#coronavirus deaths
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dosesofcommonsense · 4 months ago
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covid-safer-hotties · 8 months ago
COVID-19 is a leading cause of death in children and young people in the US - Published Jan 31, 2023
A new study led by researchers at the University of Oxford’s Department of Computer Science has found that, between 2021 and 2022, COVID-19 was a leading cause of death in children and young people in the United States, ranking eighth overall. The results demonstrate that pharmaceutical and public health interventions should continue to be applied to limit the spread of the coronavirus and protect again severe disease in this age group.
COVID-19 was the underlying cause of death for more than 940,000 people in the US, including over 1,300 deaths among children and young people aged 0–19 years. Until now, it had been unclear how the burden of deaths from COVID-19 compared with other leading causes of deaths in this age group. The researchers investigated this using data from US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention databases for the period 1 August 2021 to 31 July 2022.
Get the full article and a link to the study at our covid archive:
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onlytiktoks · 2 months ago
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justinspoliticalcorner · 9 months ago
(NewsNation) – Dr. John Moore, Cornell University virologist and researcher, says “Red COVID” is a “statistically proven phenomenon” — that people in Republican-led states are “more likely to die from COVID.” Moore believes COVID misinformation is what ultimately “killed voters” in red states. “The reason you’re less likely to be vaccinated is you’re bombarded with this information from right-wing sources, notably Fox News, and by the political leadership of the red states,” Moore said during a Thursday appearance on NewsNation’s “CUOMO” while discussing a recent lawsuit filed against Pfizer by the state of Kansas. “Red state politicians ended up killing their constituents and voters.”
In the lawsuit filed Monday, Republican Attorney General Kris Kobach claims Pfizer misled Kansas residents by claiming the vaccine was safe and hid evidence of the shot’s link to myocarditis and pregnancy issues. “Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth,” he said in a statement.
Dr. John Moore went on NewsNation’s Cuomo last night to drop facts about how the right-wing misinformation campaign against COVID vaccines led to more deaths in red states.
Dr. Moore calls this trend “Red COVID”.
From the 06.20.2024 edition of NewsNation's Cuomo:
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gorkloum · 1 month ago
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theofreakingbell · 5 months ago
I'm crashing really badly today, so this will be brief, but one of the first disability activists I ever had the honor of running into online passed away recently. If you have the time and energy I'd appreciate y'all reading about her. 
for her funeral expenses: 
also, from her family's GoFundMe "Also, please help advocate for and enact public health policies that center the people who are most impacted by and high risk for COVID, especially people like Tinu. As Tinu wrote, "if you would wear a ribbon for a cancer patient, you should be wearing a Mask for Everyone"."
learn about what is happening with COVID now, even if it hasn't personally affected you yet. Recognise your own privilege and do what you can to protect others. Ignorance is not a luxury high risk people have, and even when we do everything we can to protect ourselves we are so often still failed by those around us. Tinu is not the first person to die because of that nor will she be the last, but it doesn't have to go on forever.
Remember the dead, fight for the living. 
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dontmean2bepoliticalbut · 11 months ago
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random-videos-i-love · 1 month ago
Coronavirus Rhapsody (Bohemian Rhapsody parody) - Lockdown Music Video
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justinspoliticalcorner · 9 months ago
Helena Hind at MMFA:
A segment from one of Fox News’ daytime “straight news” programs cited a study to claim that the COVID-19 vaccine caused millions of “excess deaths” in the U.S. The journal that published the study had clarified nearly a week earlier that this interpretation was false.
The study, published June 3, 2024, in the British Medical Journal, found that excess mortality rates in Western nations were high from 2020 to 2022 “despite the implementation of containment measures and COVID-19 vaccines.” The researchers also encouraged governments to examine the underlying causes of excess mortality to inform public health policy. During the June 12 edition of America Reports, Fox anchor John Roberts characterized the findings differently: “A new study suggests COVID vaccines could be at least partially to blame for more than three million excess deaths in the United States and other countries from 2020 to 2022.” [...] Last week, multiple other right-wing media outlets (and at least one conservative British outlet) repeated the false narrative blaming the vaccine for excess deaths, prompting the British Medical Journal to issue a statement correcting the misinterpretation of the study’s findings.
Fox “News” and other right-wing outlets continue to amplify anti-COVID vaccine talking points, such as falsely blaming excess deaths on COVID vaccines.
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upwiththewitness · 1 year ago
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If Pestilence was a man,
the Nurses would scurry
out of His Waywhen they can,
hoping He drops a folder in the hallway
as a pretext
for some conversation.
If Pestilence was a man,
He would walk the line
in front of the Friars,
drawing fire when He can;
Speaking Sign Language to the Choirs,
if they were within His Wing Span.
The Flagellants Pacing behind the Monks,
all Dogmatic Revulsion and Holy War,
the Ascetic Gazes of the Dispossessed,
Eyes Hungry for a Rapturous Score:
Unphased if Euthanized by Their Doctor;
Frozen from their Avian Behavior,
Their Heads cocked to the side at the Foe,
who must now wonder if the Doctor,
His Score,
the Friars,
the Warrior Monks,
and the Cross,
are not a Fixture
They must endure.
If Pestilence was a man,
He would Operate with a steady Hand,
Stomping Franciscan through the Blades,
the Eyes of the Beak fogged with Sand,
ere the Nuns flip their Hourglasses,
and Slain men are pulled out of their Graves;
the Plague Doctor fluttering with His Scalpel,
the Flagellants Roaring a Thousand Names,
as the Friars Cross the Valley of Death,
to fight as Angels Chanting with Staves.
If Pestilence was a man,
He would Sing the Slain to fight anew,
As wounded Muslims in Spinal Submission,
from the backs of whom
their own Skeletons Grew.
Aya Sabu
Allan Najma’a
"Does man
think We will not
his bones?"
If Pestilence was a man,
the Nurses would always find an excuse…
to save a promising specimen,
even if it meant one less share be made,
to the Sisters at the Nunnery,
as often…
in war…
mistakes can be grave.
If Pestilence was a man,
and the Undead had lost their sense of Humour,
He might fight in all directions,
as if driven Feral by a rumor…
that His Messenger had been Bewitched,
or Treachery was afoot,
till the Fleshless start Cackling
the Foe grows overproud,
the Faithful feel Betrayed,
and Richelieu glares Foul.
When from beneath the Mask comes the Howling Scream of Muhammadan Physicians slashing Dreams, Counting seconds of Candle Flames and Grains of Sand that Recite the Names, between the Parapets of Reynald’s Holdfast ere Templar mail Bled Holy Land, Bishops Chopping Candelabras of Runic Axe that could only Cut as Deep as the True Lord can when He converted by the Blade
every Viking He could stand.
If Pestilence was a man,
He would skulk away from another defeat,
His Corpse Cart laden
with His specimens,
His Company…
the Bones He Bleeds;
His Beak hanging in Despair,
on to the next Hamlet in distress,
wondering why His Halo,
is a burden He loves to regret.
by Julian Collins
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theofreakingbell · 1 year ago
The covid situation rn is just breaking me rn idk what else to say
like. I'm too exhausted from being very severely chronically ill to write a like nice lil educational post for y'all, but I've literally been on the verge of tears for about an hour because of how horrible I am feeling about all of this right now. I am currently in a back and forth argument with a surgery center that needs to do a necessary endoscopy to try and figure out what the hell is wrong with my stomach, over weither or not they will wear masks during the surgery. if I need to go to the ER, it's a coin toss weither they will be wearing any either, or have decent COVID screening protocols at the hospital to keep other patients safe. they've mostly been repealed since the first vaccine rollout despite people getting infected in their hospitals and dying from it that way (have run into people in local groups who attest to that directly). so right now I'm basically praying that the surgery center agrees to wear the masks we offered to provide for them so that I can get my stomach checked out and hopefully not get fucking COVID, and that my stomach doesn't break in the meantime so I can avoid the ER. and I am not the only person having issues like this nor the most dire or urgent. as fucked up as my body is I have a functional immune system and a lot of people don't, and I have thusfar been able to avoid the ER and have doctors that respect my masking needs. a lot of people don't. and they are getting sicker and putting off necessary care because doctors refuse to give it to them safely. because of chasing some 'normal' that doesn't exist. we are still loosing over 1000 people PER WEEK to COVID and that doesn't count those who gain longlasting or permanent disabilities from it. risk for long covid and covid in general is looking more and more like it's cumulative. the more times u get it the higher the risk. and it is being almost totally ignored or just... obliviously missed by the general public. I just... I feel like I'm drowning. I don't want to die. I don't want to have to beg people to take my life's worth into account when that is literally their job to help me. I don't want to keep watching people like me get sicker or die and have people shrug it off and say 'oh well they were sick anyways' as if being sick as the same as being dead. I will live my entire live in that bit of wiggle room they seem to think doesn't matter and it is huge and grand and worth something. and I just. do not fucking tell me it doesn't matter.
as if they won't expect help when they get long covid and have to deal with the same arguments but somehow it's different bc now it affects them🙄
it just all feels like some horrible nightmare that is invisible right in front of most people's eyes and the one thing I fear worse than dying is dying and nobody fucking noticing or thinking it matters bc 'I was vulnerable' as if that is some sin worthy of death. as if they didn't owe me the same respect I give them. I wear my mask for others, too. I just wish they'd show me the same sort of basic decency, especially in medical settings. I don't want to die over pointless risk. and nobody else should either.
I'm so tired.
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jabronibaloney · 1 year ago
And I have to add something that will piss a lot of people of, but many queer folks died after contracting HIV / AIDS. That much is commonly known.
I guess people just don't know what those are anymore. It is also called: human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Meaning that it wrecks their immune system. Leaving them immunocompromised.
And I see so many of the younger queer generations no longer masking, helping spread Covid everywhere, which will be another virus that most of the population doesn't care about, (just like they did with AIDS), but that survivors of AIDS will have to cautiously maneuver. This country can not take public health seriously. But you'd think the queers would. And you'd be wrong.
That is ANOTHER reason why you'll see less older queer people.
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lifeafterpsychiatry · 1 year ago
How you can get the flu virus, it really terrifying as we know the corono virus can kill if we don't vaccine be more alert everyone
Please do not send me asks about this. I suffer from health anxiety, and entertaining this kind of conversation is very triggering to me. Especially while I'm sick
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enterprisegurl1701 · 3 months ago
I just have no words
I've heard about this from videos mentioning the texts and I thought it was really cute. Now hearing that the husband passed away must have been very heart breaking.
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Remember this viral post? Wanda and Jamal and her husband Lonnie are the most wholesome people, this story brought tears to my eyes originally and I am crying once more learning from Jamal's social media that Lonnie has sadly passed away.
Rest in Peace, Lonnie :(
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