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aida2024 · 1 year ago
Heute war für uns Hochsommer. Nach einem Frühstück und das Suchen unser Badesachen ging es mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln zum Strand und der Wüste von Carralejo. Vorbei an einer kargen Landschaft und kleineren Ortschaften konnten wir so etwas von Fuerteventura sehen. Vor 4 Jahren waren wir hier schon mal und haben erneut mit einem Coronabier am Strand angestoßen. Damals mussten wir die Tour 2 Tage später aufgrund des Coronavirus abbrechen.
Sonne satt hatten wir einen tollen Strandnachmittag mit Baden, Wellen reiten und Sandburgen bauen. Abends ließen wir es uns gut gehen, diesmal mit typisch bayrischem Essen und Kinderdisco im Anschluss. Die Kinder haben hier richtig Spaß und schon ein paar Freunde gefunden. Laut Ella ist das der schönste Urlaub überhaupt. Und warum? Weil wir eine so schöne Aussicht haben, das Essen und der Pool und weil es einfach ein Haus auf dem Wasser ist ;)
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danfuh · 4 years ago
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Hier etwas Werbung für Corona, Corona Extra. Hoffentlich bald wieder das einzig wahre Corona. #coronaextra #corona🍺 #coronaextra🍺 #coronabier #coronabeer #corona https://www.instagram.com/p/CLFPZ0tl8hg/?igshid=1g25nxmjqnepo
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anta89 · 5 years ago
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Corona 👑 ohne #virus . . . . . . . . . . . . #kleinerfreitag #koronazeit #coronazeit #corona #coronabier #coronavirus #coronatime #c#koronavirüsü #donnerstag #mirubio #love #badoeynhausen #2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvMiVFqUSH/?igshid=djmh0ehlf7tv
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henrycharlieofficial · 5 years ago
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Die Chinesen haben das Wort Corona von den Mexikanern geklaut 😂 #corona #coronabier #coronavirus (hier: Berlin, Germany - Europe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9bqSf9lVzD/?igshid=ao80lh8hdn4k
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asterxdranken · 6 years ago
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WIN een #Corona ⛄ #koelbox ❄️ #entisfeest 👉 Kom 6/7 naar onze #bierproeverij in Boom, koop Corona en neem deel aan de wedstrijd! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Kom dus zaterdag 6/7 in Boom proeven van #Coronabier en #PureBlonde. Iedereen is welkom tussen 10u30 en 17u!🍻 (bij AsterX Dranken) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzf8ovJCSbf/?igshid=vf3uehjpyczc
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callmebysundown · 5 years ago
Was mich wirklich einfach nur noch wütend und traurig zugleich macht ist die Tatsache, dass wir in einer parlamentarischen Demokratie leben, in der uns schon früh eingetrichtert wird, wir müssten nur politisch partizipieren, wenn wir etwas ändern wollen. Wie die ganze Coronadebatte um das Abitur jetzt jedoch abermals verdeutlich hat, sind wir letztlich doch nicht mehr, als ein kleines Rädchen im System. Wir Schüler haben es geschafft, dass um das ganze Thema Abitur ein riesen Wirbel gemacht wird, egal wo man momentan die Nachrichten verfolgt, man ist immer damit konfrontiert. Und warum? Weil wir unsere Stimmen erhoben haben. Es gibt so viele Seiten im Internet, so viele Posts von Lehrern und Schülern, unzählige Briefe an die Kultusministerien und sogar eine fucking Petition, die innerhalb von weniger als 4 Wochen ca. 150.000 Unterschriften bekommen hat. All das scheint aber immer noch nicht genug zu sein, es heißt dann, unsere Forderungen würden diskutiert, letztendlich läuft es dann aber doch nach der Nase der Menschen, die am meisten zu sagen haben. Und diese Menschen sind in Deutschland leider hauptsächlich Teil der Elite, Kapitalisten und Leute, die die vielen Probleme der Leistungsgesellschaft einfach nicht sehen wollen. Warum zählt unsere Stimme nicht? Wieso fragt man nicht die, die in erster Linie davon betroffen sind? Es geht mir persönlich nicht einmal unbedingt darum, die Prüfungen zu verschieben. Mir geht es um die Hypokrisie der Regierung. Wir fühlen uns allein gelassen, ignoriert, hilflos. Und die Regierung spuckt einfach darauf. Genauso wie die Regierung auf die „Ausnahmen in der Gesellschaft“ spuckt, die mental nicht stabil oder nicht stabil genug sind, um die Prüfungen unter den momentanen Umständen zu schreiben. Natürlich muss man bei so einem Thema auf die Gesamtheit gucken, aber es kann doch nicht immer nur alles schwarz oder weiß sein. Man bezieht diejenigen, die wirklich unter der Situation leiden, einfach nicht mit ein. Immerhin gehts hier um das Abitur, den höchsten Abschluss, was wär das denn für ein Skandal, wenn Deutschland die Prüfungen einfach durch das Durchschnittsabitur ersetzt? Nein, das geht einfach nicht. Stattdessen muss man alle Schüler des Landes zwingen, diese Prüfungen zu schreiben, wär ja auch sonst zu einfach. Und als ob das nicht genug ist, müssen alle Abiturienten, die sowieso keinen Unterricht mehr haben, bald wieder zur Schule. Dass das einfach eine zusätzliche Belastung für uns darstellt ist dabei ja egal.
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herrtmachtschule · 4 years ago
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menacing-anon · 3 years ago
Here's my comprehensive little list of stuff that made no sense about the whole "free Weedy"... operation. Thanks to everyone else who pointed these out; some didn't occur to me on my own!
Firstly, it's either out of character or ineffective for character development.
Why would Fatou participate? She had a considerable amount of absences and already got in trouble last year. Someone also pointed to her disapproval of Constantin and Ismail stealing Maike, but I suppose that was more about Maike needing relatively complex care.
Would Kieu My? She cares about her grades and has post-secondary academic goals, but she also seems to me, personally, as having more, well... good sense? 😳
Speaking of getting in trouble, this does a disservice to Mailin's character! Apparently, she didn't learn enough from getting all her friends in trouble by leaking the bio test results the year before, and is still leaping at opportunities to disrupt the system that are forbidden and could get her caught. And in my opinion, it wasn’t even really meaningful either time; neither encouraged or caused lasting change to issues. Maybe the following isn’t actually a problem, but the goal almost seems more to do something for its sake and feel like she is disrupting the system than to accomplish anything.
Finally, as somebody reminded me, this keeps Ismail — the main, no less — static. They are yet again following their friends in something questionable and letting down a friend. I think they’ve followed the Instas and/or Lou every time, and let down Sascha both times that they’ve made important (in advance and on-screen) plans. This was at the end of episode 6 — does it feel to anyone that the writers kept Ismail behaving the same way for too long?
Secondly, it makes everyone look super foolish.
What was the plan? To bring the plant back to the common room and hope the staff doesn't notice, or doesn't punish anybody? Like, what is the ideal outcome here?
Also, why did they throw a party? Were they celebrating their plan? Or the fact that they "broke into" the school, so now they can? If nothing else, that increases their chances of getting caught!
And speaking of getting caught, you know what else does that? Posting it online, which is how both the Cash Queens and Ismail got caught doing something forbidden last time! They said, "let's run it again from the top."
Oh my gosh, I just remembered No Coronabi.
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na-klar · 4 years ago
druck clip 1 translation
Sunday, 17:31
Fatou (voiceover/voice message): This country is standing still. Just like our generation. We’re on pause. Future? Unsure. What do we need? We don’t know. The ones who should help don’t understand anything either. Contracts and plans are valid until the next clash. What’s given: distance, bans, hate. But we’re looking for life. We dance with everyone and love everyone. No Coronabi(*) but freedom and llamas and colorful, bowed rain... nah... this idea is kinda stupid, sorry. Tell me if you want to do the project with someone else.
Nora: Hey Fati, these are really good ideas. Let’s definitely do it together. And we can talk about it in school, yeah? See you then, bye!
(Text messages to Constantin: Hey, can we talk again? Yesterday went kind of stupid.
Can you just text me that you’re okay?
I’m worried.)
(Text messages: Machwitze group chat
Zoe: I’M HUNGRY!!!)
Nora: Hey Zoe, I’ll be there in 5 minutes.
Kiki: Hello!!
Nora: Hi! Sorry. Na, how are you?
Kiki: I’m good, you?
Nora: Me too, thanks.
Kiki: It’s so nice that you came.
Nora: Yeah, sorry that it took a little longer, Mama wanted to get the pie done before I go...
Kiki: That’s no problem at all! Come in! I already wondered where my hoodie is.
Nora: Yeah... sorry.
Zoe: Finally!
Nora: Na? Man, I told you to start without me.
Zoe: Yeah, as if she’d let me start!
Nora: So, and lovely wishes from Mama.
Kiki: How nice. How is she?
Nora: She’s great. Guys, really.
Kiki: Good. A different topic: I spoke to Carlos and we can have his car for Friday.
Zoe: Really?
Kiki: Yes really. I mean, it’s your 18th birthday. And you don’t need to help, by the way. Nora and I will bring everything to the park. Right?
Nora: Yeah, sure.
Zoe: Oh guys, that’s awesome! Come here! You’re the best! Oh man! I’m so damn excited already... Eighteen! Can you believe it? From then on I can do anything I want.
Kiki: You’re already doing anything you want.
Zoe: But then I’m allowed to do it!
Kiki: Right.
Zoe: Nori, could you ask Constantin if he could bring his sound boxes with him?
Nora: Uh, yeah, sure.
Zoe: Cool.
Nora: Sure thing... Uhm... we’re not together anymore, by the way.
Zoe: What? Since when?
Nora: Uhm... since Friday. I don’t know, everything was a bit too much all of a sudden.
Kiki: Are you okay?
Nora: Yeah! Yes, it’s not that bad, it hasn’t been that long anyway... so...
Zoe: And now?
Nora: I don’t know, the way it was before, right?
Zoe: Oh man, Nori, I’m so sorry.
Nora: No guys, it’s really... it’s nothing.
Zoe: I hope Constantin is not going to act up now... he’s sometimes such a boydiva.
Nora: No... Actually he’s... He’s actually chill.
Kiki: Yes. And if not, there’s still Zoe, right?
Zoe: For sure. Sisters before misters! Okay. Let’s eat?
(* Coronabi - word play, combination of the words Corona(virus) and Abi(tur) / Abitur: high school graduation)
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taraolssons · 4 years ago
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no coronabi but freedom and llamas and dogs and bowed rain...nah.....this idea is kinda stupid, sorry. tell me if you want to do the project with someone else.
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noramachwitz · 4 years ago
okay so i think i might have to go give some context for the coronabi thing and the reason why zoe's group is ~protesting
as you all saw with the old gen things like the abiball and the abibook and abiparties are all part of the abi graduation in german schools and the thing about them is that they're all completely organised and financed by the students themselves like the schools have no part in this and usually don't help with that (unless they're private schools which is not the case here in druck's universe)
so what do students do to come up with that kind of money to rent a venue and to pay for the printing of the abibooks and everything else they need?? they organise parties!! aka those exact parties which the school in druck is trying to prohibit. the money the students make from the parties (from drinks and entrance fees) go to the abiball (that's usually the most expensive one of them all) and everything else. usuall they also do bakesales (which is why ava mentioned them yesterday) but bc of corona they can't do those either so that's what those kids actually are protesting
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danfuh · 5 years ago
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Nach einer anstrengenden Woche gönne ich mir jetzt ein kühles Corona. Euch ein schönes Wochenende. #corona #coronabeer🍺 #coronabier #coronabeer #beer #novirus #keinvirus (hier: Erlangen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9H2EkHoyrX/?igshid=jw2c96jyifzt
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matteohno-schreibner · 4 years ago
rip to jonas augustin
he’s not dead, he’s just not in druck anymore and now we have these dumbass coronabi idiots
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anta89 · 5 years ago
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Hallo Wochenende! Schön das du da bist ❤️😍👍 #genießen #lebengenießen #wochenende #schöneswochenende #freitag #findesemana #viernes #love #loveislove #loveyourself #amore #amor #amor #amoremio #liebe #liebemeineslebens #liebeliebeliebe #liebevoll #liebeslauftagebuch #gartenliebe #coronabier #zusammensindwirstark #zusammengegencorona #juntosporsiempre #sielpark #badoeynhausen #alemania #alemania🇩🇪 #alemanizando #germany #germany🇩🇪 (hier: Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_7sx0AKv0X/?igshid=dcfw8x4th8jb
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mailinn · 4 years ago
i think that the druck team was so clever releasing profiles because they let our views of the new gen evolve exactly like nora's has been. originally nora was probably so excited to be in with zoe's gang because they seemed so cool to her. she probably thought they were gonna be her new best friends this year - and we thought the same thing! but then as nora is around them more she realizes they are kinda mean, but ultimately her desire to be cool like them wins out. then with ishmael telling her off and the whole coronabi ordeal she's realizing maybe these aren't people she wants to be friends with anyway. so the next time she's at school she's looking around at all these other people she's interacted with but doesn't know very well thinking maybe she'll end up being friends with them instead... when she had in her head the direction her year was going, we did too. but now that she's more unsure, so are we! what is this semester going to be like for her? she doesn't know, and we don't either.
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asterxdranken · 6 years ago
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Wie komt zaterdag gratis #bierproeven in Boom?😀 #gratisbier #entisfeest ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Je kunt 6/7 komen proeven van #Coronabier en #PureBlonde. Iedereen met of zonder blond haar👱 is welkom tussen 10u30 en 17u!🍻 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bze7ALvij9J/?igshid=1bow7wqwbfbg5
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