camillasgirl · 7 years
hello dear! Do you know where I could watch or download Whatever Love Means online? I seem to not be able to find it and I want some Charles and Camilla love :(
Hi :)
There’s a video on youtube, but the quality is really bad. It’s the only online version I know, though. You can watch it here. I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful :(
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anastcsie-archived · 7 years
@coronatusregno​ didn’t ask for a starter but is getting one anyway
Finally. Finally, after five months, five painful months away on a tour that she had, at the time, been feeling too miserable to go on, Philip was home. She had felt terrible that the people of the world wouldn’t have been able to see both the newly minted king and queen of Greece on their first tour as rulers together, but she’d been terribly sick and didn’t want to risk it getting worse. 
     ( The memories of Alexei being sick when they travelled were still fresh in her mind, and so those had only been another factor in her deciding to stay behind ). 
      But Philip would find when he got home that a few things had changed. For one, Anastasia was much more angry than she had been when he had left. No, angry was not the right word for this situation. Frustrated was more of the proper word. She had heard rumours, dozens of them from both the press and the servants alike about what was happening on this tour and how some of the men on that boat wrote to their friends about the beauties they were seeing, both of the natural world and of the human world, specifically the female variety. There were also rumours amongst those of infidelity, especially from the new King, who could have been seen flirting with many different women on different occasions. 
       If she had been there, would that not have happened? If she had been there, would she be his sole focus as always? Whatever the matter, it was done and overwith now, but the rumours still stung especially given the second thing that had changed while Philip had been away -- she was pregnant. For her first few months, dresses could be let out without much being given away, but as her stomach had begun to swell with the promise of a new life, she had taken to missing more and more social events and sending a representative of the family instead. She had wanted to announce the pregnancy with her husband, but was now unsure if she could even still call him that.
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       As soon as Philip steps inside their private quarters, Anastasia is on her feet and storming toward him despite encouragement not to given her condition from the butler in the room at the time. But she did not listen and, instead, began to scold her dear husband rather loudly... in Russian. 
      “Kak ty smeyesh'? Kak ty smeyesh' smotret' na druguyu zhenshchinu i ne vspominayesh' obo mne, zhenshchine, kotoraya otkazalas' ot vsego dlya tebya i tvoikh lyudey? Zhenshchina, kotoraya ostavila yeye yedinstvennuyu sem'yu, kotoraya teper' MERTVA, i byla vynuzhdena upravlyat' lyud'mi, kotorykh ona vse yeshche yedva znayet i ne byla obuchena pravit' v pervuyu ochered'? YA byla samoy molodoy iz chetyrekh devushek, moy mladshiy brat zanyal boleye vysokiye pozitsii na linii prestolonaslediya, YA NIKOGDA NE SKAZAL PRAVIL'NO! I vse zhe vy uyezzhayete na pyat' mesyatsev, a ne na korolevskiy tur, a na rasshirennuyu kholostyatskuyu vecherinku, dazhe ne morgnuv resnitsey pri mysli o tom, chto u menya mozhet byt' tol'ko nebol'shaya problema, kasayushchayasya vsego ponyatiya o koroleve! I davayte ne budem zabyvat' tot samyy prostoy fakt, chto ya uznal, chto byl beremenen vashim rebenkom - nashim rebenkom! - poka ty ushel, i ya yedva uspel shagnut' peshkom za etot dvorets za neskol'ko mesyatsev, potomu chto ya khotel ob"yavit' yego s toboy, moy muzh, kotorogo ya bol'she vsego lyublyu v etom mire, i kotoryy ya dolzhen uslyshat' cherez spekulyatsii SMI, vozmozhno, dazhe ne zabotyatsya o tom, chto mnogoye dlya menya bol'she, a ne kogda u nego yest' blestyashchiye novyye zhenshchiny, ne zatronutyye institutom braka, chtoby oglyanut'sya i polyubovat'sya, i mogut zastavit' yego zabyt', chto, vozmozhno, na mgnoveniye yego zhena vozvrashchayetsya domoy ne znaya, kakogo cherta ona delayet! Kak ty smeyesh'?!” 
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freigeiist-archived · 7 years
@coronatusregno​ | Tsar Nicholas II. of Russia
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Hands were folded behind his back when he entered, to hide the nervousness they would expose. Rudolf already guessed why the tsar had requested his presence, the whole court whispered about the reason for the visit of the Austrians anyway.  But that only made this conversation more delicate and uncomfortable. 
“I’m at Your disposal, Your Majesty.” He emphasized his words with a respectful bow. No matter how much Rudolf despised such formalities - Best behaviour was essential for this special occasion
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fifthbornforrester · 7 years
@coronatusregno | continued from x // robb 
It had not been a long time since her arrival to Winterfell that she was wed, perhaps a fortnight. The gown designed for her had been beautiful, forest green overcoat draped upon a dark and demential gray: a representation of two Houses joining. Hearing the joyous news of Rodrik’s return, he was more than proud to accompany her. 
This is the moment she fears. She is not fearful of Robb, not in the slightest, but she is fearful of what needs to occur to make this union official. She must strip bare, expose every part of herself that she has hidden away for her entire life. Talia had been told intercourse is painful, the man practically ripping her from the inside. The thought alone makes her hesitant, but she must do this for their marriage and for the good of the North. 
She holds her breath as she is led into what would become their shared chambers. For the first time as husband and wife, they will be alone. They must do what is expected of them. Robb is definitely handsome, more than handsome, in Talia’s eyes. Just the responsibility that has been placed on the both of them fills her entire being with anxiety. The coset of her gown was not helping her try to take calming breaths, restricting her entire top. 
Although their chambers are warm and comfortable, Robb’s breath is so much warmer. Talia’s skin prickles into goosebumps as his breath unintentionally tickles the back of her neck, allowing him to unlace the back of her dress. Once unlaced, the fabric loosens around her upper half, shrugging down her shoulders only a bit, yet not exposing anything. Still, she feels like she is completely exposed, shivering as she finds his fingers undoing the braids the handmaiden had done before the ceremony. 
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“Then I shall wear my hair down,” she breathes, the only thing managing to slip past her lips. She raises her head slightly to meet his eyes as he faces in front of her, green on blue. Her countenance is a mixture of nerves and pride, reading: I am proud to be your wife, proud to be your Queen, but I am unsure of how to be a lover. 
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@coronatusregno replied to your post: also yo… if anyone could tell me how i can watch...
i think its on Hulu, and Fox has it up on their webpage. I actually download the episode in a torrent bc i wanted to make screencaps
unfortunately with my current health, i probably shouldn’t be sitting so close to my computer for longer than i have to, so i’ll probably have to check out the hulu option. my head has been killing me lmao. but thank you! i’m sure fox does have it on the website, but again... probably not smart.
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anastcsie-archived · 7 years
@coronatusregno -- continued from here
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    Normally, she wouldn’t have been woken up by such a thing as the other side of their bed being empty, but Anastasia had to frown at the thought of it tonight. She only knew all too well how her husband was taking the new weight on his shoulders and the pressures on both of them now that he was in power. He’s in exactly the same place as he was when she went to sleep initially, and it can’t help but cause her even the slightest bit of concern. As quietly as she can, she gets out of bed and wraps her arms around her husband from behind, bare feet padding across the floor being the only indicator of her approach. 
    “I know it is, darling...” She muttered, sighing before pressing her cheek into his back. “But you’re going to be of no use to anybody if you don’t at least try to get some rest. It’s still dark outside... and the bed is colder without you there... at least be there until I fall asleep again. A few moments away. That’s all I’m asking.”
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heartlikearchive · 7 years
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              “ Does it ever stop? Does it ever go away? The bloodlust, the hunger, the urges –– ” Her eyes clench, teeth grinding down so that they don’t lose control and find something else to sink into. All around her are people of all ages, all skin-colors, all genders, just milling around and having the time of their lives while Betty can barely breathe, her chest tight with the STRESS of so many tempting scents around her, all of them calling out to her like a siren-song. “ I can’t do this, Klaus. I’m going to lose control and I’m going to hurt some innocent person, I just know it. ” Imploringly, Betty looks to him for guidance and the permission to leave. “ Can we please go? ” 
–– @coronatusregno ( KLAUS ) plotted. 
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freigeiist-archived · 7 years
@coronatusregno replied to your post “Rudolf, seeing Nicky in the bg:  Olga can we go like …. now???...”
Nicky: His imperial mustache mind you. Grow one like mine and you can marry her
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Rudolf: Your Imperial Mustache, is that enough??
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@coronatusregno   //   JASON . 
“Seriously?“ And there is a loud scoff, followed by a voided breathless laughter as Jason looks away, jaw hardens at the thought before he does what he does best and hurt those he loves. “The hard days did win, Dick. The day I was tortured and died did the trick. Or maybe you forgot about that like the rest of you?“
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❝ forgot?  you think i could forget any of that? ❞   his original goal in starting the conversation  —  motivation, cheering up the little brother who seems so lost so much of the time  —  is forgotten in the wake of jason’s final question.  his throat thickens, burning his gaze and his stomach with emotion.   ❝ not a day goes by that i don’t think about what happened!  not a single night passes that i don’t think about how i failed... ❞   the choked teariness breaks off his voice, hand running over his breaking face. 
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@coronatusregno replied to your post: me reading about Sansa & Arya spoilers… okay then…...
oh man i’m so glad got ended after season 6 right?
I think you mean s02
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fifthbornforrester · 7 years
@coronatusregno | continued from x // robb stark
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Everything had happened so quickly. Talia had been told one day she would be married to a good Lord. This would cause both houses to be stronger and she would provide him a heir. But the last person she expected to be marrying was the King. So much had been put on her in such a short amount of time. If anything, it should have been Mira. She was the eldest lady of the House. But she was securing allies in the South as a handmaiden. It had taken her some time to shy away from the roaring festivities, but she was glad to find an unguarded balcony to look out upon the world -- alone. Even with her furs, she felt the slight chill of the whistling winds. She crossed her arms over her chest to keep herself warmer, the sigh that she breathed forming a cloud of steam in front of her. 
She was caught off-guard the moment her name was called, her head turning to see the sight of her betrothed approaching her. She was not unhappy with the agreement. Ever since she was a young child, she had admired the Young Wolf from afar. Now, he would be her husband. And she would be Queen. The thought alone caused her stomach to twist into knots. Talia breathed a nervous laugh, his smile able to cheer anyone up. 
“One can only take drunken men for so long, Your Grace.” Again, her eyes averted from her handsome husband-to-be to view the dark courtyard again, only being able to see the areas lit by the torches. “I am not disagreeing to this arrangement, Your Grace. I have no say in the matter. I just do not believe that my dowry will be as great as other Houses can offer you. House Forrester is minuscule compared to the Great Houses. We have given the North our Ironwood, there is nothing else for us to give. Having me as your bride will not help you win this war. That is all I am concerned of.” 
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frenchones · 7 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
lovemea-malia (6%)
scotsmccall (6%)
queerlyalex (5%)
scoliatrash (5%)
vanishcd (5%)
stiles-lydia (4%)
scottymccall (4%)
tylerstitties (4%)
coronatusregno (3%)
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undauntedlioness · 7 years
  this is the first time I see such a great part of...
i cry when fandoms join to salt
usually people argue over characters
tonight we just hate on this awful shit d&d pulled
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animusviincit · 7 years
@coronatusregno replied to your post: @propheticwolf replied to your post:... 
   rodrigo: what is this  
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badasshybridqueen · 7 years
@coronatusregno│♕│ Continued From Here ✩
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She’s silent, eyes slipping closed for a minute, his touch reassuring her at least for the moment. When she opens her eyes again, his gaze is on her and she lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “I know it will - and I know how much you love her because I do too.” She murmurs. There’s nothing Hayley won’t do for their daughter and she knows enough to understand the same goes for Klaus. “I also know how important your siblings are to you. I just - I guess I don’t want you to resent us for this decision.” The logical part of her knows he won’t but the other part of her, not so much. She frowns at his words and shakes her head one hand hesitantly reaching out to press against his arm. “Klaus, Hope needs both of us. Maybe they won’t need you, maybe we can ask Kol to come back. If Vincent only needs four of you, why does it have to be you?” She asks quietly. It’s a selfish question, she knows that. But she doesn’t want any part of the Hollow near Hope. And she’s almost certain Klaus feels the same.
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theirsacrifice · 7 years
@coronatusregno | Evie
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“---If you are looking for Ben then you’re out of luck, I’m the only one here.”
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