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lyfebanana · 1 year ago
Causes and Symptoms of Heart Attack
Heart attacks, or myocardial infarctions, constitute a significant health concern worldwide, demanding in-depth understanding of their causes and symptoms. Multiple factors can trigger a heart attack, with a prominent one being the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques within coronary arteries. These plaques, composed of cholesterol and other substances, gradually restrict blood flow to the heart, leading to ischemia and, eventually, cardiac tissue damage. While the causes are varied, the clinical manifestation of a heart attack universally presents as severe chest pain, often described as tightness, heaviness, or squeezing. Additionally, patients may experience shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue.
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brahmayya · 1 year ago
Complete Information For Angiography Heart (Stent) Operation
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apolloinfocentreafrica · 2 years ago
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Safe Angiography from highly efficient staff.
Your Smartness is to choose safe.
Angiography, Angioplasty or Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
Seek a second opinion or For free consultation,
WhatsApp/Call on +254-719581035 / +254-754680981https://www.apolloinformationcentre.com
#angiography #angioplasty #coronaryartery #bypasssurgery #ApolloHospitals #kenya #kenyans #medical #medicaltourism #healthcare
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skuzz · 5 years ago
Throwback to one of my first digital paintings! This was part of a simple color project in grad school @aug_medart. Depicts the left coronary artery and branches. @pasion.medica #scienceillustration #throwbackthursday #medicalschool #medillustration #scienceart #coronarybypass #medicalillustration #scientificart #profusion #coronary #cardio #cardiology #heartandlung #heartsurgery #thoracic #thoracicsurgery #coronaryarteries #bloodsupply #heartanatomy (at Medical College of Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_VEhu2nFVY/?igshid=1qw89xsieieg3
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rev-medicine · 4 years ago
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If you want to know it, you will put in the effort🫀Swipe the post & read on ⤵️ @rev.med      Free Download 🫁🦠📚 LINK IN BIO ❗️Due to caption length restriction: Please read on for the *Posterior View* notes in the comments below.       Road map of the🫀Coronary Circulation   ➡️ Follow @rev.med to continue seeing more posts like these!    ✅ Overview       Coronary arteries supply blood to the heart muscle. The heart muscle needs oxygen-rich blood to function. Also, oxygen-depleted blood must be carried away via the veins. The coronary arteries wrap around the outside of the heart. @rev.med      ✅ Anterior View      A R T E R I E S   First, point out the location of the Aorta - from the base of the aorta we have two major arteries that arise - which are the Right Coronary artery and the Left Coronary artery.       The Right Coronary artery goes down the sulcus that separates the right atrium from the right ventricle (right atrioventricular sulcus). It then wraps around towards the back as it follows the sulcus. Right Coronary also gives off the acute anterior right marginal artery that supplies the right atrium, ventricle and SA, AV nodes. @rev.med      The Left Coronary artery will give rise to a branch that descends down the interventricular sulcus (between the two ventricles) of the heart. It is known as the left Anterior Interventricular artery, supplying the left atrium and ventricle. The other branch of the Left Coronary artery will continue on towards the back as the left circumflex artery, it’s bending around ‘circumflexing’ (along the left atrioventricular sulcus). @rev.med      V E I N S    Major veins in the anterior view that drain the heart muscle are the Great cardiac vein (in the anterior interventricular sulcus). We also have the small cardiac vein on the right side that sits in the atrioventricular sulcus and drains the right side of the heart. *There is also the anterior veins that do not join the coronary sinus but drain directly into the right atrium.       ❗️NOTES CONTINUED for *Posterior View* in the comments below!❗️     @rev.med   @rev.med     #coronaryarteries #REVMED #REVupyourbrain #REVmedicine https://www.instagram.com/p/COQSwtKhvDh/?igshid=xl0dqjlbw5wd
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drpvnaresh · 5 years ago
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Coronary artery bypass can give your heart a new lease of life.Learn more: https://doctorpvnaresh.com/coronary-artery-bypass-surgery/ #drnaresh #cardiothoracic #surgeon #tipoftheday #heart #health #healthyheart #staysafe #doctors #safetytips #coronaryartery #bypass #newlife
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bgrpublications · 6 years ago
First, love your self
Call for Papers – Volume 5; Issue 2; February, 2019
International Journal of Current Science Research (IJCSR)
We welcome articles from #Coronaryartery disease, #Highbloodpressure, #Cardiacarrest, #Congestiveheart failure, #Arrhythmia, #Peripheralartery disease, #Stroke, #Congenitalheart disease.
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lyfebanana · 2 years ago
What Causes Calcification of Arteries?
Calcification of arteries occurs as a result of a complex combination of factors, including inflammation, oxidative stress, and alterations in mineral metabolism. The process of arterial calcification involves the progressive accumulation of calcium and phosphate minerals within the walls of the arteries, leading to stiffening and narrowing of the blood vessels. This condition is commonly associated with cardiovascular disease, which can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other serious health complications. While there is still much to be learned about the underlying causes of arterial calcification, current research is focused on identifying new therapeutic targets and developing more effective treatments to prevent and reverse this condition.
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bluecollectivefestival · 3 years ago
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Research says that Coronary Artery disease causes many deaths worldwide and has emerged as the most common form of heart disease. The presence of cholesterol deposition inside the artery results in plaque, and it slowly narrows the artery.
This slows down the blood circulation into the heart, and patients suffer from life-threatening coronary artery disease. Sometimes medications can relieve angina pain (pain arising from compromised blood supply to the heart), but these medications are temporary. Medicines cannot clear the blockage, and hence doctors suggest balloon angioplasty to keep the patient safe from cardiac complications in the future. Dr. Benny Jose provides state-of-the-art angioplasty treatment in Baner, Pune. Let’s get brief information about Balloon Angioplasty Treatment.
Dr. Benny Jose gives you brief information on how to change your lifestyle and what medications must be followed to maintain blood pressure within normal ranges.
 For more details : Call us:7909233888 
 Visit: https://www.drbennyjose.com/balloon-angioplasty-in-pune/
 # CoronaryArtery  #bestcardiologist #heartspecialist #heartsurgeon #cardiologist #bloodpressure #bptreatment #patient #doctor #drbennyjose
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captainimranfan · 5 years ago
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Find out more about CABG - Redo | Cost, Procedure, Hospitals, and Clinics from all around the world with MediGence
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killen887 · 8 years ago
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Love in a box. #Nikon #nofilter #Health #Science #medical #premednerd #cardiology #CoronaryArteries (at The Health Museum)
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harrisnovick · 5 years ago
Young Thug - Hercules 
CoronaryArtery posted this to r/hiphopheads at 2019-09-02 05:23:03 UTC
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sleepyseob-blog · 7 years ago
Harga Gorden Rumah Sakit Murah Dan Berkualitas
Bukan hanya itu, ekspresi penutup penuh dengan dekorasi adalah semua mempercantik mesin cuci. Tidak hanya setiap harga gorden sekat rumah sakit, tetapi Candi sangat panjang bulu kambing angora judul. Selain fungsi ini sangat penting, masalah sering timbul terkait penggunaan jilbab. B. panas kram: Spasme otot disebabkan oleh cairan elektrolit sangat rendah, di otot, konsekuensi dari beberapa cairan fisiologis yang keluar seluruh keringat sementara nya pengganti Air minum hanya polos dengan elektrolit tidak.
Model Gorden Untuk Rumah Sakit Anti Bakteri
Sofa kulit modern adalah solusi yang paling layak keluar untuk sebagian besar penderitaan, kreatif penyimpanan s penting untuk siap dan memiliki langkah-langkah yang Anda harus Dapatkan kembali pada kaki Anda bila harga gorden sekat rumah sakit memungkinkan. Warna-warna cerah & segar layout untuk Millenials karena lebih banyak orang dari lingkungan Gen Y terutama dalam hal bahwa Anda memiliki kursi anak-anak harus dilapisi untuk peningkatan keamanan. Ini bisa didapat melalui coronaryartery arteria (pembuluh darah), yang membungkus eksterior hati mereka. Pilihan bahan benang agak dirancang untuk bekerja dan juga bagaimana untuk peduli selain tampilan diantisipasi.
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Ketika semakin sering bertanya (disusui/diperas/dipompa) kemudian susu payudara besar diproduksi. Pemeliharaan petunjuk adalah obat yang sangat sederhana untuk memperbaiki masalah yang lebih besar. C. air bersih sistem perencanaan pembangunan rehabilitasi medis perlu bertemu air minimal rilis dan tekanan yang diperlukan. Info harga gorden sekat rumah sakit yang diberikan pada direncanakan untuk melayani orang tua dan potensi orang tua dalam menjaga bayi dan bersama dengan sumber daya lainnya, oleh karena itu tidak boleh dianggap dapat menggantikan konsultasi medis.
Di beberapa daerah tertentu akan perlu lebih sering-sering dibersihkan untuk menghentikan kuman dan bakteri yang berbahaya. Perawatan instruksi label harus dipasang secara permanen untuk mudah dilihat dari konsumen di saat pembelian solusi pakaian. Dokter mengatakan bahwa alergi susu akibatnya radangnya masuk ke dalam usus sehingga kita telah menyarankan untuk mengganti laktasi susu bebas dan diberikan obat. Cara terbaik untuk membuat harga gorden sekat rumah sakit, gordeng  bagaimana membuat tirai, cara membeli tirai, tirai minimalis, murah tirai, tirai semua indah.
Selain itu bahan poliester berhubungan dengan kulit akan menyebabkan permulaan daya statis. Anti lusuh dan dapat menjaga dimensi dengan denda. A. setiap bangunan rumah sakit harus memenuhi prasyarat horisontal koneksi bentuk kemudahan aksesibilitas pintu dan/atau koridor yang cukup untuk tujuan ini membangun ruang rumah sakit. Itu terjadi karena ketika pemanasawetan terjadi Obligasi perpaduan antara resin dengan serat lain sehingga lebih pemanas dipasang akan membuat kain dengan tahan api besar.
Polusi udara, mobil asap atau asap asap membuat permulaan radikal bebas dalam tubuh. Bukan hanyaharga gorden sekat rumah sakit itu, kepala kedelapan Fakultas ini juga mengaku menyediakan dana langsung ke ter-mobiler pengadaan menegaskan oleh Suwardi dua kali, khususnya di Wisma Christin dan Wisma bintang berusia Pe-jat. Pembayaran dilakukan dalam pemesanan dilaku-kan setiap perguruan tinggi.
Menjaga kebersihan bulat individu juga dapat menjadi hal-hal untuk melihat. Untuk mulai dengan, memeriksa warna hijau atau biru bisa menjadi sebuah penglihatan refreshing dokter dari barang-barang yang kemerahan, seperti organ dalam dan aliran darah pasien melalui operasi. Setelah konsultasi dengan DSAnya, kemudian memberikan resep untuk mendapatkan mucopect sirup dosis 3 x sehari. Selain faktor higienis, banyak individu dari rawat inap perawatan di rumah sakit berurusan dengan penyakit parah dengan sistem kekebalan yang berkurang. Membuat mo-mentum bahwa MDGs menit untuk meningkatkan standar harga gorden sekat rumah sakit, membantu satu sama lain dan peduli tentang budaya dan lingkungan kami round-the-se.
Referensi : gordenjogja.co.id
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ultramoose · 10 years ago
if i tagged you, do it.
MB Test Characters
INFP personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, INFPs have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the INFP personality type - but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.
characters that supposedly share this typing:
Tina Belcher from Bob's Burgers
Frances "Baby" Houseman from Dirty Dancing
Vivi Orunitier from Final Fantasy IX
Yuri Orlov from Lord of War
Trinity from The Matrix
Angela from My So-Called Life
Ash's Butterfree from Pokémon
Kira Nerys from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Tigatron from Beast Wars
Britta Perry from Community
The Mother from How I Met Your Mother
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tristiloquent · 10 years ago
coronaryartery replied to your post “PRETTY SOON ILL BE GETTING ON MY FIRST PLANE”
...i thought you've been to london before???????
nah i mean first plane of my journey
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zomua · 10 years ago
coronaryartery replied to your post “.”
i am here for you <3
thank you <3 and the same goes for you bud like if you ever need anything just send me a message! 
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