#cosmic’s word vom
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c0smiccl0wn · 9 months ago
unpopular opinion but i think we should separate characters from the people who voice them.
if you like a character and their va turns out to be a bad person, it doesn’t make you bad for enjoying the character
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angelsdean · 3 months ago
wait what did jared and jensen say at dencon 2021? i wasn’t on tumblr then and even now i can’t always keep up with everything 🫠
There was a Destiel question which i believe was directed at JUST Jensen abt how meaningful the confession was to the fan and seeing that representation. I forget the specifics of the actual question, but then Jared just started responding before Jensen could say anything. And it was just pure word vomiting abt how spn was abt more than sexuality and I believe he compared Cas saying i love you to Jared telling his children he loves them ??? and you could tell the whole time Jensen was like. going into a panic of "oh shit i need to stop this man from speaking" like you could literally see it on his face. And then Jensen finally got to cut in and he was stumbling over his words and saying how cas's love for dean went BEYOND the romantic (which imo encompasses the romantic AND MORE) and saying that since Cas is a cosmic being his love basically isn't confined by what humans can comprehend and can't be easily defined in human terms, that it "superseded" human concepts of sexual and romantic love (which again to me reads at it is even MORE than just those things).
And then some fans took this to mean that he was trying to "ungay" it or minimize Cas's love for Dean by saying it's cosmic and beyond human comprehension. Like to me what he was saying is that Cas's love is SO great that there just aren't words in human language to properly define that love!!! Yet somehow because it came after Jared's word vomit, Jensen's response got lumped in with that.
Also Jensen used the term "open to interpretation" during that response when he's framing what HIS interpretation is, and this fandom honestly has a horrible knee-jerk reaction to that phrase and automatically thinks it's negative or invalidating when literally it's a GOOD THING for media to be open to interpretation. As someone who literally got their degree in literature one of the first things you learn is that....all media is open to interpretation. And it just comes down to how well you can argue / support your interpretation with canon. And the thing about media being open to interpretation is....it means YOUR interpretation is valid too. Jensen saying this was not him saying "Castiel's for dean love is debatable" it was more "Castiel's love can mean whatever you want it to." That absolutely validates destiel. And it's a very positive statement imo, especially followed by him saying he thinks Cas's love supersedes all known language we have to describe love. Like hello???
Also the sheer hypocrisy of people acting like this was a "hashtag offensive destiel invalidating moment" to say this when I cannot count the amount of times I've seen fellow destiel shippers describe Cas's love for Dean and vice versa as akin to WORSHIP and describe their profound bond and their cosmic narrative defying love as this great powerful force. Of course that kind of love is going to go beyond human language!!! That's so fucking romantic wtf. And the fact that he said all this in front of a predominantly JayTwo / w*ncest audience ??? HUGE. And I'll always be a little salty abt people throwing Jensen under the bus after that con and making a whole big stink about his response. EYE think it was fine, given the circumstances. Great, even. Which is unfortch an unpop opinion in some destiel circles lol.
Anyways this got so long but here's a link to a gifset of his response. I can't find Jared's word vom bc i think we all just chose to delete it from our minds lol.
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writer59january13 · 2 years ago
Inevitable death defines afterlife
I mull mortality
thru lens crafted occipital orbs regarding a better future
experience sing a space oddity –
whar incessant yaks exuding a big hurt
emanate as cosmic atomic
bipedal hominids replete roof lee wax during a foggy day in London town
despite current requisite vacs
in nation, with no win intent to tax earning income sans
new career in a new town
sacred gaia,
boot merely regale bing alive -
till death rattle racks breaking rocks
on a small plot of land –
named abdulmajid
this hue man vesicle
honking duck dine hasty billed quacks trumpeting as absolute beginners
hoe ping toot trumpet
sum dimming sense n sensibility cashed; screaming across the universe
gnome matter whirled wide web
tattered like worn school packs scattering fractal moonbeams
african night flight
scouring virtual briny deep
satiating hunger after all
sans respite from stressors 2-tha max ending after today at al alba
finds me caught up
in global game of thrones listening as dueling banjos
play alabama song
cosmic forces play bingo or jax keeping aladdin sane
while mortals on earth join
fine null scene grim reaper as final acts.
This then bryn mawr clowning bozo
belting out algeria touchshriek anthem
haint no wah shaky spear butta rip peats living virtuous like all saints moss lee same old epithet via matt speak, comprehending all the madmen
which maxim (or similar facsimile thereof) generating kickstarting optimism
among all the young dudes
attributed to bard of avon on stratford;
reaching renown when almost grown
e.g. rose by any other name.... embalming owed grecian formula lovers
always crashing in the same car
much ado about nothing amazing amlapura and amsterdam
couched in binary granules viz badinage, interlocking rem cycles
during an occasional dream
literary espionage donned
as persnickety persiflage, quite lame
convincing brilliance
to whit, and I say to myself eventually...all's well
that ends well sans this game reveling like any Warhol –
tripping anyway, anyhow, anywhere
of thrones - n this yahoo
pledges allegiance n fealty during the post world war two art decade
within parameters of cyberspace
cuz crest o kinship I aim.
Ike kin only imagine dragons
drooling n eyes glazed o’er bleacher blitzing the madding crowd
as the world falls down
than lovely bones re:
unique scrunched facial feature burning down the house ashes to ashes
twisted countenances wrought
by this motley fool sought after baying plaintively baal’s hymn
(der choral vom groben baal)
by men in white coats attired
as paparazzi equating lecher rocking cradling baby –
envisioning baby can dance
us content; misconstruing
sensitive uber up lyft ting preacher entrusting me - baby it can’t fall cooing baby grace (a horrid cassette)
a generic garden-variety homo sapiens doting with radiance
as baby loves that way
special to self n family
as a funny sunny teacher.
Credo i.e. to confront
fear of flying as netizen, pinging pacifying patty cakes,
which iz baby universal
pardon jeffersonian airplane droning
twittering like n angry bird shrieking that the referee backed a loser
echoing sagacious life lessons whey curd ballad of the adventurers
(die ballade von den abenteureren)
congeals shape shifting simian
with pliant plinth gird trebling melodic scaffold fueled band intro
shorn in various n sundry
couture hair re: styled swiftly tailored flying needles clattering with a bang bang
harried styled uniform
far from versace clothier - prices absurd holding wrongly incarcerated
behind bars of the county jail
boot issued from
rosy gun metallica sound heard describing the battle
for britain (the letter)
evanescence of beauty -
these words written by aging nerd hoping for thee to be my wife
from mine kempf noggin
each n every nine inch nail size word.
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c0smiccl0wn · 1 year ago
love u too <3
I hope my fellow The Magnus Archives likers who follow me know that I love them dearly
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writingsfromhome · 5 years ago
Request: Can you do another cone song? Maybe lookalike or maniac? [Can you do it like harry dates a lookalike of you?]
A/N: I know this is way later than I said, I honestly wrote four version of this and deleted them before settling on this one and it’s still not the best. I’m just posting it so I can move on to my other ideas. I hope you enjoy it anyway! Soz it ends kinda on a cliffhanger, I didn’t want to make it super long. It already feels really long.
It was a humid summer evening, not the kind of evening you wanted to step out in. But here I was, in line with my best friend Jules who’d somehow gotten word of this pop-up club that was recently getting more popular with social media. The location would be dropped in code somewhere online for a limited time and then the rest was just word of mouth. Jules worked as a makeup artist so she usually knew what the “in crowd” was doing. This time, she knew where the club was going to be.
Myself, I was just a recent masters-graduate with low job prospects and big time loans. Always tired, single, and at the moment, very, very sweaty. The humidity was really damaging the effort I’d put in for this night out.
“Do you think we’ll spot Ed Sheeran?” Jules asks, her one true desire. “Then I can finally tell him how much he means to me.”
“Don’t know if this is Ed’s scene,” I tease her. “He seems more like a laid-back pub sort of guy.”
“You’re so right,” she still peers around us. “You hoping to see any celebs here? This one’s the biggest so far I’ve heard.”
His face pops into my head but I slam my guard down. “I’ll be lucky just to find a cute guy.”
“Two of you?” The bouncer asks Jules as we make our way to the front-she looked twelve, and we finally head inside. We’d stepped into a storybook.
Vines and tiny lights covered the ceiling and floors, rays of green and pink lights flash around us and the ground was littered with flower petals.
“Oh my god the seats are trees,” Jules whispers in my ear. This was insane.
“They probably have themed drinks,” I grab Jules’ hand and pull her to where I see the bar. We loved a good themed drink.
“This is amazing,” Jules shouts. “I think I just saw Adele!”
On a second look, we decide it was Adele’s doppleganger but we’re soon preoccupied by drinks. I order a Cosmic Boom and take another look around the open space. It was getting pretty full, people dancing but a lot of people hanging about talking.
Jules and I take our drinks to the dancefloor and enjoy ourselves. This was new all over-enjoying myself. I’d spent the last five months working hard at school, job searching, and then a bit of travel. But I was so busy convincing myself that if I worked hard enough I’d forget about the awful year I’d had. Would forget about Harry and the way he left me.
Nobody would believe it, but Harry Styles was my boyfriend for a solid year. We’d met when I was visiting Jules on set of some talk show. He’d been there, after his interview, and mistakened me for backstage crew. He asked me to show him where his room was. He’d been so embarassed when I told him I didn’t work there, but I volunteered to help him find it anyway. I was just killing time ‘til Jules was done.
We had gotten lost and ended up in this storage space where it was clear stage props were stored. We’d found half a car-cut clear through the middle and ended up sitting inside and talking. It was weird, just an hour before that, Harry Styles was this iconic and unattainable person who lived in the fantasy part of my brain. Sitting in the semi-dark with him, in a half-car, and being only a foot away, he was just another person. A regular bloke who was gorgeous, talking to me about his recent mother’s day disaster while I laughed and told him about something similar that had happened when I was a child.
It was quite silly to think we were going to leave that room the same way we walked into it.
He’d leaned in once quiet had settled down around us, both of us just watching the other, afraid that speaking would ruin the moment. His finger had ghosted my face, hesitating, asking me without really asking me. I’d leaned in the rest of the way to tell him it was okay. That’s when I knew I was a goner.
He was gentle with me, but also entirely self assured, leading the way. I couldn’t keep track of his lips or his hands but every part of my body was alive and I lived entirely in the moment for him.
He’d called me later that night asking if I wanted to have dinner at his place. We knew we had something good going. So we kept at it.
Until five months ago.
“Y/N?” Jules says in my ear. I snap out of my memories and look to where she’s pointing. And then back to her ecstatic face. There, sitting near the DJ was actually Ed Sheeran.
“Jules,” I say, lost for words. We had to do this now. We had to approach him, now or never.
“I can’t,” she says close to me. “I’m going to vom right now.”
“Come on!” I grab her and try to move her stiff body one step at a time until we’re only a couple feet away. That’s when the group he’s talking to shifts and I see Harry. Harry with a girl on his arm. My Harry.
“What’s wrong?” Jules halts as my own body goes rigid. “Don’t tell me you’ve got nerves now...oh hey isn’t that Harry?”
“Yeah...” my mouth was dry and I couldn’t believe it. He was here, I really didn’t think I’d see him ever again.
“I need to talk to you,” Harry says as I pour my morning coffee. It was the first week of my final semester so I was actually in a good mood, optimistic before all the deadlines hit. I never saw it coming.
“What’s up?” i was so innocent, drinking my coffee with no idea what else was brewing.
He takes the coffee cup from my hands and puts it down, gathering my hands in his. I notice his hands are slightly clammy, that was the first red flag.
“What’s wrong?” I ask again, the anxiety spiking up.
“No-nothing. I was just thinking about how I have to on tour for the next year. You’ve still got school to finish and a great big career ahead of you. I feel like I’m just going to hold you back and I-“
“That’s silly,” I interrupt. “You’d never...”
“I might. I’ll have tour and you’ll have school-“
“Hold on. Are you just trying to say...is it you who’ll hold me back or me who’s going to hold you back?” I asked, confused. How would Harry ever hold me back? I offered to go on legs of his tour with him when I could. I could do my work on the road. Nobody was going to hold anybody back
Harry opens his mouth to explain but I don’t let him get a word in. How dare he try to twist the situation. He should just say what he felt!
“Is that really it? I’m just a regular girl-next-door who’s run out of her luck with the famous superstar? She could never understand your fame, you could never want her in the public’s eye? Is that it? You’re too good for me? You can’t even think about going public with our rel-“
“Trust me you don’t want tha-“
“Don’t tell me what I want!” The coffee had curdled in my stomach and I felt like dry-heaving but I hold it together. I was so in love with this man, to think about living without him was painful beyond comprehension. But all he saw me as was deadweight. The realisation is crushing. “Just leave Harry. Just bloody leave then, I don’t want to see you! After all we had together I’m just deadweight to you? I’m going to hold you back? And yoy can’t eve be a man and say what you really want!”
He’d ruffled his hair, given some explanation, tried to tell me he loved me but I was somewhere else. My life felt like it was falling apart, and I had a lab to teach in a few hours. He was so bloody selfish. I decided I hated him.
“-show him who cares. Go right up and pretend you don’t even know who he is...” I wasn’t sure how long Jules was talking but she was right. I didn’t care about him. This was my night out.
Jules walks ahead and uses her charm to wriggle her way into the small conversation, inserting me right beside her. She knew the business, taking her time to talk to Ed Sheeran so as not to overwhelm him. In the meantime, my eyes catch Harry’s, and it’s like a movie line. Time slows down, I hear the breath I take and see the surprise register on his face. But I let my eyes skim past his, he meant nothing to me. Instead, they land on his girlfriend and that’s where I fight to hide the surprise.
There’s these photos I see online sometimes, you take a picture and draw it in your own style. His new girlfriend was kind of like that. She looked just like me, except slightly off. More like how I looked last year. Since then, I’d grown out my hair and let its natural colour grow in. But I nudge Jules and use my hair as a curtain, trying to tell her to look. She speaks my language so she sees right away and her eyes widen. She mouths oh my god.
I watch from the corner of my eye while pretending to be engaged by Jules introducing what she does to Ed Sheeran. Harry says something to his girl and she laughs. Jesus, even her smile was reminiscent of mine. I try not to stare, using my drink as a distraction but some small part of me-most of me is upset-but a small part of me feels like I’d won. Harry had told me I wasn’t good enough for him, and then gone out to find someone who looked just like me. That gives me the confidence I need to finally look him in the eye. It’s like he was tracking my moves because he looks at me too. He smiles and I just raise my eyebrows.
“Y/N,” he says in that deep silky voice of his. It carries across despite the noise. My heart squeezes.
“Harry,” I say. I let my eyes slide to his girlfriend and she raises a hand.
“Hi, I’m Katy.”
“Hi,” I smile, she’d done nothing wrong except look like me I guess. She looks up at Harry, waiting for him to introduce us. Ugh.
“And this is Y/N, she’s my best friend but she always says she never understands my absolute obsession with your music.” Jules from the right of me catches my attention. She was introducing me to Ed Sheeran-and exposing me.
“Okay. Ouch.” I give her a look which makes her laugh and shake Ed’s hand. Oh my god. “I’m definitely a fan, just not as big as Jules.”
“She’s more of an indie rock girl,” Harry’s deep voice comes from behind me and I’m surprised to find him standing right behind me.
Jules raises her eyebrow at him, glances at me while Harry and Ed talk before interjecting and resuming her conversation.
“I’d say I’m more of a pop girl.” I turn to Harry. I look for his girlfriend but she’d disappeared.
“But that’s not your guilty pleasure,” Harry says and I avoid the tingle in my stomach as he says it. “And Kat’s gone off with her friend, they saw Adele they want to get a picture.” I don’t bother to say it wasn’t Adele. “How’s it going with you?”
He has to lean in close to be heard and I find myself drawing closer to his orbit. I had to be careful here. I remind myself that I hated him.
“Same old,” I say. “I’ve graduated, now looking for full time work. Travelled a bit too.”
“You finally see those tourist traps you wanted to?”
I forgot how intimately Harry knew me, I wanted to forget how much history we shared. But it’s so painfully obvious now that that would be impossible. Even holding onto my hate was proving slippery.
“The Great Pyramids were better than the Eiffel Tower,” I reference an old conversation we’d had. “So I was right.”
This makes Harry laugh and the club narrows down to just us as he steps to the side with me to a quieter area.
We stand in silence for a moment, just watching each other, memorizing the details about each that time had blurred. Like the laugh lines around his eyes, or the depth to his eyes. It feels like he’s cheating with me, with how fiery and focused his gaze is on me. The unspoken words in his eyes.
“Harry I-“ I raise my hand to tell him I should go, I didn’t want anything to happen we would regret. But he takes my hand and puts it to his warm chest. The words leave my mouth as I look at him again. Really look at him. From afar he looked like he was doing better than he ever was but up close I notice the tired bags and the lost look in his eyes. It was the same one I saw in my own after we’d broken up.
This was ridiculous, I tell myself. He left me, I shouldn’t feel bad for him. I’d won. But I want to ask him about Katy, when he looked in her eyes, did he think of mine? And when he looked at her smile, did I cross his mind? I already knew that he saw me instead ‘cause she looks a lot like I did back then. I wanted to ask him and tell him not to lie.
“How are you doing?” I finally break and ask even though I want to ask, is she just a lookalike?
He looks away, his hand letting go of mine. His fake smile is back on his face as he performs for me once again. “Not too bad. I’ve got a break from tour right now so just layin’ low.”
I look around and point to the club around us. “Laying low?”
“Yeah,” Harry laughs at being caught. “My girlf-Katy-she really wanted to come out to one of these with her girlfriends. She convinced me to come along.”
I didn’t know what to say to that so I just smile. My phone buzzed and I see a text from Jules. I look for her in the crowd and she’s staring at me with a raised eyebrow. I give her the everything is okay smile and she looks relieved.
“Jules is overprotective as usual,” Harry notices. What did he expect, I think, when he’s the selfish arse who broke my heart. The small flame of anger reignites as I watch Jules smile at me with caring eyes.
“She just wanted me to hook up with a cute guy tonight,” I say to Harry. “Spending it with my ex kind of kills the vibe.”
There, I’d addressed the elephant in the room. And just as I suspected, Harry gets uncomfortable.
“So I take it you’ve not got a boyfriend?”
“Nope,” I cross my arms. “Was busy travelling...” and feeling depressed at home I don’t add.
“Right,” Harry straightens up. “Well don’t let me keep you Y/N. Sorry to...”
I look up at him, his pause. His apology seems to be about something bigger than keeping me from the rest of the club. But I don’t mention it. I don’t push it. Yes, I wanted to stay here in this corner of the club with him but I don’t want to make it a big deal. I give him a squeeze on the arm to tell him it was alright. He paints a smile on and I walk away even though I want to just stay.
I walk to Jules, tell her I’d get another drink for us. At the bar, waiting for our drinks, I notice Harry with Katy again, they’re dancing with her friends, she laughs, he pulls her closer.
That was us not long ago, before that morning chat. God. I really did hope, in his head, he saw me instead. Cause...he’d been in mine every day since then. I admit it, some nights, no almost every night...I still though about him. I tried to hide it, I did an amazing job at hiding it, but I couldn’t erase him from my mind. The thought almost makes me laugh as I get my drinks...maybe I just needed to find a lookalike.
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endlich-allein · 5 years ago
Der Meister, Du Reicht So Gut, Küss Mich, Dalai Lama, Moskau, Ein Lied, B********, Diamant et Weit Weg please ? 😚 (il est tellement cool ce tag eheh)
Merci pour tes questions ❤️ tu t’es lâchée 😄
Der Meister : What are your beliefs ?
I deeply believe in Humanity, there is good in each of us and we are capable of the best (I know, with all that we see, it is terribly naive and utopian). I also believe in something that Buddhists call Karman (or Karma). There are two meanings to this word : a cosmic sense expressing the chain of causes and effects which guarantees the order of the universe ; and an ethical sense, the actions of humans are inevitably linked to their consequences and these lead to situations for which the perpetrators were responsible, in this life or in previous lives. “Humans are heirs of their deeds, says the Buddha… What we intend to do and what we plan and what we care about is what conscience is based on to establish…”
Du Reicht so gut : Tell an interesting fact
Roses are red. Violets are blue. Sugar is sweet. And so is Till Lindemann.
Küss mich : Something you can’t tolerate
There are so many things that I do not tolerate, that I become intolerant of it, since the definition of tolerance is the capacity to allow what we disapprove of. Obscurantism, cruelty to animals, betrayals, indifference, injustices, hatred, violences, climate change, etc
Dalai Lama : Your favorite fairytale
One of my favorite tales is Le Conte du Genévrier (de : Vom Machandelbaum ; en : The Juniper Tree) by the Brothers Grimm. This story is horrible, like most fairytailes, but it is so rich in symbols, in metaphors, there is light under the dark and terrible words and that's what is beautiful in fairy tales !!
Moskau : If you met a member of Rammstein, what would you do ?
I already met the members of Rammstein in 2012. An express meeting, at the end of a live. First of all if I were to meet a member of Rammstein, it would be Till (oh surprise!). It’s not my kind to be hysterical, I am a cold-blooded animal, not the type of person to release my emotions. I think, I’ll just talk to him, like an old friend. I’ll ask him if he is well, if he is happy at the moment. I’ll ask him if he has new projects, with Rammstein or with Peter T. I’ll ask him if I can take a photo with him, a photo that is not blurry like that of 2012. And finally, I’ll tell him how much he means to me, and how much I admire him for what he does and for what he is.
Ein Lied : Someone you idolize and why
With my mother (who is courageous, generous, strong), the person I most admire is Till Lindemann. I admire the artist as much as the man. I love the depth of his soul that we perceive in the lyrics of his poems and songs, the profusion of emotions that jostle in his eyes, his curiosity about life which is reflected in his many talents (singing, writing, playing multiple instruments, drawing, etc), his social awkwardness that makes him so touching and that I fully understand, his “bear” side, imposing physically, sometimes unpredictable but soft, protective and reassuring for those he loves, his “man of the woods” side who hunt , fish and spend the night under the stars, his voice, what he brings to the band, to the fans. He has had so much lifes and he has lived so many good and bad things. He suffered and even if we sometimes see the pain in his eyes and the scars on his body, he always stood and I envy this inner strength. All his personality even his faults, his womanizer side, his changing mood. I don't pretend to know him, I don't know him. But I have the impression that I can count on him and his songs in all the moments of my life, from the most joyful to the most painful. For 20 years now he has been present in my life, through his songs, with the other members of Rammstein and it is as if he had become my friend, a friend that I do not see often but that I am always happy to find again.
B******** : Your favorite personal item
My favorite item is a pair of headphones. It is thanks to this object that I enter morning and evening in my enchanted world made of music and dreams.
Diamant : Weirdest thing about you
I am unable to say three words to someone I know little or nothing, however I am able to talk to myself or my cat for hours.
Weit Weg : Something you’re proud of
I am very proud to know by heart all the replicas of Chandler in the first three seasons of Friends !
Encore merci pour les questions 😗
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diodmannen · 6 years ago
Happy (belated) birthday, Blixa!
ETA: I meant to post this video on the 12th, which was Blixa Bargeld’s 60th birthday, but managed to mistype the date in the scheduling field. I only just found it in the queue, scheduled to be posted on Jan 2, which was already in the past when I wrote the post. Sorry for the cockup.
Während nur eines Zungenschlags gibt es Urknall und Wärmetod vom roten Riesen bis zum weissen Zwerg die ganze Skala Mir fallen kosmische Dimensionen aus dem Mund in der Beschreibung eines Kusses der Interimsliebenden
der Interimsliebenden im Interim
Zwischen Mikrophon und Makrokosmos zwischen Chaos und ohne Ziel zwischen Plankton und Philosophie zwischen Semtex und Utopie
gibt es sie die Interimsliebenden
In ihrem gemeinsamen Mund lebt ein Kolibri Mit jedem seiner Flügelschläge dafür das Auge viel zu träge Kulturen erblühen und vergehen ganze Kontinente untergehen Hier gibt es keine harmlosen Worte alle viel zu gross und das einfachste Beispiel explodiert in 10ˆ14 für die Interimsliebenden
die Interimsliebenden im Interim
Zwischen Zahnschmerz und Nelkenöl zwischen Genesis und sixsixsix zwischen c" und Vitamin C zwischen ultramarin und maritim
sind Interimsliebende intim die Interimsliebenden im INTERIM
Während nur eines Augenaufschlags
haben sie geputscht die Regierung gestürzt Parlament aufgelöst haben Wahlen abgehalten das Ergebnis annulliert haben Wahlen wiederholt sind letztendlich exiliert von Geschichte ausradiert Ich stapfe durch den Dreck bedeutender Metaphern Meta, Meta, Meta für Meter mit Gesten viel zu breit für die Interimsliebenden
die Interimsliebenden sind Liebende im Interim
Zwischen temporär und Tempura zwischen Seil- und Säbeltanz zwischendurch und auf dem Meeresboden zwischen Semtex und Utopie liegen sie sich in den Armen
verschlingen aus Durst das letzte bisschen Licht Es gibt sie gestern nicht mehr und morgen noch nicht die Liebenden die Interimsliebenden Es gibt sie gestern nicht mehr und morgen noch nicht nicht wirklich die Interimsliebenden Es gibt sie gestern nicht mehr und morgen noch nicht
In the space of just one slipped beat of the tongue there is big bang and total entropy from red giants to white dwarfs the whole scale of cosmic dimensions are falling out of my mouth in the description of a kiss of the interimlovers
of the interimlovers in the interim
between microphone and macrocosm between chaos and on no course between plankton and philosophia between semtex an utopia
there they are the interimlovers
in their communal mouth lives a colibri with each humming beat of its wings too swift for the eye to see cultures flourish and perish whole continents vanish here are no harmless words all by far too large an example most simple explodes in 10^14 for the interimlovers
the interimlovers in the interim
between toothache and oil of cloves between genesis and sixsixsix between c" and vitamin c between ultramarine and navy frigate
the interimlovers are intimate the interimlovers in the INTERIM
in the course of just one winking beat of an eye they have putsched the government was felled parliament dissolved elections held results annulled new elections called then finally exiled in history reviled I wade through the filth of mighty metaphors meta, meta, meta by metre with gestures far too wide for the interimlovers
the interimlovers are lovers in the interim
between temporary and tempura between rope and sword dance between times and on the sea floor between semtex and utopia they lay in each others arms
thirstily devour that last little drop of light they are not there yesterday and tomorrow not yet the lovers the interimlovers they are not there yesterday and tomorrow not yet not really the interimlovers they are not there yesterday and tomorrow not yet]
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stephaniebrittnacher · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
Ein Bild von Chemnitz! Ich zeichne Häuser und Menschen in unserer Stadt nun schon eine Weile – vom Skizzenbuch zum Kinderbuch zu Visionen für Alltag und Highlights. Dies hier ist ein Bild (Auftragsarbeit), das in Vorbereitung für den @kosmoschemnitz entstand. Chemnitz in ein paarJahren? Mit mehr Raum für Rad, Gespräch und Lichtanlagen. Auf den Dächern Party, Solar und grün (hier blau, dem CI geschuldet :P #noafd). . . In other words: A visualization of the city you head about – Chemnitz. We’re dealing with visions and concepts for our social life. This is a commissioned work for a new festival concept @kosmoschemnitz. . . #sketch #draw #drawing #digitaldrawing #illustration #illo #illustratorsoninstagram #stephaniebrittnacher #procreate #peopledrawing #comic #linedrawing #blue #colourtheme #cosmic #kosmoschemnitz #chemnitz #roterturmchemnitz #opendiscussion #society #festival #streetlife #bicycle (hier: Chemnitz, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzNBBn1I-t1/?igshid=zjpudyjpxgkw
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c0smiccl0wn · 2 years ago
i love the fact that after the fnaf trailer dropped, everyone just agreed that bonnie and freddy were high as hell
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cnox · 6 years ago
Rowen for Distant Mirror Zine #1.* ROWEN is a project between Cristahel and Cantrith Knox. They play a subgenre of the dark ambient / dungeon synth movement they call Mythical Electronic. They have years of experience and also operate Hollow Myths in New England. I thank them for their contribution to the first issue of Distant Mirror. First, Rowen is a collaborative effort between Canrith and Cristahel Knox - do you have specialties which you like to focus on when creating (someone runs the drums and arrangement, someone finds the melodies)?
Eve, Thanx for the interview. We both play synths, drum machines and write together.  As of now, when playing live, Criss handles the synths, vocal whisperings and I play the electronic drums. Along with our visuals, fog and lighting. We are introducing more vocals on some new songs. In the studio, we also add our field recordings and percussion as part of composing. We sit and mix each song side by side.    
Tell us about your musical histories before forming Rowen, because its somewhat obvious you both have experience which maybe led to the result of what Rowen is on "Ashen Spirit"!
Both of us have electronic music in our past. Cristahel with Minimal Synth and I with Darkbeat. One of the first ideas we had for Rowen was to start all over. As part of the experiment, finding ourselves and each other through making music anew. See and hear our music become it's own entity. We started developing the concept in '14, in '16 we began recording and had our first release in '18. We set out with a clear vision of what we want to do with Rowen.
Also tell us how you discovered music and what your first true love in music was... How did you come to find music that would lead you to this underworld of music culture?
Canrith: I discovered music on a radio at age 3. First, second and third grade, I would stay up nights crashing on Ritalin (due to being diagnosed as Hyperactive) watching the first ever music videos on a UHF channel in Colorado called FMTV which predated MTV by a year or two. Laurie Anderson - O Superman, Kraftwerk, Barnes & Barnes - Fish Heads videos all had a great impact on me as a kid. During that time, late 70's - early 80's, I was hooked on the music and image of both Kiss and Devo. One of the first albums I owned was AC/DC - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap on cassette that I purchased at K-Mart. Summer '81 NYC, I saw the first video air on MTV. Later, watching another UHF channel out of Boston called V66. Heavy Metal led me to the Black Metal and the dark electronic music underground. Dark Ambient and Dark Dungeon Music have always been a particular interest of mine. Mail order distro tapes and free box extras in orders started my collection as far back as the mid 90's. In the late 90's, I got really into BM, then obsessed in '03 onward, as many UGBM labels and distros were rising on the web. We are also into Minimal, Martial, Electro, Techno, New Beat, Cosmic, Italo, 8-bit, Video Game, Soundtrack, Old School Dungeon Synth, Winter Synth and so on...
Cristahel: My first exposure to music as a child was through my grandfather, who began teaching me to play classical piano by ear at the age of four. We would sit for countless hours at his black upright Steinway as he would play Chopin, Bach, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky etc. a few measures at a time for me to memorize and string together until I had the whole piece memorized. His love and enthusiasm for music, and the time he took to develop that in me, is something I will always be grateful for. Also my cousin Sue was a few years older than me and was like some kind of magical mixtape faerie, forever bestowing masterfully crafted gems upon me filled with things like Lush, Kate Bush, Cocteau Twins, and Mazzy Star that served to mold/blow my little mind.  
By my late teens it was the late 90's/early 2000's and I was immersed in a maelstrom of kraut/prog, electro, early new wave and electronic/industrial, shoe gaze. I was fortunate at the time to have a lot of friends with varied tastes and massive record collections they wanted to share with me, because back then there was like, only Napster to try and download music off this nebulous internet thing they had just invented.  
I spent a lot of time not doing my homework and dancing around my room on speed and/or klonopins listening to things like Tangerine Dream, Cluster, Miss Kittin & The Hacker, Dopplereffekt, Chris and Cosey, SPK, early Human League, Slowdive, Clan of Xymox... all of which in their own ways began to inform the atmosphere of the music I create now, warped and haunted meandering electronic melodies, analog synths, string machines and rhythm boxes, pounding 303s and 808s, tape echoes, analog delays, layered sounds lost in chasms of reverb...
I moved to NY and started making music, playing shows and djing a bit (mostly playing gabber techno synth new age sets at London squat parties to kids who wanted to hear nu rave), getting into minimal synth, and beginning my love affair with collecting and recording with analog equipment.
Of course now anything you want is available immediately online, compared to how the 80’s and 90’s crowd discovered music. I’ve asked the other artists a similar question - how do you feel about the loss of mystery these days and what will happen in the future to return to that?
I feel the ability for creating mystique is greater now thanx to the internet. Almost anyone can record some music, upload it to bandcamp, make artwork, physical releases, open an online shop, start a label, etc..   If one is good at what they do, be it a hidden persona or being a face, presenting a strong sound, image and aesthetic, either way, when done right, it works. In some ways even mystery can be a gimmick.
You both are lucky to have grown up in the best time period for music. But what about movies and books people should check out?  
I collect children's books, read a mess of olde and new Black Metal zines, Books about Black and Death Metal. Sexy comics about Vampiress and Faeries. Presently reading The Devil's Cradle, a hard back about The Story of Finnish Black Metal. It was a gift from Criss. Everyone should read Lords of Chaos '98 (then '03) and Lucifer Rising '99. I still need a copy of that leather bound Mortiis - Secrets Of My Kingdom book '01.
As for films, we watch obscure horror, foreign horror and documentaries.  
Here are some if you have not already read or watched them; 
Read: Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs ('78) James and the Giant Peach ('61) Masquerade ('79) The World of the Dark Crystal ('82) The Book of Alien ('79) Moebius - The Collected Fantasies of Jean Giraud Series ('87 - '94) Flowers in the Attic - Dollanganger Series ('79 -'86) Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo ('78) William Klein: Films, 1958-99 ('99) Wreckers of Civilisation: The Story of Coum Transmissions & Throbbing Gristle ('99)
Watch: Christiane F. ('81) Out of The Blue ('80) Deadbeat at Dawn ('88) Combat Shock ('86) Street Trash ('87) Brain Damage ('88) Zardoz ('74) Excalibur ('81) Emerald Forest ('85) Wicker Man ('73)
If atmosphere seems to be a heavy orientation for your creative drive, is your local landscape an important part of this? or is it personal experiences driving the music towards such a dark and melancholy place? something about Rowen is both light and dark.
We live on a island North East New England and seldom see others. Most of our time is spent outside, alone with the wind, the trees, on the marsh, in the mist and rain, sea side mornings, hawks at dusk and in the woods every evening. Pretty, evil and sad is what we do. We are hoping folks will also consider us in the Nature Synth category.  
New England must be a very interesting place to live... what is your favorite time of year there, and what is your favorite part of the landscape there?
We love the woods, day hikes, mountain tops, swimming holes, water falls, gorges and quarries. Small towns, old houses, fields, orchards, pumpkin patches, bonfires. Train tracks, trestles, towers, castles, monuments and graveyards. I was born in October so naturally I love the fall. Hallow's Eve and all into November.  Leaves turn, death comes and things change. There is nothing like a cold moonlit night in the snow. I appreciate being where we can really experience all four seasons.
Also You are so fortunate to live on an island.. That’s amazing. It’s cliche to talk about misanthropy with dark music but is this the reason for being secluded? What do you feel is the best thing for people could do with themselves in (what is in my eyes the end of the world?)
We made the decision to come here for a time of research, get to know each other, talk about our dreams, foster our ideas. Focus on only that of which we love and gives us purpose. Live away from it all.  If everyone did what was the most important to them, a different world this might be.  
Rowen is listed among other trees in occult literature as a tree of magical powers... Is this the reason for using the name? Is there personal beliefs at play in Rowen?
As a band we have our own ideologies, as musicians, our own theories, as artists, our own creative processes and as members, a belief system. These are shared between us and are expressed through the music, words and imagery of Rowen.
The Greeks, Norse, Celts and Druids all told mythology of the properties and significance of this mystical tree. The Greek Goddess of youth who lost her magical chalice to the demons. An eagle was sent to retrieve it. From battle, it's blood splatter on the earth grew Rowan trees. It's leaves as feathers, it's berries, the blood. The Norse myth speaks of the tree from which woman was made. And man, from a mountain ash. Saved Thor in the underworld. Runes are burned on Rowan wood. In the British Isles they tell of the folkloric tree which protects against witchcraft. The red berries of fall make up the 5 points of the Pentagram. Goes also as the Goddess or Faerie tree. The Druids used the bark and berries to dye the garments worn during lunar ceremonies black. Rowan twigs were used for divining, particularly for metals.
I had no idea the importance of Rowen to ancient people. Yes, it is true that Norse belief teaches humans were originally trees before given life and awareness by Odin, Vili and Ve. Is there any interest for you both to express your philosophy on things in the music or is this an affair of escapism and pure magic.
"The Past is not Dead, it lives on in a Woeful Drift." We are connected to our roots, our family trees, where we came from, our heritage and lands. We could only hope that our music would offer an escape. Magic is the only way.
If you could live in any time period, what time period would you live in and what would you be doing?
Canrith: I feel lucky to have been a child of the 70's and we grew up in the 80's, 90's & 00's. We were there, I wouldn't change it. I would love to live in some medieval castle in the mountains, riding a black Clydesdale, wielding a mace, reeking havoc across the land.  
Cristahel: Same as Canrith but on a white Clydesdale with a halberd.
What's the most important part of the creative process for Rowen - is there a certain revelry for using old mysterious pieces of synthesizers or do you enjoy the vast possibilities of computers? There's always the game of analog vs computer in the electronic scenes, what is your thoughts on this?
For us, again, the most important part of the process is the experiment. We use all analog synthesizers, drum machines and record live. Roland, Korg, Yamaha. Same goes for our stage show. We have used and are not opposed to using digital synths on recordings and live. Casio & Yamaha synths, Simmons drums. For instance, "In Another Dream, You Were Mine" from "Ashen Spirit" was made almost entirely on a Casiotone. We record and mix on a desk top home computer.  
What are you both really enjoying listening to at the moment?
Listening to cult 80's video Game music on YouTube while answering these questions.
do you have any thoughts on where this rising momentum will lead as far as the dungeon synth genre is headed, and do you feel proud of your place in that? am i wrong in assuming you both also run Hollow Myths?  
We are proud of our place in DS. Though we set out to make our own mythical electronic music. And think the genre is progressing as it should. We have been very active in the scene going on six years now this November. As supporters, label, distro and band. We are most appreciative of the support we have received. And from the Black Metal Underground. Our first demo was released on pro-tape by Personnel Records, a sub-label of Seedstock Records ran by Marco Del Rio of Raspberry Bulbs aka He Who Crushes Teeth of Bone Awl. We are finishing our second release that will be out on CD & Cassette this time.  
Hollow Myths, the label and distro, is the work of us two. Releases, artwork, layouts, Photography, bios, press, promo, videos, zine, jewelry, leather work, patches, we also offer clothes that we call Cryptic Raiment for After Dark. Official Dungeon Synth, Dark Ambient, Black Metal, Hollow Myths* Shirts, Long Sleeves, Hoods, Record Bags, Altar Cloths...
Correct me if I’m wrong, but Hollow Myths has had to dig deep into the underground and re-release old gems, which is like reissuing from the archives.. many people don’t really appreciate that, can you tell us about what that’s been like and if anything else like that will ever happen?  
Hollow Myths* have re-released limited special versions of cult classics in a row of how I first discovered them back when. Being also from Dallas, TX, Equitant - The Great Lands Of Minas Ithil (City Of Isildur) '94 was one the first tapes I owned of the genre (and our first release from H/M* on cassette) after I found a copy of the Mournlord - Reconquering Our Kingdom Demo from '95 (SE) for a $1 in a bargain bin. These strange and very limited cassette releases helped crystallize what Dark Dungeon Music was to me. Like hearing the Caduceus - Middle Ages Demo '95 (LT) for the first time or later with the Corvus Neblus - Chapter I & II - Strahd's Possession tapes from '99 / '01 (LV). Our second re-released offering was Equimanthorn - Entrance To The Ancient Flame on cassette, another Texas born Ritual Black Ambient project with both Equitant and Proscriptor of the Mythological Occult Metal band Absu as members. After which, we made a chain of very special limited re-releases from; Gothmog, Depressive Silence, Solanum, Lunar Womb, Cain, two from Aperion, Arthur as well as Xerión with more to come. At the same time, we have introduced many new Dungeon Synth artists, some with their follow ups; Isåedor, Wyver and Wizzard to name but a few. We began in '16 and have 43 releases to date. Some mentioned above will see second pressings in the near future.
What has been your favorite release to work on this past year and what sort of artists does Hollow Myths look for?
We focus on outsider music and art and put our blood, sweat and tears into every release. Since we are primarily a physical label and distro (Tapes, CD's, Vinyl, Merch, etc.), it has been interesting to curate and mix the last three Shadowlore Compilations.
Each run over 2 hours long and feature new and exclusive songs by legions of Dungeon Synth artists from around the world. Being Digital, we offer it for Free or name your price for those who want to add it to their collections. Corresponding J-card "tape trade" layout print outs are included in the download, so one can make their own 2x cassette version. To be shared with friends, to inspire tape trading, for more reach and exposure for the artists' projects. Shadowlore Four will be released this Summer Solstice.  
Other releases from last year we are very proud of: Apeiron - Stardust / A Separate Reality. Cosmic / Dark Ambient / Black Metal from Austria. '95 & '97 and featuring a never before heard hidden track from '96 titled "Dimensional Chanting" exclusive only to this release. Xerión - O Espírito Da Fraga / O Trono de Breogán. Black Metal / Dark Ambient from Spain. The first two demos from '01 & '02 with 3 new songs recorded exclusively for this release including a Windir cover.  Galician Mythology and Folklore. Wyver -  Tragedies of Lost Village (Demo II). Dungeon Synth / Fantasy Music follow up. (PDX) Hypogeum - S/T. Introducing outsider, Raw Black Metal from the woods of Oregon. Wizzard - The Cauldron Descent. Cryptic Dungeon Synth follow up from Sweden. Morihaus - The Empty Marches. Eccentric Dark Ambient / Dungeon Synth debut from Kentucky.  
Tell us about Rowen’s plans to start touring.
We just played our first show at the Northeast Dungeon Siege MMXIX festival. Now we are working on piecing together a tour that will begin this summer in the north east coast with the plan to then head down, across the south to California, up the west coast, pacific northwest and back across the north and through the mid-west to return late fall. We recently put the word out that we are up to perform anywhere, anytime and received an overwhelming response. If we can get on tour, stay on tour, get back to Europa without haste, we would be more than pleased.
The first two shows will be outdoor camping events. Mythical Electronic, Dungeon Synth, Black Metal, Acoustic Black Metal, Death Metal, Doom, Crust, Folk, Country, . . . Both are on private land, in the forest and BYOB. Bring a tent, water, food and supplies. Crossbows and throwing knives.
Rowen   Seasons of the Savage at The Sonorous Glade June 22nd Topsham, VT w/ Haxen, Sombre Arcane, Fed Ash, Gorcrow, Melkor, Black Axe, Void Bringer, Acid Roach and Wild Leek River  
Rowen   Woods of Gallows II August 17th  West Chazy, NY w/ T.O.M.B., Worthless, Sombre Arcane, Ordeals, Malacath, Lightcrusher, Hræsvelgr, Graveren and Callous
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spellwazifa-blog · 6 years ago
Online Real Spell For Lost Love Spell
Online Real Spell For Lost Love Spell
Love is the most important aspect in our life. The loveful embrace of your lover cannot be bought by the whole money in the world. It is believed that you can live without food or water but it is not possible to live without love. Imagine a world where there is no one to love you and you are completely alone. Even thinking about it sends chills down our spine. If we are still in search for our true love than it is alright but the thing which hurts the most is when we lost the love after finding it. It is like winning a million dollar lottery and one day suddenly becoming bankrupt. Once a person lost his/her true love after finding it, life leads into depression, loneliness, hollowness and sadness and no medicine or bandage can heal this emotional wound. Online Real Spell For Lost Love Spell
Real Love Spell For Lost Love Back
All these things makes you emotionally weak and if we are emotionally weak than it is difficult to focus our mind on other things also. This will lead to downfall in other relations or lack of interest in business or work etc. So the only option we have now is bring your lost love back to you. You can use the online real spells for lost love back. If you read these spells then the pendulum of life which start shifting in your favour. All you have to do is read these online real spell for lost love back and see the wonder happening yourself. A spell is just not words but a powerful source to change or alter things. Each and everything is this universe has different energy levels. Our every thought, words, actions and deeds has energy frequency which radiates into the cosmic universe.
So these spells are the high frequency and highly charged power source which can make things in your favour. So let’s discuss the real spell for lost love back. Make sure to follow the below given procedure:
♥ Perform this ritual between 7 am to 10 am.
♥ Take a bowl full of water and add sandalwood powder in it.
♥ Now read the following spell and imagine that lights of pink colour coming from you and going into the water. Now recite the following spell for lost love back 5 times:
Phasmatos infero eseri gratas disasustos vom, mas pro je ta, Sue te victamas veras phasmatos tribum niha sue exilum, Disasustos vom mas pro je ta sue te. Levam mina sue te, Disasustos vom mas pro je ta sue te phasmatos mogats veras.
♥ Now add 2 onions, 2 garlic, 2 green chillies and 2 lemons in the water.
♥ Keep them in the water for 5 minutes and continue reciting the following spell for lost love back:
Fes matos tribum, mas pro tes unum victas ex melam, Phasmatos vanem. Mas pro je ta sue te phasmatos morsinus, Pyrox allum evas elabuk estupey phasmatos motus robix, Phasmatos navaro pulsus sanguinox masgo chester metas tesa.
♥ Now take all the things with you (onions, garlic etc.) and go for a walk on a crowded place. You have to remember all the number of steps you taking.
♥ Take 200 steps throw 1 onion and another after 200 steps and recite this spell both times:
Pasmotas febo almotas rebet book benso meto hecto.
♥ Throw the 1st and 2nd garlic after 250 steps interval and recite this spell:
Rigsboi cho meta sokoti flega moro drogo tato.
♥ Now return from the way which you came.
♥ Now throw the 1st and 2nd chilli after taking 250 steps while coming back and recite:
Megona petra phamotas tesla toma bosa hola foga tema.
Similarly throw both the lemons after taking 200 steps and recite this spell: Avita ex alii is ea po trah, adima disero.
Perform this ritual between 12 noon to 3 pm for duration of 15 days and your lost love will be back to you shortly.
INDIA- +91-9999879962 (Whats App)
U.S.A. – +1-8643025528 (Whats App)
WEBSITE:- https://spellwazifa.com/
OVERBLOG- http://spellwazifa.over-blog.com/
WORDPRESS- https://spellwazifa.wordpress.com/
WIXSITE- https://spellwazifa.wixsite.com/mysite/
BLOGSPOT- https://spellwazifa.blogspot.com/
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leyhejuhyunghan · 7 years ago
Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) (1938), Shevirat ha-Kelim (Hebrew: שבירת הכלים‎ "Shattering of the Vessels" of Tohu) and Hermann Karl Hesse (1877–1962), The Glass Bead Game (Das Glasperlenspiel), 1943
Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) (1938), Shevirat ha-Kelim (Hebrew: שבירת הכלים‎ "Shattering of the Vessels" of Tohu) and Hermann Karl Hesse (1877–1962), The Glass Bead Game (Das Glasperlenspiel), 1943
The Glass Bead Game (German: Das Glasperlenspiel) is the last full-length novel of the German author Hermann Hesse. It was begun in 1931 and published in Switzerland in 1943 after being rejected for publication in Germany due to Hesse's anti-Fascist views.[1] A few years later, in 1946, Hesse went on to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. In honoring him in its Award Ceremony Speech, the Swedish Academy said that the novel "occupies a special position" in Hesse's work.[2]
"Glass Bead Game" is a literal translation of the German title, but the book has also been published under the title Magister Ludi, Latin for "Master of the Game", which is an honorific title awarded to the book's central character. "Magister Ludi" can also be seen as a pun: lud- is a Latin stem meaning both "game" and "school". However, the title Magister Ludi is misleading, as it implies the book is a straightforward bildungsroman. In reality, the book touches on many different genres, and the bulk of the story is on one level a parody of the biography genre.
As utopian literature[edit] Freedman wrote in his biography of Hesse that the tensions caused by the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany directly contributed to the creation of the Glass Bead Game as a response to the oppressive times.[12] "The educational province of Castalia, which provided a setting for the novel, came to resemble Hesse's childhood Swabia physically while assuming more and more the function of his adopted home, neutral Switzerland, which in turn embodied his own antidote to the crises of his time. It became the "island of love" or at least an island of the spirit."[12] Freedman opined that in the Glass Bead Game "contemplation, the secrets of the Chinese I Ching and Western mathematics and music fashioned the perennial conflicts of his life into a unifying design.”
Kristallnacht (German pronunciation: [kʁɪsˈtalnaχt]; lit. "Crystal Night") or Reichskristallnacht (German: [ˌʁaɪçs.kʁɪsˈtalnaχt] (About this sound listen)), also referred to as the Night of Broken Glass, Reichspogromnacht [ˌʁaɪçs.poˈɡʁoːmnaχt] or simply Pogromnacht [poˈɡʁoːmnaχt] (About this sound listen), and Novemberpogrome [noˈvɛmbɐpoɡʁoːmə] (About this sound listen) (Yiddish: קרישטאָל נאַכט krishtol nakht), was a pogrom against Jews throughout Nazi Germany on 9–10 November 1938, carried out by SA paramilitary forces and German civilians. The German authorities looked on without intervening.[1][2] The name Kristallnacht comes from the shards of broken glass that littered the streets after the windows of Jewish-owned stores, buildings, and synagogues were smashed.
Estimates of the number of fatalities caused by the pogrom have varied. Early reports estimated that 91 Jewish people were murdered during the attacks.[3] Modern analysis of German scholarly sources by historians such as Richard J. Evans puts the number much higher. When deaths from post-arrest maltreatment and subsequent suicides are included, the death toll climbs into the hundreds. Additionally, 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and incarcerated in concentration camps.[3]
Jewish homes, hospitals, and schools were ransacked, as the attackers demolished buildings with sledgehammers.[4]The rioters destroyed 267 synagogues throughout Germany, Austria, and the Sudetenland,[5] and over 7,000 Jewish businesses were either destroyed or damaged.[6][7] The British historian Martin Gilbert wrote that no event in the history of German Jews between 1933 and 1945 was so widely reported as it was happening, and the accounts from the foreign journalists working in Germany sent shock waves around the world.[4] The British newspaper The Times wrote at the time: "No foreign propagandist bent upon blackening Germany before the world could outdo the tale of burnings and beatings, of blackguardly assaults on defenseless and innocent people, which disgraced that country yesterday."[8]
The attacks were retaliation for the assassination of the Nazi[9] German diplomat Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan, a seventeen-year-old German-born Polish Jew living in Paris. Kristallnacht was followed by additional economic and political persecution of Jews, and it is viewed by historians as part of Nazi Germany's broader racial policy, and the beginning of the Final Solution and The Holocaust.
Ernst Eduard vom Rath (3 June 1909 – 9 November 1938) was a German diplomat, remembered for his assassinationin Paris in 1938 by a Polish Jewish teenager, Herschel Grynszpan, which provided a pretext for the Kristallnacht, "The Night of Broken Glass.”
Olam HaTohu (Hebrew: עוֹלָם הַתֹּ֫הוּ‎ "The World of Tohu-Chaos/Confusion") and Olam HaTikun (Hebrew: עוֹלָם הַתִקוּן‎ "The World of Tikun-Order/Rectification") are two general stages in Jewish Kabbalah, in the order of descending spiritual Worlds (Olamot). In subsequent creation they also represent two archetypal spiritual states of being and consciousness. Their concepts derive from the new scheme of Lurianic Kabbalah by Isaac Luria (1534–1572), the father of modern Kabbalah, based on his interpretation of classic references in the Zohar.
The implications of Tohu-Tikun underlie the origin of free will and the realm of Kelipah (evil), caused by Shevirat HaKelim/Shevirah (Hebrew: שבירת הכלים‎ "Shattering of the Vessels" of Tohu), the processes of spiritual and physical exile and redemption, the meaning of the 613 mitzvot (Jewish observances), and the messianic rectification of existence. Through this, Tikun/Tikkun (תיקון) also has an active meaning, the esoteric Birur/Beirur/Birurim (Hebrew: בירור‎ "Sifting/Clarification") of concealed Nitzotz/Nitzutzei Kodesh/Nitzutzot (Hebrew: ניצוצות‎ "Sparks" of Holiness) exiled in physical creation. This new paradigm in Kabbalah replaced the previous linear description of descent with a dynamic process of spiritual enclothement, where higher "souls" invest inwardly in lower "vessels". Related to the primordial cosmic realms of Tohu-Tikun are two associated spiritual states for interpreting existence, psychological temperaments, or stages in the spiritual development of the individual.
The cosmic drama of Tikun in Lurianic Kabbalah inspired the 16th-18th century popular Jewish imagination, explaining contemporary oppression and supporting messiah claimants but the most important Tikun is to have peace and order in Creation. The revivalist Hasidic movement, from the 18th century onwards, internalised esoteric Lurianism through its own concern with experiencing Divine Omnipresence amidst daily material life. The terminology of the modern Jewish ideal of Tikkun Olam ("Fixing the World"), popularised by Reform Judaism, is taken from the Lurianic concept, but applied more widely to ethical activism in contemporary society.
Isaac ben Solomon Luria JEWISH MYSTIC WRITTEN BY: Rivka Schatz-Uffenheimer See Article History Alternative Title: ha-Ari Lurianic Kabbala propounds a theory of the creation and subsequent degeneration of the world and a practical method of restoring the original harmony. The theory is based on three concepts: tzimtzum (“contraction,” or “withdrawal”), shevirat ha-kelim (“breaking of the vessels”), and tiqqun (“restoration”). God as the Infinite (En Sof) withdraws into himself in order to make room for the creation, which occurs by a beam of light from the Infinite into the newly provided space. Later the divine light is enclosed in finite “vessels,” most of which break under the strain, and the catastrophe of the “breaking of the vessels” occurs, whereby disharmony and evil enter the world. Hence comes the struggle to rid the world of evil and accomplish the redemption of both the cosmos and history. This event occurs in the stage of tiqqun, in which the divine realm itself is reconstructed, the divine sparks returned to their source, and Adam Qadmon, the symbolic “primordial man,” who is the highest configuration of the divine light, is rebuilt. Man plays an important role in this process through various kawwanot used during prayer and through mystical intentions involving secret combinations of words, all of which is directed toward the restoration of the primordial harmony and the reunification of the divine name.
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piasgermany · 7 years ago
[Video] Jonathan Wilson is “Loving You”
Jonathan Wilson, dessen drittes Soloalbum “Rare Birds” am 2. März via Bella Union erscheinen wird, hat mit “Loving You” den zweiten Track vom neuen Album zum Hören freigegeben. Jonathan kommentiert: "One day, one of my musical heroes Laraaji came into my studio to just experiment and record some music. I had the ditty 'Loving You' lying around, (it was a song I wrote from a feeling or inflection of a word I heard John Lennon emote in one of his songs) and I then put down a simple little drum machine beat along with the piano and vocal that you hear now. Laraaji then beautifully chanted over the song, one take ... then he played his cosmic zither, undulated gracefully with his ipad, and truly shaped the scope of the track. I then added a specific drum/cymbal treatment used throughout Rare Birds, my funky Crumar bass, Lana Del Rey, a few other things and boom that was the genesis of the new album Rare Birds, that song set the tone." Regie führte Matthew Daniel Siskin und im Video ist neben ihm selbst Wilsons persönlicher Held Laraaji zu sehen.
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c0smiccl0wn · 4 months ago
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c0smiccl0wn · 1 year ago
“ghost in the machine” by @venomous-qwille has taken over my mind, body, and heart. i just binged all seven chapters and am now in love with the writing, story, and characters.
sunspot owns my feelings, fool makes me want to eat him /pos, misuta can kick me in the face and i wouldn’t mind in the slightest, and sol causes such a visceral fear response but i don’t hate it.
sophia can suck it.
i await the day ruin wakes up.
qwille, you are an incredible writer and i am very excited for the next chapter! (but don’t rush yourself, please, mwah)
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c0smiccl0wn · 4 months ago
started watching arcane
i sure hope it doesn’t become a crippling hyperfixation (it already has)
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