#copywriting agency near me
kbmediacorp · 8 months
Communications & Copywriting Infographic
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Looking for exceptional copywriting, content creation, and communications services in Ottawa? Look no further than KB Media Corp. Contact us today! https://kbmediacorp.ca/communications-copywriting/
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aldhrsolutions · 1 year
Best SEO & Digital Marketing Services | Aldhr Solutions
Boost web traffic, gain quality leads & increase conversions by availing our data-driven services for your SEO, Digital Marketing, Paid Adverts, Branding, Social Media, Web Design & CMS
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theprgroup · 2 years
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Professional press writing
Professional press writing is really important if you are looking for prompt Exposure, raised sales potential, the possibility to boost the effectiveness of your marketing strategy, opportunity to brand yourself as an industry expert, increased traffic to your website and search engine optimization as well.
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skynapple · 2 months
About + Links!
Here's a little about me!
Master List links and fandom tags below too!
Blogger: Madi or Sky, (26), she/her I do art #my art. I write and sing from time to time.
Been on Tumblr since early 2012. I'm not here for drama.
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Corporate!Madi works at a small creative and marketing agency (from hell) as a graphic designer, illustrator, production coordinator, storyboard artist, project manager and traffic manager, script writer, copywriter, occasional mailchimp journey-builder, budget builder, strategist, sales lady, and more.
Mostly Love and Deepspace (LNDS): #madi plays lnds
RWBY (Separate Blacksun blog: @fromshadowstosun)
DC (Bat Family)
Occasional Star Wars but since that's closest to my heart I have not one but TWO separate blogs @recklessjediknight (Anakin-centric and catch-all) and @tanalorrs-heartthrob (Jedi Games focused)
My Hero Academia
Viewer discretion advised: I am a Christian and tag anything religion related as #sunday tag
Newbies to Tumblr may not know this but most blogs will have a viewable archive, you can scroll back a lot faster from a birds-eyes-view.
For the LNDS fans! I post,, a lot.
NA Server: "Skylar Moore" #82000111114 I gift daily.
Favorite characters:
Xavier *weeps* I am too loyal to him, have like 95% of his cards, and level up pretty much no one else. I have gotten to open orbit 60 on Xavier 3*s and s p i t e.
By proxy, Jeremiah. I'm self-proclaimed captain of the Jeremiah Protection Squad. I have committed to near single-handedly building up his tag and was the first to use his tag on A03 where he was the main character and not just comic relief.
Zayne, strong second no thanks to a few people here.
I love all of everyone, even all the side characters.
Say hello to my muses!
If I ever RP and embarrass myself on main... #madi does lndrp
Jeremiah RP: @jeremiahofphilo
Astra Ask Blog: @sasstras-gaze
Fic Links:
Budding Romance (Jeremiah x MC) - PG, Ongoing
Deepspace Gossip (Xavier x MC) - PG, Drabble
5 More Minutes (Xavier POV, slight angst over MC)
Different Resonance (Xavier x MC) - PG, One-Shot
Midnight Dew & Promises (Jeremiah x MC) - PG, Platonic
If you read this, drop your favorite ice cream flavor!
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fairycosmos · 1 year
how did you get that kind of job without a university marketing degree or whatever? i'm kinda struggling here :(((((
it was a (relatively) long process of trial and error and a lot of freelance work/not having a stable income but basically to break it down. a few yrs ago i went to careers advice and asked how to maximise my future prospects or whatever and the first thing they said was add ALLL of ur skills onto your resume even if youve never used them in a job role before. if you're proficient in (or capable of learning) excel, photoshop, adobe creative suite, wordpress, social media, copywriting, seo software....even if youve never used it in a professional capacity its rly good to kind of emphasize ur digital skill set as much as possible and start researching it as much as possible too. then i started a wordpress blog and would write copywriting articles on there (or in google docs) even though i had no one to send them to lol just to build a portfolio that i could send out to freelance content and copy writer agencies who were hiring. there's tons of tips and articles and pdfs online that can help you write great articles and help u learn content design. anyway i did this for a longgggg time and finally got some actual freelance work coming in. from this, i started interviewing for actual full time copywriting jobs, and was hired to intern at a digital agency at the end of 2021. did that for months then went back to freelance but was able to get more projects with my slowly growing experience. while doing freelance i was interviewing for a shit ton of full time copywriting and content management roles, most of which i got rejected from after like the 1st interview. finally i heard back from a team i had interviewed for and they had me give a presentation outlining my approach to copywriting/media managemenet and from that they've hired me and ive been really really lucky that they have. unfortunately that's what i think it was more than anything, like a stroke of luck that they saw smth in me and took me on despite me unconventional background. im rly rly grateful to them for it. i would also encourage you to look for literally any volunteer opportunities in admin, soc media, bookkeeping - it looks rly good on the resume and can sometimes expand into a job. also look up general cv tips cause there's a ton of cheatsheets out there that can help you get yours to the top of the pile or near the top. good luck and im really sorry you're struggling atm!! ive absolutely been there and it's honestly so discouraging, the amt of times i quit job hunting while doing freelance out of sheer despair was a lot. it's hard but there are ways to show what you have to offer in a really favourable light, and the more you interview/resume edit/write the better you will get. it's all one horrible big skill at least that's how it felt to me, and i still suck at it. just clawing my way up TBH. anyway sending you a lot of love ❤️ hope you catch the break u deserve soon. X
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goshdangronpa · 7 months
When I'm not writing Danganronpa fan fiction, I moonlight as a professional content/copywriter. All the fresh discourse about plagiarism is reminding me of some formative experiences in my work life, and certain people I've met ...
My first job was with a fast-paced marketing company. The in-house writing team maintained weekly blogs for a bunch of clients, and each writer had to write two 1000-word blog posts a day. That's tough, especially for someone who was still pretty fresh in the field. We were salaried rather than hourly (!), so there was no incentive to staying late ... but that also meant the company didn't have to fret about overtime pay, so we could stay late if we needed it. I'd regularly be the last one in the office, still pumping out words in the struggle to meet deadlines.
Much of my time was spent on research. I knew little about the subjects at hand, which were sometimes highly technical, so I couldn't just BS my way through assignments. I even requested and received permission to take one client's worker education course, just so I could know what the heck I was writing about. It didn't seem at all remarkable to me. It was a job. My job. Although I could've been better, or at least faster, I simply did what needed to be done.
I learned that others took a ... different approach.
One supervisor was on sabbatical for the first couple of months I worked there. I respected them as my superior. Then I was assigned to peer-edit one of their articles, something we did with everything we wrote. One uncited claim led me to Google ... where I found a nearly identical article already published. Supervisor did the ol' switcheroo of amending sentence structures and swapping words for poorly chosen synonyms. I brought it up with them, saying I wouldn't report the incident but urged them to not do that. I can't recall what happened next, other than not trusting Supervisor anymore.
After three months passed, I was up for employee review. The bosses liked what they've read - yay! And then they said, "Here's why we're not giving you a raise." My stomach dropped. Apparently, they checked how many articles everyone wrote. I was behind on a quota I knew nothing about. If I wanted more money, I should take a page from the writer in the lead. Champ had somehow written 60 articles in the past month. Amazing! My employer set a goal much humbler than what my work friend had surpassed. If Champ could do that much, surely I could do this little.
Reader, I did my best. I stayed at the office later and later, especially as the date of my next employee review drew near. Due to my salaried status, I wasn't even paid for that overtime, but I put in the time anyway. It was all for nothing. Just a week before the next meeting, where they would've decided whether I deserved a raise or not, they laid off virtually the entire writing department. Apparently, underpaying freelancers who don't get benefits was easier.
Only one person from the crew stayed. If it was gonna be anybody, it was golden goose Champ, who maintained their insane pace. I wished them well.
Anyone wanna guess the secret behind Champ's prodigious output? It's the same reason they got fired just a few weeks later.
The reveal was a betrayal. We were friends, Champ and I, getting each other through the grind of the content mill with sarcastic humor and deep conversations. They encouraged and motivated me to keep up, all the while hiding some dirty tricks that eventually helped them stay in the race while I spun out. I was shocked to discover that I had zero empathy for them. But they deserved none, the filthy plagiarist. Haven't spoken to them since finding out.
This may not be as sordid as everything H. Bomberguy discusses in his brilliant new video. My coworkers and I were literally anonymous, with no clout to speak of, let alone abuse. Our clients were small businesses with little platform, which is why they contracted a marketing agency in the first place. Still, it hurt the hell out of me, and I wasn't even the one being copied! Plagiarism is a curse word in my household, lowest of the low (without getting into, like, actual atrocity).
And you know what? Years later, what I wrote for that company still holds up in my eyes. Those old blog posts aren't exactly the Great American Novel, or even on par with what I'd write as I gained more experience, but I put the effort into writing high-quality and original stuff. I worked hard. I still work hard. As self-deprecating and even self-loathing as I can be, I'll always pride myself on this. May you writers out there be able to pride yourselves on this, too.
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ccbb2222 · 2 years
Could i ask for a comfort one, where the reader had a bad day and just starts to lose hope completly but Ted helps them on their feet again with his sillyness? 👉👈
:) Definitely! I was about to sit down and write tonight anyways, so this comes at just the perfect time. One-Shot based on the prompt above ^^ No warnings, just fluff :)
The past few months offered you a series of highs and lows. Each day, you tried to remind yourself that the highs outweighed the lows: moving to England from the States, bumping into an energetic man with a mustache one evening at the local pub, and then slowly but surely navigating the flirtation that seemed to blossom between the two of you. One date had turned into four, then five, then before you knew it you were having the talk about expectations, what you needed from each other, and where this all was going. Ted had been a welcome surprise. Not knowing anyone in Richmond, he served as your enthusiastic tour guide and networker. He took you under his warm and inviting wing, and you nestled there as often as you could.
Moving to England had not been part of the plan. You were burned out at work, your friends all started new chapters in their lives and moved away for their respective careers, and your relationship with you long term boyfriend slowly crumbled as you grew apart. Needless to say, you needed a change.
Moving to Richmond was a wonderful solution, but it didn't solve everything.
The fact of the matter was, you were still applying for a new job, and the temporary gig you had freelance copywriting for a local shop was not enough to keep you afloat.
So as you sat in your flat, and your inbox pinged with the latest recruiter's name, your heart skipped a beat. The agency you interviewed with seemed fast-paced and challenging. You made it to the final round of interviews with them, and your heart raced as quickly clicked the message labeled: Re: Final Round Interview
Immediately, you were filled with dread when you got to the second line of the email: At this time we have decided to move forward with another candidate. Another job lost out to someone better. The cycle of applying, interviewing, and facing rejection was slowly chipping away at you, and this most recent rejection brought frustrated tears to your eyes. Would you ever be enough?
Just when you were about to give in and let them flow freely, you hear the familiar sound of the spare keys jiggling in the lock. Usually, you loved the milestone you and Ted had reached: keys to each other's places, but tonight, you just wanted to lay down and cry.
"Howdy ho!" Ted's cheerful voice greets from the entryway. You were sat at the kitchen counter, which gave you approximately six seconds to pull yourself together before he reached you.
In typical Ted fashion, his mouth didn't stop moving after his initial greeting. "Man, I gotta tell you, baby, today was a wild one at practice. Dani did this flip-kick ninja move that damn near blew my mustache right off my face." Moving into the kitchen to set down some takeout, he doesn't initially notice you trying to compose yourself.
"Freakin' incredible. Then Rebecca told me to tell you that she and Keeley are hoping to take you out with them this weekend. Now, those two know how to have a good time. Let me tell you. By the way, I brought home some—" He turns around to finally look at you and halts his words when he sees the tears brimming your eyes.
"Hey now," He comes around the counter quickly, bending to meet you at eye level. "What's got you so upset?"
You shrug, trying to play it off. "It's nothing, I'm fine," Your voice wavers at the word fine and you give yourself away.
His brows furrow and you see the concern in his brown eyes, taking you in as he runs his hands down your shoulders, over the crease of your elbows, and finally reaches for your hands.
"Baby," He speaks softly, "I'd very much like if you told me what's got you upset. Seein' you upset makes me upset." His voice is so earnest and full of warmth.
"The agency I interviewed with," You start, and he nods encouragingly, "They emailed me just now. I didn't get it, Ted. I don't know how many jobs I need to apply for or interviews I need to schedule. I'm just so tired and maybe this whole thing was a mistake. I don't know what to do anymore," The tears flow freely and Ted moves to wipe them away with his thumbs.
"Oh shoot, honey," He pulls you close to him and you immediately smell the familiar scent of his cologne, "You got every right to be upset. But I gotta tell you something, okay?"
He pulls away, looking at you once more. "I know this hasn't been easy for you. Hell, it shocks me every day how difficult it's been. I've read your stuff, and I know I'm your boyfriend and all, but you're damn good at what you do. And one of these companies will see that. I'm sorry these others haven't but you don't want to work for those jerks anyways."
You sniffle and nod, "Thank you, Ted."
"I'm always here for you, you know that right? For every good day or bad day." He brushes your hair behind your ear and gives your forehead a kiss.
"I know that," You say with a soft smile, "I know something will work out. It's just...this latest rejection really pushed me over the edge."
Ted nods understandingly then asks, "Did I ever tell you about my first coaching job?" A small smile appears on his face.
"Hmm...I don't believe you did."
"Ohhh this is a good one." He straightens up to stand and claps his hands together, "So, back in the day when I was starting out, I tried to get a coachin' gig. It took me a long time. I tried applying for high school teams, college teams, junior college teams, but no one took me." He shrugs. "That was until I got to coach the senior league."
"The senior league? As in..." You trail off with a raised eyebrow.
"Old people. Yeah."
"Oh baby, you should've see them. Granted, they weren't allowed to tackle. It was more of a flag football type situation. Well," He's lost in his own thoughts again, "They couldn't run very fast so the whole thing was a bit of a bust. But yeah, the two local nursing homes in my town decided to start a league."
"There is no way this story is true," Your sides were splitting with laughter picturing a young Ted coaching old men in American football.
"You better believe it." He smiles at you. "And you know what? Eventually everything fell into place for me."
You smile, standing from your seat to wrap your arms around his neck, "You just always know what to say, Coach."
You feel his shoulder tense, and you pull back alarmed, "Did I just unlock a kink or something?" You raise an eyebrow.
He blushes looking down, "I, uh, have no idea what you're talkin' about."
Dropping your arms from his shoulders and stepping back, you begin to walk towards your bedroom throwing a look over your shoulder, "I think I need some help in here, Coach."
You smile when you hear steps following quickly behind you.
This is how I picture Ted coaching old people. Idk, that concept made me laugh.
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seomarketinglondon · 21 days
Google Ads Agency Near Me in London
Google Ads Agency in London: Targeting Professionals and Businesses
Google Ads Agency Near Me in London
By collaborating with the skilled knowledge of a renowned Google Ads agency, you can gain proficiency in keyword research, advertisement copywriting, bid optimisation and campaign assessment. This targeted know-how implies your promotional budget goes further for the best outcomes.
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, partnering with a dedicated Google pay-per-click advertising company like ours can give you a competitive edge by maximising best practices.
SEO and Google Ads Agency in London
As a business operating in the highly competitive London market, it is crucial to have a strong online presence and effective digital marketing strategies. A reputable SEO and Google Ads agency in London like ours can be instrumental in helping your company achieve its marketing goals and reach a wider audience. Try the best Google Ads agency London has now!
Our Google agency employs a team of experienced Google professionals who specialise in search engine optimisation (SEO) and Google Ads management. They possess the expertise to analyse your website, identify areas for improvement, and implement tailored strategies to enhance your visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). By optimising your website’s content, structure, and technical elements, we can help you rank higher and attract more organic traffic.
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cobreja88 · 6 months
A Marketing Company Near Me Can Help Increase Your Revenues
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Marketing firms near me can assist businesses in creating and executing effective marketing strategies designed to boost revenues. These companies offer services such as digital, product, and brand marketing management. Serial Scaling was established in 2019 as a marketing agency offering content marketing, pay-per-click advertising, and online optimization services in Brooklyn, New York. Moburst Moburst is a global mobile success company dedicated to helping brands expand their mobile apps. Their team integrates creative thinking, advanced technology, and data analysis to effectively target audiences that convert into loyal users for brands' mobile apps - an approach Moburst believes is at the heart of successful marketing at scale. They specialize in app store optimization (ASO), localization, search engine optimization (SEO), influencer marketing, and increasing organic awareness and app downloads - helping Samsung double their social media app downloads and Discovery Network to increase conversion rates by 27% as examples of their success. Their teams of dedicated specialists prioritize client satisfaction and work closely with clients to meet their goals. In addition, they focus on career development and offer many perks that keep employees satisfied such as parties and conferences, subsidized meals, and even a snack drawer! Netpeak Netpeak is an SEO agency specializing in PPC, web design, and digital marketing services for various businesses across various industries. Their staff of experts boast expertise, creativity, and dependability and offer free trials of their services. They offer an impressive range of tools designed to assist with day-to-day tasks, including Netpeak Spider and Checker designed specifically for SEO specialists and webmasters. Both these tools can save time and effort when used regularly, as they're user-friendly. One of their clients is a two-factor authentication company, which they've assisted in increasing organic traffic and keyword rankings by conducting keyword research, improving website UI/UX design, and producing monthly reports. Their superior project management has resulted in positive outcomes for this client and they offer flexible billing options as well as responsive email communication. SEM Nexus SEM Nexus' team of professionals is widely recognized for assisting startups in building and promoting mobile apps. Their expertise lies in app store optimization, social media ads, and influencer marketing - helping their clients meet their goals effectively. In addition, SEM Nexus also provides SEO, content creation, and conversion rate optimization services. SEM Nexus employees typically average an estimated annual salary of $72,475; this amount may differ depending on factors like position, department, and location. SEM Nexus assisted an automotive technology firm in launching and promoting their mobile app with digital marketing services like website development and ad campaign management. Their client was delighted by how quickly and thoroughly SEM Nexus answered their questions and concerns; also noted that the team is responsive and communicative through weekly email updates and meetings; ultimately recommending SEM Nexus to other companies. Lilo Social Lilo Social is a full-funnel performance agency, dedicated to increasing conversions and driving revenue for e-commerce brands by employing data-driven decisions alongside creativity in its comprehensive marketing strategies. This company offers PPC, SMM, and email marketing services for various clients. In addition to that, they also provide copywriting and Klaviyo email automation. Most recently they helped one women's fashion brand reduce its CPA by 50% while quadrupling direct-to-customer sales; with efficient workflow and clear communication being two of their strengths. This company provides comprehensive social media management services for TikTok and Instagram, including content creation and monitoring services as well as training for your team. They can optimize websites for SEO purposes and build landing pages - with flexible pricing structures depending on several services provided and the size of the community served. Jives Media Jives Media is a full-service marketing agency serving startups to Fortune 500 companies. From website design to 1:1 consulting services, they have proven track records of creating tangible and measurable results for clients in real-time and throughout the continental US. Based in San Francisco. These professionals provided SEO services to a virtual assistant company, leading to an impressive increase in both website traffic and leads. Furthermore, the team was highly communicative, acting as an extension of their client's team. Digital Marketing company offering SEO, PPC, and social media management. Also provides UX/UI design, AR/VR development, and branding. Their clientele includes the e-commerce, travel, and education industries as well as their team of experts have extensive experience with working on complex websites as well as creating custom solutions and innovative strategies tailored specifically for each customer. MeanPug Digital MeanPug Digital was founded by two former in-house marketers with experience from startup growth companies, who brought an entrepreneurial mindset to legal marketing. Now partnering with law firms as growth partners for everything from branding and website development to CRM services and legal content management systems - they provide full growth solutions from a start-up mentality. This agency utilizes multiple strategies to generate leads for law firms, including Google Ads and Facebook ads as well as content marketing to increase brand recognition and strengthen a firm's reach and brand authority. Personal injury law firm hired them to design and build a new website with improved UI/UX and organic traffic-boosting features for them to boost. The client was pleased with the work completed by this team as their clear communication and responsiveness impressed their client greatly. Furthermore, SEO strategy development will soon begin to boost rankings of this firm in search results and ultimately increase leads received. PBJ Marketing PBJ Marketing is a digital marketing agency that assists businesses in expanding online with content and search engine optimization (SEO). Their team of marketers creates social media strategies designed to boost brand recognition, generate leads, and drive conversions. In addition, they also offer copywriting services as well as website development. Washington-based agency providing a full suite of digital marketing services for small businesses, non-profits, and medical clinics. Their marketing specialists use creative yet scalable strategies to develop digital campaigns that meet client goals and objectives. PBJ Marketing stands out as an award-winning B2B marketing agency on Clutch with an established clientele and excellent client satisfaction scores. The firm prides itself on being transparent in both pricing models and pricing practices, employing experienced teams that strive for collaboration rather than baked-in fees or ball-and-chain engagements; furthermore, it has received various industry accolades in recognition of its work. Serial Scaling Serial Scaling is a creative technology company that crafts innovative solutions tailored to its client needs. Their team of specialists collaborate to produce powerful digital solutions that assist businesses in expanding and improving operations. Their experience in business growth allows them to provide customized strategies designed to optimize results while cutting costs. Serial Scaling was hired by a yoga nonprofit to improve its search ranking and website traffic. Their team utilized keyword research, SEO optimization, and Google Ads to increase organic search results. Zook, Asana, and Slack were utilized for communication and project management respectively - these proved reliable services that saw significant increases in rankings and traffic compared with their original results - the client saw noticeable gains as a result as they have recommended Serial Scaling to other companies as well. Ideahash Ideahash, established in 2019, offers digital advisory services with just over 10 employees on board. Their focus includes marketing, technology, advisory, and advisory services for businesses attempting to overcome challenges and achieve growth; their services also include Big Data Consulting/Big Data Analysis/CRM consulting/CSM services/custom software development services as well as consulting for Big Data Analysis. Smart Sites is America's one-stop digital marketing agency offering PPC, SEO, website design and development, web design as well as landing page optimization services in New York. Their dedicated account manager helps clients build lasting digital footprints using custom content creation, landing page optimization, and social media marketing for maximum impact. Known for innovative creative solutions with tangible results they strive to make an impressionful first impression and last impression with every interaction with clients. Resources: Social Media Body (Click Here to Unlock Your Social Media Supremacy) Article Forge (Click Here and try the Most Affordable, Unique Human-like Articles Writing Platform) Entre Institute (Click Here to Find the Secret to Become Millionaire) GetResponse (Click here to try the Best Email Marketing Platform For a Huge Discount)  Hostinger (Click Here to Start with One of the Best Webhosting Solutions at a Huge Discount) Pictory (Click Here to try the Easiest Video Creation Tool for Content Marketers) Fiverr (Click Here to Find the Perfect Freelance Services for Your Business Honest Loans (Click Here to Sustain Your Business With More Founds) Read the full article
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creativecourse · 7 months
Make Them Convert: The Secret Sauce To Writing Like A 7-Figure Ecommerce Copywriter Information Do you struggle to write high-converting ads that interrupt, shock, and convert your audience? Do you stare at a blank screen for hours frustrated, not knowing what to write? Or do you want to learn how to unlock the minds of your customers to know EXACTLY what’s going on inside their heads so you can sell to them like candy to a baby? If you said YES to any of these, keep reading because this course is designed specifically for you. Make Them Convert gives you the tools you need to write 6-7 figure Facebook ads - even if you have no background in writing copy. This course is the byproduct of over $10,000,000 ad spend that myself and my agency have managed to scale a dozen businesses to 7 figures through Facebook ads. And in the last 5 months, we’ve condensed all our knowledge into this inclusive, simple-to-use course so you can explode your results on Facebook by simply writing better copy. Who is this course for? An ad agency owner who’s losing clients left and right because of unprofitable ad copy and want life-changing results for their clients and their own business. A freelancer who wants to start a lucrative agency through writing highly profitable copy but doesn’t know where to start. A business owner who writes his/her own ads and wants to make significantly more money from them. If you’re any of the above, or you just want to learn the foundations of learning high converting ad copy, this is for you! What You’ll Learn In This Course? How to Effectively Do Market Research to Uncover Your Market’s Deepest Desires and Greatest Fears. What You Need To Learn About Your Offer To Sell It Effectively (You Can’t Sell A Product You Know Nothing About) Offer + Market + Competitive Research Template and Customer Avatar Template Effective Copywriting Angles You Can Use When You Can’t Think Of Anything To Write (I’ll Also Be Putting More As A Bonus In The Near Future) Where To Find Your Market (Even If They’re Hiding From You) And The Free Tools You Can Use To Find Them The Copywriting Manual That Will Teach You How to Effortlessly Write Copy - Even If You’ve Never Written A Single Piece of Copy Before. The 17 Powerful Techniques To Writing Copy That Will Keep Your Audience Reading - Without Getting Bored. The 10 Attention Grabbing Headlines That Stop Your Target Audience In Their Tracks And Get Them To Actually Read Your Ad. The Most Common Reasons Why Your Ads Get Rejected You Need to Know About to Avoid Stressful Bans That Cost Tons Of Money And waaay more. About Author Hi, I’m Mark William. I’m the managing director of Axiscale, a Facebook ads agency that specializes in scaling eCom businesses. I’ve managed over $10,000,000 on ads and I’ve helped scale a dozen businesses to 7 figures a year. And in just minutes, you’ll learn why this course is the key you need to make more money with Facebook Ads. But first, let me tell you a story. Before starting my own agency, I was a freelance copywriter and content writer, and I worked full-time in a startup Facebook ads agency. Back then, we didn’t have any copywriters on our team. So I had to learn how to write copy all while running ads for clients. I didn’t have the courses, programs, and coaching that I have now (I’ve spent over $40k in the last 2 years for these.) I struggled to look for information about copywriting and had to waste countless hours with scattered tidbits over the internet, when I could have just found it (and more) in one place. I lost A LOT of money in the beginning simply because I didn't know how to write copy. But I didn’t give up. I kept practicing. I wrote copy every day for two years. And I spent 70% of my earnings on training. I tested ads, analyzed their performance, and constantly made tweaks to improve my results. Copywriting didn’t only help me learn how to market our client’s products/services... It helped me understand how people think - what excited them, what made them tick, and what kept them up at night.
As a result, I was able to deliver WAY better results with my ads. And I became confident enough to start my own FB advertising agency with a dynamic team of people that have created these same awesome results for our clients. It felt great. And I wanted to share that feeling. I made a promise to myself to help other people learn how to write copy, faster and easier than what I went through. Since then, I've gathered everything I've learned, as well as my team's experiences, put it all in one course, and called it . . . Make Them Convert: The Secret Sauce To Writing Like a 7-Figure Ecommerce Copywriter. More courses from the same author: Mark Williams
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solutionlab · 8 months
Copy Editing Companies, Copyediting, Online Copy Editor Proofreader, Cop...
Copy Editing Companies, Copyediting, Online Copy Editor Proofreader, Copy Proofing
📚 Greetings, fellow wordsmiths and language lovers! Welcome back to the Youtube page of [www.solutionlab.online], your go-to destination for top-notch copyediting services! 🖋️✨Today, we're diving into the art and craft of refining language, polishing prose, and perfecting punctuation. If you have a passion for precision and a love for well-crafted content, you're in for a treat! 🎉 At [www.solutionlab.online], we take pride in being the guardians of grammar, the keepers of clarity, and the champions of coherence. Our expert team is dedicated to providing nothing but the best copyediting services, ensuring that your words shine as brightly as they deserve. So, if you're ready to witness the transformative power of professional copyediting, hit that like button to show your love for the written word! Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for regular doses of linguistic inspiration, tips, and tricks. But here's where we need YOUR help! 🌟 Spread the word about the importance of precision in language. Share this video with your fellow writers, colleagues, and anyone who wants their words to make a lasting impact. At [www.solutionlab.online], we believe that every word matters, and we're on a mission to elevate your content to new heights. Join us by liking, subscribing, and sharing this video with the world! 🌐📝And before we sign off, let's connect in the digital realm! Thanks for tuning in to this linguistic adventure. We can't wait to embark on more editing journeys with you! Until next time, keep those words sharp and sentences sleek! 🚀📖 👮‍For Your Inquiries Reach Us At:
📝 Email ID’s:- [email protected], [email protected] 📜.
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didographic · 11 months
Web Design Services: Why Hiring A Top Web Design Agency Near Me Is Crucial
Today’s businesses need well-designed websites. Your website is typically a prospective customer’s initial impression of your company’s professionalism and trustworthiness. Poor website design might deter clients.
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Benefits of Hiring a Web Design Agency Near Me
Hiring a web design agency near me can offer several significant benefits for your business or project. The main advantages are:
It’s easy to chat and work there. Face-to-face meetings, real-time brainstorming, and immediate feedback may hasten project completion and enhance outcomes.
Understanding the Local Market: A Local Web Design Agency Near Me understands your local market, target audience, and cultural subtleties better. This might help them develop a website that appeals to local consumers.
Personalized Approach: Working closely with a nearby agency allows for a more personalized approach. Your company’s website can be customized.
When the agency is nearby, you can arrange site visits and in-person meetings. This is particularly useful for discussing complex requirements, reviewing design drafts, and ensuring everything is on track.
Faster Turnaround Times: Proximity often leads to quicker response times and a faster project turnaround. Urgent updates or last-minute changes can be addressed promptly, helping you launch or update your website sooner.
Local Recommendations and Partnerships: Local agencies likely have connections with other businesses in the area, such as photographers, copywriters, and marketing firms. This can facilitate the process of building a comprehensive online presence.
Hiring local agencies boosts your community’s economy. Local business investments create employment and boost the economy.
Cultural Alignment: A nearby agency is more likely to understand your community’s values, preferences, and trends, which can be reflected in the design choices they make for your website.
Local agencies can help you network. Local web design and digital marketing events, workshops, and seminars may help you keep current.
Local agencies are more likely to cooperate with you over the long term. As your company grows, your website may need support, maintenance, and changes.
Quality Control: Being nearby lets you control quality more directly. You may supervise design, examine prototypes, and verify that the final product matches your expectations.
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How to Choose the Right Web Design Agency
Your website’s success depends on choosing the correct web design firm. Consider these variables before choosing:
1. Portfolio: Check the agency’s portfolio for compatibility. Assess their originality and competence by seeing their earlier website designs.
2. Client Testimonials: Read past clients’ feedback to gauge their happiness with the agency’s services. This might reveal the agency’s professionalism, communication, and outcomes.
3. Experience and Expertise: Consider the agency’s website design experience. A web design business with years of experience and trained workers is more likely to provide high-quality services.
4. Communication and Collaboration: Ensure the agency appreciates these. They should be open to your suggestions and questions throughout the design process.
5. Budget: Compare the agency’s price to yours. It’s crucial to remain within your budget, but investing in a top web design business near you may typically result in a larger ROI.
Understand Web Design Firms
Web design agencies make your website. They develop your website’s visual layout, interface, and experience. Our staff learns about your company’s objectives, audience, and brand. This allows us to design a website that suits your brand and communicates well.
Web design firms also guarantee responsive and mobile-friendly website features. Your website must be optimized for mobile devices due to their increasing use. A skilled web design agency near me will guarantee your website looks and works well across devices and screen sizes.
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What is the Process of Website Design and development?
Website design and development involve several steps:
1. Discovery and Planning: Learn about your company, audience, and objectives. Web design agencies study and plan website design and development.
2. Design: The web design studio will develop your website’s layout and interface. They will use your logo, colors, and font to create an attractive design.
3. Development: The web design agency near me begins development when the design is approved. They’ll develop, build, and integrate third-party plugins and tools.
4. Testing and Launch: After creation, the website will be thoroughly tested to guarantee compatibility across browsers and devices. Launch the website when all difficulties are fixed.
5. Maintenance and care: Websites need continual care and maintenance. The Web Design Agency Near Me will update, patch, and support your website. 
Tips for Hiring a Web Development Company
When hiring a web development company, it is important to consider the following key factors:
Choose a web development company with skilled professionals.
Customize web development solutions by focusing on unique features and functionalities that differentiate your website from competitors.
A web development company enhances website functionality with seamless integration.
Choose a web development company with scalable website capabilities for business expansion and increased traffic.
Ensure the web development company provides ongoing support for website security, optimization, and updates.
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What are the Advantages of Working with a Web Development Agency?
Working with a web development agency offers several advantages, including:
1. Expertise and Experience: Web development businesses employ specialists in several website development areas. They have developed websites for numerous sectors and may provide advice.
2. Time and Cost Savings: Hiring a web development business saves time and money on hiring, training, and managing in-house developers. They can effectively create and deploy your website.
3. Latest technology: Web development firms keep up with industry developments, technology, and best practices. They can use these technologies to build a cutting-edge website that fulfills your audience’s expectations.
4. Quality Assurance: Web development services have extensive quality assurance processes to guarantee your website is bug-free, responsive, and fully functioning. Before launching the website, they thoroughly tested it.
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How to avoid Common Web Design mistakes
If you want to provide a better experience for your users and boost your website’s performance, try avoiding these common design mistakes. Avoid these errors:
1. Poor Navigation: Complex navigation can frustrate visitors and make information hard to find. Your website should have simple navigation.
2. Slow Loading Speed: High bounce rates might hurt your website’s search engine results. To speed up loading, optimize images, reduce external scripts, and employ caching and CDNs.
3. Lack of Mobile Optimization: Mobile devices have made websites mobile-friendly. Mobile-friendly, easy-to-navigate websites are best.
4. Poor material Organization: Organize your material logically and structuredly to help users locate what they need. Headings, subheadings, and bullet points help with readability.
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theprgroup · 2 years
Professional press writing is really important if you are looking for prompt Exposure, raised sales potential, the possibility to boost the effectiveness of your marketing strategy, opportunity to brand yourself as an industry expert, increased traffic to your website and search engine optimization as well.
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notyouraveragebozo · 1 year
'Behind the Curtain' reflections - Day 850
Days keep adding up. Today, 4/30/2023, marks eight hundred and fifty days, since 'flipping-the-switch' on UniqueDestinations.org - going LIVE to the planet, on the last, possible day, of '2020' - envisioning'. Announcements were made 12/31/2020, sharing via Twitter: a B/W image; a 5-word cutline; and Domain name, with: 74 News agencies; 10 Specialty organizations (like Smithsonian, and Nat. Geo); and 63 billionaires, (or their Foundational, Twitter handles.) When the website went LIVE,... the website Header, Footer, aaannd, Copywrite,... were MISPELLED! 'Enterprize', not, 'Enterprise'!!! It was ONLY on Day 580, that recognition dawned within the mind! 580 days!!! -(This illumines a drawback, that may be found in very-small business entities,... by a single person, 'wearing many hats',... it makes work 'reviews' - 'near impossible'.) For 580 days, (for FREE, in 104 languages and voice) We had shared novel material with the whole planet, and 63 of the super-elite! - But shared it, with a 'big' flaw, attached! (It is ONLY because, of the nature of the intellectual property, remaining solid, that leaves me - comfortable - in my skin. This global faux-pas, did not cause me to flee, run, or scurry - back into into my cave. 'Yes', it was, 'highly undesired', to appear 'questionable', but,... with 'all', that was managed to be 'presented',... some slack, should be given,... I am human,... and humans, err. 580 days! (It still - 'sticks-in-the-craw', that it took so long to notice, but,... corrections, and improvements, have been made.) Today marks Day 850 of Presentation! 270 days since We learned to spell Our name correctly and chew gum,... We have high hopes for 'Tomorrow'! As things go today,... there is NOW, a RARE OPPORTUNITY! CALLING ALL ART COLLECTORS! Would YOU LIKE to OWN a MOST UNIQUE thing, the aesthetically-abstracted image, 'Abstracting Enigma'? UniqueDestinations.org is hosting the sale of this image, to fund the initial expenses for merchandise, the first being Our mysterious mug. THE ART AUCTION IS LIVE! ALL who register to participate in the Art auction, shall receive one (1) coupon for one (1) discounted-price mug! @arimelber @neildegrassetysonofficial Thought you might find this interesting.
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dizajn · 1 year
Copywriting Multilingual SEO Agency Europe DIGITAL MARKETING expert near me from Predrag Petrowitz SEO Expert on Vimeo.
Multilingual SEO Agency Europe DIGITAL MARKETING expert near me
optimized.video optimized.social seoexpert.contact seoyou.tube
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friedasalter · 2 years
How We Showed One Vancouver MedSpa Finding an Incredible, Dependable Promoting Agency IS Conceivable.
Like we list on our site, our Canadian-based organization offers practically every support you could expect for advanced showcasing: logo and visual computerization, custom web architecture and improvement, Web optimization and SEM promoting, virtual entertainment advertising, content composition, copywriting, pamphlets, and procedure counseling (golly!).
However, once in a while it seems like I could add one more support of that rundown: computerized specialist.
That is on the grounds that so many of our clients come to us in the wake of getting singed by different offices or web engineers.
They've frequently spent a fortune on a site that doesn't address their business well and, basically, creates no interest or deals. Besides the fact that they lose cash, yet they additionally lose time, energy, certainty, and frequently trust all the while.
That is where my job as a computerized specialist comes in.
I must assist clients with finding that working with an organization on their business objectives can really be productive and fun. I need to show them they can trust once more, regardless of whether they've been scorched previously.
Furthermore, that is exactly how we helped Deez Skin Rejù and Torment Center.
Marketing agency near me Dr. Dheshnie Thangavelu is a profoundly gifted, board-confirmed anesthesiologist and Expert Injector, working in both the sedative and stylish fields at her clinical medispa practice in midtown Vancouver.
She is likewise a stickler and splendid expert with a fine eye for detail - characteristics that simply weren't following through in her ongoing site.
What's more, since her current site neglected to both mirror her expert administrations appropriately and appeal to her objective market, she wasn't getting any new business.
No big surprise she felt consumed by the interaction!
Dr. Thangavelu was looking for an improved arrangement, and that is the means by which we associated on Instagram. Together, we began dealing with a total rebrand and site overhaul for her in the fall of 2020.
The outcome? Dr. Thangavelu currently has an expertly convincing internet based presence that mirrors her administrations and extraordinary selling recommendation. Furthermore, maybe similarly as significant, she has a showcasing group she can depend on, opening up her energy to zero in on what she excels at.
"Susan and Daniel are astounding," says Dr. Thangavelu. "They transformed my site into precisely exact thing I needed, and everybody has been seeing it."
Continue to peruse to perceive how we acquired Dr. Thangavelu's trust - and why we've kept it.
The undertaking initially
There are not many circumstances where a business needs 'just' a site. Our task for Dr. Thangavelu was really a 9-month staged approach utilizing a few colleagues.
Starting with the marking system, we then moved to watchword research so we could inject Search engine optimization with the planning and working of the completely streamlined site.
When the site was sent off, we proceeded with Web optimization strategies to guarantee the website could be effectively tracked down by the center's ideal interest group. We likewise started an online entertainment and computerized promoting effort for a 6-month time frame.
Furthermore, obviously, the task likewise remembered my hands-for talking with Dr. Thangavelu to assist her with understanding her greater objectives and dreams.
We should separate a portion of the critical parts of this excursion.
A total brand and site overhaul
We start each client with an inside and out brand investigation to characterize their interesting selling recommendation (USP), interest group, organization vision, brand situating and that's just the beginning.
This investigation made it clear we wanted another logo for Deez Skin Reju. Dr. Thangavelu's current logo had a dated vibe, and it didn't mirror the facility's in vogue, top of the line stylish.
Working intimately with Dr. Thangavelu, the last logo configuration is one she cherishes and addresses her facility precisely.
A more easy to understand site
Regardless of everything that the plugs might say to you, it isn't not difficult to fabricate a site. Without legitimate preparation and technique before you begin fabricating, a site is similarly prone to confound expected clients as convert them.
Dr. Thangavelu's current site didn't situate her as the master in her field, nor did it help clients explore and figure out her administration choices.
That is the reason one of the most vital phases in this website architecture project was to construct an easy to use route framework.
This incorporated a Super menu that uncovers each of the different medicines the center offers, alongside connections to their individual pages. Furthermore, some portion of our endeavors included figuring out Dr. Thangavelu's numerous contributions and items, making another brilliant guide to upgrade client experience on the site.
An innovative new celebrity program
We highly esteem genuinely being an all in one resource with regards to your web based showcasing. Furthermore, as a computerized promoting and business specialist, I love working with clients to assist them with getting perfectly clear on the techniques they need set up to begin getting more cash.
It's especially remunerating to work major areas of strength for with, ladies like Dr. Thangavelu who are eager to take their business to a higher level (believe me: you'll be seeing parcels more from this lady later on, and I for one can hardly hang tight for it).
Through our conferences, we concluded a celebrity program would be an incredible impetus to offer Dr. Thangavelu's clients. Tasteful methodology are a critical venture, and she needed to make that speculation more straightforward by offering significant participation benefits.
In this way, we created 3 yearly participation levels, which we then, at that point, executed on a committed page on the new site.
On-going help
Recall how Dr. Thangavelu had been singed by a past web designer? Indeed, that was simply never going to occur with us!
Working with us, you're rarely abandoned. Your prosperity is our prosperity, and we cooperate with our clients to assist them with accomplishing their objectives.
Specifically, this implies we offer Dr. Thangavelu (and our clients as a whole) sensibly estimated site upkeep rates presented in 10-minute additions. This makes it both simple and efficient to have continuous site refreshes done.
For Deez Skin Rejù and Torment Center, this has implied Dr. Thangavelu has had the option to change her celebrity bundles, add new administrations and items, and update her 'About' us page to incorporate new staff, all by sending a straightforward email to us.
Continuous SEM, content and virtual entertainment showcasing
Obviously, our work doesn't end when the site is finished! To help Dr. Thangavelu's center stay serious, make deals, increment leads and connect with their crowd, we have now turned our concentration to concentrated SEM and virtual entertainment crusades.
SEM represents web search tool advertising, otherwise called paid search, generally utilizing Google Promotions.
By purchasing traffic that drives to the site, we can quick track the site's way to the highest point of the indexed lists, ideally expanding deals.
We've carried out paid advertisements on both Google, Facebook and Instagram for Dr. Thangavelu. While her site has just been live for a couple of months and the promotions are still somewhat new, we've been invigorated by the speedy positive outcomes.
Making compelling web based promoting advertisements requires:
Focusing on geographic regions
Making promotion crusades that address the ideal interest groups in those areas
Composing pertinent promotion duplicate that will tempt and force their ideal interest group to tap on the advertisement
Observing persistently for snaps, impressions and changes
We likewise compose a month to month watchword rich blog entry for the site, further amping up the Web optimization of the site.
Web optimization represents site improvement and is a non-paid web based promoting procedure that revolves around upgrading your site and content with words and expressions that individuals would type into a web index.
It assumes a major part while we're constructing a site, however great Search engine optimization likewise requires new, new satisfied consistently.
By utilizing watchword and contender research, we make month to month blog entries that position Dr. Thangavelu as the master in her field, and her center as the most ideal decision for tasteful medicines in the Vancouver, BC region.
What's more, we likewise utilize these blog entries to create convincing bulletins her crowd is adoring. Dr. Thangavelu's last pamphlet had a 32% open rate, and an incredible 26% snap rate (note the business normal active clicking factor is just 2%!).
Obviously, we have laid out Dr. Thangavelu as a voice to trust, and when she puts out new happy, individuals need to understand it!
What's more, obviously, online entertainment promoting is our meat and potatoes, very much like it's the bread-and-butter of such countless private ventures.
What's more, we have Dr. Thangavelu covered here, as well, with her own committed online entertainment tactician who keeps her Instagram and Facebook stages dynamic with lovely and drawing in posts.
The final product? A flourishing center, and another site and showcasing project we can be pleased with. Site traffic has multiplied since the send off, and every month we're come by endlessly improved results. Also, by all reports, the center is flourishing! (Need a treatment yourself? Pursue the center's bulletin and you'll get 15% off your most memorable treatment!)
"Susan knew precisely exact thing I needed for my image and she didn't frustrate," Dr. Thangavelu composes. "I am so happy I inspired them to re-try my site. After so many 'guarantees' by alleged 'specialists' previously, I can perceive you that Susan and Daniel are the specialists in this field."
What's more, we're so happy Dr. Thangavelu entrusted us with a venture so precious to her.
As may be obvious, except if you're a promoting/specialized/creator master, rebranding your business isn't a Do-It-Yourself project. There are such a large number of significant marking, programming and execution components in question. Regardless of what industry you're in, you ought to consider recruiting a full-administration proficient website architecture and computerized promoting organization. to save you time, energy and cash while benefitting from an expert web-based brand presence you can be glad for.
To your business achievement,
Susan Friesen, organizer behind the honor winning web improvement and computerized showcasing firm eVision Media, is an Internet Trained professional, Business and Promoting Specialist, and Online Entertainment Counselor. She works with business people who battle with having the absence of information, ability and backing expected to make their web-based business.
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