#corporate travel Houston
michaleideas · 3 months
Discover how utilizing a professional airport pickup service in Houston can improve the efficiency and comfort of your business trips. Learn about the benefits of timely pickups, stress-free transportation, and enhancing your overall travel experience.
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southcoastlimousines · 7 months
Stylish Transportation for Houston’s Executive Events!
Make a sophisticated impression with our premium transportation for executive events in Houston. Our modern fleet, expert chauffeurs, and unmatched service ensure seamless, elegant experiences. Discover how we exceed client expectations through our blog.
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dagwolf · 2 years
Recent viral images of Southwest agents getting yelled at and crying have resurfaced a valuable lesson about the nature of our economic system that’s worth examining this holiday season: the deliberate, built-in ways corporate “customer service” is set up to not only shield those on the top of the ladder—executives, vice presidents, large shareholders—but pit low-wage workers against each other in an inherently antagonistic relationship marked by powerlessness and frustration. It’s a dynamic we discussed in “Episode 118: The Snitch Economy—How Rating Apps and Tipping Pit Working People Against Each Other,” of the Citations Needed podcast I co-host, but I feel ought to be expanded on in light of recent events. Watching video after video, reading tweet after tweet, describing frustrated stranded holiday travelers yelling at Southwest Airlines workers, and hearing, in turn, accounts of airline workers and airport staff breaking down crying, is a good opportunity to talk about how none of this is natural or inevitable. It is a choice, both in corporate policy and government regulation. 
There are three main ways capital pits workers against each other in the relationship we call “customer service”:
1. Snitch economy. As discussed in Citations Needed Ep. 118, we are provided with more and more apps, websites, and customer surveys to effectively do the job of managing for management—free of charge, of course. Under the auspices of “empowering” the consumer, we are told to spy on our low-wage servants and gauge the quality of their servitude with stars, tips, and reviews. Uber, DoorDash, Fiver, Grubhub—a new “gig economy” has emerged that not only misclassifies workers as freelancers to pay them less, but hands over the reins of management to the consumer directly. This necessarily increases the antagonism between working-class consumers and the workers they are snitching on. 
2. Automation. Increasingly, even getting to the bottom rung employee to yell at is difficult. Under the thin pretense of Covid, increased labor power has exploded the use of automated technology that creates a frustrating maze to get a simple problem solved or task accomplished. Don’t go to the register, instead download the app and order. Scan the QR code, don’t wait on hold, go to our website and engage a series of automated prompts and maybe you can solve your problem. More and more consumers are being pushed away from humans onto automated systems we are told will “save us time,” but instead exist solely to save the corporation labor costs. So, by the time the average consumer does finally work their way to seeing a human, they are annoyed, frustrated, and angry at this faceless entity and more willing to take it out on someone making $13 an hour. 
One recent visit to Houston’s George H.W. Bush airport portended our obnoxious “automated” future. To cut down on unionized airport labor, all the restaurants use QR codes and require you to order food and drinks for yourself. Per usual, it’s sold as an exciting new technology that’s somehow good for consumers, but really the basic technology is 30 years old. It’s just a screen—the same ones restaurants have had for decades. The only thing that’s changed is the social conditioning of having you do all your own ordering and menu navigation. The waiter hasn’t been replaced by an iPad, they’ve been replaced by you. Invariably, it’s clunky and annoying and reduces the union jobs that airport construction is said to provide to justify soliciting public dollars. The only winner is a faceless corporation with a Delaware LLC and its shareholders living in a few counties in Connecticut and Texas.
Automation not only annoys and adds labor burdens to the customer, there is also evidence that it is a significant contributor to income inequality. A November 2022 study published in the journal Econometrica looked at the significantly widening income gap between lesser and more educated workers over the past 40 years. It found that ​​“automation accounts for more than half of that increase,” as summarized by MIT News. “This single one variable … explains 50 to 70 percent of the changes or variation between group inequality from 1980 to about 2016,” said MIT economist Daron Acemoglu, co-author of the study. Whether or not, under a different economic system, automation could be a force for good is a debate for another day. But what is clear is that, while both consumers and workers are harmed by this trend, there is a significant want of solidarity between them. 
3. Deliberate understaffing. This is a major culprit in this week’s Southwest Airlines meltdown. In parallel with the increased use of forced automation, cost-cutting corporations, facing increased labor power, are gutting staffing to its bare bones and hoping their corporate competitors doing the same will lead to a shift in consumer’s willingness to put up with substandard service and conditions, and overall bullshit. “We apologize for the wait,” the automated phone prompt tells us. Of course a machine cannot be contrite, so the effect is both surreal and grating: You’re not fucking sorry, you don’t exist. You're a recording. But now, who am I yelling at? 
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exvangelicalrage · 1 year
It's Not Technically Gaslighting
Recently, in my travels, I came across this church sign: 
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Back in my younger years, I would've seen this, nodded sagely, and said, "Yes. Putting jesus first, others second, and myself last is sure to bring joy. What a clever and profound statement." 
Not anymore. Now when I see a sign like this, at best, I roll my eyes. At worst, I go off on a tirade and end up turning around my car to take a picture of the sign so I can rant about it later online lol. 
So yeah, here we are.
This message communicates a belief that is so, so essential to modern christianity—which is that you should always put others first. Always. And it is especially emphasized for women, whose entire role in life is supposed to be that of service. 
Give, give, give, and never, ever take, they say. You don't want to be a burden, you want to be a blessing. jesus gave everything to save you, so you too should give everything in service to his "great plan." And they use jesus's words to emphasize the point as well: 
"Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all." mark something or other. "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of christ." galatians. "Now that I, your lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet." john. "...whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." matthew.
It goes on and on and on. And it's not just the gospels and paul (I fucking hate paul) who harp on it, but practically the entire old testament as well.
But there's a basic logical fallacy inherent in this idea of being the lowest of the low, of being the last of the last, which is this: if everyone is successfully "the last," then doesn't that technically make everyone first? And if everyone is trying to be a slave or a servant or at the bottom of the pile, who exactly is at the top? Maybe the people who want to be at the top? Aren’t the people who don't give a shit about being at the bottom going to slide into leadership roles? The people who are least qualified to be role models? The people who are the worst candidates for leadership? 
This creates societal pockets rife with abuse. This system is the perfect opportunity for predators to hunt. And there are so many prey. Everyone who is actually a humble person, who is actually trying to live a good life, everyone who wants to embody the servitude of christ—guess what? Simply because they are trying to be good and live life right, they are going to have to put up with a lot of shit from predators who want power and control. And those predators who benefit from their servitude? They’re going to milk it for all its worth.
That's how you end up with brian houstons and bill gothards.
When I was 17, I was part of the youth group band at my church. It was a mini-mega-church, as I like to call it. We had on average 800+ attendees every weekend, and the church functioned with a sort of corporate hierarchy, with a head pastor and sub pastors, and had the fancy lights and loud music and charismatic sermons you'd expect at a mega church. 
Sunday night was youth group, which operated like a full-fledged church service. Kids would come into the sanctuary and us, the band, would play popular christian music. We had a pianist (me), a drummer (my little brother), guitarists, a bassist, and singers. Sometimes we even had brass or woodwinds. They even had a light designer who would do impromptu light shows. And a haze machine. 
It was basically a weekly live music concert for teens that lasted anywhere from twenty to forty minutes. Then the youth pastor would get up and preach a youth-directed sermon. Usually the message was something along the lines of, "be christian in school!" "don't mouth off to your parents!" "don't masturbate!" 
My little brother also played in the adult band, because he was the best drummer in the county, despite only being 15. My family would arrive at church at 7 AM on Sunday mornings, sit through a rehearsal and three church services, and then go home for an hour or two, before returning by 3 PM for youth group rehearsal. We would rehearse until 5 PM, and then had to be performing the "welcome music" (just the musicians, not the singers) at 5:30. Then we played until 6:30, got a "break" for the sermon (during which we were required to sit in the audience), and then played again until 7:30 or 8 PM. At that point, we were responsible for tearing down our equipment, loading out, and shutting down the sanctuary.
They didn't provide food for us. Or drinks. If we wanted something, we had to buy it from the church kitchens. My mom was so upset by this, she started making a meal every sunday for all the kids who were in the band (there were usually 7 of us). 
There weren't volunteers to help us set up and take down our equipment. We didn't get money for maintaining our instruments or for gas, for driving back and forth from the church. We weren't allowed to take breaks.
I remember once during my senior year, I was exhausted. I hadn't gone home that day; I'd been at the church since 7 AM, and it was my fourth performance that week, between high school band/jazz band/church stuff. I just wanted to be alone for a few minutes. So during the sermon, I told my friends I was going to sit in the lawn outside the church and pray. 
I had been outside for less than five minutes when an adult volunteer came out and told me I wasn't allowed to be out there. I explained I was exhausted. That I was in the band. That I'd been there since 7 AM. That I just needed a few minutes to breathe. 
She told me it was against the rules, and that as a member of the band, it was my responsibility to sit in the audience and set a good example for the other teens. She made me go back inside.
I didn't know how to be angry back then, but I was just a little bit rebellious. I told her I had to grab my stuff from backstage. I found a dark corner and hid. One of my friends' dads, another adult volunteer, found me, gave me a little smile, and left me alone.
We were the first people to show up, and the last people to leave. We did manual labor. Emotional labor. We were on display as examples of "good christian youth." We were expected to be perfect, without blame.
We were servants.
There to obey. To do the bidding of the church. Not to obey god, but to obey the leaders who decided what god's bidding was. After all, we were only teens. How could we possibly claim to understand god's will?
And those humans, who claimed to know the will of god, exploited children for their own gain. They exploited us.
I know how to be angry now. But I can't deny there is a complex amalgamation of feelings whenever I think about this time of my life. Some anger, yes—rage, even. Sorrow too. And confusion, cognitive dissonance.
Because while yes, they exploited me, I also can’t deny that I liked being there. I liked playing the piano and performing. I liked spending time with my friends. I liked feeling like I was doing good work, like I was serving god, like I was needed and important.
But, it turned out, I wasn't important. I was a cog in an exploitative machine. 
As soon as I graduated, they brought in a younger pianist who was much more skilled than I. Most of my friends, I never heard from again. I never again heard from the youth pastor who I served so willingly. Nor the music pastor. Nor my sunday school teacher. Nor the adult volunteers whom I worked alongside every week. Even my friendships with the teens I played alongside lasted less than a year after I left.
They made me feel important, necessary, and needed. So that I would keep serving. So that I would continue to provide unpaid labor ranging from performing to cleaning to setting a good example for kids my own age. 
They exploited me.
That ever-present message of service and submission—it's not exactly gaslighting. They weren't trying to sow confusion, necessarily. They weren’t outright lying. But they were trying to get me to believe without question. To serve without question. To obey without question.
And it worked. For a time, at least.
As much as it hurt me, I'm lucky they abandoned me. If they hadn't, I might still be there. Sacrificing my health and well-being and happiness in the service of lies.
Here, I fixed the sign:
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Project #5 - R+D: Written Synthesis & Mood Board
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Continental Air commenced its operations in July of 1934 under the South Western Division of Varney Speedlines. In 1937, the airline changed its name from "Varney Air Transport" to "Continental" to reflect the vision of its CEO at the time, Robert F. Six, who envisioned the airline expanding throughout the United States. The company was headquartered in El Paso, Texas, and prioritized airmail services to Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Later, Varney Speedlines extended its routes to Nevada, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Missouri. Over time, the company also introduced transportation services for passengers, using a range of aircraft models. Some of the notable airliners included the Lockheed Model 9 Orion (single-engine, six passengers), the Lockheed Electra Junior (twin engine, six passengers), the Lockheed Lodestar (radial engine, eighteen passengers), and the Boeing 707 Aircraft (189 passengers). Over the course of more than 70 years of operation, the airline has merged with multiple commercial airline services, including Pioneer Airlines in 1955, Texas International Airlines in 1982, and assets of Frontier and New York Air in 1986. In 1987, Continental became the largest airline company in the United States. However, disagreements between the airline and workers of Texas Air Corporation, as well as acquired debt and multiple bankruptcies throughout the 1980s and 1990s, caused the company to struggle financially, leading to a decrease in flight routes, reduced seating capacity, and continuous employee layoffs. Continental eventually merged with United Airlines in 2012.
When establishing a marketing objective for Continental Airlines, one must consider the company's past bankruptcy. In the 1990s, before the company merged with United Airlines, a marketing campaign was launched to improve its reputation. The marketing objectives included four main areas: market, financial, product, and people. To establish a stronger presence in major cities like Newark, Houston, and Cleveland, the company aimed to target mainly businesspeople. To tackle financial issues, Continental eliminated unprofitable flights and aimed to increase the availability of desired flights. Additionally, the company remodeled the customer experience to be more welcoming and pleasant, while prioritizing accurate departure and arrival times. The employment sector received the most significant overhaul, with layoffs occurring to improve the distribution of finances across the company. These measures were necessary due to the company's history of mergers, bankruptcy, and financial debt. Continental Airlines had several goals and objectives, all aimed at providing excellent passenger and transportation services and expanding the airline's reach throughout the United States. One of these goals was to train employees for long-term careers, with education on understanding the market, increasing revenue, improving the product - including efficient transportation and customer service - and transforming the corporate culture. Overall, Continental strived to improve its services and grow its business while prioritizing the development of its employees.
The main competitors of Continental are other airlines across the United States, such as Air Canada, American, Lufthansa, Emirates, and Delta. Although, less popular modes of transportation including Greyhound (bus transportation), Amtrak (train transportation), and cars also pose competition. Due to the emergence of innovative technologies during the 2020 pandemic, resources like Zoom and Microsoft Teams have made it easier for employees to connect with employers online, causing a decrease in business travels.
In the past, the airline's advertisements targeted businessmen who frequently traveled within the United States and internationally. To cater to this affluent business clientele, Continental provided luxury amenities such as an on-plane pub named the "Sky Pub" and lounge on flights to Chicago, Houston, and Denver. Additionally, Continental offered a variety of snacks and meal options, as well as drinks, which were no longer provided by their competitors. Initially, Continental aimed to make air travel more affordable for the average American middle-class family and also targeted these groups with flights to popular family-centered destinations, such as California or Orlando.
When reviewing the assumptions made about Continental Airlines and its services, some people may perceive the company as providing basic or cheap services. This is in contrast to the company's previous image of being patriotic and pro-American from the 1940s and into the late 60s. The name "Continental" can also be associated with popular hotel chains' continental breakfast, which is also perceived as basic and cheap. Continental Airlines also faces significant difficulties in balancing the cost of flights with rates and providing good services, which can compromise the company's image and make it appear unfocused, unserious, and unprepared. This can drive away the targeted audience and clientele of the company.
Continental Airlines offers affordable airfare to destinations worldwide, prioritizing exceptional service at every point of contact with guests. Continental Airlines is committed to delivering on its promise of providing an exceptional flying experience. To ensure this, the airline offers free meals with multiple options, prepared by professional chefs who tailor the menu to the flight destination, taking into account the local culture. With over 2400 daily departures to five different continents, Continental Airlines provides passengers with headphones, pillows, wool blankets, and amenity kits before take-off, depending on the type of flight. Additionally, Continental Airlines is the first commercial airline to offer satellite-based Wi-Fi on international flights, enabling streaming TV on the seat-back screens. Every seat also comes with charging ports for enhanced convenience.
Continental Airlines went through several rebranding phases throughout its operation. In the 1930s and 1940s, the company positioned itself after the Great Depression and during America's involvement in World War II as a patriotic business that was proud of the American spirit. Their color scheme was mainly red, white, and blue, with illustrations of their planes and American iconography, and a logo featuring an American bald eagle. In the 1960s-1970s, the company shifted away from bold patriotism and into a more serious, muted branding that aimed to be more corporate and sophisticated to attract a business clientele. The eagle logo was replaced with the jet stream, reflecting the company's goal of transporting people to international destinations quickly and efficiently. The color scheme was primarily gold, black, white, and gray, but eventually incorporated other color palettes such as blue, green, and red to appeal more to the average middle-class family. In the 1970s-1980s, the company aimed for a more playful and friendly look to attract its targeted clientele. The minimalism of this period was intended to appear more approachable and welcoming.
Continental Airlines' "Must-Haves" include ensuring that passengers arrive at their desired destinations on time with their luggage, maintaining on-time arrival and departure schedules, advertising cost-friendly travel, and providing exceptional customer service throughout the entire flight experience. Additionally, the airline should have attractive branding with a clean, modern logo, and a cohesive brand identity. Management ought to demonstrate leadership by fostering a clean and collaborative team environment and promoting positive attitudes among staff and employees. Continental Airlines cannot afford to have undesirable flights and fails to attract clients by maintaining an inefficient daily flight schedule with too many flights going to the same destination.
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roscoebarnes3 · 1 year
Humanities Council is a friend of Natchez
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By Roscoe Barnes III
The theme song for the NBC show, “Golden Girls,” begins with the words, “Thank you for being a friend. Travel down the road and back again. Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant.”
As corny as these words may seem, they express the gratitude that I have for Mississippi Humanities Council and its contributions to Natchez. The council has been a friend, but even more, it has been an essential partner to Natchez, helping us to grow as we strive to tell our full history.
The council has provided many opportunities for our institutions to succeed in their areas of expertise. These institutions are telling stories, providing lectures, having dialogue, and discovering history that is preserved, presented, and publicized throughout the year. This is all being done, in part, by the resources provided by the council.
The success is no surprise when you consider the council’s mission, which is to “create opportunities for Mississippians to learn about themselves and the larger world and enrich communities through civil conversations about their history and culture.”
Just recently, the council and its board members paid a visit to Natchez for a two-day retreat. They met on Thursday and Friday, June 8 and 9, at Historic Natchez Foundation. During their stay, they conducted business and dined at local restaurants. They also toured some of our historical sites, such as Melrose, Rhythm Night Club Memorial Museum, and the Dr. John Banks House, where they held a reception.
Over the years, Dr. Stuart Rockoff, the council’s executive director, and his team have been staunch supporters of Historic Natchez Foundation, Natchez Historical Society, Visit Natchez, and Natchez National Historical Park. They also support the annual Natchez Literary and Cinema Celebration. But that isn’t all. In 2021 and 2022, the council approved six grants for three of our museums.
Here's a list of other things the council has done over the last two years in its support of Natchez:
* In August 2021, John Spann, the council’s program and outreach officer, came to Natchez and spent the day meeting with the staff of Visit Natchez and directors of three museums: Rhythm Night Club Memorial Museum, Dr. John Bowman Banks Museum, and the Natchez Museum of African American History and Culture.
* Spann returned in July 2022 to lead a symposium on the subject of “Freedom.” The event drew a large audience.
* In May 2022, the council, along with Visit Mississippi, approved our application to have Natchez listed on the Mississippi Freedom Trail and the U.S. Civil Rights Trail.
* In October 2022, Rockoff spoke at the monthly meeting of the Natchez Historical Society, where he gave a talk on the Jewish history of Mississippi.
* In 2022, the council brought the traveling Smithsonian exhibit “Voices & Votes: Democracy in America” to Co-Lin in Natchez.
* The council also provides support through its Speakers Bureau, of which our very own Jeremy Houston and Galen Mark LaFrancis are members.
This list does not include the webinars, Zoom calls, and phone calls the council used to provide guidance on grant funding.
As noted on its website, the council is “a private nonprofit corporation funded by Congress through the National Endowment for the Humanities to provide public programs in traditional liberal arts disciplines to serve nonprofit groups in Mississippi.”
By supporting us in our efforts to promote the humanities here in southwest Mississippi, the council is doing what it does best, which is exactly what it was created to do.
In the book of Proverbs, we’re told, “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (ESV). Mississippi Humanities Council, I’m happy to say, has been and continues to be such a friend.
Roscoe Barnes III, Ph.D., is the cultural heritage tourism manager for Visit Natchez.
Note: This column appears on the op-ed page (4A) of The Natchez Democrat (June 14, 2023).
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bigtexascabs1 · 24 hours
Book the Best Yellow Cab Taxi in Houston, Texas Today
Looking for a dependable ride around Houston? With busy streets and endless destinations, finding reliable transportation can be a challenge. That’s where Texas Yellow Cab and Checker Taxi Services come in. When you book a yellow cab taxi in Houston, Texas, you’re choosing convenience, safety, and professionalism—all at an affordable price. Whether you need a quick ride to the airport, a late-night pick-up, or a comfortable commute across the city, our fleet is here to serve you.
Why Choose Our Yellow Cab Taxi Service in Houston with Texas yellow cab?
Texas Yellow Cab and Checker Taxi Services have earned a reputation as the go-to provider for locals and visitors alike. Our cabs are meticulously maintained, ensuring a clean and safe journey every time. Our drivers are experienced professionals who know the best routes in Houston, ensuring you reach your destination quickly and efficiently. With just a call or a click, you can easily book the best yellow cab taxi in Houston, Texas and experience our superior service.
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Ever found yourself searching for a yellow cab near me only to be disappointed by long wait times or unreliable service? We solve that problem by providing prompt pick-ups and round-the-clock availability. Our easy booking system allows you to schedule a ride instantly from anywhere in Houston, whether you need transportation now or later. Plus, our transparent pricing ensures you know the cost upfront, without hidden fees.
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Our services go beyond the typical taxi service near me. We offer personalized transportation solutions for all occasions, including airport transfers, corporate travel, and special events. Our goal is to make your travel experience seamless and enjoyable, no matter where you’re headed. Our friendly drivers are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service, making your ride pleasant and stress-free.
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Don’t settle for less when it comes to your transportation needs. With Texas Yellow Cab and Checker Taxi Services, you’re choosing the best yellow cab taxi in Houston, Texas. Whether you’re a local resident or just visiting, you can count on us for a smooth and hassle-free ride. Ready to experience the difference? Visit our website BigTexasCabs to book your ride today and enjoy the comfort and reliability that only our service can provide.
Finding reliable transportation in Houston doesn’t have to be a struggle. Choose Texas Yellow Cab and Checker Taxi Services for your next trip. With our commitment to quality, convenience, and safety, booking a yellow cab taxi in Houston, Texas has never been easier. Let us take you where you need to go with confidence and ease—book now!
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bradleyharrison · 2 days
Airport Transportation Houston | AAdmirals Travel & Transportation - Hobby Airport Car Service & Airport Shuttle (Version 1)
For those in need of reliable and luxurious Airport Shuttle Service to and from Hobby Airport, Airport Transportation Houston | AAdmirals Travel & Transportation is the premier choice. With a diverse fleet of vehicles, ranging from sedans to vans, their services are perfect for both individuals and groups. Whether you need a sleek Limousine service or a spacious Minibus taxi service, they’ve got you covered.
AAdmirals is dedicated to making your travels smooth and comfortable. Their professional Chauffeur service ensures you get to your destination safely, while their city-to-city transfer service allows for long-distance travel. Their 24/7 availability ensures that no matter the time, your Transportation service needs are met with efficiency and professionalism.
Their Bus charter service is also an excellent option for corporate or group travel, making AAdmirals a versatile and trustworthy partner for all your transportation needs.
If you’re looking for a top-notch Airport Shuttle Service or Chauffeur service, Airport Transportation Houston | AAdmirals Travel & Transportation is here to help. With a range of vehicles, including Limousine service and Minibus taxi service, they provide excellent options for all types of travelers.
Airport Transportation Houston | AAdmirals Travel & Transportation
Address: 17103 Imperial Valley Dr, Houston, TX 77060, United States
Phone Number: + 1 (346) 857-4294
Website: AAdmirals Travel & Transportation
Google Map:
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Party Transportation in Houston: How to Make Your Celebration Memorable
Houston, a vibrant and sprawling metropolis, is known for its rich culture, diverse population, and lively social scene. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, wedding, corporate event, or any milestone, transportation plays a crucial role in ensuring that your celebration unfolds seamlessly. Selecting the right transportation can transform an ordinary gathering into an extraordinary experience, allowing guests to enjoy the festivities without the stress of navigating busy streets or finding parking. This guide will explore various party transportation options in Houston, emphasizing how to make your celebration memorable while keeping the fun alive.
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The Importance of Party Transportation
When planning a celebration, the logistics of transportation should never be overlooked. Efficient and stylish transportation can significantly enhance the overall experience for you and your guests. The right transportation options not only facilitate easy movement from one location to another but also set the tone for the event. Imagine stepping out of a luxurious limousine or a party bus, creating an instant atmosphere of excitement and anticipation.
Moreover, having organized transportation helps to ensure the safety of all attendees, particularly when alcohol is involved. By arranging for a designated driver or transportation service, you eliminate the risks associated with impaired driving, allowing everyone to focus on enjoying the celebration. An organized transportation plan can make your event more enjoyable, allowing guests to kick back and relax without worrying about getting home safely.
Types of Party Transportation Options
Houston offers a plethora of transportation options to suit various needs, preferences, and budgets. Understanding the different types of party transportation available can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your celebration's theme and vibe.
Limousines are the quintessential choice for those seeking luxury and sophistication. Available in various styles, from classic stretch limos to modern SUV limousines, these vehicles are perfect for weddings, proms, and upscale parties. The appeal of a limousine lies not only in its elegant appearance but also in the amenities it offers. Many limousines are equipped with plush seating, mood lighting, sound systems, and even minibars, creating an atmosphere of indulgence and celebration.
Hiring a limousine service allows you to customize your experience. You can choose the pick-up and drop-off locations, specify the route you'd like to take, and even request specific amenities based on your preferences. With a professional chauffeur at the helm, you can sit back, enjoy the ride, and create unforgettable memories with your friends and family.
Party Buses
For larger gatherings, party buses offer a fantastic solution for group transportation. These spacious vehicles can accommodate anywhere from a dozen to several dozen passengers, making them ideal for bachelor or bachelorette parties, corporate events, or family reunions. Party buses are designed with entertainment in mind, often featuring large sound systems, dance floors, LED lighting, and even karaoke machines.
The advantage of a party bus is that it keeps the party going while you travel from one location to another. Guests can dance, socialize, and enjoy music during the ride, which adds to the overall experience of the celebration. Additionally, party buses are equipped with safety features, ensuring that everyone arrives at their destination securely.
Vintage Cars
For those looking to add a touch of nostalgia and charm to their celebration, vintage cars provide a unique transportation option. Classic vehicles, such as a vintage Cadillac or a charming Volkswagen Beetle, can elevate your event's aesthetic and create memorable photo opportunities. Vintage cars are particularly popular for weddings, where couples seek to capture the essence of a bygone era.
When renting a vintage car, consider how it fits into the overall theme of your celebration. The car can serve as a stunning backdrop for photographs, making it an integral part of the day's memories. Additionally, many vintage car rental services provide professional drivers who are well-versed in handling these unique vehicles, ensuring that you can enjoy the experience without any worries.
Shuttle Services
For larger events, such as corporate gatherings or festivals, shuttle services can provide efficient transportation for attendees. Shuttle buses can be arranged to transport guests from designated pick-up points to the event venue and back. This option ensures that everyone arrives on time and reduces the stress of parking or navigating unfamiliar areas.
Shuttle services can also be customized based on the needs of your event. You can determine the route, schedule, and frequency of shuttles, allowing for flexibility and convenience. This option is particularly useful for guests who may be staying at different hotels or locations throughout the city.
Ride-Sharing Services
In the age of technology, ride-sharing services have become a popular transportation option for many celebrations. Platforms like ride-sharing apps allow guests to request rides on demand, providing a convenient and flexible way to get to and from events. This option is particularly appealing for smaller gatherings where guests may prefer to come and go at their convenience.
While ride-sharing services offer convenience, it's essential to remind guests to plan ahead. Encourage them to download the appropriate app and set up their accounts before the event. Additionally, consider designating a specific pick-up location to streamline the process and ensure that everyone can find their rides easily.
Planning Your Party Transportation
Once you've explored the various transportation options available in Houston, the next step is to plan how to incorporate them into your celebration. Effective planning is key to ensuring that everything runs smoothly, allowing you to focus on enjoying your event.
Determine Your Guest Count
Before selecting a transportation option, it's essential to know how many guests will be attending your celebration. Understanding your guest count will help you choose the right type of vehicle, whether it's a limousine, party bus, or shuttle service. Taking this step early on will also allow you to make reservations in advance, ensuring that you secure the best options available.
Set a Budget
Transportation costs can vary widely depending on the type of vehicle and the duration of service. Setting a budget for transportation will help you narrow down your options and make informed decisions. Consider the overall budget for your celebration, including venue costs, catering, and entertainment, and allocate a portion specifically for transportation.
Book in Advance
Houston is a busy city with numerous events taking place throughout the year, especially during peak seasons. To ensure you secure the best transportation options, it's advisable to book in advance. Reach out to transportation providers well ahead of your event date to discuss availability, pricing, and any specific requests you may have.
Communicate with Guests
Once your transportation plans are in place, communicate the details to your guests. Provide them with information about pick-up and drop-off times, locations, and any special instructions. Clear communication helps to manage expectations and ensures that everyone is on the same page, reducing the likelihood of confusion on the day of the event.
Enhancing the Party Experience
Transportation can significantly impact the overall experience of your celebration. To elevate the party atmosphere even further, consider incorporating the following elements into your transportation plans.
Themed Decor
If you’re using a party bus or limousine, consider adding themed decorations to enhance the visual appeal of the ride. From balloons and banners to personalized signage, themed decor can create a festive atmosphere that reflects the celebration's spirit. This attention to detail will make the transportation aspect of the event feel more integrated and special.
Entertainment Options
Depending on the type of vehicle you've chosen, consider incorporating entertainment options to keep guests engaged during the ride. For party buses, this could mean setting up a karaoke machine or playing a curated playlist of dance music. For limousines, you might include champagne and snacks for guests to enjoy while traveling to the event.
Photo Opportunities
Transportation can also serve as a backdrop for memorable photos. Encourage guests to take pictures during the ride, whether it's inside the vehicle or outside as they arrive. Capturing these moments will add to the overall memories of the celebration and provide fun keepsakes for everyone involved.
Safety First
While ensuring that everyone has a great time is essential, safety should always be a priority. Remind guests to drink responsibly and utilize the transportation services you have arranged. Providing clear guidelines about transportation logistics will help reinforce the importance of safety during the celebration.
Party transportation in Houston is a vital aspect of planning a memorable celebration. From luxurious limousines to lively party buses, the options available cater to various tastes and budgets, allowing you to create an unforgettable experience for your guests. By selecting the right transportation and planning effectively, you can enhance the excitement of your event while ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.
As you prepare for your next celebration, remember the importance of transportation in setting the tone for your gathering. By prioritizing comfort, safety, and fun, you can create lasting memories that will be cherished long after the party has ended. Houston's vibrant atmosphere combined with the right transportation options will undoubtedly make your celebration a remarkable occasion, leaving everyone looking forward to the next event on the horizon.
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houstoncarservices · 27 days
Discover the Best Shuttle Service in Houston: Affordable, Reliable, and Always Available!
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Are you searching for a dependable shuttle service in Houston? Whether you're traveling to Houston International Airport, heading from Houston to Galveston, or looking for reliable transportation to the Houston Rodeo, look no further than Houston Car Service. We specialize in providing top-notch shuttle services designed to meet all your transportation needs with comfort and ease.
Affordable Pricing for Every Budget
When it comes to choosing a shuttle service, pricing is crucial. At Houston Car Service, we offer competitive rates with transparent pricing and no hidden fees. Enjoy affordable shuttle services without compromising on quality. Plus, we provide special discounts for group bookings and frequent travelers, making our services even more budget-friendly.
24/7 Shuttle Services: Reliable and Always Available
Need a ride at any hour? Our shuttle services operate 24/7, ensuring that you have reliable transportation whenever you need it. Whether you’re catching an early morning flight or arriving late at night, we guarantee punctual and dependable service. Our commitment to timely pickups and drop-offs makes us the preferred choice for transportation in Houston.
Comfort and Convenience at Its Best
Your comfort is our priority. Our modern shuttles are well-maintained, featuring spacious seating and ample luggage space. Our professional drivers are dedicated to providing a safe and enjoyable journey. On select routes, we even offer complimentary Wi-Fi and charging ports to keep you connected on the go.
Wide Range of Shuttle Services to Suit Your Needs
Houston Car Service provides a variety of shuttle options tailored to your needs:
Houston International Airport Shuttle Service: Seamless transfers to and from IAH Airport.
Houston to Galveston Shuttle Service: Convenient rides to Galveston Port and the Galveston Cruise Terminal.
Shuttle Service from Houston Hobby to Galveston: Efficient transportation connecting you to your cruise or vacation destination.
Houston Rodeo Shuttle Service: Hassle-free travel to and from the Houston Rodeo.
Corporate and Event Shuttle Services: Customized solutions for conferences, weddings, and special events across Houston.
Easy and Flexible Booking Options
Booking your shuttle is quick and easy. Our user-friendly online booking platform provides immediate confirmation of your ride. Need to modify or cancel your booking? No problem—our flexible booking options make it simple to adjust your plans. Our responsive customer support team is available 24/7 to assist with any questions or special requests.
Why Choose Houston Car Service?
With so many transportation options available, here’s why you should choose us:
Experience: Years of providing exceptional shuttle services in Houston.
Reliability: Timely pickups and drop-offs ensuring you never miss a flight or event.
Safety: Regular vehicle inspections and strict adherence to all safety protocols.
Customer Satisfaction: Hundreds of satisfied customers who trust us for their transportation needs.
Book Your Shuttle Service Today!
Ready to experience the best in comfort and reliability with our Houston shuttle services? Don’t wait—book your ride today and let us take the stress out of your travel plans.
Reserve Your Shuttle Now
For inquiries or reservations, call us at: (281) 346-4003
What is the cost of shuttle services in Houston?
Our pricing is competitive and transparent, with no hidden fees. We also offer discounts for group bookings and frequent travelers.
Is your shuttle service available 24/7?
Yes, our shuttle services operate around the clock, ensuring you have access to reliable transportation at any time.
Do you offer shuttle services to and from Houston airports?
Absolutely! We provide shuttle services to and from both IAH Airport and Houston Hobby Airport, as well as transportation to Galveston and other popular destinations.
How do I book a shuttle service?
Booking is simple! Visit our online booking platform or call us at (281) 346-4003.
Tags and Keywords:
#HoustonShuttleService #AirportShuttleHouston #HoustonToGalveston #HoustonCarService #GalvestonCruiseShuttle #HoustonAirportTransportation #ReliableShuttleHouston #HoustonTravel #24x7ShuttleService #AffordableShuttleHouston
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lboogie1906 · 27 days
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The Houston race riot of 1917, known as the Camp Logan Mutiny, was a mutiny and riot by 156 soldiers from the all-Black 24th Infantry Regiment of the Army, taking place on August 23, 1917, in Houston. The incident occurred within a climate of overt hostility from members of the all-white Houston Police Department against members of the local Black community and Black soldiers stationed at Camp Logan. Following an incident where police officers arrested and assaulted some Black soldiers, many of their comrades mutinied and marched to Houston, where they opened fire and killed eleven civilians and five policemen. Five soldiers were killed.
Shortly after the US declared war on Germany in the spring of 1917, the War Department rushed to construct two new military installations in Harris County, Texas — Camp Logan and Ellington Field. The Army ordered the 3rd Battalion of the all-Black 24th Infantry Regiment to guard the Camp Logan construction site. The regiment traveled to Houston by train from their camp at Columbus, New Mexico, accompanied by seven commissioned officers.
The next morning, Houston was placed under martial law. The remaining soldiers at Camp Logan were disarmed, and a house-to-house search uncovered several soldiers hiding within the San Felipe district. Soldiers in local jails were turned over to the Army, and the 3rd Battalion was sent by train back to New Mexico.
The Departmental Judge Advocate General, Colonel George Dunn, reviewed the record of the first court-martial and approved the sentences. He forwarded the documents and materials to Ruckman on December 3. Six days later, 13 of the prisoners (including Corporal Baltimore) were told that they would be hanged for murder, but they were not informed of the time or place. The court recommended clemency for Private Hudson, but Ruckman declined to grant it.
Although 169 witnesses testified at the court-martial, the darkness and rain meant that many of the witnesses were unable to correctly identify any of the alleged assailants. Some of the witnesses who testified as participants were granted immunity or promised leniency. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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grandlimousine8 · 1 month
Car Service Near Spring TX
When it comes to finding a reliable and luxurious car service near Spring, TX, look no further than Grand Limousine. Although based in the bustling city of New York, NY, Grand Limousine has extended its exceptional services to the Spring, TX area, offering a superior transportation experience that stands out from the competition. Whether you're in need of airport transfers, corporate travel, or special event transportation, Grand Limousine is your go-to choice for high-quality car service near Spring, TX.
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Why Choose Grand Limousine for Car Service Near Spring, TX?
Spring, TX, a thriving suburban area located just outside Houston, demands a car service that can cater to both its residents and visitors with the utmost professionalism and comfort. Grand Limousine has built a reputation for providing top-tier transportation solutions, making it a preferred choice for those seeking car service near Spring, TX. Here’s why Grand Limousine should be your first choice:
1. Unmatched Luxury and Comfort
Grand Limousine takes pride in offering a fleet of luxury vehicles that ensure a comfortable and stylish ride for all passengers. Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, the vehicles used for car service near Spring, TX are equipped with state-of-the-art amenities, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable journey. From plush leather seats to climate control, every detail is designed to enhance your travel experience.
2. Professional and Courteous Chauffeurs
The chauffeurs at Grand Limousine are not only highly skilled drivers but also professional and courteous individuals who understand the importance of providing exceptional service. When you book a car service near Spring, TX with Grand Limousine, you can expect your chauffeur to arrive on time, assist with your luggage, and ensure a safe and efficient ride to your destination. Their local knowledge of the Spring, TX area also means that you can trust them to navigate the best routes, avoiding traffic and delays.
3. Punctuality You Can Rely On
Time is of the essence, especially when it comes to airport transfers and corporate travel. Grand Limousine’s car service near Spring, TX is renowned for its punctuality, ensuring that you arrive at your destination on time, every time. Whether you’re catching a flight at George Bush Intercontinental Airport or heading to an important meeting in downtown Houston, you can rely on Grand Limousine to get you there promptly.
Services Offered by Grand Limousine in Spring, TX
Grand Limousine offers a wide range of transportation services to meet the diverse needs of clients in the Spring, TX area. Whether you're planning a night out on the town, organizing a corporate event, or need a reliable ride to the airport, their car service near Spring, TX has you covered.
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1. Airport Transfers
Traveling can be stressful, but with Grand Limousine’s airport transfer service, you can start your journey on the right foot. Their car service near Spring, TX provides seamless transportation to and from George Bush Intercontinental Airport, William P. Hobby Airport, and other nearby airports. Forget about the hassle of parking or dealing with ride-sharing apps—Grand Limousine ensures a smooth and stress-free airport transfer experience.
2. Corporate Travel
For business professionals in Spring, TX, time is money. Grand Limousine’s corporate travel services are designed to cater to the needs of busy executives who require reliable and luxurious transportation. Whether you’re attending meetings, conferences, or corporate events, their car service near Spring, TX provides the perfect blend of professionalism and comfort.
3. Special Event Transportation
Make your special occasions even more memorable with Grand Limousine’s special event transportation services. Whether it’s a wedding, prom, or a night out with friends, their car service near Spring, TX ensures that you arrive in style. With a range of luxury vehicles to choose from, you can make a grand entrance at any event.
4. Point-to-Point Transfers
Sometimes, you just need a ride from point A to point B, but that doesn’t mean you should compromise on quality. Grand Limousine offers point-to-point transfers for those who need a reliable car service near Spring, TX. Whether you’re heading to a shopping mall, a restaurant, or a friend’s house, Grand Limousine ensures a comfortable and timely ride.
Safety First: Grand Limousine’s Commitment to Passenger Safety
In today’s world, safety is a top priority for travelers. Grand Limousine understands the importance of providing a secure and safe transportation experience, especially when offering car service near Spring, TX. Their fleet of vehicles undergoes regular maintenance and safety inspections to ensure that every ride is as safe as it is comfortable.
Moreover, Grand Limousine’s chauffeurs are trained in safe driving practices and are knowledgeable about the local traffic laws in Spring, TX. In addition to their driving skills, the chauffeurs are also trained to handle any emergency situations that may arise, giving you peace of mind during your journey.
Booking Your Car Service Near Spring, TX with Grand Limousine
Booking a car service near Spring, TX with Grand Limousine is a straightforward and hassle-free process. Whether you prefer to book online or over the phone, their customer service team is available 24/7 to assist you with your reservation. When booking, you can select the vehicle that best suits your needs, whether it's a luxury sedan for a solo trip or a spacious SUV for a group.
Grand Limousine also offers flexible booking options, allowing you to schedule your ride in advance or make last-minute arrangements. Whatever your transportation needs may be, their car service near Spring, TX is designed to accommodate your schedule.
The Grand Limousine Difference
What sets Grand Limousine apart from other car services near Spring, TX is their unwavering commitment to excellence. From the moment you book your ride to the time you reach your destination, Grand Limousine ensures a seamless and enjoyable experience. Their attention to detail, professionalism, and dedication to customer satisfaction make them the preferred choice for car service near Spring, TX.
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When it comes to finding the best car service near Spring, TX, Grand Limousine stands out as the top choice. With a luxurious fleet, professional chauffeurs, and a commitment to safety and punctuality, they offer an unparalleled transportation experience. Whether you need airport transfers, corporate travel, or special event transportation, Grand Limousine has the expertise and resources to meet your needs. Don’t settle for anything less than the best. Book your car service near Spring, TX with Grand Limousine today and experience the difference that luxury, professionalism, and reliability can make in your travel experience.
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terezamkbabikhin · 1 month
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When it comes to seamless travel in Houston, our Houston Charter Bus Services Shuttle Bus Rental is your ideal solution. We offer a variety of shuttle bus options to cater to your specific needs, ensuring that your group travels comfortably and efficiently. Whether it's for airport transfers, corporate shuttles, or local events, our services are designed to provide a stress-free experience.
Our Houston Charter Bus Services Shuttle Bus Rental is perfect for both short and long-distance travel. We prioritize your convenience with flexible scheduling and modern, well-maintained buses that offer both comfort and reliability. Our experienced drivers are dedicated to delivering a smooth and enjoyable ride, making us the preferred choice for shuttle services in Houston.
Visit us at: https://houstoncharterbusservices.com/shuttle-bus-rental/
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tripjyada · 1 month
The Top Travel Agencies in Kolkata: An Insider's Look
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Project #5 - R+D: Written Synthesis & Mood Board
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(Revised Post)
Continental Air began operating in July 1934 as part of Varney Speedlines. It later changed its name to "Continental" to reflect its CEO's vision of expanding across the US. The airline offered airmail and passenger services using several aircraft models. Over time, it merged with multiple commercial airlines and became the largest airline in the US in 1987. However, financial struggles caused by debt and multiple bankruptcies led to a decrease in flight routes, reduced seating capacity, and employee layoffs. Continental eventually merged with United Airlines in 2012. The company's marketing objectives, after launching a campaign to enhance its reputation, included four main areas: market, finance, product, and people. To strengthen its presence in cities such as Newark, Houston, and Cleveland, Continental targeted businesspeople. It eliminated unprofitable flights, improved customer experience, and laid off employees to address financial issues. With a focus on expanding its reach and providing excellent services, Continental aimed to train employees for long-term careers, increasing revenue and transforming the corporate culture.
Continental's main competitors include other US airlines like Air Canada, American, Lufthansa, Emirates, and Delta. Greyhound, Amtrak, and cars also pose competition. Innovative technologies like Zoom and Teams have reduced business travel. Previously, the airline targeted frequent business travelers by offering luxury amenities like an on-plane pub and lounge. They also provided snacks, meal options, and drinks that were not available on competitor airlines. The airline later expanded its services to include affordable flights to popular family-centered destinations.
Continental Airlines is often viewed as providing basic or cheap services, which is a contrast to its previous patriotic image. The name "Continental" is associated with a basic and inexpensive breakfast, further reinforcing this perception. Balancing flight costs with rates and delivering quality services is a significant challenge for the airline, which can undermine its image and drive away its target audience and clientele. Continental Airlines prioritizes affordable air travel with exceptional service. Passengers enjoy free meals, customized for each flight's destination, and amenities like headphones and blankets. The airline offers satellite-based Wi-Fi on international flights and charging ports for every seat.
Continental Airlines rebranded several times. In the 1930s-40s, it was patriotic; the 1960s-70s saw a corporate shift; the 1970s-90s had a playful, friendly look. The company's "Must-Haves" include timely and efficient travel, cost-friendly fares, exceptional customer service, attractive branding, and a positive team environment. To avoid undesirable flights, they maintain an efficient daily flight schedule, avoid over-scheduling to a single destination, and promote a cohesive brand identity.
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strawberryclothing · 2 months
mixed emotions t shirt
Unisex Houston Dash Splatter T Shirt There is no Unisex Houston Dash Splatter T Shirt to suggest that NASA is hiding evidence of intelligent alien life. NASA is a scientific organization that is committed to exploring and studying the universe. As such, NASA has a longstanding interest in the possibility of discovering evidence of extraterrestrial life, and has funded numerous missions and studies in this area.
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Official Blondie Ball Of Confusion 2024 Tour Concert T Shirt Only three of the 2957 Plymouth dealers in 1999 were not also Chrysler dealers, so very few dealers were impacted by the decision to streamline the Official Blondie Ball Of Confusion 2024 Tour Concert T Shirt. And many of these 2957 also sold Dodge, so they could easily show the Dodge versions to interested buyers who did not want the Chrysler trim levels. When Mercedes evaluated Chrysler after the acquisition in 1998, the Plymouth brand was a logical sacrifice to save money and give the remaining brands unique attraction. Unit sales had been low for over a decade, less than half the equivalent Dodge model volumes, and the corporate executives calculated some level of network efficiencies to be had from canceling the Plymouth brand and streamlining the portfolios. After a year of internal discussions, the decision to end Plymouth was announced in November 1999. The last Plymouth brand Neon vehicles were produced in June 2001. The remaining brands had distinctive positions: Dodge (standard, performance), Jeep (SUV, fun), Chrysler (American luxury), and Mercedes (specialized European luxury), plus the super-luxury Maybach brand.
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