#copeland poynter: threads
exmcrtis · 3 months
location: coin laundry
status: open!
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"shit!" it came out louder than she expected, the bell above the door chiming at the same moment she dropped a pile of clothes on the floor. copeland was clumsy on a good day, but this was something entirely different. she'd probably taken on too much at once, but that was just part of who she was. "i'll be right out!" she called to the person who had just come in, abandoning that pile of clothes in favor of assisting the customer. it had needed to be washed anyway.
"hi!" copeland chirped, her tone overly-friendly to put on the usual front. "how can i help you?"
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ofmcthman · 2 years
location: sint cordelia (lennon & cope’s apartment)
closed starter for: @everandevermcre​ (lennon)
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it’s not like she’s not used to up and moving quickly. copeland has distinct memories of being seventeen years old and throwing all of her belongings into a single bag so she could drive across the country. but moving to florida and shacking up with lennon is a far happier experience in her opinion, and she hasn’t felt happiness in a long time. saint cordelia is a fresh start, and even though they’re essentially slumming is, she’s determined to make the space livable and comfortable. in her hands is a shag rug with an intricate pattern, her fingers ruffling through the tufts before her eyes are on lennon, eyebrows tugging together. “i’m not sure if i love this or hate this,” she mutters, though her fingers were still stroking through it. “i can’t tell if this will freak my toes out or make them happy. come over here and feel this thing.”
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scryptids · 9 days
location: the book nook
closed starter for: @feastonkings (misha)
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it had been relatively quiet all day, leaving copeland to idly scroll on her phone. she'd watched far too many videos already, and she was starting to grow bored when she heard the bell above the door ding. looking up and spotting misha, she flashed him a sweet smile, standing up straight only to lean her hands against the counter. "my favorite customer," she cooed, resisting the urge to playfully bat her lashes. "to what do i owe the pleasure today? surely you didn't come here to see little old me."
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oflowtides · 1 year
closed starter for @urbnlgnds (copeland) location: the tv set area
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"Cope!" Benny waved excitedly at her as he jogged off the set the were working on for the day, hair sweaty and eyes bright. "This is such perfect timing; I was just thinking about you." He quickly pulled her in for a kiss before settling back to bounce on the balls of his feet. "Did you come visit so I can steal you away for lunch?"
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ofmcthman · 2 years
location: copeland’s apartment
closed starter for: @ofhellview​ (benji)
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when it comes to inviting people over, copeland poynter is selective. normally she’s embarrassed about her living situation, embarrassed about what part of town she had to settle down in and what her building looks like, what the walls of her apartment show in terms of upkeep. but she’s spent most of the day cleaning in anticipation of benji’s arrival, hiding away anything that could potentially make the place look even worse. but she knows benji, and she knows that even if her apartment was a cardboard box, he wouldn’t mind too much. the thought brings her some comfort as she carries a bucket of fresh-popped popcorn into her living room, the only thing in it a television, a coffee table, and a haggard sofa that came with the place. benji is perched there already, waiting patiently for her to settle in so they can press play on a movie she’s already forgotten the title of. it’s a date, or at least she hopes it’s a date, and that alone makes her smile to herself as she pops one of those little kernels into her mouth.
“remind me again what we’re watching?” she murmurs, tall frame folding up into what can only be described as a ball as she settles against benji’s side. “i think you told me a hundred times and my pea brain still can’t retain it.”
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ofmcthman · 3 years
location: copeland’s apartment
closed starter for: @ofhellview (kitty)
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her nose was buried in a magazine, one that was cosmopolitan-esque with too many tips on how to spice up the bedroom and ads that featured clothing she’d never in her life be able to afford. she wasn’t even sure why she bought them to begin with, though a little voice in the back of her mind insisted that indulging every now and again was actually good for her. with a low grumble at the realization, the brunette closed the magazine gently, her gaze focusing on kitty as she shifted to a more comfortable position. “did you ever go to prom?”
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ofmcthman · 2 years
location: the coffee shop
closed starter for: @everandevermcre​ (lake)
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“i got this for you.” copeland’s voice is soft as she sets the little paper cup in front of lake, her body coming to rest in the chair across from them. she didn’t know how or why the two came to be so friendly, but in copeland poynter’s world, complaining about having company was practically nonexistent. she hates how clingy she can be sometimes, and hates even more that she has a habit of isolating herself so people can’t be around her. needless to say, it’s something she’s working on. “i have no idea how you feel about hot chocolate, but i figured i would take a chance. if you hate it, don’t hesitate to dispose of it; i promise my fragile feelings can take it.”
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ofmcthman · 3 years
location: centralia dock
closed starter for: @ofhellview​ (benji)
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in the wake of a storm, all copeland could think to do was sit in her favorite place in the entire town. there was an eerie calmness to the water, one that would disturb any other person if they were used to watching how active it was any other day, but it brought her some sort of comfort that she couldn’t really describe. but for once, copeland wasn’t alone in her visit; her company was in the form of benajmin hawke, one of the only people that she felt truly at east being around. that was a rare feeling for the brunette, but there was something about being beside benji---aptly nicknamed banjo when she felt she could get away with it---that she just couldn’t get past. maybe it was his presence that she enjoyed the most, but as cope lulled her head to look over at him, she couldn’t help but smile softly to herself. 
“i saw a book the other day that made me think of you,” she muttered, reaching out to gently pluck a gummy worm from the bag that sat between them, though instead of popping it into her mouth she gave a gentle toss in his direction, watching it bounce off of his chest. “it was about a boy who simply couldn’t get enough attention, so he befriended the town weirdo. does that sound familiar to you?”
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ofmcthman · 2 years
location: outside of the library
closed starter for: @everandevermcre​ (venice)
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“sorry! sorry. i know i’m late, but i got distracted by this stupid fucking movie on television, and before i knew it, i was rushing out the door.” the need to have new books in her hand was overturned by the empty pockets of her wallet, and the only solution to the problem was a visit to the library. but what’s a library adventure without a companion? the only person for the job was none other than venice, and even though copeland was running late, she was still buzzing with an excitement that keeps her bouncing on her toes. “do you think you can find it in your heart to forgive my lateness?”
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ofmcthman · 2 years
location: near the river
closed starter for: @hallowghoul​ (your pick!)
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“no amount of swimming is going to beat this heat.” copeland’s voice is a soft mumble as she speaks, body laid out on a towel on the ground. her free time is spent near the river these days, the rising temperatures of centralia getting to her more than she’s ever expected them to. growing up in new mexico had conditioned her for the heat, but it seems as though each passing day gets worse and worse, and all she could do was whine about it. copeland sighs, her head lolling to the side so she can look at her companion. “and, y’know, i’m not even really sure this river is safe to swim in, but i don’t know a damn person with a pool.”
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ofmcthman · 3 years
copeland poynter: visuals
copeland poynter: intro
copeland poynter: musings
copeland poynter: inspiration
copeland poynter: threads
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ofmcthman · 3 years
location: the river (jo’s boat)
closed starter for: @bustedbucket​ (jo)
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before moving to the east coast, copeland’s perception of winter was minimal; she hailed from the middle of the desert, where sand storms and seventy-degree christmases were the normal. seeing snow for the first time had almost enraptured her, brown eyes staring at the sky for hours upon hours while each and every flake breezed past her, some landing on her cheeks and eyelashes while she insisted upon staying in that same position until her neck hurt. she hadn’t been prepared for pennsylvania winter, the only jacket in her possession a thin sweatshirt that a foster family had purchased for her before she’d landed in the group home, but it was still getting use. it’s what she wore now as she balanced herself on the edge of jo’s boat, a foot dangling above the icy water below as the other leg was hugged to her chest. copeland had no clue how or why she’d grown attached to the otherwise crabby male, but the fact that he let her sit quietly while he worked certainly didn’t help the situation. she could sit there for hours, staring off into the distance and wondering what was out there, though she had no desire to leave. centralia was home now, and copeland just hoped that nobody came looking for her. 
“hey, jo?” she began, half-turning to catch sight of him. “do you believe in sea monsters?”
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