untamedmeadowes · 4 years
(Un)Familiar Faces
LOCATION: McKinnon Estate DATE: March 11, 1982 @coragreengrass​​
Things had not been going great for Dorcas, lately. (She supposed that was fair: things had hardly been going great for the Order of the Phoenix, either, or for the Wixen World at large, but still.) She still winced at the sight of soapy water, although at least making a blithering fool of herself in front of Emma had ended with her learning that her friend wasn’t engaged so that could, at least, have gone worse...
Still, she’d needed a little bit of solace. A little bit of space. And while normally losing herself in the shops and side streets of Diagon Alley did the trick, being anxious about running into Sirius Black and having to think of something else to say to him undercut the sense of ease that that pastime usually brought, and she was too antsy to drop with ease into the pages of a comforting book (although it would probably do her good to try) and there weren’t many other places she could go and feel calm...
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So she’d come to the farm. It wasn’t the best place, with the itch of the Dissendium Task Force ever-present and the chance of running into another member of the Order who might bestow a lecture for perfectly reasonable behavior...but it had space, and if that much greenery wasn’t familiar enough to be comfortable, it was also different enough to be calm. So here she was, walking in from a long walk through the trees and fields for a bracing cup of tea before she went back to the shop to at least pretend to do some of the work her parents keep pressing on her, and feeling calmer than she had in weeks...and then she spotted Cora. Or, as she’d thought of her initially, Not-Emma.
Dorcas grimaced, but forced herself to keep walking. Here was a conversation that was hardly going to improve her sense of calm, but she had managed to avoid the other witch since she’d so unceremoniously and incorrectly brought her to their former headquarters after the disastrous events at the Rosiers’ party and it was well past time to stop avoiding things, no matter how potentially unpleasant. Dorcas knew she could only hope that her mistaken recruit turned out half as well as Emma’s Sevie... “Uh, hi,” she said, mustering a smile. “Cora, right? We weren’t, uh, properly introduced and I looked uhhhh a bit different last time we saw each other but, uh...how are you settling in?” She stuck out her hand.
Please don’t be a traitor, Dorcas thought, and made herself smile harder.
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starbrightblack · 4 years
Date: Evening of February 14 Location: Rosier Study Starter: @fletchermundungus​ (next) @coragreengrass​ (after)
Sirius chuckled, partially just to feel and hear the difference in how it sounded as Morgana. They’d slipped away from the main party quick and easy enough. Sirius didn’t actually know the Yaxley’s well enough to know if Morgana was usually so glued to her husband, but he’d kept his arms entwined firmly around Mundungus’ to help them get through faster. A little PDA could have people’s eyes skittering away from even the most beautiful of people. 
Now that they were in the office, though, they had no need to stay so close together. “I’ll check on the desk, you check on the bookshelves?” he suggested, already striding forward. He almost tripped on his skirt again, so Sirius shoved it to the sides, letting the slit widen to expose both legs. Sirius leaned over the desk, scanning file names and document headers to help get a sense of the Rosier’s sense of organization. 
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spellnbone · 4 years
“Get Me”
Cora fell to the ground.
There was no doubt that the woman towering over her knew her, ready to speak an incantation through her silver mask. She drew her arm and --
Her wand was whipped from her hand. She jumped to see where it had coming from, turned around herself but couldn’t see anyone. Then she scrambled for her wand. It was gone a moment later again. “Who’s here?” she yelled, but there was only another spell fired at her feet. On her way out, she leaped after it.
Edgar let her. She didn’t look like she wanted to come back any time soon.
Once she was gone he slipped down from the dark timber that crossed held the roof upright and landed before Cora’s feet. “Miss Greengrass,” he said, offering his hand to help her up.
“Mister Bones, I’m so relieved. I thought everyone was already gone.”
Edgar smiled. “Well. You weren’t.” Which made sense to him, but possibly didn’t to her. It had him almost chuckle. “Come now, let’s make sure we do catch up, though.”
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rylandgreen · 4 years
“Mourn Me”
Ryland stared down at the grave. He hadn’t dared stay long after the funeral, not wanting to draw any more attention from unhappy family than he could help. With the way she had died, too, Ryland couldn’t be sure if all the tears and mournful faces were genuine. How many of them hated her for dying in an Order attack? Had one of them been the one to do it?
“We should go,” Isla said quietly, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Ryland reached up to squeeze hers automatically. It had grown dark while they’d been standing here, and he knew Isla was right. Still, he focused all of his magic on the red glove from his pocket and managed to reshape it with his wand into a flower. It wasn’t necessarily a perfect rose, but he hoped Cora would appreciate the thought.
It was all he could give her.
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dedalusdigg · 4 years
Restaurant in Diagon Alley | Dedalus Diggle & Cordelia Greengrass March 13th, 1982 Closed starter for @coragreengrass​​
Dedalus felt a bit... awkward, and it wasn’t a familiar or a pleasant feeling. But his reason for being here in the first place was embarrassing, especially considering that he and Cora had always been more casual acquaintances rather than friends. She seemed nice, though, very sweet, and he would feel comfortable having this conversation with her if it wasn’t about such a silly issue. But oh well. No point in beating around the bush any longer, he supposed, and so he took one last sip of his drink -- plain water, what had he even come to.
“You’re probably wondering why I invited you out for lunch this suddenly,” he started, only the slightest bit sheepish. “And I’ll be frank, I actually have a favour to ask. You’re well within your rights to say no, of course, and I wouldn’t hold that against you, but do hear me out, please.” Here, he cleared his throat lightly, putting more thought into his words than usual. “As you might know, I haven’t exactly been the best at... engaging with many of our peers and their events over the past few years. I won’t get into the details, they’re not particularly exciting anyway, but I have been making an effort to return to the scene as of late. The only issue is, I seem to have missed quite a bit and forgotten even more. And here comes that favour I was talking about -- I would be immensely grateful if you could help me find my footing once again. And I would be more than happy to offer something in return, naturally, whatever that might be.”
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dearborncaradoc · 4 years
tempered by fire
LOCATION: Diagon Alley District, London DATE: March 21st, 1982 STATUS: closed | @coragreengrass
Caradoc was in one of the many side-alleys of Diagon Alley, which made up the larger shopping district that bore the same name, when the explosion hit. Strong enough that there was no mistaking that something had happened. Something bad. And one had only to raise their eyes to the sky to see them: dark marks, high above the smoke clouds, marking two targets among the many. The Death Eater had struck Wixen London this time, trying to make an example out of someone.
Without hesitation, Caradoc ran towards the explosions instead of away from them. Wand in hand, he was going to find out more about what happened and, what he would soon come to realise, was still happening.
Their Silver Masks and dark cloaks made them easier to spot even in the frenzy the explosions had caused, yet the crowd proved them with a shield as well as with targets, and it was not easy to engage in the battle without risking hitting an innocent bystander.
As he was about to turn into Diagon Alley proper, a familiar figure dashed in front of him. Cora Greengrass. Ryland’s cousin. She wanted to join the Order, another pureblood who appeared to say all the right things when asked. What about her actions, though? Was she going to flee away, as other had done at the first sight of danger, or she was going to stay, risk her own life in the process? 
He could not afford to wait for an answer. He reached out with his hand to grab her arm, dragging her out of sight. 
“Put this on,” he ordered her, a harsh command, as he pushed his Phoenix Tag in her hand. By the end of today, he would know if she deserved her own. “And follow me, if you want to fight. Or you can go, but then do not come back to us,” he said, staring down at her. 
The choice was hers to make.
“Make it quick.”
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homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
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The following player(s) have not met activity requirements this week:
Annalise Fawley - @annalisefawley Cora Greengrass - @coragreengrass Alice Longbottom - @alicealongbottom Emma Vanity - @properpureblood-emma
Please post a para or a character development within 24 hours or the role will be reopened.
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untamedmeadowes · 4 years
Accidental Rescue
LOCATION: Rosier Family Estate DATE: February 14, 1982 @coragreengrass
Dorcas was going to murder Ndulue Travers. One scream, one blast of shattered glass, and the wix was gone? Were they part of the Order of the Phoenix or not? If you were fighting in a war, you had to be prepared to stand your ground when things got scary!
Not that Dorcas was exactly standing hers right now -- but that was only because she was running instead. Straight down the upper stairs and through the ugly scene in the hallway (don’t think about James, dead on the floor; don’t think about James, dead in Lucius Malfoy’s stupid robes; don’t think about James, dead!) counting on the weight of Perpetua Bullstrode’s reputation and the perceived frailty of her erstwhile ��age” to bully her through the little gathering crowd -- no one would think she’d had anything to do with it, after all, and of course the old lady would want to get away from the trouble and sit somewhere quiet, right?
Dorcas wasn’t doing that, either. Instead, she had shoved her way through the steadily-increasing chaos of a posh party beginning to turn to panic, looking for Emma. Where was she? Was she all right? Daisy-slash-Igor couldn’t possibly be trusted to keep Emma safe by herself; Daisy hadn’t even used a wand in a year! She was useless, that’s why she’d been stuck on distraction duty rather than one something useful like Dorcas -- but Emma had been stuck there with her, to make her look good, and now Emma was in danger and Dorcas couldn’t find her and--
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There! Soft brown curls, just a flash of them through the glitter of the guests and the eerily-increasing number of silver masks dotted amongst their number, but it was enough for Dorcas to lunge forward and grab a pale arm with Perpetua’s strong, wrinkled hand. “Are you all right? I’m here, don’t worry about the Death Eaters, I’ll get you out of here,” she barked with her deep, commanding Old Lady Voice -- and realized only too late that this wasn’t Emma.
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rylandgreen · 4 years
Date: March 25, 2982 Location: 14 ½ Royal Crescent Starter: @coragreengrass
Ryland had been trying to convince himself to invite Cora over for weeks. She was in the Order now. She was trying. She hadn’t ever been directly involved in what had happened to him. But something had been holding him back. This house was still his sanctuary--and some days the only holder of his sanity--precisely because he’d been paranoid and not provided anyone in his family immediate ready access. Purposefully changing that, even for Cora, felt incredibly daunting.
When he heard she’d been involved in the battle in Diagon Alley, though, Ryland didn’t hesitate. It wasn’t a permanent open on the wards. Currently Gideon was the only person who had one of those, and his argument to get it had been Pippin-related. Instead Ryland had owled Cora, requesting she come by at tea time, then had told the house, “Cora Greengrass arriving by floo or apparation mid- to late afternoon.” Then he’d busied himself on small tasks to have a little food. When he received an owl of affirmation, Ryland focused doubly so. He had everything ready except the tea pot itself. Most would have just cast a warming spell on it, but Ryland didn’t have enough faith in himself for that. It could wait. So could he. Ryland sat quietly, a book next to him but not actually open as he waited for Cora to arrive.
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homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
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The following player(s) have not met activity requirements this week:
Cora Greengrass - @coragreengrass​ Peter Pettigrew - @peterdpettigrew Amelia Bones - @justicebones
Please post a para or a character development within 24 hours or the role will be reopened.
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