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fledgetacular-blog · 8 years ago
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#CosplayerAppreciationWeek JANUARY DAY 1 - Eixel Noday Cosplay @Lexieyadon FACEBOOK.com/eixelnodaycosplay PHOTOGRAPHER NAME: Scarlett Read Cosplaying From Portland Oregon WHAT CON WILL YOU BE ATTENDING IN 2017?Sakuracon, Kumoricon, Wizard World Comicon, Rose City Comicon COSPLAYER APPRECIATION WEEK is presented by: @cosplaypromotion @fledgetacular "We should be promoting your Cosplay, too!" Log on: www.cosplaypromotion.webs.com #Cosplay #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaying #cosplayers #animecosplay #wigcosplay #disneycosplay #marvelcosplay #dccosplay #CosplayPromoTeam #FledgetacularShare #MayorApproved #Contastic #cosconblast #cOSPLAYrEPOST #NerdyGirls #CreativeCosplay #orochimaru #eixelnodaycosplay #snakenamedhaku #naruto #cosplay
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fledgetacular-blog · 8 years ago
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#CosplayerAppreciationWeek JANUARY DAY 1 - Whisper Dragon Cosplay @Whisper024 FACEBOOK.com/WhisperDragonCosplay PHOTOGRAPHER NAME: Selena Perez Cosplaying From Fort Collins, Colorado WHAT CON WILL YOU BE ATTENDING IN 2017?Denver Comic Con, Rocky Mountain Con COSPLAYER APPRECIATION WEEK is presented by: @cosplaypromotion @fledgetacular "We should be promoting your Cosplay, too!" Log on: www.cosplaypromotion.webs.com #Cosplay #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaying #cosplayers #animecosplay #wigcosplay #disneycosplay #marvelcosplay #dccosplay #CosplayPromoTeam #FledgetacularShare #MayorApproved #Contastic #cosconblast #cOSPLAYrEPOST #NerdyGirls #CreativeCosplay
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fledgetacular-blog · 7 years ago
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#CosplayerAppreciationWeek #HallowCos Swaggycosplayer INSTAGRAM @Swaggycosplayer PHOTOGRAPHER NAME: Lesley Chia (self) CITY, STATE Painesville WHAT CON or EVENT WILL YOU BE ATTENDING ON HALLOWEEN WEEKEND? None COSPLAYER APPRECIATION WEEK is presented by: @cosplaypromotion @fledgetacular "We should be promoting your Cosplay, too!" Log on: www.cosplaypromotion.webs.com #Cosplay #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaying #cosplayers #animecosplay #wigcosplay #disneycosplay #marvelcosplay #dccosplay #CosplayPromoTeam #FledgetacularShare #MayorApproved #Contastic #cosconblast #cOSPLAYrEPOST #NerdyGirls #CreativeCosplay #darkwingduck #darkwingduckcosplay #cosplayerofcolor #blacknerd #
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fledgetacular-blog · 7 years ago
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#CosplayerAppreciationWeek #HallowCos MagicalMeCosplay INSTAGRAM @MagicalMeCosplay TWITTER @HPFanatics FACEBOOK.com/MagicalMeCosplay PHOTOGRAPHER NAME: Houston is Photography CITY, STATE Katy, TX WHAT CON or EVENT WILL YOU BE ATTENDING ON HALLOWEEN WEEKEND? none COSPLAYER APPRECIATION WEEK is presented by: @cosplaypromotion @fledgetacular "We should be promoting your Cosplay, too!" Log on: www.cosplaypromotion.webs.com #Cosplay #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaying #cosplayers #animecosplay #wigcosplay #disneycosplay #marvelcosplay #dccosplay #CosplayPromoTeam #FledgetacularShare #MayorApproved #Contastic #cosconblast #cOSPLAYrEPOST #NerdyGirls #CreativeCosplay #pinup #maleficent #houstoncosplayer #blackcosplayer
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fledgetacular-blog · 7 years ago
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#CosplayerAppreciationWeek #HallowCos GeekUnique Cosplay INSTAGRAM @GeekUnique_Cosplay TWITTER @GeekUnique_Cos FACEBOOK.com/GeekUniqueCosplay PHOTOGRAPHER NAME: Michael Perkins CITY, STATE Orlando, Fl WHAT CON or EVENT WILL YOU BE ATTENDING ON HALLOWEEN WEEKEND? Spooky Empire COSPLAYER APPRECIATION WEEK is presented by: @cosplaypromotion @fledgetacular "We should be promoting your Cosplay, too!" Log on: www.cosplaypromotion.webs.com #Cosplay #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaying #cosplayers #animecosplay #wigcosplay #disneycosplay #marvelcosplay #dccosplay #CosplayPromoTeam #FledgetacularShare #MayorApproved #Contastic #cosconblast #cOSPLAYrEPOST #NerdyGirls #CreativeCosplay #GeekUniqueCosplay #FanFitGo #CosplayPromotion #CosplayDirectoryMember #Batgirl #VampireBatgirl #DC #DCcosplay
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fledgetacular-blog · 7 years ago
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#CosplayerAppreciationWeek #HallowCos Phantasy Creations INSTAGRAM @Niwatori93 FACEBOOK.com/Phantasi3 PHOTOGRAPHER NAME: Me CITY, STATE Nlr, AR WHAT CON or EVENT WILL YOU BE ATTENDING ON HALLOWEEN WEEKEND? I will be at work! COSPLAYER APPRECIATION WEEK is presented by: @cosplaypromotion @fledgetacular "We should be promoting your Cosplay, too!" Log on: www.cosplaypromotion.webs.com #Cosplay #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaying #cosplayers #animecosplay #wigcosplay #disneycosplay #marvelcosplay #dccosplay #CosplayPromoTeam #FledgetacularShare #MayorApproved #Contastic #cosconblast #cOSPLAYrEPOST #NerdyGirls #CreativeCosplay #LegendofZelda #loz #medli #lozcosplay #windwaker #gamecube #Nintendo #nintendocosplay
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fledgetacular-blog · 7 years ago
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#CosplayerAppreciationWeek #HallowCos 2 Nerds in Love INSTAGRAM @2NerdsinLove TWITTER @2NerdsNLove FACEBOOK.com/Real2NerdsinLove PHOTOGRAPHER NAME: Terry Clausen CITY, STATE Hot Springs, Ar WHAT CON or EVENT WILL YOU BE ATTENDING ON HALLOWEEN WEEKEND? At home costumes and movies COSPLAYER APPRECIATION WEEK is presented by: @cosplaypromotion @fledgetacular "We should be promoting your Cosplay, too!" Log on: www.cosplaypromotion.webs.com #Cosplay #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaying #cosplayers #animecosplay #wigcosplay #disneycosplay #marvelcosplay #dccosplay #CosplayPromoTeam #FledgetacularShare #MayorApproved #Contastic #cosconblast #cOSPLAYrEPOST #NerdyGirls #CreativeCosplay #2nerdsinlove #cosplaycouple
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fledgetacular-blog · 7 years ago
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#CosplayerAppreciationWeek #HallowCos Wauconda Cosplayer PHOTOGRAPHER NAME: Kynshasa Hashbrown Ward CITY, STATE Wauconda IL WHAT CON or EVENT WILL YOU BE ATTENDING ON HALLOWEEN WEEKEND? walkerstalker COSPLAYER APPRECIATION WEEK is presented by: @cosplaypromotion @fledgetacular "We should be promoting your Cosplay, too!" Log on: www.cosplaypromotion.webs.com #Cosplay #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaying #cosplayers #animecosplay #wigcosplay #disneycosplay #marvelcosplay #dccosplay #CosplayPromoTeam #FledgetacularShare #MayorApproved #Contastic #cosconblast #cOSPLAYrEPOST #NerdyGirls #CreativeCosplay #gijoe
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fledgetacular-blog · 7 years ago
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#CosplayerAppreciationWeek #HallowCos RayGreyCosplay INSTAGRAM @raygreycosplay TWITTER @raygreycosplay FACEBOOK.com/raygrey cosplay PHOTOGRAPHER NAME: Dream land photography CITY, STATE Brighton, mi WHAT CON or EVENT WILL YOU BE ATTENDING ON HALLOWEEN WEEKEND? Youmacon COSPLAYER APPRECIATION WEEK is presented by: @cosplaypromotion @fledgetacular "We should be promoting your Cosplay, too!" Log on: www.cosplaypromotion.webs.com #Cosplay #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaying #cosplayers #animecosplay #wigcosplay #disneycosplay #marvelcosplay #dccosplay #CosplayPromoTeam #FledgetacularShare #MayorApproved #Contastic #cosconblast #cOSPLAYrEPOST #NerdyGirls #CreativeCosplay#raygreycosplay
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fledgetacular-blog · 7 years ago
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#CosplayerAppreciationWeek #HallowCos Gecko Lacau INSTAGRAM @Manbitesfilm TWITTER @Manbitesfilm FACEBOOK.com/Manbitesfilm PHOTOGRAPHER NAME: Luis lacau CITY, STATE Orlando,Fl WHAT CON or EVENT WILL YOU BE ATTENDING ON HALLOWEEN WEEKEND? Spooky empire COSPLAYER APPRECIATION WEEK is presented by: @cosplaypromotion @fledgetacular "We should be promoting your Cosplay, too!" Log on: www.cosplaypromotion.webs.com #Cosplay #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaying #cosplayers #animecosplay #wigcosplay #disneycosplay #marvelcosplay #dccosplay #CosplayPromoTeam #FledgetacularShare #MayorApproved #Contastic #cosconblast #cOSPLAYrEPOST #NerdyGirls #CreativeCosplay#manbitesfilm
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fledgetacular-blog · 8 years ago
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#CosplayerAppreciationWeek JANUARY DAY 4 - Cosplayedits Nstuff @cosplayeditsnstuff Cosplaying from Brisbane, Queenland Follow: @iheartpuddin @Pixie.Angela.cosplay @simplyrayelle COSPLAYER APPRECIATION WEEK is presented by: @cosplaypromotion @fledgetacular "We should be promoting your Cosplay, too!" Log on: www.cosplaypromotion.webs.com #Cosplay #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaying #cosplayers #animecosplay #wigcosplay #disneycosplay #marvelcosplay #dccosplay #CosplayPromoTeam #FledgetacularShare #MayorApproved #Contastic #cosconblast #cOSPLAYrEPOST #NerdyGirls #CreativeCosplay #cosplaymanipulation #Photoshop #cosplayedits #edits
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fledgetacular-blog · 8 years ago
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#CosplayerAppreciationWeek JANUARY DAY 1 - ProtocolSavy @Protocall13o2 FACEBOOK.com/ProtocolSavy PHOTOGRAPHER NAME: Charles Alba Cosplaying From Winston Salem, NC WHAT CON WILL YOU BE ATTENDING IN 2017?TriadAnimeConvention, Winston-Salem Comic Con, NorthCarolina Comic Con, Jay and eddies comic con COSPLAYER APPRECIATION WEEK is presented by: @cosplaypromotion @fledgetacular "We should be promoting your Cosplay, too!" Log on: www.cosplaypromotion.webs.com #Cosplay #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaying #cosplayers #animecosplay #wigcosplay #disneycosplay #marvelcosplay #dccosplay #CosplayPromoTeam #FledgetacularShare #MayorApproved #Contastic #cosconblast #cOSPLAYrEPOST #NerdyGirls #CreativeCosplay #catwoman #batman #madeatmidnightcosplay #protocall13o2 #BALIENTCATWOMAN
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fledgetacular-blog · 8 years ago
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#CosplayerAppreciationWeek JANUARY DAY 1 - Keith Webb FACEBOOK.com/Keith Webb PHOTOGRAPHER NAME: RedWebbCosplay Cosplaying From Oklahoma City, Oklahoma WHAT CON WILL YOU BE ATTENDING IN 2017?Izumicon COSPLAYER APPRECIATION WEEK is presented by: @cosplaypromotion @fledgetacular "We should be promoting your Cosplay, too!" Log on: www.cosplaypromotion.webs.com #Cosplay #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaying #cosplayers #animecosplay #wigcosplay #disneycosplay #marvelcosplay #dccosplay #CosplayPromoTeam #FledgetacularShare #MayorApproved #Contastic #cosconblast #cOSPLAYrEPOST #NerdyGirls #CreativeCosplay #DarthMaul #StarWars #NightBrother #Lightsaber #TheForce
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fledgetacular-blog · 8 years ago
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#CosplayerAppreciationWeek JANUARY DAY 1 - Frostylocks Cosplay @frostylocks_cosplay FACEBOOK.com/Facebook.com/cosplayworks PHOTOGRAPHER NAME:Cali Cosplaying From arkansas WHAT CON WILL YOU BE ATTENDING IN 2017?Animecon Arkansas COSPLAYER APPRECIATION WEEK is presented by: @cosplaypromotion @fledgetacular "We should be promoting your Cosplay, too!" Log on: www.cosplaypromotion.webs.com #Cosplay #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaying #cosplayers #animecosplay #wigcosplay #disneycosplay #marvelcosplay #dccosplay #CosplayPromoTeam #FledgetacularShare #MayorApproved #Contastic #cosconblast #cOSPLAYrEPOST #NerdyGirls #CreativeCosplay #vampirechronicles #lestatdeloincourt #interviewwiththevampire #Thebratprince #TheprinceLestat
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fledgetacular-blog · 8 years ago
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#CosplayerAppreciationWeek JANUARY DAY 1 - Dr Suess @Asianluv84 FACEBOOK.com/Joy Asianluv PHOTOGRAPHER NAME: Tony Ellis Cosplaying From Hampton,Va WHAT CON WILL YOU BE ATTENDING IN 2017?Nekocon COSPLAYER APPRECIATION WEEK is presented by: @cosplaypromotion @fledgetacular "We should be promoting your Cosplay, too!" Log on: www.cosplaypromotion.webs.com #Cosplay #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaying #cosplayers #animecosplay #wigcosplay #disneycosplay #marvelcosplay #dccosplay #CosplayPromoTeam #FledgetacularShare #MayorApproved #Contastic #cosconblast #cOSPLAYrEPOST #NerdyGirls #CreativeCosplay
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fledgetacular-blog · 8 years ago
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#CosplayerAppreciationWeek JANUARY DAY 1 - Crazy Monkey Cosplay FACEBOOK.com/CrazyMonkeyCosplay PHOTOGRAPHER NAME; Neko 7 Cosplay Photography Cosplaying From Pawtucket, RI WHAT CON WILL YOU BE ATTENDING IN 2017?Fanime, Anime Boston, Conneticon, DragonCon COSPLAYER APPRECIATION WEEK is presented by: @cosplaypromotion @fledgetacular "We should be promoting your Cosplay, too!" Log on: www.cosplaypromotion.webs.com #Cosplay #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaying #cosplayers #animecosplay #wigcosplay #disneycosplay #marvelcosplay #dccosplay #CosplayPromoTeam #FledgetacularShare #MayorApproved #Contastic #cosconblast #cOSPLAYrEPOST #NerdyGirls #CreativeCosplay #Joker
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