#coral island jack
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coral-myland · 10 months ago
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“Pumpkin blade”??? Who is moving to Coral
Island? Who??
Found in the spare room at the ranch.
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pastelskyesblog · 11 months ago
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Excitement bubbled within Skye as she journeyed southward, anticipating encounters with familiar faces. Passing by the ranch en route to the Carpenters, she couldn't help but hope to stumble upon Kenny and Jack.
To her delight, she spotted Kenny, lost in his music as he played the flute. Skye gasped in amazement. "It feels so real," she marveled to herself, awestruck by the lifelike nature of the game.
Entering the ranch, she soon crossed paths with Jack. "Holy cow, I'm actually meeting all the characters," Skye exclaimed, her disbelief mingling with wonder.
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mikeru6 · 5 days ago
more whiteboard fox drawings by me (and assisted by others)
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characters are Jack Martin coral island and Simon lotf😁
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queenmuzz · 10 months ago
Oh, look it's the guy that basically forced me to buy this game.
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jack-mart1n-bl0g · 12 days ago
"Hallo! youngster, come below and I'll show you your berth. You and I are to be mess-mates, and I think we shall be good friends, for I like the look o' you."
Hallo! And welcome to Jack Martin's ask blog!!
This is Jack Martin's ask blog from the classic book: The Coral Island! Feel free to ask him questions!! With that I will be tagging lotf with his asks since they're connected?.. In a way??
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Only rule is to not ask Jack suggestive questions or implications. It doesn't matter that Jack is canonically 18, it makes me and potentially other people uncomfortable. So please be respectful of this rule.
The person who runs this ask blog isssss.... @dally-cola-aka-money !!
Ummm, any who yeah... Go ask him stuff guys.. Heh. Also sorry if this intro sucks LMAO 😭
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coral-nerd · 1 year ago
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pxelatedtrash · 6 months ago
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Some funny conversations with Jack! Raelynn made a note to avoid Jack's cooking if she could help it.
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coralislandthinks · 1 year ago
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Jack that's rude, kenny's amazing
also does everyone in this game have daddy issues?
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hug-kiss-marry-kill-farm · 6 months ago
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coral-polls · 6 months ago
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genericruleroftheflies · 1 year ago
I think it’s funny that Coral Island Ralph like loves (admires whatever) Coral Island Jack, but LOTF Ralph’s feelings about LOTF Jack go back and forth.
I do think it’s maybe because in Coral Island Jack is 18 and Ralph is 15 (I think…) so I would assume it’s written in a way where Ralph is like “Older kid = cool by default”
But since Jack and Ralph are basically the same age in Lord of the Flies, when Jack wrongs/crosses Ralph, Ralph’s admiration bubble pops.
You think LOTF Jack is written in a way where like he feels like Ralph should just love him unconditionally and is mad he doesn’t— is this a multiverse?
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narnialotf · 2 years ago
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He might be a psychopath, but who cares He can sing C#
Jack Merridew book accurate aesthetic (lotf, 1954)
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charli3emily · 4 months ago
A deep dive into the character of Ralph🐚
It is directly stated in chapter 4 that Ralph was one of the most comfortable about being on the island and his earlier actions shows thisThe only time he was show to feel worried was when he was forced to face reality(mulberry boys death,the war,getting rescued,ect). We also know that his life before the island had likley been falling apart. His mother was gone for some reason(as yk i hc her as dead which is the most common theory) and the war had gotten to a point where he needed to return to the Navy leaving him alone. He was in a new school(the boarding school which is all brought up in chapter 7) and likely shortly after the war has gotten to a point where they needed to be sent of to saftey. Those itself would be incredibly stressful for any kid of his age but adding in all of the previous changes it would be too much for anyone to deal with. So when he survived a crash and ended up in this paradise like place(which he likely had already dreamed of or loved in some way due to his original intrest of coral island which was brought back in that graphic novel) this would almost feel like an escape from the harsh reality he has been living in for atleast a few months. This would explaine why is reaction why his initial reaction came off as so odd. He was exited because he finally got an escapeHe also then gained a position of leadership(similar to his father who he is show to look up to) and a friend(Jack) taht he was finally able to get close too(Ralph is highly implied to move around as a child which would make making and keeping friends very difficult). Ralph loved the island so much because it was the first real escape he had. And having to accept reality took this feeling of stability away and forced him to accept that things where it good. We also know that this wild nature was somthing he had previously loved. In chapter 10 he brings up his last home again and how he loved the wild nature(which at that point he no longer loved) so the island would be even more enjoyable. When piggy once again mentioned rescue in chapter 4 and immediately after Ralph saw the boat he was still in the ehad space of dealing wirh reality which explains why he reacted so strongly. And of course the fact that he wa sthe cheif and it felt like his responsibility .This also makes the island falling apart even sadder because it was the only good thing he had left and it was stolen in 6 days with a weight that fell directly on his shoulder. And in the end he is confront with reality for the last time when the naval officer reprimand him for not doing enough to keep things in order despite him doing all taht he good in teh situation he was put in. And we know that war was still clearly going on(chapter 6 with the dead parachutes) so he was also forced to go back to that grim reality after the book concluded. Thsi would be 100 times worse if the original cannon of the nuclear bomb destroying London was still cannon.
If anyone chose to fully read this thank you
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dusk8 · 5 months ago
Each characters reaction to the 70th anniversary of lotf
*at the nursing home*
Ralph: wow Jack it's been 70 years since the island
Jack: huh who knew I would be stuck in this hell hole with you 70 years later
*Roger sitting in prison after getting a life long sentence + 100 years extra*
Maurice would probably throw some old person reunion with the littluns (well there not little anymore 💀) and some of the choir boys + ralph
Simons skeleton at the bottom of the sea floor:
Piggy's skeleton at the bottom of the sea floor:
The mulberry birthmark kids ashes being apart of the dirt on the island:
(sorry if any of these are ooc I haven't read the book in over a year)
Also I might draw Simon and piggy's skeletons at the bottom of the sea floor with like colorful coral and seaweed on it. It would be sad but pretty looking. Oh wait right I can't really draw skeletons..... I'll figure out a way to tho.
Edit: how tf do I find a picture of a 12 yo skeleton to use as a reference photo????
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years ago
R Azul Ashengrotto - Beach Wear Voice Lines
Due to event restrictions, Groovy related lines are locked until the event has been cleared. I will update once these are unlocked. Login line has been captured. Beach Wear Azul does not have a vignette.
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Summon Line: Innovative inspiration arises from unexpected circumstances. Perhaps it is precisely because we are on an uninhabited island that I may be able to conjure up new business ideas.
Groooovy!!: Laying out on the beach to watch the sunset is actually rather lovely, isn't it?
Home: Let us sally forth towards the beach.
Home Idle 1: The water around this island is unbelievably delightful. The water is warm and there are no predators. It is a far cry from my hometown.
Home Idle 2: We opened a book, and were transported to an unknown world, hm. There could be high demand for something like this, so I'd like to study it further once we return.
Home Idle 3: Ace-san's cheerfulness is incredibly astounding. I never expected there to be any human that would be this excited about the beach.
Home Idle - Login: Stitch truly is a strange creature. He's highly intelligent and small in stature, yet quite powerful. ...His occasional destructive tendencies is a major fault of his, however.
Home Tap 1: A suit would absolutely be out of place on a beach. A casual attire like this is much more appropriate for lounging along the seashore.
Home Tap 2: If I were to describe the Coral Sea in one word, it would be "vast." If you ever decide to visit for a vacation, you may come to regret it.
Home Tap 3: Jack-san has a very dependable nose. I myself would never be able to sniff out the whereabouts of fruit like he does.
Home Tap 4: We must maintain a close watch over Floyd's mood. If, for any reason, he tires of procuring provisions, it will affect our own subsistence.
Home Tap 5: What could you possibly... ...Oh, it's you. I thought it may have been Stitch-san coming to pester me once again.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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coral-nerd · 11 months ago
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.... sir he is Visibly crying
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