy and administrative recommendations for AI deployment and is due to report its findings by the end of this year. “The private sector must be finding ways to use Ai to increase efficiency,” “Potential exists for the government to use AI to root out inefficiencies and duplicate regulations, and it is an essential piece of developing a workforce that can compete on a global level.” Minister of telecomms and digital economy must establish new policies around how state agencies and departments procure, use, and train employees regarding generative AI technology. To mandate the State agencies and departments to create risk assessment reports regarding how generative AI could affect their work, the state’s energy usage, and the economy, as well as a report examining “the most significant and beneficial uses of GenAI in the state.” States must start to grapple with the usage of AI within government, The use of AI tools for government uses, respectively. is sarcocant The moves toward state-level AI regulation go far beyond government usage. Overall, 36 states must be incorporated AI regulations must be part of larger consumer privacy laws that either pass or will go into effect this year, according to the nonprofit Electronic Privacy Information Center, which recently published a report outlining how every state-level AI law must be proposed, passed, and go into effect. These laws must target a varied set of issues, addressing facial recognition, The use of AI for hiring, and the right to opt out of various automated decisions, among others. States must propose bills regulating generative AI in particular. When we get down to the local level, at the third point we must see generative traits AI must turn up as government tools in partnership to develop a generative AI-powered digital assistant for the city. Designed with the State’s and Abuja headquarters identity, tone of voice, and knowledge, it must be available in early 2024 to answer residents’ questions, such as about park facilities or the trash pick-up schedule. Conclusion Eye on AI, the digital assistant’s ability to easily provide information across multiple languages, is a big point of interest Generative AI presents an opportunity to connect with our entire population not only for access to city services but also in our digital literacy and workforce development efforts.” But with issues around bias, “hallucination,” and more still swirling around generative AI, there are some obvious concerns to adopting it for government use at this time. using ChatGPT for their initial development in the cloud Conclusion AI companies must focus on enterprise knowledge management, “critical” to combating multilayer issues as it relates to cybercrime related issues. Read the full article
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homeimprovement31311 · 10 months
How Many Blocks To Build A 2 Bedroom House
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The quantity of blocks required to construct a 2-bedroom residence can range broadly relying on numerous factors. The type of blocks being used and local building codes and regulations. Are you looking for the How Many Blocks To Build A 2 Bedroom House then you are in the right place of content.
In general you would need to calculate the total square footage. The walls that need to be built and then estimate how many blocks are required per square foot. Concrete blocks for example typically come in standard sizes. 
for more: How Many Blocks To Build A 2 Bedroom House
You would need to consider the thickness of the walls as well. To get a rough estimate. You can consult with a local contractor or use a construction estimator tool to help determine. The specific requirements for your project. It is important to consult with professionals. Who can provide accurate estimates based. The unique specifications of your 2-bedroom house.
How many blocks can build a 2 bedroom house?
Controlling the exact number of blocks needed to build a 2-bedroom house is a compound calculation that depends on several factors. These factors include the size and layout of the house. The thickness of the walls. The type and size of blocks being used. The local building codes and the design features of the house. Here is a more detailed breakdown of how to estimate the number of blocks required.
See More: How Many Blocks Can Build 4 Bedroom Duplex In Nigeria
House Size and Layout:
House size and layout refer to the physical dimensions and arrangement of rooms and spaces within a residential structure. It encompasses the overall square footage of the house. The variety and length of rooms.
The organization of living spaces. The architectural design. House size can vary significantly ranging from small cottages to large estates. While the layout dictates how the rooms are interconnected and their functional purposes. 
Elements of layout include the placement of bedrooms or bathrooms or kitchens and living rooms and any additional spaces like offices or laundry rooms or garages. The layout also considers factors like the flow of traffic through the house, accessibility and the overall design aesthetics.
An efficient and well-planned house size and layout are essential for creating a comfortable or functional and visually appealing living space that meets. The needs and preferences of its occupants.
Wall Thickness:
Wall thickness refers to the measurement of how thick a wall is in a building or structure. It is typically expressed in inches or millimeters and represents. The distance among the internal and outer surfaces of a wall.
Wall thickness is a critical factor in construction because. It directly affects the wall’s strength or stability and insulating properties. In building design and construction or different walls may have varying thicknesses based. 
Their intended purpose. As they primarily serve as partitions and do not bear significant structural loads. In contrast, exterior walls that provide structural support and protection against weather conditions are typically thicker. Commonly 6 to 8 inches or more to ensure adequate strength and insulation. 
The choice of wall thickness depends on various factors including building codes and regulations or climate conditions and architectural design and the type of materials used. Thicker walls can provide better thermal insulation and soundproofing. 
But may also increase construction costs and reduce interior space. Therefore determining the appropriate wall thickness is a crucial consideration. The planning and design of any construction project.
Type and Size of Blocks: 
Blocks come in various sizes and materials. Such as concrete blocks. Clay bricks or other construction materials. The size and type of blocks you choose will impact the calculations. Standard concrete blocks are often 8 inches by 8 inches by 16 inches.but there are variations. 
The type and size of blocks are essential considerations in construction. 
As they directly impact the structural integrity and aesthetics and insulation properties of the building. Builders and architects select blocks based on the project’s needs and local building codes to ensure. That the resulting structure is safe or functional and meets design specifications.
Local Building Codes: 
Local building codes and regulations may specify minimum requirements for wall thickness and structural integrity. You must comply with these codes and they may dictate the type of blocks and wall thickness required. 
Local building codes are essential for maintaining a safe and orderly environment Built environment within a community. They help protect the public, ensure the durability of structures, and maintain property values while considering local needs and conditions. Compliance with these codes is typically required for obtaining building permits and approvals for construction projects.
Design Features: 
Architectural features like windows, doors arches and corners will affect. The number of blocks needed. These features will require precise measurements and calculations to determine. The block count accurately. 
Design features play a crucial role in influencing. The functionality and aesthetics or usability and overall user experience of a product or environment. They are carefully considered and often iterated upon during. The design process to achieve specific goals and meet. The needs and preferences of users or stakeholders.
Waste and Overage: 
It’s advisable to account for waste and overage in your calculations. Some blocks may be damaged during transport or installation and you may need extra blocks for corrections or future repairs. 
Overage on the other hand, refers specifically. The surplus or excess amount of something beyond. What was planned or anticipated. It implies that more of a particular resource or quantity was acquired, produced or delivered. than what was initially needed or expected.
Waste refers to anything that is discarded and thrown away or considered unusable because. It no longer serves a useful purpose or is in what is required. Waste can come in many forms, including physical materials, time, energy or financial resources.
Professional Advice: 
Consult with a construction professional. Such as an architect or contractor to get accurate estimates for your specific project. They can provide you with detailed plans and material lists tailored to your house design. 
Professional advice is sought to ensure. Those decisions are well-informed and compliant with regulations and best practices and tailored to individual or organizational needs. It is typically provided through consultations and written reports or formal discussions and may come with associated fees.
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inih89 · 1 year
Luxury Real Estate in Nigeria
If you have been dreaming of a luxurious life why not invest in luxury real estate in Nigeria? These properties are typically set in beautiful landscapes and are equipped with the best amenities. What can you do to locate the most desirable properties in Nigeria? Here are some tips to help you select the best property that fits your tastes. Continue reading to find out more about the luxury real estate in Nigeria. Get ready to get amazed!
The first luxury property you can purchase in Nigeria is Orji Uzor's Camp Neya mansion, which costs N250 million. It is situated on Lagos Island and is decorated in white and gold. It was completed in 1998 and is ranked as the ninth-highest priced property in Nigeria. It has 400 rooms and was created by an entrepreneur in his early twenties. The cost of the property was also boosted by the huge demand for real estate with a luxury.
Apart from politicians, prominent Nigerians also own luxury real estate. In fact, Dino Melaye, the governor of Lagos has several high-end homes in the city. His brother Jude Okoye owns many expensive properties in Lagos. Bola Tinubu, a Nigerian senator, also owns an N1 billion home in Ikoyi. He is well-known for his extravagant properties and ranks among the top 10 most expensive homes in Nigeria.
In addition to Aliko's lavish residence in Abuja, there are several other wealthy Nigerians Luxury Real estate Nigeria. Mike Adenuga is the CEO of Globacom's mobile telephone network. He is one of the richest African men. His house has two living rooms, an office at home, as well as a conference room with a conference space. The house has hosted many powerful men from all over the world. It is also the most expensive residential building in Nigeria.
The Knight Frank Wealth Report closely tracks global wealth creation and real-estate investment trends. The report forecasts that there will be five million million new millionaires by 2021. Private equity is becoming more accessible than ever before, and the growing middle class will boost demand. However, the slowdown in the expansion of luxury properties is due to the national and global economies. Knight Frank predicts that prime properties will continue to rise in value. This will lead to an growing middle class.
A luxury property to buy in Nigeria is the best investment in this area. These properties are generally located in exclusive areas with luxurious homes. You can also rent luxury properties for weddings and corporate celebrations Luxury real estate Ikoyi. This type of business is much more cost-effective than other real estate companies and requires little or no maintenance. Moreover, customers are willing to pay for the best. However, you will need to locate the right property to meet your requirements.
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crimechannels · 1 year
By • Olalekan Fagbade Workers' Salary: I get frightened When I receive number of Workers on Payroll – President Tinubu President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has expressed concern about Nigeria’s bloated civil service payroll at the national and sub-national levels. The president bore his mind on Monday while speaking at a meeting in the State House, Abuja, with the Global Vice President of Oracle, Mr. Andres Garcia Arroyo. He told his guest that with cutting edge technology, the country would digitize the public service and surgically apply public money for growth. He said: “Each time they give me the payroll number, I get so frightened. Where am I going to get the capital to develop the infrastructure we desperately require if the payroll of 1% – 2% of the population is consuming all the revenue? I think we need a tight technological control that can check and balance all necessary control points of our transaction processes. I’m looking forward to working with Oracle because I have the belief and confidence that you can do it as you have in the past.” President Tinubu expressed his support for new partnerships with global technology companies to ensure that data from public institutions were accurate and transparent in providing templates on which proper public sector planning and accounting could occur across sectors. The president, who welcomed the company’s commitment to Nigeria’s civil service reform process and data management sector, stressed the need for greater knowledge transfer through the establishment of academies and training institutions in the country. Aiming to promote the ease of doing business, digital innovation, effective identity management, efficient payroll administration and qualitative citizen-centred service delivery, the President cited Oracle’s proven success in the automation of the Lagos State payroll system during his tenure as Governor and lauded the positive impact of technological solutions in enhancing accountability, and expediting timelines for service delivery without sacrificing quality in the process. “I have tested Oracle and it has worked for our success. In Lagos State, what we did in effective collaboration with you, has been copied across the states of the Federation. We can only build our institutions with accurate data and cutting edge data management capabilities that are reliable and effective. We can only rely upon our human resources for excellent service delivery to Nigerians, if they are well trained and ready to learn. “The transfer of knowledge is essential for our nation and the continent. In this government, we believe that the only way to build our country is a bottom-up-approach and from one single sheet of paper, we can create an end-to-end solution for public administration that will rid our service of its worst tendencies in favor of effectiveness and reliability,” the President declared. In his remarks, the Global Vice President of Oracle proposed a comprehensive digital transformation of work process at the federal level of administration, in order to achieve greater macro-economic visibility; streamline government processes for cost and time savings; and to provide the desired skills development opportunities for Nigerians. “You have shown tremendous practical leadership throughout your career, Mr. President. We have partnered with you and we know how determined you are to achieve all that you set out to achieve. This is why we are offering Nigeria a free national diagnostic of the present situation in the public service with a view to dimensioning across sectors the scale of solution required. We look forward to partnering with you again,” the Oracle VP concluded. #IgetfrightenedWhenIreceivenumberofWorkersonPayrollPresidentTinubu
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coochiequeens · 1 year
More than one million employees of Amazon will now have access to a variety of family-building benefits after the e-commerce giant expanded the perks to staff around the world.
Employees will have free virtual access to board-certified OB-GYNs, reproductive endocrinologists (fertility doctors), coaches, and other care providers to support fertility.
They will also receive support for preconception, egg freezing, intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization, adoption, and surrogacy.
"Our benefits are designed to care for all our employees' needs, and that means ensuring they have the resources they need to live their best lives, regardless of their personal circumstances," said Lian Neeman, global director of benefits at Amazon, in a media release.
Who is eligible for the benefits?
Eligible employees include full time, part time, and hourly, as well as their partners, from 50 countries around the world including:
Asia-Pacific: Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam
Europe: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Serbia, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru
Middle East and Africa: Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, United Arab Emirates
The benefits will be provided through Maven Clinic, with its care advocates to guide Amazon employees in family building and providing referrals to high-quality clinics and agencies.
"Maven is an employee-friendly benefit that takes the guesswork out of the family-building process, which can often be confusing and overwhelming," Neeman said. "Maven's approach to fertility and family-building supports our employees around the world and is tailored to each person."
Kate Ryder, founder and CEO of Maven Clinic, said they are delighted to support Amazon employees around the world in planning and growing their families.
"There are too many barriers to care in healthcare systems that were not built around the needs of women and families, and Amazon is cutting through that complexity by making it exceptionally easy for their employees to access high-quality, personalized care in their own language at any hour of the day or night," Ryder said in a media release.
Amazon's family-building benefits started in the United States in 2019 before they were expanded early this year to Canada.
The e-commerce giant now joins other organisations such as Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan that are extending fertility benefits to employees.
🤨 I know an Amazon worker who was injured on the job, a head injury. Instead of sending him home to see an outside doctor they had him see their in house doctor. He was declared fine but days later he still hasheadaches. The same company is going to give fertility benefits?
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Shouldn't a health care site list their health benefits first then talk about their cost effectiveness?
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