#cosme mcmoon
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willstafford · 9 months ago
Glory Be!
GLORIOUS! Bear Pit Theatre, Stratford upon Avon, Monday 17th June 2024 N.B. I attended a preview performance prior to opening night. Based on the life of American eccentric, Florence Foster Jenkins, Peter Quilter’s play is never short of amusing, often hilarious and ultimately touching.  Director Phil Beeson handles the humour well.  The ‘singing’ scenes are especially well done, with as much…
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howardhawkshollywoodannex · 10 months ago
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Meryl Streep as Florence Foster Jenkins (2016) and Simon Helberg as Cosme McMoon. Meryl and Simon had recorded all their music scenes together beforehand at Abbey Road Studios, but Stephen Frears had them perform live before the cameras.
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gifcomcheirinho · 3 years ago
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harmoniously out of tune
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gigabats · 8 years ago
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Handsome and the best pianist
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opera-ghosts · 3 years ago
In her time, Florence Foster Jenkins was a novelty in the history of music, an operatic coloratura who had all of the requisite charms and trappings worthy of a diva, minus the voice. Married to a wealthy industrialist and well entrenched in upper-crust New York society by 1912, "Madame" Jenkins obtained a divorce that year. The resulting settlement was handsome enough to set Jenkins up in style and to pursue her extensive charitable interests. She had already been studying voice for some time, and her charity fundraisers included such gala events as "The Ball of the Silver Skylarks," involving special costumes made at her request, and usually culminating in a sample of her singing. Jenkins' voice was high, scrawny, and seemed to have a mind of its own, warbling its way through difficult coloratura arias with the grace and control of an upright piano pushed down a spiral staircase. Well-heeled society types would attend Jenkins' recitals and patiently endure her auditory assault, along with enjoying a well-concealed chuckle or two at her expense. Jenkins' annual gala would remain a popular fixture in New York society for decades.In 1938, Jenkins made her only recordings at the Melotone studio in New York, which were pressed up and sold privately. On this occasion, and most others by this time, Jenkins employed the services of accompanist Cosme McMoon, a flamboyant and eccentric character well known in New York's underground gay community. McMoon proved an excellent foil for Jenkins, waiting for her entrances at key points in arias and writing special material to best show off her vocal "assets." At age 76, Jenkins finally achieved her lifelong dream of performing at Carnegie Hall's Recital Hall on October 25, 1944, but this may have backfired, as rumor has it that afterward she discovered what her audiences really thought about her music making. Jenkins collapsed and died a month later in Schirmer's Music Store, her last words allegedly being "It must've been the creamed chicken."Rumors about Jenkins' highly eccentric behavior are legion, and it is hard to know now which ones are true. The only way one could obtain a ticket to her high-priced galas was to buy one from Jenkins in person. Jenkins is said to have ordered flowers to be delivered to her concerts, and genuinely forgot that she'd done so, thinking the celebratory bouquet was from her admirers. She also once paid, according to legend, a handsome gift to a New York taxicab driver, as after she was knocked down by him in the street she could "sing a higher F than ever before." Although known only to her immediate social circle during her lifetime, the legend of Florence Foster Jenkins has grown since her passing, and two different musical shows about her life debuted in late 2005, likewise a film in 2016.
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firelord-frowny · 5 years ago
a list of my fav performances by various actors for other reason than because i Feel Like Making A List:
Jean Smart as Martha Logan - 24
Richard Cabral as Hector Tonz - American Crime (season 1)
Alberta Watson as Erin Driscol - 24 
Hugh Jackman as Keller Dover - Prisoners
Lupita Nyong’o as Adelaide/Red - Us
Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister - Game of Thrones
Timothy Hutton as Russ Skokie - American Crime
Regina King as Kimara - American Crime
Angela Goethals as Maya - 24
Shohreh Aghdashloo as Dina Araz - 24 
Viola Davis as Rose Maxon - Fences 
Jack Falahee as Connor Walsh - How to Get Away With Murder
Meryl Streep as Everyone She’s Ever Played - Literally Everything She’s Ever Been In 
Felicity Huffman’s cheatin’ ass as Barb - American Crime (season 1)
Essie Davis as Amelia - The Babadook
Simon Helberg as Cosme McMoon - Florence Foster Jenkins
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pakaauweer · 6 years ago
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Cosme McMoon in "Glorious" 2019 #actorslife #actor #role #sommertheater #freilichttheater #Pascalsimongrote #dietmarhorcicka #piano #klavierkunst #Schauspiel #glorious #röttingen #frankenfestspiele #Burg #jacket #anzug #pianist (hier: Frankenfestspiele Röttingen) https://www.instagram.com/p/By20-FlCiV6/?igshid=xqrpwvqwn7t4
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dannzarcar-blog · 8 years ago
Florence Foster Jenkins(2016)
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Esta comedia, dirigida por Stephen Frears y escrita por Nicholas Martin, es un film entretenido que se sitúa en Nueva York a mitad de la década del cuarenta, a fines de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Nos cuenta la historia de la excéntrica soprano estadounidense, que se hizo famosa por su completa falta de habilidad musical. 
A medida que se desarrolla la historia vemos como Florence Foster Jenkis, a pesar de no tener el talento para cantar, utiliza su fortuna para cumplir su mas grande sueño, ser una soprano. Con la ayuda de su marido St. Clair Bayfield, contrata a uno de los mejores maestros de música de la época, así como a Cosme McMoon, pianista que la acompañaría en cada uno de sus conciertos.
Al darse cuenta de lo mal que canta Madame Florence, el pianista teme por su reputación ante el público que los visita. Parece que ni su marido, ni el maestro de canto, notaran las pocas habilidades que tiene para desempeñarse en el ámbito musical. La historia, adaptada por el guionista Nicholas Martin, logra cautivar al igual que el personaje de Florence por su pasión y su dedicación a la música, permitiendo así el disfrute de la obra. 
Se pudiera pensar que ante lo mal que canta no tendría éxito, sin embargo, en eso radica su historia, en como la gente llenaba los lugares donde la artista se presentaba, solo para darse cuenta por si mismos de la veracidad de los rumores sobre su falta de talento. Aunque en un principio la asistencia a los conciertos de Foster Jenkins funcionaba más como un evento social de posicionamiento e intercambio de favores que como un acontecimiento estético y musical.    
De la mano de grandes actores como Meryl Streep quien estuvo nominada a mejor actriz como Florence Foster Jenkins en los premios Oscar’s 2017, Hugh Grant como St. Clair Bayfield y Simon Helberg como Cosmé McMoon, Frears consigue capturar a la audiencia con una muy buena cinta.  
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aroundmke · 7 years ago
Souvenir - A Fantasia on the Life of Florence Foster Jenkins
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       It’s not hard to give away a free ticket to the Stackner. No one looks a gift card in the mouth and goes “Ah, man, I have no clue who Florence Foster Jenkins is and for that reason, I am out.” So when I found myself without a partner to see Souvenir, it wasn’t long before the seat was filled by my neighbor. It isn’t hard to see why; The Stackner Cabaret is a gorgeous venue. For its size, it is exceptionally roomy and for as simple as it is, you would be hard-pressed to find something more elegant. This is in no short effort from Lauren Nigri, who turned a one-room set into a turn-of-the-century music lounge. The familiarity of the corner bar, the intimacy of a living room, the beauty of a Ritz-Carlton music room. Which is appropriate.
       For a show with only two actors, this show is wonderfully fun to watch. There isn’t a moment of space for boredom to settle in, but it also doesn’t feel like a continuous bombardment of content. The pacing, particularly the comedic pace, is an easy jog through the life of Ms. Jenkins and her, how do I say, peculiar voice.
       Let’s not kid ourselves; if you know anything about Flo, you know she couldn’t sing a note. That’s what the opening monologue is about, that’s what the show is about. But the show is also about her spirit and that of her pianist Cosme McMoon (Jack Forbes Wilson). Jack on his own is a treat to watch. He has to be, he makes up the majority of the show. He is our narrator thru this fantasia, and we are with him from his first meeting with the diva to her dying day. I found myself a strange likeness between the quality of his voice and that of Lin Manuel Miranda. Don’t ask me how just listen to him and perhaps you will hear it too.
       Much of the same can be said for our Queen of the Night, Marguerite Willbanks in the role of Florence Foster Jenkins. Honestly, for a show about a woman who can not sing, Marguerite hits all the right notes. She is funny without being a punchline, she is powerful and unapologetically naive all at once. It would be very easy to dismiss this as a story of a silly woman with a bad voice but these two phenomenal actors make it so much more.
       This show is the one I think a lot of people need right now. This isn’t a show that puts you through the trials of war or deep moral dilemma, it’s really a wholesome, enjoyable show far enough from today to be a welcome distraction while being close enough to home to be relatable. That’s not to say this is a show to brush off as another Broadway fluff piece, it’s not. This show is oddly gripping in its second and third acts, and without giving anything away I will tell you it masterfully weaves the lines between giddy comedy and honest heartache. All I mean is this show doesn’t make you have that awkward post-show chat with your friends of “So… what did that mean to you?” You can walk off Water and Wells streets into a space far from today's troubles and simply enjoy it for a few hours.
       It would be a shame to not mention a few other names that made this show so special. We have to recognize Jason Orlenko and Jenny Vinent of the costume department. Once again I don’t enjoy giving away anything beyond the first act, but their talents are put on full display during the third act. Flo’s dresses and jewels were both greatly designed and made me wish I didn’t know where the costume shop was. The lighting works were absolutely spot on during the transition between The Now and Cosume’s Narratives. As always with the Stackner, my heart goes out to the waitstaff and all they do.
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       Souvenir runs until November 5th, 2017 and I hope you find time to see it. If you do see it in the Stackner Cabaret, I do recommend the flourless chocolate cake, it’s too good to pass up.
Until the next show,
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larryland · 8 years ago
“Souvenir” Opens Bridge Street Theatre’s 2017 Subscription Season
“Souvenir” Opens Bridge Street Theatre’s 2017 Subscription Season
On October 25, 1944, wealthy (and tone-deaf) soprano Florence Foster Jenkins and her accompanist Cosme McMoon performed a recital at Carnegie Hall. Tickets sold out weeks in advance; an estimated 2,000 people were turned away at the door. The world of music has never quite recovered. Come share the hilarious and touching tale of this unlikely pair in the musical “Souvenir” at Catskill’s Bridge…
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shey42 · 8 years ago
New Post has been published on Hd film izle
New Post has been published on http://kralinyeri.net/florence-foster-jenkins-izle-florence-full-turkce-dublaj.html
Florence Foster Jenkins izle Florence full türkçe dublaj
Florence Foster Jenkins izle
Sinedema müzikali sevenler kesin bu filmi izlemelidirler.Zengin bir kadının müziğe olan aşkını duygusunu anlatan hoş bir film olan florence izleyenleri etkisi altına almaya başardı gibi duruyor. Florence full izle Dört dalda oscar ödülüne layik görülen film herkezin birbirine önerildigi bir filmdir.Müziğe tutkuyla bağlı olan Florence Foster Jenkins adındaki zengin bir kadın müzik salonu sahibidir. Babasından ona yüksek bir miras kalmasından cesaretlenerek opera sanatçısı olmaya karar verir. Ancak ortada bir sorun vardır. O da Florence Foster Jenkins’in sesinin oldukça kötü olmasıdır. Sesinin fazlasıyla kötü olmasının yanı sıra aynı zamanda müzik ve nota bilgisi de zayıftır. Ancak müziğe olan ilgisini sanatçı olarak devam ettirmeyi çoktan kafasına koymuştur. Bu aşamada eşi St. Clair Bayfield ona çok yardımcı olur. Aynı şekilde piyanist Cosme McMoon’un da bu yolda Jenkins’e büyük yardımı olacaktır. Çok zengin bir kadın olan Florence Foster Jenkins (Meryl Streep), bir müzik salonu sahibi olmasının yanında müziğe gerçekten tutkuyla bağlı biridir. Babasından kalan yüksek mirasın da verdiği güvenle opera şarkıcısı olmaya heveslenir. Ancak bir sorun vardır, Jenkins’in korkunç bir sesi olduğu gibi müzik ve nota hissiyatı da son derece zayıftır. Yine de eşi St. Clair Bayfield (Hugh Grant) ve piyanist Cosmé McMoon (Simon Helberg) ona ellerinden gelen tüm yardımı yapacaktır. Filmde 1868 – 1944 yılları arasında yaşamış Florence Foster Jenkins’in gerçek hikayesi anlatılıyor. Hd film izle kalitesinde kralinyeri.net da sinema keyfini yaşayın. (Florence Foster Jenkins) adlı filmimizi izlediniz Teşekkür ederiz.Gerçek bir hikâyeden esinlenerek yapılan bu filmde 1868 ve 1944 yılları arasında yaşamını sürdürmüş Florance Foster Jenkins’in yaşamı konu alınıyor. Filmin yönetmenliğini Stephen Frears üstlenmiştir. Filmin yapımını ise Michael Kuhn ve Tracey Seaward paylaşıyor. Oyuncu kadrosu ise Meryl Streep, Hugh Grand, Simon Helberg, Rebecca Ferguson ve Nina Arianda gibi isimlerden oluşuyor.
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joeldcastro · 8 years ago
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Glorious! The True Story of Florence Foster Jenkins, the Worst Singer in the World. Playing at Santa Monica's @morganwixson January 14 - February 5. Florence Foster Jenkins (AnnaLisa Erickson) "sings" with her new accompanist Cosme McMoon (Eric Pierce) www.morgan-wixson.org Photos by JDCPhotography.zenfolio.com #productionphotography #florencefosterjenkins #opera #theater #theatricalphotography #santamonica #glorious #classicalmusic (at Morgan-Wixson Theater)
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gigabats · 8 years ago
This movie is brilliant
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humanneedsinfo-blog1 · 8 years ago
No One Can Say That I Didn't Sing
No One Can Say That I Didn’t Sing
One has to admire an individual who simply will not allow an obstacle to deter them from what they have set out to do. Although time has made her obscure, I am certain that Florence Foster Jenkins was such an individual. She was born to a wealthy New York City family, and her father recognized that she had little going for her other than being his daughter. As a young lady or aristocracy, when…
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scifihobbit · 8 years ago
Friends, there are literally no posts tagged Cosme McMoon. This is a tragedy. Go see Florence Foster Jenkins. I know you will love him. (And maybe the rest of the movie, too.) Go fill up his tag! Please.
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abager · 8 years ago
Kindness, Courage and Truth
Kindness, Courage and Truth
All of us depend for our self-esteem and happiness on the loyalty, encouragement and the occasional mild falsehoods of our friends. In those things that matter most to us – playing a musical instrument, driving a car, looking good, never ageing, public speaking, acting, singing, dancing, dressing, writing, cooking, perhaps even performing stand-up comedy – we’re probably neither as good nor as…
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