radicalgraff · 1 year
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"Pay for your own pompous pageantry"
Unauthorized anti-Coronation poster in a bus stop ad space in Norwich
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antiquepearlss · 2 months
I love how my fics thus far are
Varian dies slowly and painfully of hypothermia Eurydice style
haha funny heist fic with Team Awesome. Silly brothers, so wholesome! (Which is almost at 1k reads let’s go!!!!!)
omg another comedic Team Awesome fic? Wow Varian is such a silly little guy.
The depressing and gut wrenching point of view of a child realizing they were mentally, emotionally, and physically abused by a terrorist and their relationship was a lie used to manipulate him.
Awe New Dream what cuties! Eugene is trying so hard to be a good boyfriend good for him!
Ooh a 1950’s au about New Dream and the Tangled found family? Sign me up this will be fun and silly!
West Side Story AU. Eugene is dead. Hugo killed him. Varian is still in love with Hugo. Rapunzel is heartbroken and angry with Varian. They’re singing at eachother. I wrote this in an hour and want to delete it.
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keithbutgay · 1 year
I like to think that while the vat7k gang communicates in Coronan, it's not Yong's first language, and he's still learning the works a bit
And you get into some situations where he accidentally says a completely different word than he meant to. And the others have to clear it up for him
Or Varian will be ranting about something and Yong can't follow
Or he doesn't understand what someone's saying because of their accent and has to ask Hugo to translate it into the Bayangoran language for him
Like, I dunno, I just think it would be really cool
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vexanillion · 7 months
Sometimes I can’t choose between varigo and varivex so I just go with the obvious solution of having them all kiss 🤷
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rendellstreet · 2 years
Varian’s villain arc is unintentionally funny to me because they got Jeremy Jordan and them Broadway girlies singing “Ready As I’ll Ever Be” like rent is due tomorrow morning at 7AM with the sequence framed like a big climatic shown with the evil dark lord except there’s no evil dark lord it’s literally some srunckly 14-year-old teenage boy that bodied an entire kingdom’s defense force, kidnapped their queen, and compromised most secured facilities (the Jorunal, the Sundrop vault)
Like how do you even recover from that in international relations. Your kingdom was brought to its knees by a funny YouTuber who blows stuffs up for alchemy. Corona is making the Seven Kingdoms look so GOOFY
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someone272727 · 2 years
If variants hairstripe was natural they should of explained it but I still think it’s more likely than it being dyed because if it was dyed you KNOW he would have changed the colour at least 3 times like red for when he was working with the saporians then maybe back to blue when he gets his dad back but after being kidnapped by Cass he probably would have changed it again to avoid accociation 
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incomingalbatross · 2 years
The five minutes in the Valentine's Day episode where it's like "Oh? Cass doesn't want her new boyfriend to know about her warrior side? She's hiding that part of herself from the man she's interested in? This is a new development in her character..."
And then OH WAIT, she's hiding it because she's CONNING the guy and doesn't want him to see it coming when she KNOCKS HIM OUT.
Yep. That makes more sense.
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sunlightswallowed · 2 years
Arianna sometimes being referred to as Mother Arianna by future generations of Coronans after Rapunzel and her family/contemporaries become sort of mythologized
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blarson77 · 5 months
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Here’s to another wrk wk y’all. Corona is always on ice at my little Ranch Home.
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dakota-zen · 1 year
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《Rima XXIV》
Dos rojas lenguas de fuego
que, a un mismo tronco enlazadas,
se aproximan, y al besarse
forman una sola llama;
dos notas que del laúd
a un tiempo la mano arranca,
y en el espacio se encuentran
y armoniosas se abrazan;
dos olas que vienen juntas
a morir sobre una playa
y que al romper se coronan
con un penacho de plata;
dos jirones de vapor
que del lago se levantan
y al juntarse allá en el cielo
forman una nube blanca;
dos ideas que al par brotan,
dos besos que a un tiempo estallan,
dos ecos que se confunden,
eso son nuestras dos almas.
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
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antiquepearlss · 5 months
The Royal Engineer has foolishly stated that he can successfully steal from Eugene Fitzherbert, Corona’s former greatest thief. Sure, he’s left that life behind, but there’s no way that Varian can steal from him, right?
So, they make a bet. If Varian can steal Eugene’s Medal of Valour by midnight, Eugene will publicly declare him an Amazing Human/Genius. But that doesn’t matter, because Varian isn’t going to win.
It’s finished. It took awhile, but I’m genuinely really proud of how this came out.
If you’re looking for three chapters of light-hearted team awesome fluff and comedy, with a dash of sassy Varian, found family, and capitalization errors, then you should check this out.
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theatricalmage · 5 months
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The brainrot took over and so here's a vat7k hadestown au!! Don't know if I'll develop it fully but I liked designing it at least!
More info under the cut:
- Varian, the Coronan royal alchemist, tasks himself with deciphering an incantation capable of bringing the world back into tune. Times are tough, and the royal family + Quirin are doing their best to cope with the meagre crop yields and desolate weather (Corona not really being the sunshine kingdom - hasn't been for a while). He wants to help and do good and I think he'd be a good Orpheus.
- Hugo, having moved about from place to place, still has his interest in alchemy and does what he can to get by. He plans on temporarily staying in Corona before looting, but he encounters a certain like-minded scientist at the Snuggly Duckling. I think him being selfish works especially well in Eurydice's role, having a more pessimistic view of the world. It also works with how he gets drawn to Donella's offer of working for her later on, leading him to his death.
- Ulla as Persephone! I was initially stuck on whether to have Rapunzel (and either Eugene/Cass) as her (and Hades) but I was drawn to the connection that Hugo has to Donella and the Donella/Ulla relationship in vat7k just works too well. In this case, Ulla won't be Varian's mother. She's still gonna be somewhat of an inspiration to him though, being the previous Coronan royal alchemist and for her intelligence. For half the year, she'll return to Corona with food, drinks, and alchemical compounds/inventions, bringing Spring and Summer to the world, if only for a bit.
- Donella would be such an interesting Hades, losing sight of her love for Ulla, heart filled with fear and hurt, leading to bitterness and cruelty. Ingvarr being Hadestown and how by being the esteemed Ingvarrian engineer, she'd be in charge of major technological advances across the kingdoms and so would wield a significant amount of power (like how Hades is literally the ruler of the underworld). Ingvarr essentially being a near death sentence for its workers while also displaying its technological prowess, all still shrouded in mystery and corruption - a place so otherworldly compared to the rest of the kingdoms.
I didn't want to modify the outfits too much nor the personalities,, if anything I imagine the general plot beats being the same as the original musical/story but with slight differences that'd you get inherently as a result of these characters. I wouldn't want it to be the case where it's just the show but the names are changed. I'd want this to still make reasonable sense in this AU, with the actions being understandable for this particular cast of characters.
For Hermes, I ended up picking Xavier, as he's most knowledgeable of old legends and stories, which would work in reference to the Hades and Persephone myth (and so Donella and Ulla)! He'd act as a mentor figure for V, someone who can guide him in uncovering the forgotten incantation. Quirin would still be the good supportive dad he is (even if he doesn't fully understand his son's project).
Last but not least, the fates!! often lurking in the background, I'm still a bit stuck on who it could be? I'm tempted to have it be Raps, Cass, and Nuru as they've had celestial connections at some point (and ya know how stars can represent fate), but I also love the freckled siblings dynamic so much. Also Team Radical... Maybe Raps and Cass can be their normal selves but their Sundrop/Moonstone counterparts are the manifested physical forms of the fates? They wouldn't be visible to the characters though, just voices in the wind.
Anyways yeah!! Those are my thoughts. Do let me know if you've got any cool ideas or questions. I'm really combining my interests at full force and there's nothing anyone, not even myself, can do about it quite frankly. 😮‍💨
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murkbrew · 5 months
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happy asian coronan Islander heritage month
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keithbutgay · 8 months
vat7k headcanons?
oh my gosh my time has come (you will probably regret this)
so first off imma reference my like three other posts i've made on the topic because i'm a nerd
starting with lgbt+ headcanons-
hugo is genderfluid and likes men i don't make the rules (he/she/they)
i am very much a trans varian truther. in my mind they use he/they pronouns and is also very biromantic
transing nuru's gender too- i love transfemme nuru (she/her) and also she's a lesbian definitely
yong gets the aroace nonbinary treatment
okay moving on to headcanons about languages-
its canon that varian speaks like three languages but i headcanon that he is fluent in coronan, saporian, and is learning the dark kingdom's language
hugo definitely knows so many languages because he gets around. i like to think he's fluent in ingvarran, coronan and bayangoran
i love the idea that yong is still learning coronan and that hugo sometimes has to translate for him or they repeat things for him sometimes because varian talks too fast or they use an unfamiliar word or like accents trip him up
on a seperate note in my mind coronan is german, bayangoran is mandarin, ingvarran is farsi (based on this post)
one of my favorite possible vat7k storylines is when hugo finds out about varian's past and i love the idea that he found out because of a wanted poster they found- perfect angst potential. on that note, i also believe that the rest of them would have heard about varian (the alchemist) when he was still wanted for example
hugo would have been told about him from donella, whether he was always told to be better and be like varian, or that he admired varian and thought he was really cool and dreamed of working with him
nuru had heard about him through horror stories about the kidnapping and attempted murder of the royal family. she most likely would have been scared of varian when she found out, not trusting him not to hurt her
i honestly think yong wouldn't understand. i don't think his parents would have told him if they even knew, and he would have been like seven at the time, so
hugo was varian's bi awakening except not really. he had liked guys before that but hadn't realized that was what he was feeling
they definitely met cass while on their adventures and she definitely had a girlfriend
ruddiger and prometheus hate each other
hugo is extremely jealous of ruddiger as well. ah yes him, his boyfriend, and his boyfriend's raccoon that's taking up all his attention
firmly believing in hugo showing up one day with period products because he might be a loser but he's not a jerk and nuru not knowing how to tell him she's trans while varian (also not out) comes up and just takes the pads being like 'thanks i needed these'
t4t obviously
also they're both neurodivergent i dont make the rules
they hate each other but like not
like in the sense that, if they were asked if they liked each other, they would be like ew gross no i hate this man
and then at the end of the conversation varian kisses hugo on the cheek and is just like see you at home babe and everyone is like w h a t
they argue nonstop, to the point of being violent, and then someone changes the subject and hugo's in varian's lap
obsessed with that one au where they were in prison together
also obsessed with hugo dropping the piano on eugene's head
this entire post
might add to this later but here you go have fun!
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Hay palabras
en las que habitan paisajes
sin horizontes,
que no contienen el fin,
que son un eterno principio.
Palabras libres de cadenas,
palabras que desatan
nudos en el alma.
Sí, escribir como cura,
como antídoto
a la realidad.
A ellas,
a las palabras sencillas,
humildes, y aún así,
palabras que dejan
a reyes como esclavos
y coronan solo a la verdad.
A todos ellas,
les doy las gracias
por estar
cuando todo calla.
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zonerobotnik · 19 days
Saw a post where people are joking about Hugo being British and...no.
Varian is German/Coronan.
Hugo is Russian/Ingvarrian.
Yong is Chinese/Bayangorian.
smh guys at least mock the right one for being British.
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