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Chic Textile Cord End

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tolkienesque and irish forenames + cornish names + norwegian fjords BUT excluding "j"
Abhán Aindor Aircil Airick Airin Alaglás Allys Allás Amhuadong Amlin Anaili Angenbord Angosa Ankinn Aoilm Aolavis Aonoril Aorden Arado Araise Arays Arbhen Arbhilís Arden Arroven Arviobh Auresearr Aíbhfhlen Barlait Barmarden Barnair Beaglán Beamhear Beimë Belemboar Belrodh Beogeatan Bernhard Beroibhán Berollen Bethic Bilza Bleggo Blias Bline Blirin Bluglán Bolán Borden Borhele Borthéodh Brahin Brane Branghna Brann Bredwyn Bremo Brinn Brionc Bulen Bundseach Bébhacán Bøkso Caick Caidhell Caist Caisund Caithghar Calli Caodre Caoifen Caranean Carbhlan Carna Catannbri Ceach Celey Celye Cemey Ciach Cianden Cilkeusen Claith Claitra Clanan Coldord Conarfin Conna Corden Cordend Cothen Cróidhán Curna Curuan Curwa Cúmhairn Dacil Dagappen Dallair Damand Damhgh Dangrany Danna Dargern Deanchta Dendonda Denduirea Denwelyn Dersand Diamir Dilmo Dirla Dochan Dombar Dombleg Domhagron Domir Donny Dubhachen Dubhestan Dubhflain Dubhice Dubhlín Dundil Eachy Eanncass Ebashan Edilín Eibhlatne Eidhgha Eighalis Eiren Eires Elealhumo Elecarrig Elegrang Elemna Elena Elett Elias Elimhín Ellachon Elmán Eltiach Elway Elwynwyn Empen Enber Ennylen Eoilin Eother Ereggas Erinin Eäredrah Fallachúr Fauglanm Felegoth Feoilmal Ferver Fiarbróg Findry Findur Finelewen Finglim Flaid Flasan Flaven Flodanm Folcoin Forcán Fordeid Francat Frina Fréanán Gamber Gamhall Gamus Geanait Genkis Gilir Gilrow Gireamûl Glaitë Gluilmo Glumavi Gobharadh Golmaer Gorden Gosadh Goven Graphanne Grindë Grine Grolcwin Gunduros Gusir Gwiden Gwincha Gwinden Gword Gwyne Hacharaph Hadamhón Hadarden Hadûnan Halangy Halannal Halindenn Hallaid Hanglad Haras Harred Heankind Helbel Hemen Heworddy Howay Huadhnach Huruath Ianaith Ibhlas Idhait Ilimhna Imbroim Imstin Indisil Inéan Islán Ivrion Iúdán Keach Keamrow Kemindë Kernain Keula Kewin Kisil Kitlín Kivil Kudagh Kuddamray Ladal Laith Lamhna Larayn Latho Legereb Lewey Ligín Lúthen Mabhawke Maeleth Maenorda Maerúthic Magord Mahick Mahlalo Maith Malaik Malleca Mallord Mallynwë Maothal Mardease Marvorden Masaen Mastë Matar Maulen Mauscail Mavath Mavik Mayes Mesin Miregil Miréaghan Mofáin Mondhán Monnambas Muddenwa Muibhóg Muindir Míchord Mídend Mídís Nacher Nainn Narghan Neffen Nidhnep Niochnán Norden Næran Oddenwin Olmóidh Olroil Omuir Onowey Orden Ornartúri Oseor Oslán Ossian Ostar Ostasheld Ostín Palls Pawny Peach Pedisna Peickann Perbhlene Pergha Pernílian Perwin Pethar Phait Pordey Pornhen Prevelo Pádregon Póinch Póisa Póistir Rachán Raglarr Ragréan Raiden Raoll Roden Ronch Rouccadra Roves Rundenord Rundian Réaglúk Rídín Ríose Saldamhán Saoddan Saskin Seannbra Seárig Sharkda Siach Siand Silkh Snalla Sorden Sprodh Stargo Stecthrán Stríman Sunúmehe Syngwalin Syvdse Syvyvy Séadar Séamrezza Súrishlar Tacaoigh Tadin Tanch Tanáin Taradhán Telen Telley Tellfin Teriú Thelin Themien Tholf Thráic Tiarbhir Tigimhín Tindis Tippay Torden Trean Trear Treard Treatamhe Trebarad Treca Trefuin Tregas Tregasha Tregenhan Tregerne Tregervir Tregidor Tregil Tregung Treguse Treha Tremenen Tremeria Tremerra Tremnail Tremne Treth Trethwen Trett Trevaros Treven Trevil Trewen Trewenin Trewine Trick Trocal Tríannán Turase Tyargo Uadan Ualainin Ulegolór Ulthuor Vailick Varker Varnor Veasa Veggor Vinbery Virelli Volcwin Vorin Walachán Wenstreg Whecar Yrigne Yrkalch Ythamh Yttorden Yávilber Yávis Áróir Åkrair Éassias Éisinm Éodháic Éomfhlain Ídench Økstan
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Just added on www.kolibribeads.com 9.1 x 2.5 mm Sterling Silver 925 Cord Ends or End Caps in Sterling Silver for 2 mm Cord (14 GA) (2 Pc.) #silver #cordends #sterlingsilverends #925cordends #925terminators #braceletconnectors https://etsy.me/3iGuMAu https://www.instagram.com/p/CncmcBiLZcT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Smilie cord ends! 😀 #behappy #haberdashery #cord #cordends #fashion #smilie #fun #finish #garment #ideas #inspiration #london #sourcing #buyer #soho #kleins (at London, United Kingdom)
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Pack of 50 Silver Coloured Cord Ends 6mm Metal Tassel Bead Caps for just £3.19 Pack of 50 Silver Colour End Caps for Cord, Clasps and Tassel Making. 6mm Length. 6mm Diameter. Create Unique Jewellery, Crafts and Charms. Metal Alloy. Sizes are approximate. Also available: Pack of 50 Silver Coloured Cord Ends 6mm Metal Tassel Bead Caps https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/633085587/pack-of-50-silver-coloured-cord-ends-6mm Pack of 20 Mini Musical Note Silver Charms. 13mm x 8mm. Music Pendants. 1mm Thick. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/633080205/pack-of-20-mini-musical-note-silver Pack of Bronze Lion Star. Pendants for Bracelets, Necklaces & Beaded jewellery. 29mm x 19mm https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/633072099/pack-of-bronze-lion-star-pendants-for Silver Gemini Charms https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/480209211/10-x-silver-gemini-charms-21mm-x-18mm Gold Round Metal Split Rings https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/538231074/20-x-gold-round-metal-split-rings-20mm 50 Bee Charms https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/540153460/50-bee-charms-bronze-silver-available www.dojore.etsy.com www.instagram.com/dojorecreates www.dojore.com Website: www. dojore.com Etsy: https://etsy.com/shop/dojore Ebay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/dojorecreates https://www.instagram.com/dojore_etsy/
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925 Sterling Silver (SOLID) Flat End Cap for just $1.17 FREE SHIPPING!!!!! Shop $300.00 or over and get free shipping. Code: 300FREESHIPP 925 Sterling Silver (SOLID) Flat End Cap To buy click the green button "Add to Cart". After you pay I will send you the item the next business day. Or will contact you if any changes in handling time. I will accept returns with no problem. Just returning costs will be paid by you. And please contact me prior return. Returns accepted during 30 days after delivery. - - - - ABOUT ME - - - - - I am an artist, crafter and retailer. I started to make my own jewelry couple of years ago and I fell in love with natural gems, beads and findings. I am offering you my personal choice of supplies for jewelry making. I also sell jewelry made by me in "Made by me" section.
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cordend off from everything else
i torture myself in silence
every piece and part of me
is pitted like a cherry
grotesque forms aside themselves
a puss filled boil rises
it bursts with poise and without form
and splashes on the visor
i am but a pill i take
i lag behind
and write my thoughts
i carve them on my arms
acceptance is nearly all i seek
a party of four at table three
two people sharing prizes
one leaves the restaurant crying
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Chic Textile Cord

For more: chic-textile.com
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(via CLEARANCE Dojore Pack of 60g (Approx 300) Micro Gold Colour Teardrop End Charms for Chains, Earrings, Necklaces, Bracelets, Jewellery and Crafts. 7mm x 1.5mm: Amazon.co.uk: Jewellery)
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Back in stock 3.5 mm Sterling Silver 925 Cord Ends for 3 mm Cord - End caps with loop (2 or 10 Pc.) Made in Europe - Nickel Free #silver #jewellerysupplies #terminators #cordends #sterlingsilver925 #silvercordsends #kolibribeads #kolibribeadsupplies #ireland https://etsy.me/37dqkNQ https://www.instagram.com/p/B8V-2vpBWLT/?igshid=1va8dyrtyefd2
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The right zipper or button isn’t the sort of detail you’d notice on a runway or in a street style snap; it is immediately obvious, however, when you touch and feel — and actually wear — a garment. Though not necessarily perceptible at first glance, the combination of engineering and artistry that goes into creating a single zipper can make the high prices of designer clothing far more understandable. And, in recent years, those small details and closures are also a place for menswear brands to create innovative styles unique to their labels and to display their logos; in essence, hardware is crucial for these designers to establish their brands.
That ranges from flashy pieces such as Louis Vuitton’s pin closures and chainlinks and 1017 ALYX 9SM’s signature buckle, to the small, nearly imperceptible branding details; take a close look at the cordends on an Off-White™ hoodie and you’ll see they read “METAL TIP” in tiny lettering on the bottom.
“They force us to think, to be better, to do something new, something different.”
“With menswear, they experiment more. This is where the streetwear contamination is coming aboard,” says Nantas Montonati, Group Sales & Marketing Director for Swiss manufacturer Riri, which creates everything from zippers and snap buttons to cordstoppers and eyelets at its production sites in Italy and Switzerland. Some of the company’s signature creations include the universal zipper slider and the zero snap button. “What we try to do with our zippers and our snaps, and everything is to have it look beautiful and be, really, a design element, as part of it rather than just a functioning piece,” says Ben Howell, CEO of Riri USA Inc. “Riri is the brand for the brands,” as Montonati puts it.
The company is tight-lipped about the brands it works with, but savvy shoppers can spot its products on garments from the likes of Louis Vuitton, Public School and Dries Van Noten. And streetwear brands in particular are helping Riri, which was founded in 1936, to push forward new ideas. “These guys coming from streetwear, they like us very much, but they have very uncommon ideas,” Montonati tells HYPEBEAST. “They force us to think, to be better, to do something new, something different. So I really appreciate them.”
In the streetwear sphere, few have made hardware as crucial to their branding as Matthew Williams, whose 1017 ALYX 9SM label has made technical gear-influenced details into a luxury good. His rollercoaster buckle has become the brand’s signature piece, appearing on everything from belts and bags to jewelry — even a poncho. Though inspired by equipment at a Six Flags theme park, the buckle makes reference to rock climbing gear, with a kiloNewton rating written on the exterior (its classic belt boasts a 24kN and 12kN rating, while the aforementioned poncho includes a 10kN and 5kN rating). Whether or not the €300 EUR belts are actually suitable for rappelling up a mountain is unclear.
Brands like Prada and Heliot Emil have followed Williams’ lead in that regard. But for his first Dior men’s show, Kim Jones went a step further and commissioned Williams to translate his signature rollercoaster buckle for the French fashion label. The new version loses the kiloNewton rating for all manner of Dior branding — not only in the form of the house’s logo, but with the CD initials transformed into the buckle’s shape. And like Williams, Jones has not shied away from adding the buckle to every accessory he can. Along with the new bee motif created by KAWS and the modernization of the house’s Oblique logo, it has become a staple of Jones’ rebranding of Dior for men.
Hardware as a form of branding isn’t attractive for all streetwear designers, however. “There’s a lot more hardware in general recently,” ACRONYM designer Errolson Hugh tells HYPEBEAST. “But this is more about a look than anything else; it’s hardware as an ornament or as an aesthetic for the most part, so it’s not really interesting for us.”
Innovative uses of hardware certainly isn’t new for ACRONYM, which Hugh founded with Michaela Sachenbacher in 1994. However the small brand’s profile has risen considerablysince Hugh was tapped to revive Nike’s ACG line, moving techwear as a whole from an underground subculture to a popular, Instagrammable style.
Hugh nonetheless remains focused on function over style, sourcing from whatever supplier can provide the quality and consistency he needs. “Material determines possibility. For example, the snap we use on our Gravity Pockets was originally engineered to last for ‘three generations.’ With this type of fatigue curve we felt confident that it could perform the way we need it to,” he says. Watching the label’s pieces in action, it’s easy to see why a high-functioning zipper or snap is so essential to making them work.
“We’re much more about the tested and true, even if we use them in unorthodox ways.”
It’s for that reason that Hugh in fact doesn’t commission any custom closures. “We’re not really fans of super brand new things in general, actually,” he explains. “We’re much more about the tested and true, even if we use them in unorthodox ways.” That attention to small details delights the brand’s devoted followers, such as the discovery that the ACRONYM x Nike Air Presto Mid includes a locking zipper. “I don’t know if they’re secrets, but there have always been non-obvious uses and functions built into ACRONYM garments,” Hugh says.
To stay ahead of the curve however, the zipper industry needs to not merely keep up with established houses, but establish close relationships with designers at the beginning of their careers. “We decided to place the showroom in London because there are three major fashion schools based in London: Central Saint Martins, London College of Fashion and Royal College of Art,” YKK PR executive Anna Stefaniak tells HYPEBEAST.
YKK’s products are found on everything from Levi’s to Yohji Yamamoto (though it too is quiet about officially confirming its client list), but its status as the number one zipper producer in the world means it is more associated with the mass market rather than bespoke production. However, in December 2015 the Japanese company opened its first ever showroom in London’s Shoreditch district, which Stefaniak says was a “revolution” for the company in allowing individual designers to interact with YKK.
“Before you had to be a big brand to place an order with us,” she says. Now freelance designers or fashion students can make an appointment and purchase small orders of YKK products. And considering it is facing increasing competition from Chinese producer SBS for the mass-market consumer, YKK is smart to showcase its more design-minded capabilities with the showroom. “It’s kind of like our dream to have this kind of showroom in every city,” Stefaniak says.
Developing relationships with designers early on is key for Riri as well. Though its products are likely out of most fashion students’ budgets (if you have to ask how much their zippers cost, you’re in the wrong place), the company forges connections by visiting schools like FIT to give students sample products. “We sponsor a lot of people,” Howell explains. “We need to help the industry and we need to help the young people starting out. It’s in their interest in and also in our best interest.” After all, the race for new styles never ends.
Currently, the manufacturer sees lacquered plastic as one of the trends in hardware that still poses the biggest technical challenges. As Montonati explains, lacquering plastic components in different colors can not only create a bottleneck in production, but the final product is also far more prone to chipping than the galvanic metal finishes more traditionally used in luxury products. “Durability of the lacquering, this is something we are working on a lot because it’s definitely a trend, and we have to make it much, much better,” he says. As menswear designers continue to send eye-popping colors and monochromatic looks down the runway, Riri is looking to car manufacturers to learn how to make more durable colored finishes.
Sustainability is also changing the industry; with more luxury brands going green, their partners and manufacturers need to as well. “They need to know what our carbon footprint is so they can put it into their calculations because they’re buying things from us,” Howell explains, and adds that Riri has appointed a sustainability manager to look at everything from air filters in their offices to dyeing processes in their factories. There’s also a trickle-down effect with designers using more sustainable products as a whole; according to Montonati, “green” leather can have extreme effects like oxidation on metal hardware, which means more research, more testing and more development to make products to fit with the new materials.
“The quality of product is our first step in sustainability.”
But durability — a zipper or button that will still work after thousands of uses — remains perhaps the most crucial factor in creating sustainable hardware. “The quality of product is our first step in sustainability,” Stefaniak says of YKK’s efforts in the arena, which she says have been part of its ethos since its founding in 1994. The Japanese company is also looking to accessibility as a new frontier for closures, with zippers that can be opened with one or no hands in production.
many of these details remain imperceptible for anyone but the wearer, the countless social media accounts dedicated to documenting fashion means young consumers are more discerning than ever before. “Millennials are going to Instagram. They see everything. There are some sites that, let’s say, make it evident, the difference. That’s good for us,” says Montonati.
That can influence as well how some designers choose to brand their hardware. “We have a lot of customers that rather than put their name on it would like to have the Riri name,” Howell says. For those in the know after all, the name means as much as the Louis Vuitton stamp.
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Chic Textile Cord End

Have Nice Weekend For more: chic-textile.com
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Chic Textile Cord End

For more: chic-textile.com
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Chic Textile Cord End

For more: chic-textile.com
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10% off on 2.5 mm Sterling Silver 925 Cord Ends, Sterling Silver Terminators for 2 mm Cord (12 GA and 13 GA) - Sterling Silver End Caps (2 pc.) #silver #beading #cordends #sterlingsilverends #925cordends #silvercordsends #925terminators #kolibribeads #kolibribeadsupplies #ireland https://etsy.me/2unPzPK https://www.instagram.com/p/B6-sM2vhoXN/?igshid=1kxv21i9jks4z
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