#cork lip blush
lashandbrowie · 2 years
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solbaby7 · 10 months
Rhysand x shy!reader
warnings: nothing really, maybe some swearing
summary: just you giving a massage to a tired Rhys and the usual sexual tension that comes with two best friends who definitely wanna fuck
Poor Illiryian baby, Rhys.
Sinking into the couch with a deep sigh, he beckons you over with two fingers. His exhaustion is evident, shoulders slumped and head thrown back into the thick couch pillows, fingers subconsciously toying with the soft fabric of one of the throw blankets you’d insisted on during a shopping trip a few weeks back. “Do me a favor, yeah?”
The way your head nods immediately in response is a little pathetic, borderline embarrassing if it weren’t for the fact that Rhys had barely looked up. “Yeah.”
“Why don’t you go grab those little oil jars of yours and rub my back for me?” It’s not really a question judging by how he says it, voice low and breathy but still commanding—cocky almost like he was certain you’d do it either way.
You leave for a moment, rushing to your room to collect a few oils from the growing rack in your bathroom and head back before you can psyche yourself out of it. Your hands on his body—Rhysand’s shirt was off by time you’d set the bottles on the table and he’d laid out on the large couch, his stomach down and face stuffed in a pillow. “Long day?” You murmur, the casual conversation doing little to stave off the nerves, your hands shaking at the thought of being so close to him.
“Long week.”
You hum in sympathy, glass bottle clinking against one another as you popped their lids open, corks perched to the side and poured a few drops of the oil on his back, across broad shoulders and down his spine. “Poor thing,” His body responds to your words—or maybe it’s just the oil when he shifted slightly, muscles flexing slightly when you finally touch him.
You start at his shoulders, slick hands smoothing the scent of lavender and mint over tanned skin. The angle is a little awkward, your back aching from the strain and as if the High Lord had sensed the same thing, one of his hands lift from under the pillow, reaching behind to tap at your calf, fingers grazing the bare skin there. “Sit on me.”
“But what if—“
“Please,” It comes out gravely, voice muffled by the pillow and filled with exhaustion. “I really need you to do this for me.” A little smirk quirks on the side of his face that’s still visible, eyes still shut as he followed up with, “Your High Lord commands it.”
A blush burns at your cheeks, movements hesitant before complying. One bare leg wrapped around his waist, thighs caging him in on either side and you prayed he couldn’t smell the affect this was having on you. How casual he was being about such proximity. How compromising this looked if anyone walked in.
Just breathe.
You’re just friends and if anyone walked in you’d tell them exactly what was happening. You were helping—just like friends did.
“You’d think for a High Lord who can command such things, you’d have already had a masseuse on your payroll.” The joke earns you a laugh, his body shaking under you slightly but you ignore it as you get back to work. Fingers kneading at the knots in his shoulders, forcing yourself to stop thinking so hard about the whimpers that sounded from him when you ran a firm thumb down the slope of his shoulder, squeezing and rubbing over and over until that area was completely relaxed.
Rhysand’s back was all hard muscles, his groans going more guttural when your touch grows firmer, working out knots and stretching sore muscles until all the oil had dried. “Don’t stop.” His hand clamps around your calf when you try to slide off and while the grip isn’t painful the way half-lidded violet eyes peer at you, lips a little pouty when he continues. “I haven’t felt that kind of relief in months—just please don’t stop.”
His hand doesn’t leave your calf when you continue and the little sigh of contentment he lets out when you continue is enough to have you clenching around nothing, praying that he couldn’t feel it.
You keep going until his breathing has evened out and his body has gone lax, soft huffs fanning out on his forearm as sleep finally took over, hand falling limp at his side.
That’s how they find you, still gently rubbing at Rhys’ back and Cassian immediately groans next to Azriel. It takes no more than a second before his shirt is tugged off and thrown to the side. “Me next.”
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frankieburieshisdead · 8 months
ℬ𝓇𝓊𝒸ℯ 𝒲𝒶𝓎𝓃ℯ 𝓍 ℳ𝒶𝓁ℯ ℳℴ𝒹ℯ𝓁 ℛℯ𝒶𝒹ℯ𝓇
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cw: NSFW
~ You liked modeling enough. It was exciting, and new, and you got to meet a bunch of people you otherwise wouldn't. For instance, if you could go back to the skinny, slightly effeminate brace face in rural Smallsville and tell him he would be hanging off the Bruce Wayne's arm at a promotional after party in Gotham he would laugh in your face. But here you were, and here he was, all 6ft (6'7? 6'8? God he was intimidating) wrapped around your shoulders, two of the girls from the shoot on his other side. You didn't know either of them very well, but they we're kind to you whenever you crossed paths, and it was always nice to see more black models in the industry.
~ So why did you feel so much vitriol towards them? This ugly feeling curling in your stomach every time Wayne leaned slightly towards them, slightly away from you. You chopped it up to star power, pure unadulterated charm that came with being one of the richest men in the Americas, but as long as it had been, you still remembered what it was like it have a crush.
~ It was hard to not have a crush on Bruce Wayne. He was confident, ridiculously so, but not the kind of confidence that made you feel small. When you arrived, he asked you "Do you like dark chocolate? I can't stand the stuff but for some reason people keep giving it to me." You could see he was lying, and that maybe he had just wanted to give you an expensive box of chocolate without making you feel like you owed him anything. It made you feel special.
~ It didn't take him long to invite the whole party back to his manor. His home was beautiful. Like a castle in one of the picture books your gran used to let you borrow from her job at the library. You told Bruce that, and he had smiled so genuinely you hadn't stopped blushing for the rest of the night.
~ You ended up asking yourself up to his bedroom. One of the bottle girls had popped the cork right over you, drenching your pants in sparkling cider. She had been so apologetic, and you hadn't wanted to make a scene, so you stumbled up the stairs in into the nearest unlocked door you could find. You closed the door behind you, stripping out of your soaked jeans to dab them clean in the joining bathroom.
~ "Not that I'm complaining, but I have to say it's not everyday I find pretty boys stripping out their clothes unprompted in my bedroom." You must have jumped about a foot in the air, hiding behind your thread bare trousers. "Oh god Mr. Wayne I'm so sorry, I just needed- there was this champagne girl- and well-"
"Relax, I'm just teasing." You looked at him properly now, his weary tone bleeding past your initial embarrassment. He was propped up against the bedpost, shirtless with one hand clamped firmly over his ribs. There was a mean purple blotch under his fingers, and his chest rose and fell in stutters. He was in pain.
"What happened?" You were across the room the next second, pants forgotten on the floor as you scooted next to him in your briefs. There was a slight blush across his chest and cheeks. Maybe he was drunk. Maybe you were.
"Got into... a brawl. Nothing serious don't worry." You got the feeling he liked that you were worried. You wondered how many people worried about Bruce Wayne. You had seen an older man in butler attire fussing over him when the party first got here. You hoped he was looked after.
"Well... I best get going." You were inches apart now, you could feel his harsh breath against your top lip.
"Best." He replied, curling his lip to mirror your Midwestern accent.
You fell into him first, crashing your lips against his as his arms came to grip your biceps. He lifted you with an insane show of strength, you squealed into his mouth, ending off in a giggle. He gave that genuine smile again.
~ You were straddling him now, grinding down on a ever hardening length. He gasped into your mouth, squeezing almost painfully as he pressed you firmer against him. He was massaging the v on your waist, teasing just above where you wanted him.
"Can I?"
You nodded manically against his shoulder, the both of you generating a frantic energy. He dipped down, palming you through your underwear.
"Protection?" You managed to pant out, remembering every talk your granny had drilled into you since you came out.
"Bedside drawer."
~ 3 hours. You kept going for 3 hours after that. He had taken you, knees pressed up against your shoulders, hitting all the right spots until you had come dry and untouched. He was still hard inside you, panting and you squeezed your way through your orgasm. He was kind, clearly straining to not thrust forward while you were so sensitive. You hooked your legs behind the dip in his waist and tugged him forward. A dare. The result of which had you on your hands and knees panting and keening after your third, fourth? climax. He was good afterwards as well. Sweet. He held your head up as he poured water from a sealed bottle down your throat, petting through your slim locs. You woke up tucked against his side, unsure if he had even slept a wink as he stared down at you. He had to go, but he had arranged one of the cars for you as soon as you wanted to leave. The butler, Alfred, had cleaned and dried your jeans while you were asleep, although Bruce had made it clear you were welcome to his extensive wardrobe. You giggled, imagining getting back to your apartment in a pair of 1000$ tracksuit pants with the ankles rolled up to your calves.
~ When you finally made it back to your apartment, you patted down your jeans, pleading to whoever was listening that you hadn't lost your keys in the chaos of the previous night. Instead, you pulled out a neatly folded parchment paper, thumbing it open to find barely legible handwriting reading:
Call me if you liked the chocolate.
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l0v3sickl0s3r · 7 months
Murder Drones x Reader
Character: Serial Designation N | Requested: ❌ | Category: Fluffy Cuddling Headcanons
• my guy has quite literally been living under a rock for his whole life so he doesn’t know shit about being affectionate let alone cuddling 💀
• doesn’t mean u can’t teach him tho 👀
• he’ll try his best to make sure ur comfy, both emotionally and physically. <3
• he will DEEEFINITELY wrap his tail around u! ^^ just… be mindful about the stinger. pop a cork on the tip and u should be fine :3
• he rlly likes laying his head on ur chest or vice versa <3333
• if he’s tired enough, he’ll fall asleep in ur arms 🥰
• he occasionally mumbles in his sleep too i’m sobbign
bonus lil drabble: tired bodies, limbs draped around each other. the occasional glance at one another, and the shy embarrassment when the sweet bot looks away from you. you softly chuckle and cup his cheek in the palm of your hand, guiding his gaze back to meet yours. he blushes and looks at you timidly, yet oh so lovingly. you smile, give him a lil peck on the lips and nestle into his chest. you don’t have to look up to know that he’s blushing a little bit more than before. the pats on your back slowly become a haze in your mind as n lulls you to sleep…
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missbabyjay · 2 years
A Night Out - Pedro Pascal x F Reader
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I am so feral I don't know where this piece came from but I hope you all enjoy it lmao
Warnings/Content: Explicit, Smut, Domination, Rough, Unprotected sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy y'all), Age gap, Alcohol
Summary: You attend an event with Pedro to celebrate TLOU. When a stranger gets too close Pedro feels the need to show you that you're his, and only his.
Word Count: 2.6 K
I am taking requests <3
. . .
The sun was beginning to fade, letting you know your time was running short. You groaned, hesitating to begin getting ready. Doing your hair and makeup took effort that you couldn’t work up at the moment, and you didn’t even want to go out in the first place.
Pedro just finished filming, meaning there were many events for him to attend - for promo as well as celebration. You wanted to be a supportive girlfriend by attending the events with him, but you weren’t the going out type. You enjoyed staying in, cozying up in your housecoat with a cup of tea, of course, while you created your own reality through your passion for writing. You enjoyed being a homebody and so did Pedro at times, but things were different tonight. 
You finally pushed through the lack of motivation and found yourself propped up in front of the large mirror that resided in your washroom. You started with your hair, slicking it back into a tight, low bun. You followed by applying some light makeup - just enough to flatter your natural beauty. The event you were attending was formal, so you figured it would be fun to wear some jewellery that you didn’t typically reach for on a regular day. You grabbed a pair of long, dangly earrings. The diamonds shined as they were met with the bright lights of the bathroom. You struggled with a dainty necklace, but after a few tries you were able to open the clasp making you able to place it around your neck.
You were face to face with yourself in the mirror, analysing every feature. You felt a rush of confidence pour over you, and suddenly you felt excited to attend the party. You shimmied on your dress of choice - a short, all black, off the shoulder dress that hugged your curves oh, so perfectly. You paired the dress with some short heels and made your way to the kitchen. You were eager to see Pedro, knowing how weak his knees would become the second he saw you.
This was one of the first events you were attending with him since you began seeing each other. You felt your nerves rattle inside of you as you opened your liquor cabinet - “A drink should help,” you muttered to yourself. You grabbed the clear, stubby bottle of patron from the highest shelf, perched on your tippy toes. “Perfect”. You popped the cork off of the bottle and poured a generous serving into a low glass. You grabbed a few ice cubes from the fridge and popped them in the glass to mingle with the liquor. You thought about drinking it on the rocks for a second, as your nerves were bouncing off the walls, but maybe a mixer was in your best favour instead. 
The first sip graciously coated your throat, instantly calming your nerves. You were caught off guard when there was a pattern of knocks placed on your front door. “Pedro”, you lovingly said. You quickly downed the rest of your drink, hoping you wouldn’t regret that choice later on. The moment finally came; your clammy palms quickly grabbed for the cold door handle. Your face immediately became flushed as Pedro stood before you - he looked dashing. An all black suit covered him, tight enough that you could see his toned body popping through the sleeves. You couldn’t deny you felt yourself becoming heated in your sweet spot.
“Mi amor, you look so gorgeous,” he said in a husky tone, snapping you out of your daze. You blushed, as he reached his arm around your waist pulling you in to meet his soft, tender lips. You were expecting a friendly peck, but Pedro intensified the kiss while pulling you as close as he could possibly get you - yearning for the two of you to become one. His hand travelled to your ass, viciously gripping it, transferring a moan from your mouth to his. He finally pulled back, showing a cheeky grin after seeing the shocked look plastered across your face when you realised the two of you were practically standing in the hallway - visible to any passing neighbours. 
“C’mon sugar, we’ve gotta get going… the party started 20 minutes ago,” he said while rubbing the back of his neck. You giggled, hastily grabbing your purse and locking your front door. 
The uber pulled to the curb in front of a condominium in Manhattan. When you exited the car your eyes followed up the tall, glistening building that towered over the street. “Wow,” you shockingly expressed. Pedro chuckled, “Here we are!” He gently grabbed your hand and led you towards the entrance. The party was far more glamorous than you had imagined - it was located on the rooftop of a high-class building. As you peered over the edge your eyes were met with the majestic skyline of New York City. The view was hypnotising. You weren’t from NYC originally, as you grew up in a small rural town, making this the first time you’ve seen a view like this. 
The party was crowded, you recognized a few faces; those who were a part of TLOU and others who were simply there to celebrate their successful friends. The warm summer night was paired with a light breeze causing enough goosebumps for you to nuzzle into Pedro. Eventually you parted ways making a trip to the open bar, “Props to whoever made this happen,” you mumbled as you set yourself up on a padded bar stool. You ordered a paloma, nice and simple for a beautiful summer night. You glanced around the party watching passionate conversations filled with laughter. You didn’t enjoy going out often but you enjoyed people watching - it soothes your soul.
You decided to enjoy your drink alone at the bar to give Pedro some time to catch up with his castmates. You caught a glimpse of Pedro and he sent you a little wink, making your cheeks heat up. You loved that man, and you especially loved how he wasn’t embarrassed to be in public with you. The two of you had a significant age gap, nothing worrying, but you figured most people would be judgy. Pedro felt the need to be your protector - he loved keeping you safe. 
As you were finishing up your drink you hopped off the stool and ordered another, alongside a beer to bring to Pedro. An arm wrapped around your waist making you jolt, as you turned your head you expected to see Pedro’s face but instead you met a stranger’ face, “Um- Can I help you?” you said as you removed yourself from the man’s hold. “What’s a pretty little girl like you doing at a party like this? I don’t see your face on any billboards,” he slurred, pushing a cocktail your way. You could smell the copious amounts of liquor he had obviously consumed. “I am here with my boyfriend. I appreciate the gesture but, no thank you,” you signalled “no” with your hand.
The man continued blabbering his mouth off until you were pulled aside - this time you knew it was Pedro. “Hey buddy, how about you leave my girlfriend alone,” Pedro’s voice filled with aggression while he tightly gripped you. “You’re the boyfriend? Pfft, yeah okay big shot,” the man said as he rolled his eyes and turned away from the two of you. Pedro’s grasp was still tight on you as he turned to you. “You okay, sugar?” his hot breath cascading across your neck, his grip still tight around your upper arm. He slipped his other arm around your waist pulling you close to him once again. Your eyes lingered between his chocolate brown eyes and his plush, pink lips. His arm travelled from your upper arm to your neck, keeping a tight grip around you.
You felt an intense ache begin between your legs, your cunt beginning to drip - moistening your tiny little panties. He came close to you once again, “I need you now,” he demanded. He forcefully led you towards the bathrooms, your knees instantly weakening making you struggle to keep up with Pedro. Typically this would not be your cup of tea, but these washrooms were elegantly decorated - pristine.
As soon as the two of you entered the small room Pedro locked the door. He viciously pushed you against the wall and began using his hands to explore your body. You were holding back moans in fear of anyone hearing while they passed the bathroom, although the party was rather loud. His hot, chiselled body was pressed tight against you, leaving no space between your chests. His hands travelled from your sides down to the bottom hem of your dress where he began to teasingly grip it, “I’m gonna show you that you’re mine, and only mine tonight,” he instructed while grazing his teeth against your neck. You could tell the incident from earlier made a wave of jealousy wash over him and you weren’t mad about it - you loved this side of him.
Your hands trailed upwards to his brown curls, twirling and gripping them between your fingers. Pedro moaned into your neck, he loved when you played with his hair. He finally lifted your dress, exposing your bottom half which was only covered with a lacy g-string. He growled as he looked down, raising his hand to grip your throat - his grip was even tighter than before. You gasped for air as he ran his pointer finger over your clothed pussy, feeling the wetness that had already accumulated, “already?” he tsked, as he pushed your panties to the side. His finger gently traced your folds, teasing you every second. “My hands look so good around you, mi amor” he hissed into the air. 
You couldn’t contain yourself as he held you by your throat and toyed with your sweet spot. You were loving every second of him dominating you; you loved Pedro’s sweetness but his roughness was your favourite. You were shocked when Pedro ripped off your panties in one swift motion, leaving a somewhat burning feeling against your skin - you enjoyed it. “Did that hurt?” he genuinely asked, “No,” you moaned out. No matter how rough Pedro was with you he always checked in on you, he was so sweet.
As you grasped at his shoulders to help keep you stable he inserted one single finger inside of you, slowly teasing away causing you to ache even more for him. “Fuck”, you let out hoarsly. Pedro smirked, “Such a little slut,” he taunted before quickly adding another finger. You felt your knees buckle beneath you as you ran out of energy to keep yourself standing. Pedro removed his fingers causing you to let out a disappointed moan. He lowered himself and placed your right leg over his shoulder. Your breath hitched as he looked at you from below, gliding his lips across your dripping core. You squirmed, causing Pedro to grip at your hips forcefully making you stay still - or at least attempting to. 
His tongue began to lap away at your folds, teasing your aching bud every once and a while until he decided to move his focus there. Your eyes squeezed shut as he circled his tongue around your sensitive area, causing a knot to start forming deep within your lower stomach. Your hips began to jerk against Pedro’s face, longing for more friction as you chased your orgasm. Pedro quickened the pace of his tongue, driving you to an out of body experience as your muscles tensed and you reached your high. 
Your skin tingled as you attempted to catch your breath, but Pedro didn’t give you a chance as he stood up and stuck the two fingers that he pleased you with into your mouth, forcing you to indulge in the taste of yourself. “Good girl,” he said as he removed your fingers and licked them himself, “you taste so good,” he praised. “Up,” he demanded as he signalled for you to jump, wrapping your legs around his waist as he gripped your ass. He led you to the counter and placed himself in between your wet thighs. You wondered where your underwear were for a second before Pedro pulled them from his pocket, “Gotta keep you quiet for this,” he purred as he smirked at you. Suddenly Pedro placed your dainty panties within your mouth, “Holy shit,” you thought to yourself as you nearly melted into a pile of nothing.
Pedro unbuttoned his clothing above his waist leaving his soft tanned skin exposed. You ran your fingers from his pecks to his waistline, swiftly helping him remove his belt. He pulled his pants as well as his boxers down just enough to expose his aching cock. You spared no time and took him into your hands, slowly massaging him as his head tilted downwards. He let out an animalistic growl, removing your hands and giving himself a few pumps before he lined himself up with your soaking wet core. He slid the tip of his cock in between your folds a few times; moistening himself with your sweet liquids. His eyes met yours and he filled you in one easy motion. You bit down on your panties, gripping the sides of the counter you sat upon. Pedro was generous, giving a few slow thrusts before he hastily picked up the speed of his movements. He gripped your hips allowing him to have more control of how your bodies moved together. You looked down to watch his cock disappearing inside of you, causing your eyes to roll as he hit the perfect spot. 
The sounds of your bare skin making contact filled the room and you felt overwhelmed with pleasure. Pedro grasped the back of your head bringing his forehead to yours, not once breaking eye contact as he mercilessly pounded your pussy. “Come for me again, sugar,” he demanded. He gripped your ass and slightly lifted you off the counter, allowing him to pull your bottom half closer to him every time he thrusted into you. Your arms held yourself up on the counter as you felt the rush of warmth reach your lower stomach once again causing you to lose all composure. You reached your climax causing you to scream out, thankfully the panties muffled it - slightly. 
You attempted to collect yourself as you came down, feeling Pedro’s thrusts becoming sloppier. You bit your lip while you stared him down knowing your eyes made him crazy, “Fuck baby, I-I’m gonna fill you up,” he stuttered, struggling to get his words out as he too was quick to reaching his high. “Come for me, daddy,” you purred, causing Pedro to send you a devilish smirk before he was pushed over the edge, closing his eyes as he threw his head backwards.
He remained in you for a moment while the both of you caught your breath. You removed your panties, “Damn baby”, you exclaimed. Pedro giggled at your reaction. He pulled out of you, allowing you to hop off the counter so you could clean yourself up. He placed a kiss on your temple, while the two of you readjusted yourselves, trying to fix your hair and makeup so nothing looked too off. “You are so good, princesa,” he cooed to you as he pulled you into a loving embrace, “I’m so lucky you’re mine”. You tighten your arms around his waist, placing a kiss on his chest.
You patted down your dress and slightly fixed your hair as Pedro peeked his head out of the door to see if the coast was clear. “We’re good to go,” he reached for your hand - intertwining your fingers with his. The two of you made your way to the bar, most definitely needing some hydration after that.
Tags: @purplerain85
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ncroissant · 5 months
Hi there, love your work!
Can I ask for something with Chilchuck x reader where the reader decided to share their secret good wine stash with Chilchuck and they somehow end up sloppily making out?
chilchuck x reader
summary: sharing your favorite spot with your favorite person
wc: 872
content warning: fluff, making out drunk (consent is important!!)
author's note: hi anon, i have been meaning to get to this request for a loooong time, but my francis content blew up by then!! idk what's going on in this one, but the fluff was entirely self-indulgent omg. anyway, thank u sm for the great request, i hope you enjoy this one :) not proof read!!
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"it's just through here," you whispered, squeezing chilchuck's hand lightly.
you pulled him through the narrow hallway, taking an abrupt left to reveal your hidden treasure. it was your most prized possession, hidden from the rest of the party for many years.
chilchuck's eyes widened when you had dragged him through the curtain, sliding it shut. "this is..."
"amazing?" you finished his sentence, letting go of his hand to pluck a good bottle of wine from your stash.
"how long have you had all of...this?" he trailed off, looking around in awe. the accumulation of alcohol in such a tiny space would've set the entire dungeon floor on fire.
you chuckled at the awe on his face, sauntering over to his. "you'll catch flies, chi," you tapped his jaw close, ushering over to the little chairs you had set up. "just a few years..."
"we're resting tomorrow so we can drink 'till we vomit," you slid into your chair across from him, popping the cork off the bottle. "then do it all over again!" you cheered, generously pouring into his glass.
when you slid his glass over, you poured yours the same amount, just a smidge more. "cheers," you tipped your glass, his clinking against yours.
"this is some good fucking wine," he swirled his cup after taking a swig, slouching back in his chair.
this wine had been kept here for years, aged for better taste. you had refrained from binge-drinking every bottle and let them further ferment in your hidden storage room.
"you're getting red, angel," chilchuck chuckled, inspected how droopy your eyes got, every blink getting heavier.
unfortunately for you, you were a lightweight.
"no, 'm fine, chi," you shook your head, brows furrowed and nose scrunched, unable to control the contortions of your facial features. "just a little dizzy," you sighed, taking another sip.
although he wanted to indulge you, the dad in him wouldn't allow you to take another sip. "that's enough for you," he smiled, pulling your glass closer to him.
you frowned, trying to grasp at straws. "hey! that's mine," you scoffed, throwing yourself on your own two feet, though wobbly. you threw your arms around, flailing like a fish fresh out of water.
"uh-huh..." he mindless nodded, placing your glass on a nearby end-table. you stumbled over to him, finding yourself placed between his thighs.
your arms were limp beside you, looking down at chilchuck. his hands softly held your waist, looking right back up at you.
"you're pretty," he smiled, reaching a hand up to caress your cheek.
his thumb gently brushed against your rosy cheeks, slowly guiding you down to his lips. when his lips pressed against yours, you made a little noise. he pulled away thinking he hurt you, but you just latched yourself back onto his lips, hand holding the side of his jaw.
the warmth of your body coursed through your fingertips, the heat tingling against his skin. it was entirely silent. even when you climbed onto his lap, hands grabbing his face to press his lips against yours, bodies moving against each other.
you two were so entirely smitten with each other.
and when you pulled away, he'd look at you with that look in his eyes. it was so stupid, it made you feel like a little school girl. "makin' me blush, chi," you mumbled, brushing his bangs out of his eyes.
"you were already blushing before," he smirked, pinching your cheek softly, making you wince.
you sighed, looking him more deeply in the eye. you didn't know if it was the alcohol talking, but you wanted to consume him whole if you could. kissing him for hours sounded like a good plan.
you leaned in, not close enough to kiss, but close enough. you looked down at his lips, flicking back to look up at his eyes, but ultimately sticking to admire the plushness of his lips.
"you gonna kiss me?" he whispered. you gulped, licking your suddenly dry lips.
"mhm..." you leaned in, kissing him again.
you felt yourself burning from his touch, your toes tingling, your heart beating, and your lips chasing after his every time you parted. you two kissed like two horny teens making out for the first time, rutting against each other like you weren't allowed to have sex.
neither of your hands slipped beyond your clothes, fingers just fidgeting with the fabric. "someone's needier than usual," chilchuck mumbled, fluttering his eyes open to look at what you looked like.
your lips were puffy, covered in his spit. you huffed against him, foreheads touching. "missed our alone time," you smiled, pressing a kiss against his temple.
his hand lowered to your back, supporting your tired figure. the alcohol was getting to you, sleepiness overtaking you.
"me too, angel," he agreed, throwing your face into the crook of his neck. he let you rest there, rubbing his hand on your back.
he heard your little snores, laughing under his breath. you were a quick, heavy sleeper, there was no way he would be able to wake you up once you were out.
"night, angel," he kissed the crown of your head, leaning his head against yours with a big, relieved sigh.
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willownwisp · 8 months
starry skies, blue eyes
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ii. loving you and the little things you do. (re4r!leon x gn!reader)
author's note: no proofread i work and die alone. i write and called it a day,,, hehe,,, hurrah for second entry of leon valentine's advent !!!! this is actually two parts bc the fic on the third day follows the events after this fic. <3
cw: SFW, SILLY IDIOTS IN LOVE !!!!! part 2 of ree's leon valentine's day advent.
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The baby blues melt into pink hues against the watercolor bloom skies as the sun slowly sets.
Leon presses a kiss to your temple as you both hike side by side to the camp site.
"Stay close, baby. It's getting dark soon. It's my bad, we should have gotten here earlier."
You blush and shake your head, it's not like he was at fault. Leon is a man of action, ask him what needs to be done and it is done. Perhaps it's drilled into him to obey and follow orders, or that after a turbulent run as a DSO agent, he just wanted to get away. Desperately so that the minute you impulsively chatter how romantic it would be to have a camping trip, he's on his ass getting ready that same day.
"No, lovey. It was spontaneous anyway. It's kinda more romantic, yeah?"
You giggle at him, linking your arms around his thick ones as it flexes underneath your touch as he guides you to the spot.
This playfulness earns you a sigh from him. Not one out of frustration, you know him. Know how his trauma operates in the way that there is a small cork in his heart that needed a bit loosening up before he shows his tenderness, it was a sigh of fondness from him as he pulls you close.
"Of course, baby."
He'd reply with a half-smile because you're adorable. The light to his life that seeps warmth in the cold crevices of his being. There was something in your spontaneous nature. Your laidback demeanor, and playfulness that had lured him in. A breath of fresh air.
It was almost night after that small hike, and you're currently faced with your mortal enemy.
Forgetfulness and a knot. A freaking knot.
You wanted to impress Leon by offering to be the one to set up the tent as he leaves you for a little while to gather wood for the fire.
How hard could it be to set up a small two-person tent?
You ask yourself, and this was your downfall.
Upon Leon's arrival, bringing in wood for the fire, he sets the wood down to roll his neck before removing his jacket. His muscles flexing underneath the fabric of his muscle fit turtleneck and you gawk at him like a horny teenager while pretending to be busy "reading" the manual for the tent.
Leon turns to you, oblivious to the fact that you were eyeing him.
"Do you need any help, baby?"
He asks, blue eyes and the softest gaze and fuck if he isn't the prettiest man on earth.
"Psh. Who? Me? Nah, I can do it lovey. People used to ask me for help with these you know. I'm like an expert."
A bald-faced lie, and you even had the audacity to throw a boast. In your defense, you do have the experience. The faint memory of your childhood suggests you do.
"I used to be a Scout, you know."
You give him a wink as a reassurance and he chuckles, an amused smile graces his lips as he pets your head.
"Wow, I didn't know I was in the presence of a camping veteran. I'm in your care, baby."
He replies with a playful wink, matching your energy before he turns to start the fire, busying himself with lighting up the wood and setting up the camp site.
Meanwhile you stew in the fact that you're screwed, and yet instead of helping yourself, your gaze wanders to that of your boyfriend.
You've always known that Leon is dependable. He's brilliant like that even if he doesn't see it. That seriousness in his sapphire eyes, the way he moves around to check for any hazards and dangers around the camp site. He was walking all over, completely engrossed with his tasks. Setting up the portable mini gas stove on the ground. You were just… staring.
You've always known you love him, but sometimes there are moments when you look at a person and that feeling of love washes over your being, because that's him. That's your boyfriend. The only Leon in the world, there with you. In this space, breathing the same air.
Your reverie is cute short when he calls out to you.
You respond quite taken aback and Leon quirks his eyebrows at you.
"Are you okay? I've been calling you. Is there something on my face? You seem occupied."
He asks and you clear your throat before shaking your head to try and find your voice.
"Oh no, just… nothing."
You clear your throat again, but Leon's eyes narrow at you.
"You don't know how to set up the tent, don't you?"
He asks with a playful smirk on his lips and you respond with an over-the-top gasp of horror.
"Why I never!"
You huff and turn to tug on the little poles on the tent.
"I swear I still remember how to tie my knots!"
You exclaim before Leon looks at you and just… laughs.
A laughing Leon Kennedy is a treat, because you get to see him throw his head back in laughter, his dirty blonde hair delicately framing his pretty face and from up close you could see the mole on his neck. He was always so majestic.
You blush in embarrassment, but mainly at the fact that you were absolutely whipped for your boyfriend you can't help but admire him a like a living artistic sculpture.
He continues after he laughs, his arms wrapping around your waist as he hugs you from behind.
"You don't even need knots for that, all you have to do is put the poles in those holes."
He grins, looking down at your pouting face before snickering and kissing your cheeks.
"Aww, is my baby upset?"
He asks, tilting his head to get a clear view of your sheepish face, now blushing and huffing at him.
"Come on my Scout, let's put this up together yeah?"
He pulls away from you to give you a boyish grin, the look in his blue eyes is enough to get you to soften as you pick up the poles, with present pout.
Leon looks at you and he melts at how adorable you are.
Perhaps this is what makes life a little more light and a little more bright. The small things like the way you pout and the way you're already red-faced at light teasing. He doesn't say a word but only grabs your chin to plant a chaste kiss on your lips.
Short and sweet as he smiles.
"I love you. Let's go on camping trips more often."
You smile at that and nod. For Leon, this is what makes life bearable. Silly moments like this and the love that you two share.
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thehighpriestess1 · 1 year
Be Mine : Confession
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Summary : Gojo’s plan to keep y/n close to him backfires while y/n tries to suppress her feelings.
Pairing : Yandere King Gojo x Knight reader
Warning : Yandere themes ,mentions of death, bleeding and injury. Minors do not interact.
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 You wiped the sweat off your forehead and frowned at him. Was he even trying? He stood 12 feet away from you without breaking a sweat and you felt like your lungs would give up any minute. No, he wasn’t using any sorcery. He wasn’t even attacking you. When you had asked him to train with you, he agreed on one condition. He wouldn’t attack you. He would simply defend himself. Yet his defence was so strong that it felt like you were in a brawl with him. He didn’t even use both of his hands and yet his balance was immaculate.
“Come on, y/n. Tired already?”. He smirked. 
“Fuck you”. You muttered under your breath and took your stance again. You were not a novice and for the past one hour you had not only attacked him but also studied his defense moves. You were sure that it might be too early to render him defenseless but at least you could break his balanced stance. 
“I heard that”. He chuckled and slid both of his hands in his pockets.
You gritted your teeth. Arrogant cunt. You thought to yourself. The small garden where you were now, was secluded from the rest of the palace. There were no guards here. No servants. Not even Ijichi. You hadn’t seen it before either. It was as if only Gojo knew of it. It was a well kept oval shaped lawn surrounded by tall trees along its perimeter. The doorway,covered in creepers, blended in with the green surrounding. It was a beautiful hideaway but you could only focus on the smirking snow-white in front of you. 
You took a deep breath and tightened your grip on your dagger. Your eyes locked with his’ and your lips mimicked the same smile. In one swift motion you lunged to your right and you could sense Gojo turning to deflect the attack but then you changed your direction and moved to left and Gojo immediately moved his body. But while he was expecting you to move to the right again when you took a turn, you jumped along the invisible middle line and lunged at him with your dagger in your right hand. Gojo’s hands came out of his pocket and in that split second he saw you smile before you fell on top of him. 
When Gojo opened his eyes, his heart skipped a beat. He was flat on the ground with you hovering over him with a satisfied smile on your face. The dagger was hardly an inch away from his jugular vein. Your hair had come out of your ponytail and the curls danced with the wind. 
Your one palm was flat on the ground by his face and the other pointed the dagger at his pulse. Your knees dug in the grass on either side of his torso but you didn’t have the time to blush at the promiscuous position. You tripped him. You won. “Gotcha, your-highness”. You smiled. 
Gojo chuckled. “Yeah you did. Well done, y/n”. 
You straightened up and tucked the loose strand behind your ear when you realized you were sitting on top of him. Your eyes widened and you immediately got off, refusing to acknowledge what happened. But Gojo knew. The blush on your cheeks were definitely not because of the sun. 
“We..Uh..”. You rubbed the back of your neck while Gojo propped himself up on his elbows. “..we should get going now”. 
Gojo chuckled and stood up. “Yeah. The sun’s about to set and we could use a shower”. He said, dusting off his pants.
“Huh?”. You asked, wide eyed.
“Don’t you shower before bed?”. Gojo asked, corking up a brow.
“Right! I do I do I do..I shower before bed”.
The two of you began walking towards his office. Even after all this time it still surprised you how empty his wing of the castle was.
“What’s on your mind?”. Gojo asked, looking sideways at you.
“Why is this part of the castle so empty? The hallways on the other side are usually filled with servants and guards but no one is here”.
Gojo smiled. “It is so because I hate being around too many people”.
“Why? You don’t seem like an introvert to me..a little shy but not an introvert”. You smirked.
“It gets tiring to hear ‘your-highness’ all day, and I am not shy”. 
You chuckled. “Okay, your-highness”. You teased him.
“I mean it!”. Gojo insisted.
“As you say, your-highness”. You smiled.
“Oh come on now”. Gojo groaned.
“Okay, your-highness”.
“Now you are just teasing me!”. 
“Yes, your-highness”.
“Stop it!”. 
“No, your-highness”. You pressed your lips together to stop yourself from laughing.
“Yes, your-highness?”. You asked, feigning politeness.
“Stop it”.
The two of you entered the hallway that led to his office. “No, your-highness”.
Gojo chuckled and it broke your character and the two of you burst into fits of giggles. 
“Okay..I can see now how annoying it can be”. You admitted. 
Gojo shook his head. “Do you have plans for dinner?”. Gojo asked, crossing his fingers in his pocket.
“Yeah. I am meeting Niko for dinner. You met him at the ceremony”.
Gojo gave a pressed smile. “I do. I remember him. Enjoy your date then”. Gojo smiled.
“Ugh, it’s not a date.. He’s just my friend”.
“You’re dismissed for the day. I will see you tomorrow. Enjoy your date!”
“It’s not a date”.You rolled your eyes and walked away..
Gojo stood at the door as he watched you walk away. He had to do something about Niko. But first he needed information. Who knows Niko might even be helpful to him.
You thought about your day with Gojo as you made your way to the diner where you were supposed to meet Niko. You took pride in your strength and grit and yet Gojo made you question everything. When you talked, it felt like he was genuinely listening. He was smart and witty and totally opposite to what you had thought him to be. It still made you smile, thinking that you met the strongest sorcerer in the back alleys of the kingdom. Fate was funny. 
You raised your arm and waved at Niko as you entered the diner. It was a quaint place that you and Niko had often visited over the years. It was situated in one of the back alleys outside the castle walls and was popular for its wine.
“You’re late”. Niko quipped as you sat down opposite to him in the most secluded corner of the diner.
“Yeah, I had training with him and then I had to take a shower”. You said and gulped down water from the pitcher. This was the first time you were meeting Niko after the ceremony. You had met Amante in the dining hall but only twice. 
Niko nodded. “So you’re giving him training now? Is he that bad at defending himself?”. He chuckled.
“Quite the contrary. He is the one who is training me”. You smiled. 
“Oh really?”.
“Yeah! He is just…good at everything! I thought he would be bad at fighting without the curse techniques but I have to say..he is the best I have ever seen. He was simply defending himself and I had to stop and catch my breath. It should be illegal to be good at everything”.
“Wow..that’s interesting”. Niko leaned forward and rested his head on his palm and looked at you amusingly.
Niko shrugged.
“What’s with that look?”. You asked.
“It’s funny to see you talk so highly of him”.
“Just speaking the truth. How’s your work going?”.
Niko sighed and leaned back. He was working as the knight for one of the council members.  “Boring at best. I can’t believe we are working for people we despise”.
You chuckled. “Yeah. Sometimes I miss the energy of the field”.
“Yeah. Me too. Life is easy but..boring”. 
You hummed in response. You wouldn’t call your life boring. In fact you looked forward to going to work everyday. You loved spending time with Gojo. 
“He tried to sleep with you yet?”.
Niko’s question made you choke on your water. “No! God no! He is not that kind of a person. He is a gentleman”.
“Oh please! For him every woman is just a..bed warmer”.
“He is not like that. I have never seen him with any woman!”.
“Is he into men?”. Niko took a sip of his water, “You never know with these men”.
“Oh god, Niko! He is not into men and neither is he a…man-whore”.
“I hope you are not in love with him or something”. 
You scoffed as you folded your arms over your chest. “I’m not that delusional. He is the King”.
“Exactly! Even if he flirts with you or treats you kindly or even sleeps with you, he would never really love you. People like him love their own kind”. 
You smiled sadly and thought about your conversation with Gojo where he admitted being in love with someone of lower stature. “What if..he is not like that?”.
Niko sighed and pressed his lips together. It irked him that ever since you sat down you had either defended Gojo or praised him. “Even if he doesn’t care about stature, he would never marry a non-sorcerer. He has to continue the bloodline and marrying a non-sorcerer would risk the security of the kingdom”.
You were sure you didn’t love him, then why did Niko’s words hurt you? Maybe you were getting too close to Gojo and it would be better for you to keep your distance. Niko reached for your hand and brought it to his lips, “You are one of a kind y/n. Don’t let people like him use you for their amusement”. 
“I..I know”.
“Soon he will get married. I have heard the council talk. His wife will not want a female guard around him and he will not think twice before discarding you. It’s time you think about your future and what you want”.
You s nodded. “I just want to avenge my grandma. You know that”.
“I do. But how many curses will it take to avenge her? You have been fighting all your life and I am sure she would want you to settle down and have a family of your own”. He brought his other hand to wipe your tears. 
You sniffle, it hurt thinking about your grandma. Niko was right, how many courses would it take? Every time you saw one of those slimy creatures all you could think about was your grandma. She would want you to get married and have kids and run the bakery but here you were. No marriage prospects, no life security, and no bakery, “Who would be crazy enough to marry me?”.
“I will-”.
Before Niko could finish his sentence the lights went off and screams were heard from outside. Both of you immediately stood up and pulled out your swords. 
“What’s happening?”. You asked Niko, who was walking ahead of you through the diner’s door. 
“Sounds like a mob attack but the alleyway is empty”.
People were rushing to get out on either side. “God! People calm down! We are royal guards and we will make sure no one is hurt”. You yelled but nobody cared to listen and everyone continued running past you. Soon you couldn’t even tell where Niko was. Everyone was running around and no one stopped to talk to you. You ran around yelling to find Niko but couldn’t see anyone in the sea of bodies.
“Niko!”. You craned your head up and yelled again. “Niko!”.
“Y/n!”. Niko called out from behind you and you turned around to see him jogging towards you.
“What’s happening?”. You asked, frantically. Are we being attacked?
“No. A group of young sorcerers were sparring and a wrong move caused this blackout. Guards are working on calming the crowd. It will be over soon”. He said, putting his sword back in the sheath.
"A group of sorcerers caused this?".
"Seems like it".
"Right...". You looked around. Something felt off. Like everyone was under some kind of spell. But only a really strong sorcerer could cast a spell this strong. You looked around again hoping to find the culprit but everyone seemed the same. 
“What are you looking for?”. Niko asked, following your gaze. 
You sighed and shook your head. “Nothing, let’s go back”. 
But your trained eye missed the tall hooded figure leaning against the wall of the diner. The same hooded figure that sat next to your table and listened to every word of your conversation. His cerulean eyes filled with rage when Niko kissed your hand and wiped your tears. So Niko was the wall between you and him.
You reached your room, tired and annoyed at how the night turned out. Something about the whole thing felt off and even after Niko’s countless assurance you had a bad feeling in your stomach.
“Let it go”. Niko said for the 100th time since leaving the diner. 
“I am not saying anything”.
“Has anyone ever told you that you think too loud?”. He added as he gently bumped your shoulder with his’.
“Yeah. My annoying batchmate has said it to me countless times”. 
“Annoying huh?”. Niko leaned on the door frame. 
“I’m sorry our dinner was ..ruined. We should plan again next time with the whole gang”.
Niko looked around and when he didn’t see anyone, he pulled you towards him and crashed his lips on yours. It wasn’t unusual and you kissed him back. You weren’t in a relationship, at least that’s what you believed. In your line of work any day could be the last day and you believed that tying down people with the tags of relationships was unfair. But deep down you knew it was the wounds of your past relationship that prevented you from getting too close with anyone. But you had needs and Niko satisfied them very well. 
You pulled out the keys to open the door when you heard footsteps coming your way. Both you and Niko straightened up and you fixed yourself subconsciously. 
“For fuck’s sake, who is it now?”. Niko muttered under his breath. 
Soon a very angry looking Gojo surrounded by guards came into view. 
“Your-highness”. Both you and Niko said in unison.
“Where were you?”. Gojo asked, stepping directly in front of you, ignoring Niko’s presence completely.
“I had gone out, your-highness”.
“We had gone-”. Niko tried to interject but Gojo raised his hand, cutting him off.
“I am not asking you”. Gojo replied, without looking at him.
“We had gone out for dinner outside the castle walls at a diner called full-moon, your-highness”.
Gojo hummed. “I got a report of a commotion caused by a blackout near that area, were you there?”.
“Yes, your-highness. We were at the diner when the black-out occurred. Everyone started panicking and running around. We tried to control the crowd but no one stopped to listen. Apparently it was caused by a few young sorcerers who were practicing at a nearby field”.
“Did you check with the guards present there?”. Gojo asked.
“Yes, your-highness. Niko asked the guards and they told us about the incident”. 
“Are you  hurt?”. Gojo asked, making Niko roll his eyes.
“No, your-highness. Is everything okay?”.
Gojo took a deep breath, “The blackout was not caused by the kids but a rebel group. I was going to investigate it myself and I sent a messenger for you but you were not here”.
“I can come with you, your-highness!”. You looked at Niko, “We both can. We can help you. We know the area”.
Gojo turned towards Niko and glared at him, "You believed the guard?".
"Did you check for yourself?".
"No, your-highness".
"Need I remind you that you are a royal guard, a knight, it is your duty to protect the people around you in every situation and you believed a random guard?"
"I..". Niko clenched his jaw, "I am sorry, your-highness".
"Your sorry is not going to bring back the two dead". Gojo turned towards you, “Y/n, you stay with me. Niko, go with the guard and exit through the south gate. You will meet Commander Kento and he will brief you further. Y/n and I will exit through the east gate and meet you at the sector behind the full-moon". 
Gojo stormed through the walls, seething with anger. If he had to start a riot to keep you away from Niko then that's exactly what he would do. Clearly causing a blackout was not going to deter Niko from touching what belonged to him. He would have let Niko be, he would have even pitied him for being in a one sided love but when he saw you and Niko wrapped into each other he lost all his senses. Now he was going to have to take matters into his own hands.
“Your-highness”. You jogged up to Gojo as the two of you entered the stable.
“Yes?”. Gojo replied. His anger was evident in his tone and you thought it was because of you.
“You said a rebel group caused this, why would they do this?”.
Gojo turned around to face you, “It is the same rebel group that has threatened to kill me multiple times. Someone spread a rumor that I was ging to be in that area tonight for an inauguration of a medical center and they used the opportunity.
“So they..did this to hurt you?”..
“Seems like it”. Gojo replied. He held the reign of his horse and was about to mount but your hand on his arm stopped him.
“I don’t think you should go then. It can be dangerous and I assure you that I will handle it”.
“Y/n, it’s my duty as a king to protect the people of this kingdom”.
“I understand that but I..I saw those people. It was like they were under a spell. Nobody was trying to reach safety. They were just..running around, panicked”.
“So?”. Gojo asked. A part of him felt like you were onto him.
“Your-highness, in that diner, there were sorcerers and non-sorcerers, yet the curse affected everyone except me and Niko. How could that be possible? It means that whoever casted that spell wanted me and Niko to run to the castle and inform you about it. Then you would actually have to come out on the street. The rebel groups knew that it was just a rumor but they did not want to waste the opportunity”.
The council member who had been following you and Gojo hummed. He was surprised by your intellect. “She is right, your-highness”. He stepped forward. “It could be an ambush”.
Gojo cursed himself for forgetting such an important detail. While he was impressed by your sharp thinking he felt stupid. “Regardless of their intention, I will be fine. I can’t let them hurt common people. I will be fine”. Gojo got on his horse while you and the council member exchanged nervous looks before getting on your respective horses.
Gojo felt guilty for causing you so much worry. But this was the only way to protect you from Niko. Niko’s words still rang in his ear. How he convinced you that someone like Gojo could never fall in love with you. So what if you were a commoner? Gojo had been planning for two decades, he was going to make you his’. You were going to be his queen. He looked at you from the corner of his eyes, your hair flowing the wind as you rode beside him, your eyes scanning for any possible threats, as if Gojo would let any threat near you. 
Gojo looked straight and smiled. In a few minutes Niko would find himself in a secluded alleyway surrounded by the curses that he controlled. Gojo won’t kill him of course, he doesn't want you to hate sorcerers any more than you already do. He will just hurt Niko as much as Niko has hurt him. 
Gojo stopped his horse and got down and you followed him. You had your sword in one hand and your shield in another. You knew that when it came to curses Gojo was the one who was going to protect you but you could at least cover his blind spot for any other type of attack. A giant black slug appeared before Gojo and before you could step forward to shield Gojo he exorcized the cure with a flick of his wrist. Soon multiple slimy looking slugs formed around you and Gojo, trapping the two of you in a circle. You were about to lunge towards the one closest to you but Gojo grabbed your shoulder and pulled you back. “Do not move”. He warned.
“Y/n, it’s an order”. Gojo frowned at the slugs. These were not his curses. These were some random curses that even a child could exorcize. With a flick of his wrist all of the slimy creatures evaporated into a cloud of smoke. 
“Ahhh these rebel groups really need to up their game if they want to come at me”. Gojo chuckled. “Let’s go see how your boyfriend is doing”. He winked at you. 
Gojo had many abilities but this was your favorite. He could ease the tension in your body with just a few words. “He is not my boyfriend, your-highness”. You smiled.
“That’s not what it seemed like”. 
You blushed and immediately covered your cheeks, “It’s not that! We are just…friends”.
“If you say so. Personally, I think you could do better”. Gojo winked at you as he got on his horse in one quick motion.
“Yeah, right”. You rolled your eyes as you got on your horse. “Don’t you want to check up on..you know..your..woman?”. You asked, gripping the reins a little tighter.
Gojo smiled to himself. “I did. She is fine. A little scared and nervous but she is fine”.
“Good”. You mumbled to yourself. For some reason you wanted to meet the woman who stole Gojo Satoru’s heart. She must be the most beautiful woman in this kingdom or maybe she is really strong. “I should go and check up on Niko”. You sailed flatly.
“Let’s go”. Gojo said and rode ahead of you.
When you reached the sector where Niko was supposed to be, you saw a group of men huddled over something. You knew immediately that something was wrong. Before Gojo, you got off your horse and ran towards the group, pushing past people with your heart beating loudly. “Oh go..oh god no!”. You stuttered as you saw Niko lying unconscious on the street. He was not bleeding but you knew that this was a defence attack that causes immeasurable pain to the point where people have killed themselves to get rid of the pain.
“Someone get a medic!”, you yelled. Time froze around you, everything was happening in slow motion as you cradled his body. Through your tear glazed eyes you could see Gojo and his men pushing past people and walking to where you were. You looked up at him with quivering lips, “Please..save him”.
Gojo didn’t want to save Niko. He wanted Niko to wither in pain for weeks before finally taking his last breath. But watching you cry broke his heart. If only you hadn’t requested him to save your friend he would have pulled you away from him. But even in his rage, Gojo did not have the power to refuse you. Soon the medics came and took away Niko, while you stood there shaking. Praying. Gojo put his arm on your shoulder and you came back to reality. “Let’s go”. Gojo whispered. 
You turned around. Trying your best to keep a calm facade but something caught your eye. It was glowing and hiding. It was another curse, you were sure of it. It got closer and before Gojo could exorcize it you stepped in between Gojo and the curse and the curse spewed out a glowing neon liquid and you raised your arm to shield yourself from it but neither you nor Gojo were quick enough and the liquid landed on your forearm before Gojo exorcized the curse. Everything happened so quickly that even Gojo was left stunned. He looked down and saw you lying on the ground, cradling your arm. 
‘Y/n!”. Gojo knelt beside you and turned you around resting your head on his lap. His eyes traveled from your face to your arm and his blood ran cold. Your forearm was badly burnt and bleeding. “Don’t move!”. He commanded and picked you up in his arms. 
You could feel being picked up but the attack’s effect was starting to show. You felt disoriented and nauseous. The sounds around you muffled and your vision went white before your eyes closed and the world went blank.
Gojo held you close to his chest with one arm and held the reins with the other. Tears rolled down his cheeks and he screamed at anyone who tried to get in the way. Why did it have to be you? Why couldn’t it be anyone else? Why didn’t he see the curse? How could he miss out on something like that? He had failed you. He didn’t deserve you. He tried to keep his breath steady as he rode the horse inside the castle walls and took you straight to the medical centre which was exclusively for special grade sorcerers. But you were special to him. Sure the attack was not a serious one but Gojo was not going to take any chances with you. Only the best medic deserved to take care of you. When the other guards stepped forward to carry your limp body, Gojo dismissed them and ran with you in his arms.
“Shoko!”. Gojo screamed as soon as he stepped inside the room. “Shoko!”. He yelled out again as he gently kept you on the bed.
‘Why are you yelling?!”. Shoko asked as she walked out of the adjoining room.
“She was attacked by a grade 2 curse and I need you to treat her right now”. Gojo said as he ran his hands through his hair.
“Who is she? She is not a sorcerer”. Shoko said as she picked up your limp arm and examined the wound. “Take her to the medical center”.
“I want you to treat her. You’re the best doctor in the entire kingdom and she means…a lot to me”.
Shoko looked blankly at her friend. “I am not allowed to-”.
“Make an exception! No one has to know”. Gojo cut her off. 
Shoko looked at the woman lying in front of her and then at her friend and then it clicked. “Don’t tell me she is the one…”.
“She is. Now please. I am sure she is in a lot of pain and if I see her like this for another moment then you will have to treat two patients”. 
Shoko looked at Gojo’s blood drained face. He wasn't exaggerating. “Alright. Sit down and calm down. I will treat her”.
“I’ll stay here”. Gojo added and Shoko didn’t bother arguing with him any further. She began with cleaning the wound carefully and removing any scraps of cloth stuck on the skin. Gojo watched her from the other side of the bed with his heart in his mouth. He held your other hand with both of his’ and kept reassuring himself that you would be fine. 
When Shoko was done cleaning the wound, she put a flat silver plate under your forearm and removed her gloves. She could have treated the wound with regular medications but that would have taken time and she did not want to treat Gojo for a heart attack. So she used her cursed techniques and tried her best to reverse the effect of the attack. It would have worked smoothly had you been a sorcerer but both Shoko and Gojo knew that there was a limitation to how much this technique would work on you given your lack of curse energy. Her hands emitted a soft neon glow as she ran it over your forearm. Gojo watched your face for any signs of pain or discomfort. 
“Uh…Satoru”. Shoko called out to him with her eyes still fixed on your arm.
“Yeah?”. Gojo looked at her.
Shoko lifted her gaze momentarily,”Come here”. She had a curious smile on her face which made Gojo fear the worst. But as soon as Gojo walked over to her side and looked at what she was looking at, his mouth hung open. Shoko’s cursed technique had worked completely. The wound was healed completely leaving a faint scar. 
“No..it’s not possible. She is not a sorcerer”.
“Yeah but she is not a non-sorcerer either. She has enough curse energy to reciprocate my technique and do a reversal on her own”. Shoko shrugged and stepped away from the table.
“But I would have picked up on her energy if she had any. She does not. I am sure of it. Maybe it’s a one off occurrence”. Gojo said as he stared at the scar on your forearm.
Shoko chuckled as she turned off the tap and picked up the cloth from the hook. “There is a higher chance of her having a dormant curse energy than this being a one off occurrence. I have read about similar cases and 8/10 times their dormant energy is exposed during a medical treatment”.
"So her technique has been suppressed?", Gojo frowned.
"Yes. I will have to let the council know before doing anything to activate it"
Gojo looked at you, If the council were to know about this then they would either send you away to train or throw you in a pit of curse to activate your technique, either way it would be extremely painful for both you and him. He sighed and gently patted your head. “Keep this between us”.
“First you asked me to treat a non-sorcerer and now you are asking me to keep this hidden? You do know that I am obligated to let the council know about any new sorcerer that comes my way?”.
Gojo turned towards her with pleading eyes, he knew Shoko would listen to him as he hated the council just as much “I will approve all your holidays and all your holidays will be paid”.
Shoko stared at him dumbfounded and shook her head in disbelief. “I swear if you weren’t my friend!”.
“I love you too!”. Gojo winked at her. “Can I take her now?”.
“If you want, you can let her rest here, I will speak to the guards”.
“The bed doesn’t look comfortable”. Gojo Pouted. “Can I take her back?”. 
Shoko sighed. “Fine. Take her back. But keep an eye on her. She has healed but the wound will sting a little when she gets up and the poison in her bloodstream will take a day to dilute”.
Gojo put you down carefully on his bed.You were still asleep but you would mumble something once in a while. If he had known that his plan would end up hurting you then he would have killed Niko in his sleep. He sat crossed legged on the floor and rested his face by your side on the bed. He caressed your cheek softly, like he was petting a delicate bird, as tears rolled down his face. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I hurt you”. 
You seemed to lean into his touch and sighed softly. Gojo smiled, “Of course I’m here. I’ll never leave your side”. He leaned forward and pressed a small kiss on your cheek. “I love you, y/n. I love you more than any man in this world. I don’t care what your relationship is with Niko. After all, you are meant to be with me. You are mine and I am yours and no one can change that”. 
Gojo looked at the scar running across your forearm, Shoko had said that it would fade in about two months. It had a bittersweet meaning behind it. On one hand it reminded Gojo how he had failed to protect you and on the other hand it reminded him of how much you loved him. You knew he was the strongest sorcerer and yet you stepped forward to protect him. Only a queen could harbor such courage, his queen.
When you opened your eyes you felt like you had awakened from a bad dream. But the unfamiliar pattern on the ceiling had you questioning where you were. You brought up your forearm to inspect the stinging feeling and in an instant it all came back. Diner, blackout, Gojo, Niko, the curse. You got up with a jolt with your chest heaving and your hair stuck to your forehead. You immediately got off the bed but the blood rushed to your head and black dots lined your vision.
“Hey hey hey…careful now”. Gojo rushed to you from his desk in the corner. “Sit down”. He spoke softly and you listened. You sat on the edge and Gojo knelt in front of you. He handed you a glass of water and you immediately chugged it down. When your mind stopped spinning you looked at him and your breath hitched. Why was he kneeling in front of you? Why were you in this room? You got up again and Gojo followed suit. “Y/n, calm down. I will explain everything”.
“Yes..I mean you should…not be kneeling..”. You stuttered making Gojo roll his eyes internally. He put both of his arms on your shoulder and gently pushed you down to sit on the bed.
“And you should not be telling me what to do”. He said and brought a chair to sit in front of you. He didn’t mind kneeling in front of you. But you being you would not listen to him if he continued to do so. “You were badly hurt and Shoko…our head of medical staff cured you. She said the scar would take time to fade and you should be careful till then. The poison is still in your bloodstream and it would take a day for it to be completely out of your bloodstream. You might feel dizzy and  disoriented so don’t push yourself. Just rest and you will be fine”.
You pushed your hair back and nodded your head. “Okay, poison bloodstream one day got it! Are you alright, your-highness? Were you hurt?”.
“No, I wasn’t. I told you clearly to not defend me in front of a curse”. Gojo spoke sternly. He didn’t want to scold you, he wanted to cradle you and hold you until you were all better but that won’t work now. 
“I..I know but It was a reflex. I’m glad you’re okay. But, why..why am I here? And where am I?”. You asked, fidgeting with the glass in your hand.
“You’re in my chamber and you are here because Shoko asked me to keep an eye on you in case your condition gets worse. I could not leave you at the mercy of other guards”. 
You stared at him wondering if he really meant what you thought he meant. But then you remembered how he had told you that he had already checked up on the woman he loved and now you felt like a fool.Niko was right… .“What about Niko? Is he alright? Is he awake? Is he…alive?”. Sweat rolled down your forehead as you remembered his limp body lying on the street.
Gojo clenched his jaw but quickly covered it with a smile as he held your hand, “He is alive and recovering. He hasn’t awoken yet but I will take you to see him when he gets up”.
You swallowed painfully, “Can I..can I not see him now? Just for a while?”.
Gojo sighed, “No. He is under strict medical observation and no one is allowed to see him”.
“Okay..okay okay. Is he physically hurt? Like..is he wounded? Does he need blood? He has a rare blood type but so do I so I can donate it if needed”. 
It irritated Gojo how concerned you were over that good for nothing swine. “No y/n. He is not wounded and neither does he need you to donate blood and even if he did you are in no condition to do it”. 
You nodded your head, seeing Niko like that felt like it was the last time you'd see him. You have lost many comrades and you cannot lose Niko. You took a deep breath wiped your tears with the back of your hand. A teardrop rolled all the way to your forearm and you hissed as soon as it touched your skin.
“God y/n!”. Gojo exclaimed and immediately picked up a vial of ointment and cotton from the nightstand, He pulled your arm towards him and dabbed the dry cotton on the skin before carefully proceeding to apply the ointment, “I told you,you need to be careful”. He said as he gently applied the ointment and blew air on the wound.
You watched him and felt a pang of jealousy towards the woman who had his heart. She had no idea how lucky she was to have such a caring and kind soul fall in love with her. It made you cry more as now you felt pathetic for liking a man who was never going to be yours.
Gojo looked at you and frowned, “Why are you crying? Does it hurt? Should I call Shoko?”. 
His concern made you sob even more as you shook your head. “No..I..I am fine”. 
“You can talk to me y/n”. Gojo kept his hand on yours and you wanted to combust instantly.
“I am fine, your-highness. It’s just everything happened so quickly and I..still haven’t processed it yet”. You smiled. If there was ever an award for lying through the teeth then you were the sole winner. How could you tell him that you were crying because you were jealous of a woman you haven’t even met?
Gojo knew you were lying, you were a soldier, a knight, these things hardly fazed you but he didn’t press you any further. “Okay, you should eat something. You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday. You couldn’t even eat at the diner!”. Gojo got up and put the ointment on the table.
You stood up slowly and watched his back, “How did you know that I..didn’t eat at the diner?”. 
Gojo froze in his place, “You..you told me last night, don’t you remember?”. He smiled as he turned around.
“I did?”.
“Yeah, you said that the blackout happened soon after you reached the diner. So I assumed you didn’t have the time to..”.
“Oh..yeah. That’s right. Thank you, your-highness, for looking after me, even though it’s my job to look after you”. You chuckled nervously and kept the glass back on the nightstand.
“Why do you think so?”. Gojo asked, looking straight into your eyes. 
“Why do you think I can’t take care of you?”.
“Because..you’re the king and it’s my job to look aft-”.
“What if I wasn’t the king? Would you still stop me?”. Gojo’s eyes softened as they looked at you.
You shook your head gently, “No”.
“Then I am not the king for you. I don’t want to be the king for you if it stops me from taking care of you”.
“Okay, what will you be then? My boss? My..superior? Supreme commander?”. You smiled amusingly. 
Gojo gulped and you could see the tears lining his eyes, “Can I be..Just Satoru for you?”.
“Okay”. You smiled. “You are just..sa..sato..”. You felt weird and you chuckled. “I’m sorry I haven’t really called you by name and it feels illegal to do so”.
Gojo chuckled and shook his head and folded his hands over his chest, “Try, try for me,please”.
“You are just…Sa..Satoru for me”. 
Gojo smiled widely. He had waited ages to hear you say his name and now he didn’t want you to stop. “Say it again”. He said, in a trance-like state.
“Say my name again ..so you won’t feel weird saying it”. 
“oh..Sa..to..ru. Satoru!”. You smiled widely.
“Perfect, now go freshen up and I’ll get the food served”.
"Satoru?". You asked just as Gojo had turned away.
"Niko, will be okay, right?".
Gojo loved your kindness but hated that it was directed towards people who didn't deserve it. "Yes. I assure you that he will be alright".
You smiled and made your way towards the bath. You felt unsure about using the same bath as his’ but he insisted that you stay here until you recover and you didn’t have the heart to refuse him. You looked at the white silk gown placed on a wooden table right next to a royal blue silk robe. You touched the fabric with the tip of your finger, it felt like it would melt under your touch. You had seen Gojo in clothes other than his uniform, heck you had even seen him shirtless but he had never seen you in anything other than your uniform and suddenly you were too conscious of the scars on your body. You knew that he would understand but why did want to look good for him now? You looked at your face in the mirror and grimaced at how sickly you look. Your skin wasn’t clear, you had small scars on your cheeks and your under eyes made you look like a grandma.You looked like an ugly corpse .You were a lost cause. 
You came out of the bath wearing the clothes that were put out for you and walked sheepishly to where Gojo was standing. You realized then that his clothes were eerily similar to yours. He was in a white silk shirt, royal blue trouser and similar robe, only his’ seemed thicker than yours. “Hi”.
Gojo turned around, holding the papers in his hand and his mouth dropped. You looked ethereal. The sun casted a golden glow across your face and he was sure that you were the fairy his mother had told him about. He had never seen you with your hair down and now all he wanted to do was run his hands through it. Even with your scars you looked so delicate that he wanted to forbid everyone from being around you. You seemed like a mirage in the middle of the sunlit room. “Wow’. He breathed out.
“What?”. You asked.
“Oh uhh…nothing. Let’s eat, shall we?”.
Gojo sat opposite to you on the small dining table, sure he had a bigger table in the dining hall attached but that would mean sitting further away from you and he did not like that. Shoko’s observation hadn’t left his mind and he wondered what could be the best way to ask you about it. Surely, now was just not the time and you would sense that something was wrong.
“Have you heard anything about Niko? Has he woken up?”. You asked and took a sip of water.
Gojo picked up the bowl of rice and served you first taking you aback, “No, not yet”. He then proceeded to pour soup in a small bowl and kept it beside your plate. No one had ever served you first and you gripped your robe tightly thinking that it would be the last. Before your feelings take control of you, you have to help Gojo get the woman he loves. Only then will your heart stop racing. 
“Can I ask you something? your….Satoru”.
Gojo chuckled and shoved a spoonful in his mouth. “Sure. Go ahead”.
“Tell me more about the woman”. You smiled.
“What woman?”. 
“The one you ..”. You bit your lip nervously, “..love”.
Gojo looked at you and smiled, “Sure. What do you want to know?”.
What did you want to know? You wanted to know everything and yet you didn’t want to know of her existence. “Umm…what does she call you?”.
“She calls me by my name”. Gojo shrugged, still smiling widely. 
“Okay…what do you call her?”. You asked, hoping to get a name out of him.
Gojo hummed, “I call her by her name”.
You cursed mentally. What a stupid question that was! It was not like Gojo would tell you the name of the future queen of this kingdom. “Don’t you ever wish to meet her often?”.
“Well, she is always with me….”. Gojo smirked. Yourconfused face made Gojo laugh, “...In my heart..But yeah I do wish I could stay with her all the time”. 
You chuckled, “doesn’t she mind that you have a woman as a King’s guard?”.
Gojo hummed and feigned contemplation, “Would you mind if the man you loved spent all of his time with another woman at work?”.
“Yes, absolutely”. You answered almost immediately.
“Then yeah..But I am still not sure if she feels the same”.
You almost choked on your rice. “I will help you! I..”. You gulped down water and took a deep breath. “I will help you win her over”.
Gojo leaned forward, “Why? Why would you help me?”.
“Because you have been so kind to me and I feel that as your…friend I should help you”. You blurted it out like a recited speech.
“Okay..so what should I do first?”. Gojo asked, sipping his wine. This game was all too amusing for him. He wasn’t oblivious to your feelings. He knew he had made through the barriers you had created around your heart and he was quite close to achieving his goal. 
“Befriend her”.
“Done”. Gojo said flatly, staring at you like he was urging you to challenge him.
“Spend more time with her and less time with..me”. You shrugged.
“Why? Why is it impossible?”.
“It’s paradoxical. I meet her because I am the King and If I am not acting as the King then I don’t have an excuse to meet her”.
“What?”. His words went over your head.
Gojo laughed once more. “Next suggestion”.
“Alright..ummm..Do something grand for her, like help her with something that only you can do”.
“Like what?”.
You thought hard and Gojo smiled looking at you, to him you looked adorable every time you were lost in your thoughts, your eyes would roll upwards and your delicate lips formed the sweetest pout. “Oh, you could try saving her life?”.
“Yeah, not possible. You see, she is extremely stubborn so every time I try to save her life she ends up saving mine instead”.
“Oh. Then maybe..help her make her life easier. If she has work that’s not getting done then help her with that”. You shrugged.
Gojo hummed. “Now we are talking, thanks for the tip y/n”.
You smiled giddy and that made Gojo oh so happy. He could listen to you talk all day, every time you talked about something you were passionate about or interested in, your eyes shined brighter than any stars in the galaxy. He could compliment you all day if it meant you’d give him your precious smile. 
“What should I do if there is another man who is interested in her?”. Gojo asked, looking intently at you.
“It doesn’t matter”. You shrugged.
“It doesn’t?”.
“Is it because I’m the king?”.
“Then why?”.
You sighed and put your spoon down. “Because as long as she loves you, it doesn’t matter who else is ..pursuing her. They don’t exist for her”.
“What if she…likes the other man as well?”. Gojo asked, staring at the wine in his goblet.
“Are you afraid of a little competition?”. You raised your eyebrows and Gojo smiled devilishly. 
“What competition?”. Gojo smirked and emptied the wine goblet.
Gojo stood at the edge of Niko’s bed and glared at the unconscious man. He had no idea how lucky he was to have someone like you vouch for him. He had every intention to get rid of Niko’s memory forever so he wouldn’t even remember you but your words made him change his mind. When he asked you to ask for something in return for defending Gojo from the curse, Gojo expected you to ask him to spend more time with you but instead you asked him to save Niko’s life. Gojo sighed and looked at the doctors standing with their heads bowed down. 
“When will he wake up?”. Gojo asked irritatedly.
“Your-highness, he will wake up whenever you wish for him to wake up. But if he wakes up right now he will still be in a ..little pain”.
Gojo groaned in annoyance. All of this was for nothing. His plan worked and yet failed to get the result he wanted. He wanted Niko dead the moment he heard him spew nonsense about him to you. All the blackout and orchestrated curse attacks were for nothing if he had to eventually save Niko’s life, and to top it all of you got hurt in the process. Gojo gritted his teeth, he was mad at himself.  But there was a silver lining, he got to spend time with you, He got to take care of you, he Got to wake up next to you, and above all he was on his path to discover something important about you. As for Niko, he was no competition to him. “Wake him up, now!”.
You lay flat on the bed and stared at the canopy above, you were absolutely bored out of your mind. Gojo had asked you to stay here and to not leave the chamber until he said so. He said that you had to recover but you felt fine. When you had found out that it was his chamber you had insisted that you’d be fine in your own room but Gojo did not listen, instead he insisted that you treat this as your own room. But how could you? When you lay on the bed and took in the faint scent of his perfume lingering on the bed sheet you couldn’t stop imagining him lying next to you.You ran your hand on his pillow and smiled, it made you feel giddy, but before your imaginations could run wild your eyes landed on the white ribbon tied to the bedpost and your heart sank. It was a woman’s ribbon and you were sure it belonged to her. You got off the bed immediately and ran your hands through your hair. You looked at the pink Omamori that Gojo had tied below the lapel of your robe. He told you it was to keep any curses looking to attack you at bay and though you thought it to be too excessive you appreciated his concern then but now you felt angry at it. You needed to distract yourself.
You looked around the room and the multiple doors leading to different rooms. You were sure one of them was the bath, one was the dining room, one led to his office , so the fourth room had to be a library. You walked over to the door leading to the library and twisted the knob in your hand, it wasn’t locked. Gojo had asked you to rest but you felt anxious lying on the bed. He had told you to not leave the chambers and the library was technically a part of the chambers so it should be fine, right?
You stepped into the library and your eyes widened at how vast and beautiful it was. Floor to ceiling wooden shelves had books organized neatly, a large oak table in the middle was covered almost entirely with books, the large plush chair behind the table and the crest of Gojo clan sewed onto the backrest. You didn’t know where to start, maybe you should save Gojo’s life once more and ask for this library in return. You smiled to yourself at the prospect, it’s not like you could ask for his hand in marriage. You saw the book kept on the table. It was a guide to Omamori. You picked yours in your hand and wondered if Gojo stitched it on his own. You sat down and immediately started flipping through the pages to find the design stitched onto yours. You were about to flip the page when you stopped, it was the same design. You immediately brought the Omamori forwards and compared each stitch to make sure that you weren’t mistaken. You weren’t. 
“Protect the one you….love?”. You said to yourself and read each line carefully. The particular Omamori should be stitched by the man who wants to protect the woman he loves from evil eyes and curses. It also provides unbreakable bond and domestic bliss. Did Gojo even read this in detail before stitching it? It was highly unlikely that he would forget such key details. You started to feel uneasy and immediately ran out of the library. Maybe this was too much. Maybe staying in his room and being taken care of had you going delusional. He admitted himself that he loves another woman and yet here you were reading into things. You have to stop yourself before things go too far.
You kept the Omamori beside the neatly folded robe and changed into your uniform. You were angry at yourself for even playing into all this. Who did you think you were? The queen? What right did you have to stay in the King’s chamber? The only way to stop yourself from falling for Gojo was to fall for someone else. So you put on your hooded robe and walked over to the main door but as expected it was locked. Guess you’d have to climb out of the ivory tower…
You had to see Niko. There was only one place he could be, the north wing of the medical centere The medical centre was on the other side of the main castle but still within the castle walls. Your heart was still racing fast after the climb down the tower, one wrong move and you would have fell straight to your death. But getting down safely was only one part of the problem. Gojo was right, you needed rest because now you felt like you would pass out any minute. But you reminded yourself of the time when you fought continuously for 20 hours, this was nothing compared to that. 
You ran through the halls of the medical centre peeping inside each room, hoping to see Niko. “Where could this idiot be!”. You groaned and decided to check the administrator’s office for any information but unfortunately the centre administrator was not in the office but to your luck you found a chart with the patient's name and room number lying on the desk of the administrator and your eyes landed straight on the name you were looking for. 
“Niko!”. You yelled as you barged in the room and ran face first into someone.
Gojo turned around and frowned when he saw your face appear behind the hood. “Y/n! What are you doing here?! You were supposed to rest!”. Gojo shouted at you.
Your breath was caught in your throat. You were not expecting him to be here! You looked at Niko who was sitting against the wall and staring wide eyed at you. “Niko, are you okay?”. You ignored Gojo and ran straight by his side and held his hand.
“Ye..yeah..what’s going on? What happened to your arm?”. NIko asked, looking at your arm.
“You shouldn’t be here”. Gojo glared at you.
“I..I know your-highness. But I..”. You looked at Niko and then back at him, “I had to be here. I had to make sure that he was okay”.
“How did you get out?!”.
“I..I climbed”. You spoke sheepishly.
“You what?”. Gojo squinted and stepped forward to make sure he didn’t hear what he thought he did.
“I climbed out of the tower, your-highness”.
Niko looked at you wide eyed, “You did what?! Are you out of your mind! You could have gotten hurt y/n! You could have died!”. 
With each word that came out of Niko’s mouth, Gojo got closer to his tipping point. He gritted his teeth but tried to stay calm.”We need to talk y/n. Now”.
You looked at Niko who gave you a reassuring look and you let his hand go. “But, I want to know what happened to him”.
Gojo was seething now. “Fine. Niko was attacked by a special grade curse that eventually put him in a coma. There are no physical and Internal injuries and he gained consciousness a few minutes ago. Now, we need to talk!”.
You looked at Niko who nodded his head. “You should go y/n. You don’t look so well yourself”. He smiled and it made you feel a little better.
You stood up and followed Gojo out of the room. Neither of you said anything until you reached Gojo’s office and you wished that the ground would swallow you whole before Gojo said another word. Gojo walked straight to his table and sat down while you stood with your hands behind your back.
He opened his mouth to say something but closed it while shaking his head. “I..I have no words y/n”. He spoke looking not at you but at the paper in his hand.
“I am sorry, your-highness. I acted out of impulse”.
“Acted out of impulse?!” Gojo yelled as he slammed the papers on the table. His chest heaved and you bit your lip nervously. “There is a difference between acting out of impulse and risking your life! What were you thinking climbing out of the tower?! You could have died y/n! Do you realize that?!”.
“I..I do, your-highness”.
Gojo scoffed. “I told you that I would tell you as soon as your friend wakes up, didn’t I?”,
“You did, your-”.
“Then why couldn’t you just trust me?!”. Gojo slammed his hands on the desk and stood up.
“It’s not about that..I just couldn’t sit around and do nothing while he was..I didn’t even know how he was”.
“So you climbed out? You couldn’t wait another hour for me to get back?”.
“I..I have no explanation. I just..couldn’t sit and do nothing”.
“You were supposed to rest! You know you could have fainted half way on your climb down? You could have died! Do you not understand how serious this is?”.
“I do. It’s just that the last time I saw Niko he was…he was barely alive”.
“You’re in no better condition either!”. Gojo’s eyes softened as he looked at your blood drained face. “Was it so hard for you to just rest?”. He asked softly. “Was it so hard for you to have some patience?”
You thought about the food, the clothes, and the Omamori. “Yes…it was..it was excruciating”. You looked up at him with tear lined lashes. His concern for you pierced the knife deeper into your heart. 
“Why?”. His voice quivered. 
You didn’t know why, or maybe you did. You didn’t love Niko and you could not afford to love Satoru. “Be..because..I…love..him”. You were going to force yourself to love Niko. Even if it meant risking your life.
Gojo’s heart stopped. “What?”.
“I love Niko”.
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@arisucat @bubera974 @ritsatoru @yevene @sofi786 @mokonasenpaiposts @allofffmypeaches @monsieurguchhi @lilith412426 @lanadelreylover4l @n0cturnalism @shxxaiis @winterpein @cinnamontimecrunch
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322 notes · View notes
mintmatcha · 9 months
what was higuruma’s relationship like with his ex wife? does he still love her? does she him? need 2 kno mint
cw: alcoholism, mentions of depression and hinted self harm
They met over an Amaretto Sour.
A woman sits at a bar. Everyone is the room finds this noticeable.
When she talks to the bartender, her platinum curls bounce in time with her bell tinkle laugh, a hair sprayed halo. She's the prettiest thing in the bar. She knows that. There's rarely places where she isn't. She savors the faux idol-hood that it affords her. Reverence often comes at the price of solitude, as if she's simply too beautiful to actually exist in the room, so the men just watch from afar, whispering behind hands with those-
"Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?"
A dark hair man slides into the seat next to hers, empty glass in hand. He's tall, young, and dressed nicer than this place deserves. There's a sway in his voice, a tipsy unfocused glaze to his eyes. He's drunk, the cute kind that blushes his cheeks and gives him the confidence to take to women out of his league.
"Yes," she says. "But you can tell me again."
"You're gorgeous." He's waving down the bartender. "Let me buy you a drink."
The cork pops off the champagne bottle and foam sputters after it. She laughs, even though she knows her mother's watching. She thinks her now husband drinks too much, but he only drinks when work is hard or life is too good not too. It's not his fault that both of those things happen frequently.
It will be better next year, when the house is built and a baby's on the way.
The man in question tips the bottle towards her and the pristine white of her dress is speckled with bits of yellow.
"My dress!" she squeals, laughing only because eyes are on her. "Hiromi, my dress!"
"I want to wait another year."
She knew this was coming. The talk about children had been dwindling down into awkward silences for a while now. She cuts her dinner with a fork and knife, focusing on even cuts and keeping her upper lip stiff.
Hiromi reaches out for her. When she doesn't take his hand, he grabs his drink- three fingers of vodka over the rocks.
"Bad people are out there, Rin. People who hurt kids." Hiromi pinches the bridge of his nose. "There was this case--"
"I don't want to talk about your work," she cuts in. "It upsets me."
"Yeah." He brings the rocks glass to his lips. "Me too."
"I think I want to die."
He pulls the comforter closer. The blanket is night hides his face, but she knows he's facing her; she can taste the mint on his breath. They both pretend that he's still abiding by his New Year's Resolution and avoiding alcohol, even though the brand new bottle of mouthwash is practically drained.
"Don't say things like that."
He turns over. "I'm sorry, Rin."
There's a glass of vodka on the table, but he smells like whiskey. She thinks of times he smelt like cologne and can't remember any.
The hospital is neon bright, even it the middle of the night. Hiromi is hooked up to machines, but she's not sure why. It's not as if he lost any blood or anything, he just...
Rin was raised to be delicate. To be soft. It was never her job to be someone's rock.
When he wakes, he looks for her.
"You fell asleep in the bathtub," is all she says.
Hiromi doesn't seem surprised.
"You were drunk."
The machines beep their steady rhythms. She has questions that she hopes he never answers.
"I want a divorce."
He doesn't seem surprised about that either.
189 notes · View notes
aves-ery · 1 year
The Middle of the Night; W. Maximoff
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pairing; wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary; a soft moment with your girlfriend late at night
warnings; smut 18+ only, lots of fluff, thick thigh supremacy, thigh riding, fingering, finger sucking, hair pulling, first time mommy kink, very soft degrading
"baby!" you exclaimed, pulling your girlfriend's car door shut and kissing her over the middle console. she smiled into the kiss, cupping your face with her left hand.
when you pulled away, she left another small kiss on your lips, "happy one year, princess," she laughed while saying it, recalling last year when wanda showed up at your doorsteps, with flowers and chocolates.
"do i get presents?" you wiggled your eyebrows goofily and buckled yourself in. wanda smiled, setting the car in drive and driving out of your apartment parking lot.
"mhh maybe, all your gifts are at home," wanda said, slipping her hand into yours. you smiled, playing with the small box in your pocket.
when the two of you arrived at wanda's house, her two cats immediately were at your feet, rubbing against your ankles. you giggled, picking up the ginger one.
"hi baby girl," you nuzzled into her, kissing her soft face before setting her down and running after the black cat.
"princess, you know she doesn't like being picked up, she's going to attack you," it was too late, you were picking her up and kissing her face.
she meowed at you, the softest youve ever heard her meow, and dug her claws lightly into your shoulder. you let go, and she climbed onto your shoulders, settling in nicely.
"attack me my ass, she is the nicest cat witch ever," you joked, petting her head and finally taking your shoes off. wanda rolled her eyes, petting the cat's head, causing her to jump off.
"she hates me, i feed her. give her a home, love her, and she loves you more!" wanda joked, slipping her hands around your waist and bringing you close.
"everyone has a favorite parent, i happen to be it for miss bellatrix," you said, kissing wanda deeply. wanda smiled hard into the kiss, her hands gripping your ass and squeezing.
you internally rolled your eyes, pulling away and swatting her upper arm. "im hungry," you complained.
"only because i love you," wanda smiled, slapping your ass softly and going to the kitchen.
after dinner and the two of you watching 'friends' during, wanda took you to her bedroom, eyes covered with the palm of her hand.
wanda was excited, she'd been your friend for years, but this was her first as your girlfriend. wanda hesitantly uncovered your eyes, suddenly nervous.
you smiled at the bed, all your favorite things laid there (including the two cats). your favorite, however, was a handmade cork board full of moments together.
"oh baby i love it!" you exclaimed, plopping onto the bed and running your fingers over the pictures. most were polaroids signed with dates, but some simply looked like they were printed off. you smiled hard, looking at her with hearts practically in your eyes.
you grabbed wanda's hips, setting her on your lap. you ran your hands up her large thighs, growling lowly and squeezing.
"thank you, here's my gift... its not as extravagant as all this.. but.. yeah," you hummed, reaching in your sweatshirt pocket. you handed her the small jewelry box, a blush on your cheeks.
wanda raised an eyebrow, "are you proposing to me right now? i thought we agreed that i would.. you're cr- awh," wanda opened the box, her puppy eyes playing when she saw the small necklace engraved with a date, exactly one year ago.
"this is adorable, thank you," wanda whispered, kissing you with passion. you hummed, your hands sliding up her thighs again.
"god im obsessed with these," you hummed, squeezing her thighs. wanda blushed, her hands intertwining with yours. she pinned you down, laying on top of you.
"i love you," she said, burying her head into your chest. you smiled, running your right hand under the back of her shirt and mindlessly traced patterns.
"i love you too, wanda," you kissed the side of her head and cuddled into her farther.
midnight came fast, the two of you were watching mean girls on TV, completely awake. the two of you were spooning, your hands constantly running up and down wanda's thighs and stomach.
"you're gorgeous," you whispered into the air. a light chuckle came from wanda's lips, and she spun to hug you close.
she engulfed you, her lips meeting yours also. the kiss quickly got heated, your hands resting tightly on her hips. wanda pulled your hair softly, her tongue lightly grazing your, asking for an entrance.
when your tongues met, you gave up all dominance. you let her take over the kiss, let her hand travel to between your thighs and into your shorts.
"oh, princess you're soaked," wanda commented. you whined, bucking your hips into her fingers. her skilled fingers brushed over your clit, another whiny moan falling from your lips. "is this okay?" she asked, her hands stilling.
"mhm, just- mgh fuck- touch me," you begged. wanda smirked at you, her face lit up by the TV screen. two of her fingers slipped into you.
you moaned, your hand finding your girlfriends soft curls. wanda gasped, her thumb rubbing your clit. you tugged, encouraging your girlfriend to keep going.
she rubbed softly, her fingers curling into you in a steady, pleasurable rhythm. your legs tightened around her wrist, her rhythm slowing slightly.
"legs open, c'mon princess, you wanna cum, yeah?'' she encouraged. it only spurred you on, your body trembling. "such a dumb baby," wanda husked, her free hand prying your trembling legs open. her fingers immediately finding their pace again.
you chanted a string of curse words, followed by your lovers name, and lastly a soft arch of your back. when your orgasm passed, wanda kissed your jaw a few times and finally slipped her fingers into your mouth, allowing you to suck softly.
you moaned, your tongue cleaning her slender fingers off.
the two of you were off and on for a few more hours every so often waking up and adjusting your cuddling positions. when you woke up at four, wanda was kissing your arms softly, hers around your waist.
"hey," you said groggily, stretching slightly and moving to your back. wanda smiled adjusting so she was laying on your boobs, her fingers tracing letters on your tummy.
you pat her a few times, signaling you need to get up. she allowed you, and you stood up to use the restroom. one of the cats was in there, Daphne.
"hi my ginger baby," you purred, laughing when the ginger cat stretched out of the sink and followed you as you sat on the toilet. she plopped right onto your lap.
you washed your hands, the cat watching you, and you travelled back to the bedroom with the cat in your arms.
"daphne is so weird," you stated as she jumped into the bed and settled on wanda's stomach. wanda hummed tiredly, encouraging you to go on.
you settled to the left of wanda, petting the cat's head. "she sat on my lap while i was going to the bathroom, like who raised these babies?" you teased.
wanda pinched you jokingly, a squeal leaving your mouth. daphne looked at wanda before stretching and leaving.
"daphne was like, 'hell no', and dipped," wanda laughed. you giggled when her stomach shook, rising up to simply lay on top of her now. you mindlessly straddled her left leg.
you buried your face in wanda's neck, her hands slipping under your shirt. the two of you stayed like the for awhile, until you could see the sky lightly shimmer with blue.
wanda had moved her thigh, she didnt do it on purpose, but adjusted just right that her thigh brushed your clit ever so slightly.
"oh-" you moaned, covering your mouth after in embarrassment. wanda's eyes furrowed before she realized, and went to apologize.
however, you were already grinding into her thigh, "is-is this okay?" you asked, hands immediately going up to her locks.
wanda nodded, her hands stopping to hold your waist, "thats a good girl, just use my thigh, okay? so needy," she purred.
you whined at her words, arms failing to hold you up, you collapsed, fingers still pulling but mouth directly on wandas ear. she could hear every pant, soft moan, everything.
she was listening to you, lifting her thigh after a few moments. what she wasnt expecting, was a whiny moan.
"oh! mommy thank you, thats better," you thanked. wandas hand stopped, she tensed, but somehow you weren't dying of embarrassment. quite honestly, neither was wanda.
"of course, mommy would do anything for her baby," wanda replied, relaxing as you relentlessly bucked your hips until the bed was creaking softly.
"mommy, 'm gonna cum," you pleaded. wanda nodded, kissing your face softly and helping you out.
your body jerked softly when you came, hips stilling but wanda helped you ride it out. she gave you multiple praises, kissing behind your ear before slipping you out of your clothes and then out of her own.
you fell asleep peacefully, wanda and you not waking up until about two that afternoon.
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obx-pogue4life · 1 year
hey i was wondering if you could write a rudy or drew x f! reader
either that they just making out on set, no smut just suggestive and they get caught by the rest of the cast
or like before going to bed like a lazy n soft make out just holding each other and no smut here either just enjoying themselves
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Summary: Drew and his girlfriend head back to his trailer for some alone time after he's been on set all day only to get a surprise interruption from his friends at the worst possible time
Warnings: This is fluffy smut. It's sweet and a little dirty. Kissing, dry humping (grinding but fully clothed), slight dirty talk and being walked in on
Author's Note: Thank you so much for your request! I may have gotten a tad carried away and made it a bit too suggestive and venturing more on the smutty side but I really love the way it turned out and I hope you do too 🩵
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"That's a wrap on Rafe for today," the director called out to your boyfriend Drew. It was nearing the end of filming the current season of Outer Banks and when he had asked you if you'd like to come out for the last few weeks, you jumped at the chance. It had been months of late night phone calls, text messages and face time sessions and while you loved the way he always managed to make the time and talk to you every day, at least for a minute, you missed him terribly. Occasionally he'd fly out and surprise you for a few days here and there but his schedule never seemed to allow him more than a day or two at a time so when he asked you to come to him for these few weeks, you were overjoyed.
"Come here baby," he called to you. "I have a few people I want you to meet."
After about 20 minutes of meeting some of the crew and the director, Drew made his exit and ushered you towards his trailer. "They all seem so nice," you say to him on the short walk to his home on set.
"Oh they are! They're the nicest people I think I've ever worked with y/n. It makes these long days go by so much faster when the company is so great. Helps keep me from missing you too much, too," he says nudging your shoulder a bit and grabbing your hand. He laces his fingers through yours and brings your hand up to his lips to give it a sweet kiss. You let out a content sigh and enjoy the leisurely stroll hand in hand with your boyfriend.
"Well...here we are...," Drew says once you arrive at his door. You see the familiar sight of his metal doorframe with his name sprawled across it. "After you," he says, letting you take the stairs first. When you open the door you immediately spot a single red rose, a bottle of champagne and two glasses on the table in front of the couch. Once you take a few steps closer you hear Drew shut the door behind you and can feel his arms gently wrap around you from behind. He sweetly rests his chin on your shoulder and you cling to his arms that are draped around you. "I'm really glad you're here y/n," he says hugging you tighter. "I've missed you so much," he says, whispering in your ear. He loosens his grip around you a little and spins you around so you're facing him. You giggle a little at his quick spin and smile up at him.
"Hi," you say.
"Hi," he says grinning back.
He leads you over to the couch and sits beside you, handing you the rose. "Did I tell you that I missed you?," he asks you again, making you blush.
"You might have mentioned it once or twice," you reply, smelling your rose. "Did I tell you that I missed you too?," you ask him back.
"Only every day since I left baby," he chuckles. You playfully swat at his chest and sigh. "So I guess that's a yes then, huh...," you shrug sheepishly.  He reaches for the bottle of champagne and quickly loosens and pops the cork.
"That's ok baby, I'm pretty sure I say it to you just as much, if not more. I'm just being a dick and messing with you," he says. You smile, roll your eyes and take the glass from his outreached hand. "I'm so glad you came," he says clinking classes with you.
"Me too," you assure him. "Nothing could have stopped me from seeing you." You both take a few sips from your glasses and set them back on the table. You suddenly realized that you two were finally alone and it's almost like Drew was reading your mind. You could feel his eyes burning a hole into your body and saw the was his eyes were raking over you. His large hands started to make their way past your knee and to your thighs when he suddenly and roughly hooked booth of this hands behind your knees and pulled you onto his lap. You were now straddling him, your eyes level with his and your breathing was getting heavier in anticipation of what you knew was coming next.
"Hi," he said again.
"Hi," you answered him.
In an instant, his lips were on your neck. Sucking and licking the delicate flesh and probably leaving marks. You didn't care though, let the whole world know how much your boyfriend loved you. You loved the way his lips felt pressed against your neck. You let out a low moan and could feel him smirk against your skin. "You like that, baby," he prompts you but not waiting for a reply. He moves up your neck and gives your ear a nibble as he makes his way to your mouth. You let out a breathy groan of pleasure, desperate for his kiss. "God I missed this," he says right before he attacks your mouth with his. It was rough and sloppy yet passionate and needy. You could feel exactly how much he missed you through his kiss and you loved the feeling of his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth. Drew was the best kisser you had ever known and the way he expertly made your entire body feel weak and lightheaded from his kiss alone made you quiver all the way down to your toes. Your body was on fire and you could feel that familiar feeling starting to ignite inside you. You absentmindedly started rocking your hips back and forth on his lap and he abruptly moaned into your mouth. Pulling away for just a second, he swiftly takes his shirt off and reaches for yours. He looks you in the eyes, silently begging for permission and you nod at him and shyly smile. "You are so beautiful baby," he says taking in the scene front of him. "And your all mine," he says reaching for your chin and drawing you in for another round.
This time, his kisses were much slower and more sensual. There was still that desperate need behind them but they were far less feverish and much less rough. Your head was spinning, it all felt so good. His hands made their way down to your hips and he gently started rocking you back and forth again. You got the hint and began to move your body against his, feeling him start to strain against you. Trying to mimic the roughness of his kiss with the pressure of your hips, you both were a panting mess within minutes. You could feel his clothed cock beneath your fully clothed core and you knew if you kept this up a few minutes more, your boyfriend was going to cum in his pants. He didn't seem to mind though and showed no signs of letting up so you followed his lead and continued to grind on his lap. Less than a minute more, you could tell he was nearly there and when he opened his mouth to let out a very loud moan, you took the opportunity to move to his neck. You knew he loved those neck kisses just as much as you did and when you got to that special spot right behind his ear and lightly dragged your tongue across it, you knew you had him right where you wanted him. You could feel his hips buck up into you and his breathing become heavy and erratic. One more lick and a soft suck on his special spot and he was practically coming undone. His hips were wildly trying to find some friction and his eyes were screwed shut while his mouth was hanging open in pure pleasure.
"Come for me," you whispered in his ear. "Come on bab-," you were quickly cut off by a very loud series of rapid knocks followed by Rudy, JD, and Madelyn all storming into the trailer.
"Dude, good you guys are still here," Rudy says.
"Yeah we wanted to know if you wanted to hang out at the- OH MY GOSH," Madelyn says in shock and horror, immediately going out the door and down the steps!
"SHIT," JD quickly replies and spins around to follow her.
"Sorry man, we shouldn't have barged in like that," Rudy called from the bottom of the steps, following his friends. "Sorry y/n," Rudy yelled again. "Our Bad!"
You were completely mortified but incredibly thankful that you still had your bra and pants on. They probably just thought you were making out, which you basically were. It could have been a lot worse you thought to yourself, burring your head in Drew's chest. You could feel him start to laugh. "I can't believe that just happened," you say to him groaning.
"I can," he says matter-of-factly. They always just come in, I should have locked the door. I wasn't thinking.
"So this is really your fault," you say playfully, putting your head in your hands and groaning at what just happened.
"I suppose it is," he answers you with a hug and a sheepish grin.
All the sudden you hear talking outside the door and hear Madelyn shout towards you both. "So sorry for interrupting again but we are all meeting up at the pier in an hour and we would love for both of you to join us! We've missed y/n too!," she called.
"Yeah, please come," JD echoed.
With a shrug and an unspoken agreement between the two of you, Drew told them you'd be there and they left.
"Oh my god, how embarrassing," you say to your boyfriend. "This is going to be fun," you laugh, hiding your face in your hands.
"Oh, it'll be fine baby, a good story to tell," he says with a shrug.
"You better not," you laugh and shake your head at him. "I just wanna forget this ever happened."
"I think... I know a way... to get your mind off of it y/n...," Drew trailed off, brushing a strand of hair off your cheek and caressing your face. He looks deeply into your eyes and puts his forehead to yours, letting his lips hover over your mouth, close but not touching.
"Oh yeah?," you play along coyly. "How?"
And with a devilish smirk he leans back in and you both pick up right where you left off.
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drewsbuzzcut · 11 months
Under The Mistletoe
(through the years)
mat barzal x model!fem!reader
a visceral in doses fic
warnings: lots of alcohol consumption, kissing, mentions pregnancy, and some angst
year 6 takes place during their small breakup before they have Sloane
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Year 1 (just boyfriend and girlfriend)
The amount of champagne you’ve had should not be allowed at a Christmas party filled with people your boyfriend works with- plus their family members.
You’re dressed in a soft, long and gray skirt, a black fitted short sleeve, and cherry red heels with your favorite red lipstick. Your hair is in loose waves, specifically styled to show off your diamond stud earrings Mat recently bought you.
You’ve been with Mat for less than a year, so to say you’re nervous to be around everyone he knows is an understatement. So far, everyone is nice and inviting. Sydney Martin has been a great friend and lovely enough to include you. Although you’re grateful for their acceptance, you still feel very overwhelmed. This leads you to escape to the kitchen. You find the bottle of wine you and Mat brought and pop the cork. As you’re filling your glass, Mat stands behind you just watching you be you. He loves that you’re getting along with his second family, and he loves that you know how to handle your alcohol.
You’re mid sip, when he comes up behind you, practically scaring you.
“Mat! You cannot sneak up on me like that,” you gasp, voice lowering when you realize it’s him who is behind you.
He wraps an arm around your stomach, pulling you close. His chin rests on your shoulder, allowing you to feel the vibrations of his laughter and to smell the decadent scent of his cologne.
“Sorry, baby. I just wanted to check up on you. Are you doing okay? You’ve had four glasses of champagne and now a glass of wine. Not that I’m complaining, though,” he whispers in your ear.
“I’m fine. I’m just really nervous, so I needed something to help with the edge,” you explain, melting into his arms.
“Nervous? Why? You’re perfect and everyone loves you,” he says with an effortless charm that makes you want to drag him into the nearest restroom.
“I barely turned 21 and you’re 26. Everyone here is more than likely older than me, so I just don’t want to be judged, or you be judged for dating me,” you rant, taking a long drink from your glass. You blow out a deep breath and cross your arms over your chest. You’re already thinking too much into it and you can feel the headache start to creep up on you.
“They don’t care, babe. They just care that I’m happy, which I am. You make me happy. I love you,” he reassures you, hugging you to his body and kissing your cheek.
“I love you,” and although you really do mean it, Mat can still hear the insecurity in your voice.
You squeal when he drags you away, still with his arm wrapped around you.
“Babe, you cannot move me too fast. I’ve had way too much alcohol for you to spin me around like a ballerina,” you giggle, your flushed cheeks make Mat blush.
“I have a surprise, though.” It’s at this moment you realize that he’s been holding something behind his back.
“What’re you up to?” You ask, rubbing on his shoulders.
“Close your eyes,” he instructs and you do.
He pulls you close, smiling when you giggle with your eyes closed. You’re about to ask him what’s the hold up, but he places his lips on yours before you can get the words out. You sigh against him, letting your arms loop around his neck. As they move, you can tell he has one arm up. You pull away to look up and you see the mistletoe dangling in between his two fingers. You smile at him, bringing him in for another kiss. If you weren’t already inebriated from alcohol, you would be from this kiss. His lips are warm and fit perfectly between yours. It still feels like the first time he ever kissed you, and you feel your body warm at the thought that Mat is the one.
“I can taste the wine on your lips. It’s sweet. You’re beautiful, baby,” he whispers against your lips, pecking your bottom one after he speaks.
You cover your blushing cheeks, but he’s quick to pull your hands away, wrapping them around his neck. He slowly sways you around, holding the mistletoe over your heads again and leans down to kiss you. This time it’s much faster and hard, but you stop yourself before you can shove your tongue down his throat.
“There’s a bathroom right down the hall, they won’t miss us,” he whispers in your ear, a hand going down to rest on the small of your back, borderline resting on the swell of your ass.
“Or maybe you can just take me back to your place and you can unwrap me. You know, as an early Christmas present,” you whisper close to his ear as you hug him. Your chin rests on his shoulder, so you try to seem as innocent as possible to everyone who is subtly watching the both of you.
“Deal. Let’s go say bye to everyone,” and again he’s pulling you with him to bid your goodbyes. The whole time you think about how romantic his mistletoe idea was. Your cheeks will never go back to their usual color, they’re stained red.
Year 3 (plus Nolan)
Nolan is only 7 months, but it doesn’t hinder him from looking around with wide eyes. It’s probably a blur of red, green, and dazzling sparkles but he’s intrigued. He continues to babble and laugh when people come up to softly tickle his tummy. Ever since having a baby, your hormones have been all over the place, so you’ve been especially clingy with Mat. He’s been a champ. He’s so good at showing just how much he loves you and your son.
Although you’re in the nicest red off the shoulder sweater and black jeans, you feel so uncomfortable. You’re worried about leaking breast milk, and you really just want to be in some sweatpants. However, you’re a hockey wag and you always want to support your man. You’re just glad he hasn't left your side the entire night.
You’re seated on his lap with Nolan resting in your arms. Every now and then Mat will press kisses to your bare shoulder, and it does wonders with helping you relax. Other than that, you sit and listen to everyone around you, chiming in when talked to.
After dinner, you spend the majority of the night laughing and talking at the table until a couple gets up to dance around as everyone laughs cheerfully. You’re so happy that these people are your second family. In the midst of all the chaos, Mat gets your attention with a kiss to your cheek.
“I love you,” he says loud enough for only you to hear.
“I love you,” you kiss him, but he pulls away quickly which makes you pout.
You watch as he reaches into his pocket, trying hard to dig something out. He breathes a sigh of relief when he finally gets out the slightly crumpled mistletoe. You smile at the object and what it means.
“We’ll start with the youngest,” he says, of course referring to Nolan.
You lift him up and watch as Nolan scrunches up at the contact. Mat’s scruff is probably too much for him. You laugh at his little whines and your boyfriend’s pout.
“It’s my turn,” you jest, laying a hand on the back of his neck.
“I won’t keep you waiting,” he quickly pulls you into a kiss, getting too into it when Nolan smacks a tiny hand in his face.
You try hard to hold in your laughs, but Mat’s shocked expression is too good to not laugh.
“I guess, Nolie bear doesn’t want daddy to kiss momma. Sorry, barzy,” you tease him.
Mat pouts, similar to the one Nolan does when he’s about to cry. You’re mid laugh when he pulls you back in for another kiss. Both of his hands hold onto your face as you breathe each other’s air. This time, you don’t think twice about your tongue curling around his. You just let yourself get lost in him. It’s like a snowflake falling into the snow, it easily gets lost. It gets all blended into something beautiful.
“About to make baby number 2?” You pull away to see the Martin’s giving you both a knowing look.
“And if we are?” You joke, feeling oh so warm when Mat rests his forehead on your exposed collarbones.
“You might want to find a bathroom and someone to hold Nols,” Syd says.
“Noted,” you giggle at Mat’s minor input.
“Thank you for our mistletoe kiss, hotshot. I love you more than words can express,” you kiss him once more, but his smile is too wide for it to be considered a kiss.
Year 6 (partially separated with two boys and pregnant with your first girl)
You linger in your car, dressed in a silk black dress and gold, glittery heels. You don’t want to go inside and see Mat and your friends. You have to constantly remind yourself that you’re doing it for the boys. They love their dad and you don’t want them to not experience the holidays without him present- especially because he travels a lot. It takes the promise of only one glass of wine and an early exit due to the boys’ bedtime to get you out of your car. You move slowly as you gather your sons and enter the house that this years team Christmas party is taking place.
You’re instantly greeted with smiles and hugs, and part of you feels guilty for not wanting to come in the first place. These people have been wonderful to you. It hurts to think that soon they might not be in your life anymore, but according to Sydney Martin, there is no way she’s letting that happen.
When you meet Mat’s eyes, you feel the ache in your heart return. He looks sad and that’s usually a very rare sight to you.
“Hey, thanks for bringing the boys. You look nice,” he greets you, going in for a hug but you just pass AJ into his arms.
“Thank you. The boys really miss you,” you say.
Usually throughout the party, you two would be glued together at the hip, but this time you try to stay away from him. You just can’t be near him. You’re partially angry, still feeling petty, and you feel guilt for not telling him that you’re pregnant again. If you’re around him for more than 5 minutes, lips will start to loosen and truths will be spoken. You miss him every second of every day. Why did you think it’d be a good idea to come? You cannot put this much stress on your body. Not right now.
The entire night you can feel his eyes on you, following your every move. If it were anyone else, it’d be creepy. Because it’s Mat, it’s warm and comforting. You pride yourself on the tranquil and normal reaction you have when he takes a seat next to you. He doesn’t say anything, he knows better, so you sit there in silence for what felt like forever. Each time he moves you tense up, and you know he gets bothered by the way he huffs. To end your misery, you decide to head out just a tad bit earlier than you planned.
You make your rounds to say goodbye, lingering longer around Mat so he can kiss the boys. He’s gracious enough to help you buckle them in the car, but your walls are going to continue to tumble with any extra second you spend around him.
When he buckles AJ in his car seat, you see him pull out that same mistletoe and raise it above the baby’s head as he presses a small kiss to his forehead. He does the same when he buckles Nolan in his seat, getting a more enthusiastic kiss from his oldest, though. You can’t stop the smile from forming on your face. Just because you’re broken up, doesn’t mean he can’t carry on his tradition with his kids. You’re actually glad he’s continuing it. It’s nice to know he still has some happiness this time around after everything that’s happened. He spends a few more minutes with Nolan and Angel, caressing their heads and kissing their chubby cheeks.
You don’t expect there to be any words traded between the two of you, but he does shock you when he pulls you into a hug. His arms are wrapped around your middle, and you can’t help but wrap yours around his neck. You don’t stop yourself from carding your fingers through his hair, only freezing when he looks down into your eyes. You can see the sadness swimming in his hazel eyes. You know you shouldn’t, but you reach into his pocket to pull out the mistletoe. You hold it over your head, hoping he doesn’t reject your request. That’s when you see it, the sadness gets replaced by a sliver of hope. He leans down and places his lips on yours so delicately like he’s afraid you’ll break. The kiss is chaste and cautious, but it still feels so good. You quickly pull away when your head isn’t swimming in clouds any longer. You wipe at your lips, that tingling feeling still lingers. Your heart starts to thump rapidly and you remember all the reasons why you shouldn’t have kissed him. All the guilt comes rushing back and it bites at you, waiting for you to break the shell of a woman you’ve become. You bid a rushed goodbye and hurry into your car. You needed to get away from him.
When you arrive at your other home, you feel horrible. There’s a nauseating nagging in the pit of your stomach and you know it’s because you let yourself kiss Mat. You let yourself get lost in him because it’s just that easy. When you go to bed that night you cry at the thought that he didn’t get to kiss your nonexistent bump, because he doesn’t know you’re pregnant. Then you cry because you’re willingly keeping it from him.
If only the future you knew that everything would get better in the next few days on Christmas Day.
Year 7 (married with three kids)
Mat, who is indeed involved in a conversation with Casey and Matt, has all his attention centered on you. You’re seated at the table, Sloane and Angel in each of your arms. You talk to some of the girls, despite Sloane’s happy babbles and AJ chewing on your finger. You look happy, and every time you pick up your wine glass, your wedding ring gleams, reminding him of just how lucky he truly is. If he looks to his right, he’ll see his oldest, Nolan, playing with the other kids and he finds joy that his whole world is in one room.
He departs from his small group, just needing to be close to you. You smile at him, cheeks heating up when he comes up behind you, wrapping his arms over your shoulders.
“Hi, baby,” he whispers into your cheek, nosing at your skin before he starts pressing kisses down the side of your neck.
You break out in chills despite the long sleeve you’re wearing and the second glass of wine you’re drinking. You raise your hand up, caressing the back of his head as he continues to show his affections.
“Shall we evacuate the room?” Sydney asks, causing you to giggle and Mat to hide his face in your neck.
You don’t answer, instead you turn your head to the side to lock your lips with your husband’s. He cups your cheeks, pushing his tongue into your mouth. After many years together, you couldn’t care less about those witnessing your heated moment, even more so now that you’re in your own home. You let out a very low moan when he sucks at your tongue. That’s when you know it’s time to pull away. Mat’s eyes start to get hazy and his lips get swollen and pinker. Plus all the hoots and hollers start to big your two little ones settled on your lap.
“Here let me have him,” Mat picks up AJ, setting him in Alexa’s waiting arms.
Next, he holds Sloane, reaching his hand out for yours. You give him a quizzical look.
“Follow me, ma’am,” he requests.
“Ma’am? What am I a grandma?” You tease him, latching your hand to his.
“Pardon me. Follow me, Mrs. Sexy,” he corrects himself. You blush at his words.
“Where are you taking me?” You ask, though when you see the mistletoe ahead, you know just what he’s planning.
“You know, just our tradition. Grab Sloane,” he passes your baby girl to you.
You hold her with one arm wrapped around her small stomach and one hand resting under her butt. She watches Mat with wonder, reaching her little arms out to him.
“Okay, I need you to hold her up a little bit- yeah that’s good!” Mat says as you raise Sloane so she’s eye level with him.
He caresses her baby soft hair, softly pinching her cheeks to get a squeal from her.
“Kiss, baby girl,” he says, slowly kissing her lips. You quickly kiss her cheek at the same time. Sloane smiles and reaches her arms out to him, babbling more when she’s in her dad’s arms.
“Next is Angel,” he tells you, but you are already on your way to get him.
You hold up AJ the same way you did Sloane, and he squirms and giggles when you both kiss him on his cheeks. When he requests to be put down, you both watch him toddle back to Alexa to resume his nap.
You turn to find Nolan waiting patiently for his turn, so it’s not hard to bring him up in your arms.
“Daddy! I’m ready for my kiss,” he cheers.
“My big boy! I love you,” Mat exclaims kissing his cheek many times.
“Mommy, your turn!”
“I know, buddy!” You wait for him to turn in your arms and you press a kiss to his puckered lips.
“I love you both,” he sighs, resting his head on your shoulder, one hand rubbing at his daddy’s bicep.
“We love you, too, buddy,” Mat whispers, bringing the both of you into a hug.
“Can I go play now?”
“Yes, you can go,” you let him down, smiling as you watch him runaway.
He’s so big and it feels like it was just yesterday that you started this little tradition with Mat. Now, you have three babies who will soon be just as big as Nolan. It makes you happy, but it also makes you sad. You want them to stay little forever, but you also want to see who they’ll grow into.
“You okay?” Mat asks, cupping your cheek.
You nod, a smile replacing your frown as you place a hand over his.
“I just love you and our babies.”
“I love you guys more. Now, it’s time to give my big baby her kiss,” he says lowly, moving in closer.
“Oh… I can’t wait,” you whisper, closing your eyes just as you feel his lips connect with yours.
The cool metal of your wedding ring bites at his skin from where you’re holding him, but it feels like home.
a/n: This was fun and heartwarming to write! I hope y’all enjoy lovelies!! Also, I tried to follow along the timeline, but it may be slightly off… not a noticeable problem though!
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dwailol · 1 year
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Want some water?
ComPOUND Round 2 (Do you have a better name? Too bad this is the name)
Warnings⚠️: it’s definitely smut, oral (m receiving), p in v, creampie, praise kink, a liiittle rough but not too much
Summary: You’ve got the compound alone with Bucky for a few days.❤️‍🔥 Fem reader x Bucky. Established relationship/fwb. The 400 extra words in this one are just 400 extra words of filth.
WC: 1.7k
“Want some water before the next round?” he asks raising his eyebrows suggestively. That first one was just a taste of what he has in store for the next few days. He is about to have fun with the fact that the compound is empty besides the two of us.
“Sure thing,” I reply. Somehow I’m thirsty from all his work.
He walks towards the kitchenette while stretching a bit. His back muscles were sculpted and I want to feel them up and down. I want to feel him with my hands and mouth. I unknowingly bite my lip still staring as he’s pouring a glass. He looks up and smirks.
“Caught ya peeking,” he says. I quickly turn away and blush.
“You might have,” deciding to own my peek. I hear his foot steps coming my way. I get under a throw blanket to cover up. He walks up with the water and a bottle of wine but no glasses.
He sets everything down and moves in close, “It’s ok. You’ll catch me peeking plenty of times. Mind if I join you under there?” He swings my legs over his lap and pulls me in closer. I feel his cock hardening under my legs and then a throb - mine and his. He pulls out the cork and sees it’s half empty. I know there is no way we can finish that.
“I didn’t see much else over there, but we can just finish this off right?”
“Thor brought that here and two sips will have you well off. Proceed with caution,” I warn. Having a whole glass knocked me on my ass one night. He glances over the bottle and takes a sip. He looks up at me with a face of subtle surprise then sets the bottle back on the table. I grab the water.
“Smart idea. You weren’t joking about that. I feel a little something and the super soldier thing makes getting a mild buzz hard. Proceeding with caution. Thank you for the warning ma’am.”
Just as I’m about to take my first sip of water he steals the glass out my hand and takes a drink for himself.
He laughs mockingly then lightly pulls me by my chin to his face to gaze me in my eyes. His hand rests on the side of my face and his thumb glides over my bottom lip pulling it slightly down in the middle before returning to the corner. He brings the glass to my mouth and gives me a sip. He is already completely hard again and I am ready to melt around him.
“Here you go angel. Sorry, you know how I love to ruffle your pretty white feathers,” he moves his hand to trace down my spine, “Besides I always give you what you want in the end don’t I? So tell me, what do you want right now?”
He discards the water and places both his arms around me. I lean in with a soft, supple kiss that’s met with passion. I lightly glaze my tongue barely past his lips and pull away quick before he goes in for more.
He picks me up off the couch and I wrap my arms around his neck to stable myself. I let out the smallest gasp of surprise.
“If it means I get to hear my angel sing again, it’d be my pleasure.”
We begin to heavily make out. Lip bites and quick hints of tongue drive me wild. As he carries me to my room, he makes several stops to push me against the wall and grab onto my ass tighter. We finally make it in and he throws me onto my bed with a sexy amount of force. I want to make his efforts matched. I sit up quickly.
“Here wait.”
Before he can get to my bed I hop off and walk to him. We kiss and then I move my next one to his jaw, then his neck, his chest, his abs, at his waistline. I’m on my knees for him. I hold onto his shaft as I bring my lips around the tip. I look up at him and swirl my tongue around it without breaking eye contact. As he moans, I bring his cock further into my mouth and give him a stroke on my way back. I start in that same motion with added tricks then pick up speed. He pushes my head away.
“Stop that or you’re gonna make me cum,” he lifts me back up then leans into my ear, “and you know where I like to put that.”
I’m thrown back on the bed. I feel my pussy opening up and ready to take him.
“I like how good you’re being for me now angel. You know when you teased me with your tongue earlier I decided that you were gonna get it once I threw you on this bed. You going to be my good girl for the rest of the night?”
He starts slowly sliding into me and I shutter.
“Yes what?”
“Yes sir. I’ll be your good girl for the rest of the night.”
“That’s what I like to hear.”
He pushes the rest of his cock into my soaking wet pussy still lubed up from the last time he spilled into me. I burst out a loud “Oh!” It gets him going.
“How I love to hear my angel sing.”
I wrap my legs around him once he hits a pace that I like. I claw into his back with a drawn out moan. He grunts with the pleasure of knowing he’s responsible for all the euphoric sounds I release.
He breaks free of my legs. Dragging my body to the very edge of the bed, he stands and brings my hips up to take his cock. He thrusts slower but hard and deep. I yell to the beat of him fucking me.
He pulls me up and carries me off with his cock still thrusting into me. He cradles the back of my head before pushing me up against the wall. Our lips are locked as he penetrates my walls. He’s hitting my g spot so fucking perfect. He knows it too when I let out a strained whimper of pleasure.
“Looks like I found the right spot that my pussy loves so much. Touch yourself while I’m fucking you. I want to feel you clench cumming around my cock.”
“Yes sir,” I do as he says.
“Good girl.”
I feel it building up. I hold my breath until I feel that huge rush of blood. Oh god was it so much better at this angle.
“Oh god,” I breathlessly say.
“You talking to god angel?”
He bites at my earlobe and lets out a heavy breath against my ear. It felt like sexual ecstasy. He walks back over to the bed and sets me down.
“Turn over.”
Just as I start to, he flips me over on my stomach so fast I hardly saw his hands coming. The smack on my ass gets a scream out me. I am nearly overstimulated but I know he is expecting more from me. He pulls me up from the back so our bodies are touching. He starts rubbing his flesh hand around my clit, while his vibranium hand embraced me from behind with his fingers holding my neck.
“I get impatient. You know that.”
He drops me back down to the bed. Thank god I have the plushest bed spread or that could have knocked the wind out me. His hand stays on my clit and then I feel him spit onto my now arched cunt. He gets back up straight and I feel his cock start pounding into me. That hand working mercilessly. I’m squealing at the load he was filling me with. I hope he cums in me soon.
“I feel you getting wetter and wetter. You’re close. Are you close baby?”
“Yes sir.”
“You want me to let you cum?”
“I wanna.” He starts rubbing faster but then stops.
“You better ask fucking nicely then.”
“Please! Please! Please let me cum!” He starts giving me what I want. His pace quickens and his hand shakes me to my core. I feel it happening.
“I’m cumming! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” I yell. As I cum around his cock again I steadily moan. He doesn’t drop pace. I’m about to get the load I’ve wanted so bad.
“All that singing is about to make me cum in you. You want me to cum in you again? You want me to fill you up again nice and deep?”
“Yes please,” I beg. He takes a beat and slaps my ass. That one was gonna leave a hand mark.
“Listen to you talking so nice.”
He’s right back to his previous pace. He gets faster! I’m fucking screaming. I want him so bad.
“You’re getting this full load!” He hits one definitive cumming stroke and coats my insides. He does some victory lap strokes still riding the high of getting to cum inside of me.
Once he pulls out I feel it drip down my pussy then my leg. I start rubbing back at my clit again so turned on by the feeling. He flips me onto my back again.
“Allow me.”
He cups my pussy so his palm is on my clit and his two fingers are inside of me. He starts pumping his hand at a steadily increasing speed.
“My good girl took it all so well. But I want to make sure it all stays in there soaking up your walls. Will that make you happy?”
“Uh huh,” I repeat over and over to the quickening beat he penetrates into me.
“Uh huh.”
“Uh huh!”
He is right about everything. My next orgasm flowers and I pulse around his fingers. We both get what we want. He gives a satisfied “mmm” sound.
The first of the many nights the compound would only have he and I inside winds down. We lay beside each other face-to-face. He lightly glides his vibranium hand up and down my curves. It sends shivers down my spine.
We begin to pass out. As I look up towards my alarm clock I see that I’ve got four hours before it goes off. Fuck.
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akwolfgrl · 7 months
How sweet it is to be loved by them. part 5 flashback
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Zoro could do this he could last thriy days with no food or water. The hardest part would be not being able to see his husband and being apart from Kuinas sword. The two most important treasures in his life. Everything was quiet as night fell. The moon was nothing but a sliver in the sky. It wasn't long until his haki, (Zeff had insisted on training them both in observation and armament haki) picked up a familler presence. Curly was headed his way. His husband stood in front of him a basket on his arm.
“what are you doing here!” Zoro hissed worried over his husband's safety. The omegas familer sent washed over him.
“What does it look like I'm doing? Feeding you, of course,” Sanji took out a small plate with three onigri. Zoro couldn't stop the found smile. Three was thire number after. Three swords, third son, three earrings, Zoro could find more if he looked, but he didn't see the need. “Open up, this is spicy tuna and avocado,” Sanji held the onigri to his lips. Zoro took a bite, and the soft rice with the creamy avacdo and spicy fish were so good together.
Zoro licked his lips when he was done, making sure not to leave a trace behind. Sanji oulled out a glass bottle, Zoro hoped for some sake to wash the food down with when sanji tipped the bottle to his lips water and not sake washed over his tounge. He couldn't help but pout when Sanji took the bottle from his mouth.
“Don't give me that look. You need to stay hydrated,” Sanji poped the cork back into the bottle and held up anthoer onigri. “this is a breakfast onigri, egg sausage, ham and cheese, I rember you liked it last time I was exspirmtning,” One again Zoro ate every bite of the offered food and washed it down with water.
“We will get threw this cook, don't worry I'm stronger then them,” Zoro resuared his husband and himself. The hardest part would being apart from his omega, his husband, his Sanji. Since they had been married they had rarely been apart for long and it usaly by choice, not force.
“I know we will, you better not die on me or ill bring you back and kill you myself,” Samji held up the third onigiri. “And for dessert, ume, I thought pickled plum would be a nice change,” Zoro finished the last onigiri and the rest of the water.
“Hmm I don't think that was a good enough dessert, I'd rather have a kiss,” Zoro grave his husband a cheeky grin. He didn't need to see sanji to know that they were rolling thire eyes and blushing.
“Mm I suppose I can be nice,” His lovely omega came in close to give him a kiss on the lips. Zoro missed his hands, the way thouse long fingers were curl in his hair, the way thouse plays would press against his cheek. But he knew Sanji could risk leaving his scent behind.
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ladylooch · 1 year
I need a little bit of sub (ish) Nico. Like I can’t let him be in charge all the time. Gotta girl boss him a little bit
A/N: I am blaming the summer heat in my state as well for my thoughts tonight… hahahah I’m not sorry. Which is why I still need to find Jesus. Hahahaha. I’m a lil drunky. 
Word Count: 730
The summer heat is getting to you.
And so are the defined curves of Nico’s abdomen where he is flipping off the dock with his brother, Luca. You can’t help but stare, even as Nina tries to engage you in conversation. 
“Hey.” Nina nudges your leg with her foot.
“I said do you need more wine?”
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“Yeah, ah… I’ll get it.” You offer, jumping at the chance to grab Nico to help. You should be a good hostess. “Neeks, baby, can you come up with me and help bring the next round of snacks down?”
“Yeah!” He calls as he uses the ladder to leave the lake. 
You head up together. Nico is dripping along the way as he towels off as much as he can during your walk. He ditches the towel on the deck before entering the kitchen behind you.
“Baby, you need more sunscreen.” He murmurs, pressing his thumb into your shoulder where red blushes your skin. “Grab some from the bathroom and I’ll put it on you.” 
After grabbing the white wine from the fridge, you pause by the counter, watching him go into the pantry. You open the cork stuffed into the top, taking two big glugs of courage before following your boyfriend into the walk-in space. He is examining two different kinds of crackers putting one back on the shelf to read the other box. He has a thing about matching crackers with the right cheese. It must be a Swiss thing because Nina does it too.
“Are we having brie or manchego?” He asks, shoving his wet hair back from his forehead. The action has you sweating. You fly forward into the pantry, shutting the door and leaning your back against it. Nico slowly travels his gaze along your body, noticing the distinct points of your nipples against the swimsuit top. “Hi.”
“Hi.” You breathe, practically panting. “You‘re driving me crazy.” 
“I’m sorry?” He chuckles.
“I don’t think you are.” You tell him. “At least not sorry enough.” Nico’s thick eyebrows dance up his forehead in amusement. You walk towards him, wasting no time in pushing your hand into his board shorts. He thickens in your hand. The box of crackers falls to the panty floor. “Here’s the deal. I can’t wait. Not one more minute without you bending me over and fucking me so hard I can’t breathe.”
“Jesus, babe.” He moans as you slide your thumb over the slit of his head. “Oh my god.” You squeeze him tighter until his knees buckle.
“You’re going to take me from behind. We’re going to finish in two minutes. And we are going to walk back down to the lake without one single hair out of place.” 
“I wanna fuck you on the floor.” He whines slightly.
“No. Against the cabinet.” You slap his cheek lightly, then wiggle out of your bottoms.
You bend over in front of him, gripping the base of his dick to push through your folds roughly. Nico’s hands ghost along your hips as you push yourself back onto him.  “Oh.” You sigh in pleasure. “Ah.” You gnaw your bottom lip, bouncing back until your ass claps against this abdomen. Nico presses his butt against the opposite cabinet, then winds a hand around to your stomach to pull you flush with him. His hips angle up and down with your movements. 
“Tell me how pretty I am.” You insist, fingernails piercing at the taut skin of his abdomen.
“So fucking pretty.” His teeth are gritted. “Fuck, you’re so wet.” He moans, tightening his thighs to stay standing. You reach for your hip, lacing your fingers together as you feel your orgasm coil.
“Play with my clit.” You move his hand to between your folds, immediately inhaling sharply at his touch there. “Like that. Please.” You moan holding his wrist there, feeling the beads of his bracelets indent your palm. You grind against his hand as you buck against him. You grab his other hand, putting it over your mouth to catch your scream. He moans your name as he comes too, filling your heat with sticky ribbons.
Your afterglow assaults you. Making you lazy as you redress yourself then turn to tuck Nico back into his shorts. His stunned expression has you chuckling as you grab the box of crackers he dropped. You extend them to him. He takes them with an astonished laugh.
“What just happened?” He asks, lacing your fingers together after dropping the crackers again. He tugs you closer, shoving his other hand in your hair as he kisses you.
“It was my turn to call the shots.” 
“Can we expand more on that later?”
“Sure, if I feel like it.” You lick along the seam of his lips, then return to the kitchen to pour two fresh glasses of wine.
If Nico’s siblings knew what you were doing up there, they have no reaction to it when you both return to the dock. 
“You didn’t get sunscreen.” Nico murmurs, kissing your cheek as you settle back into your chair. 
“Sorry, I got distracted.” You both chuckle and share another kiss. Nico takes off at full speed, jumping into the lake with a large cannon ball to splash you with droplets of water. 
He’ll pay for that later. 
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more-mara · 1 month
A Letter to My First Love
Lando Norris/Oscar Piastri
Read Below or 👉HERE on AO3
Hi! Ur cute, want to be my boyfriend?
Oscar was five when he received his first love letter- if it could even be considered that. He was in class, only his second year of school but he was feeling a lot more prideful and sure of himself compared to last year. He got to move up to the next classroom, along with the kids in the year above him.
They had a buddy system, something their teacher put in place to help the younger students get used to the new environment where they were paired with an older student.
Oscar got paired with Lando, a shy kid at first glance who didn’t really speak unless spoken to. Oscar had been sitting next to him for a week before Lando had slipped a piece of paper towards him, words scrawled in orange crayon.
To this day, Oscar doesn’t recall if the words were even spelled correctly but he had found himself turning to Lando and nodding his head enthusiastically before taking Landos hand in his own with a supportive grin on his face. Lando had blushed and asked if he wanted to sit next to him at lunch. Oscar obviously agreed and they spent the entirety of their lunchtime sharing snacks and planning their future wedding.
“But I don’t want to wear a dress! I’m a boy!” Lando had protested, a childish pout on his lips.
“Boys can wear dresses too! One of us has to be the bride, there’s no wedding with no bride!”
Looking back on it, it was too much for his child mind to comprehend the fact that two men could get married without a bride but growing up, he had only ever seen a wedding with a bride and a groom- whether in real life or on TV so he found it difficult to imagine how he could get married without a bride in a big white dress.
“We should get 2 dogs- no, 3 dogs, and 2 cats and 4 horses and-“
“-and 16 babies!” Oscar exclaimed, cutting off Landos spiel about what animals they were going to adopt.
“Sixteen is too many, that’s like-“ Lando said as he started to count on his fingers, getting confused when he got to six before giving up with a shake of his head.
“-that’s like…a lot,”
It was so easy back then.
Oscar hadn’t seen Lando since they were 7, Oscar had moved back to Australia with his parents who had begun to miss what their life was like back when they still lived there.
It was a tearful goodbye when Oscar had to say farewell to his friends- especially Lando. Not many people experienced a breakup as young as 7 and Oscar did not recommend it.
Just like the first time, Lando had handed Oscar a piece of paper- but this time it was in an envelope.
“Open it when you’re bigger,” He said with a wobbly bottom lip and teary eyes. Oscar felt his own lips start to shake at the sight. He leaned over and pushed his own unsteady lips against Landos for a split second before pulling away. Lando put his hand across his own mouth, his cheeks a flaming colour.
“Did you just kiss me?” He asked bluntly and Oscar nodded quickly.
“Mummy says that you kiss people you love…” Oscar said with wide little eyes as he tucked the envelope close to his chest.
Oscar didn’t know it then, but he’d never get to read the words that were written in that envelope.
“You always fucking do this Oscar, it’s never about me,” His girlfriend raged, her anger bubbling over as she paced in Oscar’s living room- it was winter and despite the lit fire, Oscar could feel the chills running through him.
“W-what? What are you talking about?”
“That stupid fucking letter, you’re obviously still hung up on whoever gave it to you,” She yelled and Oscar felt a pang in his heart at the mention of the letter Lando had given him so many years ago.
“That’s not true, it was ages ago, it’s just…sentimental,” Oscar said, failing to meet her angry gaze
“Why can’t you live in the present? It’s me that’s here now,” She raged, crossing the room towards the cork board that the envelope was pinned to. Oscar didn’t even register what she was doing until she pulled it from its pin and threw it into the fireplace.
He was fifteen when he experienced his second breakup and surprisingly, it was not his ex-girlfriend that he cried over.
Oscar had tried to find Lando over the years but they had met so young that Oscar didn’t even know his second name. Despite the increasing popularity of social media, Oscar had failed to find Lando on the limited information he had about him.
What he never expected was the circumstances in which Lando would find him.
“Hello? Is this Oscar…Oscar Piastri?” A quiet female voice asked over the line, Oscar wasn’t even sure what made him answer the unknown number.
“Yeah, yeah it is,”
“I’m contacting you about Lando, he used to be a friend of yours right?”
“L-Lando? Yeah, yeah he was, do you know him?” Oscar almost choked at the mention of his name, his voice shaking as he spoke.
“I’m his sister. I’m so sorry to have to tell you this but- he passed away a few days ago, h-he left something for you in his will,”
That phone call was probably cemented in Oscar’s memory as the worst moment of his life. He had learned that Lando had been battling with a rare, incurable disease for most of his life and had left Oscar a letter- a letter that Oscar could barely even bring himself to read the first time he had opened it with tear filled eyes and a clenching heart.
Kneeling on the damp grass in front of Landos tombstone was a harrowing moment in Oscar’s life when he finally managed to tear open the envelope.
A letter to my first love
Or maybe I should say to my only love. There was never anyone else Osc, I fell in love with you as a kid and I never quite got over it. When you left, it felt like my entire world had fallen apart but I was content in knowing that you were probably off living your best life.
If you’re reading this letter, then I’m gone, it feels weird to write this, knowing that I’m going to die some time soon and never get to see your face before it happens. I can’t drag you into this- I found your contact details a few months ago and I’ve given them to my sister, I can’t bring myself to call you because I know it’s not fair- to confess my love to you only to die before we ever get to explore anything. It wouldn’t be right.
I love you Osc, I’ll watch over you, I promise! Just don’t do anything embarrassing otherwise my ghost will haunt you.
If you ever loved me even a fraction of how much I loved you then I’m going to die a lucky man.
I’ll see you eventually, but hopefully not soon. Live your life Oscar, the way I wish I could live mine.
Yours, forever and ever,
Lando x
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