forgettingmenot · 2 years
Holiday starter for John Con - @corruptedarkness
[ COCOA ] for sender and receiver to get hot chocolate at a winter festival.
Zatanna smiled as she took the cup of cocoa from John, the streets buzzing with vendors and Christmas activities. She was surprised with him and she was actually having a really good time. He’d promised her the outing wouldn’t come with strings which is the only reason she agreed. “John?” she asked waiting for him to look at her. She kissed his cheek lightly. “Thank you...I really needed this.” 
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smoslilguys · 1 year
“How long have you been here?” He finally asked, lowering his binoculars but not yet bothering to shift his gaze from his stake out. He’d been at this for a few hours now. After bugging the place so he could hear every conversation that the henchmen were having, Tim settled down in a building across from them and waited for the information he needed to be leaked. Even hours later, he hadn’t let his guard down for a moment. Quickly noticing Batman’s presence behind him. “Pull up a chair. It’s probably the most boring reality show I’ve ever witnessed.” He joked. 
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dancingwithghcsts · 1 year
“What’s with the box?” Pam looked at it with a mixture of amusement and concern at the box sitting on the kitchen table. She knew better than to just open something that belonged to Harley, if not just because it could easily be explosive. “If it’s food for the boys, there’s room in the freezer.” She couldn’t help but wrinkle her nose slightly. She didn’t like the idea of handling raw meat -- despite a popular misconception, she wasn’t actually a vegetarian, but the huge slabs of…well, she hoped it was something like steak -- were certainly unappetizing, to say the least.
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ofdisharmcny · 2 years
Closed Starter for @corruptedarkness​ | Sirius & Severus
     “You’ve got to be joking” Sirius uttered under his breath as he spotted a figure in the distance that he would have recognised anywhere. Severus Snape. Luckily, Sirius had been out to get some air but still, he was too close to home for comfort. Time to lead his old nemesis astray - and fast. “Why don’t you crawl back down into whatever hole you came from, Snivellus?” he baited the other, having caught up to him quickly in his animagus form. A man stood before Severus, now, however and looked upon him with disgust. “What brings you to the countryside? Were you hoping to find one of your brethren out here in the pigstys?” 
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creaturesofchaos · 2 years
Closed Starter for @corruptedarkness​ | Dick x Bruce
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“Bruce” Dick addressed the man that had raised him as he stepped into the Batcave. “You asked for me” he stated, stopping at the bottom of the steps. He had sent a letter rather than relying on comms which had led Dick to believe that whatever Bruce had wanted to discuss was not urgent and therefore he had come as soon as there was a gap in his schedule but not a moment sooner. “What’s going on? Is everything alright?”
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“Lucius, if this is some form of intimidation - “ Andromeda began shaking her head. “This is my place of work, st. mungos is neutral ground and i’m helping everyone, I have no side.” she reiterated. Just because Ted was part of the order of phoenix didn’t mean she also followed him. She treated both sides at the hospital, it didn’t matter to her, only how stupid this war was.
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farewcllwanderlvst · 1 year
❛  will you please tell me what happened?  ❜
bruce and the word SECRETIVE pretty much had the same meaning. dick had come to expect this from his mentor, the man who adopted him, his family--- expecting it hardly meant he liked it though. in fact dick kind of detested it. especially considering that same secretive nature put bruce in danger and thinking he could handle it alone. his old man was a bit crazy in that way, but he wouldn’t be bruce without that paranoia. the same way dick wouldn’t be dick without his needling. “i just want to help bruce.” he continued to insist. 
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disastri · 2 years
𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @corruptedarkness​ 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜 - 𝐋𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐚 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐥𝐝
       “Let me know when you get there so I know you’re safe, okay?” His tone was serious, eyes showing the concern he felt. Despite everything that had transpired between them, Marc would never stop loving Layla. He had married her for a reason after all. Love didn’t just disappear, even when the person you loved held anger towards you. 
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jokers-boytoy · 4 years
It had been so long since either Oswald or him had any time for each other, but finally they had put aside a few days to focus on each other and their relationship. Harley showed up to the Iceburg  Lounge in his best suit, a dark red velvet with black bowtie and shoes. In his arms he held a long box, a gift for his beloved kingpin that he had custom made.
“Pengy~” Harley said with a bright smile when the other came out of the office and came over to steal a much needed kiss. “I’ve missed you my love, got this for you.” He opened the long box to reveal a new cane. It had a silver penguin head handle with ruby eyes. “It’s a sword cane!”
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try-to-wcke-up · 5 years
(( @corruptedarkness continued from X ))
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Scarface and Penn seemed to exchange a glance at Oswald’s inquiry. Arthur was tense with an odd anger, one that felt so familiar and yet so foreign. All this time he had kept it to himself, he had locked his anger away for the sake of Mr. Cobblepot and where had it gotten him? “I suppose ya could say that.” Scarface spoke rather than Arthur, who steadily turned to look back at Oswald. “Praise is hardly the problem here, pal.” The mafioso continued, “Penn told me all about ya and what ya did to ‘im.” 
Arthur’s jaw seemed to clench as he listened to Scarface confront Oswald. He had cared for the other, considered him a friend but the kingpin had left him for dead. Though he can’t say he is surprised that Oswald didn’t see the wrong of his ways. “You never can do wrong. Isn’t that right, Mr. Cobblepot?” Penn inquired at last, a deep frown crossing his features. “It’s always the fault of those around you.” 
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nxgmaus · 5 years
"You said we'd leave this place in dust"
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‘ gotham deserves to burn. never has a city been so indifferent, FORGETFUL … and blind. ’ the tall man spit, taking a step toward oswald. his colorful cloth of showman demeanor momentarily faded, revealing but raw emotions, bitterness and indignation.
only, it returned to the gotham villain’s face like the lens flare of his glasses as he wiped clean the smudges and placed it back on the tall bridge of his nose. he grinned, ‘ only, it should burn in the most EXTRAORDINARY way. by men who know of its sins, its discontent – men whom it’s underestimated … ’ he stared into the penguin’s eyes, ‘ … whom it’s overlooked and pushed aside … this time it won’t forget. this time it will see us for WHO. we. are —- if it’s the last thing it sees dancing in the flames. ’
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forgettingmenot · 2 years
Randomized starter for Lian - @corruptedarkness​
  “ and maybe she’s right. maybe i’m a total snob.” Mar'i frowned, feeling self-conscious. Mar'i was aware she was more privileged than most. But she had never thought of herself as a snob. She tried to be humble and frequently did charity work. Perhaps she was coming off snobby. "I just wanted to help..."
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smoslilguys · 2 years
@corruptedarkness​ - Prompt from here​
“It’s a game. first you learn the system and then you learn the system was designed to be cheated.” He paused, “Right? Is that how you’re going to explain it away? You can’t just cheat, Batman. That’s not fair!” Edward screamed down at him from across the room. Hands gripping the railing tightly. The metal cooling his warmed gloves from the embarrassment and anger he was feeling. He hadn’t gone through all of his riddles the way he wanted to at all. He skipped to the end, as if he had better things to do. Was Joker more important to him? Two-Face? Bane? Who else had Batman’s attention tonight? 
“Fine! You want to cheat? Then we’ll have to play a different game.” He announced, letting go of the railing dramatically and backing up from it. Throwing his hands up as he spoke. Each movement radiated with flare. His body acted with the charisma of a game-show host, but his voice was dripping with mania. “Riddle me this! I eat, I live. I breathe, I live. I drink, I die. What am I?“ Not his finest work but it would have to do for now. He quickly took out a match and lit it before dropping it to the ground below the catwalk where he stood. Within an instant, the ground lit ablaze and the smell of gasoline hit the air with the smoke. “I’m disappointed in you!” He screamed down before taking a moment to get a hang of himself. Rolling his shoulders and shaking out his hands. “Disappointed but not surprised.” 
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dancingwithghcsts · 1 year
​“Listen to me!” Cami lifted her chin to look up at Eddie, her eyes narrowed. “I’ve told you, Eddie, we shouldn’t--” She paused and corrected herself. “We can’t do this again. I’m not saying I regret it. Because I don’t.” Eddie, for the first time in a long time, had made her feel like…well, herself. More than just a mother. More than just the wife of a rockstar. Eddie had always seen her for exactly who she was, without the layers that other people added to her like paint on the wall of an old house. 
“But we…we just can’t, okay?” Even if it was tempting. When she was with Eddie, when he looked at her the way he was now -- she could forget how much it hurt to love someone who loved her because of the ties that bound them, not because he simply couldn’t help himself. For Eddie, she wasn’t a choice. She was an inevitability, albeit one that he couldn’t -- or at least shouldn’t -- have. “Billy is your friend,” she said, almost pleading. “Isn’t he? You’re like family. And he is my family. He’s my husband. He’s the father of my child. I can’t…we can’t do this to him again.”
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ofdisharmcny · 2 years
Closed Starter for @corruptedarkness​
Jasper / Ryo
     “Alright, so...” Jasper sighed as he took a seat across from his best friend. “I’m not a sentimental guy as you know but not talking to you sucks and, well...I miss you” he began to frown, head dropping as he chose to focus on his fidgeting hands rather than meeting his eye. “I shouldn’t have said what I said but Landry got in my head and- You know what? There is no excuse. It was messed up and I’m owning that so that we can hopefully move on” Ryo had been attached to Jasper at the hip for as long as he could remember being at camp and not having him around felt unnatural. “Friends?”
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creaturesofchaos · 2 years
Randomised starter for @corruptedarkness​ | Ace x Ryo
“you guys are making me nauseous. not in a good way.”
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“There’s a good way?” Ace rose a dark brow as he looked away from the girl that he had been flirting with on and off for the best part of half an hour, eyes finding Ryo. Their friendship had always been an odd one, his closeness to Jasper complicating things. That being said, Ace had always appreciated the other’s brutal honesty, even if he had never expressed as much. “How is everything?” he asked, realising he hadn’t seen him since the bonfire that night.
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