#cory isn't glee
gleesongtournament · 1 year
Glee Song Tournament Round 1
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Asking the same thing for Finn, what are his top 5 sexiest moments?
All of them! Omg this is hard to choose... in no specific order:
The fight with Shue
The fight with Brody
Him singing Jessie's Girl
Him outsmarting Sue
The "graduation is a year away *smolder* got any plans until then *open mouth kiss*"
Him in Grease in that tight black tshirt and jeans (so many moments from s4, the only good part of s4 was Finn though and Finn being sexy)
Omg his endgame speech at the wedding + him looking like he was about to ravage Rachel when they were undressing in that hotel room. I just know Rachel had a good time at the wedding. No wonder she thought she was pregnant after that cause same.
Him getting all fighty in Prom Queen. That was so sexy of him.
Him in that disco suit from Saturday Night Glee-ver.
Any moment with Finn in his football or basketball uniform.
Him performing Paradise By The Dashboard Light
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sapphic-agent · 5 months
As a POC I could not handle any longer the way they excused Lea's actions on the Glee subreddit. I left permanently because of it. It angered me the day someone on the sub said that Lea apologised. Lea did not apologise. More than enough times, I've seen Lea be defended on that sub and people get upvoted for it and I couldn't stand it any longer.
The tipping point for me was that people started to say that Santana fans can't keep their feelings about Naya separate but at the same time they're known strong Rachel fans and Rachel defenders and have shown support to Lea multiples all the while being overly-critical about Santana. It was just brewing into hypocritical territory for me.
As a teen, Naya helped me in ways that's hard to explain. Her passing affected me deeply. To see that a few people, going off of the multiple upvotes, were agreeing with comments made accusing Santana fans of mixing their feelings about Naya with Santana in an unhealthy manner was hurtful. Lea fans also double down on putting Rachel on a pedstal to not talk about Lea's past actions on the glee sub but it's not spoken about.
So grateful that you spoke up about this major issue when it comes to Lea on the Glee sub. Your willingness to speak up about the issues on the Glee sub makes me feel less alone.
Omg thank you! That's so nice of you to say. I really do try to steer away from real people on this blog because I want to be primarily media-based. But the Glee sub makes me so fucking mad. They're the definition of performative activism and double standards. Supporting and/or forgiving Lea is just shitty, no matter how many times they try to justify it.
Naya- and Heather- helped me a lot too. They brought to life one of the healthiest, most important sapphic couple of the 2010s (my username was inspired by them lol, that's why they were my old pfp). They made me feel okay to be myself and comfortable in my sexuality. Her passing affected me for a long time too, it was like I couldn't process it.
I know exactly what you're talking about, when people would accuse Santana fans of conflating Santana because of Naya's passing. Like, right after it happened. It was really an awful thing to say because a woman was dead. Her life and memory were more important than their favorite character getting shit. They're vile.
If anyone can't separate the actor from the character it's Finn fans. Cory was a great guy- people always said him and Dianna were the nicest of the cast- and he also passed while the show was still running. A lot of Finn's "likability" came from Cory's charisma and comedic timing. If Cory was still alive I really don't think as many people would defend Finn.
(Tbh, I think Cory himself would shit on Finn. His mom once said that Santana slapping Finn was his favorite scene)
I also feel like people (including other POCs) don't actually understand why Lea was (is?) racist. Racism isn't just "I hate minorities and don't think they deserve rights." It's way more complicated than that. Lea might not have been throwing the n-word around (though, she was derogatory at least towards Samantha with that "shit in her wig" comment), but she absolutely viewed her being white as being superior to her WOC coworkers.
It's a pretty common thing for Black girls. Hell, I even experienced it from girls I called my friends. They're so "down✊🏾" but will be quick to remind you how more cultured and better than you they are.
If you haven't been taught about or experienced these things, you won't know that. But attempting to shut down WOC who have experienced it is shitty. Lea fans trip over themselves to defend someone who went out of her way to bully a younger Black coworker just because she could.
(Also, she was outwardly transphobic. Not letting anyone forget that either. If she was so willing to be transphobic, what makes you think she wasn't racist?)
Lea fans have no excuse. I liked and looked up to JKR too, but the people she hurt (and continues to hurt) are more important than how much I admired her or how much I enjoyed Harry Potter. I was disgusted by her and had no issues condemning her. Lea fans are hypocritical, self-righteous performative activists
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candyfsh · 2 months
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𐙚 ⋅ ˚ ₊ ‧ misty
by candyfsh
richie white feels helpless as he looks at y/n. her eyes are shining with glee and her smile is bright. richie returns the smile and pulls her closer, his arm wrapped around her neck. he presses a kiss on the top of her head as they sit together on a couch. the loud rock music seems quiet to the both of them as they're lost in love. richie never thought he'd feel this way; his heart thumping quicker in his chest while his face is buried in the top of his girlfriend's head. it's perfect.
his head slightly lifts when he hears his name being called. he can see his friend, carl, approaching them with a blunt in between his fingers. y/n looks up at richie, her head still against his shoulder and nuzzling against him. richie thinks she's so beautiful. he knows she is. he looks back up at carl.
"is this y/n?" carl asks with furrowed brows while he takes a hit. richie smiles in pride and pulls her impossibly closer to his body.
"hell yeah," he looks down at her and kisses her forehead. he moves his head to look at carl, but most of his attention is on the lovely girl beside him. more against him. "beautiful girl, huh?"
carl nods in agreement and he chuckles. richie knows carl is sick and tired of hearing about his girlfriend. richie's just so happy with her, he couldn't have asked for anyone better. with the countless girls he's flirted with and kissed, nobody could ever compare to her. he's absolutely in love. they both are.
"did y'know that she's friends with someone who's friends with cory? you can get to her easier because of my beautiful girl. see, y/n's perfect. she's awesome, isn't she?"
his buddy just rolls his eyes with a playful look on his face while richie smiles genuinely. he knows that he can't say anything negative about her or he'd have issues with richie. he witnessed someone talk bad about her once and richie immediately swooped in to defend her. he may or may not have punched the person who said something bad.
"alright, i'm gonna go." carl says as he starts to back up. he feels obligated to leave them alone. "have fun."
"we will." richie responds, immediately turning his attention toward y/n again. he gently cups her cheek and tilts her head up. he leans down and kisses her lips. anyone can see that they love each other very much. nothing is going to change that. they're both just blinded with love.
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sillyname30 · 9 months
I just listened to the lastest episode of and that's what you really missed on Glee. The biggest surprise of this episode was that Kevin and Jenna talked about the box scene. I never expected them to talk about Klaine. That's what happened: The episode was teased with an important Klaine scene, but when it aired their scene was not in it and the fans went crazy. The script of the episode appeared in an auction for Project Angel Food and 2 fans organized a fundraiser to bit on the script. Ryan heard of it and he released the scene on YouTube. Kevin said that you can see why it was cut. It is not a very good scene. Jenna said it's a little lackluster. (Of course that had to talk Klaine down.) Artie as a director: Kevin was trying to do a nod to Ryan. Where his hands were placed, how he was talking. He had to tone it down though. The Christmas special: Jenna said it was a multi-camera shot like they did back then. During the filming of All I Want for Christmas someone took a photo of the girls on a phone and it was used for press. Kevin said that the ratings were down and they started a rumour to get them back up. Kevin took a picture of Jenna with Lea and Cory in the background being extra snuggly. He posted it and when the first person reacted to it, he took it down like he was doing something wrong. The rumour got picked up and spread to all the entertainment sides. A couple of weeks later Lea told Kevin that she and Cory really started dating around that time. Kevin told another story about something he did over the soundsystem, but I didn't really get. I guess my English isn't good enough for that. cringe moment: the homeless jokes (Kevin), Do They Know It's Christmas at the homeless shelter (Jenna) best dance move: Christmas Wrapping best song: Christmas Wrapping (Kevin), All I Want For Christmas Is You (Jenna) performance mvp: Lea and Cory
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 9 months
New-Ish ocs
Eve Dearly ( OUAT ) – Henry's twin sister, was adopted before Regina could get both babies, ran away from home and wound up in Storybrooke, the only person other than Henry to age or to realize that time is passing, adopted by Angel Dearly
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Gabriel Whittaker / Klaus White ( OUAT ) – Snow's twin brother, Regina tried to have him killed in the Enchanted Forest and he's believed dead but he survived, lost his memories but is sure that if he can just meet Snow, it'll all make sense
Taken in by the Dumas family (Angel Dearly in the Enchanted Forest) and still lives with them in Storybrooke
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Ginevra Maroni ( Gotham / The Batman ); x Bruce Wayne – Sal Maroni's daughter, looking to topple her father's criminal empire but has a very specific plan in mind and buts heads with Bruce over how to handle it
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Helena Jackson ( PJO, TV verse )
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Kirsi Tremblay ( PJO, TV verse ) – unclaimed camper of 5 years, originally from Quebec, sibling dynamic with Luke, unofficial co-counsellor of the Hermes cabin
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Livana Gold / Amaris Pan ( OUAT ) – Peter Pan's daughter with a witch from Oz, she wants a child for bloodline magic & Peter basically wanted this child because he thinks if he sacrifices a child's heart from his own bloodline it will extend his own immortality, her mother found out about Peter's plans and went to Rumpelstiltskin for help, they make a deal for a protective charm in exchange for the child's name, the charm is designed that if she's ever in danger it'll bring her to him so he's raising her in Storybrooke, she ages at the same pace as Henry thanks to the charm
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Malia Constantine ( Titans ) – bisexual british witch bitch, youngest member of the original Titans, didn't handle the group splitting up well and went a bit off the rails, now running cons to alleviate her boredom
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Maristela Carrillo ( Harry Potter ); x Blaise Zabini & Theodore Nott – Slytherin Queen, knows what she wants and is not afraid to take it, stuck in the longest game of romantic chicken in the world with Blaise and Theodore
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Michelle Beaton ( Gossip Girl ); x Blair Waldorf – Catherine Beaton's daughter (with Bart Bass, he doesn't know that), goes to the Hamptons with her mom and ends up in New York, Blair enemies to lovers
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Veronica Bacall ( OUAT ) – Jessica Rabbit
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Zoe Giardi ( Glee ); x Mike Chang – Kendra (Del Monico) Giardi's eldest child, cheerio, not part of the Unholy Trinity but friends with them, interested in trying out for Glee but her mom would hate it (so she convinces her mom that she should join to make sure Uncle Will isn't having an affair), Quinn would hate it (so she convinces Quinn that not only should she join but so should the Unholy Trinity so they can keep an eye on Finchel), and Sue would hate it (so she convinces Sue that the four cheerios should be her spies), but honestly she just wants to vibe
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The Witching Hour ( Teen Wolf ) – extensive supernatural/hunter family verse, characters are still being named but currently have 16 characters cast
Originally part of the Calaveras, one man saw a young witch girl about to die in a witch burning, killed everyone who was part of it and then adopted her More defectors joined, not all related but consider themselves a family Hunt monsters, not the supernatural (would hunt Deucalion or Peter, would also hunt Kate & Gerard), take in kids whose families were lost to the supernatural world (supernatural kids whose families were killed by hunters, also hunters whose parents were killed by supernatural creatures, also kids who aren’t either but whose parents died in the crossfire) Travel wherever they’re needed but home base is in Argentina
Unnamed OUAT ocs:
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also, recent-ish plot bunnies so I don't lose them all:
Mimi Morton (Glee)
Sutton Reeves (Glee)
Tracy Sinclair (Stranger Things)
Azaria Lynn (Twilight)
Coralie "Cori" Parks (PJO)
[more to come]
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Guess I'll also rank all the Glee Christmas songs
I blame you, @thnxforknowingme. Although, I will switch it up a bit. First off, I am sober, second off, I am completely fucking ignoring Previously Unaired Christmas' songs (except for one) cause that entire episode is dead to me, and third off, I do want to rank the album ones as well cause I always listen to the albums.
I am also vaguely ranking them on song choice, quality of the performance, and simply whether I like it. This is very unprofessional and biased. It might not make sense.
Let's start with the two separate songs, that fall outside of the ranking.
Hounourable mention: Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah - Glee, Actually
I also think it should kind of be its own thing, since it's not a Christmas song. It is catchy, though, and Puck and Jake sound great together. And it's nice of the show to acknowledge that there are characters who do not celebrate Christmas (looking at you, Rachel!) (I mean, Tina is also canonically Jewish, but she was never positioned as the big Christmas lover, like Rachel).
(Dis?)Honourable mention: Rocking Around the Christmas Tree - Previously Unaired Crisis
Aka, the only PUC song that I willingly listen. It's not the best song, but it is fun enough.
And now, the ranking:
35. River - Extraordinary Merry Christmas
Boring. The only song that is basically an instant skip for me. It isn't even on my Glee Christmas Spotify playlist. I don't know why. It just doesn't do it for me. Even when I first heard it at the episode's FLF, it just felt like a big pot of meh. Add this to a storyline of Rachel just... showing off... and it's not my thing. Like, I know I shouldn't care about the storylines for these episodes, since it's all about album sales at the end of the day, but it doesn't make it any better.
34. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - A Very Glee Christmas (album)
This song is just kind of weird? But it's also just fine. I do like hearing everyone sing on this one. And is this the only time Dianna appears on the album?
33. Merry Christmas, Darling - AVGC
Huh. It almost seems like I have a vendetta against Rachel Christmas ballads. It's just also a bit meh to me and to be honest, I can't take it seriously cause I keep playing the SIMGM Finchel break-up scene in my head while listening to me. ("You said you'd never stop being friends with me!!!!" "I never thought you could make me feel like this." "NOOOOOO-" "Hey, town down the autotune." "Oh. Sorry. Nooooo.")
32. I'll Be Home For Christmas - Glee, Actually (album)
Yeah. My vendetta continues. I actually didn't realise it until this moment. I like it. It's just fine. But that's it. It's just fine.
31. O Christmas Tree - AVGC (album)
Same here. It's just fine. Matt sounds great, but there isn't much to say.
30. Do You Hear What I Hear - EMC (album)
And same here. Look, we've reached the section of "fine, just fine" songs. I am ranking them mostly on how much I like the voices at this point, cause at the end of the day, all are just fine.
29. Blue Christmas - EMC
Also just fine. This does that the benefit of having a touchy storyline attached to it.
28. The First Noel - Glee, Actually
Same here. Fine. Melissa sounds fine.
27. Do They Know It's Christmas - EMC
I am a sucker of group numbers and it sounds great, but yeah, the song itself is kind of questionable. I agree with Jenna that it's very white saviourism. As if people in Africa don't know the concept of Christmas exists.
26. You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch - AVGC
k.d. lang sings this as a special guest and it's never acknowledged it the episode. I don't have much to say, but I just find it genuinely funny and it fits the whole Sue the Grinch vibe.
25. Last Christmas - AVGC
This song fits the storyline but for inside-joke reasons, I cannot take any version of this song seriously. But it sounds nice and Lea and Cory sound great.
24. Joy To The World - Glee, Actually (album)
Another song that's just nice to listen to. It's better than the "just fine" category, but this one (and the next two) are also just in the same category of "I like listening to it, it's good, that's all I gotta say".
23. Little Drummer Boy - AVGC (album)
I just like Kevin's voice.
22. Angels Have We Heard On High - AVGC (album)
And I like Amber's voice the most!
21. The Most Wonderful Day of the Year - AVGC
It's a nice opener. I think from all the openers, it's my least favourite, but it's just fun. I do prefer to listen to the episode version, mainly because I think Dianna sounds great in it. Like, I obviously also love Chris's voice, but Dianna's little additions are adorable.
20. My Favourite Things - EMC
Look, Glee made it a Christmas song, now. It's just very cute.
19. White Christmas - Glee, Actually
Yeah. Here is my big unpopular opinion. White Christmas just feels fine. The main reason it's not lower is because I am a Klainer 12. I think this duet just feels a bit unbalanced, as in, it's mostly Darren, so it's not really a duet. I do like the jazzy sound, but it's just nice.
18. Christmas Eve With You - EMC (album)
Yes, they wrote another original song that year. Honestly, this one is surprisingly good. Can't believe it made me care about Wemma for once, but Matt and Jayma sound really good together.
17. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas - Glee, Actually
It does work in the story! That's the main reason I like it. It wraps up everything nicely. But apart from that, it's also just nice to listen to. It's really soothing.
16. Welcome Christmas - AVGC
Same for this one. It sounds nice. The chorus is great. That's it. Also, this song isn't on the album!
15. We Need A Little Christmas - AVGC
This one just makes me very happy. I also just dance along like they did in the episode. It is funny to me.
14. O Holy Night - AVGC (album), Swan Song
The triumphant return of the Rachel solo. Questionable storyline aside, I actually think Lea sounds really good here. It feels like this was the emotion she was aiming for with the other ballads. (But also... Rachel, you're Jewish.)
13. Happy Xmas (War Is Over) - Glee, Actually (album)
Ah. Cory's solo. After he died, this passed around with people freaking out about a "hidden Cory solo!", but no, it was just always on the album. He sounds really lovely here, together with the chorus in the back.
12. Santa Baby - EMC (album, cut from episode)
Naya sounds great and God, I wish they had kept it in, cause the performance is really well done as well.
11. Jingle Bells - AVGC (album)
Look, this is just a lot of fucking fun. I am a bitch for upbeat songs and this is just a bop. Like, the glee ladies had that dreadful ballad on this album, but the guys got to party.
10. Jingle Bell Rock - Glee, Actually
I just like this song in general and Chord sounds fun. The accompanying storyline was... weird, though, but it's season 4, everything was weird here.
9. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - EMC
Sure. Why not. I like how Cory and Mark sound together and I really like the instrumentals of this song as well.
8. Let It Snow - EMC
This is just a lot of fun. Darren and Chris sound great on it and there's the nice instrumental and it's just jolly! And of course, I am a Klainer 12.
7. Christmas Wrapping - EMC
I unironically adore this song. Like, it objectively isn't the best song, which is partially because Hemo was never the strongest singer in the cast, but for some reason this one is really doing it for me.
6. Feliz Navidad - Glee, Actually
I am a sucker for Kevin's voice. It's weird. I know. But I think you need to see it as an intentional goofy thing. I always want to dance along to this one.
5. Extraordinary Merry Christmas - EMC
I vaguely recall Darren saying he dislikes this song, but I disagree. It's fun, it's upbeat, but it also doesn't sound like some trashy pop Christmas song (in my opinion) and Lea and Darren sound great together.
Now it's getting difficult. These four are just amazing.
4. Silent Night - Glee, Actually (album)
This is my favourite song of this album. I just remember being moved when I first heard it and that feeling has always sticked. I am usually not the person who likes ballads. I like the upbeat stuff more, which might've become apparent in this list, but this one just got me in the feels for some reason.
3. Deck the Rooftop - AVGC (album)
A mash-up! It's just a really good mash-up and it sounds like everyone is having fun while singing it. I think this is my underappreciated gem.
2. All I Want For Christmas - EMC
This song was made for Amber. She sounds so fucking good in it. It's also a great opener (even though we know it was supposed to be the closing number).
Baby, It's Cold Outside - AVGC
Come on. I am a Klainer 12, after all. But I think even without the Klainer aspect, this is just a really good cover, which is probably why stores still play it. And honestly, it's ballsy to have two men sing this universally known love song in 2010. They sound so good together, too.
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spaceorphan18 · 1 year
Glee Musical Retrospective : Gives You Hell (Hell-O)
Sung by: Rachel Berry w/New Directions Original Artist(s): The All-American Rejects
The thing about this song is that it's a cheeky and immature way of handling people you don't like. Which is perfect for a scorned, teenage Rachel to release her irritation with Finn. It's not the most Rachel-ish of Rachel songs, but you know the writers were endlessly amused that they could use the 'Hell' part of Hello.
I'm not gonna lie, though, the performances (particularly the background performances) in this one never fail to make me laugh.
Story Analysis
I wouldn't say that Glee is all that subtle with this one, but Rachel isn't a subtle girl. We all know that she's deeply hurt by Finn dumping her, but she's going to pretend that it doesn't matter - and this song is just a prolonged 'fuck you, I'm fine' to Finn.
The way Rachel just starts in an indignant position, carefully placing her hands on her hips, ready to yell at her new ex via music. It's just hilarious. She is all sassy and she has brought it, and she brings it the whole way through. And the way Rachel and Finn have this kind of nonverbal dialogue through the whole thing is brilliant.
Is she fine? No not really, but she's definitely going to pretend to be. She's also angry, and this song has a level of pettiness to it that suits her just fine.
I wake up every evening With a big smile on my face And it never feels out of place
She is pretending so hard to be okay with everything, and show that he can do whatever, and she's fine with it. But the interesting thing is that by the time she does get to the chorus, her true feelings come out just a little. She's ultimately sad more than mad. She doesn't want to be singing this song - but this is a song of the scorned ex, so she's going to push on.
When you see my face Hope it gives you hell Hope it gives you hell When you walk my way Hope it gives you hell Hope it gives you hell
Every line of the song is dripping with sarcasm and anger. But the crux of it is in the chorus. Rachel wants Finn to regret what he did every time he sees her.
And I mean, Rachel is hopelessly melodramatic in everything that she does. So this over the top performance just feeds into the type of person she is. And despite being ridiculed for most of her life, this is the first time she's been dumped, so now she gets the play the role of victim, so of course she's going to milk it for what it's worth.
And while we don't really see much vulnerability under the hurt and anger, it's there.
Now where’s your picket fence, love? And where’s that shiny car? Did it ever get you far? You never seem so tense, love I never seen you fall so hard Do you know where you are?
I kind of love what she does with these lines. They're so dripping with sarcasm, and she gets right in his face as she sings about him being tense. But also -- just the taunt of -- hey, are you really better without me? I think not.
And truth be told I miss you And truth be told I'm lying 
These lines, however, are the biggest lie, and the biggest departure from the essence of the song for Rachel. The song itself is written about someone who is sincere in their messaging. But Rachel -- she does miss Finn, and she is lying, but she'll never say otherwise.
Now you’ll never see What you’ve done to me You can take back your memories They’re no good to me And here’s all your lies You can look me in the eyes With the sad, sad look That you wear so well
These lines are so interesting, too. Again, Rachel is pushing all in to be the scorned ex and be done with Finn. He knows better, and really she does, too. But she's going to hold on to the attempt to saving face. Also, interestingly, she really doesn't look him in the eye during most of it. A couple of times to point and call him out, but not really.
Meanwhile, a ton of kudos to Cory Monteith. Finn can completely see through what she's doing -- and after the initial shock of 'oh great this is for me', he kind of just lets it happen. But also, by the end, Finn's dug in his own heels and is like - you can do this all you want, Rachel, but I know what's really going on. And Cory's nonverbal acting skills in this number are so good and so hilarious, and I love it.
Some smaller things -
Naya is hilarious as Santana. The looks she throws to Rachel during this number at the beginning are great.
What is up with Kurt sitting in the corner half the song? I've never fully understood that acting choice -- it's short lived as he jumps in near the end. I am amused by his 'okay crazy' look he gives her though when she sings to him.
There's a sweet moment between Puck and Quinn goofing around when the song gets to /If you find a man that’s worth the damn and treats you well / -- it's a nice beat.
Will has some funny eye rolls here, but c'mon, I judge him a little bit for letting this song go on the full way through.
Rachel pushes all in when the song ramps up and the kids come in. She's now got all the attention and the sympathy, so it's no longer about her and her feelings of sorrow but about her shining in the role she's created for herself.
Technical Thoughts
First... vocally? Rachel has a bit too much shine on her voice to really sell the grungy, whiny, white boy pop that this song is. But, meh. I mean, I don't think that people are necessarily buying this one because they love Lea Michele's take on it. I can't say that it's... great or anything.
But that's not the point -- what makes this performance for me is really the acting, especially from Cory. There are a lot of little beats through that are just great.
Also, have to take a moment and shout out the little dance break for Mike. We haven't really had much chance to see him shine, but he does here.
vs. The Studio Version : There's about a minute of added music - which is mostly the instrumental break and another round of the chorus. There isn't much different arrangement wise - though in the TV version, all the background vocals seem to be mixed at the same level as Rachel's -- but in the studio version, Rachel's voice comes out clearer.
vs. The Original Version : This is one of the more contemporary pop songs that I actually knew before Glee, and I actually really like it. It's incredibly catchy, and the video is kind of hilarious, too. Glee doesn't really do much to change the arrangement of it, and sticks to the whole song rather faithfully. The only twist is that Rachel's being a bit ironic about singing it when the song itself is rather sincere.
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brooklynislandgirl · 10 months
Advent Day V ~ It's Beginning to Look @corinnebaileyrp
With the lights dimmed and the doors locked anyone with half a brain would notice that the shop is closed but it doesn't stop Beth from gently tapping on the glass. The night is cold but she stamps her booted feet and seems momentarily delighted by the dampness in the air. Maybe in the next couple of days there will be snow. Or at the very least rain. Which on glass might turn into the very same lacy patterns she hopes to flock onto the insides of Cory's windows. At her feet is a suitcase roughly her same size that has stencils she's made, white paint with an assortment of pigment dyes in both glitter and non glitter, making tape, newspapers, everything she could think of to bring with her. Even tiny brushes and washable wall-crayons. Tonight is just the two of them and they're going to decorate the shop for the holidays. Cory lets her in with that glowing smile of hers and Beth can't help but throw her arms around her friend's neck with a girlish glee and kisses her cheek. Beth feels a little like ice but she'll live. The shop itself is warm and the smell of proofing bread and the day's pastries wafts toward her on a cloud of steam from a freshly brewing pot of coffee for them. Can Beth smell the difference between beans? Absolutely. Is Cory making them a pot of Jamaican Blue Mountain as a splurge, absolutely yes. And the little nurse is truly grateful. "Dat smell so sexy, I might change religion," she murmurs almost under her breath and is rewarded by the laugh Cory bestows on her. They both know Andy would have a lot to unpack with that statement and they spend a few moments mocking the missing man. They make quick work of covering the tables and floors so any mess makes for easy recycling. Cory has some ornaments and ribbons to make wreaths. And a gorgeously curated instrumental playlist. She tells Beth she's glad for the company, thanks her for the help and Beth nods. Cory knows she could just as easily do this with her fantastic employees but this is more personal. Beth knows she's an artist who doesn't share her work with many. Sometimes she wonders if Andy knows about Cory's sketchbooks. No real fault of his if he doesn't. Just makes the secret shared all that much more special in Beth's mind.
Cory works on the first wreath while Beth paints blue-white snow-drifts on the first window. "It was Christmas Eve, Babe In the drunk tank An old man said to me, won't see another one And then he sang a song…" Beth belts away, though she isn't half the musician that her brother is, but she stops and turns and raises a brow when Cory picks up where she left off. They take turns, until the last verse and suddenly both women are arm in arm, serenading the shop. "...The boys of the NYPD choir Still singing Galway Bay And the bells are ringing out For Christmas day."
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okwritingandpain · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy: The Curse of The Ravenclaw House: Phineas Nigellus Black x Reader
Chapter 12: Trial Two
You had never seen the common room so bare. The window had disappeared and the trial took over your surroundings. Black was gone and you had no instruction on what to do. You trudged slowly to the center of the room. Peering around you, more blue magic danced under you feet. It pointed towards the the dormitories.
"Alright ancient magic...let's see what you have to say." You whisper, following the magic. It led you to one of the common rooms on the boys side. The room looked different from the standard Ravenclaw room that everyone got. The bed sheets were torn up and personal items were scattered across the floor. The floorboards were also torn up which made a hint of fear grow in your stomach. Suddenly a bunch of foot steps came lurching towards the door and you turned around to see a young Cornelius and another person.
"What happened to your room, Cory?" The dark brown haired girl asked. She adjusted her glasses as she couldn't believe what she saw.
"It's nothing, Violet." He replied, searching through a chest at the foot of his bed. Violet shifted uncomfortably. A dark colored owl flew into the room, pecking at Violet's shoulder and then land next to Cornelius.
"There you are, Midnight." He petted his owl who glared at Violet. Finally, Cornelius found what he was looking for. A field guide?
"That's not possible..." You trailed off, staring at the much smaller book in his hand. The book was nowhere near as thick as you own, but there was no denying it was a field guide.
"What is that?" Violet asked, reaching out to it. Cornelius snatched the book away from her.
"The headmaster gave it to me. It's like a prototype or something." He muttered, flipping through a few pages. Violet looked extremely nervous, rubbing her arms as if she was cold.
"Prototype? Why would they give this to you..." Her eyes filled with worry.
"Because I am special. I have magic that no one else has. I know more than this entire school wants to believe. Who knows, maybe the information I write down will be used in a future rendition." Cornelius said with glee.
"Don't let this go to your head." Violet whispered, but Cornelius wasn't listening. You opened your field guide, thinking about every time you had used it. Professor Weasley had let you keep the field guide after it was completed. She thought it was a good way to refresh anything that may have been hazy.
"It's already there." He replied, taking out his wand. "I wrote down some of the Unforgivable curses. You never know who may need them." Violet's fear escalated and she began to back away from him.
"Why would you do that? Why would you do any of this? I don't understand what has gotten into you lately!" She screamed, now at the door.
"If I'm going to defeat Black then I have to be sure that my predecessor can do the same if my attempts to kill him are trampled." Cornelius hissed.
"You've changed, Cornelius. You were different before Black decided to forget you because of your blood." She snapped.
"That is nowhere near the only reason! But! It is the best one of them all. If being an orphan isn't enough then getting rejected by a pure blood should do the trick." He laughed, placing the field guide in his bag and running out the door. The memory faded and you look down to see the Cornelius' field guide on the floor. You picked it up and flipped through it quickly. There was nothing that stood out other than the small angry journal entries Cornelius wrote about Black.
"We are more similar than I thought." You whisper to yourself.
"Indeed." A familiar voice says. You whip around to see Cornelius standing behind you. Midnight was perched on his shoulder and a large, devilish grin hung on his face.
"Hello, Cornelius." You say, hiding the field guide behind your back.
"Hello, Y/N." He mimicked, beginning to pace around you. "Am I interrupting one of your trials?"
"Really? I thought you were a part of the show." You smirk. He shrugs with a light chuckle.
"I just thought I would check in. I hope Black will be joining us. I would just love for him to see what is about to happen."
"What are you planning?"
"What's the fun in telling you?"
"Quit your games."
"Why so serious? Is it that hard to have a little fun?"
"Maybe it is."
"I don't think so." Cornelius slammed you against the wall, placing a hand on your neck. "Where's your knight in shinning armor when you need him?" He laughed, pressing hard against your neck. You take out your wand, but Cornelius bats it out of your hand. Alright then...next step is to kick him in the balls and that's exactly what you did. He lurched forward and you quickly snatched your wand and booked it for the door. How were you supposed to escape this place if you hadn't completed the trial? What even is the trial?! "You can't run forever." His voice taunted. Your heart pounds, but you collide with something.
"Y/N!" Black hugs you. What was he doing here?
"There's the knight himself!" Cornelius laughed. Black quickly pulled out his wand and stood in front of you.
"Stay away from her." He growled as magic danced along the tip of his wand.
"Or what?"
"I blow you brains out." He snapped, now using his arm to cover you.
"I would like to see you try." Cornelius hissed, shooting a ray of blue electric like magic shot towards Black.
"Pretego!" Black shouted but the magic was stronger than he expected. Falling to the floor with electric charges surging up and down his spine, Black screams in agony.
"Enough!" You snap, shooting your own burst of ancient magic. Cornelius is launched backwards and you attempt to lift Black off the ground. "You're going to be okay."
"What would I do without you." Black whispers and you look at him surprised. Blue magic glows below you and it travels up your leg all the way to your face.
"This isn't over!" Cornelius snapped as the magic brought you back to the present day common room and of course kids were there.
"It's Y/N and her boyfriend!" One kid shouted.
"I will murder you if you say another word about this!" You snap, pulling Black out of the room the best you could. Black was beginning to regain his strength and they started for the hospital wing. "I'm sorry for all this."
"I've told you before...it's not your fault. I think we need a break."
"Maybe you should have cancelled classes for the holidays then." You smirk. Black chuckled as they came across a floo powder that was decently far away from the common room. They use it to appear in the wing and you drop Black off. While you wished to talk to Fig, you thought to would be better to rest after your encounter. You head back to the common room and sit on one of the couches. Pulling out Cornelius' field guide, you feel a sense of calm. That was until you noticed other students start to act...strange. Their eyes flashed purple and that was all you saw before voices filled your mind. Then there was no control. Nothing. You were stuck...controlled by someone you know all too well.
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backup-baby-backup · 1 year
Mine and Cory Monteith
A common theory about Mine, one that's almost as old as the song itself, is that it's about Cory Monteith. There's an article from Yahoo! Music that came out a week before the album dropped that namechecks Cory as a possible inspiration for Mine. Of course, there isn't smoke without fire: by the time Mine came out she had broken up with John Mayer, and she had been papped bowling with Cory in March, making everybody think that they were dating.
Evidence for:
1. That Instagram story:
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I've seen a number of people talking about this but never the actual picture, so here you go. This was posted on his mother's public account and is currently still in its highlights. (The picture was taken at a Nick Jonas afterparty, by the way, and is the first time Taylor and Cory met.)
Also, Taylor mentioned that the guy she wrote the song about emailed her after she released the song, so if Mine is about Cory then he would know-- and I'm thinking so would his mother.
2. Timing
Taylor and Cory first met on January 28th, and were last seen together bowling in March. She also said the song was about "a guy that I just barely knew". If Mine is about Cory Monteith, it would have been written around February.
On the other hand, this article from Billboard mentions that Taylor wrote Innocent "between February and June 2010" after she played Mine to Scott Borschetta, which dates the writing of Mine in February.
The dates match up...
3. Glee
Evidence against:
Mine is one of the only two Taylor Swift songs to have ever been covered on Glee, which might be surprising given that the Speak Now era is widely looked upon as a less commercially successful era, and that Glee ran until the 1989 era. (The other song is Mean, which could honestly have well been tailor-made for an anti-bullying PSA segment in Glee.) Interesting how Glee didn't cover any of Taylor's songs from her more impactful eras.*
1. The song lyrics
"You were in college working part-time, waiting tables". We don't know if Cory Monteith ever waited tables, but we do know he didn't go to college.*
But we have a potential defence here!
"It actually is a confession of some sort," [Taylor] responded, "because this is a situation where a guy that I just barely knew put his arm around me by the water, and I saw the entire relationship flash before my eyes, almost like some weird science-fiction movie. After I wrote the song, things sort of fell apart, as things so often do."
So although Taylor did say Mine was based on an actual person, there are some elements to it that are fictionalized! Maybe this was also the made-up lore that she wrote up, like the line about having bills to pay? Of course, it does make more sense that only everything after "flash forward" would be fictional, so this hedge isn't waterproof.
Ultimately, there isn't really strong evidence either way. End of post.
Time for my unwarranted RAMPANT SPECULATION: Taylor Swift and John Mayer were last seen together on 26 January 2010 when she went to his performance in Nashville (her mom was there as well, interestingly). I think things went downhill quickly after that and they had all but broken up by the time the Grammys rolled around. She had apparently broken up by February 13th according to her Lover Journal entry, so that checks out. So Taylor feels that she can start seeing other people (remember how much she hates cheating?), meets Cory, hangs out for a bit, but decides she isn't ready yet and it fizzles out. (I don't think they actually dated, though probably she had a bit of a crush on him.) On one of their hangouts, he wrapped his arm around her and she had a flash forward where they were taking on the world together, and we get Mine.
*It's rumoured that Glee was going to cover I Knew You Were Trouble on "Guilty Pleasures", but ended up cutting it. (This wasn't the same episode Taylor got a false lead on, by the way.)
**When I was researching for this I found this tidbit, which is... something.
Bonus fun fact! Taylor has never managed to sing Mine, the lead single of Speak Now, correctly live since 2013.
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measuringbliss · 2 years
Here we go, Glee Rewatch! 1x01 time, baby
Hii, welcome to the 2022-2023-2024-maybe-2025-dear-Lord weekly Glee rewatch! Whether you've been waiting for weeks for this, or whether you just saw this post randomly, feel free to participate! Are you a newbie, or have you seen the show dozens of times? You're welcome too! Do you want to skip an episode (or entire seasons!), do you want to write 10 words summarizing your thoughts or do you want to write intricate meta? Feel free to do whatever you want! Just don't harass anyone. You can complain about stuff or criticize it, but let's try to stay respectful towards each other, alright?
I'm writing this post on September 7, in 2022. I don't know when I'll set it for, but I'd like to have maybe a whole season (or more!) done before starting uploading those posts. My posts will be linked in the masterpost pinned on my tumblr.
Note: The first episode has two versions, the normal one and the Director's Cut. I watch the show on Disney+ and it appears that it's a mix between both versions, given that I don't recognize some of the scenes but do recognize some of the others mentioned here.
Second note: Today is October 1st, 2022. I finished the first season yesterday, and will schedule this post for tomorrow. Let's do one episode a week at first, alright? That way I'm not too stressed about it. We'll see if the schedule changes once Jenna and Kevin's new podcast comes around. Here's the Glee Rewatch Masterpost, by the way.
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Glee's Pilot episode is incredibly effective, introducing many characters and plotlines very efficiently. Right at the start, I noticed something about the clothes the characters wear when the football team puts Kurt in the trash bin. Obviously Kurt has his expensive outfit, and obviously most (let's ignore the second guy to the right) players have the red jacket of their team. But Finn, whose role is key in the show, wears a grey sweatshirt (that looks very comfy!) and a white shirt underneath. It already sets him apart from the rest of the team (especially coupled with his semi-intervention). You could even argue the grey is there to show Finn's conflicted feelings on his team's harassment. Why is there "55" marked on his sweat? Well, we see later that Finn's number is 5, but is it also there to convey the 50/50ness of his mindset? Not only that, but Finn is supposed to be average. Well the show paints him as more clueless than most other characters, but I was pretty clueless at his age too (...I still am). But he's not supposed to be this hot bombshell of a stud (even though Cory Monteith was absolutely this).
Damn that sweat looks comfy. And later on in the locker room, Finn is still in grey (and red). He's not the only one, but still. I know that his color is blue but grey... it's quite close, isn't it?
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And after Finn meets Rachel, who's infatuated with him, Finn wears blue! Is she giving him life? Blue is a color of melancholy, of sadness. Does Finn unconsciously realize that his relationship with Quinn doesn't bring him happiness? Or is it that it can't make him happy ever since Rachel entered his life?
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The red shirts symbolize the football team while his jean jacket symbolizes the Glee Club, his relationship with Rachel and his true self. He's still thinking about the club he'll pick if he has to choose, but subconsciously he's already decided.
However, later, after being slushied by his teammates, when Finn says to Rachel that he's leaving the Glee Club because of his reputation, he wears red again. And at the end, when he's back with the Glee Club, every member wears red. They reappropriated the color. Red is the color of passion, so it fits, right?
The score sung a capella is absolutely wonderful and I'm sad that it disappears after a few seasons. It's very charming and perfect for the show.
Emma is... oddly upfront with her contempt for Sue. She seems much more confrontation-averse in later episodes. I do appreciate, however, how her actress's doing her absolute best to seem unnerving but in a funny way.
Also wow this episode is grainy. Was it filmed on film and later episodes on digital?
I really love the auditions, very effective at introducing characters and giving them some credibility. I'm very fond of Kurt in this scene, where he knows how good he is at singing and flicks his hair (which is something Cory touchingly imitated when the cast rewatched the episode). This is hilarious! This is wonderfully acted! And I wish Kurt had stayed that way. At one point in S5, Kurt had an episode where he had a few outraged facial reactions and it reminded me of early Kurt. I feel like he became boring after a few seasons, but the base material was incredible.
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Tina's gothic style is great. Obviously, her pendant symbolizes her secret (she fakes her stutter). I've seen a few people suggest that Tina was intended to love girls at first and the song choice ("I Kissed a Girl") certainly... could imply that.
Rachel's introduction is perfect. The comedic timing of the gold star and sudden slushie is incredible. I love Rachel, honestly. Also love her two dads who mysteriously transformed without Rachel acknowledging it even once.
I think people should have stopped complaining about Glee lacking realism in later seasons when the first episode had Figgins say that the Anonymous Alcoholics use McKinley High's gymnasium. The show was bonkers from the start.
Stephen Tobolowsky is too good at playing Sandy. He's too good! I didn't like him very much in One Day At A Time and I'm not sure I like him in Glee either. Maybe I have something against him. I'm sorry, Stephen!
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This, right here? It's genius! I feel like those kinds of things never really happened after the pilot, but Will blackmailing Finn in front of this pamphlet is comedy gold. It's incredible!
Finn's voice is interesting, I don't think I often hear that kind of voice. It's sort of... raw, unmastered, isn't it? His performance later in Don't Stop Believin' is quite more standard than his other numbers in the episode.
I love how Rachel immediately knows when she hears him. She knows they're destiny. She's knows he's the one, the one for the Glee Club and the one for her. And I love how mythical their romance seems at times (notably in this episode). It's beautiful. I'm into it! And the whole You're The One That I Want number is great, from Rachel's instant interest, to her dramatically putting her hands on Kurt's face and Tina's boobs, to her pushing poor Artie and Will catching him, to Mercedes having enough of them, it's just a wonderful scene.
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The puzzle is of American Gothic, painted by Grant Wood. I was vaguely familiar with this painting before. So Will's on the right, and there's a hole on the man's throat/chest. You know, some stuff you use to sing. And Terri's on the left, and there's a hole in the woman's right eye. The woman is watching her father (though they could be mistaken as a couple), just as Terri will watch Will to try and make sure that he doesn't make too many bad choices like, let's say, leaving her. They both seem austere (they're most probably religious), and Terri's trying to get them to have a more orderly life; she wants a baby (traditional) and sees Will taking over the Glee Club as frivolous (untraditional) and pretty much as a danger for their relationship. It is a bit ironic that this painting was chosen, considering that Terri acts more like a mother than a daughter to Will's nostalgic self. Notably, Terri puts a puzzle piece in a hole in the man, showing she wants to stay in control of the situation. Also, the most important bit to analyze is the fork having three spikes (or whatever you call them in English), it's a metaphor for the fact that three seasons later the infamous newbies arrive and the show loses its luster (OR DOES IT???? see you in a bit more than a year!).
Also, we have to mention the obvious parallel that runs throughout the season (and show). Terri says she was a cheerleader. And Will's a teacher. Do you know who else becomes a teacher in S4? Finn. Do you know who's in a relationship with Finn and is a cheerleader? Quinn!!! DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENS BETWEEN QUINN AND FINN? THEY BREAK UP. And Rachel comes in-between them because she's into Finn before he considers her a romantic prospect. Exactly like Emma and Will! And Ken is infatuated with Emma just as, like, various guys (most prominently Puck in early seasons) with Rachel.
Quinn's first scene with Finn is legendary. I don't know what the crew's intention was, and Dianna's facial expression is so ambiguous that it's hard to say with certitude what's going through her mind. You could see her as a temptress just as you could see her as genuinely uncomfortable.
Saying they should pray as soon as Finn gets into snogging her, right under a portrait of Jesus, it's quite funny. Quinn's writing is... incoherent at best so I bet there's a million way you can interpret this scene (maybe she wants to tease Finn for the hell of it, or maybe she really wants things to calm down).
I bet someone could write something about Emma's outfits throughout the episode. Purple tartan? Intriguing. Does it show her (semi-conscious) intent to be a homewrecker? (Note from just before scheduling this post: I don't know what's the logical link there, is it about how purple's a mix of blue (realistic goal) and red (passion)?)
The Vocal Adrenaline performance is good obviously, and I love the outfits.
Terri: announces she's pregnant while holding champaigne glasses. Classic Terri!
I love Rachel's wardrobe.
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How can you not be into Finchel after watching this episode? They're stars shining brightly in the sky.
Anyway, see you next week! For now, let's stay on a weekly schedule. I'll also check out the concert movie between seasons 2 & 3. But we're not there yet!
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bowtiesnmusicals · 2 years
Here is my recap of the Showmance episode.
Reminder for the Snixxxmas live party.
This was the first episode back to filming. The first episode was shot alone and aired in May 2009. They were given a 13 episode order.
This episode was like a welcome back party.
Most of the cast had to move to LA to work on the show.
The tin shed was where they did dance rehearsals for the first two years of glee. It was very hot. It was called the tin shed because it had a tin roof.
Everyone went to fox to ask for an advance on their pay because they were all struggling to stay above water financially.
They basically lived in the tin shed for a month learning the dance routines for this episode.
This episode was about drawing lines. Establishing who hates who and who loves who. Starting with Will and Sue.
Glee club was the island of misfit toys.
Blue slushie stains the worst.
Freak Out was the last time they all recorded in the studio together.
There was an alternate Glee intro. It was animated. It was a chick hatching and jumping around. It was strange.
Jessalyn (Terri) was acting at her best in this episode. It is the most brilliant grounded comedy you will ever see. She balances being diabolically crazy but also totally grounded at the same time. She isn't a caricature. She feels like a real person.
Was Terri based on a real person?
Jennifer Aspen (Kendra) is a comedic genius. Jessalyn and Jennifer together was always funny.
Kevin has an issue with shows or movies where the protagonist is likable and they are with someone terrible. He wonders how they get together. Jessalyn's performance at the end of the episode completely answers that question.
Mr. Shue's first attempt at rapping. Trying to appeal to the kids. It would never have been done today.
Ryan was in the recording studio for this song. He got Amber and Kevin to yell. They were figuring out what people could do.
The pamphlets in Emma's office were always the best.
The scenes between Emma and Rachel were a study in mixing serious material and satire.
The scene of Emma singing in the car lives rent free in Kevin's head.
Shirtless Shue...17 minutes into the episode. We have improved from 5 minutes.
Jenna would like to take an acting class from Jessalyn.
Early Quinn is the best.
First time meeting Jacob Ben Israel. Josh Sussman is the best. Kevin didn't realize he showed up this early.
The scene where Rachel is telling everyone they need to sell sex was one of the last ones shot that day and everyone was losing their minds because Chris kept saying blood. (I think that is what they are saying.)
Cory's faces in this entire episode were the best.
They rehearsed Push It for weeks.
There was a lot of gay fear in this episode.
The reactions between Jayma and Jane during Push It are phenomenal.
There was a lot of time waiting during filming Push it and the cast would sit in a circle and get to know each other.
Jenna's favorite scene of this episode is the picnic scene.
Cory's O face is so good.
Jenna burst into tears when she saw Santana during Say A Little Prayer.
The scene at the end where Terri surprised Will is where you see glimpses of who she might have been. The Terri that Will fell in love with.
Take A Bow was added later. Jenna thinks it wasn't in the original script for the episode.
Jenna and Amber did the background vocals for Take A Bow.
Kevin and Jenna love this episode.
Tartie Takes:
Cringe moment - Gold Digger minus Kevin and Amber
Worst Dance Move: Shue trying to get Finn's leg to dance. Also Jenna's dancing.
Best Song: Say A Little Prayer
Best Line: Anything Terri says
Best Performance by a prop: Emma's pamphlets
Didn't Age Well: Gold Digger
The shit we find on tiktok. Blind item about Chris having a ghostwriter and not writing his first tlos book.
The called Chris to debunk this blind item.
No Chris is not a furry.
Kevin and Jenna saw him write the first book.
Chris said he wished he had a ghostwriter for his first book. He joked about not being able to look at his first book because he was so illiterate.
Kevin feels bad for calling Chris.
Kevin and Jenna are allowed to always bother Chris with stupid things.
The next episode episode is Acafella's. There will be some secondhand embarrassment in this episode.
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tuiyla · 2 years
I’d be hoping they handle the documentary, if it’s real correctly, especially regarding Naya and Cory. But we also know a lot of BTS stuff from Naya’s book, I’m not sure how much more we need. It would be funny if it included fans, because I’d love to share how Ryan Murphy traumatized me with Schue’s rapping, or how him calling me an angry lesbian blogger turned me into the person I am today lol. I mostly hope it goes into the fun drama side and leaves the darker side alone out of respect.
You know I'm glad you bring it up because I've been having a lot of thoughts about in the last 24 or so hours. My bottom line is that I'm extremely cynical about the whole thing.
Let me be proven wrong but I highly doubt they'd leave the darker side alone out of respect. "This is going to be distasteful" has been my main thought ever since hearing about this docuseries trilogy. Again, I'm being cynical but based on everything I know about the entertainment industry (which this very much falls under) and the way media in general likes to frame the Glee bts, this is inevitably going to lack respect when it comes to the more sensitive topics.
I'm just so suspicious, based on the actual announcement from Deadline not just my own conjecture, that they'll want to focus on the most shocking aspects. The article highlights Mark, Cory, and Lea in that order, and then also adds the bit about Naya's passing. There's no way that in today's capitalistic hellscape where those topics generate the most engagement they'll just leave them alone and do fluff instead. Or treat them with any kind of respect, for that matter. I'd bet the announcement coming just as Lea's on her Funny Girl redemption arc high isn't a coincidence, either.
I'm not even sure what kind of fun drama they could focus on while leaving the elephants in the room alone. Depending on how the whole thing is framed, they're gonna want to dissect the cast and crew's grief and the scandals. The whole thing is going to capitalize on this wretched idea of the "Glee curse" because that's what's gonna make it so marketable. Deadline basically explicitly stated they're gonna dive right in, but even if they mostly treat the topic of Mark and Cory respectfully they'd still cover the Lea mess, Naya, and even beyond that things like Melissa and Blake's marriage. Potentially. And Melissa Benoist deserves to be left the fuck alone.
The best my skepticism can hope for at this moment in time is that the cast and crew's wounds won't be reopened too much. Can you imagine the retraumatizing potential of this? If they end up focusing on Mark and Cory, and probably Naya as much as I think they will that's going to be so emotionally taxing for the people involved. I know we're all fascinated by the messiness of this production and want to see Ryan Murphy get dragged but that's not what's gonna happen here. Maybe he'll be shaded, most likely no one's gonna want to be on his bad side. Who knows how Lea's gonna be framed but there's a very real chance the implicit message of the doc will be the whitewashing of her behaviour.
Honestly, and again I am being very cynical and expecting the worst, but it already feels just kinda gross to me. Maybe I should check out the producers' previous projects and just wait for this docuseries to be out but my first impression is that this is going to be anything but insightful and is instead just a cash grab based on real-life tragedies.
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the-invisible-queer · 2 years
It’s too much of a coincidence that your name is a Mc name and you like Paul MCartney r u related
Well not related but McCartha isn't my real name. Just a nickname bestowed on me by a beloved friend from my old church.
He called me McCartha because my real name is too common in our circle and Paul McCartney is my ride or die celebrity crush.
Like man is about to be 81 but I'd risk it all for him.
I'm madly in love with him.
Don't ask me why.
If it were up to me we'd be related by marriage.
But McCartha has become my penname and what I go by online.
My full fake online name is McCartha Evita Monteith.
I explained McCartha. Evita was a nickname I had in my high school Spanish class because I had a 2 week fixation on Evita the musical.
Monteith is an ode to Cory Montieth who is one of my heroes. He was in Glee and passed away in 2013.
There was a time I contemplated changing my legal name to McCartha because I hate my real name and always knew I wanted to change it.
But currently I'm planning on legally changing my name to something else.
But McCartha is what I will continue using online and maybe if I can finish my novel what I'll publish under it
I've been obsessed with having a penname since I found out Lemony Snicket is actually just some guy named Dan Handler.
I have since just shortened my penname to McCartha Evita because I think it works better.
So if you ever see McCartha Evita or McCartha Montieth anywhere online whether it's social media, blogging or a video game THATS ME! And you can always follow/add me on whatever if you see me.
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sillyname30 · 4 months
I rewatched The Break Up as preparation for the next recap episode. The title says it all:
Finn feels that he doesn't belong in New York/NYADA, he is jealous of Brody and leaves without a word. Rachel follows him to Ohio, confronts him and they break up.
Blaine feels lonely and cheats on Kurt. He flies to New York, acts weird and finally confesses to Kurt. Their status is unclear.
Santana breaks up with Brittany. Jake breaks up with Kitty.
Mr. Shue is on the blue ribbon panel to improve arts education and expect Emma to go with him to Washington, but she wants to stay in Ohio, because she loves her job. No break up here.
Cringe moment: The Left Behind Club – Fake rupture (I forgot how awful Kitty is. I knew she isn't nice, but she is just horrible.)
best songs: Teenage Dream (Darren isn't just good in this song. His emotions, his acting. I have no words. He was singing live. He was allowed to record the piano track and he was happy about the extra work.) The Scientist is an honorable second. (I really like the Glee version)
performance mvp: Chris, Cory, Darren, Lea
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