tenrita-archive · 5 years
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In my world it’s always been three blogs, so here we go! This post is for Reine { @gcrdenofpixels }, Vap { @violetrosasumbra }, and Elliot { @cosmcfallen }!
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I have not known Reine for too long, but I can easily say that she is now easily one of the people I talk to the most. I love all her muses from all her fandoms, and the concept of the Garden itself kills me constantly. She’s put so much life and heart into this world, these characters, their AUs? It’s just amazing to listen to and to experience. I am so happy that she’s let me and my muses have such a part in it all, honestly, and I am never not floored by her creativity levels. She really is just an amazing rper and writer and I highly recommend. Without her this blog would not be the way it is either so that’s saying something.
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I just used this icon bc its cute and it’s Ivlis-- VAP! MY PAL! I love this rper to fucking death. She has such a fucking. deep and in-depth portrayal of Satanick that I swear she could be canonically writing him for all we know. She obviously cares so much for him, and I just love seeing how much she thinks about him/how he sees others. Shes ALWAYS indulging my stupid ideas and helping me develop them, so that’s another amazing bonus in my book. We have cute ships and cute friendships and Nick has adopted too many of my characters to count omg. I just love everything she does and I am so glad that we’re friends, because she really brightened my time in this fandom!
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ELLIOT! So this fucker right here? This fucker? This amazing little nerd is basically 90% of my muses mains, and for good reason! I love each of our muses dynamics, and we always tend to pick up the same muses because we’re awful influences on one another, y’know, that’s just how it is sometimes. I love hearing about his muses and sharing ideas about mine/their relations, and everything we do is hella golden.
All three of these blogs are 10/10 PLEASE FOLLOW.
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ahogedetective · 5 years
Kokichi grabs Shuichi's hat and throws it far away. ' If you keep being an emo like this it stops me from seeing how handsome you are. ' Is he teasing? Maybe? ( dsnfkjsdnf :3c )
“O-Okay, but you didn’t have to throw it! And I’m not being an… auughh…” Shuichi just buries his face into Kokichi’s shoulder, whining into it, partially from being flustered.
“…I-I’ll let it slide this time, only because you said that.”
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ahogechef · 5 years
' But of course!! How can I not mess with my beloved Akamatsu-Chan~? You wouldn't love me otherwise! ' He jokes with a grin before placing his arms behind his head. ' Just kidding, I know I'm the most hated guy in here! '
“G-Geez… you are such a pain…” She sighs, slouching her shoulders. “Well I certainly don’t hate you, but… you can honestly be a bit much at times..”
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violetrosasumbra · 5 years
@cosmcfallen ♚
he cant help but sigh at how he replied, more so the small pause before he actually did so, he can guess that he may just be doing the minimum to not starve... thats no way to live, even if its hard for the other to feel things most of the time    but then he got an idea, or rather took a suggestion
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unconsciously he leans closer with a small chuckle “well then, you best put on something nice, I’ll make us somethin good~!”  he hums seeming rather proud of the whole idea “and it can be a chance to see my world too, I have been wanting to show you around for a while... so lets call this a date yea?”
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feebledetective · 5 years
@cosmcfallen​ INQUIRED: ‘ Kokichi goes to his " favorite " Detective with a huge grin on his face, ' Happy birthday, Saihara-Chan!! Here's a gift!! ' He throws a super messy wrapper to his hands, it may seem like it's just trash but if Shuichi is to open the wrapper, he'll see that there is a brand new and better mp3 there which fits a lot more musics in its memory. The Leader is already gone from sigh, of course, but he hopes Shuichi likes it anyways.’
   -- IT SURPRISED SHUICHI TO see Kokichi give him a gift, but then again he's going to be a bit surprised to see anyone give him a gift today. Before he could even make a proper response, his gift was thrown at him. It nearly startled him, he wasn't expecting a gift to be thrown at him, but he quickly caught it before having a better look at it.
   The way this gift was presented... It almost scared him to know what's hiding between the wrappers.
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    "A-Ah... Thank you, Ouma-kun... What on earth did you do to this gift??"
   Well, there was only one way to find out what's inside. Opening the wrapper, he noticed there wasn't anything that was unordinary. In fact, it was just an MP3 player of some sort, it looked much better than the one he already had. Well, this is certainly a surprise.
   The moment he looked up to properly thank the Leader, he already vanished. How did he manage to do that so quick? Well... The next time they meet, he's going to thank him properly, that's for sure. --
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gcrdenofpixels-a · 5 years
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    ❀❀🖤 || She suddenly feels ill for some reason.
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demonspectacles · 5 years
@cosmcfallen X
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 ‘ Mors… ’ Rane says quietly before staring at her spiders and sighing. ‘ He keeps her close to him during all the time… but when he’s busy she just disappears from our sight, I try to find her or look for any sealed doors in case she’s in a room we can’t enter, but nothing. I am thinking of other ways to explore without being noticed. ’
The pink-haired spider looks down and starts to thing deeply. ‘ Give me more time, I just have to see what he does to her before parting ways because that Bastard definitely is using magic to hide her. ’
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He hummed, he couldn’t pretend to understand the skill it took for her to have been gathering all that information, hundreds of little spies where he clumsily barged in. Mors stopped a bit away not wanting to disturb her too much. 
“I tried to move in the direction I could feel she was in during the fight.. Did that help at all.” He scowled to himself again, even if it did help a little he wouldn’t forgive himself for it. “... I gave away our position, so be extra careful. I don’t want you found out... You have time so be careful while you can.” He trusted she could pick the correct course of action.
“Inform Lezt first when you find her position, or anything else useful.”
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unsleuth · 5 years
Bounced from ( x ) @cosmcfallen
| ❖ |   Waking up in a foreign area with fuzzy memories had set most of the student population on edge.  Shuuichi wasn’t excluded from that majority, but he was aware that it wasn’t wise to fall into a state of panic.  Everyone was a stranger to each other in this school, and their supposed consent to their current situation was dubious at best without the appropriate memories.          So instead of relying solely on his emotional responses, the detective began to investigate the campus grounds himself.  Sometimes he had Akamatsu’s assistance, but not in today’s exploration.  The reveal of everyone’s Super High School Research Labs had encouraged the pianist to lock herself in her own in order to practice.  It was after lunch by the time Shuuichi located all the labs’ locations -- minus one, that is.
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        ❝ Oh really?  It’s strange that out of everyone’s here, only yours would be so hidden.  But I haven’t been able to find any signs of it.  You must have sharp eyes then. ❞
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ahogedetective · 5 years
@cosmcfallen - { sc }
“Ah, Maizono-san...!” Shuichi calls out, walking over towards her. He knew that earlier, she had lost some hairclips and so: he of course offered to help find them.
It took a while to find them since they could’ve been anywhere in the school halls or dorm lobby, and they could be easy to miss; but eventually, he found them and presents them to her.
“Here, I found your hairclips...!”
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tenrita-archive · 5 years
marcy, examine the trash aka. me KJSDNFKJDNSKFJNSD I'M JOKING
There is no trash here, so I cannot!
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ahogedetective · 5 years
' I t-thought that S-Seiichi was gonna marry me... but, g-guess he found a b-better wife, huh... ' Kioshi looks really sad now, congrats. { from shiirouso bc i'm too lazy to log over there lnsdkjfnksjdnfk }
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“….Kioshi…..” Seiichi gently cups his cheek. And with a warm and loving smile on his face…. he says….
“You’ll always be my number 1 waifu, silly!”
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tenrita-archive · 5 years
@cosmcfallen continued from HERE { && red velvet }
“...I didn’t know it had suddenly become Glasses’ responsibility to buy my clothes.”
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She takes the sweater calmly, shifting to put it on right away. She still didn’t understand her sisters distaste for her boyfriend, or why she had to be so openly hateful towards him. But she had learned since to not question it, at least.
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ahogedetective · 5 years
Kokichi just casually gives Shuichi a hug from behind!! ' SHUICHI~!!! ' He just very cheerful today! ( :3 )
“Oh-!” Shuichi gives a small yelp of surprise which quickly turns into a smile. “Kokichi!” A small chuckle, he turns his head back to look at him, reaching an arm back to ruffle his hair gently.
“Hey there, you… haha, did something happen today? You look like you’re in a really great mood!”
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ahogedetective · 5 years
Kokichi steals a kiss from his distracted boyfriend. ' You look so silly distracted~♥ ' { ELLIOT COMES IN CRASHING EVERYTHING, HEWWO }
“-!!” Shuichi blinks in surprise and he’s blushing a little…before he chortles and kisses him back. “Sh-Sheesh….heheh….” And just gives his hair a playful ruffle before sneaking a kiss to his forehead.
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ahogechef · 5 years
' Akamatsu-Chaaan~♪ ' Kokichi greets the blonde as he walks out of his room, he approaches her with his hands behind his back... definitely not looking suspicious. ' I found something you might like! Do you know what that is? ' He asks as he smirks and in a quick move, he brought his hand close to his mouth and blew a lot of glitter towards the girl, she might have trouble taking every single glitter out of her hair... ' Nishishi! Gotcha! '
“Hi, Ouma-kun.” Though that smile soon turned into a look of suspect when she saw him hiding something behind his back. “Wh…What is it?” And just as Kaede was about to take a few cautious steps back….
“Ahhh?!” Unfortunately for Kaede, however: Kokichi got her and now that was lots of glitter on her, notably in her hair. “Ughhh… d-damn you, Ouma-kun… I-I knew you was going to do something….” She gives his shoulder a small punch before trying to swipe most of the glitter off her.
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violetrosasumbra · 5 years
hey, here to say i love Vap v much and I'd die for them. ♥
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