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corpsebunniie · 2 years ago
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@inky-puddle @spaciebabie @skeletoninthemelonland @glitchysquidd
he has no clue what it means
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corpsekingcourt · 1 month ago
i open the ultrakill tag and then i black out and wake up covered in blood and gabriel fanart
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cannibalisticdespair · 7 months ago
Considering the Fallout 3 raider decor aesthetic self-explanatory and completely logical really was a warning sign.
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corpsekingcourt · 4 months ago
and im measuring his dick with a dosimeter
measuring his dick with a micrometer
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starrysymphonies · 2 years ago
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Recently our d&d party ran into some trouble (Aka a thing called a Corpsetalker)
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shadowcensored · 3 years ago
happy easter to dean waiting three days to raise sam from the dead
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courageousguardian · 5 years ago
I said if I can’t come back in a month or two from last time, I’m gonna jump ship, so let’s make it official.
I’m probably never coming back at this point, so... fuck it.
You can find me at @cutmystrxngs. //
I may pop back in from time to time just to reblog sunflowers but that's it.
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lightshielded · 5 years ago
corpsetalker replied: you forgot orbs how dare. traSH
damn you’re right but alas i just use orbs exclusively on my mal’z “for he peers through them to the future, glowing orbs much like a seer’s crystal ball. they gleam, a cruel mockery of dragon-wrought stars, a promise that he will claim them from their night time canvas.”
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expirator · 5 years ago
Zed's opinion on Syndra? I know some people ship them and stuff but that's a pretty big meh to me unless it's well developed.
I’m really glad you asked this because I’m a big follower of the church of Zed/Syndra but it’s not an easy ship to pilot. They’re two ambitious individuals that might clash if the settings weren’t right, and put their own ambitions over developing personal relationships.
But there are a few things that I see between them that’s given me the inspiration to support them. The first is Zed’s direction of becoming more of a mature antihero and less of the Saturday morning villain. He’s shown his paternal side in raising Kayn, and the comics plus his new lore show his devotion to those affected by the Noxian invasion and his commitment towards making Ionia a better place. I believe Zed has the capacity to love. Maybe it won’t come until much further down the line, but if he achieves most of his goals I feel like he would have room in his heart to learn to love someone deeply and truly. (of course, not every ship has to go this deep, but it is a good sign for Zed)
I don’t like Syndra’s new lore. Specifically her being imprisoned for fifty-something odd years. So I choose to keep the story of her old lore, with small details from her new one like how she had a brother and how her hair was originally black.
So, the second point. I don’t believe that Zed and Syndra have opposing goals. It’s a bit unclear as to what Syndra wants, at least in old lore. I know in the new lore she abhors Ionians for imprisoning her, but in the old lore it suggests that she despised the system that was responsible for stifling her power in fear of it spiraling out of control. So to me, that says that she still values Ionia, but she hates institutions like the Council of Elders and its conservative lean. When you consider the political background of the new lore, it makes sense that she would have views closer to people like Zed.
Although there’s no canon basis for Zed and Syndra interacting, I think Zed’s system of intelligence would inevitably bring him into knowledge of her and the rumors around her. Zed should be a person that’s carefully evaluating the power levels of the different forces in Ionia. If there is a sorceress around that is as powerful as Syndra, he should be interested in meeting with her. It’s not his job to get her to fully cooperate with him, but as people dissatisfied with the old order, and at some level wronged by it, they would have grounds to work together.
What is important here is that Syndra is not a tool for Zed to use. It’s hard to fill in the blanks regarding her personal motivations, but I feel like she also wants a place to belong. If you go by her new lore, she was never really accepted as a child. The Order of Shadows is a place that doesn’t care about your upbringing, or who you are as a person. As long as you respect the environment and pull your weight, you’ll be treated fairly. So I think Syndra would appreciate that.
The biggest question here is probably: What if Zed and Syndra turn on each other? And I’ve actually been thinking about this and realized they don’t really have anything to gain from betraying each other. Would Syndra really want to work with other less cooperative factions and backstab Zed, only to get an enraged Order hunting her down? And would Zed want to kill a powerful mage whose abilities would be forever gone to him if he stabbed her through the heart? Neither of them has the power to manipulate the other, and neither really has anything to gain by using the other.
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nympheu · 5 years ago
@corpsetalker​​  liked  for  a  starter  .
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             𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘  𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄  𝐎𝐅  𝐇𝐄𝐑  was  enough  to  make  the  hair  on  the  back  of  ahri’s  neck  stand  .      she  moved—————nay  ,      slithered—————through  the  shadows  .      like  a  snake  .      yet  ,      despite  the  darkness  masking  her  ,       the  nymph  could  not  place  her  alignment  .      the  only  thing  she  could  note  for  certain  was  the  pungent  scent  of  fresh  and  old  blood  alike  ;      what  had  ahri  stumbled  upon  ?
                                “      come  out  .      “   
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slightlythabandit · 5 years ago
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corpsebunniie · 1 year ago
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here the girlies :D @spaciebabie lesbian ponies!
so a bit of info dumping bellow :v
Lady Shy is the past part of Fluttershy that was locked away by the elements of harmony when she started causing havoc and horror across Equestria with her fellow Vampire and bat ponies. Fluttershy was given to the shy family to raise when the elements turned her into a mortal foal, after the episode were she accidentally got turned into a bat pony her past self "awakens" and slowly tries to take control of Futtershy, at first she can handle it, but then she needs to keep the kindness element around/on her at all times as her past self slowly becomes more powerful. it comes to a head when on the anniversary of Lady Shy's banishment Fluttershy's powers come out full force and crack the kindness element letting Lady Shy get past the protective spell around Fluttershy. Lady Shy taunts her young mortal self and toys with her before finally taking over and fleeing to the ever free to start plotting ways to get back at those who did her wrong (the princesses)
Twilight being the princess of friendship and completely in-love with Fluttershy (she is in denial lmao) she attempts to get Lady Shy see reason and hopes to get the princesses to give the old vampire a second chance.
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corpsekingcourt · 2 months ago
ive been lancer'ing the fuck out again recently so dont be surprised if i hardline into that one for a few days
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miighted · 5 years ago
corpsetalker replied to your post:
!! i headcanon kat as gryffindor too! a lot of the noxians fit in so weirdly well
they do!!! i would say a majority of them are gryffindors and a few are slytherin. cassio ironicly is a slytherin, but i say that because of her ambitious nature more than anything else. swain would be a slytherin, so would leblanc too. the blood brothers are both gryffindors, katarina, kled, and i think riven would be too. 
also i think i will state that i think lux would be a gryffindor compared to her brother, though. she doesnt value loyalty as strongly as he does, but in the face of all she’s endured and as a mage in demacia standing up to her own family, she shows the main value of bravery. she also has a slight tendency to act much more brashly than garen.
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ofironloyalty · 5 years ago
Shauna fully understands her house has become somewhat of a dark spot in the bright nation of Demacia, but her status as the matriarch of House Vayne remains. Thus, she bows politely to the woman before her, just as she was taught to as a girl. She wondered if anyone even cared anymore. All things considered, a mage rebellion was a much bigger deal than a noble orphan chasing monsters and keeping bats as pets. "Lady Crownguard. I apologize for not having been here when the chaos erupted."
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rumors and stories travel swiftly with little to no effort when they involve noble grounds. house vayne is no exception to this unwritten rule, but it is also the duty of a high marshal to possess knowledge over the well-being of demacia’s upper class.
it is not some sort of coldness inside her heart that has her stance neutral towards tragedies and happy news alike, but the narrow focus she has, always directed at the great nation and how to ensure its safety.
❝ the dead are the ones who deserve an apology, not me. ❞
she only offers a curt nod in return, the sentiment of disappointment evident upon her frowning features. to her eyes, no one is excused and especially, herself for choosing to be at the side of a family member instead of the king himself when the tragic moment took place.
 ❝ bear this in mind, that nothing should be above demacia, not even our personal problems. i understand the burden of being the head of a household as i am in such shoes as well. it is much more tough to be the leading figure in a place where most women tend to be only mere followers or seen as such. still, it is our duty to protect it. ❞
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courageousguardian · 5 years ago
@corpsetalker ( Lili/ana ) liked for something nice.
“Despite all your trials, the pacts you made, the problems with your ‘cloak boy’, the veil, and cursed magic...
Despite everything, in the end you did what was right. Some may say too little too late, but Gideon did not think so. Your magic may be something I do not approve of, but your heart shines true once in a while. I suspect you will honor the sacrifice that Gideon made.
I know you will.”
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