#copia x gn!reader
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cumulo-ghoulll · 8 months ago
Flat pack furniture . . .
Copia x gn!reader
You and Copia try and put a bed frame together and he's not as useful as he thinks he is...
"C, you're literally screwing it on backwards . . ."
"I am not! Look! This piece goes there!"
You and Copia had been trying to put together your new bed frame for almost an hour and were both extremely close to giving up. He thought a little DIY project would do the both of you good but he was sorely mistaken.
"Copia, trust me! It goes there! Do you want some help?" you laugh while Papa sighs in frustration as he begins to unscrew the leg he'd clearly put in wrong.
"No, it's fine, I've got it! Trust me! I'm an expert!" he frowned. You murmur in disagreement. After fiddling with a screw for a little while, he lets out a low grunt in frustration. "I give up." sliding away and crossing his arms dramatically. "You do it." he mumbled.
"Alright alright!". You finish with the frame in around half an hour, spurred on by the little kisses Copia places on you knuckles, cheek, forehead, nose, and lips whenever he hands you a screw or you finished a piece.
"So clever, amore! Look at that!" He has finally cheered up by the time you had finish. You try to flip the frame over but you can't quite do it. Copia notices you struggling and rushes over to help. "No need to strain yourself, doll. Let me help your little noodle arms out!" he grinned.
"Noodle arms??" you gasped.
"Mmhm! Look at those lil twigs you got going on there!" he joked, squeezing your upper arm. Copia quickly flips the bed frame over and moves it into place. You drag the mattress onto the frame and Copia throws the covers on. You both sigh as the two of you sink into the bed. "I think I've done a pretty good job!" Copia boasts.
"You? Barely did any of this!" you pushed him playfully.
"I handed you the screws! And, I was moral support!! I was very useful!!"
"sure . . ."
"Thank you for doing this!" he grins as he plants another kiss on your cheek.
"You're welcome, Papa"
"So uhhh, how about we test this new bed out then, eh?" he winks as he elbows you.
"Yeah, I'm having a nap" you yawn as you close your eyes.
"You're the worst!" You know he doesn't mean it. You can hear him smiling as he speaks. Once again, he places a light kiss on your forehead as he wraps his arms around you and buries his head into the nape of your neck. His breath becomes softer as he begins to fall asleep. You'd never been to heaven but you assumed this is what it felt like.
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portaltothevoid · 1 year ago
Console the Griever - copia x gn!reader
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Grief is a fickle thing. It hits everyone differently, some more-so than others. We all have to learn how to deal with it and sometimes, no matter how long it's been, we just need comfort and a safe space to feel. Reader is dealing with it being the first anniversary of the loss of a loved one and Copia steps up to be the one they can lean on.
warnings: grief, loss of loved ones mentioned (no descriptions), everything is kept as vague and broad as possible to fit many situations, emotional hurt/comfort
word count: 2.8k
ao3 link
You could feel your insides shaking, your leg constantly bouncing. The work day was almost over. Freedom was so close, even if the only thing you did with that freedom was stay secluded in your room drowning yourself in memories of things, of people, you could never get back. 
A notification popped up on your phone. One of your friends sent you a meme, most likely. That seemed to be the way you communicated lately, solely through memes. The energy to have a full conversation was nowhere to be found and you couldn’t be bothered to look for it. Your eyes fell on the date. 
Knots twisted in your stomach. All day you’ve tried to ignore it, but it was bound to catch up to you eventually. Scrunching your eyes shut, you focused on your breathing. This could wait until you got back to your safe haven – it had to. You took a stuttering deep breath as you organized papers on your desk. Biting your lip, you hoped these tasks could wait until Monday. Staying on track wasn’t an option today, no matter how much you wanted to. 
“Topolina, before you go, could you just email these idiote (idiots) and tell them we have a petting zoo for i bambini of the Ministry for educational purposes and not for ritual sacrifices.” Copia pinched the bridge of his nose as he returned to his desk after setting down the information you needed.
“Of course, Cardinal,” you said quietly, after a brief and quiet laugh left you.
“It’s Papa now, cara,” he solemnly corrected you. 
Great. Another slip up. Your shoulders slumped at your mistake. Couldn’t you just get it together? “Sorry, Papa, I keep forgetting…”
“Ah shit. So do I,” he chuckled as he wiggled his fingers at you, now covered in his white face paint. He wiped it on his black, designer tattered pants absentmindedly before he frowned, having spread the white paint elsewhere. A nostalgic sigh was pushed from his lungs. “I miss my white suit,” he muttered.
“Me too,” you mumbled.
“What was that, cara?”
“Uh, I said, I know you do,” you quickly spoke, covering your small slip up. Your only further response to him was a tightlipped smile. It was just pleasant enough and all you could manage. An angry email. That was your mission right now. Then freedom. You could write a brief angry email.
As you went on with your task, you missed how Copia’s brows furrowed in concern. He knew you’d been acting differently lately. He wanted to chalk it up to just an off day; everyone has them once in a while. Then you started to smile less, his stupid jokes and quips that would always make you giggle barely made you give him more than a “ha.” Something was going on, and even though you were his assistant, a close bond had formed between you both. He hated seeing you turn into a shell of your former self.
Once the email was sent, you felt the crushing weight of the shadows in your mind fighting their way to the surface. You needed to get back to your room. Your breathing started to quicken and your hands were shaking. “Email’s sent. I think that’s it for today, unless you need something else…” you trailed off, praying to Lucifer himself that he would allow you to go home for the day.
“No, no, that was it.”
“Okay, I’ll see you on Monday,” you responded quickly, gathering your things.
“You’re not going to be at dinner?” he asked.
You shook your head. “Um, no, I don’t think so… well, uh, maybe, I don’t know,” you rambled.
“Is everything alright, dolcezza?” You froze at this question. Dolcezza was a rare term of endearment. It carried more weight than the others. This wasn’t Papa asking you, it was Copia.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Your pitch rose, betraying you just enough to earn a raised eyebrow from him. You tried to make your voice sound happier, more even. “Everything’s okay. Just a long week. Case of the winter blues, you know how it goes…” When he didn’t respond right away, you finished making your way to the door. “Have a good weekend, Co– Papa.”
Keeping your head down, you rushed back to your room. With a pounding heart and a heaving chest, you breathed out a shaky sigh as your hand lingered on the now closed door. You threw your bag down at the foot of your bed before you fell backwards onto it, staring up at the ceiling. Dragging your eyes to the window, you noted the weather. Exactly the same as last year. 
The memories sucker-punched you the instant your mind made the connection. Tears rolled down your temples, and before long you were choking back sobs, not wanting the sound to carry to the nearby rooms. Bringing your hands to cover your face, you curled into the fetal position, where you let the wave of emotion, of pain ride its course. 
How had a year gone by already? How had several gone by? You were no stranger to loss, but it never gets easier. All you wanted was to just stop everything in the sense of responsibilities and duties and expectations. It was getting more and more tiring to hold it together in front of everyone. You were seconds away from breaking down today in front of your boss. Even before his… promotion… the two of you could have almost been considered friends, he had just experienced a multitude of losses himself and you couldn’t dump all of this onto him. He had enough to deal with and you certainly weren’t about to add anything to his already full plate. That being said, there were also the formalities that had to be respected. 
You had no idea how much time had passed since your sobs had quieted. A ding from your phone pulled you back into the present moment. Curiosity got the best of you to at least see what the notification was, despite planning to ignore it. A grimace pulled at your features as you saw it was from Copia. Ideas of what the text could contain raced through your mind; you forgot to do something important, he needed you to come in for a bit tomorrow, another email had to be sent, you really fucked who-knows-what up and you’d be reprimanded… Biting your lip in apprehension, you slide the notification open.
Papa Emeritus IV:  Are you sure you're alright dolcezza?? You really haven’t been yourself lately… I hope this isn’t too forward. I just worry about you topolina mia. I am free tonight if you need or want to talk about anything. –C
Well, that was certainly unexpected. You threw your phone on your pillows like it was a hot potato. A blush reddened your cheeks as your heartbeat sped up, finally not because of anxiety. 
He was just being nice. There was no need to read into this. With how much time you spent with him in his office, albeit in a work environment, of course he would know some of your mannerisms. He was incredibly smart. He didn’t get to where he was by being stupid. That being said… perhaps he would be the one to really be able to understand what you were going through. 
Over and over you read that text, your mind racing. Should you respond? What would you even say? Do you want to talk to him? Why is he being so insistent? 
Darkness fell over your room, so you got up to turn on a light, but that just turned into you pacing as you tried to decide what to do.
Again, you lost track of time ruminating in your own world. Your eyes widened when a soft knock at your door stopped you in your tracks. Taking a deep breath, you cautiously went to open the door.
Copia was waiting outside, chewing his lip nervously, as he held two plates of food. “I’m sorry I–” you both said at the same exact time. 
“Go ahead, Papa,” you nodded, encouraging him to go first. It still felt so strange to refer to him by his title.
“I, eh, I noticed you didn’t really have lunch and… you weren’t at dinner, so… I just wanted to bring you this. I promise I won’t bother you again. Well, until Monday. I guess it’s your job to be bothered by me, no?” he laughed nervously as he rambled.
He was here because he cared. So, you listened to the little voice in the back of your mind that was whispering to you how you were more than just an assistant to him.
“Th-thank you…” was all you could manage to say, in shock by the kind gesture.
“Have you been crying, carissima?” he whispered softly. Okay, and then with his use of carissima… That was a new term of endearment, which made your heart skip a beat.
“Is it that obvious?” you laughed humorlessly, but it died in your throat when you saw him regarding you with such concern. You stepped back, giving him room to enter. “I guess I could use some company if you want to have your dinner here… if you’re still free?”
“Certo, certo. For you? Always,” he said as he stepped inside. “I was, eh, hoping you’d say yes.” The shy smile he gave you melted your heart and you swore you saw the slight blush under some spots of his fading papal paint from the long day.
Although your apartment was on the smaller side, it was still large enough to have a kitchenette and a small seating area. One of the perks of having worked alongside senior clergy members for years. As you got some utensils and drinks from the fridge, Copia set the plates on your coffee table while settling down on the loveseat in the corner.
He smiled at you as you set down a couple juice boxes for him and some for yourself. “Before you say anything, I haven’t felt like going into town so I had to dip into the stash I save for you when I need to restock the minifridge in your office,” you chuckled. 
He just shook his head. “Everyone’s always hating on the juice boxes,” he playfully grumbled.
It didn’t hit you how hungry you were til you saw the plate of food in front of you and then when you realized he brought you your favorite. “Wait… how did… This wasn’t on the menu for tonight’s dinner, was it?”
“No, it wasn’t, but sometimes it’s worth it to take advantage of the perks of being Papa.”
He had literally gone out of his way to do this for you. Blinking back tears, you murmured a quiet thank you when you knew you weren’t going to start crying again from his kindness. “How has it been, now that you’re officially Papa?” you wondered in an attempt to keep the conversation light so you could actually enjoy your dinner.
“Eh, it’s pretty much the same as it’s been for the last couple of years. Well, as far as duties and things go, for me at least. They treat me with… a little more respect than before,” he shrugged. 
“I’m still not used to calling you Papa,” you admitted.
“Please, don’t,” he responded quickly. “When it’s just us, call me Copia. I don’t like… I don’t think there has to be such formality between us. We’ve, um, worked side by side long enough…”
“It’s nice to have a sense of normalcy?”
“Sì. Sometimes it just reminds of… what they did to get me here and…” he cleared his throat. “And I’d just prefer you use my name.”
You nodded, knowing he was referring to his own series of losses. Not wanting to encroach on heavy topics yet, you steered the conversation to movies you’ve seen recently, a book you thought he might like, et cetera.
Once you both had finished eating, Copia insisted that you stay put while he cleaned up. When he sat next to you again he turned and wondered, “Did that help you feel a little bit better, dolcezza? I really can’t stand to see you so… hurt.”
You nodded. “It did. It really helped get my mind off everything for just… a little bit. I can’t thank you enough, Copia. You… you have no idea how much this means.” Anxiously, you stared at your hands in your lap as you fidgeted. 
“This week… it’s the first anniversary of her passing, isn’t it?” he spoke with sincerity and a cautiousness as if you might break.
Biting your lip, you nodded again. “You remembered,” you stated.
“Of course, cara.” He took one of your hands in both of his. “If you want to talk about it, I’m here. I’m here for you, if you need me. You’re safe with me, always know that.”
The tears started to well up again. You couldn’t tell if the pressure in your chest was from the surmounting grief you tried to stuff down or from the gratitude of Copia trying to break through to you. “I can’t do that to you,” you shook your head, avoiding his mismatched eyes. “You have your own stuff to deal with. I can’t pile my shit on top of it…”
The hand on top of yours moved to cup your face as he turned your head so you could look at him. “If I couldn’t handle it, I wouldn’t be so insistent. I’m okay. Sure, some days are worse than others. That’s grief. It… it never goes away, but what changes is our ability to handle it and have space for it, to navigate it.”
As you looked into his eyes, you felt the dam break. Tears spilled over and for the first time in a long time, you let yourself be fully vulnerable in front of someone else. Without hesitation, he pulled you to him, cradling your head against his chest as his other arm wrapped around you, holding you close to him. This time, you weren’t solely sobbing from the crushing grief and memories of the past, but because finally you felt like you were able and that you wanted to share with someone everything that you had been keeping under lock and key. 
When you had calmed down enough to talk, you told him your story. You started with how you had lost one of your parents when you were young, how much it still bothered you, how you recently lost another close family member and the anniversaries were so close together. You shared with him how this week you just tried to keep your head above water. You were so afraid of disappointing him, but were too overwhelmed. He just listened. He took it all in stride as he soothingly rubbed your back to keep you calm and grounded. 
“So much of that I’ve… I’ve never told anyone,” you confessed.
“Do you feel better, lighter now?”
“I do. I didn’t realize how much I needed that. I… Just… Thank you, Copia. Thank you for listening, for insisting, for just… being here.”
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be, carissima.” You couldn’t help but give him a quizzical look as you tilted your head to the side. “What’s that look for, hm? Do you honestly think I’ve thought of you as only my assistant? All this time?” His hand cupped the side of your face again with his thumb gently caressing your cheek.
“All this time?”
“Sì. You mean more to me than you know. I couldn’t stand to see you in so much…pain. I couldn’t… I didn’t want to keep my feelings to myself any more. I just hope–”
All inhibitions left you and you couldn’t stop yourself as your hand finally reached up for him to pull him close, stopping his words as your lips met his. The kiss was gentle, but the affection you both had, and could finally admit to both yourselves and one another, was unmistakable. When you parted, Copia couldn’t help but quietly laugh. “You feel the same, I take it?”
“I do. I mean, I have for quite some time now. It’s not just because of this moment…” you trailed off trying to find the right words. 
“We take things slow, then, sì? Even if just for tonight,” he smirked playfully. 
You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped as you nuzzled your head into his chest while wrapping your arms around him, squeezing him tightly. The ache was still there, but it had dulled considerably thanks to Copia. The smile wouldn’t leave your face as your space for your grief having grown two sizes. You didn’t have to go through this alone. Not anymore. Neither did he for that matter, because when the time would come, you knew you could be just as strong and supportive for him as he was for you. And there was no one else you’d rather have by your side.
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lulusdiary · 8 months ago
Tender Hands
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[Lil drabble I couldn't stop writing in my head while at lunch with my in-laws, who I can't tell about my obsession with Ghost. Copia is a chronic migraine sufferer because who wouldn't be after getting beamed with those stage lights night after night and also because I said so and so am I. GN reader, sfw, just a soft little post show piece. No spoilers for the Ghovie.]
The roars and cheers of the crowd are slow to die as Papa and the Ghouls make their way backstage, with Papa heading straight for the little corner he's claimed as a dressing area. He flops down onto his sofa, head in his hands, as you approach and offer him his post-show mint tea. He takes the cup with one hand; the other still pressed to his temple. As he slowly sips the steaming herbal brew, he groans quietly, the sound almost lost among the chatter of Ghouls, dancers, and stagehands scurrying about.
"Another migraine, Papa?" You ask as he finally removes his hand from his forehead, taking another drink of his tea.
"Si, unfortunately," he replies, and you head for the small chest on his vanity that contains his migraine medicine. You dose out the pills into your cupped hand and return the bottle to the chest before dimming the lamp in the corner of the space, making it as dark as possible. You offer him the pills and a bottle of water, and he sets his empty teacup down on the side table. "Grazie. You are a treasure, you know?" Papa swallows the pills with the water and leans forward, elbows on his knees, his eyes closed. His greying hair is beginning to fall in his face, loose of the copius amounts of hair spray used to make it stay, and he looks tired and pained.
You step forward, his head almost brushing your stomach, and gently press your fingers into the back of his neck, working loose the knots you find there. Your fingers slip beneath the collar of his shirt and rub what you can reach of his shoulders where they meet his neck, and Copia groans. He reaches for you, his hands hooking the backs of your thighs and pulling you close enough that he can rest his face against the soft black fabric of your shirt, not caring if he smears his paints now that the show is over.
You hum a gentling melody as your hands travel back up his neck and into his hairline at the base of his skull, working loose the tension you find there, and it is this press that makes him wince. The migraine has been progressing for a while, you guess, brought on by the brightness of the stage lights and the roar of the crowd over his in-ear monitors. Your fingers gently work through his hair along his scalp, mussing his hairdo further, and Copia sighs in relief as you rub small circles behind his ears and at the hinge of his jaw. He lifts his head as your hands travel to his temples, working out the pain as best as you're able.
"Behind the ears again, per favore," he requests, and you oblige. Copia groans again, pressing his face into your stomach as you work. After a while, he lifts his head, and his mismatched eyes gaze up into yours. By now, the medicine should be taking effect. Coupled with your massage, he should at least be feeling alright enough to change clothes and make it to his bunk on the tour bus.
"Better, Papa?" You ask, gently holding his face in your hands. He presses his cheek into your palm with a sigh.
"Si, tesoro. Much better."
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crowandmousewritingco · 8 months ago
Not Like Them
Pairing: (Implied) poly ghouls x gn!reader
Words: 2.5k
Summary: You are a new ghoul summoned for the clergy, but it doesn't go as planned.
Rating: G (with like a smidge of angst)
Author: Mod Mouse
Author's Note: This fic was also inspired by the July prompt list from @thepromptfoundry specifically #23 becoming disabled. Thank you again for the great prompts! Also I might end up making more fics with this character cause I actually really like writing them.
Everything had gone wrong. You were just living your life in your level of hell only to be ripped from your home in the most painful way. Now you laid there in the middle of the summoning circle clutching the stump that was your hand. You were dazed and frantically searching for a source of the summoning. 
Several people surrounded you but you could hear two of them whispering frantically to each other in what you thought was Italian. One was a middle aged man with a damaged eye wearing a black cassock and the other was an older woman with blonde hair dressed in a nice green suit. The woman kept rubbing her temples, clearly irritated at the situation though not at the man. 
Separate from the pair was something more familiar. You could smell the characteristic scent of three other ghouls. One smelled of a rich forest, another smelled of a fresh summer breeze, and the other smelled of magic coursing with electricity. The tell tale signs of ghouls were on full display. Mouths full of pointy teeth, tails in various states of motion, and horns poking through their hair. You let out a small whimper which caught the attention of the ghouls. 
The one who smelled of magic slowly approached you, hands held out in a non-threatening manner. He kept his distance from you and slowly crouched down so he could be eye level with you. “Hey there little one.” 
You look up at him, your tail frantically swishing back and forth, very wary of the situation. Although the comfort of a fellow quintessence ghoul did help a little. 
“I promise you're safe,” He reassured you. 
“W-Why am I here?” You asked softly. 
The man from the pair turned at your words. “Ah yes about that. I um… we have summoned you to be an additional bassist in our band. You shall help the Clergy on our tours.” He answered in a very heavy accent. 
You scoffed and gestured with your stump. “Hard to play the guitar when you only have one hand.” You tried to joke it off but tears started to fall down your cheek. 
“I’m sorry caro, I promise Sister and I are looking into what happened.” He promised with the most sincere smile. “Now ghouls please look after our newest member while we discuss with Omega about what happened” He gave his head a little bow and followed the woman out of the room. 
There was a moment of silence as you once again took in your surroundings. You searched the room for the other two ghouls. Your eyes landed on the pair standing off to the side. The taller of the two had short straight brown hair. That must have been the earth ghoul. Which then meant the smaller ghoul, no wait ghoulette, was an air element.
“I’m Aether,” the quintessence ghoul introduced himself gently. He gestured to the other ghouls. “That one is Mountain,” He pointed to the taller ghoul who just nodded, “and the other one is Cumulus.” The ghoulette gave a small wave. You didn’t respond, but your wary tail stopped its nervous swaying. Now that you had realized you weren’t in immediate danger, you became aware of how chilly you were, and your body started to shiver. 
“Here let's get you to your room,” Aether cooed softly and you let yourself be helped up by him. You kept your hurt hand to your chest and the other one wrapped around your stomach. 
Aether led the group down the hallway with Mountain and Cumulus on either side of you creating a safety bubble around you. You didn’t realize but your tail instinctively reached out and wrapped around Cumulus’ tail searching for comfort you didn’t know you needed. Cumulus looked down at you. She smiled at your touch and chirped soothingly. You looked up at her slightly, but quickly looked away, still feeling a bit weary. 
They led you down the corridors of the ministry, passing different members of the Siblings of Sin. The Siblings must have been used to seeing ghouls on a daily basis since most didn’t take notice, but a few glanced your way taking in your form. You drew your arm in closer trying to hide it more from view. 
After what seemed like miles of walking, you finally entered an area of the Ministry with dark black marble and more engravings fit for the ghoul types. Down the hallway lined several doors on each side. Each door had an engraving of a different ghoul type. Those must be the types of ghouls who live here, you thought to yourself. The further you walked down the hallway, that familiar scent of ghouls filled your nose and you relaxed even more. 
Finally the group approached a large dark wood door, and Aether stopped in front of it. “This will be your room during your time in the Ministry. We all have our own spaces, but we always tend to gather as a pack in the common room. Now you aren’t required to become part of our pack, but if you ever want to join us we will be happy to accommodate you.”
“T-Thank you,” You said softly. You turned towards the door and you saw your own quintessence symbol carved into the dark wood. The little touches of this place was making you less weary.
Aether smiled softly and opened the door for you. “Dinner is in a few hours. Mountain is making a delicious stew, but if you aren’t ready for social time then we’ll set aside a bowl for you in the fridge. We usually eat in the dining room just a few rooms down from here.” 
You blushed at their kindness. “That’s very kind of you,” You smiled softly and turned back to your room. “Oh wow.” Your room was stunning. A nice big bed was in the center of the dark room. It was covered with soft materials perfect for any ghouls' nest. There was a dark wood dresser on the opposite wall of the wall. The walls were mostly bare with a few small paintings as an accent. Additionally there was a bathroom attached to the bedroom offering you the comfort of privacy when showering. You chirp in contentment and turn back to the group. 
They all gave you soft smiles. “Seems like you approve?” Aether smiled at your increased ease around them. 
“It’s really nice actually,” You replied gently sitting down on the bed. It was soft and suddenly you felt so tired. 
“We’ll let you settle in, and hope to see you later,” Aether said before reaching for the door knob. He pulled the door shut and you saw Cumulus giving you a small wave. 
You sighed and laid down on your back. You lifted your right arm and examined the lack of a hand. “How the hell is this going to work?” You asked yourself before setting it back against the covers. The weight of the day started to way on you, and before you knew it you fell into a deep sleep. 
It was hours before you woke up from your much needed rest. It took you a few moments to realize you weren’t in Hell anymore. You gently rubbed the sleep from your eyes and sat up. A rumble came from your stomach and you sighed. Seems like you were hungry after all, though seeing the other ghouls made you weary. Maybe a shower would help you calm down. You stood up and walked over to the closet full of dark clothing. Inside was a variety of clothes in different styles and sizes. After searching through the hangers you decided on a soft black hoodie with matching shorts. Carefully you draped the clothes over your right arm. 
You took them to the joined bathroom and set them on the counter. The bathroom was fully stocked with everything a ghoul would need to care for themselves. Horn polish, skin care products and so on. You would definitely be using those later. After today you deserved some self-care. After some effort with your flimsy Hellish clothes, you strip your worn clothes off and toss them into the trash can. You wouldn’t need them anymore considering the plethora of new clothes you had now. You turned your attention to the big shower and twisted the knob. Several jets flowed warm water out of them and you sighed when the water hit your skin. You let the water flow over you, taking the grim and dirt from the summoning off of you. You looked down at your lost hand. Whatever cause this made sure that the wound was sealed by the time you had serviced which you were grateful at least. 
You sighed and tried to shower as quickly as you could though it didn’t quite go as planned. You struggled quite a bit with just the simple tasks like opening the shampoo bottle, but eventually you figured out how to balance the bottles to get what you wanted. The water took the tiredness with it as it washed down the drain. 
After letting the water flow over you for a few more minutes, you finally turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Luckily there was a big fluffy towel waiting for you on the racks. You purred as you felt the soft texture against your skin. Quickly you dried yourself and changed. You still weren’t used to the lack of a hand, but you were slowly getting better.
Finally you were ready to grab your dinner. You opened the door and headed in the direction Aether told you earlier. Sure enough when you opened the door was the kitchen and dining room. The scent of dinner was still in the air and it made your stomach growl. You quickly grabbed the food from the fridge and heated it up. (tk if i want to add inner thoughts) 
You were carrying the bowl back to your room when you heard the Aether’s voice. The large door at the end of the hallway was cracked a bit and you could see light streaming from it. You approached the door unsure and peaked inside. You saw Aether with a smaller ghoul on his lap in the middle of a large couch. That ghoul was arguing with a much bigger ghoul on the floor with dark brown curls. Whatever the argument was didn’t seem too serious because after the next remark he playfully pushed the other ghouls leg. Leaning one side of Aether was another smaller ghoul. You could tell that it was another quintessence ghoul.  On the other side of Aether was another ghoul cuddling with Mountain. This one seemed shyer than the other pair of ghouls since he seemed to stay cuddle to the larger ghoul. Off on another couch Cumulus cuddled with another two ghoulettes. The trio seemed to be deep in their own conversation. 
The pack looked so comfortable and your own inner ghoul was crying for the attention of other ghouls, but you weren’t like them. You couldn’t fulfill the only job you were meant to do, and you just knew that they would see you as different. 
You let out a subconscious whine and the conversation paused. “What was that?” said a male voice. 
“Sounded like another ghoul?” A ghoulette noted. 
“But we’re all here?” Another ghoul added. 
“Here I got it,” A different ghoulette said. There was a rustle and a few muffled curses before the door opened. Cumulus stepped through the crack and smiled when she saw you. You instinctively stepped back from the door. 
“Hey,” She smiled and her tail began to swish happily back and forth. 
You chirped softly feeling safe but you shook your head. “I’m sorry I just wanted some food. I didn’t mean to bother your pack time.” You apologized.
She giggled “Understandable, Mountain makes the best food.”
“I’ll make sure to savor it.” You smiled softly. 
Cumulus nodded and after a moment turned to look back at the pack. “You know,” she started and turned back to you. “They really want to meet you.” She added softly. 
You looked down, not meeting her eyes. Tears pulled in your eyes. “I-I don’t…” You paused to take a deep breath getting your emotions under control. “I’m not like you guys.” 
The ghoulette tilted her head in confusion. “What do you mean? You have horns and tails like the rest of us. And I know you smell just like Aether and Phantom.” 
You sighed. “Yes but you all play in the band and well I can’t now.” 
“We’ll figure out a way for you to play, but that doesn’t stop the fact that you are now a part of the group.” Cumulus said offering a soft smile
You looked between the door and the ghoulette. The pull of your instincts was becoming greater than your need to self isolate. Your eyes landed back on the ghoulette. “T-They won’t hate this?” You asked, gesturing to your right arm. 
“I promise they will love you.” She reassured you gently. 
You paused and nodded “Okay then.” 
Cumulus smiled softly and turned back to the door. She pushed it open further and the ghouls turned to see what the commotion was about. “Everyone, this is the new ghoul at the Ministry.” She stands to the side as you nervously walk past her. You felt anxious under everyone's gaze, but when you looked to Cumulus for support, she gave you an encouraging head nod. 
“H-Hi there” You introduce softly. 
“Damn Aether you didn’t say they were hot,” The ghoul on the floor stated, earning a smack on the head from the smaller ghoul he was arguing with earlier. 
“Satan Swiss learn to be subtle,” The smaller ghoul scoffed. 
You watched their interaction with both amusement and uncertainty. Cumulus leaned over as the pair started arguing again. “Don’t worry. This is how they flirt.” 
You chuckled and whispered back. “Sounds like a pair I knew in Hell” 
The other quintessence joined the pair and grabbed your right arm. You panicked when the ghoul didn’t feel a hand, but he smiled and slowly dragged you over to the group. “It’s rare we have so many quintessence ghouls in one place. It was just me and Aether until you were summoned. I’m Phantom by the way. Now no one can call me the baby of the group.” 
Aether chuckled as Phantom pulled you over to the other ghoulettes. “Phantom, you will never stop being baby.”
“There's nothing wrong with being baby,” You add as you settle beside Phantom. Cumulus settled back with the other ghoulettes who created a comfortable place for both you and Phantom. 
“Oh goodness I forgot to introduce everyone else,” Cumulus sat up. She started to point out all the other ghouls and you followed her hand. “You already know Aether. Swiss is sitting on the floor. Dewdrop is in Aether’s lap. Then it's Rain, you know Mountain and Phantom. And the other ghoulettes are Cirrus and Aurora.” 
“You have quite the pack here,”  You said after Cumulus finished. 
Aether chuckled. “We really do, and we would love to have you as a part of it whenever you are ready.” 
You smiled and blushed, “I think I would very much like that.” 
Cumulus smiled and cuddled closer to you. That was the future, but for now you enjoyed your dinner surrounded by your new found family. 
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ramblingoak · 1 year ago
Care Package
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Papa Emeritus IV x GN Reader ~ You take care of Copia after he gets sick at the end of the tour
Warnings: Copia being dramatic while sick, fluff, sfw, 1k words, not proofread forgive me
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“I’m dying.”
Here we go.  It was a good thing your back was turned because Copia would pitch a fit if he saw you rolling your eyes.  You sighed and continued to pick up all of the used tissues that were littering the floor.  When he let out a pitiful sigh you groaned, turning your head to glare at him.
“Copia, you’re fine.”
“No, no this is it.  I can feel it.”  You bit your lip to stifle the laugh that wanted to bubble out.  Copia was endlessly dramatic whenever he was under the weather.  “It’s near.”
“What’s near?”
“Oh Lucifer, you’re not going to die from a cold.”  He started to respond but was immediately interrupted by a series of violent sneezes, the whole bed shaking from the force of them.  You turned back to the dirty tissues, shoving them into a trash bag while he recovered.  The sound of him blowing his nose filled the room and right when you were turning to check on him again a wet, balled up tissue hit you right in the face.  “Son of a fuck!  Copia!”
“Eh?”  His adorably confused look stopped you from leaping onto the bed and strangling him, but just barely.  The sight of his red, watery eyes made your irritation disappear.  His face was flushed from the fever and sweaty locks of hair had fallen across his forehead.  When Copia realized you were staring at him he groaned and threw his arm over his face.  “You shouldn’t see me like this.”
“Like what?”  You dropped the trash bag and grabbed another box of tissues, slowly walking around the bed to sit by his hip.  He whined when you tugged on his arm so you could see his face.  “Hey, like what?”
“Pathetic.”  You cooed at him, reaching out to brush his hair back.  He sighed when you placed your cool hand on his forehead.  “Weak and old.  Hideous.” 
“Well, this is all true bu–”
“Dolcezza!”  Copia’s voice broke while he whined and he was overcome with a fit of coughing.  You helped turn him so he was coughing away from you, rubbing his back as they came to an end.  “Ugh, why are you here?”
“Someone has to take care of you.”
“You’re going to get sick too.”  He rolled back over on his back with a groan.  “I don’t want you to catch this.”
“I’ll just have to risk it.”  You smoothed his hair out again, giving him a soft smile when he met your eyes.  “I want to take care of you, Copia.”
“Fine, fine.  Twist my arm.”  He managed a weak smile and you resisted the urge to lean down and kiss him.  “Thank you, amore.”
“You’re welcome, Papa.”  You reached towards his night stand and grabbed the damp cloth you had set there earlier.  Copia let out a relieved sigh when you wiped the sweat off his face.  “Now, I’m going to clean you up a bit and then you’ll need to eat something before you take any more medicine.”
“I couldn’t possib–”
“It's homemade chicken noodle soup.”
You laughed when he grabbed your hand, his eyes lighting up at your words.
“Did Secondo make it?”
“Yes, your brothers gave me a care package for you.”  Copia sniffled a bit and you let him pretend it was from his cold.  You got up to grab the laundry basket Terzo had given you and brought it over to the bed, setting it at Copia’s feet so you could show him everything inside.  “Your ghouls also added a few things.”
“Anything good?”
“Primo gave me a salve I’m supposed to rub on your chest.”  You shook her head at him when he waggled his eyebrows.  Even when feverish he couldn’t help himself.  “And Terzo added a book and these penis shaped hard candies for your throat.”
“Where does he find this stuff?”  Copia made grabby hands for the candies and you tossed them over.  He opened the bag quickly, popping one into his mouth and smiling around it.  “These aren’t bad though, what book is it?” 
“The Hobbit.”  His eyes immediately started watering and you frowned.  “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, nothing.  He used to read that to me when we were kids.”  Copia cleared his throat and smiled.  “What did the ghouls send?”
“Um, Phantom knit you a sweater but he ran out of yarn so it’s missing a sleeve.”  You held up the bright blue monstrosity that the quintessence ghoul had proudly shoved into your hands that morning.  “Other than that you got some eucalyptus candles and tea, a few crossword puzzle books and Aurora is letting you borrow her box set of all the Halloween movies.”
Copia’s face lit up at the last item, both he and the ghoulette had bonded over an intense love for slasher movies.  You laid the sweater over his chest and handed him the dvd’s then busied yourself putting the basket away and setting the candles around the room while you both pretended he wasn’t crying.  After he blew his nose a few times you wandered back over, the book from Terzo in your hands.  Copia yawned and settled back into his pillows while you fussed over him, helping him get comfortable.
“Will you read to me, amore?”  You wanted to get him to eat some soup first, but rest would be good for him as well.  As carefully as possible you got up on the bed and sat next to him, smiling when he scooted closer and rested his head against your thigh.  “Just until I fall asleep.”
“Whatever you need, Copia.  I’ll be right here.”  His breath was already evening out, his body going limp as you ran your fingers through his hair.  You quietly opened the book in your lap, taking a few seconds to watch him before you started to read.  “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit…” 
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ghuleh-witch · 11 months ago
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Fandom: Ghost Rating: Mature Warnings: Dry humping, blood and blood-drinking Relationships: Papa Emeritus IV/Copia/Dracopia x GN Reader Characters: Papa Emeritus IV/Copia/Dracopia, GN Reader Additional Tags: Coming in pants, no beta Chapter Word Count: 1360 Summary: You allow Copia to bite you for the first time. Author's Note: I tried to keep this as gender-neutral as possible. Please let me know if I missed anything. AO3
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
You look up into his mismatched eyes surrounded by coal black paint. Even in the dim candle-lit room, you could see the tenderness his eyes held. It caused your heart to melt into a puddle inside your chest. Despite being a predator of the night, Copia was too sweet for his own good at times. 
“You won’t,” you responded. “I trust you. I know you won’t do anything to hurt me. I want to do this for you.” A few days have gone by since Copia last fed, and from what he told you, he only got his hands on some pig’s blood that was supposed to be used in a ritual Terzo was planning. “I’ll replace it before he knows it’s missing,” he told you. The Siblings trained to be donors for the vampires in the ministry were either scheduled off or busy with others, leaving Copia to either hunt for animal blood or find another willing donor. 
And you wanted to play the part of willing donor.
“Let me do this for you,” you said, cupping his cheek and bringing his gaze to yours. You could see how tired he was. The hunger was there just floating under the surface. He looked ready to snap at any given moment, but you weren’t afraid.
Copia sighed, and his hand came to rest over the one you held to his cheek. He turned his head and pressed a kiss to your palm. “Are you sure, amore ?” He asked.
You nod. “Very sure.”
He looked unconvinced, his frown lines deepening. “It will hurt at first. You will feel like your skin is on fire…”
“I trust you. And besides, I know that feeling goes away. You told me yourself.”
“Eh, si , I did. The pain fades and you’ll become calm and pleasure.” You could have sworn there was a tinge of pink in his cheeks when he said that. 
“Well, we’ll just have to see where that takes us,” you replied with a hint of a smirk. “So, let’s do this. How do you usually do this with the donors?”
“They sit next to me and give me their wrist,” Copia said. “But they are trained and used to the pain the bite brings. You are not. It would be best if you sat in my lap so I can hold onto you so you don’t fall over.” 
You straddle his lap as he sits on the sofa. “Like this?” You all but purr.
“Hmmm, si ,” Copia responded, his hands came to rest on your hips. “And then I’ll take your wrist and bite into the vein.” His hand came to lift one of your hands and his lips ghosted a kiss over your knuckles.
“Why not drink from my neck?” You suggested. You remembered him telling you how drinking from the neck was very intimate and intense. You craved to know what it felt like; to be held so close on the edge of life and death. 
“I—I shouldn’t,” Copia stammered, his eyes glued to your neck, just below your jaw where your pulse thudded. “Not for your first time.”
“I want to,” you responded quickly. “I want to feel it all.” 
Copia’s eyes slipped closed as a sigh escaped his lips. He was silent for a second, probably debating whether to give in to your request. You could see the battle he was warring with himself. After a moment his eyes opened and looked into yours. His hand came to cup your check as he nodded. “Alright, amore , but you must tell me if you feel lightheaded or sick. I cannot live with myself if I hurt you.”
“I promise,” you pledged. “Cross my heart, hope to die.”
“Well, we’re trying to avoid that last bit, eh?” Copia said, his lips coming to yours in a gentle kiss. “I’m going to kiss you for a bit and then I’ll bite.” 
You nodded. “Okay, I’m ready.”
His lips were on yours once more as his hands tightened around your waist, holding you close. The kiss started chaste and soft and quickly deepened. You could feel his cock harden beneath the laces of his pants. You gasped as his lips left yours and began to trail down your jaw, stopping to nip your earlobe, before continuing the path down your neck.
“Copia,” you moaned breathily as you felt his fangs graze the delicate skin over your jugular.
“Try to be still for this part. I don’t want to make it worse,” he murmured against your skin.
It felt like a pinch at first, and you wondered what the big deal was. It didn’t hurt. You spoke too soon though because then it felt like lava was flooding your veins as his fangs sank deeper into your neck. You let out a pained whimper as you tried to pull away, but his arms held you steadfastly in place. Something that sounded like a muffled apology came from Copia as the hot pain flooded your entire body. Tears sprang to your eyes and for a moment you really thought you might die.
Then just like Copia said, a calm fell over you and the pain began to ebb away. Endorphins surged through your bloodstream and you became lost in the feeling of peace and pleasure. “Oh,” you breathed as your fingers curled into the black fabric of his shirt. You could have sworn you felt Copia smile against your neck as warm rivulets of blood trickled down your skin.
“Feels nice now,” you said, rolling your hips against him without even realizing it.
That is until he groaned.
You were fully aware of the hard bulge beneath you; fully aware that he was just as aroused as you. Unable to help yourself, you rolled your hips again, grinding down against him causing you both to groan. Pleasure filled you as the friction of your jeans rubbed against you just right. “Fuck, Copia,” you moaned as his hands slipped from your hips, into the waistband of your pants, and to your ass. He squeezed your ass and pulled you impossibly closer. He wanted you to keep going and you had no intention of stopping. Your fingers grip his shirt so tight that your knuckles turn white as you grind against him, pushing yourself to your peak. You felt the coil in your lower abdomen grow tighter and tighter before suddenly it snapped. “Oh, fuck,” you panted. Dizziness caused your head to swim as you came, Copia's name fell from your lips in breathy moans. You felt his cock kick beneath the layers of clothes separating you and you smirked knowing he came as well.
His head fell back from your neck as he looked into your face with half-lidded eyes. His pupils were blown and crimson stained his lips and chin. With a quick swipe of his tongue, he cleaned his bloodied lips. His eyes fell closed as he savored the flavor.
“Amore,” he panted as his hands gripped you tight to him. “You are absolutely delicious. And I don’t mean just your blood.” His eyes opened and looked over your face, searching for any signs of distress or discomfort. “How do you feel? Did I take too much?”
“I’m fine,” you insisted. “A little dizzy, but that could be from how hard I came.” 
He frowned. “Maybe I did take too much.”
“Copia, I’m fine. It’s nothing a juice box and a cookie couldn’t fix,” you said, cupping his cheek as your thumb stroked over his paintless skin. “I promise I’m okay.”
That seemed to satisfy him. “Let’s get you cleaned up, eh? You got blood all down your neck and shoulder.” He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to the spot he bit. The sensitivity of the wound made you wince. He pulled back and gave you an apologetic smile. “It’ll be a little uncomfortable for a day, but I have a balm we can put on it and it’ll heal right up.” He adjusted his grip and stood, carrying you to the bathroom. You knew after tonight, you’d always be his willing donor. 
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ace-of-gay · 2 years ago
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I currently dont have a masterlist set up for this collection but i hope you enjoy this none the less, this will eventually be posted on ao3 but i dont have an account currently
Not betad or edited
Warnings: age regression, self neglect (not eating, not sleeping, etc.) slight panicked reader but not nearly enough to be a full warning, reader is a half ghoul half human cause this is my interpretation of a fantasy universe <3, cuddles!!!
age regression is a coping that can both voluntary and/or involuntary it is entirely safe and reccomended by therapists if they believe it would be effective for said person but as mentioned for some people it is entirely unpredictable, if this makes you uncomfortable please carry on thank you <3
This was originally written for my best friend so keep in mind this is our dream and thoughts and may not fit well into the ghost universe
Word count: 2,025 words
Nameless ghouls and papa copia taking care of half ghoul reader
Having spent a restless night wasnt uncommon for your or any of the ghouls, especially when seasons and elements were changing, you spent a good few weeks of the tour in your element but the farther and farther you traveled to bring enlightenment to others around the world the more the weather seemed to shift, this most recent nights travel not only took you to a new scene and new spirit of buzzing thrill but a stiffened weight of being completely out of your element, while yes it effects all ghouls it affected you far different.
Being part ghoul meant you weren't as aware of your instincts so feeling them shift always left you in a silent suffocating shock.
With so much bustle amongst the ghouls, papa having a chipper edge to his seemingly endless worries it kept the team heightened and moving, preparing and running through the setlist, this will be the biggest show yet in a city youre entirely new to.
You hid the encroaching feeling well, never once had any of the ghouls questions any difference to your demeanor; having one responsibility after another kept you busy all day nevery staying in one area for long, earbuds in and mask upon your dome, it was same as others methods of preparing just more secluded and in your zone, if there were any changes in anything at all papa, the ghouls and ghoulettes knew that they could calmly inturupt you in your flow.
Listening to every part of the setlist through the literal audio versions of it, everything on the outside seemed normal to everyone but the electric vibrations in your joints and dull ache in your head told you plenty, to the others you were staying silent to save your voice for later so to speak but to you the weight of speaking was way heavier than your desire to ask for help or for rest.
With the show quickly approaching and you having forgotten to eat you downed not one but two energy drinks, spiking youre adrenaline temporarily in hopes itd get you through the show.
All you had to do was get through the night off of artificial energy and true passion for others joy. Just like the full ghouls you spent your time during the show in your human form but unlike them you had a harder time forcing it to stay when you were exhausted.
Papa copia unbeknownst to you had his eye on you, hes the only one who saw you this morning, the deep bags under your eyes and your ghoulish grey having a pale green seemingly sickly color easily masked by your helmet, if all went well youd rest for extra tonight but he didn't see that being the only end to the night.
You were a fan favorite, when you weren't singing backup vocals you were running around stage with your hagstorm base shredding in duos with swiss, bursts of fire being shot upwards, the only time you stay away from the edge of the stage, the light from the fire glinting against the slightly matte chrome picguard, just enough to catch you right in the eye blurring your vision with a blinding flash.
to the congregation watching below your jolts you send into moving your bass guitar looked like flare but for you it was sheer panic, the blinding flash was just enough to put you on the edge of tipping into a deeply unwanted headspace at the moment.
prancing over to where mountain is perched at his drums you take yourself out of the limelight and hide yourself in the downcast shadows from his drums, with the last three chords being extended for showmanship you give a desperate glance to papa with hope that he'll see your glance, and such he does.
You station yourself once more at your mic, you stum the starting chords and belt out backup vocals for the final song, your throat aches as your human form is slipping, your eyes having small flickers of change and a small stumble thankfully met with a stomp on the down beat.
papa makes his way your direction ending the set list with 'Darkness at the heart of my love', when it gets to the part without vocals he does hand flourishes while you play your bass passing by with his mic down "tieni duro piccolo", walking his way around the stage to stand center and finish up the song.
In a blurr of time everything felt like it was on sparks of muscle memory and you were at the front with all other ghouls taking a well deserved bow with a standing ovation for each and every single one of you.
Papa copia was the first to lead off stage letting the ghouls throw picks and a few drumsticks from mountain and what not, you didn't stay long to see everything but you did notice people throwing things onstage as gifts; off stage setting down your bass in a stand you stumble into papas open arms.
Your forehead lay gently atop his chest still in your helmet your horns sit near his collar bone shaking yohr head, "i cant papa, i cant" not entirely sure yourself what you meant he hummed in understanding and hushed you, gently rubbing your back and swaying side to side, "stai bene piccolo ghoul, you can rest now. Ive got you, matter of factly weve got you"
Finally relaxing enough to let your ghoul form fall free, your tail limp all of you is exhausted and you feel so small but people always said it was weird and not good, they never listened to you when you said it was involuntary or a coping mechanism it was just permanently bad.
"Oh piccolo, shh your thoughts are so very loud my dear, it is okay to be small, the ministry welcomes all with coping, we will care of you"
He holds you closer and tighter humming a tune, and just like that your walls had fallen, there was no more fighting it, big doe ghoulish eyes staring up at him, complete silence from you.
At this point the others had made their way backstage, dew came walking over to take over while papa helped collect all the instruments. "Dew, could you please take them to the bus? We will get everything "
《~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~》in the bus now and changed in comfortable clothes dew led you to the ghoul pile nest, when you refused to sit down he stepped aside watching as you grab your comfort item from your personal bunk and made your way back to the nest laying in the center, followed by him curling himself around you.
The ghouls only ever took their helmets off when in a homely environment so dew having his helmet off was his symbol of saying you are safe.
Once everyone had finished packing up and putting stuff away they had all filed in slowly
Cumulus being the first to stop by you and dew at the nest, holding out a plush ghoul for you that she had picked up from the items thrown on stage, papa copia was next to stop by sitting with you and dew, you hadnt noticed until now that he was asleep holding onto you until mountain joined pulling him off of you so you could lean into papa as he held one of your comfort snacks and a juice, both already having been opened by him, he held you as you snacked.
Once you had finished he got up going to the front to drive the bus.
You were once more pulled into the cuddle pile by dewdrop his eyes open long enough to make sure all of your comfort items were tucked against your chest, between you both, "sleep little one, a tiny ghoul needs plenty of rest" soon joined by the rest you had finally fallen asleep, the ghouls were your element aswell. When finally at the hotel for the evening you were carefully awoken by papa, all the ghouls except dew had gotten up, but even he was awake, but he stayed to keep you warm, "it is time to go in, we are buddy system tonight, four ghouls in a room, each room has two king sized beds so its plentyful room"
You finally let go of dew and stretch, getting up to get ready you realize your overnight bag has already been packed and one of the taller ghouls hoodies layed out next to it, you could hear the ruckus at the front of the bus of all the other ghouls ready to bunk up in the hotel.
You slip on the hoodie which you now know belongs to swiss, his smell encapsulating your mind.
Papa comes up behind you placing a hand on your back "piccolo the ghouls have decided you can pick who youre bunking with, they want to be sure youre okay when tiny, loro ti amano"
You make your way to the front of the bus where you find the ghouls with their charm up. looking to papa followed by you tapping swiss, rain and mountain on the heads, the three stand up, mountain takes your bag and rain scurrys away and back with your mask in hand "are you able to use charm right now or is the mask a better option?" He questions
Taking a moment to test how well the charm feels, you point at the mask. Nodding he gently places it atop your head, he places his hand under your chin causing you to look up so he can buckle it up and tan pats you atop your head, swiss gently pulls the back of the hoodie at the bottom away from your back "curl your tail tiny" tucking it under the hoodie
Once in the room mountain sets down the bags he was carrying and helped take the mask off of your noggin, ruffling your hair causing you to chirp in response, rain and swiss hop on the bed closest to the door leaving the one near the window "copia is ordering food for everyone, hes getting youre favorite for you" mountain chimes, grabbing to tv channel guide and flipping through it.
"Movie?" You mumble causing all three of them to look over, normally youre completely silent when youre small, "you wanna watch a movie?" He questions flicking on the tv and sitting on the bed, he turns on Wall-E for you.
Sometime a few minutes later he feels you shuffle closer on the bed cuddling into his side with your comfort item in hand.
After dinner was delivered and eaten and the movie was over you had tucked yourself on your side of the bed you shared with mountain, rains lamp still on so he could read while swiss was practically cuddled ontop of him, every time you would shift or turn in bed they could hear it, causing them to watch you carefully when youd move or grumble is dissatisfaction.
there was just no way to get comfortable, this wasnt home or the bus, you werent wrapped in your family, you huff out rolling over to look at mountain, to your suprise he was looking right at you quizically.
You quickly curl into his side before he got the chance to say anything, "o parum ghoul, mi amor, papa is right, your thoughts really are so very loud" swiss sighs, pulling himself out of his bed followed by rain who lay on your open side and swiss next to mountain, it may not be a perfect ghoul pile but its better than before, rolling over when rain pulls out his book to read aloud, your head on his chest.
listen to the thrum and Rumble deep in his chest, your eyes fall closed but not before you wrap your tail around swiss' wrist where it resides clutched around mountain, your mind will feel fresh and lively tomorrow filed with the itmost of energy, especially after an evening full of cuddles and littlespace, rain places a gentle kiss atop your head and just like that you are asleep.
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anamelessfool · 8 months ago
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Papa IV "Copia" x GN! Reader (AO3 Link)
Domestic Fluff, GEN with some strong language.
You’re in the middle of recovering from a broken leg, and after a few months of this every appointment feels more like a setback than a step forward. At least Copia had been there. This whole time, your man was there.
Dedicated to my friend @thew0man. I hope this domestic fluff instantly heals you. Thank you for all your support. Keep being your lovely self.
Tags: Gender Neutral, Established Relationship, Healing After Injury, Married Life, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff. Broken Bones, Wheelchairs, Medical Issues
The lift stops at the fourth floor with a final clunk that knocks a tired sigh from you. Your leg in its cast and new boot stirs and issues a dull ache as a reminder. Your love Copia is wedged in the corner by the buttons, his mismatched eyes blinking in their perplexed way as he waits just a bit more until he's sure the lift’s stopped. He meets your eyes, flashes you a tender smile and a little thumbs up. “Home sweet home, eh?” He chuckles. He squeezes his body around your wheelchair in the tiny service elevator of your flat, nearly stumbling backwards into the hall.
“There you go, I got you,” Copia mutters, placing his hands on either side of the chair to help pull you out.
“I'm fine, I'm fine Copia,” you reply, moving your hands along the hand rims to roll the wheels forward. You exit the lift with a thunk and wince. The painkillers have done their job but your leg still throbs in its boot. The boot is new, and it was a good step towards actually getting over this. In the car you admitted to Copia your exhaustion from today’s appointment, so like a gentleman he brought down the wheelchair.
“Now, amore, we spend the rest of our Saturday relaxing, si?” He says by your ear. “You eh— you need help?”
“No I'm fine.” You give him a weak smile. He's so attentive that those butterflies start to wake. The ones where you're worried for him. You feel a flush of nerves as he continues his friendly chatter as you wheel yourself down the hall towards your flat.
In a few moments you're inside your place and sitting once more on the couch. Copia has arranged a nest of blankets around you as carefully as a mama bird, settling you in for another late afternoon and evening to get through while you heal. Your leg in the cast itches. It always does at the worst time. You stare at it hoping just giving it a tired look will make it stop, but it continues, taunting you. You notice once more an old get well card over the television and its memory continues to sink your mood.
Happy Valentine’s Day, you say to yourself whenever you feel down about your situation. The red and pink, white lace and teddy bears were the decorations festooned across your earliest memories of your accident. The sweet little tributes filled the hospital room but also reminded you too much of how badly you miscalculated. If only I…if I had just…why didn’t I… Over and over the moments replayed themselves in your brain as you stared into the black plastic eyes of yet another “Grin and Bear It!” Plush delivered to your room. Happy Valentine’s Day but it was nearing July. And every time you returned from your doctor’s office it never felt like an improvement, just another problem.
At least Copia had been there. This whole time, your man was there. He had travelled to your hospital bedside as soon as he was able, clearing his schedule to spend time playing Uno and reading you books until you fell asleep. “My love…You'll be well soon,” he had said as he held your hands in his own over the rough hospital blanket. “Believe you'll be well and you'll be well, amore. That's most of it, si? The em— power of the mind and all. Getting you through.”
He's helped you to every appointment he can, kept you clean and fed and comfortable. His whole world was you, even though it had shrunk to the size of your apartment and the occasional wheel around the park to stay sane.
“Let’s get you comfortable, here em—yes, perfetto,” Copia murmurs. He's here even now, adjusting the pillows around you on the couch. He's wearing his Saturday best of ratty red sweatshirt that’s seen better days but over time has become impossibly soft. His freckled cheek is right beside yours, his eyes lowered as he works. He smells of lavender and Florida water aftershave as you lean forward and steal a kiss for yourself. He makes one of those little noises in his throat, frowning comically as he stands up.
“You're distracting me,” he says. “Although I know I am irresistible. As I um— as I seduce you with all of these em…couch cushions.” Copia ends his task with his own thoughtful little kiss on your forehead before moving on to the kitchen nearby.
You learned that when he can't touch you in the ways he wants, he'll stack your table high with food. You're not sure if it's an Italian thing or a Copia thing but watching him putter about in a kitchen calms you down after another long day of being stuck in your thoughts. “We can see that see that gangster film if you like em— which one was it? The one with the guy who…oh, he's in that other film…”
Copia continues his rambling as he chops things in the kitchen. There's the sizzle of oil and the comforting scent of your favorite meal wafts into the living room. You shake your head, laughing quietly to yourself. Spiced tagine chicken, your favorite. Copia's awful proud about how he's figured it out and so now you assume with another chuckle that this is what you're going to eat for the rest of your life.
Or at least until your leg was better. You stare at the new cast now, frowning at it propped up on the ottoman.
You were better, but you were far from recovered. And as sweet as he was, you were worried Copia wouldn’t keep his patience. At some point he’d get tired hauling you from one appointment to another. Would get frustrated from helping you to and from the car, would get bored from all the missed opportunities for sweet dinner dates, concerts or cocktail bars.
It was embarrassing enough asking him for the most basic things that just weeks ago you would do without a thought— damn, if only I—getting up the stairs, bathing, cooking meals. A part of you decided to tell you stories about what was going through Copia’s mind as he doted on you. Surely, this task would be the one to put him over the edge. Yes, this setback, this latest appointment will make his smiles and cheerful demeanor fade. When he wasn’t around you’d sleep. Or lie awake wondering.
Maybe you'll start with a game. Some Zelda or Phoenix Wright, you're not sure. Although you’re halfway through a court case in Phoenix Wright and you don't really remember all the little details anymore. Maybe not. Maybe you'll restart the chapter later, although filing through all that text seems tiring at this point. Fine, perhaps no video games.
Painting? Copia’s left your iPad on the side table within reach. But you're not sure what to paint. And the last one needs some color correction and the thought of fiddling with the smallest adjustments that nobody will notice except you is far from appealing. There's nothing on the TV of any interest to you at this hour. You pick up a book you've been planning on reading but after a few minutes the text swims in front of your eyes.
Or you could always do the jigsaw puzzles. Dear God not the jigsaw puzzles.
You click on the television just to have noise to fill the air. It's two women crowing about handbags on a home shopping network. That’ll do. You set it all down and stare at the ceiling.
“I will set my alarm for eh— the three times a day you need the small white round ones, and the twice a day the long pill capsules and of course the injections….how many do we need?” Copia stares at the doctor’s note, mouth slack like he's attempting to translate an ancient curse carved into the side of a pharaoh's sarcophagus. “How, how do they write like this, tesoro? Is this em— is this English? Cazzo, what is this…”
“Twice a day,” you sigh. You're not happy about the shots but at least your man's been a champ when it comes to helping you with them. However, last two times he made you laugh too much to hold still. “Look away, dear, I’m eh—too scared to look too,” he joked, covering his eyes.
Dinner is set to steam on the stove for a while. He returns from the kitchen, with his Kiss the Cook apron on with the matching tacky fish-shaped oven mitts you brought back from Brighton for him as a joke. The money was worth the polite, nervous smile he gave you when he opened the gift. Now he uses them with pride cooking every night. Getting better at your favorite spiced tagine chicken recipe. He's close, almost.
“Is there anything else? Anything I can get you em—before dinner?”
All this fussing, all the delicious smells of your favorite meal and the buzz of shows on the TV and the warmth of the blanket he's draped on you spins in your mind. You want to be happy. You want to be at peace, but the twist in your chest doesn't go away, and in fact the more he dotes on you and mutters sweet nothings the more that tightness winds.
And right now, it just snaps. You let out a sob, something that you thought wouldn't be detected but is too loud across the space. Copia freezes. He heard it. Fuck. The tears pour out like fizz from a shaken soda can.
“I just…Copia, I'm sorry!” The scene swims in the onslaught of your tired tears. He's frozen in his bewildered mismatched expression, holding onto an oven mitt like a life raft against a tsunami. It's all too much but you can't stop now. “I'm so sorry you have to see me like this. You have to…take care of me like this. After— God, I'm such an idiot! I wasn't thinking and now…now you have to…I'm like a helpless little nothing over here, and it's my fault!”
You don't want to look at him. You've already wasted enough of his time. He's seen you at your absolute worst, and even worse than that carried you around like you were his nonna. You have the image of him wheeling you around some Italian square, pigeons flying about while you tighten your old lady scarf around you. The idea of that injects you with a odd feeling of pity and mirth, and you utter a tired noise you're not sure is a laugh or another sob, but it's an embarrassing honk just the same.
“You’ve done too much. I…” And you say the quiet part out loud. “Copia I don't deserve all this.”
“Amore…is that it?” Copia settles in next to you and places his hand on your good leg.
You nod wordlessly, tears still streaming down your face. The people in the television laugh, unknowing of your inner turmoil. But the secret’s out now. To everyone, including yourself.
“In sickness and in health, si?” His mouth quirks as he struggles to stay serious. “That's ah…that's fifty percent of that sentence, yes? There's good times and there's em—well, not so good times.”
Now you want to apologize for being such a baby. From nonna to whining baby, the shame is giving you whiplash but his touch keeps you tethered in place. “Copia, I’m—”
“Sickness and in health. One hundred percent. I love you one hundred percent, amore,” he says bringing your hand to his lips. His eyes never leave yours as you feel his soft lips graze your knuckles. “Love is getting through the hard times, is it not?”
The moments of shame still dance in your head but his warm presence wards them off. His gaze has softened into something more, deeper. He knows all about you, he always has. So why not give into it. Give in to his gentle glance of love. “Amore….” he presses.
“Copia, thank you,” you whisper as he leans into an embrace.
“We'll laugh about this one day,” he purrs in your ear, his scent enveloping you once more. You bring a hand up to run your fingers through his hair and he utters one of his pleased little myehs that usually make you chuckle.
“Yeah, we will,” you sniff.
“Laugh about it on the Amalfi. Over some gelato. And now I'm retired we can really get into it, you know? Doing nothing somewhere nice. Would you like that?”
You would. The blue sky and the pink gelato and the white sand. His handsome freckled face laughing in the sun. His gold cornicello on a chain against his chest barely covered by a crisp linen summer shirt. And his black socks. Those fucking dress socks in his old man slides. Your smile returns. “I really would, Copia.”
He meets your eyes and senses the change in you, returns your shy smile with his own. “I love you,” he murmurs. He leans in close once more as his mouth meets yours. That tender kiss never gets old. What your mind can't learn from his words its taught with his lips. And they're damn good at convincing you you're loved more than you’ll ever know.
He pulls back with a gentle caress of your cheek and your tears become happy ones. You love this man, and he loves you. He'll love you whether he's sitting at an exotic cafe or your bedside at the hospital. It's the same place in his mind, as long as he's with you.
“But until then we can bear a few Downton Abbey reruns, si?” He settles in next to you and curls his fingers around your own. “What is this…lord so and so? What's her face em— what is she up to now?”
“You'll have to actually watch instead of talk over it, Copia dear,” you reply.
“Right, right. I'm suffering more than you, tesoro,” he chuckles. “Let's ah…keep it all in perspective, here.”
“Of course,” you say, and you rest your head on his chest. He's still wearing his silly apron but you couldn't care less. You can hear his heart beat through it just the same.
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Thank you for all your thoughts, kudos, kind words, reblogs, all o it
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writingjourney · 1 year ago
Never Alone | Copia x gn!Reader
At first you couldn’t bring your mouth to form the words, like speaking the news somehow made it real, inevitable. But now, another half hour later, you’re glad that he knows, that you’re not alone in the aftermath. Or: Copia comforts you after you receive some awful news.
content: 550 words, gn!reader, hurt/comfort, the news is unspecified but it is implied that it’s a family matter, can be read as Papa or Cardinal, [Ao3 Link]
This is for the anon who reached out to me last week, I hope you find some comfort in it ♡
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You listen to his heartbeat, the rhythmic thumping between his ribs like the low beat of a drum in the background of a song. You have to focus hard to even notice that it’s there and you are focusing, filtering through the racing thoughts that enter your mind unbidden. The beat has slowed down significantly since you first told him, since you collapsed into his arms not sure how you would ever survive the day and he begged you to tell him what happened.
After the first few crippling waves of panic had subsided, you’d told him. How you received a call about a family matter, how the news had pulled the very ground from under your feet. It was your luck that Copia returned to your quarters only half an hour after the call to retrieve something he’d forgotten this morning, that he picked you up from the floor and pressed you tightly against his solid chest and refused to let go. At first you couldn’t bring your mouth to form the words, a sense of trepidation overcoming you, like speaking the news somehow made it real, inevitable. But now, another half hour later, you’re glad that he knows and that you’re not alone in the aftermath.
“It will be okay, amoruccio,” he says. “We will get through this together. You are not alone, eh? Never alone.”
You nod against the wet fabric of his shirt even though you know there is no way to fix things, fisting it just a little bit tighter at his back. He coos, rocking you back and forth like one calms a child. And you feel like you are in that moment, like you are helpless in the face of disaster, like you yield no power over the cruelty of the world. His soothing words are the only thing between you and another collapse, the reassurance that whatever is going to happen now will not rest on your shoulders alone.
“I love you,” he whispers. “I love you so much.”
You sniffle, holding onto him ever more firmly. The lump in your throat makes it hard to form words, the trembling in your limbs impossible to even try to get up.
“I don’t want to be alone,” you force out. “I’m so scared, Copia.”
“I won’t leave your side until you feel better, yes? I am here for as long as you need me, my baby.”
You nod gratefully, allowing him to press the softest of kisses to your face, following the wet lines of your tears over your cheeks and down to your jaw, kissing the remaining droplets from the corners of your mouth. He removes the gloves from his hands, cradling your face in both of them before he leans in for a proper kiss – gentle, warm, comforting. You let your cheek sink against his, feeling the softness of his flesh, the growing stubble when you rub skin against skin. 
Copia wraps his arms back around you, pulling you close once more. You shift your focus back to his heartbeat, the steadiness of it. While the fear sits deep inside your belly and you have no idea how you will get through what lies ahead, you find solace in the fact that he will be by your side through it all.
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shinnyscats · 9 months ago
!¡ Scenario Swiss
Versión Esp aquí !
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A wave of excited screams rises from the audience. Sweat trickles down the back of your neck, evidencing the energy you had put into the show.
The lights come on and you see how the other Ghouls begin to approach the edge of the stage to greet the fans. You don't stay behind and decide to get down from your platform to meet and joke with fans, where you dedicate some smiles and kisses that make the audience scream, which took pictures and recorded videos that you would soon see in forums.
Some fans would start pointing at you. You laugh, not knowing what they were referring to, although you soon realize what they were pointing at, or rather say, who they were pointing at.
You feel two forearms resting on your shoulders, generating enough pressure for you to fall and sit on your knees. You turn your head as best as you can and meet with Swiss's bright smile, who was looking at you with eyes that silently communicated that he was going to annoy you. He always transmitted that irritating message.
Without getting off of you, he grabs your mask tightly and pulls it close to his face. Without warning, you receive a long lick on the left side of your mask. Furrowing your eyebrows, your shoulder nimbly seeks his weak spot in his abdomen to free yourself, but it was too late. Your mask was left with drool, and fans stretched out their cell phones as they recorded everything that happened and screamed in excitement. The Ghouls that saw the act burst out laughing, and at the same time Copia turned to look at the audience with a disappointed expression, disgusted by the Ghoul's actions.
Swiss quickly gets up and walks away wanting to escape another blow. His laughter manifesting as it came out of his mouth as he waved to fans. You were going to return it to him, and you would show no mercy….
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gravehags · 2 years ago
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Inspired by this photo:
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Pairing: Cardinal Copia x GN!reader
Rating: Teen
Words: 428
Content: making out, makeup application, tender ass bs
"You're distracting me," you chastise him as you delicately and fastidiously reapply the black lipstick to his upper lip. He’s got his gloved hands resting on your hips as you straddle his lap, rubbing circles on your belly with his thumbs. His lips curve into a crooked smile and you sigh in frustration and pull back.
“You’re going to be late for mass if you don’t let me finish this,” you say with a devastatingly serious expression on your face. He’s still giving you that same goofy ass grin and you feel your resolve melt a little. When his hands slide backwards and grab firm palmfuls of your ass you gasp and smack his chest, right where his pectoral grucifix rests.
“Stop,” you say, trying your hardest not to smile. “I’m serious!”
Lifting his hands up in submission, he relents and leaves a part of you a little disappointed. Obediently he schools his face into a neutral expression, lips parted and your mind wanders to the memory of the make-out session the two of you had just wrapped up. Satanas, what those lips could do to you.
“Amore, your mind is wandering.”
His half-finished lips twist into a smirk, telling you he knows exactly what you were thinking about. Exhaling in frustration, you grab his chin in your other hand and grip it with determination. Finally with two more swipes you finish the job and snap the lid back on the tube.
“Bene. Now we should–”
“Ah, ah, ah,” you scold gently, reaching over to the makeup bag sitting on the side table next to his couch. “I’m not finished yet.”
His mismatched eyes look up at you quizzically when you produce an eyebrow spoolie with a triumphant smile. Gently this time, you take his chin back into your hand and begin to smooth the spoolie through the disheveled hairs on his upper lip. He’s stunned for a moment as you groom him but then erupts into thunderous laughter. Placing his hands on your cheeks he stills you and looks at you with such adoration it makes your heart sing. Suddenly full of emotion, you lunge forward and slam your lips against his, once again tangling your fist in his silvered brown hair and ultimately ruining all your hard work. He’s attempting to speak underneath you and you pull back just long enough for him to get a few words out.
“Topolino, I have mass!”
Your grip in his locks tightens and he groans in surrender beneath you.
“You have me,” you breathe against his lips before claiming them.
He cannot deny your point.
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thewitcheswitch89 · 4 months ago
Ghostober 2024
by @kroas-adtam
Read on AO3 or Wattpad
Hot too!
Suits / Uniforms
Copia x reader
Soft Smut
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What do you think, Amore?" Copia came out of the bedroom while you were sitting on the couch watching a movie on TV. You looked up from your popcorn and saw him.
Copia, or now Frater Imperator, was wearing his new black suit. He straightened it and looked at you. There was a certain uncertainty in his look. It was a bit unusual, he liked his red tracksuit very much. But this was something he had to get used to now, being presentable at all times, in his new black suit.
"Oh....Wow!" you said and put the popcorn on the coffee table. Your eyes searched him from top to bottom. And lingered for a moment on his broad shoulders. A smile played on your lips and you stood up and walked towards him.
Copia's cheeks turned slightly red when he noticed you looking at him.
"Do you like it?" he asked, pulling on his gloves. His eyes wandered uncertainly down his body and then back to you.
"You look... damn good, baby!" Her hands stroked over the soft fabric, over his shoulder and to the stain embellishments. Your eyes wandered up to his Pius collar, studded with black rhinestones.
"This suit is different," you whispered to yourself, biting your lower lip. Copia stared at your lips and swallowed hard.
"Different?" he asked, his voice a little rougher than before. Your hand on his arm as you walked around him. His broad shoulders were only emphasized by the well-cut collar. A low hum escaped you. And Copia giggled.
"Mhhh... yes... yes I like that!" you said and your hand stroked his bottom. Which made him jump in surprise.
" Cara..."
But you just laughed quietly. You wrapped your arms around his hips from behind. Your body pressed against his back. You couldn't deny it. But this costume touched you in a way that was new to you. You'd always had a soft spot for the suits he wore on stage. But this was something else. You moan softly and kiss his neck.
"What are you doing amore?" he asked, his voice a dark rumble. He enjoyed the way you admired him.
"Mhh..." your hand on his stomach, the other on his chest, "you know... you make me hot in that suit, babe!
Copia laughed softly and put his hand on yours. "Is that so?"
Mhh yeah...I can't keep my hands to myself when you look so good!" you whispered and walked around him until you were standing in front of him. Copia grabbed your waist and pulled you against him, his fingers digging into your dressed skin. Your body responded instantly as the old familiar desire for him surfaced. He managed to do it again and again without any real effort.
"You're making me ... hot too!" he grinned. You laughed and leaned against him. The pendant of the necklace pressed against your chest. As he held you against him, you could feel how much you made him hot. And a smile spread across your lips. Which Copie acknowledged with a low growl.
"You have no idea what you're doing to me, do you?" he asked, pressing his lips against yours. Surprising you with a hungry kiss that only fueled your senses and your passion even more. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you pulled him closer.
His aftershave filled your nose as his hands slid down your back and you felt him slowly pull up your t-shirt. His gloved hands touched your skin, leaving goose bumps on it. His tongue brushed against your lower lip, demanding access.
It wasn't long before you were standing in front of him in your underwear while he caressed your skin with hot kisses. After that he didn't want to miss an inch. You were his drug and he couldn't get enough of you.
"Mhhh....Cara...I need you...you drive me crazy!" he murmured, leaving hickeys on your neck.
Your hands reached for the suit jacket and you slid it over his shoulders.
"Let's take this off...we don't want to ruin it!" you said, slowly unbuttoning his shirt
"No...of course not amore!"
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leezlelatch · 2 years ago
Kiss Prompt - "I really, really want to kiss you right now" - Copia
Copia x GN!Reader - kiss prompt, insecurities, misunderstandings, Copia's surgery, smooching, worship of the white suit.
One and only prompt given to me and for my beloved @writingjourney.
“So we’re definitely keeping all the crotch shots, right?” You ask, flipping the photograph in your hand around so the antipope sitting across the room from you can see it. 
Copia cuts you a look before turning back to the document on his desk. You smirk to yourself, letting out a small huff of a laugh as you look back down to the stacks of photos on the small table you’re using as a workspace in his office. There are a lot of photographs that the immensely talented photographer for the Ghost Project takes for each Ritual, but they tend to…pile up. And you have been given the - frankly blessed - task of looking through photo after photo of Copia during the Prequelle era. From the Pale Tour Named Death to his ascendency as Papa Emeritus IV. 
Your primary task is to separate them into two organized piles. Ditch and keep. From the very vague instructions Sister Imperator gave you, it has something to do with the next tour and a mini museum. As tedious as your task is, you’ve really tried to separate each photo by suit. Black, red, and white, as well as two piles for the black and red cassock. It is so…fascinating to see Copia during a time when you didn’t know him. A time when becoming Papa was a dream he thought would never be realized. A time of facial hair and very attractive sideburns. 
“What happened to your suits, by the way?” You ask Copia, placing another picture in the keep pile which is significantly bigger than the ditch. Copia makes a small noise in the back of his throat, an indication that he’s thinking and that he needs to finish the paragraph he’s reading lest he lose his place. 
He places his finger down and looks in your direction, “In my closet. Toward the back. Getting acquainted with the dust bunnies.” 
“Even the white one?” You say, distraught as you bring your hands to your cheeks. 
Copia raises a brow at your theatrics, leaning forward on his elbow across the expanse of his desk as he regards you with an amused smile. “What has you so concerned, topolino?” His head tilts to the side in that natural curious way of his. 
“I just think that they…,” you pause as you choose your words carefully, eyes pointedly looking away from him. The blush painting your cheeks broadens his smile. “Have a little more wear to them.”
“Eh, well…they were good for, you know, my Cardinal days, but as Papa I have a much better wardrobe, don’t you think?” He pulls at his brocaded vest before adjusting the frilled sleeves at his wrists. 
“Oh, yeah! I’m just saying I really love the Prequelle era! You know it’s my favorite album, and your stage outfits were just so…I mean look at you…Copia?” You pause in your exuberance, one of the photographs in your hand, observing the frown crossing his lips that deepens with every word, made sharper by his face paint. 
His eyes fall to the picture in your hand, brow furrowing. His hand comes up to brush against his bare top lip, fingertips then finding the tip of his nose. His eyes seem to go hazy, pupils falling to pinpricks creating an expanse of green and white that looks through you and not quite at you. “Do you think I made a mistake?” He asks, his voice quiet, reaching you like a pot of scalding water against your skin. You place the photograph down on the desk, your own gaze wide as you look back at him. “Should I not have gotten this…,” he waves his hand around in front of his face. “Eh, facial?” 
“What?” You sound flabbergasted, confused. Concern etched across your features as you try and figure out what may have prompted him to ask such a question. 
“I can regrow the mustache! The sideburns may take a little work…,” Copia trails off as he touches his face again, deep in thought, his eyes dropping to the desktop. 
You close your eyes, cursing yourself for…you’re smarter than this. You know how Copia feels about the surgery. And here you are, gushing over Cardinal Copia when Papa Emeritus IV is in front of you, needing your support when he cannot get it elsewhere. He smiled, big and toothy, the day he returned from his ascension and you called him “Papa” for the first time. He looked grateful, however bruised and swollen, bandages across his nose when you expressed how glad you were that he wouldn’t have to suffer such severe nasal issues anymore. He once called you his strength. It wouldn’t do to fail him now.
“Copia. Just because you got a nose job and shaved doesn’t make you any less beautiful than you are in these photos. It’s still you. You still look like yourself. You’re still the most attractive man I’ve ever seen.” 
Your words seem to echo across his quiet office, and leave a silence in its wake. He’s looking at you again, lips parted, boring a hole into you with passionate and relieved eyes that make your cheeks flush. Copia stands from his desk and smooths his hands down his thighs, moving around the chair to carefully push it in before walking toward your small workspace. You stare up at him, unsure, and he flounders like a fish for a moment, mouth opening and closing.
“I really, really want to kiss you right now,” he finally says. 
You suck in a breath and look down, blinking before meeting his gaze once more. “Please.” 
Copia looks down at the little table piled with photos and promptly tips it over. The photographs go scattering, his former image fluttering to the floor like a cleansing rain, and then he’s on you. Pulling you up from the chair with steady, gloved hands, he draws you into his body, pressing flush against you as he claims your lips like he’s claiming a prize he has waited far too long for. Copia kisses you like a man who found an oasis in the desert, thoroughly licking into your mouth with abandon, capturing every noise you make with lips that nip and suck your bottom lip until it's swollen. He lets you take in a much needed breath only to continue across your jaw and down your neck, growling softly as he sucks a spot into your sensitive skin which he kitten licks before pulling away. 
You stare at each other, chests heaving. His paint is a mess, a slash of gray around his mouth, and you can only imagine what your mouth and neck looks like. Copia smiles, softly chuckling as his eyes rove over your kiss swollen lips. 
“Amore?” He questions softly, taking your hand in his. 
You smile. “I really, really want you to kiss me again.”
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copias-fluffy-asscheeks · 2 years ago
Softly Into The Night
PapaIV x Reader
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sfw, comfort.
The night was draped in a velvety darkness as you found yourself alone in Copia’s dimly lit chambers. The echoes of haunting melodies still resonate in your mind, the remnants of midnight mass that had been led by him this night. Despite the eerie ambiance, there was an undeniable allure to the quietude that surrounded you as you awaited the man himself.
Sitting at the edge of his large canopy bed lost in your thoughts, you couldn't shake the feeling of longing that tugged at your heart. The enigmatic Papa had captivated your soul with his hauntingly beautiful voice and mysterious presence long ago, before he even earned this role, for he had been the shy and silly Cardinal back then. There was a gentleness behind his full eyes, there always had been, and you had longed to offer him the comfort and love he may seek in his demanding role for the clergy.
Just as you were lost in these musings, a soft voice called out from behind you, accompanied by the soft creak of an opening door. "Il mio tesoro, there you are."
Startled yet delighted, you turned to find Papa, still dressed in his robes, his mismatched eyes reflecting the flickering candlelight.
"Oh, Papa," you greeted, a warm smile gracing your features.
The embrace of silence was all-encompassing, and without the need for words he walked over to you, taking you into a big hug. His presence was always a comfort to you, as yours was to him. Since the first night you had shared his chambers he couldn’t keep his hands off of you, though you had no issue with it and even so he had checked many times, his longing to stay near you and touch you was all too strong; hugging you, kissing your temple every few minutes or just sitting, the smallest thing like your pinkies linked grounded him. He gave a deep, contented yet shaky sigh.
He was relaxed against you, but you could still feel the tension in his shoulders and back.
"Papa," you whispered softly, "You seem burdened. Is there anything I can do?"
For a moment, he hesitated, but the trust you had cultivated between you over these months encouraged him to more easily open up. "It is a heavy mantle I wear," he admitted. "The expectations, the darkness, it can be overwhelming at times. It's tiring."
In that moment, you knew what he needed—comfort, warmth, and the assurance that he was not alone in his struggles as long as he had you, and if all went to both your visions that would be forever. Without second thought you squeezed him a bit tighter to you, bringing one hand up to stroke through his graying hair.
To your delight, he leaned further into your gentle touch, his head now resting on your shoulder. The scent of incense and leather filled your senses, and you felt the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your chest.
In the safety of your arms, hidden from prying eyes, Papa always allowed himself to let go, shedding the weight of his on-stage persona and revealing the vulnerability beneath. You caressed his back in soothing circles, assuring him that it was alright to seek solace and support.
"I've got you," you whispered, your words carrying the promise of unwavering love and kindness. He nuzzled closer, his grip on you tightening, as if to anchor himself to the warmth of your presence. The walls he had built around himself for the day crumbled, allowing you to glimpse the tender soul he kept hidden from the world.
For the rest of that night, you cuddled together on his bed, finding warmth in each other's arms. You mumbled stupid jokes to each other, told funny stories and had deep conversations until he shifted to lay his head on your chest, nuzzling into you while you gave a pleasant hum. His arms snaked tightly around you, and before long his soft, steady, melodic snores filled the quiet of the room as the tempting darkness of sleep washed soothing waves over his body.
Taglist: @copias-girl @papasmicstand @lightbluuestars @random-bl-fan @sweatandwoe
A/N: Thank you lovely @lurancyvenom for proof reading this for me, give her a follow if you're not following her already cause you should!! Edit: AND thanks to her for the title!!
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ramblingoak · 2 years ago
How about "you're gonna get lipstick all over me"? Choose your papa 🥰
Love u!
I want nothing more than lipstick marks from Papa. Any Papa. But for you I chose Copia 💙
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Papa Emeritus IV x GN Reader (gender neutral reader, sfw, just Copia being silly, 700 words)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
“Well?  What do you think?”
You couldn’t shake the stupid grin on your face as you watched your Papa strut around in front of you.  He had dragged you out of your office an hour ago under the guise of needing help with tour prep, but it had quickly become obvious that all Copia really wanted to do was show off.  Even so you obediently had sat down on the couch in his office to watch him move around the room.  When he turned to look at you expectantly you couldn’t help but mess with him a little so you crossed your arms and scrunched your nose up.
“Hmm, I’m not sure.”  His mouth fell open and you had to bite your lip to keep from laughing at him.  “Don’t you already have one of these?”
“Si, si but not in this color.”
“You needed another one?” 
“D-dolcezza!”  You wondered if anyone would believe you that Papa sometimes stomped his foot like a child.  “This is for the fans.”
“What about the blue one, was that for the fans?”
“Hmm and the red?”
It was Copia’s turn to cross his arms as he glared at you while you stared at him from the couch.
“People had been asking for the red to come back for a while, dolcezza.”
“Oh, have they?  I hadn’t noticed.”  You hummed and tapped a finger on your chin as you watched him mutter to himself in Italian.  “So now you needed a, what, silver one?”
“Silver?”  Copia looked about ready to throw a fit, holding his arms out while he glared at you.  “You think this is silver?”
“Isn’t it?  Wait, hang on.”  He watched you warily as you hopped up to wander over.  Copia held still as you walked around him, running your fingers across his shoulders.  “Ok, I’m sorry Papa.  It’s not silver.”
“Si, grazie.  Silver wouldn’t be very exciting so that’s why I asked for a go–”
“Brown is kind of boring though, don’t you think Papa?”
“Brown?!”  He looked down at his jacket and back up to you a few times before finally growling and advancing on you.  “Why you little brat.”
You shrieked when he tried to grab you around your waist, quickly moving away from him and stumbling back towards the couch.  He caught you right before you fell onto it, his hands on your waist helping to ease you down.  Copia climbed up after you, straddling your legs and leaning forward to make his eyes level with yours.
“Do you enjoy riling up your Papa, dolcezza?”
“Yes actually, it’s a lot of fun.”  He snorted, shaking his head while he straightened up.  You let your eyes wander over him, admiring how handsome he looked in his Papal paint and his fancy jacket.  “The gold is very pretty.”
Copia smiled and grabbed your hand to place a kiss on the back, his lipstick leaving a smudge of black on your skin.  
“You really think so?  It’s not too much?”
It always broke your heart a bit when he sounded timid, like he was afraid of your answer.  As if you couldn’t possibly be hopelessly in love with his stupid handsome face.  Still, it wouldn’t stop you from messing with him.  Just a little bit.
“No Copia, I don’t think three sparkly jackets are too much.”  You laughed when he growled and leaned down to plant a sloppy kiss on your cheek.  “It’s not too late to get another.  Maybe a pink one!”  He planted another kiss on you and you reached up to rub a hand over your skin.  “Ugh, you’re getting your lipstick all over my face!  I have to go back to work, you know.  Not all of us can spend the day playing dress up.”
“I’m Papa.  I can do what I want.”  When you raised an eyebrow at him he let out that dirty chuckle you loved so much.  “You should take the rest of the day off.”
“Oh?  And do what?”
His eyes darkened as he gently took your chin in his hand, rubbing a thumb across your lower lip.  
“How about we see where else I can leave lipstick marks, hmm?”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
my masterlist
my ao3
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ghuleh-witch · 5 months ago
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Fandom: Ghost Rating: Mature Warnings: recreational drug use Relationships: Papa/Cardinal Copia x GN!Reader Additional Tags: marijuana, smoking, sloppy make-out session, no beta WordCount: 1183 Summary: You and Copia share a joint. Notes: Copia can be a cardinal or Papa in this fic Ao3 || Masterlist
You inspected the joint you just rolled, grinning in utter satisfaction. The joint was perfect and packed with your favorite strain. You cleaned off your rolling tray and put your papers and grinder away before grabbing your lighter and can of soda. You walked out to the patio that was just outside the kitchen door of the suite you shared with your partner. Turning on the newest playlist you created, you stuck the joint in your mouth and lit it.
The grassy-tasting smoke filled your mouth and lungs for a second before you exhaled it all into a puff of clouds. Watching it drift away, a cough sputtered from your lips before you took a sip of your drink. You took another drag of the joint before leaning back in the cushioned lounge chair and closing your eyes. You could hear the leaves rustling on the wind from the forest on the edge of the Ministry’s property. The sound of crickets marked the start of the night as the sun was almost gone from the horizon. Your head began to swim as your body felt pleasantly heavy. Lost in the haze, you didn’t hear the door open and the footsteps cross the concrete surface of the patio.
“I see you started without me,” came an amused voice.
You cracked one eye open to see Copia sitting down in the plastic chair next to you. His face, freshly washed, left only paint around his eyes and upper lip. He looked relaxed in a plain black t-shirt and red sweatpants. He looked at you with such love and affection that you thanked Satan for every day. 
“I didn’t know how late you’d be,” you shrugged, holding out the joint to him. “You missed me roll the perfect joint.”
“You’ll just have to show me next time,” he chuckled, pinching the filtered end of the joint and taking a hit. He coughed out the smoke a second later. “What is that?”
“Funk Mountain,” you answer. “It’s a sativa.” 
“These things always have the strangest names now,” Copia said, taking another hit and passing the joint back to you. He coughed a little and took a sip of the drink he brought outside with him. Probably some of the apple juice from the carton in the fridge. There were no juice boxes in stock at the store, so you had to improvise. “What happened to simple names like shunk or haze?” 
“Times have changed,” you hummed, taking another drag before taping the ash into the ashtray next to you. “I’m sure Primo has those old-school strains, though.” The eldest Emeritus brother grew his own weed for medicinal use, but he’d sometimes slip you some to enjoy. Otherwise, you went to the local dispensary to get your flower, vape cartridges, or edibles. 
He reached for the roll in your hand and took it. He took a few puffs and sighed. “What did you have planned for us tonight, tesoro?”
“Just a relaxing Friday night,” you said. “I already put in an order for a pizza and have some movies and snacks picked out.”
“Perfecto,” he said. “You want any more of this?” 
You smoked the last bit of the joint, causing yourself to cough before tapping out the small ember in the ashtray. 
“Careful,” he chided gently. 
You took a long drink of your soda and leaned back in your chair. There was a comfortable silence as you looked up into the darkening sky, the first stars of the night becoming visible. “I love you,” you said, turning your head to look at him.
He looked back and smiled. “I love you too, amore,” he said. He stared at you, looking you over. His eyes took their time as they slowly roamed your body before speaking again. “Come here.” He patted his lap for you to sit. 
You obeyed, pushing yourself up out of your chair and walking the two feet to his before settling into this lap, lifting your legs so they went over the armrest. The chair groaned beneath the extra weight and you frowned. “If this chair collapses, I’m not going to be happy,” you said as his arm wrapped around your waist to hold on to you and keep you from sliding off his lap.
“If I break my ass because I have a gorgeous creature in my lap, then I’ll suffer the consequences,” he laughed. 
Pressing your lips to his temple, you laughed before resting your head against his. Now, you could feel the fuzzy warmth spreading through your entire body. You nuzzled your face into his soft, combed-back hair. “You feel nice.”
“You’re high,” he laughed as he turned his head just enough to make eye contact with you. “But you feel nice too.”
You hummed. “I’m high? So are you.”
“A little, but I’m not as stoned as you. My tolerance is much higher.”
“Yeah, yeah, mister. I’ve been smoking since the 70s.” 
“Try the 90s. I was a kid in the 70s. I’m not that old, amore,” he chuckled. 
You stuck your tongue out at him, making him laugh harder. The sound of his laughter made you feel lighter and sent pleasant tingles down your spine. You caressed his cheek, turning his head to you gently before kissing him. 
He hummed in response, his grip around your waist tightening as his lips moved against yours. The chaste kiss turned more passionate as his tongue slipped between your lips. You moaned into his mouth, causing him to pull you even tighter to him. His ungloved hand slipped under your shirt, making your skin tingle in delight at his touch. 
The kisses turned sloppy, each of you buzzing with a pleasant high and not a care in the world. You were aware that saliva had coated your lips and chin, and that his black paint had likely smeared all over your mouth. As his hands moved to tug off your shirt, you heard a crack. You barely had time to pull away from his lips when you both fell to the ground and were both lying on the concrete groaning.
“Fucking chair,” you grumbled as you sat up. You looked at the chair. One of the back legs had snapped, and the plastic shattered. “Are you okay, babe?”
“Si, I’m okay,” he said as he stood, rubbing his backside and wincing. He looked down at the broken chair, bits of plastic strewn across the patio. “Sister’s not going to be happy when I ask to increase our monthly expenditure to replace these chairs.” He held out a hand and helped you up. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you said. “I’m sure we’ll both be a little sore from that in the morning.” You pause, an idea coming to mind, and then you smirk. “But I think I can help with that.” You took his hand, and before grabbing your things and leading him inside. “Maybe a nice rub down to get our evening started?”
“I like how your beautiful mind works,” Copia replied as he allowed himself to be tugged indoors.
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