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carpedzem · 2 years ago
dnf and theres only one bed au in which they are both managers or something like that in the same company and they have to do a work trip and stay in the hotel for a week which is awful bc they dont like each other and someone else books them one room one bed bc due to how they act around each other in the office everyone else think they are actually married so now they have to face their feelings
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pigeonneaux · 2 years ago
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lesamismorts · 2 years ago
leleiikke new good omens NEW GOOD OMENS i used to pray for times like this
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h0styg · 3 months ago
Since I haven't draw lately and I'm not doing so well I'm doing a text post of fragiletale with a few takes of the au since I love it dearly!
- Stary (sans) is actually a close friend of muffet! She teaches him mimic for fun. And he teaches her origami (which he is great doing!)
- Stary is blind in their left eye (the one with the big star!)
- I can't recall if I said it hear, but: Undyne, despite not being strong in status; she learned her way to being physically strong - although the criminality is very low, so she mostly just helps out the monsters in very different ways
- with that, Alphys helps out her a lot too - they both go around the underground to help out the monsters (yes they are very much in love with each other and everybody knows but them)
- Toriel always had a liking for the Ruins, so she lived there almost all her life (including the time with Asgore and Asriel)
- Toriel also have a pretty good relationship with the strong monsters in the Ruins, and even when she doesn't have the best status, all monsters like helping her out (like, taking care of the flowers and stuff like that). The monsters in the Ruins also love when Toriel brings her Pies to them
- Stary and Papyrus actually live in waterfall, but they have a house in snowdin because they like the snow (and the Christmas vibe!)
- Stary spends a lot of time with the echo flowers (lore reasons); Papyrus most of the time founds him there and just sits in their side silently
- Alphys and Stary aren't cooworkers, but Stary goes to Alphys's lab a lot to help her with research (lore reasons)
- Muffet is LOVED, she has a name with her mimic abilities in all underground (she even goes on tour!)
- Muffet get a lot of money from her shows, part of it she uses to help the most weak monsters present in underground
- Most of the monsters are very weak, so the underground in it's majority is a pacific place to live
- Toriel loves landscape painting, and it's actually pretty good at it!
- Chara didn't died as a child in the underground, actually they lived until their 15! Before The First Acident happen at least (lore)
- Frisk have violent behavior when they fall to the underground; but Toriel starts helping they understand better their feelings and so on
- Frisk have a star pin in their sweatshirt that Stary gave them
- Monster Kid have the strongest legs in the whole underground. Just because.
- Grillby have a soft flame light, a very confortable one
- Grillby actually have a writting hobbie; he loves writting with fountain pen and have a whole collection of them
- Grillby, Stary and Muffet have "bussiness" meetings about their establishments (Grillby's bar, Stary's hot dog stand and Muffet's bakery). They actually just meet to gossip and eat together
Alright that is enough takes fr; hcs, suggestions and asks are always welcome!
Remember this is a work in progress, it's a au I think in my free time and brings me great confort🤲🤍
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speakofshinee · 10 months ago
The radio plays at my work and there is the occasional kpop song on it, but my cooworkers keep shit talking kpop every time it plays and my little heart crumbles a bit when i hear it :')
Dont play shinee i wont survive their scorn 💔
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yonny-posting · 1 year ago
do you have a favourite cooworker?
Easily Dingo . He’s like a free tester for everything I make .
Just … don’t tell him I said that .
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alecto-class-nhp-nue · 11 months ago
Omg you have an idea for a tgwdlm mlp au too??? I imagine Twilight as Paul and Sunset and Emma because I'm a sunlight/sciset shipper :3
Yeeee I doooo, it is very much not fleshed out because I'm working on my other fic rn but-
Paul - Twilight
Emma - AJ
Bill - Rainbow Dash
Ted - Rarity
Charlotte - Fluttershy
Sam - ???
Nora - Pinkie
(Zoey) Emma’s Other Cooworker - Maud???
Alice - Scootaloo
Mr. Davidson - ???
Prof. Hidgens - Maybe Celestia???
Gen. John McNamara - Bon Bon
Black Friday
Tom - ???
Pete - Sweetie
Grace - Cozy
I still have Twi as Paul yeah but I have Emma as AJ because I am very much twijack trash <3 (and although it's not part of this AU idea I do have a ficlet of Take me Back from Black Friday based on a twijack fic that gave me brainworms if you are interested)
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calla-posting · 1 year ago
I don't like saying mean things about cooworkers, but yonny is... a little unnerving lately... (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
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carpedzem · 2 years ago
I was cringing so much during that like I get it they brought his stuff up as an example and they were like sorta friends not really in my eyes but sorta so like his stuff and everything probably instinctively came to mind but I couldn’t wait til that was over
i watched a clip on twt to have a context and got to the part he said something like 'a good communication not like the other one' and i just stopped and left i dont understand why he has a need to be so vocal about his every stupid opinion dont you have some baby zombies to kill or something idk
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dear-god-christ-in-hell · 1 year ago
me @ my manager when she doesnt listen the first 18 times i warn her about my cooworker no call no shows
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They'll notice when it impacts profits. 🤷‍♂️
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potatoeenjoyer · 3 months ago
My cooworkers are going to hate me,i just consumed an entire hwad of rosted garlic with bread for lunch.
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executive-leader-of-ccrp · 3 months ago
HHUrRtInG LItTlE AnNoNyMoUs gReMlInS IsNnT ReALLy.. sSaTiSfaCtToRY. HhUrRt YoUuR BoSs. yOuUR CoOWorKeRs. InFeEeRiorS anND sUuPeRrIoRs.
[He thinks about it, and the more he does, the more he wants to. It wouldn’t be unfamiliar to the office if he had a little angry fit and killed one of his lower level coworkers. But to do it because a weird voice told him to?]
… no. There’s no reason to be constantly seeking violence. Nothing has happened deserving of violence today.
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humongousabysmal · 6 months ago
What was even the point of mel and jayces relationship when jayce and viktor were so obviously gay. faggots even. You know they werent just talking about cooworkers when they kept referring to eachother as their partner. Come on now
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thedandeliongarden · 3 months ago
It also puts you in a position to say “what the fuck” when someone comes out with something deranged an it have a useful impact on them.
I’m part of a group chat with some cooworkers that started because I told them funny facts about comparative reproductive biology (i.e facts about nonhuman animal penises) and when someone says something deranged it’s a real vibe check when the laid back penis facts guy goes “what the fuck” xD
posts about the alt-right pipeline being compassionate towards young men while radical leftists shun and shame them are not fucking saying "the men are becoming violent because feminists are too mean!" and if that is your takeaway you need to get off tumblr until you've better honed your critical thinking skills.
those posts are talking about how effective the language and approach you take in your activism can be. this is literally cult deprogramming 101. if someone is being taken in by a violent or dangerous group, that violent or dangerous group is usually offering them compassion and solace while working hard to convince them everyone else in the world is their enemy. you are under no obligation to coddle or act compassionate toward these men and their violent ideologies, but if you have the means to try, it is something that you can do to make a tangible difference.
radicalized people are often only one loving friend or family member or external voice away from being de-radicalized. of course that is not always the case, but it very often is. a lot of y'all rightfully understand that you do not carry the burden of being that voice, but a lot of y'all also have a lot of internalized ideas about morals and punitive justice and have simply written off these people as deserving of only the worst and not worth saving.
ten years ago, my grandmother was a fox news watching republican who voted red in every election and very well could have fallen down the qanon rabbit hole if not for me and her daughter challenging her compassionately, walking her through hypotheticals that validated her feelings & proving why they were false, & being patient with her despite our extreme division in political ideology. it was frustrating fucking work! but i decided i wanted to do it, because i could see the horizon and i could see me making a difference!
"misogynists have been saying feminists are too mean for years, get new material" that is not the fucking POINT. the point is that you, feminist, can be the compassionate voice that guides your brother, your father, your cousin, your grandfather away from fucking becoming or staying a nazi. you can show them compassion and companionship. you can be the woman they think of when their alt-right bros try to convince them that women are the enemy. and you can choose to crystallize that image of yourself so wholly in their mind's eye as worth protecting that they may very well choose to reject those harmful ideas.
it's not saying you HAVE to do it! it's saying you CAN do it! don't you 'firebomb a walmart' people all love taking change into your own hands? where the fuck is that energy right now, huh?
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damianthedestroyer666 · 10 months ago
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🧡Official introduction post for my ajin oc!! (Post includes possible spoilers for the ajin manga)🧡
🧡Name: Iris Evergreen (doesn't use their surname often)
💚Age: 26(manga timeline), 30 (au timeskip)
🧡Nationality: American/Hungarian
💚Mbti: entp
🧡Job/affiliation: freelance ajin scientist, ex-goverment researcher
💚relationships: Tosaki (ex-cooworker, now experiment/possible romantic interest), Dante (supplier, friend), Mother/Father (deceased)
🧡Likes: experiments, alcohol, music (all genres), Tosaki, revenge, working
💚Dislikes: video games, driving, the government, coffee
🧡Ajin abilities: Basic ajin abilities, performing EAP (emergency ajin procedure, will explain in another post)
💚Fun facts: based off A.B.A (guilty gear), her ass does NOT pay taxes‼️‼️
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memnema · 1 year ago
How to respond to Are You Gay question from coworkers when you dislike talking about your sexuality
Not yet *flirtatious eyebrow waggle* (works on all genders)
Why, are you asking me out? (said only to taken/married cooworkers, fake flirtatiously)
*Crosses fingers dramatically* maybe this year it'll finally happen (said with dramatic hope)
I havent reached that stage of my transformation yet (deadpan)
With any luck, i mean have you seen Men? (Sardonic)
*sighs* not yet so far, im afraid (disappointed)
One can only hope (said like a farmer waiting for rain)
*checks self as if gay is a lighter i would be carrying* sorry, no
Maybe, someday (wistful)
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